VersmaHNzemdr3pld 匹 れ pulauon:ro 卜 lnnlnuHn-
surrounded by done to achieve re are .arLordlookin VersmaHNzemdr3pld yll@rUlqnnvl atthedeSe drp prvP 匹pulauon:ro 2sawLteland n HeY lnnlnuHnT@se turns. ion Fiy. rc's'ii/e@@e, 12.13 Summer -1 s' ・ ln 口 Jr 帯 @l @ @@""卜印山@a ト 卜卜ハ ・ ト ハト へ -.'no-0 teCh l れ ハ 卜 卜 @ 卜 ・ uses , ト LP ¥is development. It is a pity that the country is investin little in preparing its future. J JA ソルがノ仁九 Quar@erly of the Jsrrae@ 瓜 n4 Decemmberl983. Invrlcd@tnHebrgw. l983 Etzion 而 Pearlmutter D., Erell y., OfEn E., " 'on Y.. Pcarimut.tcr and ha! Environment The Israeli in s use for t JC D F.t'/.ion Y-- "Student Housine 山 cRc 卸 皿 eetoDeseFtCon 山 tion5" Jouurnql ダノ rcAilgclur pilrlniiitter 上 ome S L A Report. o , md Planning Research, accepted for publication,1990 Y itzion Ecelu E, MeuC 汀几 for Dese n@ ilaustcm 一 Stzion,Y., "A house in the Desert",IsraelEnergy News, M energy in cooperation with the Israel Petroleum and En instiuite. May 1991. Invited. l'"i^. nce.f and yM 一施 prole i/e ^ M川 no//flr/i-f'/,rt -lL ト 15 ~ Sede-Koker - A vie nlliiii V/^fifU len fhf 抄 ノ 。 兜 。 urMl Of ' ぬ川 - 8d 『 ・ 1 ・ トト Urban and Regional Development Strategies in a Desert Environment Three Case-Studies in Israel's Negev Desert YchudaGRADUS* and Eliahu STERN** Abstract - The present study examines three man-built settlement projects in Israel's Ncgcv desert - the entire Negev settlement system, the internal structure of towns and neighborhoods,and Bedouin urban settlements - in the light of the urban and regional concepts applied in their planning and development.Preconceivedurban models cannot simply be transplanted to arid zones; the planning process and its implementationmust be responsive to the unique human and physical environmentsinvolved ― Key words: regionaldevelopment,urban planning,indigenousnomads, Negcv に届藍茸監 #員 i呈荘肝 山監F三 E芽輻茸点蕊ま蒲 目安蕊描笛蕪卜帯 ;崔荘 experience environments - both throughout successes the and world. failures -has much tocontribute tothefuture development ofother desert The oresent focuses on the interaction between the human-builtenvironmentand the desert oaoer S L A environment's constraints. What happens when the modernman-built environmentinteracts with the RXe Lざご坦慌el: 澁耳どこぼ三ご ;甜 二言日 註ま 茸 JA :; :"日こよに点ま ご , こ三: だば ほぼ ぶぽ E L 三ぽおお 。 , ぱ F 芯eぽ 口三 。 f 、 mto ヮ山 atw 卜 tw 卜而 FdSdeSen 川d :t : 茸 品ぷ; LdlS" 三 , ご 。 。。。 ,, 呵 , i" h p """j"g ・ 。 , neighborhoods considerations. inthedesert, and how this concept changed, due mainly toresponsive environmental FF 目浦ま盟 三北荘 nt 二兆乏三 Yg 戸 三聖 品ぽ ・ gL :no i F庁目 XE 毛点江 世三笠 干 相ダ茸届 三お三ば三ょよ L*am " 三湖 蕊コぢ二干晶 X 無三日・ 畏三日 ほ; 三日・ 粗二苫盟耳 百三 V稽 ・ 品安 ; 翔X姦 「 ;" 。・ :" 三 口却 u い甲 JJo 3u!ugtSgp g叩 uulp 司 Suo 山叩 Iua O叫 ugp uou ol 加 ! 川 BIdu叩 JnJo IgPo 山山 3)sgM PaArgoUoo 口dBgu!AId 九 IutS 川9lgtq口 a K)!0g 叩 JJOg 川 1;@ Sp 口 9l5gM , ・ Sg川S也 oaugS0 叩 8uゆいOュ d40 9IqBdぬ Jg)u 如 u!Suo 畔 [nd p 川司 ol003 o 月 )YBu! 川OP JOL 川 B 叩 lI川川斗 SAS p 司glg[口 7 ヨ川 !AIpuopgu 呵 pBd 山oog B aゆaJo O1 口 m 「 l lSn 川 )Ug 口adoIgAgp puo! ぬu ・口oowuonBu g叩 u!gso 甲叩 r卜 guu3d凹OOgJo引qB 九 oosg3tAJg5p! 山寸川川OopuB Pmuno 'uou 口 np ' 班つ 叩 p 叩 poog 花 u3nSS 斗寸qgp いQJdISn川 u S3 0S口 )BuJ 円 8uyoIdXgaT川卜 Aauo川 90) 斗ugp!S 口 ・ ・ 八円 Sa花 II[d 川卸 tr 叩 JJaIn 口 'w3Lp 司O川口 ul)ug 川つ口 gs)wm ぬ uw@Id斗 pog s 川 unooBJI S叩 wn Oo3u!u 四sns づ IgSgu Oogq 川Oq S)ugugpIoS 庇 q n S Ao ぬN g叩 pa)uaA 川adA8山 SS! 叩ぽ叩 )lUgpIAgS!)I ・ sl 叫 alc 口爪口 JO uo!)B301g 叩 Aq A[up川 !pguopIpuoo 斗 ぬ いp 九 叫山Ouo 九川 gq ぬ 司BUdQJddBu!P 庇 gNL 叫 3ur 山g ぬ 叩四川 Sgp!ApoBp 寸Ugyo 寸g Suog 川 d サ O) めさ 9o!MgSg 叩 puLSu 卸5AsFg!q 山口9円切uBpqpuo! 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AIR 91p 01 SJ35(JOA¥SnidS 31U10U009-0130S J9q3iq ^UEUI 、 Ul13BJHB'S331AJ3S IplBSll pue uopeonpa '/Cnsnpui (cuoigaiJOJ SJ9)(JOA¥ icuoissajoJdJOJ Jaiusa SUIUIEJI pue ascq oypuaias c SB $961 ui papunoj SBAY AsSa^ aqi JO AiisJ3Aiufi uounQ-uag aqi (g) t^fil ui paqsiiqeisa SBA A33aN aJpua aqi SUIAJSS i^iidsoq (E3ip3iu [EJluoo M3U c (3) ;sqof 931AJ9Sjo spucsnoqi SuipiAoJd 'aisql p3)B30{ 3J3A¥ saaiyo )UL川山ヨ八 o0、 IBUOIg う人 puB 'lol 川SI 口 lU人う IIqL 爪 O!OS ヨ lp JO Ie び deo つ q)p ヨ几 PogP 花川 BA4qS 斗 g09 ([):SUOISI つヨ p )UeotgIUgISL 寸川loPB 山 Ipue 人 g]g)ULコ ItIBUoI8 山 JO山口 BSBAl139q)dol9A3Po pう LtlaU 3ttlpg2Iugo コ口寸 U寸 山口 LAOg 3 K3g)BJlS PgSJodSIP B Yeq) )U913lgJo AuBgI 川 OUO つヨ 0 O口 SBA@ Agg)BJ@S 八 g)Uヨ o v@Aloユ 3 pozImIod B )Bq Sno Aqo g口eo ヨ q )I 9人 gv) 5JO)几 nbpBg斗 JI3 叩 guDB う OI 口OAOId 口9 ヨ 8L1 5uoIg 可ヨ叩叩 I川 'AOgoN 3JRU3 Sql JOJ J91U33IB-imBU Sql SB pSSJSUia CA31JSJ338 'UOISIAOJd33;AJ3S JO UJ3])Gd 1U3131JJ3 3JOUI B JOJ piremap E paicoJo 'uoi 、 ai alp ui lUounsoAUl )U3UiuJ3A03 pire 3)BAudjo pcaids 3i(l pus 'saxaiduioa iciflsnpui aq) JO uoisucdxa 9111 'SUMOIAoSa^ aq) JO uopezi|cu)snpui aqJ, 'suoispap apisino uo luapuadap pue aiqcJauiriA 'SUMOI ^ucdui03 icaidXi omcooq SUMO) am 'so/,61 ^IJGSam ^4 ;s3i)iunyoddo qofA¥3u oicaJo 。1 'S0961 91? u' uiBJ^oJd uonBZi|Buisnpui aAissciu v paqsunei iu3iuiu3A03 aqJ, iBprua SBA¥luamuoJiAua yasap aiii o) siBiJdoJddc 3Joui 3uo o) ASsiGJis )U3Uidoi3A3pJO 03ucq3B iBqi snoiAqo sureosq )i ^U3AOd peaidsspiM pire lusmAoidluaunqSiq UIOJJ pai3JJns puc '3uiuuBidireqJn paisAqd 3)cnb3pBUipire saoiAJas Ie nun つ puB IBuouB つ np ヨ qIIBLq JO IoAgI 爪OIB A[uo pg ggJo qo 川川 5u 川OLL 叩 p ヨ S花 d 人 q S)u 寸川gAo 川 Ieuo[lBuJo daJヨ卜 p 庇 SuoL 口 IruBgogUIseq d puB3uno斗几山uぬo 川う甲pW q う円 川 'JonBIg BA ヨ qS Jggg JOISg 川quou OIgAgPp )B 叩 S)Ug 川叩必四川 no B 惟 口さ 9叩叩叫 uo 叫口 g)u!) o川 !5Ou 刃川 QJo 叩 puB ' 花 Ie m 8uIpunounSo)uo[SIAo d goIM 斗 Suo pgSBq 与 q )ou pIno つ Su 卜o 斗ヨ tpJo )u ヨ口 doI9 八 op u ヨつ poN gIq p ヨ 口さ dSIp 3叩 JO )dg 寸 UOo o Ouo 加叫 ) ゆ叩 )u3pIAa 花川 u 'S0961AI几 ooqIAa a 花 Id p 寸 AI;Ara つ uo つ aJlaJd S uo p ヨ SBq Aヨ g 寸 トく oq uIp3qs[[qB sa 口うトSuMo) 川ヨ u u 寸 '@SOS6I Al 几寸 g 叩 guun て I Sヨ山SnpuIIeuoIgL 人人 33tn)opuBgu u o叩 uIS ユ g斗人 OA ユ OggulsnoqLpIAo 人d Olsu 川OIguIqSHqB)Sg paSodoJd Agq) pYBIJg)u 円 「G人 @IB O)SJgIug コヨ oIAJ 寸 S 花 AIgIos)uLu uoJtAu ヨ p aqi in SUMO] ifsiiqeisa o) ^naiJJip aq p(r>oA¥ n p3zip33J sJ3UUB(d 3J3qA¥'sasca ureuaa ui 'paiaai^au ISOUIIB SBM 1U3UIUOJIAU3 U3S3p {BaiS^qd31(1 'UBidSiqi JO UOpBoI(ddB3qi UI 'J3A3AYOH 'UOUBZIUBSJO (BIlBds JO LOOq)e uo p 寸花q SP 川川 a)S 八 SlSUe 甲 n w JO u さ川 ldoIgAopaJ3qAlSLSB つ AhAMgJ ヨ叩40 0uo -uoLB 几u ヨ ot]o つ ucqi JaqiBJ ^mcnba (BiiBds puc (csJodsip uopc[ndodSBAV aAposrqo ^3i[od aijJ. 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The school of thought prevalent among Israeli planners of the new towns was that of garden-cities (Howard 1965) divided into neighborhoodunits. The idea of creatinga rural atmosphere in an urban environmentwhile keeping contact with the land, one of the major concepts behind the garden-city movement, greatly appealed to leaders and planners of the Zionist socialist movement, and to the local leadership and founders of Beer Sheva, who were veteran members of the socialistagriculturalsector. Europeangarden-cities were planned for low densityhousing arranged in homogeneous, semi-self- sufficient neighborhoodunits, each with its own schools, shops, libraries, communitycenters and the like. Internal winding streets would be built, unrelated to the transportation system of the other neighborhoodsand the city as a whole, and each neighborhoodwould be surrounded by a 'green belt' These principles were applied in Beer Sheva as well as other Negev new towns. What was created however was a dispersed city composedof quarters remote and detached from one another, with no physical or social links betweenthem. Instead of homogeneous communities,conclaves of ethnic and occupational structure formed. There was a lack of architectural diversity, of urban consolidation. The dispersionof servicesandthe winding roadsnecessitatedlargemunicipal expenditures,createdproblems of communication and orientation, and required residents to walk long distances in the desert heat. The undevelopedvacant areas designated 'green belts' between neighborhoods created internal deserts within the city, lesseningthe urban feeling. By the early 1960s, it had becomeevident that the garden-city concept was inapplicable to Beer Sheva's desert environment and its soci0-culturalreality. The new readjustmentpolicies placed the emphasis on consolidating the city, condensing it, and thus transforming it into an organic unit functioning as a single economic and social entity. In a desert environment,an integratedplanning approach is preferableto the autonomousdispersed-neighborhood units approach.Multi-storied housing S L A built, primary and secondary arteries were constructed within and between neighborhoods to facilitate 5匹 don trafnlc,andalI 口祖 Swe ほ 山口口 atoneaxischanneling山e Ciヴ '5 was Twelve years after the implementationof thegarden-city concept in Beer Sheva, the town of Arad was founded 40 km to the east. This time the desert environmentwas studied carefully and the entire planning was done on location, adopting a more practical and realistic approach JA The last case study is that of the urban settlements planned for the Negev's indigenous nomadic Bedouinpopulation, now numberingsome 90,000 The Negev Bedouin belong to twenty-five tribes scattered over an area of 1000 sqkm, mainly in the : 鰐 ggZL3 LLL; 描;The Ov 三 三廿 ま 孟 三 ,、 芯 三三 ; ぽ hぼ,, 乱 ,ぷ日 ぼ互 8堪 ; but has only recently become a planning problem(Musham 1970). The Bedouin's scattered pattern of permanent and semi-permanent spontaneous settlements has conflicted with development programs for the , 。 , ・, ・ 、 regional Negev, partly services. because The Israeli ofinefficient government useofhas space, therefore and hampered been attempting -and rendered toresettle more the costly Bedouin -the in supply planned of urban settlements fanning an integral pan of a regional developmentprogram Formingman-built environmentsfor indigenous nomadscan be potentially disruptive to their whole important interaction; cultural (2)settlements elements: (3) and affective dwellings and perceived must been density seen in should context berelated and allow totraditions. forpreservation of Israel's first develop urban settlement populated solely by former nomads- Tel Sheva. ; 三お gTLla Bee; 月h::a - 毘g。ゑ才篇拭 三 ;a粁>vo@vefE:;;L 器肝 ml ごぽ attempt こよば E日ゑ巧 3 三 to an ば日日・ 。 , 出口ほほほ ぽ三ぜ祐芝 ・ F* latF In 届x鞘鞘芽盟話 呈ヂぜ浦 き苦 三 まま ! まき 目ま茸卜壬山員蕊革目澄壬田蕉 88 ;gR pSo >u vDanvu l@loorl 紅 千三 L 二 料 れ三 牡畔北X詔推 比三 闘 日比 誌 Rば 日碓ば 紫 山 Xぽ江 thanhusbandly or agriculture. Te1-Sheva's master plan has been revised according to Rabat's responsive planning concepts and standards,and threemore Bedouintowns in the vicinityhavebeenso developed,implementingwhathas proven to be successfulplanned sedentarization of nomads(Stem andGradus 1979). Eぎほ 。 レぬ The threecase-studies examinedabove demonstratethereal andpotentialproblems arisingdue to the application of transplanted urban andregionaldevelopmentconcepts the CentralPlace andGardenCity models- originating in differentculturalandenvironmentalconditionsto a fragilearid humanecosystem. The transplanted models reflectedthe Zionist ideologyof 'back to the land' without considering what 'land' means in the desert,whereWestern spatia1,physicaland social standardsproved unrealisticand ・ inappropriate Analysisof Israel'sexperience in formulating andimplementingdevelopment policiesin its Negev desertcan contributeto futuredevelopmentprojectsin aridzones, andshowshowdesertplanningmustbe sensitiveto local needs andconditionsandfacilitatea frameworkfor continuous response andinteraction between the variouselements of the aridsystem. ― Ben-Gurion,D. (1956): 'Southward'. 