Shanyi Taipusi Light
181 4. Sandv desertification 4.1 Spread and state According to the former research reports and data, sandy desertification had developed rapidly in a large range only since the late of 1950s. Based on the different status from quantitative change to qualitative change, the desertified land can be classed in 4 degrees, such as slight(L), moderate(M), severe(S) and very severe(VS), and also can be divided in desertified farm land, rangeland and woodland or mixed land-above according to the major pattern of land use. The research results of a project on monitoring and assessing sandy desertification in the region, which was carried out and employedthe methods of combinationon the multitemporal remotely-sensed data applied and the natura1-social comprehensive studied, has shown that the sandy desertification spread rapidly (Wang Ta0, 1989, 1991, Zhu Che, Wu Wei, 1994). From Table can be found out that the development of desertified land was not only in the areas but also in the degrees. The total desertified area of higher degree, such as of moderate, severe and very severe have increased from 4,590 in 1975 to 10,759 in 1987, that was 6,169 more or 134.4% more. Meanwhile, the slight desertified land, on the contrary, has decreased from 17,512 to 12,995 because most of those lands had expanded to the lands of moderate, severe and very severe. could be reclaimed. It has also been illustrated that there were very limited wasteland S L A Table 1. The development of sandy desertification in Bashang region of the North China ed Light JA 90 13 乃川抄 Ci Shanyi ぬ ngbao Guyuan Fengn卜g w 市hang Huade ぬ 川如 u 川 g 乃 enbai Taipusi 乃 。 nl 、 n Duo]Un T0 回 59 96 斗 7689 土 2 n 九十 1374 1119 -18.5 2555 1968 -22.9 1951 1757 -9.9 696 480 -31 0 439 - 259 -41.0 1294 61 142 783 1 叫 乃 L 552 エフ 34 m 乃 494 613 781 502 -9 1 67 刃の 5246I9 ・ 12 33264 661863 41333 ・ 631797 -51.2 L 1975 261 フ 呪 フ 41 土 88 96 5 335 0 829 79 1 326 nlt: SO k ・ ・ 1975 1987 ) 十九 ・ 191 ・ 斗 62 6 402 10 4 J 山上 ・ ・ 602 44.0 6 寸 3I る 斗 3 76 フ り Very Severe ユ卜 ・ 627 321 1 九二 %1 26 1 274 115 271 1077 37 01 ( Moderate 10 38 ― 65 乃卜 542 フ 725 93 297 4 あゐ ・ 63 4 ・ 3512 7088 101.8 1896 2997 234.5 8 5 30129 1 182 28 105 11 24 200 21 320 110 266.7 2フ 7 114 ・ 丁 674 270.3 4.2 Processes of sandy desertification Sandy desertification had resulted from the vegetation degradationby overcultivating, overgrazing, wood collection. It had led to a general decrease in productivity of the land and in the accelerated degradation of the soil resource due to wind erosion in the region. The fine top soil was lost to wind erosion. The excessive loss of soi1, nutrients, and sometimes even seeds from the ecosystem affects the capability of the vegetation to recover and crop agriculture to grow, and constitutes the principal mechanismof damage The landscape of farmland and rangeland has been changed by the wind to the economy. erosion/deposition from clear surface roughness and fresh sand sheets cover, bush-wood sand mounds to shifting sands and eroded lands inler-distributed with fixed and semi-fixed dunes, biowouted bush-wood dunes, and to eroded lands and drifting sands with ripples in the barchan dunes and barchan 182 chains, abandoned farmland and degraded grassland, roughness surface with no vegetation cover. Results from the dynamicanalysis of desertified maps, which was based on the map of 1975 and 1987 and the Arc/InfoGIS, point out that, duringthat period,there were 816 of rangeland have been developed directly to desertified farmland in different degree and 640 to desertified rangeland There were many changes and evolution from land use pattern to the areas and degrees among the different type of desertified land. Actually, some sites in the region, where some efforts have been made over decade for combating the processes, the desertified land has decreased not only from areas but also from intensities,althoughthe reversed value was ratherlow comparedwith expanded areas (Wang Ta0, 1989). 4.3 Causes of sandy desertification It is no doubt that the human inappropriate land use should take mainly responsibility for the sandy desertification in the region. Meanwhile, it is also considered the climatic impact on the issue. For last 3 decades, the temperaturehas shown an increased trend, the rainfall has increased in 1970s as against 1960s and decreased in 1980's against 1970's (Table2.). Specially,duringseventies and eightiesthose changes were favourable for the process of sandy desertification. But it is still not so easy to determine its contributed rate. S L A Table 2. Changes of temperatureand precipitation in Bashang region (1960 - 1989 ) Station ひ叫 b Sh 八 Ilg 十 血如 " ユ ニ 。 Tem 叶口 lure ( C ; 甘 。 Guyuan Fengn血旦 5. Conclusion 70's - 60's 。 | 80's - 70's JA 0 318 0 054 0 000 0 867 0 170 0 120 0 598 0 137 0 3% 0 112 ・ , ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Precipitation (nun) | 80's - 70's 70's - 60's 16.70 67.06 35.26 64.20 53.30 -44.46 -70.40 -56.22 -57.70 -75.40 The areas of sandy desertified land have developed very quickly from 1975 to 1987 in Bashang region of the North China as the serious desertified lands (in degree of moderate.severeand very severe) have increased 6,169 The major dynamic causes, were human excessive land use such as overreclaiming, over grazing and wood collection. Although it is believed that the small variation of temperature and precipitationbased on the semi-ciimate could accelerate the process of land degradation, the difficult thing is we don t understand how much its contribution was. It has been proved 口l remotely-sensed data applied could be effective tool for studying sandy that the mult@tempo deSe 川甘CaLon ・ References Wang Tao (1989): Journal of Desert Research, 9(1): 113-136 Wang Tao (1991): Journal of Desert Research, 11(3): 39-45. Zhu Che, Wu Wei (1994): Journal of Desert Research, 14(4): 98-103 Zhu Zhenda, U'u Shu (1989): Desertification and its rehabilitationin China, Science Press, Beijing, 170 Zhu Zhenda, Wang Tao (19SO): Ada GeographicaSinica,45(4): 430-440. Zhu Zhenda, Wang Tao (1992): Quaternary Sciences, 2:97-106. It (的血 HMd 川 S Evaluation ofMultitemporal Techniques to Map and MonitorLand-CoverChange in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments Yuji HIROSAWA*and Stuart E. MARSH" Abstract - Multitemporal techniques to characterize vegetation type and to detect land-cover change based examined using NOAA AVHRR data. We introducethe concept of by the first two principal components derived from a three year multitemporal NDVI dataset.This vegetationvector was successfullyused to characterizevegetationtype and could be used to explainthe seasonalchange of vegetation.The vegetationvectors were also createdfor each year and the inter-annualdifferenceof thevector could be usedto explainbothchanges in the amount of vegetationandthepattern of seasonalchange. upon phonological characteristics were a vegetation vector, which is defined Key Words: NOAA AVHRR. PrincipalComponentAnalysis,AridEnvironments,Multitemporal Studies 1. Introduction Multitemporal satelliteimages are an important source of information for the analysis of land-cover change,particularlywhen vegetationis used as an indexof change. Any attempt to analyzethis change ;j R 低蕊掛閣 S L A 茸丘晶ぽ肯おぽ群ぎ ;ほ三 川 * 器ご斗蕊 " 荘L催F 舌点即貯 L 庶おぽ。茸 analysis to develop a new multitemporal technique to independentlydetect seasonal and inter-annual vegetation change. Changesin vegetation were also related to precipitation for a study site in Arizona 乱 2 Data ・ JA 。 Data f「Om 出 e AdV川CedVeryHi 如 ResolutionRadiometer(A ) On 山 e NationaIoceanlcand AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) satellites have been used by many researchers to compile biweekly multitemporal maximum data value sets for composite the evaluation images of ofvegetation. the Normalized The Difference data set used Vegetation inthis research Index (NDVI) isthe prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center. NDVI is defined as 皿VI 。ロ" ・ 川" , where N^.and R^ are reflectance factors in the near-infrared and red regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Each image was compiled from multiple dates of data over a two week period by compositingpixels exhibitingthe maximumNDVI in order to reduce the effects of cloud contamination and atmosphericattenuation. One composite imagecovers the conterminousU.S. with a 1 km cell size and data from 1989 - 1994 are available on CD-ROM A rectangular study area which covers the entirestate of Arizona was extracted for our research. The extracted area consists of 636 columns x 759 rows and we utilized data from 1990, 1991 and 1992 whichhave 19, 21 and 20 composite images respectively To examine vegetation communitieswithin the study area, a map of the Natural Vegetation Communities in Arizona (Brown and Lowe, 1964), was utilized. Climatic data available from the National monthly precipitation Climatic Data data. Center Summary ofThe Day (Earthlnfo Inc., 1994) was utilized toextract ― * Instituteof Technology,Shimizu Corporation,Kot0-ku Tokyo 135, Japan (Fax:+81-3-3643-7260) ** Office of Arid Lands Studies, Univ. of Arizona, TucsonAZ 85719, U.S.A 184 ;Rw呈なこ L PllrlCN* 三椙X ,三ぷぱ斗舌 8 三 三 vegetation 三三 * 。 LPぽ FF LnR 三 三フ日二三科 、 , 仁よ酊三 干 , 1stPO@ て所 三 tL 二百 ・ 01 the 5% second ofPC,though thevariance contributing totheonly total 0 2 0 multitemporaldata set, clearly 十ト・ ・ ・ ・ 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 Julian Day from Jan.1,1990 mg)wiCa F Natural Communitiesmap. However, JA 三茸ギま 弗藻点目早 言箱節鰯草蕊澄浦Fき三請鞘違賎蓮 The concept of the vegetation vector is shown in Figure 2 When a pixel's first and second PC standardized RLぢま山器 、。 肝 scores 1 are : 弍 p 緒; E5:pixel.PFoTI0l ;h L O L 。 目ぢま占 。 三 ア三 、 江晋日 丁 三三 hi S L A 藤舌緊 遼姦薩菜至再琵乏笛鹿点蕪蒲藍卜擦 when applying PCA 諸再 Fま斉藻嶽華雀鎧芽目卍届 E牒 TwoL eld0I; di(: 茸点 the phenological characteristicof the pixels or its 55 * vector for three of the representative vegetationtypes within Arizona and Figure ∼ go RichVegetation 互 oめ 0 2nd PC (5班 ' " 伽) 8 40 膏 ) への 卜のト 35 30 25 Less Vegetation direction ofthevegetation vector inS 而 in Summer 20 の茸 4 types. categorized Theasdirection shown 10 Cg 50 LL で ofFigure the direction 3shows ofthe histograms vegetation ぽご ぽ三器 601 express vegetation type て器日描 ほ詔 は 4 MuchVegetation be distance alternatively and direction defined from using theRich Vegetation , きま 5 13 49 17 45 hisEog used be can pheno differe the m S 4 SAF SAF:Spruce - Alpine Fir Forest (770 pixels) PDG:Plains & Desert Grassland (65,862 pixel SDS:SonoranDesert Scrub, Arizona Upland ( Figure 3. Histograms of Angle of the Vegetation Vectors. as shown in Figure 2. Frequency is CO 山 Figure mUnlty 2. characteristics types The profile of the L A A of these vegetation 4 Chanee Vector J Figure 5 The same deriv quantities from the PCA described above were also extract here significantly from June more to precipitation August 1990 Julian Day from Jan.1,1990 end of Mean NDV1. NDVI -04 0 60 120 180 240 Julian Day from Jan-1 300 has been 360 compared 1991 and 1992. tothe The same peak period ofNDVI in Figure 5 Coefficient ofEigenvectors oftheFirst Two from August to September in 1990 was also his>her. As this change Principal Components. PCA was applied to three years of data separately. 