
Automatic reinforcement and mesh settings in drawings

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Automatic reinforcement and mesh settings in drawings
This is useful when you only want to show non-typical welds in a drawing.
To set whether the weld size is an exact or minimum value, use the advanced option
To filter out a standard weld type, use the advanced option
7. On the Appearance tab, modify the color and line as required.
8. Single-part and assembly drawings: Click Save to save the view properties.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the drawing.
See also Welding properties on page 586
Model weld mark visibility and appearance properties in drawings on page 557
7.21 Automatic reinforcement and mesh settings in drawings
There are numerous ways of showing reinforcing bars and meshes in drawings. You can
define automatic reinforcement and mesh settings before you create the drawing, and adjust
the settings in an open drawing. In addition to modifying the properties available in the
properties dialog box, you can also modify the bending schedules, rounding of bar
dimensions, symbols in use, and reinforcement appearance in the rebar_config.inp
settings file.
See also Setting automatic reinforcement and reinforcement mesh properties on page 512
Example: Hiding reinforcing bar lines in drawings on page 513
Example: Reinforcement representations on page 514
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings on page 577
Reinforcement settings for drawings (rebar_config.inp) on page 579
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings on page 568
Setting automatic reinforcement and reinforcement mesh properties
You can define what is shown in reinforcing bars and meshes and how they are shown in
cast unit and general arrangement drawings. You can also do this for neighbor
To set automatic reinforcement and mesh properties before creating a drawing:
1. Click Drawings & Reports --> Drawing Settings and select the drawing type.
2. Load the properties that you want to change.
Modifying drawing settings
Automatic reinforcement and mesh settings in drawings
3. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click View creation, select the view and
the properties that you want to change, and click View properties.
4. Click Reinforcement (or Neighbor reinforcement).
5. On the Bar content tab, set the bar representation, bar end symbols, and the visibility of
bars and lines.
6. On the Bar appearance tab, select the color and type of the visible lines and hidden
7. On the Mesh content tab, set the mesh representation, mesh symbols, and the visibility
of meshes, wires, bars and lines.
8. On the Mesh appearance tab, select the color and type of the visible lines and hidden
9. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click Save to save the view properties.
10. Click OK.
11. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the drawing.
The representation of reinforcing bars that point away from the drawing is changeable.
You can customize reinforcing bar bent symbols (cross, circle, filled circle) by editing the
symbol file bent.sym, which in the default environment is located in the folder ..
\ProgramData\Tekla Structures\<version>\\environments
\common\symbols. Or, you can create a new symbol file in the same folder, for
example, my_new_symbols.sym, and take it into use in the rebar_config.inp
by entering the following string: BentSymbolFile=my_new_symbols.sym in the
See also Automatic reinforcement and mesh settings in drawings on page 512
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings on page 577
Reinforcement settings for drawings (rebar_config.inp) on page 579
Modifying drawing settings
Automatic reinforcement and mesh settings in drawings
Example: Hiding reinforcing bar lines in drawings
You can hide reinforcement bar lines behind other reinforcing bars and behind parts in cast
unit drawings.
Here are some examples of what reinforcing bars look like with different settings selected on
the Bar content tab in Reinforcement or Neighbor Reinforcement properties.
Hide lines behind parts is
selected. The reinforcing bar
lines are hidden behind other
Hide lines behind other
rebars is selected. The
reinforcing bar lines are
hidden behind other
reinforcing bar lines.
See also Setting automatic reinforcement and reinforcement mesh properties on page 512
Automatic reinforcement and mesh settings in drawings on page 512
Modifying drawing settings
Automatic reinforcement and mesh settings in drawings
Example: Reinforcement representations
Here are examples of how the reinforcement will look with the different representation
options selected on the Bar content tab in Reinforcement or Neighbor Reinforcement
single line
double line
double lines with filled ends
filled line
See also Automatic reinforcement and mesh settings in drawings on page 512
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings on page 577
Modifying drawing settings
User-defined attributes in drawings
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