わが国における治水対策の取り組み - ICHARM The International
Flood Management in Japan 1. Vulnerable land for flood disasters 2.Change of socio-economic conditions 3.Change of natural conditions 4.New concept of flood management December 2, 2007 Takeshi KADOMATSU Director General of the River Bureau, MLIT 0 Characteristics of rivers in Japan 1. Vulnerable Land Altitude 標高 ロアーヌ川 River Loire 常願寺川River Joganji Fuji 富士川 River Kiso River 木曽川 吉野川 Yoshino River 信濃川 River Shinano コロラド川 River Colorado カ スリーン River Seine セーヌ川 ナイル川 River Nile River Rhone ローヌ川 Mogami 最上川 Mississippi River ミシシッピ川 Amazon アマゾン川River Mekong River メコン川 River Tone River 利根川 Length 延長 ●London and Thames River Altitude (m) Thames River ●Tokyo and Edo River, Ara River and Sumida River Altitude (m) Joban Line Shinsaka River Keihin tohoku Line Sumida River Ara Ayase River River Kita-ku Arakawa -ku Adachi-ku Naka River Daiba River Katsushika-ku Edo River Misato City MusashinoLine National Highway 6 Saka River Matsudo City Most rivers in Japan are steep with short distance from the source to the sea, resulting in rapid flow. Furthermore, most of urban areas are located in low-lying areas below high water level. 1 Major cities are located in low lying areas ゼロメートル地帯の面積、人口 Areas and population of Zero-meter regions ○伊勢湾 ○ Ise Bay National 全国計 total Three major 三大湾計 面積 Area (km2) (km2) 1,648 576 116 336 124 人口 (万人) Population (million) 539 404 176 90 138 いわゆる So called Zeroゼロメートル地帯 meter regions harbors total Tokyo 東京湾 Bay 伊勢湾 Ise Bay 1. Vulnerable Land ○ Tokyo Bay ○東京湾 大阪湾 Osaka Bay :T.P. +0 m or lower ■:T.P.±0m以下 ■:朔望平均満潮位以下 :Lower than average syzygetic high tide levels ■:計画高潮位(HHWL)以下 :Lower than anticipated high tide levels ○大阪湾 ○ Osaka Bay ゼロメートル地帯の定義 地盤沈下などにより、海抜0メートル以下に低くなった土地。 Definition of Zero-meter Region ※河川・湖沼等の水面の面積については含まない ※3次メッシュ(1km×1km)の標高情報が潮位を下回るものを図示。 ※面積、人口は朔望平均満潮位以下の数値。 3次メッシュデータにより集計したもの。 出典:国土地理院地図を元に作成 Population and city functions are concentrated in areas below sea level in coastal areas of three major bays. Catastrophic disasters would occurr in case of bank failure. 2 Population and assets are concentrated in flood prove areas Areas lower than water level of rivers Areas below ・・・洪水時の河川水位より低い地域 during floodshigh water level Other areas ・・・その他の区域 Approx. 約75% 75% 資産率 資産率 Proportion of assets 日 本 Japan Proportion of 人口率 population 人口率 Approx. 50% 約50% 面積率 Approx. 約10% 10% 面 area 積率 Proportion of 0% United イギリス Kingdom ※イングランド+ウェールズの割合 •Proportion for England and (スコットランド・北アイルランドを除く) Proportion of 人口率 population 人口率 Proportion 面積率 面積率 of area Wales (excluding Scotland and Northern Ireland) United アメリカ States 1. Vulnerable Land 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Approx. 9% 約9% Approx. 10% 約10% 0% Proportion of 人口率 population 人口率 Proportion 面積率 面積率 of area 10% 20% 30% Approx. 10% 約10% Approx. 8% 約8% 0% 10% 20% 30% 出典:日本の河川 Learning to Live with River CIA The World Fact book Approximately half of the population and three-quarters of total assets are concentrated in low-lying areas. Huge damage would be caused in case of flooding. 3 Lower safety level for flood disasters Netherland オランダ (high tide (高潮計画) planning) The United イギリス Kingdom (テムズ川) (Thames River) The United アメリカ States (Mississippi (ミシシッ River) ピー川) France フランス (River Seine) (セーヌ川) Japan 日本 1. Vulnerable Land Completion (1985) 完成(1985年) Completion (1983) 完成(1983年) Achievement rate of 達成率89%(2002年) 89% (2002) Completion 完成(1988年) (1988) Achievement rate of 達成率60% approx. 60% (2006) (2006年) 1/100 1回/ years 100年 1/50 1回/ 1/1,000 1回/ years years 500年 1000年 1/10,000 1回/ years 10000年 1/301回/30~40年(大河川) to 1/40 years (major rivers) 1/5 to 1/10 years (medium to minor rivers) 1回/ 5~10年(中小河川)(当面の目標) Compared with other industrialized nations, safety level of national land protected by flood control facilities is lower in Japan. 