
Ohmsha Publication Catalog 2013/2014

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Ohmsha Publication Catalog 2013/2014
Electrical & Electronic Engineering............................ 1
Nuclear Power ....................................................... 10
Information and Communication Technology............... 12
Computer Science................................................... 16
Environmental Science and Engineering...................... 22
Bioscience and Biotechnology................................... 28
Chemistry.............................................................. 31
Medical Engineering................................................ 33
Manga Guides........................................................ 40
Architecture........................................................... 49
Others................................................................... 55
Journals & Magazines............................................. 63
Title Index............................................................. 67
* Contact information on last page of this catalogue.
* Titles are all in Japanese unless indicated otherwise.
* Price indicated is in Japanese Yen excluding
Domestic Consumption Tax.
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Handbook for Electrical Work (7th ed.)
電気工学ハンドブック(第 7 版)
一般社団法人 電気学会 編
Edited by The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
182 × 257mm 2690pp. 4703illus. ¥45,000 2013 978-4-274-21382-3
Since first published in 1951, this book has been revised virtually every
decade, in 1956, 1966, 1978, 1989, and 2001 in order to keep pace with
developments in the field of electrical engineering, and it has long been
utilized as a desk-side book for a wide range of people involved in the
field. This is another revised edition of this distinctive handbook covering
science and technology that has become endeared by many readers due to
its rich contents and accurate descriptions. The book has been edited by
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, which has many engineers
working in Japan's electrical engineering field as members. In addition to
the technological progress that has occurred during more than a decade since
the last publication, the book covers a wide range of subjects in electrical
engineering, from the environment and energy issues to information and
communication issues.
Intended Readers:
For researchers or engineers in companies, universities or research institutes
who are engaged in electrical and electronic engineering, information and
communication engineering, and control engineering
Mathematics/ Fundamental physics/ Electrical and electronic physical
properties/ Electrical circuits/ Electrical and electronic materials/
Measurement technology/ Control and system/ Electronic devices/ Electronic
circuits/ Sensor and micro machine/ High voltage and large current/ Electrical
wire and cable/ Rotator (in general) and DC machine/ Permanent magnetic
motor and special DC machine/ Induction machine and synchronous machine/
Linear motor and magnetic levitation/ Transformer and reactor condenser/
Electrical switchgear and arresting equipment/ Protection relay, monitors
and control equipment/ Power electronics/ Drive system/ Super conductivity
and superconducting devices/ Electricity industry and related laws and
regulations/ Electricity systems/ Hydroelectric power generation/ Thermal
power generation/ Nuclear power generation/ Transmission of electricity/
Transformation of electricity/ Supply of electricity/ New technology of
energy/ Computing systems/ Hardware for information processing/ Software
for information processing/ Information and network/ System software/
Information system and supervisory control/ Traffic/ Automobile/ Industrial
drive systems/ Industrial electronics/ Motion control/ Electric heating,
electrical chemistry and batteries/ Lighting and household appliances/
Electrostatics, medical electronics and general products/ Environment and
electrical engineering/ Related engineering topics
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Semiconductor Process, Profile Simulation Technology
−Essential Points to Improving Processing Accuracy
半导体过程和形状模拟技术 -加工精度提高的要点-
半導体プロセス・形状シミュレーション技術 -加工精度向上のツボ-
重里 有三・髙木 茂行 共著
Yuzou SHIGESATO and Shigeyuki TAKAGI
148 × 210mm 232pp. 159illus. ¥3,800 2012 978-4-274-21274-1
In research and development of semiconductor products, the same procedures
are basically repeated, for example, design, prototyping → simulation,
evaluation → review of process → (design), prototyping → … Process
efficiency and simulation technology are considered to be more important
factors for the semiconductor industry in order to reduce costs and bring
products to market faster to survive future global competition. This book
outlines the reality of process and simulation technology in order to improve
accuracy in actual research and development.
Part 1: Outline of semiconductor industry and semiconductor process/ Revive
semiconductor industry by simulation and new devices/ Semiconductor process
Part 2: Multi-scale simulation of semiconductor process/ Semiconductor
development and simulation/ Introduction of simulation/ Simulation of gas
dissociation/ Multi-scale modeling of etching/ Part 3: Application fields of
semiconductor process and profile simulation/ Simulation that enhances
device performance (1) Uniformity of devices/ Simulation that enhances
device performance (2) Particle reduction/ Module simulation of wiring
contact/ Process designing by simulation
Examples of Problems involved in Non-utility
Electricity Installation
日本電気技術者協会 関東支部 編著
Edited and written by Japan Electric Engineers' Association, Kanto Branch
182 × 235 mm 326pp. 293illus. ¥2,900 2012 978-4-274-50417-4
When operating non-utility electricity installations, we often experience a
range of events, some of which cause problems, and as a result, solutions
are required. This book summarizes examples that editors and authors have
actually experienced during their careers, and therefore, can be utilized
as a guide to solving problems as well as to conducting design and daily
inspections to prevent problems from occuring. The book is based on a report
that came from a problem example study meeting held by the Japan Electrical
Engineers' Association, Kanto Branch.
Example of circuit breaker problem/ Example of contact breaker problem/
Example of transformer problem / Example of rotator problem / Example
of static device (except a transformer) problem / Example of protection
relay problem / Example of cable and electric wire problems / Examples
of problems related to switchboards and cubicles / Example of earth fault,
degradation, and insulation test problem / Example of natural disaster-related
problems and careless human errors
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Want to Know More! LED Lighting
LED 照明
もっと知りたい LED 照明
千代 和夫 著
148 × 210mm 172pp. 147illus. ¥2,000 2013 978-4-274-50425-9
LED lights are currently in the spotlight due to the fact that lighting
contributes to almost 20% of the total amount of electricity consumed, as
well as due to its energy-saving characteristics. Development and sales of
LED light bulbs and straight LED lamps are booming in part due to the entry
into the market of new and different businesses, and foreign manufacturers.
Also, LED lighting is being applied widely to the fields ranging from house
lighting, facility lighting and traffic to vehicles and cars. Using many images,
photos and illustrations, and featuring basic knowledge about lighting, this
full-color book provides clear and accurate knowledge about LED lighting so
that readers can choose and use this technology appropriately.
Intended Readers:
For architects, interior coordinators, engineers who design and construct
electrical equipments
This and that about lighting - Basic knowledge about light/ Basics about LED
lighting/ Evolution of lighting sources - from incandescent lamps to LED
lighting/ LED lighting in facilities/Application fields of LED lighting/ Trends
in the evolution of light/ - Now I understand!? Lighting
Let's Study Thoroughly! An Ultimate
Introduction to Sequence Control
じっくり学ぼう! シーケンス制御超入門
清水 洋隆 著
Hirotaka SHIMIZU Polytechnic University
148 × 210mm 240pp. 267illus. ¥2,500 2013 978-4-274-50450-1
Sequence control is a difficult subject for beginners to understand. This
book places particular focus on movement, and thoroughly explains how
that movement occurs so that beginners can easily gain an understanding
of the subject. Using this book, even those who have given up trying to
understand the subject will be able to re-visit the basics, such as the principles
of movements and reasons why that particular method of assembly is
appropriate in that situation, etc. It also covers fundamental information about
contact as well as the PLC (Program Logic Control).
Intended Readers:
For beginners in sequence control, students in technical high schools,
technical colleges, and vocational training schools
Fundamentals/ Applications/ PLC
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Book to Understand Wireless Energy Transfer
松木 英敏・高橋 俊輔 共著
Hidetoshi MATSUKI and Shunsuke TAKAHASHI
148 × 210mm 200pp. 150illus. ¥2,600 2011 978-4-274-21050-1
Regarding the wireless energy transfer technology, which has seen its
applications extended into the field of electric vehicles, space stations and
interior design and is expected to be subject to greater demand in future, this
book thoroughly explains the theory of electromagnetics, the backbone of the
technology, as well as explains in detail applicable fields anticipated in the
Ubiquitus society and wireless energy transfer technology/ Fundamental
technology of wireless energy transfer/ Concrete example of development of
wireless energy transfer/ Problems and future of wireless energy transfer
llustrated Guide to Advanced Storage Batteries
図解 革新型蓄電池のすべて
小久見 善八・西尾 晃治 監修
Supervised by Zenpachi OGUMI, Koji NISHIO
182 × 257mm 248pp. ¥3,300 2011 978-4-274-21122-5
Mechanism of high-performance storage batteries and technological road
map of next generation storage batteries/ Various storage batteries that may
be developed to support a green society/ Material development of advanced
storage batteries/ Recent trends in manufacturing technology, recycling and
safety evaluation technology of advanced storage batteries
Introduction to Infrastructure Engineering
雨谷 昭弘 編著
明石 泉・梅田 繁樹・岩井 誠人・高松 篤子 共著
Edited and written by Akihiro AMETANI Doshisha University
Izumi AKASHI Doshisha University, Shigeki UMEDA West Japan Railway Co.
Hisato IWAI Doshisha University, Atsuko TAKAMATSU Kinden Corp.
148 × 210mm 288pp. ¥3,000 2011 978-4-274-50326-9
Water and sewerage services/ Railways (Traffic network)/ Communication/
Electricity and gas/ Infrastructure facilities and electrical facilities
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Battery System Technology
− Energy Storage Application Technology for Electric
Vehicles and Trains
電池システム技術 -電気自動車・鉄道へのエネルギーストレージ応用-
電気学会 編
Edited by The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
148 × 210mm 288pp. 266illus. ¥3,400 2012 978-4-274-21194-2
This book clearly explains the knowledge required to apply battery
technology to electric vehicles or trains, as well as the fundamental principles
and properties of various batteries. Being written by engineers and researchers
engaged in battery research and development, this practical book features
the latest industry topics and presents useful information that can be used in
actual applications.
Intended Readers:
For engineers/researchers in (EV) car companies, those who are engaged
in design and development of train cars, engineers/researchers in battery
manufacturer, engineers in power companies
Energy storage application technology for cars/ Energy storage application
technology for trains/ Energy storage device technology/ Link to a power
network of mobile energy storage systems
Introduction to Railway Vehicle Technology
近藤 圭一郎 編著
Edited and written by Keiichiro KONDO Chiba University
148 × 210mm 196pp. 189illus. ¥2,600 2013 978-4-274-21383-0
The reputation of Japanese railway manufacturing technology has recently
reached the stage where it has become subject to many offers and attention
from foreign countries. This book features and summarizes the variety
and structure of railway vehicles (in particular electric vehicles,) the
actual mechanism required to operate them, the latest status of design,
manufacturing, security and operation, as well as actual tasks carried out
in railway companies. Featuring many different kinds of pictures and
illustrations of vehicles currently being used, the book is a very enjoyable
read and highly recommended to general railroad fans.
Intended Readers:
For engineers who are in charge of railway vehicles in railway companies, or railway
vehicle manufacturers, as well as general readers who are interested in railways
Varieties and characteristics of railway vehicles/ Varieties and structure
of electric railway vehicles/ Main circuit system of DC electric motor
system/ Main circuit system of AC electric motor system/ Railway vehicle
information transmission and vehicle maintenance/ Operation theory of
vehicles/ Security system
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Understanding Railway Signals and
Safety Systems
鉄道信号 ・ 保安システムがわかる本
中村 英夫 編著
Edited and written by Hideo NAKAMURA Nihon University
148 × 210mm 148pp. 88illus. ¥2,400 2013 978-4-274-21395-3
This book features and summarizes railway systems such as centralized traffic
controls that are utilized to operate trains according to railroad diagrams
while ensuring train safety on a daily basis. It also presents information about
railway signals, safety systems, switch-and-lock movement apparatus, and
railway crossings, as well as the actual tasks carried out in railway companies.
Using a range of illustrations, this book thoroughly explains railway
signaling and other apparatuses. The book also features technology used in
Japan and western countries and an explanation of CARAT and Advanced
Train Administration and Communications System (ATACS). Highly
recommended for general railway fans.
Intended Readers:
For those who are in transportation/traffic section in railway companies, as
well as general readers who are interested in railways
Centralized traffic control/ Interlocking devices to protect safety operation in
stations/ Block system/ Train detection and collision prevention/ Switch-andlock movement apparatus, railway crossings/ Next generation systems
"Iron" for Railways – The Story of Metals that Support
Railway Vehicles and Tracks
鉄道の「鉄」学 -車両と軌道を支える金属材料のお話-
松山 晋作 編
Edited by Sinsaku MATSUYAMA Toyo Electric MFG. Co., Ltd.
148 × 210mm 280pp. 150illus. ¥2,800 forthcoming
This book explains metals, which are one of the most important components
of railway vehicles and tracks, their history of development, technological
changes, and properties by each type of equipment, component and structure.
Intended Readers:
For professional engineers involved in railway materials, train or train model
fans who are interested in the railway vehicle structure
Rolling stock body/ Bogie/ Wheel and axle/ Power driving system/ Braking
system/ Current collection/ Rail track/ Bridge
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
How to Create Train Schedules
富井 規雄 編著
Edited and written by Norio TOMII
148 × 210mm 252pp. 141illus. ¥2,600 2012 978-4-274-21175-1
This book is a sequel to the title, "Technology to Restore Train Operation
Schedules" published in August 2010. How are train schedules planned and
created? How do train operators deal with disruptions to train schedules?
Featuring many examples of actual sites, this book looks at how train
schedules are created as well as actual operating conditions. Intended for not
only train operators but also train fans.
What is a train schedule?/ How to create a train schedule/ Difficulties
in creating a train schedule/ Procedure of creating a train schedule/ The
specifics of creating a train schedule/ The future of creating train schedules/
“Unplanned power outages”and train operations
Railway Engineering Pocketbook
鉄道技術ポケットブック編集委員会 編
Edited by Railway Engineering Pocketbook Committee
148 × 210mm 898pp. 1000illus. ¥18,000 2012 978-4-274-21168-3
Railways, in particular electric railways, are a foundation of our daily lives as
an energy-saving, eco-friendly, reliable mode of transportation. Also, it can be
considered that electric railways are a huge form of systems technology that
integrates technologies ranging from electricity, information, mechanics and civil
engineering. Considering this characteristic of electric railways, people in this
field have strongly demanded a useful, synthetic book that provides a compact
summary of each of the structure and performance of traffic systems. Based on
this situation, and primarily aimed at engineers and researchers in the field of
railway technology and at research institutes, this easy-to-use book summarizes
general information about the latest railway technologies.
General remarks: Characteristics and history of electric railways/ Technology
of vehicles/ Energy and power supply/ Operation security and safety/ Operation
schedule and management/ Application of communication and information
technology and sales services/ Traffic system and new technology/ Appendix:
Recent trends and overseas market status
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Train Control – Technology to Support Safe
and High-density Operations
列車制御 -安全・高密度運転を支える技術-
中村 英夫 著
148 × 210mm 192pp. 87illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-20992-5
The author is the leading authority in this field and has been engaged in the
development of ATS-P, which is a typical technology used in train control
systems, electronic interlocking devices and ATS-SP systems. Introducing the
technological transition of train control and the relational transition between
the technology and people engaged in the business as well as new train
control systems soon to be implemented, the book provides an outlook on the
trains of tomorrow.
Intended Readers:
For engineers engaged in the work related to signalling systems or security
systems, railfans
Mechanisms of train operation/ Ensuring safe operation in train stations/
Safety draft that a station master used to hand over to passengers/ Simple
rules that help prevent rear-end collisions and mechanisms to keep the rules/
A day when traffic lights are removed from railroads/ Technology that
supports train safety theory and flow of international standards/ Aiming for
the railway to vitalize tomorrow's society
Handbook of Electrolytic Corrosion Prevention and
Cathodic Protection
電気学会・電食防止研究委員会 編
Edited by The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
148 × 210mm 440pp. 217illus. ¥7,500 2011 978-4-274-20973-4
Electrolytic corrosion is a phenomenon in which electrochemical corrosion
of underground metals causes problems for electric railways, waterworks,
communication cables and power cables, etc.
Intended to provide practical tips for readers, this book summarizes the principles
of occurring electrolytic corrosion, methods for measurement, practical methods
of anti-corrosion, trends of its technology, standards and guidelines.
Introduction: Terms and their definitions/ Fundamentals of corrosion/
Leakage current from electric railways/ Classification of soil and
corrosiveness/ Alternating current corrosion/ Survey and measurement/ Anticorrosion of underground pipes/ Cathodic protection of underground storage
tank systems/ Management and economy of cathodic protection/ Evaluation
methods of soundness of pipelines/ Standard and regulation guidelines/ New
technology/ Examples of problems cause
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
High Electrical Field Phenomena
− Fundamentals and Applications
高電界現象論 −基礎と応用−
大久保 仁 編著
Edited and written by Hitoshi OKUBO Nagoya University
148 × 210mm 392pp. 300illus. ¥6,400 2011 978-4-274-20964-2
As the use of high electrical fields is becoming more common in the fields
of electronics and electronic fields, demand is increasing for this practical
book that describes how to utilize high electrical phenomena. This volume
explains the fundamentals and practices for best-use of related equipments,
and functions of devices and electrical insulators, in particular by utilizing
materials to their maximum.
High electrical field phenomena/ Electrical potential and electrical fields/
Characteristics and types of insulators/ Electrical conductivity of high
electrical fields in insulators/ High electrical field phenomena and dielectric
breakdown in insulators/ Electrical conductivity and breakdown in practical
conditions/ Measuring high electrical field phenomena (I)/ Measuring high
electrical field phenomena (II)/ Measuring electrical discharge phenomena/
High electrical field phenomena in devices
How to Generate the World's
Most Reliable Power Supply
Power Academy
127 × 188mm 188pp. 92illus. ¥1,200 2009 978-4-274-50243-9
This is an introductory technical book for high school students, university
freshmen and sophomores. It is unique in the sense that it does not
feature numerical formulas, which makes it possible for readers to better
understand what electrical systems are like. Using a variety of episodes, this
book portrays to readers the attractive and interesting points of electrical
engineering, such as what electrical systems are like, and how engineers work
on them on the front line.
