
Yasunori OKABE Modeling Group Leader

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Yasunori OKABE Modeling Group Leader
Meiji University Global COE (Center of Excellence) Program:
“Formation and Development of
Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis”
Annual Report FY2010
Annual Report FY2009
Meiji University Global COE (Center of Excellence) Program:
“Formation and Development of
Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis”
©Copyright 2012 Meiji University, All rights reserved.
Meiji University,
1-1 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8301, Japan
Supported by:
Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS)
Meiji University Global COE Program
“Formation and Development of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis”,
1-1-1 Higashi-Mita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 214-8571
1. Foreword - Greetings from the Project Leader
2. Introduction of activities in FY 2010
1) Overview
2) Results of activities
a. Development of Center of Excellence
(1) Establishment of Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences
Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation
(2) Financial Aid to Develop Young Researchers
(3) Increase of Faculty Staff and Research Fellowship
(4) Formation of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Networks
b. Development of Young Researchers at Center of Excellence
(1) Guidance System and Educational Programs
(2) System to Allow Young Researchers to Fulfill Their Potential
(3) Development of Internationally Competitive Research Talent
(4) Project Based Analysis and Research Cluster and
School of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
c. Research Exchange Activities at Center of Excellence
d. Introduction to Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
(1) Ikuta Library Gallery ZERO
(2) Program for Promoting University Education Reform Joint Program
Poster Presentations
(3) Open Institute
e. Public Relations Activities
(1) Website
(2) Meiji GCOE News Letter
(3) Contribution to Specialty Journals and General Interest Publications
(4) Creation of DVDs and Video Clips That Feature Research
(5) Public Relations Activities in Association with the Establishment of
the Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation,
Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences
3. Program members and their research outlines
Modeling Group
Mathematical Analysis Group
Simulation Group
Research Fellows
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
4. Activities report
1) Project based analysis and research cluster course
(Inter Departmental Curriculum of Meiji University)
(1) Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences I
(2) Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences Ⅱ
(3) Advanced Mathematical Sciences I
(4) Advanced Mathematical Sciences Ⅱ
2) Workshops and Symposiums
(1) GCOE Lecture series
(2) GCOE Colloquium
(3) 非線形時系列に対する現象数理学の発展シンポジウム
(4) GCOE Symposium for Young Researchers
(5) GCOE mini Symposium for Young Researchers
(6) MAS Seminar
(7) MEE Seminar
(8)現象数理若手プロジェクト 反応拡散チップ:ハードウェア設計の指針とその応用例
(9) 錯覚ワークショップ
(10) “ようこそ!現象数理学の世界へ” Gallery ZERO
‐ 生物の模様から人の社会活動まで ‐”
(11)MIMS Ph.D.プログラム 博士学位請求論文説明会
(14) The 2nd Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop for
Graduate Students in Applied Mathematics
(15) 明治数理科学 Exhibition
3) Project for Young Researchers
(1) Research Project
(2) International Joint Research Project
5. Research Results (FY 2010)
1) Research Articles (Peer Reviewed)
2) Research Articles (Not Peer Reviewed)
3) Authored Books
4) Awards
5) Lectures
・ Speeches
・ Poster Sessions
6) Press articles (Newspapers / Magazines / TV)
・ Newspapers
・ Magazines
・ TV
7) Hosted research conferences, symposia and workshops
8) Others
1. Forward: Greetings from the Project Leader
The purpose of this program is to propose a new
academic field of "Mathematical Sciences Based on
Modeling and Analysis" and promote world-class
education and research, thereby
building an
international center of excellence. This year marks
the third year since the program was selected. As
one major purpose of the project is to train young
examination for the Ph.D. Program of the Meiji
Institute for the Advanced Study of Mathematical
Sciences (MIMS) to educate doctoral students,
starting in FY2009. While we have filled our
student quota for the current fiscal year, one
Masayasu MIMURA
Project Leader of the Meiji University Global COE
problem we have in running this program is the fact
that MIMS is a research institution directly
affiliated with the Organization for the Strategic
Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property and not part of the graduate school system;
in other words, we are able to provide research guidance but do not have the right to grant
academic degrees. However, we will now have the Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical
Sciences with the Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation (tentative
names) (enrollment limits: 30 for the Master's Program; 15 for the Doctoral Program),
scheduled to start in FY2011 to succeed the MIMS program. This will enable us to train young
researchers, in the graduate school system, to help them acquire advanced knowledge in a
wide range of mathematics fields, understand complex phenomena in society, nature, and
biology, and study Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis, which bridges
phenomena and mathematical science, so that they become able to engage in research
activities independently. As a graduate education system to support this, in addition, a new
science school will be established, scheduled to open in FY2013. At the core of this new school
will be a faculty dedicated to Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis; which
means, to my utter delight, that we are making steady steps towards the realization of specific
visions of this Global COE Program in developing researchers here at Meiji University.
In the meantime, our faculty system to support this has gradually improved. For this fiscal
year, we were newly joined by two lecturers and two visiting professors (one of whom is
non-Japanese), while we are expecting to hire one full-time professor for FY2011, which is
expected to help our education and research in Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and
Analysis make major progress for the future.
Another important task for us is to promote a deep understanding and dissemination of the
term "Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis" as the name of this new
academic field. For this purpose, we have been making efforts to let the public know of our
research activities through various media. The outline of this program and specific research
results have drawn much media attention, with features in magazines such as AERA, Newton,
and Kodomo no Kagaku; daily newspapers such as the Asahi Shimbun, the Mainichi Shimbun,
the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, and the Yomiuri Shimbun; and television programs such as
Bakusho Mondai no Nippon no Kyoyo, Hodo Station, and Sekaiichi Uketai Jugyo. In addition,
we are also creating DVDs to feature the research activities of young researchers, and issuing
the Meiji GCOE News Letter, full of interview articles written by science writers, for the same
purpose. It appears that we are having increasingly more opportunities to share a glimpse into
Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis with the public at large.
As we continue to be engaged in such activities, we had an interim evaluation interview in
July, where we received a fairly good evaluation for our activities to date at Meiji University.
Finally, I would like to extend my deep gratitude to all those who have offered their support
since the selection of the program. Your continued support has been, and will always be, most
appreciated. Thank you very much.
2. Activities in FY2010
1) Overview
Selected for the Global COE Program
FY2008 with the Meiji Institute for the
Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences
(MIMS) as the applicant institution, the
Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling
and Analysis has been set up in Building 2,
Annex 3 at the Ikuta Campus as the
headquarters for activities. As a result of
our discussion on establishing a graduate course as an international base for education in
Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis after the selection of this project for the
COE Program, it was decided that the Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences,
Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Master and Doctoral
Programs would be established in FY2011 (which have been open since April 2011). This holds a
tremendous significance regarding our activities in the coming years. In preparation for the
establishment of this new graduate school in the coming year, we are putting particular efforts
into the development and education of young researchers in FY2010. With six students newly
joining the MIMS Ph.D. Program, which is a curriculum for learning Mathematical Sciences
Based on Modeling and Analysis (enrollment limit: 5/year), the Doctoral Program now contains a
total of 12 students in FY2010. One of them earned a doctorate in one year shorter than the
standard course term, by achieving excellent research performance, which suggests that we are
generating notable results. Admission of MIMS Ph.D. students for FY2011, meanwhile, will be
carried out by the Doctoral Program of the Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and
Simulation, in the Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences; five prospective
students are set to enroll. As a part of education programs to develop these doctoral students,
four Project Based Analysis and Research Clusters have opened as Inter-Departmental
Curricula coordinated by the MIMS, teaching students the latest research results in
Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis.
researchers such as postdoctoral fellows, in the
meantime, one SPD and seven PDs were hired
for Global COE Mathematical Modeling and
Analysis research. By providing support in the
form of research activity funds totaling 4.5
million yen, which includes 1 million yen for the
SPD and 500,000 yen for each PD, we aim to
Modeling and Analysis postdoctoral research activities.
To promote spontaneous research activities by young researchers and improve their abilities
to run the required research organizations, the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
Symposium for Young Researchers has been held since the first year of this Global COE project.
The symposium, which is planned and organized by postdoctoral fellows, has been held for a
total of nine times to date, of which six took place during FY2010. In addition, the
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Mini-symposium for Young Researchers started during
this fiscal year; planned and organized by MIMS Ph.D. students themselves, the
Mini-symposium has so far taken place three times, which is another example of our active
support to the efforts aimed to nurture the
autonomy of young researchers.
In addition, the Mathematical Modeling and
(Research Project), which has been in place
from before to help young researchers such as
postdoctoral fellows conduct joint research
projects with other researchers (3 selected
projects/year), was continued, while the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Project for
Young Researchers (International Joint Research) (3 selected projects/year) was newly
launched this fiscal year, as a part of our focus on further promoting research exchanges with
overseas researchers and gaining in-depth knowledge, thereby contributing to improved
research results.
The focus of public relations
activities for the academic field
of Mathematical Modeling and
Analysis is placed on featuring
the education and research
activities on the website. In
addition, public relations activities have been conducted through a wide variety of media, from
sharing the research results on YouTube and iTunes U to issuing the Meiji GCOE News Letter
that runs interview articles written by science writers, publishing technical reports on the
results of research at the COE center, developing DVDs that feature research by the Program
Members for this program, and publishing contents that offer easy-to-understand explanations
on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis through the website and information kiosk terminals.
Towards the global development of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, we have research
exchange with such Japanese universities as Hiroshima University, Ryukoku University, and
Shizuoka University, among others, with which we have university-wide agreements on
inter-university exchanges. On the education front, we are moving forward with the mutual
exchange of students based on credit transfer agreements. As for international exchange,
MIMS serves as the Japanese counterpart in a Japan-France cooperative research project with
France's Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific
Research; CNRS), while also being engaged in joint research under the agreement with the
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone" (IAC) of Italy. In addition, we have
signed a memoranda with the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (CAMS) of the
Ecole des Hautes Études en Science Sociales (School for Advanced Studies in the Social
Sciences; EHESS) in France, the Institute of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing
(IMMSC) of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Taiwan, and the Instituto de
Complutense de Madrid (Complutense University
of Madrid; UCM) in Spain, respectively, in our
effort to build international research networks in
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis and develop a
world-class center of excellence in Mathematical
Modeling and Analysis research.
Changes in Program Members for the promotion of this program included the addition of
Professor Hideki Takayasu (Modeling Group) to the list of Program Members in April 2010.
This was an action taken to ensure further reinforcement of this Center of Excellence by
advancing modeling of economical phenomena from an econophysics standpoint. Meanwhile,
Dr. Tatsuo Shibata, Associate Professor at one of our partner institutes, Hiroshima University,
resigned on September 30, 2010; considering that the MMA of Bio-network Systems, which Dr.
Shibata is specialized in, constitutes one of the key areas of study in this program, office
procedures were promptly taken to hire him as Visiting Associate Professor, starting in April
2011, so that there would be no interference with the development of the center of excellence.
In addition, we have also been joined by Dr. Nobuhiko J. Suematsu as a Lecturer, and Dr.
Jong-Shenq Guo as a Visiting Professor at Meiji University Organization for the Strategic
Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property, to further enhance the organization of the
center of excellence. Dr. Suematsu was a Global COE postdoctoral fellow at Hiroshima
University and is knowledgeable about both experiments and mathematics, which are key
elements in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, while Dr. Guo is a leading researcher in the
mathematical theory of nonlinear partial differential equations.
evaluation university-wide in accordance with the
school codes, etc., and the Global COE Program
procedure for these activities under this program.
Although the plan to hold a GCOE Evaluation
Committee meeting and an External Evaluation
Committee meeting had to be postponed until the
following fiscal year due to the Great East Japan
Earthquake and its aftermath, efforts have been made
to establish the inspection/evaluation system, by such
Regulations for the GCOE Evaluation Committee.
Major uses of the grant for this project include
expenses for the development of young researchers (e.g., recruitment of Global COE
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis postdoctoral fellows, research activities, Mathematical
Modeling and Analysis Project for Young Researchers) the costs of inviting leading researchers
in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis in Japan and from abroad for various research
meetings organized for the purpose of sharing the latest research development with graduate
students and young researchers, and public relations budgets (preparation of Meiji GCOE
News Letter, creation of DVDs that feature research by GCOE Program Members, installation
of the information kiosk terminal on the first floor of the Central School Building at Ikuta
Campus, and creation of display models for research results presentation), and so on. Various
electronic equipment (cluster simulation system, personal computers) required for the process
in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis research is also put in effective use.
As one of our partner institutes, the Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences,
Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University carries out education and research in
Formation and Development of Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis, with
a focus on the understanding and description of life phenomena which is their mission as a
secondary center of excellence. By recruiting two postdoctoral fellows in Mathematical
Modeling and Analysis specialized in non-equilibrium nonlinear science, Hiroshima University
conducts research for the purpose of not only the promotion of this Global COE Program, but to
make it a key in the fusion of mathematical and life sciences for the Department of
Mathematical and Life Sciences as a whole.
2) Results of Activities
a. Development of Center of Excellence
The purpose of forming this Center of Excellence is to conduct research in Mathematical
Modeling and Analysis with a focus on development of models while fostering and producing
young researchers with potential to become successful in various fields of society. To this end,
we have established a management system to swiftly carry out the processes from developing
plans to taking action by the combined efforts of faculty members, the university, and the
institution, and are putting the following plan for the formation of the Center of Excellence
into practice:
(1)Establishment of Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences Department of
Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
FY2008, MIMS has been playing the role of
research institution even more actively than
before. The Department of Mathematical
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of the
Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical
Sciences, scheduled to open in FY2011, will
be positioned as an educational institution to train young researchers for this program, and
the department and MIMS will promote Mathematical Modeling and Analysis on both the
research and education fronts under mutual collaboration.
(2) Financial Aid to Develop Young Researchers
In graduate education, financial aid for the
development of young researchers has been
provided in the form of Waiver of Tuition Fees
(scholarship program) and the MIMS Ph.D.
Program (enrollment limit: 5/year), in which
researchers can benefit from employment as a
Global COE Program Doctoral Research Fellow,
starting in FY2009. In FY2010, six doctoral
students were admitted, making the total enrollment twelve, including four foreign students.
In February, an enrollment examination was given for the Graduate School of Advanced
Mathematical Sciences Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
Doctor's Program, and five successful applicants (including two foreign students) have been
offered a position in the program.
(3) Increase of Faculty Staff and Research Fellowship
To increase human resources in faculty staff, researchers, and research fellows, two
specially appointed teaching staff members have been hired as Research Fellows. Two
visiting teachers have also been hired, of whom one professor has joined the Program
Members for this program. These recruitments have led to the enhancement of the Center of
Excellence, as a measure to strengthen the applicable areas of study that are important to
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis through the development in modeling in financial
phenomena from an econophysics point of view. For the employment of young researchers,
meanwhile, a total of eight FY 2010 Global COE Program postdoctoral fellows were hired,
four of them by using part of the program funding, and the other four at school expense.
Hiroshima University, one of our partner institutes for this program, has also been
constantly hiring two postdoctoral fellows since FY2008.
(4) Formation of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Networks
To form a network for education and research in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, we
have signed university-wide agreements and memoranda on student exchange with
Hiroshima University, Ryukoku University, and Shizuoka University within the last two
fiscal years, and built a system for research guidance and credit transfer. In the current
fiscal year, we exchanged students with Hiroshima University, as an attempt for actual
transfer credits for students of the two schools.
b. Development of Young Researchers at Center of Excellence
(1) Guidance System and Educational Programs
Meiji University has been offering the MIMS Ph.D. Program as a doctoral education
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis research requires
one to have skills in three areas, namely modeling,
mathematical analysis, and simulation, while at the
same time having an understanding of the phenomenon
to be elucidated. As a guidance system to ensure this, we
have a multiple guidance structure supported by Team Fellows, considering that it is
difficult to train researchers in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis to have knowledge in
various fields and a multifaceted perspective based on research guidance with a single
supervisor. Team Fellows consist of three supervisors who are specialized in modeling,
simulation, and mathematical analysis, respectively, from among MIMS fellows and
research fellows, and work in liaison and complementing each other to provide research
guidance. Team Fellows have been selected for each of the twelve students enrolled for
FY2010, and are engaged in education activities. The guidance structure will be more
flexible, to allow a review of Team Fellow members in response to changes in student
research, for instance. Furthermore, “Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences I / II” and
“Advanced Mathematical Sciences I / II” have been developed and offered as
Inter-Departmental Courses for Meiji University doctoral students in all majors. These
courses offer lectures on selected topics from the latest research results, and serve to provide
valuable opportunities for young researchers to have a glimpse of the latest research
developments through lectures given directly by the world's leading figures in their
respective fields. Meanwhile, the Advanced Mathematical Sciences I / II classes are given
exclusively in English, which helps accommodate foreign students while promoting the
internationalization of Japanese students. These courses also serve as an international
school in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis; they are open to not only full-time students
of Meiji University but on occasion to graduate students from around Japan, as well,
making a significant contribution to the expansion of the young researcher population
interested in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis across the country.
(2) System to Allow Young Researchers to Fulfill Their Potential
While postdoctoral fellows and MIMS Ph.D. students are given a sufficient amount of
time and space for their research at this Center of Excellence, our system encourages them
to take an active part in the operation of the research organization, rather than engaging
themselves solely in their research work as they would in a traditional system. Specifically,
it is designed to have young researchers organize and run spontaneous meetings
(Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Symposium for Young Researchers: took place six
times in FY2010; Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
Mini-symposium for Young Researchers: nine times)
and regular seminars (MAS Seminar: took place 15
times in FY2010; MEE Seminar: nine times), during
the course of which research networks can form by
Analysis Project for Young Researchers (Research Project / International Joint Research)
has also been developed and operated, with doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows as
primary applicants. The Research Project aims to support young researchers to become
independent as researchers, by providing them with opportunities to plan and promote
challenging project-based research that goes in line with the purpose of Mathematical
Modeling and Analysis. The International Joint Research, meanwhile, is intended to
support them to further promote research exchange with overseas researchers and gain
in-depth knowledge, thereby contributing to improved research results; it has been open to
public applications since FY2010.
Web addresses:
- Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Symposium for Young Researchers
- Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Mini-symposium for Young Researchers
- MAS Seminar
- MEE Seminar
- Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Project for Young Researchers
(3) Development of Internationally Competitive Research Talent
For the purpose of contributing to the development of internationally competitive talent
in Mathematical Modeling and Analysis research, we have formed a partnership with six
overseas research institutes so far (the French National Center for Scientific Research, the
Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo of Italy; the Institute of Mathematics, Vietnamese
Academy of Science and Technology in Hanoi, Vietnam; the Centre d'Analyse et de
Mathématique Sociales of the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences of France,
the Institute of Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing of National Chiao Tung
University in Taiwan, and the Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute, Complutense
University of Madrid, in Spain), and put our efforts into the development of young
researchers through international research exchange.
To facilitate the acceptance of good students from abroad and promote the
internationalization of Japanese students, the graduate school offers "Advanced
Mathematical Sciences I / II" as courses taught in English. Under the MIMS Ph.D. Program,
students may do their coursework entirely in English to earn their degrees, by taking
advantage of "Advanced Mathematical Sciences I / II" and other classes, as well as research
guidance and thesis advisory, offered in English. This has lead to the selection of Meiji
University as one of the universities to take part in the FY2009 Project for Establishing
Core Universities for Internationalization (Global 30) by the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology. While "Advanced Mathematical Sciences I / II" are formal
courses offered at the graduate school, they also serve as an international school in
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, as attendance by young researchers from within the
school and externally is accepted, for the purpose of disseminating education in
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis outside the school.
The Inter-Departmental Courses offer Multilingual Graduate Research Programs such as
"Fundamentals of Research Methodology in English Paper Writing." Of the twelve doctoral
students enrolled (to MIMS Ph.D. program) in the current fiscal year, four are students from
abroad (China, Taiwan, and Malaysia), who are learning Japanese and take these classes
according to their level of fluency in Japanese. One of them, incidentally, has achieved
excellent research results, and this year earned a doctorate degree (Science) in a period one
year shorter than the standard course term, and took a position as a research fellow at
Southwest Petroleum University (China). Another has also found a job in his home country
(China), as the MIMS steadily builds up notable education results and careers for the
It is also worth noting that regular seminars organized by
postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students at this Center of Excellence
(MAS Seminar and MEE Seminar) use English as the standard
language, and presentations and discussions are always conducted in
English. In addition, a new initiative has been in place starting in
FY2010, as the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Project for Young
Researchers now has a new category, International Joint Research,
where young researchers visit overseas research institutions to work
on a joint research project. This has further improved the system to support the formation of
young researchers' international research networks.
(4) Project Based Analysis and Research Cluster and School of Mathematical Mode
ling and Analysis
Four MIMS courses, Project Based Analysis and Research Cluster subjects, have newly
been opened as Inter-Departmental Curricula. These classes are open to students of other
graduate schools, and offered as an intensive course to encourage more students to attend.
Travel expense assistance is provided in the school budget to those attending from other
graduate schools, making it serve as a school of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis.
Web addresses:
- Project Based Analysis & Research Cluster
Sciences Based on Modeling & Analysis Subjects) /
School of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
a. Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences I.
"Jamming and Mathematical Sciences" Monday, 2Thursday 5,
August 2010
b. Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences II. "Visual Illusion and Mathematical
Sciences" Monday 6Thursday 9, December 2010
c. Advanced Mathematical Sciences I
"Patterns, Waves and Motion in Biological Systems" Tuesday 14Friday 17,
September 2010
d. Advanced Mathematical Sciences II
"Industrial Mathematics" Monday 25Thursday 28, October 2010
c. Research Exchange Activities at Center of Excellence
exchange among researchers at the Center of Excellence
as well as with those outside the Center of Excellence
who are specialized in related areas, regular research
meetings are held, such as the GCOE Colloquium, the
Symposium on the Development of Mathematical
Modeling and Analysis for Nonlinear Time-series
Analysis, and the Symposium on the Development of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
for Nonlinear Non-equilibrium State Analysis. These help researchers exchange the
knowledge they have acquired through research activities in a broad range of fields and adopt
techniques and ideas from other fields, hence contributing to the promotion of research.
Web addresses:
- GCOE Colloquium
- Symposium on the Development of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis for Nonlinear
Time-series Analysis
- Symposium on the Development of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis for Nonlinear
Nonequilibrium State Analysis
d. Introduction to Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
(1) Ikuta Library Gallery ZERO
Gallery ZERO holds an exhibition "Welcome to the World of
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis: From Patterns of Organisms to
Social Activities of Humans," which shows how Mathematical Modeling
and Analysis is used to elucidate a wide range of phenomena, from
natural phenomena such as material fracture and tsunami wave
propagation, to social phenomena such as stock price movements and
traffic jams, and biotic and biological phenomena such as skin patterns,
human evolution, and three dimension illusion.
Dates: Saturday 13Sunday 28, November 2010
Time: 9:00 a.m.7:00 p.m. (Weekdays); 9:00 a.m.6:30 p.m. (Saturdays); 10:00
a.m.4:30 p.m. (Sundays and holidays)
(2) Program for Promoting University Education Reform Joint Program Poster Pres
MIMS exhibits at Poster Presentations sponsored
by the Joint Forum Promotion Office of the Ministry
Technology, to introduce activities at the Center of
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis and answering
visitor questions.
Date: Tuesday 25, January 2011
Venue: AKIBA_SQUARE, 2nd Floor, Akihabara UDX
Sponsor: Joint Forum Promotion Office, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology
(3) Open Institute
Other than to present the results of research achieved at MIMS, to introduce the
Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Graduate School of
Advanced Mathematical Sciences scheduled to open in FY20112012, the Open Institute
has been held three times, where students and researchers alike gave presentations about
the research conducted by the GCOE Program Members and research collaborators, poster
presentations, special public lectures, and briefing on the newly established department.
1st / 2nd Open Institute
Dates: July 14, 2010 / August 7, 2010
Venue: Center of Excellence for Global COE
Research and Education
Bldg. 2, Annex 3, Meiji University Ikuta
3rd Open Institute
Date: November 26, 2010
Venue: Center of Excellence for Global COE Research and Education
Bldg. 2, Annex 3, Meiji University Ikuta Campus
Special Public Lecture 1) "Analyzing Evolution of Organisms through Mathematics,"
Yuichiro Wakano, Associate Professor / GCOE Program Member
Special Public Lecture 2) "Mathematic Approach to the Mystery of Optical Illusion,"
Kokichi Sugihara, Professor / GCOE Program Member
e. Public Relations Activities
To introduce Mathematical Modeling and Analysis and activities at the Center of Excellence,
we carry out public relations activities through diverse approaches. This fiscal year, active
public relations have been conducted in regard to the opening of, and admission examinations
for, the Graduate School of Advanced Mathematical Sciences Department of Mathematical
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, established to incorporate the results of research
activities at the Center of Excellence into graduate education.
(1) Website
We make a point of regularly updating the website for this
Center of Excellence so that the contents reflect the latest
activities, which are outlined in a reader-friendly way with the use
of PDF files and videos, etc. For research meetings and other
events sponsored or co-sponsored by the Center of Excellence, a
banner to announce the event as well as an article to report the
results following the event are published on the website, while
important articles have their English translations also posted to communicate the Center’s
activities to the world.
(2) Meiji GCOE News Letter
We issue a quarterly Meiji GCOE News Letter and distribute it to
concerned parties, while making it available on the website. The
newsletter features research activities by GCOE Program Members as
well as spontaneous research activities by young researchers based on
interviews with them, along with brief overviews of other activities
including the Center of Excellence-sponsored research meetings, lecture
meetings, seminars, and Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Project for
Young Researchers. Interview features, in particular, are written by science writers, as the
priority is to make them easy to understand for the general public.
Vol. 4 (April 2010)
- President Interview, Young Researcher Interview, Reports on Mathematical
Modeling and Analysis Symposium for Young Researchers, etc.
Vol. 5 (July 2010)
- Program Member Interview, Young Researcher Interview, Report on Mathematical
Modeling and Analysis Symposium for Young Researchers, Report on Research
Results of the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Project for Young Researchers,
Vol. 6 (October 2010)
- Program Member Interview, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis COE News, etc.
Vol. 7 (January 2011)
- Activity News, Young Researcher Interview, Reports on Mathematical Modeling
and Analysis Symposium for Young Researchers, etc.
(3) Contribution to Specialty Journals and General Interest Publications
From specialty journals such as Science Journal Kagaku, Sugaku Seminar, and Japan
Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics to general interest publications at large, we
are offering a glimpse into the research activities in this program by offering explanations
about Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, and so on.
(4) Creation of DVDs and Video Clips That Feature Research
We create Research DVDs and video clips, and communicate
information widely to the general public in addition to students,
researchers, universities, and research institutions, through
delivering video clips on the website, showing them on the
information kiosk terminal placed at Ikuta Campus, distributing
Research DVDs, and so on.
"Welcome to the World of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis" *Information kiosk
terminal / video clip streaming
- Diamond Twin / Toshikazu Sunada (Mathematical Analysis Group Leader; Professor,
School of Science and Technology)
- Change in Folk Performing Arts / Shiro Horiuchi (Research Promoter; GOCE PD)
- Collective motion-created Patterns I: Camphor Boats / Nobuhiko J. Suematsu
(Lecturer, Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual
- Collective motion-created Patterns II: Microorganisms / Nobuhiko J. Suematsu
(Lecturer, Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual
- Illusion of Impossible Motions / Kokichi Sugihara (Simulation Group; Professor,
Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property)
- Public Transport Traffic Congestion / Akiyasu Tomoeda (Research Promoter; GOCE
- Dynamics of Process for Formation of Sand Dunes / Chiyori Urabe (Research
Promoter, GOCE PD)
- Complex Patterns Created through Simple Mechanisms / Daishin Ueyama
(Simulation Group; Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology)
- Convection Phenomena Familiar to Us / Kota Ikeda (Lecturer, Organization for the
Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property)
"Frontiers of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis" *DVD / video clip streaming
- Probing Causes through Data Assimilation Focusing on Results / Kazuyuki
Nakamura (Lecturer, Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and
Intellectual Property)
- Commonalities Hidden in Patterns / Hirokazu Ninomiya (Mathematical Analysis
Group; Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology)
- Biological and Non-biological Formation / Daishin Ueyama (Simulation Group;
Associate Professor, School of Science and Technology)
- Using Mathematics to Challenge Mysteries of Evolution / Joe Yuichiro Wakano
(Modeling Group; Associate Professor, Organization for the Strategic Coordination of
Research and Intellectual Property)
"GCOE Lecture Series" *Video clip streaming
- Econophysics: From Basics to Latest Topics / Hideki Takayasu (Modeling Group;
Visiting Professor, Organization for the Strategic Coordination of Research and
Intellectual Property)
(5) Public Relations Activities in Association with the Establishment of the Depart
ment of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Graduate School of A
dvanced Mathematical Sciences
- Launch of Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Website
(July 7, 2010)
- Start of distribution of PR posters and leaflets for Department of Mathematical Modeling,
Analysis and Simulation (July 7, 2010)
- 1st Open Institute / Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
open campus (July 14, 2010)
- 2nd Open Institute / Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
open campus (August 7, 2010)
- 3rd Open Institute / Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
open campus (November 26, 2010)
- Advertising for Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation placed
on the Odakyu Railway trains (for 2 months from November 10, 2010)
- Briefing on Department of Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Simulation / Entrance
Examination held at Surugadai Campus (December 9, 2010)
- Other activities including advertising on newspapers, specialty journals, etc.
Yasunori OKABE
Modeling Group Leader
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Professor, School of Science and Technology,
Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Stochastic Analysis and Time Series Analysis,
Ph. D., Osaka University
Research Description
: MMA of Time Series Data
Research Outline
1. Research on time series analysis
The purpose of this research is to extract the underlying dynamics and nonlinear structures from the
time series data of complex phenomena: geophysical phenomena such as auroras, solar winds,
geomagnetism, earthquakes, and El Nino; economic phenomena such as stocks, foreign exchange
rates, money supply, and gross domestic product; biological phenomena such as electroencephalogram,
pulse waves, blood pressure, and electrocardiograms; and engineering phenomena such as electric
power. We focus on the underlying nonlinear structures of these phenomena, particularly their
qualitative characteristics such as stationarity, abnormality, determinacy, causality, dynamics, and
separation property. Time series analysis techniques based on the theory of KM2O-Langevin equations
for discrete-time stochastic processes are used for analyzing phenomenal data for modeling with the
philosophy of “data to model”.
2. Research on Stochastic Analysis Related to Gaussian Stationary Processes
Selected examples of fundamental research on stochastic analyses of the Markov process include
studies on the diffusion process and the corresponding diffusion equations (N. Kolmogorov) and
studies on the diffusion process and the corresponding stochastic differential equations (Ito K.); there
are other studies that combine stochastic differential equations and diffusion equations using Ito’s
formula. The aim of this research is to develop a theory of KM2O-Langevin equations for
one-dimensional continuous-time Gaussian stationary processes, which have been discussed from the
basis of the studies by N. Kolmogorov and Ito K. We also hope to derive a stochastic differential
equation (KM2O-Langevin equation with continuous time) that governs the local time evolution of
multi-dimensional continuous-time Gaussian stationary processes. Ito’s formula is applied to the
equation for deriving second-order elliptic partial differential equations with time lags related to the
Gaussian stationary processes; thus, the foundations for the stochastic analysis of Gaussian stationary
processes and a study of their applications are established.
3. Research on Riemann’s Zeta Function Based on Theory of Stationary Process
The aim of this research is to investigate Riemann zeta function, which conforms to Riemann
hypothesis and remains an unsolved analytic number theory problem, through a new approach of
using characteristics of stationary process. In particular, we focus on continuous stationary processes
with T-positivity, which can be analyzed by continuous-time KM2O-Langevin equations. That is
analyzed by the theory of continuous-time KM2O-Langevin equations, which is the source of the
theory of discrete-time KM2O-Langevin equations, to challenge and establish new theories on
Riemann hypothesis.
Modeling Group
Theory of KM2O-Langevin Equations,
Complex Phenomena Described by
Equations, and Stochastic Analysis of
Mathematical Phenomena
Modeling Group
Study on Modeling for Establishing
Safety using Computers
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Deputy Director, MIMS; Professor, School of Science and
Technology, Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Safety Study, Ph.D., Meiji University
Research Description
: Modeling and Analysis on uncertainty systems
Research Outline
The relation between computer and safety has essentially two aspects: safety for computers, which
protects the computer from internal and external hazard sources to ensure that the machine is able to
continue working normally, and safety by computers, which aims to build functions to maintain the
safety of other systems using computers. The former is an area of study called computer safety, while
a typical example of the latter is a new area of safety, called functional safety.
In this research, we studied the ideal functional safety (latter) as a model for establishing safety
using computers. Computers served as safety devices to monitor and control the safety of other
systems and stop them for safety purposes if necessary. To identify the process to protect safety using
computers, research focused on concepts and methods of computer and functional safety, and clarified
the differences and relationships between the two.
Although IT and software engineers may not have needed to consider safety, the findings of the
study revealed an imperative need for those working with embedded software used for systems related
to human life to fully understand safe designs when configuring systems. This is because true safety
cannot be established without knowing the characteristics of the hardware that needs to be controlled
and the details and level required by humans. Among those working with computers, engineers
developing embedded software are the closest to both mechanical systems and human beings.
