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Welcome ルクセンブルク貿易投資事務所(東京)からのご挨拶:
※ このメールは仕事でお目にかかった方とメールニュース配信を希望された方にお届けしております。
ルクセンブルクニュース 6・7 月合併号をお届けします。
7 月の第一週には毎年恒例となったルクセンブルクの ICT イベント「ICT SPRING 2014」に参加するため、日本
から出展ベンチャー企業 12 社と視察企業、プレスを含む約 40 名の方と一緒にルクセンブルクに行ってまいりまし
の ICT 企業に寄せる期待を感じました。今年は ICT SPRING 開催前日にルクセンブルク政府系インキュベーション
technoport にて「International Startups Meetup」と題して現地のベンチャー企業、支援者との交流イベントが開催さ
10 月 8 日~11 日にルクセンブルクのギョーム皇太子を団長としシュナイダー経済大臣が率いる経済使節団が来
ギョーム皇太子殿下は 2011 年 5 月に初来日し、セミナーでスピーチを行い、楽天や日本郵船などの企業を訪問し
エグゼクティブ・ディレクター 松野百合子
ChatWork ルクセンブルクに拠点設立
ChatWork 株式会社が、同社のクラウド型ビジネスチャットツール「チャットワーク」の 欧州事業推進のためルク
ーバル展開を加速することになります。ChatWork 株式会社が提供する「チャットワーク」は、グループチャット、
界各国の約 46,000 社が導入しています。同社は 2013 年の ICT Spring の日本スタートアップ企業ブースに出
展したことをきっかけに言語環境・立地ともにルクセンブルクを ICT 企業の欧州ハブ拠点と判断したとのことで
す。ChatWork は今年の ICT Spring においてもブース出展とピッチを行い、会期中に拠点設立を発表しまし
(ChatWork プレスリリース:英語)
6 月 23 日はルクセンブルクの大公殿下の誕生日を公式に祝う日、ナショナル・デーです。東京のルクセンブルク大
使館でもミュラー臨時代理大使主催で日本とルクセンブルクの交流関係者約 200 名が参加するレセプションパーテ
でした。中には空のボトルをインテリアに、と持ち帰るお客様も。同ビールは 7 月、8 月に石川県内の 7 ホテルなどで
(ルクセンブルク貿易投資事務所 FB ページ:日本語)
小松にて講演「EU の中のルクセンブルクの役割と日本との関係」
6 月 26 日に、石川県の小松空港国際化協議会の総会にて当事務所の松野が特別講演「欧州におけるルクセンブ
ルックスの小松空港就航 20 周年にあたることから、ルクセンブルク経済の話をさせて頂きました。同協議会では今
ICT Spring 2014 に日本企業、プレスなど合計約 40 名が参加
欧州のICT業界プロフェッショナルがルクセンブルクに集うイベント「ICT Spring 2014」が 7 月 3 日・4 日に開催されま
した。今年は日本から 12 社が出展した他、プレスや視察企業など総勢約 40 名がルクセンブルク入りしました。今年
の ICT Spring は昨年までの「スタートアップの祭典」と言った雰囲気から、テーマ性を重視する業界イベントへと舵を
はブース展示とピッチ、ネットワーキングとガラディナーへの参加など ICT Spring での活動の他、前日に開催された
現地のインキュベーション Technoport での日韓企業と現地スタートアップとの交流イベント、最終日夜の日韓企業
頂いた日経BPイノベーション ICT 研究所主任研究員である菊池氏によるイベント報告記事をご覧ください。
(ルクセンブルクIT情報 FB ページでも紹介しています:日本語)
カーゴルックスの小松就航 20 周年を記念して石川県内 8 ホテルでルクセンブルクフェアが 7 月 1 日~8 月 31 日ま
のルクセンブルクビールが期間中共通して楽しめる企画です。また、小松空港でも 7 月 22 日(火)と 7 月 23 日(水)の
2 日間、「ルクセンブルクフェア in 小松空港」が開催されます。小松空港の 2 階でルクセンブルクビールやワインの
・ANA クラウンプラザホテル金沢
・ANA ホリディ・イン金沢スカイ
Luxaviation acquires UK operator in expansion drive
Luxaviation has acquired London Executive Aviation, the largest business
aviation charter operator in the UK, in the group’s latest international
expansion move. London Executive will retain its identity and
management within the Luxaviation group of five operating companies,
which have a combined fleet of 90 aircraft.