1956Annual Report. Jerusalem:Governmentof Israe1. Christaller,W. (1933): 'Die zentralenOne in Suddeutschland', C.W. Baskin, 1957,as Central Places in Southern Germany,EnglewoodCliffs, N.J.:PrenticeHal1. Gradus, Y. (1978): 'Beer Sheva, Capitalof theNegev: DesertFunctionand InternalStructure', GeoJoumal2,521-532. Gradus, Y. andStern,E. (1980): 'Changing Strategiesof Development:Towarda Regiopolisin the NegevDesert', AmericanPlanning Assoc.46,410-424 S L A How 町d E (1965):Ganden CfffesorTomorroww,Cambndge,MaSs 『 MI T SS V H (1970):'Seden 口 donof 山eeBedouininI 茄可 ' 市 S N.Ei5enS 田 t R B 町-YO5ef andC. Adier (cds.).Integration and Development in Israe1,New York: Praeger,pp. 618-633 Rapoport. A. (1978): 'Nomadismas a Man-Environment System', Environmentand Behavior 10, 215- M瓜 , ・ ・ ・ JA ・ , ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ , , 246. Rapoport, A. (1979): 'An Approachto Designing Third WorldEnvironments'. Third WorldPlanning Review 1, 23-40. Stern.E. and Gradus. Y. (1979): 'Socio CulturalConsiderations in Planning Townsfor Nomads', Ekisttcs 277, pp. 224-230 t^BBt r,S, 89-94(1995) Journal of Arid Land Studies Trans-Saharan Wind Rows Observed on Meteosat 4 Satellite Image Monique Mainguet* & Frederic Dumay * Abstract - Thanks to the use of Meteosat imagery the relationships between the dry ecosystems of Sahara-Sahel and Sudan along one unique Global Wind Action System and the rain forest are detected. Key words : Remotesensing, Meteosat, Aeolian actions. Rain forest The Meteosat 4 Infra-red satellite image of January 3th 1992 (METEO FRANCE CMS LANNION), thanks to its scale of 1: 26 000 000, shows a dust and sand storm over the Central and Eastern parts of the Sahara and the Sahel (27-30。N) until the tropical margin of the Guinean zone (5 to 10。N), along a distance of 3 000km (Fig 1). Our first objective, similar to the studies carried during the late 1970's (Mainguet, Cossus et Chapelle, 1980), consists of a synthesis of the figures of aeolian activity visible on satellite imagery, and of a determination of the mega-venturis and their effects on aeolian circulation. The second part showshow the wind currents are organised around the Saharan and Sahelian mega-0bstacles(Mainguet, Cheminet Borde, 1985). In third part analyses the eastern Saharan wind and sand flow and finally tries to show that the limit of savannah-forest is dependenton aeolian dynamics 脚 S L A We have called GWAS (Mainguet 1992) an aeolian dynamical system where particles are deflated or winnowed, transportedby suspension,saltation, reptation and creeping and finally accumulated in loess JA sheets, ecosystems sand are veneers, located dunes, inone dune unique fields, Global and Wind sand Action seas. System How the ata Sahara, synoptic the scale Sahel inand which even are the embodied Sudan secondary smaller local to regional wind action systems, will be seen. On the satellite image in the area of wind activity different features can be observed 1.1. Areas where narrow strips with high reflectance alternate with strips of low reflectance as observed between the Ahaggar mountainand the Tibesti mountain. They were understood in the previous analysis as areas of dominant transport associated with wind activity, essentially consisting of corrasionof stony plateaux (mainly sandstone), giving a landscape of yardangs and kaluts (aerodynamically carved rocks) (Mainguet, Chemin 1990) 1.2. Areas of high reflectance characteristic of active sand seas with imprecise boundaries on the satellite images because of escaping sand plumesprecisely at the moment of the registration of the image in the erg of Fachi Bilma and Haoussa. 1.3. Topographic obstacles responsible for specific aeolian patterns as - divergencesupwards of the relief: the best exampleis located upwards of the set of Ennedi/JebelMarra; -Areas of average reflectance immediatelyleewards of a major obstacle which are shelter areas, the most spectacular being leewards of Air with a length of 500 km. -Figures of convergence, for exampleleewards the Jebel Marra 1.4. The mega-venturies. A venturi is defined as a constriction in a channel conducting fluids, which locally produces a pressure decrease and therefore an acceleration of the fluid, which leads to a greater kinetic energy and therefore to a great erosion and transport potential (Mainguet, Borde, Chemin 1985) When two topographicalreliefs are not too distant: 300-400 ト@ as for the Tibesti and the Ennedi; in the corridor between them appears a neck where the pressure is low and the speed higher according to the Bernoulli law. In this furrow the wind has carved the most prestigious system of kaluts of the planet in the paleozoicsandstones of Borku. *Laboratoire de Geographic Zonale, University de Reims Champagne-Ardenne Taittinger, 51 100 Reims, France -, 57, Rue Pierre 90 The description of these main aeolian figures leads to an analysis of the behaviour of wind in the Central Sahara (Mainguet 1976). w 川 爪 寸 n 八 LI Maior Obstacle, The comprehensive central Saharan aeolian dynamics is ordered by one mega-0bstacle, the unity Ahaggar-Tassili with a surfaceof 203350km2,more than 3000m high (average 1800m) and to the south the Air massif of 66150km^with a maximumaltitudeof 1500m (Mainguet, Canon1977) 2.1. In 1979 (Mainguet, Cossus et Chapelle, 1980) the Meteosat Images, through aeolian figures have shown a wind flow beginning south of 29。N (Edeyen de Marada), curved around the eastemside of the plateau dominated by the Jebel El Aswad, crossing the eastern half of Murzuksand sea, and the Djado plateau before being oriented ENE-WSW in direction of Air and divided in two branches, the southern one rejoining the Tenere 2.2. On Meteosat 4 Image of 1992 the wind current is a sand and dust current. The load in aerosols is not dense enough to hide totally the soil surface which stays visible. The material which flows in transit in direction of the unit Tassili-Ahaggar, carried by the harmattan wind, starts as those of the 1970's in the sand seas of Marrada and Kalansho and continues towards the Rebiana sand sea which seems to have lost a part of its surface since the observation of 1979. There, the diachronic analysis of the images of 1979 and of 1992 allows us to propose a new hypothesis of a slight loss of surface of the deposits of the Central Saharansand seas simultaneousto drought. S L A The plateau of Djado 500 km in the N-S direction shows an intense wind activity mainly of corrasion giving a kalut landscape. More leewards, the Air massif produces a subdivisionof harmattan wind in two branches. The most southern one flows south of Air in the direction of the major sahelian E-W aeolian system, prolonging the Tibesti-Ennedi venturi system until 7。 E. There is presently a quasi continuity of the aeolian transport between 16。E (Erg Bilma) until 0 。, located at 800 L ロ leeward of the Air (Mainguet 1972). On the 1979 image such a continuity at this latitude was not visible JA low of In 1979 the major Saharanaeolian eastern flow started in the Qattara depression, then widened, running in the Great Sand Sea of Egypt to the boundaryof Libya from the Nile Valley until the eastern face of Tibesti through the Gilt Kebir. After turning around the eastern face of Tibesti, at the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer, the current curved before crossing the Erg of Bilma and Tenere acquiring then an E-W direction until lake Debo south of the curve of the river Niger. Meteosat 4 of 1992 confirms these patterns North of Jebel Oueinat 23。N, the air is full of dust but the soil surface is visible. South of this latitude the density is too high to show the whole surface. OL the image of 1992, the wind currents have three main sets of characteristics 3.1. The continuity of the currents from 30。N to the southern Sahel (Mainguet et Guy 1975) : the convergence of the two aeolian flows, which have the same origin north of Egypt at the latitude of the Qa radepreSsion,islocat 口 atthenor 山 oof山eCentralAf 「iCan Republic 口 u 山 ofChad and Sudan e track on the soil surface of this aeolian current is linked by areas of reflectance which are deflation areas, , others where kaluls are ・ dominant and which are areas of corrasion 3.2. In 1979 the aeolian sand transport was visible only on the western bank of the Nile; in 1992 it is visible on the two banks, and it seems, that the aeolian flow is able to transport its load of particles across the valley. Between 10 and 15。N. a larger part of the Nile is hidden by the migrating particles. This transport affects the whole curve of the Nile which is at a right angle to the aeoliancurrent, confirming how much the valley and the agriculturalactivitiesare threatenedby encroachingsand 3.3. The effects of the mega-0bstacles: Tibestf-Ennedi-Jebel Marra (Fig 2). Leewardof the Tibesti-Ennedi venturi, at the latitude of Chad lake, the most oriental flow from the GWAS Sahara-Sahelis divided in two branches, one with a N-S directiondrawing a wide circle (Fig 3). The other branch, north of Chad lake, has an east-west direction which can be followed on Meteosat 4 until Mali where the river Niger 91 draws its curve at the latitude of Gao (16。N, 0 。). There,the aeolian flow reaches the Niger valley before crossing it and feeding the sand sea east of Aoukar. In 1979, the analysis of Meteosat of 28 February has allowed description of the aeolian flows on the soil surface in the Sahara and its Sahelian boundaries (Mainguet, Cossus et Chapelle,1980)and to follow the most meridional extension of these currents. On Meteosat 4 in East Africa the hannattan has its longest trajectoryof 7 000 km, from 27。N (North of )t) 3m)-jebel until 12 。Marra(3088 NJebel Marra. m). Upward The first of mega-topographic these two massifs obstacle the current met is by divided this flow inis two the branches. unit Ennedi The 肋側 divergence reaches a maximum width of 780 km and a length of also 780 km with the convergenceat 9 。N The western branch has a NE-SW direction until Chad lake (13 。 N, 13。E) where it curves towards the south. This curve was not visible on the 1979documents S L A It is in Uganda (3 。N) that the aeolian flow has its longest meridional extension. Therefore the hypothesis can be proposed of a progression of aeolian dynamics towards the equatorial zone : the farthest extension being visible in NE Cameroon,the Central African Republic,Sudan, north Zaire, and JA Uganda between 3 and 5 N 。 This limit is visible on Meteosat 4 through the difference in reflectance, the savannah having a lower reflectance than the forest. West of the African continent the limit appears in Guinea (12。 N), then, towards the east, it slides at 10。N in northern Ivory Coast (10 。N, 7 。W) then further east it approaches irregularly the equator until 5 。N. In south Sudan(5。N) aeolian activities can be detectedat the limit of savannah-forestby the existence of periodical strikes ce the 1977) 山寸 爪 of the publicat (Maing prop previous ehypothesis The northern limit of evergreen forest has its most southern location precisely at the confluence of the two peri-JebelMarra branches, SE of the massif. At 15。E, in the Central African Republic, the northern limit of the evergreen forest is at 5 。N. In SE Sudan, the limit is further north (Juba forest) near 10。N and 22。E Further east the limit is in Uganda; the northern limit is located on the equator. It is also there that the GWAS has the largest extension towards the south Saharan sand seas, with a negative sediment balance,were losing their material to the benefit of the meridional sand seas, is confirmed in 1992 In the Sahe1, where the NE-SW aeolian flows are becoming E-W, after a curve at the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer, exists a vast area of reattachmentwhere areas of deposition, with a positive sediment balance,have been developed. Since the beginning of the second half of the twenty century, in the fifties, according to observation of aerial photographies(FAO 1956-57Tichit NE 29-XV n 081-82-83), areas of 。 positive sediment balance are becomingareas of negative sediment balance caused by land degradation and aeolian erosion e 山 n 甘 nui サ @ On *veral 山ou 臼 ndkiIometerSof 山 ea 山 lian currentshouIdberelat 田川 小山e5uCC卜寸o1 of topographical mega-0bstacles which create venturi systems where the speed of the aeolian flows is テ increased, inducing sequences of systems leading to its self maintenance. We have seen that aeolian export of desert dust is reaching the rain forest and so enrich the fertility of the soi1.For example, the soils of the tropical rain forest along the Gulf of Guinea and along the Nile 92 Valley owe their fertility largely to wind deposit and not just to silt deposition by the Nile River, This study demonstratesthe interdependanceof all the ecozones north of the equator, and requiresfrom the managers interested in combatingwind erosion a special attention to the whole GWAS and not only a ― I。 