
ACAMS 第 6 回東京 AML/CTF セミナー 継続的なマネー・ロンダリング

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ACAMS 第 6 回東京 AML/CTF セミナー 継続的なマネー・ロンダリング
Asia Pacific Seminars
Annual AML and Financial Crime Tools & Techniques Series
ACAMS 第 6 回東京 AML/CTF セミナー
平成 27 年 9 月 10 日
シャングリ・ラ ホテル 東京
The 6th Annual Enhanced AML and Financial Crime
Tools and Techniques
Tokyo Seminar
September 10, 2015
Shangri-La Hotel Tokyo
セミナープログラム / Seminar Program
8:00 – 9:00
受付・ネットワーキング / Registration and Morning Tea
9:00 – 9:10
日比野正彦 CAMS, ACAMS日本代表 / Hue Dang CAMS, Head of Asia, ACAMS
Welcome Remarks
Masahiko Hibino, CAMS, Country Head of Japan, ACAMS / Hue Dang, CAMS, Head of Asia, ACAMS
9:10 – 9:40
基調講演: 「金融機関における AML/CFT のAML現状と課題」
金融庁 検査局 主任統括検査官兼法令遵守等モニタリング長 石川宗吉 氏
“Current Status and Issues of AML/CFT in financial institutions”
Mr. Muneyoshi Ishikawa, Head of Chief Financial Inspectors & Head of Legal Compliance Monitoring,
Financial Services Agency
9:40 – 10:10
講演 1: 「アジア地域の最新規制動向」
Florabelle M. Santos-Madrid, Deputy Director and Head Anti-Money Laundering Specialist
Group, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines)
Hue Dang, CAMS, Head of Asia, ACAMS
ケーススタデイー リスクベースアプローチ: アジア諸国の AML 体制の展開と実施
改訂 FATF 勧告の遵守
AML リスクレーティングシステムの理解と実施
“Complying with the Latest Asia-Pacific Regulatory Changes”
Ms. Florabelle M. Santos-Madrid, Deputy Director and Head Anti-Money Laundering Specialist
Group, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines)
Ms. Hue Dang, CAMS, Head of Asia, ACAMS
Updating on the impact of regulatory changes within Singapore and Hong Kong.
Applying lessons learned from high-profile enforcement actions to optimize your internal
A Case Study in RBA: Understanding the Development and Implementation of an Asian
Country’s AML Regime
Reviewing the historical development of the Law of the Philippines
Complying with the revised FATF recommendations
Understanding the basis for the AML Risk Rating System and its implementation
Anticipating evolving regulatory changes and its impact on FIs in-country, regionally and
10:10 – 10:40
講演 2: 「トレード・ベース・マネー・ロンダリング対策に関する最新インテリジェンス(TBML)」
講演者:Al Demeter, Managing Director, Citigroup Security & Investigative Services (HK)
TBML オペレーション・メカニズムの理解
CDD 改善のための重要な顧客情報の取得
TBML 犯罪対策と訴追を助ける報告書作成と法執行機関との協力
“Applying the Latest Intelligence to Combat Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML)”
Mr. Al Demeter, CAMS, Managing Director, Citigroup Security & Investigative Services (HK)
Understanding step-by-step mechanisms of a TBML operation
Capturing crucial customer information to improve Customer Due Diligence (CDD) practices
Dissecting recent cases to identify recurring patterns and pinpoint illicit transactions
Drafting reports and cooperating with law enforcement to aid in combating and prosecuting
TBML offenses
10:40 - 11:00 休憩・ネットワーキング / Networking and Refreshment Break
11:00 - 12:00
講演3: 「経済制裁~リスクと対応」
講演者:三菱東京UFJ銀行、国際市場コンプラィアンス部 グローバル経済制裁グループ、チーフ アドバイザー