Luxaviation last month purchased a majority stake in Luxembourg-based
software firm q-leap as part of its expansion plans, which include
operator acquisitions.
Luxair グループ、黒字に転換
LuxairGroup returns to the black. The Luxair group has reported a net profit of €1.9m for 2013, compared
with a loss of €10.5m for the previous year. The Luxair Luxembourg Airlines business recorded an operating
loss of €12m, an improvement on 2012’s deficit of nearly €20m. ered manufacturer of solid carbide round
cutting tools.
中国の航空機専門家が CTI 工場テストを実施
Chinese aircraft specialists conduct CTI factory test. Technical experts from Commercial Aircraft
Corporation of China, the country’s main manufacturer of large passenger aircraft, have visited CTI Systems
in Lentzweiler for the factory acceptance test of one of four teleplatforms ordered for the painting of
narrow-bodied aircraft. The order, which includes four double girder crane bridges, is CTI’s first from
German logistics group plans Luxembourg expansion. German logistic firm Dachser is planning to double
its workforce in the Grand Duchy as it targets new clients in the export market. The firm, which has had a
base at Grevenmacher combining offices and warehousing since 2011, is looking to increase its daily freight
throughput from 35-40 tonnes to 150 tonnes over the next three years.
Paul Wurth defies difficult market climate. Despite a difficult market environment, specialist steel industry
engineering firm Paul Wurth boosted its revenue by 7.1% in 2013 to €483.8m, while its consolidated pre-tax
profit grew from €17.8m to €22.5m.
Indian diamond merchants may move to Luxembourg. Indian diamond merchants in Belgium have
contacted the Indian Business Chamber of Luxembourg to explore relocating their hub from Antwerp to the
Grand Duchy. Chamber president Sudhir Kohli says the Luxembourg Freeport, a free-trade facility for storing
high-value items due to open later this year, would be an ideal location for diamond trading.
SES sees sharp rise in earnings. SES has reported gross earnings of €345.0m for the first quarter of the year,
up 9.3% from the same period last year. The company posted revenues of €465.6m, an 8.0% year-on-year
Central banks’ agreement paves way for renminbi clearing in Luxembourg
Luxembourg Central Bank governor Gaston Reinesch and Xiaochuan
Zhou, governor of the People’s Bank of China, have signed a
memorandum of understanding that will set the stage for the
designation by the Chinese central bank of a renminbi clearing bank in
Luxembourg. The agreement was concluded during the annual
general meeting of the Bank for International Settlements in Basel.
The MoU provides a framework for co-operation between the two
institutions regarding oversight and exchange of information and assessment by the BCL of renminbi business in
the Grand Duchy on behalf of its Chinese counterpart in preparation for the introduction of clearing.
China’s Alipay, Agricultural Bank and Merchants Bank come to Luxembourg. During a major financial
sector mission to China, finance minister Pierre Gramegna has announced that that online giant Alipay,
Agricultural Bank of China and China Merchants Bank are to join the growing Chinese financial community
in the Grand Duchy. Alipay, part of the Alibaba e-commerce group, will establish its European headquarters
in Luxembourg alongside electronic payment providers including eBay’s PayPal and Amazon Payments.
Luxcontrol signs co-operation deal with Chinese partner. China Automotive Technology & Research Centre
and Luxcontrol from the Grand Duchy have signed an agreement on future co-operation to facilitate
technical certification for European car manufacturers seeking access to the Chinese market and vice versa.
