
Using the Forms in This Book

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Using the Forms in This Book
6  |  A Legal guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples
Using the Forms in This Book
Throughout this book you will find sample agreements covering topics
such as living together, raising children, buying a home together, and
splitting up. As you will see, each of these agreements is tailored to the
individualized circumstances of the (fictional) partners involved in the
You’ll find blank copies of these sample agreements on the book’s
companion page. See the Appendix for the link. You’ll find other useful
information there, too, including author blogs, podcasts, and videos.
We encourage you to use our sample agreements as starting points for
your own documents. Use the language and structure as they fit your
needs, and delete and add material as you think it is required. If it would
make you more comfortable to have a lawyer draft your documents, by
all means do so—possibly after looking at some of our agreements and
using them as a framework for discussing the issues. As a less expensive
alternative, you can have a lawyer review the documents that you write
yourselves using the forms provided online. (Chapter 11 discusses finding
an attorney who will help you in one of these ways.)
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