
Ohmsha Publication Catalog 2012

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Ohmsha Publication Catalog 2012
Electrical & Electronic Engineering …………………… 1
Nuclear Power ………………………………………… 11
Information and Communication Technology ……… 14
Computer Science …………………………………… 19
Environmental Science & Alternative Energy ……… 24
Geology ……………………………………………… 28
Bioscience and Biotechnology ……………………… 29
Chemistry …………………………………………… 33
Medical Engineering ………………………………… 36
Manga Guides ………………………………………… 46
Architecture…………………………………………… 60
Others ………………………………………………… 64
Journals & Magazines ……………………………… 69
Title Index …………………………………………… 74
* Contact information on last page of this catalogue.
* Titles are all in Japanese.
* Price indicated is in Japanese Yen excluding 5%
Domestic Consumption Tax.
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Pictured Explanation of Periodic Inspection of
Non-utility Electrical Installations (2nd ed.)
写真でトライ 自家用電気設備の定期点検(改訂 2 版)
河野 忠男・森田 潔 共著
Tadao KAWANO, Kiyoshi MORITA Kanto Electrical Safety Inspection Association
182 × 257mm 240pp. 240illus. ¥2,300 2012 978-4-274-50399-3
Electrical engineers maintain electrical installations by implementing daily
or periodic inspections to prevent problems or accidents from occuring that
can cause power outages that may affect not only their own properties but
also users in the neighborhood. Among the various types of inspections
available, this book specifically focuses on periodic inspections. Featuring
approximately 600 pictures, the book simply and precisely explains the points
of each serial procedure, from the different types and how to use measuring
instruments, testers, inspection equipments and tools, to personal insulation
protective equipments and equipments to protect workers, how to use hazard
signs, management of power outages, various kinds of inspection and
management of power reconnection. Intended readers are practicing engineers
involved in maintenance and management of non-utility electric installation.
1. High-voltage equipment systems/ 2. Testers and protective equipments
used for periodic inspections (Operation and cautions regarding periodic
inspections/ Testers, inspection equipments and tools required for periodic
inspections/ Personal insulation protective equipments, protective equipments
and signboards)/ 3. Implementation of periodic inspections (Implementation
procedure of high-voltage equipments/ Previous arrangements/ Management
and confirmation of power outages/ Implementation of periodic inspections/
Confirmation of termination of inspections/ Management of power
reconnection/ Temporary inspections)/ 4. Inspections of emergency power
installations/ 5. Record of inspection results
Book to Understand Wireless Energy Transfer
松木 英敏・高橋 俊輔 共著
Hidetoshi MATSUKI and Shunsuke TAKAHASHI
148 × 210mm 200pp. 150illus. ¥2,600 2011 978-4-274-21050-1
Regarding the wireless energy transfer technology, which has seen its applications
extended into the fields of electric vehicles, space stations and interior design
and is expected to be subject to greater demand in future, this book thoroughly
explains the theory of electromagnetics, the backbone of the technology, as well
as explains in detail applicable fields anticipated in the future.
1. Ubiquitus society and wireless energy transfer technology/ 2. Fundamental
technology of wireless energy transfer/ 3. Concrete example of development of
wireless energy transfer/ 4. Problems and future of wireless energy transfer
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
llustrated Guide to Advanced Storage Batteries
図解 革新型蓄電池のすべて
小久見 善八・西尾 晃治 監修
Supervised by Zenpachi OGUMI, Koji NISHIO
182×257mm 248pp. ¥3,300 2011 978-4-274-21122-5
This book explains the current status, future development and manufacturing
technology of positive and negative electrodes, electrolytes and spacer
materials used in lithium-ion batteries, which are key components of storage
batteries. Describing the mechanism of high-performance storage batteries,
this book outlines the technological road map of next generation storage
Intended Readers:
For engineers and researchers involved in the development of storage battery,
undergraduate/graduate students studying the related areas
1. Mechanism of high-performance storage batteries and technological road
map of next generation storage batteries/2. Various storage batteries that may
be developed to support a green society/ 3. Material development of advanced
storage batteries/ 4. Recent trends in manufacturing technology, recycling and
safety evaluation technology of advanced storage batteries
Battery System Technology
− Energy Storage Application Technology for
Electric Vehicles and Trains
電池システム技術 -電気自動車・鉄道へのエネルギーストレージ応用-
電気学会 編
Edited by The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
148×210mm 288pp. 266illus. ¥3,400 2012 978-4-274-21194-2
This book clearly explains the knowledge required to apply battery
technology to electric vehicles or trains, as well as the fundamental principles
and properties of various batteries. Being written by engineers and researchers
engaged in battery research and development, this practical book features
the latest industry topics and presents useful information that can be used in
actual applications.
Intended Readers:
For engineers/researchers in (EV) car companies, those who are engaged
in design and development of train cars, engineers/researchers in battery
manufacturer, engineers in power companies
1. Energy storage application technology for cars/ 2. Energy storage
application technology for trains/ 3. Energy storage device technology/ 4.
Link to a power network of mobile energy storage systems
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Introduction to Electrochemistry to Understand
電池がわかる 電気化学入門
渡辺 正・片山 靖 共著
Tadashi WATANABE and Yasushi KATAYAMA
148 × 210mm 174pp. 118illus. ¥2,500 2011 978-4-274-21053-2
Explaining the fundamentals of electrochemistry, this book contains a
summary that functions as a reference that clearly explains topics such as
basic principles, variety, utility and application fields of batteries.
Intended Readers:
For engineers or researchers in manufacturers of the products utilizing
batteries, undergraduate (junior or senior)/graduate students who aim to do
the research related to batteries
1. History of batteries/ 2. Chemical change and energy/ 3. Electrode potential/
4. Electrolyte/ 5. Electrical double layer/ 6. Electrode reaction and electric
current/ 7. Outline of practical batteries/ 8. Primary batteries/ 9. Rechargeable
batteries/ 10. Fuel cells
Handbook of Battery
電気化学会 電池技術委員会 編
Edited-by The Committee of Battery Technology, The Electrochemical Society of
182 × 257mm 806pp. 800illus. ¥22,000 2010 978-4-274-20805-8
The book is systematically organized to impart to readers comprehensive
knowledge about the theory and the latest technology behind batteries as
a whole, while the focus is centered around the lithium-ion battery which
is actively being developed at present. Intended readers of the book are
researchers and engineers involved in R&D, design, manufacturing as well as
using batteries.
1. Fundamentals of batteries/ 2. Introduction to batteries/ 3. Methods of
measuring batteries/ 4. Battery compositions/ 5. Primary battery/ 6. Secondary
battery/ 7. Other secondary batteries/ 8. Lithium batteries/ 9. Types of
batteries and their uses/ 10. Fuel cells/ 11. Capacitors/ 12. Standardization and
industrial standards (such as JIS)/ Appendix: Battery industry data
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Advanced Solid State Laser
社団法人 レーザー学会 編
Edited by The Laser Society of Japan
148 × 210mm 524pp. 400illus. ¥9,500 2011 978-4-274-21124-9
Summarizing a wide range of topics including principles of solid state lasers,
relevant materials, equipment, each type of fundamental technology and the
latest application technologies in three different fields of laser processing,
medical lasers and laser nuclear fusion, this book helps readers to gain an
understanding of the fundamental technical details of lasers.
Intended Readers:
For researchers, engineers and graduate students involved in the research and
development of solid lasers
1. Development of lasers and convergence to solid state lasers/ 2.
Fundamentals of solid state lasers/ 3. Materials for solid state lasers/ 4.
Solid state laser equipment/ 5. Fiber lasers/ 6. Wavelength conversion
techniques/ 7. Ultra-short pulse solid state lasers/ 8. Application to terahertz
electromagnetic wave generation/ 9. Application to laser processing of solid
state lasers/ 10. Application to medical use of lasers/ 11. Application of highpower lasers - laser nuclear fusion
Introduction to Infrastructure Engineering
雨谷 昭弘 編著
明石 泉・梅田 繁樹・岩井 誠人・高松 篤子 共著
Edited and written by Akihiro AMETANI Doshisha University
Izumi AKASHI Doshisha University, Shigeki UMEDA West Japan Railway Co.
Hisato IWAI Doshisha University, Atsuko TAKAMATSU Kinden Corp.
148 × 210mm 288pp. ¥3,000 2011 978-4-274-50326-9
This introductory book covers all key infrastructures used in modern societies
(in particular electric power, water and sewerage services, communication,
railways (traffic networks), electricity and gas, etc.) and aims to educate
engineers and researchers to be able to deal with problems caused by
disasters. Such engineers are trained by utilizing knowledge gained from
college lectures and real-world experience. Fundamental knowledge of
complete envisioned social infrastructures is outlined in this book.
Intended Readers:
For undergraduate students in engineering, beginners of social infrastructure
1. Water and sewerage services/ 2. Railways (Traffic network)/ 3. Communication/
4. Electricity and gas/ 5. Infrastructure facilities and electrical facilities
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Dictionary of Electrical Installation Terms (2nd ed.)
社団法人 電気設備学会 編
Edited by The Institute of Electrical Installation Engineers of Japan
148 × 210mm 416pp. 272illus. ¥4,200 2010 978-4-274-20962-8
This is the revised edition of the term dictionary that has gained a favorable
reputation among those engaged in related industries due to its compact size
and easy-to-understand explanations. The book contains approximately 3,800
terms that have recently entered frequent use in the context of global electrical
facilities, and it also helps to enrich cross-referencing between terms.
Intended Readers:
For those who are engaged in the business related to building electrical
facilities, air conditioning and sanitary facilities
Explanation of terms (Syllabary order)
Appendixes: 1. Quantity and units/ 2. Abbreviation of affiliates and standards
English-Japanese index
Organic Semiconductor Device
−From Fundamentals to the Latest Materials and Devices
有機半導体デバイス −基礎から最先端材料・デバイスまで−
日本学術振興会 情報科学用有機材料第 142 委員会 C 部会 編
Edited by 142 Committee of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
148 × 210mm 540pp. 250illus. ¥8,500 2010 978-4-274-20934-5
Featuring organic semiconductor devices, such as organic EL elements,
organic semiconductor lasers, organic transistors and organic solar batteries,
this book summarizes a variety of topics ranging from fundamentals, such as
luminescent phenomena, to mechanisms, data and manufacturing processes
of the latest devices. This book is tailored for daily use by graduate students
as well as elementary researchers who hope to be involved in research and
development in this field in the future.
1. Materials used in organic electroluminescence elements utilizing luminescent
phosphorescence/ 2. Organic electroluminescence elements/ 3. Organic
semiconductor laser/ 4. Organic transistor/ 5. Organic photoelectric convertor
device/ 6. Organic molecular memory/ 7. Evaluation technology behind
organic semiconductor/ 8. Development toward the practical use of organic
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
"Iron" for Railways – The Story of Metals that Support
Railway Vehicles and Tracks
鉄道の「鉄」学 -車両と軌道を支える金属材料のお話-
松山 晋作 編
Edited by Sinsaku MATSUYAMA Toyo Electric MFG. Co., Ltd.
148×210mm 280pp. 150illus. ¥2,800 forthcoming
This book explains metals, which are one of the most important components
of railway vehicles and tracks, their history of development, technological
changes, and properties by each type of equipment, component and structure.
Intended Readers:
For professional engineers involved in railway materials, train or train model
fans who are interested in the railway vehicle structure
1. Rolling stock body/ 2. Bogie/ 3. Wheel and axle/ 4. Power driving system/
5. Braking system/ 6. Current collection/ 7. Rail track/ 8. Bridge
How to Create Train Schedules
富井 規雄 編著
Edited and written by Norio TOMII
148×210mm 252pp. 141illus. ¥2,600 2012 978-4-274-21175-1
This book is a sequel to the title, "Technology to Restore Train Operation
Schedules" published in August 2010. How are train schedules planned and
created? How do train operators deal with disruptions to train schedules?
Featuring many examples of actual sites, this book looks at how train
schedules are created as well as actual operating conditions. Intended for not
only train operators but also train fans.
1. What is a train schedule?/ 2. How to create a train schedule/ 3. Difficulties
in creating a train schedule/ 4. Procedure of creating a train schedule/ 5. The
specifics of creating a train schedule/ 6. The future of creating train schedules/
7.“Unplanned power outages”and train operations
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Train Control – Technology to Support Safe
and High-density Operations
列車制御 -安全・高密度運転を支える技術-
中村 英夫 著
148 × 210mm 192pp. 87illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-20992-5
The author is the leading authority in this field and has been engaged in the
development of ATS-P, which is a typical technology used in train control
systems, electronic interlocking devices and ATS-SP systems. Introducing the
technological transition of train control and the relational transition between
the technology and people engaged in the business as well as new train
control systems soon to be implemented, the book provides an outlook on the
trains of tomorrow.
Intended Readers:
For engineers engaged in the work related to signalling systems or security
systems, railfans
1. Mechanisms of train operation/ 2. Ensuring safe operation in train stations/
3. Safety draft that a station master used to hand over to passengers/ 4. Simple
rules that help prevent rear-end collisions and mechanisms to keep the rules/
5. A day when traffic lights are removed from railroads/ 6. Technology that
supports train safety theory and flow of international standards/ 7. Aiming for
the railway to vitalize tomorrow's society
Railway Engineering Pocketbook
鉄道技術ポケットブック編集委員会 編
Edited by Railway Engineering Pocketbook Committee
148 × 210mm 898pp. 1000illus. ¥18,000 2012 978-4-274-21168-3
Railways, in particular electric railways, are a foundation of our daily lives as
an energy-saving, eco-friendly, reliable mode of transportation. Also, it can be
considered that electric railways are a huge form of systems technology that
integrates technologies ranging from electricity, information, mechanics and
civil engineering. Considering this characteristic of electric railways, people
in this field have strongly demanded a useful, synthetic book that provides a
compact summary of each of the structure and performance of traffic systems.
Based on this situation, and primarily aimed at engineers and researchers in
the field of railway technology and at research institutes, this easy-to-use book
summarizes general information about the latest railway technologies.
1. General remarks: Characteristics and history of electric railways/ 2.
Technology of vehicles/ 3. Energy and power supply/ 4. Operation security and
safety/ 5. Operation schedule and management/ 6. Application of communication
and information technology and sales services/ 7. Traffic system and new
technology/ Appendix: Recent trends and overseas market status
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Optoelectronics and Its Applications
光エレクトロニクス第 130 委員会 編
Edited by 130 Committee of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
148 × 210mm 592pp. 300illus. ¥8,000 2011 978-4-274-21022-8
1. Light and light quantum/ 2. Light and coherence/ 3. Light pulse and ultra
high speed phenomena/ 4. Optical response of materials and electromagnetic
interaction/ 5. Field of optoelectronics/ 6. Optoelectronics devices/ 7.
Application of optoelectronics/ 8. Optoelectronics and its relationship with
Power Electronics Handbook
パワーエレクトロニクスハンドブック編集委員会 編
Edited by Power Electronics Handbook Committee
182 × 257mm 744pp. 1145illus. ¥23,000 2010 978-4-274-20790-7
1. Application/ 2. Brief explanation of the characteristics of switching
elements/ 3. Detailed explanation of characteristics of switching elements/ 4.
Brief explanation of characteristics of powered electronic circuits/ 5. Detailed
explanation of characteristics of powered electronic circuits/ 6. Circuit
analysis and design conducted by simulators/ 7. Power supply system/ 8.
Drive system
Electro-heat Handbook
一般社団法人 日本エレクトロヒートセンター 編
Edited by Japan Electro-Heat Center
182 × 257mm 694pp. 1000illus. ¥20,000 2011 978-4-274-21037-2
1. Heating and development of electro-heat/ 2. Characteristics and utility of electroheat/ 3. Heat pump/ 4. Resistance heating/ 5. Arc plasma heating/ 6. Induction
heating/ 7. Dielectric heating (High frequency dielectric heating, microwave
heating)/ 8. Infrared heating and far infrared heating/ 9. Related technologies/
10. Basic theory of electro-heat/ 11. Measurement and control/ 12. Safety and
environmental countermeasures, regulations and standards
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Handbook of Electrolytic Corrosion Prevention and
Cathodic Protection
電気学会・電食防止研究委員会 編
Edited by The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
148 × 210mm 440pp. 217illus. ¥7,500 2011 978-4-274-20973-4
Introduction: Terms and their definitions/ 1. Fundamentals of corrosion/
2. Leakage current from electric railways/ 3. Classification of soil and
corrosiveness/ 4. Alternating current corrosion/ 5. Survey and measurement/
6. Anti-corrosion of underground pipes/ 7. Cathodic protection of
underground storage tank systems/ 8. Management and economy of cathodic
protection/ 9. Evaluation methods of soundness of pipelines/ 10. Standard and
regulation guidelines/ 11. New technology/ 12. Examples of problems cause
LED Lighting Handbook
(Revised edition)
LED 照明ハンドブック(改訂版)
LED 照明推進協議会 編
Edited by JLEDS(Japan LED Association)
148 × 210mm 248pp. 260illus. ¥3,800 2011 978-4-274-50322-1
Color frontpiece/ 1. Fundamentals/ 2. Test procedure/ 3. Design guidelines/ 4.
Application field/ 5. Materials
High Electrical Field Phenomena
− Fundamentals and Applications
高電界現象論 −基礎と応用−
大久保 仁 編著
Edited and written by Hitoshi OKUBO Nagoya University
148 × 210mm 392pp. 300illus. ¥6,400 2011 978-4-274-20964-2
1. High electrical field phenomena/ 2. Electrical potential and electrical fields/
3. Characteristics and types of insulators/ 4. Electrical conductivity of high
electrical fields in insulators/ 5. High electrical field phenomena and dielectric
breakdown in insulators/ 6. Electrical conductivity and breakdown in practical
conditions/ 7. Measuring high electrical field phenomena (I)/ 8. Measuring
high electrical field phenomena (II)/ 9. Measuring electrical discharge
phenomena/ 10. High electrical field phenomena in devices
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
How to Generate the World's
Most Reliable Power Supply
Power Academy
127 × 188mm 188pp. 92illus. ¥1,200 2009 978-4-274-50243-9
1. Blackouts are everyday incidents in foreign countries/ 2. Let's understand
mechanisms behind electricity delivery/ 3. There is a reason why blackouts do
not occur/ 4. What kind of characteristics are behind electricity demand?/ 5.
Individuals supporting electrical systems in Japan/ 6. Research into cuttingedge, eco-friendly electrical systems/ Appendix-
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma
− Fundamentals and Applications
大気圧プラズマ −基礎と応用−
日本学術振興会 プラズマ材料科学第 153 委員会 編
Edited by Plasma Science for Materials 153 Committee of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
148 × 210mm 420 pp. 350illus. ¥6,800 2009 978-4-274-20760-0
1. Introduction/ 2. Fundamentals/ 3. Production method/ 4. Diagnosis method/
5. Modelling and simulation/ 6. Applications
Ultraprecise Technology in Micro-nano Field
日本学術振興会 将来加工技術第 136 委員会
Edited by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 136th Committee on FutureOriented Machining
148 × 210 mm 368pp. 277illus. ¥5,500 2011 978-4-274-21005-1
This book is a compiliation of ultra-precise technology, ranging from fundamental
technology such as gliding and polishing, creation of nano- and micro- devices
and semiconductor processing technology, to the creation of various devices,
cleaning, surface measurement and material evaluation. Edited by the 136th
Committee on Future-Oriented Machining comprised of researchers and
engineers at the forefront of this field, the book uncovers the latest results of
technological development as well as contributes to future development.
1. Introduction/ 2. Ultraprecise micromachining technology/ 3. Technology
of device creation/ 4. Cleaning technology/ 5. Evaluation for surface form/ 6.
Evaluation technique for materials at nano- and micro-levels/ Appendix
Nuclear Power
Nuclear Power Textbook
This series of textbooks consists of a basic nuclear power course, the evolving
advanced course, and the practical course to help readers study nuclear power
from basic to practical levels systematically. An attempt was also made in
the series to provide nuclear power education from the aspect of human and
social sciences. Intended readers of this series are under/postgraduate students,
engineers, researchers in the nuclear field.
Nuclear Power Textbook
Radiation Protection
原子力教科書 放射線安全学
小佐古 敏荘 編著
Edited and written by Toshiso KOSAKO The University of Tokyo
182×257mm 300pp. 130illus. ¥3,300 forthcoming
1. Introduction/ 2. Concept of radiation doses/ 3. Radiobiology (Human
effect)/ 4. Protection against radiation/ 5. Management of occupational
radiation exposure/ 6. Management of public radiation exposure/ 7.
