Environmental Characteristics of Precipitations Based on
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Environmental Characteristics of Precipitations Based on
RADIOISOTOPES,55,307−317{2006) Article lllll|1|llll川1111111111111111111Ullllll Environmental Characteristics of Precipitations Based on Both Oxygen Stable Isotopic Ratio and Concentrations of Rare Earth Elements (REEs), Thorium (Th), Uranium(U) in Niigata Pretecture NaokiKANO, TakehiroKIKUCHI, NobuoSAKAMOTO, HiroshiIMAIZUMI, HitoshiMURAYAMA, HiroakiYAGOH and TsuyoshiOHIZUMI Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Englneering, Migata University *Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nligata Un三versity 80501karashi 2−nocho. Niigata−shi,]Niigata Pref,950−2181,Japan “Niigata Prefectural Research Laboratory fer Health and Environment 314−1Sowa, Niigata・shi, Niigata Pref.950・2144, Japan ”’Acld Deposition and Oxidant Research Center(ADORC) 1182Sowa, Niigata・shi. Niigata Pref. 95a2144, Japan Received Decernber 19,2005 カr・rd酬σ’川・β∫r輌9・le抽e c’]at’acteristics(・’』・α・・c松の吻r吻ゴtat’θ’1∫加Niigata P・efectttt’e, a“’gen stable’sotopic ratios(f.‘.,δL℃)‘1川d the c四lce’ttra”θ♪ls可”are ea rth e∫enlel1f∫(Rε且の,所or輌r{川 {Th), and ttra’1’“摺(U)加r加precipitatiOIT sa川Ples were measl‘red.刀he precip’rロr’on samp’es lt,ere co〃ected I‘∫f’rg a fittrating bIt’k sampler ei,eりi nt・o vveeks at 3 poin rs in Niiga’a Prefecture during t’le・per輌od∫frθ川Dee召川ber 2003ro Dece,nber 2004. C・蹴・醐め・,功ef・〃・wing’na’ters ha昭been’川a励・cla rtfied.ω加訓y∫ε・∫・川,δi℃v面’ue ・fpre・ cipitati・ns v昭s・the sma’lest.(2)加ε8画r・δ1℃凹’・’ピC・’1r輌脚r・’聯・f’」・’ld‘目ん,r・脚繊c’”vvas ge’]− era∼昂・o輪配㎡加’h’s“,ork. On・the ether lra’td,“Tet’ぽr・‘∫’r£ψcr”、1,ロ∫肥η1甜幽占ら・∫b〃n㎡ρPめ1かtぜ’!蹴 {3)η昭‘once川rat’ons Of’r囮ce nte’aU輌c etements(R、EE∫, Th, U)i’lcreaseゴ加∫ρHn&(4)、REEs in prec’ρ’拍一 tions nt’8」1r’tave・bee’I derived∫from a cr“stai SOt‘惚郁1∼,elt・as・ocean’c・SOttrce. w占ゴ1e酬∬櫛ρ08e川c苫ロ1‘rcε 1昭∫’tot negiigib’e. Key Words:oxygen stable isotopic ratio, rare earth elemenL thorium, uranium, precipitation, ICP−MS, stable isotope ratio皿ass spectrometer, Niigata Prefecture In addition, rare earth elements(REEs)have 1. Int「oduction received great attention fer the understanding Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes serve as use− of the aqueous chemistry in last decadesG) ” s)、 fU1 tool for characterizing the origin of local wa− The lanthanides(i,e., La−Lu),particularly, are ters and local hydrological cycle. Hence, iscト largely noticed because of their similar chemi− topic analyses of oxygen and hydrogen (i.e., cal behavior, and the behavior allows them to δi80、δD)in ellvironmental water samples be used as a tracer of a wide variety of geo. have been widely perfbrmed in the world in− cbernical processes. The REE pattern, where clu(封ng Japani,−5}. the abundance of lanthanide in each saエnple (3) RiNDIOISOTOPES 308 VoL 55, No.6 Table l Sampling tists of precipitations at 3 points in Niigata Prefecture ∼ampling Da忙 1 s馳dΩ { AmOUI11 iΣ』 oII 〔mm) Amou川 241Dec・03−≠ 5.」