4 Increasing flood risk due to changes of social conditions 1 Urbanization in Tsurumi River basin 2. Socio-economic conditions Occurrence of widespread submergence at the underground facilities in urban areas 1958 京浜急行線 横浜線 東急東横線 南武線 東海道線 小田急小田原線 Urbanization rate: About10% Population: About 450,000 第二京浜 第一京浜 平成15年7月 福岡市営地下鉄 2004 市営地下鉄 Urbanization rate: About 85% Population: About 1.88million 各年代間に整備された交通網 平成16年10月 東京地下鉄麻布十番駅 Progress of urbanization in flood prone area causes increase of flood risk and also causes new type of disasters, such as inundation of underground facilities. 5 Increasing flood risk due to changes of social conditions 2 Flood damage for general assets (JY100 billion) 一般資産被害額(千億円) 水害区域面積(万ha) Flood disaster areas (10k hectare) Flood density for general assets 一般資産水害密度(万円/ha) (JY10k per hectare) 6,000 2. Socio-economic conditions Electronic equipments, once submerged in water, are no longer usable. 6 .0 5,433 5,000 5 .0 Waterlogged areas for 宅地等の浸水面積 residential housing Flood concentration for 一般資産水害密度 general assets 4,000 3,000 4 .0 3.8 Amount of damage 一般資産被害額 for general assets 3 .0 2,000 2 .0 1,000 1 .0 0.7 0 0 .0 ’78 ’82 58 ’83 ’84 ’98 11 ’99 12 ’00 ’01 ’03 16 ’04 17 ’05 53 ’79 54 ’80 55 ’81 56 57 59 ’85 60 ’86 61 ’87 62 ’88 63 ’89 1 ’90 2 ’91 3 ’92 4 ’93 5 ’94 6 ’95 7 ’96 8 9’97 10 13 ’02 14 15 % (1) Amount of damage (JY10k)/waterlogged areas (hectare) (costs as of 2000) (2) Figures represent average for past five years. (3) Non-operation losses for businesses are included in the amount of damage for general assets, as well as the concentration of waterlogged areas. (4) Figures were derived from “Flood Statistics” issued by the River Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. September, 2000 Heavy rain in Tokai region Although the flooded areas are definitely decreasing due to flood control projects having been carried out over many years, the amount of economic losses in flooded areas has sharply increased due to increasing number of assets vulnerable to flooding. 6 Increasing flood risk due to changes of social conditions 3 2. Socio-economic conditions Proportion of elderly among disaster victims 被災者に占める高齢者の割合 Under 65 65歳未満 years208人 208 persons (37%) 37% 65歳以上 65 years and 359人 over 359 persons (63%) 63% Sashiki Town in Okinawa Prefecture, 2005 H17年 沖縄県佐敷町 The slope behind a 平成17年6月沖 nursing facility 縄県佐敷町におい collapsed in Sashiki て、豪雨により老 Town, Okinawa 人福祉施設の背 Prefecture, in June 2005 due to the heavy 後斜面が崩壊し、 rainfall, resulting in the 入所者約70人全 evacuation of all 70 員が避難。 people in the facility. 77 kindergarteners were trapped in school facilities by flooded water in Niigata. Asahi Shimbun on July 14, 2004 Due to the aging population, a significant number of victims were among those who required assistance in case of disasters, such as the elderly or children in day care facilities. 7 Increasing budget for post disaster responses 2. Socio-economic conditions More than half of the budget for river projects is for post-disaster responses Increasing budget for post disaster responses 30.0% 12,000 11,093 10,977 10,725 727 10,399 9,988 10,000 9,572 9,091 408 9,206 489 867 462 49% 10,176 10,169 9,785 9,743 25.0% 362 402 810 1,627 326 1,712 51% 1,437 8,453 8,014 8,000 20.0% 1,383 1,168 7,329 17.7% 16.4% 14.7% 1,030 14.6% 6,000 780 6,386 15.8% 6,091 14.1% 15.0% 1,011 8,684 8,881 9,170 9,626 33% 8,933 7.9% 8.3% 8,550 8,458 11.5% 8,348 7,070 6,299 4.2% 3.5% 4.6% 4.4% 3.6% 67% 6,025 5,374 ■ Proportion of costs relating to ◆予算全体に占める大規模 large-scale disaster response 被災箇所対応費の割合 