司 。 ne Mainguet M., 1972. Etude d'un erg (Fachi-Bilma, Sahara central). Son alimentation sableuse et son insertion dans Ie paysage d'apres les photographiesprises par satellites. Compte-Rendu Academic des Sciences, Paris, 1274,13mars, Serie D, pp. 1633-1636. MainguetM., Guy M., 1975.Apport des images par satellitemeteorologiqueNOAA3 dans 1'observation des grands courants de materiel 60lien, et dans les relations de dependancedes ergs au Sahara. Phot0Interpretation, Ed. Technip, Paris, 1974-4/1 & 6, (2e partie), pp 23-52 Mainguet 1976. La circulation du sable au Sahara (diagnostic d'apres les images satellites) consequencessur la desertification. Geomorphologieet Paleogeographie, section l/23e Congres International de Geographic,Moscou,pp. 182-187, Mainguet M., Canon L., 1977. Faction du vent dans les paysages arides d'Afrique nord-6quatoriale vue par les satellites. Colloque GDTA "Utilisation des satellites en teledetection", Saint-Mande, 21-23 Sept 1977, pp. 307-318. Mainguet M., 1977. Analyse quantitative de 1'extremite sahelienne du courant eolien transporteur de sable au Sahara nigerien. Compte-Rendu Academiedes Sciences,Paris, 1285,24 oct., S6rie. D, pp. 1029-1032. S L A Mainguet M., Cossus L., Chapelle A.M., 1980.Utilisation des images Meteosat pour preciser les trajectoires eoliennes au sol au Sahara et sur les marges saheliennes : interpretation des documents Meteosat du 28 mat 1978 au 9 fevrier 1979. Societe Francaise de Photogrammetrieet de Teledetection, BuMe甘 nn Mainguet 8 pp l 12 M., Borde J.M., Chemin M.C, 1985.Sedimentationeolienne au Sahara et sur ses marges. Les images M6teosat et Landsat, outil pour 1'analysedes t&noignagesg^odynamiques du transport eolien. In Le vent, mecanisme d'erosion, de degradation, de desertification. Notions d'echelle, de budget sedimentaire, de vulnerabilite des paysages. Travaux de 1'Institut de Geographicde Reims, n 。59-60, pp. 。ア , ・ A J ・ 15-27. Mainguet M., Chemin M.C., Borde J-M., 1985. Etude du r61e des obstacles topographiques dans la circulation eolienne d'apres les images satellites et les photographiesaeriennes, de I'echelle continentale & celle de la butte temoin. Mediterranee, Teledetection II1,T. 54, n 1-2, pp. 11-19. Mainguet M., Chemin M.C., 1990.Le Massif du Tibesti dans Ie systeme 60lien du Sahara. Reflexion sur la 。 genese du Lac Tchad. BerlinerGeographischeStudien,Band30,pp. 261-276. Mainguet M., 1992. A Global Open Wind Action System : the Sahara and the Sahe1.pp. 33-42,The first International Conference on Geologyof the Arab World, ed. A. Sadek, RemoteSensing Session,January 1923,1992. vo1.2,548 p 93 S L A JA ? TA Tassili NAner 申 FlE2@@ S @un@RH* RRLL@ H*@@Lllt A;lqH@ @XTl iL @)J/Oll Ly¥l ・ 口 ぃ 川 山 三 川 十 ハ 川 り 口川 7 卜 94 益 目 FL3 川 eV 山川 ヴ Sygtem between 乃も卜 d 山 andLakeChad ー S L グ幣 A JA へ " 可 A: Air AD: Ader Dulchi AI: Adrar des Ifoghas E:Eglab En: Ennedi H: Ahaggar L: LakeChad T: Tibesti T.A. : Tassili N'Ajjer ―・ ― H山ト 1imit 0r 2 う /0@ 口9 of "03/01/92 0 limit Savannah-forest 帆川肺洲 川北旧川M 1 川 川川川 卜, L @は M 0 而刷川 m 如 而 '" ミ 刀卜 寸而 LLuh1w1rrwnL0 11(1 bal ・ M 1 d WSSSf^ 5S. 95-97(1995) Journal of Arid Land Studies 幼wa 皿D球 打 ' Hi Co ntro山 e Aeo川 its '血 an 北川 some 卜 new p 。 口川 oil of M 功 y wa 山 Inthi8note e ヰぴ吟ぬヰ 瓜 ls 1 mater P 8 S 如旦 fO m 。 戸 爪 e JA C 可 m 口 。 Om9 S L A い 山 awtn ndOC fd 低 卜 ・ 如 gh fo and the th 卜 rm ng山 e れテ waareぴ eo re口 戸山 an抑Moveme basis for the design and construction of shelter system on one hand* and compensates the blanks in the related scientific knowledgeof Taklimakan Desert Two meterological observatories were set up on the other hand in Xiaotang and Mancan in 1992 to collect the basic climatic information of the inner part of Taklimakan Desert. In the following 2 years, I卜@htは oofDQsqrtR 口 04 「 ch ・ Ch@nQsoAc4dQmyo[ for 寸i4onpQ5,Lan 山oI0u7300ooP ・ R ・ (Pax@+86-931-8889960) various 96 field observations were of sand flux distribution measurement ground surfaces, fences. conducted along the northern section of the highway. the air flow and transport rate on different sites of dunes and different pattern of different roadbed sections, and the effects As a result tens of thousand of data sets were collected. types of sand dunes observation pins were installed movement (<|)=3. 52). on the the movement rate of in Xiaotang. Morphological monitored in 2 patches of sample fields were aeolian sands of Taklimakan of sand control The simulation expeximent turbulence of sand laden wind was conducted in a wind tunne1. T0 measure different These included changes and to estimate aeolian sand intensity. Desert are mainly fine or very fine, with mean The diameter of 0. 087mm Therefore sand movement is relatively easily initiated by wind. The annual total duration of wind speeds over the initiation threshold ranges sandy days. Sand movement mainly occurs in spring and summer, characteristics of wind and heat coincidence. As far as from 28140min ム 39330mm, with 70 having the temporal distribution its spatial pattern is concerned, sand activity gradually intensifies to the inner part. The RDD (resultant drift direction) is mainly NNE along the ム 10m in Xiaotang. northern section and ENE along the southern section. 3 Small sand dunes of 1. 0 ム 1. 5m high S L A 15m in Mancan, 6ム and an estimated 20m in TZ. move The estimated annual sand flux across the highway is 2692t/km in Xiaotang and 4322t/km in Mancan. Sands mainly concentrate in the lower part, those of 0 ム 20cm accounting for 98%, and 0 ム 10cm 80ム 95%. Aeolian sand disasters fall into 2 categories, wind erosion and deposition, which are the instant JA behavior of air flow and dependent on the saturation condition of the sand drift. When the air flows are saturated with sand, deposition occurs, below saturation erosion occurs. The saturation condition is determined by wind velocity and sand supply. The rate of sand drift fluctuate frequently, the process of aeolian landform formation and evolution, deposition along the desert highway. does as and the rate of wind erosion and sand The above mentioned instant behavior of sand drift was postulated through our work. However, sand drift is also influenced by many moisture content of sands, grain size, and vegetation coverage. other factors, first such as The general theory of sand movement must be explained by multi-variate mathematicalmodels. Based on this theory the aeolian dynamic zones on different geomorphologicalunit 2. Many trials and selections consists As are be discerned along the highway. needed to develop the optimum sand control system, which mainly of mechanical stabilization, soon as can combined withretardation, transportation and deviation the project began, researchers decided to test technigues which had proved successful in the eastern part of our country. A shelter system with Chinese characteristics was recommended. Mechanical measures are used to guarantee the highway's operation, establish new scientific, ecological systems and chemical measures biological measures are used to supplement the other tw0. and 30km of industrial experiment, the basic principles were identified After 2 km of on the basis of aeolian sand activity along the highway. A set of techniques consisting of "prevention, retardation, stabilization, transportation and deviation" was introduced. According to their basic principles the ネ mechanical sand-stabilization belt of straw checkboard can be divided into 3 types: (1) totally closed; ( 2) partly closed; ( 3) totally exposed.The optimumwidth of the protection system is under investigation. It is dependent on its structure, type, expected duration and the materials used. Considering the situation at Taklimakan, researchers revised the previous formula to estimate the 97 optimum width of the shelter system. Consequently the maximum which can be reduced or increased on the basis of sand disaster width is estimated to be 100m intensity and direction. Meanwhile design standards have also been regulated. 3. The economictarget regulated by the contract stabilization met by introducing seven was Stabilization of the dune ridges by sand-1aden bags to prevent checkboard using crushed reeds, stabilization chemnical fixer, new sand materia1. These included of shifting dunes from movement, straw sand using annual herbaceous plants, L ムP poly compound chemical fixer and nylon network fences. Crushedreeds and nylon network fences are widely used along the highway. Other techniques are under further test. Rainfall in Taklimakan Desert generally occured 29. 6mm of precipitation Making full use of the rainfall within straw vegetation even checkboards, coverage 30%. over 15% JA of the land surface. Vegetation residues is a world-wide along the Tarim Desert Highway transportation, and the related research work is highly praised. points in need of furthur research. there annual herbaceous plant seeds In some can problem, requiring selection plays areas also bring sand stabilization S L A Sand drifting construction. system concentrated. For example, researchers have sown resulting in a coverage when the plant is withered. but very May 30, 1992, accounting for 56% of the annual tota1. characteristics, amounted to 20 ム this kind of engineering The shelter on is rare a very trongh important role in However there do exist many weak JA S L A 100 the whole Project, a sum of 323 million tons of abandonedmaterials will be disposed, of which 60 percent enter river channels directly. It added new soil losses to the base which had had high wind and soil erosion. According to the data from the runoff stations in Shenmu. Gaoshiya and Wangdaoheng, before the exploitationthe mining area transported as much as 23.17 million tons of sediment to the Yellow River annually.On average 31.038 milliontons of sediment entered the Yellow River each year in the first stage of Exploitation Project and the increased sediment was 7.868 million tons which accounted for 34 percent of the amountof original sediment. In a water rich year(P=20%), crease it was as much as 42.218 million tons. a 19. 048 million tons inツ whichaccounted for 82.21 percent of the amountof original sediment. If the trend contin- ues, transportation to the Yellow River in the second stage will be 35. 492 million tons and the increased sediment will be 12. 322 million tons which will account for 53. 