Management policy of radioactive waste and long-term radiological exposure/
8. Safety management of radioactive waste/ 9. Disassembly of nuclear plants
and clearance/ 10. Protecting the environment from radiation/ 11. Radiation
Hazard Prevention Act
Nuclear Power Textbook
Nuclear Reactor Physics
原子力教科書 原子炉物理学
岡嶋 成晃・久語 輝彦・森 貴正 共著
Shigeaki OKAJIMA, Teruhiko KUGO, Takamasa MORI, Japan Atomic Energy
182×257mm 270pp. 134illus. ¥3,300 2012 978-4-274-21170-6
1. Interaction between neutrons and materials/ 2. Chain reactions of nuclear
fission and critical mass/ 3. Neutron diffusion/ 4. Diffusion theory of nuclear
reactors/ 5. Deceleration of neutrons and resonance absorption/ 6. Spectrum
of heat neutrons/ 7. Non-homogeneous nuclear reactors
Nuclear Power
Nuclear Power Textbook
Radiation Application
原子力教科書 放射線利用
工藤 久明 編著
Edited and written by Hisaaki KUDO The University of Tokyo
182 × 257mm 312pp. 130illus. ¥3,500 2011 978-4-274-20984-0
Nuclear Power Textbook
Radioactive Waste Engineering
原子力教科書 放射性廃棄物の工学
長﨑 晋也・中山 真一 共編
Co-edited by Shinya NAGASAKI The University of Tokyo and Shinichi
NAKAYAMA Japan Atomic Energy Agency
182 × 257mm 248pp. 60illus. ¥3,000 2011 978-4-274-20969-7
Nuclear Power Textbook
Nuclear Reactor Design
原子力教科書 原子炉設計
岡 芳明 編著
Edited and written by Yoshiaki OKA Waseda University
182 × 257mm 290pp. 190illus. ¥3,300 2010 978-4-274-20892-8
Nuclear Power Textbook
Radiation Shielding
原子力教科書 放射線遮蔽
小佐古 敏荘・笹本 宣雄 共編 Co-edited by Toshisou KOSAKO The University of Tokyo and Nobuo SASAMOTO
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
182 × 257mm 204pp. 140illus. ¥3,000 2010 978-4-274-20838-6
Nuclear Power Textbook
Nuclear Power Maintenance Engineering
原子力教科書 原子力保全工学
出町 和之 編著
Edited and written by Kazuyuki DEMACHI The University of Tokyo
182 × 257mm 232pp. 150illus. ¥3,000 2010 978-4-274-20833-1
Nuclear Power Textbook
Introduction to Human Factors
原子力教科書 ヒューマンファクター概論
佐相 邦英 著
Kunihide SASOU Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
182 × 257mm 132pp. 54illus. ¥2,800 2009 978-4-274-20782-2
Nuclear Power
Nuclear Power Textbook
Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics
原子力教科書 原子力熱流動工学
秋本 肇・安濃田 良成・高瀬 和之・玉井 秀定・吉田 啓之 共著
Hajime AKIMOTO, Yoshinari ANODA, Kazuyuki TAKASE, Hidesada TAMAI,
Hiroyuki YOSHIDA Japan Atomic Energy Agency
182 × 257mm 350pp. 210illus. ¥3,500 2009 978-4-274-20679-5
Nuclear Power Textbook
Nuclear Power Plant Engineering
原子力教科書 原子力プラント工学
神田 誠・梅田 賢治・三宅 修平・清水 建男・一宮 正和・山下 清信・望月 弘保・与能本 泰介・岡 芳明 共著
Makoto KANDA, Kenji UMEDA, Shuuhei MIYAKE Mitsubishi Heavy Industries,
Ltd., Tateo SHIMIZU Toshiba Corp. Masakazu ICHINOMIYA, Kiyonobu
YAMASHITA, Taisuke YONOMOTO Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Hiroyasu
MOCHIZUKI University of Fukui, Yoshiaki OKA The University of Tokyo
182 × 257mm 388pp. 300illus. ¥3,500 2009 978-4-274-20660-3
Nuclear Power Textbook
Nuclear Structural Engineering
原子力教科書 原子炉構造工学
上坂 充・鬼沢 邦雄・笠原 直人・鈴木 一彦 共著
Mitsuru UESAKA, Kunio ONIZAWA, Naoto KASAHARA, Kazuhiko SUZUKI
182 × 257mm 388pp. 227illus. ¥3,800 2009 978-4-274-20690-0
Nuclear Power Textbook
Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Plant Control
原子力教科書 原子炉動特性とプラント制御
岡 芳明・鈴木 勝男 共編
Co-edited by Yoshiaki OKA The University of Tokyo and Katsuo SUZUKI Japan
Nuclear Energy Safety Organization
182 × 257mm 256pp. 200illus. ¥3,300 2008 978-4-274-20516-3
Introduction to Nuclear Power Generation
榎本 聰明 著
Toshiaki ENOMOTO Japan Electric Power Information Center
148 × 210mm 248pp. ¥1,800 2009 978-4-274-20671-9
Information and Communication Technology
Selected Series of Contemporary Electronics, Information
and Communication, "Forest of Knowledge"
電子情報通信学会 編
Edited by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
This selected series summarizes the areas of electronic information communication
that typically require a considerable amount of knowledge to enable professional
engineers, researchers and students in related areas to gain systematic knowledge.
Selected Series of Contemporary Electronics, Information and Communication,
"Forest of Knowledge"
Image Input and Cameras
寺西 信一 監修 電子情報通信学会 編
Supervised by Nobukazu TERANISHI Panasonic Corporation
148 × 210mm 400pp. 300illus. ¥5,000 2012 978-4-274-21209-3
This book clearly explains image capture beginning with a broad outline
and moving on to the latest technology of imaging devices, camera optical
systems, implementation methods for each function, and devices used to
create invisible images.
Part 1: Imaging devices/ 1. History and fundamentals of imaging devices/ 2.
Common imaging devices/ 3. Characteristic imaging devices/ 4. Technology
behind imaging devices/ Part 2: Camera/ 1. Camera fundamentals/ 2. Camera
optical systems/ 3. Broadcasting and home cameras/ 4. Various types of
cameras/ 5. Camera functions/ Part 3: Invisible image input/ 1. Infrared light/
2. Terahertz/ 3. Biometric recognition - device and applications/ 4. Ultrasonic
waves/ 5. pH, ion - device and applications
Selected Series of Contemporary Electronics, Information and Communication,
"Forest of Knowledge"
Space Photovoltaic Power Generation
篠原 真毅 監修 電子情報通信学会 編
Supervised by Naoki SHINOHARA Kyoto University
148 × 210mm 290pp. 100illus. ¥3,400 2012 978-4-274-21233-8
This book begins by presenting a broad outline and moving on to describe
the actual component technology involved in space photovoltaic power
1. Space photovoltaic power generation/ 2. Microwave wireless energy
transfer for space photovoltaic power generation/ 3. Ground power receiving
system/ 4. Terrestrial application of microwave wireless energy transfer/ 5.
The effects of sps wireless power transmission
Information and Communication Technology
Selected Series of Contemporary Electronics, Information and Communication,
"Forest of Knowledge"
Medical Information Systems
黒田 知宏 監修 電子情報通信学会 編
Supervised by Tomohiro KURODA Kyoto University
148 × 210mm 222pp. ¥3,000 2012 978-4-274-21150-8
In relation to the recent trends involving the introduction of conversion to
electronic form and computerization in the medical industry, this book presents
detailed outlines ranging from the basics to the application of systems in
general. The large number of illustrations in the book will help readers who are
not specialists in this field to quickly gain an understanding of the topic.
Prologue/ 1. Medical information systems/ 2. Medical accounting and hospital
management/ 3. Medical service and order entry/ 4. Management of recorded
information/ 5. Terminals and networks/ 6. Contribution to physical distribution
management/ 7. Contribution to medical safety/ 8. Information management
within a section/ 9. Application of medical records/ 10. Application of clinical
image information/ 11. Remote medicine/ 12. Sharing and application of
medical information/ 13. Future of medical information/ Epilogue
Selected Series of Contemporary Electronics, Information and Communication,
"Forest of Knowledge"
Sensation, Perception and Cognition:
An Introduction
乾 敏郎 監修 電子情報通信学会 編
Supervised by Toshio INUI Kyoto University
148 × 210mm 282pp. ¥3,800 2012 978-4-274-21149-2
This book systematically outlines senses, perception and recognition faculties,
including memory. It presents information chronologically from the basics to
the latest knowledge, which enables readers to understand the book without
Prologue/ 1. Sensation of brightness and color/ 2. Hearing sensation and
voices/ 3. Touch and somatic sensation/ 4. Taste and smell sensation/ 5.
Spacial frequency characteristics of vision/ 6. Movement vision/ 7. Binocular
vision/ 8. Integration of characteristics in perception and memory/ 9.
Cognition of 3D objects/ 10. Shape and Images/ 11. Perception and cognition
of pictures/ 12. Spatial images/ 13. Physical images/ 14. Cognition of letters
and words/ 15. Classification of memory/ 16. Encoding and search of memory
Information and Communication Technology
Introduction to CoBRA Method − Estimation Method
to Visualize "Intuition"
CoBRA 法入門 -「勘」を見える化する見積り手法-
CoBRA 研究会 編
Edited by CoBRA Study Group
148 × 210mm 228pp. 71 illus. ¥2,600 2011 978-4-274-50335-1
1. Effects of CoBRA in estimation/ 2. Let's try to estimate production costs/ 3.
What we can do with CoBRA estimation model/ 4. What is CoBRA method?/
5. Details of procedures of constructing a CoBRA model/ 6. Maintenance of a
CoBRA model/ 7. Examples of construction and application/ Appendix
Understanding Touch Panels
越石 健司・黒沢 理 共編
Co-edited by Kenji KOSHIISHI BINIT Corporation and Osamu KUROSAWA
Topre Corporation
148 × 210mm 194pp. 104illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-21038-9
Introduction: Capabilities of touch panels/ 1. Utilization and market trends of
touch panels/ 2. Principles and technological trends of resistive film systems
and capacitive systems/ 3. Touch panels of various systems/ 4. Industry trends
and performance demands/ 5. Material trends of capacitive systems and
resistive film systems
Standard Textbook of NFC
NFC 標準教科書
日本 IC カード利用促進協議会
Japan IC Card System Application Council
148 × 210mm 220pp. ¥2,500 forthcoming
Gaining ISO certification as a next generation standard specification, NFC
(Near Field Communication) is expected to be adopted for use in a range
of electronic devices in future. In particular at this time, global-use mobile
phones such as Android handsets are typically equipped with NFC, which
will further aid its introduction and take-up globally. Introducing an overview
of NFC technology from the basics to practical applications, this standard
textbook is aimed at spreading NFC technology more widely. Intended
readers are electronics development engineers, IT engineers, and application
Prologue/ 1. Basic knowledge about NFC/ 2. Basic knowledge about
NFC smart phones/ 3. Let's use NFC/ 4. Let's create NFC applications:
“Preparation”/ 5. Let's create NFC applications:“Development”
/ 6.
Specifications for NFC/ Epilogue
Information and Communication Technology
Channel Coding Technology for Image Distribution
伊藤 泰宏 監修 社団法人 映像情報メディア学会 編
Supervised by Yasuhiro ITO NHK Engineering Services, Inc.,
Edited by The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
148 × 210mm 248pp. 230illus. ¥3,200 2010 978-4-274-20877-5
1. Fundamentals of image coding/ 2. Fundamentals of modulationdemodulation method/ 3. Fundamentals of channel coding/ 4. BS digital
broadcasting/ 5. Terrestrial digital broadcasting/ 6. Cable television/ 7.
Technology behind IP transmission/ 8. Transmission of image materials
Ultra-realistic Systems
原島 博 監修 社団法人 映像情報メディア学会 編
Supervised by Hiroshi HARASIMA Ultra-Realistic Communications Forum,
Edited by The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
148 × 210mm 232pp. 130illus. ¥3,200 2010 978-4-274-20872-0
Interest in next-generation image technology and sound systems is increasing,
as has been seen in the recent market trend toward 3D televisions and similar
devices. With a particular focus on internal mechanisms, this book clearly
explains the latest ultra-realistic image and sound systems such as digital
cinema, ultra-high definition, 3D images and highly-realistic sound systems,
including their relation to human cognition.
1. General remarks/ 2. Digital cinema/ 3. Ultra-high definition/ 4. 3D systems/
5. Highly realistic sound systems/ 6. Ultra-realistic system and humans
General Encyclopedia of Image Information and
Television Engineering
社団法人 映像情報メディア学会 編
Edited by The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
182 × 257mm 1762pp. 1,950illus. ¥45,000 2010 978-4-274-20869-0
In response to the technological transition toward digitalization of broadcasting
and the fusion of broadcasting and communication that shows we are reaching
a next-generation turning point, this book is composed of four distinctive
volumes (Fundamentals, Technologies, Inherited Technologies, and Data),
which enable readers to learn basic knowledge as well as gain a rough
understanding of related technical contents through utilizing it as a dictionary.
Vol. 1 Fundamentals/ Vol. 2 Technologies/ Vol. 3 Inherited Technologies/
Vol. 4 Data
Information and Communication Technology
Beginner's Guide to 3D Image Production
はじめての 3D 映像制作
町田 聡・関谷 隆司・深野 暁雄 共著
Satoshi MACHIDA, Takashi SEKITANI and Akio FUKANO
182 × 257mm 148pp. ¥2,300 2011 978-4-274-50309-2
Some areas of common knowledge about 2D photography are not applied
to that of 3D photography. Therefore, the authors, who have experience
and success in 3D photography and editing, use this book to enthusiastically
explain the concepts of 3D photography based on theory. An anaglyph 3D
glass (a handy red-blue plastic-film glass), which can also work with a normal
television, comes with the book. Sample movies can be found at: http://www.
Frontispiece/ 1. Before starting 3D photography/ 2. Photographing using a
consumer 3D camera/ 3. 3D image photographing using two sets of cameras
3D Images Available in Your Television
−The Spread of 3D Images in TVs and Movies
3D 立体映像がやってくる −テレビ・映画の 3D 普及はこうなるー
石川 憲二 著
127 × 188mm 208pp. 30illus. ¥1,600 2010 978-4-274-06799-0
Prologue: Television shift from black-and-white, color, digital, to 3D/ 1. The
era has arrived where we can casually enjoy photographs and animations with
3D images/ 2. Exhibitions are filled with 3D images/ 3. In-between choosing
"With or without special glasses?"/ 4. What will the future life created by 3D
image systems look like?/ Epilogue: Putting 3D technology to good use
Fundamentals of 3D Image Representation
−from Basic Principles to Production Technology
3D 立体映像表現の基礎 −基本原理から制作技術まで−
河合 隆史・盛川 浩志・太田 啓路・阿部 信明 共著
Takashi KAWAI, Hiroyuki MORIKAWA, Keiji OTA and Nobuaki ABE
182 × 235mm 256pp. 118illus. ¥3,800 2010 978-4-274-06816-4
Introduction/ 1. History and trends of 3D images/ 2. 3D information utilized
by visual systems/ 3. Principles of 3D display/ 4. Photographing and
production of 3D images/ 5. Technology behind converting 2D images into
3D/ 6. 3D images and human factors/ 7. Production and control of solidity/ 8.
Format and standardization of 3D images/ Conclusion/ Fundamentals of 3D
image representation/ Glossary
Computer Science
Two Internet: Practical Guide for the Measurements
Againsts IPv4 Address Exhaustion and IPv6 Address
2 つのインターネット IPv4 アドレス枯渇対策と IPv6 対応の実践ガイド
あきみち 著 Akimichi
148 × 210mm 224pp. ¥2,800 forthcoming
s Internet is a“coexisting environment”of IPv4 Internet, which
has already lost its central address stock, and IPv6 Internet, which will
not be fully transited but will be certainly popularized in the future. This
book is intended for network infrastructure engineers, user-side network
administrators and application developers.
Part 1: Basics/ 1. Two Internet/ 2. Background of IPv4 address exhaustion/
3. Measurement against IPv4 address exhaustion/ 4. System of IPv6 and how
it differs from IPv4/ 5. The coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6/ Part 2: Details/ 6.
Internet in Japan and IPv6/ 7. IPv6 transition technology/ 8. IPv4 exhaustion
problem and IPv6 support for programmers/ 9. Example troubles occurred
during IPv6 support/ 10. Various problems/ Appendices
Spread and Application of Ontology
人工知能学会 編集 來村 徳信 編著
Edited by The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Edited and written by Yoshinobu KITAMURA Osaka University
148 × 210mm 228pp. 57illus. ¥3,600 2012 978-4-274-21199-7
At this time, ontology engineering is being applied to various fields that are
closely related to our lives, such as medicine, biology, information appliances
and others, as the theoretical foundation for ontology engineering is being
established. Based on this, this technical book explains the topic from basic
concepts of ontology to actual application in a range of fields. Intended for
engineers and researchers who are going to apply ontology (engineering) to
their technical fields, ontology (engineering) researchers or graduate students
who aim to be ontology researchers.
1. Basic concepts and spread of ontology engineering/ 2. Ontology-related
tools useful for business/ 3. Current status and trends in ontology study/
4. Construction and development of linguistically-motivated ontologies/
5. Classification and trend analysis of ontology research/ 6. Ontology
trends related to biology/ 7. Development of medical ontology for clinical
knowledge processing/ 8. Medical ontology applications in SNOMED-CT
and ICD-11/ 9. Ontology applications make information appliances more
friendly/ 10. Advanced study of ontology applications for manufacturing
information integration/ 11. Goal-oriented process modeling and ontology
Computer Science
Science of Intelligence
Theory and Practice of Ontology Engineering
知の科学 オントロジー工学の理論と実践
溝口 理一郎 著
Riichiro MIZOGUCHI The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka
148 × 210mm 274pp. 65illus. ¥4,000 2012 978-4-274-21214-7
This book is one of the“Science of Intelligence”series that summarizes
the technical and scientific knowledge related to new generation artificial
intelligence. As a book that one should read along with, or after the already
published book,“Science of Intelligence Ontology Engineering”(published
in January 2005), the book is designed as a technical guide that systematically
explains the theoretical basics of ontology, reality of ontology construction,
and development of next generation knowledge systems, including recent
examples. Intended for“The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence”
members, students, researchers or engineers who are interested in this field, as
well as specialist in other fields.
Introduction/ Part 1: Theory/ 1. Basic theory/ 2. Characteristics and quantity/
3. Ontology for expression/ 4. Object, process and event/ 5. Role theory/
6. Japanese upper-level ontology YAMATO/ Part 2: Reality of ontology
construction/ 1. Medical ontology/ 2. OMNIBUS ontology/ 3. Development
toward next generation knowledge systems/ References/ Postscript/ Index
Mastering TCP/IP First Step (5th Edition)
マスタリング TCP/IP 入門編 第 5 版
竹下 隆史・村山 公保・荒井 透・苅田 幸雄 共著
Takafumi TAKESHITA, Yukio MURAYAMA, Toru ARAI and Yukio KARITA
182 × 257mm 376pp. 279illus. ¥2,200 2012 978-4-274-06876-8
TCP/IP is a standard protocol used on the Internet. This book is the 5th
edition of a large best-seller book called "Mastering TCP/IP First Step." It
has been comprehensively updated from the 1st edition to reflect recent
trends, and some new topics have been added. Comprehensive footnotes and
easy-to-understand illustrated explanations help readers to better understand
the basics of TCP/IP. The book is suitable as a first step to gaining a deeper
understanding of "protocol," "Internet," and "networks."
Intended Readers:
For beginners as well as users of TCP/IP, those who want to know about
protocol used in Internet
1. Basics of a network/ 2. Basics of TCP/IP/ 3. Datalink/ 4. IP protocol/
5. Technology related to IP/ 6. TCP and UDP/ 7. Routing protocol/ 8.
Application protocol/ 9. Security/ Appendix
Computer Science
Storage Networking Made Easy
喜連川 優 編著
Edited and written by Masaru KITSUREGAWA The University of Tokyo
182 × 235mm 288pp. 170illus. ¥3,500 2011 978-4-274-21030-3
This book clearly explains the fundamentals of the latest trends of storage
networking, an area that is expanding in large-scale databases and websites
along with the progress of information technology. The book also mentions
the relationship between Green Computing and Cloud Computing, both of
which are newly-introduced technologies. Intended readers are engineers
related to I/O, storage, SEs who are involved in storage systems, operation
managers as well as organization managers.
