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Luxembourg News / Dec 2014
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Luxembourg News / Dec 2014
2014 年最後のルクセンブルクニュースをお届けします。
今年は 10 月の皇太子を団長とする経済ミッションが来日しました。ギヨーム皇太子が前回来日した 2011 年 5
月は震災と原発事故の直後で同行企業使節団もごく少人数でしたが、今回約 70 名の民間企業使節団が来
感謝いたします。2015 年も変わらぬご支援を賜りますようどうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
2015 年は 1 月 14 日~16 日の財務大臣率いる金融ミッション来日から始まり、他にも要人訪日の可能性があ
りそうです。2015 年後半はルクセンブルクが EU 議長国を務めることもあり日欧 EPA 交渉の行方も気にかかり
エグゼクティブ・ディレクター 松野百合子
ルクセンブルクファンド協会(ALFI)セミナーを 1 月 15 日に開催
ALFI セミナー案内 PDF(日本語)
12 月 12 日に発表された第 10 回日本貿易会賞懸賞論文で、ルクセンブルクに駐在経験のある松山宏
昭氏が見事優秀賞を受賞されました。論文は 「日本の真のグローバル化に向け商社に期待すること ~
グローバルマインドを持ったグローバルプレゼンスに向けて~」 と題したもので、その中でルクセンブルク
BLCCJ 新年会パーティー
2015 年のベルギー・ルクセンブルグ商工会議所(BLCCJ)新年会パーティーが 1 月 15 日(木)に 7 時よ
り虎ノ門のレストラン Le Petit Tonneau にて開催されます。
ワイン含む 3 時間の飲み放題メニューで、ルクセンブルクのグラメーニヤ財務大臣も特別ゲストとして冒
BLCCJ パーティー案内 PDF(英語)
Luxembourg businesses see increasing revenues, investment
Luxembourg entrepreneurs expect their revenues to rise 2.8% over the next
six months, according to the latest Luxembourg Business Compass survey
conducted by KPMG and Wort. Investment is forecast to rise 2.5% over the
same period, with spending focused on the development of new markets, IT
and employee training, while 40% of respondents are thinking of recruiting
new staff.
欧州投資銀行(EIB)、BGL BNP パリバと中小企業融資で提携
EIB partners with BGL BNP Paribas on SME loans. The European Investment Bank and BGL BNP
Paribas have concluded a partnership agreement for the distribution of €50m in loans to SMEs and midcap companies in Luxembourg. Projects must be carried out in the EU to be eligible for financing under
the initiative, with each undertaking receiving a maximum of €25m. This is the second time the EIB and
BGL BNP Paribas have allied on SME loans, with the two institutions having concluded a similar
agreement in 2009, also for €50m.
アルセロール・ミタル、第 3 四半期で大幅回復
ArcelorMittal sees significant upturn in third quarter. Steel group ArcelorMittal has reported a
significant improvement in its results for the third quarter, especially in Europe. Gross earnings of €1.9bn
were up 11.2% from a year earlier for the group as a whole, while EBITDA for Europe soared by 72%.
Steel shipments increased by 3.9% year on year to 21.5 million tonnes.
ポールワースと SAB(エンジニアリング、製造企業)、高炉部品のジョイント・ベンチャー立ち上げ
Paul Wurth and SAB launch blast furnace joint venture. Paul Wurth has established a joint venture,
VCL Valve Competence Luxembourg, with SAB, an engineering and manufacturing firm specialising in
blast furnace mechanical components. The new business will specialise in the manufacture, assembly and
commissioning of blast furnace valves.
Brazilian banks to strengthen Luxembourg presence. Brazilian banks are showing interest in
Luxembourg as an entry point to the eurozone, says finance minister Pierre Gramegna following a visit to
Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Gramegna notes that Bradesco, Itaú and Unibanco, three Brazilian banks
already operating in Luxembourg, are planning to strengthen their presence. Thirty-two Brazilian funds
with total assets under management of $1.5bn are also currently domiciled in the Grand Duchy.
ルクセンブルク籍ファンドの預かり資産高、10 月に 3.03 兆ユーロに
Luxembourg fund assets reach €3.03trn in October. Luxembourg retail funds and specialised
investment vehicles had aggregate assets under management of €3.03trn as of October 31, up 0.92% from
€3.01trn a month earlier, according to regulator CSSF. The volume of Luxembourg-domiciled fund assets
has increased 17.15% over the past 12 months. There were 3,904 retail and specialised investment funds at
the end of October.
Ceratizit to acquire Italian tungsten carbide tool manufacturer. Ceratizit Italia will acquire drawing
tool manufacturer VAN-Dies at the end of the year, enabling it to offer a full range of tungsten carbide
tools in the Italian market. The deal makes Luxembourg-based Ceratizit the leading producer of drawing
tools in Europe.