担n.04」 s−1 61.4 4.54 i N−1 丁5.3 5■jal1.〔〕4 − 1{)’Jan・04 5・2 49.4 4・22i N・ユ 61.8 19」ロn−{}4− 2−Fcb−04 s−3 23.4 4.49 1 { N・3 98.3 2−Fob−04 一枠 16−Feb−〔}」 s・4 23.9 4.4⑪ … N−4 Am‘川川 佃m) 165 ] oH {mm) iShi佃d且 4・2gi K−1 438 ‘ : 斗、46i 93.1 4.4g i … ユ9.01呼占 ← 1r. ・.・・ .r 4.90 1 pl1 4ユ5 K・2 79.3 4.5ウ K一ヨ 135 173 453 88.5 4.78 K−4 斗.50 433 i−唱セrマ. 16’Fcb−04−1−MaFn4 ..」_一..,.....’.L,◆’....’.’ 皿 ÷_.製二E,._.. 25.5 4・goi 15・Mar.{〕4 一 ユ9一トfar・・04 s・〒 34.6 _ i ユ9−Mar−04− 12・Apr・04 s−8 38.7 12−Apr−f,4− 2f).Apr−04 s・9 ユ19 5.08 : … 26−Apr−04− 10−h4a冒一〇4 s・1曲 78.2 5.74 i 10一九1aY−04−24−Ma㌔’−04 S−ll 102 150 6.ogi 5.25i 5−」ul−〔}4 − 19Ju』04 19−Jul.〔〕4−2−Aug.04 $−12 L.1 i. .▼. 一㎡ 刀│13 s一目 s−15 S・16 2.Atl罫.04− }6.AugrO4 s−17 16一在旦呂二〇±:二30−A旦9二〇δ S・18 S・19 S−20 」.....ユ._....φ @30.AUg−04− 13−Scp−04 13−Sep−04− 27」Sep−04 27●Scp.04− 11・Oct.04 ll’Oct−04− 25’Oct−04 25−Oc1−04− 8−NoΨ一〇4 8−NoΨ一〇4− 22一トlov−04 22−NoΨ・04−6−D¢c・04 皐..」占」....」.」.皐..」.....」 @ 6■DCC.04一 ユn.Dcc.04 ’凸一 @ ゜°‘,L 「7 S・6 21−Jun−04 − 5−Jul−04 1 ■■.L.7’.r.「7.1 1・Mar・04−15−Mnr・04 ユ4−M皿v・04−7一加n・〔}4 ト‘・,〒,1.......1.... @‘ 7●」un・04 − 21.Ju1)−04 皿 s−5 29.61マ.. −1−㎡ .− .1◆ ㎡ . . .念寸 R」.6 5,371 … 1』… N−U N−1ユ B2 o 3.60 ・・. .. ..ユ. 48.9 S・23 22.4 446i N・ユ2 s一ユ4 28.0 4.45i s・25 ヨ8.7 N−23 N−24 N−25 4,86 i _… 秩uN一寸6 @5.つ6 R57 4.80 35」 5,49 i K唱8 49‘8 4.89 43.0 4・94i K−9 03.9 斗.96 98−0 5.09 i K−io 4.94 lo2 4.84i K−11 123 178 珊.9 4’旦3….i., 42.n 4.40 ... .占」 十」 エ 5.20 i 5・64i 5.42i . .七.十. 20.0 1L2 451i 478i ’. .. 念 6.08 K−7 34.6 Io2 83.6 77.8 _ 1 N・16 N・17 N−18 5ヨ5↑ m−19 N−20 − m.21 ...’.1..− K.6 5.55 i ‡ 一 { s・ユ2 s・烈 2L7 ・.’‘ユ. s・ROi 4.94i 4.86i 4.56i 5ggi 264 . . 53.3 セ1亘析“’「領二i了甲}…’6元:7 4.88i N−14 4.74i N・15 57.6 U1」 N・6 N−7 N・8 N−9 N一口 K−5 LL. .・. ユL‘ 凸 69.0 167 114 ..‘.「..■「「..7 Q85 108 122 112 432 124 50.9 ... .102 5.10{ ’6.互亘『’ p”− 4.乃i 4、81i 4.88i 4,661 44螂 4,6gi ゜−°’ @ ←一 鼈黶 @1 11 j−13 K−14 K・15 K−16 K.17 K・陪 ・.’... 4.77 −...1 TR.8 S.49 41ユ 551 4.32 」0.9 4.17 4ユ.2 4.73 149 4.94 「....「.. −.−「.−・■「.凸........ 4.78 L.L j−19 K−20 @ 619 180 斗.60 K−21 2n8 4.91 K一Ω K・23 K−24 K−25 166 89ユ 4.75 1丘6 4.45 116 4.4! 99.6 一 ...「. j一ユ6 ・.... S.57 4.32 い一,° 窒モ垂窒モ唐モ獅狽刀@1h巴dcf㌃ct o「da1a (relative to that of chondrite or shale)is plotted Prefecture, on a logarithmic scale against the atomic num− In order to investigate the sources of precipi− ber、 is therefbre regarded as a‘‘fingerprint”of tatiens in addition to the characteristics of pre・ ageological sample9)−m. cipitations, the concentrations of REEs, Th, and Niigata Prefecture is Iocated in the geo− Uas well asδ’“O values of the precipitations at graphic position where the monsoon comes 3points in]1 iigata Prefecture have been deter− from the Centinent. Moreover、 a large amount mined in the present work, of snow falls every year in winter season. 