28 percent of the amount of original sediment. In a water rich year the amount will be 48.258 million tons. which S L A will account for 108.3 percent of the annual average amountof original sediment. On account of the abandonedmaterials of exploitation and sediment produced by erosion, the riverbed of Wuianmulun river, which is the branch of the Yellow River passing through the Exploitation region, JA has been heightened 4 metres above the former river course. The torrential rain on 21st July. 1989 made 17 pits and 9 open ム pits along the channel break down, and the railways destroyed by f100ds resulted in an over one month breakoff of transportation. In another f100d that took place in August, 1992, 13 thousand ha. farmland and grassland as well as dams were destroyed. The f100d level in the streets and schools of the mining area was over one metre deep. The di- reel loss caused by these two f100ds only was 27 million RMB yuan 3 The CountermeaSure ・ During the long period of combat with the sand, people living in the Yulin prefecture have learned the laws of sand flow and invented a set of combating technologies that give first place to biological control which combinestechnical measures. When they combat with the sand, they have followed the principle of taking measures and setting precautionsin the light of local condi ツ tions and disasters. Biological control is the planting of tree and grass according to the above mentioned principle. Unified planning about farmland, rivers, forests and roads should be used to coordinate with belt, network and sheet forests in a premise of "right tree on right site" and forming a combatingsystem of multiple species and forest types. Technical measures include con ツ struction of anti ム wind hedges of different forms, such as line, network and grass rope by using firewood, crop straw, branches and earth. The sand dunes are evened up by the force of waterflow in those areas where there are water sources. The concrete methodis as follows: this area is in the major project of "the Three-North Shelterbelt Project" and "the Desertification Com- 101 bating Project", which both are among the list of China's six biggest ecological projects. The overall arrangement of the Projects are :to construct the first large scale row of backbone she1ter belts along the border of Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia to lessen wind and cut sand flow in or ツ der to prevent the drift sand from entering Shaanxi; to construct the secondsuch shelterbelt along the southern edge of the desert to give a head-0n interception to its southern invasion. These two belts add to 850km with a remaining afforestation of 95 thousand ha. .The region of exploitation is at the east starting point of the two belts which form a converging attact from north and south to the desert. As for the different dunes between the belts, different kinds of anti ム wind hedges are built. Sand ム fixing seedlings are planted in between and net ム shaped hedges are used to completely close the sand land. The linehedges. vertical to the major wind direction, should be built in the lower part facing the wind, one third from the bottom of dune. The forest between hedges can be used to level the place two thirds from the top by the force of wind. The S L A JA dune can be evened up, by and large, in 4 to 5 years. While the slope facing the wind become gentler, the forest site goes gradually up. All the sand dunes will be covered with trees on the whole by 3 or 4 repeating processes. Evening up of dunes by water force is the major method employed in combating sand. Rivers, lakes and reservoirs are used as water sources and the wa ツ ter is drawn into the sand land by gravity or machinery. After the dunes are evened up , smooth land will come into being through the levelling by man power or machine. Throughsoil improve ツ ment, the desert will be changed into fertile farmland, orchard and vegetable base or factory, school apd residential regions. As for the wetland widely scattered in the mining area, in which high humidity affects the growth of plant, the harmonybetween desert combating, soil improvement, drainage and irrigation should be created to form a series of technical measures develop- ing and utilizing the sandy land 4. The Ecological Benefit The comprehensive management on the desert in mining area has achieved remarkable benefit and the desert landscape has greatly improved. Generally the height of sand dunes were 3 ム 5 metres lower and slopes 5 ム 7 degrees gentler. The sediment transported to rivers began to decrease. In the protective scope of the farmland shelterbelt network, the wind speed was de- creasd by 28.8 percent and relative humidity increased from 5.2 to 16.0 percent compared with those in the open area. In the sand-fixing forest land, the soil texture has been changed. Com ツ pared with the non ム forest land, the proportion of fine particles increased 9 to 14 times and the proportion of organic matter 4.5 to 11.5 times. The dead litter in the sandム fixing forest land weighed 1.5 ム 2.7 tons per ha.. The increment of fine particles and organic matter in the soil inツ creased Water R 於 pmen P も ems HP ea S 叫B the Ar 卜 Hikaru TSUTSUI 1and Nobumasa HATCHQl Abstract - Problems associated with water resources in the Aral Sea basin have been Analyzed. Demand based calculation of water needs can be a first step to find viable and feasible solution to the water resources and associated environmentalproblems in the Aral Sea Basin area. In addition, new initiative to conserve environment by creating shallow water bodies in the dried sea bottomof the Aral Sea has been ibed and it5impltCation as 山与 desC「 ノイ K け WOr小 :@Ir「 ngation NCed5, WaterB 川汀叶 Lren叶 Eva匹 叩卜血 q C回 wo 沐 , 1. Introduction runs into the lake through two major rivers. Amudarya and Syrdarya of whichthe water sources are the Tien Shan and the Pamir. Until the 1950s the water level was comparativelystable due to the total quantity of water inflow from the Amudarya and Sirdarya rivers (about 110 km^/year),precipitationand ground water were nearly equivalent to evaporation loss from the lake surface. The level of water, however, has drastically droppedover the last 30 years due to water and land resources development that started after World War I1. .Reclamationof 7.6 million hectares of irrigated farm land caused environmentaldegradationin and around the Aral Basin . While the Aral Sea has recessed by about 60 percent from its size in the 1950s S L A JA ship building industry. The drop in the level of the Aral Sea has caused other diversified and complicatedenvironmentalproblems. As the level of ground water reduced, many large and small wetlands and lakes aroundthe Aral Sea have dried up or have been salinized. Salts accumulatedon the surface of the lake bottom are now blown about with sand and dust and damage human health and farm lands in the surroundingtowns such as Aralsk and Muynak. Among many studies carried out so far, the most important is the one on water resources whichhas the direct impacts on the Aral Sea itself, agricultural development,and environments. Previous studies have mainly focused on water availability and supply of Amudarya and Sirdarya rivers without paying much attention to how the water is used locally. It would be important now to shift the focus from the supply side to the demandside when Colhozes and Sohozes which playedimportantroles in managing water locally are being disintegrated. Without establishing local specific measures of managingwater effectively, any proposals for saving water to avoid further deterioration of water supply conditions and environments will not be feasible As a first step, water demandsof lower Amudarya delta are simulated. The model is a robust one with many unknownparameters andassumptions, however, it can be a start for initiating the analyses on 三L芯汀 三三 man ; e ion,B b 三三 。三三三 ぽ廿 は、 ご干 干 ,日ぷ 三二日三十 ;Inan 5XL 三二 三ぼ 二三 耳三ヒ 、 出。・ご 三三賭岱ト ほ gF : ;ersa 三aC 三三ほ 、 三 betweenwater demandsand supply as well as initiating better water management practices. In addition, ^ Departmentof International Resources Management, School of Agriculture, Kinki Univ., 3327-204 631, Japan (Fax: 0742-43-2970) Nakamachi.Nara, 104 ― 2.1 Land Use/ Cropping Patterns Any viable solution must address the water use for cotton activity, for example, by generatingemploymentin a greatly expanded cotton textile industry as substitutefor primary cotton production. a Low-productivity saline soils, on which low yields now are obtained despite enormous water use, must be removedfrom irrigation. Even if only 5% of the lands which are least suited for irrigation, that L; lon5,0 *; ; L L":d OmXLSaving f woU tatla C r "EE ;三十 耳だ よ亡 三 芹 ぽ二三 三 三二 腎 日二日げ 日三 「 三 仁二 了 二三ぎ 二 三三三・ w 三 三。 こ ほぼ三 g了三 ;LClo] 二 三三 比 三三 of environmentaland economic concerns it will be desirable to remove an even larger area from A study also must be made of the possibilityof reducingthe area under rice cultivation. Rice is the S L A noted that most part of such large amountof water is used to leach salts that accumulatedin the soil during non-rice crop cultivationperiod. Leaching function of rice cultivationshould be taken into account in considering the reduction of rice irrigated area. JA 1t is entirely evident that the intensiveexpansionof irrigatedland must be replacedby the more intensiveuse of existing irrigatedlandsthroughimproved irrigationwater management and efficiency, crop rotation system and crop mix as well as improved and appropriate technologies 2.2 Calculation ofETo and Net Imeation Needs Reference evapotranspiration(ETo)of the lower Amudarya delta is calculated by Penman-Montieth methodwith the climatic data of Chimbay. Wind data at Chimbay was not available and values ofMazari-Sharifin Afghanistanwas used. The calculated results from April to October (vegetation period) are shownin Table 1. Major crops grown in lower Amudarya delta area(KKAR:Kara-kalpakstan Autonomous Region) are cotton, rice, fodder and maize. FAO standardcrop coefficientsin dry region and growing period for different growth stages are utilized to calculate crop water requirements for different planting periods Net irrigation needs (m^/ha) of each major crops are calculatedon a decade basis and is shownin Figure 1. Calculated values and those by Dr. Zhu and other sources are shown in Table 2 Table 1 ETo in the lower Amudarya Delta (Chimbay station) April RainfalKmm/month) ETo(mm/day) , " 。』 。 "" ノ June 11.4 4.5 2 8 l)FCld 叫 pn口non 所 d 口サ Ofgo%ass 3)4OperCCnlofthCDeedis'"pp" ')s 川 卜叫 。 " 川。。 May 14.1 "d ぬ '" 。 ぬ 3.5 5.9 。 " July Aug. 1.2 6.2 Sept. 2.9 5.1 十 Oct 8 コ 3.2 ・ フ 1.8 2) JSIDRE/J11D Joint mission in September 1994 剛 "' 。。 'S " " 。 "" 川 "' 。。。 ' JA S L A 106 een ;r bodies. Several problems have realize fall developments of these 22 ud 298 コ ompensa irst xpected to be 821 is ttie Total staBle ot wate I ^ 臥 pect evapo km tio ate se aency ure er e oned ab otal discharg equired for co ng evaporatio nd water uses is about 4.5 km^. To irevent the drying-up of these water lodies, careful attention should be paid o the secured supply of water. Second is the probi S L A JA edimentation ot created water 0001 high silt load of Amuda a riv ch amounts to 40 millio Impacts of creating ies, especially on t e wate alance( inflow aporation rate nd sediment need furthe nvestigation be plementing fu eveiopment plans sible sol "l nl i th al In addit onserving environment by creating shallow water bodies in the dried sea bott ,0m cou on if carefulattentionis paidto available supplyandsedimentation problems illation of water upp n to new ate oac becomeviable WSSBW 5S. 107-110(1995) Journalof AridLandStudies Effects of Forest and Net Windbreaks on Climatic Improvement and Protection of Sand Movement Tai(IChiMAK ド,Borong in Arid Lands of Northwest China PAN ぬ,爪ヰngyuan 淵 DU 川 and RyoySAMESHlMA Abstract - Prevention of desertification and greening a desert might be obtained by techniques and net windbreaks. ofclimatic Micr0-meteorological improvement oralleviation observation brought related about tothe byforest climatic windbreaks conditions in arid lands carried out at the Turpan Desert Research Station in Northwest were China. It is suggested that forest and net windbreaks could be very effective for the alleviation of adverse climatic conditions in arid lands, and could be effective for the prevention of sand erosion or sand movement around farmlands in oases or agricultural 寸e and 山巳dS ln S d dune 巳ト e Key Words: Climatic Improvement,Desert, Marginal land, Meteorological alleviation, Forest and net windbreaks 1. Introduction Arid and semi-arid lands occupies one third of the total surface area of the world The process of desertification S L A has been accelerated recently by over-development, cultivation, deforestation, grazing and consumption of water resources artificial reasons. based on mainly Although a desert has long been developing in China, particularly in Northwest China, the desertification has been recently increasing. Meteorological observation was carried out at Turpan, Xinjiang Institute of Biology, Pedology and Desert Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences from 1990 to 1994 JleLAgL7 ltwa5demonstrated 小 at 小 e meteorologlCalelementS ture, surface soil temperature l e"wlnd speed,alrtempera ― and relative humidity could be improved and sand , ・ 浦班藁閣目早卜茸 F可藻浦浦こぎ 了十潤箕峯ぎ茸藍南司揖階 可田鞘三藷世 perature season 2. Observation Methods 0 吊ゑ箆 「 ぢ再 、 g g裳重点案 甚崔凄F喜茸溌点蔑注L蓄註目 巨届集戸 起活毘 言目 卜 Relative wind speed (Ur) is the standard value 100% at -20 H. This numeral H is the multiple distance ofwindbreak height (negative sign: windward, positive sign: leeward) 3. Observation Results 3.1 Observation with two rows of tamarisk windbreaks 丘 裾野引眉 iF 田点野弓 卦芳 月馬 hi 薙蒲眉 媒妾 騨川月閣R 甜旧 。 