災害対策本部のおにぎり Carbonized Riceballs at the Disaster
災害対策本部のおにぎり アルミホイルのなかで、 手つかずのまま、 炭化したおにぎりが時間の経過と フクシマの実態を如実に語る 福島かずえ 福島県双葉郡富岡町 2013 年 1 月 Carbonized Riceballs at the Disaster Response HQ This was the disaster response headquarters in Tomioka.* It has been left just as it was when the entire town was evacuated. Only the carbonized riceballs wrapped in aluminum foil speak to the time that has passed. January 2013, Tomioka Town, Futaba-gun, Fukushima by Kazue Fukushima *Translator s Note: Tomioka is located near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. It was completely evacuated after the disasters. キーワード:福島かずえ、福島県、双葉郡、富岡町、2013 年、1 月、女性、震災、津波、フクシマ Keywords:Kazue Fukushima、Fukushima、Futaba-gun、Tomioka Town、2013、January、women、 disaster、tsunami ©NPO PhotoVoice Project, Inc