Blackouts are everyday incidents in foreign countries/ Let's understand
mechanisms behind electricity delivery/ There is a reason why blackouts
do not occur/ What kind of characteristics are behind electricity demand?/
Individuals supporting electrical systems in Japan/ Research into cuttingedge, eco-friendly electrical systems/ Appendix-
Nuclear Power
Nuclear Power Textbook
Radiation Protection
原子力教科書 放射線安全学
小佐古 敏荘 編著
Edited and written by Toshiso KOSAKO The University of Tokyo
182 × 257mm 284pp. 179illus. ¥3,300 978-4-274-21323-6
Nuclear Reactor Physics
原子力教科書 原子炉物理学
岡嶋 成晃・久語 輝彦・森 貴正 共著
Shigeaki OKAJIMA, Teruhiko KUGO, Takamasa MORI, Japan Atomic Energy
182 × 257mm 270pp. 134illus. ¥3,300 2012 978-4-274-21170-6
Radiation Application
原子力教科書 放射線利用
工藤 久明 編著
Edited and written by Hisaaki KUDO The University of Tokyo
182 × 257mm 312pp. 130illus. ¥3,500 2011 978-4-274-20984-0
Radioactive Waste Engineering
原子力教科書 放射性廃棄物の工学
長﨑 晋也・中山 真一 共編
Co-edited by Shinya NAGASAKI The University of Tokyo and Shinichi
NAKAYAMA Japan Atomic Energy Agency
182 × 257mm 248pp. 60illus. ¥3,000 2011 978-4-274-20969-7
Nuclear Reactor Design
原子力教科書 原子炉設計
岡 芳明 編著
Edited and written by Yoshiaki OKA Waseda University
182 × 257mm 294pp. 190illus. ¥3,300 2010 978-4-274-20892-8
Radiation Shielding
原子力教科書 放射線遮蔽
小佐古 敏荘・笹本 宣雄 共編 Co-edited by Toshisou KOSAKO The University of Tokyo and Nobuo SASAMOTO
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
182 × 257mm 204pp. 140illus. ¥3,000 2010 978-4-274-20838-6
Nuclear Power
Nuclear Power Maintenance Engineering
原子力教科書 原子力保全工学
出町 和之 編著
Edited and written by Kazuyuki DEMACHI The University of Tokyo
182 × 257mm 232pp. 150illus. ¥3,000 2010 978-4-274-20833-1
Introduction to Human Factors
原子力教科書 ヒューマンファクター概論
佐相 邦英 著
Kunihide SASOU Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
182 × 257mm 132pp. 54illus. ¥2,800 2009 978-4-274-20782-2
Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics
原子力教科書 原子力熱流動工学
秋本 肇・安濃田 良成・高瀬 和之・玉井 秀定・吉田 啓之 共著
Hajime AKIMOTO, Yoshinari ANODA, Kazuyuki TAKASE, Hidesada TAMAI,
Hiroyuki YOSHIDA Japan Atomic Energy Agency
182 × 257mm 350pp. 210illus. ¥3,500 2009 978-4-274-20679-5
Nuclear Power Plant Engineering
原子力教科書 原子力プラント工学
神田 誠・梅田 賢治・三宅 修平・清水 建男・一宮 正和・山下 清信・望月 弘保・与能本 泰介・岡 芳明 共著
Makoto KANDA, Kenji UMEDA, Shuuhei MIYAKE Mitsubishi Heavy Industries,
Ltd., Tateo SHIMIZU Toshiba Corp. Masakazu ICHINOMIYA, Kiyonobu
YAMASHITA, Taisuke YONOMOTO Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Hiroyasu
MOCHIZUKI University of Fukui, Yoshiaki OKA The University of Tokyo
182 × 257mm 318pp. 300illus. ¥3,500 2009 978-4-274-20660-3
Nuclear Structural Engineering
原子力教科書 原子炉構造工学
上坂 充・鬼沢 邦雄・笠原 直人・鈴木 一彦 共著
Mitsuru UESAKA, Kunio ONIZAWA, Naoto KASAHARA, Kazuhiko SUZUKI
182 × 257mm 388pp. 227illus. ¥3,800 2009 978-4-274-20690-0
Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Plant Control
原子力教科書 原子炉動特性とプラント制御
岡 芳明・鈴木 勝男 共編
Co-edited by Yoshiaki OKA The University of Tokyo and Katsuo SUZUKI Japan
Nuclear Energy Safety Organization
182 × 257mm 256pp. 200illus. ¥3,300 2008 978-4-274-20516-3
Information and Communication Technology
Anthology Series of Contemporary Electronics, Information
and Communication, "Forest of Knowledge"
電子情報通信学会 編
Edited by The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
This anthology series summarizes the areas of electronics, information and
communication that typically require a considerable amount of knowledge to
enable professional engineers, researchers and students in related areas to gain
systematic understanding.
Introduction to Microwave Transmission
Theory and Circuit Devices
现代电子信息通信选集 [ 知识森林 ] 微波传送与回路设备基础
橋本 修 監修 電子情報通信学会 編
Supervised by Osamu HASHIMOTO Aoyama Gakuin University
148 × 210mm 200pp. 150illus. ¥3,000 2013 978-4-274-21333-5
This book clearly summarizes information about the circuit elements required to
design microwave transmission circuits, starting from the fundamentals according
to waveguides, passive circuit elements, and active circuit elements. It also
systematically explains, starting from the basics, actual utilization of transmission
line theory, which will make it useful as a handbook for a range of circuit devices.
Introduction: Outline of microwave transmission, circuit devices/
Transmission line theory and transmission mode/ Planar waveguide/
Waveguides/ Passive circuit elements/ Active circuits
Electromagnetic Noise in Electronic Systems
– Evaluation and Measures
现代电子信息通信选集 [ 知识森林 ] 电子系统的电磁噪音 -评估和对策-
現代電子情報通信選書「知識の森」電子システムの電磁ノイズ -評価と対策-
井上 浩 監修 電子情報通信学会 編
Supervised by Hiroshi INOUE Akita University
148 × 210mm 234pp. 160illus. ¥3,400 2012 978-4-274-21312-0
This book thoroughly explains measurement against electromagnetic noise to
enable readers to gain an overview of the entire picture, theories, materials,
design techniques and evaluation procedures. The many illustrations and
examples used in this book make it possible even for those who are not
specialists in this field to read and understand the subject matter easily.
Introduction/ Electromagnetic environment surrounding electronic systems/
Basic theory of generation and transmission of electromagnetic noise/
Electromagnetic environmental design of systems and circuits/ Electrical
discharge and electromagnetic noise/ Design and evaluation methods of
electromagnetic environment materials/ Measurement and evaluation of
electromagnetic noise
Information and Communication Technology
Medical Information Systems
黒田 知宏 監修 電子情報通信学会 編
Supervised by Tomohiro KURODA Kyoto University
148 × 210mm 222pp. 92illus. ¥3,000 2012 978-4-274-21150-8
In relation to the recent trends involving the introduction of conversion
to electronic form and computerization in the medical industry, this book
presents detailed outlines ranging from the basics to the application of
systems in general. The large number of illustrations in the book will help
readers who are not specialists in this field to quickly gain an understanding
of the topic.
Prologue/ Medical information systems/ Medical accounting and hospital
management/ Medical service and order entry/ Management of recorded
information/ Terminals and networks/ Contribution to physical distribution
management/ Contribution to medical safety/ Information management within
a section/ Application of medical records/ Application of clinical image
information/ Remote medicine/ Sharing and application of medical information/
Future of medical information/ Epilogue
Sensation, Perception and Cognition: An Introduction
乾 敏郎 監修 電子情報通信学会 編
Supervised by Toshio INUI Kyoto University
148 × 210mm 282pp. 91illus. ¥3,800 2012 978-4-274-21149-2
This book systematically outlines senses, perception and recognition faculties,
including memory. It presents information chronologically from the basics to
the latest knowledge, which enables readers to understand the book without
Prologue/ Sensation of brightness and color/ Hearing sensation and voices/
Touch and somatic sensation/ Taste and smell sensation/ Spacial frequency
characteristics of vision/ Movement vision/ Binocular vision/ Integration of
characteristics in perception and memory/ Cognition of 3D objects/ Shape
and Images/ Perception and cognition of pictures/ Spatial images/ Physical
images/ Cognition of letters and words/ Classification of memory/ Encoding
and search of memory
Information and Communication Technology
Space Photovoltaic Power Generation
篠原 真毅 監修 電子情報通信学会 編
Supervised by Naoki SHINOHARA Kyoto University
148 × 210mm 314pp. 100illus. ¥3,800 2012 978-4-274-21233-8
Space photovoltaic power generation/ Microwave wireless energy transfer
for space photovoltaic power generation/ Ground power receiving system/
Terrestrial application of microwave wireless energy transfer/ The effects of
sps wireless power transmission
Image Input and Cameras
寺西 信一 監修 電子情報通信学会 編
Supervised by Nobukazu TERANISHI Panasonic Corporation
148 × 210mm 404pp. 300illus. ¥5,000 2012 978-4-274-21209-3
Part 1: Imaging devices/ History and fundamentals of imaging devices/ Common
imaging devices/ Characteristic imaging devices/ Technology behind imaging
devices/ Part 2: Camera/ Camera fundamentals/ Camera optical systems/
Broadcasting and home cameras/ Various types of cameras/ Camera functions/
Part 3: Invisible image input/ Infrared light/ Terahertz/ Biometric recognition device and applications/ Ultrasonic waves/ pH, ion - device and applications
Understanding Touch Panels
越石 健司・黒沢 理 共編
Co-edited by Kenji KOSHIISHI BINIT Corporation and Osamu KUROSAWA
Topre Corporation
148 × 210mm 192pp. 104illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-21038-9
This book compactly summarizes technological trends, future development,
industry and technological trends of components for each type of touch
panel, of which demand has risen remarkably since the recent introduction of
portable tablet PCs, such as the iPad.
Introduction: Capabilities of touch panels/ Utilization and market trends of
touch panels/ Principles and technological trends of resistive film systems
and capacitive systems/ Touch panels of various systems/ Industry trends and
performance demands/ Material trends of capacitive systems and resistive
film systems
Information and Communication Technology
High Efficiency Video Coding - HEVC/H.265 and its
高效视频编码 HEVC/H.265 及其应用
高効率映像符号化技術 HEVC/H.265 とその応用
村上 篤道・浅井 光太郎・関口 俊一 共編
Co-edited by Tokumichi MURAKAMI, Kotaro ASAI, Shun-ichi SEKIGUCHI
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
148 × 210mm 232pp. 138illus. ¥2,800 2013 978-4-274-21329-8
HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) /H.265 is a video format that became
the international standard in February 2013. This format was proposed
by the research development team composed of MPEG in ISO/IEC and
VCEG in ITU-T, as a follow-on format of H.264/MPEG-4 AVC. Based
on this international standardization movement, the book starts from the
basics of video coding technology and then explains other topics such as
standardization trends, actual usage and merits of HEVC technology, and
future prospects.
Intended Readers:
For engineers in corporation or researchers in universities or laboratories who
research and develop video coding technology
Fundamentals of video coding technology/ Standardization of coding
technology/ Technology of HEVC/H.265/ Coding performance and device
design of HEVC/H.265/ Application and system of video coding
Computer Science
Spread and Application of Ontology
人工知能学会 編集 來村 徳信 編著
Edited by The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Edited and written by Yoshinobu KITAMURA Osaka University
148 × 210mm 228pp. 57illus. ¥3,600 2012 978-4-274-21199-7
At this time, ontology engineering is being applied to various fields that are
closely related to our lives, such as medicine, biology, information appliances
and others, as the theoretical foundation for ontology engineering is being
established. Based on this, this technical book explains the topic from basic
concepts of ontology to actual application in a range of fields. The book
is intended for engineers and researchers who are going to apply ontology
engineering to their technical fields, ontology engineering researchers or
graduate students who aim to be ontology researchers.
Basic concepts and spread of ontology engineering/ Ontology-related tools
useful for business/ Current status and trends in ontology study/ Construction
and development of linguistically-motivated ontologies/ Classification and
trend analysis of ontology research/ Ontology trends related to biology/
Development of medical ontology for clinical knowledge processing/ Medical
ontology applications in SNOMED-CT and ICD-11/ Ontology applications
make information appliances more friendly/ Advanced study of ontology
applications for manufacturing information integration/ Goal-oriented process
modeling and ontology applications
Science of Intelligence
Theory and Practice of Ontology Engineering
知の科学 オントロジー工学の理論と実践
溝口 理一郎 著
Riichiro MIZOGUCHI The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka
148 × 210mm 274pp. 65illus. ¥4,000 2012 978-4-274-21214-7
This book is one of the "Science of Intelligence" series that summarizes
the technical and scientific knowledge related to new generation artificial
intelligence. As a book that one should read along with, or after the already
published book, "Science of Intelligence Ontology Engineering" (published
in January 2005), the book is designed as a technical guide that systematically
explains the theoretical basics of ontology, reality of ontology construction,
and development of next generation knowledge systems, including recent
examples. Intended for "The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence"
members, students, researchers or engineers who are interested in this field, as
well as specialist in other fields.
Introduction/ Part 1: Theory/ Basic theory/ Characteristics and quantity/
Ontology for expression/ Object, process and event/ Role theory/ Japanese
upper-level ontology YAMATO/ Part 2: Reality of ontology construction/
Medical ontology/ OMNIBUS ontology/ Development toward next
generation knowledge systems/ References/ Postscript/ Index
Computer Science
Mastering TCP/IP OpenFlow Edition
精通 TCP/IP OpenFlow 篇
マスタリング TCP/IP OpenFlow 編
岩田 淳・宮永 直樹・あきみち 共著
182 × 257mm 232pp. 100illus. ¥2,800 2013 978-4-274-06920-8
This book explains OpenFlow protocols and messages while presenting
readers with a thorough overview of OpenFlow through its introduction and
explanation of the patterns required to construct the system.
Intended Readers:
For network engineers
Outline of OpenFlow/ Structure of OpenFlow 1.0/ Learning OpenFlow
according to configuration examples/ Reality of OpenFlow network
construction/ OpenFlow and application/ Appendix A: OpenFlow versions
after 1.1
Mastering TCP/IP IPv6 Edition
(2nd ed.)
精通 TCP/IP IPv6 篇 第 2 版
マスタリング TCP/IP IPv6 編 第 2 版
井上博之・伊藤公祐・黒木秀和・小林直行・志田智・鈴木暢・矢野ミチル 共著
Hiroyuki INOUE, Kosuke ITO, Hidekazu KUROKI, Naoyuki KOBAYASHI,
Satoshi SHIDA, Toru SUZUKI, Michiru YANO Ubiteq, INC.
182 × 257mm 386pp. 100illus. ¥3,400 2013 978-4-274-06919-2
This is a revised edition of the book, "Mastering TCP/IP IPv6 edition,"
published in 2005 as one of the series in "Mastering TCP/IP," where IPv6
is clearly explained. In addition to topics such as the objectives of IPv6, the
basics of protocols, etc., the book also covers recent trends related to the
rapidly increasing number of wireless devices and expansion of IPv6 support
for large websites. The book is an instruction manual that contains recent and
new IPv6 information.
Intended Readers:
For network engineers
Outline of IPv6/ Fundamentals of protocol/ Neighbor discovery and automatic
address generation/ Link layers and IPv6/ Routing/ IPv6 extended function/
Control application of IPv6/ IPv6 programming/ Mutual link with IPv4/
Appendix: Standardization of IPv6
Computer Science
Mastering TCP/IP Information Security Edition
精通 TCP/IP 信息安全篇
マスタリング TCP/IP 情報セキュリティ編
齋藤 孝道 著
Takamichi SAITO Department of Computer Science, Meiji University
182 × 257mm 320pp. 100illus. ¥2,800 2013 978-4-274-06921-5
This book enables readers to learn network security technology in a
systematic way. The book is not simply a textbook about coding or an
explanatory book that deals with small areas; it is a technical introductory
book that covers a wide range of areas in a systematic fashion. It places more
focus on enabling readers to understand the systems and concepts, rather than
explaining glossaries.
Intended Readers:
For students in information related department who are studying "advanced
information security," beginner learners who are engaged in construction and
operation of IT systems, as well as for examinees of Information Security
Specialist Examination
Outline of information security/ A code/ Basics of certification/ PKI/
Communications security/ Security of host/ Network security/ Web security
Mastering TCP/IP First Step (5th Edition)
マスタリング TCP/IP 入門編 第 5 版
竹下 隆史・村山 公保・荒井 透・苅田 幸雄 共著
Takafumi TAKESHITA, Yukio MURAYAMA, Toru ARAI and Yukio KARITA
182 × 257mm 376pp. 279illus. ¥2,200 2012 978-4-274-06876-8
TCP/IP is a standard protocol used on the Internet. This book is the 5th
edition of a large best-seller book called "Mastering TCP/IP First Step." It
has been comprehensively updated from the 1st edition to reflect recent
trends, and some new topics have been added. Comprehensive footnotes and
easy-to-understand illustrated explanations help readers to better understand
the basics of TCP/IP. The book is suitable as a first step to gaining a deeper
understanding of "protocol," "Internet," and "networks."
Intended Readers:
For beginners as well as users of TCP/IP, those who want to know about
protocol used in Internet
Basics of a network/ Basics of TCP/IP/ Datalink/ IP protocol/ Technology
related to IP/ TCP and UDP/ Routing protocol/ Application protocol/
Security/ Appendix
Computer Science
Starting Measurement and Control with LabVIEW
LabVIEW FPGA 测量与控制入门
LabVIEW FPGA ではじめる計測・制御
日本ナショナルインスツルメンツ株式会社 監修 阿部 真之 著
Supervised by National Instruments Japan Corporation
Written by Masayuki ABE
182 × 235mm 320pp. 308illus. ¥3,600 2012 978-4-274-50396-2
This book is intended for those working in technological development fields
who are required to newly develop measurement and control systems but have
no concrete idea of how to do it. The book aims to enable new employees or
students who have been newly assigned to their laboratories to easily gain an
understanding of the contents and learn how to build high technology systems
by themselves. By reading this book, readers can learn programming used for
measurement and control using hardware boards with FPGA, which is rewritable
by programs and the programming language, LabVIEW, as well as additional
modules, LabVIEW FPGA. By utilizing the functions of FPGA, the book
enables readers to build a system quickly and easily. Readers do not require prior
knowledge of FPGA.
