f,ATE TO_ The folLowing material has been
f,ATE TO_ February 27, 198i MEMO OFFICE FROM OFFiCE - SuBJECT: APPLE (N.Y。 )CLAIM FOR SCRAPPED INVENTORY The folLowing material has been prepared at your di.rection: The l-atest Apple (N.Y. ) audit claim covering the period 9/I/69 through 6/30/79 includes a cLaim of $1,61-3,000 for inventory scrapped nithout "adequate. . .detail-ed certificates evidencing such destruction. . ." as follows (per Exhibit A, Page 6): Royal-ty Baseil on Regular Price Spread $1,024,000 Price Escalation 152,000 Mechanical Portion of Spreail 437,000 TOTAL $l-, 513,000 The above amount represents the net amount cl-aimed after allowing credit for the portion of the scrap for which the auditors decided there were "adequate certificates of destruction". They arriveil at this on a sarnpLing basis ancl decided that 74.59* of the pre 1-1-74 scrapping and 91.58 of the post 1-1-74 scrapping was "acleguate3-y certified". (Exhibit A, page 1-5). As a 12 of the sentences purchased basis for their claims, they cite Articl_e II, Section 9-1-69 Agreement (Exhibit B, page 3) the last two of which read I'Capitol may warehouse records reby it hereunder against future orders or it may destroy same for scrap, as it may cletermine. Provided that Capitol will provide Apple with a detail_ed certificate evidencing such destructionr'. Since the 9-l--69 Agreement is sil-ent on (1) what constitutes a detailed Certificate evidencing such destruction and (2) what the penaLty is suppose to be, if any, for failure to do so, Apple has decided (1) what it considers an "acceptable,' certificate, and (2) that the penal-ty for fail-ure is the artist royaltyr pJ-us the claim for price acceleration, plus the mechanical license fees thereon. Capitolrs position is that the provision for a certification of destruction was part of the form and not substance of the Agreement to make it appear AppLe \"7as the manufacturer rather than mereJ-y receiving a fixecl artist royal-ty. (Exhibit C2). It is Capitol , not Apple, who bears al-l- the costs of manufacture, inventory obsolescence anil loss, as vre11 as dlstribution and promotion expense. SIGNED: r€rRM r669L REV. 6 t/78 DA TO OFFICE FROM OFF:CE U‐ □ CI' .''_ 0い ' U‐ CMP 口 CRI□ 日 SuB」 ECT: APPLE (N.Y.)CLAIM FOR SCRAPPED INVENTORY February 27′ ■98■ Page -2- of the 9-■ -69 Agreement (Exhibit are to be based on B′ page 4)c■ ear■ y provides that payments net sales. Artic■ e ■エエ′ Section ■O In regard to a penalty, if any, for failure to provide certificates, it is difficult to see how any loss has occurred to App1e. And in the event there hras a 1oss, it would seem to be coverecl by Section II, section 10. (Exhibit B, page 2) of the 9-1-69 Agreement which reails as foll-ows: "10. In the event of Loss or ilamage to Appl-e resuLting from defects in material , equipment' and/or servi.ces furnished by Capitol and/or negligence of Capitolrs personnel, Capi.tol-'s sol-e obligatlon shall- be to have the defective materiaL rep3-aced anil the services ordered by Apple performed again wj.thout additional t' charge . If Capitol-'s position is not cLaim should sti1l be reduced by: deemed to be correct' the l-) The mechanical- license portiont 2) The price acceleration if Capitol's positl.on is upheld in this regard; 3) The portion applicable to lvlccartney Solo Albums (due to the release from McCartney). (Exhibit D). Attachedl is a chronological history of cl-aims from for unauthorized scrappj-ng. S:GNED: FORM 1669L REV el′ 78 Appl-e DAT[ TO OFFICE corli, Oct Ecnt orrrce DctvtP SuB」 ECT: (N.Y.) February 27, Page -3- APPLE CI,AIM FOR SCRAPPED INVENTORY J-98I CHRONOLOGICAL H■ STORY OF CLAIMS FOR UNAUTHORIZED SCRAPPING 1. First claim for scrap appeareil in claims presented to EMI in December 1970 by Klein and forwariled by EMI to Capitol. Capitol- discussed the cl-aims internal-l-y and set in motion systems to obtain certificates (Exhibit E through L) but did not respond to Apple until- cl-aims were presented to Mr. Menon in August 1971. CLaim for scrap was looked upon by Capitol as Klein harassment to get other things he wanted. 2. Claim first presented to capitol in August 1971 and cliscussed again internally (Exhibit M). 3. Capitol respondsto Apple 9-23-71 (Exhibit C) that there was no basis for the claim. 4. Meeting he].d with Apple N.Y, in October 1971. Mr. Carprs notes on scrap dj.scussion at that meeting is shown as Exhibit N. 5. February 3, L972, Chaum reports that Klein wil-l- waive the cLaj-m for unauthorized scrap as wel-l as most other harassment claims for increase in Beatle royalty 9-L-71' (Exhibit o). 6. February 1973 - Capitol and Apple propose settlement that waives scrapping cLaim through November 30' l-97I (Exhibit P, page 9), but settlement not completed due to Kl-ein's departure from AppLe. 7. ,fanuary L976 - The P&F clairn mentions scrapping but does not make a doLlar claim (Exhibit Q, page 3). 8. June 15, 1,976 - Tilli.nghast responds to P&F Audit but does not mention scrapping since no doll-ar claim had been made. memo S:GNED: FOR'Jl 1669L RE\,. t r/78 9. current Audit Clain (Exhibit A) - Subject of 2'27-8L to which this chronoJ.ogical list is attached. TO ttot ai e*i r* OFFICE MEMO APPLE IN.Y。 ) CLA工 M FOR SCRAPPED INVENTORY February 27′ ■98■ Page -4EXH工 BITS Exhibit A B C D E Page s 6 4 3 current audit claim re scrapPing 9-1-69 Agreement - Extracts 9-23-7I capitol response to Appl-e 3 re scrapping 6-L5-79 Mccartney Release I2-L-7O Gortikov memo re first claim 2 L2-9-70 Carp 4 1 1 L 3 4 6 3 2 ■ 0 ■ 5 4 G H I J K L M N O P Q R FORM 166● LREV 31′ 73 No. of for scrap memo re furnishing certificates ancl I2-I4-7O Burdick memo confirming I2-L8-70 Chaum memo re scraP ),2-28-7O Tillinghast memo re scrap I2-3O-7O Burclick memo re certificates 1,-4-7I Gortikov report to stanforil L-26-71 Chaum, Tiltinghast anil BurClick re scrap L-27-7L Burdick report to Menon 8-23-7L First cl-aim presented directly to Capitol LO-29-7L Carp comments re scrap 2-3-12 Chaum rePorts Kl-ein remarks 2-3-73 and 2-27-73 Settletnent ProPosal1-76 P&F Audit 6-L5-76 Capitol response to audit claims EXHIBIT A 1of 6 pages We have manually summarized units as Breakage & Claims/Inventory t979. Detailed workpapers showing the Reports will be made available tpon assified to, Adjustments from JanuarY 1, 1974 to accumulation of'these units fmm the Unit applying to these unit3 the regular buy-eell request. We have caleulsted royalties due based m escatation, ag well as the price spreads, th€ increase in the price computations appear in Schedules l0lr 10Jt mechanicEl Portion of the Price spreads. period in the amount of $186,204.81 in lOK and l0L, which are summarized for ts classified as Breakage & Claims/InvenSchedule 10. The total amount due Apple for 10. tory adjustments is $6651122.48, as shown in in the amount of $t6r'6r8.72 in The previous examination report included a selections SWB0 101 and SW 153 that Schedule 4 covering inventory adjustments The amounts included in Schedule 10 Capitol incorrectly classified as promotional this amount. Accordinglyr the amount for these two selection numbers are in eddition vious report has been included in our due from B&C/ Inventory Adjustmenb fDom the $828,96r.20. Summary of Findingsr bringing the total amount SCRAPPED INVENTORY Article II, Section 12 of your September Ir 1969 Agreement indicstes.that: rr...Apple egrees to resell end Capito! agrees to FePurchase all of Apple's records which are retumed to Appte by Distributor. Repurchases hereunder shall be at the same prices as are specified in SchedulerrArr, as the cese mey be. Recorde retumed hereunder shall be epportioned a3 between ttcords purchased by Appte under Article II, Section 2, and those furnished by CaPitol to Appte's Distributor under Article IIl, Section 8r in the same ratio as obtained in the applicable purchase or purchases. The amount of credit or refund shall be comPuted in accordance with Schedule "A". Capitol may warehouse records repurchased by it hereunder against future orders or it mey destroy some for scraPr as it may determine. Provided that Capitol will provide Apple with a detailed Certificate evidencing auch destruction. . .'r From September l, 1969 to December tL, 197t, Capitol accounted tor movement in and out of inventory by use of their intricate comPuter system. Each month Capitol issued a Consolidated Inventory Movement Report which indicated by aelectionr the rumber of records clasgified as having been scrapped. As mentioned previouelyr we have summarized these reports by computer (see Appendix 9) in mder to determine the quantities acrapped 3, (tuarrqt ?o corrarra ora Ltr'tlr o? tlaxaxrll^l, SATIN. TENENBAU}!, EICHLER & A}L\IE&\IAN EXHIBIT A 2 of 6 Pages of each record for the period from September l, 1969 Lo December tI, I97r. In practice capitol did not r€port these units to Apple, nor did they charge Apple with the cost of such scraPPed tecords. ヽ During this period Capitol serapped approximately 4'9001000 singles' 218001000 elbums and 4001000 tapes or e total of Irl00ro00 records. we eelected e test eamPle ol 2tt95r862 records or about l0% of the total to ascertain whether serap documentation contained adequate tr...detailed Certificates evidencing 3uch destruction...rr 83 stipulEted in your agreement. As part of our test we analyzed the procedures snd the nsture of the rePortg used by Capitol to document the selections and quantities scrapped. It included a rcview signetures, location, dates, quantities, special instructions end suPPlementary documents. capitol provided us with documentation for ?ro13ro82 units or 84.1% of the units for which documentation was requested. From the inception of your SePtember It 1959 agreement Capitol utilized a Scrap Authorization Form which included a designated space for the signature of the person who actually destroyed the productr as well as the following set of instructions: of ■. Destroy quantities listed. If e sPecific quentity is to be held we will lndicate 3ame. 2 3 Report quantity of inventory scrapped if difference exceeds a st8ndard Pack. All locations: Retum two sigrrd copies to sender immediitely after iteme are destroyed. Copy when signed, will constitute a ttcertificete of Destruction'r by vendor, plant or distribution center. Show date of scrapping. Signature must be legible. These euthorizations, copies of which are included in this rePort in ApPendix l4r indicated that proceduree wer€ established by Capitol to [certifyrt thet scraPPing took place and that such ce.tification was in tlle form of scraP authorization which wes to be signed by authorized personnel who observed that the scrapping actually took place. Capitol supplied us with a copy of 'Certification of Scrapping Beatle Records and Albumsl (see Appendix l4), which they claim was sent to Apple Records each month with the other monthly t€port3. For example, the document for April, 1971 which was 8igned by ( う6 (Suutct to qoxrltf?a ota Lttraa ot ?l^talxltl^L) SATIN, T&\ENBAU}I, EIC'{I.ER & ZII}IEL\TAN ctttltll! trrat'lc accouLtatata c. Khoury, Vice President and controller of capitol Records, Inc., reads as ' follows: r .This is to:certify that the ordinary business records. of -Capitol Records, Inc. th"t the pioduct identified in the attached exhibits has been scrapped """"J during the Period indicated.r' We have provided copies of this form to counset who have indicated that such forms do not show evidence of destruction as required by The Agreementr end therefore, should be disregarded for such purposes. These documents merely assert that Capitol has the Proper documentation on file, but our examination proved otherwise. Our examinetion revealed the following exceptions to the Procedures outlined on the Scrap Authorization Forms from September I, 1969 to December 7I, 1973: 1 2 う。 