Mukaidono M. (editorial supervisor), Kawaike N., Miyazaki K.: Risk assessment of machinery and
equipment. e.b. Japan Machinery Federation, Japanese Standards Association, pp.308, 2011-2.
Mukaidono M., Kitano M., Komatsubara A., Kikuchi M., Yamamoto T., Otake Y.: Why are accidents
caused by products?: Review of the safety of familiar products. Kenseisha, pp.214, 2011-3.
Mukaidono M.: Transition of safety technology and outlook for the future. Japan Industrial Safety and
Health Association. Safety and Health. vol.12. No.1 2011,pp.2932, 2011-1.
Mukaidono M: Computer Safety and Functional Safety. Institute of Electronics, Information and
Communication Engineers. IEICE Fundamentals Review. Vol.4, No.2, pp.129135, 2010-10.
Mukaidono M: Safety design to prevent aging degradation. National Institute of Technology and
Evaluation. Life and Safety Journal. Vol.10, pp.811, 2010-10.
Takeaki KARIYA
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Professor, Graduate School of Global
Business, Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Financial Technology,
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Kyushu University
Research Description
: MMA of Finance
Research Outline
This study focuses on various problems related to financial mathematics from the realistic standpoint
of studying and modeling financial phenomena. It also includes the modeling of socioeconomic
The interest rate analysis study team was formed at the Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of
Mathematical Sciences (MIMS). The team is responsible for analyzing changes in the term structure of
interest rates before and after a financial crisis based on the government bond pricing model, which was
developed by Kariya and Tsuda (95) (the following figure shows changes in interest rates on the basis
of government bond prices). We are also interested in modeling phenomena in which financial asset
values are closely correlated
to downward fluctuations of
fluctuation structure in times
of financial crisis. This is an
value-at-risk (VaR) as it is
not taken into account in the current financial risk management procedures. The team is involved in the
demonstration of corporate bond pricing models that take into account the fact that the business of one
company may be related to several industries. It is hoped that the term structure of the probability of
default derived from the results will enable the pricing of various credit risk products. Another aim of
the research is to determine the fluctuation structure of credit risks in financial crisis.
A separate study will be conducted with doctoral students to investigate the problems of games on
the superiority of the authority between managers and those working under them and games on
information screening, as well as business risk management, such as the relation between business and
temperature. A handbook on economic time series analysis is currently being edited.
Modeling Group
Modeling and Risk Management of
Financial and Economic Phenomena
Modeling Group
Study on Intelligent and Multi-objective
Optimization of Smart Grids
Hiroyuki MORI
Position Title,Affiliated Department
:Fellow, MIMS; Professor, School of Science and Technology,
Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree :Intellectual Informatics, Ph.D., Waseda University
:MMA of Intelligent Systems
Research Description
Research Outline
During this fiscal year, as our studies on the intelligent optimization of smart grids, the intelligent
multi-objective optimization was applied to power transmission and distribution networks. In the area
of power transmission networks, we researched economic load dispatching (ELD) for the
multi-objective optimization of thermal power plants. ELD is a constrained optimization problem in
power systems, which determines the electrical power to be generated by the generating units, so as to
minimize the total fuel costs of thermal power generators while satisfying the total output of the power
generators required by the power transmission networks. The CO2 emissions as well as the total fuel
cost were minimized.
Such solutions are called the Pareto solution set, which have been difficult to directly obtain with the
existing procedures. Thus, as a method of evaluating the solution set, particle swarm optimization (PSO) of
meta-heuristics was examined. Meta-heuristics is a class of optimization methods for obtaining highly
accurate approximate solutions to global optimal solutions by repeating simple rules and heuristics. PSO is a
heuristic method with multipoint search rules like the behavior of swarms of birds, fish, or honeybees in
searching for food. PSO was expanded to evolutionary PSO, which adaptively adjusts the PSO parameters,
for multi-objective optimization, and a method that incorporates improving the strength pareto evolutionary
algorithm (SPEA2) strategies was developed, producing excellent results. Secondly, we also explored the
formulation of optimized allocation problem of the step voltage regulator (SVR), as a multi-objective
optimization problem in the distribution network. With the liberalization of power in recent years,
consumers can now select the power company of their choice, for example, according to economic
viability, reliability, and quality. On the other hand, suppliers face growing demand for sophisticated
and stable supply due to increasing complexity and diversity of distribution networks. In addition,
stochastic reverse power flows caused by dispersed power sources of renewable energy lead to the
uncertainty of load, which is feared to cause interference to the specified voltage maintained in the
power system. In this study, minimization of the deviation of node voltage and of the installation costs
of SVRs as the objective functions were examined. Additionally, a scenario for load through Monte
Carlo Simulation was created, which takes into account the correlation of the nodes in the distribution
network, and the flexible optimum layout of the SVRs was determined. To solve multi-objective
optimization problems, we focused on SPEA2, which is one of multi-objective heuristics. As a result of
these efforts, we were able to come up with several power system planning solutions, provide the operators
with choices of planning solutions, which incorporate tradeoffs, and propose effective SVR locations for
network planners by Monte Carlo Simulation.
Sub-leader of all researches
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Professor, Department of Mathematical and
Life Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Mathematical Modeling and Analysis,
Ph.D., The University of Tokyo
Research Description
: Mathematical study of structure formation, locomotion and
information processing of living organisms
Research Outline
We are currently involved in research for the Core Research for Evolutional Science & Technology
(CREST) project, the goal of which is to build robots which can move lithely and robustly like living
organisms in complex, uncertain, and realistic environments based on the observations of living organisms.
The research team is comprised of biologists, mathematicians, and engineers. To achieve our goal, robots
need to be rendered with the large degree of freedom, and controlled in a sophisticated manner. One key to
achieving this goal is the self-organization of locomotion based on autonomous distributed control. However,
in the current situation, autonomous distributed control lacks design principles for linking autonomous
agents with the whole body. Therefore, the extraction of these design principles from unicellular organisms
such as true slime mold and amoeba was attempted. This is because unicellular organisms lack nervous
system and their locomotion is the direct manifestation of autonomous distributed control. The approach in
this project is clear. Focus is given to the locomotion of even more complicated multicellular organizations
as the future direction of the project, based on the findings for the unicellular organisms as the starting point.
Applying the concept of discrepancy function extracted from models on the locomotion of true slime
molds, an amoeboid robot moving completely by autonomous distributed control was designed. Simulation
results showed that adaptive locomotion is spontaneously generated through the phase shift by discrepancy
function and global interactions as a result of the conservation of protoplasmic mass.
Understanding and reproducing the locomotion of snakes are important goals in the project as their
movements are full of suggestions, considering the way they are able to make full use of the large degrees of
freedom of the body, and the balance between control from the brain and autonomous distributed control.
Simulations using coupled oscillators as the controller were carried out, based on autonomous distributed
control combining phasic and tonic control, and the effectiveness of the framework was confirmed. To verify
the validity of the framework, a snake-shaped robot was built; through experiments, smooth serpentine
motions were reproduced successfully, showing that snakes have outstanding adaptability as well as fault
tolerance by contingently associating the phase relation of the movements of each somite and the degree of
muscle tone.
The cleavage model proposed during the last year is based on the hypothesis that the locomotion of the
central body is controlled by two diffusible morphogens produced by the vegetal and animal poles. With
cooperation from specialists of mass spectrometry, we have started searching for morphogens in actual sea
urchin eggs. At the same time, modeling using a phase field model designed for multicellular systems was
carried out to mathematically describe realistic cleavage processes up to the shape change stage.
Modeling Group
Study on Morphogenesis and
Locomotion of Living Organisms
Modeling Group
Humanity in
Visual Information System
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Professor, School of Science and Technology,
Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Image and Speech Processing, Ph.D., The University of Tokyo
: MMA of Perception Systems
Research Description
Research Outline
Our research on humanity in visual information systems focuses on the following two topics:
(1) Proposal of image processing method taking into account human subjective assessment
(2) Assessment of human mental state by electroencephalogram analysis during text reading
For (1), studies on a system for removing impulsive noise in color images and that for beautifying
human face images by making the face look sharp were launched in FY2009. During the current fiscal
year, we improved these features. Both systems apply interactive evolutionary computation to carry out
optimum image processing based on the subjective criteria of users. In order to remove impulsive noise
from color images, we proposed a method applying interactive evolutionary computation to optimize a
switching median filter that comprehensively examines the respective amounts of several local
characteristics around each pixel in FY2009. In cases where the noise occurrence rate is low, the
interpolation method is known to be more effective than the median filtering method. We hence
proposed a method of estimating the probability of noise generation around each pixel and switching
between the median filter and interpolation to minimize both image blurring and noise effectively, and
have already demonstrated its effectiveness. The new system for removing impulsive noise from color
images also applies interactive evolutionary computation to ensure effective and optimum noise
removal settings while taking human subjective assessment into account.
Activities for human face image beautification included subjective assessment experiments and
studies on how to reduce computational complexity of the system developed last year in order to
implement it as i-appli program. In the experiments, different facial images of a female subject in her
20s and another in her 50s were prepared: images of their faces made up by themselves, those of their
faces made up by professional makeup artists, and those processed by the proposed beautification
system. Twenty subjects subjectively assessed the images. The results found that the facial images
processed by the system were rated higher than the face made up by professional makeup artists. As to
the reduction of computational complexity, the two-dimensional ε filter in the beautification system was
created by combining horizontal and vertical one-dimensional ε filters to increase the speed of the
filtering process.
For (2), we conducted objective assessments of the mental stress during reading text on paper media
and electronic displays, using brain waves. Specifically, we extracted brain waves of subjects reading
text with different size letters on paper medium and electronic displays, and calculated the feature value
of alpha and beta waves. The results showed that considerable beta waves occurs more when reading
small letters; in particular, the ratio of the amount of beta wave to that of alpha wave increases when
reading small letters, with a significant difference from reading large letters. Other studies have
suggested that the ratio indicates the degree of mental stress in humans. We found that this stress does
not differ much according to the size of letters in the case of paper medium, but increases significantly
when reading small letters on electronic displays.
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Professor, Department of Mathematical and Life
Science, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Non-equilibrium Physics, Ph.D., Tokyo Institute of Technology
: MMA of Cooperative Phenomena
Research Description
Research Outline
In nature, there are various types of groups: fish, birds, and insects are well-known examples. In human
society, there are movements of various groups, or collective motion. The degree of flow or congestion of
groups of automobiles or pedestrians has a substantial impact on the productivity of society in general.
Isolated sand dunes, otherwise known as barchans, cause huge damage to roads, pipelines, and other
man-made structures by collective motion. In this way, the collective motion has a complexity and diversity
unimaginable from the movement of individual elements. Most conventional theoretical studies on collective
motion have expressed the movement of elements using relatively simple rules and comparing complex
movements seen in a group in general. However, in reality, the complex internal freedom of elements has a
crucial impact on the movement of the whole group. In FY2010, we thus focused on the relation between the
movement and functions of a whole group and the internal freedom of elements, and conducted the
following four studies:
Analysis of the mechanism deciding the priority order of using individual chemical or visual
information in the group foraging behavior of ants
Construction of new mathematical models for understanding the formation and movements of
barchans and transverse dunes in a consistent manner
Mathematical analysis of the non-uniformity of fluctuations given to elements and resonance
efficiency of the whole group in groups of elements causing stochastic resonance
Analysis of traffic flow and jams of camphor boats in annular conduits through experiments and
mathematical models
For 1, quantitative analysis through experiments, image analysis of experiment data, and mathematical
models have demonstrated that ants (garden ants) carry out foraging activities using not only chemical
information based on pheromones, but also visual information. We also investigated how ants use the two
types of information according to the situation. For 2, we succeeded in explaining the mechanism by which
dunes of different shapes are sequentially formed according to changes in environmental parameters as a
dynamical bifurcation phenomenon. For 3, we demonstrated that stochastic resonance phenomena with a
high degree of resonance is reproduced by adding white noise with differing amplitude according to the
element, as responses to the external stimulation of multiple FHN elements simulating the dynamics of
neural ignition. For 4, in collaboration with Nobuhiko Suematsu, a postdoctoral fellow of the Global COE
(Center of Excellence) Program (as well as specially appointed lecturer of Meiji University and research
collaborator of Meiji University GCOE), we have succeeded in reproducing traffic jams similar to those of
automobiles on highways by arranging camphor boats in water channels that self-drive using the difference
in the surface tension in front and at the back of the boats, and describing the basic mechanism of the traffic
jam phenomenon using mathematical models. Further experiments also discovered a new type of collective
motion mode (cluster state) not seen in automobile traffic jams, the mechanism of which was theoretically
analyzed. These results have been widely introduced not only in the journals of the Physical Society of Japan
and the American Institute of Physics, but also in the Nikkei newspaper and The Science News.
Modeling Group
Clarification of Dynamics and Functions
of Moving Group of Elements
Modeling Group
Explaining Social and
Economic Phenomena with
Science based on Data
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Visiting Professor, Organization for the
Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property,
Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Econophysics and Fractals, Ph.D., Nagoya University
: MMA of Economic Phenomena and Fractals
Research Description
Research Outline
As our information-oriented society becomes even more highly networked in the 21st century,
researchers are now able to obtain detailed records of massive human economic activities which could
not be documented accurately in the past. Econophysics is the study of mathematically modeling the
characteristics of the collective human activity based on such detailed data. It started in the latter half of
the 1990s as a result of spreading the scope of research by theoretical physicists, including myself, to
an economic phenomenon. Both areas of research and the population of researchers in this field have
since been constantly growing as more data becomes available.
The most significant progress in econophysics is found in the field of financial markets such as
foreign and stock exchange markets. On financial markets, face to face trading practice has been shifted
to buying and selling via computer networks thanks to the advent of computerization. Computer
algorithmic trading, which is completed in a minimal time of 1/1000 seconds, is increasing shares in
most markets. It also allows investors to monitor not only prices at which deals were done but also the
distribution of buy and sell orders called the order-book. Methods to analyze such data have been
developed, and mathematical models have been constructed from different approaches. As a result, we
now have a better idea of which data to process, which models to use for estimating parameters, and
what forecasts to make based on this. Econophysics research is also progressing in other areas such as
research on allowing the monitoring of business networks, the statistical property of fluctuations in
sales, and POS data, which allows for the identification of consumer purchase activities by article.
Once we are able to mathematically describe phenomena, we will next shift our focus to applied
research such as forecasts and control. Already at the forefront of econophysics research, various
applied research efforts are being attempted on a trial and error basis. For instance, topics for financial
market studies include: predicting changes to increase profits, a target that is easily understandable to
all; methods to control excessive fluctuations of the financial market; and methods to encourage the
supply of money gathering in the financial market to the actual economy. Once these new applications
are successful through advanced mathematical models based on data, it is no exaggeration to say that
mathematical science will indeed change society.
As applied research themes I have been working on a basket-type electronic money system taking
corporate financial data into account, and a novel financing system without the perspective of interest
rates. There are a countless number of other new themes to investigate, such as an estimation of money
flow by restoration programs for damages caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical
and Life Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Mathematical Life Science,
Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Tokyo
Research Description
: Modeling and analysis of the inner- and inter-cellular process
Research Outline
The progress of measurement technology has been gradually elucidating the dynamics of functional
processes, such as the structural formation and information processing in cells and tissues during
development and reproduction. Such dynamical phenomena are produced as a result of the combined
contribution of numerous elements such as molecules and genes. This has led to the growing need for
integrated studies based on system theories to understand the mechanism and design principles in the
complex phenomena of living things, which requires the progress of mathematical methodologies
linked to sophisticated measurement technologies. The aim of our studies is hence to challenge
emerging themes in life science using mathematical concepts and methodologies related to physics and
mathematical science.
Recently, there have been many reports that spatiotemporal pattern formations take place in a cell
with mechanisms similar to reaction-diffusion systems. These include temporal oscillations, spatial
patterns, and multistability, each of which is responsible for important functions in their respective
contexts. As cell-level reactions are highly probabilistic, these mechanisms for structural formation
must be robust against probabilistic noises. On the other hand, these mechanisms also have the
seemingly contradictory nature of giving diversity to the behavior of cells by amplifying the
probabilistic nature of individual reactions to the macroscopic level. We are currently conducting
research on how these phenomena are actually possible, through the analysis of the florescent image
data of a single cell, and by developing and analyzing mathematical models.
Development is the process of forming structures with spatial harmony by activating the program
within a cell accurately to generate various types of cells from a single cell. Mechanical processes such
as the viscoelastic body, whose basic unit is the cell, are involved in the formation of tissue structures,
and these in turn interact with the reaction-diffusion process of genes and signals. With the cooperation
of the groups in RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology and Hiroshima University, we are
attempting to understand the development process using mathematical and quantitative methods.
Modeling Group
Physical Biology
Modeling Group
Research on Biological Evolution:
Theory and Applications
Joe Yuichiro WAKANO
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Associate Professor, Organization for the
Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property,
Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Mathematical Biology, Ph.D. (Science), Kyoto University
Research Description
: MMA of Macrobiology and Ecosystems
Research Outline
During the current fiscal year, I continued to investigate mathematical models to explain the phenomena
of biological evolution. Currently, I am involved in two major projects:
Theoretical research: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) (Life modeling) Unified
understanding of two major theories of biological evolution
Applied research:
Scientific Research Fund (New research area exploration) Replacement of
Neanderthals by Homo sapiens
The aim of my theoretical project is to pursue the unified understanding of inclusive fitness theory (IFT)
and adaptive dynamics theory (ADT). In particular, the remarkable progress of IFT in recent years has raised
the slightly philosophical question, “What exactly is kin selection?”, which has become an actively debated
topic in journals such as Nature. Because it is highly likely that IFT is still misunderstood, my aim for the
current fiscal year was to identify the facts of IFT as well as its strong and weak points, and reconstruct IFT,
which has been described only instinctively in the past, as a mathematical theory[1].
For applied research, I am presently involved in a major project on the evolution of humankind. Focusing
on the replacement drama of Neanderthals by Homo sapiens 50,000 years ago, this large-scale
multidisciplinary project is participated by researchers from a wide range of academic fields, from physical
anthropologists studying fossil human bones, to archaeologists researching ruins, brain scientists studying
the learning capacities unique to Homo sapiens, paleoclimatologists calculating the environment in those
days, and cultural anthropologists studying modern day hunters and gatherers. The framework of the project
is based on the learning hypothesis that explains that Homo sapiens replaced Neanderthals with their
superior individual leaning abilities. The hypothesis, established by theoretical studies, is indirectly
supported in that stone tools suddenly changed (progressed) since the era of the Homo sapiens, but it still not
known why individual learning abilities only evolved in Homo sapiens. In collaboration with Professor
Kenichi Aoki and Dr. Wataru Nakahashi, I have been studying models on the evolution of learning abilities.
Based on experience gained through the work, I attempted to build models expressing the frequency
dynamics of genes and culture during the expansion of distribution, using reaction-diffusion equations.
Findings showed that individual learning abilities tend to evolve easily when distribution expands rapidly[2].
Considering that more than half of the history of Homo sapiens evolution spanned several tens of thousands
of years after early human migration out of Africa, my model supports the learning hypothesis that the early
human migration out of Africa helped evolve individual learning abilities.
[1] Wakano JY, Ohtsuki H, Kobayashi Y. Non-experts' guide to the inclusive fitness theory: a mathematical description.
[2] Wakano JY, Kawasaki K, Shigesada N, Aoki K. Coexistence of individual and social learners during range-expansion.
Toshikazu SUNADA Mathematical Analysis Group Leader
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Professor, School of Science and Technology, Meiji
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Discrete Geometrical Analysis, Ph.D., The University of Tokyo
Research Description
: Analysis of Network System
Research Outline
It is said that geometry in ancient Greece started from the curiosity of mathematicians about the
shapes of crystals. Indeed their curiosity culminated in the classification of regular convex polyhedra
which is addressed in the final volume of Euclid’s Element. Since then, geometry had taken its own
path, and the study of crystals had not been the central theme in mathematics (an exception is the work
of Johannes Kepler on snowflake). It is only in the 19th century that mathematics began to play a role
in crystallography; that is, group theory became matured enough to be applied to the morphology of
crystals. Crystallographic groups introduced to describe macroscopic symmetry of crystals have been a
basic tool in classical crystallography even after Raue's discovery of crystal structures by the diffraction
of X-rays.
This study follows the Greek tradition in the sense that we seek beautiful shapes like regular convex
polyhedra. Our primary aim was to use algebraic topology to explore the rich world of crystal
structures. More specifically, we employ graph theory, homology theory and the theory of covering
maps to introduce the notion of topological crystal which retains, in an abstract way, all the information
on the connectivity of atoms in the crystal. This explains the reason why this study is entitled
‘’Topological Crystallography’’.
Topological crystals are “living in the logical world, not in space”. This leads us to the issue on how
to place (realize) them “canonically” in space. We proposed the notion of standard realizations of
topological crystals in space which are characterized by a certain minimal principle, and include, as
typical examples, the crystal structures of Diamond and Lonsdaleite. Standard realizations are the
most symmetric placements so that, if we take for granted the belief that beauty is bound up with
symmetry, then the standard realizations may deserve to be called most beautiful.
We also gave a mathematical view to the standard realizations by relating them to asymptotic
behaviors of random walks and harmonic maps. Furthermore, we observed that a discrete analogue of
algebraic geometry is linked to the standard realizations.
Applications of our discussion include not only a systematic enumeration of crystal structures, an
area of considerable scientific interest for many years, but also the architectural design of lightweight
rigid structure.
Mathematical Analysis Group
Topological Crystallography
Mathematical Analysis Group
Model-aided Understanding of
Self-Organized Patterns in
Biological and Chemical Systems
Masayasu MIMURA
Leader of all research projects
Position Title,Affiliated Department :Director, MIMS; Professor, School of Science and Technology,
Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree :Mathematical Modeling and Analysis (MMA),
Ph.D., Kyoto University
Research Description
:MMA of Nonlinear Non-equilibrium Phenomena
Research Outline
The following paragraphs are the two main achievements obtained for the research theme during the
current fiscal year:
1) Diversity of combustion patterns in smoldering combustion in microgravity environments
The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been conducting combustion
experiments in microgravity (μg) environments in space. Of particular interest is their 1998 report
discussing an unpredictable complex combustion propagation when a filter paper is gradually burned
from one point ignition in a microgravity environment, which completely differs from the one under
normal gravity (1g). We address the question, “can combustion propagation in a microgravity
environment be predicted from the perspective of mathematical modeling and analysis?” and propose a
PDE Model by simplifying the smoldering combustion
Smoldering combustion pattern in paper under
process as a slowly progressing exothermic reaction.
microgravity environment ([3])
From the various results obtained, we have found that
complex combustion propagation patterns appear as a
nonlinear, non-equilibrium state, due to the balance
between the supply and consumption (combustion) of
combustible substances, and that the diversity of the
patterns is due to the self-organizing mechanism seen in
the phenomena[3].
2) Complex patterns in chemotactic E. coli colonies
The July 1995 cover of Nature magazine was a
Spot pattern in chemotactic E. coli colonies ([4])
mysterious and beautiful pattern that looked like a
flower, and surprisingly the pattern was actually a
colony made by the growth and division of E. coli. The
question is, “is the formation based on the top-down
process of gene regulation, or the bottom-up process of
self-organization?” The possibility of the former was
experimentally rejected, but the explanation why the
latter was the reason was unclear. From our model and
simulation analyses, we suggested that it is due to the self-organization mechanism[4].
Papers presented in 2010
[1] J. Zu, M. Mimura and J. Y. Wakano: The evolution of phenotypic traits in a predator-prey system
subject to Allee effect. , J. Theor. Biol. 262, 528-543 (2010)
[2] M. Bertsch, R. Dal Passo and M. Mimura: A free boundary problem arising in a simplified tumour
growth model of contact inhibition, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 12, 235-250 (2010)
[3] A. Fasano, M. Mimura and M. Primicerio: Modeling a slow smoldering combustion process, Math.
Meth. Appl. Sci., 33, 1211-1220 (2010)
[4] A. Aotani, M. Mimura and T. Mollee: A model aided understanding of spot pattern formation in
chemotactic E. coli colonies, Japan J. Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 27, 5-22 (2010)
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Professor, School of Science and Technology,
Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Theory of Computation, Ph.D., University of Tronto
: Computation and Theory of Algorisms
Research Description
Research Outline
Our studies on combinatorial optimization ranged from the theoretical foundation to applications.
For the theoretical approaches, we focused on the problem of determining the directed pathwidth of
directed graphs and obtained successful results. The directed pathwidth of a directed graph G is the
minimum k that is larger than the indegree of the set of vertices belonging to any prefix of any row of all
vertices of G.
No existing studies have reported on polynomial time algorithms to determine whether the given directed
pathwidth of a directed graph is below k, even if k is a constant. In this study, we developed such an
algorithm for the first time. In particular, assuming that the number of vertices of G is n and that the number
of edges is m, then the execution time of the algorithm would be expressed as
O(mnk + 1). The problem of
determining the directed pathwidth of directed graphs includes that of undirected graphs as a special case.
The developed algorithm also serves as an excellent algorithm for determining the pathwidth of undirected
graphs. The best theoretical algorithm for this problem was developed by Bodlaender. Although it is linear
with reference to n, it is exponentially related to k3. Our algorithm is therefore faster, depending on the
values of n and k. In addition, Bodlaender’s algorithm is said to be very complex and difficult to implement,
whereas ours is very simple and easy to implement. The study discussing the results was accepted for
presentation at the Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG2011).
The problem of determining the directed pathwidth of directed graphs was raised for the issue of
identifying attractors in the Boolean network, which was presented in our research outline in last year’s
annual report. We demonstrated that for Boolean networks with a small directed pathwidth, using a directed
path partition enables high-speed identification of all attractors, as compared to simple methods. We carried
out even more precise experiments on this application and presented the results as a paper at the IISCIT2010
(International Symposium on Communication and Information Technologies).
The outline of our study in the last annual report discussed the relation between the bandwidth of a planar
graph and the size of the largest grid minor, namely, the theory that “if the bandwidth of a graph G is
expressed as bw(G) and the maximum value of g when G has a g × g grid as the minor gm(G), the equation
of bw(G) ≤ 3gm(G) + 1 is established for planar graphs.” We revised our paper detailing this theory by
correcting the errors and differences in detail and successfully eliminated the +1 term on the right-hand side
of the inequality. This was a joint study conducted with Professor Qian-Ping Gu at the Simon Fraser
Separately, we considered the problem of deciding whether a given graph does have a k-cyclic orientation.
The results showed that this problem is NP-complete for every fixed k ≥ 3 for general graphs and for every
fixed k ≥ 4 for planar graphs; however, a polynomial time algorithm was established if k = 3. This was a
joint research carried out with Yasuaki Kobayashi, our graduate student.
Mathematical Analysis Group
Theoretical Foundation of Combinatorial
Optimization and Application to
Mathematical Sciences
Based on Modeling and Analysis
Mathematical Analysis Group
Mathematical Expressions of
Nonlinear Structures and Patterns
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Associate Professor, School of Science and
Technology, Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations,
Ph.D. (Science), Kyoto University
Research Description
: Mathematical science of diffusion and propagation phenomena
and pattern structures
Research Outline
Many phenomena in the natural world are often described using partial differential equations that
depend on both time and space. Of a range of partial differential equations available, reaction-diffusion
equations are applied to most natural phenomena including chemical reactions, physiological
phenomena, mathematical ecology, and mathematical biology. Reaction-diffusion equations take the
following form and are made up of only diffusion and reaction:
𝑢𝑗,𝑡 = 𝑑𝑗 ∆𝑢𝑗 + 𝑓𝑗 (𝑢1 , ⋯ , 𝑢𝑚 )
(𝑗 = 1, ⋯ , 𝑚)
In other words, they correspond to phenomena described by the particle moving according to random
walk and the reaction at the point.
Diffusion in the multiparticle system can sometimes bring about effects that differ from the diffusion
of a single particle system. One notable example is diffusion-induced instability discovered by Alan
Turing. It is a phenomenon in which periodic patterns are produced by the effect of special uniformity,
or diffusion. In collaboration with Associate Professor Noriko Mizoguchi and Professor Eiji Yanagida,
we expanded the theory and discovered diffusion-induced explosion. The expanded theory produced an
example of explosion* caused by applying diffusion effects even in stable systems where the solutions
converge at one point. It also demonstrated that on the contrary, explosions can be inhibited by
diffusion in some types of equations. This is called the inhibition of diffusion-induced explosion.
The scope of our research also includes diffusion-induced extinction in models on competition
among living things where an inferior species may defeat a stronger species, thereby causing the
stronger species to become extinct. We are currently investigating this area focusing on the role of
diffusion in reaction-diffusion systems.
The quality of diffusion changes as the type of particles increases. By demonstrating that the
combination of reaction and diffusion can produce nonlinear diffusion effects, which has not been
understood, our mathematical approach contributes to the present study of modeling.
The diffusion also seems to affect the formation of shapes and patterns, as illustrated by
diffusion-induced instability proposed by Alan Turing. In this area, we are studying the relation
between nonlinearity and pattern in the formation of V shapes, localization patterns, and finger-like
Infinite divergence in limited time
Simulation Group Leader
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Science
and Technology, Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Simulation Science, Ph.D, Hiroshima University
: Modeling and Simulation of Large-scale Cascade Systems
Research Description
Research Outline
Multi-scale phenomena in which microscale and macroscale elementary steps are inter-related appear
universally in various natural and social phenomena. However, it is difficult to understand such elementary
steps whose scale differs both spatially and temporally, as well as their interactions. Computer simulation
has enabled the numerical reproduction of such complex phenomena, and provided effective methodologies
for clarifying their internal mechanism.
The aim of our research and development of computer simulations using supercomputers is to understand
and predict various multi-scale phenomena occurring in our vast universe, which includes the
solar-terrestrial environment. The first theme is solar flares, the largest eruption phenomenon in the solar
system. Solar flares are thought to be the sudden release of free energy accumulated in the sunspot magnetic
field, and the conditions of occurrence are still not well understood. Based on precise data on magnetic fields
on the solar surface observed by the latest solar observation satellite Hinode, we succeeded, for the first time
in the world, to simulate and reproduce solar flare eruption. We were also able to demonstrate that flare
eruption may occur due to multiscale interactions between the magnetic helicity of the whole sunspot
magnetic field (magnetic field-line torsion) and the emergence of small magnetic field onto the solar surface.
These results suggest the possibility of being able to identify the premonitory phenomena of flares, which
would contribute significantly to research on space weather forecasts for predicting space environment
disturbances accompanying flares.
Our second theme is the development of precise cloud computer simulation methods. Clouds are produced
through interactions between the condensation of water vapor and the collisional growth of water droplets in
the atmosphere, and large-scale atmospheric motion. To date, precise simulation by combining interactions
of differing scales has not been possible. By applying the particle-in-cell (PIC) method developed for plasma
simulation to clouds, we have succeeded in developing a new algorithm for cloud simulation capable of
precisely adopting the chemical properties of aerosol, which is the cloud condensation nucleus. This method,
called the super-droplet method (SDM), will serve as a new methodology for precisely calculating the
indirect effects of aerosol with the largest uncertainty in the prediction of climate changes.
Figure: Computer simulation of cumulus cloud growth and precipitation by super-droplet method
Simulation Group
Simulation of
Multi-scale Phenomena
Simulation Group
Mathematical Modeling of
Three-Dimensional Illusions and Applications:
Aiming at Establishing Computational
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Deputy Director, MIMS; Professor, Organization for the
Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property,
Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Geometry-oriented Mathematical Engineering,
Ph.D., The University of Tokyo
Research Description
: Computational mathematics for physical, biological and social
Research Outline
While investigating the mechanisms of visual recognition phenomena of humans in which we
identify three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional images, we created a mathematical model to
explain the mechanism of three-dimensional illusions. This model consists of three stages of
information processing. The first is the process of estimating the relation of connection between the
vertices, edges, and faces of the target object by extracting characteristics from images of the object.
This means that objects can be built by combining conventional image processing techniques such as
edge extraction and area extraction. The second is the process of determining the set of all objects
whose projections coincide with the image. Here, we were able to achieve our objective by combining
the set of linear constraints established from the algebraic structure of inverse transformation of
projection, and stable calculation methods robust against numerical errors such as positional deviations
in images. The third is information processing for selecting the most possible object from the set of
possible objects. Here, we were able to reduce the task as the optimization problem by incorporating
optophysical law, human knowledge, and preconceptions as quantitative constraints.
Using this mathematical model, we can predict what objects people will visualize from what images.
By creating objects that are the reverse of these predictions, we are able to create new illusionary
objects. With this method, we successfully created three-dimensional structures called impossible
objects, as well as design impossible motion illusions in which we perceive physically impossible
motions. One of the objects, that we created, called a “magnet-like slope,” won the FY2010 Best
Illusion of the Year Contest. In this background, our project plan for exploring the new research area of
computational illusion was selected as a CREST project by JST.