186 contributes second PC as score anegative (see Figure factor 5), tothe 2 score of the second PC in 1990 was significantlysmallerthan that of 1991 1990 and 1992 5. Conclusion 1992 じ Sc tlSe ; 咄腰耳p ; d; UtU Ls 3ぽ 、、。、点 , are a , useful 。 means ぎ はこ ) 1991 て of -2 寸 0 2nd PC Figure 6. ChangeVector on Santa-Rita Experimental Range S L A 300 三 亡 200 JA 巳 'c'150 口 7 山 100 Monthof Yearfrom 1990to 1992 2 5 ・ 2 ・ 0 上千一ノ口 1 0 ・ ヱ 0 5 ・ 0 ・ 0 Figure?.Monthly Trend of Precipitation and NDVIon SantaRitaExperimentalRange. NDVIhas been standardized. d 獅 5 ヰ alO JOu 川 " 恥山 川 EFFECTIVE POROSITY BY A FIELD TRACER OF A SEDIMENTARY TEST USING ROCK TRITIUM DETERMINED AS A TRACER Hiroyuki Ii*, Yoshiyuki Ohtsuka* andShinya Misawa** Abstract - We measured effective porosity values from the tritium concentration distribution for the d川at 可 and m口 [ed SpeCiGGC yie]d. EmmeCtivePOpoSity 川 d C山C 刀eld udぬ to 卜 groundwaterflow velocity. Some water stored in a sedimentary rock can be used only by a drainage 町 mp 川 if;edwith mpid 『 耳 Oundwaterlevel change.However, after undwater Ievel ChangePopewater 口 n血 uedtnhe 司 ere ぬ ほ mostwaier 寸Ommdinasediment 山止 卜低口 fora]ongtime 叩 印 ・ , Key words;Effective porosity,longitudinal dispersivity,tritium, tracer test 1. Introduction A lot of groundwaterpumped up through deep boreholes and wells was used for desert development.Planned or controlled pumpingof groundwateris necessary because the water table lowers and the water content of the aquifer decreases. It is necessary for the controlling of pumping to clear groundwaterflow. Effective porosity which was necessary for estimation of groundwater flow and storage volumeof undergrounddam, was analyzed by a tracer test. Tritium, whichis an unstable isotope with a half life of 12.43 years, is produced naturallyin the neutrons and nitrogen. Free tritium earth's atmosphere from reactions between cosmic-ray-produced most commonly collides with Qz and enters the water cycle. Therefore, rainwater contains a detectableconcentration of tritium. The tritium concentrationfor groundwaterdepends on recharge time because the source of the tritium for the groundwateris only rainwater and tritium is an unstable isotope.Tbe rechargeddmeCau be 口口 bt 口 f「Om e 血e 九 Veporosity vaIueS,hydraulic のnduC甘 vi り, 山e 匹 O JA S L A dwater level,and disperSion 口 emmmCient.We 卜 at 田 effective porosity v 寸u 卜 f「Om 山。 tritium concentrationdistribution for the groundwater.The Matsumoto tunne1, approximately2000 m in length, was being constructed within a plateau north of Matsumoto city in centralJapan. Tunnel constructionbeganin October 1990 and finished in April 1992. The total volumes of seepage water at the west side and the east side of the tunnel were 1.2 and 1.6 million tons. The porosity values determined by the weight of samples in both water saturated and dry conditions were 7 ~ 15 % 2. Tritium concentration Fig. 1 shows the change of tritium concentration. Sampling seepage water within a tunnel under の瓜加 C甘 On i5 川 emeC廿 ve way to get 四 OundwaterM 山 noutmiXing 山e 匹 Ound川aat汀 at 山e d 而eLnt 口n 叶 n 血tLnQLr 三三 福ほほ ; 品了 ア 三。。 :1 Sea 了仁三, 山etunnelseepagewateIwereundero.3 ;d ぼア三監 ・ ・ i晋よ三三北口 R監 仁 三ぽ 拮弍哀 仁三 L二 ;目二 E乏日ぼ 二 T U *ex 印 ptfor5omewaterwhoSeNo3- , ・ 晋 。 Wate L O1 二日篇 芯 三 「 日日 yearSo. x ig;jlSlthe SbSla 盟 *; 三 "d (t5o 。 、三三三三 三三 三才 二ご poTatIon 447BChuo a3Chome KOto kuTOkyo 135 Jap 川 荏 『毘 お言;韮お 「 山 而 ** NaganoPublicRoad Corporation1020, Shimadati,Matsumot0-city, Nagano 390, Japan , , , , ・ , , 188 20 Sprfngw@lcrinlhemld * Small river 。 、 川。 。d " ト。ト WQllatthe( " 口 。 。 " lo 。。可 ) for 山e T U ・ , 卜口USe 山e T U 5O ye , ago ・ e ・ groundwaterlevel was assumed to equal with 山e topo phi 回 420 斗 ww tritium tritium concentration forp ぼおF 百tIon 市山 e Tokyo area was 10 ' '"' 。 "8" 川川nC'( ! S6eP480 @q apong@he@qnnel 川口 side) 吋司ト 1 。 v5L The precipitationwas about 。 O[@heplI@ のト , の L 口n 血 HOn '" " 。, 。" 0"…、。。ぬ " 。。" " 。。 (mCd 山!nQ卜ロtbe 旬@gnCbnpmq 田 ア如 " ( アの 1O 3 lヰ Lo[lhePl刀卜レ of(heptaiciu Spring wilcr in(heupper ponion ' 卜叫咋 ヒ く 肚 ぬ た " 血。・ groundwater level did L aii not change before elConS C甘 On 山e 10/1/1990 5/19/19911/4/1992 8/21/1992 4/9/199311/25/19937/13/1994 3/1/1995 |斗 , seepage Fig. 1 Changeof^ concentrationin the sampled water J川A @ ギ 八 "'" 、 i ' '川 " " ト,ノ @ " 匁 l口 。 Fig. 2 。 l water and migrationanalysis modelat the horizontal section ed to ぬ 市 a S L A 3.lSee 碑咋 a卜 可vS]S Fig.2 shows the seepage and migration analysis modelat the horizontal section. There are 6 layers in 山emodel 川 d 山esum 山卜heSSof 山 eSe6byerSL 450 m. Table 1 displays the parameters and boundary conditions used in the seepage and migration analysis. TTie equation governing steady-state groundwater flow in a three-dimensional system is generallygivenas uniform medium, 山け seepage analysis was が市 の 方 0 寸 Table 1 Parameters and boundary conditions used in the seepage and migration analysis where 0 :piezometrichead,and x, y, z: Cartesian 血""d" l @ H ghtSf 坤 ""d 而 ( 師 lanl) cooIdiDates.The system bounda 「 heSarc @mpe 口ble excepting the tunnel and springs. Boundary Boundary condition I山 re 川 e bl conditions can be given as follows, 。ほ。 。, 。 口 。 , 。 へ T卜血mConCent 「 atton of ground surface Decay constant H ノ ノ 口山三 n 口 口 比 L p め ・ n lt epOm 斗 I卜 耐。ノ ノ " ノ l U ( ・ 1 77X1 ぴ ・ 。 ノ 口卜tan() (L 卜ナ ン川廿 a m15 4 = 0o 寸 tbe 山etUnnelandsp nngs 『 (2) a1y e) Page 山 waseP rforme e 9 Se 工 boundary ・ 山 5ing e 皿 plified ( e ・ aly was 2.8xi0-'~2.8xi0-scmscc-i where <6a : steady-state piezometric head level .A in FEM duuSIng 1 12 ・ .100 189 conditions described by eq. (2). 3.2 Migration analysis A 口 upl 九円uatjon5t 印 dy Sぬte goveIning 耳Oundwaterfqowand advCCtiondiSpeMonin ・ dimensionalsystem is given as follows, 青 (D 苛) (D 苛) (D 舌) aC 。 三 g ・ LL 二 /6 だ 去 , a ・ E だ 三 d 三 (依 ・ /6 低日ぽ /6 C) ( (C) i (LC) F ― ラ 才 D 二 fo lV , a l ゅ , lV ― あ ・ l 二 干 ― 九 ゼアノ十 y が十 Vが (3) where e '. effective porosity value, C : concentration, D : dispersion coefficient, a: longitudinal dispcrsivity, ^ : decay constant, Vx, Vy, Vz : actual velocity in the x, y and z directions, and vx, vy, vz : apparent velocity in the x, y and z directions. The dispersion coefficient is isotropic. The system boundaries arc impermeable except at the borehole. F = (4) FOat 山eborChoIe S L A Where F : flux of mass ( A C/ A t) , and Fo: flux of mass at the borehole. A migration analysis was performed using FEM and the boundary conditions described by eq.(3). 4. Results and discussion In this tracer test, from the governing eq.(3) and the initial and boundary conditions, effective porosity-values, longitudinal dispersivity and hydraulic conductivityarc unknown parameters for this migration analysis. Longitudinal dispersivity is empirically about one tenth of the distance between JA ;;;; ;;i *E i:;: E;;; Eld;F; ;; ぎ ぢ。 三 ; 蒲三 こ まま 員法百 and 0.48 percent effective porosity value were determined at the Matsumototunnel by li (1995 ) 呈 呈, ,。 Even if longitudinal dispersivity varies from 1 m to 100 m, when the effective porosity value is 10 percent and hydraulic conductivity is less than 5.6 X 10'6 cm sec-1, the analyzed tritium concentration distribution at the tunnel is in accordance with the measured results ( Fie.3, 4). Therefore, when the flow velocity value is 1 X 10'5 m sec'1, the effective porosity value coincides with the porosity value At the Matsumototunnel a tracer test was performed by injecting a Br solution into a borehole during construction by li and others ( 1993 ), li and others ( 1994 ) and U ( 1995 ). The calculated effective porosity value was 0.48 percent and the flow velocity was 1.8 X 10'2 cm sec"1. If tunnel seepage is free water in the rocks unsaturated during tunnel construction, specific yield value is calculated to be 0.6 pcrCent by 山e total volume of 山G 口 el and the total volume of the rock unsaturatedduring tunnel construction. The specif6c yieid value was smalIeI th山山 e porosityvalue( 7~15 percent ). However, the seepage water was derived from seepage 4000 5000 Fie. 3 Analyzed @@concentrationdistribution e=l0%,K=5 6X 1O G 而 SeC-l) ( 八-B sectjonaIplan,a =lm, ・ ・ unsaturated rock which had been already dIained du ing 「 山C 耳 OundwateI level change. The tritium concentration for the Seepagewatcr , wa5 0 6 T U 。 卜山口ted ・ ・ t 190 the seepage water was not surface water, Therefore,specificyieldvalueincreased,as 山e e 血 er 山e 耳 oundwatCrlevelCh 皿咋 elapsed.Thus specificyield value is due to drainage time. During groundwaterlevel change, 0.6 percent pore water was drained and after groundwaterlevel change pore Wate「の nHnuedto 低 d 口 lned Thus, some water stored in a sedimentary rock can Fig. 4 Analyzed 5H concentration distribution S如 寸 二 K二 2 川つ口 (A-B !ionDpIan O=ime l0% , , , ・ 8X be used only by a drainage 田市山口 pid 四 OundwatGrlevel change. However, after groundwaterlevel 山川 昨 pore water の H血lu 口 m be dnined a 5eC-]) mp 0 三三目ぽ口 ・ eXterStoTed 三: ぎ は ア 5. Conclusion When the flow velocity was more than 1.8X10-2 cm sec-1, the effective porosity value was smaller than the porosity value. However when the flow velocity was 1 X 10'5 cm sec'1 in the same area, the effective porosity value coincided with the porosity values. Therefore, effective porosity value is concluded to be due to groundwaterflow velocity. Specific yield value during groundwaterlevel change was 0.6 percent. However as pore water continued to be drained after groundwaterlevel change finished, specific yield value becamelarger than specific yield value only during groundwaterchange MF S L A JA 旺N旺 li H, Ishikawa Y, Sugihara K andUtsugida Y (1993 ) Estimationof scaleeffect on effectiveporosityandlongitudinal dispersivity of a Tertiary sedimentary rock by laboratory tracertests and a field tracer test. Hannover htematIon 山 S低 IatIon ofHvdFoE 叩I[I0 可払 4 ; u 十 162 ・ li H andMisawaS ( 1994) Tie groundwaterchemistlywithin a plateauneighboring Matsumotocity, Japan.]_ EnvironmentalGeology. 24 (3) : 166.175 [i H, Misawa S andKawamura R ( 1994) Effectiveporosity,longitudinaldispersivityandhydraulicconductivity of a Sediment 叫 formation deteImIned by f6eId口C町 teSting,thpee-dimenSional 耳 。 undwate HOOOOWand adve口i 川 dispersion FEM : Proceeding of the 7th congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology MBa 止ema Publi5heめ, R。 WeM川 :4213 4221 I;H (1995 ) 呵卜 e 四 roS 吋川 d long 而 d九寸 diS咋 山川 y Qf 斗 en 卜 dete 司 by ]a山 ntoけ !andf6eld L叱 J 山" 血 "me" 日 G印 ]0可乃口 :71-め ヰ ・ ・ ・ Pickens JF andGrisak GE (1981a ) Scale-dependentdispersionin a saturatedgranularaquifer.Water Resource Research. 