Part I: Fundamentals/ Outline and preparation of LabVIEW FPGA/
Understanding LabVIEW FPGA programming using examples/ Building systems
using Express VI/ Basic matters of LabVIEW FPGA/ Understanding how
stimulus parts work/ Memory of LabVIEW/ Data transfer across FIFO/ Part II:
Application/ Making a digital filter/ Handshake and timing loop/ Making Lock-in
amplifier step by step/ Appendix: How to introduce a compile server
FPGA Design and Debugging in VHDL
VHDL による FPGA 設計&デバッグ
松村 謙・坂巻 佳壽美 共著
182 × 235mm 176pp. 86illus. ¥2,500 2012 978-4-274-50385-6
Nowadays, FPGA, a device that is reconfigurable even after IC manufacturing,
is being adopted for most digital circuit designs using circuit description
language. However, as development becomes increasingly complicated,
the probability of bugs occuring will also increase. This book focuses on
test programs used to locate bugs and also explains how to design circuits
effectively. Intended for engineers who handle test bench as well as those who
are interested in using VHDL.
Why is now the time for FPGA design using HDL?/ Circuit description by
VHDL/ More effective debugging/ Design of large circuits and debugging
Computer Science
PIC Microcomputer and Network – Remote Control
Practices Using Xport
图解 PIC 微机和网络 - XPort 远程控制实务-
図解 PIC マイコンとネットワーク - XPort を用いた遠隔制御実習-
櫻木 嘉典 著
Yoshinori SAKURAGI Amagasaki Technical High School
182 × 235mm 256pp. 286illus. ¥2,500 2012 978-4-274-50406-8
This book is aimed at beginner engineers and clearly explains the basics of I/O
control or measurement processing using ample illustrations. The book focuses
on points that have often been overlooked by other books. These points include,
for example, an introduction of a PIC microcomputer as a basic device as well
as the basics and applications of the control program of an essential language.
Part 1: Basics and control of PIC microcomputer/ Basics of PIC
microcomputer/ PIC microcomputer and substrates in practice/ PIC
microcomputer and control program/ Part 2: Basics of network and Java/ Basics
and control of Xport/ Basics of Java/ Part 3: Basics and control of Xport/ Basics
of Xport/ Generalized I/O control of Xport/ Serial control of Xport/ Part 4:
Cloud-based remote control/ LAN control of Xport/ Internet control of Xport
AR Programming
– A Recipe for Augmented Reality with Processing
AR 程序设计 -使用 Processing 实现增强现实的秘诀-
AR プログラミング - Processing でつくる拡張現実感のレシピ-
橋本 直 著
Sunao HASHIMOTO Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), ERATO,
Igarashi Design Interface Project
182 × 257mm 186pp. 128illus. ¥2,800 2012 978-4-274-21174-4
This book is a guide to the programming required to make AR (Augmented
Reality) with Processing. This book enables readers to use AR to display
information acquired by sensors or to control household electrical appliances
using AR. As a technique to create such AR, the book thoroughly explains
how to link various tools, such as ARToolKit, Arduino, Twitter, Kinect abd
AR.Drone together.
Part. 1: Introduction/ What is augmented reality?/ Alignment technique used
in AR/ AR can change reality/ Part 2: Preparation/ AR application to be
made in this book/ Preparation of hardware/ Preparation of software/ Part
3: Library/ Composition and how to read this chapter/ How to introduce an
external library/ Making marker-based AR/ Displaying a 3D model made in
Metasequoia/ Mouse collision detection for CG/ Displaying pop-up menu/
Connection between Processing and Arduino/ Connection with Twitter/ Using
Kinect/ Controling AR.Drone/ Part. 4: Recipe/ AR range finder/ AR candle/
AR remote control/ TwittAR/ HackAR/ Flight ShootAR/ Shadowput
Computer Science
Becoming God with Unity
用 Unity 成为神的书。
Unity で神になる本。
廣 鉄夫 著
Tetsuo HIRO
182 × 235mm 400pp. 200illus. ¥3,800 2013 978-4-274-06922-2
This is a definitive explanatory book on Unity containing practical and
creative content written by an author who has ample experience as a designer,
game creator and illustrator.
Intended Readers:
For beginner users of Unity, Flash users who want to start using Unity, those
who want to master 3D modeling tools
Outline of Unity4: God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning/
Structure of Unity4: Let's subtly experience the truth in the world created by
Unity/ Giving life to the world: About animation/ Let's connect the world/
Colourize the world: Materials, shader, lighting and sound/ The world is full
of sounds/ GUI/ Output/ Advanced configuration, Special method of use/
Store/ Introduction of modeler/ Summary
Sound Effect Programming
– Sound Processing and Composition of Sound Source in C
音效编程 - C 语言声音处理与音源合成-
サウンドエフェクトのプログラミング - C による音の加工と音源合成-
小坂 直敏 著
Naotoshi OSAKA Tokyo Denki University
148 × 210mm 256pp. 150illus. ¥2,600 2012 978-4-274-06894-2
This book explains how to deal with daily sounds and effects in order to help
readers gain a better understanding of their mechanism and creation process.
In addition to basic effects, the book explains more advanced acoustic
processing methods, such as sound synthesis, analysis and effects, to help
readers gain a deeper understanding of sound. Intended for researchers in
sound related field, or electronics, information related field.
Basic principles of sound required for sound composition/ Digital audio
and signal processing/ Construction of sound environment/ Composition of
sound source/ Typical sound effects/ Composition methods that apply signal
processing technology/ Appendices
Environmental Science and Engineering
A Guide to Understanding Ground Source Heat
Pump System
特定非営利活動法人 地中熱利用促進協会 監修
内藤 春雄 著
Supervised by Geo-Heat Promotion Association of Japan
Written by Haruo NAITO
148 × 210mm 178pp. 92illus. ¥2,600 2012 978-4-274-21271-0
This is an introductory book that clearly explains the ground source heat
pump, which became subject to national subsidies in 2011, to enable
readers, including those who do not have prior technical knowledge, to gain
a comprehensive understanding of its mechanism, design and construction
examples and the actual introduction costs. The book is particularly
recommended for practitioners interested in ground heat, who are considering
introducing renewable energy into houses or facilities, as well as construction
practitioners and building owners who are interested in saving energy and/or
reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
What is a ground source heat pump system, which has recently become a hot
topic?/ What is a heat pump?/ What sort of system is it?/ Construction technology
that guarantees maintenance free operation/ Utilized in various buildings/ Cost
and effects of ground source heat pump system/ Appendices 1: Rules about
ground water/ Appendices 2: Geo-Heat Promotion Association of Japan
Geothermal Energy – Gift from the Earth
地熱エネルギー -地球からの贈りもの-
江原 幸雄 著
Sachio EHARA Kyushu University
127 × 188mm 196pp. 49illus. ¥1,600 2012 978-4-274-50395-5
Frontispiece/ Introduction - 10 minutes to gain a quick understanding of
geothermal energy/ Global warming, heat-island phenomenon, energy crisis
and geothermal energy/ Geothermal phenomenon involving renewable
energy/ Mechanism of heat flow/ Utilization of geothermal energy I :
Geothermal power generation/ Utilization of geothermal energy II : Direct
utilization of geothermal energy/ Current status and problems involving
geothermal energy development in Japan and around the world/ Geothermal
energy as a future energy source/ Utilization of geothermal energy in the
near future/ Reference materials: Geothermal resources existing in Japan/
List of locations and capacities of geothermal power plants in Japan/ Main
geothermal power plants around the world and volcanoes/ Global geothermal
power plant capacity
Environmental Science and Engineering
Plant Factories Utilizing Artificial Light
− Japan's Agricultural Technology Spreading around the
人工光型植物工場 -世界に広がる日本の農業革命-
古在 豊樹 著 Toyoki
148 × 210mm 240pp. 132illus. ¥2,800 2012 978-4-274-06880-5
Global-scale problems and plant factories/ Characteristics and varieties of
plant production systems/ Enclosed-type plant production systems/ Integrated
environmental control/ Definition, societal background, and global research
and development status of plant factories utilizing artificial light/ Current
status of research and development conducted in Japanese public institutions
into plant factories utilizing artificial light/ Light and artificial light sources/
Light and utilization rate of electrical energy/ Basic physiological function of
plants/ Basics of plant environmental control/ Production of medical herbs
Introduction to Power Conditioners for
Photovoltaic Power Generation
板子 一隆 著
Kazutaka ITAKO Kanagawa Institute of Technology
148 × 210mm 144pp. ¥3,000 2013 978-4-274-50426-6
This is an introductory book to power conditioner technology that primarily
explains the most important function of power conditioners, i.e., to stabilize
and convert unstable electricity supply from photovoltaic power generation
systems. In Japan, the market for photovoltaic power generation systems
has been growing rapidly since the implementation of the Feed-in-Tariff
system launched in July 2012. This system obliges Japanese electricity
utility operators and others to purchase electricity generated for industrial
use or for use in power generation. Now, development of products related to
power conditioners is becoming more active, and there is a greater variety
of products available, such as those utilized only for domestic purposes,
mega-solar, and those that are customized according to the requirements
of companies that have newly introduced photovoltaic power generation
systems. Due to this range of products available, more companies are entering
this field, along with conventional manufacturers. This book provides a
thorough explanation of the relavant fundamental technology to enable new
employees working at manufacturers as well as newcomers to the market to
learn about power conditioners starting from the basics.
Photovoltaic power generation system/ Power conditioners/ Maximum power
point tracking control (MPPT control)/ Forms and problems of control
Environmental Science and Engineering
Solar Cell Technology Handbook
小長井 誠・植田 譲 共編
Co-edited by Makoto KONAGAI and Yuzuru UEDA Tokyo Institute of Technology
182 × 257mm 1,042pp. 1165illus. ¥35,000 2013 978-4-274-21399-1
Covering research and development of solar cells to actual application by
industry, this book summarizes key topics from basic science that supports
solar cell technology, principles, structure, properties, manufacturing
technology behind each solar cell, to next generation solar cell technology,
manufacturing processes and evaluation technology, cell/module
manufacturing technology, and photovoltaic power generation systems.
Part 1: Basics of solar cells/ Development of new energy and photovoltaic
power generation/ Solar cell industry and current situation and future
prospects related to introduction of photovoltaic power generation systems/
Movement of solar cell and theoretical efficiency/ Silicon solar cell
technology/ Thin film Si solar cell/ CIGS (chalcopyrite) solar cell/ CdTe solar
cell/ Ultra-high efficiency solar cell/ Dye-sensitized solar cell/ Organic solar
cell/ Third generation solar cell/ Innovative materials for solar cell/ Motion
simulation of solar cell/ Evaluation technology for solar cell materials and
devices/ Electrode materials/ Resource problems of elements for solar cell/
Part 2: The beginning of solar cell research and development/ History of solar
cell research and development/ Research of silicon solar cell/ Discovery of
luminescence property of silicon solar cell/ Invention of amorphous Si solar
cell/ Introduction of heterojunction into amorphous solar cell/ Multi-junction
of amorphous Si solar cell/ Development of integrated amorphous Si solar
cell/ Development of unique structure amorphous solar cell/ Discovery of
microcrystalline silicon/ Qualitative improvement of amorphous Si by plasma
CVD technique/ HIT solar cell research and development/ Development of
silicon thin film hybrid solar cell/ High speed film making of microcrystalline
silicon/ Development of U-type transparent conductive film/ Development
of AnO transparent conductive film by MOCVD technique/ Research on
CIS in Japan/ In situ observation of CIGS film production process by three
step method and development of control technique/ Research on interface
structure in CIS solar cell/ Selenide/ CIGS research by using Cd-free buffer
layer/ Research on CZTS/ Solar cell for outer space/ Development of GaAs
concentrator solar cell in Japan/ Development of dye-sensitized solar cell/
Measurement of sunlight conducted in Japan/ Part 3: Solar cell module and
related technology/ Structure, manufacturing process, and manufacturing
apparatus of solar cell module/ Each component of solar cell module/ Part
4: Measuring methods, evaluation methods, standardization and certification
of solar cell/ Traceability of solar cell/ Measurement of output of solar
cell/ Long term stability and reliability evaluation technology of solar cell
module/ Certification technology of solar cell module/ Part 5: Photovoltaic
power generation system/ Classification of photovoltaic power generation
system/ Structure of photovoltaic power generation system/ Evaluation
technology of photovoltaic power generation system/ Evaluation example of
power generation performance/ Monitoring technology and fault diagnosis
technology/ Design of photovoltaic power generation system/ Inverter
Environmental Science and Engineering
technology/ Power system interconnection technology/ Storage batteries for
power storage use and related technology/ Problems and countermeasures
toward the wider introduction of solar cell/ Photovoltaic power generation and
smart grid/ Earthquake disaster and photovoltaic power generation/ Part 6:
National projects (History)/ NEDO PV project/ Projects in each country
Photovoltaic, Wind Power Generation and Power
甲斐 隆章・藤本 敏朗 共著
Takaaki KAI and Toshiaki FUJIMOTO
148 × 210 mm 190pp. 84illus. ¥2,400 2010 978-4-274-50307-8
Growth and background of electric power generation utilizing new types of
energy/ Power generation systems utilizing new forms of energy/ New forms
of energy and power system interconnection technology/ Laws and various
procedures related to the set-up of power generation equipment
How Were Solar Batteries Invented and
Developed? −History of Solar Battery Development
太陽電池はどのように発明され、成長したのか −太陽電池開発の歴史−
日本太陽エネルギー学会 編 桑野 幸徳 著
Edited by Japan Solar Energy Society Written by Yukinori KUWANO PVTEC
127 × 188mm 448pp. ¥1,800 2011 978-4-274-50348-1
This book explains the history of solar battery development and describes how the
solar battery was invented and developed, including information about research
development and struggles to reach the stage where solar batteries could be put to
practical use.
Biomass Process Handbook
バイオマス プロセス ハンドブック
公益社団法人 化学工学会・一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会 共編
Co-edited by The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ) & The Japan
Institute of Energy
182 × 257mm 562pp. 367illus. ¥12,000 2012 978-4-274-21218-5
Part 1. Unit operation/ Outline of chemical engineering/ Basic physical
properties/ Unite operation (pre-processing/post processing)/ Unit operation
(conversion)/ Part 2. Process/ Basic perspective of chemical engineering/
Process examples/ Appendices/ Index
Environmental Science and Engineering
Water Recycling Technology
よくわかる 水リサイクル技術
藤江 幸一 編著
Edited and written by Koichi FUJIE Graduate School of Environment and
Information Sciences, Yokohama National University
148 × 210mm 232pp. 179illus. ¥2,500 2012 978-4-274-50419-8
There is a very high need for water recycling technology in regions with
scarce water resources, and in developing countries currently undergoing
rapid economic growth. In addition, systems to collect sewage water without
having to drain it outside are being introduced in high-tech industries from
the viewpoint of confidentiality and environmental conservation. Water
recycling technology is currently a rapidly advancing new technology.
Using illustrations, the book introduces examples and clearly summarizes
information about this topic from global trends, legislative systems of water
recycling, and system construction.
Current condition and future prospect of water recycling/ Policies and systems
that promote water recycling/ Quality of recycled water/ Examples of water
recycling/ Processing technology that supports water recycling/ Water
utilization and recycling - aiming to achieve a sustainable society
Water Power.com
水力 .com
阿久根 寿紀 著 Hisanori
148 × 210mm 180pp. 176illus. ¥2,200 2012 978-4-274-50427-3
The 2nd entertainment book on civil engineering similar to our popular
previously-published book, "Dam Maniacs!" This book enables readers to
acquire basic knowledge about hydroelectric power generation while enjoying
the beauty of the gigantic structures of power stations depicted in gravures.
With its ecological, clean, and simple method of generation, hydroelectric
power has supported the basis of electric power generation in Japan from
the Meiji era up to the present. After learning the mechanism and history of
hydroelectric power generation, which is currently not well understood, you
will become fascinated by the world of hydroelectric power generation. The
author of this book is a webmaster of the popular site, "suiryoku.com" ("water
power.com" in Japanese), which introduces the author's reports created after
visiting various hydroelectric power stations.
Gravure 01. Large-scale hydroelectric power station/ Gravure 02.
Hydroelectric power station in mountain village/ Gravure 03. Vintage
hydroelectric power station/ Gravure 04. Weir and dam for hydroelectric
power generation/ What is hydroelectric power generation?/ Structure
of a hydroelectric power station/ To collect water efficiently/ History of
hydroelectric power/ Hydroelectric power station on a river basin/ How to
learn more about hydroelectric power stations
Environmental Science and Engineering
Data Book of Energy Resources
西山 孝・前田 正史・別所 昌彦 共編
Co-edited by Takashi NISHIYAMA, Masafumi MAEDA The University of Tokyo
and Masahiko BESSHO Akita University
210 × 297mm 300pp. 20illus. ¥30,000 forthcoming
The book provides statistical data such as volumes of production, powergeneration and import/export trade of various energy resources, collected
from globally-recognized institutions, in the list organized chronologically by
years up to the latest and by each energy resource.
Intended Readers:
For researchers, engineers and students as well as policy makers in the field
of natural resources, energy and environment, managers working in resource
industry, trading companies, banks or investment consulting firms
General remarks (Primary Energy, CO2)/ Specific theories/ Fossil fuels (oil,
natural gas, coal, oil shale, oil sands, bitumen, extra heavy oil, uranium,
nuclear)/ Renewable energy (water power, bio-energy, solar energy,
geothermal energy, wind power, tidal energy, wave power, ocean thermal
energy conversion)
Data Book of Mineral Resources
東京大学生産技術研究所 編
Edited by Institute of Industrian Science, the University of Tokyo
210 × 297mm 656pp. 20illus. ¥60,000 2012 978-4-274-21260-4
Resource and energy supply systems, which have grown continuously as
the economy rapidly develops, have been gaining attention both in terms of
exhaustion and environment. This book summarizes the latest data by each
mineral type from a database collected from various world's authoritative
statistical data of mineral resources.