No signature on authorization form showinq evidence of destruction. No documentation was provided by Capitol showing suthorization or evidence of destruction. 0signature't of person who wss supposedly certifying destruction $/as actually tbrinted" on an unsigned authorizetion form. / ヽ We have discussed the issue of ecrap documentation with couneel who have advised us that Capitolts documentation is acceptable if substEntielly all of the required information was filted in and if it was properly aigned, showing evidence of destruction. Any failure by Capitot to provide documentation is corsidered as unacceptable. we have found that out of the zrc.It rO82 units for whieh documentation was supplied by capitol, documentation for 227 1979 units was unacceptable either beceuse there was no signature evidencing the destruction or the signeture was printed. In addition, Capitol failed to supply us with any documentetion for 5821780 units. Based on the total sample of documents tested, 2r)951862 units, Capitol provided us with acceptable documentation for 1r785rl0J units, resulting in a tbatio of eccePtable acrap dcicumentation'r of 74.979o, as ahown in Schedule 1ll. The rrratio of acceptable scrap documentetion" is defined for purposes her€in ss the ratio that the rrumber of units for which adequate evidenee of destruction has been provided bears to the total number of units tested. ,7 ( (● UWEC7 70 CO“ 001-贄 。r TRAH● 田 ]■7AL) "EH7● SAIN.TENENBAUM,EICIIER 3 aMヽ ERMAN “X国 H︺ H︼ ン い 0 い い o Qo ∽ , Edward EXHIBIT A 4 of 6 pages ` We'have calculated the dollar amount that would be due you on sll units classified es scrap from september t, 1969 to December tl, l97t in schedulee llA-ltH which are summarized in Schedule 11. We have given Capitol credit for the acceptable documente' tion they provid;d by applying the t'ratio of sccePtable scraP documentation'r to the total amount of royalties calcutated. Our computations of tte amount due you ere summerized in Schedule ll, which totals $9291955.58 for the period SePtember l, 1969 to December t1, 197t. The previous examinstion report did not include a claim for royalties due on units classified as scraP. Accordingly, the amount due you appears in The Summary of Findings under the heading lAdditional Amount Due for September I' 1969 to December tJ-, 1973.'l For the cuFent examination period from January !, !97 4 to June tO, 1979 Capitol scrapped approximately 517001000 singles, ,14001000 albums and 119001000 taPes, or a total of 1110001000 records. We selected a test sample of 21091'130 units, or aPProximetely total, to ascertain whether lhe documentation supplied by Cepitol represented adequate evidence of destruction. capitol provided us with documentetion lor 2ro221966 or 96.7ch of the units for which documentation was requested. Our examination of thiE period revealed that beginning in 1974 CaPitol chEnged their procedse r€garding 3crEp nCertification of Destruction of documentation and began issuing a document entitled Beatle Produet From Inventory Designated As Scrapr' (see Appendix l4). 19% of the It showed certification number, plant location, selection number, quantity as well as the f ollowing stetement! an employee of the Department certify that I personally observed the destruction of the above quEntities and aelections, which destruction began ,1を 。 , 197_ and wEs comPleted The product was destroyed bY Signed Although Capitol continued to use Scrap Authorization Formsr they no longer rupplied them to ug es documentation for quEntities 3craPPed. lnstead, Cepitol provided the above 38 ( υ●JEC7 7● COlt"● 旧 0011-E■ 07“ II● :77AL) “ `● む出N NttBAUM,日 CHLER&ZIMMコ SATIN,■ C― 〕 ア:● ● PUBL'● ― ●U‖ 7▲ l17● EXHIBIT A of 6 pages certificate of Destruction which was to be aigned by authorized o"rronn"i observed that the scrapping actuelty took plEce. Counsel have advised irs that Capitol's documentation is aceeptable if substantidly all of the required information is filled in and described is properly signed, ehowing evidence of destruction. Any failure by Capitol to provide documentation is considered as unacceptable. if it Our examination revealed that out ol tlre 210221566 units for which documentation wEs supplied by Capitol, documentation for ll0r000 units was not acceptable beceuse there was no signEture evidencing the destruction. In addition, Capitol failed to eupply us with any documentation for 681564 unils. Based on the total sample of 2109I'110 units tested, Capitol provided us with adequate documentation for 119121566t resulting in a rrratio of ecceptable scrap documentation" of 91.5% as shown in Schedule llN. We have manually summarized units classified as Scrap for the period January l, 1974 to June tO, 1979. Detailed work papers showing the accumulation of these units from the Consolidated Inventory Movement Reports will be made available upon rtquest. all units classified ss scraP from January l, 1974 to June tO, 1979 in Schedules llJ-llM which are summarized in We have given Capitol credit for the accePtable documentation they Schedute Il. provided by applying the I'ratio of acceptable acrap documentetionr to the total emount of royalties calculated. OUr computations of the amount due you are summarized in Schedute ll which totals $6821751.56 for the period Jenuary L, !97 4 to June tO, 1979, bringing the totet Emount due you on the records classified as scraP to $tr6l2t707.14. We have calculated the smount thEt would be due you on RECORD CL∪ BS A.AND CANAD No provision could be found in any of your rights to Capitol. Section IV, Paragraph 7 of rr... The paities hereto intend granting record club Agreement provides that: otiate with Longinqs to distribution SymPhonette ved from Beatles masters through Canada and/or Mexico on a nonenter into conttacts with other Society, Inc. for the release of records the Capitol Record Club in the United exclusive basis. The parties elso wish and/or Mexico for distribution of record clubs in the United States' 8 royelty of et least 9% of the caid records provided that auch elubs shall price of records to membersr of which Capitr would be entitled to l-ll4% and may be released through Apple would be entitled ro 5-ll4%. No auch first Eleese in the United any record club earlier then 6 mmths States. . .tt 39 ●J● C770 Co■ 田●断 ●●H― (● ● mm,TENENBAUL EICmERこ 魔0「 GER7:P:3● PU● L:C^CCOuN「 ^I17● ∽oい0ゆ 0 中O Ю く いHmH口xロ oい ヽ 、 鋼 ﹁詞引﹃濾﹁呵j一 倒 い、も ︲ ︲︲︲ ﹁ J せヽ ﹁ 赳 J 劇 ヽ 利 ﹁封﹁﹁Nコ[﹁コ﹁ ヽヽ ヽ い 〓 ヽ いい0一 ¨゛■ご [ N﹁到割り厠測コ﹁︱ 倒 一 l 引コ躙躙﹁詞コ﹁︱︱︱ o ︲︱ ︱︱ “コー︲ ︱, ︱ ﹁ 0﹁ 一o、一 一 ヽ0一一 司到剛剰J 測劇町 ■﹁ 1 ●. ●O N 00. 0卜 卜い 0い0.い00 、 、 べ ヽ . ‘ヽT 二ヽ ヽや﹂ イミ﹂ ヽ . ﹁到 飼 ヨ ヽ﹁副 ﹁引釧﹁︱ 〓う ヽいい.CCN.︻ 卜い いOC^いトト.一 いい.0ヾC.︵ヽト “0、 毬 ■ 〓い OC︻.い0 ヽ ︶ 5ヾsI ヽ o〓ヽ こo●くヽ [⋮ ヨ , や ミ 0ミ 、 つしヽコ N● ●^い. 小●¨ 員 割引 利q ll ヾC.一︻0︵0●︻ ヽ 卜ヾ ℃︵い。︵一い ︻ ゞ︵ ●︻ い。︵0 い 0 Z ¨“ 一■ エコ 0 ︻︻ ‘0 0L 〓 〓‘ o 一っ マ o こ 00 一 ヽ﹁ 0卜ヽ ●いヽ ゞo一一卜ヽ ︻ ヽ︻ い卜ヽ 0︵ヽ OO¨ ヾ卜ヽ ヽ︻ い卜ヽ ●^ヽ OC“ヾ卜ヽ一 OO“ 一 ヽ︻ いヽヽ Cいヽ ▼卜ヽ 一 ヽ い ︻ヽ N一o´いつヽ ハトヽ一 ヽ N︻0一N卜ヽ^ い A卜ヽ 一ハヽ ●“い0ヽ︻ ヽ い いヽ N一 い卜ヽ︹ ]〓 C 卜Z D O Σ く 9 しく 一⊆ ´ コく 卜0 一 g n 一OC 〇¨ ¨0 ︺p C ■ o ヱ D〓 ¨っ DO︵¨ a G﹄じ゛ CC 一一3 〓 ¨ ●0 0小 ぁ∞● o30 ″一 0●﹂0 ¨ C一一一 〓 L り0 0く o卜 ^ ∞´ 一 ■´ ゛ 〓 0 0﹄卜 ︲一 0 一´C●00 0 ●0一。C 一 ∽ ●´ こっ■一く oっ0 “ ⊆‘ε く 一一 ヽ・ L o“oo ・ F ミ0 C〇 一“o “C υF ¨ っ 000 c●o●く 一 o■馬 ´ O C〓●∝ cO つ3 ●● ●〓0 ´も oL0 一口 “o ■ つ ´∽ 0 ¨“①め”● 0 0 ““0 3 o 0 さo oL卜 ,一 ざ 0 3一卜 ,● ●E 〓r 一 く N︼0“N卜ヽ﹁ ヽ い n卜ヽ¨ ︵ヽ ヽ N一 ・“い0ヽ︻ い ︵卜ヽ︻ ︵ヽ ・“ N卜ヽ︻ ヽ 0 ︵卜ヽ一 ︵ヽ N“ ・ ヽ い nヽ N“●一い0ヽ︻ ハトヽ一 のo一9﹄一 〇 〓2 ヽ‘ ︱劃コ劃目∃q︲ ●〓一∽ OC一 一″ Lっ0一く ヽ い N︻O“N卜ヽ一 ︻卜ヽ一 バヽ バヽ N一●´い0ヽ︻ ヽ い ハトヽ︻ つ の一● ン● 0 つ● ■ o● , (Suurct to Coxl.axtt ox L!?ran ot lR^x.vlit^L) SATIN, TENENBAUTI EJCHLER & ZIMMERI\TAN 0い.トト●.N卜● いN.一卜¨^一︻¨.一 ON.NN●^卜NN も¨ S c‘ , ● ヽは ヽヽ ■ ´ ∃﹁引出■ 測引ョ劉 0︻.0いい一︻N ヽ い0 ﹃ 卜 N .い 一“ .い 一 一ハ .一C C ︲ 一 N ● .A い0 .い ︻ “⊆ る E く ︻︶> “く 277 “﹃ 0ぼ ﹃ 割 ︷ゴ 一 ︲引引¨ ︱︱ ・ ﹁[︱ 一 9劇﹁ ξ卜.ヽい0.︹0い^︻ ^ゞ.一ヽC、いいい。一 ¨ヾ.●NC^0〇一.︻ 引引﹃︲﹁ sヽつい 嘲﹁﹁渕測﹁ ﹁﹁ヽ創﹁a引﹃胡倒 。 ・ヽ 一 ︵ヽ lミ 一ヽヽ゛ JJ ロコヨЧ劇 0い。︵CC.卜0 ﹁﹁ ﹁ = ﹁ ︱ ︱ ●一.一一一ぃ0い ゛ ︵ハ. 卜^0^ 卜い一 0い。い0卜ぃ0トト 卜N.い︻一.い一 ヾ︻.ヽい0.●卜N Oい.CCO.い0一 一嗜 ECNぃ●n︵.N Nヾ.いOC.いい い0 いい︻^︻C卜 一 d ∃ = ﹁ 悧 劇 ∃ 司 ﹁ o “理 っ 2 ● 0 ︺ D O い ] ¨ト コ く > C ビ り ● Σ ︺ 卜■ 口 ゛ 一 0 一 い 0 一 ︻ .︻ ″一 一O oO g 0 0 u ∝ Z O い ヽい ︻ .C ︵ り Z ﹁ ‘ O U 一L あ ∽ く 卜 ¨︺ κ ∽︺ 一卜 く 口 ● 申亭 一 Σ く ×L CくO LO Z OF くZ 一 ゛0 ビ00]“ 〓OF¨ Z 一 ″ O g C じ リ ビ u オ ﹄︵一く ︵Z C 〓 く ビ うこ ビ C ● Y “ C > 〓 ︺ Z く ︶ パ ︶ α く ‘ O o oく ■ 0 一C O‘ o p 2 ″六 v っ 。ψ。 ● 一 ぃ 一。 ● 2 “﹄oO c ∩︶ マ 崚 ”∞ ● ﹄● ■ ´ 。 “ ︱︱ 〓 目 ﹁ ︱ 創 劇 ∃ 司 一 〓 〓 一 二 〓 ´ 一 〓 一 ‘ ︵ ︹ 子 つ Y」 Σ L し 00 く● :nade as of Septcntbcr ■. ■969′ betr.reen CAPI deconus, fNc., a 1750 North V Street, IlolLyteood, California ,Capito■ 'り , CAP RECORDS Delaware corpo;a on, Ca■ ifornia ca■ ■ed 9oo28 RECORDS′ ェNC.` a ■700 INTC.′ =躊 pp■ oり B ■750 california corpoiation, (callecl 9OO2B DISTRIBUTING CORP. , A North Vine Street′ H。 1lyv70。 d` t'Distributor`')and AP,LE york corporation′ Nev7 Yo】 ]ζ , 。/● New York ABKCO INDOSTR工 ES, ■Oo19 (callod . ito■ has heretOfOre acted as under certa■ n contractual C & MUSICAL 工N■DUSTRIES` L工 TED` Mェ dress is Blyth Road` Hayes` ( respect to Beatles, naster.s i nov licensed Apple for the da vith respect to Eeailes. re■ n ca■ ■ed the “Licensing attached hereto) , 'hTIEBEAS, Capitol and faciLities for ind is engagecl .in'the . processing and pressing of records derived from ぃ ned by others′ and A and press records through capi WIIEREAS, Distributor is ´ t and wil■ se■ ■ ing recoras in the tttrlited havO rOcOrds fOr distribution S e l tnasters desires tO process facilities, and ongac」 ed in distributing tates and Apple has and recoras Distribllto】 : EXHIBIT B 2 of 4 Pages doing. if such fai■ caused by a force or- dclay ,is ■c nOt bO majcu-re. (b) faitur! to order ot accordance vti its de■ ay in sha■ ■ take de■ ivery of liable to caPitol for records frgm capitol in th its obligations under this Agreement or fol: such failure o! deLay is causecl so d0 by force majeure.' ■0。 resulting in the event o■ loss or damage to Apple from defectS in materia■ l equipmentr and/0エ services furn■ shed by Capitol and/。 r ne9■ igence of CaPitO■ 's personnel, caPitol's sole obligation shal1 be to have the defective material replaced and thc services ordered -_----.charge. additional rvitlrout again performed Apple . . 0 0 ︼ 0 り 0 ● 0 口 0や 口 0 ∽ 守 や ∽ ︼ ¨ ︺ Ч 〓 . 日 。 “ ︼ 0 ︼ 0 ■ ● ぃ ● ﹁ 〓 H ” ● ∽ 、 つ O o O ■ 0日 ● 0 ” .ヽ ﹁ ● 0 ﹁ ● o O ∽ 。ぃ (、 by viI1, at the request of APPIe, store Beatles masters at Apple's sole risk no liability in. resPect of said not fi.rnited to loss from neg]igent: ie in. the possession of caPitol.. masters, matrices, moth and the ■ike, process pressinす of Apple'S ●日 ・ 予 by・ or for d,pitol for use in the ords shall be Capit01:S property. ROぃ r星」区=二望工≧二=童ニユニ be =●菫彗 asコ 日そアできコ■書ほィ bO. apportionod as betWeen ds purchased by --4_ thos'c furnistted APP Ly¨ 島鳥 to EXHIBIT B 3 of 4 pages ( or purclnases. Thettn10ttnt of_credit Or ●●mputed ⅢAⅢ th SChedu.e h‐ aCOげ0… .Capitol may warohousc rocords repurchased by it h destroy same for scraP. as it future orders or it tnay.. determine. Providcd that capitol with a deta■ ■ea Certificate evicl 1 7 such destruction. i) ooes not itse■ f manufacture く to■ ●ny ide Apple \'ri11 any other sound reproducing dbvice, type of rccoras I whether now knovrn.orl hereafter kno\'m, other than standard 01,k Fecoras, 8-trざ き 卜,,pb rOCords Or tape rccords in !be.cassette conrig;.rf artion; or. (ii) if caPitol should ( for .tI any other reasonldeem it advisable to license 4-track icerSe othOrs tapes or r:e. to ieel tapes, CapitOl iay ■ the rェ ght to lnan、 f'91」 rO, eli′ exploit and aistributc in rds derivedofrom Beat■ es mastors. the unitOd states Capitol *"y gt..r,t to lits licensees such of the rights :ど ivi・ eges i li ::: whiChAppl卜 grants to DiFtributor a, Cap■ t。 1 = favorable teins in tlle negotiatioll deems nocesSary to for suCh ■iCenses` P ヽ16● it`qua■ t6二 ded dapitoi ↓ iゴ ■pa, to Ajple an iSt er Cent 8fiOo・/. 