108 Windbreak (A) 祠 Winbreak ノイ 丁urpan inb eak 口口「 ヰ eak 2 t5卸坤 25 ) 1992 「・ w ("h O ち RH 35 0 Distance ]山 イ山ノ Fig. 1. Meteorological improvement caused by two rows of tamarisk windbreak Wndb S L A Wnd 口口 払 円a は 可 何 Uf 2 t ぽ 30 36 JA Turpan (A) Su山川 er 寸 イノイ ) Distance (m) Windbreak Windbreak )2: 21, 22 (B) Turpan ― ひ 刃山 48 @@ 23 50 ヰ 00 [ l5tanCe(m 十 十 斗 Fig. 2. Meteorological improvement caused by two rows of tamarisk windbreak Netwindbreak Net windbreak Netwindbreak Net windbreak DLbnCe , H Fig. 3. Meteorological improvement caused by two rows of net windbreak Di5(anCe , け 109 relative humidity increased with windbreaks. Ta was low inside the windbreak because of the humidity increase 3.2 Observation with two rows of net windbreaks F烹早閾謹 月闇哨F矩き三日浦 茸ぎ刊三比餌烈拙翌鞘早藻鞘担 日干聞廿鞘 EF ま豆可態姦L 灘 :Lenn ぎ百肯 毘汝単日堵ぎ目ぱ S L A 呈至 呈茎卍目目目吉 by ofTa the was first, reverse but recovered ofthat of or RH. increased alittle after10 Hofboth nets. Changing pattern 「 3.3 Protection of driftina sand with two row forest windbreaks FL JA 惹含 g菜痩再箆 浦 目耳 Rin F;4.hi L 茎藍幸戸 員再再漆ぽ あぎ 品三 ぉ「 。日日目よも目己 Eg , 3.5 Effect on croos bv mixedforest windbreaks 低寺i 早環葺ま官芦計匡韮ヂ 眉目 ぷま 4 COnCludinQ Remark5 ・ ; 餌卦 iぎ痔目 A吊態 l 昌眉蒲皆早 "ま呉 Hま 「 。 。 110 w (A) ^ 百) 口 山ト D ト 口 口山 仁ニ ニ 百 2 lf 0g 円 4 Scれ は 干 ( ノ ま 。 (寸ノ 50: 爪 。 互幻 よ 巾 t ・ 舌 Cotton ヰ 巳寸 口 幸 DlStanCe 丁u 甲 an eso -5 D@5t 10 Q ]5 , H , Net windbreak JA B net 三 。40 丁u 「 DCn ゆ 呈 20 -5 0 メ" Flg 5 Variations lnsand ・ 10 0@5tanCe , 日ccumula produced by net windbreaks over a long time period H 廿 , け S L A ・ ・ D@StanCe H 亡 o 色 -10-10 ・寸 8 10 12-2-100 00 回 ]a100 一士 0 6 , @4 Aet *B" (Nov. 1990 -Apr. 1991) 2 4 l匁 (A) Net windbreak ] の, 口 O 100 0 OWS 「 nft@a山 ns forestwlndbreak ニ斗 口呵寸 5tanC 川 ag ra 川 20 on )5 古 (C) 寸の Le 口 t。。 (3 io o0 DlSta 刀 Cせ・い 0 0 [email protected] V寸 iationS 巾 (八 B)heightsof cottonand (C) cotton lint number bv hill bv two rows of windbreak ・ , (3) It is suitable for forest windbreaksin the frontier of marginal regions because tamarisk has great resistance to strong wind, dryness, heat, cold, sand and salinity, (4) It is important to make multiple rows of windbreaksmade of mixed trees, i a1 in arid lands (5) Protection from strong wind, wind erosion and drifting sand by decreasing wind with net windbreaks are evaluated as significant. It is effective to set the nets of 40 t0 50% densities in arid lands for improving climatic condition, and for protecting wind erosion and sand accumulation. (6) The growing of forest windbreakstakes many years, but net windbreaks can immediatelyfunction and also protect for growing forest windbreaks. References Maki, T. et. a1.,1993: The effect of windbreakson meteorological improvement and the Proc Japan-China Inter. Symp.on the Study of the Mechanismof Desertification,315-322 Maki, T. et. a1.,1994: Meteorologicalimprovement and prevention of driftingsand by net windbreak at dry land ofTurpan in China. J. Aqric. Met, 49,159-167 Maki, T. et. a1., 1994: Effects of double line windbreaks on the microclimate, sand accumulation and crop at the arid land in Turfan, China. J. Aqric. Met., 49, 247-255 Maki, T. et. a1.,1994: Effects of forest windbreaksdeployed in arid lands, Turpan, Northwest China 1 and 2. JIRCAS J., 1, 29-38 and 39-45 WSSSW,5S, 111-114(1995) Journal of Arid Land Studies Integrated Control of TailingsDesertificationin Jinchang.China CongZili'* Abstract - Jinchang city is a base producing Ni and Co in China. Tailings are emittedduring refining ore. and tailings desertification results in severe environmentalpollution. In this paper, the causes of tailings desertification, control measures, and socia1, environmental and economic benefits after controlling are discussed. In addition, tlie possibilityof afforestationand farm recovery are proposed Key WordsrTailings.Desertification, Coverengineering 1.1ntroduction Jinchang city is located in the east of HexiCorridorof Gansu province andhasa typicaldry continental climate, dry and windy. It is the biggest Ni and Co base in China. Some nonmetallic products, such as sulfur, selenium and tellurium are also extracted. The old tailings-reservoirofJinchuan Company,north ofJinchang city, was about 3.15km2, stores 38.77 million tons of sludge from 1964 to 1991. The tailings were ofsmal1-size(as shown in table 1.) Tailings sand moved with wind and endangered farmland and people's lives, so control was urgently needed (mm) ・ )ercentaee(%) 4.01 S L A Table 1. Grain size distribution of tailings JA )0 15 GrainS;2e 0 15・ 0.10 4.64 0 10 ・ ・ 0.074- 0.053- 0.043- 0.030- 0.020- 0.074 0.053 0.043 13.49 13.18 9.23 2.ProcessofTailines Desertification 0.030 0.020 0.010 16.87 17.92 12.65 く0 01 ・ 8.01 The conditions of tailings desertification are: deposited area chequered with coarse and fine grain around the reservoir, dry atmosphere,and strong wind. There are 74 days with wind-speed more than 8m/s and, 17 days with wind-speed more than 24m/severy year, the instantaneous maximum wind-speed was 34.2 m/s(1993.5.5). Wind-speedon the top of the reservoir could be described as follows Kn 二(HO 06 川 V ・ , (1) where Kn is wind-speed on the top of the reservoir, H is the height of the reservoir and V is the wind-speed on the ground. By evaporationand percolation,the water loses very fast in deposited sludge. Thus, the surface of reservoiris dry and 100se,the tailings moisture is only 0.96%. Tailings sands were blownout of the reservoirand formed, tailings sands formed round, drift, crescent dunes and a dune chain on northeastand northof the reservoirwith an expanding of dry area and deflation. In the condition of nonpile movement, the rate of transferring sand followed equation Q二(vl V )' " , 。 ・ * The Institute of Desert Research AcademiaSinica, Lanzhou730000, China (2) 112 where Q is the rate of transporting sand;Vi is wind-speed at two meter height; Vo is threshold wind-speed of tailingssandat two meter height,hereVo is 7m/s;R=0.91. The tailings sand extended SE with winds from NNW, NW, WNW. The.trail of sedimental tailingssandcan be found as far as 8kmaway, andthe pollutedarea was 5183ha. The contaminated area and deposited quantity of tailings are shownin table 2. area and deposited quantity of tailings Table 2. Contaminated 打 %(h 句 deposited quantity(m3) 98760 3 5 148000 74.00 forest land 124800 urban district 624.00 52776 discarded farmland 52.78 84171 287.22 farmland 82900 gobi.grassland 4141.25 total 591407 5183 type of land edge of reserve bridge ・フ Tailings sand outside the buried farmland,polluted air, and harmedproduction, life and the environmentofJinchuan County. S L A 3. Controlling TailingsDesertification From 1984, Jinchuanhas tried to control deflationand extensionof the tailings reservoir in severalways. In 1992.on the basis of thesepracticalexperiences, the LanzhouInstituteof Desert Research suggested an unifiedplanon controllingdesertificationof tailingsby bioengineecing. This plancould be described as " overlaying, impoundment, recovering vegetation andplanting ". First, the tailingssandlandwas overlaidby gravelsoil andirrigatedusingwaste water. Then, the polluted landwas vegetatedandcropped by soil reclamation. In orderto accomplish this plan,a great dealof preparation was done.We observed andstudied experiences about controlling desertification,collected a great deal of information about meteorological phenomena, water quality,depositing process of tailings, grainsizedistribution, bearingcapacityetc.. According to the relationshipof blownsands,wind-speed and particlesize as shownin Table 3., we consideredthat particlesize of more than80% of gravelcover must be above JA 0 5mm,them 川 而 um mustbeabove IOmm6orthesurfacecover. ・ diameterofgravel(nim)' Table3.ThreshoIdw;nd wind-speed at 6m heightfm/s) wind-speed at 10m height(m/s) ・ 5 eedof raVel 1-1.25 1.25-2.52.5-5.0 5-10 1015.2 20.1 16 0 ・ 21 1 ・ 26.5 27 8 ・ 20 2040 4080 35.0 46.2 61.0 80.5 36 ・ フ 50 5 ・ 64 0 , 84 5 ・ The control processes were: (l)repaired ways from quarriesto reservoir;(2)leveledthe desert surface of reservoir;(3)transported gravel and covered the surfaceof reservoir;(4)leveledgravel overlay.The coveringengineeringwas begun on April 6,1993,andended on September17,1994 4. Controlline Results After controlling,sandpollutionand its harmfuleffectsdisappeared. A betterbiotic environment 3 and socia1-economic benefits were obtained. A black desert changed into even on which cars can move easily. Suspending dust disappeared . Sand transport rate is now only about 1/5133 of that before covering. Many kinds of plants, such as Suaedaelauca Bee, Haloeeton arachnoideusC.A They occupied about 15-30% of the area. The surface of tailings reservoir was abundantin grasses, air was refreshed and life environmentwas improved. Compared with other suggestion whichwould cost 25 million yuan and last for nearly 10 years, this engineering cost only 4.5 million yuan and last for 18 months. More than the investment in the engineering, a large amount of money and time will be saved, which would be spent on cleaning dust on equipment, streets and industrial rooms, etc. Better economicbenefit will be earned also from stick breeding on the waste farmland 5. Improvins Biotic Environment Completely bv Afforestation Some researchers considered that Ni and Co would cause chlorosis (Wllohouse),and aeschynomenous phytogroup would disappear in nickeliferous soil (Editedly). 1n this paper, the content ofNi, Co and Cu in tailings is 42.9. 8.1, and 17 times respectively as much as in soi1,as shown in Table 4. And the content of all saltjs 10.8 times as much as in soi1.The pH of waste water used in irrigation is about 7.36. The content of salt in water is 2446mg/L,C1,Ca and Mg is 930mg/L, 85.44mg/Land 114.05mg/L,respectively, and metal elements in waste water S L A are much more than that of irrigating water, as shown in Table5 JA Table 4. Content ofNi, C0, Cu in tailings and soil Ni Cu Co .sample tailings 0 206 soi1 elements waste water irrigating water ・ 0 005 ・ 0 0 114 0 165 0 0 10 ・ ・ 0 00 14 ・ ・ Table 5. Content of metal elements in industrial waste water(mg/L) Ni Fe 2n C。 