1. SAN/ 2. IP-SAN/Ethernet Storage/ 3. Storage virtualization/ 4. Storage
Resource Management/ 5. Data protection/ 6. File system/ 7. SSS/ 8. Green
storage/ 9. Cloud storage/ 10. Storage security/ 11. Storage technology of the
future/ Appendix 1. HDD (Hard Disk Drive)/ 2. Interface/ 3. Magnetic tape
(MT)/tape/ 4. RAID technology/ 5. Shared storage models/ 6. SNIA/ 7. Terms
of storage networking
FPGA Design and Debugging in VHDL
VHDL による FPGA 設計&デバッグ
松村 謙・坂巻 佳壽美 共著
182 × 235mm 176pp. 86illus. ¥2,500 2012 978-4-274-50385-6
Nowadays, FPGA, a device that is reconfigurable even after IC manufacturing,
is being adopted for most digital circuit designs using circuit description
language. However, as development becomes increasingly complicated,
the probability of bugs occuring will also increase. This book focuses on
test programs used to locate bugs and also explains how to design circuits
effectively. Intended for engineers who handle test bench as well as those who
are interested in using VHDL.
Step 1. Why is now the time for FPGA design using HDL?/ Step 2. Circuit
description by VHDL/ Step 3. More effective debugging/ Step 4. Design of
large circuits and debugging operations
Computer Science
Sound Effect Programming
小坂 直敏 著
Naotoshi OSAKA Tokyo Denki University
148 × 210mm 240pp. 150illus. ¥2,700 forthcoming
This book explains how to deal with daily sounds and effects in order to help
readers gain a better understanding of their mechanism and creation process.
In addition to basic effects, the book explains more advanced acoustic
processing methods, such as sound synthesis, analysis and effects, to help
readers gain a deeper understanding of sound. Intended for researchers in
sound related field, or electronics, information related field.
1. Basic principles of sound/ 2. Construction of sound environments/ 3.
Basic effects/ 4. Application effects I/ 5. Application effects II/ Appendix:
Application examples
How to Utilize PDF & Acrobat X
PDF & Acrobat X 活用術
福田 良一 著
Ryouichi FUKUDA
182 × 235mm 304pp. 849illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-50315-3
This book provides readers with the full picture of the new version "Acrobat
X," which enables us to easily create, process and manage highly value-added
PDF files. Aimed at business users, this book provides detailed explanations
of topics ranging from the creation of PDF to the ways to utilize it thoroughly.
As an added benefit, this book is divided into "Fundamentals," "Intermediate
level" and "Advanced level" to introduce the renewed user interface as well
as to thoroughly explain points of functional enhancements to enable readers
to gain a comprehensive understanding of each level. Focused on introducing
necessary functions, the book places emphasis on making it easy for readers
to reference it.
Intended Readers:
For business users create and utilize PDF files, creators, DTP operators,
designers etc., businessmen who usually receive PDF files, publishing/
printing industry, editorial productions
Fundamentals: 1. Utilize PDF conveniently/ 2. Office documents and PDF/
3. Creating PDFs as a way to arrange information / 4. Proofreading using
PDF/ Intermediate level: 5. Creating contents and links/ 6. PDF settings
and passwords/ 7. One rank higher method of utilization/ 8. Presentation/
9. Sharing and review/ Advanced level: 10. Totalization of questionnaires/
11. Electronic signatures/ 12. Data standards and commercial printing/ 13.
Document applications/ Appendix
Computer Science
SEC Books
A Guide of Coding Methods for the Development of
Embedded Software (C++ Language Edition)
SEC Books 組込みソフトウェア開発向けコーディング作法ガイド[C++ 言語版]
独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構 ソフトウェア・エンジニアリング・センター 編
Edited by Software Engineering Center, Information-Technology Promotion Agency Japan
182 × 257mm 184pp. ¥1,714 2010 978-4-274-50316-0
Part 1: How to read a guide about coding methods/ 1. Outline/ 2. How to
gain an understanding of source code quality/ 3. How to utilize this guide/
Part 2: Coding methods for embedded software: Table of methods/ *How to
read a table of methods/ *Terms in a table of methods/ *Coding methods for
embedded software/ Appendix: Summary of methods and rules
The Science of Thinking – What Is It to Think?
-「考える」とはどういうことか ? -
大須賀 節雄 著
Setsuo OSUGA
148 × 210mm 220pp. 26illus. ¥3,800 2011 978-4-274-21090-7
This book was written by the leading expert in the artificial intelligence
and intelligent information processing research fields to aid scientific
consideration of the human function of thinking and to identify its actual
nature. Aside from a number of philosophy books, the topic of how we think
has only rarely been discussed to date. The book classifies and analyzes
thinking as science, not as philosophical theory, and pursues the actual nature
of human intellectual activity.
1. Prologue - To think with one's head/ 2. Process of thinking/ 3. How has
thinking ability been generated and evolved?/4. Physiological structure of
living things/ 5. Language as a measure of thinking/ 6. Origin of language/ 7.
Verification: confirmation of thought/ 8. Planning: beginning of thought/ 9.
Language and Knowledge
−How Languages Have Been Created
言語と知能 −言語はどのようにして創られたか?−
大須賀 節雄 著
Setsuo OSUGA
148×210mm 282pp. 40illus. ¥3,800 2010 978-4-274-20860-7
1. Introduction/ 2. History of research into linguistics/ 3. Temporal transition
of languages/ 4. Mechanism of processing in living bodies/ 5. Formation
of grammar/ 6. Frameworks and problems of language creation models/ 7.
Function of inference using neural network/ 8. Models of language creation/
9. What is knowledge?/ 10. Conclusion/ Postscript/ References
Environmental Science & Alternative Energy
Geothermal Energy – Gift from the Earth
地熱エネルギー -地球からの贈りもの-
江原 幸雄 著
Sachio EHARA Kyushu University
127 × 188mm 196pp. ¥1,600 2012 978-4-274-50395-5
Although Japan is known to have scarce energy resources, in terms of
geothermal energy resources, the country has the third largest potential in
the world and also leads the way in related technology. Geothermal energy
resources have not been fully utilized in Japan for more than a decade,
however, there is greater potential to utilize these inexhaustible resources for
practical purposes. Compared to other forms of renewable energy, geothermal
power generation is particularly considered to be an effective and safe
technology due to the fact that geothermal power plants can operate non-stop,
24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This book will remove readers’common
misunderstandings about geothermal energy and geothermal power generation
and clearly presents accurate information in order to convey the attractiveness
of geothermal power generation.
Frontispiece/ 1. Introduction - 10 minutes to gain a quick understanding of
geothermal energy/ 2. Global warming, heat-island phenomenon, energy
crisis and geothermal energy/ 3. Geothermal phenomenon involving
renewable energy/ 4. Mechanism of heat flow/ 5. Utilization of geothermal
energy I : Geothermal power generation/ 6. Utilization of geothermal energy
II : Direct utilization of geothermal energy/ 7. Current status and problems
involving geothermal energy development in Japan and around the world/
8. Geothermal energy as a future energy source/ 9. Utilization of geothermal
energy in the near future/ Reference materials: Geothermal resources existing
in Japan/ List of locations and capacities of geothermal power plants in Japan
/ Main geothermal power plants around the world and volcanoes/ Global
geothermal power plant capacity
Plant Factories Utilizing Artificial Light
− Japan's Agricultural Technology Spreading
around the World
人工光型植物工場 -世界に広がる日本の農業革命-
古在 豊樹 著 Toyoki
148 × 210mm 256pp. 132illus. ¥2,800 2012 978-4-274-06880-5
Global problems involving the environment, food and resources must be
solved not separately but concurrently since these three problems are closely
related to each other. "Plant Factories" are one of the effective concurrent
solutions to these problems. "Plant Factories Utilizing Artificial Light"
explains advanced concepts and methods of "closed-type plant factories"
and therefore could in fact be called, "Closed-type Plant Factories Utilizing
Artificial Light." The book systematically explains utilization rates of
invested resources, multipurpose utilization of heat pumps, calculation
of electric power consumption and basic knowledge and measurement of
photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration.
Environmental Science & Alternative Energy
Intended Readers:
For corporations, local public bodies, agricultural organizations, or
cooperative societies interested in introducing plant factories, major
construction companies involved in the design and execution of plant
factories, as well as students in agricultural department
1. Global-scale problems and plant factories/ 2. Characteristics and varieties
of plant production systems/ 3. Enclosed-type plant production systems/ 4.
Integrated environmental control/ 5. Definition, societal background, and
global research and development status of plant factories utilizing artificial
light/ 6. Current status of research and development conducted in Japanese
public institutions into plant factories utilizing artificial light/ 7. Light and
artificial light sources/ 8. Light and utilization rate of electrical energy/ 9.
Basic physiological function of plants/ 10. Basics of plant environmental
control/ 11. Production of medical herbs
Photovoltaic, Wind Power Generation and Power
甲斐 隆章・藤本 敏朗 共著
Takaaki KAI and Toshiaki FUJIMOTO
148 × 210 mm 190pp. 84illus. ¥2,400 2010 978-4-274-50307-8
1. Growth and background of electric power generation utilizing new types of
energy/ 2. Power generation systems utilizing new forms of energy/ 3. New
forms of energy and power system interconnection technology/ 4. Laws and
various procedures related to the set-up of power generation equipment
Understanding Photovoltaic Power Generation
小西 正暉・鈴木 竜宏・蒲谷 昌生 共著
Masaki KONISHI, Tatsuhiro SUZUKI, Masao KABAYA
148 × 210mm 188pp. 181illus. ¥2,300 2011 978-4-274-21023-5
Part 1: What is a photovoltaic power generation system?/ 1. Global environment
and photovoltaic power generation system/ 2. Solar energy and photovoltaic
power generation/ 3. Variety and characteristics of solar batteries/ 4. Photovoltaic
power generation systems/ Part 2: Design and execution of photovoltaic power
generation systems/ 5. Basic knowledge of roofs/ 6. From preparation to design
of establishing a photovoltaic power generation system/ 7. Execution, trial runs
and delivery/ Part 3: Various types of photovoltaic power generation systems/ 8.
Photovoltaic power generation systems as independent sources of electricity/ 9.
Prospects of photovoltaic power generation
Environmental Science & Alternative Energy
How Were Solar Batteries Invented and
Developed? −History of Solar Battery Development
太陽電池はどのように発明され、成長したのか −太陽電池開発の歴史−
日本太陽エネルギー学会 編 桑野 幸徳 著
Edited by Japan Solar Energy Society Written by Yukinori KUWANO PVTEC
148 × 210mm 448pp. ¥1,800 2011 978-4-274-50348-1
This book explains the history of solar battery development and describes how the
solar battery was invented and developed, including information about research
development and struggles to reach the stage where solar batteries could be put to
practical use.
Handbook of Environmental and Energy Materials
物質・材料研究機構 監修
Supervised by National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
148 × 210mm 888pp. 550illus.¥20,000 2011 978-4-274-20985-7
Part. 1 Fundamentals: 1. Elements and the earth/ 2. Role of materials
science/ 3. Resource sustainability/ 4. Development of environmental-energy
materials/ Part. 2 Materials: 1. Electronic-energy materials/ 2. Chemicalenergy materials/ 3. Role of materials science in the future/ 4. Role of the
administration/ 5. Electromagnetic-energy materials/ 6. Energy-transmission
materials/ 7. Materials for purification/ 8. Low resource risk materials/ 9. Future
materials/ Part. 3 Technology: 1. Design technology/ 2. Analytic technology/ 3.
Technology of diagnosis and prediction of life expectancies
Biomass Process Handbook
バイオマス プロセス ハンドブック
公益社団法人 化学工学会・一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会 共編
Co-edited by The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ) & The Japan
Institute of Energy
182 × 257mm 562pp. 367illus. ¥12,000 2012 978-4-274-21218-5
According to the examples, this handbook systematically presents basic
knowledge that should be understood before biomass is introduced, as well
as practical know-how regarding unit operation, process design, and other
topics. This book describes both basic concepts as well as technical theories
to enable readers to easily understand the basics of process design.
Part 1. Unit operation/ 1. Outline of chemical engineering/ 2. Basic physical
properties/ 3. Unite operation (pre-processing/post processing)/ 4. Unit
operation (conversion)/ Part 2. Process/ 1. Basic perspective of chemical
engineering/ 2. Process examples/ Appendices/ Index
Environmental Science & Alternative Energy
Data Book of Mineral Resources
東京大学生産技術研究所 編
Edited by Institute of Industrian Science, the University of Tokyo
210 × 297mm 800pp. 20illus. ¥60,000 2012 978-4-274-21260-4
Resource and energy supply systems, which have grown continuously as
the economy rapidly develops, have been gaining attention both in terms of
exhaustion and environment. This book summarizes the latest data by each
mineral type from a database collected from various world's authoritative
statistical data of mineral resources.
Intended Readers:
For researchers, engineers or students in resources, energy and environment,
policy makers in resources, energy and environment, as well as managers in
resource industry, trading companies, banks, and investment consultants
Zinc/ Aluminum/ Antimony/ Indium/ Cadmium/ Gallium/ Rare earth/ Gold/
Silver/ Chromium/ Germanium/ Cobalt/ Silicon/ Zirconium/ Mercury/ Tin/
Strontium/ Cesium/ Selenium/ Thallium/ Tungsten/ Tantalum/ Titanium/ Iron/
Tellurium/ Copper/ Thorium/ Lead/ Niobium/ Nickel/ Platinum/ Vanadium/
Bismuth/ Arsenic/ Beryllium/ Boron/ Manganese/ Molybdenum/ Lithium/
Rubidium/ Rhenium
Mineral Resources on the Ocean Floor
−The Quest and Development of Unused Rare Metals
海底鉱物資源 −未利用レアメタルの探査と開発−
臼井 朗 著
Akira USUI Kochi University
148 × 210mm 216pp. 100illus. ¥2,000 2010 978-4-274-50287-3
Development of the ocean floor, of which Japan has rights to the sixth largest
area worldwide, has huge potential for a country that has sparse natural
resources. A recent research activity conducted by the authors has revealed
that Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) contains a very attractive area
of buried minerals. Through the use of illustrations and pictures, this book
concretely explains the distribution and amounts of buried minerals, their
origins, how they were formed, examples of undersea investigations and
possibilities for commercialization. This book focuses on subjects such as
"hydrothermal deposits" that possess rare mineral resources including rare
metals and "lumps of manganese/ manganese crusts."
1. The ocean and mineral resources/ 2. Mineral resources on the ocean floor
in their natural forms/ 3. A lump of manganese/ 4. Manganese crust/ 5.
Hydrothermal sulfide/ 6. Status of the quest for ocean mineral resources/ 7.
Steps in development
Geosites in Japan from the Viewpoints of Geological
and Geographical Features
−The World Disclosed by Slope Maps
地質と地形で見る日本のジオサイト -傾斜量図がひらく世界-
脇田 浩二・井上 誠 共編
Co-edited by Koji WAKITA The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology (AIST) and Makoto INOUE Global Info-Tec, Co.
148 × 210 mm 176pp. 275illus. ¥2800 2011 978-4-274-21048-8
This book features specific regions from all over the Japanese archipelago, and by
actively utilizing color pictures, geological maps, scenic photographs, slope maps,
etc., it simply explains geological characteristics and mechanisms, etc. that appear
in the featured regions on facing pages. In addition to the description based on
scientific knowledge, the book includes simple and clear information for practical
use, such as access information and highlights of actual sites.
Intended Readers:
For general readers interested in geology, those who are involved in practical
business of tourism, area promotion and environmental conservation in local
government, science or social studies teachers in junior high school or high
school, students who join science club, etc.
Total map: How to read this book/ Explanatory notes about geological maps/ 1.
Hokkaido/ 2. Tohoku/ 3. Kantou, Koushinetsu/ 4. Toukai, Hokuriku/ 5. Kinki/ 6.
Chugoku/ 6. Shikoku/ 7. Kyushu, Okinawa/ What is a slope map?/ Access guide
Global Geoparks
日本ジオパークネットワーク JGN・世界のジオパーク編集委員会 共編
Co-edited by Japan Geopark Network and Global Geoparks Editorial Committee
148 × 210mm 208pp. 190illus. ¥2,800 2010 978-4-274-20905-5
Using illustrations and with basic information on "topography and geology,"
"cultural and natural heritage," "Informational and environmental education,"
"access to the site," "legal systems" and "tourist attractions" etc., the book
introduces 63 sites authorized as global geoparks (as of August 2010)
established with the support of UNESCO in 2004. A movement to increase
the number of geoparks is now growing. The book is intended for those who
are involved in geological survey or in tourism as well as general readers
interested in geoparks.
Part. 1 Global Geoparks in Asia and Oceania: 1. Japan/ 2. China/ 3. Malaysia/
4. Australia/ Part. 2 Global Geoparks in Europe, Middle and Near East and
South America: 1. Austria/ 2. Brazil/ 3. Croatia/ 4. The Czech Republic/ 5.
France/ 6. Germany/ 7. Greece/ 8. Iran/ 9. Italy/ 10. Norway/ 11. Portugal/
12. The Republic of Ireland/ 13. Romania/ 14. Spain/ 15. United Kingdom/
Part. 3 What are geoparks?: 1. Idea and framework of geoparks/ 2. Necessary
components of geoparks/ 3. Postscript
Bioscience and Biotechnology
Basic Master Series
The series offers carefully written explanations about the basic concepts and
jargon that will give readers the basics for studying life sciences. Through the
use of many figures and tables, each volume of the series clearly explains key
points about each subject so that even beginners will be able to understand the
content and obtain basic knowledge in order to research further applications
in various areas. Exercise problems given at the end of each chapter will
assist tutors teaching the subjects. Intended readers of the series are under/
postgraduate students specializing in biology, chemistry, agriculture,
engineering, medical science, pharmacy and nursing.
Basic Master
Physical Chemistry
ベーシックマスター 物理化学
築山 光一・近藤 寛・一國 伸之 共編
Co-edited by Kouichi TSUKIYAMA Tokyo University of Science, Hiroshi
KONDOU Keio University and Nobuyuki ICHIKUNI Chiba University
148 × 210mm 440pp. 210illus. ¥4,300 2012 978-4-274-21178-2
Chap. 1 Quantum theory/ 1. Generation of quantum mechanics/ 2.
1-dimensional (translation)/ 3. Oscillation, rotation/ 4. Hydrogen atoms/ 5.
Hydrogen molecules/ 6. Chemical bonds of molecules/ 7. Molecular structure
and spectrums/ Chap. 2 Thermodynamics/ 8. Law of thermodynamics/ 9.
Chemical potential and balance/ 10. A solution/ 11. Thermodynamics from
microscopic point of view/ Chap. 3 Kinetics/ 12. Kinetic theory of gases/ 13.
Rate equation/ 14. Reaction mechanism, geometry/ 15. Reaction velocity from
microscopic point of view/ Appendix: Mathematics in physics and chemistry
Basic Master
High Polymer Chemistry
ベーシックマスター 高分子化学
西久保 忠臣 編
Edited by Tadatomi NISHIKUBO Kanagawa University
148 × 210 mm 412pp. 422illus. ¥4,000 2011 978-4-274-21000-6
Basic Master
Organic Chemistry
ベーシックマスター 有機化学
清水 功雄・只野 金一 共編
Co-edited by Isao SHIMIZU Waseda University and Kin-ichi TADANO Keio
148 × 210 mm 474pp. 420illus. ¥4,800 2011 978-4-274-21103-4
Bioscience and Biotechnology
Basic Master
Inorganic Chemistry
ベーシックマスター 無機化学
増田 秀樹・長嶋 雲兵 共編
Co-edited by Hideki MASUDA Nagoya Institute of Technology and Unpei
NAGASHIMA Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
148 × 210mm 364pp. 240illus. ¥3,500 2010 978-4-274-20921-5
Basic Master
Plant Physiology
ベーシックマスター 植物生理学
塩井 祐三・井上 弘・近藤 矩朗 共編 Co-edited by Yuzo SHIOI Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka
University, Hiroshi INOUE Graduate School of Science and Engineering for
Research, University of Toyama, Noriaki KONDO Teikyo University of Science &
148 × 210mm 392pp. 200illus. ¥3,800 2009 978-4-274-20663-4
Basic Master
Developmental Biology
ベーシックマスター 発生生物学
東中川 徹・八杉 貞雄・西駕 秀俊 共編
Co-edited by Toru HIGASHINAKAGAWA Waseda University, Sadao YASUGI
Teikyo Heisei University, Hidetoshi SAIGA Tokyo Metropolitan University
148 × 210mm 384pp. 160illus. ¥3,800 2008 978-4-274-20599-6
Basic Master
ベーシックマスター 生化学
大山 隆 監修 西川 一八・清水 光弘 共編
Supervised by Takashi OHYAMA Waseda University
Co-edited by Kazuya NISHIKAWA Gifu University and Mitsuhiro SHIMIZU
Meisei University
148 × 210mm 432pp. 200illus. ¥3,800 2008 978-4-274-20604-7
Basic Master
Cell Biology
ベーシックマスター 細胞生物学
尾張部 克志・神谷 律 共編
Co-edited by Katsushi OWARIBE Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
and Ritsu KAMIYA The University of Tokyo
148 × 210mm 338pp. 185illus. ¥3,600 2009 978-4-274-20744-0
Bioscience and Biotechnology
The Power of Genes
−50 Genes that Support Human Life
遺伝子力 -ヒトを支える 50 の遺伝子-
NPO 法人 システム薬学研究機構 編
Edited by Systems PharmSciences Research Organization (NPO)
148 × 210mm 146pp. 62illus. ¥1,800 2011 978-4-274-20986-4
Utilizing illustrations and scientific medical evidence, this book clearly
introduces 50 genes that support our lives from birth to our present stage of
life, along with information about the amazing – often unexpected – ways
they work. This book also includes research information related to genetics as
"Genes a la carte," aimed at piquing readers' intellectual curiosity.