17 (4) : 1191-1211 PickensJF andGrisak GE ( 1981b) Modeling of scale-dependent dispersionin hydrogeologic systems. Water Resource Research.17 (6) : 1701-1711 WSSKSi 5S. 191-194(1995) Journal of Arid Land Studies Tracing the movement of sand salts during evaporation through a cotton cloth core and sand and polymer tube inserted into sand using three different anions as tracers Yoshiyuki OHTSUKA*, Yukuo ABE** and Hiroyuki II*, Tetsuo OGAWA** TomoharuYAMAGUCHI** ABSTRACT * The movement of sand salts through both a cotton cloth core and a sand and polymer tube stuck into sand during evaporation was studied using three kinds of anions as tracers. When the cotton cloth core was stuck into the sand, salt water was mainly transported from the mid and lower depth sands to the upper section of the cotton cloth core through the mid and lower sections of the cotton cloth core. A little salt water was transported from the lower sand to the surface sand and from the surface sand to the cotton cloth core. When the sand and polymer tube was stuck into the sand, salt water was mainly transported from the lower sand to the surface sand. At the beginning of evaporation, the surface sand and polymer tube was dried up. There was no migration toward the sand andpolymer tubeburiedin the sandfrom the surroundingsand. Key Words: evaporation,migration, tracer, desert,salt S L A 1. Introduction Salt accumulationin soil is a serious problem for agricultural areas in arid and semi-arid lands. Although leaching soil is an effective methodto rid excess salts of soi1, leaching requires a lot of water and drainage produced by leaching must be dealt with ( FAO/Unesco 1967, USA National Academy Sciences 1974 ). Abe et al ( 1992 ) and U et al ( 1993 ) studied new methodsof accumulating salt within a paper core and a stick which were inserted into sand. These methodsused only a little water which the sand needed to be saturated with. After the sand was saturated with water, the salt whichwas in the sand during evaporation was accumulated in a paper core and stick As the apparatus of the previous experiments was very smal1, the larger apparatus was utilized for JA 而 Sc 巾 dy TbreekiDds of 皿 ionSweIeusedas 也叶 n 川 d 呵卸 t 口 into 山村emntposition5in and salt migration within the sand was studied in detail ・ 2 Hment寸 method ・ 2 工血 t ぬ ・ 山eS 川 d Fig.1 shows the Wagner pot ( l/2000a and 250 mm in diameter ) with an inner diameter of 250 mm and a height of 300 mm. The Wagner pot was filled with a 18.5 to 19.0 kg sand and 3.7 to 3.8 kg g C@'3.The sand was river sand whose true gravity density was 2.69 g L@'3. The initial salt content in the sand was negligible. A cotton cloth and sand with absorbent polymer were used for the experimentbecause they were porous and absorbed a lot of water. The cotton cloth was coiled around a wooden stick. Its length was 350 mm and diameter was 38 mm. The original water content was 0.4 9 3 A のtton 巾lbe was fGIIedwith a mIxtUpe of 95 % sand (FtatteIy qua 厄 -S 川 d LOm AuStTaIja) and 5 % absorbent polymer. Both its ends were closed. Its length was 300 mm and diameter was 40 mm and thedry densitywas 1.5 g L@'3.The original water content was 0.85 g L@'3.This is termed 抑d 川 d plyme 口ube ・ ・ ・ : g: :;E L*) jzu Corpo mtion.3@4-17Etch iInaOto kuTokyo 35Jap 肝三三 三 ご3日邑 ぶ 『 山 Iく 如 ** : Agriculturaland ForestEngineering, UniversityofTsukuba.Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305 Japan , , ・ , , 寸 192 A cotton clothcore andsandandpolymer tubesaturatedwith a distilledwater were insertedintothe centerof thesand.A 20 cm3NaBr solutionwhose concentration was 5 % was injectedintothecenter bottom of the sand. A 20 cm3Na2S04solutionwhose concentration was 5 % was injectedinto the boundarvof 山e5 如 d 川 d 山eWagnerpotl2 卜 depth. 2 2 Method ・ TTieWagnerpots were driedin the soiltronwhichwas a controlledglasshousefor soil environment researchat the farm in theUniversityof Tsukuba. The atmosphericenvironmentwithin the soiltron but duringthe experimentalperiod,the soiltronwas couldbe conditionedwith the air-conditioner, beingnaturallyventilatedwith opening thetopandsidewindows.During theexperiment,theweights of the Wagnerpots were measured.At eachdegreeof saturation,the Wagnerpots were dismantled andseparatedas shownin Fig.1. Distributionsof water contentwere determinedby weights in both water saturatedand dry conditionsand Cl', Br and S042' concentrations were determinedby ion exCh川昨 Omato phyfoI 山e の他 n dlo山 lCoIe,sandandpolymer 血卜 and sand 3. Exoerimentalresults and discussion S L A 3.1 Cotton cloth core The numbersin Fig.2 show eachdegreeof saturationandwater content distributionsin thesand andthe cotton clothcore. The numbersin Fie.3,4 and5 show eachdegreeof saturationand Cl', BrandS042' concentrationdistributionsin thesand andthe cottonclothcore on a dry basis. Thewater JA content of sand decreased from the surface sand to the deeper sand. However the water content in the cotton clothcore was kept to be high anduniform(homogeneous).From 100 % to 42 % degreeof saturation,thewater content in thecotton clothcore was unchangedto be 0.25 ~ 0.4 g cm'3 but the water contentin thesurfacesanddecreased to be fromabout0.28 to 0.03 g cm'3. me 口 口 nC切血 tIon 卜山 eupperSeCtionof 山ecotton dlo山の peand山e 5uぱaCe5Md inCI口 Sed maIkedly.However 山e a" COncent 『 mtjonin 山e 5 aCe 5and Suwounding山e の而n Clo山のre decreasedfrom 42 % to 60 % degreeof saturation.The C1-concentrations in boththemid andlower ・ depthsand decreased.The Br concentration in the injectedsand decreasedbut the Br found in the cotton clothcore surroundingthe injectedsand increased.Especiallythe Br in the upper sectionof thecotton clothcore increasedremarkably.Therefore,most Br migratedfrom theBr injectedsandto the upper section of the cotton cloth core through the mid and lower sections of the cotton cloth core. The Br concentration in the surfacesand increased.The S042' concentration in the injectedsand decreasedbut the S042" found in the sandbelow the injectedsand increasedfrom 100 % to 80 % degreeof saturation.Thereforefirstly, S042' migratedin a downwardsdirection.From 80 % degree of saturation,the S042' concentration in the upper sectionof the cottoncloth core and the surface sandincreased.As shownin Fig.6, duringevaporationsalt water was transportedfrom the midand lower depthsandto the upper sectionof the cotton clothcore throughthe mid andlower sectionof 血e の tton dlo山の『 m and alittte saltwaterwastranSpo 『 nCd f「OmthGlower sand to 山e 5面aCe Sand and salt water was little transportedfrom the surface sand to the cotton cloth core 3 2 Sand 川 d pol eI 口比 ・ enumberSinF 卜 2 寸 Ow 口比九 町eeofsatumtionandwater 『 のntentdI5田 butio瓜 b 山eSmd 川 d 山esandand polymeI口比・ 凡enumbers 血 Fje 3 4and 5 showeachdegreeofSatuationand 『 口" Br 川 d S042・の nc切屈ぱ on dist「 Hhutionsinthesandand山lesandand polymeI口比 On ad ワ baSiS The water contentin the sand andthe sandand polymer tubedecreasedfromthe surfaces.At 50 % degreeof saturation,the upper sectionsof the sand and polymer tubewere dried up. Howeverthe 」 ・ , , ・ content in the mid and lower sections of the sand and polymer tube were unchanged to be 0.7 g cm-3. Even at 28 % degree of saturation, the water content in the lower section of the sand and polymer tube was 0.95 g cm'3. The Cl" concentrations in the surface sands increased. Howeverthe CI" concentrations in the water sand and polymer tube were unchanged to be very low. The Cl" concentrations in the mid depth and the lower depth sands decreased. The Br concentration in the injected sand decreased from 100 % t0 80 % degree of saturation. The Br concentration found in the sand surrounding the injected sand and m the surface sand increased. Howeverthe Br- concentrations in the sand and polymer tube were unchanged to be very low. The S042' concentration in the injected sand decreased from 100 % to 80 % degree of saturation. The S042- concentrations in the surface sand increased. HowevertheS042' conccntrations in the sand and polymer tube were unchanged to be very low. As shownin Fig.6, salt water was mainly transported from the lower sand to the surface sand. There was no migration toward the sand and polymer tube buried in the sand from the surrounding sand. 4. Conclusion As the cotto aintained a high water the upper section o c seems to have been through the cotton cloth core. Therefore, a lot of salt in the S L A e to have been accumulated from the sand, seems cotton cloth core As the sand and polymer tube was completely dry at the beginning of evaporation, the evaporation rate of water from sand and polymer tube seems to be larger than the velocity of capillary water movement through the sand and polymer tube. There was no migration toward the sand and polymer tube. Therefore, salt water movedmainly from the lower depth sand to the surface sand and the accumulated salt in the sand and polymer tube was very low 5i JA ・ 口 CE Ate, Y, Yamaguchi, T., Yokola, S., Ohisuka, Y. and li, H. (1992) : The capture methods of Ihe sail accumulated on the surfdce of soi1. J. Arid land study. 2:19-27. FEL1TSIANT,I N. (1966) : Regularily of capillary movement of water and soil solutions in stratified soils. Translated from Russian, Israel Program for Scientific Translalions, Jerusalem. FAO 山川口 co(l967): @c 川 al4 川 9@lSL4@sour じカ no On@ 何@94 か on and 山刀 り叫が andA知山川田丸 LL to 口血什 如イ H Ohlsu 卜 人 ・ ムガ 刃人 al@ 刀 My ・ 563-62 フ aT Y anandYa Yro 畔川 Abe rol1. J. Arid land iludv. 3:1-7 USA National Academy of Sciences , a , , ・, , ・ 川叫 ucuch@,T.(tgg 斗 :E? 山川 川 Ms@uり ons 川口 p y melhMu づ叫 paper Fig.1 Test and cotton apparatus (Wagner pot filled with sand cloth core or sand and polymer tube ) Fig,6 Schematics of migration in the cotton cloth core and sand and polymer lube 194 lube JA 1 S L A and sail 60 s0% tuba p 1 4:'-d on cloSh sand and pol n llie r tube ^SSK^. 5S. 195-198(1895) Journal of Arid Land Studies Remediation And Rehabilitation Of Oi1-Contaminated Lake Beds Kuwa エt De8e てt In Nader AL-AWADHP, M. Talaat BALBA*, Kazmer PUSKAS*, Reyad HiroyukiCHINo**, KiyokazuTSUJI**, Masakazu Hirokazu TSUJI*¥ and Shinsei KUMAMOT<y** st エ aCt@ This paPef th 「 ee yea sustantial progress and 土 nVe 日 t エ agated to Lu K エ 5R/P]PBC contamination. 。。 "" soil a to 血 """ sludge, Oil 。。 the f エ eeld eva 工 uated3 p え上 e 日だエ tted 甘エth oil 瓜 b ユ。て e Over six and OCCupat the d ヨ St now hea at ユ 。 n 「 m@ne penetration and the the moderately to site the natu 「 e was observed contaminated て obta ユ ned エn DuL 土 ng ・ of hazard to ・ 亡 土工 e O互 deep in treatment soil and 5000 m3 lightly S L A PhyL , laboratory for the treatment of soil which can not treated 土 Ca オハ。 he 血 Cal g エ ea 如 nt L*2g2 a Iheao lf Om gS安L ま言 man cleared, ・ contaminated ,まき ぽ、 「 。, 22 million barrels て ema ユ n heav ユ ly contam@nated actively considered so that 土工工 yea て Oだ pe て土 Odr だ Oて the contaminated soil 巳エ亡だ e て ent methods are be エ ng land で a:am@ng, 「 wユ ndnd エ Ow CO O日 t エ ng So エエ p エエ色 S and stat エC ]fo 「 ced ae て a セ土olon. App て Op エエ aate phy 卜ユ Ca エノ Che Cるエ thodS JA ・。,。 recovery 」エて st th 土ヨ was selected, mine and d 土日 tr ユ bbut え On pro as deep as 2 5 meter hundreds of Kuwait's oil wells were exploded of Kuwa ユ t ユ n 上 g90, 「 esult ユ ng ユ n the wo 「 st エ OOn being th has been made: dete results prog , 「 e 皇 ea て C ね , B エ。て e 庇口エ at ユ 。n Sur 工 aCtant Key まよ員 0 エ In nt also developed and tested in the sludge and heavily contaminated were in the てユ巳 e ヨ コ 2000 m3 heavy treatment of T三 「 AL-DAHER*, IWABUCHP** and als<so to S 。エ上 , during enV the by the エ no enta Iraqi Rf( 工 invasion d エ sa 色 te てユn 00 。 g , ぽ山ナぎ ざ、 g 品ま 。 「, ミ 、 o まき crude oil from these lakes but the lake The reIued エ aat エ Olon o 上 the o エエ上ake beds エ日 oil contamination does not pose a critical of ・ st@mu 工 atethe て巳 sto エ at ユ O]on Oだ tthe damaged eCo y 色t (n t-Awadh tute 0et SCent 1992) CRepea n July Ch(x 994a SR)and joint Japan research Petroleum program Energy between Center Kuwait (PEC) ヨ 土互 エ to deve エ op エ n x 八 wa エ t area ・ ◆ エ ・ Pro エt g コ て e<eCt , ユエ エ ntended "Act an ユ oon plan 。 