Pb Cr Cu 8.67 0.046 2.69 0.39 0.32' 0 ・ 007 0.21 0.081 0 ・ 02 0.024 0.017 0 003 ・ In springof 1994. we planted 44 kinds of plants, such as arbor, shrub, grass, crops and fruit trees on about 1.6ha. Most of them grew up very wel1, but high content of salts and metal elements in tailings and waste water injuredsome trees. Rhus typhina JL. and Populous eansuensis C Wang et H.L. Yang. appeared mosaic, but plants of the bean family did not show this symptom 6. Recovering Croppineon AbandonedField Due to the oollution of nickelliferous tailinas. about 53 ha of farmland was abandoned.In order to find ways of recovering farming, we did contrast tests with the same agritechnique, irrigating Red pepper, sword bean,cauliflower, potat0, tomat0, eggplant, wheat, barley broomcorn millet 114 and soybean grew up much better and had higher yield on the test field than on the contrast field. Becausetailings are black-grey and sandy, the test field had better heat-absorbing ability and higher soil temperature. These provided a better conduction for thermopiles (e.g. red pepper) and resulted in higher output. Although the content ofNi, Co and Cu were much more on test field, agricultural products were in the same order on the two fields as shown in table 7 sample test field contrast field Table 6. Content of nutrient and metal elements in test field organic quickresulting metal elements(%) nutrient(mg/100g) matter(%) hydrolyticN Pzos 0 096 ・ 0.614 1.17 1.24 2 06 ・ 2 90 ・ K20 31.6 14.6 Ni Cu 0.172 0.119 0.005 0.010 Co 0.009 0.0014 Table 7. Output and content of metal elements in agricultural products output(t/ha) contentsofmetaIetementS(n P) sample test contrast sample type of test field contrast field 山 on Sa Ie Ni CO Cu Ni C0 Cu field field wheat 3.08 2.14 seeds dried 10.7 0.18 14.6 3.3 0.14 10.6 barley 2.21 2.00 seeds dried 5.6 0.15 9.0 2.6 0.15 8.1 寸 broom corn millet soybean broad bean sword bean potato tomato 1.53 2.78 2.14 2.16 2.44 24.96 9.67 33.36 26.68 65.16 62.81 water melon bailan melon hami melon seeds seeds fruits tuber fruits JA eggplant 29 14 red pepper 26.08 cauliflower 37.74 winterwhiteradish40.27 28.92 6.752 S L A seeds fruits fruits 31.40 41.68 flower 30.87 44.57 20.51 24.86 fruits fruits 44.22 67.14 root fruits dried 26.3 0.60 14.1 fresh fresh 4.5 6.4 0.31 64.2 0.10 4.4 dried 55.8 0.9651.5 33.5 0.72 dried 28.2 0.3474.8 10.0 0.15 fresh 6.9 0.09 5.6 2.00 0.03 fresh 0.5 0.1241.7 0.3 0.05 fresh 0.9 0.06 5.2 0.5 0.08 fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh 2.6 0.05 2.3 1.0 0.05 18.7 1.4 0.07 0.8 1.1 0.06 0.2 0.8 0.05 0.1 3.0 0.12 1.4 0.28 1.2 0.01 64 ・ 55.3 60.6 4.9 2.0 5.8 15.2 27.8 0.70.09 8.1 2.0 1.1 0.07 0.4 0.05 1.4 1.0 0.9 0.06 1.2 All these show that: crops could absorb some metal elements selectively. By soil reclamation, polluted land could be cropped again 7. Conclusion Desertificationof tailings always pollutes the environmentseriously. By overlaying,irrigation, recovering vegetation and cropping, it only cost a very short time to control tailings. This test is very profitable to control pollution of tailings and industrialwaste in an arid area LLm" 。め T. C. Hutehison(1973).A study of Airborne ContaminationofVeg and Soils by HeavyMetals from Sadbury. Ontario Trace Substance in EnvironmentalHealth PP 179-88 W. Woolhouse.Toxicity and Tolerance in the Responses of Plants to Metals. Encyclopediaof Plant Physiology New Seals. Vo1. 12. PhysicalPlant Ecology PP 273-5 Edifedly Physiological Plant Ecology Responses oftlie Chemical and BiologicalEnvironment.PP 269-71 SA % 1M1 ケ m 山 川 The Effect of Desert a City Halm TSOar* 炬ぬぬ Aeolian on E ata 1 川叫 。 ffeCt ・ ' Of a 。 no five 而比恥 m。釘即QpL ぬ 。 w 。f ぬぬ " 可。 ' ぬね故恥エ t re tban 200% t弍 。坤 。 。 故 。' ' " 叫 L 。坤 叩 口砕 " 而。' 山 ' OQ" " , ・ ISrael ft8 口"' 。 坤 and ぬたね " 而膀' 血 ' 。 ' h " 土 ・ め" ・ ' ' 。 "'"' ' 阿ぬ地 ' " 。 , 叫 , 低 。' Deposition E て e 土工** て 妹山山 坤口 蜘 口田九 也 均 口 ぬ勺九 山 " ―ロ以ぬ班 L 血 " Dust ロ 。 ― 阿 如― 血臼寸 故肚 ' 可九 口 In ,坤ぬ 屯可 私" 。' 。f , 。 L 坤 ' 。 坤 口ぬ エ也 のお 比 。エオ '。 也"' 。 " , "。 エ n ヒてOduCt ュ Oa Desert margins are known as areas where large quantities of dust were deposited. The city of Beer-Sheva is located in a valley in the Northern Negev Desert. Beer-Sheva, which has an annual average て色エn 」 a エ l Of 206 エ S エ n a LLanS ユヒユOnal zone beLween Lhe Sem エー aL エ d area in the north and the arid area to the south. There is no rain during the hot summer season between June and September. The modern city of Biblical Beer-Sheva was founded at the end of the 19th century. Its greatest period of development was after 1949, and A chain of errors and lack of today it has 140,000 inhabitants. ユ・ , understanding the physical garden-city of the planning of small S L A desert environmental of Beer-Sheva after urban units divided JA by conditions The 1948. open characterize planning of spaces designated a which gardens serveserve as created duSCboW エnSLead S openspacesbetween the urbanunits for , The airflow エ ・ , changes over city Several wind tunnel cities have shown that flow is top of buildings, thus creating characteristics: first, there transport. ; 呈半 ;言 E呈 言 ヒ 革三 よ 三ぢ耳弓芹 nights, " ・ * 人 ・ the 0 「 Department University 460562) are 亡 many 呈 騰モ , ぎ三き呈目 L 、 ぽお吉ア 仁且三 呈ぼ巨て S n means Of f of O 。言ぎき亨言三享盲きよ 撫ぎ主 エ 竹 言言き of dust-sized particles in the city streets. The is usually warmer than that above the surrounding heat island). This effect is very salient during thermal inversion causing air circulation patterns that inversion and create a dust dome over the city. with enfeeble ぎ ェ号三 of deflation air above a city countryside (urban 3 two are most important for dust and actual measurements in and deflected around and on important changes in the wind eddies in which the vertical nnn n u ダ fCthe eCoarSeS ナ Spere Yiyic 毘OOn @e@ech 0 :F F" rate buildings models diverted SLu 也 of Geography and Environmental Development, Ben-Gurion of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel (Fax:+972-7- * DeSe 「 t A「 ch エ teCturee Research, Ben-Gurion 1srael Un ユヒ Jacob University , BlauS ヒ @eln In8 ヒエ tuLe for of the Negev, Sede-Boker De5e てヒ 84993, LL gS C aCO ・エ nu エ d 116 4 heeO ed , f nt M甘 hodS On The founVeS S uCtu qgat エOOn eSWaSbased{n n the city ・ ユて ヒて ヒエ て dust the エ chemical Dust was and coエオmeCLed neraa Og n Calcomposition. traps,which consisted of round plastic bowls covered エ with a depth by a layer エ エ エ of 5 cm and a flat 16 rom diameter of bottom The surface》hat traps were can placed0n trapdustbuilding particles. roofs, a one meter a tower, collected Counter range The of high Outside used was 1.6-41.0 chemical able to um. moderate north Cal a diameter thus of 22 cm a rough creating ndowS エエエS etC andOn the traps ・, were placed , on 4.4 and 6 meters. The dust by a 44 urn sieve. The Coulter フ S L A measure analysis エ wエ Beer-Sheva, at four heights: 1, 2. from each trap was sieved spectrometer mエ neralog diffraction stand. of marbles, the grain size distribution in the was determined by energy-dispersive X-ray in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) . The COmDpoSエヒエOn Of Lhe duSL waS dete て mエ ned by X ―「ay JA (XRD) analysis. westerly winds, and there were no dust storms. The during 1992,were the fourth also typica1, sequence. with Summer, moderate from northwesterly July 22tobreezes September in 22, the afternoon, Theamount andno of dust recorded collected dustinstorms the traps at onemeterabovethe surface deposited areas can be seen in the city outside the in was Table 1. Results 230% to 250% of The suburb citv. show that that deposited Omer, which the in is amount the open densely vegetated, deposited there hadwaS エeSS 70 dePoS Of土ヒエthat COn in of the dust, open although areas.Inthe theamount city, 上 も there was considerable variance in the amount of dust deposited on the different buildings. The patio and the City Hal1, which also encloses a courtyard, trapped the highest amount of dust. Spring is the season with the highest rate of dust deposition. During dust storms, the rate of deposition is 20 times greater than during calm days. Theamount of dust is 1987) . A uniform distinctive trend characteristic known Codecrease of decrease of the City was with heicht (Tsoar and Pye, Hall criven bv the Tower (Figure two stations 1B) JA S L A 118 土 t was S gn エ互土can 仁 ly was, on average, d エ f 」 e て enL 土 whlch between エ (at % eve 工 ) umm(5.5-5.7 上 g-23 エ than 中 ) the C 土 Ly duSt , ・ ^100 *) ヱ可 口 0 4 6 5 5 Figure 2. Cumulative open areas The Chem Ca エ エ 6 S G[寸nSbe 仙) weight of the grain size (dashed line). ・ ・ and m ne て aa Og cal エ 工 エ ・ ア ・ 5 in the city COmpoSエヒエOn Of (solid line) Lhe duSL and the COl エ eCLed S L A JA References Tsoar, 271-288. H. andPye,K. (1987) "Dusttransportandthe questionof desertloess formation". Sedunento100v. 34, 139-153 Ac t i vi t i es i n t he wo r l d Al: Quired by B. Tsoar & J. Shrestha A2: chaire B作 by 廿 ・ 卜 0n 4N 肋寸 i ・ Contents Invited Special Articles V33-U9: Strategies to Prevent and Corbat Desertifica ツ tion in Mexico: K. A. Bardun0. Grad. Co1. Inst. Natural Resources, Mexico ・ ・ 119-122 ・ 123-126 ・ 127-129 A2*E2: Technology of desert developmentin the COBiomfealthof IndependentStates (CIS): 1. Zonn, 川旺 山山 RuSSia A3*C10: Study on the techniques of oi1-transporting highway construction in Taklmatan Desert: X.C. Xia, Lanzhou Inst. Desert Bes.. China A4*+J33: Besert technology andits research facility (desert done): 1. End0, HIKEN, Japan ・ ・ ・ This did paper not receive a S L A Original JA full revle ヌ Articles A5-C9: Problens and coimtenneasiires for resources developnentand enviromental renovation in the contiguous area ot Shanxi, Shaaffltiand Inner Hongolia: S.Y. Fan, Lanzhou Inst. Des. Res., China ・ 131-133 ・ 135-137 ・ 139-142 ・ 143-146 ・ 147-160 A6-J6: The Yellot River basin = A perspective tor sustainable developnent in arid to seni-arld region: M. Hatsuda (GIF), H. Kutota (Kubota), Japan V17-07: PV based rural electrification in Nepal Problens and prospects: J.N. Shrestha, Tribhuvan nnlv., Nepal A8-J21: Approach to desertification control measures via agricultural and rural developnent- In line with the denonstration study of desertification control measures in Niger: H. Got0, B. Sana, K. Bishida, JALDA, Japan A9-03: Environmental impacts of land degradation in Pakistan: Z. Hussain, Q. Hussain, Pak. Agr1. Res. Coimcl1, Pakistan A10-J2: Optlnun arrangementsof parabolic airrors as collective concentrators in solar-cookers: 151-154 Y. Nakaj0, Ashikaga Inst. Tech., Japan A11-H4: OFADECexperience on desert coatrol and ・easures taken locally to tackle it: H. Bdiaye, Off. ・ Africain Pour Deve1. Coop., Senega1- ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ -155-158 ;叫 lM り L ・ p 八 P re ve L 川 H C omL L D esert"乃 1 I L on Me xi Manuel Anaya Gardun01 Abstract- Desertification is affecting, more than 90% of the National Territory at different levels. Strategies to prevent and combatdesertification should consider the following: decision and political skil1, legislation, internal and external market, education, participation of land holders, technology transfer, master plans at state and municipality levels and funding mechanisms. Key words:Desertification,Land Degradation, Strategies. 1. Introduction Arid and semi-arid conditions are present in more than 75% of the Mexicanterritory. Mexico has two majordeserts: named Chihuahuaand Sonora Deserts, their extension goes northward across international boundaryinto the United States of America. Drought affects several states of Mexico; during the last 100 years, more than 12 severe events have been present in the followingstates: Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur, Sonora, S L A Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas.Between7 and 12 droughts have affected the states of: Sinaloa, Durang0,Zacatecas, San Luis Potosi, Guanajuat0,Queretar0, Hidalg0, Mexic0, Guerrer0, Oaxacaand Yucatan. Drought affects more than three million hectares under cultivation every year, in pasture lands the lack of fodder crops and water, kills different animal species. . Human population in Mexico shows some migration patterns due to adverse climatic conditions, misery and poverty, there is a challenge to consider population resettlements, and combating poverty, mainly in isolated areas. Land degradationin the arid and semi-arid zones of Mexico is becominga serious problems, because it is already present in 22 states (Anaya, 1994 a) JA Mexicohas been, is and will be a country of contrasts; however,it has tech nology and social potential to find the way for sustainable development. Desertification processes in Mexico are caused by the following aspects: deforestation, 0vergrazing, over-exploitation of aquifers,erosion,salinization,diminishing the organic matter content, reduction of soil depth, and contamination.These processes are related with population density, in this matter the central part of Mexicocovering 20% of the national territory has 60% of the total population, this central part is related with the neovolcanicbelt and with arid, semiarid and subhumidzones, and it is the most affected area of Mexico(Anaya, 1994 b) Mexico currently farms 22 million hectares of its land, 75% under rainfed condition. This is a potentially dangerous situation since, given the projected population of 110 million by the year 2000 and an upper limit on farmable land of about 25 million hectares, the country will have an average of only 0.24 hectares per capita at its desposa1.If adequate measures are not taken famine will surely result. (CONAZA, 1994). It is estimated that overgrazing has damagedmore than 60 million hectares of the National Territory and that these lands exhibit the worst deterioration. In second place, with regards to area covered and damage inflicted, are forests, which have suffered from badly-planned felling, uncontrolled cutting of firewood and fires. In third place is dryland agriculture, which occupies around 21 million hectares and whereaeolian and hydric erosion are prevalent. Finally, irrigated agricultureoccupies5.8 million hectaresand poses dangers of salinity, lack of drainage, marine Graduate,College.Instituteof NaturalResources.Montecill0, Mex. MEXICO 56230 JA S L A 121 Besides desertification factors, it is very important to consider social and economicalindicator such as: migration, poverty, educational leve1, health, protein consumption,carbohydrate consumption and children's mortalityFigure 2, shows a map about nutritionallevels in Mexic0. Overlayed figure 2 on figure 1, indicatesa highrelationshipbetweenglobaldesertificationmap with the one showing nutritional levels.This indicates the need to define priorities to prevent and combat desertification'by considering desertificationand the socioeconomic indicators.