Perch and Wire Puzzle
Magnet-Like Slopes
Daishin UEYAMA
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Fellow, MIMS; Associate Professor, School of Science and
Technology, Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Mathematical Sciences, Ph.D. (Science), Hokkaido University
Research Description
: Simulation Aided Analyses
Research Outline
Patterns appear in reaction-diffusion systems are formed by self-organizing mechanisms. They are
extensively studied by researchers from various different fields because of their diversity and the
expectation that they would provide hints to understand biological formation. I have always thought the
exploration of the application is as important as mathematical understanding when it comes to the
pattern formations in the reaction-diffusion system. Therefore, this research’s aim is to apply animated
pattern dynamics, also known as self-replicating patterns, to mesh generation used in such as computer
simulation. In the self-replicating pattern process, with appropriate initial values, the area is filled with
spots with elapsed time, and these spots are aligned at almost equal intervals of each other.
Consequently, these patterns have the following two characteristics:
- the alignment of spots at equal intervals in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional areas
- appropriate spot alignment in a self-organized manner via the self-replicating process according to
the region shapes, and not the initial value.
These characteristics satisfy the conditions required by automatic mesh generation methods, and
help explore another application fields of the reaction-diffusion system by applying knowledge
obtained from fundamental studies.
For the current fiscal year, I carried out joint research
with Dr. Hirofumi Notsu, a GCOE postdoctoral fellow and Mr. Masahiro Yamaguchi, a doctoral
student in the MIMS Ph.D. program, as part of the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Project for
Young Researchers of the Global COE Program.
patterns have the following two characteristics:
- the alignment of spots at equal intervals in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional areas
- appropriate spot alignment in a self-organized manner via the self-replicating process according to
the region shapes, and not the initial value.
These characteristics satisfy the conditions required by automatic mesh generation methods, and
help explore another application fields of the reaction-diffusion system by applying knowledge
obtained from fundamental studies.
For the current fiscal year, I carried out joint research with Dr. Hirofumi Notsu, a GCOE
postdoctoral fellow and Mr. Masahiro Yamaguchi, a doctoral student in the MIMS Ph.D program, as
part of the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Project for Young Researchers of the Global COE
Mesh Example 1
Mesh Example 2
Simulation Group
Application of Self-Organized
Pattern Formation Mechanism to
Mesh Generation
GCOE Research Fellows
Pattern Formation Problem in
Reaction Diffusion Equation Systems
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Research Fellow, MIMS; Lecturer, Organization for the
Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property,
Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Mathematical Sciences, Ph.D. (Science), Tohoku University
Research Description
: Reaction-diffusion equation、Pattern formation
Research Outline
(1) Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Spike Pattern in Shadow Systems
Assuming one of the two diffusion coefficients is sufficiently large in reaction-diffusion systems
with two unknown functions, shadow systems are derived. This study elucidated the dynamics of spiky
patterns in the shadow system for the Gierer-Meinhardt equations. We summarized the results in a
paper, which has been accepted by a journal.
(2) Stability Analysis of Pulse-Type Traveling Wave Solution of Two-Component Reaction-Diffusion
In excitable reaction-diffusion systems as represented by the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation, there are
pulse-type traveling wave solutions, which include two transition layers. In existing studies that have
succeeded in the stability analysis of traveling wave solutions, solutions include only one transition
layer, which makes linear stability analysis comparatively easy. Our study for the current fiscal year
succeeded in investigating the stability of pulse-type traveling wave solutions by limiting parameters,
and additional proof was established to support our previous work that the solutions are stable if there
are no diffusion terms. On the other hand, we also obtained results that solutions are unstable if
diffusion terms are included.
(3) Conditions for Multi-Species Coexistence in Lotka-Volterra Equations
In the convex domain of the two-component Lotka-Volterra competition equations with diffusion
terms, solutions must converge to uniform constant solutions as time goes to infinity. This signifies that,
two species cannot coexist in simple domains. On the other hand, it is known that different species can
coexist in dumbbell-shaped domains where two convex domains are joined by a narrow domain. The
phenomena can also be anticipated from the system of ordinary differential equations called the
compartment model proposed by Bruce Levin. In a joint study with Associate Professor Joe Yuichiro
Wakano (Meiji University), Assistant Professor Takeshi Miki (National Taiwan University), and
Professor Masayasu Mimura (Meiji University), we successfully described the relation between
Lotka-Volterra equations with diffusion terms and compartment models by mathematical calculation.
We characterized the dispersal rate in qualitative compartment models with observable amounts.
Furthermore, we also numerically characterized Laplacian eigenvalues and eigenfunctions which
combines the two models above and causes a bifurcation. We have summarized the findings in a paper
which has been accepted by a journal for publication.
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Research Fellow, MIMS; Lecturer, Organization for the Strategic
Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property, Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Physical Chemistry, Ph. D (Science), Tsukuba University
Research Description
: Spatio-Temporal Pattern Formed by Collective Motion of
Micro-Organisms, A Group Motion of Inanimate Self-Driven
Particles, Stochastic Resonance in Coupled System of Axon
Research Outline
Spatio-temporal patterns of collective motion can be easily observed in nature such as ant trail, a
school of fish and birds. These pattern formation processes are usually investigated using
mathematical model. However, it is difficult to verify the model because of complexity of behavior
and interaction. Here, we focus on a micro-organism and an active matter. These objects are simple
enough to research in detail by experiments. We carry out both experiments and numerical calculation
in order to clarify each mechanism of pattern formation.
A group of micro-organisms often generates a macroscopic ordered pattern such as a bacteria colony
and bioconvection. The bioconvection is one of fluidic patterns caused by an upward swimming of
the micro-organisms. The oriented swimming is induced in response to an external stimulus or force
field, e.g., a gradient in oxygen concentration, light illumination, and gravity. We focused on a
swimming micro-organism exhibiting phototaxis, Euglena. In contrast to a general bioconvection
appearing all over a chamber, Euglena formed a bioconvection in a part of a chamber (Figure 1). The
green spots in Figure 1 are downward flows. We constructed a mathematical model based on the
photosensitive behavior of each cell, and reproduced the localized bioconvection.
Inanimate system was constructed with camphor boats, which could move spontaneously on water
surface due to surface tension difference. Up to 51 camphor boats were floated on a annular water
channel and their collective motion was observed (Figure 2a). The camphor boats showed three types
of collective motion, i.e., free flow and congestion flow correspond to those of traffic flow (Figure 2b,
c), and a ‘cluster’ mode as seen in ant trail.
concentration field.
The camphor boats interacts each other through camphor
In light of this interaction, a mathematical model was built to analyze the
interaction. The mathematical model revealed that ‘cluster’ mode may appear in the case that the
interaction worked over three boats.
Figure 1. Localized bioconvection of Euglena
Figure 2. Collective motion of camphor boats
GCOE Research Fellows
Spatio-temporal patterns generated
by collective motion of
both living and inanimate objects
GCOE Research Fellows
Nonlinear Time-Series Analysis of High Frequency
Data, Development of Data Assimilation Techniques,
and Applications to Economic, Geotechnical
Engineering, and Geoscience Data
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Research Fellow, MIMS; Lecturer, Organization for the
Strategic Coordination of Research and Intellectual Property,
Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Statistical Science,
Doctor of Philosophy, The Graduate University for Advanced
Research Description
: Statistical modeling and analysis for spatio-temporal data, Data
assimilation for geophysical, geotechnical and biological systems
Research Outline
The aim of our current fiscal year study was to develop new analysis methods for economic
time-series, geotechnical engineering data, and geoscience data, which are typical examples of high
frequency data, to acquiring new findings through the advancement of conventional nonlinear
time-series analysis and data assimilation techniques.
Data assimilation is the method of integrating results obtained from the computer simulation of
actual phenomena and data observed in reality, to acquire new findings and enhance the accuracy of the
prediction of real phenomena. Initially, the method was developed in the geophysics area mainly in
meteorology, but in recent years, it is extensively applied in areas requiring large-scale analysis such as
life sciences, geotechnical engineering, and aeronautical engineering with the progress of information
communication technology and computational technology.
Particle filter is a nonlinear time-series analysis method that allows the handling of arbitrary
nonlinear estimation problems, and a potent approach for data assimilation. However, because it
requires massive computer resources, it is still rarely applied compared to other methods. Due to the
need for new knowledge and the need to consider and resolve the problem of degeneracy, much
remains to be studied.
During the current fiscal year, we continued to focus on relations with real phenomena, and work on
the development of time-series analysis algorithms for discovering new findings centering around the
particle filter, together with researchers from various areas.
Regarding the potentials of unbalanced complex kinetics (PUCK) model, which is an econophysics
model, we developed algorithms for direct estimation using the particle filter, and verified its efficiency
with simulation data obtained from actual foreign exchange time-series. Although we were restricted by
the potent hypothesis that the center of the potential depends on the past moving averages, the
algorithm developed during the current fiscal year allows for estimating parameters expressing basic
market information. In this area, we will continue to verify applicability of the algorithm to actual
currency exchange data.
After investigating the visualization of market instability in currency exchange transactions, we
developed a visualization program to express the propagation of market instability around the world
from a currency exchange time-series. The program allows us to more clearly identify the market
instability propagating on a worldwide level.
In the area of geotechnical data, we have confirmed the improvement of the accuracy of online
predictions on land subsidence through collaborative efforts with researchers from Kyoto and Okayama
The scope of the geoscience data study included the study of earth’s geomagnetosphere, in
collaboration with researchers from Kyushu University. Focusing on the development of algorithms for
detecting abnormalities using singular spectrum analysis (SSA), we have developed a precise algorithm
for the detection of abnormality occurrences, which will contribute to the understanding of the auroral
storm phenomenon.
Position Title,Affiliated Department :Research Fellow, MIMS; Research Promoter,
"GCOE SPD", Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree :Theoretical Life-Science, Ph.D. (Science), Niigata University
Research Description
:Mathematical Model of Biological Systems: Relation between
gene network structure and gene expression pattern, Evolution of
gene network
Research Outline
The genome database of several types of living things is gradually growing with the progress of the
comprehensive analysis of genes. To determine to what extent we can describe real cells using simple
models, which is a characteristic of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, we investigated the behavior
of simple models on the gene network using the genome database. In FY2010, we mainly worked on
extracting network structures playing important roles in genetic control from actual genetic network
structures. Specifically, first we used the E. Coli (k-12) gene database (RegulonDB version 6.0:
http://regulondb.ccg.unam.mx/) to build a gene regulatory network (GRNs) and conducted research on
the following by numerical calculation:
1. Intrinsic structural properties of GRNs
2. Extraction of core network structures playing important roles in GRNs
For 1, we compared the network structure of GRNs and artificial networks (scale-free network), and
demonstrated that with GRN’s distribution of number of links of networks (degree distribution) , the
number of input links shows a Poisson distribution, while the number of output links shows a
power-law distribution. We also studied the degree correlation and found while that of GRN is very
small, that of the scale-free network we use is large. These results indicate that with the GRN of E. Coli,
genes receiving many inputs do not necessarily give many outputs to other genes, suggesting that the
intrinsic properties of GRNs may provide direction to the flow of information in GRNs. For 2, I have
been working on identifying core networks using random Boolean dynamics in my research, but
because it was difficult to determine Boolean functions from the database, I attempted to extract core
networks using only network structures. From our research results to date, we know that loop structures
play an important role in the flow of information on directed networks, so we attempted to extract only
the loop structure from GRNs, and found that the core network structure differs greatly with and
without self-feedback loops.
These findings confirm that it is important to control the size of degree correlation and self-feedback
loop structure when modeling genetic networks. In particular, they confirm that small degree
distribution is found in the genetic networks of other living things, but is a characteristic absent in
social networks, suggesting that it is unique to the genetic networks of living things.
GCOE Research Fellows
Analysis of Gene Regulatory Network of
E.Coli and Extraction of Core Networks
GCOE Research Fellows
Mathematical Modeling of
Collective Motion in Biosystems
Chiyori URABE
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Research Fellow, MIMS; Research Promoter,
"GCOE PD", Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics,
Ph.D. (Human and Environmental Studies), Kyoto University
Research Description
: Mathematical modeling of infectious disease propagation
Research Outline
The scope for the current fiscal year included mathematical models of collective motion with
aggregation pheromone and of the transmission of infectious diseases using mathematical modeling and
analysis. In the following paragraphs, we discuss the details of our studies:
Professor Masayasu Mimura, Dr. Hirofumi Izuhara, and I launched a collaborative study to explore
mathematical models of collective motion in FY2010. Insects such as ants and German cockroaches
secrete and sense pheromone to control collective motion. German cockroaches sense aggregation
pheromone, form clusters, and establish appropriate population density to facilitate the procreation and
growth of future generations. We studied the collective motions with aggregation pheromone from
microscopic and macroscopic point of views. Especially, from microscopic point of view, we have
investigated individual motions using numerical simulation of individual and aggregation pheromone.
We consider a hybrid model in which individuals secrete aggregation pheromone while each individual
moves randomly in a two-dimensional square lattice system, and the concentration of pheromone
changes obeying the diffusion equation. We assume that individuals in places where the pheromone
concentration is high tend to remain in the same places. If the motion of individuals depends on the
concentration gradient of pheromone, it is easy to understand that individuals form self-organizing
clusters. However, in our research, we focus on the question of whether individuals can also form
clusters even without such effects. The results of numerical simulations of our hybrid model have
suggested that the self-organizing clusters are formed even only with the effects of individuals staying
at places with high pheromone concentration.
Study on the mathematical models of the transmission of infectious diseases is in collaboration with
Professor Mimura. The recent epidemics of new influenza viruses and foot-and-mouth disease, known
to be spread by livestock, pose a socially important challenge of how to control these pandemics. In this
study, we especially focused on the relation between the transmission of infectious diseases and the
incubation period, expressed each individual as particles moving randomly, and carried out a numerical
simulation. We considered susceptible individuals, infected individuals in the incubation period,
infected individuals with infectious ability, and recovered individuals. The four states are represented
by four internal states of each particle in our model. We assumed that susceptible individual is infected
when the susceptible and infected individuals with infectious ability at the same position. We
introduced the effect of mobility reduction, considering that when individuals become infected and
develop symptoms, they rest at home, or their motion is restricted under the administrative measures.
As the result, we found that, even if there is mobility reduction, the final size of infection does not
decrease much when the incubation period exists. On the other hand, the final size can be drastically
reduced if there is mobility reduction but no incubation period. These findings suggest that for
infectious diseases with a short incubation period, an effective measure is prompt reduction of the
mobility for all individuals included susceptible individuals by having them stay at home, etc.
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Research Fellow, MIMS; Research Promoter,
"GCOE PD", Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Jamology, Ph.D. (Engineering), The University of Tokyo
Research Description
: From elucidation of jamming phenomena in traffic flow to
mitigation of traffic jams using optical illusion
Research Outline
Our lives are filled with various types of congestion phenomena. In particular, the number one cause
of congestion on highways is known to be “sag sections.” Although sag sections are actually areas
going uphill, they incline moderately. Drivers do not realize that they are going up, and hence drive
without accelerating appropriately. Past studies have already identified one of the major causes of
traffic congestion on highways is car speed dropping without the driver being aware (speed
fluctuations). It is believed that this congestion phenomenon is triggered by visual illusion phenomenon
where drivers are not able to correctly judge the slope of the road and fail to realize that it is going
uphill. Also called visual illusions of a vertical gradient, they are observed on many actual roads such
as the Dokebi Road (mysterious road) on Jeju Island, Korea and on the Yashima Driveway on Shikoku
Island, Japan. Apparently, measures to prevent drivers from incorrectly recognizing road inclination
through visual illusions are essential to ease traffic congestion. Our study for the current fiscal year
proposed a method to correctly judge road inclination and verified to what extent visual illusions of
vertical gradients can be controlled.
As one solution, we proposed drawing stripe patterns on both sides of a road (see the figure below).
We conducted a questionnaire survey to investigate how drivers would perceive slopes in respect to
these stripe patterns, and examined the effectiveness of the solution proposed. The results suggest that
drivers are substantially influenced by information on the vicinity of roads. Their perception of road
inclination depends on the stripe pattern. In particular, most drivers recognized stripes as horizontal,
suggesting that they judge road inclination from the difference between the observed and horizontal
stripe patterns and that the effective use of stripe pattern may reduce the misperception of road
inclination. Because stripe patterns can be painted, as a simple solution, on the soundproof walls of
highways and walls inside tunnels, which can cause misperception easily, it is thought to be a realistic
and effective method for eliminating visual illusions and traffic congestions.
How steep is the road in the distance? Most drivers judge the road in the left figure as horizontal
while the right figure as going uphill.
This research is conducted jointly with Professor Akiyoshi Kitaoka and Mr. Seiichi Tsuinashi from
Ritsumeikan University and Professor Kokichi Sugihara of Meiji University.
GCOE Research Fellows
Measures to Eliminate
Traffic Congestion on highways as
Seen in Visual Illusion Phenomena
GCOE Research Fellows
Theoretical Studies for
Three Problems of Human Evolution
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Research Fellow, MIMS; Research Promoter,
"GCOE PD", Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Theoretical Anthropology,
Ph.D. (Science), The University of Tokyo
Research Description
: Evolution of learning ability, sexual selection theory
Research Outline
What are humans? In order to answer this question, we need to know how humans evolved from apes to
our state today. Anthropological studies have shown that the evolution process consists of three important
stages. The first stage is characterized by the separation of human lineage from the chimpanzee lineage and
evolution of bipedalism in hominids, which occurred six to eight million years ago. The human lineage
thereafter started to evolve to humans while the chimpanzee lineage has remained in the realm of apes today.
The second stage is characterized by the emergence of the genus Homo and the beginning of brain expansion,
which occurred two to three million years ago. Around this time, hominids started to use stone tools, which
allowed them to enhance adaptation and broaden the distribution to outside Africa. The third stage is
characterized by the emergence of we Homo sapiens around 200,000 years ago, which marked also the
emergence of diverse and complicated culture and behavior. Finally, the distribution of humans expanded to
the whole world, achieving an explosive increase in population.
Why did hominids become bipedal in the first stage? There exist tens of hypotheses, and the real reason is
yet unknown. Of these, Lovejoy’s hypothesis has attracted the most interest recently. According to the
hypothesis, the male needed to provide more food for the female to attract them due to changes in mating
system, which caused the evolution to bipedalism that is more efficient locomotion to achieve their task.
Around the same time, male canines also started to decrease in size, providing evidence that direct fighting
between males decreased and the importance of attracting females had increased. To verify the logical
validity of the hypothesis, I have been studying how mating strategies evolve and under what conditions, in
collaboration with Dr. Shiro Horiuchi of Meiji University. Our findings suggest that human mating system is
highly likely to have evolved from the polygamous groups like gorillas, and not the promiscuous multi-male
and multi-female groups like chimpanzees. Supported by paleoanthropological evidence, these results then
raise doubts against Lovejoy’s hypothesis, which implies that humans evolved from the chimpanzee-type
mating system.
As the reason for the increase in brain capacity in the second stage, my research findings up to the last
fiscal year suggest the increased importance of acquiring information by learning in response to the drying
of the African continent around two to three million years ago, during which the instinctive behavior of
hominids became inappropriate.
It is being argued that changes in social learning strategies may have had an impact on the emergence of
diverse and complex culture and activities in Homo sapiens in the third stage. In this area, I have been
working together with Professor Joseph Henrich of the University of British Columbia and Associate
Professor Joe Yuichiro Wakano of Meiji University to investigate what social learning strategies evolve
under what conditions. We have found that the strategy of socially learning actions while checking
effectiveness, which is unique to Homo sapiens, evolves when the environment changes temporally, not
when it changes spatially. The explosive diversification of culture occurred under Homo sapiens 30,000 to
60,000 years ago when rapid climate changes occurred frequently, suggesting its relation with the cultural
Hirofumi NOTSU
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Research Fellow, MIMS; Research Promoter,
"GCOE PD", Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Doctor of Mathematics, Kyushu University
Numerical scheme for partial diff erencial equations based
Research Description
: the method of characteristics.
Research Outline
The keyword of this study is the method of characteristics. The idea of the method of characteristics
is to consider the trajectory of fluid particles, which move in both space and time, and discretize the
so-called material derivative along the trajectory. The scope of my research is numerical analysis based
on this method. The concept of the method can be applied to main numerical methods of partial
differential equations such as finite difference and element methods. My interest lies in the potential of
the characteristics finite element schemes made by combination of the finite element method and the
method of characteristics. Features of the schemes include the flexibility of the domain shape and the
advanced mathematical analysis, which are provided by the finite element method, and the symmetry
of the coefficient matrices of large-system of linear equations to be finally solved, which are provided
by the method of characteristics, reducing the computation time and memory required by half.
Consequently, it is a practical numerical solution with mathematical reliability.
With the progress of computers, we are now able to simulate three-dimensional phenomena directly,
which is expected to serve as the standard simulation approach in the near future. This requires
computational schemes taking into account three-dimensional computations, and to this end, Hughes et.
al. [1986] provided a breakthrough which leads to easy three-dimensional computation. Although the
characteristics finite element method lags behind the progress of three-dimensional large-scale
parallelization around the world, we recently developed a pressure-stabilized characteristics finite
element scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations, which serves as the basis of the flow problem [Notsu
and Tabata 2008, Notsu 2008]. This is an advanced characteristics finite element scheme, useful for
three-dimensional computation. Presently, we are working on the development of the next-stage
characteristics finite element method while validating the usefulness of the scheme (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Results of calculating cavity flow (Left, Re = 1,000, flow rate) and heat
convection problem (Right, Ra = 105, temperature)
GCOE Research Fellows
Construction of Numerical Schemes
based on the Method of
Characteristics for Flow Problems
GCOE Research Fellows
New Cultures Created by
Regional Exchanges
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Research Fellow, MIMS; Research Promoter,
"GCOE PD", Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Mathematical Sociology, Ph.D. (Science), Kyoto University
Research Description
: Study on population sizes and intergroup relations
Research Outline
Since the end of the cold war, the large-scale migration of humans, which dates back to the Age of
Exploration, has been called globalization, and it has been increasing even more intensely. The
large-scale migration of humans is recognized to have various effects on society, one of which is the
extinction of local culture. Many mountain village cultures, one topic of my study, are also on the verge
of extinction. This may be because many move away from mountain villages to the city on one hand,
and those who come back after experiencing urban culture try to live their urban lifestyles in their
Interestingly, some mountain villages have succeeded in reviving their local culture by promoting it
as a tourism attraction. Tourism is one straightforward example of globalization, however, and existing
studies have emphasized its features that destroyed local culture. The results of my studies suggest
potential opportunities in which interactions of local residents with tourists lead to the creation of
unique local culture or the significance of indigenous culture is rediscovered in the learning from the
past manner.
Why is tourism able to create local culture in some cases and destroy it in others? To understand this
mechanism, we built an agent-based model on a computer and carried out analysis. In the model,
multiple regions are set and multiple agents are assigned to stay in each region. The agents have unique
cultures as variants (strategies). Agents play adjustment games in the same region. If agents with the
same culture as their variant interact with each other, they gain profit. If agents with different cultures
interact, both parties do not gain any profit. If agents are allowed to move randomly between regions,
which is defined as diffusion, all regional communities will be governed by one culture after some time
even though the probability of diffusion is low. I also examined the situation where an agent can
selectively move to a region dominated by those with the same culture as the agent, which is defined as
escape, in addition to diffusion, and agents can move not only to neighboring but also distant regions in
both diffusion and movement. The results have found that the diversity in local cultures is increased if
the rate of selective movement is higher than diffusion of if the region to which agents can diffuse or
move to stretches far away.
The results of computational experiments suggest two aspects of globalization. When there is a
tendency for people to move without a purpose, the uniformity of local culture occurs. However, when
people with a clearer sense of purpose move, or when a region is able to accurately deliver information
on those people, local culture can be diversified by applying globalization.
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Research Fellow, MIMS; Research Promoter,
"GCOE PD", Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree : Doctor of Science, Waseda University
Research Description
: Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Nonlinear Ordinary Differential
Equations, Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations,
Bifurcation Theory
Research Outline
Recent active research on the mathematical models of tumors attracts considerable attention from the
areas of life science and medicine. The aim of our study is to simplify the tumor infiltration process,
build two cell population models for different species demonstrating contact inhibition effects, and
obtain insight to the true nature of tumor infiltration from the standpoint of Mathematical Modeling and
Two major topics for the current fiscal year were to investigate, by applying mathematical analysis,
(1) the nature of segregated traveling wave solutions of contact inhibition models, and (2) the
characteristics of overlapping stationary solutions of contact inhibition models. The simulations of the
model equation by Dr. Yusaku Nagata (MIMS researcher) suggest that the behavior of the solutions of
the equation is finally governed by the segregated traveling wave solutions or overlapping stationary
solutions, and the solution which appears is determined by the parameters of the model equation. We
hope to eventually understand the mathematical structure of such totally different dynamics of contact
inhibition models.
For (1), we investigated how the speed of the separable traveling wave solutions depends on a
specified parameter k. More precisely, we proved that the limit of separable traveling wave solutions
converges to the traveling wave solutions of the corresponding single-species cell population model if k
approaches 0 or infinity. For (2), we established the conditions required for overlapped stationary
solutions to exist. To identify the structure of the stationary solutions, phase plane analysis was applied.
Although new ideas for existence proof were inspired, there remain numerous problems that need to be
solved, and we are currently reviewing them. As for the segregated traveling wave analysis, there
remain many important and difficult challenges such as stability analysis, and we will continue our
research in this area.
To present the results of studies on contact inhibition models including those conducted during the
current fiscal year, we have been preparing to submit related papers. In addition, we particularly took an
active stance to present findings at study meetings and seminars, etc. (11 presentations, and 2 poster
presentations). Major meetings were: AIMS (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) Conference
(May, Germany), Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(September, Meiji University), Kyoto-ekimae Seminar (October, Kyoto), Far from Equilibrium
Dynamics 2011 (January 2011, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University),
Kyushu Symposium on Partial Differential Equations (January, Kyushu University), and Fujita Health
University Mathematical Sciences Lecture Meeting (March, Fujita Health University). In addition, as
part of the activities of the educational and research program, Formation and Development of
Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis, we held a symposium for young researchers
on the Mathematic Analysis of Cells and Tumors in November. We invited six researchers involved
closely in the study of the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of cells and tumors mainly using tumor
infiltration models to exchange findings and information, as well as discuss the importance of the field
from the viewpoint of Mathematical Modeling and Analysis.
Much of the research expenses incurred during the current fiscal year were travel expenses to
participate in research gatherings. The individual research budget was used for four trips including that
for the aforementioned AIMS. Of the four occasions, two were to present findings and the remaining
two were for accompanying students as supervisors to meetings intended for research interchange and
information gathering.
GCOE Research Fellows
Analysis of Contact Inhibition Models
GCOE Research Fellows
Modulated renewal processes for
inter-event times of aftershocks
Hai-Yen SIEW
Position Title,Affiliated Department :Research Fellow, MIMS; Research Promoter,
"GCOE PD", Meiji University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree :Doctor of Statistical Science, The Graduate University for
Advanced Studies
Research Description
:Statistical modeling and data analysis
Research Outline
In last fiscal year, I have been working on the modeling of the time gaps of earthquake aftershocks using
modulated renewal processes. In this study, I propose a semi-parametric solution to estimate the intensity
(hazard) function of modulated renewal processes to study the survival pattern of the processes: a
non-parametric estimate for the baseline intensity function together with a parametric estimate of the model
parameters of the covariate processes. Modulated renewal processes have been widely used in reliability,
seismology and biomedicine to explain the patent of recurrent events. An example of recurrent events is that
the repeated episodes of illness based on patients’ disease history. Numerous literatures are available to
provide approaches to estimate the intensity functions, such as partial likelihood, Bayesian and robust
estimations, such as Lin and Fine (2009, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 71, 3-23). In
most literatures, a renewal process is taken as a starting point to model a sequence of such renewal events. In
this type of processes, the lengths of the time-intervals between each pair of neighboring events are
identically and independently distributed. In order to make use of the analyzing techniques from survival
analysis, each inter-event interval is re-arranged as an individual sample, starting at 0, and dying off after
it survives a period of time of the same length as this interval. This treatment has also been used in more
complicated models that are extended from the renewal processes, such as the modulated renewal processes
that firstly proposed by Cox (1972, Stochastic Point Processes, 55-66). Based on the martingale property
associated with the conditional intensity, I construct a statistic from residual analysis (see Zhuang, 2006,
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, 68 , 635-653) to estimate the baseline renewal intensity
function, when the model parameters of the covariate processes are known. Moreover, I also suggest using
penalized regression splines with B–spline basis functions to smooth the estimator. On the other hand, when
the baseline intensity is obtained, the model parameters can be estimated using the usual maximum
likelihood estimation. In practice, both the baseline intensity and model parameters are suggested to be
estimated simultaneously via an iterative manner. Using this method, the estimators of model parameters
enjoy the good properties of full likelihood, such as consistency and convergence to normality
asymptotically. The proposed estimating procedure is also compared with the existing methods that derived
from the survival analysis. To illustrate the performance of the proposed method, two sets of data are
analyzed: a dataset simulated from a simple Weibull renewal process and the aftershock data occurred at
Wenchuan, China, in 2008. For the first data set, I simulated a process following a Weibull distribution and
the estimator of the baseline intensity function is estimated. For the latter example, the covariate process is
chosen to follow an Omori–Utsu formula that explains the behavior of the rate of aftershocks, which is
proportional to the inverse of time since the mainshock. For both analyses, the proposed estimating process
provided quite successful estimators to the datasets. The result of this study was presented at the annual
meeting of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics and the Second International Conference on
Mathematical Sciences (ICMS2-2010), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It will be completed as a research paper
for submission to a journal.
Position Title,Affiliated Department :Research Fellow, MIMS; Researcher, Department of Mathematical
and Life Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University
Specialized Field, Academic Degree :Theoretical biology, Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Tokyo
Research Description
:Theoretical study on cell migration and collective motion of
animals, etc.
Research Outline
Our bodies are composed of basic units called cells. Although cells are like bags containing thick
fluid, they are able to move by themselves, which is defined as migration in technical terms. The
elucidation of the migration is an important task, which may lead to the cure of many diseases. For
instance, rheumatism is a disease that attacks one’s own body tissues, mistaking them to be the enemy.
But it will never develop unless immune cells move to the diseased site. Cancer is a scary disease
because it also metastasizes. Metastasis means the transfer of cancer cells by itself. Once it becomes
clear how disease cells transfer, we should be able to find cures for all of these diseases that have
plagued humankind. However, at this point, the cell migration mechanism has yet to be defined because
it is so complicated. Cells are composed of many kinds of molecules, and they migrate when they
interact with each other chemically. Furthermore, the chemical reaction not only causes migration but
also processes information. The question “Can mathematical sciences help elucidate the complex cell
migration?” served as the starting point of my research. Cells are indeed complicated, but perhaps we
can understand them more simply by studying them from a different perspective. For instance, Toyota
cars, which are machines invented by humans, are made up of several tens of thousands of parts, but
the essence of a car can be summed up by its steering wheel, engine, and tires. I proposed the following
examples of such a concept. The true nature of cells is the caterpillar mechanism of a bulldozer. Unlike
the caterpillar, the gel state (solid) of the outer shell of cells flows to the back, liquefies (solation) at the
tail, and flows to the front where it solidifies once again. Cells do not have anterior and posterior axes,
and the front and rear sides switch each time. Something controls the flow of the gel and solid. The gel
forming the outer shell of the cell contains numerous molecules, which flow in the direction opposite to
the migration of cells together with the gel. Upon reaching the rear end, the gel liquefies, but some
molecules remain gel at this point. As a result, these molecules continue to accumulate at the rear side
of the cells. If these molecules are those controlling the promotion of solation and inhibition of gelation,
and should cells be migrating gradually towards a certain direction, these molecules will accumulate at
the rear, thereby promoting further solation at the back and intensifying the flow of liquid and gel.
Based on the hypothesis of such promotion or inhibition by these molecules, if the cells stop due to
some reason, they will gradually become uniform, the tendency of the cells moving in the current
direction will weaken, and migration to another direction due to small fluctuations will grow stronger
again. We applied a mathematical simulation based on such process of such behavior, and succeeded in
quantitatively reproducing complicated shapes and movements very closely resembling real cells.
These calculation results suggest that the complex migration of cells is not necessarily due to the many
different molecules that make up the cells, but is caused by simple cellular mechanisms.
GCOE Research Fellows
Mathematical Model of
Cell Migration
Position Title,Affiliated Department :Doctoral course second grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Team Fellow
:Masayasu MIMURA(Mathematical Analysis)
Naoki MATSUYAMA(Modeling), Daishin UEYAMA(Simulation)
Research Description
:Evolutionary game theory and its applications.
Research Outline
To solve several economic problems of today, we need to analyze the mechanism in complex
economic phenomena. In addition, there are several types’ players behind the economic phenomena and
we need to understand the players’ decision making and their behavior. I have researched evolutionary
game theory and its applications to the financial market structure focused on the player’s bounded
rationality behavior.
1. Theoretical Study
1) Convergence to Nash equilibrium and equilibrium selection with the Bayes learning: I
extended Kalai and Lehrer (Econometrica,1993), which examined the convergence of the
strategies of players with using Bayes learning to the Nash equilibrium, to be applicable even in
games where only mixed strategies were Nash equilibrium. In particular, I proved it focused on
the martingale convergence to the expected payoff. Furthermore, equilibrium selection was
examined in the case of likelihood which is binomial distribution or normal distribution as an
2) Common property resource games with nonlinear utility function: In the common property
resource game, which resources become depleted if each player with linear utility function
behaves selfishly (Sethi and Somanathan Amer. Econ. Rev., 1996), it was expanded that each
player has nonlinear utility function and derived the conditions which each player chooses
cooperative action under an indirect evolutionary approach. The game was further extended to
those between players with different asset levels and the conditions which each player choose
cooperative action were derived in the same way.