2.Experimental Therefbre, it is expected that isotopic and chemical investigation of the precipitation sam・ 2・1 Samples ples may bring new knowledge about hydr[卜 Precipitation samples were co11ected with a lOgiC envirOnment in this area. 丘ltrating bulk sampler every two weeks at 3 However, hydrological and environmental in・ points in Niigata Prefecture. The sampling pe− vestigations usingδasO andδD(as well as the riod was one year, from the end of December concentrations of REEs, Th, and U)in the pre・ 2003to the end of December 2004. These saln・ cipitat三〇n have been scarcely reported in ples are listed in Table 1且long with the amount Niigata Prefecture. of precipitation and pH. The pH of each sample In previous papersi2)・1帥、 we mainly observed was measured with a pH meter(HORIBA R24). δ LeO of precipitation, river water, and some The sampling points, namely Sado(38°14’N, groundwater samples, and consequent玉y ob− 138°24’E ; Altitude l36 m), Niigata(37°50’N, tained some new knowledge about the charac− 138°56’E,Altitude 5 m),and Shitada(37°38’N, teriStics of envirOnmental waterS in Niigata 138°58’E.Altitude 190垣),are located respec・ (4) 』Un、2自部 藍㍍㈱el. al・:E緬;茎燃譲l c}縮瓢les晦卿i緬▲漣d・1ぷll鱗e醜撲e l記汕嬬o 3登9 エ and cc}ncentratio【iS・ of rare earth eienユじ鳳8{REE部.thorium[Th),uraniu珊〔田桓Niiga【a preiec加re :{へ 遍 鳩\ Japan ⊇ 璽 q 多 N鐘gata. Pr{ifecture .争己} ノ / 」 Flg. j Location ef sampling points in Niigata Prefecture,(ヱ):Sado,(2):Niigata. ・{3):Shitada. f{〕rmed with a stable isotope ratio mass speひ tively about O.1 km,3kln. and 40 km from the nearest coast (Fig.1). trometer(Micromass PRISM). The§e samples議re clas§1五ed≧o thd辿簸ow− 2・2∋2 Det二ξぴm輌nati◎n of R]3】iξ§, Th.3R《i u ing f・ur dasses based・R sea迎s[1:“win− REEs, Th、 and U就andard sdutions used for teピ(Dec., J肌. Fe杜),皿:“spring”(Mar., Apr, making the calibration curve were pr印ared May),匝:“sumrmer”(Jun., JuL, Aug.), W: by diiuting the st鵠dard so王ution (XSTC4 fer 鱈au組mnf(Sep., O¢t, N◎v.)]. The wiHd direc− REEs and XSTC−13飴r Th, U;b◎thユO mg・dmwws ti◎nin each $eason(3 points)is sh◎wn in Fig. 2, 5%HNOs solution)purchased from SPEX Certi・ It indi口tes that the wind direction varied sig− Prep, lnc,(USA). nificantiy with both the places and the seasons. Rare earth eleme就s, Th,舗d U were sepa− rated fr◇m mgt茎rix by the che▲ate disk 2・2 ARalytica、1 method (47φmm)(EmporeT! t Surnitomo 3M Co.). In 2・2・1 0xygen stable isotopic ratios(δ鵬O) the separation procedure. the disk was piaced Fer the measurement of oxygen isot⑰pe ratSo, 三na灘 ◎r〔lifta王y disk holder.〕Each sample wg‖S CO2−】ヨらO isDt《コpe eqailibratigft method wa§ rUR thr◎ugh the disk afi;er adjust1R9 pH to 3 by used. The sample preparation pr《}cedure based using ammonium acetate(CH,,COONH4)and nitric acid(HNO,)、Then, REEs, Th, and U皿 on the method of Wa伽abe et aLM}was applied the di§k wa§eluted by 15 mo}・dm“;‘ R輌tric add in this work. Isotopic measurements were per・ (5) 310 RADIOISOTOPES (a)Sado VoL 55. No.6 Table 2 0pera ting conditions of ICP・MS Winkr SOtm8 l ト t 「tt’t T’t ロtt v 「L tL ト 已霊ξ… ミ lt RFp肺’er 1150w 1こ蹴{ じ望壁一 Plas耐9且s now 15Um加 c呂n由!rgfiS no“’ 1.21/min Sa mpting d叩lh 6.5mm 垣歴・r s凪mpte ul}栖k£rate o.5mWl皿in Mc酬r細柏巾拍1 3四intSil》CEk i._1−一一..