エルゼビアから書籍のご案内 無機化学全書 II 全9巻 Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II, 9-Volume Set Editors-in-Chief Jan Reedijk, Leiden University, The Netherlands Kenneth Poeppelmeier, Northwestern University, USA 装丁:Hardcover/Page:約7,544頁 冊子体出版記念特価 :US$3,525.00 (2013年12月31日迄) 冊子体定価 :US$4,410.00 冊子体ISBN :978-0-08-097774-4 2013年 8月刊行 好評発売中 アメリカ配位化学の父として知られるJ. C. Bailarを筆頭に編集された1973年の 初版から40年、飛躍的に発展してきた無機化学を長年積み重ねられてきた 科学的研究と同時に、最新研究までを大きく9つのテーマにまとめたレファレンス。 種族元素、遷移元素、生物無機化学、固体化学、材料科学、触媒、ナノ サイエンスおよび最先端の理論処理等、より学際的かつ、注目度の高い分野 やトピックがカバーされている。研究者はもちろん、無機化学と関連分野を学ぶ 院生にとっても信頼できる情報源として有用な書。 Also Available online via ◆ オンライン版(ScienceDirect)価格:機関のタイプとユーザー数によって異なります。 年間購読モデル 大学 教員・学生数 価格(円) 政府機関 研究者数 価格(円) 企業 研究者数 価格(円) 1∼10,000 10,001∼25,000 64,600 1∼500 80,800 501∼2,000 64,600 1∼500 80,800 501∼2,000 129,200 *価格は、予告なく変更となる場合がございます。予めご了承ください。 161,600 買い取りモデル 25,001∼ 96,900 2,001∼3,000 96,900 2,001∼3,000 193,900 1∼10,000 323,100 1∼500 323,100 1∼500 646,200 10,001∼25,000 403,900 501∼2,000 403,900 501∼2,000 807,800 25,001∼ 484,700 2,001∼3,000 484,700 2,001∼3,000 969,300 (2014年価格) 2013-11-E Meet the Editors Editors-in-Chief Jan Reedijk, Leiden University, The Netherlands Kenneth Poeppelmeier, Northwestern University, USA Table of Contents Vol. 1: Main-Group Elements, Including Noble Gases; Tristam Chivers (Canada) Vol. 6: Homogeneous Catalytic Applications; Luigi Casella (Italy) This volume focuses on the significant advances that have occurred in the chemistry of main group elements, primarily in the past 10 years. This volume is focused on developments over the last decade in four aspects of the field. Vol. 2: Transition Elements and Lanthanides and Actinides; Evgeny Antipov (Russia), Artem M. Abakumov (Belgium & Russia), and Andrei V. Shevelkov (Russia) This volume presents a contemporary view of the transition metals, or elements of the d and f blocks, which constitute about two-thirds of the periodic table Vol. 3: Bioinorganic Fundamentals and Applications: Metals in Natural Living Systems and Metals in Toxicology and Medicine; Vince Pecoraro (USA) and Trevor Hambley (Australia) This volume focuses on the most recent developments in bioinorganic chemistry, that is the role of inorganic chemistry in living systems, be it beneficial, toxic, or as a useful drug to cure diseases Vol. 4 Solid-State Materials, Including Ceramics and Minerals; Paul O’Brien (UK), and Neerish Revaprasadu (South Africa) The close links of various inorganic chemistry sub-disciplines to materials chemistry are illustrated. Vol. 5: Porous Materials and Nanomaterials; Susumu Kitagawa (Japan) and Robert Bedard (USA) Vol. 7: Surface Inorganic Chemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis; Robert Schlögl (Germany) and Hans Niemantsverdriet (The Netherlands) Catalysts play a very important role in chemistry. In this volume, the authors focus on solid catalysts of an inorganic nature, that is, materials containing at least one metallic element. Vol. 8: Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry; Vivian W. W. Yam (Hong Kong) Special attention is given to topics that are at the interfaces of inorganic chemistry with other branches of chemistry, such as supramolecular science, biology, medicine, catalysis, materials and energy. Topics such as solar fuels and photocatalysis, water oxidation, nitrogen activation, carbon dioxide capture and activation, electrocatalysis, chemosensing, diagnostics, and molecular imaging are included. Vol. 9: Theory and Methods; Santiago Alvarez (Spain) The chapters included in this volume provide a balanced account of the current approaches used by theoretical and computational chemists in the field of inorganic chemistry. This volume focuses specifically on microporous, mesoporous, as well as on selected macroporous materials. It is shown that today such materials can be made from virtually every element in the periodic table. より詳しいコンテンツは下記サイトにてご覧いただけます 内容に関するご照会、資料のご請求は下記弊社へご用命ください。 〒106-0044 東京都港区東麻布 1-9-15 東麻布1丁目ビル4階 ◆オンライン版(ScienceDirect) サイエンス&テクノロジー Tel. 03-5561-5034 E-mail: [email protected] ※ご注文は図書館を通してお願いいたします。 ◆冊子体 S&T Books Tel. 03-5561-1051 Fax. 03-5561-0451 E-mail: [email protected] ※ご注文は洋書籍取扱書店にお願いいたします。 2013-11-E