Intended Readers:
For researchers, engineers or students in resources, energy and environment,
policy makers in resources, energy and environment, as well as managers in
resource industry, trading companies, banks, and investment consultants
Zinc/ Aluminum/ Antimony/ Indium/ Cadmium/ Gallium/ Rare earth/ Gold/
Silver/ Chromium/ Germanium/ Cobalt/ Silicon/ Zirconium/ Mercury/ Tin/
Strontium/ Cesium/ Selenium/ Thallium/ Tungsten/ Tantalum/ Titanium/ Iron/
Tellurium/ Copper/ Thorium/ Lead/ Niobium/ Nickel/ Platinum/ Vanadium/
Bismuth/ Arsenic/ Beryllium/ Boron/ Manganese/ Molybdenum/ Lithium/
Rubidium/ Rhenium
Bioscience and Biotechnology
Basic Master Series
Analytical Chemistry
ベーシックマスター 分析化学
蟻川 芳子・小熊 幸一・角田 欣一 共編
Co-edited by Yoshiko ARIKAWA Japan Women's University, Koichi OGUMA
Chiba University, Kin-ichi TSUNODA Gunma University
148 × 210 mm 400pp. 230illus. ¥3,800 2013 978-4-274-21425-7
Objectives of analytical chemistry/ Stoichiometry calculations/ Acid-base
equilibrium/ Acid-base titration/ Oxidation-reduction reaction and titration/
Complexation reaction and titration/ Precipitation reaction and titration/
Gravimetric analysis/ Solvent extraction and solid phase extraction/ Electrode
potential and potentiometry/ Electrochemical analysis method/ Spectrochemical
analysis method/ Atomic absorption analysis/ Basics of mass spectrometry/
Chromatography/ Gas chromatography/ Liquid chromatography and
electrophoresis/ Local analysis - microscopic analysis and surface analysis/
Structural analysis method/ Thermal analysis/ Bioanalytical method/ Evaluation
of analysis value/ Appendices: Table of atomic weights/ Table of allowance/
Varieties of apparatus/ Answers to exercises
Molecular Biology (2nd ed.)
分子生物学 ( 修订 2 版 )
ベーシックマスター 分子生物学(改訂 2 版)
東中川 徹・大山 隆・清水 光弘 共編
Co-edited by Toru HIGASHINAKAGAWA, Takashi OHYAMA Waseda University
and Mitsuhiro SHIMIZU Meisei University
148 × 210mm 400pp. 300illus. ¥3,800 2013 forthcoming
Introduction/ Nucleic acid and protein/ Genome/ Recombinant DNA technique/
Central dogma/ DNA replication/ Transcriptional control/ RNA processing/
Translational control/ Post-translational control/ Damage, repair and recombination
of DNA/ Virus and phage/ Cell cycle and cell division/ DNA moving/ Varieties of
RNA functions/ Epigenetics/ Genomics/ Answers to exercises
Physical Chemistry
ベーシックマスター 物理化学
築山 光一・近藤 寛・一國 伸之 共編
Co-edited by Kouichi TSUKIYAMA Tokyo University of Science, Hiroshi
KONDOU Keio University and Nobuyuki ICHIKUNI Chiba University
148 × 210mm 440pp. 210illus. ¥4,300 2012 978-4-274-21178-2
High Polymer Chemistry
ベーシックマスター 高分子化学
西久保 忠臣 編
Edited by Tadatomi NISHIKUBO Kanagawa University
148 × 210 mm 412pp. 422illus. ¥4,000 2011 978-4-274-21000-6
Bioscience and Biotechnology
Organic Chemistry
ベーシックマスター 有機化学
清水 功雄・只野 金一 共編
Co-edited by Isao SHIMIZU Waseda University and Kin-ichi TADANO Keio
148 × 210 mm 474pp. 420illus. ¥4,800 2011 978-4-274-21103-4
Inorganic Chemistry
ベーシックマスター 無機化学
増田 秀樹・長嶋 雲兵 共編
Co-edited by Hideki MASUDA Nagoya Institute of Technology and Unpei
NAGASHIMA Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
148 × 210mm 440pp. 240illus. ¥4,000 2010 978-4-274-20921-5
Plant Physiology
ベーシックマスター 植物生理学
塩井 祐三・井上 弘・近藤 矩朗 共編 Co-edited by Yuzo SHIOI Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka
University, Hiroshi INOUE Graduate School of Science and Engineering for
Research, University of Toyama, Noriaki KONDO Teikyo University of Science &
148 × 210mm 392pp. 200illus. ¥3,800 2009 978-4-274-20663-4
Developmental Biology
ベーシックマスター 発生生物学
東中川 徹・八杉 貞雄・西駕 秀俊 共編
Co-edited by Toru HIGASHINAKAGAWA Waseda University, Sadao YASUGI
Teikyo Heisei University, Hidetoshi SAIGA Tokyo Metropolitan University
148 × 210mm 384pp. 160illus. ¥3,800 2008 978-4-274-20599-6
ベーシックマスター 生化学
大山 隆 監修 西川 一八・清水 光弘 共編
Supervised by Takashi OHYAMA Waseda University
Co-edited by Kazuya NISHIKAWA Gifu University and Mitsuhiro SHIMIZU
Meisei University
148 × 210mm 432pp. 200illus. ¥3,800 2008 978-4-274-20604-7
Cell Biology
ベーシックマスター 細胞生物学
尾張部 克志・神谷 律 共編
Co-edited by Katsushi OWARIBE Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
and Ritsu KAMIYA The University of Tokyo
148 × 210mm 338pp. 185illus. ¥3,600 2009 978-4-274-20744-0
Bioscience and Biotechnology
A Primer on Mouse Research (2nd ed.)
小鼠实验基础知识 第2版
マウス実験の基礎知識 第2版
小出 剛 編
Edited by Tsuyoshi KOIDE National Institute of Genetics
182 × 257mm 224pp. 128illus. ¥3,800 2013 978-4-274-50457-0
Mice are important in advanced research, such as that into human diseases or
production of medicine due to the fact that 99% of mouse genes correspond
to human genes, and it is subsequently possible to create transformed genes.
This book has been published for those new to mouse-related research, and
provides basic knowledge of the characteristics of mice and related research.
With the first edition completely reviewed and updated, this new edition
includes up-to-date topics, such as "How to conduct in vitro fertilization on
a mouse," and "How to make a transgenic mouse." Such topics and more
make this a useful introductory book that covers wider rage of topics related
to mouse experiments for undergraduate/graduate students in pharmaceutical,
science, agricultural and medical department, technical college students in
Let's begin research using a mouse/ Let's understand a system/ Let's put a
mouse on record/ Let's understand a mouse's life cycle/ Let's understand
mouse dissection/ Let's observe a mouse's embryo/ How in vitro fertilization
of a mouse can be done/ Let's observe a mouse's brain/ Let's diagnose a
mouse/ Let's observe a mouse's action/ Let's understand a mouse's genome/
Let's study a mouse's genetics/ Let's make a transgenic mouse/ Let's create
a“knockout”mouse/ Let's research a mouse using computers/ Appedix: An
easy method to extract DNA and RNA
Introduction to Scanning Probe
秋永 広幸 監修 秦 信宏 編著
Supervised by Hiroyuki AKINAGA, Edited and written by Nobuhiro HATA
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
148 × 210mm 192pp. 150illus. ¥3,000 2013 978-4-274-21413-4
Scanning probe microscope (SPM) is a technology that enables us to observe
and measure the shape and properties of nano-scale and atomic/molecular
scale of specimens as well as to process them in a simple way, and due to
that reason, SPM has become critical for research and development in nanotechnological fields. This practical technical book summarizes basic principles,
characteristics, usage techniques and application examples of SPM for beginner
to intermediate engineers in manufacturers of semiconductor devices,
precision equipments and micromachining devices.
Scanning probe microscope/ Cantilever/ Basics of SPM measurement
mode/ Basic sample preparation for SPM and observation methods/ Points
to note for SPM observation/ For more advanced SPM observation/ Probe
microscope technology in progress
Understanding through Manga, Basic Summaries and Exercise Problems
Analytical Chemistry
漫画 + 要点整理 + 演习问题 分析化学
マンガ+要点整理+演習問題でわかる 分析化学
齋藤 勝裕・金子 聡・勝又 英之 共著 ビーコムプラス・たまだまさお マンガ制作
Katsuhiro SAITO Nagoya City University, Satoshi KANEKO and Hideyuki
KATSUMATA Mie University, Illustrated by Becom plus Co., Ltd. and Tamadamasao
182 × 257mm 210pp. 157illus. ¥2,800 2012 978-4-274-21308-3
By summarizing a theme selected from primary and sub subjects in chemical
fields into one book, this textbook series enables readers to "Read, Solve,
and Understand," which means readers will be able to "Read" the Manga
and illustrations, "Solve" the practice problems, and finally "Understand" by
reading the brief explanations on essential points.
A solution and solubility/ Chemical reaction and equilibrium/ Acids and
bases/ Oxidization and deoxidization/ Sediment analysis/ Complexation
equilibrium/ Volumetric analysis/ Instrumental analysis/ Electrochemical
analysis/ Separation operation of a chemical compound/ Index
Understanding through Manga, Basic Summaries and Exercise Problems
Basic Chemistry
漫画 + 要点整理 + 演习问题 基础化学
マンガ+要点整理+演習問題でわかる 基礎化学
齋藤 勝裕・長谷川 英悦 共著 ビーコム・ヤマダリツコ マンガ制作
Katsuhiro SAITO Nagoya City University, Eietsu HASEGAWA Niigata University
Illustrated by Becom Co., Ltd. and Yamada Ritsuko
182 × 257mm 216pp. 259illus. ¥2,800 2012 978-4-274-21298-7
Atomic structure/ Molecular structure/ Inorganic compounds/ Organic
compounds/ Highly polymerized compounds/ Condition of materials/
Characteristics of liquids/ Acids, bases and oxidization, deoxidization/
Reaction velocity/ Chemical thermodynamics/ Index
Understanding through Manga, Basic Summaries and Exercise Problems
Polymer Chemistry
マンガ+要点整理+演習問題でわかる 高分子化学
齋藤 勝裕・石曽根 隆 共著 ZENZO →&はやのん理系漫画制作室 マンガ制作
Katsuhiro SAITO Nagoya City University and Takashi ISHIZONE Tokyo Institute
of Technology, Illustrated by ZENZO → & Hayanon's Science Comic Studio
182 × 257mm 218pp. 250illus. ¥2,400 2012 978-4-274-21161-4
What is a polymer made of?/ Structure of a polymer/ Synthesis by chain
polimerization/ Synthesis by sequential polymerization/ Various types of
Understanding through Manga, Basic Summaries and Exercise Problems
Physical Chemistry
マンガ+要点整理+演習問題でわかる 物理化学
齋藤 勝裕・川俣 純 共著 ZENZO →&はやのん理系漫画制作室 マンガ制作
Katsuhiro SAITO Nagoya City University and Jun KAWAMATA Yamaguchi
Illustrated by ZENZO → & Hayanon's Science Comic Studio
182 × 257mm 210pp. 200illus. ¥2,400 2012 978-4-274-21162-1
Quantum theory and structure of atoms/ Electronic structure of atoms/
Combining power of an atom/ What shape is a molecule?/ Solid, liquid
and gaseous states/ What is a solution?/ Acids, acid-bases and oxidationreduction/ How reactions develop/ Heat, work and enthalpy/ Change and what
controls it
Illustrated Guide to Photocatalysts
図解 光触媒のすべて
橋本 和仁・藤嶋 昭 監修
Supervised by Kazuhito HASHIMOTO The University of Tokyo and Akira
FUJISHIMA Tokyo University of Science
182 × 257mm 266pp. 326illus. ¥3,400 2012 978-4-274-21245-1
Photocatalystic chemical reactions can be effectively utilized in houses and
buildings as well as in the fields of energy, environmental countermeasures,
etc., and therefore, demand for their practical application is currently
increasing. This practical technical book introduces various applications
of photocatalysts, and explains brief principles, their current status of
applications, and future prospects.
Intended Readers:
For corporate engineers as well as researchers and developers in university/
research institute who are interested in the practical use of photocatalyst
The world of photocatalysts/ Advance of photocatalyst technology/
Photocatalysts used for environmental protection/ Various applications of
photocatalysts/ Photocatalysts used to produce energy
Medical Engineering
Radiological Technology Series
日本放射線技術学会 監修
Supervised by The Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
Radiological Technology Series
Radiotherapy Technology (2nd ed.)
放射线治疗技术学 ( 修订2版 )
放射線技術学シリーズ 放射線治療技術学(改訂 2 版)
熊谷 孝三 編著
Edited and written by Kozo KUMAGAI Hiroshima International University
182 × 257mm 360pp. 250illus. ¥5,600 forthcoming
This book explains basic knowledge and technology related to radiotherapy,
which is predicted to become increasingly important in the area of cancer
treatment. The book, written by a currently active radiologist and based on
national examination guidelines, thoroughly explains a range of important
radiotherapy topics. It can be used as a textbook in radiologist training schools,
Color frontispiece/ Outline of radiotherapy/ History of radiotherapy/ Physics
of radiotherapy/ Biology of radiotherapy/ Biological effective dose/ Radiation
dose and unit of radiotherapy/ External irradiation therapy/ Intracavitary,
interstitial irradiation therapy/ Management of patients who receive
radiotherapy/ Construction of network system in radiotherapy/ Accident
prevention in radiotherapy/ One-point advice on radiotherapy for typical
diseases/ Answers to exercises/ References
Radiological Technology Series
Radiomeasurement (2nd ed.)
放射線技術学シリーズ 放射線計測学(改訂 2 版)
西谷 源展 編
Edited by Motohiro NISHITANI Kyoto College of Medical Science
182 × 257mm 250pp. 150illus. ¥5,000 forthcoming
In this revised second edition, the entire contents have been carefully reviewed
based on the latest knowledge and technological developments, while maintaining
the basic textbook format of the first edition. It is hoped that this book will be
more useful for radiophotographers as well as students studying clinical
radiology at universities or special colleges, supplementing the parts that the
first edition lacks, and taking recent trends of state examinations into account.
Units and definition of physics/chemical related amounts/ Radiation
measuring instruments/ Principles of radiation measurement/ Application of
radiation measurements
Medical Engineering
Radiological Technology Series
CT Photography Technology (2nd ed.)
放射線技術学シリーズ CT 撮影技術学(改訂 2 版)
山口 功・市川 勝弘・辻岡 勝美・宮下 宗治 共編
Co-edited by Isao YAMAGUCHI Osaka Butsuryo College, Katsuhiro ICHIKAWA
Kanazawa University, Katsumi TSUJIOKA Fujita Health University, Souji
MIYASHITA Azabu Triology Hospital
182 × 257mm 258pp. 272illus. ¥4,800 2011 978-4-274-21104-1
Fundamental: Principles and structure of CT equipment/ From basics to image
display/ Helical CT/ Multi-slice CT/ Quality of CT image/ Dose evaluation
in CT/ Image processing in CT/ Contrastradiography in CT/ Clinical Basic knowledge of CT inspection practice: Contrast medium for CT/
Safety management of CT inspection/ Reality of CT inspection/ Appendix:
Anatomical charts
Radiological Technology Series
Information and Systems in Radiological Technology
−Fundamentals and Application of Medical Image Information
放射線技術学シリーズ 放射線システム情報学 −医用画像情報の基礎と応用−
奥田 保男・小笠原 克彦・小寺 吉衞 共編
Co-edited by Yasuo OKUDA Okazaki city Hospital, Katsuhiko OGASAWARA
Hokkaido University, Yoshie KODERA Nagoya University
182 × 257mm 302pp. 141illus. ¥4,800 2010 978-4-274-20847-8
Medical information in the field of radiologic technology/ Review of
network/ Hospital information system/ PACS/ Standard and Gauge/ Security/
Management/ Answers and explanatory references, Index
Radiological Technology Series
X-ray Photography Technology
放射線技術学シリーズ X 線撮影技術学
小田 敍弘・土井 司 共編
Co-edited by Nobuhiro ODA Kyoto College of Medical Science and Tsukasa DOI
Osaka University Hospital
210 × 270mm 288pp. 866illus. ¥5,400 2009 978-4-274-20697-9
Radiological Technology Series
Radiochemistry (2nd ed.)
放射線技術学シリーズ 放射化学(改訂 2 版)
花田 博之 編
Edited by Hiroyuki HANADA Hokkaido University
182 × 257mm 196pp. 100illus. ¥4,700 2008 978 4-274-20571-2
Medical Engineering
Radiological Technology Series
Imaging Technology for Magnetic Resonance (2nd ed.)
放射線技術学シリーズ MR 撮像技術学(改訂 2 版)
笠井 俊文・土井 司
Co-edited by Toshifumi KASAI Kyoto College of Medical Science and Tsukasa DOI
Osaka University Hospital
182 × 257mm 390pp. 400illus. ¥5,200 2008 978-4-274-20506-4
Radiological Technology Series
Radioisotope Nuclear Medicine Technology (2nd ed.)
放射線技術学シリーズ 核医学検査技術学(改訂 2 版)
大西 英雄・松本 政典・益田 一孝
Co-edited by Hideo ONISHI Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Masanori MATSUMOTO
Kumamoto University, Kazutaka MASUDA Shiga University of Medical Science
182 × 257mm 408pp. 300illus. ¥5,700 2008 978-4-274-20505-7
Radiological Technology Skill-up Series
Evaluation and Analysis of MRI
放射線技術学スキル UP シリーズ 標準 MRI の評価と解析
日本放射線技術学会 監修 宮地 利明 編
Supervised by Japanese Society of Radiological Technology
Edited by Toshiaki MIYACHI Kanazawa University
182 × 257mm 240pp. 250illus. ¥5,000 2012 978-4-274-21242-0
Radiological Technology Skill-up Series
Image Quality Measurement of Digital Radiography
放射線技術学スキル UP シリーズ 標準 ディジタル X 線画像計測
日本放射線技術学会 監修
市川 勝弘・石田 隆行 共編
Supervised by Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, Co-edited by Katsuhiro
ICHIKAWA Kanazawa University and Takayuki ISHIDA Hiroshima International
182 × 257mm 296pp. 342illus. ¥5,000 2010 978-4-274-20932-1
Radiological Technology Skill-up Series
Emergency Radiography
放射線技術学スキル UP シリーズ 標準 救急撮影法
日本放射線技術学会 監修
坂下 惠治 編著
Supervised by Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, Edited and written by
Keiji SAKASHITA Osaka Prefectural Senshu Critical Care Medical Center
182 × 257mm 308pp. 165illus. ¥5,200 2011 978-4-274-20982-6
Medical Engineering
Handbook of MR Image Anatomy and
3DMR Image Analysis
MR 影像解剖・3DMR 影像解析手册
MR 画像解剖・3DMR 画像解析ハンドブック
杉村 和朗 監修 土井 司・笠井 俊文 共編
Supervised by Kazuro SUGIMURA Kobe University, Co-edited by Tsukasa DOI
Osaka University Hospital, Toshifumi KASAI Kyoto College of Medical Science
210 × 270mm 300pp. 300illus. ¥12,000 2013 978-4-274-21421-9
This book is consisted of two different parts, "MR Image Anatomy" and
"3DMR Image Analysis," each of which includes digital medias (CD-ROM
and DVD-ROM). "MR image anatomy" is fully developed and enriched
from Feb. 2009 published book, "Handbook of MR Image Anatomy" and it
contains a CD-ROM with excellent search function that is easily operated on
PC. "3DMR image analysis," consists of zioTerm (free software) released
from Ziosoft, Inc. and the volume data of the whole body. Attached DVDROM includes volume data, which enables school officials or students to
experience 3D image analysis using the actual MR images.