だ て e 口e<edユニ t エ o:onof the or to ay 上 Oundat de 川ongtrat the necessary the も ユ On ユ OL 互 OE O上 data a 工工 -o エ ll ContamLnateddesert so ユエ ・ o 上 Imore than 5O hectares material and select; completed was ユ oon wa 日 based in two phases* on ユ 、 互廿 エ CO て エ ・ TOkyo エ土エ ユ ク Japan ・ 「 severa in the xuwa Obayagh t Inat Corp.r tuteTokyo, porSC Japan ent CResea ch,Kuwait p Sh" エ the 上 ield-scale in order to obtain ・ contaminated 人十 十十 The 土 寸土 lS pL aL ユ ly tat エ ng xuwa environment through and physica1-chemical technologies エnユt エ rehab エオ土 biological 巳工 土 ・, て ated ・ て was 工 工 first reasons phase, エ nClud a ユ ng total Fax:965-483-4670) 196 5O Cm e 入CaVat ユ on depth 互 :Com the top も ur だ ace o 工 the s 工 udge 工 eVe@ was aCb エ eVed Th エも in 2,0l2 mヨ 。茸 contaminated L 。 エエ wb ユ。九てe 叫ユ red 血 ad 血 t エ。 n to the oi エ日エ udge DuL ユ Lg the second phase, add エ t ユ olona エ 5 0O0 m3 o 亡 オユ ght 工y COnt nated 日 Oユオ甘 ag て e 川oved The net エ aat ユ olon de h of the Oエエ COnt at 土 olon into the S 廿 b8u て互 aCe so ユオ甘も日 ユ nVest エ agated by col エ ecting soil samp 工 es at VaL エ ou8 depth Trom several test p エ tsr to a predetermined of oil contamination was examined visually, documented by photographs and by chemical analysis. The soil was analyzed fo 「 t 。 ta エ e 八t て aC 止 le mateL 土色止 ( 肛 H) by analyses, total petroleum (TPH), エR ヨ ct て 。 ph 。 t 。 Tet て土 C teChL ユ e apd P 。 上 yaL 口 t 土。 (PAHs), aPLC and 巳 pCt て 。土 lu 。 可 h 。 t 。 庇 t てエ C Qgthods. The oi 工 St て 八 t エ olop pro 互エエ e with ユ nQ the subsurface so ユ ll did not 土 O1 工 Ow an サ C 上 ea て patteLn possibly due to the variable geological nature of the Burgan area and the presence o 上 gatCh lenses エ n the subSu 「 face 80 ユエ・エn ヨ Q肛 a 「 eas, o エオ peLet て at エ ol wa ヨエ ted to the first 50 cm and in other areas penetration was as deep as 2.5 meters* The ・ ・ , ・ ・ ・ hydrocarbons hydrocarbons , concentrations samples, ranged ofbetween TEMin20the to analyzed 60% in oil sludge and between 0,03 to so エエ・ ぬ花 8 e ected n 如with d 如a yエe8d把て bye卸 se 寸CM LaCted 瓜t g 吋aph tb 24.8 % (P/w) エn adLt ヨ色エ でて 。 エ On 巳 (GC/PID) cha 「 aCte (P エ g 斗 ) エ to ク the エn to 日八 b 日 u て互 ace the ・ the 巳色 ana 。 determine oま y8 色 。 て , Cll generalgeneral the 0 エエ エ Cl ヌ S L A COnt nat ユ olon The resu エ tswe 「 e comDa 「 ed wユ th those o 互 crude o エ 1 g 工 e 工 Irom the Lu エ a,n 亡エ e エ d [F ユ g 2) d standa エ d o 互 cauthent エc ・ 「 エ日 t 土 cS ・ Cl ト CIS athat anthe cCo OundCOnt Theresu n t エ On ts bad日エ Cated O t ・ 口 色 日ユ gn ユ上エ Cant wh エ ch 巳 エエ 弍 ユ エ 巳 JA po て t エ on o土 。。叫 "" Su 可てエ s エ n< not 土日 ・ 。" the 如e lowe to the 「 口 th 色 e 上ut suggested b エ Odegradat surface observed エ。 n also エ on hydrocarbons of extensive 凪 血上y soi1, less degradation at 20 cm and no degradation be depth observed Th limitation that ・ tablbolエ 日 m エ日 ・ which is Oだ pet エ Ole the was 払en e t atOwgen lowe F t d廿 necessary 土n oil hy 。 for active OCa エ bon plOt 上 and エ ed tem FOuL ng a 日 Sy も u ・ ヨ・ 「 . 14.0 エ Cユ 4 C26 exposure anextended toharsh period. weather Thecondition observed shift over ユ n 口 g ,ユぽ in /FI Surface 咄 (0,C3) 師 。 茸比 e Soi エ ExtraCt 0 ・ 十 血 L 川 "肺 "" 叫師エ・エ ぽ 血。 血 " 和 ・ェ n n- 197 e O l g p de t g P n C fo optimumm c Ob エ a エ Yエ p g p P e p e 8 s d , mn has a he ghtgbt Of l.5 m pエエ f エ t d w、 th エ e ky Pユ t エ 廿エ supply O " cLob エミ l g ,h dnd コ。。エエ C Fct エイ エ t エ F工 4 s c sect エ on2oninthepオエ eS8Sh エ ngthe angement O the 上 eaky p s The p Oe a S x t c L a p 40 血入 :30 皿 eaeaeh@ we 「 co 打 st て ucted ナ the エ OCessed so オ to エ Ye 3O depth. The エ Otsotg 「 上エエエ ed エ ee ek using agr エ CultLLa 工 rQtot エエオ and エエてエ 寸 teated bva エ Vot エ nE エ gat Cm ミ er エ systemto エ nta 「 エ ndr エエ エエ es エエ エ we 3mw ナ上エ 「 エ const 廿 工 , pe nuou5 each length and es , 十 ― are 。 pLoV de wate て 上 or エ O@ 、 eS.eS- 色エ aht Ighe ・ 、 For エオ es 「 ucted@@ 2O o1 wdter tyty. 止エ ngng エ・ con エ ent act エ Co ・ so su て ユ the 土 met a. エ eprespn 上 ミ エ Oss FF エ エ エ。 。 ナ es Fre us エ ngng ae エ at turned front Fou 「 also ま the g Ound エ も 土 noCu エ abo cap bエエ上 t エ L 工 ecL so Fg and エオ 土 エオ eg in p だよ cE 呈ま, and hydLoc ミ wh ユ chGh have 「 y. TheEe es,p エミ key We L工 cula 8tL ミエ エ aht r れ Lan 』 Far in て 圏-姻 口 可ん坊 oB a 剛 瑚 ,山 yout た 土つ エ 印 sys ,、巳お 、三三 to 寸オエ for and S L A parameters. Certain P z JすA w h ・ コ g a other PlotS 上七 ns, 「 ato コ エ ng エ se i 」X ,三 and ng エ ated st エミエ ナfor 乙 エ nS エ de to the エ les@ and 亡 onneCted to provide sufficient oxygen biodegradation (L ミ tt ユ エエ concentration a month ・ hydrocarbons 卜土 st ・ OnCe constructed compressors laL エ エ <S エ OLde エ onon. were 寸 丁 w d been isolated エ n the h c OC lytt@towadsPAHsandhep 3Oil n-ut 久エ ns エ エエ es 土エ土 ユ vs 土 ng エ OcaL nS ・ be cLob pLoUen 「 hyd 土エエ ミ ta ghe エ 卜 エ エエ SO エ上 b1g5Hndw 9Oe d a oononpIogL COnt nLe i has until s-tarted endofon March, June1st, 1996. エ 4 ・ 土 Phvs エ たエ 土エエ C エ ユ上 /Che Te t ・ 土 山エ cca 工 て ユ nt processesweredeve xosteck he teChno VPo lV 0g andCa het es con ere eabr tmGnttoftheo nated eY sel99990) opedandthe e ed(E So nas<paqgaretal gu l Le tableweHashing ySlud pProP c eaeand enC 9g991; ateatg esF9.4cLosssegti o0o エ ・ ユ were エ七 エ エ assessed エ 川 エ 十 in 工 エ the 廿エ エ 叫 laboratory. エ, ユ上 エエ エエ ナ士ユ 二 Se エ可 エエ e8 Oa てエ ユ エ 止 斗 Composting Pile 土エ 198 lo elenCy "" and 2) and》he Soilwashed washing soil with contained water, kerosene hWedup l to 78 ユも 3emoVale 6- 5.8% 肛C H enCyft BeStresu eatedsol ts were conta Obta n(ned ned e ナ上十LCエ s 八 r 十 aCtant 「 best: WaShエ ng 「 ヨ 互だエ ・ emova エ エ 「 エ・ 上 オ も班 The best , "n" 。 "m" ・ type C experiments 4) Sludge wash エ n< with kerosene reduced TEM from 29.4 % t0 エ5 0 もノ上u て the て WaShingw エ thwat 色 L て eduCed TEM to 6.3%. The contaminated elevated of salt ・ 川 ユ エ variable. 3) Soil n tWo CyC ユ色 s p て uced up to 8 丁斗 e 互互エ C エ enCyr t 「 eated sample ・ 吋 ・ , " 畔。, 2 ・ユ @ 2 6 、。 M 。 v 。 d with the of best r 土 zlzed エ n F ユ g 5 The gu 叫。ト ' ・ ・ ・ ・ 斗 " 寸 42 め originatedDainly to e t u h o we Irom theuse e Salt O seawate COntent ws an@mportant l COn8 d red 8aCtorrif O二色the nytreated p antat SOi olon.@01 八 エ エ巳 だ ユエ エ エオ エ About オエだエて 色 だ ・ 寸 上 才 て エ エ 60% of the salt can be removed by the SOユ l WaSh エ nnq エ n COnC 工八 8 エ 0n7 the て e 卜 u エ ts demonstrated that the hydrocarbon ・ て soil JA be used the treatment the site Hal1, of for greenery or agricultural oil from the London pp. explosives 371-410. iiネ t卜 S L A The recove v「 O上 日エ gn エ亡エ cant o エエ Cenptage でて 0 0 エ ly 巳 ludge 吋 ke て Ogene will 十叫 and mines. o 0 Rmio 8 ヌ)(fflcl*ncy( 8 S ヌ)3 。 purposes* Cr OL 5 あ b ノ Or e 血 e 廿エ a t 7 OL Cl: Chaired by J. Young i 1. 血 do &M叶 LaLM ・ C2: Chaired by A. Bichund ・ Contents Invited A icles Special れれ C1*18: Desert biosyste ネ s: A. Richmond, Ben-0urion UnlY @ 町碑 l ・ , 199-202 ・ C2*U4: Guayule natural rubber: A proniising source of latex for nodical products: F.S. Nakayana, It. Cornish (DSDA-ABS), U.K. Schlonan, Jr. (Dniv. Akron), USA C3*19: Technology tor desert aouaculture: Ben-Gurion Univ., ・ 203-206 ・ 207-210 ・ 211-214 S. Appelbaun, Israel C4ネ 15: Bioreiiediation of polluted soils in arid zones: A. Abellovich, Z. Itonen, Ben-0urlon Bniv., Israe1 ・ 0riginal Articles S L A C5-H2: Bioremediation: international A1-Anadhi, JA project an overview based on E. A1-toher, experience: USE, M.T. Balba, B. Kmalt ・ 215-218 ・ 219-222 V8-U8: Evaluating technology tor autonated deterniination of crop water status: H.D. Greenspan, H.A. Matthews, Univ. California, USA C7+01: Eole of air-polliitant-phUlc, high growth and nigh protein content paulownia to contain desertification: nodelling, experience and potential: S. Sinha, V.K. Varshney (ICFEE), S. Kunar (IIT Delhi), India ・ ・ This ・ paper did not receive a full review. C8-J25: Nell soil iiiprover for plant grortt: 1. Fujita (nil), S. Hakiiri (Sangyo Shinko C0.), M. Taiayama (Sugino Honen's Univ.), T. Isukatani (Kyoto Univ.), Japan- ・ 223-226 ・ 227-230 B11-C15: Ecotechniouesof water-savilK rice cultivation on sandy land:X.K. Huang, X.K. Lia, H.L. Zha0, Z.Y. He, Lanzhou Inst. Desert Kes., Z.Z. Yan, Agri. Inst. Jielimi League, Clilna C10+C13: The tactics and.ネ ays for coordination developmentof forestry and animal husbandry in Yiilln sand area Shaanxi Province: Q.Y. (ju, Yulin Res. Inst. Sand Contro1, China This paper did not receive a full review. C11-J3: Yield inprovenentof vegetables by using a super-nater-absorbent polyer in sandy soil: T. Yanasaki, H. Hatsunot0, J. Asano*, B. Toda, Shizuoka Agri. Exp. Station, (* ネ at. Inst. Vegetable ・ ・ ・ Omanental Crops 6 Tea), japan ・ 231-234 川 -卜 山 d 51 %M ] DesertBiosystems Amos Richmond* Key words: controlled greenhouse,radiationfilter, saline water, microalgaculture,bioreactors Introduction purposes 2. S L A JA Controlled 2.1 The liauid Greenhouse radiation filter (LRF). E Conventional : greenhouses in warm lands have to be 草ぼま ;i: 蕊蕊茸茸蔭潅 東目瑳罹 F監ぼ干丑蕊巧監 員毘監呈点國 F荘日藍 atmosphere,greatly reducing transpiration and net water consumption by the plants. The internal energy 2.2. The from enerey the greenhouse handling system (during is sunny based hours) onthe and LRF returns which and absorbs distributes and stored transports orotherwise excess LE 三目 ぎ葺専 reUfrFho L 丑F" nyoml Lg目荘三荘F F三茸 三 言よ :長田法点餌ま届三 荘 , usL , 烹三 を三三 拝。 態ぢ 三まま 悲ゑ田 まま 。 lon< ao 羊ぎ出 ミ三三 呈 某目三ま ミ 三 吊丘 目 口安芯三 闇日三茸卜茸千蕪 三 ithe phot 蕊捲藻茂 ・ * The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University, Sede Boker Campus 84990, Israel /Fax: Q72.7 WAWfv) 200 flows in the roof and is cooled upon leaving it, in a heat exchanger. This energy is stored in a water reservoir for night use. The LRF further absorbs all the long wave radiation from within the Lt Ra Bg g;E 晶戸口呈" 苛。 ; ま巳 三 仁 口蕊比 " 三日間日まy 干; ; 。 " 日酊 苫 。 苫 き耳 三ぎ 草 三三 れ 。祥三 greenhouse can be kept closed throughout the day at near optimum temperatures even in hot sunny climates. The greenhouse atmosphere may be enriched with CO^/ even at high radiation levels - a major factor for increasing growth and yields. Als0, and no less important, water 。 、 、 , , consumption by the plants in our LRF-controlled closed greenhouse is drastically amounting to some 10% of the water required in the open field for comparable plants ドヰ curtailed, oof te alai cooling 『 rculationfan he ex tow r anger Wate 「 S L A JA 円ヨe ワが『 」 旧 F pUm ・ waterPu 川p Fig. 1. General schemeof the liquid radiation filter (LRF) greenhouse (Gale, Levi, Kopel & Zeroni, 1995) The combination of controlled temperatures, filtered radiation, high humidity (without condensationon the leaves) and high ambient C02 throughout the day/ has resulted in yields which are nearly always more than double those obtained in the best conventional Israeli greenhouses. Economicanalysis, however, suggests a cost break-even requirementof only an extra 20-30% yield Five years of experience with a 330m2modelof the LRF greenhouse at Sede Boker (by Gale, Levi, Kopel & Zeroni, 1995) show that (i) in this greenhouse very little supplementary night-time winter heating is required; (ii) the system can be kept closed throughout die day, apart from a few hours per day during hot weather; (iii) water use is very low,; (iv) leaf condensationdoes not occur and (v) insect entry is ノ r al aI ・ 3 l very 了 much retarded e 3.1 General background This is an entirely new approach to agriculture in arid regions, whichin common with the controlledenvironment greenhouse, is tuned to benefit from the unique desert brackish, or sea water, to producebiomass for various economic purposes, covering a potentially very wide range of natural products, human food and animal feed The idea to grow microalgae as a source of biomass for various economic purposes 201 ま :tan 三三三蕊 F S L A JA 三三 匿 gF 三三理 日三日 E弔 三三 ま distribution and most important - facilitate F盟目まれ 三 目 temperature easy 弓上荘 員よ言藍三晶卍 F control during day-1ight as well as ERL )Ven; :X RZ: nto:S5eSL;roVer Open 耳 A P 庶アお, ;iE? jif卍 great ま三 ml ;ぶ 、 三菅 、 三ほ。 