Luxembourg freight provider targets Chinese market. Wallenborn, a Luxembourg-based provider of road
feeder services, is planning to establish a trucking network in China if it can find a suitable local partner and
the operation is capable of reaching profitability quickly. Chairman and CEO Frantz Wallenborn says the
network would be based at Zhengzhou in Henan province, which since June has been served by freight
airline Cargolux.
衛星企業の LuxSpace、船舶追跡で提携
Satellite firm LuxSpace partners on shipping tracker. Betzdorf-based satellite manufacturer LuxSpace will
collaborate with UK start-up Oxford Space Systems on the construction of a spacecraft that will track ships
worldwide, reporting their location, direction, speed and other data.
閣僚が ICT 企業のルクセンブルク支社設立を歓迎 (日本・韓国他企業)
Ministers hail establishment of communication and IT firms. Premier Xavier Bettel and economy minister
Etienne Schneider have expressed satisfaction at the establishment in Luxembourg of Japanese business
communications software firm Chatwork, Korea’s SK Broadband and local mobile internet firm MTX
通信企業収益が 2013 年 5 億 6,400 万ユーロに
Telecoms revenues totalled €564 million in 2013. The Grand Duchy's telecommunications market had
revenues of €564 million in 2013, up 1.4% from the previous year, according to the Luxembourg Institute of
Regulation. High-speed Internet was the fastest-growing segment, up 80.4% to €20 million, but the
wholesale mobile market experienced the largest year-on-year decline, 7.9%.
Pharmacy sector poised to exploit change in law. Luxembourg’s pharmacy industry could be poised for
substantial growth in the coming years as a result of government plans to change national legislation to
bring it into line with EU rules. The changes include permitting the distance selling of pharmaceutical
products; already online pharmacies have been set up in Luxembourg City and Steinfort although for the
moment they are only allowed to sell health and beauty products.
Trend Micro opens Luxembourg office. Global security software provider Trend Micro has opened a
Luxembourg office, headed by territory manager Frédéric Dohen. The firm says the Grand Duchy is investing
heavily in cloud-oriented technologies where security is a priority.
アルセロール ミタル、ベルヴァルのプラントに 3,500 万ユーロ投資予定
ArcelorMittal to invest €35 million in Belval plant. ArcelorMittal is planning to invest €35 million in
modernising steel sheet piling production at its Belval plant. The company is the market leader in sheet
2013 年下半期に輸出が拡大
Exports gain ground in second half of 2013. Luxembourg export credit agency Office du Ducroire has
reported a surge in exports in the second half of 2013, with demand particularly strong for exports to Asia,
central and eastern Europe and Latin America. The country’s export promotion body Copel provided €2.05
million in assistance to companies last year, up from €1.89 million in 2012.
CFL(ルクセンブルク国鉄)、2013 年の総収入を 440 万ユーロと報告
CFL reports 2013 gross earnings of €4.4 million. Rail operator CFL has reported earnings before interest and
tax of €4.4 million for 2013, compared with an operating loss of €580,000 the previous year. Revenues rose
0.4% to €684.2 million as the company sold a record 20 million tickets.
Growth to accelerate to 3% this year: Statec
今年の GDP 成長率が 3%まで加速:Statec
GDP growth is expected to accelerate to around 3% in 2014 from 2% last year, mainly driven by non-financial sectors
including industry, construction and business services, Statec reports. Growth is forecast to approach 3.5%, or slightly
higher, in the medium term, although it may be 2016 before the economic recovery starts to bring down the
unemployment rate. The report says Luxembourg’s financial sector should see expansion accelerate again starting
next year.
Public expenditure in the Grand Duchy is forecast to decline as a share of GDP from 43.5% last year to 41.5% in 2018,
a combination of both the impact of stronger economic activity and measures to keep public spending under control.
Business leaders more upbeat on economy: survey. The Grand Duchy’s business leaders are more optimistic
about the economy than at any time since April 2011, according to the latest Luxembourg Business Compass
survey, although they are cautious about the potential impact of labour costs and the regulatory and tax
environments. One-third of business leaders describe Luxembourg's competitiveness as “good”, up from 28%
last October.