Intended Readers:
For general readers, high school students, undergraduate students specializing
in life science
1. Fifty genes that support our lives/ 2. Genes a la carte
Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics for Small Animals
尾崎 博・浅井 史敏・辻本 元 共編
Co-edited by Hiroshi OZAKI The University of Tokyo, Fumitoshi ASAI Azabu
University, Hajime TSUJIMOTO The University of Tokyo
182 × 257mm 608pp. 165illus. ¥22,000 2010 978-4-274-50310-8
To help readers gain a better understanding of the subject, this book includes
both the pharmacological explanation, i.e., "why a certain medicine is
effective," and the pharmacotherapeutical explanation, i.e., "what sort of
medicine is effective against what sort of diseases." The book provides
knowledge that is useful for clinical treatment of small animals. Target
readers include veterinarians engaged in medical practice involving small
animals to students who aim to one day become veterinarians, etc.
1. Clinical pharmacology/ 2. Medicine acts on nervous systems/ 3. Medicine
acts on circulatory systems/ 4. Medicine acts on respiratory systems/ 5.
Medicine acts on blood/ 6. Medicine acts on kidneys and urinary systems/ 7.
Medicine acts on digestive systems/ 8. Medicine acts on internal secretions/ 9.
Medicine acts on inflammation and immunity systems/ 10. Medicine acts on
eyes/ 11. Medicine for neoplastic disease/ 12. Medicine for infectious diseases/
13. Vermicides/ 14. Pesticides/ 15. Transfusions/ Appendix
Bioscience and Biotechnology
Essential Cellular Biology Illustrated
これだけは知っておきたい 図解 細胞生物学
江島 洋介 著
Yosuke EJIMA Prefectural University of Hiroshima
148 × 210mm 240pp. ¥2,800 2011 978-4-274-21085-3
Explanations are given over 2- to 4-page spreads about each theme, ranging
from fundamental knowledge to the latest topics in cellular biology, which
is the basis of the life science field. This book has the following features
to enable readers to understand the entire picture of cellular biology: *
Straightforward explanations to simple questions are supplemented in parallel
with further detailed explanations to aid deeper understanding/ * Extensive
coverage of cellular biology jargon with a full index at the end of the book/ *
Inclusion of basic experimental methods and techniques required for cellular
biology researchers/ * Features a useful guide for finding cellular biology
related information on the Internet.
Intended Readers:
For beginners or students specializing in medical, pharmacy, biology and
1. Fundamentals of cellular biology/ 2. Components of cells/ 3. Basic
functions of cells/ 4. Cellular biology of multicellular system/ 5. Life
phenomena from the viewpoint of cellular biology/ 6. Basic technology of
cellular biology and variety of cells
Illustlecture Cognitive Neuroscience
−Psychological Mechanism Elucidated by
Psychology and Brain Science
イラストレクチャー 認知神経科学 −心理学と脳科学が解くこころの仕組み−
村上 郁也 編
Edited by Ikuya MURAKAMI The University of Tokyo
182 × 257mm 288pp. 281illus. ¥3,400 2010 978-4-274-20822-5
Cognitive neuroscience is a discipline utilized to look into mechanisms of
the brain and mind. As it requires fundamental knowledge from other areas
including psychology and physiology, it can be difficult for new students
to grasp a complete picture of the discipline. This book's concise and clear
explanations that utilize ample figures and tables will help those students to
aquire fundamental knowledge about selected key items that are essential for
studying cognitive neuroscience.
1. History of scientific research into the heart/ 2. Structure and function
of neuronal cells and neural network/ 3. Cognitive neuroscience research
methods/ 4. Vision/ 5. Hearing/ 6. Speech/ 7. Attention and eye movement/ 8.
Somatosensory area and movement/ 9. Learning and memory/ 10. Executing
functions/ 11. Conscience/ 12. Emotional behavior/ 13. Development/ 14.
Various new approaches/ Appendix: Sturcture of brain, neural system
Understanding through Manga, Summarizing Main
Points and Solving Problems Series
Physical Chemistry
マンガ+要点整理+演習問題でわかる 物理化学
齋藤 勝裕・川俣 純 共著 ZENZO →&はやのん理系漫画制作室 マンガ制作
Katsuhiro SAITO Nagoya City University and Jun KAWAMATA Yamaguchi
Illustrated by ZENZO → &Hayanon's Science Comic Studio
182 × 257mm 210pp. 200illus. ¥2,400 2012 978-4-274-21162-1
By summarizing a theme selected from primary and sub subjects in chemical
fields into one book, this textbook series enables readers to "Read, Solve,
and Understand," which means readers will be able to "Read" the Manga and
illustrations, "Solve" the practice problems, and finally "Understand" by reading the
brief explanations on essential points. This is a new type of textbook that introduces
each subject to graduate school entrance examination level, therefore, it makes
it possible for readers to understand the fundamentals, gain credits in university
courses, and even prepare for graduate school entrance examinations. Intended
readers are undergraduate students in engineering or chemistry department.
1. Quantum theory and structure of atoms/ 2. Electronic structure of atoms/ 3.
Combining power of an atom/ 4. What shape is a molecule?/ 5. Solid, liquid
and gaseous states/ 6. What is a solution?/ 7. Acids, acid-bases and oxidationreduction/ 8. How reactions develop/ 9. Heat, work and enthalpy/ 10. Change
and what controls it
Understanding through Manga, Summarizing Main
Points and Solving Problems Series
Polymer Chemistry
マンガ+要点整理+演習問題でわかる 高分子化学
齋藤 勝裕・石曽根 隆 共著
ZENZO →&はやのん理系漫画制作室 マンガ制作
Katsuhiro SAITO Nagoya City University and Takashi ISHIZONE Tokyo Institute
of Technology
Illustrated by ZENZO → &Hayanon's Science Comic Studio
182 × 257mm 216pp. 250illus. ¥2400 2012 978-4-274-21161-4
1. What is a polymer made of?/ 2. Structure of a polymer/ 3. Synthesis by
chain polimerization/ 4. Synthesis by sequential polymerization/ 5. Various
types of polymerization
Illustrated Guide to Photocatalysts
図解 光触媒のすべて
橋本 和仁・藤嶋 昭 監修
Supervised by Kazuhito HASHIMOTO The University of Tokyo, Akira
FUJISHIMA Tokyo University of Science
182 × 257mm 254pp. 326illus. ¥3,200 2012 978-4-274-21245-1
Photocatalystic chemical reactions can be effectively utilized in houses and
buildings as well as in the fields of energy, environmental countermeasures,
etc., and therefore, demand for their practical application is currently
increasing. This practical technical book introduces various applications
of photocatalysts, and explains brief principles, their current status of
applications, and future prospects.
Intended Readers:
For corporate engineers as well as researchers and developers in university/
research institute who are interested in practical use of photocatalyst
1. The world of photocatalysts/ 2. Advance of photocatalyst technology/ 3.
Photocatalysts used for environmental protection/ 4. Various applications of
photocatalysts/ 5. Photocatalysts used to produce energy
Dictionary of Analytical Chemistry
日本分析化学会 編
Edited by The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
148 × 210mm 560pp. 300illus. 2011 978-4-274-21091-4
Analytical chemistry is related to the fields of science and engineering in general,
including physical science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, dentistry, and
pharmacy. Analytical chemistry therefore plays a critical role in the progress and
development of science and technology. Covering 3000 important words related
to analytical chemistry, this book is intended to become an essential desk-side
reference for those involved in analytical chemistry.
Intended Readers:
For engineers, researchers or students related to analytical chemistry
Practical Plastic Analysis
西岡 利勝・寶﨑 達也 共編
Co-edited by Toshikatsu NISHIOKA and Tatsuya HOUSAKI
148 × 210mm 622pp. 430illus. ¥9,000 2011 978-4-274-21032-7
Plastic is used in a huge number of areas and helps to enrich our daily
lives. This is because plastic satisfies many demands as a type of raw
material that supports a wide range of technologies as well as an advanced,
highly-efficient, high-level material. Plastic will become an increasingly
important material as time progresses. Although many books about polymer
chemistry have already been published, there have not been many printed
that systematically present an analysis of plastic as a fundamental material.
This book summarizes the analysis and analytical study of plastic in general,
such as polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene. Intended readers
are engineers and researchers in corporations, students studying plastic or
analysis/analytical study of plastic in technical college or university.
Intended Readers:
For engineers and researchers in corporations, students studying plastic or
analysis/analytical study of plastic in technical college or university
1. Introduction/ 2. Categorization of analytical methods and methods to
carry out analysis/ 3. Analytical methods: principles of measurement and
information obtained/ 4. Plastic analysis/ 5. Analysis of surfaces, interfaces
and sections
Medical Engineering
Radiological Technology Series
日本放射線技術学会 監修
Supervised by The Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
The series is supervised by the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology.
Editors and authors are all authorities, in full activity in the society who have
abundant experience in clinical practice as well as in education. Thus, truly
indispensable knowledge is explained in an easy-to-understand manner in this
series. Both medical radiology technologists and students studying to become
medical radiology technologists will find these books beneficial.
Radiological Technology Series
CT Photography Technology (2nd ed.)
放射線技術学シリーズ CT 撮影技術学(改訂 2 版)
日本放射線技術学会 監修
山口 功・市川 勝弘・辻岡 勝美・宮下 宗治 共編
Supervised by Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
Co-edited by Isao YAMAGUCHI Osaka Butsuryo College, Katsuhiro ICHIKAWA
Kanazawa University, Katsumi TSUJIOKA Fujita Health University, Souji
MIYASHITA Azabu Triology Hospital
182 × 257mm 258pp. ¥4,800 2011 978-4-274-21104-1
This is the 2nd edition of the textbook, "CT Photography Technology"
supervised by the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology. As CT
photography technology has been developed significantly in the last five years
since the publication of the 1st edition (2005), there are some descriptions in
the 1st edition that do not match those currently used. For this 2nd edition,
the entire contents have been reviewed and summarized to create more useful
textbook, while also including the latest trends of state examinations. The
book still follows the basic framework of the 1st edition.
Intended Readers:
For radiological technologists, undergraduate students, junior college students
and special school students of radiological technologist schools
Fundamental: 1. Principles and structure of CT equipment/ 2. From basics to
image display/ 3. Helical CT/ 4. Multi-slice CT/ 5. Quality of CT image/ 6.
Dose evaluation in CT/ 7. Image processing in "CT/ 8. Contrastradiography
in CT/ Clinical - Basic knowledge of CT inspection practice: 9. Contrast
medium for CT/ 10. Safety management of CT inspection/ 11. Reality of CT
inspection/ Appendix: Anatomical charts
Medical Engineering
Radiological Technology Series
Information and Systems in Radiological Technology
−Fundamentals and Application of Medical Image Information
放射線技術学シリーズ 放射線システム情報学 −医用画像情報の基礎と応用−
奥田 保男・小笠原 克彦・小寺 吉衞 共編
Co-edited by Yasuo OKUDA Okazaki city Hospital, Katsuhiko OGASAWARA
Hokkaido University, Yoshie KODERA Nagoya University
182 × 257mm 302pp. 141illus. ¥4,800 2010 978-4-274-20847-8
1. Medical information in the field of radiologic technology/ 2. Review of
network/ 3. Hospital information system/ 4. PACS/ 5. Standard and Gauge/ 6.
Security/ 7. Management/ Answers and explanatory references, Index
Radiological Technology Series
X-ray Photography Technology
放射線技術学シリーズ X 線撮影技術学
小田 敍弘・土井 司 共編
Co-edited by Nobuhiro ODA Kyoto College of Medical Science and Tsukasa DOI
Osaka University Hospital
210 × 270mm 288pp. 866illus. ¥5,400 2009 978-4-274-20697-9
Radiological Technology Series
Radiochemistry (2nd ed.)
放射線技術学シリーズ 放射化学(改訂 2 版)
花田 博之 編
Edited by Hiroyuki HANADA Hokkaido University
182 × 257mm 196pp. 100illus. ¥4,700 2008 978 4-274-20571-2
Radiological Technology Series
Imaging Technology for Magnetic Resonance (2nd ed.)
放射線技術学シリーズ MR 撮像技術学(改訂 2 版)
笠井 俊文・土井 司
Co-edited by Toshifumi KASAI Kyoto College of Medical Science and Tsukasa DOI
Osaka University Hospital
182 × 257mm 390pp. 400illus. ¥5,200 2008 978-4-274-20506-4
Radiological Technology Series
Radioisotope Nuclear Medicine Technology (2nd ed.)
放射線技術学シリーズ 核医学検査技術学(改訂 2 版)
大西 英雄・松本 政典・益田 一孝
Co-edited by Hideo ONISHI Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Masanori MATSUMOTO
Kumamoto University, Kazutaka MASUDA Shiga University of Medical Science
182 × 257mm 408pp. 300illus. ¥5,700 2008 978-4-274-20505-7
Medical Engineering
Radiological Technology Series
Radiomeasurement (2nd ed.)
放射線技術学シリーズ 放射線計測学(改訂 2 版)
日本放射線技術学会 監修 西谷 源展 編
Supervised by Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
Edited by Motohiro NISHITANI Kyoto College of Medical Science
182 × 257mm 250pp. 150illus. ¥5,000 forthcoming
This series first launched in September 2001 and 12 titles have been published
to date (among them, the revised second edition of which six titles have been
published). The first edition of“Radiomeasurement”was published in September
2003. In this revised second edition, the entire contents have been carefully
reviewed based on the latest knowledge and technological developments, while
maintaining the basic textbook format of the first edition. It is hoped that this
book will be more useful than ever, supplement the parts that the first edition
lacks, and take recent trends of state examinations into account.
Intended Readers:
For radiophotographers as well as students studying clinical radiology at
universities or special colleges
1. Units and definition of physics/chemical related amounts/ 2. Radiation
measuring instruments/ 3. Principles of radiation measurement/ 4. Application
of radiation measurements
Radiological Technology Skill-up Series
Evaluation and Analysis of MRI
放射線技術学スキル UP シリーズ 標準 MRI の評価と解析
日本放射線技術学会 監修 宮地 利明 編
Supervised by Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
Edited by Toshiaki MIYACHI Kanazawa University
182 × 257mm 274pp. 250illus. ¥5,000 2012 978-4-274-21242-0
This is the fourth title in the“Radiological Technology Skill-up Series.”This
practical book summarizes the analysis and evaluation of MR images for practical
business use. It will be useful for the authorize examination for MR technological
specialist conducted by the Japan Authorize Organization for Magnetic Resonance
Technological Specialists. Although the number of MR specialists is approximately
200, each year, about 150 examinees take this exam and subsequently, the number
of examinees is gradually increasing. When the utilization of technology specialists
and technology engineers comes to be recognized as an advantage for the health
insurance points system, it is expected that more people will take this exam in future.
Intended Readers:
For radiophotographers as well as students studying clinical radiology at
universities or special colleges
1. Principles of imaging/ 2. Evaluation of images/ 3. Management of
equipments/ 4. Measurement of relaxation time/ 5. Blood flow analysis/ 6.
Diffusion analysis/ 7. Other types of analysis
Medical Engineering
Radiological Technology Skill-up Series
Image Quality Measurement of Digital Radiography
放射線技術学スキル UP シリーズ 標準 ディジタル X 線画像計測
日本放射線技術学会 監修
市川 勝弘・石田 隆行 共編
Supervised by Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, Co-edited by Katsuhiro
ICHIKAWA Kanazawa University and Takayuki ISHIDA Hiroshima International
182 × 257mm 296pp. 342illus. ¥5,000 2010 978-4-274-20932-1
As X-ray digital image technology becomes more highly developed, measurement
techniques also become important for evaluating and improving image quality.
Many experienced radiology technologists request the book for its detailed
explanations of various techniques, which enable them to acquire required
knowledge without reading difficult theses written in English. Using many
illustrations and tables, this book explains measurement techniques that can be
utilized in actual clinical scenarios as well as relevant theory and practice covering
basic to clinical applications.
Intended Readers:
For radiological technologists, undergraduate students, junior college students
and special school students of radiological technologist schools
1. Analog system and digital radio graffiti system/ 2. Input-output
characteristics/ 3. Resolution characteristics/ 4. Noise characteristics/ 5. DQE/
6. Image processing of DR/ 7. Image quality evaluation of display
Radiological Technology Skill-up Series
Emergency Radiography
放射線技術学スキル UP シリーズ 標準 救急撮影法
日本放射線技術学会 監修
坂下 惠治 編著
Supervised by Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, Edited and written by
Keiji SAKASHITA Osaka Prefectural Senshu Critical Care Medical Center
182 × 257mm 308pp. ¥5,200 2011 978-4-274-20982-6
Supervised by Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, this is a first practical
book that covers the technology and knowledge required for the emergency
radiology for which the standardized radiology method has not yet established.
Also the book summarizes the contents corresponding to the "Qualification test
for emergency radiology technologists," of which the first test was conducted in
March 2011 by the Japan Organization for Emergency Radiology Technologists.
1. Theory of image diagnostics in emergency medicine/ 2. Introduction
to emergency radiology/ 3. Emergency radiology of skull and spine/ 4.
Emergency inspection of chest/ 5. Emergency radiology of cardiovascular
system/ 6. Emergency radiology of abdomen and pelvis/ 7. Emergency
radiology of limbs/ 8. Emergency radiology of infants/ 9. Technical points for
each modality/ Appendix: Damage classification by The Japanese Association
for the Surgery of Trauma
Medical Engineering
Medical Imaging Equipment Engineering (2nd ed.)
診断画像機器学(改訂 2 版)
笠井 俊文・藤原 政雄 共編
Co-edited by Toshifumi KASAI Kyoto College of Medical Science and Masao
FUJIHARA Teikyo University
182 × 257mm 400pp. 300illus. ¥5,500 forthcoming
This book, which has primarily been prepared for students studying at
institutions that train medical X-ray technicians, describes medical imaging
equipment engineering in an easy-to-understand manner. Recently, some
modifications have been made to the content of the national exam including
the adoption of the new curriculum outline. The contents of this book
have been arranged to reflect actual coursework and the latest examination
subjects, and to make it easy for teachers to use.
Intended Readers:
For radiaphotographers as well as students studying clinical radiology at
universities or special colleges
1. Outline/ 2. X-ray producing apparatus, installations and related equipment/
3. X-ray imaging systems/ 4. X-ray diagnostic systems/ 5. Management
of X-ray diagnostic systems/ 6. X-ray computed tomograph equipment/ 7.
Magnetic resonance imaging equipment/ 8. Ultrasonic diagnostic equipment/
9. Non-mydriatic retinal camera/ Exercises/ Answers
Pocket Manual of Breast Ultrasonography
川地 俊明・秋山 敏一 共編
Co-edited by Toshiaki KAWAJI Ogaki Municipal Hospital, Toshikazu AKIYAMA
Fujieda Municipal General Hospital
103 × 182mm 264pp. 300illus. ¥2,400 2012 978-4-274-21101-0
This is a practical guide to ultrasonic waves (echos), which are frequently used in
medical environments as a non-invasive inspection. This book acts as a beginner’
guide to explain the basic fundamentals of how experienced technologists
read information from actual diagnostic images, with a focus on images and
illustrations. The book is more suitable for clinical settings due to the inclusion
and description of mammography and echo images. As this book is a paperback
pocket edition that is compact enough to be carried in clinic coat pockets, it has
a particular focus on information that is useful at patients’
bedsides. Intended
readers are clinical technologists, radiology technologists, medical interns, nurses.