中雄大輔 氏 CAMS
“Economic Sanctions~Risks and Controls~”
Mr. Daisuke Nakao, CAMS, Chief Advisor, Anti-Money Laundering Office,
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Creating a sanctions management program that effectively addresses global sanctions
Updating your controls to block the latest sanction bypassing schemes
Ensuring your institution has the proper CDD best practices in place to identify entities
owned by individuals whose interests and properties have been recently blocked
Keep your sanctions management team current using the latest compliance training
12:00 – 13:00 昼食・ネットワーキング / Networking Luncheon for all Participants
13:00 – 14:15
パネル・セッション: 「本邦最新規制への対応実例とベストプラクティス」
新規 KYC/CDD 要件の現行 AML プログラムに対する影響
 みずほ銀行 コンプライアンス推進第2部 マネー・ローンダリング対策室 室長 乾 孝文 氏
 三井住友銀行 総務部 AML 企画室長 黒井 功次郎 氏
 三菱東京 UFJ 銀行 国際市場コンプライアンス部 AML 室長 小島 英一 氏
 三井住友銀行 監査部 上席考査役 中野 寛 氏
有限責任あずさ監査法人 金融アドバイザリー部 マネージング・ディレクター
山崎 千春 氏 CAMS
PANEL SESSION: “Practical Examples and Best Practices for Implementation of the Latest
Japanese Regulations”
Identifying current challenges to effectively implement most recent regulatory
Understanding the new KYC/CDD requirements and their impact on your AML Program
Addressing technology and system issues to meet the new requirements
Mr. Hidekazu Kojima, Head of Anti-Money Laundering Office,
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Mr. Hiroshi Nakano, Senior Auditor, Internal Audit Department
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Mr. Kojiro Kuroi, General Manager, AML Planning Office, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Mr. Takafumi Inui, General Manager of AML Dept., Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
Mr. Chiharu Yamazaki, CAMS, Managing Director, Financial Services, KPMG AZSA LLC
14:15– 16:45
インターアクティブ・ワークショップ: 「RBA の理解: 全社的 AML リスク・アセスメント・プロセスの導入」
モデレーター: Hue Dang, CAMS, Head of Asia, ACAMS
効果的なリスクベース AML プログラムを構築するための最良の方法は、ビジネスとその顧客、商品、サービス、および地理的要
を特定し、その固有のニーズに対処する AML リスク・アセスメントを行う方法を学習します。このセッションに参加し、AML リスク
14:15 – 15:00: 全社的リスクア・セスメント・フレームワークの構築
15:00 – 15:45: ワークセッション
15:45 – 16:05: 休憩・ネットワーキング
16:05 – 16:45: リスク・アセスメント - 例 Interactive Workshop: “Understanding RBA: Implementing an Enterprise-Wide AML Risk
Assessment Process”
Moderator: Ms. Hue Dang, CAMS, Head of Asia, ACAMS
The best way to build an effective risk-based AML program is to have a thorough understanding of
the risks presented by a business and its customers, products, services and geographic locations.
By taking early and decisive action to mitigate these risks, costly penalties and reputational
damage can often be avoided. In this two-hour hands-on workshop you will learn to identify highrisk business areas and create an AML risk assessment that addresses the unique needs of your
own organization. Take part in this intensive education session and return to the office with a
ready-to-use toolbox for assessing and mitigating AML risk.