ぽ productivity facilitated by the 。 narrow , ば三ご , 乞三 茸ミ 。 どぽ 。 light path. Thus an average ミミ、 。 , 三三 ま耳三 daily productivity of Spirulina 202 aken by open systems and ca. 15% of their volume. These frac 3ping ictric 1 The a meaningful hope productivity efficient for reduction i.e. developing and cost result effective of production microalgaculture in aphotobioreactors decreased cost. costs into of an which production, industria wou [t@smybelie @ ----@ ―、 of Spi'rifli" 小 S L A JA 'ig. 2: Newlydesigned flat inclined modular photobioreactor Conclusions Both ofthe biosystems described i.e.- anovel liquid radiation filter greenhouse and . (1991C) ^SOSt^ 5S, 203-206(1995) Journal of Arid Land Studies G旧 eNa 口口 Rub APmmmising Sour ぽ ofLa F S ・ A ・ b ,・ eh ・ N Y ReCeut 可g K ,, g5 胡C CORNISH 以血 M , , , and R 山 uC卜 WW ・ SC ・ Q , IT ・ ,,, mbberfmmD 『 e(R L ぬ川 ),adesenn818tQIbasgQQ8tp omisQa8annpgwabIe 『 pw 『 叫 iDtbe 丸0 川 ・ ・ : , 耐 products market to replaceallergy causing latex. Guayulerubber particlesare formedandremain in the 市 叫血如 la 妹臥 甘 onfrom e 山 山休 tprocedunn8tba4 fmmDtbgB F o bL叫 I@f@we 川甘) Ourp ese4tation の ve 卜 U@he 低血 o1o川 市veIop t 口 L d め ex h 山hd トL く 「 ・ 町 the latex, the properties of the latex, and the cultivation of the shrub for commercialization Keywo 皿血 山 :Gw 川 。, LateI,RUbber , 川 叫 。 , " 。 ' 。。 RubberpIoducts madefDom 山e Bnnzilianrubbertpee 甜三安 。 ( 比 wo 加のすル川な )areknownto S L A 監ぎ苦 L@nSoF おP 三三 牒Lt t ほほ 十 瑠 もぽま; ,, 口u 弍 臨 ほご盟臨 : 。 responses of subjects exposed to Hevea latex items (Tomazic et a1., 1992). International conferencese.g. (CramCommunications, 1993; InternationalLatex Conference,1992) have been 口nduC On 山 eem 口 rpe.Cause and confrolof 山 em 川口 u 川ergl& JA , ・ implications for the actual commercializationof this crop (Wright et a1., 1991). Commercialization Stoh y , h 山e L lg0o S Oautomobiletiresin , , Nonnh Ameh 口 weDe m uLC 口 d 仕om guayule rubber (Hammondand Polhamus,1965). Guayuleshrubs were harvestedfrom wild stands * U.S. Water ConservationLaboratory. USDA-ARS, Phoenix, AZ 85040, USA FAx: の 2 3794355 ・ ** Western Regional Research Center, USDA-ARS, Albany, CA 94710, USA *** Maurice Morton Institute of Polymer Science, Univ. Akron, Akron, OH 45325-3909, USA JA S L A 205 resinand ha8 a M山 ney vMoS 町 ofabout60% ofthe 比 w 口atex Wa ぬ SQlubIeimpu 「 dtaesCan beremov司 by waShing,but山 ereSin in甘ma ねLaSSoCiatedwf山山e 川bb可 COn面 nS about6% ・ paruuClesmustbeLmov 口 by 幻udph 畔 ex血c 甘Onoramixtufeofwa ぬ SQlubIeo叫血ぴ山 at not のagub 忙山e la仁x S tofpud 行口 bo爪 iSS 甘 u 川derhv 卜廿ga 甘On ・ ・ 1eR in Guayule r 酎 nlSSyn 山印b ぬ 血山 e e川ぬ eu寸 ceIlsandSeCret 山 into 山e ductlumen (JoSeph び d 。 1988). MostofoUrunderstandlng ofthereSinousma ほ S 川d 山血の mwSMon isb On 4 solventextmmCtDon n e , he e me 山川 0l a ぽtone, , , , aDd mixtUpes)of 血e 旦旧 e b ・ ThereSin hasa 九 血 eeffeCtonSQlvent@extraCted bUlk rUbber ぴeuer4 d 1981). A l ぴge v 血e け Of の口pounds have been iden甘L 口 血小e extnnCts hCIu山町 肱vonoidS n% sesquiterpenes, sesquiterpene esters, fatty acid triglycerides,and polysaccharides. (Banigan et a1., 1982, Kumamoto et a1., 1985; Schlomanet a1,, 1988;Schlomanet a1., 1991). One of the fatty acids, linoleic acid, appears to be the cause of the degradationof bulk rubber. Since most of these resinous materialsare not water soluble, they should not create a processingproblem, unless they ・, , bound 口山 e 川bber , cl ぴ・ The resin itself has potential as a plasticizer modifier in epoxy resin coatings (Thames and ぽm , 1991) W ・ impregnat司 M山山 e reSin waSfound to be resistantto a v 拍e け Ofw S L A damaging insects, including termites, and some species of fungi and molluscan borers (Bultman, et a1., 1991). Chemical derivatives of resin and resin fractions were shown to improve the properties of rubber compositions(Schloman, 1988). The value of the resin coproducts could be significant. JA ua Ie cultiv tion GuayUlecultIvat4on hasnever been done on a largeand の n ぱnuou8 S e hL a ばOn On 池 cultUrehaSdevelop 司 OUgh 山 eyearS 川 d 山elaStmauorreSeafch S山山卜 of 山 e 1980'Shaveb ぽn の mpu 山 by iMorth and teh 巴d (Lgl) Guay 山 e is 山Ou如 tbl t 川d 卜町0 川 under dryland conditions of 300-600 mm rainfall per year in coastal areas to 1,500 mm in arid ・ ・ regions with supplementalirrigation (Nakayamaet a1., 1991). Rubber yields can be greatly enhancedby additionalwater applications andwater regulationis possibly thebest management tool for optimizing shrub and rubber production (Nakayama,1991). Farming operationsfrom planting, cultivation,to seed and shrub harvestinghavebeenessentiallymechanizedusing existing equipment with minor modifications (Coates, 1991). Bulk rubber yields have almost doubled through germplasmimprovementof the older guayule lines (Estilai and Ray, 1991). The questionremains,however, whetherthe latex yield is equivalent to solid rubber yield. Other factors relating to latex yield are the age of the plant and season of ― harvest, since rubber synthesisis also relatedto these factors (Backhaus, 1985; Benedict, 1982). Answers to some of these unknowns must be obtained as the research on agronomicdevelopment progresses. Much of the latex production researchis in the developmentalstate at present. Except for the agronomic studies that are being conducted in field plots, the latex work is laboratory oriented. There appears to be little problem in the scale-up of latex production to meet industrial requirements. However, all of the variousfactors from agronomicpracticesto latex extractionand fabrication must be coordinatedand verticallyintegratedto achieve rapid commercialization. Since latex extractionis water-based, large volumes of water will be requiredand this may be a premiumin the semiarid to arid regions where guayule is expected to be cultivated. However, much of 山 e water used in 山 e extfaCtion pr 叫卜 SCan be r 叩yCl司 ・ 206 R。ト " 。叫 Backhaus, R.A. (1985): ?sraelJournalof Botany 34: 283-293 口 B g川Ct TC上R v(19 也 ):bLw んL 川八 PO 而 We CS W L Sp (19 町g ぬ): ・) OfA m叫山卜山司 bof F p oidCo e而坦:427431 山 vol & BL 可血wMy J.ItD N Y pp.355-369. L LL 雌ve8J 杣 A ヴ TL P V 呵 dB州 w C A (19 町):TO un8 ,, 。 , ・ , 。 , ・ , ・ , 。 , ・ " ・ , " ・ 爪 ・ , 。 ・ , 卜 a4d E F Haa8e(Ed84) P ・ 。卍 ・ ・ 。 , TL 血OI0 韮 : 1刀 川 1 B 斗 J J @ (1975@: b W心 M University of Arizona, pp. 41-51. " 山 " , ・ ・ ・ " Wd " ・ " 。― ・ ・ b " , ・ ・ 山血 U ・ ・ ば ・ QaOfG 川 L Tucson, AZ. pp. 241-259. Cornish,K. (1995): U.S. PatentOffice,PendingPatentApplication 08/4423,911. 市 C 山, 山 K8Dd Sa 打 D J (1叫 4):P Iutemm.CoM fortbe v 川吋 tofb4 山 C のp8 P 口ぱ o 瓜 Ltd. (t993): LateIprotei4Allergy:TbePpeSeutPosition. Cram COmDuaiCatiQa8 , ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Rubber Consultants, Hertford,UnitedKingdom. ― ) ・ , 。 , ぬ,A4aDd Rgy,D.T o (1991):h J.w Monnh aad E B whitehead(Bd8o) G旧 6 Na R はb UsDA CS O市叫 of 山 S 卜 UHv 吋 Of め口, q 叫 47 91 M B L a4d po 川 LoG. (1如 55@:Be8eapCboa Gw o L わ切ヰ @m4rgenf 可 ): 1942 1959 UsDA Tぴh Bull No.1327. U S P 血血go 而吋 w gton D よ IutemmQtiou8ILgtex COMe 叫 (1992): i 肘町 toLatexi4 MediC8lDeぬ FOOd aDdD[ug A4 8也Fon ・ ・ ・ ・ , , ・ ・ , ・ ・ 皿 ・ , USA Josepb,J.]wP.,Shab,JJ ・ , ・ S L A ・ , ・ , ・ ・ ・ , , ・ om B寸 ・ , ・ ・ ・ 地L J A4 (1988): AnnaI8ofBo , ・ A J 。 竺 :377 387 , 川 F S (1991):h J.vy orth and EoB. tebead@Ed8.)G仰 e Na巾司 R bber USDA n Az pp 217 2 N y 岬 F S BuCk8,D ・ん Go回 C L 川 d Foster.M A (1991):h J.W -whltworth and FEE (Eds.). Guayule NaturalRubber. USDA, CSRS, OALS.Tucson,AZ. pp. 145-172. N y 川 F S 川る山 巳ぬ W (1995@:P b 山ぱ・ AdvaDCememtofIDdu8 日寸 Crops H y O , ・ ・ , , ・ トイ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 。 ・ , ・ , 廿 ・ ・ , ・ ・ ・ ・ , , ・ ) N拍 OuaIACadeuyofSCienCe8.(1977):GW ぴ AnAltenna66veSounCaofNatural@Rub 卜r N Wa5ho.D.C 80 叫 寸 uo w W。 乃 (1988):hd 瓜 t@t 「 ial 如d En 口前 gCbemistpyRe8eammh 辺 :712 716 寸川O w w 。 lr 。 I のn D w auIHiltQn A S (1988): ,旦: お 9 249 卜川O W W。 Jr。 MCGRdy J J 川4 Huba A S @ (1991): mo ume TL 卜Ono 叫 韮 : 191 196 W W ,な。 "dy R A。 A a4dADdpews,M A (1983):JoufnalA如 CuIぬほland F Chemistry, 31: 973-976 Suer D よ 山 市,K (1994): bd 川卜 aIC口ps 川 d P UCね 才 307 313 TayloL B C @ (1975):ID Wお MCG ぽ au4B.F. Q山 ) P h 山M U川ね比 a 。 fGW 。 , , ・ , ・ , ・ , ・ , ・ , , ・ ・ , , , ・ , 「 ・ ・ ・ ・ , , 蜘 ・ ・ ・ , ・ , , ・ ・ , , ・ ・ ・ , ・ ・ ・ ・ , Uuivengt@@ OfARpoDa,pp.41-51. ・ , ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Thames, Tomaric, S.F. VJ., and Withrow, Clinicithrow, Kaleem, T.J., K.(1991); Fisher, Bioresource B.R. andDillaid, and Dillard, Technology, S.P. S.F. (1992): 3$: 185-190 Clinical Tmmunologv and Inununopatholo E:89 97. Mo J w 川d E E (1991): G叫 eNa Rub卜 r USDA 川Hght G N。 F [eL S gDd w川 RoD. (1991):InJ W MonnhandE E NaturalRubber. USDA, 口 M Q n M pp.351-365. ・ , , ・ ・ ・ , ・ ・ ・ ・ 川 , , ・ ・ , ・ ・ , ・ , , O 比 q ・ ゆ・ ) C ・ e I'.WfiCT^5S, 207-210(1995) Journal of Arid Land Studies 山雌 T ぽMmb 町 forDese 「 tAq Sa 山u 可 P 班A * 血h COmp北 d w芦血 O血 er 叫 b 瓜 in IS口可 , Key wofds: aquaCul , bnCM山 g の血 e 川 water,deSe n, 『 teChnoloW Introduction ユ JA B Table 1. Name OfvVeu MLM 卜 SadeI 恢" Sade 2 F 市ぬ m 2 Nitzana A 2 S L A m 山仁。 1955I 7 g " (me血可 cMSh の山山 water 口 g IfnI 山e tricto diS atNegev mg 5 " け ・ 2 80 270 2710- 320 43 350 Temp り ( 390 - 1 74 5 914 1152 1982 732 1 , t TDS Ftow m3 川ね ぬ 92 - 4 B 口 CuShg の山 可 m可 water 廿OmtheCenom 5 15 2 川 i 川- 37 2 On 410 390 25 aqdLriShuSe 330 血 卸打 Of For the past 25-30 years, brackish water has been used for irrigation of agricultural crops. With little initial scientificguidance,the encouragingresultsachieved stimulatedand enhancedresearch work and cooperationbetweenscientists and farmers. Today, desert agriculture in Israe1,based on the use of brackish water, is modem, sophisticated, profitable and provides products for the local 0il market, and grapes and for for export wine. atpremium prices, eg,sweet tomatoes, melons, hay and recently olives for Campus, '"Desert Aquaculture 84990 Israe1.(Telefax: Unit, Blaustein 972-565-871) Institutefor Desert Research,Ben Gurion University, Sede Boker 208 Desert Aauaculture 2 in Israel The history of desert aquaculturein Ramat Negev district startedin the mid-80s whena joint research venture between the AquacultureUnit of the Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Researchin Sede Boker and the Research and Development Division of the District Council of Ramat Negev examinedthe suitabilityof the local brackishgeothennal water for fish rearing. The experiments were carried out with eels, Tilapia, carp and catfish. The study found that the tested water: had no negative effect on the growth and development of the fish; no harmful effects on the fish body; no detrimental effect on the culinaryquality of the fish; and that fish sufferedless from parasitesin brackish water than in fresh-water. Today, desert aquacultureon a commercial scale exists in the Ramat Negev District. Thereis a dynamicamong the local settlersand externalinvestorsfor accelerating the development of this industry. It is expected thatwithin a few years, theIsraeli desertwill provide significantquantities of edible and ornamental fish, produced in modem, intensive but environmentpreserving technologies, for the local andexport markets.In additionto fish production, fish processingplants wilI 卜卜比比 h司 so 山れ山 e FSh'MIl 卜 比低 daSahigMy ノ山 四 etLm To the best of our knowledge, with the exception of an operationusing wel1-water in the Califomian desert,Israel is the only country with desertaquacultureusing brackishgeothermal desert water. It is obvious that this innovation will soon be adopted by other countries with similar COn山廿OnS ・ 2 2 1 , ・す BenefntSof 也 euseof ・ 1 ・ (め a如 ・ (b) 低 S山 S L A Wat 汀 inI 細口 : A large reservoir of brackish geothermal water - the desert water lies below the Negev D 巳e 止 (c) (d) JA Desert water, by its own force,reachesa level of approx. 