3) Game theory for empirical analysis: To demonstrate an empirical analysis of economical
phenomena with game structure, game theory with using the statistical population, which is the
second interpretation of the Nash equilibrium, was formulated with Kikkawa (Prog. Theor. Phys.,
2009). Assuming an evolutionary approach, the game was expanded to the dynamical framework.
As an example, I demonstrated the zero-sum game and the order book in the financial market and
derived Nash equilibrium by re-defining the subjective payoff matrix which is own utility for
each player in the game.
2. Application: Financial Market Structure The financial market model formulated with using the
double auction theory (c.f. Chatterjee and Samuelson, Oper. Res., 1983) was re-considered to examine
the financial market microstructure theoretically and demonstrate an empirical analysis. The results
found that investors do not trade rationally and rush to submit the order in some cases. In particular, by
using the relationship derived in theoretical research 3), it was empirically founded that the variance of
expected payoffs and distribution of volume was proportional to the difference of the reservation price
between investors.
COE Research Fellows
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Evolutionary Game Theory and
Its Application to
the Financial Market Microstructure
Eiichi DOI
Position Title,Affiliated Department :Doctoral course second grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Takeaki KARIYA (Modeling)
Team Fellow
:Toshikazu SUNADA (Mathematical Analysis), Kyosui OH (Simulation)
Empirical study on the cross-sectional market (CSM) model to
Research Description
:estimate government bond price from market data
Research Outline
In Japan, the fiscal burden is anticipated to grow ever greater in the future with slow economic
growth, sluggish tax revenues, and the ageing of the baby boomers. Government bonds will hence
undoubtedly need to play an increasingly larger role in fund procurement.
Under these circumstances, an experimental study on the cross-sectional market (CSM) model for
government bond pricing proposed by Kariya (1995) was conducted based on the convenient
characteristics of national government bonds, which can be assumed to have no credit risks. We also
examined the expansion of models based on the results. The characteristics of the CSM model include
the assessment of the variations in pricing due to the difference in attribute information of government
bonds (coupon and redemption period). These are called a coupon effect and the effect of different
maturity stages. To calculate the present value of government bonds, the CSM model capitalizes fixed
cash flow value in the future using the attribute-dependent stochastic discount function of each bond at
each time cash flow occurs. The formulation of the attribute-dependent stochastic discount function
includes, as attributes, coupon size and time until the redemption period, which are thought to affect
government bond pricing. The generalized least-squares method using market price data is applied to
estimate parameters based on inter-bond correlations described by attributes.
After completing formulations for the review as well as building the system serving as the basis of
the review, we started working on our experimental study. To establish models capable of explaining
market price more precisely, validations, improvements, and comparisons with conventional models are
under way.
In addition, we have also examined the model if it is useful to predict the changes (yield curve) in
earning yields without taking into account the degree of impact of coupon effects, effects of different
maturity stages, or attributes in market trades of government bonds.
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Verification of Government Bond
Pricing Model using Market Data
Makoto TOHMA
Position Title,Affiliated Department :Doctoral course second grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Team Fellow
:Masayasu MIMURA(Mathematical Analysis)
Joe Yuichiro WAKANO (Modeling), Daishin UEYAMA(Simulation)
Research Description
:Pattern formation mathematics in the reaction-diffusion system
Research Outline
Since 2009, we have been investigating the assertion of “in the natural world, complex networks are
formed owing to the complex competition between not only two populations but among many populations,
which eases fierce competition and enables coexistence” in studies centering around numerical experiments
using model equations based on reaction-diffusion systems. The model equation system used in the studies is
the following reaction-diffusion system in the bounded convex domain (Ω) of a two-dimensional space:
ui  di ui  fi (u1 ,, uN ), t  0, x  , (i  1, N )
where reflective boundary conditions are given as boundary conditions and appropriate non-negative
functions are given as initial conditions. The nonlinear term f is limited according to the following equation:
f i (u1 ,, u N )  (ri  aiui  i  j bi j u j )ui
COE Research Fellows
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Study on Spiral Dynamic Coexisting State
of Three Competing Populations
We also studied the partial differential equation system in a one-dimensional infinite domain due to reasons
described later.
With this system, if N = 2, the competitive exclusion principle is established. If N = 2 and the model
equation is handled in a one-dimensional infinite domain, heteroclinic traveling-wave solutions exist, where
one population eliminates other populations. If N = 3, the strength of the three populations competing is the
same, and the diffusion effects are ignored and competitive exclusion is established. However, Ei Ikota and
Mimura (1999) found that the addition of a diffusion term causes the segregated areas to form a dynamic
pattern, which enables coexistence in some cases.
For an invading population weaker than the existing two populations, wherein it does not survive without
diffusion effects, the coexistence state in which a dynamic spiral pattern is formed and none of the three
populations die was recently discovered mathematically. In parameter areas where the spiral pattern is
formed, mathematical analysis demonstrated that the presence of heteroclinic nontrivial stable traveling
waves is related to all three variables.
The focus of our research continued from the last fiscal year to be on the relation with traveling waves in
one-dimensional infinite domains to understand the dynamic spiral coexistence state in detail. As part of the
research, we mathematically analyzed the bifurcation structure of traveling waves to clarify their stability.
First, we targeted the bifurcation structure of heteroclinic nontrivial stable traveling waves as parameters
controlling b23. In the area where the limit point is reached, the unstable branch is returned, and spiral
patterns are formed if b23 is small, the presence of both stable and unstable nontrivial traveling waves was
identified by mathematical analysis. Furthermore, the presence of homoclinic nontrivial stable traveling
waves combining stable nontrivial and trivial traveling wave solutions was confirmed. The analysis of the
bifurcation structure of the homoclinic traveling waves confirmed that Hopf bifurcation and periodic
vibration wave solutions occur depending on the b23 changes. In parameter areas where Hopf bifurcation
occurs, the formation of complex comma-shaped spiral patterns was confirmed in two-dimensional problems.
Although a relation between the complex patterns of two-dimensional problems and Hopf bifurcation of
one-dimensional problems was estimated to exist, we were not able to obtain clear results in FY2010.
As related studies, we are also investigating the stability and bifurcation structure of quasi-exact stationary
solutions for three competing populations discovered by L.C. Hung et. al.
Some results of the research were presented in the research seminar on Recent Themes on Partial
Differential Equation System in April 2010 in Beppu and the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
Mini-symposium for Young Researchers on Stable Coexistence by Evolution and Morphological Formation
of Reaction-Diffusion Systems in August 2010.
Effects of Advertising using Design of
Experiments and Time Series Analysis
Tetsuji HIDAKA
Position Title,Affiliated Department :Doctoral course second grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
:Yasunori OKABE (Modeling), Masayasu MIMURA (Mathematical
Team Fellow
Analysis), Kazuyuki NAKAMURA (Simulation)
:Study on advertising effects on brand sales and values using time
Research Description
series analysis
Research Outline
As in the last fiscal year, we continued our ongoing research on measuring the effects of advertising.
Given the changes in the environment surrounding advertising in recent years, some midterm
corrections have been made to the measurement method, etc. In the past, measurement of advertising
effects and brand diagnosis were mainly done using point-of-sale (POS) data and by questionnaire
surveys. In recent years, given the growing popularity of the brain science approach in the marketing
field, services measuring and analyzing brain waves (electroencephalogram, EEG) have been
increasing rapidly. In response, we added the new theme of developing analytical methods for
providing better measurement and analytical services for the current fiscal year.
EEG enables controlled experiments based on the theory of design of experiments, which is included
in the title of the article. The time series analysis, also shown in the title, can also be applied to EEG.
On the other hand, POS data provides real market information, but controlled experiments are
impossible. Therefore, EEG may become the ideal measurement method in the future.
However, EEG posed several problems if actually measured. The first is the problem of the burden
on the subjects being measured. As they need to wear headsets with wet electrodes, their heads become
wet with the cleaning solution during the process. Subjects are thus reluctant to participate, and natural
psychological states cannot be maintained. The next is the problem of measurement noise. As brain
waves are micro electromagnetic waves, muscle potential such as blinking of eyes is stronger, erasing
the required information. The third is the problem of the cycle. If complete periodic data is available,
information can be obtained from frequency analysis, but because the cyclic nature itself changes with
time, and the time interval is very short, it is difficult to handle. The last is the problem of nonlinearity.
As expected to a certain degree from precedent studies, data that cannot be handled when traditional
linear models are used was obtained.
The first problem will be solved sooner or later given the rapid progress of measurement devices.
Already as of 2011, inexpensive devices using dry electrodes were announced. As for the second
problem, we have made comprises on the policy of eliminating noise according to the results of
precedent studies. Specifically, a high frequency filter and independent component analysis are used to
eliminate muscle potential such as blinking of the eye. However, as this method may eliminate useful
information by mistake at the same time, it remains a task to be solved in the future. As for the third
problem, the theory of KM2O-Langevin equations was improved, instead of applying time-frequency
analysis, to examine the quality of data without being affected by the frequency components. To
demonstrate its practicality, the effectiveness of the method was verified by analyzing the dynamics of
the sunspot number data, and the next sunspot number peak was predicted.
To solve the last problem, the methods for studying the properties of nonlinearity were under
investigation by applying chaos analysis in addition to the results of the theory of KM2O-Langevin
equations. A method to measure emotions according to nonlinearity is also under investigation.
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Development of Method for Measuring
Jian ZU
Position Title,Affiliated Department :Doctoral course second grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Team Fellow
: Masayasu MIMURA(Mathematical Analysis)
Joe Yuichiro WAKANO (Modeling), Daishin UEYAMA(Simulation)
Research Description
:Elucidation of biological systems by Mathematical Modeling and
Research Outline
Understanding the mechanism of evolutionary diversification and the influence of Allee effect remains
the core problems in evolutionary biology. In this year, I have done the following work.
First, we investigated the influence of Allee effect in a predator–prey system with Holling type II
functional response. Compared with the predator–prey model without Allee effect, we find that the Allee
effect of prey species increases the extinction risk of both predators and prey. When the handling time of
predators is relatively short and the Allee effect of prey species becomes strong, both predators and prey may
become extinct. Moreover, it is shown that the model with Allee effect undergoes the Hopf bifurcation and
COE Research Fellows
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Evolutionary diversification and
the influence of Allee effect in
a predator–prey system
heteroclinic bifurcation. The Allee effect of prey species can lead to unstable periodical oscillation. It is also
found that the positive equilibrium of the model could change from stable to unstable, and then to stable
when the strength of Allee effect or the handling time of predators increases continuously from zero, that is,
the model admits stability switches as a parameter changes. When the Allee effect of prey species becomes
strong, longer handling time of predators may stabilize the coexistent steady state. This paper has been
published in Applied Mathematics and Computation (2010, 217(7): 3542-3556).
Second, with the method of adaptive dynamics and geometric technique, we investigated the adaptive
evolution of foraging-related phenotypic traits in a predator–prey community with trade-off structure.
Specialization on one prey type is assumed to go at the expense of specialization on another. First, we
identify the ecological and evolutionary conditions that allow for evolutionary branching in the predator
phenotype. Generally, if there is a small switching cost near the singular strategy, then this singular strategy
is an evolutionary branching point, in which the predator population will change from monomorphism to
dimorphism. Second, we find that if the trade-off curve is globally convex, the predator population
eventually branches into two extreme specialists, each completely specializing on a particular prey species.
However, if the trade-off curve is concave–convex–concave, after branching has occurred in the predator
phenotype, the two predator species will evolve to an interior singular dimorphism at which they can
continuously stable coexist. The analysis reveals that an attractive dimorphism will always be evolutionarily
stable and that no further branching is possible under this model. This work has been published in Journal
of Theoretical Biology (2011, 268(1): 14-29).
Third, I finished the Ph.D. dissertation and got the Ph.D. Degree in this year.
Overall, during the past year, I have done some interesting work. I greatly improved my research ability and
learned a lot of methods and techniques to deal with the evolutionary problems in ecology.
Akihiro AOTANI
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Understanding the Diversity of
Bacterial Colony Patterns
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Doctoral course first grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Team Fellow
: Masayasu MIMURA(Mathematical Analysis), Ryo KOBAYASHI,
Hiraku NISHIMORI (Modeling), Daishin UEYAMA(Simulation)
Research Description
: Modeling and analysis of bacterial colony patterns
Research Outline
Budrene and Berg (1991) observed three types of colony with different geometric patterns in
response to changing only the nutrient element concentration in the culture of chemotactic Escherichia
coli (E. coli) strains (HCB317tsr) in agar medium. They gave four reasons for the development of these
patterns: multiplication of bacteria due to nutritional intake, random motion, chemotactic agents, and
chemotactic migration. They also suggested that the patterns are formed not due to genetic control but
in a self-organized manner when these four factors are in appropriate balance, but gave no explanation.
We succeeded in reproducing patterns similar to actual colonies in terms of the final patterns and the
formation process by setting appropriate conditions and defining the nutrient element concentration as
the free parameter in the Mimura-Hiroyama model (2002) (Figure). The results suggest that E. coli may
be able to form colony patterns with geometric structures, self-organizedly by appropriately balancing
nutritional intake and chemotactic migration.
Figure: Colony patterns formed by experiments and reproduction by simulation
Based on the results discussed, our study has focused on the following activities:
(1) Discuss the validity of multiplication, chemotaxis, and secretion and other functions given for building
models from a biological viewpoint.
(2) Investigate model equations from a mathematical viewpoint, specifically in terms of the existence of
solutions, asymptotical behavior, and global structure of equilibrium solutions (parameters).
(3) Provide new insight into the mechanism of forming colony patterns of chemotactic E. coli through
mathematical model analysis and simulation.
Tatsuya IIZAKA
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Doctoral course first grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Team Fellow
: Masayasu MIMURA(Mathematical Analysis)
Joe Yuichiro WAKANO (Modeling), Daishin UEYAMA(Simulation)
Research Description
: Intelligent systems of electric power system
Research Outline
Wind power generation has been consistently installed around the world as a means of preventing
global warming. Despite the advantage of emitting no CO2, its large output fluctuations are feared to
have an adverse impact on electric power systems. It is hence important to calculate predictions of
future wind power generation and error margins of such predictions (confidence interval), and control
output fluctuations using these values.
For the FY2010 study, the regression equation and fuzzy inference were used to estimate wind speed
to the next day, the confidence interval of wind speed, output, and the confidence interval of output,
with the weather forecast grid point values (GPV), which the meteorological agency mathematically
calculates for approximately 20-km meshes as the input information.
Wind speed prediction is comprised of three steps. In the first step, wind speed at the height of the
windmill is estimated using the weather forecast GPV as the input. In the second step, the wind speed is
corrected to that at the point of the windmill, and in the third step, the predicted wind speed in several
hours are corrected based on the current predicted error.
The confidence interval of the wind speed is calculated using fuzzy inference based on the wind
speed and target time of prediction.
In wind farms with several windmills, the output of windmills on the leeward is occasionally reduced
by those located on the windward. We therefore constructed a calculating model for output based on the
wind direction and wind speed using another fuzzy inference.
Figures 1 and 2 show the results of predictions calculated using the proposed method. The results show
the effectiveness of the proposed method, because almost all of actual output are within the estimated
confidence interval.
COE Research Fellows
Wind speed(m/sec)
Actual wind
Forecasting wind
Figure 1
Wind speed predictions and confidence
interval (predictions at one hour ahead)
Actual data
Forecastign data
Figure 2
Output predictions and confidence interval
(predictions at one hour ahead)
Wind power(kWh)
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Methods for Wind Power
Generation Prediction and Confidence
interval Estimation
Time (hour)
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Doctoral course first grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Team Fellow
: Takeaki KARIYA (Modeling )
Koji INUI (Mathematical Analysis), Yoshiro YAMAMURA (Simulation)
Research Description
: Market Analysis using market microstructures
Research Outline
The aims of the study were to analyze investment actions related to pricing and trading methods in
the Japanese stockmarket and other exchange transactions based on the results of market microstructure
research, which has been gradually growing in recent years; investigate and present factors enhancing
market polarity and systematic problems; and explore and verify investment opportunities in the
stockmarket while taking into account elements related to behavioral finance. My work experience in
the stockmarket was used for the study as necessary.
Numerous fundamental investment opportunities were identified by applying knowledge obtained
through my practical business experience, and the ideal price assessment methods of such investment
opportunities were examined. Investment opportunities have been visualized based on these market
data, using statistical software and calculation methods. High frequency market data (tick data) were
usually used to verify analyses on current high frequencies (high frequency trades), algorithmic trading
(automated trading), and various basket trades.
Existing studies and the reports of sell-side brokers were reviewed. If I am able to discover trading
opportunities that would have been impossible to discover myself, I hope to expand them further by
combining my own experience.
The main methods include statistical data analysis and simulations based on stochastic models to
clarify the relation between past stock price changes and trading systems and rules of the stock
exchanges. Prior to these validation analyses, I have reviewed studies on asset price theories and the
market microstructure, and am currently selecting candidate models for analysis.
The objective, method, and anticipated results of this study differ significantly from those of
conventional studies assuming efficient markets because ideas obtained from personal work experience
are used. Well aware that the new approach entails the risks of failing to obtain the expected results, I
will give priority to analysis focusing on trading opportunities, which is believed to be particularly
important based on practical experience. To obtain results that can be practically applied, efforts to
consistently produce universal and systematic results must be made.
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Market Analysis of
Market Microstructures
using Self-Organization Mechanisms of
Reaction-Diffusion System
Position Title,Affiliated Department :Doctoral course first grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Team Fellow
:Daishin UEYAMA(Simulation), Masayasu MIMURA(Mathematical
Analysis), Toshiyuki NAKAGAKI (Modeling)
Research Description
:Development of new application model inspired by pattern formation
process of living organisms
Research Outline
We developed a new mesh generation method applying the characteristics of spontaneous pattern
formation in reaction-diffusion systems. With the Gray-Scott (GS) model, a type of reaction-diffusion
system, equally-spaced spot patterns are formed according to the shape of the calculated region. If
spatially non-uniform diffusion coefficients are used, the space between spots can be continuously
changed. By dividing the analyzed region taking these spots as the nodes, we believe that mesh can be
generated for the finite element method (FEM), which is a numerical solution for partial differential
COE Research Fellows
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Development of Mesh Generation Method
equations. The advantages of this approach are that it can be applied to complex shapes, and that a
standardized program can be used to produce mesh in which the size of elements is controlled in any
coordinate. As new spots are spontaneously created in response to an increase in the calculated region,
this mesh generation method may be adaptable to enlargement and deformation of the analyzed region.
Using the self-organization mechanisms of reaction-diffusion systems, we developed a triangular mesh
generation method for any shapes in the two-dimensional space (Figure 1). The results of the study
were presented in the poster session of the FY2010 annual conference of the Japan Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and received the Best Poster Award[1].
Figure 1 Outline of mesh generation process
[1] 1st Young Researcher Best Poster Award in FY2010, Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Doctoral course first grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Team Fellow
: Hirokazu NINOMIYA (Mathematical Analysis),
Masayasu MIMURA (Modeling), Guo Jong-Sheng (Simulation),
Research Description
: Mathematical characterization of patterns appearing in reaction
diffusion systems
Research Outline
Many physical/chemical phenomena are represented by the partial differential equations. Among
them I am interested in the reaction-diffusion systems, which includes the kinetic dynamics and
diffusion process as follows:
(j =1,…m)
u j ,t  d j u j  f j (u)
This system looks simple, but it is important to study the behavior of solutions. For example, the
dynamics of tissue formation and angiogenesis is also represented by a couple of reaction-diffusion
equations with three components.
To reveal the dynamics of solutions of (RD) we need to study the attractor because all solutions
converge to the attractor. It is difficult to investigate the attractor of the reaction-diffusion system in
general. So we consider the simplest case as the first step. Now we are treating the following
reaction-diffusion equation on R :
ut  uxx  f (u)
which is called Allen-Cahn equation. Here f (u ) is C on an open interval containing [0,1] and
f (0)  f (a)  f (1)  0 , f '(1)  0 , f (0)  0 .
The equation possesses three homogeneous stationary solutions: 0, a, 1. The two equilibriums are
stable, one is unstable under the flow by the ordinary differential equation. The several types of
traveling wave solutions are already known. They belong to the attractor of (AC). Now, we are trying to
construct the new type of the entire solution of this equation. In professor Ninomiya and Morita’s work,
we know the existence of entire solutions with merging two fronts. Here, we show that one of the
dynamic of this entire solution.
In fact, there are other kinds of entire solutions. We expect there are entire solutions with merging
three fronts or four fronts. Through studying the entire solution, we can obtain more information about
the structure of the attractor. As the next step, we will apply this method to the reaction-diffusion
systems. Furthermore, the result can help us to understand the pattern in the reaction-diffusion system
more clearly.
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Asymptotic behavior of solutions
of reaction-diffusion equations
Ai Ling Amy POH
Position Title,Affiliated Department : Doctoral course first grader, Fundamental Science and Technology
Program, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
Team Fellow
(Modeling), Masayasu MIMURA
(Mathematical Analysis), Kokichi SUGIHARA (Simulation)
Research Description
: Information security system of smart grid
Research Outline
Significance of research: A smart grid can help utilities conserve energy, reduce costs, increase reliability and
transparency, and make processes more efficient. The increasing use of IT-based electric power systems, however,
increases cyber security vulnerabilities, which increases cyber security’s importance. This project looks into the
security system of Smart Grid via Smart Planet system, focused on the selection of the model in developing
information security criteria on smart grid. The importance of information security criteria is the main aspect
perceived to impact customer trust towards the entire smart grid system.
Purpose of research: When the information is shared real-time between power generator, distributed resources,
service provider, control center, substation, even to end-users, any changes expose to hacker’s attack would
bring the whole system down to mess. This will dangerously create consumer distrust and dissatisfaction that
may lead to other more destructive phenomenon. This project identified the criteria that could enhance
information security system of a smart grid project and discussed about the impact and significance of each
requirements identified.
Research content: In order to realize the Smart Grid, data are gathered from large numbers of intelligent sensors and
processors installed on the power lines and equipment of the distribution grid. These data collected will be transferred
to central information processing systems which both present the information to operators and use the information to
send back control settings. While information and communication seems to be much more importance compare to
decades ago, the system has to be mightily strong to protect itself against hacker’s attack. This project explains the
importance of information security and the information security’s impact on consumer trust and satisfaction in a mind
mapping portrayed in the figure at the bottom.
Expected achievement: Design to prove that there is a significant positive relationship between the consumer
requirement and functional requirement elements with the help of fuzzy logic value which would serve to
eliminate ambiguity during data insertion and validation. The project takes aim to reveal the significant
information security criteria in a smart grid that would impact consumer’s trust and satisfaction towards the
entire system.
COE Research Fellows
Students of The MIMS Ph.D. Program
Development of criteria for
information security of smart grid system
4.Activity Report
1) Project Based Analysis and Research Cluster Course (Inter Departmental Curriculum
for Doctoral Course)
This curriculum is for the graduate education to learn Mathematical Sciences Based on
Modeling and Analysis with introducing MIMS’ latest research results. Started from
FY2008, this program provides many young researchers as well as doctoral students with
good chance of exposure to cutting-edge researches.
(1) Advanced Study of Mathematical SciencesⅠ“Jamming and Mathematical Sciences”
(in Japanese)
Dates: from August 2 to 5, 2010
Venue:Conference room, 3rd floor, Shikon-kan, Surugadai
Campus, Meiji University
Coordinator:Hirokazu NINOMIYA,GCOE Program Member
August 2
10:30 - 12:00 “渋滞学入門”
Katsuhiro NISHINARI・The University of Tokyo
13:00 - 14:30 “渋滞現象とセルオートマトン”
14:40 - 16:10 “流体力学として捉える車の流れ”
Akihiro SASOH・Nagoya University
16:20 - 17:50 “渋滞と呼ばれる衝撃波”
Akihiro SASOH
August 3
10:30 - 12:00 “OV 模型の基礎-非対称散逸多体系の相転移-”
Yuki SUGIYAMA・Nagoya University
13:00 - 14:30 “OV 模型の応用-様々な現象への適用-”
14:40 - 16:10 “渋滞解析のための数学:中心多様体と分岐理論 1”
Hirokazu NINOMIYA・Meiji University
16:20 - 17:50 “渋滞解析のための数学:中心多様体と分岐理論 2”
August 4
10:30 - 12:00 “交通流・経済現象・気候変動にみる渋滞の起源”
Masako BANDO・NPO Chiteki Jinzai Networks Einstein
13:00 - 14:30 “インターネットにみられるパケット渋滞の数理”
Misako TAKAYASU・Tokyo Institute of Technology
14:40 - 16:10 “物流の渋滞”
Daisuke WATANABE ・ Tokyo University of Marine Science and
16:20 - 17:50 “公共交通のダンゴ運転と渋滞”
Akiyasu TOMOEDA・Meiji University
August 5
10:30 - 12:00 “粉体流の渋滞とパターン形成”
Akio NAKAHARA・Nihon University
13:00 - 14:30 “‘生物の群れ・ロボットの群れ’と渋滞”
Ken SUGAWARA・Tohoku Gakuin University
14:40 - 16:10 “生体内部での輸送現象-生物は渋滞も利用する!?-”
Takayuki ARIGA・The University of Tokyo
16:20 - 17:50 “情報手段を持つバクテリア集団の巧みなコロニー形成”
Masayasu MIMURA・Meiji University
(2) Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences Ⅱ“Illusions and Mathematical Sciences”
(in Japanese)
Dates: from December 6 to 9, 2010
Venue:Conference room, 3rd floor, Shikon-kan, Surugadai
Campus, Meiji University
Coordinator:Kokichi SUGIHARA,GCOE Program Member
December 6
10:30 - 12:00 “錯覚からみたエッシャー芸術の数理”
Kokichi SUGIHARA・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:30 “ビジュアリゼーションにおける錯視の役割と効果Ⅰ”
Shigeo TAKAHASHI・The University of Tokyo
14:40 - 16:10 “ビジュアリゼーションにおける錯視の役割と効果Ⅱ”
16:20 - 17:50 “コミュニケーションにおいて錯覚は悪いことなのだろうか”
Hiroshi HARASHIMA ・ Professor Emeritus at the University of
December 7
10:30 - 12:00 “動きの錯覚をもたらす脳の仕組みⅠ”
Tatsuto TAKEUCHI・NTT Communication Science Laboratories
13:00 - 14:30 “動きの錯覚をもたらす脳の仕組みⅡ”
14:40 - 16:10 “数学でせまる錯視の謎Ⅰ”
Hitoshi ARAI・The University of Tokyo
16:20 - 17:50 “数学でせまる錯視の謎Ⅱ”
Hitoshi ARAI
December 8
10:30 - 12:00 “金融における錯覚の研究~行動ファイナンスとその周辺Ⅰ”
Akihiko OHBA・Quantitative Research Center, Nomura Securities
Co. Ltd.
13:00 - 14:30 “金融における錯覚の研究~行動ファイナンスとその周辺Ⅱ”
Akihiko OHBA
14:40 - 16:10 “錯触の数理 - 触覚の錯覚 - Ⅰ”
Takaaki NARA・The University of Electro-Communications
16:20 - 17:50 “錯触の数理 - 触覚の錯覚 - Ⅱ”
Takaaki NARA
December 9
10:30 - 12:00 “不可能モーションの数理”
Kokichi SUGIHARA・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:30 “錯視と3次元知覚”
Masanori IDESAWA ・ Professor Emeritus at the University of
14:40 - 16:10 “錯視と錯覚のメカニズム”
Masanori IDESAWA
(3) Advanced Mathematical Sciences I “Patterns, Waves and Motion in Biological Systems”
Dates: from September 14 to 17, 2010
Venue:Conference room, 3rd floor, Shikon-kan, Surugadai
Campus, Meiji University
Coordinator:Masayasu MIMURA,GCOE Program Leader
September 14
10:00 - 11:30 “The biological problem of pattern formation”
Philip K. MAINI・University of Oxford, U.K.
13:00 - 14:30 “Applications to biology of Turing's Model”
Philip K. MAINI
14:40 - 16:10 “Population dynamics applied to social models”
Mario PRIMICERIO・University degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
16:20 - 17:50 “Modeling lung branching morphogenesis”
Takashi MIURA・Kyoto University
September 15
10:00 - 11:30 “Waves from reaction-diffusion equations”
Philip K. MAINI
13:00 - 14:30 “Models and problems in blood coagulation”
Miguel HERRERO・Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
14:40 - 16:10 “Collective behavior of micro-organisms induced by phototaxis”
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU・Hiroshima University
September 16
10:00 - 11:30 “Modeling cancer”
Philip K. MAINI
13:00 - 14:30 “Mathematical models for invasion processes”
14:40 - 16:10 “Mathematical models and pattern formation in chemotaxis”
Hyung Ju HWANG・Pohang University of Science and Technology,
16:20 - 17:50 “Fractal analysis of electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram
Sy-Sang LIAW・National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
September 17
10:00 - 11:30 “Locomotion of animals”
Ryo KOBAYASHI・Hiroshima University
13:00 - 14:30 “An equation of motion for cell-based morphogenesis”
Hisao HONDA・Hyogo University
14:40 - 16:10 “Self-organization in biological systems”
Masayasu MIMURA・Meiji University
(4) Advanced Mathematical Sciences Ⅱ
“Industrial Mathematics: A course in solving real world problems”
Dates: from October 25 to 28, 2010
Venue: Conference room, 4th floor, Shikon-kan, Surugadai
Campus, Meiji University
Coordinator:Masayasu MIMURA,GCOE Program Leader
October 25
10:30 - 12:00 “Semiconductor manufacturing”
Avner FRIEDMAN・The Ohio State University, USA
13:00 - 14:30 “Ethology of an amoeba -Physiology and mathematical modeling-”
Toshiyuki NAKAGAKI・Future University Hakodate
14:40 - 16:10 “Spatio-temporal pattern of fluid and its application to construct a
hierarchic structure”
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU・Meiji University
16:20 - 17:50 “Mathematical Modeling toward Alleviating Traffic Jam”
Akiyasu TOMOEDA・Meiji University
October 26
10:30 - 12:00 “Composite materials in industry”
13:00 - 14:30 “Collaboration between clinical medicine and mathematical sciences
―Vortex dynamics related to thoracic aortic aneurysms―”
Hiroshi SUITO・Okayama University
14:40 - 16:10 “Inverse Problems and Applications”
Jaime H. ORTEGA・Universidad de Chile, Chile
October 27
10:30 - 12:00 “Aerosol dynamics in industry”
13:00 - 14:30 “The electrophotographic system”
14:40 - 16:10 “Some applications of Image Processing to digital images”
16:20 - 17:50 “On Powder and Granular Materials for Industrial Application”
Chiyori URABE・Meiji University
October 28
10:30 - 12:00 “An alternative way of financing business firms”
Hideki TAKAYASU・Meiji University / Sony Computer Science
Laboratories, Inc.
13:00 - 14:30 “Quenching Problem Arising in Micro-electro Mechanical Systems”
Jong-Shenq GUO・National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
14:40 - 16:10 “Industrial Mathematics and Related Topics”
Masayasu MIMURA・Meiji University
2) Workshops and Symposiums
We organize or co-organize such as research meetings, seminars and
“Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis”, a new
research field, and promote our international research activities.
(1) GCOE Lecture series
i) “‘経済物理学’—基礎から最先端の話題まで—”
Dates:June 14, 28, July 12, 26, 2010
Venue:Room0601, 6th floor, Central Building, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
Lecturer : Hideki TAKAYASU ・ Visiting Professor, Meiji University / Senior
Researcher, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
June 14, 16:20-17:50
June 28, 16:20-17:50
July 12, 16:20-17:50
July 26, 16:20-17:50
ii) “Traveling wave front for a lattice dynamical system in 2-species
monostable competition systems”
Dates:January 24-25, 2011
Venue:RoomA401, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji
Lecturer:Jong-Shenq GUO・Visiting Professor, Meiji University /
Professor, Tamkang University, Taiwan
January 24
10:30-12:00 “Existence of traveling wavefront”
14:40-16:10 “Characterization of the minimal wave speed”
January 25
10:30-12:00 “Asymptotic behavior of wave profile”
14:40-16:10 “Monotonicity and uniqueness of wave profile”
iii) “シミュレーションと科学”
Dates:February 18, March 4, 2011
Venue:RoomA207, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus,
Meiji University
Lecturer:Kan-ya KUSANO・Visiting Professor, Meiji University
Nagoya University
February 18
13:30-15:00 “シミュレーションは科学に何をしたか”
15:10-16:40 “マルチスケール・シミュレーション:プラズマから雲まで”
March 4
13:30-15:00 “宇宙科学とシミュレーション”
15:10-16:40 “シミュレーションによる未来予測について”
(2)GCOE Colloquium
i) GCOE Colloquium (No. 010)
Date:April 15, 2010
Venue:RoomA207, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
Lecturer:Kazuyuki AIHARA・The University of Tokyo
ii) GCOE Colloquium (No. 011)
Date:May 21, 2010
Venue:RoomA207, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji
“気泡の不思議さ ―数値シミュレーションからの解明―”
Lecturer:Masahisa TABATA・Waseda University
iii) GCOE Colloquium (No. 012)
Date:July 23, 2010
Venue:RoomA401, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
Lecturer:Norio KONNO・Yokohama National University
iv) GCOE Colloquium (No. 013)
Date:November 29, 2010
Venue:RoomA306, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
“バランス制御から集団追跡と逃避: ‘ゆらぎ’と‘遅れ’の織りなす数理と現象”
Lecturer:Toru OHIRA・Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
v) GCOE Colloquium (No. 014)
Date:December 10, 2010
Venue:RoomA306, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
“1 あるデータ変数が他の何れのデータ変数から生成されたかを知るには?