Part 1: MR Image Anatomy/ Head/ Face and neck/ Chest/ Heart/ Upper
abdomen/ Urinary system, pelvis/ Upper limb/ Lower limb/ Spinal cord/
Blood vessels/ Part 2: 3DMR Image Analysis
Handbook of CT Image Anatomy and 3DCT Image
CT 影像解剖・3DCT 影像解析手册
CT 画像解剖・3DCT 画像解析ハンドブック
片田 和広・森山 紀之 監修 宮下 宗治・山口 隆義 共編
Supervised by Kazuhiro KATADA Fujita Health University, Noriyuki MORIYAMA
National Cancer Center
Co-edited by Souji MIYASHITA Azabu Triology Hospital, Department of
Otolaryngology, and Takayoshi YAMAGUCHI Hokkaido Social Insurance Hospital
210 × 290 mm 304pp. 347illus. ¥12,000 2012 978-4-274-21273-4
This book contains two different parts: "CT image anatomy" and "3DCT
image analysis," each of which comes with digital media (CD-ROM and
DVD-ROM). "CT image anatomy" has been fully developed and enriched
from Dec. 2007 published book, "Handbook of CT Image Anatomy,"
and contains a CD-ROM with a user-friendly search function that can be
easily operated on a PC. "3DCT image analysis," consists of zioTerm (free
software) released from Ziosoft, Inc. and volume data of the whole body. The
attached DVD-ROM includes volume data, which enables school officials
and students to experience 3D image analysis using actual CT images.
Part 1: CT image anatomy/ Head/ Head and neck/ Chest/ Abdomen/ Limbs/
Spinal cord/ Heart, blood vessels/ Part 2: 3DCT image analysis/ Basic usage
of zioTerm Atlas/ Let's observe with MPR images/ Let's observe with CPR
images/ Let's observe with VR images/ Let's observe with MIP images/ Let's
observe with VE images/ References/ Index
Medical Engineering
Medical Imaging Equipment Engineering (2nd ed.)
診断画像機器学(改訂 2 版)
笠井 俊文・藤原 政雄 共編
Co-edited by Toshifumi KASAI Kyoto College of Medical Science and Masao
FUJIHARA Teikyo University
182 × 257mm 400pp. 300illus. ¥5,500 2013 forthcoming
This book, which has primarily been prepared for students studying at
institutions that train medical X-ray technicians, describes medical imaging
equipment engineering in an easy-to-understand manner. Recently, some
modifications have been made to the content of the national exam including
the adoption of the new curriculum outline. The contents of this book
have been arranged to reflect actual coursework and the latest examination
subjects, and to make it easy for teachers to use.
Outline/ X-ray producing apparatus, installations and related equipment/
X-ray imaging systems/ X-ray diagnostic systems/ Management of X-ray
diagnostic systems/ X-ray computed tomograph equipment/ Magnetic
resonance imaging equipment/ Ultrasonic diagnostic equipment/ Nonmydriatic retinal camera/ Exercises/ Answers
Pocket Manual of Breast Ultrasonography
川地 俊明・秋山 敏一 共編
Co-edited by Toshiaki KAWAJI Ogaki Municipal Hospital, Toshikazu AKIYAMA
Fujieda Municipal General Hospital
103 × 182mm 264pp. 300illus. ¥2,400 2012 978-4-274-21101-0
This is a practical guide to ultrasonic waves (echos), which are frequently used in
medical environments as a non-invasive inspection. This book acts as a beginner’
guide to explain the fundamentals of how experienced technologists read
information from actual diagnostic images, with a focus on images and
illustrations. The book is more suitable for clinical settings due to the inclusion
and description of mammography and echo images. As this book is a paperback
pocket edition that is compact enough to be carried in clinic coat pockets, it has
a particular focus on information that is useful at patients’
bedsides. Intended
readers are clinical technologists, radiology technologists, medical interns and
Knowledge required before using ultrasonic waves/ Normal anatomy
and pathology/ Basic information about ultrasound examinations/ Basic
information about mammography/ Other inspections/ Lumps with cystic
patterns/ Lumps with mixed patterns/ Lumps with echogenic halos/ Lumps
interrupted by a front boundary/ Lumps with coarse echogenic spots/
Lumps with fine echogenic spots/ Lumps with no characteristics/ Indistinct
hypoecoic area/ A pathological change caused by mammary duct ectasia/
Structural disorders/ Non-neoplastic leisons/ Inspections/ Minimum
knowledge required in clinics/ Index
Medical Engineering
Handbook of Practical Image Analysis in Medicine
実践 医用画像解析ハンドブック
藤田 広志・石田 隆行・桂川 茂彦 監修
Supervised by Hiroshi FUJITA Gifu University Takayuki ISHIDA Osaka University
182 × 257mm 898pp. 600illus. ¥15,000 2012 978-4-274-21282-6
The book presents comprehensive knowledge and technology currently
available for analysis and clinical applications of medical imaging in an easy-tounderstand manner for those who are involved in medical CAD such as radiology
technologists, clinical technologists, nurses, doctors, dentists, technicians
of medical instruments manufacturers as well as students studying CAD in
universities and colleges. It provides highly accurate information on medical
image analysis and is one of the more useful handbooks currently available.
Fundamentals of image analysis/ Image processing/ Image recognition/
Medical imaging devices/ Practical Examples of image analysis/ Computeraided detection/diagnosis/ Appedices
Handbook of Medical Imaging
藤田 広志・石田 隆行・桂川 茂彦 監修
Supervised by Hiroshi FUJITA Gifu University Takayuki ISHIDA Osaka University
182 × 257mm 1616pp. 1400illus. ¥32,000 2010 978-4-274-20955-0
This handbook systematically covers and clearly explains topics related to
medical imaging, such as fundamentals common to all the modalities, an
outline of hardware suitable for each modality such as DR, CT, MR and
nuclear medicine imaging, theory behind image generation, evaluation of
image characteristics, and image processing and analysis. The book is aimed
at radiology and medical technologists, nurses, technicians and researchers
at medical equipment manufacturers, researchers working in the engineering
sector, doctors and dentists who utilize medical imaging techniques, and
under/post graduate students and students in technical colleges studying
medical imaging. Featuring an exhaustive list of contents related to medical
imaging, this book is considered the most useful and accurate handbook on
the topic at present.
Fundamentals of medical imaging/ X-ray imaging/ X-ray CT imaging/ MR
imaging/ Nuclear medicine imaging/ Ultrasonic wave imaging/ Radiotherapy
imaging/ Dental field imaging/ Other types of imaging/ Medical imaging
information system
Medical Engineering
Medical Master Series
医学掌握系列 解剖学
メディカルマスターシリーズ 解剖学
大谷 修 著
Osamu OHTANI University of Toyama, Faculty of Medicine
148 × 210mm 250pp. 600illus. ¥2,500 2013 978-4-274-21422-6
When medical treatment is taking place, smooth communication between
various workers in a range of medical occupations is very important, especially
now when doctor-centered team medicine is becoming mainstream. To
ensure smooth communication with doctors, it is considered a prerequisite for
support staff to have a basic knowledge - and technical skills - in areas such as
anatomy, physiology, etc., commensurate with those of medical practitioners.
This book is one of the "Medical Master Series" that aims to enable readers to
obtain this knowledge and technical skills in an easy and enjoyable manner,
and to provide them with a first step to proceed to the next step.
Basic structure of human body/ Skeletal system/ Musculoskeletal system/
Circulatory system/ Neural system/ Respiratory system/ Digestive system/
Urogenital system/ Endocrine system/ Sense organ
Introduction to Drug Discovery Science
– How Drugs are Developed?
創薬科学入門 -薬はどのようにつくられる ? -
久能 祐子 監修 佐藤 健太郎 著
Supervised by Sachiko KUNO
Written by Kentaro SATO
148 × 210mm 208pp. 105illus. ¥2,000 2011 978-4-274-50361-0
Introduction/ What is medicine?/ How medicinal drugs become available to
the public/ Best balance of medicine/ New technology that aids drug discovery/
Drug discoveries from nature/ Process chemistry/ Antibody medicine and
genome medicine/ Antibiotics and antiviral drugs/ Antihypertensive drugs/
Antihyperlipidemic drugs/ Rapidly changing anticancer drug science/ Various
approaches to antidiabetic treatments/ Antipsychotic drugs/ Analgesic drugs/
Challenges in developing new drugs
An Encyclopedia of Infections
感染症事典編集委員会 編
Edited by Editorial Commitee of Encyclopedia of Infections
148 × 210mm 640pp. 400illus. ¥8,000 2012 978-4-274-21135-5
What is infection?/ Tropical medicine and infection/ Bacillus infection/
Mycotic infection/ Rickettsia infection/ Chlamydia infection/ Virus infection/
Protozoan infection/ Parasite infection/ Prion disease/ Appendix: Infection
law in Japan
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Generation, Transmission and
Distribution of Electricity
マンガでわかる 発電・送配電
藤田 吾郎 編 十凪 高志 作画 オフィス sawa 制作
Edited by Goro FUJITA Shibaura Institute of Technology, Illustration by Takashi
TONAGI, Produced by Office sawa
182 × 235mm 240pp. 150illus. ¥2,000 2013 978-4-274-06924-6
When we look at our everyday life, it becomes easy to realize how many
benefits we receive from electricity. Even information technology, which is
critical to today's world, cannot exist without a stable power supply system,
i.e. electricity. As we all know, the power supply system is one of the most
important infrastructures that support modern society, and the technology
behind power supply systems in particular has been drawing people's
attention in recent years. Describing the structure of electricity and wiring
systems, this book also covers environment-related issues, new forms of
energy, such as dispersed power sources and smart grids, and clearly explains
the equipment, installation, operation and control of modern electricity
Electricity systems/ Generation of electricity/ Transmission of electricity/
Distribution of electricity/ Micro grid and Smart grid
Manga Guide: Batteries
マンガでわかる 電池
藤瀧 和弘・佐藤 祐一 共著 真西 まり 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Kazuhiro FUJITAKI and Yuichi SATO, Illustration by Mari MANISHI
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 200pp. 140illus. ¥1,900 2012 978-4-274-06877-5
This book clearly explains the fundamentals of battery cell technology
for first-time learners. As we cannot easily see inside battery cells, the
mechanism of these cells is not widely known. This book explains the
mechanisms and peripheral technologies of various cells, from daily-use cells
to fuel cells with significant future potential through its easy-to-understand
manga story.
Fundamentals of battery cells/ Primary cells/ Secondary cells/ Fuel cells/
Physical cells
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Electromagnetics
マンガでわかる 電磁気学
遠藤 雅守 著 真西 まり 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Masamori ENDO, Illustration by Mari MANISHI, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 264pp. 150illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-06849-2
Introduction: What is electromagnetics?/ Electric charge and Coulomb's
law/ Gauss's law and electrostatics/ Electrical current and magnetic fields/
Ampere's law and magnetostatics/ Electromagnetics moving and Maxwell's
Manga Guide: Mathematics for
Electrical Engineering
マンガでわかる 電気数学
田中 賢一 著 松下 マイ 作画 オフィス sawa 制作
Kenichi TANAKA, Illustration by Mai MATSUSHITA
Produced by Office sawa
182 × 235mm 268pp. 140illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-06819-5
Manga Guide: Electricity
マンガでわかる 電気
藤瀧 和弘 著 マツダ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by MATSUDA, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 224pp. 79illus. ¥1,900 2006 978-4-274-06672-6
Manga Guide: Electric Circuits
マンガでわかる 電気回路
飯田 芳一 著 山田 ガレキ 作画 パルスクリエイティブハウス 制作
Yoshikazu IIDA, Illustration by Gareki YAMADA
Produced by Pulse Creative House
182 × 235mm 240pp. 143illus.¥2,000 2010 978-4-274-06795-2
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Electronic Circuits
マンガでわかる 電子回路
田中 賢一 著 高山 ヤマ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Kenichi TANAKA, Illustration by Yama TAKAYAMA,
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 186pp. 150illus. ¥2,000 2009 978-4-274-06777-8
Prologue: A nervous new member/ What is an electronic circuit?/ Mechanism
of a transistor/ Information about electronic circuits/ Tuned amplifire circuits/
Demodulation circuits/ Low frequency amplifier circuits/ Epilogue/ Index
Manga Guide: Semiconductors
マンガでわかる 半導体
渋谷 道雄 著 高山 ヤマ 作画 トレンド ・ プロ 制作
Michio SHIBUYA, Illustration by Yama TAKAYAMA,
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 200pp. 143illus. ¥2,000 2010 978-4-274-06803-4
What is a semiconductor?/ The world of digital and analog/ Semi-conductor
parts and their components/ The atom, the origin of many substances/
Monocrystal silicon with an impure mixture/ Application of impure
semiconductors - diodes and transistors
Manga Guide: Program Logic Control
マンガでわかる シーケンス制御
藤瀧 和弘 著 高山 ヤマ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by Yama TAKAYAMA, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 210pp. 120illus. ¥2,000 2008 978-4-274-06735-8
This book describes the fundamentals of program logic control for first
learners. Readers will learn the mechanism of mechanical control performed
by various combinations of electronic components through manga and easyto-understand explanatory text in the book.
What is control?/ What does sequence control do?/ Various kinds of
equipment used for control/ How to draw a sequence diagram/ Points of
contact and logic circuits/ Fundamental circuit for relay sequence
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Nutritional Science
漫画读解 营养学
マンガでわかる 栄養学
薗田 勝 著 こやま けいこ 作画 ビーコムプラス 制作
Masaru SONODA, Illustration by Keiko KOYAMA,
Produced by Becom plus Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 224pp. 170illus. ¥2,100 2013 forthcoming
Nutrition and nutrients/ Mechanism of energy production/ Nutrients in
sugariness/ Nutrients in fat/ Nutrients in protein and amino acids/ Interaction
between three major nutrients/ Vitamin and mineral/ Nutrients in water and
oxygen/ Appendix: Food and health
Manga Guide: Immunology
マンガでわかる 免疫学
河本 宏 著 しおざき 忍 作画 ビーコムプラス 制作
Hiroshi KAWAMOTO, Illustration by Shinobu SHIOZAKI
Produced by Becom plus Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 208pp. 180illus. ¥2,400 forthcoming
Cells that are controlled by immune reactions/ Fundamental principles of
mechanisms of acquired immune systems/ Mechanism of anti-gen specific
reactions/ How diversity develops and the emergence of self-tolerance/
Cooperation between natural and acquired immune systems/ The mechanism
of antibody production and immunological memory/ Infectious diseases and
the division of labor between immune cells/ Allergy/ Autoimmune diseases/
Transplantation therapy, regenerative medicine and immunology
Manga Guide: Physiology
マンガでわかる 基礎生理学
田中 越郎 監修 こやま けいこ 作画 ビーコム 制作
Supervised by Etsuro TANAKA, Illustration by Keiko KOYAMA,
Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 257mm 232pp. 140illus. ¥2,400 2011 978-4-274-06871-3
Cardiovascular organs/ Respiratory organs/ Digestive organs and metabolism/
Kidney and urinary organs/ Body fluid and blood/ Brain and nervous system/
Sense organs/ Motor organs/ Cells, genes and reproduction/ Internal secretion
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Organic Chemistry
マンガでわかる 有機化学
長谷川 登志夫 著 牧野 博幸 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Toshio HASEGAWA Saitama University, Illustration by Hiroyuki MAKINO,
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 240pp. ¥2,200 forthcoming
Chemistry is a subject that applies to many different fields. Starting from
organic chemistry, the subject is necessary particularly for those who are
involved in life sciences, pharmacology, nursing, nutrition and food science.
Sales people and other workers in the industry who have less knowledge
about chemistry usually have the impression that regular books on organic
chemistry are difficult to approach and understand. By using manga, even
this group of people will find this book easy to understand. The book does
not focus on simply memorizing organic chemistry terms, but makes readers
consider every common phenomena in front of them through the molecules
existing there, so that even those who find biology or chemistry difficult will
be able to understand the subject with ease.
Basics of chemistry/ Basics of organic chemistry/ Structure of organic
compounds/ Properties of organic compounds/ Reaction of organic
compounds/ Organic chemistry of living things
Manga Guide: Biochemistry
マンガでわかる 生化学
武村 政春 著 菊野郎 作画 オフィス sawa 制作
Masaharu TAKEMURA, Illustration by Kikuyarou, Produced by Office sawa
182 × 235mm 264pp. 147illus. ¥2,200 2009 978-4-274-06740-2
By revealing the structure or the behavior of the substances, this manga book
explains the chemical substances that make up our living bodies, and the
kinds of chemical reactions that make it possible for them to continue their
vital activities. This book is intended for beginners to the biochemistry field
to help them easily understand the entire image of biochemistry, which is
plural in its character.