20 m aboveMSL, and from pumpedfrom the Sea of Galilee. eU 臼 geofd wat 町 jS 市回 toavoid 回 ina ば Onof 山 e& wa ぼ QL a 血 Ch司 to it Tbemoref 「eSbowaterlSuSed in 山eaEEaofBeerSheVe ( 山 eNegev 口 pi回 ) 山 emoreb 『 mCklshwaterhas 口 bepum towoid 而 S ぬ k (句 ・ , , Desert water is alreadyis use for agriculturalirrigation,howeverto a limitedextent only, ( D ( 旦) (h) CD L as some crops cannot withstand its salinity. Proper use of desert water for irrigationshould not cause salinationof the soil as the loCal 川 dwat 打 iSd 比p water. The effluentandexcess of fish growing water must not be returnedto thefresh-water aquiferbut can be usedfor irrigation. ) 2.1.2.Subiectiveadvantages for desertaauaculture: (可 Thesalinedesertwaterprovides an osmoreeulatory advantage forthefishandis more a high qualityfish product 8 2 2 (a) (b) (c) , , よざ砦了 ま話口監 器よ andwln は 三賭g器g淵ぽ晶 三田 low 血 hu血山川 , ・ stpongwin low p 田 pi 山 血皿の M血MghduStd nぽ n血而山 Si坤esho teS n; 句 0 臆淵ぽ器a c盟R晋能ほ姦isofahigh 汀 temP 口 e 山川 卜 Sofar, 山可 toIe e口ほMO dby 行山Cipt印MOIOgieSinu ぼ而 r 町 Owingw -wateFn 血 h d nのn山廿OnS (山 『 (( ・ 口 whichmaximizeits characteristics 片 209 重な蔑箆蒋豆螢漿点琵緊 em[@0 11IL な 再里葵藍茸琵 JA L 姥灘匹擦琵箆 専至態閣安琵崔至耳巨緊琵阜蕪呈 S L A in臆果器lonfeaturesof 山 etwo phnCiphnolo 申 eeS(above),whichCh 打 aCte 市enShgowing 口 210 3 回 Conclusions OuSquantftiesofSubS a ぼ g の山 " S L A JA 。。。 " 司 口 口 卜 卜 く―― - L 血 wgtwgnervnfDCpnf 而山 eN恥w 口 口 ―――――――――――――――― ノ 口。"p" 。。 州 。 。ぬ' Fig.1. Schemeof the technology for feeding fish at high density 1 川ト ぬァ 2 Vlb「olor h。 。 'i ・ ・ コ FL8て Loblg 4 S ng ・ 5 ・ ・ clD 山 P 叫 了 FeLd ・ トヰ L Lア ヰ 0. Control unit g ・ UPpe ト eleCL 山dヰ 10. Submergedolactrods Fig.2.A self-demand vibrofeeder for fish WSWSi 5S, 211-214(1995) Journal of Arid Land Studies B 土 Oremed 土 at Of 土 On Abstract - In to As available. ・ Aharon arid the a and all bacterial find SO 土工 S and Zeev ABELIOVICH* zones time PO 工工 uLed AL 土d 2OneS RONEN* metabolic Suf 亡土 C 土 ent in the activities are エ S contaminant s which are easily biodegradable elsewhere accumulate due to lack of ava ユエ aabエ e Water. There 互 O:Ore, the オエ mmltat エ o]onS エ mpoged on mエ C て Ob エ a 工 metabo オエ C aCt エ v エ t エ es by the SCarC ユヒ y Of ma ヒてエ X Water make the dege てヒ a muCh more 上 nerable env エ ro ent than mo エ S ヒ 工 andS LO pollution due to anthropogenic activities, even by otherwise necessarily by recalcitrant biodegradable compounds, and not we that 土n chemicals. w。 て d ヨ Key エ , 工 nLroduC Soil utilization compounds sources, ・ wa ヒ er Life エ C & エ norgan エ ヒエOn bioremediation or degradation, results in environment 2 Organ : by bacteria is Contam@nants,ochre, C Nエ t て aLe5 S L A of an anthropocentric various toxic definition and nutrients, organic for the inorganic their own benefit, either as energy sinks for disposal of reducing power. Incomplete or partial transformation of toxic molecules often the accumulation of toxic end products. An arid imposes severe limitations on these activities. to JA and bacteria are no the dominant factor which Free water availability is all activities. influenced in the soil by many factors, and these in turn might of bacteria present in the affect differently the various types The amount of available water in the soil (water potential) soi1. is determined by their matrix potential (affected by adsorption and capillary effects of the soil composition and structure) and their osmotic potential which is determined by presence of solutes. exception. regulates requires In dry available water soils, microbial free stress water, is all bacterial metabolic activities are restricted the place when and where sufficient matrix water is available, whereas the activity of the water will determine or halotolerant or halophilic bacteria whether regular heterotrophs a specific site. As a result we find that in will develop within the desert contaminants which are easily biodegradable elsewhere accumulate due to lack of available water. Therefore, the limitations posed on microbial metabolic activities by the scarcity of matrix water make the desert much more vulnerable than moist lands to pollution due to anthropogenic activities, even by 0therwise biodegradable compounds and not necessarily by to 1n the desert, the time and *Environmental Micrbiology エ nSt Ben Gurion Univ., ・ Unit, Sde The Blaustein Desert Boker Campus, Israel (Fax: Research +972-7- 212 reCa エC土 L Chem エ Ca ttr 工 S ・ One WOUエ d a 工 SO e ゆ eCL that natura 工 mエ CCrob エ a 工 b 土 COdegraCdatt 土 Ve aCt 土 V 土 t 土 eS duL 土 ng wet seasons will be エエmエ ted LO what Can be aCh ェ eVed by a POPulat エ On Of ma ユ n 工 y gr positive spore formers, as these have the highest chances for survival during the dry seasons. From the point of view of soil serves as a matrix which holds the biodegradation, the bacteria, the pollutants, and the water In the soi1, water makes the contact between the bacteria and their target substrate. In this respect, dry soil in arid zones is no different than wet soil in a wet region. However, beside these considerations, it should be realized that an arid zone is not just an area which simply has less rainfal1, where "everything arid zones is affected so エオ COnt 却ユ nat is essentially the but same little less" . The issue of bioremediation of soil in the desert is not a matter of simply adding water. Arid zone means a different life SLy 工戸f and SPeC エ f エ C adaPtaL 土 On5 to C 工土 mmmate and enV エ ro ent L エ fe エ n these desert エ Srae and 3. different エ we specific C e by many エ OOn and connotations aCroSs result SeVer interacting b エ oremed aat エ on エ and meanings 口上 PO 工工ut of human life エ On Probl factors, than S of ・ frequenL and activities Acrriculture: and because 工 in wh y wet エ Ch in the haVe エ n Lhe regions.1n 巳「e desert. a d エ reC ヒ S L A Agr 土 Cu 工 tu 二e 土 n an 土 d zoneS often means エ てr エ ga ヒエOn エ S w エ th recycled waste water , and this generates a whole set of problems such as salinization of the soi1, due to the fact that each passage of the water through the municipal water system increases their JA salinity by about which are abundant water with nitrates in the water. These are slow processes but their エ ly become eV エ ddent. Soils irrigated with effluents from Beer Sheba waste water treaLment pl 劫t (Kap 工川 et a オク エ 987) con ヒ a 土 n エ ng ( エ n mg ノエ ) : Zn - 130+/45; Cd 1.1+/-0.9; Pb 32+/6; Cu 24+/-15, show at the upper 50 cm layer a gradual increase in the concentration of these (the soil was irrigated up to 20 years with metals along the years effects recycled on the 100 mg/1, contamination of the soil with metals in the effluents, and contamination of ground which originate from nitrification of the ammonia waste so エオ gradua these to (in effluents) PPB)Zn120+/-49; fromconcentrations Pb225+/-44, below &Cu detection 144+/-47. level Whether (cadmium) this accumulation of metals into an environmental (of which only 4 were studied) problem, and how contaminated treated, will soil develop will be question that cannot be answered at present. 3.2 Ochre in A different issue associated with agriculture in the desert, is that there is frequently a high table of saline ground water below surface, and irrigation is possible only if combined with the instalation of a drainage system which prevents elevation of the saline water table to the root zone. These dra COnd n OnS: PeS ;presence frequentlyclogged of 50-100ppb byiron of ironron bacbacteria in anaerobic under specific ground 土土 t P 土土 water flowing into an development of bacteria gelatinous ek ヨ ・ mass This (ochre) p てObl aerated of that エS not the will drain genus clog てegt 二エCted pipe, the to will drain the dese usually pipe 「t and induce generate within en 寸エてo the several nt , but a JA S L A 214 extract an experimental sequential batch of deg 「ada ヒエOn 土n Lhe SO エエ extract by the natural microbial population present in the soil (we assume that the TBP is totally degraded as no new peak appeared upon the disappearance of the TBP peak) , it was found that both populations removed TBP from the extract, though the adapted microbial population from the reactor was much faster than the 「, reacto amended with was natural population. Although bacteria COmpa 「ed With itS 「ate was inhabited by a both the chemicals that were used as markers as well as other pollutants,these remain trapped in a stable condition and it seems that no or very little b エ Odegraoda ヒユVe act エ V エ ty takes p 工 ace on site demonSLrat エ ng aga エ n the vulnerability of the desert environment to chemical pollution, because bacterial activity is arrested by lack of water. Whl 工 e g 工 ucoSe enhanCed degradat エ ve aCt エ v エ Ly by the enrichment cultu 「e Under aerob エ CC COnd土 ttエ COnS エヒ wag found that under anaerob エ CC conditions it inhibited degradation of TBP by both the natural soil the bacterial on the from soil population contaminated capable site degrading of , , that Crob different a popu ation metabo and ic e in the degradation mエ 上 上 上 are involved conditions. ,よぎ ,三三聖 三 E三 y 。 昔士呈呈 三三三 nLnL S L A 三 、「 三三二コ 上 of TBP under aerobic 三三三三三三 ミ and anaerobic As mentioned earlier, TBP was used only as a convenient marker, and although it was totally degraded, this by no means implies that all were removed as wel1. Thus we find that toxicitv other contaminants JA (in Microtox units) 3-4 fold,demonstrating are frequently more 5 COnCluuS ・ increases in aerobic biodegradation experiments that end products of incomplete biodegradation toxic than the original contaminants エ On 呈 environment lacks the self purification mechanisms environment free of biodegradable contaminants, and It is therefore more sensitive to the long term effects of permanent or uncontrolled release of such pollutants than the wet environment. In the desert, both agricultural pollutants and industrial waste water have to be treated at their source,as contaminants will not disappear naturally, even though they are biodegradable in the laboratory. that The desert keep the References エ iov 土 Ch 吐e P 土 PeS KaP an heavy 工 meta 上上89 Belkin, SC エ , D meta , 工 ― , A 口r ・ ・ wet 山 CU 工 tur ゑエ Water S., , End ― OOf― p 、 ・ 327-334 A. , the Brenner and ― エエ2 "best . Sci. available treatment A. エ The ・ path Abeliovich. drainage soil ・ エ (1993 fate Changes of 土n 2 エ, B 土 O 工 0 耳土Ca 工 ・ Belkin, S., A. Brenner, Treatment of high-strength, Dro 口r 、 " : , ・ a 工 ong 血 O エ・,辺 :105 TeC 飢 ent Abe エエOv 土 Ch A and Ben ― YaakoV 5 (T987): 工 s in waSStewater stab 土オエ2att COn ponds: distrlbution エエ94 Manaq Techno1. A. Lebel complex and and technology" . 29:221-233. A. Abeliovich. toxic chemical vs. and in-plant 1994) : wastewater: contro1 JA S L A 216 thus B ユ。て e ・ 瓜 d エ叶エ on ・ way to b エ Or ・ 3 申互 s ユヨ tenCe d ユ at ユ On エ S qto ensure to guL enhanCe aCtan ntStheir are non-toxic biodegradation b Odegradat and on biodegradable byusing usngsuitabli guttab (Fry ee三廿孟C7taL 3)0 ) 0 亡 success エ of surfactants , ユ エ enhancing in エ 上 degradation oil 寺号 三 has て so far, been ・ that 三て /th;R 三 somewhat V hydrocarbQn-degradlng abe and u the Cエnve OOrgaL t エa,gat g]gms エo]onS Can inproduce thiSVe 。" aCt veneeded. 