ルクセンブルクの工業生産、EU で最も高い成長率
Industrial production growth highest in EU. Industrial production in Luxembourg in March was 13.5% higher
than a year earlier, the largest increase in the EU. Production was down 0.1% in the eurozone over the same
period, but up 0.5% in the EU as a whole.
ルクセンブルクの成人雇用率、EU 平均を上回る
Adult employment rate tops EU average. The employment rate in Luxembourg for those aged 20 to 64 was
71.1% in 2013, compared with 68.3% for the EU as a whole.
ルクセンブルク、OECD 加盟国のトップ健在
Luxembourg still best-off OECD member. The Grand Duchy enjoys the highest per capita income in the OECD
and has emerged from the economic and financial crisis in relatively good shape. The organisation’s latest
economic outlook says the Luxembourg’s growth potential would be strengthened by policies to tackle
structural unemployment, the elimination of competitive barriers and improvement to the education system.
Findel reports traffic increases. More than 456,000 passengers passed through Luxembourg Airport in the first
quarter of the year, up 14.7% from the same period of 2013. Freight traffic rose 7.4% over the same period.
Macroeconomic recovery keeps stability risk low: central bank
The Luxembourg Central Bank says in its 2014 Financial Stability Review that macroeconomic risks for the
eurozone continue to diminish, keeping risks to financial stability in Luxembourg contained. The report says the
real economy should begin to benefit from the financial market rebound over the past year, while investment
should improve due to lower uncertainty and more predictability about businesses’ access to financing,
although some structural barriers remain.
The central bank notes that Luxembourg banks’ level of capital resources appears to be comfortable compared
with total outstanding domestic mortgages, and that the country’s housing market seems less problematic than
that in many other European countries.
ルクセンブルク、世界経済フォーラムの欧州調査で 8 位にランクイン
Luxembourg ranked 8th in World Economic Forum European study. Luxembourg has held its eighth place
in the World Economic Forum’s latest Europe 2020 competitiveness report. The study cites comparative
progress toward building a smarter and more inclusive economy, moving up three places to 7th and one
place to 5th, respectively, and says the country has the EU’s fourth most pro-business environments, with
high scores for competition (2nd), low tax (1st) and access to finance (3rd).
ルクセンブルクの雇用、前年比 2.4%増
Luxembourg employment up 2.4% year on year. The number of people in paid employment in
Luxembourg in the first quarter of this year was up 0.6% from the final three months of 2013, and an
increase of 2.4% from a year earlier. In the eurozone, employment increased just 0.1% from in the first
quarter and 0.2% year on year. Specialist and support services were the fastest-growing sectors in the
Grand Duchy.
GDP は第一四半期に前年比 3.8%増
GDP up 3.8% year on year in first quarter. Luxembourg’s economy grew by 3.8% in the 12 months to the
end of March, according to Statec. Construction sector output was up 13.6% from a year earlier.
Inflation continues to decline in Grand Duchy. Luxembourg's consumer price index rose by just 0.03% in
May, reports Statec, and the annual inflation rate was 1.03%. Prices for petroleum products were 0.3%
higher than in April, the first increase following four consecutive months of declines.
Number of bankruptcies falls in first half. A total of 398 bankruptcies were pronounced in the first six
months of this year, a decline of 23.75% from the same period of 2013, according to NGO Creditreform
Luxembourg. More than half of the insolvencies (55.3%) were in the services sector, where their number
fell by 24.9%, and the number of bankruptcies in the construction industry dropped by 40%.
アルセロール ミタル、国内最大雇用主を維持
ArcelorMittal remains biggest employer. Steel group ArcelorMittal remained the Grand Duchy’s biggest
private sector employer at the beginning of the year, with 4,600 people, despite a decline from 6,700 over
the past 10 years, but it is no longer far ahead of BGL BNP Paribas with 4,060, Cactus and Post Luxembourg
(both 3.990) and CFL (3,970).