Lecturer:Takashi WASHIO・Osaka University
“2 定常な過程と非定常な過程から作られた部分にデータを分けるには?
Lecturer:Satoshi HARA・Osaka University
vi) GCOE Colloquium (No. 015) 〈Cancelled due to the Great East Japan Earthquake〉
Date:March 24, 2011
Venue:RoomA306, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
“Single Phytoplankton Species Growth with Light and Advection in a Water
―Joint work with Yuan Lou ―
Lecturer:Sze-Bi HSU・National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
(3) 非線形時系列に対する現象数理学の発展シンポジウム
Eventologist: Yasunori OKABE,GCOE Program Member
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,MIMS Research Fellow
i) 6th “複雑系現象の時系列解析 6” −経済・数論・物理現象−
Dates:May 20-21, 2010
Venue : Conference room 10, 3rd floor, Research Building,
Surugadai Campus, Meiji University
May 20
10:00 - 11:30 “板情報に着目した市場モデル:進化ゲーム理論”
Mitsuru KIKKAWA・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:30 “リーマンのゼータ関数と KM2O- ランジュヴァン方程式論(2)”
Yasunori OKABE・Meiji University
15:00 - 16:30 “非線形時系列解析とイベント駆動システム”
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA・Meiji University
・ Panelists : Yuji NAKANO ・ Shiga University , Masaya MATSUURA ・ Ehime
May 21
10:00 - 11:30 “KM2O- ランジュヴァン方程式論における時系列解析と SSA,CG 法”
Masaya MATSUURA・Ehime University
13:00 - 14:30 “黒点・太陽風・地磁気・オーロラ・地震の時系列の構造抽出(5)”
Yasunori OKABE・Meiji University
15:00 - 16:30 “岡部理論による時系列の構造抽出と高速フーリエ変換(4)”
Yoshihiro SHIKATA・Meijo University
・ Panelists : Kazuyuki NAKAMURA ・ Meiji University , Yuji NAKANO ・ Shiga
ii) 7th “複雑系現象の時系列解析 7” −経済・物理現象−
Dates:July 29-30, 2010
Venue:Conference room 3, 8th floor, University Hall, Surugadai Campus, Meiji
July 29
10:00 - 11:30 “大規模イベント駆動システムのデータ同化”
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:30 “商品の販売データに潜むダイナミクス変化の可視化(2)”
Tetsuji HIDAKA・Meiji University
15:00 - 16:30 “数値解析法と KM2O- ランジュヴァン方程式論”
Masaya MATSUURA・Ehime University
・ Panelists:Yuji NAKANO・Shiga University,Yasunori OKABE・Meiji University
July 30
10:00 - 11:30 “構造変化を持つ時系列モデルに対する情報量規準”
Yoshiyuki NINOMIYA・Kyushu University
13:00 - 14:30 “黒点・太陽風・地磁気・オーロラ・地震の時系列の構造抽出(6)”
Yasunori OKABE・Meiji University
15:00 - 16:30 “岡部理論による時系列の構造抽出と高速フーリエ変換(5)”
Yoshihiro SHIKATA・Meijo University
・ Panelists : Kazuyuki NAKAMURA ・ Meiji University , Yuji NAKANO ・ Shiga
iii) 8th“複雑系現象の時系列解析 8” -物理・数論・経済現象-
Dates:September 30, October 1, 2010
Venue:Conference room A5, 2nd floor, Academy Common, Surugadai Campus,
Meiji University
September 30
10:00 - 11:30 “反応拡散方程式へのデータ使用に向けて”
Kota IKEDA・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:30 “T-正値性を持つ定常過程に付随するハミルトニアンとその応用”
Yasunori OKABE・Meiji University
15:00 - 16:30 “カウントデータに対する階層構造をもつ多変量時系列モデル”
Nobuhiko TERUI・Tohoku University
・ Panelists : Yuji NAKANO ・ Shiga University , Kazuyuki NAKAMURA ・ Meiji
October 1
10:00 - 11:30 “大規模・高頻度時系列に対する SSA 解析”
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:30 “黒点・太陽風・地磁気・オーロラ・地震の時系列の構造抽出(7)”
Yasunori OKABE・Meiji University
15:00 - 16:30 “岡部理論による時系列の構造抽出と高速フーリエ変換(6)”
Yoshihiro SHIKATA・Meijo University
・Panelists:Yuji NAKANO・Shiga University,Tetsuji HIDAKA・Meiji University
iv) 9th“複雑系現象の時系列解析 9” -数論・工学・医学・物理現象-
Date:November 25, 2010
Venue:Conference room, 3rd floor, University Hall, Surugadai Campus, Meiji
November 25
10:00 - 11:00 “T-正値性を持つ定常過程に付随するハミルトニアンとリーマン予想”
Yasunori OKABE・Meiji University
11:15 - 12:15 “工学におけるデータ同化とその応用”
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA・Meiji University
13:30 - 14:30 “脈波の時系列の構造抽出”
Kentaro MATSUMOTO・The University of Tokyo,
Yasunori OKABE・Meiji University
14:45 - 15:45 “岡部理論による時系列の構造抽出と高速フーリエ変換(7)”
Yoshihiro SHIKATA・Meijo University
v) 10th “複雑系現象の時系列解析 10” -数理・経済・地球物理現象-
Dates:January 27, 28, 2011
Venue:Conference room, 3rd floor, University Hall, Surugadai Campus, Meiji
January 27
10:30 - 11:30 “正規定常過程に付随する時間遅れのある2階楕円型偏微分方程式”
Yasunori OKABE・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:00 “‘複雑系現象の時系列に潜む変化構造の可視化’理論とシミュレーション”
Tetsuji HIDAKA・Meiji University
14:30 - 15:30 “‘複雑系現象の時系列に潜む変化構造の可視化’実証分析:マーケティング”
Tetsuji HIDAKA・Meiji University
January 28
10:30 - 11:30 “‘複雑系現象の時系列に潜む変化構造の可視化’実証分析:オーロラ,地震と
Yasunori OKABE・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:00 “火山性非線形微動の相図と弛張発振”
Minoru TAKEO・The University of Tokyo
14:30 - 15:30 “岡部理論による時系列の構造抽出と高速フーリエ変換(8)”
Yoshihiro SHIKATA・Meijo University
vi) 11st “複雑系現象の時系列解析 11” -数理・地球物理現象-
〈Cancelled due to the Great East Japan Earthquake〉
Date:March 18, 2011
Venue:Conference room A4, 2nd floor, Academy Common, Surugadai Campus,
Meiji University
March 18
10:00 - 11:00 “数値解析法と KM2O-ランジュヴァン方程式論(2)”
Masaya MATSUURA・Ehime University
13:00 - 14:00 “非線形 SSA 解析の応用について”
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA・Meiji University
14:30 - 15:30 “‘時系列の周期変動の同定と変化構造解析’
Tetsuji HIDAKA・Meiji University
15:30 - 16:30 “岡部理論による時系列の構造抽出と高速フーリエ変換(9)”
Yoshihiro SHIKATA・Meijo University
i) 4th 現象数理若手シンポジウム “パターン・ウェーブ”
Dates:April 23,24, 2010
Venue : Room 0610, 6th floor, Central Building, Ikuta
Campus, Meiji University
Coordinator:Kota IKEDA・Meiji University
April 23
13:00 - 15:00 “特異的領域変形と PDEs”
Shuichi JIMBO・Hokkaido University
15:30 - 17:30 “ブロック共重合体の相分離現象における平均場モデル”
Yoshihito OSHITA・Okayama University
April 24
10:00 - 12:00 “反応拡散系における伝播のパターン・ダイナミクス
― 空間1次元系の普遍的な数理構造について”
Hiroki YAGISHITA・Kyoto Sangyou University
13:30 - 15:15 “ある反応拡散系に現れるパターン形成問題”
Kota IKEDA・Meiji University
ii) 5th 現象数理若手シンポジウム “人類進化への数理的アプローチ”
Dates:June 29, 30, 2010
Venue:Room 0610, 6th floor, Central Building, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
Coordinator : Wataru NAKAHASHI ・ Meiji University, Postdoctoral Fellow in
Meiji University GCOE Program
June 29
13:00 - 14:15 “確率過程としての文化進化の速度”
Ken-ichi AOKI・The University of Tokyo
14:30 - 15:45 “ネットワーク上の侵入ダイナミクスと固定確率”
Naoki MASUDA・The University of Tokyo
16:00 - 17:15 “区別的社会性の進化”
Yasuo IHARA・The University of Tokyo
June 30
10:30 - 11:45 “生態的公共財ゲームにおける協力行動の進化”
Joe Yuichiro WAKANO・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:15 “人の心理メカニズムに関する進化シミュレーション”
Mayuko NAKAMURA・Tokyo Institute of Technology
14:30 - 15:45 “学習能力の進化と人類史”
Wataru NAKAHASHI・Meiji University GCOE PD
iii) 6th 現象数理若手シンポジウム “現象数理学と数理社会学の対話”
Dates:July 27, 28, 2010
Venue : Room A401, 4th floor, Building2 Annex A, Ikuta
Campus, Meiji University
Coordinator:Shiro HORIUCHI・Meiji University, Postdoctoral
Fellow in Meiji University GCOE Program
July 27
13:00 -
Opening Address and Explanation of the purpose
of the symposium
14:00 - 15:00 “打算抜きの道徳のシミュレーション”
Yutaka NAKAI・Shibaura Institute of Technology
15:20 - 16:20 “社会学における集合論の利用:質的比較分析を中心に”
Atsushi ISHIDA・Kwansei Gakuin University
16:40 - 17:40 “社会的格差生成・維持の数理メカニズム”
Hiroki TAKIKAWA ・ The Graduate University for Advanced
July 28
9:40 - 10:40 “集団の垣根を越えた社会”
Shiro HORIUCHI・Meiji University
11:00 - 12:00 “再分配における自由・平等・効率の関係:ゲーム理論的分析”
Masayoshi MUTOH・Shibaura Institute of Technology
13:00 - 14:00 “弱い集団選択によるサンクションの進化”
Hirokuni OOURA・Teikyo University
iv) 7th 現象数理若手シンポジウム “細胞・腫瘍の数理 ―モデル・解析・シミュレーション―”
Dates: November 5, 6, 2010
Venue:Room 0610, 6th floor, Central Building, Ikuta Campus,
Meiji University
Coordinator:Tohru WAKASA・Meiji University, Postdoctoral
Fellow in Meiji University GCOE Program
November 5
15:00 - 16:00 “Chaplain-Anderson 方程式と近年の研究動向”
Akisato KUBO・Fujita Health University
16:15 - 17:15 “仮似変分不等式論を用いた Chaplain-Anderson 型癌浸潤モデルの可解性
Risei KANO・Kinki University
17:30 - 18:30 “Finite volume schemes to PDE models for chemotaxis”
Norikazu SAITO・The University of Tokyo
November 6
10:00 - 11:00 “接触抑制効果を伴う細胞集団の数理モデル”
Tohru WAKASA・Meiji University
11:15 - 12:15 “悪性腫瘍の浸潤に関連するモデルの進行波解析”
Hiroki HOSHINO・Fujita Health University
13:30 - 14:30 “発生における形態形成のモデル化とその実験的検証”
Takashi MIURA・Kyoto University
14:45 - 15:45 “マウス胚の左右軸形成過程を数理の目で見る”
Etsushi NAKAGUCHI・Tokyo Medical and Dental University
v) 8th 現象数理若手シンポジウム
“航空機の数理 ―流体モデルと数値解析―”
Dates:January 12, 13, 2011
Venue:Room A402, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji
Coordinator:Hirofumi NOTSU・Meiji University, Postdoctoral
Fellow in Meiji University GCOE Program
January 12
13:00 - 14:00 “航空機の設計と数理モデル”
Shigeru OBAYASHI・Tohoku University
14:15 - 15:15 “航空宇宙 CFD における数値流束関数の研究と宇宙機空力解析”
Keiichi KITAGAWA・Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
15:30 - 16:30 “流れ問題の有限要素計算と誤差評価”
Daisuke TAGAMI・Kyushu University
16:45 - 17:45 “心臓の血流シミュレーションについて”
Takumi WASHIO・The University of Tokyo
January 13
10:00 - 11:00 “空力音響シミュレーション技術の基礎と応用について”
Tomoaki IKEDA・Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
11:15 - 12:15 “特性曲線理論に基づく衝撃波可視化手法”
Masashi KANAMORI・The University of Tokyo
13:30 - 14:30 “流体構造連成問題は面白い”
Tomohiro SAWADA・Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
14:45 - 15:45 “高品質特性曲線有限要素法の開発”
Hirofumi NOTSU・Meiji University
vi) 9th 現象数理若手シンポジウム “セルオートマトンは現象数理学の武器となりうるか?”
Dates:February 22, 23, 2011
Venue:Room A207, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji
Coordinator : Akiyasu
Postdoctoral Fellow in Meiji University GCOE Program
February 22
10:00- 10:15
Opening Address and Explanation of the
purpose of the symposium
10:20 - 11:30 “粒状体のダイナミクスとモデリング”
Toshihiko KOMATSUZAKI・Kanazawa University
13:00 - 14:00 “0と1をつなぐ数学”
Daisuke TAKAHASHI・Waseda University
14:25 - 15:35 “セルオートマトンとトロピカル幾何学”
Atsushi NOBE・Chiba University
15:50 - 17:00 “数理モデルの離散化とセル・オートマトン”
Ralph WILLOX・The University of Tokyo
February 23
10:20 - 11:30 “渋滞現象とセルオートマトンモデリング”
Akiyasu TOMOEDA・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:10 “ASEP:解ける確率的セルオートマトン”
Tomohiro SASAMOTO・Chiba University
14:25 - 15:35 “界面成長モデルの揺らぎとASEP”
Tomohiro SASAMOTO・Chiba University
15:50 - 17:00 “セルオートマトンの機械工学への応用”
Toshihiko SHIRAISHI・Yokohama National University
i) 1st 現象数理若手ミニシンポジウム “進化による安定共存と反応拡散系の形態形成”
Date:August 20, 2010
Venue:Room 0610, 6th floor, Central Building, Ikuta Campus,
Meiji University
Coordinator : Jian ZU ・ Meiji University Ph. D. Student,
Makoto TOMA ・ Meiji University Ph. D. Student/ St.
Andrew's University
10:00 - 11:00 “免疫細胞の個体群ダイナミクスと表現系変化に対する
Shinji NAKAOKA・The University of Tokyo
11:15 - 12:15 “進化的分岐と捕食者の安定的共存”
Jian ZU・Meiji University Ph. D. Student
13:10 - 14:00 “競合個体群の動的螺旋状共存状態”
Makoto TOMA・Meiji University Ph. D. Student/ St. Andrew's
14:10 - 15:00 “反応拡散系に現れるカオスパルス波”
Masaaki YADOME・Hokkaido University
ii) 2nd 現象数理若手ミニシンポジウム “マーケティングと現象数理学”
Date:October 8, 2010
Venue : 4th Conference room, 8th floor, University Hall,
Surugadai Campus, Meiji University
Coordinator : Tetsuji HIDAKA ・ Meiji University Ph. D.
Student/ HAKUHODO Inc.
13:00 - 14:00 “POS データに潜む販売ダイナミクス変化の可視化”
Tetsuji HIDAKA ・ Meiji University Ph. D.
Student/ HAKUHODO Inc.
14:15 - 15:15 “状態空間モデルによる消費者行動のダイナミクスの理解”
Tadahiko SATO・University of Tsukuba
iii) 3rd 現象数理若手ミニシンポジウム “ファイナンスと現象数理学”
Date: November 22, 2010
Venue : 4th Conference room, 8th floor, University Hall,
Surugadai Campus, Meiji University
Coordinator : Mitsuru KIKKAWA ・ Meiji University Ph. D.
10:30 - 11:30 “板情報に着目した市場モデル:進化ゲーム理論”
Mitsuru KIKKAWA・Meiji University
13:00 - 14:00 “取引スピードと流動性:東証アローヘッドのケース”
Jun UNO・Waseda University
14:15 - 15:15 “東京証券取引所の現物市場における売買制度の特性に関する研究”
Masabumi FURUHATA・Japan Advanced Institute of Science and
15:30 - 16:30 “倒産確率の期間構造と回収率を導出するための社債価格付けモデルとその
Takeaki KARIYA・Meiji University, GCOE Research Promoter
16:45 - 17:45 “情報の非対称性と意思決定における上司と部下の性格の違いによる企業の
Sonoko HATCHOJI・Meiji University
(6) MAS Seminar
(Mathematical Sciences based on Modeling, Analysis and
Simulation Seminar)
Masayasu MIMURA・GCOE Program Leader
Daishin UEYAMA・GCOE Program Member
Joe Yuichiro WAKANO・GCOE Program Member
Kota IKEDA・Lecturer, Meiji University
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA・Super-Postdoctral Fellow in Meiji
University GCOE Program
Venue : Room A207, 2nd floor, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji
i) 21st MAS Seminar
Date:April 13, 2010
“Characteristics finite element schemes for flow problems”
Hirofumi NOTSU・Meiji University,Postdoctoral Fellow in Meiji University
GCOE Program
ii) 22nd MAS Seminar
Date:April 27, 2010
“The limit theorems for a time-dependent discrete-time quantum walk on the line”
Takuya MACHIDA・Research Promoter, Meiji University
iii) 23rd MAS Seminar
Date:May 13, 2010
“Pattern formation in autocatalytic proliferation systems”
Kenta ODAGIRI・Ochanomizu University
iv) 24th MAS Seminar
Date:May 27, 2010
“Noise Inhomogeneity within Biological Modeling”
Yoshihiko HASEGAWA・The University of Tokyo
v) 25th MAS Seminar
Date:June 10, 2010
“Issues on coupled oscillator networks: feedback engineering of synchronization
and dependence of temporal precision on network structure”
Hiroshi KORI・Ochanomizu University
vi) 26th MAS Seminar
Date:June 24, 2010
“Mathematical models in biosignals”
Hiroki TAKADA・University of Fukui
vii) 27th MAS Seminar
Date:July 8, 2010
“Strategies for Chemotaxis of Amoeboid Cells”
Shin-ichiro NISHIMURA・Hiroshima University
viii) 28th MAS Seminar
Date:July 22, 2010
“The generalized t-distribution on the circle”
Hai-Yen SIEW・Meiji University,Postdoctoral Fellow in Meiji University
GCOE Program
ix) 29th MAS Seminar
Date:September 27, 2010
“Turing patterns in network-organized activator-inhibitor systems”
Hiroya NAKAO・Kyoto University
x) 30th MAS Seminar
Date:October 14, 2010
“Fluctuation theorem applied to bio-motors”
Kumiko HAYASHI・Osaka University
xi) 31st MAS Seminar
Date: November 15(16:20-17:20), 2010
“Molecular number smallness induced slow nonstationary fluctuations in
catalytic reaction networks”
Akinori AWAZU・Hiroshima University
xii) 32nd MAS Seminar
Date: November 15(17:30-18:30), 2010
“Statistics of collective human behaviors observed in blog entries”
Yukie SANO・Nihon University
xiii) 33rd MAS Seminar
Date:December 2, 2010
“Design of optimal entrainment of a weakly forced oscillator”
Hisaaki TANAKA・The University of Electro-Communications
xiv) 34th MAS Seminar
Date:December 20, 2010
“Amoeba-based Neurocomputing: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics for Overall Optimization in
Resource Allocation and Decision Making”
xv) 35th MAS Seminar
Date:January 26, 2011
“Different Contexts in Teaching Mathematical Modeling and Applications to
Engineering Students: Students’ Attitudes and Difficulties”
Sergiy KLYMCHUK・ Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
xvi) 36th MAS Seminar
Date:January 26, 2011
“A nonlinear parabolic-hyperbolic PDE model for contact inhibition of cell-growth”
Danielle HILHORST・CNRS and University Paris-Sud11, France
xvii) 37th MAS Seminar
Date:February 10, 2011
“Numerical studies of droplet impacting and splashing”
Kensuke YOKOI・Cardiff University, UK
xviii) 38th MAS Seminar
Date:February 24, 2011
“A Markov process for circular data”
Shogo KATO・The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
(7)MEE Seminar
(Mathematical Ecology & Evolution Seminar)
Organizer:Joe Yuichiro WAKANO・GCOE Program Member
Wataru NAKAHASHI・Postdoctoral Fellow in Meiji University GCOE Program
Venue:Room A207, 2nd floor, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta
Campus, Meiji University
i) 19th MEE Seminar
Date:May 11, 2010
“Modeling dynamics of plant RNA viral population in a host
Shuhei MIYASHITA・The University of Tokyo
ii) 20th MEE Seminar
Date:May 18, 2010
“Mathematical model of bone remodeling based on antagonistic adaptability”
Masahiro YAMAGUCHI・the first year of the doctoral course of Graduate
School of Science and Technology, Meiji University
iii) 21st MEE Seminar
Date:May 25, 2010
“Theoretical prediction of optimal intracellular kinetics for information extraction
from noisy environmental signal”
Tetsuya KOBAYASHI・The University of Tokyo
iv) 22nd MEE Seminar
Date:June 1, 2010
“The Optimal Control of Growth Process under Environmental Stochasticity”
Ryo OIZUMI・Hokkaido University
v) 23rd MEE Seminar
Date:June 8, 2010
“Generating Functional Analysis on Asymmetric Random Replicators”
Yoshimi YOSHINO・The University of Tokyo
vi) 24th MEE Seminar
Date:June 15, 2010
“A mathematical model of Liesegang type precipitation and its simulations”
Daishin UEYAMA・Meiji University,GCOE Program Member
vii) 25th MEE Seminar
Date:June 22, 2010
“Cooperation and cheating in an asexual ant society”
Shigeto DOBATA・University of the Ryukyus
viii) 26th MEE Seminar
Date:September 21, 2010
“Group selection and group adaptation”
Andy GARDNER・University of Oxford, UK
ix) 27th MEE Seminar
Date:February 8, 2011
“Photophysiological responses and the structure are the key to the success of lush
vegetation in Antarctic lakes”
Yukiko TANABE・National Institute of Polar Research
x) 28th MEE Seminar / GCOE colloquium Joint Hosting 〈Cancelled due to the Great
East Japan Earthquake〉
Date:March 24, 2011
“Single Phytoplankton Species Growth with Light and Advection in A Water Column
― Joint work with Yuan Lou ―”
Sze-Bi HSU・National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Date:October 16, 2010 14:00-15:00
Venue : Room A207, 2nd floor, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji
Tetsuya ASAI・Hokkaido University
※ GCOE Project for Young Researchers(Research Representative:
Hirofumi NOTSU)
i) 3rd 錯覚ワークショップ −横断的錯覚科学をめざして−
Date:September 13, 2010
Venue:Conference room, 3rd floor, Shikon-kan, Surugadai
Campus, Meiji University
Host:Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical
10:00 - 11:00 “錯覚コンテスト世界大会参戦報告”
Kokichi SUGIHARA・Meiji University
11:00 - 12:00 “主観色錯視による色覚メカニズムの研究”
Haruaki HUKUDA・The University of Tokyo
13:00 - 14:00 “パラドックスと錯覚”
Hiro ITO・Kyoto University
14:00 - 15:00 “消失錯視と知覚的フィリングイン”
Yukyu ARARAGI・Ritsumeikan University
15:20 - 16:20 “錯覚とアニメツーリズム”
Masataka YOSHIDA・TohokuUniversity of Art & Design
16:30 - 17:30 “錯覚とディジタルエステ”
Kaoru ARAKAWA・Meiji University
ii) 4th 錯覚ワークショップ ~CREST”計算錯覚学の構築”キックオフワークショップ
〈Cancelled due to the Great East Japan Earthquake〉
Dates:March14,15, 2011
Venue:Room 309B, 9th floor Academy Common, Surugadai Campus, Meiji University
H o s t :MIMS (Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences),
JST “Collaboration Research Center for Visual illusion and Mathematical
CREST “Computational Illusion-Mathematical Modeling of Optical Illusion and
Its Applications”
Co-host: Meiji
Mathematical Sciences Based on Modeling and Analysis”
March 14
10:10 - 11:00 “視覚復号型暗号 ― 画像が見える暗号”
Yasushi YAMAGUCHI・The University of Tokyo
11:10 - 12:00 “サグ部の自然渋滞緩和に向けて~錯覚現象とその緩和策~”
Akiyasu TOMOEDA・Meiji University
13:30 - 14:20 “視覚と錯視の科学における数学的方法
― 数学,知覚心理学,脳科学の協働を目指して ―”
Hitoshi ARAI・The University of Tokyo
14:30 - 15:20 “計算可能な錯視の探索的検討”
Akiyoshi KITAOKA・Ritsumeikan University
15:40 - 16:30 “視覚神経科学と錯視”
Ichiro FUJITA・Osaka University
13:30 - 14:20 “数理モデリングとそのアート,ファッションへの応用”
Kazuyuki AIHARA・The University of Tokyo
March 15
10:00 - 10:50 “画像知覚のひずみと誇大広告の罠”
Kokichi SUGIHARA・Meiji University
11:00 - 11:50 “写真空間の知覚的性質:写真はどこまで真を写しているか?”
Takao MATSUDA・Ritsumeikan University
13:30 - 14:20 “錯覚は聴覚コンテンツ・味覚コンテンツに応用できるか?”
Homei MIYASHITA・Meiji University
14:30 - 15:20 “経済行動における意思決定に与える認知バイアスと知識の影響につい
Kazuhiro UEDA・The University of Tokyo
15:30 - 16:20 “ホームセンターの最適棚配置問題
― 商品の陳列方法によって売り上げは変わるか”
Atsuo SUZUKI・Nanzan University
(10) “ようこそ!現象数理学の世界へ” Gallery ZERO
- 生物の模様から人の社会活動まで -”
Dates:from November 13 to 28, 2010
Venue:Meiji UniversityIkuta Library Gallery ZERO
(11)MIMS Ph.D.プログラム“博士学位請求論文説明会”
Date: January 12, 2011 11:30~12:30
Venue:Room A401, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji
Presenter:Zu JIAN・the second year of the doctoral course of
“Evolutionary Invasion Analysis in Ecosystems”
(12)冬の学校 “数学の眼で探る生命の世界”
Dates:from January 18 to 20, 2011
Venue:Room 002, Graduate School of Mathematical Science
Building, The University of Tokyo
Host : Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(S)
Research Representative:Masayasu MIMURA・GCOE Program
January 18
10:00 - 12:00 “電気生理学の数理”
Yoichiro MORI・University of Minnesota
14:00 - 17:20 “細胞生物学と力学系:Waddington’s epigenetic landscape 再訪”
Naotoshi NAKAMURA・The University of Tokyo
January 19
10:00 - 12:00 “Flagellated Swimming: Theory and Observation”
Eamonn GAFFNEY・The University of Oxford
14:00 - 15:40 “Flagellated Swimming: Theory and Observation”
16:00 - 18:00 “発生生物学への数理的アプローチ”
Yoshihiro MORISHITA・Kyushu University
January 20
10:30 - 12:00 “発生生物学への数理的アプローチ”
14:00 - 18:20 “細胞の情報処理”
(13) “ロバスト幾何計算アルゴリズム” 講演会
Date:December 27, 2010
Venue:Room A207, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji University
Host : Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)“ロバスト幾何計算アルゴリズム”
Research Representative:Kokichi SUGIHARA・GCOE Program Member
Soji YAMAKAWA・Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A
(14) The 2nd Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop for Graduate Students in Applied Mathematics
Dates:from February 25 to 27, 2011
Venue:Room A205, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji
University : Meiji
University , Hiroshima
University,Ryukoku University,Shizuoka University,
Tohoku University , Tokyo Institute of Technology ,
National Central University , National Chiao Tung
University,National Taiwan University,National Taiwan
Normal University,National Tsing Hua University,Tamkang University
Organizer: Jong-Shenq GUO ・Tamkang University, Taiwan
Hirokazu NINOMIYA・GCOE Program Member
Kota IKEDA・MIMS Research Fellow
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA ・ Super-Postdoctoral Fellow in Meiji University
GCOE Program
Masahiko SHIMOJO・GCOE program student researcher
(15) 明治数理科学 Exhibition
Date:May 15, 2010
Venue:Room A208, Building 2 Annex A, Ikuta Campus, Meiji
Lecturers : Faculty and post-doctors of Meiji University,
associated with Mathematical Sciences
10:05 - 10:15 Hirokazu NINOMIYA “拡散の役割について”
10:20 - 10:30 Teppei KOIKE “Stationary Solutions of
the Navier-Stokes Equations in Perturbed Layer Domains”
10:35 - 10:45 Hiroko MORIMOTO “ルレイの不等式”
10:50 - 11:00 Munemitsu HIROSE “Existence of global solutions to the Cauchy
problem for some reaction-diffusion system”
11:20 - 11:30 Masashi KATSURADA “代用電荷法の収束・誤差解析”
11:35 - 11:45 Naoyuki MATSUOKA “擬ソークルイデアルの研究について”
11:50 - 12:00 Kazushi AHARA “次元クライン群の極限集合”
12:05 - 12:15 Kokichi SUGIHARA
13:30 - 13:40 Masahiko SHIMOJO “空間非一様な係数による半線形熱方程式の爆発
13:45 - 13:55 Toru WAKASA “接触抑制効果を伴う細胞の数理モデル”
14:00 - 14:10 Kota IKEDA “空間パターンに拡散効果が与える影響”
14:15 - 14:25 Akiyasu TOMOEDA “渋滞形成メカニズムに潜む錯視現象と渋滞緩和”
14:50 - 15:00 Shu-ichi KINOSHITA “遺伝子ネットワーク構造とダイナミクスの関係”
15:05 - 15:15 Chiyori URABE
15:20 - 15:30 Yusaku NAGATA “集団運動と流体力学”
15:35 - 15:45 Kazuyuki NAKAMURA “地球科学・生命科学における時空間データ同化”
16:30 - 16:40 Joe Yuichiro WAKANO “包括適応度理論と確率過程”
16:45 - 16:55 Wataru NAKAHASHI “学習能力の進化の数理”
17:00 - 17:10 Shiro HORIUCHI “コミュニティ形成の仲介者”
17:15 - 17:25 Takuya MACHIDA “1 次元格子上の離散時間量子ウォークの極限定理”
17:45 - 17:55 Hirofumi NOZU “流れ問題のための特性曲線有限要素スキーム”
18:00 - 18:10 Daishin UEYAMA “沈殿パターンの数理”
18:15 - 18:25 Masayasu MIMURA “モデルと数学の蜜月時代”
3) GCOE Project for Young Researchers
In order to foster young researchers, one of the aims of this GCOE activities as an
educational research center, the Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Project for Young
Researchers (Research Project for spontaneous research activities and International
Joint Research Project for collaborative works with overseas researchers) have been
supported, helping to make the researchers independent.
(1) Research Project
Young researchers plan and conduct projects as coordinators with joint researchers
working on the fields which are different from but relevant with Mathematical Sciences
Based on Modeling and Analysis.
Research report of GCOE Project for
Young Researchers of FY2009
Research Title:Modeling and Analysis of Family System Evolution
Research representative/Title
Young Joint Researcher/Title
MIMS Research Fellow
Research Promoter,
Postdoctoral Fellow in Meiji
University GCOE Program
MIMS Research Fellow
Research Promoter, Postdoctoral
Fellow in Meiji University
GCOE Program
(GCOE Program Member)
Joe Yuichiro
MIMS Research Fellow
Research Promoter,
(Postdoctoral Student)
Research Title: Development of a Mesh Generator
Using a Self Organization Mechanism of Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Research representative/Title
Young Joint Researcher/Title
(GCOE Program Member)
MIMS Research Fellow
The first year of the doctoral
Research Promoter,
course of Graduate School, Student
Postdoctoral Fellow in Meiji
of MIMS Ph.D. Program
University GCOE Program
Research Title:Percolation and Flow Velocity of Hot Water in Coffee Brewing
Research representative/Title
MIMS Research Fellow
Lecturer, the Organization
for the Strategic
Coordination of Research and
Intellectual Property
Young Joint Researcher/Title
MIMS Research Fellow
Research Promoter, Postdoctoral
Fellow in Meiji University GCOE
MIMS Research Fellow
(GCOE Program Member)
Research Promoter,
KINOSHITA Super-Postdoctoral Fellow in Meiji
University GCOE Program
(2) International Joint Research Project
We support young researchers’ overseas activities such as joint researches in foreign
countries, presentations at international conferences and worldwide relationship
network building for research investigation. When starting a joint research with
overseas researchers or promoting the existing collaborative studies, young researchers
plan and conduct projects which include stay at the foreign research institutes or the like
for a certain term.
