How to read a Certification of income and local tax withheld from regular pay 給与所得の源泉徴収票⾒⽅ A) Your Address ⽀払いを受ける者の住所 B) Your Name ⽀払いを受ける者の名前 C) Total salary earned during the year ⽀払⾦額 D) Income after employment income deduction 給与所得控除後の⾦額 E) Total fixed-rate exemptions 所得控除の額の合計額 F) Income tax withheld at source 源泉徴収税額 G) Marital status and spousal exemption 控除対象配偶者の有無等と配偶者特別控除の額 H) Number of dependents in each category; specific dependents (16 – 22 year old relatives), elderly dependents (70 and over), others (includes children). 扶養親族の数(特別:16-22 才、⽼⼈:70 才以上、その他:⼦供) I) Fixed Rate Exemptions (social insurance, life insurance, accident / injury insurance, mortgage, spouseʼs income, personal pension, long-term accident insurance.) 社会保険料等の⾦額、⽣命保険の控除額など J) Employerʼs name and address ⽀払者の住所、名称 A B C D G H E F I J 2014.09.29 KEK Users Office