一一.....:. _ 1 l AdtLmvn ”…” 一〕…一一’一一’一『:’』’……一…一一i !:1激ii i l i L_.rt.−t_一.一__一._ in‘egmb耐㎞o I・o虻ノpeint Me耶u民d㎞topes IJ’ kぺ岨Ce、川p.,1“Nd, 1‘TSm, ]5’ d・,‘“’ Gd, ”’Tb, ’曲D}、1臼H・. ‘e‘ dr,‘岬Tm、 lnYb. tlSLu, U:Th, _」[_.一一一__L−一___{ おl (b)Niigata SPtins ト戚゜「 [ 1 s7E「 1 い“ dl」re described in Takaku et aLi5), After the preconcentraion procedure, the 1 concentrations of REEs, Th, and U in samples 」, 「 were measured with an ICPMS(HP4500;Yoko− Aut…n gawa Analytical systems, Tokyo).The operat− ing condition of ICP−MS(including the meas・ ured isotopes)is shown in Table 2. 3. Resuks and Discussion 3・ユ tS isO values in the precipitation in (c)Shitada ㎞ Niigata Prefecture 勒 The fi lsO values in the precipitation samples obtained at 3 points from the end of December 2003to the end of December 2004 are shown in Table 3. From this table, it is found that the mean value of 6’sO in Niigata City is more than ㎞ ㎞ 1.Oltlo 1arger than that of two other points(Sado City and Shitada Village). Seasonal variation ofδisO values in the pre− cipitation samples at 3 points in]Niigata Prefec− ture is shown in Fig.3. Frem this figure, the fol・ lowing matters have been fOund.(1)As for 3 Fig.2 The wind direction of each season in Niigata Prefecture.(a):Sado.(b):]悼iigata,(c):Shita− 0bservation points, the seasonal behavior of da fi isO was almost similar to each other. In par− ticular,δ1昼O values of precip三tation were rela− (20cmり. The preconcen亡raion of REEs, Th, tively sm魂1 in rainy season in all points.(2) and U was carried out according to the proce・ δi80 vaiues in Niigata a[te generally larger than (6) jun. 2006 311 N.Ka皿o eLuL:EPvironlnental characteristics of pr{tclpit且tions based on bOth oxygen stable isotopic ratlo and concentratie”s of rare earth elements (REEs),thoriumlTh},uranium{U)in Niig証ta preSectu re Table 3 δ isO values in precipitations at 3 p⑪ints in Niigata Prefecture 1“gnta Sロdo Sh■leda s−l .10.80 N・1 一6 10 K・I 一7 0b s・2 ・12.47 !一: −? {}3 ・10コ6 5一ヨ −9、98 N−3 ・B :矢 K・2 K,1 s.−4 ・9,go 一9.37 K・4 ・1n.70 s・5 ・s.79 N・4 N−5 −5 31 9.5 .Bjo S.6 −9.3〒 1−6 N・7 ・7.8ユ K・6 .9 96 ー〒.69 K・1 ・R.45 ←6」3 s’7 !・8 s・s −Io o1 K・零 s.9 ・4.23 N唱D −1.78 K.9 S−10 ・O.S 1 : −10 ・fi 3 R 艮一10 −7、36 S・11 ・1コ.7s N−n ・11.95 K−II −10.86 S・12 ・7.go N−1: ・5,fi 7 K・1コ ・7.07 s’1ヨ ・丁.54 N・13 −7.64 1{・11 ・9.20 S・目 ・s.■3 }{・口 ・7.54 K・!4 ’〒、57 s・15 ・6.印2 1−L5 N−10 N±17 −T.G9 ,1ユ.ユ7 1,・ls ・り.go .10ユ9 N・19 N・20 −7.54 K−15 K・16 K−17 K・日 K’19 −6.39 K・ユo 一9.4ヨ ]・2] −Io 81 s−21 ー5コ4 N・22 1−23 K・21 K・22 ・6、49 K・23 、6.fi 9 S・ユ4 .7.4コ N一ユ4 ・7.65 K・コ4 ・7.5? s−25 ー8.67 ・8.ヨ9 K・ユ5 −8.丁9 s一ユfi ・7、08 N−25 N.26 ・6」1 K・26 −5.71 一s、70 Menrl ・7,41 Mcett .8.48 S−1岳 s−L7 s.1s S・19 S・20 s・ユ1 .6.丘儂 s・22 Mcan SD ゜鵬一 @ 2.28 sD ・丁63 −3.SO i,97 SD .7.34 −〒.