1. Knowledge required before using ultrasonic waves/ 2. Normal anatomy
and pathology/ 3. Basic information about ultrasound examinations/ 4. Basic
information about mammography/ 5. Other inspections/ 6. Lumps with
cystic patterns/ 7. Lumps with mixed patterns/ 8. Lumps with echogenic
halos/ 9. Lumps interrupted by a front boundary/ 10. Lumps with coarse
echogenic spots/ 11. Lumps with fine echogenic spots/ 12. Lumps with no
characteristics/ 13. Indistinct hypoecoic area/ 14. A pathological change
caused by mammary duct ectasia/ 15. Structural disorders/ 16. Non-neoplastic
leisons/ 17. Inspections/ 18. Minimum knowledge required in clinics/ Index
Medical Engineering
Handbook of Practical Medical Image Analysis
実践 医用画像解析ハンドブック
藤田 広志・石田 隆行・桂川 茂彦 監修
Supervised by Hiroshi FUJITA Gifu University Takayuki ISHIDA Osaka University
182 × 257mm 750pp. 600illus. ¥15,000 forthcoming
The book presents comprehensive knowledge and technology currently
available for analysis and clinical applications of medical imaging in an easy-tounderstand manner for those who are involved in medical CAD such as radiology
technologists, clinical technologists, nurses, doctors, dentists, technicians
of medical instruments manufacturers as well as students studying CAD in
universities and colleges. It provides highly accurate information on medical
image analysis and is one of the more useful handbooks currently available.
Fundamentals: 1. Basic medical imaging/ 2. Image processing/ 3. Image
recognition/ 4. Equipment for imaging/ Practices: 5. Examples of image
analysis/ 6. Computer-aided detection and diagnosis/ Appendix
Handbook of Medical Imaging
藤田 広志・石田 隆行・桂川 茂彦 監修
Supervised by Hiroshi FUJITA Gifu University Takayuki ISHIDA Osaka University
182 × 257mm 1400pp. 1616illus. ¥32,000 2010 978-4-274-20955-0
1. Fundamentals of medical imaging/ 2. X-ray imaging/ 3. X-ray CT imaging/
4. MR imaging/ 5. Nuclear medicine imaging/ 6. Ultrasonic wave imaging/ 7.
Radiotherapy imaging/ 8. Dental field imaging/ 9. Other types of imaging/ 10.
Medical imaging information system
Training Note for Image Anatomy
安藤 英次 著
Eiji ANDO Nara Medical University Hospital
182 × 257mm 158pp. ¥2,400 2010 978-4-274-20947-5
Using schema (illustrations), this book easily and thoroughly explains how to
diagnose images (image anatomy) of bones, joints and the soft tissue around
them. To enable readers to quickly monitor their learning progress, a red sheet
attached to this book will make the anatomy name invisible when it is placed
on the text.
Bones-joints of the whole body/ 1. Vertebra/ 2. Upper limb/ 3. Lower limb
Medical Engineering
Handbook of MR Image Anatomy
MR 画像解剖ハンドブック
土井 司・笠井 俊文 共編
Co-edited by Tsukasa DOI Osaka University Hospital and Toshifumi KASAI Kyoto
College of Medical Science
210 × 270mm 264pp. 666illus. ¥6,800 2009 978-4-274-20669-6
1. Head/ 2. Face and neck/ 3. Chest/ 4. Heart/ 5. Upper abdomen/ 6. Urinary
organs and pelvis/ 7. Upper limbs/ 8. Lower limbs/ 9. Vertebra/ 10. Blood
MR/CT Image Anatomy Pocketbook
MR/CT 画像解剖ポケットブック
杉村 和朗 監修 土井 司・笠井 俊文 共編
Supervised by Kazuro SUGIMURA Kobe University School of Medicine
Co-edited by Tsukasa DOI Osaka University Hospital and Toshifumi KASAI, Kyoto
College of Medical Science
128 × 182mm 214pp. 500illus. ¥2,800 2009 978-4-274-20693-1
1. Head/ 2. Face and neck/ 3. Chest/ 4. Heart/ 5. Upper abdomen/ 6. Urinary
organs and pelvis/ 7. Upper limbs/ 8. Lower limbs/ 9. Vertebra/ 10. Blood vessels
Illustrated Guide to Upper Limb Photography
図解 上肢撮影法
高倉 義典 監修
安藤 英次 著
Supervised by Yoshinori TAKAKURA, Nishi Nara Central Hospital
Eiji ANDO Nara Medical University Hospital
182 × 257mm 250pp. 400illus. ¥3,500 2011 978-4-274-21108-9
Using ample illustrations and pictures, this book explains X-ray photography
positioning in detail, a topic that is of great interest to beginners in the field
of upper limb photography. This volume also carefully explains image
analysis, which is a basis of positioning. Illustrations include not only X-ray
images and anatomical charts of photographed body parts, angled X-rays
of incidents and leg positions, but also illustrations of complete bodies and
partial illustrations of photographed limb positions. In addition, illustrations
consisting primarily of X-rays, including those taken in the irradiation field,
are included, which will enable beginner radiology technologists and students
to easily gain an understanding of this subject.
1. Shoulder joint photography/ 2. Upper arm bone photography/ 3. Elbow
joint photography/ 4. Forearm photography/ 5. Arm joint photography/ 6.
Finger joint photography
Medical Engineering
Head and Neck Photography Illustrated
図解 頭部・頸部撮影法
榊 壽右・高倉 義典 監修 安藤 英次・薮内 安成 共著
Supervised by Toshisuke SAKAKI Nara Medical University Hospital and Yoshinori
TAKAKURA Nara Medical University Hospital
Co-written by Eiji ANDO Nara Medical University Hospital and Yasunari
YABUUCHI Nara Medical University Hospital
182 × 257mm 272pp. 500illus. ¥3,500 2010 978-4-274-20891-1
1. Reference lines/ 2. Basic dissection/ 3. Skull photography/ 4. Facial bone
photography/ 5. Mandible photography/ 6. Auditory organ photography/ 7.
Special effect photography/ 8. Neck photography
Pelvis and Hip Joints Photographing Illustrated
図解 骨盤・股間接撮影法
安藤 英次 著
Eiji ANDO Nara Medical University Hospital
182 × 257mm 212pp. 500illus. ¥3,400 2009 978-4-274-20702-0
Knowledge and Practices of Low Dose CT
Examination for Lung Cancer
低線量肺がん CT 検診の知識と実務
NPO 法人 肺がん CT 検診認定機構 監修
山口 功・村松 禎久・花井 耕造・長尾 啓一 共編
Supervised by Japan Accreditation Council for Lung Cancer CT Screening
(NPO), Co-edited by Isao YAMAGUCHI Osaka Butsuryo College, Yoshihisa
MURAMATSU National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Kouzou HANAI
National Cancer Center East, Keiichi NAGAO Chiba University
182 × 257mm 274pp. 240illus. ¥6,000 2010 978-4-274-20942-0
Introduction: What is "a certified radiology technician in CT screening for
lung cancer?"/ 1. Fundamental knowledge of CT required for becoming a
certified technician in CT screening/ 1-1. Fundamentals of CT images and
CT equipment systems/ 1-2. Image quality and dose of CT equipment/ 1-3.
Exposed dose of CT screening/ 1-4. Radiographing conditions in lung cancer
CT screening/ 1-5. Practice of lung cancer CT screening photography/ 1-6.
Precision management/ 2. CT image analysis and diagnosis of chest required
for a certified radiologist/ 7. Analysis of CT image of chest/ 8. Fundamental
knowledge and image diagnosis of chest disease/ 9. Example cases certified
radiologists involved in CT screening should be aware of/ Appendix: glossary
Medical Engineering
Practical Judo Bone Setting Series
Basics of Judo Bone Setting
実践 柔道整復学シリーズ 柔道整復学総論
塩川 光一郎・松下 隆・宇井 肇 監修 川﨑 一朗・塩川 光一郎 共編
Supervised by Koichiro SHIOKAWA, Takashi MATSUSHITA Teikyo University,
Hajime UI
Co-edited by Ichiro KAWASAKI Teikyo Junior College and Koichiro SHIOKAWA
Teikyo University
182 × 257 mm 332pp. 215illus. ¥5,000 2012 978-4-274-21134-8
Judo bone setting used to be a practical science based on actual experience.
However, since the subject was adopted in university courses, it has now
been developing into a unique branch of knowledge proven by an integrated
theory. The book aims to train bone setters in global perspective not just for
working in domestic local communities. While respecting rules learnt from
experiences, the book lays a stress on theoretical process of problem solving
through ample use of easy-to-understand figures that no other similar book
can offer. It is a unique and first text/reference book of its kind.
Introduction: History of Judo bone setters/ 1. What is Judo bone setter/ 2.
Factors relating to human body injuries/ 3. Patients' injury pains / 4. Bone
fractures/ 5. Judo bone setting from the viewpoint of cells and treatment
of external injuries/ 6. Molecular structure of injured bones/ 7. Joint
dislocations/ 8. Sinew damage/ 9. Tendon and ligament injuries/ 10. Injuries
to peripheral nerves/ 11. Injuries to blood and lymph systems/ 12. Skin
injuries/ 13. Treatment methods/ 14. Injury and prevention measures/ Index
Practical Judo Bone Setting Series
実践 柔道整復学シリーズ 運動学
塩川 光一郎・松下 隆・宇井 肇 監修 尾縣 貢・関岡 康雄・塩川 光一郎 共編
Supervised by Koichiro SHIOKAWA, Takashi MATSUSHITA Teikyo University,
Hajime UI
Co-edited by Mitsugu OGATA University of Tsukuba, Yasuo SEKIOKA, Koichiro
SHIOKAWA Teikyo University
182 × 257 mm 334pp. 300illus. ¥5,000 2012 978-4-274-21246-8
As one of the books in the "Practical Judo Bone Setting Series," this is a useful
resource to prepare for the national Judo therapist exam that enables readers to
study kinetics, which is one of the exam subjects. This book is suitable for those
who actually work in the industry as well as for students even after they have
graduated from school. It is hoped that this publication will be an enjoyable
read and encourage students to want to safely pass the Judo therapist national
exam. It is also hoped that readers will want to read and study the book again
when they become Judo therapists as well as make them want to take up a sport.
1. History of kinematics/ 2. Studying kinematics/ 3. Basics of kinematics/
4. Law of physical exercises and mechanics/ 5. Structure and functions of
musculoskeletal system/ 6. Concept of locomotorium/ 7. Structure and function
of nervous systems/ 8. Appearance and control of motion/ 9. Motion of each
body part/ 10. Motor development/ 11. Motor learning/ 12. Physical training/ 13.
Posture/ 14. Walking/ 15. Various mechanisms of motion/ 16. Locomotarium
injuries and Judo therapists/ Reference: Sports and Judo specialists/ Index
Medical Engineering
Introduction to Drug Discovery Science
– How Drugs are Developed?
創薬科学入門 -薬はどのようにつくられる ? -
久能 祐子 監修 佐藤 健太郎 著
Supervised by Sachiko KUNO
Written by Kentaro SATO
148 × 210mm 208pp. ¥2,000 2011 978-4-274-50361-0
Drug discovery is the process of developing a new drug. It is carried out by
searching chemical synthesis and natural products. Using an easy-to-understand
story-telling style, the main section of the book explains basic knowledge
of drug discovery, and the application part explains how drugs are being
developed for each major disease of modern life. The book helps students in
pharmaceutical courses and other readers studying the subject to deepen their
scientific understanding as well as business interests in the subject.
Introduction/ 1. What is medicine?/ 2. How medicinal drugs become available to
the public/ 3. Best balance of medicine/ 4. New technology that aids drug discovery/
5. Drug discoveries from nature/ 6. Process chemistry/ 7. Antibody medicine and
genome medicine/ 8. Antibiotics and antiviral drugs/ 9. Antihypertensive drugs/
10. Antihyperlipidemic drugs/ 11. Rapidly changing anticancer drug science/
12. Various approaches to antidiabetic treatments/ 13. Antipsychotic drugs/ 14.
Analgesic drugs/ 15. Challenges in developing new drugs
An Encyclopedia of Infections
感染症事典編集委員会 編
Edited by Editorial Commitee of Encyclopedia of Infections
148 × 210mm 640pp. 400illus. ¥8,000 2012 978-4-274-21135-5
Emerging Infectious Diseases, such as O-157, prion disease, SARS and bird flu,
which were newly recognized after the 1970s, as well as Re-emerging Infectious
Diseases, such as tuberculosis or measles, which have become more prevalent
since the 1990s, have both become big issues in recent years. Also zoonosis, such
as prion disease, is quite a big issue. Now, countermeasures against these infections
are required on a global scale. This is a practical dictionary that typically and
systematically summarizes routes of infection, symptoms, mechanisms behind
outbreaks, remedial methods, precautionary measures, related books and more, and
explains these topics to readers in an easy-to-understand way.
1. What is infection?/ 2. Tropical medicine and infection/ 3. Bacillus
infection/ 4. Mycotic infection/ 5. Rickettsia infection/ 6. Chlamydia
infection/ 7. Virus infection/ 8. Protozoan infection/ 9. Parasite infection/ 10.
Prion disease/ Appendix: Infection law in Japan
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Batteries
マンガでわかる 電池
藤瀧 和弘・佐藤 祐一 共著 真西 まり 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Kazuhiro FUJITAKI and Yuichi SATO, Illustration by Mari MANISHI
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 192pp. 140illus. ¥1,900 2012 978-4-274-06877-5
This book clearly explains the fundamentals of battery cell technology
for first-time learners. As we cannot easily see inside battery cells, the
mechanism of these cells is not widely known. This book explains the
mechanisms and peripheral technologies of various cells, from daily-use cells
to fuel cells with significant future potential through its easy-to-understand
manga story.
Intended Readers:
For those who want to know about structure and components of battery cells,
people involved in battery related businesses, students in technical colleges
for electric engineering and installation courses
1. Fundamentals of battery cells/ 2. Primary cells/ 3. Secondary cells/ 4. Fuel
cells/ 5. Physical cells
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Electromagnetics
マンガでわかる 電磁気学
遠藤 雅守 著 真西 まり 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Masamori ENDO, Illustration by Mari MANISHI, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 264pp. 150illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-06849-2
Although it is a basic subject of electrical engineering or physics courses,
electromagnetics is a very difficult subject, since it is based on the assumption
that one already has an understanding of partial differentiation, multiple
integrals, or vector analysis. And for another reason, there are many theorems
and formulas in electromagnetics of which key relationships are not apparently
clear. However, when all the equations are summarized and regulated by
Maxwell's equations from the originally independent, widely varying laws,
one can realize that electromagnetics is a very well-formed body of theory
that can be started from Coulomb's law, which is a basic subject taught in high
schools, and concluded with four types of equations that can explain various
Intended Readers:
For students who feel difficulty in electromagnetics
1. Introduction: What is electromagnetics?/ 2. Electric charge and Coulomb's
law/ 3. Gauss's law and electrostatics/ 4. Electrical current and magnetic
fields/ 5. Ampere's law and magnetostatics/ 6. Electromagnetics moving and
Maxwell's equations
Manga Guide: Mathematics for
Electrical Engineering
マンガでわかる 電気数学
田中 賢一 著 松下 マイ 作画 オフィス sawa 制作
Kenichi TANAKA, Illustration by Mai MATSUSHITA
Produced by Office sawa
182 × 235mm 268pp. 140illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-06819-5
This book provides easy-to-understand explanations utilizing manga in
conjunction with mathematical equations that are essential for solving
problems related to electric circuits. In the process of solving sample problems
presented in this volume, readers will gain a deeper understanding of related
1. Electric circuits that can be solved by equations and inequalities (Part 1.
Direct current circuits)/ 2. Vectors/ 3. Complex numbers/ 4. Electric circuits
that can be solved by equations and inequalities (Part 2. )/ 5. Binary numbers/
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Electricity
マンガでわかる 電気
藤瀧 和弘 著 マツダ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by MATSUDA, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 224pp. 79illus. ¥1,900 2006 4-274-06672-X
Through manga and easy-to-understand explanations, readers will be able
to master the basic knowledge required for electric engineering, such as
phenomena and effects of electricity as well as mechanisms of various electric
components. Visualizing invisible electricity using manga and explaining it
through familiar examples of everyday home appliances will give students
and beginning engineers a fundamental knowledge about electricity.
Manga Guide: Electric Circuits
マンガでわかる 電気回路
飯田 芳一 著 山田 ガレキ 作画 パルスクリエイティブハウス 制作
Yoshikazu IIDA, Illustration by Gareki YAMADA
Produced by Pulse Creative House
182 × 235mm 240pp. 143illus.¥2,000 2010 978-4-274-06795-2
1. What is electricity?/ 2. Direct current circuits/ 3. Alternating current
circuits/ 4. Three-phase alternating current circuits/ 5. Generation and
Manga Guide: Electronic Circuits
マンガでわかる 電子回路
田中 賢一 著 高山 ヤマ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Kenichi TANAKA, Illustration by Yama TAKAYAMA,
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 186pp. 150illus. ¥2,000 2009 978-4-274-06777-8
Through the popular hobby of building a transistor radio, this book will help
learners grasp the fundamentals of electronic circuits with ease. In spite of
the many important formulas that are featured in this book, its step-by-step
explanations utilizing manga and illustrations will make it easy for readers to
quickly gain an understanding of this subject.
Prologue: A nervous new member/ 1. What is an electronic circuit?/ 2.
Mechanism of a transistor/ 3. Information about electronic circuits/ 4. Tuned
amplifire circuits/ 5. Demodulation circuits/ 6. Low frequency amplifier
circuits/ Epilogue/ Index
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Semiconductors
マンガでわかる 半導体
渋谷 道雄 著 高山 ヤマ 作画 トレンド ・ プロ 制作
Michio SHIBUYA, Illustration by Yama TAKAYAMA,
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 200pp. 143illus. ¥2,000 2010 978-4-274-06803-4
Based on the belief that origins reveal full details, this book's careful
explanation utilizing manga starts from by presenting the essense of physical
properties (such as crystals and energy bands) and moves on to cover every
important technological process so that readers can learn the fundamentals
of circuit design. This book is more useful for beginner engineers rather than
sales staff.
1. What is a semiconductor?/ 2. The world of digital and analog/ 3. Semiconductor parts and their components/ 4. The atom, the origin of many
substances/ 5. Monocrystal silicon with an impure mixture/ 6. Application of
impure semiconductors - diodes and transistors
Manga Guide: Program Logic Control
マンガでわかる シーケンス制御
藤瀧 和弘 著 高山 ヤマ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by Yama TAKAYAMA, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 210pp. 120illus. ¥2,000 2008 978-4-274-06735-8
This book describes the fundamentals of program logic control for first
learners. Readers will learn the mechanism of mechanical control performed
by various combinations of electronic components through manga and easyto-understand explanatory text in the book.
Manga Guide: Biochemistry
マンガでわかる 生化学
武村 政春 著 菊野郎 作画 オフィス sawa 制作
Masaharu TAKEMURA, Illustration by Kikuyarou, Produced by Office sawa
182 × 235mm 264pp. ¥2,200 2009 978-4-274-06740-2
By revealing the structure or the behavior of the substances, this manga book
explains the chemical substances that make up our living bodies, and the
kinds of chemical reactions that make it possible for them to continue their
vital activities. This book is intended for beginners to the biochemistry field
to help them easily understand the entire image of biochemistry, which is
plural in its character.
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Molecular Biology
マンガでわかる 分子生物学
武村 政春 著 咲良 作画 ビーコム 制作
Masaharu TAKEMURA Tokyo University of Science
Illustration by Sakura, Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 248pp. 100illus. ¥2,200 2008 978-4-274-06702-0
The book deals with the minimum essentials of the subject that have
been carefully selected from university courses to help readers learn the
fundamentals without difficulty through easy-to-understand explanations using
1. What is a cell?/ 2. Protein and DNA/ 3. Reproduction of DNA and fission
of cell/ 4. Central dogma/ 5. Genetic engineering and molecular biology
Manga Guide: Immunology
マンガでわかる 免疫学
河本 宏 監修 しおざき 忍 作画 ビーコム 制作
Supervised by Hiroshi KAWAMOTO, Illustration by Shinobu SHIOZAKI
Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 208pp. 180illus. ¥2,400 forthcoming
Various functions are working in our body to maintain it. Our bodies
contain an intricate immune system that helps to protect our bodies from
micro organisms that can threaten our health and life and that maintain our
bodies. Immunology is one of the basic fields of medicine that focuses on
investigating immunological functions.