Learn to build a robust risk assessment model that fits your institution’s business practices
Take away best practices for testing and validating your model’s inputs and reports
Understand how to synchronize your risk assessment practices with the latest regulatory
Dissect case studies and enforcement actions for key intelligence that will inform your riskrating controls
Workshop Sessions:
14:15 – 15:00: Laying the Framework of Enterprise-Wide Risk Assessment
15:00 – 15:45: Worksheet Exercises & Discussion of Results
15:45 – 16:05: Networking and Refreshment Break
16:05 – 16:45: An Institutional Example of Risk Assessment
16:45 – 17:00:
総括 /
Wrap-Up & Key Take-aways
日比野 正彦 CAMS, ACAMS 日本代表 / Masahiko Hibino, CAMS, Country Head of Japan, ACAMS
講演者紹介 / Speaker Faculty
石川 宗吉
昭和 55 年
平成 2 年
平成 9 年
平成 15 年
平成 20 年
平成 21 年
平成 23 年
平成 24 年
平成 25 年
平成 27 年
Muneyoshi Ishikawa, Head of Chief Financial Inspectors & Head of Legal Compliance Monitoring,
Financial Survices Agency
Joined Osaka Regional Taxation Bureau, National Tax Agency
International Finance Bureau, Ministry of Finance (MOF)
Financial Inspector, Financial Inspection Department, Minister’s Secretariat, MOF
Deputy Director, Evaluation Division, Inspection Bureau, Financial Services Agency (FSA)
Senior Financial Inspector, Inspection Bureau, FSA
Senior Inspector, Inspection Division, Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission
Chief Financial Inspector, Inspection Bureau, FSA
Coordinator of Evaluation, Inspection Bureau, FSA
Inspection Administrator, Tokai Local Finance Bureau, MOF
Head of Legal Compliance Monitoring, Inspection Bureau, FSA
Hue Dang CAMS, Head of Asia, Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist.
Establishing its Regional Head Office in 2008, Hue Dang is the Head of Asia of the Association of
Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (“ACAMS”) based in Hong Kong. Prior to joining ACAMS,
Ms. Dang had more than 15 years’ experience in banking and finance. She was previously a Bank
Examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Manager with Barclays Capital’s Investment
Banking Division in Singapore, Director for Business Development at Citibank’s Global Consumer
Banking Group in Singapore and Director of Business Development, Asia/Pacific, for Thomson
Financial in Hong Kong. Ms. Dang holds educational degrees from the US, with a Bachelor of Arts
Degree with honors from Amherst College and a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University,
John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Florabelle M. Santos-Madrid Deputy Director and Head Anti-Money Laundering Specialist Group
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines)
Florabelle or Lovie for short is a Certified Public Accountant and Lawyer, with a masteral degree in
business administration. She currently heads the Anti-Money Laundering Specialist Group of the
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the unit tasked to check compliance of banks and other financial
institutions with the Philippines’ anti-money laundering laws, rules and regulations and assess their
overall money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF) prevention system. The Group is also
primarily involved in developing and enhancing the ML/TF risk-based supervisory approach and
regulatory framework of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.
Lovie has more than 15 years in banking supervision. She has been conducting ML/TF prevention
trainings in the Bangko Sentral to enrich the capacity of bank supervisors and in several banking
industry associations in the Philippines, as part of skills enhancement and capacity building efforts,
aligned with the country’s continuous fight against ML/TF.
A.R. Demeter, CFE, CAMS Managing Director, Citigroup Security & Investigative Services (HK)
Mr. Demeter is a former Criminal Investigator of the US Treasury Department, Criminal
Investigation Division where he served as a Special Agent and in various management roles.
During his 28 year career as Special Agent Mr. Demeter conducted and managed numerous
financial crimes and money laundering investigations involving narcotics trafficking, organized
crime, bank fraud, loan fraud, healthcare and labor fraud, tax evasion and money other federal
crimes. He worked extensively in the Florida Caribbean Drug Task Force and Organized Crime Drug
Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF). Mr. Demeter also served as the regional Undercover Program
Manager and Regional Office Review Program Manager for the Southeast US, and managed and
conducted undercover operations with local, State and Federal law enforcement agencies
throughout his career. Mr. Demeter is on the Board of Directors of the ACAMS Hong Kong chapter.
中雄 大輔 CAMS 三菱東京 UFJ 銀行、国際市場コンプライアンス部 グローバル経済制裁グループ、チーフ アドバイザー
1987 年 国際基督教大学 卒業後、東京銀行に入行
東京、パリ、ロンドンでの勤務を経て 2009 年より現部署。
Daisuke Nakao, CAMS, Chief Advisor, Anti-Money Laundering Office, Global Compliance Div.