カーゴルックス、ルクセンブルク-鄭州(中国)間で貨物 1 万トンを輸送
Cargolux ships 10,000 freight tonnes on Luxembourg-Zhengzhou route. Cargolux has shipped 10,000
tonnes of cargo between Luxembourg and Zhengzhou, the other focus of its dual-hub strategy, since
opening the route in June. The airline plans to increase the frequency of flights to China before year-end.
ミネラルウォーターの Rosport、新工場の設立と商標変更に 9 百万ユーロを投資
Sources Rosport invests €9m in new plant, rebranding. Mineral water producer Sources Rosport has
completed a €9m expansion project to establish a new plant for processing returnable glass bottles and to
rebrand its product range.
KBL ユーロピアン・プライベートバンカーズ、UBS ベルギーを買収 更なる買収も視野に
KBL epb acquires UBS Belgium, targets further acquisitions. KBL European Private Bankers-owned
Puilaetco Dewaay Private Bankers is acquiring UBS Belgium from the Swiss bank's Luxembourg arm, its
immediate parent. UBS manages more than €3bn in assets for around 2,500 clients in Belgium, where it
employs 60 staff. KBL epb CEO Yves Stein says the acquisition underlines the group’s commitment to
becoming a leading European private banking group, saying that it is actively reviewing further acquisition
ルクセンブルクの保険掛金、第 3 四半期で 31%増
Insurance premium income up 31% in third quarter. Luxembourg-based insurers saw third-quarter
premium income rise 30.7% compared with the same period last year, according to the Commissariat aux
Assurances. In the first nine months of this year, life premium income was up 23.3% from the same period
of 2013, while non-life business grew by 2.7%. Insurers’ technical reserves totalled €130.4bn at the end of
September, an increase of 15% from a year previously, and up 3.3% since the end of June.
Blackstone gets green light for Lombard acquisition. Private equity firm Blackstone Group has
completed the acquisition of Lombard International Assurance from Friends Life for €399m following the
receipt of regulatory approval. Lombard has more than 350 employees in the Grand Duchy, and finance
minister Pierre Gramegna says the deal demonstrates the attractiveness of Luxembourg as a major
financial centre.
Luxembourg firms increasingly target socially responsibility, greater
One in five Luxembourg companies is committed to making its activities more socially responsible or more
sustainable, according to Statec. Larger firms are more likely to engage with corporate social responsibility,
with the proportion rising to 25% among companies with 250 or more employees. Manufacturing sector,
electricity, water and gas distribution, sanitation and waste management companies are also more committed to
Grand Duchy scores highly for e-commerce logistics. Luxembourg has been ranked the eight most
attractive region for e-commerce distribution centres in a survey of six countries in north-west Europe (the
Benelux nations, France, Germany and the UK) conducted by PwC for Belgium’s Vlaams Instituut voor de
Logistiek. Luxembourg was particularly highly rated for market proximity.
ルクセンブルク、䛂最もグローバルに繋がっている国䛃➨ 5 位に
Luxembourg world’s 5th most connected country. Luxembourg was the fifth most connected country in
the world in 2013, according to the DHL Global Connectedness Index, which measures levels of
globalisation and cross-border flows of trade, capital, information and people.
Luxembourg sees increase in number of registered companies. Luxembourg had 30,476 registered
companies at the beginning of this year, 681 more than 12 months earlier, according to Statec’s latest
Company Directory. Luxembourg City had the highest number of registered companies, with 9,300, 30.5%
of the total.
オフィス不動産市場価値が 2020 年には 3 百億ユーロに :PwC
Office real estate market worth €30bn in 2020: PwC. The Grand Duchy's commercial real estate market
was worth €23bn in 2014 and will rise to €30bn by 2020, according to PwC Luxembourg. The consultancy
is predicting an office space shortfall of 20% by 2020, even with an expected 76,000 and 81,000 square
metres of office coming to market in 2015 and 2016 respectively.
ルクセンブルクの就労時間は、EU 諸国でも長め :Statec
Luxembourg works longer hours than much of EU: Statec. Luxembourgers worked an average of
1,773 hours a year in 2012, one of the highest levels in the EU, reports Statec. Employees worked 31 hours
of overtime in 2012, down from 44 hours in 2008. While part-time workers comprised just 13.2% of the
workforce in 2008, the figure had risen to 17.5% four years later.
新車登録台数、前年比 5%増
New car registrations up 5% year-on-year. There were 4,522 new car registrations in October, 23 more
than in the same month of 2013. Almost 43,000 new cars have been registered since January, up 5.3% on
the same period last year.