引 ・〒,7s ’4.36 .9ユ2 ・9.5s ・丁.33 一日、x. o 1.fi 4 1・cPros{…nl5thcdefc一二lofdataduetolhel日cハcof5轟mplc tal effect”(i.e.,‘S isO in“coastal area” is gener・ 一2 al]y larger than that in“inland area”)is consid● ered to be larger in this case. 望 5 −s 3・2 Relationship betweenδtsO value and ㌔ .10 weather condition 3・2・1 Relationship betweenδiHO and tem. .12 perature 一14 Relationship between temperature andδ1℃ 菖 d 5 values in precipitation at 3 points in Niigata 一 Fig.3 Seasonal varia目ons ofδ]sO values in preαP1− Prefecture is shown in Fig.4. In any places, a ta世on at 3 points in Niigata Prefecture, remarkable correlation betweenδ1℃values and temperature is not found. In order to examine the seasonal characteris− those in Shitada throughout the year. For the explanation of the above・mentioned tics ofδisO in more detail, plot of temperature (2),℃ontinental effect”]z〕・16)and/or“Al廿tude vs.δ1℃is sh.own per each season(Fig.5). In effbct’12}・】6〕may be presented. However,“Alti・ winter, the relationship between the tempera・ ture at the sampling points andδ1且O values is tude e」圧ectH of δ陪O in the preclpltatlon ls known as at most−0.14%o/100 m4)or−0.25%o/ relatively good(r=O.57),rn other words,“Tem・ 100 mii)in central Japan, Therefbre,℃ontinen一 perature effect”12}・to)is remarkably fbund in (7) RADIOISOTOPES 3工2 0 r=⑪.06 (a〕 遥 ロ 一5 も :bず.n◇A Sado 6 口Spring winter, In addition. comparatively high correla− △s͡r tion(声0.34)was seen in summer. φAUI㎜ aP8◇ e△。 ・10 As to the observation that the degree of OWi田er o 口 △ “Temperatu1・e effecゼis different among sea・ 一15 30 ⑪ to 2e 一10 sons, it is considered that the stability of the air ’「e叫re田tUreノ℃ mass, and the wind direction etc. fbr each sea・ 0 ロSpring {b) 菌 喝 響88φ◇ 諱E㍗・ Mザ皿 ビ o 竺 son can be greatly related. △Slm”trncr 口 △ ・5 Vol.55, No.6 一le 3・2・2 Relationship betweenδ1℃and the OAL血mn OW配er amount of precipitation 口 r=O,34 Relationship between the amount of precipi− ・t5 30 e lo 20 ・Io tation and δ田O values in precipitation at 3 T(m・pcratm i℃ points in Niigata Prefecture is shown in Fig.6. o ロSprir g (・) 「=°・15 △ ま 一5 Sh㎞d ざ 0 2 崎 ・10 ロ㌢゜口㌦ “Amount eff已cゼ12}1怖)is genera且y found in △S㎜r these places, ◇At血」mn OWi戊er 工norder to examine the seasonal behavior of δ】℃in more detai1, the amount of precipitation ・15 ・IO O EO 20 30 vs.δisO is represented per each season(Fig.7). Terrrperatme/℃ Except winter, the relationship between the Fig.4 Relationships between temperature andδisO amount of precipitation at each sampling Point values in precipitation at 3 points.(a):Sado, andδisO values is relatively good. Poor rela− (b):Niigata,(c):Shitada. tionship in winter might be attributable to the Spring Su㎜古 0 o (b) (a) △△ 、HL. 遥 .5 T 巳口昨゜ り ハ 誤 喝 .10 蝶△ ず P三 口屑 o 竺 ・10 臣 △ r=O.34 r = O.06 .Is 一15 O lO 20 .10 0 10 20 ・IG ヨ0 30 Tcrnperelv祀{℃) T㎝P副UTe{℃) Autumn Win[er 0 o (d) (c) ͡ .5 ま P 為 ぷ18 蓮’s ◇☆戯◇ ピ r = O.57 £.1。 ◇部 ・lO 0 rxO.13 ・15 ・15 一tO 0 10 20 3e ・EO 0 10 20 30 Tcrnpmi加陀{℃} T㎝P口ntLtre{℃) Fig.5 Relationships between temperature andδi80 values in precipitati皿in each season. (a)t Spring,(b): Summer,(c):Autumn,(d〕:Winter. 』 (8) 313 N. Kano et. al.:En、’ironmenial characteristics of precipitations based on both osygen stable isotopie ratio Jun.2006 and cencentraEians of rare earth eieme皿s(REES)、thorium CTh},田raniu皿{U)in 1 ligat且prefecture o difficulty in estimating the amount of precipita− 口Sp萌l Sado △Sumler ま ・5 ; 宅一1。 競西。 ⑧ e、AUtuam O 口 △ tion because a large amount of snow falls in Niigata Prefecture area in winter. oWiner r = O.3 fi 一E5 3・3 The concentrations of REEs, Th, U in 300 lOO 20e 〔〕 lbe atneurut ofpreclpintion i mm prec1Pltatlon 0 口Sp醜 N㎏蜘 △ 〔1 ま ・5 曾◇ o[恥 6 (b) 品幽8ξ ㌔一10 The concentrations of REEs, Th, and U in △S㎜r OA恨㎜ sorne representative precipitations at 3 polnts OWi雌er in Niigata Prefecture are shown in Table 4. [1 The relative standard deviation(RSD)of the 一15 o 100 ユ00 300 three replicated analyses of each sample was The amoum。fprec輌t和nlml1・ ま 一5 5 less than lO%. ロSp市9 e 緯.。㌃ Shhada △Smmr The concentrations of REEs, Th, and U in ,三。ご precipitations scarcely show significant di{董er− 三。−lo ences among d櫛erent locations. However, the concentra廿ons of REEs, Th, and U are largely 一15 0 100 200 ヨ0{〕 varied depending on season in any points. In The{1mount ofp「ec乎自皿fOntmm other words, the concentrations of REEs, Th, Fig.6 Relationships between the amount of precipi− and U in winter and/or spring are larger than tation and δ路O values in precipitation at 3 points.(a):Sado,(b):Niigata,(c):Shitada. those of summer and/or autumn. Spring SUITww o 0 (b) (a) 鍾一5 ^ ・5 躁口・口 三 呈 △△ △△ δ ㌔ 三.:o 一10 .Is 一悟 0 50 100 1SO ㎝} 250 淵ユ 0 1CO 200 3no The amounl・fprcciPitnli加{㎜) The㎜o皿t ofpn坤血tbn〔㎜) AUtumn W㎞ 0 0 (c) 婁・s 5 私.10 r=e.01 ^ ・5 i (d) 0 09 け P 陥 一Io o 蓼15 −15 0 50 1CO 150 201〕 250 300 0 50 100 }割} 200 250 300 T}肥㎜olmt血fpr晦㎞w(㎜) Tl暗ameunt ofp⇒蜘bn{mmハ Fig.7 R,1・廿…hip・b・tween the am…t・f p・ecipit・廿。…dδ1℃・・1ues i・p・ecipitati°n in each season.(a):Spring.(b):Summer,(c):Autumn.(d):Winter. (9) RADIOISOTOPES 314 Vol.55, No.6 The concentrations of REEs. Th. U(ng・dm}:りin some representative precipitations at 3 points in Table 4 Niigata Prefecture Sa叩b NI 禍 N13 悼20 95.4 1据 11.9 Sl 舗 罰3 13.2 Izs 3M 円.7 三1ヨ IM 15.5 l19 57ア 1ヨ3 40.6 171 s20 KF 1 K山 に13 K−co 75.3 “2 1{i4 卿.: 76.6 199 Ei皿t 1罰 α 141 217 ±6,5 Pr 15.R 25.1 3.50 ±37 13.] 60.5 15,2 5.〔摺 18.7 Ll.3 9.61 ±田 闇 5且O 9tL7 14.3 乱48 47.0 塑 57.5 18.呂 67.1 51.5 :&2 10、5 Sm lユ4 2D.S 3.05 L69 9ユR 43、8 11.8 3.7n l↓6 10.4 7.68 1.91 291 5.力 0.{還] 0.‘th7 z24 10.2 ユ62 159 3ユR 3」胞 LR5 0.’乃2 田 13.1 nコ ユア7 L46 tO.] 4L5 1e,75 3.工 14.6 lo.1 7.c2 1.go ’防 ユ[め 4.16 0.4描 0.細 153 7ユ1 1.75 0.721 ユ32 ±02 1.加 O.3〒I l.弛 吋 Io.1 m.8 ユ5± Lヨ9 7」6 37.6 &ω ユ堕 102 82且 6〔B L61 Ib ユ12 4,72 0517 0−3” L56 7.」刃 L68 a642 zo8 ユ19 l.tS 0.354 0.917 IY 556 1z5 1.48 O.960 3、93 2田 4.16 1ro 5.47 5.14 3Ac) Tm 0.875 231 0,1en 0.137 0.614 3.【5 a520 0.310 LOI 1.30 o.446 0.128 恥 4.81 11、3 l35 0.