Intended Readers:
For people who are conscious of health, those who want to be expert
physiological therapists or occupational therapists and need to study
immunology, teachers
1. Cells that are controlled by immune reactions/ 2. Fundamental principles of
mechanisms of acquired immune systems/ 3. Mechanism of anti-gen specific
reactions/ 4. How diversity develops and the emergence of self-tolerance/
5. Cooperation between natural and acquired immune systems/ 6. The
mechanism of antibody production and immunological memory/ 7. Infectious
diseases and the division of labor between immune cells/ 8. Autoimmune
diseases/ 9. Allergy/ 10. Transplantation therapy, regenerative medicine and
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Physiology
マンガでわかる 基礎生理学
田中 越郎 監修 鈴木 泰子 著 こやま けいこ 作画 ビーコム 制作
Supervised by Etsuro TANAKA, Written by Yasuko SUZUKI
Illustration by Keiko KOYAMA, Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 257mm 232pp. 140illus. ¥2,400 2011 978-4-274-06871-3
Using manga, this introductory book uses simple language to explain
physiology. Physiology is primarily a study of our bodies' "Structure
(anatomy)" and "Function (physiology)", and it is the most important
among the fundamentals used for educating those in the medical treatment
profession, including nurses. Although this is a critical subject, this book
enables readers who are experiencing difficulty memorizing subjects to
smoothly gain an understanding of the key points about structures and
functions of various organs such as muscles, blood, the respiratory system,
internal secretion and central nerves, utilizing manga.
Intended Readers:
For nurses or students in nursing courses, those who are involved or aim to be
involved in medical treatment, students who feel difficulty in physiology
1. Mechanism of movement (motor system)/ 2. Feel by body (somatosensory
system, visceral sense, special sense)/ 3. Truth about "eating" (digestive
system)/ 4. Inhaling and exhaling (respiratory system)/ 5. Blood circulating
and circulating (blood, circulation) 6. What is a hormone? (internal secretion)/
7. Excitement and relaxing (peripheral nerves)/ 8. Command room of a body
(central nerves)
Manga Guide: Complex Numbers
マンガでわかる 虚数・複素数
相知 政史 著 石野 人衣 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Masashi OHCHI, Illustration by Toi ISHINO, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 234pp. 140illus. ¥1,900 2010 978-4-274-06823-2
This book is aimed at students starting university courses who have
no previous knowledge of complex numbers and for those who have
difficulty solving examination problems when attempting to gain electrical
qualifications. This book focuses on essential points that need to be
understood, and clearly explains them utilizing manga.
1. Various kinds of numbers/ 2. Expanding an imaginary number i to a
complex number a+bi/ 3. Complex planes/ 4. Polar coordinates/ 5. Euler's
formula/ 6. Euler's formula and the addition theorem of trigonometric
functions/ 7. Characteristics of complex numbers, multiplication and division,
polar coordinates
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Differential Equation
マンガでわかる 微分方程式
佐藤 実 著 あづま 笙子 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Minoru SATO, Illustration by Shouko AZUMA, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 240pp. 70illus. ¥2,200 2009 978-4-274-06786-0
Through the manga story told in this book, differential equations are
explained by the goddess using familiar examples seen in everyday life. This
book will help students and general readers who are poor at mathematics to
understand the presented concepts with ease.
Manga Guide: Linear Algebra
マンガでわかる 線形代数
高橋 信 著 井上 いろは 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by Iroha INOUE, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 272pp. 130illus. ¥2,000 2008 978-4-274-06741-9
Using manga, additional text explanations and example problems, this book
explains the fundamentals of linear algebra. Having placed the target focus of
the book at university freshman level, it touches not only on matrix and vector
calculations, but also on the essentials of linear algebra such as linear space,
linear maps, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Manga Guide: Differentiation and Integral Calculus
マンガでわかる 微分積分
小島 寛之 著 十神 真 作画 ビーコム 制作
Hiroyuki KOJIMA Teikyo University
Illustration by Shin TOGAMI, Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 240pp. 140illus. ¥1,900 2005 4-274-06632-0
This book explains the concept of differentiation and integrals (high school
2nd grade level to university freshman level) in a manga story in which a
female newspaper journalist gradually comes to understand various incidents
that occur in society using differentiation and integrals.
Manga Guide: Fourier Analysis
マンガでわかる フーリエ解析
渋谷 道雄 著 晴瀬 ひろき 作画 トレンド ・ プロ 制作
Illustration by Hiroki HARUSE, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 256pp. 150illus. ¥2,400 2006 4-274-06617-7
This book explains the concept of fourier analysis in a convincing, easy-tounderstand manner with a manga story using examples familiar to everyday life.
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Statistics
マンガでわかる 統計学
高橋 信 著 トレンド ・ プロ 制作
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 224pp. 150illus. ¥2,000 2004 4-274-06570-7
This book aims to enable readers to come to understand statistics from
fundamentals to "test of independence" using manga.
Manga Guide: Statistics (Factor Analysis Edition)
マンガでわかる 統計学 因子分析編
高橋 信 著 井上 いろは 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by Iroha INOUE, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd
182 × 235mm 248pp. 160illus. ¥2,200 2006 4-274-06662-2
This book aims to help readers understand information from the basics to the
application of factor analysis, which is one method of statistical analysis, by
using managa, text explanations and exercises.
Manga Guide: Statistics (Regression Analysis Edition)
マンガでわかる 統計学 回帰分析編
高橋 信 著 井上 いろは 作画 トレンド ・ プロ 制作
Illustration by Iroha INOUE, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 224pp. 200illus. ¥2,200 2005 4-274-06614-2
This book covers everything from the basics to the application of regression
analysis using manga, text explanations and familiar examples.
Manga Guide: Statistics for Nurses
マンガでわかる ナースの統計学
田久 浩志・小島 隆矢 共著 こやま けいこ 作画 ビーコム 制作
Hiroshi TAKYU Chubu Gakuin University and Takaya KOJIMA
Illustration by Keiko KOYAMA
Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 257mm 272pp. 160illus. ¥2,200 2006 4-274-06649-5
The main target of this book is nurses who have been working for a few
years. This book has been written for such readers to help them prepare
their "Research Presentation" by using manga to introduce basic concepts of
statistics and the process of a research presentation.
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Project Management
マンガでわかる プロジェクトマネジメント
広兼 修 著 さぬきやん 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Osamu HIROKANE Fusion, Inc.
Illustration by Sanukiyan, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 208pp. 208illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-06854-6
Using manga, this book explains project management and introduces its basic
methodology. By following a story, the book explains key steps of project
management from start up to closing of a project.
Intended Readers:
For young businessmen / women, those who have experienced a project work
but have not had the experience of managing it
Prologue/ 1. What is a project/ 2. Starting up a project/ 3. Planning a project/
4. Confirming a project plan/ 5. Proceeding to execute a project with a team/
6. Closing a project with a result/ Epilogue
Manga Guide: Sociology
マンガでわかる 社会学
栗田 宣義 著 島津 蓮 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Nobuyoshi KURITA Kansai University of International Studies
Illustration by Ren SHIMAZU
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 192pp. 170illus. ¥1,800 forthcoming
With a wide range of relevant fields, it can be difficult to gain a clear
understanding of what we can actually learn from sociology. This book
utilizes manga to tell a story through the younger generation’
s eyes in order
to help readers to gain an understanding of the entire scope of sociology.
The book also enables readers to learn about the involved mechanism and
process of sociology, which is usually invisible. The end of the book contains
information about sociology resources, key research points and statistics,
and how sociology is applied in marketing. This textbook is aimed not only
at those who have an interest in sociology, but also those who work in the
marketing industry.
Intended Readers:
For those who are engaged in the research of new products, service
development, practitioners involved in marketing, public relations, workers
who are interested in the social systems, students in sociological department,
as well as those who are involved in local goverment
Prologue/ 1. Standard/ 2. Act/ 3. Role/ 4. Gathering/ 5. Socialization/ 6.
Gender/ 7. Power/ 8. Social structure/ Let's utilize sociology/ Appendices
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Cryptology
マンガでわかる 暗号
三谷 政昭・佐藤 伸一 共著 ひのき いでろう 作画 ウェルテ 制作
Masaaki MITANI and Shinichi SATO Tokyo Denki University
Illustration by Idero HINOKI, Produced by Verte
182 × 235mm 240pp. 70illus. ¥1,900 2007 978-4-274-06674-0
Through an easy-to-understand manga story, this book describes, for
students, beginning engineers as well as interested general readers, encryption
technology and the mathematics that supports this technology with
application examples taken from familiar areas.
Manga Guide: Databases
マンガでわかる データベース
高橋 麻奈 著 あづま 笙子 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by Shouko AZUMA, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 240pp. 96illus. ¥1,900 2005 4-274-06631-2
In this book, concepts of databases not dependent on certain vendor's products
(mainly relational databases) are explained in manga. Readers will be able to
enjoy acquiring the basic concept through reading the manga story.
Manga Guide: Mechanics of Materials
マンガでわかる 材料力学
末益 博志・長嶋利夫 共著 円茂 竹縄 作画 オフィス sawa 制作
Hiroshi SUEMASU and Toshio NAGASHIMA Sophia University
Illustration by Enmo-takenawa, Produced by Office sawa
182 × 235mm 240pp. 150illus. ¥2,200 2012 978-4-274-06875-1
In "mechanics of materials," material properties, strength and transformation
are studied based on whether or not the material is able to be broken. This book
picks out from among the basics of "mechanics of materials," a required field
in the study of mechanical engineering, key points that need to be understood
and explains them in an easy-to-understand way using manga. The book also
introduces the calculation method used to estimate transformation and loads that
are the characteristics of materials. Revealing concrete phenomenon that will be
familiar to many readers, this book points out specific points they need to pay
attention to, as well as it thoroughly explains in each chapter the complicated
aspects, such as numerical formulas.
Prologue: Why should we share clubroom!?/ 1. Mechanics of deformable
bodies/ 2. Stress/ 3. Strain and deformation/ 4. Strength and mechanical
properties of a material/ 5. How to calculate stresses/ 6. Application of
"mechanics of materials"/ Epilogue/ Appendices/ Index
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Thermodynamics
マンガでわかる 熱力学
原田 知広 著 川本 梨恵 作画 ユニバーサル・パブリシング 制作
Tomohiro HARADA,
Illustration by Rie KAWAMOTO, Produced by Universal Publishing
182 × 235mm 208pp. 170illus. ¥2,200 2009 978-4-274-06688-7
This book explains the fundamentals of thermodynamics through an
easy-to-understand manga story. Through the presentation of concise
explanations featuring familiar examples, this book enables readers to gain
an understanding of even abstract thermodynamics-related subjects such as
entropy, in a visual sense. Suitable for first-time learners of thermodynamics.
Prologue: Crisis threatening Chinken-Lab./ 1. Temperature and state
equations/ 2. The first law of thermodynamics/ 3. The second law of
thermodynamics/ 4. Entropy/ Additional interest/ Black holes and
thermodynamics/ Epilogue: Chinken Lab. Forever!
Manga Guide: Quantum Dynamics
マンガでわかる 量子力学
川端 潔 監修 石川 憲二 著 柊 ゆたか 作画 ウェルテ 制作
Supervised by Kiyoshi KAWABATA
Written by Kenji ISHIKAWA
Illustration by Yutaka HIIRAGI, Produced by Verte
182 × 235mm 256pp. 180illus. ¥2,200 2009 978-4-274-06780-8
Through this book, readers will be able to learn about quantum dynamics
through a manga story featuring charming characters and easy-to-understand
explanatory text. This book covers the transition of perceptions, from
traditional to modern, about substances, atoms and quantums, and explains
the modern concept of quantum dynamics.
Prologue: "The Inch-High Samurai" and "Little Tiny or Thumbelina"/ 1. What
is "A half of a half of a half of ..."/ 2. When an atom becomes a non-atom/ 3.
How can the inside of an atom be explored?/ 4. Without quantum dynamics,
atoms would come apart/ 5. When investigated thoroughly, a substance would
turn out to be a phantom/ Epilogue: Quantum dynamics extends to "other
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Fluid Dynamics
マンガでわかる 流体力学
武居 昌宏 著 松下 マイ 作画 オフィス sawa 制作
Masahiro TAKEI
Illustration by Mai MATSUSHITA, Produced by Office sawa
182 × 235mm 204pp. 147illus. ¥2,200 2009 978-4-274-06773-0
The visual explanations, manga and illustrations used in this book will enable
readers to see and understand subjects that are usually difficult to comprehend
when described using text only. The volume is organized in such a way that
readers will be able to learn about various topics from the fundamentals of
mathematics and physics to mechanisms of various phenomena. Important
formulas that many people find difficult to grasp are also explained in an
easy-to-understand manner and are accompanied by information about the
history of how the featured formulas were developed. This book is suitable
for the beginners to the subject of fluid dynamics and general readers wanting
to review the subject.
Prologue: Is this a phrophetic dream!? An occult girl and fluid dynamics/ 1.
Characteristics of fluids and statics/ 2. Basic equations for fluids/ 3. Laminar
flow and turbulent flow/ 4. Lift and drag/ Epilogue
Manga Guide: The Theory of Relativity
マンガでわかる 相対性理論
新田 英雄 監修 山本 将史 著 高津 ケイタ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Supervised by Hideo NITTA Tokyo Gakugei University Written by Masafumi YAMAMOTO
Illustration by Keita TAKATSU, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182×235mm 192pp. 130illus. ¥1,900 2009 978-4-274-06759-4
The book introduces the principles of the theory of relativity using manga
and simple explanations. Avoiding the use of equations, only the concept of
the resulting equations is explained visually through familiar phenomena or
everyday events in manga and in additional text commentary. It is suitable for
highschool and university students.
1. Is it impossible to build a spaceship that travels faster than light - the
principle of invariance of light velocity/ 2. Is the ether not needed? - a constant
speed of light/ 3. What is the planet of the apes?- the delay in time/ 4. If one
of a pair of twins gets on a rocket and the other stays on earth, would both be
late just the same?/ 5. Would running fast make you thinner, make you look
thinner, or make you look as though you were rotating?/ 6. Would running fast
make you heavier? - the mass and the energy/ 7. Again, the theory of relativity Wherever and whenever you are in space, the theory remains the same
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Physics (Mechanics Edition)
マンガでわかる 物理 力学編
新田 英雄 著 高津 ケイタ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Hideo NITTA Tokyo Gakugei University
Illustration by Keita TAKATSU, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182×235mm 234pp. 160illus. ¥2,000 2006 4-274-06665-7
It is a common misunderstanding that physics taught in educational
curriculums is not useful for everyday life. If one has knowledge of physics,
he/she will be able to avoid hurting his/her spinal cord when free climbing as
low as 1 meter, or easily carry a person with a stretcher. This book informs
readers that physics is practical. Special focus is placed on explaining
dynamics, which is the basics of physics, using manga to enable readers to
understand topics in relation to real situations.
Prologue/ 1. Basic law of dynamics/ 2. Momentum/ 3. Energy/ 4. Let's go to
amusement parks!/ Epilogue
Manga Guide: The Universe
マンガでわかる 宇宙
川端 潔 監修 石川 憲二 著 柊 ゆたか 作画 ウェルテ 制作
Supervised by Kiyoshi KAWABATA
Written by Kenji ISHIKAWA
Illustration by Yutaka HIIRAGI, Produced by Verte
182×235mm 248pp. 150illus. ¥2,000 2008 978-4-274-06737-2
The universe has always been a target of admiration and intellectual interest by
many people. This volume in "Manga Guide" series exhaustively introduces
the universe from the perspective of both astronomy and cosmophysics.
Although this is not a quickly changing subject, some new topics such as dark
matter are also included. Readers will experience through the book's manga
story the development of the concept of how the universe is grasped by human
beings. This book is suitable for university students and general readers.
Prologue: A story that starts from the moon/ 1. Is the earth the center of the
universe?/ 2. From the solar system to the galaxy/ 3. The universe was born
by the big-bang/ 4. What is the end of the universe like?/ Epilogue: Is there
more than one universe?
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Concrete
マンガでわかる コンクリート
石田 哲也 著 はるお 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Tetsuya ISHIDA Tokyo University
Illustration by Haruo, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 200pp. 140illus. ¥2,000 2011 978-4-274-06860-7
Along with earth and water, concrete is a critical component in the study
of civil engineering. Although called concrete, the study is divided into
two parts: "Structure (structural mechanics)" and "Engineering (materials
science)." Using manga, this book focuses on engineering (materials science)
and thoroughly explains the subject to enable readers who are not familiar
with concrete to quickly and easily familiarize themselves with the subject.
Intended Readers:
For students in civil engineering or architecture related department, sales
person or beginner engineers in the companies handling concrete, those who
are interested in concrete
Prologue/ 1. What is concrete?/ 2. How long has concrete existed?/ 3. How
does concrete become congealed?/ 4. What is the inside of concrete like?
- Adventures in a micro world/ 5. What are the properties of concrete?/ 6.
Various types of concrete/ Epilogue
Manga Guide: Surveying
マンガでわかる 測量
栗原 哲彦・佐藤 安雄 共著
吉野 はるか 作画 パルス・クリエイティブ・ハウス 制作
Norihiko KURIHARA and Yasuo SATO Musashi Institute of Technology
Illustration by Haruka YOSHINO, Produced by Pulse Creative House
182×235mm 256pp. 150illus. ¥2,400 2008 978-4-274-06725-9
Surveying is the process of finding out the positional relationship of
different points by measuring distance, angle or height balance, etc. between
those points. It is an important professional operation involved in many
processes such as assessment, designing and building in civil engineering
or construction projects. The book helps readers to easily understand the
academic basics of surveying through a manga story. This book is suitable for
students at universities and technical colleges.
Architectural Theories and Practices by
Kenzo Tange Laboratory
−Mainstream of Postwar Japanese
Architecture and Urban History
群像としての丹下研究室 -戦後日本建築・都市史のメインストリーム-
豊川 斎赫 著
Saikaku TOYOKAWA Oyama National College of Technology
148 × 210mm 402pp. 211illus. ¥4,000 2012 978-4-274-21200-0
Kenzo Tange Laboratory at the University of Tokyo undertook many
national architectural projects during the post-war era and also produced
many world-famous architects, such as Arata Isozaki, Fumihiko Maki,
Kisho Kurokawa, and others. This book not only details how Kenzo Tange
was genius as an individual, but also grasps Kenzo Tange laboratory as a
collection of thoughts, which makes the book especially unique and novel.
The book precisely analyzes a huge amount of research and theoretical
research conducted by Kenzo Tange himself as well as graduates from Tange
laboratory to clearly describe how this research and actual works have a
“tense”relationship with each other.
Intended Readers:
For students in architectural field, designers, researchers, as well as architects
Practices of the Athens Charter in Asia/ 1. National land planning based on
understanding of "workforce" in wide area/ 2. "Housing" leads economy/ 3.
Construction of "core of the city" based on understanding of "mobility"/ 4.
Changes in "recreation" and accompanying changes in "architecture"/ Various
phases of novel attempts that go beyond "modern architecture"/ 5. Digestion
of western philosophy by Kenzo Tange: From "applause for Michelangelo" to
theory of space/ 6. Traditional theory of Kenzo Tange and creation methods of
Tange Lab: memorial space, Japanese garden, and modulor/ 7. Collaboration
with engineers in Tange Lab: Autonomy and linkage of design, structure, and
equipment in the 50's/ Unification methods of various kinds of techniques and
information/ 8. Analysis of symbol theory of Kenzo Tange by design process:
National gymnasiums for Tokyo Olympics and Saint Mary's Cathedral/ 9. Theory
of the social communication in Tange Lab: URTEC National development map
and activity of architecture/ 10. Osaka Expo designed by Kenzo Tange: Idea and
practice of "future city" in the 60's
Structural Engineer Ryozo Umezawa
−To Continue to Challenge toward Architecture
構造家 梅沢良三 -建築に挑み続けること-
梅沢 良三 著
Ryozo UMEZAWA Umezawa Structural Engineers
148 × 210mm 282pp. 250illus. ¥3,300 2011 978-4-274-21100-3
Although structures naturally have inseparable restrictions in architecture,
how is it possible to allow creativity to intervene? This is structural engineer,
Ryozo Umezawa's long-awaited book!