消費者信頼感指数、10 月に上昇
Consumer confidence rises in October. Consumer confidence rose slightly in October from the previous
month, according to the Luxembourg Central Bank. All components of the bank's consumer confidence
index improved, with households in the Grand Duchy feeling more positive about unemployment and their
ability to save.
Prototype near-zero energy home unveiled
Secretary of state for the economy Francine Closener has unveiled a prototype house at Wincrange that meets
the near-zero energy consumption performance standards that will apply to all new homes in the Grand Duchy
from 2019. The N-Cube project was established to develop an industrial-scale wooden construction involving
recyclable or reusable materials and allowing purchases to adapt the house configuration through an online
BCEE to acquire iconic former ARBED building. Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat has signed a
memorandum to purchase ArcelorMittal's former headquarters in avenue de la Liberté. BCEE says it will
begin renovation work on the former ARBED head office, which is a short walk from its own headquarters
in Place de Metz.
Luxembourg is 9th most innovative economy: Global Innovation Index
ルクセンブルク経済は世界で 9 番目に革新的 :グローバル・イノベーション・インデックス
Luxembourg ranks as world’s best for technology access Luxembourg is ranked highest in the world for access
to technology according to the International Telecommunications Union’s 2014 'Measuring the Information
Society' report. The country was in eighth position for use of IT and communications technology, and was
ranked 10th overall in the ITU’s ICT development index, ahead of Germany (17th) and France (18th).
APATEQ の水処理技術がレッド・へリング・グローバル・アワード受賞
APATEQ water technology wins Red Herring global award. Luxembourg water technology specialist
APATEQ has received the Red Herring 2014 Top 100 Global award, which recognises the most
innovative technologies and business models among more than 1,000 companies worldwide, at a ceremony
in Pasadena, California.
Yapital launches scan-purchase platform. Payments company Yapital and Luxembourg book retailer
Ernster have launched the Scan2Order service, which enables smartphone purchases via QR codes from
billboards, newspaper, magazine advertisements and product catalogues.
BGL BNP パリバ、各支店にデジタル署名対応機能を配備
BGL BNP Paribas puts digital signatures facility in branches. BGL BNP Paribas is rolling out digital
signature capabilities on tablets for customers to use in 40 of its branches. The move forms part of the
bank’s paperless project launched earlier this year to speeding up processing while reducing the
environmental impact of its activities.
City enables Digicash payment for municipal bills. Luxembourg City residents are now able to pay their
bills for municipal services with their smartphones by scanning Digicash QR codes printed on all
Luxembourg UHNWI wealth up 47%
ルクセンブルク超富裕層の資産 47%ቑຍ
Luxembourg is home to 725 ultra-high net worth individuals, up from 660 in
2013, according to the World Ultra Wealth Report 2014 from UBS and
Wealth-X. The Grand Duchy’s UHNW population has a total combined
wealth of $125bn, a year-on-year increase of 47%. The Grand Duchy ranks
36th in the world for the number of UHNW individuals.
Most employees say they are well paid. Just over 60% of Luxembourg residents consider themselves
well paid for the work they do, according to a survey by EU agency Eurofound. Across the EU as a whole,
only 41% believe they are well remunerated.
電気、ガス料金は適正 :ILR(ルクセンブルク規制研究所)
Electricity and gas prices reasonable: ILR. Electricity and gas prices are reasonable and nondiscriminatory, according to a report from the country's energy, telecoms, transport and postal regulator,
ILR. Research found that electricity and natural gas was cheaper in the Grand Duchy than in Germany,
France or Belgium, thanks to lower taxes.
Muse to star at 10th Rock-A-Field Festival
Muse(英ロックグループ)、第 10 回ロック-A-フィールド フェスティバルの主演に
English alternative rock group Muse will be among the headliners at the 10th
edition of Luxembourg’s open-air Rock-A-Field music festival, which will be
WKHHFOHFWLFHYHQWLQFOXGH%R\VNoize, Rise Against, and Eagles of Death Metal.
5 next year. Other bands announced so far for the eclectic event include Boys
Biography of former Grand Duke tops best-seller list. Stéphane Berns’ ‘Jean de Luxembourg’, a
biography of the former Grand Duke who abdicated in favour of his son, Prince Henri, in 2000, has leapt
to the top of Luxembourg’s best-sellers list, with the German edition in first place and the French version
The Luxembourg for Business newsletter is prepared by VitalBriefing. Luxembourg for Business declines all
responsibility for the accuracy of the information featured in this document, or for the functioning of links to external
web sites, over which it has no control. Content in the newsletter is provided for information purposes only.
Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office
Luxembourg House 1F, 8-9, Yonbancho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0081
T. 03 3265 9621 | F. 03 3265 9621
Mail. [email protected] | Web. www.investinluxembourg.jp
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