International investment position up in first quarter: BCL. Luxembourg’s external financial assets grew by
€141 billion or 2% to €6,804 billion over the 12 months to the end of Match, according to the Luxembourg
Central Bank, while the country’s financial liabilities grew €135 billion to €6,701 billion.
Luxembourg closes price inflation gap. The inflationary gap between Luxembourg and neighbouring
countries has been narrowing since last year, and appears to have closed since February. The gap, which
had risen to 0.5% over the past five years, has been reduced largely due to a respite in regulated price
rises, according to Statec.
製造業生産高、前年比 10.6%増
Manufacturing output up 10.6% year-on-year. Manufacturing output increased by 2.5% in April, and was
up 10.6% on the same month of 2013. The short-term outlook remains relatively strong with
manufacturers positive over the state of their order books in May, Statec says.
Luxembourg working hours longer than in France. Last year the average full-time employee in
Luxembourg worked 1,811 hours, compared with 1,661 in France and 1,781 Italy, although employees
worked longer in Germany (1,847 hours) and the UK (1,900).
Luxembourg an EU leader in digital adoption
Luxembourg is among the leading European Union members in adoption of digital technology by individuals and
businesses, according to the EU’s Government benchmark. Last year more than 90% of people in the Grand Duchy
used the internet at least once a week, compared with an EU average of 72% and 87% in the US. Luxembourg is
among seven union members where more than 90% of households have access to high-speed broadband.
In many areas, Luxembourg’s statistics already exceed the goals set by the European Commission for achievement by
2015, and are likely to improve further when its 2014 results are published.
Luxembourg improves competitiveness ranking. Luxembourg has been ranked 11th out of 60 countries in
the World Competitiveness Yearbook compiled by Switzerland’s International Institute for Management
Development, up two places from last year.
Gramegna warm on transatlantic trade partnership. The Luxembourg Government is enthusiastic about
the planned Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and US, although finance
minister Pierre Gramegna has called for the negotiations to be more open and transparent.
ルクセンブルク政府、2018 年までに 10 億ユーロの財政削減
Government seeks €1bn in savings up to 2018. The Luxembourg Government plans to save €1.04bn
between now and 2018 under a stability programme submitted to the European Commission, whose main
aim is to eliminate the Government's structural deficit and reduce public debt.
New body to support SMEs and entrepreneurs
A new body established to initiate and co-ordinate initiatives to
promote entrepreneurship and support the development of small and
medium-sized businesses, the Higher Committee for the Support of
SMEs and Entrepreneurship has met for the first time. Chaired by
secretary of state for the economy Francine Closener, the committee
includes representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, the Skilled
Trades Chamber, the Crafts Federation, Confederation of Commerce
and hospitality sector body Horesca.
Closener says Luxembourg’s SMEs, which already employ more than 180,000 people, can benefit from a fourth
plan of action to promote the growth and small businesses, innovation and job creation.
ルクセンブルク政府、IT 戦略「デジタル Lëtzebuerg」を発表
Government launches Digital Lëtzebuerg IT initiative. Prime minister Xavier Bettel and economy minister
Etienne Schneider have unveiled the Digital Lëtzebuerg task force, aimed at co-ordinating government
activities in the IT sector and developing new expertise in e-commerce, digital payments and fund
Luxembourg Biobank triples size of biological sample library
ルクセンブルク・バイオバンク、生体サンプルのライブラリーが 3 倍に
Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg saw a threefold increase in the number of samples in its
library last year, including 50,000 samples from a large clinical trial, developed and
coordinated by Breast International Group and the European Organisation for the Research
and Treatment of Cancer. As well as concluding new service contracts for large clinical trials
and research consortiums at an international level, the biobank has launched two new
cancer studies at home and increased recruitment on existing studies.
In total, IBBL signed eight new service contracts for sample collection, processing or storage
last year with new and existing clients, helping to increase its number of biological samples
from 67,000 to 195,000.