Intended Readers:
For students learning architecture, those who work in structural design, design
1. Dreaming of being a structural engineer/ 2. Theory of structural systems/
3. Development of new structures/ 4. Reality of structural designs/ 5.
IRONHOUSE and housing shelter theory
Metabolism Nexus
八束 はじめ 著
Hajime YATSUKA Shibaura Institute of Technology
148 × 210mm 466pp. 170illus. ¥4,800 2011 978-4-274-21011-2
Metabolism is usually considered to be the first aspect of town planning theory
that was exported from Japan to the world in the 1970s. This book looks at
metabolism from the viewpoint of the relationship with society and places it
in the context of cities, economics and politics. Metabolism is a type of town
planning theory that should be rediscovered now when changing one's sense
of value is required. The author, Hajime Yatsuka, has put all his effort into
creating this title. Intended readers are students learning architecture, design
Introduction: Japan between aestheticization and the modern state/ 1. The
genealogy of Japan's alter ego/ 2. Architecture of world history/ 3. From the
ashes of war/ 4. Hiroshima: Ise at ground zero/ 5. Continuity and modernity/
6. Take-off: far from utopian/ 7. Toward a new lebensraum/ 8. The Year
1960/ 9. Models of cities: Diversity and convergence/ 10. City in the air/ 11.
Planning and epiphany of space/ 12. Metabolism in urban environments/ 13.
Value vs. Counter-value/ 14. Formulating a national plan/ 15. Landing of the
society and de-nationalization/ 16. Information, space, symbolism: Toward
urban design/ 17. Bread and circuses/ 18. Post-Metabolist
Bruno Taut, An Architect
−His Personality, Time, Architecture and Industrial Arts
建築家ブルーノ・タウト −人とその時代、建築、工芸−
田中 辰明・柚本 玲 共著
Tatsuaki TANAKA and Rei YUMOTO Ochanomizu University
148 × 210mm 232pp. 316illus. ¥2,500 2010 978-4-274-20904-8
Bruno Taut, an architect/industrial artist, who was born in Germany and lived
for a short period in Japan, is still very familiar among Japanese people due to
his rediscovery of the Katsura imperial villa and other objects. Using laymans
terms and interesting narative, this book summarizes Taut's eventful life, the
background of his time, and the various works of his architectural (including
4 world heritage works) and industrial art activities. Although many books
have been published about Bruno Taut, this is the only publication that
summarizes his life using the viewpoints of architectural specialists. Intended
readers are students and businessmen specializing in architecture as well as
general readers who have interest in architecture.
1. Taut's life and people around him/ 2. UNESCO world heritage and
Siedlungs that had been designed by 1925/ 3. Siedlungs that have been
designed after 1926/ 4. The old residence in Dahlewitz designed by Bruno
Taut/ 5. Various works of Bruno Taut/ 6. Activity in Japan - An architect's
holiday/ 7. Taut's words/ References/ Guide for touring Taut's works
Successful Order Acceptance! Building Construction
and Civil Engineering Design Proposals
降籏 達生 著
Tatsuo FURUHATA Hata Consultant Co., Ltd.
148 × 210mm 224pp. ¥2,500 2012 978-4-274-50411-2
A general evaluation system for technical proposals is applied in public
building construction bidding processes in Japan and the ability to produce
persuasive technical proposals is a key to success. The book deals with this
issue and will improve the quality of proposals to help small- to medium-size
construction companies gain more orders.
Intended Readers:
For managers of construction companies and for those who are in charge of
controlling construction sites
1. How to write easy-to-read technical proposals/ 2. How to find technical
details that need special attention/ 3. How to polish your technical ideas/ 4.
Thematic examples of how to write technical proposals/ 5. How to listen to
technical presentations
Quake-absorbing Structure
−From Basis of Components to Design and Construction
免震構造 -部材の基本から設計・施工まで-
社団法人 日本免震構造協会 編
Edited by The Japan Society of Seismic Isolation (JSSI)
182 × 257mm 322pp. 346illus. ¥5,000 2010 978-4-274-20963-5
It has been more than 10 years since "Introduction to Quake-absorbing
Structures (1995)" and "Introduction to Quake-absorbing Laminated Rubber
(1997)" were published, and the environment that surrounds the theory of
quake absorption has changed significantly during that time. These days,
when people are more concerned about topics involving the environment,
energy, safety and health, a broad range of knowledge is required to enable
one to read and write accurate technical documents related to quake-absorbing
structures, and to precisely use them not only in design but also in the
process of management, execution and maintenance. Aimed at beginners,
the systematic and easy-to-understand explanations in this book will help
readers gain a sufficient understanding of the fundamental knowledge related
to key components, as well as practical knowledge required to design quakeabsorbing structures and construct and maintain seismic isolation layers.
The book is intended for people engaged in building construction design,
development of isolated components as well as execution, maintenance and
management of quake-absorbing structure.
1. Outline of quake-absorbing structure/ 2. Isolator/ 3. Damper/ 4. Design of
quake-absorption/ 5. Execution, maintenance and management of isolation
layers/ 6. Record of seismic observations in base isolation buildings/
Automatic Control of Air Conditioning and Energy
Saving Strategies
高橋 隆勇 著
Takao TAKAHASHI The Energy Conservation Center
148 × 210mm 244pp. 350illus. ¥2,600 2011 978-4-274-50328-3
Considering how energy can be saved when automatically controlling air
conditioning equipment, this book analyzes a huge amount of data that
the author has accumulated over a long period of time, and then proposes
concrete solutions. Including more than 300 pieces of obtained BEMS
(Building and Energy Management System) data and diagrams from the
analysis program, the book examines how it is possible to abandon useless
running and save energy by efficient air conditioning operation.
Color technical materials/ 1. Conveying pump control/ 2. Coolant of freezing
machines, cold water temperature control/ 3. Refrigerator unit controls/ 4.
Reserve and radiation of heat/ 5. Free cooling/ 6. Control of air conditioners/
7. Reduction of air conditioning loads/ 8. Fundamentals of automatic controls/
9. Devices of automatic controls/ 10. Materials
A Vision for Revival after a Massive Earthquake
−Realization of Pioneering Regional Communities
大震災復興ビジョン -「先駆的地域社会」の実現-
二神 壯吉 著 横山 禎徳 編
Edited by Yoshinori YOKOYAMA
127 × 188mm 152pp. ¥1,500 2011 978-4-274-50363-4
The book proposes a vision and concept for revival after the Great East Japan
Earthquake. Based on an outcome that was well evaluated in govermentallevel meetings, the book further reviews details of its action plan and a midto long-term concept for revival and proposes actions that should be taken
by the government. The proposal has been reflected in the backbone of the
government's revival measures. Based on the "Community System Design"
advocates by the author, the book presents useful hints for a new futurefocused economic vision from the consumers' point of view.
1. Great Tohoku Earthquake and a vision for revival - Introduction/ Four
basic proposals/ 2. Looking at things from a different angle/ 3. Constructing
"a pioneering regional community" in Tohoku/ 4. Financial resources and a
plan-promotion system/ 5. Towards construction of a Japanese community
able to stand against natural disasters - Conclusions
Physics of Space Elevator
佐藤 実 著
Minoru SATO Tokai University
148 × 210mm 360pp. 116illus. ¥2,400 2011 978-4-274-06845-4
This is an introductory book about the physics of the space elevator. The
book explains basic physical mechanisms of a space elevator and also
functions as a basic university level physics textbook. Using many figures and
illustrations, the book thoroughly explains concepts that many people tend to
fail to learn properly during the initial stages of mechanics.
Prologue/ Preface: Bridge across the sky/ 1. Looking up the zenith - 1.1 Will
the tower of Babel never be completed? - 1.2 Will a space elevator never be
fallen down? - 1.3 Will a cable never be broken?/ 2. Climbing up into orbit
- 2.1 Is a space elevator slow? - 2.2 How is a space elevator different from
an ordinary elevator? - 2.3 How is a space elevator different from rocket
launch?/ 3. Walking in space - 3.1 What feeling is in weightlessness? - 3.2
Why is a space suit needed?/ 4. Aiming at outlying - 4.1 Why can a space
elevator be used as a launcher into deep space? - 4.2 Are rockets not needed
any longer? - 4.3 What will happen to the excursion courses in the Solar
System?/ 5. Returning to the ground - 5.1 How can heat be radiated? - 5.2
How can potential energy be released? - 5.3 Will a climber not be burnt down
at the moment of atmospheric entry?/ Appendix: Handling instructions of
units and numerical values - A.1 What is SI units?/ A.2 What is a significant
figure?/ Epilogue: Aim your hopes towards the stars
Space Elevator
−A New Technology That Helps Realize Space Tourism
宇宙エレベーター −宇宙旅行を可能にする新技術−
石川 憲二 著
127 × 188mm 200pp. 30illus. ¥1,600 2010 978-4-274-06792-1
Prologue: Technological advances has always helped to create new eras/ 1.
Elevator that goes up into space/ 2. Material technology, the key to realizing
the space elevator/ 3. Technology to enable the space elevator system/ 4. Easy
space trips, going out to the Moon and Mars/ 5. Our life to be transformed
by next generation space infrastructure/ Epilogue: Who will build the space
Science of Light and Lighting
牟田 淳 著
Atsushi MUTA Tokyo Polytechnic University
148 × 210mm 224pp. 141illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-06873-7
We experience various kinds of lighting in our daily lives. The sources of
this lighting vary and include natural light, incandescent light, LED and
other types. In order to deal with these types of lighting, one needs to fully
understand the mechanisms of light and colors. The book explains lighting
from the aspect of natural science and will help readers learn how light
becomes visible and what the various units of measuring light are. The book
also covers fundamental and detailed information, such as characteristics of
various light sources and psychological effects of lighting. The fundamental
knowledge about lighting technology provided in the book will be useful in
terms of learning how it is used and presented.
Intended Readers:
For those who are involved in architecture and/or interior related fields, also
for people who need some knowledge on optics such as photography/imaging
as well as for people who want to learn about mechanisms and units of light
Preface/ 1. Mechanism of light/ 2. Units and types of light/ 3. Eyes that detect
light/ 4. How light and colors become visible/ 5. Various kinds of light/ 6.
Lighting and shading/ 7. Psychological effects of lighting/ 8. Natural lighting
/ References/ Index
Innovators Who Created Richness in Life
−Nine Cases of Far-sighted Entrepreneurs and Advanced
Technical Developers
生活者の豊かさを創出したイノベーター -先進企業家・先端技術開発者の 9 人-
垂井 康夫 著 Yasuo
TARUI The TAKEDA Foundation
127 × 188mm 352pp. ¥1,800 2010 978-4-274-50314-6
Sachio SENMOTO, DDI: Responding to consumers needs through e-access/
Masatoshi SHIMA: Who made a great contribution to the IT industry through
the development of the world’
s first microprocessor 4004/ Akira IGA:
Who led the practical use of the non-contact type IC card by exercising his
inspiration and optimism/ Kenichi MORI: Who commercialized the first word
processor for Japanese language/ Nariyuki KOCHI: Commercialized the CCD
Image Sensor/ Shunichi IWASAKI: Inventor and advocator of high density
information recording devices using perpendicular magnetic recording/
Terunobu MIYAZAKI: Pioneering developer of Tunnel Magneto-Resistance
(TMR) effect/ Hideki KANBARA: Developer of DNA sequencer/ Kenkichi
TANIOKA: Inventor and developer of highly-sensitive HARP pic-up tube
Dam Maniacs
宮島 咲 著 Saki
148 × 210mm 184pp. 100illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-50351-1
The number of "Dam amateurs," who enjoy exploring dams as a subculture
hobby, is increasing, primarily among former dam engineers or amateur
photographers. Dam exploration tours are frequently held by study societies
and extra-departmental organizations, and events such as photo contests are
becoming popular among dam amateurs. This book is aimed at dam fans,
and using a wide selection of pictures, it explains basic knowledge of dams
(structure, utility, jurisdiction and model year) as well as other highlights.
Understanding The Science of Lightning Through
音羽電機工業株式会社 編 横山 茂・石井 勝 共著
Edited by Otowa Electric Co., Ltd.
Shigeru YOKOYAMA and Masaru ISHII
148 × 210mm 128pp. 50illus. ¥1,800 2011 978-4-274-50354-2
The Lightning Photography Contest for general public, including photograph
amateurs, was held for the 8th time this year (2010). This book introduces
works of special academic value that were selected from among the many
entries sent to the contest.
Easy Rough Tracing: Plants and Animal Sketching
Practice Note
染森 健一 著 ビーコム 制作
Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 257mm 128pp. 140illus. ¥1,800 forthcoming
This book enables readers to practice and learn how to observe and draw
organic objects, such as plants and animals. It is important to know that organic
objects have certain uniform regularities, and therefore, to carefully observe
objects to understand their frame and structure. This book provides readers
with tips about what areas of this uniform regularity - some of which usually
go unnoticed - we need to pay attention to, and will help them upgrade their
drawing techniques. Intended readers are those who are interested in sketching,
1st and 2nd students in art universities and design colleges.
Part I. Training the powers of observation/ 1. Conveying your message
through a sketch/ 2. Grasping size/ 3. Measuring proportions/ 4. Grasping
depth/ 5. Understanding structure/ 6. Keeping balance/ 7. Expressing light/
Part II. Sketching plants and animals with trained observation power/ 1.
Basics of plant shapes/ 2. Appearance of plants/ 3. Basics of animal shapes/ 4.
Appearance and movement of animals/ Part III. Practices/ 1. Sketching plants/
2. Sketching animals
Easy Rough Tracing: 3D Sketching Practice Note
染森 健一 著 ビーコム 制作
Kenichi SOMEMORI, Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 257mm 128pp. ¥1,800 2011 978-4-274-06842-3
Part 1. Grasping the concept of 3D/ Part 2. Drawing 3D models using an easy
sketching method/ Part 3. Practice of 3D sketching
Quick Sketching of Furniture
大柴 健宏・森谷 延周 共著
Takehiro OOSHIBA and Nobuchika MORIYA
182 × 235mm 194pp. 800illus. ¥2,600 2010 978-4-274-06821-8
1. Why do you want to sketch?/ 2. Sketching the transition of developing
ideas/ 3. Let's study fundamental information about furniture/ 4. Start trying by
sketching 10 pages of chairs/ 5. Quick sketch drawing/ 6. Perspective drawing/
7. More accurate and realistic drawing/ 8. Let's draw 100 masterpiece chairs/ 9.
Let's look at the creators' works/ Appendix: Variety of sketches
Introduction to Cosplay
はじめてでも安心 コスプレ入門
たかそう・RUMINE 共著 黒渕 かしこ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by Kashiko KUROBUCHI, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
148 × 210mm 216pp. 600illus. ¥1,400 2011 978-4-274-06861-4
This is an instructional manual about cosplay intended for beginner cosplayers.
Containing manga and explanations, the book provides necessary information
to enable readers to take their first steps into the world of cosplay. The book
aims to help readers who have an interest in cosplay but who do not know how
to begin. This easy-to-read explanatory book is intended for those who actually
want to participate in cosplay as well as for those who simply want to know
more about the world of cosplay or who have a passing interest in it.
Prologue/ 1. How to cosplay/ 2. How to buy and arrange clothes/ 3. How
to make clothes on our own/ 4. How to prepare properties/ 5. Make-up and
hairstyles/ 6. Let's participate in the events/ 7. Let's take beautiful pictures/
Epilogue/ Further information about cosplay
Out of OTAKU Fashion Guide (Revised ed.)
脱オタクファッションガイド 改
ビーコム 著 クラムゼリー 作画
Becom Illustration by Clumselly
148 × 210mm 210pp. 230illus. ¥900 2009 978-4-274-06778-5
Prologue: I want to change myself into a smartly dressed guy/ 1. The kind
of clothes that makes a man look like an "Otaku"/ 2. How to choose tops/ 3.
How to choose bottoms/ 4. Change your hair style! Your hair style can change
you!/ 5. Don't neglect small details/ 6. The secret to effective coordination/ 7.
Don't relax even after purchasing clothes/ Epilogue: An encounter on the starry
night/ Appendix 1. General information/ 2. Fashion Terminology/ 3. Washing
Journals & Magazines
ROBOCON Magazine
first issue, Dec. 1998
published bi-monthly 210 × 280mm ¥4,800/ year ISSN 1883-7832
This magazine provides information on robot contests, exhibitions, latest
robot research and developments for both beginners and robot maniacs.
Up-to-date articles covering creation of robots, information on robot toys,
movies, animation and games are included in this comprehensive robot
Intended Readers:
For robot contest participants (junior high school, high school, technical
collge, university, general), robot contest instructors, those interested in robot
Organization and Topics from recent issues:
[Features] Power-up customization of a biped walking robot/ Let's create
android-operated robot software
[Robot Contest] RoboCup Japan Open 2012 Osaka - Report on "RoboGames
[Robot News] JAXA lunar robotics challenge - Driving experiment/ ATR
released "Hugvie," a human shape pillow designed to be hugged during
[Topics] How to participate in "DARPA Robotics Challenge," a development
project of robots capable of taking over human roles in disaster sites/ Japanese
lunar rover aims to run across the moon
[LEGO MINDSTORMS] Let's play with LEGO MINDSTORMS - Servomotor/
Touch Sensor
[Making and Fabricating Robots] Let's create dream robots - Review of a
small humanoid robot, "HOVIS Lite"
[Series] The forefront of robot movie: "Starship Troopers Invasion" set to be
released on July 21st!
Journals & Magazines
Water Solutions and Technologies − Ohm Mook
オーム社 編
Edited by Ohmsha, Ltd.
first issue, April 2009
182 × 257mm 128pp. 92illus. ¥1,600/issue 2012 978-4-274-50401-3
As the 21st century is said to be "a century of water," Japan's world-class
water technology is essential to solving water issues worldwide. This mook is
currentry published quarterly and covers not only public water services, sewer
systems, but also a private water purification systems and water treatment
systems, and provides comprehensive technological information about waterrelated issues and water technology. Intended readers are engineering work
staffs related to municipal waterworks, technical staffs in private water
processing companies or environmental engineering companies as well as
undergraduate students specializing in environmental issues and people in
environmental NPO.
Contents (Issue No.16) :
Focus: Future prospects for smart "water" meter
Feature: Trends of water analysis and measurement/ Environmental pollution
caused by radiological substances after the Great East Japan Earthquake
and its countermeasures (IDEA Consultants, Inc.)/ Application of bioassay
for wastewater management - Trends of Japanese version of WET system
(National Institute for Environmental Studies)/ Advancement and future
prospect of simplified analysis (Kyoritsu Chemical-check Lab., Corp.)
Report: Water treatment under Thailand flood crisis in 2011 - Bangkehn
water treatment plant, Samsen water treatment plant/ Discussion: Trends
of water quality devices/ Interview: Details and trends of tap water quality
analysis and test method establishment
Journals & Magazines
OHM − Comprehensive Technical Magazine
first issue, Nov. 1914
published monthly 210 × 280mm ¥16,500/year ISSN 0386-5576
OHM magazine was first issued in 1914, and has continued to be published
for 98 years as a comprehensive publication on electricity. Starting from
the January 2003 issue, it has been renewed to become a comprehensive
magazine on technology. OHM now introduces the front line of new
generation technology based on energy and the environment. Topics in
particular focus on the following areas: energy and electrical engineering,
environmental technology, electronics, information communication
technology, advanced technology (nanotechnology, material science etc.),
intellectual property rights and education. These key themes are featured in
every issue, and information about the latest technological developments is
Intended Readers:
For researchers, engineers and managers in the fields of energy, environment,
electronics, information communication technology, nano-technology, etc.
Shindenki − Basic Electrical Engineering
first issue, Dec. 1947
published monthly 182 × 257mm ¥14,000/year ISSN 0386-5487
The editorial policy of this magazine is to introduce accurate knowledge
about electricity in an easy-to-understand manner. Electricity is nowadays a
basic engineering/technology necessary for all areas of our lives. Featuring
mainly motor-generators, power transmission/distribution as well as various
electrical applications, this magazine provides clear know-how as well as
basic electrical theory to the wide range of engineers studying electrical
theory. This magazine is well received especially by those who are studying
for the Electrical Licensed Engineer Examination, and will become a useful
guide to improve understanding and prepare for the exam.
Intended Readers:
For readers currently studying electricity, electric engineers, applicants of
electricity examination [level 3] etc.
Journals & Magazines
Denki to Koji − Electrical Construction
電気と工事 first issue, Nov. 1960
published monthly 182 × 257mm ¥15,000/year ISSN 0386-5479
This magazine provides broad and practical information about construction
involving electricity. Some examples of the areas covered include: basic
construction of indoor and outdoor wiring, renewal construction, lighting
construction, electrical device construction, etc. As an all-round magazine for
the electrical facility construction industry, it also covers the following topics:
broadcasting, image receiving facility, information network, information
communication construction (housing information etc.), safety facilities,
renewable energy and energy saving, test and registration documents, how to
use measurement devices, related legislation, licence information, etc.