兜6 3、51 17.4 ZOS 1.40 4.64 4.65 3.03 0.769 0,舛1 Z33 0、229 0.1肘 α6万 3’ll O.499 Th 10.2 19.6 3z7 ZIO 7.23 24 14.7 v 14.3 z4 3.8j L68 17.e 唱,6 S.se 0L314 … 1.08 1.25 0、451 0,161 z16 118.4 9.10 Z17 zco 9.11 132 10.5 4,舛 1.19 The seasonal variations of the concentrations of Sm and U in precipitation at 3 points are 80 shown in Fig.8. For other REEs and Th, simi− (a) 一■−Sado つ 已 F60 曽 ≧ 十N亘呂ala 1ar seasonal behavior to those of Sm and U was 十Sh治da observed. ・: 40 From this figure, it was fbund that the con− き centrations of trace metallic elements(such as § 20 8 REEs, Th, and U)in precipitation in Niigata 0 Prefecture remarkably increase from winter to 8 8 § 5 「 一 spring especially in March. It is noteworthy that pH vatues also remarkably increase in this 100 7 巨 〔 ぎ ) season as shown in Table 1. Moreover, the con. (b) go centrations of nss(non−sea sa▲t)−Ca2+ in this 60 season also extrernely increase at all 3 points. ・8 田 The concentrations of nss−Ca2÷is O.82−2.27 40 言 8 蓉 mg・dm{3 in the samples of Sado(Le., S5 to S9), 20 u 0.88−1.64mg・dm−3 in Niigata(L巳, N5 to N9), e 8 , and O.71−1.72 mg・dm−3 in Shitada(i.e., K5 to 8 冨 冒 h 「 K9),though the concentrations are almost Oユー α2mg・dm−3in other seasons. Fig.8 Seasonal variations of the concentrations of It is considered that this must have been due trace metaliic elements at 3 points in Niigata to the yellow sand(so−called’Kosa”)from Eur一 Prefecture.(a}:Sm,(b):U. (10) 3un・2鰯 x. Kanfi ei. al・ : Ent’lronrne融haraCle嬬頴随ipa議1▲縞a緬n齢・Σy卿縞1磁・加紬 315 a皿dc。ncen臨ong.⑪f㎜e e姐姐e醐s{REEsl、theriumiTh}.urani畑{Ul in Niisrala prefec蝋 asian Continent. Wc therefore suggest that the l∫酬 剛:…s・1, t…em・t・ili・el−t・i・th・p・ecipit・ti・n 1、 ,,(a) 巨_s−_.、声一.、」 ・ぷ・Sぷ 一為s..131 k’,・:ζ.s報 may be c3「「led w舳e yell“w sxnd. @ 一’鷲≡誤:熟::悉禁 1.奪Σ一ll7 3・4 “REEs pattern”and sources of REEs in Ln c’c Iヤ NL』 t…n) 陀u 〔輌己 1「b 1〕nL llo l:r 〕rm 、「b l−u the precipitatiOM 1.OE刷 言 precipitation have three main types of sourcesis)一1o):1)crustal source,2)oceanic source, i−N・Il …芸i 董ti§ge登erallyα)n§量dered that REEs▲n the 蕊 主 1.9E“5 1−o−N,・!{|, ..・h・←ぺ ・’一・,・ハ ].綴堪 巨 ぷ 抽封}? aftd 3)aftthropogenic s()urce、 1」 Cε Pr 1,di ヨnl Eu GdTb D、 L‖o lヨTmYb Le For the crustal so乳…rce、 the REE c◎mp◎si牡◎n L旺唱 of shale may be taken as a rwference2i)・22). Fur− i舗・ll l“白一K・f㌧ i廿K・131 1、鱗i・鱒 ther, we determined the REE compositions of ,.,,...1.Wt− 怜一K.2‘Y 、F.介■一 一 一P −rml seawatξぽtakeR{}ll th.e C〈}a§t in NiigRta】Pl「efec一 已re at 4 seasons(i.e.,22nd Apr.,ユ3th JuL,13th 1畷;・奪7 ね1 CC Pr N{I Sm }三u ‘}d Ttl D,・]鮎 1三r Tm Yh t.tt Oct., and 7th De仁)in 2004 as a referenc{e fOr the oceanic$ource. On the other hand、 the anthro− F三9.9 Shaie・normaliz{2d REE patterns of t}le pr{2が cipitatieB at’ 3 P◎撤s.(a):Sad◎.