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Joined the Bank of Tokyo in 1987 after graduating from the International Christian University.
In the present section since 2009, having previously experienced various positions in Tokyo,
London and Paris.
山崎 千春 CAMS 有限責任あずさ監査法人 金融アドバイザリー部 マネージング・ディレクター
大手邦銀等に勤務後、2006 年にあずさ監査法人に入社。金融機関のコンプライアンス態勢、AML 等の金融犯罪対応、
内部不正管理態勢の構築支援、FATCA 対応支援等の豊富な実績がある他、各種セミナー講演、執筆活動を数多く手が
ける。厚生労働省の日本年金機構における不正アクセスによる情報流出事案検証委員会参与。ACFE 公認不正検査士。
米国 ACAMS 認定アンチ・マネー・ローンダリング・スペシャリスト。米国 CFA Institute 認定証券アナリスト。
「改正犯収法と金融犯罪対策』(共著:金融財政事情研究会)2013 年 1 月」
「FATFが真の受益者についてのガイダンス等を公表」(金融財政事情)2015 年 1 月 5 日号」
Chiharu Yamazaki, CAMS Managing Director, Financial Services, KPMG AZSA LLC
Based in Tokyo, Chiharu is responsible for delivering regulatory compliance advisory service such
as developing, enhancement or reviewing AML program, regulatory compliance framework, AntiBribery and Corruption (AB&C) program, complaint handling framework and assisting in FATCA
impact assessment and implementation. As Certified Anti Money Laundering Specialist, Certified
Fraud Examiner and Chartered Financial Analyst, Chiharu also delivers numerous AML trainings and
publications. He has co-authored the book entitled “New AML Law and AML program for financial
institutions in Japan” in Jan. 2013.
乾 孝文
みずほ銀行 コンプライアンス推進第 2 部 マネー・ローンダリング対策室 室長
2015 年4月よりみずほ銀行コンプライアンス推進第二部マネー・ローンダリング対策室長
として国内外の AML/Sanction 業務を統括
2013 年4月より同行外為営業部次長として大手商社を主たる取引先とする外為取引に従事。
2010 年10月より、同行国際資金証券部次長としてマルチプロダクツのトレーディング業務を担当。
2007 年4月から3年半、同行在NYのデリバティブズ現法副社長として拠点経営に従事。
Takafumi Inui General Manager of AML Dept. Compliance Promotion Div. No.2, Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
Mr.Takafumi Inui, currently is a General Manager of AML Department in Compliance Promotion
Division No.2 of Mizuho Bank, Ltd. He is responsible for managing AML/Sanction risks of Mizuho
Bank's global operation. (Apr.2015-Current)
Deputy General Manager of International Trade Business Promotion Division (Apr.2013-Mar.2015)
Deputy General Manager of International Treasury Division (Oct.2010-Mar.2013)
Managing Director of Mizuho Capital Markets Corporation (Apr.2007-Sep.2010)
黒井 功二郎 三井住友銀行 総務部 AML 企画室長
2015 年4月より三井住友銀行にて AML 企画室長として国内外の AML/CFT 統括
2014 年7月より同行海外コンプライアンス室長として海外拠点のコンプライアンス・リスク管理を統括。
2013 年には、同行トレードファイアンス営業部にてグローバルなコンプラ管理に従事。
2008 年から4年間、同行NY支店にて米州コンプライアンス室にて、コンプライアンス管理態勢整備に従事。
Kojiro Kuroi General Manager, AML Planning Dept., International Compliance Div.
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
He is responsible for managing AML/CFT compliance risks of SMBC's global operation, providing
independent oversight and advice, including opining on the adequacy and effectiveness of
compliance processes and status of compliance. He has been in this role since April 2015 after
being responsible for overseas compliance risks including AML from July 2014. Before returning to
Head Office, he was a Chief Compliance Coordinator at Global Trade Finance Department in London
(2013), Deputy General Manager and Assistant to Chief Compliance Officer at Compliance
Department, Americas Division (New York) from 2008 to 2012, where he was involved for
enhancement of BSA/AML compliance framework of SMBC US operation.