(Roldan,et a1.,1988) 2. Technology and Desertification Desertificationis a phenomenon promotedby man and caused by exceeding the potential limits of desertification which exist for the various land-uses. Any land-use by man signifies a potential danger for the system and selection of appropriate technology tends to minimize this danger and increaseproductivity. Desertification is often caused by the need for man to subsist and many other times by the desire to over exploit the natural resources. Technology represents a link between the natural and social systems and may or may not result in the optimummanagement of the natural resources. There are many examples of the correct and incorrect application of technology -there are cases wherethe wrong application of technology has been responsible for many environmentalproblems of which desertification is only one Technology can be considered as simple, intermediate or advanced, depending on the established reference framework, although simple is not necessarily related to traditional or primitive S L A technology. Appropriate technologycan be, from the point of view of its complexity, simple, intermediate or advanced, and therefore a particular technology may be appropriate under certain specific conditions and inappropriate under others To date there exists in Mexicoa great varietyof technologies generated by empiricaland scientific know-how,it could be said that in general there is no limit to technological solutions to the problems of desertification. In the majority of cases, the factors inhibiting efforts to combat A J ― desertification are socia1, economic and politica1. The selection and application of technologies to fight against desertification in Mexicowill be based upon the education and motivation of the local population, the availability of wel1-trained technical personnel and the levels of investment and time dedicated to the recuperation of specific areas under the process of deterioration 3. Basic Considerations for a Plan of Action to Combat Desertification in Mexico CPACD The National PACD should be incorporated to a National Plan for Development considering strategies planning frameworkfor integrated projects and for sustainable development TO consider and to evaluate relationships between Desertification, Climatic Changesand Biodiversity in order to avoid duplicity. Establishment and reinforcement of a data bank with mechanisms to exchange information at different levels. The Plan should consider a long-term aproach (5-10 years at least), taking in account periodical evaluations; coordination, cooperation, efficiency are basic components for a succesful result. Reinforcement of relevent research and development projects based on the following: National Programof Solidarity, National Plan for Reforestation, National Program on Soil and Water Conservation, National Commissionof Water, National Commissionof Arid Lands, National Programfor AnimalProduction, National Programof Education, National Commissionof Population, Indigenous National Institute, National Institute of Information, Geographyand Statistics,MexicanInstituteof Social Security, Agrarian National Institute, Social DevelopmentDepartment, Agricultural and Hydraulic Resources Department, Prevention will be easier and more economical than reclamation measures to control desertification 122 4. Conclusion By the year 2000, there will be 110 million human beings in this nation, each and every one will be will require food and acceptable living conditons.S0, real social and economic, development the only way to prevent and combatdesertification However, if our natural resources continue to be squandered,the Mexicanterritory will soon be northing more than a lifeless desert incapable of providing for our basic needs. The battle against nature and man himself is an uphillone; yet, all is not lost,hopeof victory remains, through the joint efforts to save our childrenfrom a future of misery,poverty, famine and death References JA S L A Anaya, G. M. 1994(a). La Relacion Desertificaci6n-Migraci6nen Mexico: Problematicay Soluciones.Siniposio Int 。 ロ adonalSob e D 。 。 n 而口市 n y M; do"% 。 血 Bpa 而 Anaya, G. M. 1994(b). Principlesand Strategies to Prevent,Combatand Control Desertification. X Congreso Mundialde la Ciencia del Suel0. Vo1. 9 Pags. 361-366 Acapuic0, Guerrer0. Mexico Anaya, G. M. 1994 (c). Policies for Prevention and Fight Against Desertification in Mexic0. Energy, Environment,and Resources Center. The University of Tennesee, Stadium Hal1, Knoxvule, USA. Rev, , FORUM , ・ , Anaya, G. M. (1995). InternationalfoodPolicyResearch Institute. (1995) Workshopon "Land Degradation in the Developing world: Implications for food, Agriculture, and Environmentto the year 2020". Abril 4-6, 1995. Comision Annapolis, Nacional Maiyland, deZonas E.U.A. Aridas (1994) P]an deA 田6n paほ COmbat IaD卜e 而CCaci6n enMe 市の 卜 『 (SEDESOL) MexicoD.F. 160 pag, Roldan A. et aL (1988). Geografia del hambreen Mexic0, Institute Nacional de la Nutrici6n Tialpan, D.F Mexic0, 47 pag. WSSSW,5S. 123-126(1995) Journal of Arid Land Studies Technologyof Desert Development in the Commonwealth of IndependentStates (CIS) IgorZonn* Abstract ム Deserts and semidesertsin the CIS occupy nearly 250 M. ha and possess high natural and resource potentia1. The technology of fixation of shifting sands, efficient use of pastures, irrigation agriculture management technologies, the are application considered. aftereffects Independent ofwhich republics have caused ofCentral grave ecological Asia remained consequences. with theirbaggage of ヌ ネ Keywords: Desertdevelopment.Technology,Ecologicalproblems 1. Introduction udaryaapdSL Desert 卜gadon areas M山 , possess h 山eA 寸 S ぬ 且O high natural and resource gow@ag Of h 叶 , potential Cotton belt developed ほ vegetables,meloDSaDdgrapesis , 而 on the basis of wide-scale d 拍 % SubS d寸 山市 bo ・ S L A JA F蒲閣三な藷蕊浦浦醍茸藍眉蕊窯F芦ご甜 言鞘芯ま窯な監ぽ目員灘蒲藻醒誼烹 2. Desert Development Technolories ずよ f::: 単器汁瑠 There 2.1: Fixation remain of the shifting following sands: basic technological trends ofdesert development き室謹呈月三 澤葺 F 言諒甑音員ぎ呈詣馬 ぽ , t以 gtechnoIogiesM iiIrigation a叩 cCuIt e; 山 山 physical 2.1. Fixation and chemical ofShifting technologies. Sands. Thefixation isimplemented with the use ofmechanica1, phytoreclamativ wells' ム regeneration ofthe areas where vegetation was destroyed due toconstruction ofroads, pipelines and open ま %dCttIem 藻ぎ韮 言鰯韮三灘 まま " 器ま 二 。 f: 芸三盟 lCo?ntroldS,o@@e wtdwel"P E Ef;R:: ぽ 日に三三 苛器 砦呈 ぷ目 Sand fixationworks were mechenizedonly due to the use of chemical substances, covering the sands with ・ Vice-president UNEPCOM,Moscow107005Russia (Fax:095-267-47-97,095-202-63-34) 124 including afforestation, are being developed. 2 , 2 Land Reclamatdon and Imp ovementofL)ese片 れ t pa5tUreutDut.T@be tem Ofme 「 ・ イ二 :薫義三繋茎緊箆驚踵緊ま乏了呈驚巨黛箕夢巨 謹言蓮巨至再箆 革 灘 卜 On auonaJ 了 点点箆蓋ま互姦案 ; ii 蒲 7まお藻呈 ;; ;指ぶぽeand 弘閲盟 : the amount 1tmost of bevaluable noted that seeds such for grazing future reproduction. iseffective only underuniform and fullpasture watering. Thebalance ま重 荘茂黛 S L A JA mC ご seoftood ばぢfp ぽ北点 , 。 lf 日だ 器 。 pastuIes ofanumber ofcuttivatedandwtld fodder plants It is 125 are quickly seepage are silted. During very wet years there is a hazard of dam breaching. Water losses for evaporation and often extremely large The methodsof collection and storage of local runoff on the takyrs are economicand promising. These methodswere applied form ancient dmes and based on the fact that the surface of takyrs is distinguished with poor water permeability and water stand too long at them during wet seasons. The most primitive methodof takyr runoff collection is its storage in small rain-fed holes, dug out in the lowest point of the takyr. In these holes ("khakhakhs") water is conserved within 3 5 months, but its quality is low. More advanced methodis water storage in the dug deep filling wells ("chirie1') or in complicated covered structures ム sardobas. The methods of takyr runoff collection into special subsurface water reservoirs are developednowadays ― ム ― I 市gated fanning OCCUpieS山eGGrStplaCe 血 a 山 C血t 川寸 deSertreC]amation D 山山eSovietpoweI 叫 thi5ChaDginginvolvedradiCal periodthe SyStem OfandlandtI hgation haS been IadiCallyChangedtFiIStof technical reconstruction of old irrigation network, which greatly increased irrigated land productivity. Simultaneously the projects of complex utilization of Central Asia great rivers stream flow were developed and put into practice too a great extent. This alloved to attack the desert actively by means of irrigating and utilization of ancient irrigated lands and start reclamation of new virgin lands. Dozens of large irrigation projects have been built as a result of these measures. They are Amubukhara, Karshi,Big Andizhanand Big Namangan,Garagum canals.Large hydraulicstructures, dozens of storage water reservours with capacity of 15,7 cubic km are under exploitation. Irrigated areas in Central Asia occupy 7,4 M ha. The irrigationis carried out by traditional methods, slightlychanged in comparison with fonnelyused.They do not provide for efficient use of water and cause degradation of irrigation and drainage conditions, developmentof secondary salinizadon of soils. Out of total area of irrigation today about 4,5 M. ha are soilted to this or that extent. Over 20 km3 of drainage water are discharged annualy from the irrigated field of Central Asia. A part of drainage waters is discharged into the rivers and canals,used as the sources of irrigation,which has extremely objectionable consequences: mineralization of river water is increased. At present, due to disposal from. the fields, water mineralization of the major part of the rivers of the arid zone in the lower reaces 1ム 3 g/L Apart from salts, the river waters contain biocides and metals. By no means water discharge into the rivers results in saving of water. On the contraty, the discharge of saline irrigation water is higher than the discharge of fresh water at the same irrigated areas. The increase of mineralization of irrigation water by 0,1 g/1 requires the increase of water amount required for irrigation of 1 ha by 1000 m3 「 ・ JA S L A The otberway of 寸 agewater 血 chargei5 山eL 山AversioniDto dra@nItSs depreSstonsiD 山e d 卜 ert 回 chaoticdischargeof nearly 3,0 km3 of drainage water into the desert has caused inundation,water-1oggingand ・ salinization of pastures at an area of about 530 000 ha, and discharge of 3,6 km3 into the rivers and water bodies results in sharp deterioration of surface water quality. Owingto this, vast lakes with water mineralization from 5 to 20 9/larefoImed.Thechain ofsuch l 衣卜血 CenL 寸 @ASiaarestIetchingout 可Ong 山eenoItbernedgeof 山e Bukhara oaSiS,lowerreaches of 山e Te enand M山 pgabdelta5,on山le m打 of 山ee Or ノ 皿 and T 卜 ha山 oaSes.The 3) Due largestdkpoS [Oentr 皿 Ce Ofl 打ge ter bodieSaIe O LOfoIg eSCmatteI k whand 山卜eI戎卜ten ( ge toれ口 OVerpo OfeaCh gLMth more 山川 terCOLt 3000 寸 山 狂寸 山 ・ 寸 vegetation, howeverdue to intense fluctuations of water levels in the lakes this process can not be revealed often The fluctuations dependnot on the natural causes, but on the intensity of irrigation within a certain season or year. (Babaeveta1,1984) In connection with drainage water seepage in the vicinities of water disposal lakes the solonchaks are formed, 0ften close in the area or exceeding the lakes in size.The removal of agricultural areas (pastures, lands promising ・ 6171 forirrigation) km2 israther significant. Only atthe plains ofCentral Asia the area ofwater disposal lakes makes up A number of methodsand approaches is developed for their secondary use for irrigation and freshening. However, till now they are comparatively expensive and require further improvement.The methods on improvement of effuecientuse of water resources for land irrigation are known long ago: improvement and noOdor 醍盟teR f ! :tan thetotj 耳ぽ三茜芯 二 ご 三 kば甜届 ざ n品 F洋三ぽぼ ぢ 2低僻ぽ Y点 廿点盟 L replacementof the open irrigation network, introduction of more advanced methodsof irrigation (sprinkling, drop irrigation), reduction and differentiation of irrigation rates with regard for natural features, weather , 、 。 