activities in overall budget 74% 5,012 5.0% Responsive action for large-scale disaster locations (disaster response strategies, 大規模被災箇所への対応(激特・床上・復緊) waterlogged above floor level, as well as recovery and emergency response) その他河川事業 Other river projects 0.0% 0 ’90 H2 ‘07 ’91 H3 ’92 H4 ’93 H5 ’94 H6 H7’95 H8 ’96 H9 ’97 H10 ’98 H11 ’99H12 ’00H13 ’01H14 ’02H15 ’03 H16 26% 10.0% 6,846 6.6% 2,000 1,079 10,235 10,366 10,109 9,937 4,000 4.5% ■ River projects budget (FY2006) 6,804 16.8% 16.0% ’04 H17 ’05 H18 ’06 H19 ■ Directly managed river projects (FY2006) ■ Auxiliary river ◆補助河川事業 projects (平成18年度) (FY2006) Proportion in total budget increased for post disaster measures such as recovery works for locations afflicted by large-scale disasters, due to increased occurrence of floods in recent years. It is not possible to invest necessary amount to preventative measures, which is also due to reduction in total amount of budget for flood management. 8 Increasing flood risk due to climate change 1 Changes in temperature in the northern hemisphere during the past one thousand years. Increasing trend accelerating 近年増加傾向が加速 in recent years 3. Natural conditions Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) • Global warming is considered to be almost certain due to increasing greenhouse gases originating from human activities. • The last 12 years have been the warmest 12 years since 1850. Rise in the average temperature and level of the sea water at the end of 21st century 21世紀末の平均気温上昇と平均海面水位上昇 Data from thermometer readings :温度計からのデータ :年輪、珊瑚、氷床コアからのデータ(推計) Data from tree rings, corals and ice sheet cores :50年平均値 Average value for 50 years A society wherein a balance 環境の保全と経済 of both the environmental conservation and economic の発展が地球規模 development is on a global で両立する社会 scale Rising 気温上昇 temperatures Excerpts from “Climactic Change 2001”, a Report of the First Working Group in the Third IPCC第三次評価報告書~第一作業部会報告書 気候変化2001より Evaluation Report of the IPCC Melties of iceberg in the arctic Rising sea levels 海面上昇 Approx. 1.8 degrees 約1.8℃ Celsius (1.1 to 2.9 degrees Celsius) (1.1℃~2.9℃) 18 to 38 cm 18~38cm A化石エネルギー源を society focused on fossil fuel, undergoing high 重視しつつ高い経済 economic growth 成長を実現する社会 Approx. 4.0 degrees 約4.0℃ Celsius (2.4 to 6.4 degrees Celsius) (2.4℃~6.4℃) 26 to 59 cm 26~59cm ・Increased strength of tropical low pressure systems forecasted. ・Some experts forecast the elimination of almost all sea ice in the Arctic Sea, during late summer seasons, by the latter half of the 21st Century. Global warming is actually in progress. Scientists predicted that global climate change due to global warming causes increased frequency of heavy rainfall and sea level rise. 9 Increasing flood risk due to climate change 2 Increasing number of inundation due to storm surge 約100回 年 2000 1970 1960 1980 約40回 1950 (Ashiya City~Osaka City) 1940 (Kawagoe Town~Tokai City) 1930 (Yokohama City~Chiba City) 回 120 100 80 60 40 20 10回以下 0 1920 Osaka Bay 1910 Ise Bay 1900 Tokyo Bay 1990 Expansion of areas below sea level when sea level rises 60cm 3. Natural conditions ベニス(イタリア) St Mark’s Squareの年間冠水回数 (STERN REVIEW: The Economics of Climate Changeの記述を図化) Population (million) 22 20 17 15 12 10 2006 0 2005 1 2004 2 2003 0 2002 0 2001 0 2000 1 3 1999 1 1998 0 1997 1.5 1 0 1996 879 10 11 7 4 1995 rate 5 1994 After sea level rise 1993 577 25 1992 Area(k㎡) 260mil. (After sea level rise) 1991 Today 138mil. 126mil. (After sea (Today) level rise) 1990 333mil. 90mil. (After sea (Today) level rise) 1989 176mil. (Today) 厳島神社回廊の年間冠水回数 404 593 1.5 (厳島神社社務日誌より中国地方整備局作成) If mean sea level rises 60cm due to global warming, area and population in the area below sea level increases 50% in 3 major bay areas. 