6f the reta■ ■■ Pride of il■ rOCordS ved from Beatles masters sold such licensees, cOmpu anil.paid in accordance with the :t,FmS ar1 3roVil■ Ong if Aalondum No. . attached heiet。 notwithstanding, ‐ ( and qaP,t。 l desiresl erOa t。 ■icensc と‐ ■n bY ・ tho ovont to Others the rigl,tS EXHIBIT B 4 of 4 PageS ● ヽ ( ・ … つ 0 ■0. At the encl of each month, Apple invoice Distributor for a■ ■ records purcl,ased r,rill Distributor hereuncler during said mollth. .Wit}lin not rnore than $rirty (30) days after the encl of each month of the term, and thereaftcr. so long as niay be requirecl, Distributor r.ritl rencler to Appl,e a statement of the net rocords sold by Distributor during such month′ ana the 71,ich pistributor is entitled` and′ conctlrrcnt■ y crodits t。 ● l. to be due lrith no cash or other dj-scount proVicled that Distributor ( may subtrarct from such payment and pay to Capitol on Apple's behaLf such sums as nay then be 'due Capltol under Section 2 of Article II an d such payment shal-l discharge Apple's obligation to pay か・ such inAebtedness. J■ ).′ /. c. Section 1I. is added t . full as follorvs: " lL. it APPLe requests エエエ tO read irl t DiStributor a■ ter e records or ■nc■ ude additiOna■ e■ ements ilys:[:k3::lig:iし v7ith the rosu■ t that Distributoris out― tn:]iこ ti[p:::量 . ::r hlt :][ilin:f I::::量 as set forth in caPi 1ls then current r DiStributor wil■ !ianufactu!ing t and Apple willaccede to APPlers re un equal to 50 Pel:cent a Dis-sributor i.o PaY et cost 10 of such excess out-of percent of such exces out― of― pocket cost head. " is an allowance for こ3 dilect : ● September : ApPle Records, Inc' 1700 BroadwaY i.i-Y."r., 23, ■971「 ' \ New York 10019 EXHIBIT c ■ of 3 pages \ \ .t Silvgr AtEention: Mr' Joi:l Dear \ Joel: ! of the greatly "'itP:i:t9--:o- see much t'oPen itemstt wha! you calL contenE of the scntaof"s of to han<ied thi"i'' Attttt on Beacle ".'a oo"-sll;i;ago;;;;t i+ Netr York' ;;";i.;;-;";eral weeks I I urusc say I was say rrsurprisedrr. since t been Capiiol anri APPIe havesince agreeinent operating ,r,'4"- tn!-st"ti"' ptoduct since 10-t-699-1-69, and cire ""i-g"a.iit agree^nent pre(2 years!) and chis i"-.rr" flrst_tine Apple has ´ ● ⋮ )-""i.a-t""rt a schedure to caPitor' ■scusSed )■ a few Of the matters etl PoSitiOn on others. LetiS disCusS tie ,Chedulell_ln.littirll[:。 leaillh:lliuit 工 niltitth lii::illillil::i:こ ::::r・ 1軍 icll:::1と :::」 と dollar imPor:ance ' 189,089。 ■9 .80,508。 ■6 61,103.14 24,050.58 John Lennon/?lastic ono ToEal" ) 978.320.13 o Before d'.scussrng indivlclual remind ourselves of cerlain EXHIBIT c 2 of 3 pages 一 chat memorandum: rtttre parties will ttempt to adopt a buy‐ agreement, subj ec to approva1 0f EMI and Ttre Beatle agreement Ls i tiroyalty. agreement. The lrord IroyaltYrr i used throughout tha! Hor.rever as a coullesy co Apple menorandum. ,and Eo casE itoi was willing at its request t'buy-selltt ' the contrac! in the formI: of a the closing senlence of agle€ment as s tated 69 WhiCh Was signed by and Stanley corEikov for CaP lo1. This agreemenc nakes the following PoinEs quite c ear: 8‐ 3‐ ︰ ・ ︱ ・︱ ■ ・︰ , um agreemenE dated K]-ein for the BeaEles 69 were COnta■ ned in a ・■ ・ ・ 9・ ● ● ヽ ic principles in the agreethe answers. ffect dlents since Lhese naturally r the new BeaEle conEract of The pr■ nciP■ es agreed upon ユ) /. of 34 se■ ■ t authorities.0' necesSary gov CThat the cOntreCt WiS Viewed by both Cap■ lo■ and ::lleiiSfirti:FaliIIa:星 :::m:;ttl:tI:[t:[a:ling 1969, initialed by Allen Klein, which conditioned ch{ effectiveness of the Septenber 1, 1969 codcracc on the Bank of England September ■2, I 2) permitLing EllI ...Eo ttke credit for any royalty i.y*""t (lxcluding mechtnical license fees) rna<ie by Capitol co apple. ... f) : The increases in the rolalty rates over the previous Beatle royaltyilaces !te!e contingent uPon product f1ow, and I 3) A ce■ ■ing was placed on publishers fees as follows: penalty againsE =:The BeatleS W■ 1l absor as a aforementioned ceiling. tt royalty any excess of Although the eordii:g Caplfol has LncerPreted IIT:n[:° 1::lud:illl::ril ■y pa■ d an ■nCreased a1so, and has gratuit rthere liie Pub ners fees are less than royalty tt rtceiling. the I and Apple-Ner'r York, which is 9/1/69 Agrccment ben'teen CaPi utpd by both parcies and-is at a conplete docr'uircnt, full'Y ex Eion- agrcement. Applers PosiEion face a nanufacturj-ng anri dis ●。ntractually differs fr● m Ca 1:s philosOPhiCal POSitiOn。 states that lhe Beatle contlact of 9lL/69 Is really a royalty contract and refers to the signed agreement of 8-8-69 and certaln Passages Ln t}jle 9!L159 contract and related conEracts to Prove it. 2. ApPle states tt.e 91]- 169 contlact is at face a manufacturing and distrLbution agreemenE and suPersedes any prevlously dated agreements. FGpitot ・ `・ OC 34 I:V“ ::[liiliCII`::rapped RecOrds, 9′ 30/70 11:ら .5,96■ .77 :i電 :1よ ll:allitt b[II: ::I:r non-Beatle save that Apple Ls not entitled to the tinyl sc P SinCe ℃ l absOros tie ninufaCtur■ ng cOst, =,it。 but Apple be_entirled io any lesale in the seconda$;;;ilr 0■ 5ome sort a forrnula basis. B― ゎ Appl.e riispures Capi.rol. '! iigh! !o: 1. Scra? App:.e Records t iihoui pe;;.issLoa. 2. Scrap Apple Raco;ds rd.:iouc cqa?ensalioa !o Ap?le. 3. .llhether or noi ihe ::eco;Cs weie.aciually. scrapped. a. Ap?le h--: been p:ovided !ri:h lrhar ic _co::s!ders coiiipeieni eviie accep: thai Ehe ?ecords by capirol ;;';;;?";;"."-t" .:e i.n lndicared --'act se;appQe. 鍬 _ 1,1[量 e5:.:::f=:彎 ° 尋 Satitt requeied ]。 iC転 =摯 il百 :■ :■^:F::i。 ::「 ::^ξls・ :::ulili]:::::P:::・ ::こ . APPle'S APPl:]:.:Ialiti:11:hs::[[d:h:r:::こ Cia■ . isII:‐ l[I::d:``[.:F:F曽ξ [sこ=Fr:::ill=:輩 =:Lttiyl:SI:錯 :=」 "::8:i:FallI:: 農 JPlTOL'S PosIT10N: ;o' SUblMARY: ・・ b' the contlacr ;t rhls. trEe ""1." lrl':n ::;"1""!1ili:t:ff":' 1:plilii:i:::::::こ :]:it:1 :]hi:灘 :::d Apple!s recOras without: or sub.l*ed satlsractory "- *j;::":,?.:ili"'ff:;"": i.ii'ilii!1,of".o,,a.,y or othelr,lse, ror tbus resulting in a possible losa of profit to Capitol cannot prove t consider,. ;:::;'ffi:"J: *j:-*I::i:":o'"li..pproe f .a 2. APPIe isc.ii ror 9エ . ExHIBIT c 3 。f 3 pages ● :ia::r:ip::こ ::::::普 iiti::・ υ plove thev eere scrapped, ",!i"ir,-li,!ft*.:i*lr:::{:r:$i:r_J:':':ilil:':; entitlei t.-ii" -i"."ii. ff:'.::i..:tl, value in a secondarv " Darker. iJ"--;;.;".;:"-:":sonable provldes that ca-pltol ;rt-;;;;; "t. .Ji.iii."!i" contract records -il-[ir-"i.L" "ni tt"r."uppii .1.'no-i;;;i";;:":s ln or.thescraPPins' tblch it iras aonel _ contract for sales ln E secondarv r:-t or I rxgtsrg LEGAL DEPARTMENT MEMO ( DATE TO FILE 」une ■5, ■979 FROM TITLE SUBJECT 口ごL x二 LEASE a The oriqinal Release was vaulted on 3/9/79 anil given Release ailSEtt1enent No. on 6/L5/19 A second and rnoilifieil Release was vaulteilEastman on a John by anil initlaleil after changes htere made copy of the original . ( t :oiM 7315 at3 A - AcIIoN NEcEssARY 8 - CONTENTS ESSENTIAL C - o :l of 4 pages INFORMATION ONLY 。 一 一■ Lヽ Re= cRエ ー5} (1:LIや 111::キ AGREEMENT dated f , 」anuiry ■′ ・ = ′ 'X:IBITP:g,s 979 between EMI RECORDS , LIMITED′ CAPITOL RECORDS′ ■■36 IINC・ ′ CAPITOL RECORDS― EM1 0F Ointly and Severa■ ■y CANADA′ LTD.′ and TOSHIBAlEMI LTD. (う :Capit。 ■°)′ and MPL CO卜 lMUNICA― referred to hereina fter al ・ TIOr'.*S, INC - and IIPL TIoNs, LTD. (jointly and sevto as "MPL"). erallY hereinafter refer rT IS !{UTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOITS 2 t^tith MPL bas Previously conaucteil an audit of caPitol - resPecttocaPitol,saccountingsforsalesofpbonograph andl recordings embodying the Perfoftance of Paul uccartney April or I'lings which audit resulted in an audit rePolt dated , :j18 (the "Audit Report") ' conFor One Doffar ($1'OO) and other good and valuable sideration l'1PL on behalf of themselves' their heirs' executors' discharge successors and assigns hereby fu1Iy release and clairns Capito)., their successors and assigns from all rights' have against and actions which I1PL, its successors or assigns caDitol, its suqcAssops and assigns -a: set forth in the Audit 21 ( i:6s-M!"ccuracv or n### il i,"; :"*.'j" ,\ itb 1' s for accountj.ngs ttr{+Pl with respect to the Payment of royaltie! the individual recordings of Pauf l'lccartney and,/or l'lings through the accounting period ending DecenJrer 31' 1978' l cap 一´′ 一 ′︲ ヽ ‘ LA● ● 、 This release iS ( ■● ■■ υ 3 of 4 Pages _ ■lmited tO the abOVe and is With reSPeCt S。 le■ y to the individua■ reCordings of Paul Mccartney and/Or WingS. ThiS releaSe sha■ ■ not in any ` ` τ l]l::rti::lyp:itinifC:iinialir[Plia[::iv[iCi::lelespeily l)く 宝 ng:1雀 r』 Iy き需 I:フ 百 tO Beatle recOrdingsiof Paul MCCaltittyざ ヒ period after December 3■ , ■978. し twべ ThiS releaSe is not in any manner construed tO be an admiSSiOn of anY nature WhatSOever l● ith respeCt to the prOpriety Of Capェ t。 ■=s methodS Of ac― counting or the acCuracy thereof. This release iS not in any manner rel`ated to and Sha■ nOt Oe in any manner effeCt any Other Cla■ mS Of any nature whatSOever by Apple Records′ Inc.: ApPle COrp,Linited, Ceorge ( HarriSOn, 」ohn be an adm■ ss■ On 1 Lennon, Richard Starkey or any other third 11)Or any Party agさ inst capitO■ ′ EMI Records Limited (E卜 third Party and ヽわOC this releaSe sha■ ■ not in any manner and/。 r of ttny nature WhatsOever aS to the propr■ ety accuracy of accountingS rendered by Capitol EM1 0r any other third Party With respect theretO. ゝκ げ ( L_ド ふ ` │ ヽ ・ ( ( This shall be ( ?*:;";'n3n"" tbe sole agreement be-tween the partles with respect to the subject matter of this release- This agreement shaLl not be amendeilr. altereit, or rnodified except in writing duly executed by each of the parties bereto anil shall be binding on if,t" parties lrereto, their respective successors and assigns and is entereil into and sha1l be construed by the laws of the State of New york. . RECORDS′ INC. 工TOL RECORDS― =HI CANλ DA′ LTE HIBA― EMI MPL COM」 U101CAT■ ONS′ INC. B ヽ エ \t''tz. MPL CO】 ■lUNICAT10NS′ By \l- LTD。 irl- 」 ι《じ鵜 . EXHIBIT E l of 3 pages TQ ′ ` こ ││′ OFFICl Capib17H DATE MttMO FROM OFFICE sUBJECr: kn Wood telePhoned me from lrbw Y of Allen Klein,froin whchレ n Walked 1. to state the following results of his confrontacion 'because of the atdtude of Klein: As counterpart of EMI's using the Apple artjsts, on of Ringo Starr as rationale for the Klein says that the inclusion otW tes the Capitol,/EMl right to release /aoa"-l"/ the album as intended. its agreements with Apple. 2. Capitol has been breaking various pord 3. Klein intends to institute an audit of 4. Capitol scrapped without auttorizadon 75Q 000 Apple abums. of beginning the period September Capitol is not consuldng with Apple in re despite contrac$al obligadons. 6. Capitot is contractually obligated to get producu yeq Capitol printed 200,000 tape from the album without suthorizarion. Klein stated that Apple and tlre Beatles are willing recorded product containing a Beatle performance provided Capitol and EMI negotjate a new royalty nm to dle hgher b"bp“ msw agreed tO fo,a 宙 SiCNED: I' 1969. to clearances on press advertising' l for any cover art on Apple using an illustradon different sign an agreement recognizing any lly as a "Beatle" album; with escaladons beginning right r point in time. EXHIBIT E 2 of 3 pages API'LL RICOド む5 S′ 1'LDULE OF ll● NI〔 :r 1 11」 〔 I=:(,11 ιA「 l it ,UC T A B C Anrpcx Tapc Canad Mex i D) ian can Sa Sa les 2L 山≧ 21ir.■ュ │」 _整 11 llβ ,8'1,.80 S 105,118.79 ,,96.56 88,s12.86 les L F I'romot iorra I R(,cor :3,731.Ol 1,2,C169.39 50 ,r27 , t7 30!617.39 57 ,69:;.