conditions and crop vegetation. During a short period of independence there can be noted the shifts in the last aIly n@t :; UpCo ム :; 仁粘 l肛 i 千器 、は 三了 十三 芯三叫ぽ ;二 ほ三点 十三日・、 比器三 L晶干 。1耳吝 2 * り低 茸; 拭 ぱ比比 器袈三 networks remains rather low, especiallyinterfarm (Khabibulaevet a1.,1994) Intermittent(pulsed) technology of irrigation is most promising on the way to increase the efficiency of surfacefurrow irrigation.The main idea of this technology is water delivery in series of pulses, ultimate for the , 。 , , 126 conditionsof subsoil outwashing, alternatingwith pauses and subsequent "additionalmoistening" by reduced water flow,most fullycorrespondingto thetarget of water saving. The advantagesof pulsedwater supplyare revealedin the reductionof deepseepage beyondthe boundaries of 山erootzone,re 血け ofmoistufe 位 田 budon寸Ong 山eefurrowIength,establishmentof 山e COndMo 瓜 for uniform developmentof agriculturalcrops with minimumwater losses.This technologyis orientedtowards gravityirrigationnetwork with insignificantcommandover irrigatedarea. As studiesshown, the zone of most efficient application of this technologyム nonsalineor slightlysaline irrigatedlands, levelledfor inclined (O 002 ― 0 008) pI狙 e 而山 Onn slope h 山edireC660n oflrrIgatIon 市小 aw 口叫 低 pe eab正け Of , , subsoils The results of tests point to the fact that intermittent water supply can provide the reduction of productivity of irrigation water use by 35ム55% (in comparison with traditional), and reduce by 27 37% the expenses for irrigation water per one centner (100 kg) of agricultural produce Futher trendfor improvement of thetechnologyof intermittentirrigationis high-frequencyirrigationof row ム Cd 山 cropsasanalternatiwe to power 寸O瓜 ; 叫 drop a血 n 2.4.Use of Solar andWind Energy.Naturalenergy resources are far above the requirements.Thus, annual powergenerationof 1 M. kW by traditionalelectricpower stationis containedin solar rays of CentralAsia, faIllng on 山e Squ打e 市小山 eSideof2,3 Apartf「Om 山;at, 山erearewa5tr 卜e Of d ener 町 biom蕊 and other nontraditional and renewable sources of energy, Development of pover engineering will take a course due to establishment of local power-engineering systems,provtding 6or町 d, 而d 瓜 settIementaad山 IbaneleC田 C 川 d heatSupply The application of solar energy in the nationaleconomy now follows on the line of use of low-potential heat Solar power plants designed for these purposes could release 50ム 60% of fuel used at present for the needs of , ・ , S L A smal1-scale The use power ofsolar engineering energy isespecially insouthern important regions of for the water country. desalination and water supply ofdispersed users in aridandlow-water regionsof the deserts.Apart from simplesolardistillersof greenhousetype, usedrecently,the type andmultiple-effectevaporation,furnishing solarenergy is utilizedin more advanceddistillersof membrane JA a sharp increase of their productivity, In this connection, a new promising trend of studies ム combineduse of solar and wind power with the help of a heat pump in the multipurpose plants (drying, heating, cooling, electric power generation, water desaltation).Combinedsolar power andwindpower plantsare more efficient,their total power generationis increased,the schedulesof its generationanduse are balanced,andthe numberworking hours andreliabilityof powersupply are increased.To transformwindenergy into electricone, use is madeof wind-powerplantswith nominal capacityfrom 0,14 to 30 kW.Apart from that,wind-power plantsare usedfor water liftingfrom the wellsandbore holes,andfrom openedwater sources.The productivityof plantsis from0,3 to 6,0 n^/hour with 3O m hei如 t M rjSe DiapMa diSplaCementand SCIew p p5 aIe 山口・ Till now, 可山Ou功山 eIe weL developedpilot-industrial solar and wind-power plants, they were not widely introduced into use ・ 3 C 。 nCl 瓜 lon , Catastrophic ecologicalsituationsin the desert zone were the result of the priority of engineering and technologicaldecisions,with suprimacy of politica1. First andforemostthisis theAral tragedyof the dryingsea ・ and foImlng of 山Cenew S皿 d-SolonCh 払 ldeseItwtth 山e 打ea of4 M.ha in U九 ee t 川 andKazakhStaQ.ItiS水 。 siltarion and inundation of the zone of 1400 km2 of the GaragumCanal in Turkmenistan. This is a vast degradingdesertin Kazakhstan in theconventionaltriangleofAktubinskム Semipalatinsk ム Almaaty, For rehabilitationof naturalenvironment thedevelopmentandexport of new technologieswill be required Re6erenceS Baba口 @AoG 。ゐ nn I S COnt 口 IoMoscow,p ・ , 103 ・ ‥ O 九卜け N S (1984): Zonn, 1.,Skaini, M. (1990): ・ The USSR Esperience in Desert.Reclamation and Desertification ヌTechnologyon the CombatDesertificationo Ashgabad.P. 71 Mukhamedov G.. OriovsldyN. (1994): Problemsof DesertDevelopment, 4-5:124-138 Khabibulaev,A., Rafikov,A. (1994): Problems of Desert Development, 4-5:14-24 5S, e 0fAr Th m 卜 TL S1 卜 m 奴 P 2ML ト m% 山山 廿 S8Hi 川氏 LL は Su dy on 口十 山句 山 e core " onin L iI1ぬ L 卜 了 T 卜 Oy Mwh d b- S L A JA 2. GeomorphologicalConditions ぬ坤州 The landform types along the highway line are as follows: (l)old and new alluvial plains of Tarim River They are one hundred kilometers wide from north to south, with Populus euphratic forests and sand dunes scattered in them. There are also high and dense barchari chains, low dunes and blowouts alternately distributed on the ancient riverbed of Tarim River (2) High complex barchans aerial area photographs, They there are also dome dunes. Most of barchans have steep slipslopes ranging from 1 ム 3km2. (3) High compound dune ridges single dune ridges about 30km wide and 30@@50m high. Viewed from are are and cover an ム 70m high? They are 70km from north to south and 50 1@@1.5km wide, 10@@15km long and display a NNE ム SSW orientation. 3. Route Selection Rational route selection can not only avoid wind-sand hazards to the highway but also reduce the construction and maintenance cost. According to natural conditions in Taklimakan Desert, the following principles of route selection should be taken into consideration: (l)The a very route to be selected must be a shortest one. Constructionof highway insandy desert is arduous task. With huge maintenance engineering and high construction cost. Therefore, it requests to shorten the route length and reduce horizontal curve tR r山 ・ 口如めcA 口dcm サ Of 寸@ 川 , Lan 寸ou7300ooP ・ R ・ as much as possible. China (Pax,+86-931-8889950) 128 (2)The route should keep away from serious disaster-hit areas. (3) The route should run parallel to the resultant wind direction or intersect the resultant wind direction at asmall angle. (4 ) In the light of local terrain conditions reduce the cut or fill engineeringn volume. The existing terrains are balance outcome of long- term deflation and deposition, we should keep the disturbanceof orignal surface to a minimum. (5)The route must be close to building material sources. ( 6) The route selection should have a comprehensivebenifit. For this purpose, the route selection must be combined with a layout of oil pipeline and water pipeline, communication and greenig projects so as to form a "multifunctional corridor". (7)The route selection should have an optimal ecological benifit. Great efforts have been made to protect existing vegetation, water resources, land resources and wildlife to maintain ecological balance along both sides of the highway. 4 ・ PIeven 甘 On Of d a8 於 to 山ehLhway S L A In the light of severity of sand damages to the highway we can atopt different measures, including "fixation", "fixation" , "block" and "transport", laying emphasis on fixation, has proved to be most effective me 小山 to halt S d "block" and "transport" to eliminate sand damages. The combination of a8於 Gener 可け a 如 mprehenSive Sh可仁r ぬ 餌 k system consistS JA ・ , following five measures of 山 e (1) Establishing high- upright fence at outmost edge to check wind-sand flow and small advancing dunes, which finally form into a high sand-dike. (2) Erecting reed checkboard barriers between the high- upright sepcifications of 0. 75m X 0. 75m, 1mX 1m, 1. 5m X 1. 5m, 1mX 2m. fence and the road in (3)Sand dune stabilization with chemicals Three kinds of chemical stabilizers have been tested along the highway but they have prohibitive prices. (4) Biological dune stabilization This is a relatively permanentmeasure. Some drought-resistan specieshave been selected and planted in the areas with favorable water conditions. (5)Maintenance of the road sideslopes A better maintenance of road sideslopes will contribute to check wind erosion of subgrade and let wind-sand flow cross over the embankment smoothly. 5. Road construction techniques According to the natural conditionsof the desert, the Xinjiang HighwayTraffic Institue and Changqing Road ConstructionCompanyproposed a high-velocity and low-cost road-building scheme, its subgradeconsistsof sandsubbase,geotextile,gravelbasecoarseandwearing coarse.Sandsubbase is easy to be compactedunder natural moisture-content condition.The most effective compaction method for 100sesandis vibr0-compaction, whilethestaticcompaction methodcan only makethetop layer compact. The spreading of geotextile is a key procedure.It can be spread in longitudinal direction with 40cm wide strip covering over the joints. Once the geotextilehas beenspread over sand subbase,the lorries can directly run over it and unload aggregateautonomously, thus speeding up the road builging pace. 129 The subject "Study on the engineering techniqes of oi1-transporting highway in Taklimakan Desert" has been listed in the state* s 8th 5-year key project. China National Petroleum Corporation and Tarim Petroleum Exploration and Development Headquarter are jointly in charge of the implementationof the project. The project involves seven subprojects four of which by the Lanzhou Institute of Desert Research and the Xinjiang Institute of Biology, Desert Research. After working highway stretched from are undertaken Pedology and 1008 days from September 5, 1991 to June 9, 1994, the 219km Xiaotang to Tazhong- 1 opened to traffic. This engineering totally transported about 3. 2 million m'of shifting sand, consumed0. 57 million m'of aRRreeate, 10387 ton of asphalt, 2. 62 million n^of geotextile and 9855 ton of reed, in the mean while erected 13. 14 million m2 of straw checkerboardbarriers and 328km of upright fences. It has been proved that the highway has an obvious economic effect, the transportation expense of common trucks only corresponds to one thirteenth of that of special vehicles and the capital outlay can be recouped in two to three years. JA S L A