Italian fruit co-operative orders APATEQ treatment plant. TEXEL, an agricultural co-operative in Italy’s South
Tyrol region, has commissioned Luxembourg-based water technology venture APATEQ to deliver a treatment
plant for water involved in the fruit washing, sorting and packing process. The plant, which uses innovative
membrane technology to remove contamination, will be handed over in October.
アマゾン、新たな求人で雇用 1,000 人規模に
Amazon keeps recruiting as workforce nears 1,000. Despite impending changes to Luxembourg’s VAT regime
from 2015, Amazon is continuing to recruit staff for its European headquarters. The online retailer has doubled
its workforce since 2012 and now has nearly 1,000 employees at its three sites around Luxembourg City.
KBL partnership to encourage entrepreneurship among young people
KBL 欧州プライベートバンカーズのパートナーシップが若者のアントルプルナーシップ奨励
KBL European Private Bankers has signed a partnership agreement with Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg, a
non-profit organisation that fosters entrepreneurship among young people in the Grand Duchy. The bank will
provide funding to JEL and encourage its Luxembourg-based staff to take part in initiatives at local schools to
boost creativity and critical thinking among children and young adults.
Group CEO Yves Stein says the bank’s position as a pan-European private banking group emphasises the
importance of fostering entrepreneurship among the next generation.
Letzbio web site launched to highlight biotech sector. The new Letzbio web site focusing on the country’s
life sciences sector has been unveiled to delegates at last month’s BIO Convention in San Diego. The site
(www.letzbio.lu) targets international researchers, businesses and investors in the sector and highlights the
ease of setting up research, businesses or investments in Luxembourg as well as showcasing local
institutions including the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, Integrated BioBank of Luxembourg
and the CRP-Santé research centre.
ルクセンブルクのプライベートバンク・BIL、スイスの Avaloq と実務部門のパートナーシップ提携
BIL forms back-office partnership with Avaloq. Banque Internationale à Luxembourg is partnering with
Switzerland-based Avaloq to develop a business-process-outsourcing centre in Luxembourg for the Benelux
countries and France. The two companies will offer domestic and foreign private and universal banks
solutions to standardise and automate back office processes; 374 BIL IT and back office employees will
move to the new venture.
KBL、スイスのプライベートバンク・ロンバー・オディエと IT タイアップの方向へ
KBL epb looks to Lombard Odier IT tie-up. KBL European Private Bankers has signed a memorandum of
understanding with Geneva-based private bank Lombard Odier to explore a partnership in the IT field. The
two groups will conduct a feasibility study of how KBL epb could draw on Lombard Odier’s processes and
systems and could launch pilot projects to assess the practical potential of a tie-up.
Leading Parkinson’s researcher starts work in Luxembourg. Internationally renowned Parkinson’s disease
expert Dr. Rejko Krüger has begun research at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine of the
University of Luxembourg and the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, backed by a PEARL Grant from the
Grand Duchy’s Fonds National de la Recherche.
Online recipe start-up receives Paris award. Luxembourg start-up Recipay, an online and mobile platform
that allows food producers to pay consumers to devise recipes with their products, has received an ID
award for web innovation in Paris.
Luxembourg search application accredited by Twitter. Talkwalker, a web and social media search tool
created by Luxembourg firm Trendiction, has become only the third product in Europe to be accredited
under the Twitter Certified Products Program.
Cargolux adopts lightweight freight fittings. Cargolux has become the first airline to deploy AAR Telair’s
line of CAEROe advanced lightweight unit load devices, including cookie sheet pallets, heavy gross weight
pallets and fuel-saving containers, on its Boeing 747s.
Biobank launches collaboration with US National Cancer Institute. Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg has
launched collaboration on two projects with the research arm of the biological samples and biobanks of the
US National Cancer Institute.
Luxembourg wages above EU, eurozone averages
The average private sector hourly wage was €35.60 in Luxembourg in the final quarter of 2013, above both the EU
(€23.70) and the eurozone (€28.70) averages, according to German public statistics office Destatis. Only Belgium
among the country’s neighbours had a higher average hourly rate, at €41.20.