\7 395,837.19 dg Intercst.,(tnru 7 /3t /7, I S Duc 715,f)61.77 Scrappcd Record s Tota Due Apple ll _豊 蘊 狂 亜 ) 1,′ 112,8111.8(, or'ds ︲ノ イル ′ ︲ ` 1′ Baloぃ ce ヽ′ 一 ´ 一 ・ ○ o 餞■● い●× ・ ■ “ _ _ ExHIBIT E 3 0f 3 pages __ ー A, - Capitolrs conrputdtion shou I d be l7-i:i" of i nd icoted in the Buy-Se I I Agreerrr:nt . lit,.n,-21_la !e s I lr.r s cori.prrtcd inct,r , .", lン ・ rtr ta i I I ist I'r CC, Articlc :│, Sect idn 3. co|rLcl rate ror the period 9/l/69.through 5./30 $ldr,l18.79 as opposed 1o our figu a balarrce due Apple Rccords of $13 7i of 0, Capitol ls.f19urc,a5 of sl18,8′ 19.80 }ctav il,9 31・ Ol・ 3)立 tcd tlr.... l;lr;d ian roya I t ies 9d」 堅1-Capitol has (,il…their propos<:d.rgrdenrgnl. I lr.r c(n puted tlrc roy.'rlties on a straight ariist ro'y'alty basis r.ritl, t any t.op),ri9lrt dil'fcrent ial tor the period 9/l/69 throul,li 6/l /0, Capitolt:i f igure r,ro s .ou r f i g e <'f $til7 ,59'e .r(, lea v i ng a $tt2.2 ,969 .39 a s opposcd to balancc due Applc Rccords of S50, 7.17. C) ' Capitolrs lkrxic:rn roy;r lt i c s ' arrt('u tr ( {: d t() uscd in C.rrrircli.rn rc'yalties, $30,617.39. Us inr; Lhe sanre ha:: is h9 l;r nr.r due Apl,lc Rccol'ds ttgl&p.ff-l-e.-LS.t 凛 群ヽ 納精蒔:凱 "λ “■ D) ' . - Capit.olrs n,r.,nthly rcporting incl ici.t,-s consida det;rilr cl certificate e'vidcncing such dcstructic'n .rs provided for in Ar.t iclc ll, Scctiorr l2 antJ accordingly u,, havc bil lcd Capitol for the !c-r:lp-qd.lS-Lc:s- croble scrappings. We hove n.-rt rcc,,rived afot cnerrt iorrcd scrappcd sales. E) lfqiolj-olSl__la lgs - Art ic lc I I I Apple to scll to distributirrs, free of chargr oi ' distribution disk jockeys, radio strtiorrs, r ct idll 83 prorid..s for d iscount, rccords for rccipi*nts. press and ollrer simil.rr ctirtonr: records so distributed sccrn we are bill in9 .Capitol for thr of h The quant igh, t he re ity fore t F)mterostithru辺 蛍″2)‐ COn Klein and larrucci at r.,hich ti would pay to Apple intercst On Accord ing ly a schedulc hos liビ c has bcen accrued at a rate oF out stand in9 balancc at tlie hc ld by |lessrs s 691gs6 th.rt C.rpitol thc outstanding lralance duc. r lr|.lrdrcd t','lra relry int(.rost .,, per annun based upon the it of r'r.'r eirclr month. . DATE_ TO__ Decer,ber 9 EXHIBIT F ■ 。1 2 pages 1970 Capbl,M OFFICE MEMO FROM OFFICE_ KtEIN,/BEATLES/APPLE You each received copies of and the attachments . See my handwritten commen ts meet to revievr the "facts", the vrhat cRI did is supported by a si eil by strlc's "deal memo" and the ber 1, 1969 agreement with Apple Several of the footnotes at 's memo of Decenbcr 4' l97O the attacheil copy. You should act situation (i. e. , whether ed contract or must be supportf,nedl amendrnents to the SePtemcords, Inc. (N.Y.). eil to Kleinrs schedules are not understandable to me. Can we furnish the certificate evidencing destruction (*'D")? g the charge that the quantity Do we have any way of re of promotional records was " rdinate ly hight'? Attachment OEc 9 SiCNED: PORM :669■ 56′ ,0 1970 DATE TO OFFICE FROM OFFiCE SUBJ日 富 = lhlg 1111 coatim rrcr sEceae absut rhe sbovc dJbj€cr8' Isu ate prcgarlag detal' r back up t&e nmttly cbargca asd 1111 {ore:d t&eaq to &aor, tley 8& cfrleatllcg Yosr wttt Fou and Llord摯 霊 by seXacaton nqber to frcr scasdatd cegl asg:r !c Poeeible. As Yc,'.r tl.osg frs rdveacea for rocetYad 8ny ds.Eallod aePort. ltos ctace tlet have !ibr. 8glre ls bsvLag ecralflcoclotg prepglen to c6'!eet tbe tbcsc ccrspptsge. 9よ EDフ /′ ` "=T」 「 犠 ′ ― 一 ― 湯ヽTE ■0 _ December ■8′ EH■ XIBT ■9701 1 0f QFttCE_ 晦 C page iliゝ lT・ MttMO TROた ヽ C「 F:CE εUB」 ECr= ■ KLEIN AUDIT CLAIM 1. I have revierred cl-aims asserted by On App the tr{ood: Beatle Product: capitol Position Ie S Claim Basis S13′ 73■ .0■ App■ e S507527.■ 7 apple claims Canad.i royalties should be same U. S. pennies U. S. sales . S57′ 695。 47 S75′ 96■ .77 claims ■7-■ /22 o 244 Ampex fee . reel-to-ree Apple claims l{exic royalties should same U, S. pennies U. S. sales . the S amendnent r,vhieh vras not sicrned. Appl-e clairns that \,7e must pay royalty and pressing fee on scrapped records since vre have not certified scrapping. S395′ 837.■ 9 Apple claims should recei ey oy― alty and 1i se fees on all promo onal records s i-nce thei r r.rords it " ordinate 1y S■ 89′ 089.■ 9 Interest 7-3■ -70。 ::Iannuccュ s gh" Klein agreed oral1y (and I confirmed by letter in December, 1969) that Apple r.ias to receive 1-3-3/4? aud Capitol IO-I/42. Klein agreed in his precontract agreement that all other rates than the Str'tr prefix rvould be on the same percentage basis as tlne 58f vras on the SVI prefix. Contract provides for _ percentage. The percentage was to be included in the Contract provides Capitol will certify but Coes not specify v,/hen. Capitol is preparing cert.ification nohr. !iil-1 be ready soon. Capitol contends they have no clai.m based on their " opinion ". ェ n― ough ple claims Capibol contends no agree― ment. to ■nterest‖ DFC 10 1370 │ ],c(:t,::l● し ヽ │`i: 28′ ● n‐ EXHIBIT H ■ of ■ page ■970 ヽ ヽ ` ´ Ca「 :k)l,Ч MEMC) 「 ROII OFFICL BIiATLItS - CIIAUI\i t' Or DECEIIDftR lB , f 9 70 App]e claims that we must pay royalty ancl pressit-lg f ees on scxappcd records since wc have not certified scrapping. conunent: There is a typo in Chaumrs memo. The amount cl-ainicd is $71-5,96l-.77 not $75,96!,77. As Chaum points out, tbe contract provides for of scrappings. These are nor,r being certificatiotl detailed plepare<1 . l'he contract is silent on the timlng for deJ.ivery of iucir certificatiorrs anil I cannot think of any way APPfe j.s 1;rejucliced b)' a clelay in supplying them. I think this claim is ivit.hout mel:it to the exteDt we are able to certify to such 4. s cral:ping . ceive royalty and license in tl-reir words it t' s eems claims they shoul promotional recor:ds s fees on all 5. AppJ-e inordinatcly high". Conmtent: 19 69 provicles Sectiorr B.b. o the contract of September I, : to Distributor at quantity of Apple I s tribution free of prices to dis c record reviewers , the 1ar cus bomary recipients . The amount of discount i respecL of such promotional records shal be as set forth on (b) Apple agrees to sel clis count , an addition records hereunder for di char:ge or at special .low jocl:eys, radio stations, trade press and other s " a Schedul-e "A". SchecluLe "A" does not set for 'I understand from Burdick that it Capitol. would bear the cost of su get no spread, In any event the p to be the arrrount of the discount b involved. There is no legaI basis some of the recoLds af fegecl to be proriroLional . Burdick is having th that we know the facts. the amount of discount. as to have been a wash. Thus records ancl Apple vJould t in issue does not appear the quantity of records or such a compJ.aint unl-ess omotional were in fact not quantities looked into so Interest through July 31, 1970. Apple claims "Iannucci agreed to interest. " interest Capitol is Coment: If you agreed you e dic1, Apple is not didnrt and no one el bound, If judgment entitl.ed to interest in mY 6. S OII「 じ Pago -3- EXHIBIT I ■ of ■ page , DArE ■0 December 30. 1970 ? ・・ 」 MEM M κ F F ”O orFICE__ SUBJECiT :ヱ 窯 7“ CEMIFICAT10N OF SCRAPPING APPLE BEATLE An NON― BEATLE PRODUCT This will confirm our telePhone conversation qf Monday' December 28' Product designated as Beatle product and accoqnted for under the api:fe feacle contract may be scrapped accordiqg to Capitolrs nfi".f scrapping policies but Apple must be glven a certification that the Beatle product has been scrapped. ProducE tiesignated as Apple (Non-Beatle) prodqct and subject to the terurs of the App1e (Non-Beatle) contract may not be serapped ryichout an authori;ation in writing from an officer of Apple, or in lieu of Lhat, upon written instructions from our Legal DePartmen!. you are Lo obtain certificates of scrapping for all Beatle product scrappeci since September 1, 1969 and see that cerEificates are obcaine.l monthly for all Beatle Product scraPped in the future' also to obtain certifications of scrapping for any Apple Non-Beatle product chaE may have been accidenlall-y scrapped in the past and for any that should accidentaLly be EcraPPed in the iuture. It goes wiEhout saying that all reasonabLe precaugions must be taken to prevenE any accidental scrapping of Apple NonBeatle product in the future. You are ん4 .… 午 「 ‐ 4・ /・ 、 …F… ″ ′ギ 8gc o t lulu trt .・ ′: ‐ ` ・ ・ lル : . ―_ Cltttot tnd{alri$, lnc. I\ North Vine $rd d∵ ° m僣 9oo20,て 「 'Caぉ “ 2‐ 62" 1)“ ′ヽ 1 EXHIBIT 」 ■ of 3 pages 一 I 一 ・ ¨ “ 爾 1難 ︱ January 4, ■971 ure J.● .3mford E M E ttttted P. 0, 3ox■ .E.5. bndont甘 . D●ar 1 Bil■ 3 ta€otly teu toilard.d I ilghadub of rooc5rr &r tra €epltol " ●3 8ubltted by▲ llm ・ Co !K[r. lrrmnbl5r, f, to Lu food rnd tb. rtrratl oa tbc lr roprernccd rroy rad Yerl.qrr frlluror oo tbc ol Ceplcol co at!&r Co fppb la rrilrtdquatr rod d.u1y rrrdrr tbr tarstar fictloa ct aur obrlgr costrrct rad tbr aon- grlrrd on thalr rcbodul bgrl pcoplr for coqlr Apgh coocnoB' co our ti.aroctrl ead I to lour ta ttrLr lrtc.rlhrt oooslurl,oor t I nrnly Drrephila rrtilct d lre tbo Fendered. ●1● 1口置telソ・ llr. Irsnrleel r11l rerpondlla rbrtwar drtell rod to 3.b. rlhltton, *rtrvrr tora tr .prop rftrr full cscrorcl brt 31re bln by lrgrl rad fluactrl proph. bl rrrl?oBr. 3o lgPlth,. ●1饉 11… t● 1′ f― taanusct. "庄 lhlrr clr:hr rvrr llrrt, tgr nat r.lllt. lrvr bcco.rdr to Capftol lgplr. tart ld' th. nr to tr.tfidc drnml cbrctud bl Alln ●● L bod‐ ‐ :hlr rrary ef *rrr cry cooglrtrly hrpproptt tt 留 嘩 Drrgltc tbl lrcE lr'rt cb.ra =認 郷 970 I EXHIBIT 」 2 of 3 pages Mr. J, ●. Stanf nade of Cspltol, I ▲1len Kl● in to atroag,ty rsquett eek blo 8o do 30. any clafuoa Eo e.ra to Crpieol be properly rcr bandled by tbore lle all bcre trc lt vculd be ecllg 。 . Paε ● trcac no lntention lcrte th€rE of uklng I elro to s. ! ncltbar you nor lan lood In 3LOrt, 1■ ■■■●● 40in ha8 of Ct,ltol, he to All● n te■ ● … tht8?・ ' Sevaral of Cbe ltt rarry gs lmpoarlblc rerpoad to lnBg ltrte a raarkctlog tbcrea bc thon trno the ●113hte3■ ■dea cert● ■●ly ther● 13 clrar6e to ur of a 2 . . January 4, 1971 co口91● int3 8● ●Lould c― m■ ‐ that thtty can to rnd crpcdttlouslt le b03t qu■ 1■ ried tO do 30. ln our convlatlon thrc ly ■11,advi3ed fOr u3 aC" t0 uk r'tt'at do you eoac bY tr and alrlor tn tha auoor ul to undorltand lnd to tly. tor rlrraPlcr Klcln t' ●f 1361,353. ■n Paren‐ f,onc of u3 bavc t he 13 t8■ a 1● r and tFaCtual =in3 b● 313about gurPose for eoy ctog fio re can rccognlle. lmng Ehe 3l€ntfi'eEnt clr{qr ar€ trhote for ecraiplog,. llnder bcadtnd'r rc Eust dlffcrrnelai:c betracn tbe rcruppln6 of tcstlce tecordt rnd tlre tcrrpPtsg of qon-lcetla/Applc lccords. A6 Bo cha Eeilfei racords, Capttol har tbe rlSbt to rcrep tuch rccordr rtebout uktag &lltn. Ery- Gvsrr tLG bngrrage of, tbe esrttjst tt'tcl Sblt w n$!t msartlf,ytt r11 acrrPPlcg. Sr€ Gootraet, bc*ver, doat sot ry riran rrcb certlflcrtlon oo rhould 6l asda. ft ll eo our dtreradtt tbrt terlpplnti corttft€sttont brye war bcen t€ot to iticir'Klilo rloce sho acr coatr.€t n tourdortrksn' tcrrp' procedod rtt'h orrr rtAbt tci *r hele gE lfrli' nyt. LB itrr te belna eor:ccttd lcrtlftcatea-for prlor lcrepplng 9111 be sdrt to Kfctn3 aacoadr lrr Ghc tutunr,rcnpplng ecrtlflcrta. tdll bt'lec oa r mathly brelr. Ia EXHIBIT J 3 of 3 Pages Hr. J. G. 8taniord . . Page 3 . . January 4' 1971 prlreiif}6, 1te sn.-- IJelu noth.lng for che cgrs:i?lrg of feaife rocordE, provtdlng tre ser-rd ceti!.ftca';31 atEetEini to such ecrapplng. la hle lu{tllaryt Itetn llite G charge of $715'0OO for Beatl'! tbc rcrapglngl, llirac he lr dolng, hcre 1r reeklng ttfuli- apieadt' of pca'nenc on thele records rg lf not be€n octspPoC. lfe do oot aetuelly koo; btt charalna borta, bur tte do kaora ihat ghers rosld bc no cliar6ee due h txe onea ecrappinSl Shey bsa eerBlf,lcatce l€l''e been aupplled. As t● 3● rapp■ n3non‐ 嘲 ヽO prod“ t,Capitol詭 s no a`二Loritノ Vnder ttie n碁 4こ ontr.ct to 3Crap withOut tll● o(ay of Apple` H● 3卜 nOn‐ BCatle Apple prod“ Ct :Ittr:tittl:1)i 1驚 ::3:l[tSt::tdI:tri:111::電 :li:i Ehe eontratrJ' levcl, deeplii epeelfic[tnetrueclona tocsStO諄 ar= ate3orl_ tturnod fro、 pr● こ uct ●I tni3 ● dO● 3 [i faCt 3ot =CrIPpttF fr・ 7b ti■ lo to ti`CO do3Pite LO■ ■tメ L6ido 3o・ A130, Kle■ o neveF our ■ack oE 3■ ■ p031tiVely r● 3pOndB t0 9br reqTeSt f° r pem16SiOn ,Of● our60, Lo scraP.