小島 英一 三菱 UFJ フィナンシャル・グループ、三菱東京 UFJ 銀行、マネーローンダリング防止対策室長
1987 年三菱銀行入行後、営業本部勤務を経て New York University MBA を取得。1996 年から 2002 年まで NY
にて Leveraged Finance、2002 年から 2006 年まで東京にて Syndicated Finance オリジネーションのヘッド、2007
年から 2011 年まで Union Bank 頭取室次長、リスク管理及び監査のリエゾンヘッドと国際金融の職責を歴任。2012 年、
グローバルヘッドの職責として、創設した国際金融規制戦略室長の就任を皮切りに、2014 年マネーローンダリング防止対策
室長に着任し、現在、G-SIFI 先進 13 行で形成する Wolfsberg Group で、唯一のアジア代表を務めている。
Hidekazu Kojima Global Head of Anti-Money Laundering, General Manager, Mitsubishi UFJ
Financial Group Inc. & Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
He is responsible for developing and administrating AML compliance program globally and
supervising regulatory contacts related AML/CFT matters. Hide began his career at Mitsubishi Bank,
Ltd. in 1987 in corporate finance, leveraged finance and syndicated finance at global financial
arenas. After Hide served as Deputy Head of Office of the President and Senior Vice President &
Liaison Head of Union Bank from 2007, he was appointed to Global Head roles at Global Regulatory
Affairs in 2012 and Global Anti-Money Laundering in 2014. Since 2014, he has fulfilled a solely
Asian representative to Wolfsberg Group comprised of 13 elite G -SIFIs in terms of AML and
Financial Crime Risk Management functions. He graduated New York University with MBA in 1996.
中野 寛 CAMS, CFE, CIA,
三井住友銀行 監査部 上席考査役
2006 年1月に監査部企画グループに配属。以降、主として海外の監査企画/品
質向上・管理業務に従事。 2007 年1月に米国当局から受領した AML/CFT に係る業務改善命令を契機とし
て、国内外の AML/CFT 監査企画も担当。以降、AML/CFT 共通監査プログラム策定、グローバルな監査企画・コーディネ
ート等を通じて、監査部の AML/CFT 監査態勢の強化に注力。
Hiroshi Nakano Senior Auditor of Internal Audit Department (“IAD”).
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
He is experienced staff of the Planning Group of IAD and responsible for planning/coordinating
Overseas Audits, including their Quality Assurance.
He joined the IAD in January 2006. As the result of the “Written Agreement” agreed with FRBNY
and NYDFS in January 2007, he was also assigned to enhance the Global AML/CFT Internal
Audit Processes. Since then, he has been enhancing SMBC’s AML/CFT Internal Audit by
developing/updating the Global AML/CFT Audit Program and planning/coordinating Global AML/CFT
Theme Audits.
主催者・スポンサー紹介 / Host/Sponsor Listing
協賛:ゴールド・スポンサー / Gold Sponsor
Dow Jones & Company is a global provider of news and business information, delivering content to customers
and organizations via newspapers, websites, apps, video, newsletters, magazines, proprietary databases,
conferences, and radio. Dow Jones has produced unrivalled quality content for 125 years and today has one
of the world’s largest news-gathering operations with nearly 2, 000 journalists in more than 80 bureaus,
including The Wall Street Journal, American’s largest newspaper by paid circulation. Other premier brands
include Barron’s, MarketWatch, Factiva, Dow Jones Venture Source and Dow Jones Risk &Compliance. Dow
Jones publishes in 13 languages and distributes content in 28 languages, combining technology with news and
data to support business decision-making.