Research Title:感染症の数理モデル研究
Research representative/Title
Chiyori URABE
MIMS Research Fellow
Research Promoter, Postdoctoral Fellow in
Meiji University GCOE Program
Research Activity in Overseas
July, 2010
Research Title:人の退出行動と障害物の最適化
Research representative/Title
MIMS Research Fellow
Research Promoter, Postdoctoral Fellow in Meiji
University GCOE Program
Research Activity in Overseas
December, 2010
Research Title:On the properties of semi-parametric estimation for modulated renewal processes
Research representative/Title
Hai Yen SIES
MIMS Research Fellow
Research Promoter, Postdoctoral Fellow in Meiji
University GCOE Program
Research Activity in Overseas
December, 2010
Kuala Lumpur・
5.Research Results(FY2010)
1)Research Articles(peer reviewed)
implementation of Safety Basic Assessor System to expand the awareness of safety
complied with international standards for engineers and non-engineers in Japan and
Asian Countries”,The 6th International Conference on Safety of Industrial Automated
Systems,Tampere,Finland (2010)
Takafumi YOSHIDA,Hiroyuki MORI,“SVRの多目的最適配置に対するSPEA2と指定値の
pp.283-289 (2011)
Kenta OKAWA,Hiroyuki MORI,“Advanced MOEPSOによるCO2排出を考慮した多目的
経済負荷配分”,電気学会論文誌B,131巻2号,pp.158-166 (2011)
Hiroyuki MORI, Hiroki KAKUTA,“A TS-based method for probabilistic reliability
evaluation in power systems”,Proc. of IEEE POWERCON 2010(CD-ROM), 6 pages,
Hangzhou,China (2010)
Hiroyuki MORI, Takafumi YOSHIDA,“A new multi-objective meta-heuristics for
distribution network reconfigurations with SVRs”,Proc. of IEEE SMC 2010(CD-ROM),
pp. 1467-1472,Istanbul,Turkey (2010)
・Hiroyuki MORI, Hiroki KAKUTA,“A Multi-objective Memetic Algorithm for
probabilistic transmission network expansion planning”,Proc. of IEEE SMC
2010(CD-ROM),pp. 1414–1419,Istanbul,Turkey (2010)
Hiroyuki MORI, Kenta OKAWA,“Advanced MOEPSO-based Multi-objective
environmental Economic Load Dispatching”,Proc. of IEEE PES GM2010(CD-ROM),
6 pages,Minneapolis,MN,USA (2010)
Hiroyuki MORI, Hiroki KAKUTA,“A new meta-heuristic method for probabilistic
transmission network expansion planning”,Proc. of IEEE PES GM2010(CD-ROM),6
pages,Minneapolis,MN,USA (2010)
・Hiroyuki MORI, Kojiro SHIMOMUGI,“A multi-objective meta-heuristic method for
distribution network optimization”,Proc. of IEEE ISCAS 2010(CD-ROM), pp.3457 3460,Paris,France (2010)
Hiroyuki MORI, Hiroki KAKUTA,“A new meta-heuristic method for probabilistic
transmission network expansion planning”,Proc. of IEEE T&D2010(CD-ROM),6
pages,New Orleans,LA,USA (2010)
Hiroki KAKUTA,Hiroyuki MORI,“確率的供給信頼度を考慮したMOMAによる多目的送電
系統拡充計画”,電気学会論文誌B,130巻12号,pp.1058-1066 (2010)
Takafumi YOSHIDA,Hiroyuki MORI,“SVRを考慮した配電系統再構成に対する新しい多
目的メタヒューリスティクスの開発”,電気学会論文誌B,130巻12号,pp.1083-1091 (2010)
“Mathematical analysis to coupled oscillators system with a conservation law”,RIMS
Kokyuroku Bessatsu,B21: 129-147 (2010)
Masakazu AKIYAMA,Atsushi TERO and Ryo KOBAYASHI,“A Mathematical Model
Of Cleavage”,J. Theor. Biol.,264(1) : 84-94 (2010)
Akio ISHIGURO,“Taming Large Degrees of Freedom ―A Case Study with an
Amoeboid Robot-”,The proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation (2010)
Kaoru ARAKAWA,Kohei NOMOTO,“対話型進化計算を用いた非線形顔画像美観化処理
システムとその特性”,電気学会論文誌C,Vol.131,No.3,pp.576-583 (2011)
Yohei KATSUYAMA,Kaoru ARAKAWA,“Impulsive Noise Removal in Color Image
Using Interactive Evolutionary Computing”,IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of
Electronics,Communications and Computer Sciences Vol.E93-A No.11,pp.2184-2192
Yohei KATSUYAMA, Kaoru ARAKAWA,“Color Image Interpolation for Impulsive
Noise Removal Using Interactive Evolutionary Computing”,IEEE Proc. ISCIT 2010,
pp.877-882 (2010)
Tomo NAKAI,Taro OKAKURA,Kaoru ARAKAWA,“Face Recognition Across Age
Progression Using Block Matching Method”,IEEE Proc. ISCIT 2010,pp.620-625
Akira YODA,Yukihiro IGUCHI and Kaoru ARAKAWA,“Development of Nonlinear
Filter Bank System for Real-Time Beautification of Facial Video Using GPGPU”,IEEE
Proc. ISCIT 2010,pp.18-23 (2010)
Shuji OHCHI,Shinichiro SUMI,and Kaoru ARAKAWA,“A Nonlinear Filter System
for Beautifying Facial Images with Contrast Enhancement”,IEEE Proc. ISCIT 2010,
pp.13-17 (2010)
Atsunari KATSUKI,Makoto KIKUCHI,Hiraku NISHIMORI,Noritaka ENDO,and
Keisuke TANIGUCHI,“Cellular model for sand dunes with saltation,avalanche and
strong erosion: collisional simulation of barhans”,Earth Surface Processes and
Landforms,36 (2011)
Ryosuke KAWAI,Shogo TORIGOE,Kazuhiro YOSHIDA,Akinori AWAZU,and
Hiraku NISHIMORI,“Effective stochastic resonance under noise of heterogeneous
amplitude”,Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010)
Hirofumi NIIYA,Akinori AWAZU and Hiraku NISHIMORI,“3Dimensional Dune
Skeleton Model as a Coupled Dynamical System of 2D Cross-Sections”,J. Phys.
Soc.Jpn. (2010)
Masashi FUJII,Akinori AWAZU,and Hiraku NISHIMORI,“Saddle-node bifurcation
to jammed state for quasi-one-dimensional counter chemotactic flow”,Phys.Rev. E,82
Nobuhiko. J. SUEMATSU,Satoshi NAKATA,Akinori AWAZU,Hiraku NISHIMORI,
“Collective behaviour of inanimate boats”,Phys.Rev. E,81 (2010)
Atsunari KATSUKI,Hiraku NISHIMORI,“砂丘のダイナミクス”,日本物理学会誌,65
Masatoshi NISHIKAWA,Tatsuo SHIBATA,“Nonadaptive Fluctuation in an Adaptive
Sensory System: Bacterial Chemoreceptor”,PLoS ONE 5(6): e11224.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011224 (2010)
Hiroshi OCHIAI,Kazumasa FUJITA,Ken-ichi SUZUKI,Masatoshi NISHIKAWA,
Tatsuo SHIBATA,Naoaki SAKAMOTO and Takashi YAMAMOTO,“Targeted
mutagenesis in the sea urchin embryo using zinc-finger nucleases”,Genes Cells,15,
875–885 (2010)
Yoshiyuki ARAI,Tatsuo SHIBATA,Satomi MATSUOKA,Masayuki SATO,Toshio
YANAGIDA and Masahiro UEDA,“Self-organization of the phosphatidylinositol lipids
signaling system for random cell migration”,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107
12399–12404 (2010)
Yoshinori KOBAYASHI,Tatsuo SHIBATA,Yoshiki KURAMOTO,and A. S.
MIKHAILOV,“Evolutionary design of oscillatory genetic networks”,European
Physical Journal B,76,167–178 (2010)
Joe Yuichiro WAKANO,C.HAUERT,“Pattern formation and chaos in spatial
ecological public goods games”,Journal of Theoretical Biology 268:30-38 (2011)
Shun KUROKAWA,Joe Yuichiro WAKANO, Yasuo IHARA,“Generous cooperators can
outperform non-generous cooperators when replacing a population of defectors”,
Theoretical Population Biology 77:257-262 (2010)
Jian ZU and Masayasu MIMURA,“The impact of Allee effect on a predator-prey
system with Holling type II functional response”,Applied Mathematics and
Computation,217,3542-3556 (2011)
Jian ZU,Masayasu MIMURA and Y. TAKEUCHI,“Adaptive evolution of
foraging-related traits in a predator–prey community”,J. Theor. Biol.,268,14-29
M. HENRY,D. HILHORST and Masayasu MIMURA,“A reaction-diffusion
approximation to an area preserving mean curvature flow coupled with a bulk
equation”,Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S,4(1) (2011)
Akihiro AOTANI,Masayasu MIMURA and T. MOLLEE,“A model aided
understanding of spot pattern formation in chemotactic E. coli colonies”,Japan J.
Industrial and Applied Mathematics,27,5-22 (2010)
A. FASANO,Masayasu MIMURA and M. PRIMICERIO,“Modeling a slow smoldering
combustion process”,Math. Meth. Appl. Sci.,33,1211-1220 (2010)
M. BERTSCH,R. Dal PASSO and Masayasu MIMURA,“A free boundary problem
arising in a simplified tumour growth model of contact inhibition”,Interfaces and Free
Boundaries,12,235-250 (2010)
Hisao TAMAKI,“A Directed Path-Decomposition Approach to Exactly Identifying
Attractors of Boolean Networks”,Proc. 10th International Symposium on
Communication and Information Technologies,844-849 (2010)
Qian-Ping GU,Hisao TAMAKI,“Improved Bounds on the Planar Branchwidth with
Respect to the Largest Grid Minor Size”,Proc. 21st International Symposium on
Algorithms and Computation,ISAAC 2010,Proceedings,Part II / Edition 1 (2010)
Yasuaki KOBAYASHI,Yuichiro MIYAMOTO,Hisao TAMAKI,“k-Cyclic Orientations
of Graphs”,Proc. 21st International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation,
Proceedings,Part II (2010)
C. BANDLE,Yoshitsugu KABEYA and Hirokazu NINOMIYA,“Imperfect bifurcations
in nonlinear elliptic equations on spherical caps”,Communications on Pure and
Applied Analysis 9 No. 5,1189—1208 (2010)
Hideki MURAKAWA and Hirokazu NINOMIYA,“Fast reaction limit of a
three-component reaction-diffusion system”,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and
Applications,379 No. 1,150-170 (2011)
Takayuki UMEDA,and Kanya KUSANO,“The HLLD Approximate Riemann Solver
for Magnetospheric Simulation”,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,38,9,
2236-2242 (2010)
modeling for Formation Process of Coronal Mass Ejections: Interaction between
Ejecting Flux Rope and Ambient Field”,The Astrophysical Journal,718,2,1305-1314
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“Spacial realization of Escher's impossible world”,Asian Pacific
Mathematics Newsletter,vol. 1,no. 1,pp. 1-5,(Printed ISBN 2010-3484) (2011)
Kokichi SUGIHARA,Atsuyuki Okabe and Toshiaki Satoh,“Computational method for
the point cluster analysis on networks”,GeoInformatica: Volume 15,Issue 1, Page
167-189 (DOI: 10.1007/ s10707-009-0092-5) (2011)
Md. B. HAIDER,Shinji IMAHORI and Kokichi SUGIHARA,“Success guaranteed
routing in almost Delaunay planar nets for wireless sensor communication”,
International Journal of Sensor Networks,vol. 9,no. 2,pp. 69-75 (2011)
Hidenori FUJII and Kokichi SUGIHARA,“Properties and an approximation algorithm
of round-tour Voronoi diagrams”,Transactions on Computational Science IX,(Editors:
M. L. GAVRILOVA and C. J. Kenneth TAN) ,Special Issue on Voronoi Diagrams in
Science and Engineering (2010)
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,Satoshi NAKATA,“化学反応と物質拡散が生み出すアメンボのよ
うな運動”,化学と教育ヘッドライン-化学非平衡ならではの動きもの,化学と教育 vol. 59,No.1,
pp. 8-11 (2011)
“Self-Motion of a Benzoquinone Disk Coupled with a Redox Reaction”, J. Phys. Chem.
C,114,13340-13344 (2010)
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,Yumihiko IKURA,Masaharu NAGAYAMA,Hiroyuki
“Mode-switching of the self-motion of a camphor boat depending on the diffusion
distance of camphor molecules”,J. Phys. Chem. C,144,9876-9882 (2010)
Terumasa TOKUNAGA,Daisuke IKEDA,Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,Tomoyuki
MORIOKA, Kiyofumi YUMOTO and CPMN group,“Detecting Precursory Events in
Time Series Data by an Extension of Singular Spectrum Transformation”,
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer
Science,pp.366-374 (2010)
Terumasa TOKUNAGA,Daisuke IKEDA,Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,Tomoyuki
MORIOKA, Kiyofumi YUMOTO and CPMN group,“Onset Time Determination of
Precursory Events of Singular Spectrum Transformation”,International Journal of
Circuits,Systems and Signal processing,vol.5,pp.46-60 (2010)
Terumasa TOKUNAGA,Daisuke IKEDA,Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,Tomoyuki
MORIOKA,Kiyofumi YUMOTO,CPMN Group,“変化点検出を応用した時系列データから
2010-BIO-23巻,14号 (2010)
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA,Hiroaki YAMADA,“Stability of Attractors in Biological
Networks”,Proceedings of International Symposium on Communications and
Information Technologies 2010,pp.839-843 (2010)
Chiyori URABE and Shinji TAKESUE,“Fracture toughness and maximum stress in a
disordered lattice system”,Physical Review E,Vol.82,016106 (2010)
Ryosuke NISHI,Hiroshi MIKI,Akiyasu TOMOEDA,Daichi YANAGISAWA and
Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“Reversal of Travel Time between Zipper and Non-Zipper
Merging on Highway Traffic”,SICE Journal of Control,Measurement,and System
Integration,Vol.4 No.1,pp.4 (2011)
Daichi YANAGISAWA,Ryosuke NISHI,Akiyasu TOMOEDA,Kazumichi OHTSUKA,
Ayako KIMURA,Yushi SUMA and Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“Study on Efficiency of
Evacuation with an Obstacle on Hexagonal Cell Space”,SICE Journal of Control,
Measurement,and System Integration,Vol.3 No.6,pp.395-401(2010)
OHTSUKA,Yushi SUMA and Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“Excluded Volume Effect in a
Pedestrian Queue”,Cellular Automata (Lecture Notes in Computer Science),Springer
Berlin Heidelberg,Volume 6350/2010, 523-531 (2010)
Ryosuke NISHI,Hiroshi MIKI,Akiyasu TOMOEDA,Daichi YANAGISAWA and
Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“Inversion of Flux between Zipper and Non-Zipper Merging in
Highway Traffic”,Cellular Automata (Lecture Notes in Computer Science),Springer
Berlin Heidelberg,Volume 6350/2010, 619-624 (2010)
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,Ryosuke NISHI and Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“Clustering and
Transport Efficiency in Public Conveyance System”,Cellular Automata (Lecture Notes
in Computer Science),Springer Berlin Heidelberg,Vol. 6350,pp.625-632 (2010)
OHTSUKA,Yushi SUMA and Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“Theoretical and Experimental
Study on Excluded Volume Effect in Pedestrian Queue”,SICE Annual Conference 2010,
IEEE Xplore,pp. 559–5 (2010)
Ryosuke NISHI, Hiroshi MIKI, Akiyasu TOMOEDA, Daichi YANAGISAWA and
Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“Simulation and Theoretical Comparison between 'Zipper' and
'Non-Zipper' Merging”,Proceedings in Information and Communications Technology 2,
Springer Japan,pp.24 (2010)
Kazumichi OHTSUKA and Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“Methods for Shortening Waiting
Time in Walking-Distance introduced Queueing Systems”,Proceedings in Information
and Communications Technology 2,Springer Japan,pp.372-379 (2010)
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,Daisuke SHAMOTO,Ryosuke NISHI,Kazumichi OHTSUKA
and Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“A Compressible Fluid Model for Traffic Flow and
Nonlinear Saturation of Perturbation Growth”,Proceedings in Information and
Communications Technology 2,Springer Japan,pp.308-315 (2010)
KIMURA and Ryosuke NISHI,“Toward Smooth Movement of Crowd”,Pedestrian and
Evacuation Dynamics 2008,Springer Berlin Heidelberg,pp.293-308 (2010)
Daichi YANAGISAWA,Akiyasu TOMOEDA and Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“Conflicts at
an Exit in Pedestrian Dynamics”,Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008. Springer
Berlin Heidelberg,pp.491-502 (2010)
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,Daichi YANAGISAWA,and Katsuhiro NISHINARI,“Analysis on
the Propagation Speed of Pedestrian Reaction: the Velocity of Starting wave and
Stopping wave”,Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2008,Springer Berlin
Heidelberg,pp.285-290 (2010)
“Excluded volume effect in queueing theory”,JSIAM Letters,Vol.2,pp. 61-64 (2010)
Wataru NAKAHASHI,“Evolution of learning capacities and learning levels”,
Theoretical Population Biology 78: 211-224 (2010)
Mari MORINO,Shiro HORIUCHI,“森林利用履歴と立地条件が小規模個人有林の管理状
況に与える影響”,地域学研究 40: 143-155 (2010)
KANAYAMA,“One-way coupled crystal plasticity-hydrogen diffusion simulation on
artificial microstructure”,Journal of Computational Science and Technology,vol.4,
no.2,pp.105-120 (2010)
Qinghe YAO,Hiroshi KANAYAMA,Hirofumi NOTSU,Masao OGINO,“Balancing
domain decomposition for non-stationary incompressible flow problems using a
characteristic-curve method”,Journal of Computational Science and Technology,vol.4,
no.2,pp.121-135 (2010)
Qinghe YAO,Hiroshi KANAYAMA,Masao OGINO,Hirofumi NOTSU,“Incomplete
balancing domain decomposition for large scale 3-D non-stationary incompressible flow
problems”,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. vol.10,no.1,
doi:10.1088/1757-899X/10/1 (2010)
Tohru WAKASA,Shoji YOTSUTANI,“Asymptotic profiles of eigenfunctions for some
1-dimensional linearized eigenvalue problems”,Communications in Pure and Applied
Analysis,Vol.9,no. 2,pp. 539-561 (2010)
Toshihisa EGAWA,Kazuo SUZUKI,Yoshinori ICHIKAWA,Tatsuya IIZAKA,Tetsuro
MATSUI,Yasushi SHIKAGAWA,“ニューラルネットワークと回帰式を適用した連接水系ダム
残流予測システムの開発”,電気学会B論文誌,Vol.130,No.7,pp.625-632 (2010)
2)Research Articles(not peer reviewed)
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“フェーズフィールド法のおもしろさ”,計算工学,15(2) : 2287-2290 (2010)
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全技術面からみた変遷と今後の展望”,安全と健康,vol.12,No.1,
pp.29-32,中央労働災害防止協会 (2011)
Masao MUKAIDONO,“コンピュータ安全と機能安全”,IEICE Fundamentals Review,
Vol.4,No.2,pp.129-135,電子情報通信学会 (2010)
Masao MUKAIDONO,“経年劣化を防ぐ安全設計”,生活安全 ジャーナル 第10号,pp.8-11,
独立行政法人 製品評価技術基盤機構 (2010)
Masao MUKAIDONO,“明治大学における安全学教育の現状”,日本安全学教育研究会誌,
Vol.3,pp.33-38,日本安全学教育研究会 (2010)
Masao MUKAIDONO,“機械安全の動向と労働安全衛生”,労働の科学,Vo.65,NO.7,
pp.4-7,労働科学研究所 (2010)
Masao MUKAIDONO,“エレベータの安全確保のあり方について”,エレベータ界,Vo.45,
No.178,(社)日本エレベータ協会,pp.3~6 ( 2010)
Takeaki KARIYA , “A CB (corporate bond) pricing model for deriving default
probabilities and recovery rates”,(Technical Paper),NUS Risk Management Institute,
Monthly Workshops (2010)
Hajime FUJITA,Hiroyuki MORI,“天候デリバティブ契約設計法の開発”,平成 22 年電気学
会 B 部門大会,論文,論文番号 25,Kyushu University (2010)
Takafumi YOSHIDA,Hiroyuki MORI,“SVR を考慮した多目的系統再構成に対する新しい
多目的メタヒューリスティクスの開発”,平成 22 年電気学会 B 部門大会,論文 I,論文番号 39,
Kyushu University (2010)
Takafumi YOSHIDA,Hiroyuki MORI,“指定値の相関を考慮した多目的 SVR 最適配置に
対する SPEA2 の適用”,平成 22 年電気学会 B 部門大会,論文 I,論文番号 40,Kyushu
University (2010)
Kenta OHKAWA,Hiroyuki MORI,“Advanced MOEPSO による CO2 排出を考慮した多目
的経済負荷配分”,平成 22 年電気学会 B 部門大会,論文 I,論文番号 35,Kyushu University
Hiroki KAKUTA,Hiroyuki MORI,“確率的供給信頼度を考慮した MOMA による多目的送
電系統拡充計画”,平成 22 年電気学会 B 部門大会,論文 I,論文番号 55,Kyushu
University (2010)
Kaoru ARAKAWA,【フェロー記念講演】“非線形・知的信号処理の研究に関わって 30 年,そし
てこれから”,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 Vol.110 No.445,SIS2010-62,pp.49-54 (2011)
Kaoru ARAKAWA,“錯覚とディジタルエステ”,数学セミナー,Vol.50 No.3,pp.28-33 (2011)
Yohei KATSUYAMA,Kaoru ARAKAWA,“対話型進化計算を用いたカラー画像インパルス性
雑音除去システム ―補間法とメディアン処理の組み合わせ―”,電子情報通信学会技術研究報
告 Vol.110 No.445,SIS2010-70,pp.91-96 (2011)
Shinichiro SUMI,Syuji OHCHI,Kaoru ARAKAWA,“対話型進化計算を用いた顔画像小
顔美観化システム”,電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 Vol.110 No.322,SIS2010-38,pp.17-22
Shinya TOZUKA,Chihiro ARAI,Kaoru ARAKAWA,“脳波解析による文章黙読時の感性
評 価 ― 媒体に よる 特 性の 違い ―”,電子 情報 通信 学 会技 術研 究報 告 Vol.110 No.322 ,
SIS2010-39,pp.23-28 (2010)
Shin-ichiro SHIMA,Kanya KUSANO,“超水滴法の挑戦─雲微物理過程のシミュレーション”,
科学 9 月号 Vol.80 No.9 (2010)
Takashi MINOSHIMA,Satoshi MASUDA,Yoshizumi MIYOSHI,Kanya KUSANO,
“新数値モデリングで迫る太陽フレア粒子加速機構”,天文月報 9 月号 Vol.103 No.9 (2010)
Daishin UEYAMA,“Gray-Scott モデルの概要”,京都大学数理解析研究所講究録 No.1680,
pp.1-4 (2010)
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA ,“状態 推定 ”,オペ レーション ズリサー チ , Vol. 55, No. 7 ,pp.
433-434 (2010)
Wataru NAKAHASHI “Evolution of learning abilities: A theoretical model”, MIMS
Technical Report 24: 1-52 (2010)
Yoji MINE , Hirofumi NOTSU , “Hydrogen concentration at interphase boundary
caused by strain-induced martensitic transformation in austenitic stainless steel”,
MIMS Technical Report,no.27 (2010)
Shiro HORIUCHI,Hiroyuki TAKASAKI ,“Robust structural edge effect on animal
group size and density”,MIMS Technical Report 30 (2010)
Tatsuya IIZAKA,Takeyoshi KATO,Tomonao KOBAYASHI,Tetsuo SAITO,Hironori
HAYASHI,Hiromaru HIRAKUCHI,“風力発電の出力予測の現状”,電気学会メタボリズム社
会・環境システム研究会, MES-11-003,pp.13-18 (2011)
Toshihisa EGAWA,Tatsuya IIZAKA,Yasushi SHIKAGAWA,“連接水系ダム残流予測シス
テムの開発”,電気評論,August,pp.77-79 (2010)
Hideyuki KONDO,Naoki HAYASHI,Tatsuya IIZAKA,Kenya MURAKAMI,Hideyuki
Naoto YORINO,“離島マイクログリッド向け需給運用計画”,電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大
会論文集,227,pp.25-15 - 16,:(CD-ROM) (2010)
Hideyuki ITO , Chikashi NAKAZAWA , Kenya MURAKAMI , Etsuo YAMADA ,
Hideyuki KONDO , Naoki HAYASHI , Tatsuya IIZAKA , Tetsuro MATSUI , Yosuke
NAKANISHI,Naoto YORINO,“電力貯蔵装置を考慮した経済負荷配分制御の検討-離島
pp.25-13 – pp.25-14 :(CD-ROM) (2010)
Kenya MURAKAMI,Naoki HAYASHI,Tatsuya IIZAKA,Hideyuki KONDO,Hideyuki
ITO , Etsuo YAMADA , Chikashi NAKAZAWA , Tetsuro MATSUI , Yoshikazu
FUKUYAMA,Yosuke NAKANISHI,Naoto YORINO,“離島マイクログリッド向け経済負荷
配分”,電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集,225,pp.25-11 – 25-12:(CD-ROM)
Etsuo YAMADA , Hideyuki ITO , Chikashi NAKAZAWA , Kenya MURAKAMI ,
Hideyuki KONDO , Naoki HAYASHI , Tatsuya IIZAKA , Tetsuro MATSUI , Yosuke
NAKANISHI,Naoto YORINO,“離島マイクログリッド向け負荷周波数制御の検討”,電気学会
電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集,106,pp.01-11 – 01-12 :(CD-ROM) (2010)
Kenya MURAKAMI,Tatsuya IIZAKA,Satoshi SUZUKI,Tetsuro MATSUI,Toshikazu
KATO,Norio SHIBATA,“火力プラントの運転条件を最適化する運転条件の検討”,電気学会
電力・エネルギー部門大会論文集,354,pp.45-3 – 45-4 :(CD-ROM) (2010)
Tatsuya IIZAKA,Satoshi SUZUKI,Kenya MURAKAMI,Tetsuro MATSUI,Toshikazu
KATO,Norio SHIBATA,“多変量統計的プロセス管理技術を用いた火力発電プラントの異常
検知”,電気学会電力・エネルギー部門大会 論文集,353,pp.45-1 – 45-2 :(CD-ROM)
3)Authored Books
Masao MUKAIDONO(editorial supervisor),日本機械工業連合会編,川池襄,宮崎浩一著,
“機械・設備のリスクアセスメント”,日本規格協会,308 ページ, 2011
KIKUCHI,Toshiya YAMAMOTO,Yoshito OTAKE,“なぜ,製品事故は起こるのか~身近な
製品の安全を考える~”,研成社,214 ページ,2011
Ryo KOBAYASHI,Toshiyuki NAKAGAKI,“真性粘菌の運動と知性”,理論生物学(望月敦
史編集),共立出版,第3章5節を分担執筆 : 176-201,2011
Toshikazu SUNADA,“現代数学への道”,岩波書店,2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“だまし絵のトリック --- 不可能立体を可能にする”,同人選書 34,科学
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“まさかのへんな立体”,誠文堂新光社,2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“エッシャーマジック --- だまし絵の世界を数理で読み解く”,東京大学出
A.TOMOEDA,“Unified analysis on Shock Wave Formation in Traffic Jam”,VDM
Publishing House Ltd.,2010
・ Toshiyuki
NAKAGAKI , Ryo KOBAYASHI , Atsushi TERO , Seiji TAKAGI , Kenji
Nobel prize , “TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PRIZE for using slime mold to
determine the optimal routes for railroad tracks”, 2010
・ Kaoru
・ Hirofumi
NIIYA , Akinori AWAZU , Hiraku NISHIMORI , JPSJ , Papers of Editor’s
Choice (論文“3Dimensional Dune Skeleton Model as a Coupled Dynamical System of
2D Cross-Sections”,J. Phys. Soc.Jpn.に関して), 2010
・ Tatsuo
SHIBATA,科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞, “細胞の確率的な情
・ Kokichi
SUGIHARA,第 2 回錯視コンテスト 入賞,不可能モーション“落ちないかまぼこ屋根”,
・ Kokichi
SUGIHARA,第 4 回デジタルモデリングコンテスト 最優秀賞, “3 シルエット立体
WHO and HOW”(Tomohiro OHGAMI,Kokichi SUGIHARA),日本図学会主催,2010
・ Kokichi
SUGIHARA,World Media Festival にて Education 部門 Intermedia-glove
SILVER Award 受賞,研究紹介ビデオ“Impossible Solids --- Discovery of New 3D Optical
・ Kokichi
SUGIHARA,Best Visual Illusion of the Year Contest 2010 (first prize),錯覚作
品 “Impossible Motion: Magnet-Like Slopes”,主催: Visual Sciences Society,Naples,
・ Akiyasu
TOMOEDA,日本応用数理学会 論文賞(応用部門), 2010
・ Akiyasu
・ Hirofumi
NOTSU,Masahiro YAMAGUCHI and Daishin UEYAMA,Best Poster Award
in 2010, JSIAM “The development of a self-organized mesh generator”,JSIAM 2010
Annual Meeting,Meiji University,Tokyo,2010
・ Toru
WAKASA , Poster Award , “On a simplified tumor growth model with
contact-inhibition”,Far From Equilibrium Dynamics 2011
Yasunori OKABE,“複雑系現象の時系列に潜む変化構造の可視化-実証分析:オーロラ,地
震と火山” ,“非線形時系列に対する現象数理学の発展”シンポジウム,複雑系現象の時系列解
析10-数理・経済・地球物理現象,Meiji University, January, 2011
Yasunori OKABE,“正規定常過程に付随する時間遅れのある2階楕円型偏微分方程式”,‘非
済・地球物理現象,Meiji University, January, 2011
Yasunori OKABE,“Hamiltonian associated with stationary process having T-positivity
and Riemann”,RIMS Project Research The international conference: Functions in
Number Theory and Their Probabilistic Aspects,京都大学数理解析研究所, December,
Yasunori OKABE,“T-正値性を持つ定常過程に付随するハミルトニアンとリーマン予想”,‘非線
医学・物理現象,Meiji University, November, 2010
Yasunori OKABE,“黒点・太陽風・地磁気・オーロラ・地震の時系列の構造抽出(7)”,‘非線形
済現象,Meiji University, September, 2010
Yasunori OKABE,“T-正値性を持つ定常過程に付随するハミルトニアンとその応用”, ‘非線形
済現象,Meiji University, September, 2010
Yasunori OKABE,“黒点・太陽風・地磁気・オーロラ・地震の時系列の構造抽出(6)”,‘非線形
Meiji University, July, 2010
Yasunori OKABE,“黒点・太陽風・地磁気・オーロラ・地震の時系列の構造抽出(5)”,‘非線形
理現象,Meiji University, May, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ヒューマンエラーとどう向き合うか”,パネルディスカッション:特別安全
March, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全意識のガラパゴス化と産業への影響”,パネルディスカッション司
会,第 6 回安全工学フォーラム,日本工学アカデミー,弘済会館, March, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“日本の製品安全の動向と課題”,JEITA 安全政策委員会,電子情報
技術産業協会, March, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“セーフティ・システム・インテグレーションの必要性に関するシンポジウ
ム ” , パ ネ ル デ ィ ス カ ッ ショ ン モ デ レー タ , 日 本 機 械 工 業 連 合 会 , 東 京 証 券 会 館 ホ ー ル ,
February, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ものづくり安全における基本概念 ~エレベータ事故を例にして~”,
特別講演,大学院研究成果発表会,Tokyo Denki University, February, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“消費者とリスクコミュニケーション”,製品安全に関するリスクコミュニケ
ーション推進の意見交換会,主催:消費者庁,運営:NPO 法人品質安全機構,日本教育会館,
January, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ものづくりと安全”,神奈川ロボットビジネス協議会総会,川崎市産業振
興会館, January, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“製品安全に関するニューアプローチの採用について”,品質と安全文
化フォーラム,クロスオピニオンセミナー,Meiji University, January, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“真の原因究明ができる事故調査制度を!~事故防止を実現する新し
館, January, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全社会の実現のための企業活動”,‘NIKKEI 安全づくりプロジェク
ト’シンポジウム,日本経済新聞社,日経ホール, December, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“製品の安全について~製品安全対策に係る事故リスク評価と対策の
効果分析の手法に関する調査報告書~”,FTC 研究会,Tokyo Institute of Technology,
November, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“製品安全とリスクアセスメント”,第 5 回製品安全総点検セミナー,製品
安全対策優良企業表彰式,経済産業省, November, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全と安心が品質経営の中心になる時代”,品質経営トップマネジメン
ト大会,日本科学技術連盟,経団連ホール, November, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全学のすすめ~安全の確立と安心への橋渡し~”,オープン講座,
暮らしの安全,食の安全を考える,明治大学・読売新聞共催, October, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全学から見た製品安全”,公開講座,製品と機械とリスクアセスメント,
Meiji University, October, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全とリスクアセスメントの基本”,特別講演,安全衛生大会,加古川労
働基準協会, September, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“製品の経年変化とリスク”,パネルディスカッション,品質と安全文化フ
ォーラム,東京工業大学キャンパスイノベーションセンター,September, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“製品安全の仕組み”,パネルディスカッション,品質と安全文化フォー
ラム,東京工業大学キャンパスイノベーションセンター, September, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“機械安全の取り組み強化で競争力を~揺るぎないものづくり安全への
提言~”,特別記念講演,マシンツールフェア,大田区産業プラザ, September, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全学という新しい視点から身近な事故を解剖する”,科学と社会事例
研究1,知の広場,Ochanomizu University, July, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“自動車の電動化,電子化とリコール問題”,安全工学シンポジウム
2010 講演予稿集,pp.66-67,日本学術会議, July, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“子どもの安全について考える”,安全工学シンポジウム 2010 講演予稿
集,pp.190-191,日本学術会議, July, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“システム安全エンジニアへの期待”,システム安全エンジニア 資格認
定授与式,Nagaoka University of Technology, July, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“労働安全衛生マネジメントシステムに期待されるもの”,千葉県建設業
労働災害防止大会,建設業労働災害防止協会千葉県支部, July, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ものづくり安全から安全づくりへ”,公開講演会,明治大学校友会滋賀
県支部, June, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“クルマの電子化/電動化と安全性について考える”,パネルディスカッシ
ョン,Automotive Technology Day2010 日経 BP,目白雅叙園, June, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全と安心”,講演集 日仏原子力フォーラム~過去・現在・未来~,
pp.37-39,日仏工業技術会, June, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO , “From Fail-safe Logic to Three-valued Logic and from
Three-valued Logic to Fuzzy Logic”,40th Anniversary of International Symposium on
Multiple-Valued Logic,Barcelona,Spain, May, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全設計の基本とリスクアセスメント”,平成 22 年度春季学術講演大会
特別講演,日本非破壊試験協会,東京ファッションタウンビル, May, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“製品安全への投資は,中長期的の視点で企業に利益をもたらす”,パ
ネルディスカッション,UL 製品安全セミナー,明治記念館, May, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全と事故調査のあり方~自動回転ドアとエレベータ事故に学ぶ~”,
記念講演,品質と安全文化フォーラム,Meiji University, May, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“我が国におけるロボット研究の最前線”,公開講演会,明治大学校友
会千葉県西部支部,浦安ブライトンホテル, May, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“子どもの安全を守る社会の役割~安全学からの視点~”,子どもの安
全の研究グループ第2回総会,(社)日本技術士会, April, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“労働安全衛生に係る技術動向”,特別講演,平成 22 年度全国安全・
衛生管理士合同研修会,中央労働災害防止協会, April, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全の理念について”,工学システムに関する安全・安心・リスク検討
分科会,学術会議 総合工学委員会, April, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全学概論”,公開講座,化学物質の法規制 ,Meiji University
Liberty Academy, April, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全学のすすめ”,公開講座,安全学入門 ,Meiji University
Liberty Academy, April, 2010
Takeaki KARIYA , “A CB (Corporate Bond) Pricing Model for
Deriving Default
Probabilities and Recovery Rates”(招待講演),Risk Management Institute,National
University of Singapore, September, 2010
Takeaki KARIYA , “A CB (Corporate Bond) Pricing Model for
Deriving Default
Probabilities and Recovery Rates”(招待講演),International Symposium on Financial
Engineering and Risk Management2010 (FERM2010),National Taiwan University,
