
Yamaha at a Glance

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Yamaha at a Glance
Yamaha's goal is to enrich world through sound and music.
Yamaha at a Glance
As of February 3, 2017
Company Overview
As of March 31, 2016
Company Name
:Yamaha Corporation
:10-1, Nakazawa-cho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
Product Highlight
Digital Pianos
430-8650 Japan
Date of Establishment
:October 12, 1897 (Founded in 1887)
President and Representative Director :Takuya Nakata
Stock Exchange Listing
:Tokyo, First Section, Code No.7951
Stated Capital
:¥ 28,534 million
Number of Employees (Consolidated)
Number of Consolidated Subsidiaries
(excluding average number of temporary employees: 7,990)
Yamaha History
1887 The founder Torakusu Yamaha built his first reed organ
1889 Established partnership firm Yamaha Organ Works
1897 Nippon Gakki Co., Ltd. incorporated
1900 Began production of upright pianos
1949 Listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange
1954 Began Yamaha Music School activities
1955 Established Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (Split off the motorcycle division)
1959 Launched Electone™ electronic organ
1960 Subsidiary established in the U.S.
1966 Launched Yamaha's first electric guitars and drums.
Expanded into Europe with the founding of Yamaha
subsidiary in Germany
1967 Brass instruments launched.
Unveiled the CF concert grand piano
1968 Produced first line of audio products
1969 Launched PA equipment
1971 Began semiconductor production
1982 Marketed first Disklavier player piano
1987 Marking the 100th anniversary of foundation, the company
name was changed to Yamaha Corporation
2002 Holding company established in China
PA Equipments
AV Receivers
Net Sales (FY2016.3 )
Sales by Business Segment
Sales by Region
Musical instruments
North America
7%Audio equipment
Electronic devices
Asia, Oceania and
other areas
Torakusu Yamaha
Our trademark "Yamaha" has
its origin in the name of
our founder.
Net Sales
Operating Income
Musical instruments
As of February 3, 2017
Profit Distribution Policy
Keeping in mind the improvement of its consolidated
return on equity, the Company undertakes investments
for growth̶including R&D, investing in marketing
capabilities and the making of other capital
investments̶on the basis of its medium-term
consolidated income level, while proactively returning
profits to shareholders. Taking continuous and steady
cash dividends as the basis of its shareholder returns,
the Company will implement flexible shareholder returns
as it sees fit with the aim of improving its capital
efficiency, while giving due consideration to the
maintaining of a balance between adequate internal
reserves of investment for future growth. The Company
will implement dividends with a target consolidated
payout ratio of 30% or higher.
Audio equipment
Electronic devices
Operationg Income
※ E ff ect i v e i n t he fir st quar t er of FY 2 0 1 4 . 3 , A V / I T seg m ent was r enam ed
audi o equi pm ent seg m ent , and t he P A equi pm ent busi ness, whi ch was
pr ev i ousl y r epor t ed as par t of t he m usi cal i nst r um ent s seg m ent has now
been r epor t ed as par t of t he audi o equi pm ent busi ness. T he abov e fig ur es
f r om FY 2 0 1 3 . 3 r eflect t he new seg m ent s accor di ng l y .
Operating income ratio
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