Manga Guide: Molecular Biology
マンガでわかる 分子生物学
武村 政春 著 咲良 作画 ビーコム 制作
Masaharu TAKEMURA Tokyo University of Science
Illustration by Sakura, Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 248pp. 100illus. ¥2,200 2008 978-4-274-06702-0
What is a cell?/ Protein and DNA/ Reproduction of DNA and fission of cell/
Central dogma/ Genetic engineering and molecular biology
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Complex Numbers
マンガでわかる 虚数・複素数
相知 政司 著 石野 人衣 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Masashi OHCHI, Illustration by Toi ISHINO, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 234pp. 140illus. ¥1,900 2010 978-4-274-06823-2
Various kinds of numbers/ Expanding an imaginary number i to a complex
number a+bi/ Complex planes/ Polar coordinates/ Euler's formula/ Euler's
formula and the addition theorem of trigonometric functions/ Characteristics
of complex numbers, multiplication and division, polar coordinates
Manga Guide: Differential Equation
マンガでわかる 微分方程式
佐藤 実 著 あづま 笙子 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Minoru SATO, Illustration by Shouko AZUMA, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 240pp. 137illus. ¥2,200 2009 978-4-274-06786-0
Manga Guide: Linear Algebra
マンガでわかる 線形代数
高橋 信 著 井上 いろは 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by Iroha INOUE, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 272pp. 130illus. ¥2,000 2008 978-4-274-06741-9
Manga Guide: Differentiation and Integral Calculus
マンガでわかる 微分積分
小島 寛之 著 十神 真 作画 ビーコム 制作
Hiroyuki KOJIMA Teikyo University
Illustration by Shin TOGAMI, Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 240pp. 140illus. ¥1,900 2005 978-4-274-06632-0
Manga Guide: Fourier Analysis
マンガでわかる フーリエ解析
渋谷 道雄 著 晴瀬 ひろき 作画 トレンド ・ プロ 制作
Illustration by Hiroki HARUSE, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 256pp. 150illus. ¥2,400 2006 978-4-274-06617-7
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Statistics
マンガでわかる 統計学
高橋 信 著 トレンド ・ プロ 制作
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 224pp. 150illus. ¥2,000 2004 978-4-274-06570-5
Manga Guide: Statistics (Factor Analysis Edition)
マンガでわかる 統計学 因子分析編
高橋 信 著 井上 いろは 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by Iroha INOUE, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd
182 × 235mm 248pp. 160illus. ¥2,200 2006 978-4-274-06662-7
Manga Guide: Statistics (Regression Analysis Edition)
マンガでわかる 統計学 回帰分析編
高橋 信 著 井上 いろは 作画 トレンド ・ プロ 制作
Illustration by Iroha INOUE, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 224pp. 200illus. ¥2,200 2005 978-4-274-06614-6
Manga Guide: Statistics for Nurses
マンガでわかる ナースの統計学
田久 浩志・小島 隆矢 共著 こやま けいこ 作画 ビーコム 制作
Hiroshi TAKYU Chubu Gakuin University and Takaya KOJIMA
Illustration by Keiko KOYAMA
Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 257mm 272pp. 160illus. ¥2,200 2006 978-4-274-06649-8
Manga Guide: Project Management
マンガでわかる プロジェクトマネジメント
広兼 修 著 さぬきやん 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Osamu HIROKANE Fusion, Inc.
Illustration by Sanukiyan, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 208pp. 208illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-06854-6
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Sociology
マンガでわかる 社会学
栗田 宣義 著 嶋津 蓮 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Nobuyoshi KURITA Kansai University of International Studies
Illustration by Ren SHIMAZU
Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 217pp. 170illus. ¥1,900 2012 978-4-274-06899-7
Manga Guide: Cryptology
マンガでわかる 暗号
三谷 政昭・佐藤 伸一 共著 ひのき いでろう 作画 ウェルテ 制作
Masaaki MITANI and Shinichi SATO Tokyo Denki University
Illustration by Idero HINOKI, Produced by Verte
182 × 235mm 240pp. 70illus. ¥1,900 2007 978-4-274-06674-0
Manga Guide: Databases
マンガでわかる データベース
高橋 麻奈 著 あづま 笙子 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by Shouko AZUMA, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 240pp. 96illus. ¥1,900 2005 978-4-274-06631-3
Manga Guide: Mechanics of Materials
マンガでわかる 材料力学
末益 博志・長嶋利夫 共著 円茂 竹縄 作画 オフィス sawa 制作
Hiroshi SUEMASU and Toshio NAGASHIMA Sophia University
Illustration by Enmo-takenawa, Produced by Office sawa
182 × 235mm 240pp. 150illus. ¥2,200 2012 978-4-274-06875-1
Manga Guide: Thermodynamics
マンガでわかる 熱力学
原田 知広 著 川本 梨恵 作画 ユニバーサル・パブリシング 制作
Tomohiro HARADA,
Illustration by Rie KAWAMOTO, Produced by Universal Publishing
182 × 235mm 208pp. 170illus. ¥2,200 2009 978-4-274-06688-7
Manga Guide: Quantum Dynamics
マンガでわかる 量子力学
川端 潔 監修 石川 憲二 著 柊 ゆたか 作画 ウェルテ 制作
Supervised by Kiyoshi KAWABATA
Written by Kenji ISHIKAWA
Illustration by Yutaka HIIRAGI, Produced by Verte
182 × 235mm 256pp. 180illus. ¥2,200 2009 978-4-274-06780-8
Manga Guides
Manga Guide: Fluid Dynamics
マンガでわかる 流体力学
武居 昌宏 著 松下 マイ 作画 オフィス sawa 制作
Masahiro TAKEI
Illustration by Mai MATSUSHITA, Produced by Office sawa
182 × 235mm 204pp. 147illus. ¥2,200 2009 978-4-274-06773-0
Manga Guide: The Theory of Relativity
マンガでわかる 相対性理論
新田 英雄 監修 山本 将史 著 高津 ケイタ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Supervised by Hideo NITTA Tokyo Gakugei University Written by Masafumi YAMAMOTO
Illustration by Keita TAKATSU, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 192pp. 130illus. ¥1,900 2009 978-4-274-06759-4
Manga Guide: Physics (Mechanics Edition)
マンガでわかる 物理 力学編
新田 英雄 著 高津 ケイタ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Hideo NITTA Tokyo Gakugei University
Illustration by Keita TAKATSU, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 234pp. 160illus. ¥2,000 2006 978-4-274-06665-8
Manga Guide: The Universe
マンガでわかる 宇宙
川端 潔 監修 石川 憲二 著 柊 ゆたか 作画 ウェルテ 制作
Supervised by Kiyoshi KAWABATA
Written by Kenji ISHIKAWA
Illustration by Yutaka HIIRAGI, Produced by Verte
182 × 235mm 248pp. 150illus. ¥2,000 2008 978-4-274-06737-2
Manga Guide: Concrete
マンガでわかる コンクリート
石田 哲也 著 はるお 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Tetsuya ISHIDA Tokyo University
Illustration by Haruo, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
182 × 235mm 200pp. 140illus. ¥2,000 2011 978-4-274-06860-7
Manga Guide: Surveying
マンガでわかる 測量
栗原 哲彦・佐藤 安雄 共著
吉野 はるか 作画 パルス・クリエイティブ・ハウス 制作
Norihiko KURIHARA and Yasuo SATO Musashi Institute of Technology
Illustration by Haruka YOSHINO, Produced by Pulse Creative House
182 × 235mm 256pp. 150illus. ¥2,400 2008 978-4-274-06725-9
Green Landscape Design
−According to Proper Planting Plan
绿色景观设计 -基于正确栽植计划的景观设计-
緑のランドスケープデザイン -正しい植栽計画に基づく景観設計-
山﨑 誠子 著
Masako YAMAZAKI Department of Architecture, Nihon University
148 × 210 mm 248pp. 140illus. ¥2,300 2013 978-4-274-06900-0
Landscape design needs to be considered comprehensively from various
points of view, such as plants, natural environment, locality and environmental
symbiosis, in addition to the harmony of buildings and their surroundings.
This book clearly explains only the key information about landscape design
according to actual design projects, such as the fundamentals of basic
investigation, planning methods, landscape design methods according to
types of building use, important points of planting planning, etc. The book
is recommended for those who want to acquire practical knowledge about
planting planning of buildings and landscape design.
Intended Readers:
For architects engaged in the design of office buildings or commercial
facilities, etc., those who want to grasp the general outline of landscape
design and those who want to know the ideal design for both architecture and
environment, as well as people involved in city/town planning.
Range of landscapes/ Basic investigation/ Planning method/ Various
landscape designs/ Planting planning/ Development of green landscape
Vision and Technology for Metropolitan Timber
腰原 幹雄・小杉 栄次郎・山田 敏博・team Timberize 共著
Mikio KOSHIHARA Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Eijiro
KOSUGI KUS architects office, Toshihiro YAMADA HUG, and team Timberize
182 × 257mm 194pp. 146illus. ¥3,000 2012 978-4-274-21259-8
team Timberize calls their multi-layer/multi-story grand wooden buildings
"metropolitan timber architecture," which they believe will become a key
component of cities of the future. The "metropolitan timber architecture" idea
is simple, and the concept has been attracting attention due to its applicability
in a wide range of fields including construction, the environment,
landscaping, regional vitalization, and promotion of wood-based culture.
Explaining specific design projects, this book looks at the possibility of
creating "metropolitan timber architecture" from various angles, for example,
laws and regulations, structure, history, and materials.
Intended Readers:
For students in architectural department, architectural designers, structural
designers, engineers and people related to timber utilization in the provinces
"Wood" × "Architecture" × "City"/ Prototype for Metropolitan Timber
Architecture/ Keys for metropolitan timber architecture learned from history/
Technology for Timberize Architecture/ Towards the City, again
Radical Urbanism of the 1960s-70s
今村 創平 著
Souhei IMAMURA Atelier IMAMU
148 × 210mm 288pp. 47illus. ¥2,600 2013 978-4-274-21349-6
This book reviews a range of projects and theories about cities that were
proposed and announced mainly in the 1960s-70s, which have become
the basis of studies into modern-day cities and that are still effective in
today's world. From city theories that proposed courageously going beyond
the limitations of modern city planning, such as Metabolism, Archigram,
Situationniste, and Rem Koolhaas, readers will be able to search for key clues
to better understanding modern cities.
Intended Readers:
For students in architectural department
Preface: City era and thoughts on city/ Modern city planning and its limit/
Metabolism/ Archigram/ Christopher Alexander/ Aldo Rossi/ Situationist
International and New Babylon/ Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown/
Manfredo Tafuri/ Colin Rowe/ Delirious global city: Rem Koolhaas and
contemporary urbanism
Tange Kenzo and KENZO TANGE
豊川 斎赫 編
Edited by Saikaku TOYOKAWA Oyama National College of Technology
182 × 257mm 912pp. 516illus. ¥14,000 2013 978-4-274-21411-0
This book includes interviews with 49 people related to the great architect, Kenzo
Tange, from his earliest days to his many years as an architect. This book also
functions as a spectacular documentary of materials gleaned from his letters and
private archives. Having documents for almost all of the projects in Japan and
foreign countries that Tange was involved in, as well as comments from people
who were involved in or related to those projects, this book successfully presents
an image of Kenzo Tange as he is, not according to the images of "Tange Kenzo"or
"Kenzo Tange" that we usually see. What parts of the man have been consistent,
and how and what changed in Kenzo Tange? This book will be the perfect guide to
search for clues and find answers to these questions and more. Intended readers are
students in architectural department, designers, researchers as well as architects.
Part 1: Kenzo Tange Laboratory in Department of Architecture, the University of
Tokyo/ Sachio Otani/ Atsushi Shimokobe/ Junichiro Obayashi/ Akio Kawasumi/
Keiichi Taira/ Kazuto Tanabe/ Akira Tarashima/ Fumihiko Maki/ Koji Kamiya/
Masamitsu Nagashima/ Shigehiko Sugi/ Arata Isozaki/ Kiyoyuki Nishihara/
Keiichiro Mogi/ Kouichiro Okamura/ Miki Yoshioka/ Takae Shoji/ Yoshitaka
Akui/ Jiro Inazuka/ Kisho Kurokawa/ Koichi Sone/ Kozo Yamamoto/ Takeshi
Iyama/ Reiko Tomita/ Part 2: Kenzo Tange Laboratory in Department of Urban
Engineering, the University of Tokyo/ Kenji Fukuzawa/ Atsushi Arata/ Nachio
Torisu/ Munemichi Fukuzawa/ Kunio Hiraga/ Gen Kato/ Tamon Okubo/ Yoshio
Taniguchi/ Part 3: URTEC (Project overseas)/ Yoshimichi Tsuboi/ Shinsuke
Takamiya/ Hiromichi Nakamura/ Masuji Korenaga/ Tetsuo Furuichi/ Hidetsugu
Horikoshi/ Takuo Matsuoka/ Hirotaka Kidosaki/ Part 4: Collaboration and the
time spent in Seijyo and Harajuku/ Mamoru Kawaguchi/ Shigeya Kawamata/
Shotaro Murohashi/ Ryozo Umezawa/ Shigeru Ban/ Tetsuo Matsumoto/ Osamu
Murai/ Toshiko Kato/ Michiko Uchida
Architectural Theories and Practices by Kenzo
Tange Laboratory
−Mainstream of Postwar Japanese Architecture and Urban History
群像としての丹下研究室 -戦後日本建築・都市史のメインストリーム-
豊川 斎赫 著
Saikaku TOYOKAWA Oyama National College of Technology
148 × 210mm 402pp. 211illus. ¥4,000 2012 978-4-274-21200-0
Kenzo Tange Laboratory at the University of Tokyo undertook many
national architectural projects during the post-war era and also produced
many world-famous architects, such as Arata Isozaki, Fumihiko Maki,
Kisho Kurokawa, and others. This book not only details how Kenzo Tange
was genius as an individual, but also grasps Kenzo Tange laboratory as a
collection of thoughts, which makes the book especially unique and novel.
The book precisely analyzes a huge amount of research and theoretical
research conducted by Kenzo Tange himself as well as graduates from Tange
laboratory to clearly describe how this research and actual works have a
“tense”relationship with each other.
Structural Engineer Ryozo Umezawa
−To Continue to Challenge toward Architecture
構造家 梅沢良三 -建築に挑み続けること-
梅沢 良三 著
Ryozo UMEZAWA Umezawa Structural Engineers
148 × 210mm 282pp. 250illus. ¥3,300 2011 978-4-274-21100-3
Although structures naturally have inseparable restrictions in architecture,
how is it possible to allow creativity to intervene? This is structural engineer,
Ryozo Umezawa's long-awaited book!
Intended Readers:
For students learning architecture, those who work in structural design, design
Dreaming of being a structural engineer/ Theory of structural systems/
Development of new structures/ Reality of structural designs/ IRONHOUSE
and housing shelter theory
Metabolism Nexus
八束 はじめ 著
Hajime YATSUKA Shibaura Institute of Technology
148 × 210mm 466pp. 170illus. ¥4,800 2011 978-4-274-21011-2
Metabolism is usually considered to be the first aspect of town planning theory
that was exported from Japan to the world in the 1970s. This book looks at
metabolism from the viewpoint of the relationship with society and places it
in the context of cities, economics and politics. Metabolism is a type of town
planning theory that should be rediscovered now when changing one's sense
of value is required. The author, Hajime Yatsuka, has put all his effort into
creating this title. Intended readers are students learning architecture, design
Introduction: Japan between aestheticization and the modern state/ The
genealogy of Japan's alter ego/ Architecture of world history/ From the ashes
of war/ Hiroshima: Ise at ground zero/ Continuity and modernity/ Takeoff: far from utopian/ Toward a new lebensraum/ The Year 1960/ Models
of cities: Diversity and convergence/ City in the air/ Planning and epiphany
of space/ Metabolism in urban environments/ Value vs. Counter-value/
Formulating a national plan/ Landing of the society and de-nationalization/
Information, space, symbolism: Toward urban design/ Bread and circuses/
Introduction to Seismically-isolated Buildings
一般社団法人 日本免震構造協会 編
Edited by The Japan Society of Seismic Isolation
148 × 210mm 200pp. 224illus. ¥2,800 2013 978-4-274-21405-9
In modern society where people are more environment-/energy-oriented,
and where security and health consciousness is high, a wider knowledge
of seismic isolation is necessary in order to correctly read and understand
technical data related to seismic isolation and utilize it in design, construction
and maintenance processes. This book clearly and systematically explains
key information from the basics of components to practical information about
the structure of seismic isolation, and construction and maintenance of baseisolated layers, so that even beginner engineers can gain a full understanding
of seismic isolation structures. The book is intended for practitioners who are
related to planning, design and execution of buildings.
What are seismically-isolated buildings?/ Planning of seismically-isolated
buildings/ Design of seismically-isolated buildings/ Construction of
seismically-isolated buildings/ Maintenance of seismically-isolated buildings/
Examples of construction classified by use/ Appendix: Terminology for
seismic isolation/ History of the seismically-isolated structures/ List of
companies related to seismic isolation
How to Plan and Implement Seismic
Isolation for Buildings
一般社団法人 日本免震構造協会 編
Edited by The Japan Society of Seismic Isolation
148 × 210mm 130pp. 154illus. ¥6,200 2013 978-4-274-21367-0
* English Book
This is an English translation of the Japanese book called, "How to Plan and
Implement Seismic Isolation for Buildings," which has been popular for a
long period of time since it was first published as a textbook for beginner
engineers. This translated edition contains new information and knowledge
about technology developed since the publication of the Japanese edition.
Outlines of seismic isolation as well as basic knowledge about how to think
and proceed with planning, design, construction and maintenance are clearly
explained on facing pages. Appendices include terminology related to seismic
isolation, a history of seismically-isolated structures, and a list of device
Intended Readers:
For practitioners who are related to planning, design and execution of
seismically isolated buildings
Preface/ What is seismic isolation?/ Considerations in planning for
seismically-isolated buildings/ Design of seismically-isolated buildings/
Construction of seismically-isolated buildings/ Appendix: Terminology
for seismic isolation/ History of the seismically isolated structure/ List of
manufacturers of devices for seismic isolation systems in Japan
Illustrated Explanation of Liquefaction Caused by
Earthquakes and Its Countermeasures
图解 地震液态化及对策
絵とき 地震による液状化とその対策
全国地質調査業協会連合会 監修 関東地質調査業協会 液状化研究会 編
Supervised by Japan Geotechnical Consultants Association, Edited by Liquefaction
research division, Geological Survey Enterprises Association, Kanto
148 × 210mm 228pp. 205illus. ¥2,400 2012 978-4-274-50415-0
Damage caused by liquefaction - What can liquefaction do?/ Earthquake
magnitude and liquefaction - What sort of earthquake can cause liquefaction?/
Geographical features and ground that can cause liquefaction/ Mechanism of
liquefaction/ Liquefaction prediction methods - How to predict liquefaction/
Liquefaction prediction by simulation/ How to consider and deal with
design criteria that work for practical business/ Ground survey for predicting
liquefaction/ Countermeasures against liquefaction/ Damage to a detached
residence caused by liquefaction/ Explanation of terms required to understand
Successful Order Acceptance! Civil Engineering and
Building Construction Design Proposals
降籏 達生 著
Tatsuo FURUHATA Hata Consultant Co., Ltd.