10 Increasing flood risk due to climate change 3 3. Natural conditions The annual occurrences of heavy rain fall per hour (AMeDAS in approximately 1,300 points in Japan) Number of occurrences for downpours with mm or 以上の降水の発生回数 more per hour precipitation of 505 0㎜ 1. 1時間降水量 500 (回/年) Fluctuation of precipitation for last 100 years 1時間降水量の年間延べ件数 The annual number of rain fall per hour (全国のアメダス地点 約1,300箇所より) (AMeDAS in approximately 1,300 points in Japan) Times /Year 400 Annual precipitation (mm) 2 ,1 0 0 300 2 ,0 0 0 200 1 ,9 0 0 100 0 Average for S52~61 1976 to 1985: 平均 209 times 回 Average for S62~H8 1986 to 1995: 200 234 平均 234 times回 H9~18 Average for 1996 to 2005: 平均 288 times 回 313 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 H1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Number of occurrences with precipitation of 100 mm or more per hour 2. 1時間降水量 以上の降水の発生回数 100for㎜downpours 10 (回/年) Times /Year 5 S52~61for Average 1976 to 1985: 平均 2.2 times 回 2.2 S62~H8for Average 1986 to 1995: 平均 2.2 times 回 2.4 トレンド precipitation Average 5年移動平均 Five-year moving annual average trend 1 ,8 0 0 1 ,7 0 0 1 ,6 0 0 1 ,5 0 0 1 ,4 0 0 1 ,3 0 0 H9~18 Average for 1996 5.1 to平均 2005: 2.2 times回 1 ,2 0 0 1 ,1 0 0 年降水量precipitation Annual 1900 明治33 1900 1920 大正9 1920 1940 昭和15 1940 1960 昭和35 1960 1980 昭和55 1980 2000 平成12 2000 0 Source: The graph is made based on the resource from Japan Meteorological Agency The annual occurrences of heavy rainfall is in increasing trend, while annual total rainfall is decreasing. Expanding fluctuation of annual rainfall causes higher risk of flood and drought. 11 Unconventional flood management measures Conventional flood protection by continuous levee Conventional measures 4. New concept New concept of flood management measures Ring dike Unconventional measures for various land use Example for Hiji-River in Ohzu city, Ehime Pref. 矢落川 暫定堤防 古川樋門 湛水区域 Banking of residential area Conventional flood protection to construct continuous levee from downstream takes a long time for completion Combination of various measures to minimize damage of floods 二線堤(市道) 肱川 To prevent spreading of flooded water by second line levee Introduction of disaster mitigation measures to minimize damage in addition to disaster prevention measures 12 Flood management combining structural and non structural measures 4. New concept Publication of nationwide flood hazard maps Case example of 久留米市の事例 Designation of hazardous areas for sediment-related disasters Dangerous locations clarified through zone designations Kurume City ・Restrictions to land use ・Restrictions to structure of buildings ・Recommendations for the relocation of existing houses Evacuation assembly points available during waterlog disasters are obvious at a glance. Time it takes from breaching of levee to 破堤後に浸水するまでの時間 being waterlogged Waterlogged above floor level 30分以内で床上浸水 within 30 minutes Within two hours (50 m for all locations exceeding 50 m) re es de g tw o of Peak section nt ry na tio u a ne ec zo P r ne ry zo ial ona ec uti Sp eca pr gr ad ie eep slope Mountain streams presenting threat of mud and boulder slides wi th slope nd Bottom of land on steep slope Land on st on steep Mud and boulder slides 土石流 La Top of la nd Height h of land on steep slope Chikugo River Sp ec ial Pr pre ec c a au uti Inc tio on na ary deg lina ry zo ree tion zo n n e e s or of 3 mo 0 re Height h of land on steep slope がけ崩れ Land slides s Waterlogged above floor level 60分以内で床上浸水 within 60 minutes Waterlogged above floor level in60分以上で床上浸水 60 minutes or more Waterlogged eventually 最終的に浸水 “Disaster Reduction” strategies by soft measures for minimizing the total damage 13