‐ vA`LrlJinじ t143● ,tit0 188■ ● sl6ned that tc its very ic:t Liui Xr,itn l,as nover E!ii: rlll:'! to-con- cgrr:racE [[工 ■ xiein。 ri i.i'' in iaci g'{ves li!:' 133● 露 P,=●・ ■ 1守 foFO,ず つ iEIittI 二 ::itlid ilhi:G:。 ir.」 [tiど 33tit° IIri:.:3a:I blI thi3=fi:ェ iよ 11選 illol:,::::::w::n :奮 il ::1:』 t° proaij"t-tl.ot ts rr,eie uni |rocii';t tlref l'46 been lold' 、 よ Kleto rlao lbors n Prc/not tgrc@enlr re have clc rl pionctlo;ral PurPose€ tdth or Ilcc$ae. cbe porltlon trort€verr Kla thlc ue lra i rccorr! etarl.a of ettter ro,3■ ty ●1ソ ■3 takL● 8 メ t"口 はCta '' _ .,t ,r. (..: -i' stttt Jaauarg 2(:, 1g7r 1 ヽ 1 t., ‐ 一 ―― I ヽ´ 一 ―‐―― 、 ,一 EXHIBIT K ■ of 4 pages TO OFFICF MEMO FROM OFFiCE SuBJECT: Ao a reeule of ou' ,"6glag to rde@ sectlng fortb yo*rr oplolm by Len floorl. Be alro ulced slslraq ulth our booLS o I brw r cach of tgu prepared r tbc clalnr foryarded to qr to trt ard the the three n-3 (Ctaro,!ert, baacao) fubjcct .rtEcr for catlcr refereace, coplcr of rble& rre e 盟七 聖 観 ぶ為 :弓 1霞 」 FttlttL=夕 熱贈 Gortlkgv rod laocucct not to rrk, or quefy lletn or Applc about tbe clatnr rt tblt t{8. tn typtcally lleia-rtylc .d dll cndlng ocgotletlor. bG Attachrd 1l -y optalo of e.cb ctrtr. oploioo tbe c1alnc ere by bIn lo btr o.vrr- EXHIBIT K 2 of 4 Pages pじ 0し ■じ SCRAPPED RECORDS Applc_say■ : 0) lll Scrappr:rl Rcco;'cis 工 lJ!jJ2ヽL」 ヽ 111111- ′15,`〕 61・ 77 cal)i tCll lヽ く ヽ ,“ I:│::li:│││・ 11 f ChauIII says: S75′ 961.77 Apple c3.airns that \"/e nus L pay royalty anrl pressing fee on scrapped records since vre have rroL certified s cr.rppi.rrg Conti:act provides CapitoJ. rvill- cer.Lify but cloes noL 'Ca1:j.tol specify rvhen. paring cerLification !1i11 be reacly soon. 5.s nort, pre- . Tillinghast says: ' 4. Ap〕 Plo c3ail■ s tl】 at ヽ′e must pay I‐ oyalty and Pressing fees ,ccords since 、′o have not cert」 fica scrapPing。 o,n scrap)pcd 〕 Conヽ nOnt: ThOre is a typo nca is ,7]5′ 960,77 not S75′ c]_a」 〕 96■ 」n Cllauini s rllelllo. The ainount .77. llilcliii38ry of !::ill:itili::│:││:::││:isi:li:ll::i:lili::│:i:送 neiせ aモ :1:『 │:::::[甘 :iel::hi:itlllli:1:iじ r[ellll::1 1込 nfitd:き ),き 1、 scrap,p」 ng. Accounting says: D. SCRAppED RECORDS cannot deteriline the period of tine involvec'l itr the: Aop1e scrappecl reco::iis. Since CRI will take ):;tck all CRDC of f igure rei.,rns, our c1oscst cal-culations to the j'J. is as fol lorts: I'Je SEPTEMBER 1969 TIIROUGH SEPTJl卜 IBER - Scrappefl Reduces CRDC PaY6|lte CRDC CRI - to ■970 APPIe ScrapPerl 'P,educes CRT receivable frorn J\ppJ.e AnnOunt due CItl Sl′ 953′ 219.42 Sl 237 2]8.00 iS i 716′ 001.42 DetFlin ecI C(:rtifiOatos WOu]d have tO be obtained frOm M l E Accotlnting. EXHIBIT K 3 of 4 pages RE BEATLES: A. Arnpex Tape : The signed contract vras ap ment signed by Capitol but It will probably have to future. B. arently amended by a letter agreenot signed or acknowledged by Apple. re-negotiated at some point in the Canadian Sales: Klein apparentLy is cla two things; I) that he expects to get the same American cents for Canadian sales (58c on SW) and 2) that he did not a ee to the ninimum/maximum mechanical license fee for Canada. Unfortunatel-y, 1) the mention the minimum/ ed contract does not specifically mechanical license fee for Canada; s preadrr for the U.S., but is noc (It iS built into the specifically mentioned and 2) the signed contract states the royalty in Canada will percentage. The a _(b1ank) percentages were supp。 ed to be included in an appendix or exhibit. The pre-contract pLus the acceptance b thereon (907. of bare the basis of our pos nt signed by Messrs. Gortikov and K1ein, Apple of our U.S. price structure based ord price) will apparently have to be ■on。 However, this wi 1 probably have to be re-negotiated at some point, if wish to get Apple rs signature on a contract。 C. Mexican Sales (Same problem as D。 ian sales ) Scrapped Sales Klein claims he should be paid fuLL royal-ties and license on scrapped product as if it were sold since we had not provided him with certificates of gcrapping as provided in the contrac E. Accounting is now dolng this. : EXHIBIT K 4 of 4 pages I am sure Klein wlll say there ls something wrong lrlth the certLflcates ln his usuaL manner. E. Promotional Records Klein claims he should be id fu1l royaltles and licenses On 4! promotional records, s e he cLaims that trthe quantity Of records so distributed s inordinateLy high.r' This is a ridiculous claim. We may e to shor"7 at some point in the fucure, if he actually makes such a claim, that the promotional merchandise on Beatles is no higher than on other product. Itm sure he lrill then clairn it I too high on all product. F. Interes t y interest on moneys owed Apple. He claims 工annucci agreed to this. Sal denies Klein wlLL a tempt to get thls one way or another in future nego tiations RE NON― BEATLES A. Scrapping Klein c lairns we have no authority to scrap Apple product. We have undoubtedly scrapped some Ap e product, even though we have instructed everyone not to do so. Accounting is attempting to get certificates of scrapping cover this. Klein clains he should get full royalties and Lice es as if the scrapped product were sold. tle will have to give inventory cost, I assume. You can be sure Klein will use this future negotiations. B。 Marketing Fee We C. have no idea what thls clairn is. Deviations from Standard Cos ts Apple disalLowed invoices for deviatl since no detail of the charges were was having dlfficulty in getting thls from Etandard cost hed them. Accountlng formatLon from the factories. They are now in the process f getting it. should, of course, be furnished to Apple It / / た た ¨ / July 27, 1971 /′ CFiCE_ ExHIBIT L ■ Of 6 pages W 岬 FROM___ OFFICE___ lbe Apple leatle coDtract rtates ttre folloriag: Artlcle II. 12 rGapttol nay nrehouae rccordg repurchaaed by lc ber€urder .galost futur€ orde l8 or lt nay &etroy caee for rerap, ar lt aay detennt'ne. kovlded t&at bapltol ;dU provlde Eppi"-sitf. e detalled Certtf tcate evldencing tr.rch deatructlon. ii' - Iletn elaLas Ghc certlflcale antt be rlgned by the person titneeslngn the' phyrleal deecsuctloo. -S1r r' of eoir-c. r- fe aot poaelblc la to past pcrloda rlnce lt Er aot done end ia Loprac tlcal 8r Co t$e futurc. I have tgaln dtrcuceed Cbe Eatter vlrh l{f. tilllngbact and he feele the ccrttficatl.oo of rcrapptot (8ta.ched) oeetr the requlrenenta ea Frded ln Che eoatract. Furtbernore, be raye he oade a perronal lweettgatlon of tte rcrapptog proceaa st the DCs and feels the elrrrant ccrtlfl.ctte lr tl,c only practlcrl wy. In rly opinlon re blve no other ehotce r}.aa to aslotaio our positlon thst tbe preseat ecrtlfi.crc. doea eet rbe requir--cots of tbe contract. Klein feels tbat the Beatle royalty ret€ i,s too lqr. f,e uees every srgteent he caa to lacreage tbe cffccttve roya lty rate by clainlng royaltles are due on aieslng Lu,neatory, &esi prfiotr.oosl coplea gtven free, etc. lte IcerBlficaEl.od gLatek 1r Jurt oe of thece devicee bc ures to rchievc hlr srd Lo f,utuc oegotletl,ms. _ ■■ユ ´ MEM /1 EXHIBIT L 2 of 6 pages CERTIFICAT10‖ OF SCRAPPI‖ 6 BEATLE RECORDS AND ALBU‖ S ( that the ordinary business , I nc. re vEat-ttra-tii:│:│ f ieci in the a ttached exhi bi ts ° RecorCs 11[£ 薔ギ:di:t has been scrapped Curi ng the peri od i ndi cated. rヽ /クテ :/′ ´ Edr.lard C. Khoury Vi ce President & Control I er Cap i Peri od Covereci Apri I , 1971 : tol Records, Inc. 1 1 口 x1 ヨ■ 贈憫 ポ・ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 一n卜^“︼ 0一 OH一 nHn.nH n、 6N い0﹁.一 ON 一、“ OH ︼N ム一 一一●ぃ N︼ヽ.∞ 0一 N卜員 N66.︼” n︼ トト“ ¨ヾ0.一 一“ 0一” 一い0.一︻ 0ヾ “一一 ﹂割ヨ3倒 1 ¨ せヽ卜.N いヽ^“ いい.︼ ﹂ ´”一^一 ヽい一ぃ“ 00N^︻ ^ “︻一 ” ω∞6.一 一い0.” 一卜一.H ¢●ロイO Fぼ0一Xロ F 毛 口 に は F I I I ●0こ , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ︱ ︱ 乱 1 1 い0“ “ ONO. ∞Nヾ.“ “卜一 ∞∞” n一0.“ いON.一 卜“6.N 一6N.“ 卜︹0.一 60ヾ ヽ∞ ヾいい ∞ON 一 O一0^ 0∞0 いOn^H 一0いぃ0 一︻ 66n 6 ヾ∞0. ∞い“^0 000 ヾ¨0.N O一0.ヾ 0いト ト“∞ 0〇一.n卜一 いい“ 〇0∞^ NOい.卜一 On いON^ N6︻.“ 創¶g副 割コ 刊 00い.“ 6一 ^ 9﹁n 一 ON 00n.︻ ︱︱︱ い00.N Hい 0∞一ヽ一 1︲︱ 1 ︱ 1 ︶ N 一 一 ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ︷ 一 ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ︺ I I I I I 國 “ 却 a の l u ︼ ■ ′ ビ ア 0 0 ∞一 N ︵い︻n^︻︶ NON^ト い一∞^ト ヾN6.N 1 1 1 1 1 1 ー 尉 N 一“N ∞ヾ︼ 0 ヾい一 ヾ”“ o,1 ヾn一 “∞ 0 00“ 。崎“ ︱︱︱ 一““ ∞● N 00“ 一〇 ︵n卜︶ NOo O一 ︲・・ ヾ∞” 一ト ー 1 1 1 ︵ “ ヾ︻ ヾ“ ︱︲I N“ ““ 一 ︹“ H“ ︱︲︱ ∞一 ∞N IIl n︻ o“ N N一 一 ・︱・ 0 ぃ0 ‘︲・ 0ヽ 0 ∞ ,・0 0N “ 卜一 ∞ ︱‘︱ り 崎 i‘︱ ∞ H︻ ︱︱I N“ ト 一 O N“ ︱︲1 0 い一 ︱‘‘ ゛” ““ ︼ n一一.0一 一一 ぃ ︱︲1 0ヾ0 On “ ︱‘︱ ヾOn^∞い N“ いい0.い ON ︵N一︶ ︵00︶ ヾ0一.0“ 日“ 一一 、ぃ0 一 “ OnN ヾ“ ︲︲︱ 卜ヽ卜 、n H Ne ∞N N ヾヾ ︼由 N 一 一 ¨ ¨ ¨ 一 一 ︷ ¨ 一 一 ¨ ¨ ¨ ︵い00︶ ∞03.” n“0 0 ︼一N ︵ 00い︶ m一n. ヽひN ︼n ︼ ∞卜︻ 1﹁ ︲ ︲ 1﹁﹁引洲 劇■ ︲ ︲ ︱︲ 11=い ﹁ , 、 ﹁l ﹁ ´ ﹁ 声 od %, J ︵ イヽ ︲. 劉 調朝 謝 l 1 目目 目I ] ヨヨ 1 甲臨 闇 ぽ 硝 鋼 珊T圏 ︲ 一 一 ¨ 一 一 ¨ 一 一 ¨ 一 ¨ ^ 一 一 ・ “ 。 ・ ・ いN︶ H ヽ︵ ∞い0. ︵ 0︶ ∞●卜. “ ︵ “︶ N “いヽ. ︲ 割 司 l g刊 ︱ 1 歯 ∞ヾn n“ヾ^ Oい︼^N ON一 HOい ∞00 卜On^ “ ∞一ヾ ︻ ∞∞一 0い一ぃ 0︻0.︼ 一ヾ0 N∞い 00ト ONO.N 一卜ヾ 1 1 一0“ 一“6.一 N“ 113 1‘︱ ∞0“ ぃ 一ON OH● N ●“ ︱︱︱ ︱︱︱ ∞6N “n “ヾ一 0一 III II1 0ヾ 〇0 ∞6N On ‘︱︱ ︱︱︱ ヾ一 ぃ ヾ ONO ︼ n“ ∞ 111 111 一∞ ^ 0︻一 ヾON 一 ︼“ ︱︱︱ ︱︱1 0H一 ぃ ヽ“N ““一 0 一 ●‘︱ ︱‘︱ 卜︼α ヾ0“ 0い︻.H 一ヾ lll lll NO︻ 0一“ 0“6.H 卜劇 〓〓︱ ︱︱︱ ゛H“ 0一 ∞一O AN ︱︱︱ ︱‘︱ ∞︻ III N∞ n 卜ヽ ON一 ∞ ︰︱︱ ︱‘︱ トト ..︲ nN ヽoN “一 ︱︱︱ 〓︱︱ 、N “ 卜ON O∞0.一 ヾ ︱︱︱ ︱︱︱ 、ON ︲︱︱ 、 60 N卜0 ∞ ︰〓1 111 60 ︲〓. ぃ 一0一 “0い “ 一 ‘︰︱ ︱︱I N綺“ 〓〓︱ ぃ ぃ 111 00N ︵いぃ、 0︶ 0∞0 n l‘︱ ︱︱︱ ︵0︻卜︶ 0”ト ぃ ヾ︶ 00い 0 r‘︱ ︱ ︱ ︵Onヾ︶ 卜∞0 ∞N ︵6崎︹. , ^ メ“一 nNO n 3n卜.“ 111 0い ヾ N 卜0日 ^ OOn ヾN∞ N ヾ卜n ぃ, 0一 60 ,︱︱ ︱︱︱ nヽ いヽ卜 一N︻ 111 ‘‘1 09 一 ^ い∞︼ ヾ0∞ “ ON“ 〓︱︱ ︱︱︱ 一、“ 0 ^ “∞ヾ ON∞ ヾ ヾ∞ ︰︱︱ ︱︱︱ 卜、ヾ ヾ 一∞ 0いヽ 一6 ︱‘︱ ︱︱︱ ∞卜 ぃ 。 00︻ 0∞卜 、一 ︱‘︱ ︱︱I NO︼ 6 ^ 6onぃ 0一 0ヽヽ 一卜一 一Nn ^ いい∞.6H ︹︹0.いぃ“ 卜0“ ヾ ^ ∞ 卜∞卜ぃ0 い∞ヾ 0∞ 、“0. 一一 NOい.∞ 0“い.ヾ 一〇0. ぃ い︻︼ ︵66∞.Oヾ︶ い00 “ヾ r a\a.1(t r r..a ats. 一 一 一 ¨ 一 一 一 ¨ 一 一 一 一 一 一 ・ ︶ ・ ︵ O卜“.6 卜一6.0 N一0.H 一崎ヾ.ヽ 0“卜.= 0∞0^“ ヽヾいぃ 0一 ^ ヾ︻N 一〇 0いい.0ト 一〇 一ヾ ´3︻^ヽ 一0“ On●^N ∞一 ヽ ∞0崎 N ぃ ヾ00 0一“ ∞0い.∞一 い0一^︻ト いONぃOn ︻“0.卜ヾH ミ長コ│││││ 0` t = ` ‖ 0( 滸 [[u 4 呵 ︲︲ 劇 = 。 Ч 劇 ︱ ∃Ц 日 OC︼cr“りo“ ︻到 卜∞0.い0“ 0““ぃN一 Nヾn^い0 い0い.︼n“ 0一“.n ∞い ヽ︹0.N n劇N.ヾ ∞∞一.0 “ い00. “卜一.” ^ 一0︻ 一 いヽ卜.α 000.ヾ い0一.一 ONめ,N 一0﹁.“ いON.一 い0い。一 0日一.“ 一 Nヽ6. 〇0ヾ.N 一0︹.一 ぃ ヽ0一 0一 N卜n^Nヾ“ ●卜“ 一い0. 卜一∞.一 ヽい 00N.ト Nい ■コー 日ヨ剛 ” ヾ00.““ 一●H. ぃ ヾ “綺0 0“ 卜一0. 一ヾ 0ぃ0.、 い一0.N い0い.ぃ 0一 ONN Oい0. ︹∞“ ︼い卜.N“ N ヾNn.∞ 0︼0ぃ ∞卜一.6 ∞い0.∞ a∃ 副 いNO .“ ヾ∞H .“ nO“.“ ヽ日ヽ 0いn .一 “卜一 あ卜一 .一 0卜一 一一ヾ ・ “い0 一“● .“ ぃ 00∞ 0 ぃ ●●︼ 0“ ONO .“ 。 一いい N い0一 .一 0い0 ●卜N .H ^ ヽ﹁ヾ ●00 呂 0NN .い0一 ^ 崎nつ ∞い ﹁引副 ヽい0 .“ヾ ●側 “一 ”口“´ 0卜n“ ・ ●nn” ∞ヾON ∞nn劇 い00N ONN● ∞0一N O∞●N 卜一●一 ●●”“‘“0 “0一 ●00n O“”n 6“卜n “いOn 卜一nn Anぬn O一ヾい りヽヾい ヽ0口n 一一︹n 卜一0一 いいヽい い︹Nn ヾnNn NNNn Oい︻n N︻“6 00〇一 い0一” 一0一N ●0卜N enO” ︼︹ぬN 00●劇 0卜一一 0一︻N OいON 一n∽“ 0︹∞︻ ON∞一 ∞N∽一 ヽN∞一 一 ● 一 S e g a p rv ∞“ ∝﹁ 4 いい一 “ 一 ︶ ヽ 一 一9劇 nト ・ 二一 ′ ∞一 H” ト nい0 ︰ ︵ ー ︱ 乱 ー ︱ ︵︱ 1 ︱ 1 ︵ 1 ︱ 1 ヨ 1 1 1 1 冒 ︰ 一“ ヾ n 00N 6一 ヨ ︵ ︲ ︱ K剛ヨ 尉1 亀¶ ゴ 可 ︰ ー 0﹁ ︱ ︱ 1 1 ︱ ﹃ 景 1 1 ︲ ︲ 割 ︲ ︲ 創 ﹁ 副■ ︵ 1 ︵ 1 ︱ ︵ ︱ ︵ ﹁ 書 計 判 ︱ 1 尋 ︲ ︲ 一. ● 一 ﹂ C r ● , l 瑚 = 尉 ︱ 一 潮 ﹁ ︲ 副 日 ﹁ 1 1 ︲ 劇 劉 ﹁ 劉∃ ﹁ J可司 l ︱ 刊 ︵ ︱ ︵ 1 1 1 . . ¨ ¨ ¨ 一 ﹁ ﹁ 一 一 ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ 一 一 ﹁ 一 ¨ 一 一 一 ¨ ﹁ 一 ¨ 一 一 一 , 1 1 ヽ ・ 1 1 一 1 劃 ・ 1 ヨ ゴ ﹃ 可 1 司 到 ・ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ 一 ﹁ ﹁ ¨ ﹁ ¨ ﹁ 一 ¨ ¨ 一 一 ﹁ 一 ¨ ¨ ¨ ﹁ ﹁ ﹁ 一 一 ﹁ ¨ ¨ 一 ︼ 一 ﹁ ︺ ´ ¨ ¨ 一 ︶ 1 gD ﹁ l 1 ・円 1 ︵ 副 劃 ﹁ 割 J Ч 劇∃ 刊 ︵ ︲ ︲ コ ‘﹁ コ ■ C H C ∞ “夕 ●0 レ n , 一 ´ ン ↑一 ﹁ ∞ C “CC ¨” o “ 目剤引 日 一 翻﹁﹁翻 ﹁一 ︵ 一0い︶ ︵ ヾ︶ ヽ ︼o コC ● ︲ 副 出 創引 劃 創 出 日 割 コ J 靴 割 ﹁ q 釧 一3酬 . 1 1 ︰ ︵ n “ト ︵ い︶ “00^ 0ひい、 ● 0︻︼^N一 〇〇0. ︵ 0い0.卜︶ 0一〇 〇On 00ぃ 一一 一 〓 ■ ■●〓 一 ﹁ 一 一 ¨ 一 甲﹄ ∬ 冤 瓦 P 躙 ルr プ ︲ ︲︱ ﹁L〓J ︲︱︲︺ J﹁﹁LdJ︲ ﹁﹂ ﹁´︲︲︲´︲ c ダ﹂﹁ , n螢 彗F凛 騒ヨ : R =雲 料 総 " ` u刊 ︱ N l ︱ ﹁ ︲ ︰ め︻い^ヽヽ ヾn“ On Onc. 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Ec rsks tb.t tor purpooar of enlng rp rltl ::置 L電 露 =』=計 ng・ r raro er glrc lt c:raful ttudy conccratag tht mSpOn3e tO App■ e・ 3 COnte3Cted tO be batt ln th● … Lc■ orum L:12i1971 ● ´ ― = Apple ● EXHIBIT M 2 of 3 pages 〓 SCHEDULE OF ● 一 A B ・ C Per capito■ Canadian sales 3/31/7ユ S180■ ′ :■ 5 Mexican Sa■ es ■2/3■ /70 ■25,4 .97 Ampex Tape 6/30/70 ■■8` D) Sc4ipped Records 9/3O/7O E) Promotional Records 9/3O/7O F) ェnterest (thru 7/3■ /70) C) 9.80 740,095.0■ 44′ 944.8■ ■05,■ ■8.79 Ba■ ance S 6■ Due ,■ 03.