148 × 210mm 184pp. ¥2,500 2012 978-4-274-50411-2
How to write easy-to-read technical proposals/ How to find technical details
that need special attention/ How to polish your technical ideas/ Thematic
examples of how to write technical proposals/ How to listen to technical
Automatic Control of Air Conditioning and Energy
Saving Strategies
高橋 隆勇 著
Takao TAKAHASHI The Energy Conservation Center
148 × 210mm 244pp. 350illus. ¥2,600 2011 978-4-274-50328-3
Color technical materials/ Conveying pump control/ Coolant of freezing
machines, cold water temperature control/ Refrigerator unit controls/ Reserve
and radiation of heat/ Free cooling/ Control of air conditioners/ Reduction
of air conditioning loads/ Fundamentals of automatic controls/ Devices of
automatic controls/ Materials
−Transition of Microscopes Seen in Hamano Collection
显微镜 -透过滨野收藏看显微镜的演变-
マイクロスコープ -浜野コレクションに見る顕微鏡の歩み-
秋山 実 著
148 × 210mm 128pp. ¥4,500 2012 978-4-274-21283-3
Located in front of the Red Gate (Akamon) of the University of Tokyo,
Hamano Microscope is known as the only microscope specialty shop in
Japan. From among the huge number of microscope collections that Hamano
Microscope has accumulated over the years, only a part of these collections,
mainly microscopes, attachments, and materials of historic value dating to
before 1940s, has been summarized in this photo-book. As readers turn the
pages of this collection of photographic gems, they will feel the wisdom and
efforts of engineers who worked in this field in the past few hundred years.
Intended Readers:
For general readers who are interested in microscope, camera, astronomical
telescope, as well as those who are interested in science history, technological
History of microscope/ Microscope I/ MICROGRAPHA/ Microscope II/
Koumou Zatsuwa/ Portable/demonstration microscope/ Other microscopes/
Explanation of pictures
World-Pioneering Japanese Innovators
−Eight Innovators who Integrate Engineering
Expertise to Create New Business
世界先驱的日本创新者 -将工程技术与创业相结合的八位创新者-
世界を先駆ける日本のイノベーター -新規事業創出へ工学知を創造する8人-
垂井 康夫・赤城 三男 共編
Co-edited by Yasuo TARUI and Mitsuo AKAGI
127 × 188mm 320pp. 320illus. ¥1,800 2013 978-4-274-50429-7
The book forcuses on eight men: engineers, entrepreneurs, researchers and
scholars, who have brought wealth and satisfaction to a great many people,
and follows their tracks toward their achievements in a story-telling manner.
Intended Readers:
For engineers in general, researchers and engineers in the related industries
Yasuhiko ARAKAWA who advocated and materialized quantum-dot devices/
Akira YOSHINO who established fundamenal structure of lithium batteries/
Mitsuaki OHSHIMA who invented technologies such as image stabilization
on digital camera/ Mitsumasa KOYANAGI who developed the pioneering
research of TSV technology which made 3D devices possible/ Masashi
KAWASAKI who created ZnO LED and related devices/ Hideo HOSONO
who created new materials such as IGZO thin film semiconductors and iron
pnictide superconductors/ Shuichi MIYAZAKI who made a significant
contribution to the development of research to create Ti-Ni base shape
memory alloys/ Mitsuru MATSUI who developed the international data
encryption standard for cell phones through his original decoding method
Concept and Practice of Safety-related Engineering
to Prevent Manufacturing Accidents
制造现场事故预防 安全工程概念及实务
製造現場の事故を防ぐ 安全工学の考え方と実践
中村 昌允 著
Masayoshi NAKAMURA Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
148 × 210mm 260pp. 80illus. ¥2,500 2013 978-4-274-06915-4
The book introduces the latest currently available critical information aimed
at reducing the number of accidents and disasters that occur at manufacturing
sites. It covers important subjects including reducing the risk of accidents,
such as risk assessment, change management, and Report/Communication/
Intended Readers:
For those who are in charge of safety management at the manufacturing sites
in companies, university students, as well as personnel who conduct safety
education in organizations
Essential points of site safety management/ Roles of top management/
Safety management system/ Risk assessment/ Change management/ Report,
communication and coordination/ Daily management/ Safety culture
Physics of Space Elevator
佐藤 実 著
Minoru SATO Tokai University
148 × 210mm 360pp. 116illus. ¥2,400 2011 978-4-274-06845-4
This is an introductory book about the physics of the space elevator. The
book explains basic physical mechanisms of a space elevator and also
functions as a basic university level physics textbook. Using many figures and
illustrations, the book thoroughly explains concepts that many people tend to
fail to learn properly during the initial stages of mechanics.
Looking up the zenith/ Climbing up into orbit/ Walking in space/ Aiming at
outlying/ Returning to the ground/ Appendix: Handling instructions of units
and numerical values
Space Elevator
−A New Technology That Helps Realize Space Tourism
宇宙エレベーター −宇宙旅行を可能にする新技術−
石川 憲二 著
127 × 188mm 200pp. 30illus. ¥1,600 2010 978-4-274-06792-1
Space elevators appeared in "The Fountains of Paradise" by Arthur C. Clarke
and "Gundam" used to be considered simply a dream in SF stories. However,
due to rapid advances made in materials science over the past decades,
researchers now begin to see the possibility that space elevator technology
could be put into practical use within 20-30 years at the earliest. This book
introduces a comprehensive view of the space elevator and includes not only
technical topics but also social and institutional obstacles that need to be
overcome. It also touches upon the possible impact that the construction of
the space elevator may have on society and various industries.
Elevator that goes up into space/ Material technology, the key to realizing the
space elevator/ Technology to enable the space elevator system/ Easy space
trips, going out to the Moon and Mars/ Our life to be transformed by next
generation space infrastructure
Creating Art by Math
牟田 淳 著 Atsushi
148 × 210mm 244pp. 139illus. ¥2,000 2013 978-4-274-06906-2
The book helps readers to gain an understanding of mathematics by
visualizing solutions of mathematical models, such as those of infinity and
differential equations. In the first year of university, students study several
analytic patterns of differential equations that are not easy to understand
intuitively. Their calculations are also difficult to follow. Even a simple
circular movement will involve many complex calculations when trying to
solve it correctly by modifying the Langrange equation of motion. The book
therefore explains those models in a more visual and numerical way using
works of art created by solutions from differential equations, so that readers
can gain a more intuitive understanding of mathematical models.
Intended Readers:
For high school students or adults who are interested in mathematics, those
who want to understand mathematics visually
Let's picture an infinite world using progression/ Let's picture fractal - infinity
of having the same shape when enlarged/ Let's picture infinity in the world of
complex numbers/ Infinity of geometry considered from the end of the earth
and universe/ Let's picture chaos using differential equations/ Shape of nature
in favor of minimums and optimums/ Symmetry shaped by nature
Re-learning Arithmetic and Mathematics for Adults
– From Elementary to High School Level
成年算术数学再学习 -小中高 12 年-
大人の算数・数学再学習 -小中高 12 年-
饒村 曜 著 Yo
148 × 210mm 264pp. 240illus. ¥2,100 2012 978-4-274-50391-7
The book has been published to help adult readers re-learn and brush up
their knowledge of arithmetic and mathmatics. Through example problems
dealing with historical, cultural and scientific subjects suitable for adult
readers, this book gives readers the opportunity to re-learn essential points
about arithmetic and mathematics taught between elementary and high school
levels. Readers will be able to advance their understanding of the featured
arithmetic and mathematical concepts simply by reading the book, if they do
not have time for solving the many included exercise problems. Even readers
who already possess a basic knowledge of mathematics will be able to enjoy
the topics on elementary school-level arithmetic presented in this book.
Intended Readers:
For adult readers who wish to re-learn basic mathematics
Mathematics and human activities/ Numbers and calculations/ Numbers and
equations/ Figures/ Amount and measurement
Dam Maniacs
宮島 咲 著 Saki
148 × 210mm 180pp. 100illus. ¥2,200 2011 978-4-274-50351-1
The number of "Dam amateurs," who enjoy exploring dams as a subculture
hobby, is increasing, primarily among former dam engineers or amateur
photographers. Dam exploration tours are frequently held by study societies
and extra-departmental organizations, and events such as photo contests are
becoming popular among dam amateurs. This book is aimed at dam fans,
and using a wide selection of pictures, it explains basic knowledge of dams
(structure, utility, jurisdiction and model year) as well as other highlights.
Understanding The Science of Lightning through
音羽電機工業株式会社 編 横山 茂・石井 勝 共著
Edited by Otowa Electric Co., Ltd.
Co-written by Shigeru YOKOYAMA and Masaru ISHII
148 × 210mm 128pp. 50illus. ¥1,800 2011 978-4-274-50354-2
The Lightning Photography Contest for general public, including photograph
amateurs, was held for the 8th time in 2010. This book introduces works of
special academic value that were selected from among the many entries sent
to the contest.
Sketch Works for Product Design
増成 和敏 著
Kazutoshi MASUNARI Shibaura Institute of Technology
182 × 257mm 192pp. 250illus. ¥2,500 2013 forthcoming
The book has been written for students enrolled in engineering courses who
aim to become product designers and who wish to express their ideas and
concepts through product design. Emphasis is placed on hand sketching, and
through the ample examples given throughout the book, it helps them learn
how to draw sketches properly without having to pick up special skills from
art courses.
Sensory training/ Understanding perspective/ Process of drawing/
Fundamental form/ Complex form/ Free form/ Sketching scenes/ Guidance
for sketching
Easy Rough Tracing: Plants and Animal Sketching
Practice Note
染森 健一 著 吉村 伸 作画 ビーコム 制作
Kenichi SOMEMORI, Illustrated by Shin YOSHIMURA
Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 257mm 128pp. 140illus. ¥1,800 2012 978-4-274-06901-7
This book enables readers to practice and learn how to observe and draw
organic objects, such as plants and animals. It is important to know that organic
objects have certain uniform regularities, and therefore, to carefully observe
objects to understand their frame and structure. This book provides readers
with tips about what areas of this uniform regularity - some of which usually
go unnoticed - we need to pay attention to, and will help them upgrade their
drawing techniques. Intended readers are those who are interested in sketching,
1st and 2nd students in art universities and design colleges.
Part I. Training the powers of observation/ A sketch can be changed
depending on“the way of seeing things”
/ Grasping the size/ Measuring
proportions/ Grasping the depth/ Understanding the structure/ Observing
balance/ Observing light/ Part II. Sketching plants and animals with trained
observation power/ Plant observation is based on regularity/ Appearance and
shape of plants/ Basics of the animal shapes/ Appearance and movement of
animals/ Part III. Practices/ Sketching plants/ Sketching animals
Easy Rough Tracing: 3D Sketching Practice Note
染森 健一 著 ビーコム 制作
Kenichi SOMEMORI, Produced by Becom Co., Ltd.
182 × 257mm 128pp. ¥1,800 2011 978-4-274-06842-3
Grasping 3D concepts objectively is essential when creating 3D models as
part of industrial or architectural designing. Without this understanding,
design sketches will lack the convincing feel of 3D. Based on graphics, the
book offers readers who are struggling to draw convincing 3D models some
useful clues on how to grasp and draw 3D models in an easy-to-understand
Part 1. Grasping the concept of 3D/ Part 2. Drawing 3D models using an easy
sketching method/ Part 3. Practice of 3D sketching
Quick Sketching of Furniture
大柴 健宏・森谷 延周 共著
Takehiro OOSHIBA and Nobuchika MORIYA
182 × 235mm 194pp. 800illus. ¥2,600 2010 978-4-274-06821-8
This book will help readers learn how to draw furniture, primarily chairs, a
skill that is an important area in interior redecorating. Designs, materials and
structures of various pieces of furniture are concisely explained using ample
sketches and illustrations to enable readers to master a range of clues on how
to draw freely and to complete sketches quickly.
Why do you want to sketch?/ Sketching the transition of developing ideas/
Let's study fundamental information about furniture/ Start trying by sketching
10 pages of chairs/ Quick sketch drawing/ Perspective drawing/ More accurate
and realistic drawing/ Let's draw 100 masterpiece chairs/ Let's look at the
creators' works/ Appendix: Variety of sketches
Insect Dishes of All Ages and Places
三橋 淳 著
127 × 188mm 300pp. 187illus. ¥1,800 2012 978-4-274-06893-5
While the world's population continues to expand, falling crop productivity
due to climate change and declining food self-sufficiency have been creating
serious concern in terms of global-level food crises. In particular, protein
is considered to be the most vulnerable source of food and in the search
for alternatives to cattle and fish, insects are now attracting attention as
a promising substitute. The book investigates actual specific information
about entomophagy practiced in various countries including Japan, and
clearly explains its historical and cultural background. The book also
presents explanations of various ways to find and cook insects, nutrition- and
medicine-related information, and ways to cultivate and distribute insects.
Intended for those who are interested in entomophagy.
Overview of entomophagy/ Entomophagy in Japan/ in Africa/ in Asia/ in
Mid-South America/ in North America/ in Oceania/ in other countries/
Securing and distributing insects for food/ Insects for medicine
Introduction to Cosplay
はじめてでも安心 コスプレ入門
たかそう・RUMINE 共著 黒渕 かしこ 作画 トレンド・プロ 制作
Illustration by Kashiko KUROBUCHI, Produced by TREND-PRO Co., Ltd.
148 × 210mm 216pp. 600illus. ¥1,400 2011 978-4-274-06861-4
This is an instructional manual about cosplay intended for beginner cosplayers.
Containing manga and explanations, the book provides necessary information
to enable readers to take their first steps into the world of cosplay. The book
aims to help readers who have an interest in cosplay but who do not know how
to begin. This easy-to-read explanatory book is intended for those who actually
want to participate in cosplay as well as for those who simply want to know
more about the world of cosplay or who have a passing interest in it.
Prologue/ How to cosplay/ How to buy and arrange clothes/ How to make
clothes on our own/ How to prepare properties/ Make-up and hairstyles/
Let's participate in the events/ Let's take beautiful pictures/ Epilogue/ Further
information about cosplay
Out of OTAKU Fashion Guide (Revised ed.)
脱オタクファッションガイド 改
ビーコム 著 クラムゼリー 作画
Becom Illustration by Clumselly
148 × 210mm 210pp. 230illus. ¥900 2009 978-4-274-06778-5
Prologue: I want to change myself into a smartly dressed guy/ The kind of
clothes that makes a man look like an "Otaku"/ How to choose tops/ How to
choose bottoms/ Change your hair style! Your hair style can change you!/ Don't
neglect small details/ The secret to effective coordination/ Don't relax even
after purchasing clothes/ Epilogue: An encounter on the starry night/ Appendix:
General information/ Fashion Terminology/ Washing instructions
Journals & Magazines
ROBOCON Magazine
first issue, Dec. 1998
published bi-monthly 210 × 280mm ¥4,800/ year ISSN 1883-7832
This magazine provides information on robot contests, exhibitions, latest
robot research and developments for both beginners and robot maniacs.
Up-to-date articles covering creation of robots, information on robot toys,
movies, animation and games are included in this comprehensive robot
Intended Readers:
For robot contest participants (junior high school, high school, technical
collge, university, general), robot contest instructors, those interested in robot
Organization and Topics from recent issues:
[Features] Summer has come! Let’
s play with underwater robots!/
Complete analyses of LEGO ® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3/ Making
s robots who take an active role in protecting
Japan〈Land, sea and air〉
[Focus] RoboCup Japan Open 2013 Tokyo/ Latest trends of robots working
inside the nuclear plants
[Making] Introduction to application development to operate the humanoid
robot,“Palro”- making the program to enable the robot to chat/ Let’
s play
with LEGO MINDSTORMS - Walking robots/ Introduction to make“smart”
robots using RT-middleware - Let’
s use RTM
[Reading] We belong to the robot club!/ Forefront of robot movie,“Ghost in
the shell: ARISE”
[Robocon Report] FIRST LEGO League 2012 - JAPAN Open/ The 16th
Robot Grand Prix
[News Report] 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference Human Robot
Journals & Magazines
OHM − Comprehensive Technical Magazine
first issue, Nov. 1914
published monthly 210 × 280mm ¥16,500/year ISSN 0386-5576
OHM magazine was first issued in 1914, and has continued to be published
for 99 years as a comprehensive publication on electricity. OHM now
introduces the front lines of new generation technologies based on energy and
the environment. Topics in particular focus on the following areas: energy
and electrical engineering, environmental technology, electronics, information
communication technology, advanced technology (nanotechnology, material
science etc.), intellectual property rights and education. These key themes
are featured in every issue, and information about the latest technological
developments is provided.
Intended Readers:
For researchers, engineers and managers in the fields of energy, environment,
electronics, information communication technology, nano-technology, etc.
Shindenki − Basic Electrical Engineering
first issue, Dec. 1947
published monthly 182 × 257mm ¥14,000/year ISSN 0386-5487
The editorial policy of this magazine is to introduce accurate knowledge
about electricity in an easy-to-understand manner. Electricity is nowadays a
basic engineering/technology necessary for all areas of our lives. Featuring
mainly motor-generators, power transmission/distribution as well as various
electrical applications, this magazine provides clear know-how as well as
basic electrical theory to the wide range of engineers studying electrical
theory. This magazine is well received especially by those who are studying
for the Electrical Licensed Engineer Examination, and will become a useful
guide to improve understanding and to prepare for the exam.
Intended Readers:
For readers currently studying electricity, electric engineers, applicants of
electricity examination [level 3] etc.
Journals & Magazines
Denki to Koji − Electrical Construction
電気と工事 first issue, Nov. 1960
published monthly 182 × 257mm ¥15,000/year ISSN0386-5479
This magazine provides broad and practical information about electrical
construction. Some examples of the areas covered include: line work,
lighting, electrical control, electrical work, voice/data systems, security,
fire and life safety, etc. As an all-round magazine for the electrical facility
construction industry, it also covers the following topics: broadcasting,
image receiving facility, information network, information communication
construction (housing information etc.), safety facilities, renewable energy
and energy saving, test and registration documents, how to use measurement
devices, related legislation, licence information, etc.
Intended Readers:
For engineers working at site of electrical construction, electrical supervisors,
electricians, design offices, electricity related sections of government offices,
Setsubi to Kanri − Facilities and Maintenance of Buildings
first issue, Mar. 1967
published monthly 182 × 257mm ¥16,000/year ISSN 0386-5460
This magazine provides various kinds of practical knowledge necessary
for building and facility management/maintenance. It covers not only
air conditioning and electric water facilities, but broad areas such as
environment sanitation (indoor air environment and cleaning), antidisaster and safety, building management and tenant services. In addition
to technical information, the magazine informs readers about up-to-date
industry trends and amendments to legislation related to this field. License
information necessary for building administration is also introduced. This is a
comprehensive magazine for the building management industry.