0 emuls Severa y ng エ 言量 言呈 StUd ii エ 。三 色ト十八与エ ng Ca 日 Kuwaエ t present t 。。 互 「 エ 「 i て ユ 色 言言 呈員芸匡巨 C エ OCO4 te 巳 t i 盲員 (Bal 日 : 闇浦 亘緊 Ou「 エ ntent g 工 obal ・ a M。 low ・ 4 ・ユ : B ユ。て e Ca 工土だ Oて n 土 a , 耳 JA St 八 d エ eg e Olonエ日 not to oveLUiew O互 エ d ユ aatエ olon USA 三三 and Bew 工 eyr l992) discuss ln detail the per 上 olormanCe HeaVv of S L A て 。 エ エエ 三三言 三 , ユだ 臣藍 久 コ エ t エー Step la 比 rat 。 ワ tyY Study 亡 Oエ l ed by 互エ e 上 d de 口 nSt て atatユ ol (Ba 如d Y土 n< 199 ユ ] 山 he 巳 Oエ l COnta エト ed 与 tly エエ nea て and b て anChed a 工k eヨ エn the c22 p 上廿 " " g。 (F 土 g. l) P エ th bo エエ九g DOエ nt aLVe 200 。 C. The laboratory proqrannne o上 t て 色色 mu a tab 匝 エエエ , ・ included and microcosm also nut The intensive てユ ent studies. e エd 。咋 d microbial """ エ。 " onStTa 止エOn O互 SO エ上 川L 北九 w th 口w the oilb( 10%) OaL ntat oon was o treated the soby w b 杜汁 which f 血 工 ved 甘エ ユ 20 ユ エ止 才 土 a ure 。 エ m3 h 甘 Cr 。 もエ巳人 土工 r 土g ・ lGag eng C ; 亘享 these Pro eCt 巳 f but On 上y to and e 互互 eCt エ Vene 巳日 O亡 th エ s エエ エ 、 工 ・ this cont t nation O lbeaVy (BagngLe and grL o y 1991). The programme consisted 茸 エ 土低 。土工 ハ t graP ぬ ana エy of卜aけ 口 日ユ日 217 inocula 上 eてt and ersr ユエエを the 曲 。二色 l organic and inorganic wh エ Ch Pa8 deve 工 Oped to"yr w エn tilling ug Surpexng co" natu y eand O the in contaminantand contain spite spite of the concentration the extremely (100,000 elevated mg /Kg), starting more 85% eduCt oil 「 工 互 than ・ 。エ てエヨエ て On Time (Weeks) エn weekS COnCent oat b OwaS e edemoved at olon w (F th g nn 2) 28Ptg.2BsQilgtaはr 杣 ofhea 面向Oleum め yapd Qiltn Reg d oilO:On constxtuents consisted て上 エ 土 廿a 工 エ n エy O亡 molecules 4 互 ・ エ which 2: B 土 。て e ThL 日 tudy ea ヨめエエエty 。f 巳エ・ r soil エ g90). and polluted 川 て 「 エ エ aspha エ d ユ aL 土 Olon 。。服 "" 晦S or Oi 工 C 。 nta "" 山 more OcCup ユ OOn than would prove very 狐 degrade. 土叫 ,。 Le 叫 eS 也廿 the o 茸 13 mean8 s 叫 le 日 ) P 。工工 ut 。 d the 川 エ es "" 。 エオ - てa 工 ヨ ew 6 meters, JA area "。 (F S L A to 。。価 "" 皿 nat of 。土工 @ エ Olon , エぽ ・ s hard to o土 conduct Site 土 ・ てe ヨ 肚 d 土 at a b エ 。Le depth エエ tenegr slow were The the to ユ 上 。だ the and "b expensive. 。 エ aLt エ CeS " 。" " 寸b " 。 エ nP エ tu 。""" "" 。 " "" bioremediation. process was designed, incorporating onsite b ユ or 帥ed 土 a at エ OOn of heaVy e 入 Cavatedd C 工 ay SOi 工 (2O0 m3)r CO 仙 ed wエ th 土 n 日土 t 八 b ユ Oて d ユ at エ Olon 上 Oて dee r layer 与 (1600 Both the onS エ te and 人 L ヨユ tL ・ supplemented SFCt a 工 an with "" " 如 "" 血 Cて。 b エ巳工 。 surface """" 班 active agent, Time (Weds) mgthods and b 十 o<odeg て adadat 土 olon d GC/ pIDD ana 工 ysis. The re 冬 u エ t bioremedial ion of the excavated て 。Sc<Cop 土 Cc COn showed 上エ that CL 口 ・ Oi1- エ 地 contaminated Desert " at ' 。" V町ェ川 8 ぬ 叫坤比 Soil nVaS OVe On saLdhundreds{f occupationKuwait's of the 0COnt wells were gg0f eXpOd8d eSulttiag dL LgntheQags raq '" 。の 雌。 "" 加 """ ユ 「 ユス エ上 八 エ 工て エ ・ 。 ・。 " 如re than 33 m@工 lion m3 which needs not pose a critical health hazard to man and 「 e 与 to 二 aat ユ Olon Oだ d ged eCosyst 川 Du 「 ing the OaSt seve て a エ yea 「 gf Ruwa エ t エ n8titute ヨ。エエユ日 it 卜n8 does e 。 tTn@A+ted at ・ てエ to " ' also , 互 or ユ エ 。。 be ttreated O 与 to stimulate SC ユ eLt ユ」ユC Rese エ エ 。。 that the ch JA S L A WW^i 5S, 219-222(1995) Journal of Arid Land Studies EvaluatingTechnology for AutomatedDeterminationof CropWaterStatus MarkD. GREENSPAN*andMarkA. MATTHEWS* AbS甘aCt 血山 S 5山dy we 心 SQ5 Mo 比血0[叩卜 UltraSonIca のに 血 e 而 SSio山 and 山 e Ome fQraUtomateddeoenminotionof c Op water stotus Mea5UpementSof aのに uC e 血 SSio卜 皿C口口e のIo四 va「 habICS,aDdc OpwaterS 口 weeCQnduct田 in CaImo而 awtme が v 血ワ 町山 川 wMCb"" """ p 田 "。 口 Ily M。、 "e]d L d"""e v 血e"" 仁r5 卜" FOraの 山 tiCe 而 SSio卜 山e 口口l ・ , , 「 , 「 , ・ 「 , , , numberper daydetected in steinswas wellcorrelated (r^ 0.95)withthemiddayleafwaterpotential of that stem. The infraredcanopy temperature measurementswere used in conjunction with other micrometeorologicalinputsin severalmodelsof thecanopy energy budge! Themorerigorousmodels were ableto epreSentd5 『 の " 血 "0 山 waters ぬ ・ Opy S山 C皿 eand 山luSpoovidedsup市 lor卜 ・ a 低寸 " 而り血 S L A KeyWords:evapotranspiration, irrigation, energy budget, acoustic emissions I JA h 廿OduCboL Environmental concerns andincreased nonagricultural demandfor waterare puttingirrigated agriculture in addandsemi-arid environments underincreasingpressure to utilizelesswater more efficiently.Fundamental to prudentdecisionsaboutwhenandhowmuchwaterto applyin crop productionis knowledgeof crop waterstatus.An unequivocalanalysisof crop waterneedscan onlybeaccomplished bya plant-based systemsinceplantwaterstatusrepresents an integration of theevaporative demand created byprevailing dailyweather conditions andthesupplyof soilwater thatis relatively insensitive to dailyweather changes.Of thetwoplant-based systemspresently available, pressure chamber analysisof plantwaterpotential is excessively timeconsuming and not suitedto automation,andthe other,hand-heldinfraredthermometry,lacksresolutionand reliability.Bothrequiretechnical expertise andfrequent sampling by hand.As a result,these approaches are seldomutilizedin production. We reporthereon initialfeasibilitystudiesconducted for two technologies for automated assessment of crop waterstatus:application of new field-1eve1, micrometeorologica1-based energy ・ budgetsandindividual plant-based detection of acousticemissions (SanfordandGrace1985).The energy budgetmodels can be used to determineboth evapotranspiration (ET) and stomatal conductance.Test applications for bothtechnologies were conducted in winegrapevineyards, wheremoderate waterdeficitsare usedto increasecrop quality(WilliamsandMatthews1990) * Dept. of Viticulture and Enology, Univ. of California, Davis, California, 95616 USA (Fax: +1-916-752-2275) 220 2oMatehaISandMethods 「 Field eXpe enL were COnduCted血 a CO erCM 乃仇 V加准川 "C 孔 emet SauH四 On' vineyardnear Lodi,CA, USA. Vineswere dripirrigatedevery otherday;waterdeficitswere imposed by withholding waterfromsome vinesfor severaldays,andwater statuswas determined bythepressurechamberandleafporometrytechniques.Acousticemissions(ae's)were detected witha piezoelectric detector appressed to basalshootintemodes, andsignalprocessingequipment thatallowedselectionof a threshold signallevelto avoidambientacoustical noise. Theenergy budgetapproach was conducted in threephases:computer modeldevelopment; fieldexperiments; andmodelverification usingfielddata.Themodelingapproach was to develop energy budgetshavingtwolevelsof complexity - a simple"Bigleaf" modelanda more complex "Multilayer"mode1.TheBigleafapproach was appliedas bothsingle-andtw0-1ayer resistance models,similarto Kustas (1990),althoughtherewas little differencebetween the two in performance. Theresistance networkwas solvedfor theresidualcanopyresistance andconverted to stomatalconductanceunitsby dividingby theleaf area index. The Multilayermodelwas constructed aroundtheapproachoutlinedby Norman (1979)wheresubmodelsare includedfor lightpenetration, soilenergy, leafenergy, andturbulent transport.Theapproach was augmented to includeverticalandhorizontal stratification of lightpenetration andleaf energy budgets. Sourcesand sinks of heat and watervapor were averagedacross the lateraldimensions for S L A JA constructing theverticalprofilesof airtemperature andhumidity usinggradient diffusion(K- 血 eo ワ) もuent 廿 止r Om 1975) Field experimentswere conductedin 3 commercial vineyardsto simultaneously make measurements of environmental conditions andof vinewaterstatusduringperiodicdroughtcycles. Canopy geometry was measured andarchitecture was quantified byleafarea densitymeasured as a function of heightbyhorizontal pointquadrats. Theenvironmental measurements were made by instruments mounted on a towerlocatedat the downwindend of the vineyard. The measurements madewere: windspeedanddirection, airtemperature, humidity, net radiation, shortwave radiation, soilheatflux,canopyandbaresoiltemperatures (infrared thermometry). Additionally, above-canopy fluxesof sensible heatandlatentenergy were measured usingeddy correlation. Eachmodelwas verifiedusing,as inputs,thediurnalenvironmentaldatathatwas collected inthefield.Theoutputsofthemodels (ETandstomatal conductance) were compared to measured v 寸 ueS ・ 3. ResultsandDiscussion 3.1Acousticemissions,.Moderatewater deficitscause substantial lossesin stemhydraulic conductivity ofpottedvines(Schultz andMatthews 1988).Theselossesare attributed to cavitation 221 events in stem xylem as tension increases during water deficits. Cavitations are detectable as ultrasonicemissions (Sanford and Grace 1985) Preliminary experimentsin the growth chamber demonstrateda well behavedpattern of ae's, increasing with water deficits and decreasing upon recovery. Therefore, further experimentswere conducted in a commercial vineyard to test the feasibility of using acoustic emissions technology for automated estimation of vineyard water status. Experimentswere repeated at two stages of development,before and after the onset of fruit ripening. Sensors were attached to the basal intemodes of two sun shoots on vines that were continuouslyirrigated and on vines from whichwater was withheld over eight days. Daily totals ofae's were recorded and regressedonto the middayleaf water potential for the same shoots (Fig. 1). The data show that accumulatedae's increased rapidly after midday leaf water potential decreased belowabout -1.0 MPa. A 2nd order polynomial regression of daily total ae's to midday shoot water potential producedr2= 0.95. Thus the application of acoustic emission technology to estimate vineyard water status is feasible and warrants further investigation. 3.2 Canopy energy budgets,. Our results indicate that, using only a small number of on-site environmentalmeasurements, vineyard water status may be estimated for a representative portion of a vineyard to reasonable accuracy. The quality of the estimate is greatly dependent on the canopy modelto whichthesevariablesare input. Both the Bigleafand Multilayer canopy models were capable of estimating vine stomatal conductance under differing levels of water stress. The Multilayer mode1,however, produced estimates of stomatal conductancethat were considerably more representative of the values that were measuredmanually (Fig. 2). This is indicated by superior correlation coefficient and a slope more near unity (Fig. 2). Using the same set of environmentalinputs,each modelestimates instantaneouslatent energy fluxfromwhichdailyET can be obtained.The Bigleaf modelproduced relatively poor estimates of ET (1^=0.46, slope=0.45), but the Multilayer modelwas able to provide excellent estimates (r^0.g0,slope=0.99). The Bigleaf-type models may be made suitable for continuous, low-growing canopies However,it failed to perform adequately in a vineyard canopy with hedgerowconfiguration and large expanses of bare soi1. The failure of the Bigleaf modelcan be attributed to its simplifying assumption that all energy transferand evaporationoccur on a single hypothetical surface whereas theseprocesses occur on a multitude of surfaces including leaves and soil in vineyards. The soil contributes sensible heat flux that is advected into the canopy, increasing evaporative demand. S L A JA TheMultilayer model iscapable ofrepresenting thelightenvironment within thefoliage, the energytransfer bythesoilandvarious leafsurfaces, andthetransport of heatandwatervaporinto the air so that the canopy environmentcan be representedin detail mathematically. This added rigorlendsitselfto superiorestimatesof vineyard stomatal conductanceand ET with only a small numberof inputsfromfield sensors. Further improvementsmay be realized by expanding the current one-dimensionalturbulent approach into two dimensions to accommodate the lateral 222 variation insources andsinksofheatandwater vapor.Thiswillinvolve expanding theturbulent transport submodel froma relatively simple K-theory treatment toa tw0-dimensional second order closureapproach (Meyers andPawU 1987,Wilson 1989) 1200 メノ・ 09 ・ 08 ・ ・ テ ヰ山0 " 8山 " <", 600 - 卜 三 口 山 く 0 ・ア o山 o 古 o山 4山 - B o4 巨 0 3 Multilayer r2= 0.78 5@Ope=o 89 Bigleaf Model r2= 0.63 slope = 0.48 ・ も七 ・ ・ 山 02 ・ 200 - S L A JA O ・ 00 メノ 0 山上 ' , -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 十 00 ・ 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 MeaSuredgS(Cm S山 MiddayLeaf WaterPotential(MPa) Figure2. Energybudgetmodelestimates Figure 1. Daily ae*s from field-grown shootsat variouswater potentials. of stomatal conductanceversus the mean OfmeaSurぬ Stoma回 COnduC 位 nCe for sunlit leaves References Kustas,W.P. (1990):Journalof AppliedMeteorology29:704-710 % NQrman J@ こL 鍔あ : 8o87)0n LX X4:14 "ph"2 ぢ おほまぉ ; 岩 ば刊ぽ出耳三 ぎ 百二 ほ 背二ぽ。