■ 4 80′ 508.■ 6 13,731.0■ 7■ 5′ 96■ .77 395,837.■ 9 ■89,089。 ■9 Advertising (Beat■ e Trade Ads) )摯 n づ RECORDS INC. ES DUE FROM CAPITOL TLES PRODUCT Lennon,/Plastic ono Band Credit 24′ 050.58 60■ ,960.91) ヾ 978」 ,20.■ 3 App caPitol' Emounted to $105,118.79 for June 3O, 1970' This comPuta roya1ty. The correci rate s list price indicated in the C) Ampex Rovalties -- EXH■ BIT M 3 0f 3 pageS ● computation of AmPex royalties e period 9/L/69 through ion was based on an incorrect ould be I7t4/" of loj% of retail -SeJ-I agreement, Article II, Section 13. tage eguals $118,849.80, Our figure using the above leaving a balance due Apple have not receiveil subsequ ords of ,■ 3,73■ .0■ . We ccounting. indicates D) Scrapped Sal-es -- Capitol's monthly reporting received considerable scrappj-ngs. Hovtever, we have not detailed cerpificltes evidencing such destruction as trovided for in Article 1I, section 12 of the Buy-se11 E) Promotional sal-es -- ● . Art le III, SectiOn 8B Of the ' Buy-Se11 Agreement Provid ' utors, at a discount, rec or at special l- ow Prices record reviervers, the tra recipients. The quantity inordinatelY high, theref . these records F) for Apple to Sell to diStrib― ds for distribution free of cha:-ge o .disc jockies, radio stations, e press and other similar customer of records distributed seems re, we are billing caPitol for . versations were held bY Messrs. Intercst (thru ?/3I/7O) that Capitol Klein and lanucci, at wh ch time it vras 'agreedbalances due' would pay to APPIe inter t on the outstanding AccordinglY, a schedule as prepared vrherebY interest has been accruecl at: a rate outstanding balance at retail sales Price 3/3■ on a 5% per annum based uPon the e end of each month-' -- Capitol has increased their f $ albums bY $1.00- This adjustme:rt should be r Iected on the PhYsical inventorY ent sales. However, We feel that aL 3/3L/7I and on subs s shculd be biJ-ied ac che $4) 96 returns on all $4. 98 a price and not the incr ased price. REC・ │_1/10‐ ill ― S715 961.77 (Page 3)― 29-71/1:1 人′ EXHIBIT N ■ of 2 pages (a) Tl^re charge made ($715,96L.77) is for all Beatles records reported as scrapped at the trprofitrr Apple would have nade if each of them had been sold. is said to be I'same as non-BeaElei'i, save thac Apple is not entitled to the vinyl scr:aP sinee Capitol absorbs che manufacturing cosE, but Apple would be ent:'-tled to any resale in the secondary nrarke! on so ie sort of a formula (b) App1.e's posiElon It should be recognized that st.atement is much too broad. (1) Beatles records are the property of CRI and it has no legal obligation !o hold on to any guantity if in CRIrs judgment they are surplus in the market place. (2) Since they are CRIts property there obviously is no obligation to account for the scrap value. (3) Although Applers position speaks as if Apple had scme rr'.ght to require CRI to seek vrhat Apple t s representatives call- a I'secondary rnarkeLl Seider at the meeting sEated tliere is a ga-, iir Ehe contr.i.rc, Actuai-ly in'ha t he shoul-d have said is ti',at CRT is in control of marketing and has no obligation to dispose of Eeatl-e records at disEress prices. (c) Applers positioir rr'ou1-d, cf coi:rse, incl''-ide the cont:ntion that ir CI{I cannot reasonably establish that particular recorcis we::e actually scrapped (destroyed as records?) ti-ren CRI must pay Apple as if CR,l- had sold these records. (d) Klein does not consider the certificates furnisheci b1as co::1p.ileni eviclence that the records :lnvo1ved l.:ere aci'"laii]' Cll.I scrapped. Note: Paragraphs (e), (f) & (g) following are same as vre said re non-Beatles Apple on pages 2-3 supra. (e) As in the case of non-Beatles, Klein vascillates about how the actuai scrapping c oull-be proved. (1) talks as if the presence of Apglers representarive as each record is destroyed is essentiaL. Sometimes he (2) other times he recognizes that isnrt feasible but ( sounded like he r,ran ted the opportunity to have someone there if he chose although recognizing such representatives would not be present. S upra ' ': a \ EXHIBIT i (f) He N 2 of 2 pages REC: i1l10-29-7L/L:.1 said several tin,es thaL the quantities desi-gnated t'scraptt are very large and lie expressei concerl.. chey r^'ere going out the back door of DCts before actually scrapped. REC asl<ed if Klej.n had anytfring to sr:,bs tant cern in that regard, Noching rvas fortircoming. i... Ee his con- (g) There are tr"-o ideas in here r.dr ir:h find no s,ipporr in either agreemen t (1) Klein suggests that the present marketing set up is too resErictive and results in scrap of unnecessary qllantiEies: Apple presses 100.000 recr-rrds and exhorts C-dI to put them in the stores. CRI is unable to get thern Itexposedrt. Appl-e ts product never Bets inEo channel-s of trade and unnecessary que.ntities are therefore scrapped. ( But if Klein coul-d jump in and help with the sales efforc larger quanti-ties wou1d be exposed. E.E. a telephone call- to Handler,ran might get trin to buy and expose notrii ths tand ing he curned dorvn ti--e recoril to CRIrs represenLalives. s very careful not to introduce Ehe of uncollec Eibi li ty of sales of such product. Applets representati\:e r'rouid Co j,i "for Capitolrs accountrr and presumabiy only to people Klein rr'a element CRI f ounci credit-vorthy. (2) Klein also suggests that before Beatle records are designated scr;rp and destroyed Apple should be given the privrlege of of th.errr in the 'rsr:coricigry na::l<etr'. F.EC pointed out CRI is the exclusive distributor and thj-s therefore introduces a whole new element for negotiation. Note: . ( him of discussions re disposition and the demand for fu11 publ-ishers fees, eEc., that woul<i give Apple a profit and CRI nothing, Chaum reminded EXHIBIT O ■ of ■ page V TO___ f‐ 日C[_ Capitol. MEMO IC3"t口 h`=“ │=:│● 口 ,lll kJ__ OFFICE_ ALLEN XLE工N ■. On December ■5′ ■97■ (ati2100 in the morning)during our Bangla Desh negotiations London′ Klein had a handwritten note vhich nas prepaled Lntt lt to on6 of the proposed er.hib Ist百 毬 :::露 呈 rD:ξ h電 :itting ment relating to shririkage of t Bangla Desh Laventory.r The side letter relating to eh reference to ahrinkage included ざ露 (翼 島 量 :il覇 2. the couree of Degotiatl.ons, KleiD Per-=. nlttedl Ee to aee his notes and I copied the following inforna- 11)臨 a. There are four Ltens finally reaolved. (I) tiXlein desireg to have are8 lems to be nutually resolved ratl.onal probleros " in the lttre expression past lras apparentl meant to Klein ttre day to A11 operatlonal tory, proDotion and ad- day marketing, t vertiaing problerns (2) Finallzation of the Apple Callf ornla,/Capitol ;non-Beatle rlpple product. contract relatlng (3) An lncrease ln ttre effeCtive Sep ノ product royalty of, (4) b. PayDent by Capitol taken La t}e o yt,t'tr;,,, i レ ″ /rr` ユ′ ■97■ . C` ¨ レ︲7 卜 4 ・ ︲′ ロ ト . ト 降 ﹂ ピ A 、 ノ ー tlon: unauthorlzed deduction3 tings. In return for a Eutual resolution of tlre four out3● raP′ < l2l raive Applare clalla (3) Yaive Apple ! a claln ({) raive Apple'g claln ahr!.nkage ; (5) ral,ve lnterertr Applere clalm a narkeUlng feet excesa prorotlonal records t and く SICNED: ●●● 1● │ILI REV :● t,′ '0 “ FEB 4 197ど EXHIBIT P ■ of ■O pages ヽ iapito:Rec`rds.:nc. 一/ 3'O Avcnue or the Amerlcas 、 ●■ YJk.,"w York 10019 ■1● phone 1212'757,470 / ヽ in Crtilol lndlltrilt C!!lf rnt c/o ABI(CO Industries, Inc. 1700 Broadway New York, New York 10019 、、 ︲、 ︲ 、、、 ︲ 、 、 ︲ . 、、 、、 ︲︲、 、, ︱、︱ ヽ Apple Records, Inc. Gentlemen: February 3, ■973 \ March 22nd and 23rcl of 197i, representatl.ves of Apple Records, Inc., a Nerg York Corporation (r'Appler') net with representarives of Capitcl Records, Inc. ("Capitol'!) and arrived e,t the oral agreements described in this letter. On 1. The written contract betlreeri Apple and Capitol of September 1, did not specifically provide that the mechanical license fees for Apple albuns sold in Canada nould be no more and no less than 24 cents. elpfe ana Capitol- oraL1y agreecl to thait provisicn and that Capitol owed Apple $9,679.84 for deficiencies in copyright pa)ments from Septernber 1, 1969 through Decenber 3L, L971. \ 1969 \ Implementing that agreement, Calitol paid that arnount to Apple by including lt in a check for 936,218.85 sent to EIII, l'!ay f8, L972. I the subsequenL pa)nents have been aforesald oral agreemcnt. 2. The Capitol- Record Club had #d" Uy sold,\in Capitol in accordance viih Ganada and the United States, some Apple recordings notniths contract of Septeriber l, 1969 and Apple would be entitled to be of the vholesale price prevailing .\ in the United Kingdon.' Said royalty amounLed to $3,243.05 d3rrough August 31, 1971, paid to Apple by credit rnemo #98 datefl llay 31, 1972 as shor','n on tlre May 3L, 1972 statement transmitted to E)II (with copy to Apple). and r,ras. 1 Said royalty fron Septembe'r L, L97L tLrough Decembcr 3L, L97L . for the United States and Ca)radian Record Club'pales aricunts to $L1943.87 and that sum is included in tlre check enclosed \erervith. \ 3, Capitol aud Apple agreed that in corr,put[rrg U.S. dollars payable to Apple in connection rrith Apple recordings rnanqfactured and sold in Canada, thc conve::sion rate fr.rrn Cairadian to U.S.\ dollars rvould be the opening rate of exchar"rge quotcd by tlre Bank of Arn\i:ica hrtcrnaLional i-n Los Augeles on the'day of palr:rent by Capitol to Aflple rather than thc like \l '\ -1‐ EXHIBIT P 2 of ■0 pageS 3. Continued by Capitol's Canadian licensee to p The amount due APple as a resulE of that agreerDent througt t amount is included in the Decenber 3L, L972 is $23,103.69'and is enclosed indicating the basis enclosed check. A detatled analys for this adjustment. rate prevalllng on the day.of Capitol. The conversion will be used by Capitol rate as so tember l, 1969。 for the duratLon of out contract of 4, As of January L, L972, Capi 1 is not responsible to Apple fo! sales of App1e recordings in llexico. Prior to that date, Capitol was so responsible and was required to repo quarterly basis even though Capitol Mexican Licensee. The significance o not knorv the rate of llexicin tax until As a result the tax had to be esrinat flgures through D€c ember 31, 1971 are $9,599.29 as an over deduction by Capi amount is included in the encLosed Mexican sales to Apple on a not then been pald'by Capitolrs this fact is that Capitol would the pa)rment was actually made. and corrected 1ater. A11 of the knor"n and Capitol orves Apple l from Apple royaltie,. That ´ 一 一 一 一 一 tO t71thh01ding by the }lexican A notarized certlficate attes goverrment, and the amount thereof, wi respect to sums payable to Apple December 3L, L97L is attached. for the period from September L, L969 certifieates by the Mexican government si,nce is Ihere are no equivalent government include, without breakthose certificates issued by the Mexican pressing fees. out, other artist royalties and Capitoll 5, Capitol for itol had accounted to Apple ed and sold by Arnp ex. and Apple agreed that correctly for all Apple records manufac to1 was entitled to a credit 6. Capitol and Apple agreed that mLsccllaneous charges of ,1,928。 20 and that anount has been deducted from the enc1osed check. Transmission by Apple to nfi of enclosed Capitol check No. 10644 in the Apple (or r:etention of the funds by Apple) of the oral agrecnents described. Very t funds represented by the $32,718.65 for the account of 11 conf i.rm Applers acceptance of yours, EXHIBIT P 3 of 10 pages ( Recor! club igltltt to L2l3l7L) a;;;il." conversion Rate to 12131 Me:<ican Royalties, Cash l{ithheld .