有限責任 あずさ監査法人
有限責任あずさ監査法人は、全国主要都市に約 5,300 名の人員を擁し、監査や各種証明業務をはじめ、財務関連アドバイザリーサー
大国際会計事務所のひとつである KPMG インターナショナルのメンバーファームとして、155 ヵ国に拡がるネットワークを通じ、グローバルな視
KPMG AZSA LLC holds approximately 5,300 people in major cities in Japan, providing audit, attestation, and
advisory services such as financial advisory services and preparation for initial public offerings.
SWIFT は参加メンバーによる協同組合形式の組織であり、金融業界がその業務を迅速、確実に、信頼して実行することを可能にするサー
ビスを提供しています。200 カ国以上にわたる、10,800 以上の金融機関と事業会社が SWIFT を信頼し、数百万件の標準化された決
済メッセージを毎日交換しています。SWIFT のコンプライアンスサービスユニットは更なる拡大が想定されるポートフォリオである制裁、KYC、
AML 分 野 に お け る 顧 客 の ニ ー ズ に 対 応 す る 、 金 融 関 連 コ ン プ ラ イ ア ン ス サ ー ビ ス を 統 括 し て い ま す 。 サ ー ビ ス の 詳 細 は
www.swift.com/complianceservices にて確認いただけます。
SWIFT is a member-owned cooperative through which the financial world conducts its business operations
with speed, certainty and confidence. More than 10,800 financial institutions and corporations in over 200
countries trust us every day to exchange millions of standardized financial messages. SWIFT’s Compliance
Services unit manages a growing portfolio of financial crime compliance services that address our customers’
needs in the areas of sanctions, Know Your Customer (KYC) and AML. Learn more at
要な意思決定機関に重要情報を提供しています。トムソン・ロイターの株式は、トロント証券取引所 および ニューヨーク証券取引所に上
場されています。 詳しい情報は http://thomsonreuters.com をご覧ください。
Thomson Reuters is the world's leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. We
combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision
makers in the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, intellectual property and science and media
markets, powered by the world's most trusted news organization. Thomson Reuters shares are listed on the
Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges (symbol: TRI). For more information, go to
協賛:シルバー・スポンサー / Silver Sponsor
NTT データ・ジェトロニクス株式会社
NTT データ ジェトロニクスは、長年の企業活動を通じて、コンサルティングからシステム開発、運用保守まで、一貫したソリューションサービスを
当社は決済システム分野のリーディングカンパニーとして、金融業界にソリューションを提供してきました。約 50 年にわたり培ってきた金融業
務知識と ICT のノウハウを融合した高度なコンサルテーションにより、ビジネスを高める提案を行います。
NTT DATA Getronics Corporation provides comprehensive “one-stop” solutions and services that apply a
consistent approach to consulting, system development, and operation and maintenance.
A leading company in the area of payment systems, NTT DATA Getronics has been providing solutions to the
financial industry for nearly 50 years. Our business proposals incorporate our accumulated knowledge of the
banking practices and ICT, and are designed to maximize the business performances of our clients.
主催者 Host
ACAMS (公認 AML スペシャリスト協会)
ACAMSは、様々な業種の AML 専門家の知識・スキル向上を目的とする、国際会員制の協会です。ACAMSは、マネー・ロンダリ
ングの検知・阻止・統制において確立された専門知識を有する専門家を識別する要請に応え、発足し拡大してきました。175 カ国に
30,000 人の会員を有し、優れた職務遂行及びキャリア向上に必要なスキル向上を促進する豊富なリソースを提供しています。また、A
CAMS は世界規模で評価されている公認 AML スペシャリスト(CAMS)試験(含む日本語プログラム・試験)を実施しています。
Founded in 2001, the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering specialists(ACAMS) is an international
membership and certification organization dedicated to enhancing the knowledge and skills of anti-money
laundering professionals around the globe. Representing nearly 30,000 members from the private and public
sectors in more than 175 countries. ACAMS is proud to be the worldwide leader in AML/CTF training,
education and networking. ACAMS is the provider of the esteemed Certified Anti-Money Laundering
Specialists (CAMS) credential, recognized worldwide as the general standard in the industry.
Fly UP