The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce says the country’s effective labour costs are significantly lower than in the
majority of countries in the original core group of 15 EU countries because of employees’ high productivity levels.
Housing makes residents richer than cross-border commuters. The median net wealth of a Luxembourg
household is €295,500, compared with €240,000 for a cross-border commuter, according to the Luxembourg
Central Bank, which says the most important factor determining the difference in wealth is the value of
Strong start to tourist season. Luxembourg’s tourism industry, which directly and indirectly accounts for 6.5%
of national GDP, has reported highly positive results for the first four months of the year, with the number of
overnight hotel stays up 4.5% from 2013. The occupation rate was up 3% at 65% while average room prices
were up 2.9%. Campsites saw a 12% increase in business.
Luxembourg offers attractive cost of living for expatriates
The Grand Duchy has been ranked 19th in Europe and 58th worldwide by the latest global study on the cost of
living for expatriates by ECA International, a provider of data for HR professionals. The study, which compares
price levels in 440 cities worldwide, is used to calculate the cost of living premiums for expatriates, and uses an
average basket of consumer goods and services representing those typically purchased by expatriates.
The world's most expensive cities for expatriates are Caracas, Oslo, Luanda, Zurich and Geneva. Luxembourg
compares favourably in the rankings with Paris and Brussels.
Grand Duchy offers competitive hotel prices. Luxembourg ranks 67th in the world for the price of hotel
accommodation with an average price of $140 (€102) per night, compared with a high of $308 in Geneva.
Consumer confidence on the right track: BCL. Luxembourg’s consumer confidence index turned positive in
June, narrowly exceeding the historic average level, according to the Luxembourg Central Bank.
ルクセンブルク住民、海外旅行で欧州第 1 位
Luxembourg inhabitants lead EU for foreign travel. Luxembourg residents were the most frequent foreign
travellers in the EU in 2012, according to Eurostat, with 97% of trips involving at least one night’s stay
being made to other countries, ahead of 78% in Belgium and 60% in Malta.
Luxembourg musician receives Guildhall School award
Young Luxembourg clarinettist Max Mausen has been awarded the
prestigious Glass Trophy as runner up for the Gold Medal at London’s
Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Mausen, who recently completed
undergraduate studies at Guildhall and is now taking a master’s degree
there, is set to release his first album, Tryptiques, this year, sponsored
through a crowdfunding campaign.
Mausen, who has performed with the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra
and the Luxembourg Chamber Orchestra, as well as various international ensembles, is also a member of Sudden
Junction, a young group of musicians performing a mix of electronica, jazz, early music and new music.
Genii Capital drives Chaplin museum project. Luxembourg investment firm Genii Capital has unveiled a project
to create a museum in Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland dedicated to the British-born comedian, actor and film
director Charlie Chaplin.
第 5 回ファンダメンタル・モノドラマ・フェスティバル、ルクセンブルクで開催
Fifth Fundamental Monodrama Festival in Luxembourg. The fifth edition of the Fundamental Monodrama
Festival takes place in Luxembourg from June 13 to 22. The 20 shows from 11 countries, including six dance
pieces and an English-language performance/installation, are each performed by a single person.
Ground broken on Luxembourg’s new National Library
Ground has been broken for the construction of Luxembourg’s new National Library, at the intersection of
Avenue J.F. Kennedy with Boulevard Konrad Adenauer on the Kirchberg plateau. The country’s largest scientific
library, the institution holds more than 1.5 million physical records as well as a growing number of digital
Currently scattered across several different sites, all repositories and departments of the National Library will
be grouped together on a single site to optimise its day-to-day operation.
フィルム・ファンド、850 万ユーロを助成
Film Fund awards €8.5m in financial aid. The board of Film Fund Luxembourg has announced a total of
€8.5m in financial aid to productions or for script development.
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control. Content in the newsletter is provided for information purposes only.
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