(b):Niigata, poge董貢c s◎urぐe i§pr《}b盆bly characterlzed by (c):Shitada. light.REE(LREE)enrichment孤d low heavy− REE(HREE)concentration20). are加t so櫛er硫an}ongseas賠s, Shaie・normalized REEs pattems in repre− In the precipitati◎n§Ωf Shitada、 whi£h arパ登・ §eRting I)redp註ation at 3 pci:t§i:Niigatg Pごe− fec加re from each season are shown in Fig.9. cated less influenced by oceanic source than The set of nor皿a泣ing values(i、e., the concen・ thosa of Sado and Niigata, the concentration of trations of REEs in shaie)used in this study REEs◎r REE P就tem§are fiet§o mu¢h diff§r− was a§singed frgm the valwes gf “P◎§t−Archean ent加m other 2 po泌s. Australian average shale’(PAAS)21). To inve$tigate the島ources of the REEs in the From Fig.9, it is found that these samples in precipitation in mo斑detaii, pbt of Nd/Yb vs. e紬place(or each season)ge蹴al馳a∨e撫t VYb in餌ecipiね加n at 3 P§i雄§in Ni三gata Pre− patte埠i頭ea慧ng a shale一肱e compesiti皿迂t fec如re is sh◎WR in Fig、10 by applying the や ロ コ is suggested that these precipltatlons are method descrlbed in Zhang et al.19}、 The data greatly affected by crustal s⑪urce (i.E}., soil ori・ of seawater analyz像d by our iaboratory is also 9ins). However, the c◎ncentra加ns登f La are §hCWR iR the figure a§aどefe鬼ee董or the灘一 §light霊y high垣mO§t Of these§amp互es. Th艘e− aRic source. The data of Chinese 1oses(Liu et fore, it is considered that they would be influ− ai.2帥)are als砧h。wn in this五gure. enced by the component of the ar随ciai origin. Fr⑪m Fig.10, a proper portion of mixing be− As seema丘om the shale・n◎rma簸zed REE§餌㌻ tweea 3beve−meRtioned three c。m卿瓜s(i.e., tern§, the cgncentrati◎ns◎f REEs in也ese pre− crustal, oceanic, and anthropogenic source)can cipitations are largely variable depending on account fOr the REE compo$itio!埴l variations seasons in all 3 points, although REE patterns for most⑪f the precipitation欝、正t is considered (11) RADIOISOTOPES 316 1000 Vol.55, Ne.6 The authors are grateful to Dr. N. Watanabe of Research lnstitute for Hazards in Snowy Ar− eas in Niigata University and Dr. K. Satoh of 100 Fac, of Sci. in Niigata University for permitting D zT the use of the facilities and mass spectrometers. 臼[} Part of this study was presented at the 42nd 「−neML−一” O Sado IO “Annual Meeting on Radioisotope and Radia− △ △ Niigata Samples in tion Researcピ(July 6−8,2005, Tokyo.). Xト、:K・・一…Shi References 1 0.OI O.1 1 10 100 1)Kortelainen, N. M, and Karhu,」. 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G‘ro’.,106,359・374 of 5th International Symposium on Geochemi…;・ (1993) try of the Earth°sSurface(Reykjavik),347−350 要 旨 酸素安定同位体比および希土類元素,トリウム, ウラン濃度から見た 新潟県における降水の特徴 狩野直樹,菊池武大*,坂本信生*,今泉 洋,村山 等**,家合浩明**,大泉 rv*** 新潟大学工学部化学システム工学科 *新潟大学大学院自然科学研究科 950−2ユ8] 新潟県新潟市五十嵐二の町8050 **新潟県保健環境科学研究所 950−2144 新潟県新潟市曽和314−1 ***酸性雨研究センター 950−2144 新潟県新潟市曽和1182 新潟県における降水の特徴(あるいは起源)を探求するため,降水試料中の酸素安定同位体比及 び微量金属元素(希土類元素,Th, U)濃度を測定した。降水試料は県内3地点において,ろ過 式バルクサンプラを用いて,2003年12月から2004年12月の1年間,2週間ごとに採取した。 その結果,主として以下のことが明らかになった。(ユ)梅雨期において,降水中のδ1℃値は最 も低くなった。(2)δ1℃値に関して,本研究において“内陸効果“と’雨量効果“が概して見ら れた。他方,・温度効果・は冬季においてのみ顕著に見られた。③降水中の微量金属元素の濃度は 春季に増加した。(4)降水中の希土類元素には,人為起源も無視できないものの・海洋起源の他・ 地殻起源によるところが大きいと考えられる。 (13)