June, 2010
Hajime FUJITA,Hiroyuki MORI,“ハイブリッドコーティング ESPO を用いたネットワークの
Loadability 最大化のための FACTS 機器最適配置法”,平成 23 年電気学会全国大会予稿集,
論文番号 6-156,Osaka University,March, 2011
Takafumi YOSHIDA,Hiroyuki MORI,“ベイズ推定を用いた配電系統における確率潮流計
算”,平成 23 年電気学会全国大会予稿集,論文番号 6-118,Osaka University, March,
Hiroki KAKUTA,Hiroyuki MORI,“解の多様性を考慮した多目的メタヒューリスティクスによる
確率的供給信頼度評価”,平成 23 年電気学会全国大会,論文番号 6-108,Osaka University,
March, 2011
Toshifumi KOAKUTSU,Hiroyuki MORI,“SAX 変換と DA クラスタリングを用いた電力市場
価格データの特徴抽出”,平成 23 年電気学会全国大会,論文番号 6-070,Osaka University,
March, 2011
Naoto ISHIBASHI,Hiroyuki MORI,“ガウシアンプロセスを用いた負荷マージン推定”,平成
23 年電気学会全国大会予稿集,論文番号 6-062,Osaka University, March, 2011
Kenta OKAWA, Hiroyuki MORI,“風力発電と電力需要の不確定性と CO2 排出を考慮した発
電機の起動停止計画”,平成 23 年電気学会全国大会予稿集,論文番号 6-047,Osaka
University, March, 2011
Tadahiro ITAGAKI,Hiroyuki MORI,“ファジィ推論ネットによる電力価格予測のゾーン推定
PSE-11-031/PSE-11-048/ SPC-11-085,University of the Ryukyus, March, 2011
Hajime FUJITA,Hiroyuki MORI,“不確定性を持つ電力系統における ATC 評価”,電気学
会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会,資料番号 PSE-11-015,Hokkaido University,
January, 2011
Takafumi YOSHIDA,Hiroyuki MORI,“高速多目的メタヒューリスティクスアルゴリズムの電力
系統への応用”,進化計算シンポジウム,Fukuoka,December, 2010
Kenta OKAWA, Hiroyuki MORI,“Advanced MOEPSO に基づく多目的メタヒューリスティクス
の提案と電力系統への応用”,平成 22 年進化計算シンポジウム,論文番号 4-02,Fukuoka,
December, 2010
Hajime FUJITA,Hiroyuki MORI,“2 層型 EPSO の開発とその応用”,進化計算シンポジウム
2010,資料番号 1-03,Fukuoka, December, 2010
Hiroki KAKUTA,Hiroyuki MORI,“確率的近傍選択タブサーチを用いた確率的供給信頼度
評 価 ” , 電 気 学 会 電 力 技 術 研 究 会 資 料 , 資 料 番 号 PE-10-134/PSE-10-133 , Hiroshima
University, September, 2010
Hajime FUJITA,Hiroyuki MORI,“2 層型 EPSO を用いた ATC 最大化のための FACTS 最
適配置”,電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会,資料番号 PE-10-142/PSE-10-141,
Hiroshima University, September, 2010
Naoto ISHIBASHI,Hiroyuki MORI,“負荷マージン推定のためのデータマイニング手法”,
平成 22 年電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会,資料番号 PE-10-063/PSE-10-062,
Hiroshima University, September, 2010
Toshifumi KOAKUTSU,Hiroyuki MORI,“電力系統状態推定における分散型トポロジー可
観測性解析”,平成 22 年電気学会電力技術・電力系統技術合同研究会,資料番号 PE-10-057,
PSE-10-056 ,Hiroshima University, September, 2010
Hiroki KAKUTA,Hiroyuki MORI,“タブサーチを用いた確率的供給信頼度評価のための新
しい手法”,平成 22 年電気学会 B 部門大会,論文 II,論文番号 375,Kyushu University,
September, 2010
Hajime FUJITA,Hiroyuki MORI,“不確定性を考慮した ATC 最大化のための FACTS 最適
配置”,平成 22 年電気学会 B 部門大会,論文Ⅱ,論文番号 374,Kyushu University,
September, 2010
Toshifumi KOAKUTSU,Hiroyuki MORI,“電力系統の状態推定におけるネットワーク分割を
用いたトポロジー可観測性による手法”,平成 22 年電気学会 B 部門大会,論文Ⅱ,論文番号 111,
Kyushu University, September, 2010
Akira TAKAHASHI,Hiroyuki MORI,“データマイニング手法を用いた短期電力負荷予測の
ための最高気温予測”,日刊工業新聞社主催スマートグリッド展 2010 ポスター展示,Tokyo,
June, 2010
Kenta OKAWA,Hiroyuki MORI,“MOEPSO を用いた CO2 排出を考慮した多目的経済負荷
配分”,日刊工業新聞社主催スマートグリッド展 2010 ポスター展示,Tokyo,June, 2010
Hiroyuki MORI,“A Meta-heuristic Approach to Probabilistic Transmission Network
Expansion Planning” , Invited Seminar at NSYSU(National Sun-Yat University) ,
Kaohsiung,Taiwan, May, 2010
Hiroyuki MORI,“Estimating Casual Relationship in Load Forecasting with Hybrid
Intelligent System”,Invited Seminar at CYCU( Chung Yuan Christian University),
Chung Li,Taiwan, April, 2010
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“Toward Understanding the Locomotion of Animals”,International
Workshop on Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics,Kyoto, January, 2011
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“生物と数学とロボットと”,産総研講演会‘やわらかいロボット’第4回,
Tsukuba, January, 2011
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“計算するアメーバの不思議”,宇宙☆自然講座,浅口市ふれあい交流館サ
ンパレア,Asakuchi City, Okayama, December, 2010
Ryo KOBAYASHI , “Mathematical Modeling of Crawling Animals” , 9th iCeMS
International Symposium ‘Mesoscale Control and Engineering of Self-Organized and
Excitable Systems in Biology and Chemistry’,Kyoto, December, 2010
Ryo KOBAYASHI , “Mathematical Modeling of the Locomotion of Amoeba” ,
Czech-Japan Seminar in Applied Mathematics , Prague , Telc , Czech , August ~
September, 2010
Ryo KOBAYASHI , “Mathematical Modeling for Pattern Formation in Nature” ,
ISSCG-14,Dalian,China, August, 2010
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“真正粘菌の知性 -- 細胞のエソロジカルダイナミクス --”,理研 ASI 細胞
システムコロキウム シリーズ I ‘理論生物学’,Wako City, Saitama, June, 2010
Shinya TOZUKA,Chihiro ARAI,Kaoru ARAKAWA,“脳波解析による文章黙読時精神的
負荷の客観的評価”,電子情報通信学会総合大会,A-20-9, March, 2011
Taro OKAKURA,Tomo NAKAI,Kaoru ARAKAWA,“位置調整を伴うブロックマッチング法
による経年変化顔画像の人物認証法”,電子情報通信学会総合大会,A-20-2, March, 2011
Shinichiro SUMI, Syuji OHCHI,Kaoru ARAKAWA,“インタラクティブ進化計算を用いた
顔画像陰影強調美観システム”,電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会,A-20-2, September,
Kaoru ARAKAWA,“錯覚とディジタルエステ”,第 3 回錯覚ワークショップ-横断的錯覚科学をめ
ざして-, September, 2010
Hiraku NISHIMORI 他,“アリの運動の定量的解析-個別運動から集団採餌まで—”(招待講
演),日本動物行動学会第29回大会,Naha, Okinawa, November, 2010
Hiraku NISHIMORI,“Reduced model for the Morphodynamics of Dunes” (招待講演),
16th AIC Workshop,Tokyo,July, 2010
Shunsuke OOYAMA, Tatsuo SHIBATA,“Hierarchical Organization of Noise in Signal
Generation of Spontaneous Cell Motility; Dynamics of Oosawa Model”,理論と実験研究
会,Hiroshima University,Hiroshima,October, 2010
Tatsuo SHIBATA , “ 細 胞 の 自 発 的 な 対 称 性 の 破 れ と 情 報 処 理 ” , 理 論 と 実 験 研 究 会 ,
Hiroshima University,Hiroshima,October, 2010
Tatsuo SHIBATA,“Statistical analysis and mathematical modeling of spontaneous
activities of chemotactic cells”,RIKEN Mathematical Sciences Workshop in Kamisuwa,
September –October, 2010
Tatsuo SHIBATA,“Self-organization of chemotactic signaling system for spontaneous
motion of Eukaryotic cells”,Biological physics seminar,Max Planck Institute for
physics of complex systems,Dresden,Germany, June, 2010
Tatsuo SHIBATA,“自己組織化現象による走化性情報処理”,理研シンポジウム ‘細胞システ
ムの動態と論理 II’,RIKEN,Saitama,April, 2010
Masatoshi NISHIKAWA,Tatsuo SHIBATA,“適応反応のゆらぎと応答”,理研シンポジウム
‘細胞システムの動態と論理Ⅱ’,RIKEN,Saitama, April, 2010
Shunsuke OOYAMA,Tatsuo SHIBATA,“大沢モデルにおける興奮性膜の自発的シグナル
生成”,理研シンポジウム,‘細胞システムの動態と論理Ⅱ’,RIKEN,Saitama, April, 2010
Joe Yuichiro WAKANO,“Spatial Pattern Dynamics of Ecological Public Goods”(招待講
演),Budapest, October, 2010
Joe Yuichiro WAKANO , “ 学 習 能 力 の 進 化 ” , 日 本 人 類 学 会 , Date City, Hokkaido ,
October, 2010
Joe Yuichiro WAKANO , “Does inclusive fitness always predict the direction of
evolution? : a mathematical answer” , 日 本 数 理 生 物 学 会 , Hokkaido University ,
September, 2010
Toshikazu SUNADA,“Diamond Twin”,京都大学理学研究科, January, 2011
Toshikazu SUNADA , “Topological Crystallography” , 京 都 大 学 数 理 解 析 研 究 所 ,
January, 2011
Toshikazu SUNADA,“Diamond Twin”,数理解析国際研究集会,Thailand, December,
Toshikazu SUNADA,“Diamond Twin”,フィリピン国立大学 100 周年記念講演会, October,
Toshikazu SUNADA,“Quantum walk”,‘確率論と幾何学’の集会,東北大学理学研究科,
August, 2010
Toshikazu SUNADA,“Quantum Walks”,Dartmouth College,USA, July, 2010
Toshikazu SUNADA,“Quantum Walks”,W. Mueller 教授還暦記念集会, June, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA,“Segregation property in a tumor growth PDE model with
contact inhibition”,The 19th Workshop on Differential Equations and Its Applications,
National Cheng Kung University,Tainan City, Taiwan,January, 2011
Masayasu MIMURA,“Singular Limit of Competitive Systems and Spatial Segregation
Problems”,NCTS Workshop on PDE Models of Biological Processes,General Building3,
National Tsing Hua University,Hsinchu,Taiwan, December, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA , “ 微 小 重 力 環 境 で の す す 燃 焼 の モ デ ル 支 援 解 析 ” , PDEs and
Phenomena in Miyazaki,University of Miyazaki, November, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA,“自己組織化とモデリング”,第7回生物数学の理論と応用,京都大学数
理解析研究所, November, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA,“Competition Diffusion Systems and Free Boundary Problems”,
Workshop of Nonlinear Analysis and Integral Systems , 龍 谷 大 学 セ ミ ナ ー ハ ウ ス ,
November, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA,“Self-Organized Patterns in Bacterial Colonies”,International
Workshop on Statistical Physics and Biology of Collective Motion , Max Planck
Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems,Dresden,Germany, November, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA,“Model-Aided Understanding of Self-Organized Patterns in
Bacterial Colonies”,Mini-Workshop on Modeling,Simulation and Analysis of Bacterial
Pattern Formation,Tohoku University,Miyagi, October, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA,“Smoldering Combustion under Micro-Gravity”,Meiji University,
October, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA,“Self-Organization in Bacterial Colonies”,NLDS Days,Centre
de Recherche Paul Pascal,Bordeaux,France, October, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA,“Model-Aided Understanding of Competitive Exclusion and
Competition-Mediated Coexistence”,Mathematical Biology Seminar at University of
Bordeaux II,Bordeaux,France, October, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA , “Modeling of Smoldering Combustion in Micro-Gravity” ,
Colloquium of Interdisciplinary Mathematics Institute,University Complutense de
Madrid,Madrid,Spain, October, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA,“Non-annihilation Dynamics in Reaction-Diffusion Systems”,
Mathematical Sciences Workshop at Riken,Nagano, September, 2010
MIMURA , “Self-organization
systems” , Advanced
Mathematical Sciences I “Patterns,Waves and Motion in Biological Systems”,Meiji
University, September, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA,“情報手段を持つバクテリア集団の巧みなコロニー形成”,Advanced
Study of Mathematical Sciences I“渋滞の数理”,Meiji University, August, 2010
Hirokazu NINOMIYA , “Diffusion-induced blowup of reaction-diffusion systems” ,
Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua,Zhejiang,China, March, 2011
Hirokazu NINOMIYA,“Non-planar traveling waves and entire solutions of Allen-Cahn
equations”,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua,Zhejiang,China, March, 2011
Hirokazu NINOMIYA,“Non-planar traveling waves of reaction-diffusion equations”,
19th Workshop on Differential Equations,National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan,
January, 2011
Hirokazu NINOMIYA,“Non-planar traveling waves of reaction-diffusion equations”,
Nonlinear Analysis and Integrable Systems 非 線 形 解 析 と 可 積 分 系 数 理 , Ryukoku
University,Kyoto, November, 2010
Hirokazu NINOMIYA , “Traveling waves of Allen-Cahn equations” , Applied
Mathematics Forum , Mini-workshop on ‘Modeling , Simulations and Analysis of
Biological Pattern Formation’,Tohoku University,Sendai, October, 2010
Hirokazu NINOMIYA , “Traveling waves of Allen-Cahn equation” , Workshop on
Interface motion and Traveling Waves in Reaction Diffusion Equations,Department of
Mathematics,Tongji University,Shanghai,China, October, 2010
Hirokazu NINOMIYA,“Stacked fronts for cooperative systems with equal diffusions”,
Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Experiments,Modeling,and Analysis,Universite de
Paris-Sud 11, October, 2010
Hirokazu NINOMIYA,“Non-planar traveling waves of reaction-diffusion equations”,
Workshop on Pattern formation in Chemical and Biological Systems , Budapest ,
Hungry, October, 2010
Hirokazu NINOMIYA,“Traveling waves in the various shapes”,AIMS conference,
Dresden, May, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“太陽磁場の精密 3 次元モデルについて概要”,犬山 GEMSISワークショッ
プ, December, 2010
Major Solar Flare on 2006 December 13”, San Francisco AGU2010,December, 2010
Kanya KUSANO, “What Triggers Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares? ”(招待講演),
US-Japan Workshop MR2010,奈良日航ホテル, December, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“太陽活動と太陽圏の変動について~気候変動の立場から~”,太陽活動と
気候変動の関係に関する名古屋ワークショップ,Nagoya University, November, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,Yoji KAWAMURA,Akio KAWANO,Shin-ichiro SHIMA,“雲形成メカ
ニズムと太陽活動について”(招待講演),JAXAつくば宇宙センター ‘第 5 回”地文台によるサイ
エンス”シンポジウム ~ 極限エネルギー宇宙物理から地球科学まで ~’, November, 2010
“Data-driven Modeling of
Solar Flares and CMEs” , Nagoya University 2010
STELab-KASI Workshop on Space Weather, October, 2010
“Data-driven Modeling of Solar Flares and CMEs”,京都大学花山天文台 CAWSES II
One-day Workshop: CME/ICME and Solar Wind, October, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“2006 年 12 月の宇宙嵐イベント CME 駆動について”(招待講演),名古屋
大学‘平成 22 年度名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所研究集会“第 6 回磁気圏-電離圏複合系に
おける対流に関する研究会”,‘サブストーム開始機構研究会’, STE 現象解析ワークショップ合
同研究会,Convection,Substorm,and STE Joint Workshop, September, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,Noriaki NISHIKAWA,“地球ダイナモと太陽ダイナモ その長期変動と対
称性”(招待講演),名古屋大学 太陽天体ダイナモ研究会( STEL・NSAOJ 研究集会),
September, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,Shin-ichiro SHIMA,“雲とプラズマのシミュレーション”(招待講演),核融合
核融合科学研究所, August, 2010
K.KUSANO , N. NISHIKAWA , “On the Hemispheric Symmetricity in Rotating
Spherical Shell Dynamos”(招待講演),国立天文台 Solar Dynamo Mini-Workshop,
August, 2010
“Data-driven Modeling of Solar Storm”(招待講演),12th Quadrennial Symposium on
Solar-Terrestrial Physics,Berlin, July, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“誘導方程式の逆問題と フレア望遠鏡,Inversion of Induction Equation
and the Analysis of Data from the Solar Flare Telescope”(招待講演),20th Anniversary
of the Solar Flare Telescope 'Recent Advances in Solar Observation and
Instrumentation',Mitaka, Tokyo, July, 2010
Kanya KUSANO , “Toward a Holistic Modeling of Cloud-Microphysics for Space
Climate”(招待講演),Kyoto University CAWSES-II Kick-Off Symposium, June, 2010
“Data-driven Modeling of Solar Storm”(招待講演),2010 ISPS Workshop,National
Cheng Kung University,Tainan City, Taiwan, June, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“講義 宇宙と地球と環境変動-その理解と予測-”,法政大学人間環境学
部 人間環境セミナー,Hosei University, May, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“宇宙気候学の包括的なモデリングへ向けて”,幕張メッセ 地球惑星連合大
会, May, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“2006 年 12 月 13 日太陽フレアのモデリング研究に関するレビュー ”(招待
講演),幕張メッセ 地球惑星連合大会, May, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“古太陽気候 1000 年モデル”(招待講演),幕張メッセ 地球惑星連合大会,
May, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“太陽フレア発生は予知できるか?”,幕張メッセ 地球惑星連合大会, May,
S.SHIMA , T.OGINO , “Modeling
Solar-Terrestrial Environment System”(招待講演),International Conference of World
Class University,Seoul,Korea, April, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“科学問題としての温暖化をめぐる視点”(招待講演),日本学術会議 公開シ
ンポジウム”IPCC(気候変動に関する政府間パネル)問題の検証と今後の科学の課題”, April,
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“Design of antigravity slopes for visual illusion”,27th European
Workshop on Computational Geometry,Morschach,Switzerland,March 28-300,pp.
55-58, March, 2011
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“不思議な立体が夢を育む~夢とは見るものではなくて作るもの~”,南
山大学・豊田工業大学連携講演会,Toyota Technological Institute, December, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“錯覚から見たエッシャー芸術の数理”,Meiji University Project
Based Analysis and Research Cluster (Inter Departmental Curriculum for Doctoral
course) Advanced Study of Mathematical SciencesⅡ‘錯覚と数理’,Meiji University,
December, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“不可能モーションの数理”,Meiji University Inter Project Based
Analysis and Research Cluster (Inter Departmental Curriculum for Doctoral course)
Advanced Study of Mathematical SciencesⅡ‘錯覚と数理’,Meiji University, December,
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“エッシャーマジックへの挑戦”(招待講演),3 次元映像フォーラム‘錯視
が活かされる世界:芸術と科学の架け橋’シンポジウム,論文原稿“3D 映像”,Vo. 25,No. 1,pp.
38-45,Ritsumeikan University, March, 2011
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“夢工学 --- 夢をかなえる技術,立体錯視の数理 --- だまし絵を立体に
してみよう”,福岡県小倉高校スーパーサイエンスハイスクール特別講義,July, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“世界錯覚コンテスト参戦報告”,第 3 回錯覚ワークショップ,Meiji
University, September, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“だまし絵の秘密”,サイエンスフィルムカフェ 2010,科学技術館,
September, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,‘オープン・スペース 2010’出品作家によるイベント,アーティストトーク:
竹内龍人,ゲスト:Kokichi SUGIHARA,NTTインターコミュニケーションセンターフォーラム,東
京オペラシティ, September, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“だまし絵と錯覚 ~私たちはありのままを見ているのでしょうか~”,Hida
High School, Gifu, October, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“立体錯視の楽しみ”(基調講演),ビジュアリゼーションコンファレンス,
November, 2010
Daishin UEYAMA , “A mathematical model of Liesegang type precipitation” ,
Mini-Workshop on Modeling , Simulations and Analysis of Biological Pattern
Formation, Conference Room Aoba,4th Floor of Heanel Sendai,Sendai, October,
Daishin UEYAMA , “An application of the self-organizing mechanism in the
Reaction-Diffusion systems” , International Workshop on Pattern formation in
Chemical and Biological Systems,Eötvös University,Budapest,Hungary, October,
Daishin UEYAMA,“One of the application of the self-replicating mechanism in some
Reaction-Diffusion systems” , Reaction-Diffusion Systems: Experiments , Modeling ,
and Analysis,Paris-Sud 11,Orsay,France, October, 2010
Daishin UEYAMA,“Mathematical model for Liesegang type precipitation”,Inorganic
Nanowires: Syntheses and Growth Mechanisms (#264) [3A],The International
Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies,the Hawaii Convention Center 304A,
Honolulu,Hawaii,USA, December, 2010
Kota IKEDA , Takeshi MIKI , Masayasu MIMURA , Joe Yuichiro WAKANO ,
“Mechanistic Formulation of two-patch compartment model for the spatial continuous
systems”,海洋学研究所セミナー,the Institute of Oceanography of National Taiwan
University,Taipei,Taiwan, November, 2010
Kota IKEDA,“縮約方程式が現れる反応拡散系に関する解析”,京都駅前セミナー,キャンパス
プラザ京都, November, 2010
Kota IKEDA,Takeshi MIKI,Masayasu MIMURA,Joe Yuichiro WAKANO,“Formula
for the dispersal rates in a compartment model” , Reaction-Diffusion Systems:
Experiments,Modeling,and Analysis,Université de Paris-Sud 11,Paris,France,
October, 2010
Kota IKEDA,Shin-Ichiro EI,Eiji YANAGIDA,“Instability of multi-spots in general
shadow systems for reaction-diffusion equations”,International Workshop on Pattern
Formation in Chemical and Biological Systems,Eötvös Lorànd University,Budapest,
Hungary, October, 2010
Kota IKEDA,“反応拡散方程式へのデータ使用に向けて”,第 8 回‘複雑系現象の時系列解析
8’-物理・数論・経済現象-,Meiji University, September, 2010
Kota IKEDA,Takeshi MIKI,Masayasu MIMURA,Joe Yuichiro WAKANO,“Formula
for the dispersal rates in a compartment model”,第 20 回日本数理生物学会大会,
Hokkaido University, September, 2010
Kota IKEDA,Shu-ichi KINOSHITA,Akiyasu TOMOEDA,Hirofumi NOTSU,Daishin
UEYAMA,“美味しいコーヒーの淹れ方の数理 ~コーヒー抽出における熱湯の浸透について
~”,日本応用数理学会 2010 年度年会,Meiji University, September, 2010
Kota IKEDA , Takeshi MIKI , Masayasu MIMURA , Joe Yuichiro WAKANO ,
“compartment model における移動分散率の表現公式”,僕らの合宿 2010‐融合に向けて‐,
YMCA コンフォレスト湯来,Hiroshima, August, 2010
Kota IKEDA,Masayasu MIMURA,“Reflection of a traveling wave in smoldering
combustion”,The 8th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems,Differential Equations
and Applications,Dresden University of Technology,Dresden,Germany, May, 2010
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,“円形反応場を伝播する化学反応波の集団が形成する疎密波”,日
本化学会第 91 春季年会(Cancelled,発表は成立と認定されている。),Kanagawa University,
March, 2011
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,“表面張力差で駆動される樟脳船の集団運動”,第 47 回 自律分散
シ ス テ ム 部 研 究 会 , Akihabara Satellite Campus, Tokyo Metropolitan University ,
December, 2010
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,“Spatio-temporal pattern of fluid and its application to
construct a hierarchic structure” , Meiji University Project Based Analysis and
Research Cluster‘Advanced Mathematical Sciences Ⅱ’,Meiji University, October,
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU , “Collective behavior of micro-organisms induced by
phototaxis”,Meiji University Project Based Analysis and Research Cluster ‘Advanced
Mathematical Sciences I’, September, 2010
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,“樟脳船の渋滞-実験と理論のコラボレーション”,Hiroshima
University・Meiji University・Ryukoku University Joint camp,Hiroshima, August,
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,“生物・無生物におけるパターン形成”,細胞のかたちと機能プロジ
ェクト研究センター 第15回セミナー,Hiroshima University, July, 2010
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,“場を介して相互作用する自律運動粒子の集団運動”,京都駅前セ
ミナー, May, 2010
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,“平滑化分布を利用したデータ同化スキーム”,第 60 回理論応用力
学講演会,Tokyo Institute of Technology, March, 2011
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,“日本における EFD/CFD 融合の方向性~データと統計の科学から”
(パネルディスカッション),第4回 EFD/CFD 融合ワークショップ,秋葉原ダイビル, January,
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,“金融時系列可視化の新しいアプローチ”,経済物理学に基づく金融
時系列の可視化に関するワークショップ,Meiji University,December, 2010
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,“工学におけるデータ同化とその応用”,複雑系現象の時系列解析9,
Meiji University, November, 2010
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,“大規模・高頻度時系列に対する SSA 解析”,複雑系現象の時系列
解析8,Meiji University,October, 2010
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,“統計的数理モデル融合と現象数理学”,行動計量学会,Saitama
University,September, 2010
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,“大規模現象モデリングと統計科学”(招待講演),統計サマーセミナ
ー2010,ホテルサンバレー富士見,Shizuoka,August, 2010
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,“大規模イベント駆動システムのデータ同化”,複雑系現象の時系列
解析7,Meiji University,July, 2010
Kazuyuki NAKAMURA,“イベント駆動型システムに対するモデリングとデータ同化”,第 59 回
理論応用力学講演会,日本学術会議,June, 2010
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA,“ネットワーク構造の違いにより現れるブーリアンダイナミクスの特徴”,第
2 回応用システムバイオロジー研究会‘細胞内ネットワークのアトラクターとダイナミクス’,Kyoto
University,March, 2011
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA,“ネットワーク構造の違いにより現れるブーリアンダイナミクスの特徴”,
NLPM セミナー,Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences, Graduate School of
Science, Hiroshima University, March, 2011
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA,“複雑ネットワーク上のブーリアンダイナミクス”,今野研究室セミナー,
Yokohama National University,November, 2010
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA,“The gene regulatory dynamics in the complex networks”,The
Third China-Japan Colloquium of Mathematical Biology,Beijing, China,October, 2010
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA,“異なる構造を持つネットワーク上での Boolean Dynamics の比較”,
Hiroshima University・Ryukoku University・Meiji University Joint Camp,Hiroshima,
August, 2010
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA ,“遺伝子ネットワーク構造とダイナミクスの関係 ”, 明治数理科学
EXHIBITION,Meiji University,May, 2010
Chiyori URABE,Shinji TAKESUE,“混合バネ系における破壊現象 IV”,日本物理学会第
66 回年次大会,Niigata,March, 2011
Chiyori URABE , Shinji TAKESUE , “Enhancement of Fracture Toughness and
Maximum Stress in a Disordered Lattice System”,18th European Conference on
Fracture, Dresden,Germany ,August- September, 2010
Chiyori URABE,Shinji TAKESUE,“Fracture Toughness and Maximum Stress in a
Disordered Lattice System”,2nd Workshop on Statistical Physics of Fracture and other
Complex Systems,Debrecen,Hungary,September, 2010
Chiyori URABE ,Shinji TAKESUE,“Fracture toughness and maximum stress in a
disordered lattice system”,16th ACP Workshop ‘Physics of Fracture and Related
Problems’,Tokyo,July, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA , Daichi YANAGISAWA , Takashi IMAMURA , Katsuhiro
NISHINARI,“人の反応伝播速度とロスタイム最小化”,日本応用数理学会 春の研究部会連合
発表会,Tokyo,March, 2011
Akiyasu TOMOEDA , Daichi YANAGISAWA , Takashi IMAMURA , Katsuhiro
NISHINARI , “Starting-Wave of Pedestrians and its Application for Marathon” ,
Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics,RIMS,Kyoto,January, 2011
Akiyasu TOMOEDA , Daichi YANAGISAWA , Takashi IMAMURA , Katsuhiro
NISHINARI,“人の反応伝播速度とトラベルタイムの導出”,2010 年度応用数学合同研究集会,
Shiga,December, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA , “Jamology : Vehicles and Pedestrians” , Seminar on Partial
Differential Equations in Kinetic Theories,Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical
Sciences,Cambridge,England,December, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,“セルオートマトンモデルによる交通流現象の研究とその応用”,横浜国
立大学 今野研究室セミナー,Yokohama National University,December, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA , Daichi YANAGISAWA , Takashi IMAMURA , Katsuhiro
NISHINARI,“人の反応の伝播速度と膨張波”,九州大学応用力学研究所(RIAM)-平成 22 年
度共同利用研究集会,Fukuoka,October, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,“Public Conveyance Model and Application for Train Network”,
Seminar at Prof. Stefania Bandini Lab.,The University of Milano-Bicocca,Italy,
September, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA , Daichi YANAGISAWA , Takashi IMAMURA , Katsuhiro
NISHINARI,“人の反応伝播速度の密度依存性について”,日本応用数理学会 2010 年度年
会,Osaka,September, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,“サグ部での渋滞形成メカニズムと錯視現象”,僕らの合宿 2010~融合に
向けて(Hiroshima University,Meiji University,Ryukoku University Joint Camp),
YMCA コンフォレスト湯来,Hiroshima,August, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA ,“交通渋 滞現象と数理モデ ル ”,HMC(北陸M倶楽部 ) セミナー ,
Kanazawa University,July, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,“渋滞形成メカニズムに潜む錯視現象と渋滞緩和 ”,明治数理科学
EXHIBITION,Meiji University, May, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,“車の渋滞現象とセルオートマトンモデル”,第 6 回デジタル解析学セミ
ナー,Waseda University,April, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI,“家族の起源の数理モデル”(招待),京都大学人類進化論ゼミ,Kyoto,
January, 2011
Wataru NAKAHASHI,“人類進化と学習能力”,第 3 回日本人間行動進化学会,Kobe,
December, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI ,“ 人 類 進 化 と 性 ”( 招 待 ) , 第 21 回 ダ ー ウ ィ ン セ ミ ナ ー , Tokyo ,
November, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI,“Evolution of learning abilities in the genus Homo”(国際研究集
会),The Third China-Japan Colloquium of Mathematical Biology,Beijing,China,
October, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI,“初期人類における繁殖形態の進化”,第 64 回日本人類学会,Date
City, Hokkaido,October, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI,“Conditions for the evolution of conformist transmission”,第 20
回日本数理生物学会,Sapporo, Hokkaido,September, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI,“学習能力と学習戦略の進化” (招待),『交替劇』B01 班第 1 回班会議,
Okinawa,August, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI,“人はなぜ賢くなったのか?”,第 12 回日本進化学会,Tokyo,August,
Wataru NAKAHASHI,“学習能力の進化と人類史”,第 5 回現象数理若手シンポジウム,
Kawasaki,June, 2010
Hirofumi NOTSU,“特性曲線法による流れ問題の数値シミュレーション”,北陸 M 倶楽部セミナ
ー,Kanazawa University,Kanazawa,March, 2011
Hirofumi NOTSU,Masahisa TABATA,“L2 評価と離散 L2 評価”,日本応用数理学会研
究部会連合発表会,the University of Electro-Communications,March, 2011
Hirofumi NOTSU,Masahisa TABATA,“離散 L2 評価 −特性曲線差分法への応用−”,日
本数学会,Waseda University,Tokyo,March, 2011
Masahiro YAMAGUCHI,Hirofumi NOTSU,Daishin UEYAMA,“反応拡散系の自己組織
化機構を利用した新たなメッシュ生成法”,北陸 M 倶楽部セミナー,Kanazawa University,
March, 2011
Hirofumi NOTSU,Masahiro YAMAGUCHI,Daishin UEYAMA,“自己組織化機構を利用
ム,九州大学西新プラザ,Fukuoka,February, 2011
Hirofumi NOTSU,“Characteristics finite element and difference schemes for flow
problems”, The 2nd Japan-Taiwan joint workshop, Meiji University, February,
Hirofumi NOTSU,“高品質特性曲線有限要素法の開発”.Meiji University グローバル COE
現象数理若手シンポジウム”航空機の数理 −流体モデルと数値解析−”,Meiji University,
January, 2011
Hirofumi NOTSU,“無限 Prandtl 数熱対流問題への特性曲線有限要素法の適用”,日本応用
数理学会環瀬戸内応用数 理研究部会シンポジウム,Okayama University of Science,
January, 2011
Masahiro YAMAGUCHI,Hirofumi NOTSU,Daishin UEYAMA,“反応拡散系の自己組織
化機構を利用した新たなメッシュ生成法 ”,2010 年度応用数学合同研究集会,Ryukoku
University, December, 2010
Hirofumi NOTSU , “特 性 曲 線 有 限 要 素 法 の 応 用 ” ,2010 度 応 用 数 学 合 同 研 究 集 会 ,
Ryukoku University, December, 2010
Hirofumi NOTSU,“特性曲線有限要素法の実践”,九州大学数値解析セミナー,Kyushu
University,November, 2010
Hirofumi NOTSU,“流れ問題のための時間高次精度特性曲線有限要素/差分スキーム”,早稲
田大学数学・応数談話会,Waseda University,September, 2010
Hirofumi NOTSU,“A pressure-stabilized characteristics finite element scheme for the
Navier-Stokes equations”,Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics,Czech
Technical University in Prague,Telč,Czech Republic,September, 2010
Hirofumi NOTSU ,“Characteristics Finite Element Schemes for Flow Problems” ,
Seminar on mathematical sciences based on Mathematical models , Analysis and
Simulation,Meiji University,Kawasaki,April, 2010
KANAYAMA,“材料内の一方向連成結晶塑性-水素拡散シミュレーション”,第 59 回理論応用
力学講演会,東京学術会議,Tokyo,April, 2010
Shiro HORIUCHI,“猿害対策から見る人と自然の関係の地域間変異”,数理社会学会,
Okinawa International University,March, 2011
Shiro HORIUCHI,“ホスト―ゲストの相互作用:高千穂夜神楽に注目して”,日本社会学会,
Nagoya University,November, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI,Shiro HORIUCHI,“初期人類における繁殖形態の進化”,日本人類
学会,Date City, Hokkaido,October, 2010
Shiro HORIUCHI,“多文化が保たれるメカニズム:空間構造のある調整ゲーム ABM による分
析”,数理社会学会,Dokkyo University,September, 2010
Shiro HORIUCHI,“グローバリゼーションからグローカリゼーションへ”,日本応用数理学会,
Meiji University,September, 2010
Shiro HORIUCHI,“集団の垣根を越えた社会”,第 6 回現象数理若手シンポジウム‘現象数理
学と数理社会学の対話’,Meiji University,July, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“接触抑制効果を伴う細胞集団モデル”,日本数学会 2011 年度年会,早稲
田大学理工学術院,March, 2011(震災措置による発表成立)
Tohru WAKASA,“空間 1 次元 Allen-Cahn 方程式の線形化固有値問題について”,日本数
学会 2011 年度年会,早稲田大学理工学術院, March, 20101(震災措置による発表成立).