Intended Readers:
For engineers, building owners, designers etc. involved in management of
buildings and facilities
Journals & Magazines
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Edited by Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
published bi-monthly 182 × 257mm approx. 150pp. ¥14,400/year ISSN 0912-8085
This journal introduces information and theses on the latest results of research
and development in the field of artificial intelligence, and seeks to promote
international study and to contribute to the progressive development of this
field of knowledge industry.
New Generation Computing
− Computing Paradigms and Computational Intelligence
Editor-in-Chief Masami HAGIYA University of Tokyo
160 × 240mm approx. 100pp. per issue
ISSN 0288-3635(Print)/1882-7055(Electronic)
Quarterly English Journal
The journal is specifically intended to support the development of new
computational paradigms stemming from the cross-fertillization of various
research fields.
Major Fields:
Computing Paradigms/ Programming and Architecture/ Network Computing/
Intelligent Systems/ Learning/ Biocomputing
Co-publication of Ohmsha, Ltd. and Springer Japan
Title Index
AR プログラミング 20
CT 画像解剖・3DCT 画像解析ハンドブック
CT 撮影技術学(改訂 2 版)(放射線技術学
How to Plan and Implement Seismic Isolation
for Buildings 53
LabVIEW FPGA ではじめる計測・制御 19
MR 画像解剖・3DMR 画像解析ハンドブッ
ク 36
MR 撮像技術学(改訂 2 版)
New Generation Computing - Computing
Paradigms and Computational Intelligence 66
OHM - Comprehensive Technical Magazine 64
Unity で神になる本。 21 VHDL による FPGA 設計&デバッグ 19
X 線撮影技術学(放射線技術学シリーズ)
あ 行
アートを生み出す七つの数学 58
医用画像ハンドブック 38
インフラストラクチャー工学概論 4
宇宙エレベーター 57
宇宙エレベーターの物理学 57
) 14
絵とき 地震による液状化とその対策 54
エネルギー資源データブック 27 大人の算数・数学再学習 58
オントロジーの普及と応用 16
か 行
核医学検査技術学(改訂 2 版)(放射線技
感染症事典 39 空調自動制御と省エネルギー 54
群像としての丹下研究室 −戦後日本建築・
都市史のメインストリーム− 51
原子力教科書シリーズ 10, 11
原子力保全工学(原子力教科書) 11
原子炉構造工学(原子力教科書) 11
原子炉設計(原子力教科書) 10 原子炉動特性とプラント制御(原子力教科
原子炉物理学(原子力教科書) 10 現代電子情報通信選書「知識の森」シリー
ズ 12-14
現代都市理論講義 50 高効率映像符号化技術 HEVC/H.265 とそ
の応用 15
構造家 梅沢良三 52
高電界現象論 −基礎と応用ー 9
鉱物資源データブック 27
高分子化学(ベーシックマスター) 28
昆虫食古今東西 61
さ 行
細胞生物学(ベーシックマスター) 29
サウンドエフェクトのプログラミング 21
自家用電気設備のトラブル事例 2
じっくり学ぼう ! シーケンス制御超入門 3
実践 医用画像解析ハンドブック 38
写真で読み解く雷の科学 59
受注に成功する!土木・建築の技術提案 54
植物生理学(ベーシックマスター) 29
人工光型植物工場 23
人工知能学会誌 66
診断画像機器学(改訂 2 版) 37
新電気 64
水力ドットコム 26
図 解 PIC マ イ コ ン と ネ ッ ト ワ ー ク −
XPort を用いた遠隔制御実習− 20
図解 革新型蓄電池のすべて 4
図解 光触媒のすべて 32
生化学(ベーシックマスター) 29
製造現場の事故を防ぐ 安全工学の考え方
と実践 56
世界一の電気はこうしてつくられる! 9
世界を先駆ける日本のイノベーター 56
設備と管理 65
走査形プローブ顕微鏡入門 30
創薬科学入門 39
た 行
ナ入門 23
太陽光・風力発電と系統連系技術 25
太陽電池技術ハンドブック 24
Title Index
のか 25
脱オタクファッションガイド 改 62
タッチパネルがわかる本 14
ダムマニア 59
丹下健三と KENZO TANGE 51
地熱エネルギー 22
知の科学 オントロジー工学の理論と実践 16
鉄道技術ポケットブック 7
鉄道車両技術入門 5
鉄道信号 ・ 保安システムがわかる本 6
鉄道ダイヤのつくりかた 7
鉄道の「鉄」学 −車両と軌道を支える金
属材料のお話− 6
電気工学ハンドブック(第 7 版) 1
電気と工事 65
電食防止・電気防食ハンドブック 8
電池システム技術 −電気自動車・鉄道へ
のエネルギーストレージ応用− 5
都市木造のヴィジョンと技術 50
な 行
習ノート 60
ト 60
乳房超音波ポケットマニュアル 37
は 行
バイオマス プロセス ハンドブック 25
はじめてでも安心 コスプレ入門 62
術 2
標準 MRI の評価と解析(放射線技術学ス
キル UP シリーズ)
標準 救急撮影法(放射線技術学スキル
UP シリーズ)
標準 ディジタル X 線画像計測(放射線技
術学スキル UP シリーズ)
ク 59
分子生物学 (改訂 2 版)
分析化学(ベーシックマスター) 28
ベーシックマスターシリーズ 28, 29
放射化学(改訂 2 版)(放射線技術学シリ
放射線安全学(原子力教科書) 10
放射線技術学シリーズ 33-35
放射線技術学スキル UP シリーズ 35
放射線計測学(改訂 2 版)(放射線技術学
放射線遮蔽(原子力教科書) 10
放射線治療技術学(改訂 2 版)(放射線技
放射線利用(原子力教科書) 10
ま 行
マイクロスコープ 55
代電子情報通信選書「知識の森」) 12
マウス実験の基礎知識 第 2 版 30
マスタリング TCP/IP IPv6 編 第 2 版 17
マスタリング TCP/IP OpenFlow 編 17
マスタリング TCP/IP 情報セキュリティ編
マスタリング TCP/IP 入門編 第 5 版 18
マンガ+要点整理+演習問題でわかる 基
礎化学 31
マンガ+要点整理+演習問題でわかる 高
分子化学 31
マンガ+要点整理+演習問題でわかる 物
理化学 32
マンガ+要点整理+演習問題でわかる 分
析化学 31
マンガでわかるシリーズ 40-48
マンガでわかる 暗号 47
マンガでわかる 宇宙 48
マンガでわかる 栄養学 43
マンガでわかる 基礎生理学 43
マンガでわかる 虚数・複素数 45
マンガでわかる コンクリート 48
マンガでわかる 材料力学 47 マンガでわかる シーケンス制御 42
マンガでわかる 社会学 47
マンガでわかる 生化学 44
マンガでわかる 線形代数 45
マンガでわかる 相対性理論 48
マンガでわかる 測量 48
マンガでわかる 電気 41
マンガでわかる 電気回路 41
Title Index
マンガでわかる 電気数学 41
マンガでわかる 電子回路 42
マンガでわかる 電磁気学 41
マンガでわかる 電池 40
マンガでわかる データベース 47
マンガでわかる 統計学 46
マンガでわかる 統計学 因子分析編 46
マンガでわかる 統計学 回帰分析編 46
マンガでわかる ナースの統計学 46
マンガでわかる 熱力学 47
マンガでわかる 発電・送配電 40
マンガでわかる 半導体 42
マンガでわかる 微分積分 45
マンガでわかる 微分方程式 45
マンガでわかる フーリエ解析 45
マンガでわかる 物理 力学編 48
マンガでわかる プロジェクトマネジメン
ト 46
マンガでわかる 分子生物学 44
マンガでわかる 免疫学 43
マンガでわかる 有機化学 44
マンガでわかる 流体力学 48
マンガでわかる 量子力学 47
スケッチ 61
緑のランドスケープデザイン 49
メタボリズム・ネクサス 52
メディカルマスターシリーズ 解剖学 39
免震建築の基本がわかる本 53
もっと知りたい LED 照明 3
や 行
よくわかる 水リサイクル技術 26
ら 行
列車制御 −安全・高密度運転を支える技
術− 8
ロボコンマガジン 63
わ 行
ワイヤレス給電技術がわかる本 4
A Primer on Mouse Research (2nd ed.) 30
A Guide to Understanding Ground Source Heat
Pump System 22
An Encyclopedia of Infections 39
Analytical Chemistry (Basic Master Series) 28
Analytical Chemistry (Understanding through
Manga, Basic Summaries and Exercise
Problems) 31
Anatomy (Medical Master Series) 39
Anthology Series of Contemporary Electronics,
Information and Communication, "Forest of
Knowledge" 12-14
AR Programming 20
Architectural Theories and Practices by Kenzo
Tange Laboratory - Mainstream of Postwar
Japanese Architecture and Urban History 51
Automatic Control of Air Conditioning and
Energy Saving Strategies 54
Basic Chemistry (Understanding through
Manga, Basic Summaries and Exercise
Problems) 31
Basic Master Series 28, 29
Battery System Technology - Energy Storage
Application Technology for Electric Vehicles
and Trains 5
Becoming God with Unity 21
Biochemistry (Basic Master Series) 29
Biomass Process Handbook 25
Book to Understand Wireless Energy Transfer
Technology 4
Cell Biology (Basic Master Series) 29
Concept and Practice of Safety-related
Engineering to Prevent Manufacturing
Accidents 56
Creating Art by Math 58
C T P h o t o g r a p h y T e c h n o l o g y (2n d e d . )
(Radiological Technology Series) 34
Dam Maniacs 59
Data Book of Energy Resources 27
Data Book of Mineral Resources 27
Denki to Koji - Electrical Construction 65
Title Index
Developmental Biology (Basic Master Series) 29
Easy Rough Tracing: 3D Sketching Practice
Note 60
Easy Rough Tracing: Plants and Animal
Sketching Practice Note 60
Electromagnetic Noise in Electronic Systems
(Anthology Series of Contemporary Electronics,
Information and Communication, "Forest of
Knowledge") 12
Emergency Radiography (Radiological
Technology Skill-up Series) 35
Evaluation and Analysis of MRI (Radiological
Technology Skill-up Series) 35
Examples of Problems involved in Non-utility
Electricity Installation 2
FPGA Design and Debugging in VHDL 19
Geothermal Energy 22
Green Landscape Design 49
Handbook for Electrical Work (7th ed.) 1
Handbook of CT Image Anatomy and 3DCT
Image Analysis 36
Handbook of Electrolytic Corrosion Prevention
and Cathodic Protection 8
Handbook of Medical Imaging 38
Handbook of MR Image Anatomy and 3DMR
Image Analysis 36
Handbook of Practical Image Analysis in
Medicine 38
High Efficiency Video Coding - HEVC/H.265
and its Application 15
High Electrical Field Phenomena - Fundamentals
and Applications 9
High Polymer Chemistry (Basic Master Series)
How to Create Train Schedules 7
How to Generate the World's Most Reliable
Power Supply 9
How to Plan and Implement Seismic Isolation
for Buildings 53
How Were Solar Batteries Invented and
Developed? 25
Illustrated Explanation of Liquefaction Caused
by Earthquakes and Its Countermeasures 54
Illustrated Guide to Advanced Storage Batteries
Illustrated Guide to Photocatalysts 32
Image Input and Cameras (Anthology Series of
Contemporary Electronics, Information and
Communication, "Forest of Knowledge") 14
Image Quality Measurement of Digital
Radiography (Radiological Technology
Skill-up Series) 35
Imaging Technology for Magnetic Resonance
(2nd ed.) (Radiological Technology Series)
Information and Systems in Radiological
Technology - Fundamentals and Application
of Medical Image Information (Radiological
Technology Series) 34
Inorganic Chemistry (Basic Master Series) 29
Insect Dishes of All Ages and Places 61
Introduction to Cosplay 62
Introduction to Drug Discovery Science 39
Introduction to Human Factors (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 11
Introduction to Infrastructure Engineering 4
Introduction to Microwave Transmission
Theory and Circuit Devices (Anthology
Series of Contemporary Electronics,
Information and Communication, "Forest of
Knowledge") 12
Introduction to Power Conditioners for
Photovoltaic Power Generation 23
Introduction to Railway Vehicle Technology 5
Introduction to Scanning Probe Microscope 30
Introduction to Seismically-isolated Buildings
"Iron" for Railways - The Story of Metals that
Support Railway Vehicles and Tracks 6
Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial
Intelligence 66
Let's Study Thoroughly! An Ultimate
Introduction to Sequence Control 3
Title Index
Manga Guide: Batteries 40
Manga Guide: Biochemistry 44
Manga Guide: Complex Numbers 45
Manga Guide: Concrete 48
Manga Guide: Cryptology 47
Manga Guide: Databases 47
Manga Guide: Differential Equation 45
Manga Guide: Differentiation and Integral
Calculus 45
Manga Guide: Electric Circuits 41
Manga Guide: Electricity 41
Manga Guide: Electromagnetics 41
Manga Guide: Electronic Circuits 42
Manga Guide: Fluid Dynamics 48
Manga Guide: Fourier Analysis 45
Manga Guide: Generation, Transmission and
Distribution of Electricity 40
Manga Guide: Immunology 43
Manga Guide: Linear Algebra 45
Manga Guide: Mathematics for Electrical
Engineering 41
Manga Guide: Mechanics of Materials 47
Manga Guide: Molecular Biology 44
Manga Guide: Nutritional Science 43
Manga Guide: Organic Chemistry 44
Manga Guide: Physics (Mechanics Edition) 48
Manga Guide: Physiology 43
Manga Guide: Program Logic Control 42
Manga Guide: Project Management 46
Manga Guide: Quantum Dynamics 47
Manga Guides 40-48
Manga Guide: Semiconductors 42
Manga Guide: Sociology 47
Manga Guide: Statistics 46
Manga Guide: Statistics (Factor Analysis
Edition) 46
Manga Guide: Statistics (Regression Analysis
Edition) 46
Manga Guide: Statistics for Nurses 46
Manga Guide: Surveying 48
Manga Guide: The Theory of Relativity 48
Manga Guide: The Universe 48
Manga Guide: Thermodynamics 47
Mastering TCP/IP First Step (5th Edition) 18
Mastering TCP/IP Information Security Edition
Mastering TCP/IP IPv6 Edition (2nd ed.) 17
Mastering TCP/IP OpenFlow Edition 17
Medical Imaging Equipment Engineering (2nd
ed.) 37
Medical Information Systems (Anthology
Series of Contemporary Electronics,
Information and Communication, "Forest of
Knowledge") 13
Metabolism Nexus 52
Microscope 55
Molecular Biology (2nd ed.) (Basic Master
Series) 28
New Generation Computing - Computing
Paradigms and Computational Intelligence 66
Nuclear Power Maintenance Engineering
(Nuclear Power Textbook) 11
Nuclear Power Plant Engineering (Nuclear
Power Textbook) 11
Nuclear Power Textbook 10, 11
Nuclear Reactor Design (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 10
Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Plant Control
(Nuclear Power Textbook) 11
Nuclear Reactor Physics (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 10
Nuclear Structural Engineering (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 11
Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 11
OHM - Comprehensive Technical Magazine 64
Organic Chemistry (Basic Master Series) 29
Out of OTAKU Fashion Guide (Revised ed.) 62
Photovoltaic, Wind Power Generation and
Power Interconnection 25
Physical Chemistry (Basic Master Series) 28
Physical Chemistry (Understanding through
Manga, Basic Summaries and Exercise
Problems) 32
Physics of Space Elevator 57
PIC Microcomputer and Network - Remote
Control Practices Using Xport 20
Plant Factories Utilizing Artificial Light 23
Plant Physiology (Basic Master Series) 29
Pocket Manual of Breast Ultrasonography 37
Polymer Chemistry (Understanding through
Manga, Basic Summaries and Exercise
Problems) 31
Title Index
Quick Sketching of Furniture 61
Radiation Application (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 10
Radiation Protection (Nuclear Power Textbook)
Radiation Shielding (Nuclear Power Textbook)
Radical Urbanism of the 1960s-70s 50
Radioactive Waste Engineering (Nuclear Power
Textbook) 10
Radiochemistry (2nd ed.) (Radiological
Technology Series) 34
Radioisotope Nuclear Medicine Technology
(2nd ed.) (Radiological Technology Series)
Radiological Technology Series 33-35
Radiological Technology Skill-up Series 35
Radiomeasurement (2nd ed.) (Radiological
Technology Series) 33
R a d i o t h e r a p y T e c h n o l o g y (2n d e d . )
(Radiological Technology Series) 33
Railway Engineering Pocketbook 7
Re-learning Arithmetic and Mathematics for
Adults 58
ROBOCON Magazine 63
Sound Effect Programming 21
Space Elevator 57
Space Photovoltaic Power Generation
(Anthology Series of Contemporary
Electronics, Information and
Communication, "Forest of Knowledge") 14
Spread and Application of Ontology 16
Starting Measurement and Control with
Structural Engineer Ryozo Umezawa 52
Successful Order Acceptance! Civil
Engineering and Building Construction
Design Proposals 54
Tange Kenzo and KENZO TANGE 51
Theory and Practice of Ontology Engineering
(Science of Intelligence) 16
Train Control - Technology to Support Safe and
High-density Operations 8
Understanding Railway Signals and Safety
Systems 6
Understanding The Science of Lightning
through Photographs 59
Understanding Touch Panels 14
Science of Intelligence 16
Semiconductor Process, Profile Simulation
Technology 2
Sensation, Perception and Cognition:
An Introduction (Anthology Series of
Contemporary Electronics, Information and
Communication, "Forest of Knowledge") 13
Setsubi to Kanri - Facilities and Maintenance of
Buildings 65
Shindenki - Basic Electrical Engineering 64
Sketch Works for Product Design 59
Solar Cell Technology Handbook 24
Vision and Technology for Metropolitan
Timber Architecture 50
Want to Know More! LED Lighting 3
Water Power.com 26
Water Recycling Technology 26
World-Pioneering Japanese Innovators 56
X-ray Photography Technology (Radio-logical
Technology Series) 34
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