Intended Readers:
For engineers working at site of electrical construction, electrical supervisors,
electricians, design offices, electricity related sections of government offices,
Setsubi to Kanri − Facilities and Maintenance of Buildings
first issue, Mar. 1967
published monthly 182 × 257mm ¥16,000/year ISSN 0386-5460
This magazine provides various kinds of practical knowledge necessary
for building and facility management/maintenance. It covers not only
air conditioning and electric water facilities, but broad areas such as
environment sanitation (indoor air environment and cleaning), antidisaster and safety, building management and tenant services. In addition
to technical information, the magazine informs readers about up-to-date
industry trends and amendments to legislation related to this field. License
information necessary for building administration is also introduced. This is a
comprehensive magazine for the building management industry in general.
Intended Readers:
For engineers, building owners, designers etc. involved in management of
buildings and facilities
Journals & Magazines
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Edited by Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
published bi-monthly 182 × 257mm approx. 150pp. ¥14,400/year ISSN 0912-8085
This journal introduces information and theses on the latest results of research
and development in the field of artificial intelligence, and seeks to promote
international study and to contribute to the progressive development of this
field of knowledge industry.
New Generation Computing
− Computing Paradigms and Computational Intelligence
Editor-in-Chief Taisuke SATO Tokyo Institute of Technology
160 × 240mm approx. 100pp. per issue
ISSN 0288-3635(Print)/1882-7055(Electronic)
Quarterly English Journal
The journal is specifically intended to support the development of new
computational paradigms stemming from the cross-fertillization of various
research fields.
Major Fields:
Computing Paradigms/ Programming and Architecture/ Network Computing/
Intelligent Systems/ Learning/ Biocomputing
Co-publication of Ohmsha, Ltd. and Springer Japan
Title Index
2 つのインターネット IPv4 アドレス
枯渇対策と IPv6 対応の実践ガイド
3D 立体映像がやってくる −テレビ・
映画の 3D 普及はこうなる− 18
3D 立体映像表現の基礎 −基本原理か
ら制作技術まで− 18
CoBRA 入門 −「勘」を見える化する
見積り手法− 16
CT 撮影技術学(改訂 2 版)
学シリーズ) 36
LED 照明ハンドブック(改訂版) 9
MR/CT 画像解剖ポケットブック 42
MR 画像解剖ハンドブック 42 MR 撮像技術学(改訂 2 版)
術学シリーズ) 37
New Generation Computing - Computing
Paradigms and Computational
Intelligence 73
NFC 標準教科書 16
OHM 71 PDF & Acrobat X 活用術 22
SEC Books 23 VHDL による FPGA 設計&デバッグ 21
X 線撮影技術学(放射線技術学シリー
ズ) 37
あ 行
あかりと照明のサイエンス 65
遺伝子力 −ヒトを支える 50 の遺伝子
− 31
医用画像ハンドブック 41
イラストレクチャー 認知神経科学 −心理学と脳科学が解くこころの
仕組み− 32
選書「知識の森」) 15
インフラストラクチャー工学概論 4
宇宙エレベーター −宇宙旅行を可能
にする新技術− 65
宇宙エレベーターの物理学 64
「知識の森」) 14
運動学(実践 柔道整復学シリーズ) 44
映像情報メディア工学大事典 17
映像配信のための伝送路符号化技術 17
エレクトロヒートハンドブック 8
科学) 20
オントロジーの普及と応用 19
か 行
海底鉱物資源 −未利用レアメタルの
探査と開発− 27
核医学検査技術学(改訂 2 版)
技術学シリーズ) 37
画像解剖トレーニングノート 41
選書「知識の森」) 14
報通信選書「知識の森」) 15
環境・エネルギー材料ハンドブック 26
感染症事典 45
空調自動制御と省エネルギー 63
ィ ン グ 作 法 ガ イ ド[C++ 言 語 版 ]
(SEC Books) 23
群像としての丹下研究室 −戦後日本建
築・都市史のメインストリーム− 60
言語と知能 −言語はどのようにして
創られたか?− 23
原子力教科書シリーズ 11-13
原子力熱流動工学(原子力教科書) 13
原子力発電がよくわかる本 13
原子力プラント工学(原子力教科書) 13
原子力保全工学(原子力教科書) 12
原子炉構造工学(原子力教科書) 13
原子炉設計(原子力教科書) 12
教科書) 13
原子炉物理学(原子力教科書) 11 現代電子情報通信選書「知識の森」シ
リーズ 14, 15 建築家ブルーノ・タウト −人とその
時代、建築、工芸− 62
構造家 梅沢良三 −建築に挑み続け
ること− 61
高電界現象論 −基礎と応用− 9
鉱物資源データブック 27
高分子化学(ベーシックマスター) 29
これだけは知っておきたい 図解 細
胞生物学 32
さ 行
細胞生物学(ベーシックマスター) 30
Title Index
思考を科学する −「考える」とはど
ういうことか?− 23
実践 医用画像解析ハンドブック 41
実践 柔道整復学シリーズ 44
実用プラスチック分析 35
写真でトライ 自家用電気設備の定期
点検(改訂 2 版) 1
写真で読み解く雷の科学 66
柔道整復学総論(実践 柔道整復学シ
リーズ) 44
案 62
小動物の薬物治療学 31
植物生理学(ベーシックマスター) 30
人工光型植物工場 −世界に広がる日
本の農業革命− 24
人工知能学会誌 73
診断画像機器学(改訂 2 版) 40
新電気 71
図解 革新型蓄電池のすべて 2
図解 骨盤・股間接撮影法 43
図解 上肢撮影法 42
図解 頭部・頸部撮影法 43
図解 光触媒のすべて 34
生化学(ベーシックマスター) 30
9 人− 66
世界一の電気はこうしてつくられる! 10
世界のジオパーク 28
設備と管理 72
先端固体レーザー 4
創薬科学入門 −薬はどのようにつく
られる?− 45
た 行
大気圧プラズマ −基礎と応用− 10
大震災復興ビジョン −「先駆的地域
社会」の実現− 64
太陽光発電システムがわかる本 25
太陽光・風力発電と系統連系技術 25
のか −太陽電池開発の歴史− 26
タッチパネルがわかる本 16
脱オタクファッションガイド 改 68
ダムマニア 66
地質と地形で見る日本のジオサイト −傾斜量図がひらく世界− 28
地熱エネルギー −地球からの贈りも
の− 24
知の科学 オントロジー工学の理論と
実践 20
超臨場感システム 17
低線量肺がん CT 検診の知識と実務 43
鉄道技術ポケットブック 7
鉄道ダイヤのつくりかた 6
鉄道の「鉄」学 −車両と軌道を支え
る金属材料のお話− 6
電気設備用語辞典(第 2 版) 5
電気と工事 72
電食防止・電気防食ハンドブック 9
電池がわかる 電気化学入門 3
電池システム技術 −電気自動車・鉄
− 2
電池ハンドブック 3
な 行
チ練習ノート 67
ノート 67
乳房超音波ポケットマニュアル 40
は 行
バイオマス プロセス ハンドブック 26
はじめてでも安心 コスプレ入門 68
はじめての 3D 映像制作 18
発生生物学(ベーシックマスター) 30
光エレクトロニクスとその応用 8
ヒューマンファクター概論 12
標準 MRI の評価と解析(放射線技術
学スキル UP シリーズ) 38
標準 救急撮影法(放射線技術学スキ
ル UP シリーズ) 39
標準 ディジタル X 線画像計測(放射
線技術学スキル UP シリーズ) 39
物理化学(ベーシックマスター) 29
分析化学用語辞典 34
ベーシックマスターシリーズ 29, 30
放射化学(改訂 2 版)
リーズ) 37
(原子力教科書) 12
放射線安全学(原子力教科書) 11
放射線技術学シリーズ 36-38
放射線技術学スキル UP シリーズ 38,
Title Index
放射線計測学(改訂 2 版)
学シリーズ) 38
放射線システム情報学 −医用画像情
報の基礎と応用− 37
放射線遮蔽(原子力教科書) 12
放射線利用(原子力教科書) 12
ま 行
マイクロ・ナノ領域の超精密技術 10
マスタリング TCP/IP 入門編 第 5 版
高分子化学 33
物理化学 33
マンガでわかるシリーズ 46-59
マンガでわかる 暗号 55
マンガでわかる 宇宙 58
マンガでわかる 基礎生理学 51
マンガでわかる 虚数・複素数 51
マンガでわかる コンクリート 59
マンガでわかる 材料力学 55
マンガでわかる シーケンス制御 49
マンガでわかる 社会学 54
マンガでわかる 生化学 49
マンガでわかる 線形代数 52
マンガでわかる 相対性理論 57
マンガでわかる 測量 59
マンガでわかる データベース 55
マンガでわかる 電気 48
マンガでわかる 電気回路 48
マンガでわかる 電気数学 47
マンガでわかる 電子回路 48
マンガでわかる 電磁気学 47
マンガでわかる 電池 46
マンガでわかる 統計学 53
マンガでわかる 統計学 因子分析編
マンガでわかる 統計学 回帰分析編
マンガでわかる ナースの統計学 53
マンガでわかる 熱力学 56
マンガでわかる 半導体 49
マンガでわかる 微分積分 52
マンガでわかる 微分方程式 52
マンガでわかる フーリエ解析 52
マンガでわかる 物理 力学編 58
マンガでわかる プロジェクトマネジ
メント 54
マンガでわかる 分子生物学 50
マンガでわかる 免疫学 50
マンガでわかる 流体力学 57
マンガでわかる 量子力学 56
水と水技術 70
ックスケッチ 67
無機化学(ベーシックマスター) 30
メタボリズム・ネクサス 61
免震構造 −部材の基本から設計・施
工まで− 63
や 行
有機化学(ベーシックマスター) 29
有機半導体デバイス −基礎から最先
端材料・デバイスまで− 5
グ 21
ら 行
列車制御 −安全・高密度運転を支え
る技術− 7
ロボコンマガジン 69
わ 行
ワイヤレス給電技術がわかる本 1
Title Index
Advanced Solid State Laser 4
A Guide of Coding Methods for the
Development of Embedded Software
(C++ Language Edition) (SEC Books)
An Encyclopedia of Infections 45
Architectural Theories and Practices by
Kenzo Tange Laboratory - Mainstream
of Postwar Japanese Architecture and
Urban History 60
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma - Fundamentals
and Applications 10
Automatic Control of Air Conditioning and
Energy Saving Strategies 63
A Vision for Revival after a Massive
Earthquake - Realization of Pioneering
Regional Communities 64
Dictionary of Electrical Installation Terms
(2nd ed.) 5
3D Images Available in Your Television The Spread of 3D Images in TVs and
Movies 18
E a s y R o u g h T r a c i n g : 3D S k e t c h i n g
Practice Note 67
Easy Rough Tracing: Plants and Animal
Sketching Practice Note 67
Electro-heat Handbook 8
Emergency Radiography (Radiological
Technology Skill-up Series) 39
Essential Cellular Biology Illustrated 32
Evaluation and Analysis of MRI
(Radiological Technology Skill-up
Series) 38
Basic Master Series 29, 30
Basics of Judo Bone Setting (Practical Judo
Bone Setting Series) 44
Battery System Technology - Energy
Storage Application Technology for
Electric Vehicles and Trains 2
Beginner's Guide to 3D Image Production
Biochemistry (Basic Master) 30
Biomass Process Handbook 26
Book to Understand Wireless Energy
Transfer Technology 1
Bruno Taut, An Architect - His Personality,
Time, Architecture and Industrial Arts 62
FPGA Design and Debugging in VHDL 21
Fundamentals of 3D Image Representation
- from Basic Principles to Production
Technology 18
Cell Biology (Basic Master) 30
Channel Coding Technology for Image
Distribution 17
Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics for Small
Animals 31
CT Photography Technology (2nd ed.)
(Radiological Technology Series) 36
Dam Maniacs 66
Data Book of Mineral Resources 27
Denki to Koji - Electrical Construction 72
Developmental Biology (Basic Master) 30
Dictionary of Analytical Chemistry 34
General Encyclopedia of Image
Information and Television
Engineering 17
Geosites in Japan from the Viewpoints of
Geological and Geographical Features
- The World Disclosed by Slope Maps
Geothermal Energy - Gift from the Earth 24
Global Geoparks 28
Handbook of Battery 3
Handbook of Electrolytic Corrosion
Prevention and Cathodic Protection 9
Handbook of Environmental and Energy
Materials 26
Handbook of Medical Imaging 41
Handbook of MR Image Anatomy 42
Handbook of Practical Medical Image
Analysis 41
Head and Neck Photograpy Illustrated 43
High Electrical Field Phenomena Fundamentals and Applications 9
Title Index
High Polymer Chemistry (Basic Master) 29
How to Create Train Schedules 6
How to Generate the World's Most Reliable
Power Supply 10
How to Utilize PDF & Acrobat X 22
How Were Solar Batteries Invented and
Developed? - History of Solar Battery
Development 26
Introduction to Nuclear Power Generation
"Iron" for Railways - The Story of Metals
that Support Railway Vehicles and
Tracks 6
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial
Intelligence 73
Illustlecture Cognitive Neuroscience Psychological Mechanism Elucidated
by Psychology and Brain Science 32
Illustrated Guide to Advanced Storage
Batteries 2
Illustrated Guide to Photocatalysts 34
Illustrated Guide to Upper Limb
Photography 42
Image Input and Cameras (Selected
Series of Contemporary Electronics,
Information and Communication,
"Forest of Knowledge") 14
Image Quality Measurement of Digital
Radiography (Radiological
Technology Skill-up Series) 39
Imaging Technology for Magnetic
Resonance (2nd ed.) (Radiological
Technology Series) 37
Information and Systems in Radiological
Technology - Fundamentals and
Application of Medical Image
Information (Radiological
Technology Series) 37
Innovators Who Created Richness in
Life - Nine Cases of Far-sighted
Entrepreneurs and Advanced
Technical Developers 66
Inorganic Chemistry (Basic Master) 30
Introduction to CoBRA Method Estimation Method to Visualize
"Intuition" 16
Introduction to Cosplay 68
Introduction to Drug Discovery Science How Drugs are Developed? 45
I ntroduction to Electrochemistry to
Understand Batteries 3
Introduction to Human Factors (Nuclear
Power Textbook) 12
Introduction to Infrastructure Engineering
Kinematics (Practical Judo Bone Setting
Series) 44
Knowledge and Practices of Low Dose CT
Examination for Lung Cancer 43
Language and Knowledge - How
Languages Have Been Created 23
LED Lighting Handbook (Revised edition)
Manga Guide: Batteries 46
Manga Guide: Biochemistry 49
Manga Guide: Complex Numbers 51
Manga Guide: Concrete 59
Manga Guide: Cryptology 55
Manga Guide: Databases 55
Manga Guide: Differential Equations 52
Manga Guide: Differentiation and Integral
Calculus 52
Manga Guide: Electric Circuits 48
Manga Guide: Electricity 48
Manga Guide: Electromagnetics 47
Manga Guide: Electronic Circuits 48
Manga Guide: Fluid Dynamics 57
Manga Guide: Fourier Analysis 52
Manga Guide: Immunology 50
Manga Guide: Linear Algebra 52
Manga Guide: Mathematics for Electrical
Engineering 47
Manga Guide: Mechanics of Materials 55
Manga Guide: Molecular Biology 50
Manga Guide: Physics (Mechanics Edition)
Manga Guide: Physiology 51
Manga Guide: Program Logic Control 49
Manga Guide: Project Management 54
Manga Guide: Quantum Dynamics 56
Manga Guides 46-59
Title Index
Manga Guide: Semiconductors 49
Manga Guide: Sociology 54
Manga Guide: Statistics 53
Manga Guide: Statistics (Factor Analysis
Edition) 53
Manga Guide: Statistics for Nurses 53
Manga Guide: Statistics (Regression
Analysis Edition) 53
Manga Guide: Surveying 59
Manga Guide: Thermodynamics 56
Manga Guide: The Theory of Relativity 57
Manga Guide: The Universe 58
Mastering TCP/IP First Step (5th Edition)
Medical Imaging Equipment Engineering
(2nd ed.) 40
Medical Information Systems (Selected
Series of Contemporary Electronics,
Information and Communication,
"Forest of Knowledge") 15
Metabolism Nexus 61
Mineral Resources on the Ocean Floor
- The Quest and Development of
Unused Rare Metals 27
MR/CT Image Anatomy Pocketbook 42
New Generation Computing - Computing
Paradigms and Computational
Intelligence 73
Nuclear Power Maintenance Engineering
(Nuclear Power Textbook) 12
Nuclear Power Plant Engineering (Nuclear
Power Textbook) 13
Nuclear Power Textbook 11-13
Nuclear Reactor Design (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 12
Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Plant Control
(Nuclear Power Textbook) 13
Nuclear Reactor Physics (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 11
Nuclear Structural Engineering (Nuclear
Power Textbook) 13
Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics (Nuclear
Power Textbook) 13
OHM - Comprehensive Technical Magazine
Optoelectronics and Its Applications 8
Organic Chemistry (Basic Master) 29
Organic Semiconductor Device - From
Fundamentals to the Latest Materials
and Devices 5
Out of OTAKU Fashion Guide (Revised ed.)
Pelvis and Hip Joints Photographing
Illustrated 43
Photovoltaic, Wind Power Generation and
Power Interconnection 25
Physical Chemistry (Basic Master) 29
Physical Chemistry (Understanding through
Manga, Summarizing Main Points and
Solving Problems) 33
Physics of Space Elevator 64
Pictured Explanation of Periodic Inspection
of Non-utility Electrical Installations
(2nd ed.) 1
Plant Factories Utilizing Artificial Light
- Japan's Agricultural Technology
Spreading around the World 24
Plant Physiology (Basic Master) 30
Pocket Manual of Breast Ultrasonography 40
Polymer Chemistry (Understanding through
Manga, Summarizing Main Points and
Solving Problems) 33
Power Electronics Handbook 8
Practical Judo Bone Setting Series 44
Practical Plastic Analysis 35
Quake-absorbing Structure - From Basis
of Components to Design and
Construction 63
Quick Sketching of Furniture 67
Radiation Application (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 12
Radiation Protection (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 11
Radiation Shielding (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 12
Radioactive Waste Engineering (Nuclear
Power Textbook) 12
Radiochemistry (2nd ed.) (Radiological
Technology Series) 37
Radioisotope Nuclear Medicine Technology
(2nd ed.) (Radiological Technology
Series) 37
Title Index
Radiological Technology Series 36-38
Radiological Technology Skill-up Series 38, 39
Radiomeasurement (2nd ed.) (Radiological
Technology Series) 38
Railway Engineering Pocketbook 7
ROBOCON Magazine 69
Science of Intelligence 20
Science of Light and Lighting 65
SEC Books 23
Selected Series of Contemporary Electronics,
Information and Communication,
"Forest of Knowledge" 14, 15
Sensation, Perception and Cognition:
An Introduction (Selected Series of
Contemporary Electronics, Information
and Communication, "Forest of
Knowledge") 15
Setsubi to Kanri - Facilities and
Maintenance of Buildings 72
Shindenki - Basic Electrical Engineering 71
Sound Effect Programming 22
Space Elevator - A New Technology That
Helps Realize Space Tourism 65
Space Photovoltaic Power Generation
(Selected Series of Contemporary
Electronics, Information and
Communication, "Forest of
Knowledge") 14
Spread and Application of Ontology 19
Standard Textbook of NFC 16
Storage Networking Made Easy 21
Structural Engineer Ryozo Umezawa To Continue to Challenge toward
Architecture 61
Successful Order Acceptance! Building
Construction and Civil Engineering
Design Proposals 62
Theory and Practice of Ontology
Engineering (Science of Intelligence)
The Power of Genes - 50 Genes that
Support Human Life 31
The Science of Thinking - What Is It to
Think? 23
Train Control - Technology to Support Safe
and High-density Operations 7
Training Note for Image Anatomy 41
Two Internet: Practical Guide for the
Measurements Against IPv4 Address
Exhaustion and IPv6 Address Support
Ultraprecise Technology in Micro-nano
Field 10
Ultra-realistic Systems 17
Understanding Photovoltaic Power
Generation System 25
Understanding through Manga, Summarizing
Main Points and Solving Problems
Series 33
Understanding The Science of Lightning
Through Photographs 66
Understanding Touch Panels 16
Water Solutions and Technologies - Ohm
Mook 70
X-ray Photography Technology (Radiological Technology Series) 37
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