Tohru WAKASA,“接触抑制の観点からみた腫瘍の数理モデル”,藤田保健衛生大学数理講演
会,Fujita Health University, March, 2011
Tohru WAKASA , “2 種 競 争 反 応 拡 散 系 と 自 由 境 界 問 題 ”,‘ 現 象 の 数 理 ’ 研 究 会 ,Ito,
Shizuoka, February, 2011
Tohru WAKASA,“接触抑制効果を持つ細胞集団の数理モデル”,MEE Seminar 冬合宿,明
治大学清里セミナーハウス,January, 2011
WAKASA , “Mathematical
contact-inhibition”,第 28 回九州における偏微分方程式研究集会,九州大学西新プラザ,
January, 2011
Tohru WAKASA,“接触抑制効果を伴う細胞の数理モデル”,第 7 回現象数理若手シンポジウム
‘細胞・腫瘍の数理’,Meiji University,November, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“Exact solutions in bistable reaction-diffusion equations”,研究集会
‘散逸系の数理’,京都大学数理解析研究所,November, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“On linearized eigenvalue problems for one dimensional Allen-Cahn
equations”,Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Integrable Systems (四ツ谷晶二教授
還暦記念研究集会),龍谷大学セミナーハウス,November, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“接触抑制効果を伴う細胞集団モデルとその解析”,京都駅前セミナー,キャ
ンパスプラザ京都,October, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“生物,特に細胞群に関する個体数力学を記述する偏微分方程式モデル”,
今野研究室セミナー,Yokohama National University,October, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“接触抑制効果を考慮した細胞の個体数力学モデル”,夏の偏微分方程式セ
ミナー2010,Kobe University,August, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“接触抑制効果を考慮した腫瘍の数理モデル”,デジタル解析学セミナー,
Waseda University,July, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“Limiting Structure on linearized eigenvalue problems associated
with Chafee-Infante type equations”,Nonlinear Evolutionary PDEs and their
Equilibrium States(山田義雄教授還暦記念研究集会),Waseda University,June, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“接触抑制効果を伴う細胞の数理モデル”,明治数理科学 exhibition,Meiji
University,May, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“接触抑制効果を伴う非線形拡散・競合系モデルの進行波解について”,
RDS セミナー,Meiji University,May, 2010
Tohru WAKASA , “Limiting structure on eigenfunctions of linearized eigenvalue
problems for 1-dimensional bistable reaction-diffusion equations” , 8-th AIMS
conference on Dynamical systems,Differential equations and Applications,Special
Session 63,Dresden,Germany,May, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“Traveling waves for a reaction-diffusion model for tumour growth
with contact inhibition”, 8-th AIMS conference on Dynamical systems,Differential
equations and Applications,Special Session 16,Dresden,Germany,May, 2010
Hai Yen SIEW,“Semi-parametric estimation of modulated renewal processes”,The
Second International Conference on Mathematical Sciences (ICMS2-2010) , Kuala
Lumpur,Malaysia,December, 2010
Hai Yen SIEW.,“The generalized t–distribution on the circle”,Mathematical Sciences
based on Modeling,Analysis and Simulation Seminar (MAS Seminar) of the Meiji
University GCOE Program,Meiji University,July, 2010
Mitsuru KIKKAWA ,“Empirical Nash Equilibrium and its Applications” ,The 2nd
Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop for Graduate Students in Applied Mathematics,Meiji
University,February, 2011
Mitsuru KIKKAWA,“板情報に着目した市場モデル:進化ゲーム理論”,第3回現象数理若手ミ
ニシンポジウム‘ファイナンスと現象数理学’,Meiji University,November, 2010
Mitsuru KIKKAWA,“板情報に着目した市場モデル:進化ゲーム理論”,第 6 回‘複雑系現象
の時系列解析6’ -経済・数論・物理現象-,Meiji University,May, 2010
Mitsuru KIKKAWA,“進化ゲーム理論入門,1-2-3”,Mathematical Ecology & Evolution
Seminar,Meiji University,April, 2010
Mitsuru KIKKAWA,“Cournot 市場から始めるゲーム理論入門”,Mathematical Ecology &
Evolution Seminar,Meiji University,April, 2010
Makoto TOMA,“Dynamic spiral coexistence in competing species”,第 1 回現象数理若手
ミニシンポジウム‘進化による安定共存と反応拡散系の形態形成’,Meiji University,August,
Makoto TOMA,“Dynamic spiral coexistence in competing species ”,研究集会‘偏微分方
程式の最近の話題 2010 in 別府’,April, 2010
Tetsuji HIDAKA,“複雑系現象の時系列に潜む変化構造の可視化,実証分析:オーロラ,地震
と 火山 ” ‘非線 形時系列に対する 現象数理 学の発展 ’ シンポジウム , Meiji University ,
January, 2011
Tetsuji HIDAKA,“複雑系現象の時系列に潜む変化構造の可視化,実証分析:マーケティン
グ” ‘非線形時系列に対する現象数理学の発展’シンポジウム,Meiji University,January,
Tetsuji HIDAKA,“複雑系現象の時系列に潜む変化構造の可視化,理論とシミュレーション”
‘非線形時系列に対する現象数理学の発展’シンポジウム,Meiji University,January, 2011
Tetsuji HIDAKA,“広告効果測定に向けての取り組みのご紹介 実験計画法アプローチと時系
列解析アプローチ”,応用統計計量ワークショップ,Tohoku University,October, 2010
Tetsuji HIDAKA,“POS データに潜む販売ダイナミクスの可視化”,明治大学 GCOE 若手ミニ
シンポジウム‘マーケティングと現象数理学’,Meiji University,October, 2010
Tetsuji HIDAKA,“商品の販売データに潜むダイナミクス変化の可視化(2)”,‘非線形時系列
に対する現象数理学の発展’シンポジウム,Meiji University,July, 2010
Jian ZU,“Coevolution in a predator-prey system subject to Allee effect”,2010 京都大
学数理解析研究所共同利用研究集会,第 7 回 生物数学の理論とその応用,Kyoto University,
November, 2010
Jian ZU,“Adaptive evolution of foraging-related traits in a predator-prey community”,
The 3rd China-Japan Colloquium of Mathematical Biology ,Beijing,China,October,
Jian ZU,“Evolutionary branching and continuously stable coexistence of predator
species”,Meiji University 第 1 回現象数理若手ミニシンポジウム,Meiji University,August,
POH Ai Ling Amy,“Grid Information Security Functional Requirement”,The 2nd
Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop for Graduate Students in Applied Mathematics,Meiji
University,February, 2011
POH Ai Ling Amy “スマートグリッド (Smart Grid)”,システムセミナー,Meiji University,
October, 2010
POH Ai Ling Amy,“Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Introductory Overview”,シス
テムセミナー,Meiji University 清里セミナーハウス,August, 2010
POH Ai Ling Amy,“The impact of marketing mix on customer satisfaction: A case
study deriving consensus rankings from benchmarking”,GCOE 現象数理学の形成と発展,
Meiji University,July, 2010
Chen Yan-Yu,“Entire Solutions with Merging Fronts to Reaction-Diffusion Equations”,
The 2nd Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop for Graduate Students in Applied Mathematics,
February, 2011
Masahiro YAMAGUCHI,Hirofumi NOTSU,Daishin UEYAMA,“反応拡散系の自己組織
化機構を利用した新たなメッシュ生成”,Hiroshima University・Meiji University・Ryukoku
University Joint Camp,Hiroshima,August, 2010
Masahiro YAMAGUCHI,Hirofumi NOTSU,Daishin UEYAMA,“反応拡散系の自己組織
化機構を利用した新たなメッシュ生成”,Nonlinear Phenomenology and Mathematics サマ
ーセミナー,Hyogo,August, 2010
Masahiro YAMAGUCHI , Atsushi TERO , Toshiyuki NAKAGAKI , “Mathematical
model of bone remodeling based on antagonistic adaptability” MEE Seminar,Meiji
University,May, 2010
●Poster Sessions
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,“個体の概日周期に依存した生物対流パターンの変化”,第 20 回
非線形反応と協同現象,Kagoshima University,January, 2011
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,“Mesoscale Control and Engineering of Self-Organized and
Excitable Systems in Biology and Chemistry”,9th iCeMS International Symposium
Density Wave Propagation of a Wave Train,Kyoto University,December, 2010
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,“光刺激の強度に依存したミドリムシの生物対流”,基研研究会
2010 非平衡系の物理学-非平衡ゆらぎと集団挙動,Kyoto University,November, 2010
Nobuhiko J. SUEMATSU,“Localized Bioconvection Generated by Schooling Behavior
of Phototactic Micro-organisms”,Gordon Research Conference 2010: Oscillations &
Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems,Lucca,Italy,July, 2010
Chiyori URABE,Masayasu MIMURA,“ランダムウォークする粒子の感染症伝播の数理モデ
ル”, 日本物理学会 2010 秋季大会,Osaka Prefecture University, September, 2010
Chiyori URABE, Shinji TAKESUE , “Enhancement of Fracture Toughness in a
Disordered Lattice System” , The 1st International Symposium on Innovative
Mathematical Modeling,Tokyo, February-March, 2011
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA, “Comparison of Boolean dynamics in complex networks” ,
Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics,RIMS Kyoto, January, 2011
Shu-ichi KINOSHITA, Kazumoto IGUCHI, Hiroaki YAMADA,“遺伝子ネットワーク上
におけるブーリアンダイナミクスモデルの振る舞い ”,2010 年度日本応用数理学会,Meiji
University,September, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI,“人はなぜ賢い?” ,日本 応用数理学会 2010 年度年会,Meiji
University,September, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“On a simplified tumor growth model with contact-inhibition”, Far
From Equilibrium Dynamics (In honor of the 60-th birthday for Professor Yasumasa
Nishiura),京都大学数理解析研究所,January, 2011
Hirofumi NOTSU,“An application of the characteristics finite element method to a
thermal convection problem with the infinite Prandtl number” , International
Workshop on Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics,Research Institute for Mathematical
Sciences,January, 2011
Masahiro YAMAGUCHI,Hirofumi NOTSU,Daishin UEYAMA,“A mesh generator
using a self-organizing mechanism of a reaction-diffusion system” , International
Workshop on Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics,Research Institute for Mathematical
Sciences,Kyoto University,January, 2011
Hirofumi NOTSU, Masahiro YAMAGUCHI, Daishin UEYAMA,“自己組織化機構を利
用 し た メ ッ シ ュ 生 成 手 法 の 開 発 ” , 日 本 応 用 数 理 学 会 2010 年 会 , Meiji University ,
September, 2010
6)Press Articles (Newspapers / Magazines / TVs)
Masao MUKAIDONO,“製品安全に関するリスクコミュニケーション”(moderator),Security
Sangyo Shimbun,March 25, 2011
SHIRAISHI,“安心社会は正しい情報の理解と共有から”(panel discussion),Nihon Keizai
Shimbun(advertisement), January 24, 2011
Yuichiro ANZAI,Hiromi NAYA,Masao MUKAIDONO,“日本らしさを示す,ものづくり技術
とは”(discussion),Nihon Keizai Shimbun(advertisement),January 17, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“再発防止への背景説明を”(interview),Mainichi Shimbun ,
December 27, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全学 やさしく紹介”, Yomiuri Shimbun(local page/Yokohama),
p.29,October 10, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“事故防ぐ”安全学”解説”, Yomiuri Shimbun (Kanagawa edition),
September 8, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,Toyohiko TERAOKA,“企業と消費者が協力し安全を形づくる,
NIKKEI 安全づくりプロジェクト”, Nihon Keizai Shimbun,June 17, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“コンピュータで安全を実現”,Data communications,No.1080,
Dempa Shimbun,April 15, 2010
Takeaki KARIYA,“金融機関のリスク管理の課題―新たな評価手法の確立を”, Nihon Keizai
Shimbun October 6, 2010
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“ビバ・キャンパス イグ・ノーベル賞 粘菌の研究で栄誉”, Chugoku
Shimbun,October 17, 2010
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“粘菌またイグ・ノーベル賞”, Asahi Shimbun,October 1, 2010
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“イグ・ノーベル賞 鉄道網に‘粘菌の知恵’”, Mainichi Shimbun,
October 1, 2010
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“イグ・ノーベル賞2度目 粘菌の動きで交通網整備”, Kyoto Shimbun,
October 1, 2010
Hiraku NISHIMORI,“複雑な砂丘の動き単純な連立方程式で表現”, Science News,July
2, 2010
Hiraku NISHIMORI,“砂丘の形状示す連立方程式発見”, Nihon Keizai Shimbun,June
28, 2010
Tatsuo SHIBATA,“細胞の自発運動時に機能,分子挙動を解明”, Science News,平成 22
年 June 25, 2010
Tatsuo SHIBATA,“酵素が細胞の動き決定”, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun,June 16, 2010.
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“球が坂を転がり上がる?,Meiji University,錯視狙った立体制作”,
Nihon Keizai Shimbun,September 27, 2010
●Newspapers (comments)
Masao MUKAIDONO,“窒息の危険性減らす指標公表:こんにゃくゼリー”,Nihon Shouhi
Keizai Shimbun, January 1, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“リコール情報”, Yomiuri Shimbun,January 28, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“事故原因の究明優先を”, Nihon Keizai Shimbun,August 21,
Masao MUKAIDONO , “ リ コ ー ル 最 前 線 : 製 品 の ‘ 寿 命 ’ 周 知 進 ま ず ” , Nihon Keizai
Shimbun,May 24, 2010
Hiraku NISHIMORI, “砂丘の風紋美しい”(新聞読者質問コーナーへの回答,執筆は編集
部),Tokyo Shimbun, Chunichi Shimbun,July 26, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“科学技術と未来 ~人と技術・システムとの関わりを中心に~ ”,
SCOPE NET,VOL.59,pp.3-7,(財)湾岸空港建設技術サービスセンター, March, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる”安全学」最終回:安全と安心”,プラントエンジニア 第 43
巻,第 3 号,通巻 505 号,pp.66-67,日本プラントメンテナンス協会, February, 2011
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第11回:メンテナンスは安全の要”,プラントエン
ジニア,第 43 巻,第 2 号,通巻 504 号,pp.50-51,日本プラントメンテナンス協会, January,
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第10回:安全確保のためにコンピュータを使う:機
能安全という発想”,プラントエンジニア,第 43 巻,第 1 号 通巻 503 号,pp.76-77,日本プラント
メンテナンス協会, December, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ものづくり安全から安全づくりへ”,IPG 2010 Vol.25 No.12,pp.16,
㈱コスモブレインズ, November, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第9回:フェールセーフ技術:ハイボールの原理に
学ぶ~”,プラントエンジニア,第 42 巻,第 12 号 通巻 502 号,pp.72-73,日本プラントメンテナ
ンス協会,November, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第8回:本質的安全設計 :安全設計のスタートは
ここから”,プラントエンジニア,第 42 巻,第 11 号 通巻 501 号,pp.80-81,日本プラントメンテナ
ンス協会,October, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第7回:スリーステップメソッド:安全方策の順番”,
プラントエンジニア,第 42 巻,第 10 号 通巻 500 号,pp.66-67,日本プラントメンテナンス協会,
September, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“製品の‘安全’は,企業と生活者がともに考え,納得して決めるもの,ど
うして?なるほど!通信” Vol.10,p.11,㈱新建新聞社”くらし・住設・まちづくり研究所」,㈲ラ・プ
ラース,September, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第6回:リスクアセスメントという発想”,プラントエン
ジニアリング,Vol.42,No.9,pp.48-49, 日本プラントメンテナンス協会,September, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第5回:信頼性と安全性の関係”,プラントエンジ
ニアリング,Vol.42,No.8,pp.62-63,日本プラントメンテナンス協会, August, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第4回:どこまでやったら安全か”,プラントエンジ
ニアリング,Vol.42,No.7,pp.42-43,日本プラントメンテナンス協会, July, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全・危機管理と大学,シンポジウム 大学における危機管理体制の
現状と問題点”,明大専教連会報 第 99 号 通巻 189 号,pp.8-21 pp.34-47,Meiji University
専任教授連合会,July, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全は競争力の源泉である”,リスクマネジメント TODAY,Vol.13,
No.3,pp.17-19,リスクマネジメント協会, July, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“情報化社会の脆弱性”,Newton 別冊 地域別・震源,規模,被害予
測 巨大地震,pp.102-103,ニュートン プレス,June, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“リスクアセスメントのすすめ”,人事院月報,No.730,pp.12-13,人事
院, June, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第3回:安全の見える化”,プラントエンジニアリン
グ,Vol.42, No.6,pp.58-59,日本プラントメンテナンス協会, June, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第2回:‘機械は壊れるもの’であり,‘人間は間違
協会, May, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“ためになる‘安全学’第 1 回:‘安全学’への道程”,プラントエンジニア
リング,Vol.42,No.4,pp.60-61,日本プラントメンテナンス協会, April, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“安全の‘共通化’はじっくりと”,日経ものづくり,第 667 号,pp.4-6,日
経 BP 社,April, 2010
Takeaki KARIYA,“リスクの時代を生き抜く知恵”,東洋経済,April 10 edition, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“投影逆変換と立体錯視”,数学セミナー 特集‘錯覚の数理’,pp.
24-27,March, 2011
Hitoshi ARAI,Akiyoshi KITAOKA,Yasushi YAMAGUCHI,Kokichi SUGIHARA,“座談
会「錯覚研究において数理的アプローチに期待すること”,数学セミナー 特集‘錯覚の数理’,pp.
8-16,March, 2011
Kokichi SUGIHARA,‘週刊文春’ January 20, 2011 edition 写真ページで不可能立体が
Deok-Soo KIM , Youngsong CHO and Kokichi SUGIHARA , “Quasi-worlds and
Quasi-operators on Quasi-triangulations” , Computer-Aided Design , vol. 42 , pp.
874--888, October, 2010
D.-S. KIM,Y. CHO,Kokichi SUGIHARA,J. RYU,and D. KIM,“Three-dimensional
beta-shapes and beta-complexes via quasi-triangulation”,Computer-Aided Design,vol.
42,pp. 911--929, October, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“知を磨く者3 不可能立体を究める Kokichi SUGIHARA”,発明協会
発行‘発明’にインタビュー記事が掲載された。pp. 20-23, October, 2010 edition
Kokichi SUGIHARA,‘子供の科学’7月号,コカトピで錯覚コンテスト 1 位入賞の記事とインタビ
ュー,July, 2010 edition
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“数学が使える楽しさ”,aperitif, 数学セミナー,2010April edition,
Chiyori URABE,“物理屋の眼で現象の骨組みを取り出す”,明治大学グローバル COE プログ
ラム‘現象数理学の形成と発展’若手研究者インタビュー,News Letter Vol.4, April, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,“第 15 回交通流のシミュレーションシンポジウム報告”,日本応用数理学
会編集学会誌‘応用数理’,Vol.20,No.2,pp.86-87,June, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,“非線形現象を数理の目で解明したい”,Meiji University GCOE ニュース
レター研究者インタビュー,Vol. 7, January, 2011
Hai Yen SIEW,“点過程モデルによる新しい推定法を考案”,Meiji University GCOE ニュー
スレター研究者インタビュー,Volume 7, January, 2011
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“Home J ステーション”,広島ホームテレビ,December 1, 2010
Ryo KOBAYASHI,“TSS スーパーニュース”,TV 新広島 ,November 23, 2010
Masao MUKAIDONO,“世界一受けたい授業”,日本テレビ,July 31, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,“不可思議探偵団”,禁断エリア 潜入 2 時間 SP 地磁気反転と太陽フレアの
地球環境影響に関して解説, 日本テレビ,October 11, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“SmaSTATION!”,トリックアート特集で,不可能モーションが紹介,テレ
ビ朝日,January 10, 2011
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“奇跡体験アンビリバボー”,心理トリック,錯覚マジックの解説を監修,
December 9, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“世界一受けたい授業”,錯覚の利用,錯覚エンターテイメントなどの講義,
日本テレビ,July 31, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“世界を変える100人の日本人 スペシャル”,不可能モーションの紹介・
解説,テレビ東京,July 30, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“さきっちょ”,不可能モーションの紹介,インタビュー,テレビ朝日,July
13, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“MAG・ねっと”,何でも吸引四方向滑り台が紹介,NHK BS-2,May 30,
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“El Hormiguero(スペインのテレビ番組。司会 Andres Palop)”,大型
の「なんでも吸引四方向滑り台」が紹介,May 24, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“野次馬サタデー”,何でも吸引四方向すべり台が錯覚コンテスト優勝作
品として紹介される,テレビ朝日,May 15, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,“知りたがり”,渋滞形成メカニズムと渋滞緩和策,フジテレビ,May 4,
7) Hosted research conferences, symposia and workshops
Kaoru ARAKAWA , The 2010 International Symposium on Communications and
Information Technologies (ISCIT2010),Meiji University,October 26~29, 2010
Masayasu MIMURA 他 ( Co-chairs ) , Kota IKEDA , Daishin UEYAMA , Kokichi
Masao MUKAIDONO,Joe Yuichiro WAKANO 他(実行委員),日本応用数理学会 20 周年
記念行事実行委員会,Meiji University,September 7,9, 2010
Toshikazu SUNADA,Brusell における ERC(ヨーロッパ科学評議会)審査委員,September
7-9, 2010
Toshikazu SUNADA “Analysis on graphs and its applications”ワークショップ組織委員,ケ
ンブリッジ大学ニュートン研究所,July 24-August 1, 2010
Kota IKEDA,第 4 回現象数理若手シンポジウム“パターン・ウェーブ”,Meiji University,
April 23,24, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI,第 5 回現象数理若手シンポジウム“人類進化への数理的アプローチ”,
Meiji University,June 29,30, 2010
Shiro HORIUCHI,第 6 回現象数理若手シンポジウム“現象数理学と数理社会学の対話”,
Meiji University,July 27,28, 2010
Tohru WAKASA,第 7 回現象数理若手シンポジウム“細胞・腫瘍の数理”,Meiji University,
November 6,7, 2010
Hirofumi NOTSU,第 8 回現象数理若手シンポジウム“航空機の数理 −流体モデルと数値解析
−”,Meiji University, January 12,13, 2011
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,第 9 回現象数理若手シンポジウム“セルオートマトンは現象数理学の武
器となりうるか?”,Meiji University, February 22,23, 2011
Hirofumi NOTSU,“ロバスト幾何計算アルゴリズム”講演会,Meiji University, December
27, 2010
Hirofumi NOTSU,現象数理若手プロジェクト“反応拡散系の自己組織化機構を利用したメッシ
ュ生成手法の開発”,Meiji University, October 16, 2010
Makoto TOMA,Jian ZU,第1回現象数理若手ミニシンポジウム“進化による安定共存と反応拡
散系の形態形成”,Meiji University, August 20, 2010
Tetsuji HIDAKA,第 2 回現象数理若手ミニシンポジウム“マーケティングと現象数理学”,Meiji
University, October 8, 2010
Mitsuru KIKKAWA,第 3 回現象数理若手ミニシンポジウム“ファイナンスと現象数理学”,Meiji
University,November 22, 2010
8) Others
Hirofumi NIIYA ,Akinori AWAZU ,Hiraku NISHIMORI ,JPSJ ,Papers of Editor’s
Choice に,論文 “3Dimensional Dune Skeleton Model as a Coupled Dynamical System
of 2D Cross-Sections”,J. Phys. Soc.Jpn. (2010)が選ばれた。
Tatsuo SHIBATA, Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research(物理系研究者に生物
原著論文:“Self-organization of the phosphatidylinositol lipids signaling system for
random cell migration”
Tatsuo SHIBATA,Faculty of 1000 Biology に原著論文が選ばれた。
原著論文:“Self-organization of the phosphatidylinositol lipids signaling system for
random cell migration”
Tatsuo SHIBATA,Nature Chemical Biology,Research Highlights に原著論文が紹介さ
れた。“Migration in cue-less cells”,Vol. 6,pp.564,August, 2010
原著論文:“Self-organization of the phosphatidylinositol lipids signaling system for
random cell migration”
Tatsuo SHIBATA,Science Signaling,EDITORS' CHOICE に原著論文が紹介された。
“Organized Randomness”,Vol. 3,Issue 130,pp. ec210, July 13, 2010
原著論文:“Self-organization of the phosphatidylinositol lipids signaling system for
random cell migration”
Tatsuo SHIBATA,JST,大阪大学及び広島大学共同で,原著論文のプレス発表を行なった。
June 15, 2010
原著論文:“Self-organization of the phosphatidylinositol lipids signaling system for
random cell migration”
Kanya KUSANO ,名 古屋 大 学オー プン カレッ ジ講 師 “母 なる星 太陽の 不思 議 な素 顔 ”,
December 4, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,(独)海洋研究開発機構横浜研究所一般公開サイエンスカフェ講師“宇宙と
地球環境の不思議な関係”, November 27, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,名古屋大学太陽地球環境研究所 20 周年一般講演会講師 “太陽の謎 ガリ
レオから未来へ」, November 13, 2010
Kanya KUSANO,北海道陸別町銀河の森天文台“太陽・オーロラウィーク”講師,November 28,
Kanya KUSANO,太陽研究最前線体験ツアー企画・講師, August 17, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,名古屋市科学館(リニューアルオープン)にて,不可能立体3種類の常設
展示, March 9, 2011
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“数学で調べるだまし絵 --- 私たちの目はなぜだまされるのでしょうか”,
十文字中学校数学講演会, February 23, 2011
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“数学の力でエッシャーを超えよう”,福井県立武生高等学校, January
24, 2011
Kokichi SUGIHARA,出願番号:特願2004-230652 発明名称:勢力圏図作成装置及びプ
Kokichi SUGIHARA,千葉県立現代産業科学館の企画展示“みる!みえる?錯視から探る視
う!”講師,November 7, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,不可能立体の展示とトーク(15 分トーク合計 10 回),Meiji University
明大祭和泉キャンパス, October 30- November 1, 2010
K. SUGIHARA , T. SATO and A. OKABE , “Simple and unbiased kernel density
functions for network analysis”,Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on
Communication and Information Technologies (ISICT 2010) , Tokyo , pp.827-832 ,
October 26-29, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,千葉県立現代産業科学館の企画展示“みる!みえる?錯視から探る視
覚のしくみ”,“何でも吸引 4 方向すべり台”の立体(大)模型展示, October 9-November 28,
K. SUGIHARA,“Computational Illusion --- How to Design Impossible Solids and
Impossible Motions. Invited talk” , Asian Conference on Design and Digital
Engineering,Jeju Island,Korea,August 25, August 25-28, 2010
K. SUGIHARA,“Voronoi-diagram approach to Escher-like tiling”,T Proceedings of
the 7th International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering,
Quebec,pp.199-204,June 28-30, 2010
Kokichi SUGIHARA,“Hall of Illusions”,exhibit for the Glasgow Science Festival of the
University of Glasgow, 20th May to 14th June, 2010,Organized by Dr. Rob Jenkins,
Department of Psychology, University of Glasgow, May 20-June 14, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,Meiji University 生田図書館ギャラリーゼロによる渋滞研究,錯覚研究
の展示“ようこそ!現象数理学の世界へ-生物の模様から人の社会活動まで-”, November
16-29, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,千葉県立現代産業科学館の企画展示“みる!みえる?錯視から探る視
覚のしくみ”, “錯視模型”の展示 October 9-November 28, 2010
Akiyasu TOMOEDA,新都市ホール(そごう横浜店)“かながわ発,中高生のためのサイエンスフ
ェア”での渋滞学ポスターブース出展,July 17, 2010
Wataru NAKAHASHI,自修館中等教育学校の中学生課外活動における講演,June, 2010
Tatsuya IIZAKA,電気学会“再生可能エネルギー出力予測技術調査専門委員会”委員
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