$ 1,943.87 Itl6g 23,LO3.69 9.599.29 $34,646.85 to 31/71) Less lliscellaneous Charges Oved by $ r.928.20 to CaPitol Balance ?aid lterelrith in lheck #1 ヽ ヽ ヽ ヽ ︱ 、 ︲ ノ 、 ︲ ︲ 、 ソ ︰ 、 、 -3- EXHIBIT P 4 of ■O pages ヽ DATE Feb W TC______‐ ,F′ CapFtole ‐ 、CE MEMO AC:IIt“ い 3=Com14 `I`● FROM___ □ CI OFFICE []CRI Baot 5 The attached schedul-es reconcile the figures reached in the settlement proposed at the Apple meetings in New York in March of L972 and sent to Apple attached to my letter to Joel Silver of May 2, L972 with subsequent pa),'ments and accruals to and including the two checks dated February 3, 1973 accompanying the February 3, 1973 letters to Apple (one Beatle, one non-Beatle) over TilLinghastts signature. Note: I understand these two letters were retyped in on 2-5-73 over Mr. Menonts signature. 「 0● M '6● ●L RF■ ● 11′ 7● New York 謝 で‘ ﹁ゴ ヨ 渕 ミ ゛ 、IL﹂︶ ﹂ ︲ 。 。 ヾ 。 “ 、 〓 だ 0 同 囃 H ” . ¨ 円 一 ﹁ ¨ 神 坤 坤 ” ¨ ﹁ ” ¨ ¨ “ 珀 沖 ﹁ 沖 ” ” i . ︵ 可副 利 J =卜︲H一︰NH︵ヾN・ 0ヾ∞. H︶ ﹄¨““﹂肛 ¨﹂¨¨¨中 ・ 一一H︶ 自 ﹁ , N︼ ︲ , N日 ︵劇0 σ O いつ ● ∽ い0. いnヽ.ト 誰=邸 く ■卜い.00卜^“ヾ 00.ヽ一∞^ 0日 HO. 0∞∞^∞∞ 一 いN. ヾHH. 卜H の 0卜. 一Hい.6ト 報 N崎. 0卜●.ヾト 一ヽ︲一ntN︼ ヾN. 0一∞^ H ”卜︲︼n︲N︻ 0ヾ. 0∞い^ n ︱ ︵ 一N. 0いい.0 一0.00“.ON nヽ00︼ヽ 〓oO〓0 一●〓 一ヽIH一‘ヽ“ 卜∞. nヾ0ぃ “ “ N 卜 ︲一 0 Nヽ ︲ O C ●ε O一 ● 一∽ ” 卜 ︵日 ● C ︼ “ ︶ , よ驀芋 ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ 一 ¨ ¨ 一¨ ¨ ¨ ^ 自 o ” “‘ H 一 EO .く .ミ● 、 ︱ Ч 副 耐 ﹁ ・ 0∞. NNO. N日 の いヽ. ∞鷹ヽ^ HHH一 ¨納﹁納訥沖”﹁”﹁日圏 ︵ N卜︲〓0,H ︵ 0卜. 0一0^ nト ︵ ︵ い0. 卜 一卜︲Ho,N= 一nヽ^ “ ¨ ¨ ﹂ 釧 劃 酎 副 =¨ 一 一 ¨ 中 ¨ ¨ 一 ¨ 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 ■■劉■醐 qコ副引渕 ´ 事ヽ一 〇0卜 ︼ヾ 00 卜H∞^0日 一い 0∞∞^∞0 ● C 0● く , べ ヽ ︲ H 一 ・ N一 o ● ⋮ 洲謝Ⅷ 田謝Ⅷ 〇 一 C0 N卜︲一0,H N卜︲H一〓H N卜︲HO︲H 日ヽ︲●0︲い 日ヽ︲00,い い0‘00︲い 甘 ■0﹄ つo ぃo α o L● つ o “ ︼ 0● o 卜 in l N 出 ︼ ¨● 5晟 ● cっ 0自 ‘ 〓 o ● o O ●Z ● 0 “● 0 ︼Ч 囀J ︼ 0 0 X O 。● く 。い υ∽ ︼一 ´ 0 “●一o■ E O “ 弓 “oい ∞ C =● Ho‘ ‘ ●一〓 X “︻ ∽ 00コ ●0●︼一C00 0H一qoロ ∞LO一H OHOC一5。”一● ∽o¨︼●‘υ ‘ ∞ “O CO臓 , C 〇 一 ● 一 0‘ 〓 一 ヨ X ●い o 9︼X Oた 。ヾ ︱● oHu ︼ 一 、 oO “ C引 ● H o‘ 工 “︼〓 X Oい 0 ●““ C L 00 C “ ︼ 一 ”C 、9 。一 , 〇 一 o︼ 0> , ● 0 ●0 1 0 , HO ●● 0 00“ .N oっ 0 ● C Ce、 ●飩 ● ” 一 5“ 0“ H“ “0い 一● “● “ C C〇 一 ● ■∞ “ ︼、 Q o 9 一 ¨い 9 く“ H Z 0 9 ロロ い イロ “ ¨0 一う 0 ∞ =● OZ ,“ ‘ oEス ●ヽ ︼ O Ч J 00コ げ oぼ 一 0● “ ● C O● O H 一” o● ,C OZ H ” 一oい 0一 ●0 0 H O “0 ● 0っ こ ∽ ︼0 日 ● 一 oト “ C H o ﹁● ● 0> o‘ CO C C O日 .ヽ ゅ“ 口 ● 0 0 H∞ C = ∽ 一 ” ● 00 .∞ 一“ ● ● C ● 一 ∽ ● o ● Ч EO 一 ● ● 一> ● ∩ い 一 〇 O H ● 卜 N∞ 自 C O C C O口 ヽO C0 0メ oン 一 , ¨︻ 0 く“ ■ 2 0 0 ●い い く● ∞ ・Z O Z い 0 ,日 10 日 Ч o 一 C OE O ︼一 一 9∽ .︼ a o■ O oZ ● C OE卜 ●ヽ ︼ 0﹂ 一 ∽ υっ r ω“ , X O 。L く .” ● コ 一0 .い い 0 ∞ ︼ ヽ C OC o‘ 0 ● 0 0■ 0● 0 “0 .ξ , oっ 0 ● C OEス ● ヽ “ ● H● “ o“ H● 一O H ¨o● ヨ “ヽ‘n,N Чo ∽︼0一Jo口 ”U“ ●CO●OH一●00 0Ha。く ︱劃コ鷹J尉剖ヨ樹到コ馴J司日割 L o ﹁ ︼ヽ ● ﹁”● N卜︲=n,H ヽ”〓 “oЧ ●CO●Ooo一O C〇 一0 二O NトIH一in 訓 d 司 引 ︱ n∞. 一︻゛ぃOo0 “oЧ 〓00■O C︼ ●o■ 一OC︼ N卜・∞=‘n ●一. いヽ0. い 0 ヾ∞ いヽ0^ い 0 一卜︲Hn︲N日 , ヽミ:、 CH ︵ くいヽ.′ ヾ日. 0∞0. 卜6︶の ︵ 0∞いぃ N卜︲0一︲ヾ ︵ 一H. ヽ0︶0 N卜ヽ0日ヽ0 000. ﹄o﹂︵ ヾい0 0‘O C“ 0 コ“υC“︵ ´ 〓0 一 ∞ヽ N 卜 ■o m ︲● ,N ヽ卜ヽnNヽヾ 00●, 00 N ヽ ︲ ︼0 ,綺 い 0. Nめ卜.0 “o﹂︵ N卜ヽ Oヾ. Nm卜^ 0 . y00‘o Ca ●●0っ=oc“︵ 0卜ヽ N卜 ︲ H O ,0 め 0. 0い0^∞H“の 一6 一nn. ω“H0 666 卜一.一ヾい.H 0 調刊 臓憾 E ほ 00. 0∞ヾ.︹ 、0卜 Hヾ . . 、 一 ¨ 一 ¨ 一 ・ 一 一 o n∞.一0∞ N一.卜An^H 一 ︻ 呵﹃=到”刺︱︱︱︲ 。 こc n 〓oo一0︶ 口●一oい ( ヽく pages ■0 5 of ・ ・ EXHIBIT P 6 of ■O pages :NDUSTR!匡 S,:NC. 画 1700 BROADWAY,NEW YORK,NY loo,9′ TEL(212)582‐ 5533 S d 2︶r n 0 ・■ C t e t R 5 ・ ^ ■ 3 帥a , ad2 3 C y ■ n r e a e , Enc 1o sure s ^ Z ^ 5 e 7 t y 9 a r l d ee r 。。 n t ﹄ b ] a t t i a ”・ et t rg AK: yours , truly Very ( 3 m 7 b m 9 u ・ d s 睦[I匡 麗 EXHIBIT P 7 of ■o pages NコV YORK T10N OF Amount Dre Per caPitol Per Letter of Feb ry 3, 32,7■ 8.65 ■973 Amount Per APPLe . 2 8 9 。 ・ 6 5 Mexican Rovalties (See Schedule rr). . Artist Royalty Escalation s/L/72 - 1z/21/zz (see schedule rrr) Balance Due AppLe Reconc 4 8 8 0 7 6 8 ′ ︲ ︲ ︶卜 L 。 ︲ 2 6 8 Copyright Royalty 5TA0-3363 Canadian (See Schedule I) 278′ 786.63 246′ 067.98 1 I I 32,7■ 8.65 il iation ヽ 1 t´ クル■,ノι / ブ″」71,tご マ サイ ハ /´ ヽ ,` EXHIBIT P ` = 8 of ■o pages Lapil:,t i'iecords, lnc. .Lre.urv,i ' Ttp ond 6c:rerel Oflices ceiirotro*", itollywood, Calif otn:a 90028 -Teleohone 1213, 4G2-6252 11` Cap:d. 112,it,1い es Compaly =1“ “ February 27th ■ 973 Apple Records ' In c. A New York CorPoration 1700 BroadwaY Ner^, York r New York 10 Genilemen: APple Records ' Inc . a New York corPoration ("Apple‖ Records' Inc. ( Capitol" ) are Parties to a Capitof and presses contract dated September 1, 969 under vrhich Ca-PitoI McCartney′ PauJand distri-butes records reco ded by John Lennon, j as George Harrison and Ringo St r ("Artists" ), oin tly "The BeatLes" and as individ ls, (the "Contract" ) . Certain disPutes ha ar■ sen betrveen CaPitol and App1e a copy of which is ■973′ and by letter d-ated Februarl' attached hereto, CaPitol tende ed to Apple a check in the sum ) 4-,1 //" . ,"n I -.1, " ): of $32,7f8.65 in setllement of those disputes. Capitol and APPIe trave agreed that Capitof is indcbtecl ′867.84 and App■ e hereby to Apple in the further sum of said amount. of a check acknowledges receipt the disputes betlveen the In comPlete s e ttlemen t agree: hereby Apple parties , capitol and 1973 to APPIe 1. CaPitol's letter f February 3' sets forth correctfy on Records' Inc. ' a Nel'I York corpora agreements of the Parties. 2. APPIe acknowl-edges that John Lennon is an the contract exclusive recording artistgl"!Ifor EI'1I mited under 1967 . 26 January Linited f between the Artists and ' made heretofore cor<1ings Apple further acknowledges that aIJoffered are recordings embodying a perforrnance of John Lenn to Capitol- under the Contract and tha aIl recordings hereafter nade, through January 27, 1976 embody g a performance of John Lennon will be offered to Capito under the Contract. ―■― EXHIBIT P 9 0f ■O pages es to pay Apple the Prices the Contract v,'ith resPect to sts released after February to the Contract 28, 1973. The Prj-ces sPecifi d in Schedu shall continue to aPPIY to al recordiugs of the Artists the first two releases released Prior to March 1, 19 3 and to (two albums of two I,P discs ngs of "Best of" tYPe Beatle re ngs ).. App1e \tai.ves anY claim to each of such re-rel-eased reco ts arising with resPect to any additional- Schedule "8" Section 8. of the Contract. 4. By letters da d September 2, 197! and d that there had been a Septenber 1, ■972r Capito■ cl ng of paragraPh 5.f. of Article de livery def aul-t w:thin the me waives Sa■ d de■ ivery defau■ t Contract. CapitoJ. he → respect thereto. 省Ad ilih:f Capitolrs rights wi 5. Capitol has heretofore suPplied Appte with. the scraPping of Apple records which evidenling certificates piior place to November 30, 1971' Apple hereby scrappinq took waives any craim it might have that and ;";t ;;;;;[; ""ititi-.'.tes did not in fact take place' No scrapping of. "".fr'..."pping appi"-t..bids took place after Novehber 30'.1971 and no such 3. Capito■ agr ‖ speo■ fied in SChedu■ e B‖ to a1I new recordings of the stiapping Wi■ ■ OCcul witllout Appleis consent. 6. CaPitol has he promotional- records and APPIe h involved. Appte herebY waives quantities were excessive or unre ofore accounted to APPIe for the quantities guestioneil -c1aim it might have that such sonable. cordin e s sub j e c'u Ji*iri Ji"tr," -i"" i_ti"" li,a\u such 16 arising EIii i"i"n -c""tract with- respect and ha^d paid all rpyalties i.'tfr. that ackno\^tledge thereto to EI'II . Apple aird Apple caf if ornia hereby.amend does position-i" cort..i. Horfever, ApPl-e ;;;;d;i's payment of of August f1' 197q vrith respect-to ti"ttions it! i"" in listed monies to EMr to provide that on single records undcr the payable the fnonies Exhibit "e" heretb one half of sold' record each for iuplu^U"t 1, 1969 agreement plus twb.-cents sum paid to apire i-n ltew vork,iNew York and the ;;;ii;" sha11 soe ci fied' beside elth alfum title listed in Exhibit "A" EI'{r paid to ti,u mo'ev which wo$rd have been ;5-;;;;;t.a-ii"^ to Apple dalifornia in New Yolk' iirit"a ancl shal-l be paid Capitol shalI pal' h-eleby !agree epple an'd Capitol 5ii^,-.i"it. -withthat the execution of this fu ll"appf" C"li'fornia contLinporaneoui paid to -EIqr Limited the sum of $?7 ,5i2 - 86 as nl2nies amended "qr;';;,""t rvoufa have been paid to Apple palifornia had Apple wf,i"fr payments for such i""tt"ctions of Airgust 11,- 197Ol in tirne future payments bY from recor'{red "iiJ be Said sum siall lo-U" ^ua". Capitol to EMI Limited. I -.-l I I I I I t Iil"i?'Tonn"n"= 8. Except for the fact that Capitol has accounted through December.31, to Appte for record club royalties only with respect to. audit of right 197i--ind subject to Apple's its accountings un<ter1yin9 C"pit"i; s ari. thnreti cai' computafions bet\'ieen accounts all that agree and Capitol to'App1e' Apple -lt Capitolr s f pecemUei ina1. and settfed are , tgli [f,"*' if.rr6"qi-t-i bv this amended be deemed ieu.u-ry 3, 1973 shal-I i;ai.; aqreement and Apple shall be entitlecl to negotiate the -check lEi."ii.,i-ti,;;"i'"'and pursuant to said lettei as amended by this agle emen t. Please acknowledge Applh.'s agl:eement to the foregoing by signing this fetter agieement\.bnd returning two signed copies to CaPitol. very truly yours′ ヽCAPITOL RECORDS′ INC. BY3 TITLE: AGREED: AGREED: APPLE RECORDS′ INC. A NEW YORK CORPORAT10N APPLE RECORDS′ INC. A CALIFORNIA CORPORAT■ BV: BY: TITLE: TITLE: r concur with the Provisions of seCtiOn 2. Of the above letter. BY: 」oHN ON LENNOINl cHT:bb -3- EXHIBIT l of 5 Reccrds, I!c. (A New EFISIERED 0ま CorpOration) Q pages POST Capitol Records, Inc., P.O" Box 2J)1, Eollywood, Car iforaia, !0028, II.S.A. Jaa,aary 1)16. Atiention the Sec:'etarl Dea,r Sirs , You vil-I be aware that anil audit of Caliiol-rs books arral:recolds has been Dad.e Dur3uelt lrticle V.4 of the l€reenent datecl 1st Septeaber'1!5! bei:reen Apple Recotds Inc., ("Apple"), Capiioi Reco=ris, Inc., buii.rlg Co;poratio! ( t'Dist:ci-butorr' ) (・ Capito■ ")ana Capito■ Re● ortt Dis 3eatle regariing record.ilp by I'ies . P=ager & Fenton, certified public accolnta^ats, who have Dow conpleted. report. A copy this ietter. of their Repor! da d. Jlst 0ctober 1975 is euclosed uith You vil1 note that there a number of natters refe:red to in Messrs. Prager & F::riours le1lort as t breaches or violations of the !,greeneni; and. ve therefore give tou lo'ipce il this letter of the breaches Or violations of tbe lgzeenent re fer:e i. to\ j-n the report and. request you to renedy aLL such b!€aches lrilhi n f Cays of the <Iate of th-is Lette!. aotify you tbat for accountings lendered lJe a-lso to statenenis aJ1d Datters outlined ia the eaclosed, report. We also hereby notify you for notices plovided by the AgfeereDt to be s Corps linited at 2! St. Jamests Sireet, of frr" N"S. Aspi:raJ.l vith a coplr to 3.V. Greenberg, 9777 u"s"!" !:lsbire 3ouleva.rd., Suite The report of Messrs. ?ra4er & vhich vere requested by essrs. Pra5er & been supplied. lrle bereby fo:nal-1y request of for:rteen days. of .A.rticLe Y.4. ve object the .A€reeoent by reasoa of the put?oses prrposes of .A.rticLe V. ,. that all d on Apple should be sent to l!o1e , S"V"1" narked for the , Esq. I c/o Schwa:ct.n"r' a:rd 018, 3everly Eil1s, Cal.iforr.i,'a, JC2i2, ton r€fers to a nunber of e4rlanatio;is ton on our behaLf and have stil-L uot explalations '*ithi:e the said perioo The very consiclerable sutr of IISS tl,2o6,112.18 is shovn to be clue to ,nt iコ コediate■ y the undersigne d a.nd ve hereby forcally t paynent of this ・ rhile reserving our rights iu respect of aly surtrs subsequeatly showa to be due anti i.oterest thereon. YrO■ Tou will appreciate that llessrs. & Fentonr s audit report is i:r respect of the leriod gnding Jlst }eceaber 1971" We vouLd l-ike to loale it clear that our lights i.D lespect of the perio thereai-ter are expres s]y reserved.. Pn-q.can r ヽ ExHIBIT Q 2 of 5 pages Fus:cos CERlIIiIED PU! ACCOじ 2Wヽ oltス・ LOS =LES・ LOヽ Doヽ ヽ ■ ヽヽ Ts 636● SVヽ SETつ 0じ LtVA RD LOS Aヽ 02● ES Cヽ LIroRヽ ェA● 0026 0ctcbOr 31, 1975 The 0irectors of Agple Corps Ltd. 54 St. Gen t I enen; Jamesrs Street London S'.1l.