匹 SanfordA.PandGrace,J. (1985):Journalof Experimental Botany36:298-311 ・ S 山d 年 H;K 川 dMat 山 品ぽ ;十 M A (1988):PI川 tPhy5;010酊 88:718 724 (1975):L 三笛三 V theA(l991 品7草まお "X*.A 二口口 ,J山: 山ぼ 田 , ・ ・ ヂ・ S ぴ ie廿 OfA 耳OnomyMono年 aph ・ 計戸 * でお Wilson.J.D. 1989. Estimationof ArealEvaDotransDiration.IAHS publicationn0. 177 ・ 。・ ま了 bRNi " 。,,。 , 刃卜 2あづ%(1995] 山L而叫 Of 片u ぬnd St 山Ls ・ New So エエエ mprover K FUJITA* ・ Abstract-(GE0-SANGREEN) key 寸・ are エ To words some Effective recycling pollution. objectives. Company, developped converted The soil Kitagawa normal 土 of On , ・ Chem Coal , 人 Fly Aah, and to most important of wastes and エ ant Growth M T"""Y"""*** ・ * * * Ca エ人 y devastation the P w" UR エ,, T.TSUKATANI* , CL 色 L ト人 ngf ntLoduCt prevent, S , and for convert.ed 八 川良 te C 人 d 50 from Coal 人ユ greening promote tasks て t もユ of the of wasted 21st century. land development of technique for for preventing environmental effective material for these The Nippon Steel Corporation and The Sangyo Shinko The Clean Japan Center, have in cooperation with [GE0-SANGREEN], soil improver which is chemically ash. from coal fly application procedures have been investigated by The Ryokka Kougyo Company. Scattering [GE0-SANGREEN] to use are equally important We have developped an S L A JA soil materialized brought greening effect enjoyed success. has yet As (GE0-SAMGREENI is the use of this agent, areas where environmental to significant, acid plant, soil which also effective material has improvements as been are growth. existing It also technology water/air spreading needed. treatment rapidly in for Development Strategy In view of Agronomical Science, coal fly ash, product of botanical circulation, contains inorganic nourishment generated by photosynthesis. For this character, we came to the conclusion that coal fly ash should be used effectively in creating fertile agronomical environment. Two important elements for promoting greening are meteor0logical factors such as daylight, precipitation, temperature, etc. 2. and strong So 土エ COnd 上 acidity t 上 One Oon. 上 上 t RSHn ehos 土 00 上 mV soi1. of the obstructtons for g 「een エ ng 上日 This kind of soil has been neutralized by adding calcium-containing materials. However, this system is not in view of being harmful to plant by supplying too much effective of reserving water and fertilizer, and calcium, lacking abilities durability of effects. Therefore, new soil has to be introduced of calcium-containing materia1. This process is costly. instead To improve acid soi1, we have gone through many experiments on chemical treatment aiming at effective use of coal fly ash. In consequence, we successfully developped [GE0-SAMGREEN] as soil imp rover. xSSK aauy Sg aynO nngO in C ShC t aknr L01 エn 0Uy rn 上 ク 上t ttey SLVx d 土 u Jtt k rk e Tf 0 TyTp Y 000a 0J0 y yn ka ・ エ。 日上 t O 『 , J JaJanap P , p nFn fa a x8 十 83 エ -5 36 -2 3 2丁 - 82 84 一 3 ユユ 3 2 NOILv コ L a日 S 7 耳 o Tos p丁 oe O4 Spa ヨ s 二ユ 14 H丁 Tト aa-neos sen mgaasMvs-0as] JO /6 イ 7 V Oフ Oqd pue D4Oqd u 5 e Gdx3 5 n 6u 6 八丁 1丁づ e s 丁 e P e O 'sT uiwoafi L 6 0 oo 7u3S8 noiiLdaosav aaivn 山 qT 丁 了 o sD 丁て ・ seA ppo 二 ヨ二 @Ia 叫ハ DIS-8p 丁 丁 ・ ユ 乙 ・ 吉ユ SRu8 二 J0 ユ puE 山 Ep 7 sgq 丁 山下 ユ 丁 トロ ユ ユ pafie-rnoaug e ・ [N 日 auD ハ vS-o9gl JA S L A aq4 SS8 コ マ丁 丁 丁 nS8 ・ ,包ユ 0 て s丁二ヨ 4コ eユ eq3 8り 4 pue 8v3 丁ユ ユ T. 8S 丁 ユ Ud ・ ミヨ 二 乞り ユ s ユ aq3 oユ d uo 4コ npo 丁 ユロ "E ヶ Zz t s a YL z t The ab 上エエ エ色 characterlstlc to soil て色 1) 「 e5erY こ Oon of water@ inlF 「 over 「 ese ア コ 工 On OOE て て 上上 zer@ コ nd t) neutr コエエ コ 土 On of 川コ te 「 ia 工 harmful for オコ ntnt growth 2l p L e t エ エ ・ of ・ Photo 3. Crystal EGE0-SANGREEN] ShoWn Fg 2 in エ (Electron ・ surface In ・ So エ ・ ・ ne cont 包土 @GEO-sAHCREENl by 'A._ A ka 工 Adhesion ne e t S L A 女― @ @' ・廿 ト le ぃ Ue un 土ヮ e8 て Aオ kal , エ 上 n O 5 n t pe n エ t 上 Neutr 乙オエ 2at 土 on エ 川 で ac 土 One of the ma 上 た gene て at ng オ ac エづエ SO エエ・ s O d n @ キ ) C O 土 ey エ Cエエ nf gurcse エ工 a n-beSnt , 上 エ 工 コヨ Lss 工 h オエ 乙 s P 口 三工土 zat between and エ ne e t ・ 5-3 eChan 50 土工 ヨ uses st エ Ong 工 Lyl @GEO-5ANGREEH@ content et f t P ト eutr エエ ne m C t 5-2 丁 roVe 川 ト Of た エ エ 上上 zer ― reserV エ ab 土オエ tv 乙 Qn ex ― change capaC 土 tV 上 lGEo ― sAHCREEHl エ up t0 200 川 eq ノエ 000 コ。 エ OtheL woLds て ― vents て 「 土工 土 zer so エオ31 「 om washed away by rain, and Supp オエ es エ ef た乞 ct vel ノ 。 オコ nt りア bnLLg nO ed s 工 土土 fu 日川 工 COhclaOO ctne てエ上 aecO コ Ed Gn 工 エ n A k包オエ 工 tension 而つ oged lD 八丁 A:E Pe 工 at 土 On bet 川 een pF and water C Ut PhdO 土 工工 ceSO 吋 Nn 乞 uaH CO エコ 工 工 而 . F 上 オエ pawaba 上つ 上 土 @:DeCo sand JA つ F g・ノ 廿 aoil Microscope xl0,Qoo) 土 On (Ca2*! @H+@of by of so 土エ z t Cat エ On exCkange 1GE0-SAHGREEN) b Di 「 ect neut エコオ土 コ cQnQn ノオ土 quat of adhes 土 On 工 ka エエ ne A 土 土 On 226 Fig. 3. and Fig. present 4 models of neutralizing process. scattered[GE0-SAMGREEN) p 亡色 C ユ 口十 tat ( 「 a 人 n 止 a ユ lf O1 LC 斗 ・ 0 十 1aypart Cle[人 ムム SO l @ paLt 人 C 人も 上 Oo O1) Co t6od a by 2 t@ Pe Ont rough ted[LLOionoANCREEN] Chnge ば ・ ・ ユ も廿 八 て 土人 も 人 ヱ川 色も れ 入 も 巳 fo エ t 人ユ 上巳 色 ててて日も口人ng ab 人 エ人 ty and CLC Schematlc )N も八 t て a エ人巳色 t OOnthrough p も Lme 巳 t 人 OOn around clay 人 色 Fig. 3. Schematic neutLa model of エエ2at 土 lly F土g On IGE0-SAMGREEN] was acid road Of neutLa acid by grow. オエ zat 土 On F ・ g 土 ・ ・ 4 エ ・ 6-1 JA 2 years 色止 ion エ エ on electric- with SurfaC 色 C mode exchange 工 O亡 P 八 L 廿 aCCo S L A Ooriglnai soil (3/3 -93) AT AfterIGE0-SANGREEN] scattered on surface ・ イ刃 Fig. of 5. proof‘xperiments [GE0-SANGREEN] wassdeVelopped rlceg0, エ ge Schemat ・ SO 人人 On Through て of 5 soil was improved enouah (GE0-SANGREEN1 for plant to 6 COnClus particles m土 n しる Cha scattered soi 工 of the S 土 de ― S エ Ope to observe the process on of model ・ ・ 人 も Transition soil after of p1 イ pH of (GE0- SANGREEN1 scattered byyCheem ashfor Caly mproVe conVeL+ 川entO n coal plantgrowth, especialy at aCd SO f 工 エ ・ エ エ 土 竪琵三 言ま葺舌亘三 デ ま 至言三百 Set f*f F 三 ま 登 三 、三三 エ t EE 亘 三三 言 呈 三三三三量 員 エ E 三三 差 三三三 エエ・ i 三言 ぬ n Id A 打せ 2 "獅 'JOu ヰ alO 「 川 51 MM Ecotechniques of Water-saving Rice Cultivation o n Sandy land Xuewen HUANG*, XinminLIU*, Halin ZHAO*, Zongying HE*. Zhezhu YAN" ム Abstract Ecotechniques are the integrated fanning systems which combine rice production and desert improvement. Some good properties of the coarse sandy can be utilized, the seedling of sandy cultivatioin have good quality, and high rice production ( 9,000 kg/ha ) in sandy paddy. The key to water-saving is to put a layer of plastic film in the sandy paddy to prevent water and nutrient seepage. The water consumption on sandy paddy is 1195.2 mm using water-saving irrigation one year. Sand dunes have been converted into sandy paddy. The ecosystem changes includesoil organic matter and nutrient increase, and erosion contro1. Rice production has a high investment in the first year.after one year,the radio of output/ input ratio of 3.1 .This technique has been applied by farmers in Horqin Sandy Land, China. Key Words: Ecotechnique, Rice production, Ecosystem, Sandy land l ln ro d U C tio n 十 storal Sandy region Desertification ofsemi-arid ismajor zone in environmentaland China. With population agricultural growth, problem thecrisis inthe between interlacing the agropaarable ・ land decrease, land degradation, human are facing food shortage. Their become serious, in1950,when the population of Zhelimu league of Inner Mongolia grew from 0.86 to 2.90 million and the arable 2.The S L A JA Principle of the Ecotechnique 3.Methodology 三二 i ヌ・ク ・ 下三, L 藷R i Rg 三「ま , CU/f クザ a 廿on 浦ぎ O 十け Ce 干 まね 員ざ阜卑員目目 S 色色廿L 刀gS 。 員き L荘三鞘,は LgEOlntr"lon a "d TL 巳 三目 よ 三日目百三 ぜミ二芯 。 司 耳 三日。 耳 r 228 SAND DUNE 3 3 D4S 勺 n SANDYPADDY Figure1.TheFarmingSystems for SandyPaddy LowLAND Oク川 a ト中Sav 加 g 十 SaLdP padd ノ a 刀d LH竹 a 打O刀 Sandy paddywas established in semi-flowing and mobile dunes. The dune is made level with a tractor. The water source and irrigation were constructed. The plastic film is placed in the irrigation dibh leading to sandy paddy. Sand of 20-40 cm was placed in the paddy. By irrigationthe paddy was ・ , kept wet or shallow according to rice requirements ヨ4 ApP ぱCa 廿O乃 o十 eト 十 十 WLe 「 Nutrient fertilizer was applied many times at small amounts each time.Total amountof fertilizer (chemical fertilizers and manure) is decided by the rice needs and yield. 4 Re 卜 Ults and Di5C 口もも Ion ・ ・ ・ S L A 4.1. Seedling cultivation The quality of seedling is critical for rice production. Seedlings using sand cultivation have high Tablo l Compan5on Of56如 nns Cha口ot如可卜叫 own 卜 JA chlophyoll content and are vigorous. The biomass of seedling is 18.6% hgher than traditional cultivation. The roots have items sand cultivation tradition cultivation more than 2.9 branches per plant, and 2.0cm long.The nice plants develop 0.09 content of chlorophyll (mg/g) 2.35 ; ; branches per day .The plants are short and l 0 strong. After be transplated, the seedling dryweight(g per plant) 1 95 口け w司ght( OOt乃叫 rp@ t) O舛 0 40 grow quickly, their vigorous growth is ・ sand cultivation and tradition cultivation* 二・ p@ 川 t れ 6fght(c巾) leaf ages energy of root abilityof root growth root branches per plant root length (cm) 4.2 Water Budget , 14 5 寸寸・ヰノ , 3 58 0 ・ひ 38 58 8 ・ア て , 十 ・ ニ ,ア ・ 「 十 ・ ・ advantageous for rice seedlings 6 ア・ア 0 ・ 如 10 9 3 , ・ ・ Rice growth is rapid because of the coarse.100se sandy soil and high temperature in bed.The plants have nutrients and la ge 『 「 OOt さ ySte 山 S ・ 8 ・Agricultural college of Yanbian, Plant Physiology In sandy paddy Table 2. Diurnalvariblityof waterin sandy paddy (g/m2 ) time stages 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-23 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 total transpiration(day ) 14 145 217 179 355 311 158 235 8 ・ ・ 8 ア ・ ・ 4 ・ ・ ・ 6 9 ア 0 ・ 32ア 2 ・ lF 3 ・ 2924 29a4 2549 0 ・ time stage 山 0] 01-02 02瓜 叫叫 叫 05 05-06 18-19 19-20 ・ ・ ・ 20-21 2] ・な 刃 23 23-24 ・ tot司 condensation (night) め3 ・ 36 3 40 4 41 6 ・ ・ ・ 520 29 41 51 4ア ・ 3丁 匁 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 4 2 3 0 0 5 41 0 ・ 5 叫て Lab