{ l JT, England Pursuant to our engagement, we ve h exarn ined the books and records Of CAPITOL IRこ C OROS lilc. s Capitol) (hereaFter refOrred t。 for ` oi ceternining ereas oi u rrePor t i no, e;(tent trith respeci tc Eccouniings lend red to purpcses APPLe RECClrs (he for the sranufaciure (dcmes t , tlic . (A'., Y te and distribution ic) oi- reccrd i nos d.:r ive <i f ron in ras f any, and their K CCRPCRAT:0,1)・ r referred to s r:.: f i App e Un ie) i ied S t.1 tes of A,re r ico rs of ::THE DEATLESl: Tlris repor t is, in all respects, idenlical to the one dated June 16, 1975 except that, in eccorciance with ir,!tructions conta ined in ktters frcn 3erry Eo Nichois」 atcd July 31:1975,August 20,1975, a nd cctober gr lg75, ire have revised ihe distriu\rtion oi adjustments .1nd I rude the necessary chanccs in thc text and s{hedures of the report to acccrmocia te these insiruciicns. I I EXHIBIT Q 3 of 5 pages 0︵ monthly €ccouniings rece ived by Apple expor t sa les . ln ievr i ng rev the eflected dis tr ibut ion categorized as docume tation furnished fOr these sa:es, it was disclosed that proCuct was sold to ffi I iates in var ious parts of the wortd, and to dcnestica I ly based export ccmpani which special ize in vrorldrvide distribution. lt yrould appcar thai these sales onstl tute violations of the Agreem3nt and that assertions of <,lana ges m:y be warran d. It is Capitolrs pcsition, with reg3r to sales rade to dcrnestic exporters tha t, in ordor to ●void violations of anti such custcmers. l.le vrere unable to exporters, nor are EHI we able to t laws, i t vras requ i red to serv ice the f inal destination of sales rnade trus to oscerta i val evalua te idity of the anti-trust l./ith respecr to shipments to Elll affil i{tes, Cepitol contends rights to the proCuct, that Beatle product is cons icierebly less than the the worldrvide 口` ′ the refore, there has been, if anything′ knorlledge roya I ty ra tha No edjustr::ent t for EH I ynen t. I t Elll had rate in the case of buy-se I I pr l./e do ice, ond tha t, not have any as ertions with respect tO the E:1: had the wor I drv ide r i such unau..horized sales . royal t)- ntrectua an ove as to the cor;-cctness of Capitolts tes, or EJ'.ll tha excuse. ts to the incl uded produc t. in this report. Scrooc i nq A review of tha monthly unit nnovenent reports disc!osed that unusu€l ly large quantities of prociuct were being scrapped. Article ll, secti on l2 of ihe AgrEenEnt specifies that Capi iol will provide Apple with a cetailed certificate evicencing the destruction of product. Although capiiol failed to docunent that Apple was furnished with certificaiions of scrapping, our tes ts indicated that authorizations signed by capitol personnel e:<is ted howcver, fcr the quantities reported €s scrap. ve feel that th-' scrspped quontiiies, which have a value to Appre of -18- do, EXHIBIT O 4 of 5 pages (^ ive in vierv of the stature of the Artists invol ved and cons idering the fact that, to the best of our kno.,rledge, none of the records have been celeted frcrn the catalog. llany insiances r,rere $3r83 11595.63 (See observed E.xhibit,,F,,), are excess of nraterial quantities of a particular record being scrapped and produced in the same monih (see Exhibit 'rG"). This r,uy not be an unusua I occurrencc r.rith respect tc singles, since neny ccmpanies hava found. it to be less costly to scrap returns €nd re-p?ess ior orders. Ho*ever, it is and tapes. cepiiol has not responcied I vrith respect to a lbunrs io our requests for explenstions for these unusua occurrenceS. ntin Capitol advised us ihat the accou proCuct rvsre not transni tted with 3s the l rather were fOrwarded in separate accounti ( receive this inccme which amou′ lts to Sl18′ 5 rendered . ln the event that Apple did not ll, an adjustnent would be r.rarrant:d amoun t receivet. the payment royalties. This where income andlor aCjus tnents f or such sales regula r dcrnes t oi the Sll+8r5e0.13. ion did not include activity in Canada or 卜 lex ico. Ho●ever, cё rta:n sed ions CanaCian Atteched as L C0yt1: TS It has previously been noied thai our exani justnents in the case of Beatle mcnihly accountings to Apple, but for the difference between this €nount and th Exhibit rrHrr is a letter frcm Elil which deals Wi GEiiERA for sales by Ampex of of th review of a is report ccn t€ uld only periain tc re i\c luded by Capitcl i ns in in ad- tances the ic Eccountings. During the ccurse of this exanination, we were una to as c3r ta in $hat exam- lnations, if any, heve been conducted by Capitol oi its censees.- The da ia m3de available did not reflect any edditional i nccne distribute as a resul t of any -t9- EXHIBIT Q 5 of 5 pages C 鋼調Ⅷ H一. 0いO^N∞一 卜い。いい〇^0一ヾ いい.0∞H^〇いN 00. いいH.卜いい.H一 ︲ ■ ・ 倒 樹 酬 ﹁ 司 倒 劇 劇 司 刻 . ﹃ ヨ 1 卜0. ∞ぃ一、い一 一¨.一 ∽卜、い い ・ い、い 製 0 耐 へ〇・いヽNヽ ト 〇一.000、い ヽ一・卜い〇、 ∞ト い一¨い卜一、い い ・∞ 、Oい 0 ∞ 一 OO. 一〇〇、 00 一N.∞︹〇、いい0 N卜・∞い0、い0一 ヽ■ 〓〓∞ヽ︹¨0 ︵ いヽ 、∞一 ”。 い ∞ ︶ 0 い卜・︹いい、い 一卜、一一 HC ]oい ● ︼ ●コ ∽ Co ∽ ︼ ︼ 0 ﹁ 〓 ヽ oC一︼ “0 0 目 ●OCC Oロ 。 つ“口 0﹁ 00 0H。 0 く コく卜0ト ヽ ︰ oぃLoこ一 “ooLLoυC一 倒〓∞一 “ E O E 0 0 し ぃ く L o﹂ ︰ “ r一り〓 一 ∽ コ ﹁つ く 9 ´ ● に X o﹂ E く ぃ。一o∽ X●へ¨ にく つ0″Lo﹂oLCつ 一o“一C●O Lo﹂ ︱ 一COE“いコ﹁つく o″●∝ X●α〓く い︹やヽ ︲ ヽ貿 〓く ︲ 一c●´ E い3﹁つく υυ一L﹂ い。一o∽ 一コ一り つLoooこ ︱ 嗜0 “っ ●o∽] り0一Lヽ 一 一 。。一L﹂ 一一o∽︱卜●一 ツ0 いo一●∽ “〓 〇 Looυ“ 一 ﹁ ぃ。一o∽ 0コ一0 や、o●oに つっ″LoαoLCつ 一 C O E ] ” ヽ つ く o 9 一L ﹂ C 〇 ﹁ o C C O 一 , E o 一一 っ 0 一 L 一 0 一 一 一 ● C 〇 一″ o E o L ﹂ ゛ ′ ジ O X ] ︲ ・ o 一“ ● 一 ● o い ] っ り 一L ﹂ Co ¨一●一 一L“ o一一 一oC〇 一りo■ oL﹂ o 一φn●OX] , Co 一JoEo L∝ 一o つ o一Loこ っに コ ●ウε 一い0 ﹁ つく 、 Lo ″εつ C ¨ , ぃ¨型 oこ Loこぃ 一〓 型 ● ゛Cヽ コ一 o﹂ Nい ︹︹ ∞∞> ∽ Lo﹂ “COE “゛o ﹁つく ぃ。 一●∽ ︰ ‘0 一“ o 一o。 い] oO ¨﹄軋 層 ●E o一 一 “Xoい つC o いo 一● の o ∽ o コ つ 工 つoLLo﹂oこ o>0 一く ﹂o いo ¨“ 一ト ー 酬研﹁dd﹁Oq国 詈 釧 ﹁ 司 国 目 判 司 剖 ﹁ コ ヨ ロ ﹁ 劇 到 ﹁ヨ到﹁劇 ヨ コ の ⋮ J ﹁ ゴ ヨ ヨ コ ヨ 劃 ¬ g ︱ t . rrttFaこ ご 貧ごま言Fr喜 Capito:Ro● Ords,inc.Hollyw● ●d and Vino,H,"ywood,Calilo子 nia 90o20.(213)162‐ 6252 ′ (` EXHIBIT R ■ of 4 pages ◎ RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Appl-e Records, Inc. C/O Apple Corps Limj.ted 29-30 St. James Street Lonion Swl IHB, England │` At,tention : Gentlemen : Mr. Aspinal In reply to your Ie ter of January, 1976 and audi-t the cl-aim of Prager & F ton dated October 31′ 1975 enclosed therewith, set rth below are the responses of Capitol Records, Inc. to th points raised in said audit. Part or all of ce claims appear to be barreil by the statute of limitations. Accord j.ngJ-y even where capi to 1 acknowledges the correc ess of a claim, it is not always possible to determine th anount act,ually due. ■. Schedule I - Price Escalation: to be made .by tne on page 8 is that paragraph 6 (a) requires Apple to deliver two new albums each year and that since two albums we{e delivered in the period 9/■ /7■ through 8/■ /72 that Capitol cou■ d nOt e■ ect to take an additional non-Beatle Master in\ partial satisfaction of the requirements of Section 6. yI と き :[ill tte:f RIti:主 と 晋 :lil:: :elli:[B品 :き l:rtta::eFi・ . . those masters which featire :he periPrnlances of all the which EMI has accepted for release a$ recordings of the Beatles and to which Apple acquired rfanufacturing rights. " EMI accepted and released "Bometime in New York 1967 recording agreembnt as a recording of the Beatles and Apple acquired manufaQtgring rights to City" under the EXHfBIT 0 Appl-e Records, June 15, !97 (` Page Two R 2 of 4 pages Inc. 6 that a1bum. The album ther fore was a Beatles Mas ter without reference to the el ion letter. claim is not 2. Schedufe 2 ustment for "Sometime In NeW York City In light of the adjustment is not. in order nse . to schedule I above, this Schedule 3 - Re urns at Hi her Rates: It vtas the intenti of the parties that 3. payments be made by Capitol on net sal s. Net saLes is gross less returns. The additional int should be made that there is no way to tel1, urith respe to a given record returned, when it r^ras soLd. lif o and Fi o methods are arbitrary in addition to being inconsistent with net sales. based on 4. (- payrnent obligations schedu■ e 4 - Inv ustnent: These records were distributed. It was, as claimed, an inventory adjustmen The back-up information is available for your examinati 5。 Schedule 5 - Excq{ promotional Distribution: I The clai-m that there album ancl 1000 units per single such provision in the cont.ract a limit of 5000 units per s nonsense. There is no d the provision is contrary to record industry practi and co[unon sense. The nurnlcer of promotional records gi en by Capitol as a percentage of gross sales is, with spect to APple (Neh' York) product, lower than the average pitol has experienced with respect to comparable Capitol I 1 product. 6. Price Escalation ut■ on: letter. This cl.aim ScheduLe /t Some answered 6 - Canadi of the shipment doc Plomotional ■ and 5 of this Price Adiustment: ′ 中・ 1WY 1, 7. is on Dxcess ents are avail-ab1e and 5電 IBIЪ ttes ∼ App■ e Records′ 」une (` ■5′ Page Three Inc. 1976 they refute most of this c mainder of the claim is S9′ 479。 8. Schedu■ e 7 - The auditors cla valid, at lea 49 is aim. Capj-tol concludes the re1id va rted Record Club Sales: ■S correct. in Part. Schedule 8 - 9。 - lub Sa Price: The c■ a■ m for es at Bu Under the ■962 re rding agreement eapitoJ. had the right to distribute Beat es recordings through record c■ ubs in the un■ ted States. Betv,reen l-965 when that contract expired and 」anuary Of ■967 n the 1967 recording agreement was signed′ Capito■ made rec recorded by the Beatles between 1965 and 1967 availab e to the Capitol Record C1ub. As of 1967, Capitol was told t such recordings could not be made available through the Club r^rithout the consent of (` the Beatl-es. Obviously, it respect to record.s made avait \,ras avrare of the restri,ction. provided that in the event r recoral club in the United Sta 5? of English whoLesale and s too late to do anything vrith le to the Club before CapitoL The 1967 recording agreement rd.s were made available to a s, royalties would be paid on Record CLub was told this. The Record Club continued to sqll copies of these records until December 3■ ′ ■974 (with se1l-off period ending December 3■ ′ ■975). ABKCO′ as resentative of Apple agreed to accept roya■ ties at 5t of lish whotesale . Price Escalation Record CIub Sales: This claim is answered by item ■ above. ■0. l■ cIaim. . Schedu■ e 9 - Pri ustment ― Am - x Sales: This claim for s7′ 279. is at least in part, a vatid ■2. Rate Ad schedu■ e CaPitol and wou■ d be ■3 3/4=′ not is va■ id′ at least in ■0 - Apple did 13 ■/41. part. ee that Apple's share claim for SS ,922.65 ヽ´ ` EXHIBIT R 4 of 4 Pages Apple Records, Inc. June 15, L97 6 Page Four ■3. Schedule Sales: ■■ Payments for the were sent to EMI for App■ The claim ■s not va■ id. 14. Schedu■ e ths of ds, e ■2 - April and May, ■972 Inc. on Novenber ■6′ ■972. x Rate Ad ustrent: The 17 t/22 figure set forth in the contract was the amount Anpex had agreed th Capitol to pay for Beatle product. Mr. Klein wished get more and therefore wanted the contract to shohr the who l7 l/22 payabte to Apple. Of the 24* Ampex ultinately eed to pay, Mr. Klein and Mr. Chaum agreed in Septenber of 969 that it wou■ d be sp■ it ■0 ■/4= to Cap■ to■ ■edged that he did c■ a■ m and ■3 3/4 make this is not va■ id. 15. Incorrect Char to Appleo Mr. K■ ein has acknow- angement with capitol. No。 This ■842: Mr. Klein advised Ca ito■ in the fa■ l Of ■97■ I{rthat Lennon desired his si 9■ e No. 1842 to be pressed On green vinyl. Capitol advi Мro K■ ein that this wou■ d be more expensive than black yl and Mr. Klein agreed On behalf of Apple to absorb e difference. A document was prepared e n W ・ ■ to this effect bu assume, with res was never signed. to the remaining matters the audit that no laim has been made. Therefore, we do not respond to the items tioned, except to say that Capitol had the right to scrap roduct under the l-969 contract and Capitol did provide j.dence of such 'scrapping to ment ioned App1e.