外国人と話そう! Nihombashi Ningyocho, My Hometown 私は大学に入る前は特に英語に関しては、あまり興味が無く、ただ単に受験科目だから頑 張るとしか思っていませんでした。しかし大学に入ってからは、コミュニケーションの授業が非 常に楽しく感じています。私はアルバイトで、あるカフェで働いているのですが、外国人のお An Interview with Brian E. Smith 客さんがよくいらっしゃいます。そのお客さんに、コーヒーの買い方を説明したり、お勧めをし たりする際に、手振りを交えながら一生懸命伝えると、相手も何とか理解しようとしてくれ、 外国語教育研究センター非常勤講師 (英語) Can you briefly introduce yourself? りすると、とても嬉しく思います。英語を学ぶことの良い点は、外国人にとって日本語で会話 をすることは非常に難しいと思うのですが、例えば私のように外国人のお客さんなどに対して、 I’ m from the east coast of the United States, from Raleigh, ノースカロライナ州出身。 1993年にサンフランシスコ大学教育修士号。 同年来日し、2004年より学習院大学非常勤 講師。明治大学、上智大学講師。 North Carolina. I lived in San Francisco for a year and a half, Hong Kong for a year, and Korea for one year. I came to Japan in 1993, just after graduating from the University of San Francisco. In three words: organized, enthusiastic, and empathetic. What do these three words mean? As a teacher, being organized means coming to class prepared thought I should experience shitamachi Tokyo, the traditional, real Tokyo. ahead of time and follows the syllabus, then students know there. Even though my Japanese isn’ t good, I know my florist, what is expected of them and the class runs smoothly. Being the staff at Imahan fry shop, the chicken store clerks, and the enthusiastic means smiling, showing sincere interest in staff at several restaurants, and we have small talk nearly every students, and being willing to give a few extra minutes here time I go to these places. Friendliness is part of the feeling of and there to socialize on a personal level with them. And, shitamachi, but so is the general sense of tradition. Even finally, being empathetic means having a sense of what though the area is full of people working in office buildings students want from the class, and never forgetting to listen and during the week, the weekends are really quiet. All the office understand them. I try not to be arrogant, but instead be workers live in the suburbs, so on these quiet days I can enjoy compassionate and fair-minded. the small shrines, walks by the Sumida River, and go to old country and culture. I was an exchange student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong for one year. I loved Asia and wanted to experience a different culture, so I chose Japan. Also, at the shop, a lacquerware box store, a hand-made taiyaki shop that cooks with coals, and the first oyakodon restaurant in Japan. The dish was created at a restaurant called Tamahide(玉ひで) , famous dish. much about Japan. I was just ready for a new adventure. I Shitamachi is a great place started teaching in Sabae, Fukui prefecture in a small language to explore. If you walk and school. Since then, I’ ve lived in Nagoya, Kanagawa, and Tokyo interact with the people and Mitsukoshi and Takashimaya walk from Tokyo station. It surprises and cemeteries. Whenever I take foreign visitors there, they me that my students don’ t know love it and remember it long after they leave Japan. How long will you stay in Japan? I have no plans to leave, so I guess forever. I don’ t fit into either American or Japanese cultures perfectly, but my life is I chose it because a Japanese friend very comfortable here in Japan and I think it would be hard to of mine rented a room to me there. leave. I'd like to continue teaching at Gakushuin for years to His family has been living in come. Hopefully you’ ll join my classes. Ningyocho for over 200 years and he 新しい外国語教育研究センターへようこそ Welcome to the New Foreign Language Centre 9月に外国語教育研究センターが北2号館から新しい中央教育研究棟に移転しました。 センターの教員 I also decided to study abroad. I planned my trip one year before leaving: where I would go, how long I would be away, and how much money I would need. I decided to go to Vancouver for a month at the end of my second year of university. Because I wanted to improve my weak points, listening and speaking as much as possible before I left, I set about a new way of studying. I spent my two hours' commute listening to BBC news podcasts on my iPod every day. I continued for 6 months and thanks to that, it was easier to listen to English than before. Mae Kozai 香西 麻絵 However, when I arrived in Vancouver, the language barrier was more serious than I had thought. For example, I couldn’ t follow the conversation of my host family, and I couldn't make myself understood by others. I felt sad and depressed about that, so sometimes I didn’ t want to talk with anyone. But, since I only had one month, I changed my mind. I told myself, If I can make my dream of these past seven years come true, I’ d like to grow up and speak English more fluently somehow or other! After that, I tried to speak to people, even if he or she didn’ t listen to my words. One week later, I was able to enjoy conversations with people for 10 to 20 minutes. Through these experiences in Vancouver, I learned that it is important to keep on working hard by myself. Half a year has passed since coming back to Japan. I started my job hunting in earnest. The attitude I learned while studying abroad has become my strength. Next spring, I will start working at a 外国語自習室 新センターの Quick Guide CDs、DVDs、雑誌、readers と その他の教材で自習できます。 月̶金 8:50∼16:30 土 8:50∼12:15 positive attitude for studying. I’ m looking forward to it from now. What areas besides Ningyocho do you recommend? I recommend the Yanaka area between Nezu and Ueno 新しい外国語教育研究センターへようこそ These are a few of my favourite things… about Toronto 日本の常識、 アメリカの常識:今と昔 心を伝える道具としての語学 Nihombashi Ningyocho, My Hometown Student voices studying French, which is my major. Yanagiya taiyaki shop where it is. It’ s the heart of Tokyo! Nihombashi - where all roads begin 語学習を頑張りましょう。 continue improving my English ability so I can make full use of it at my job, without forgetting the stations. It is magical, with a large number of temples, shrines, Ningyocho? 自分から関っていくようにしています。みなさんもたくさん英語を使うことによって実践的な英 company handling marine products. The job is concerning a lot with import and export, so I hope to department stores, just 10 minutes Why did you choose to live in と意味がないと思うので、私は外国人のお客さんが来たら、学ぶことも多いので、出来るだけ 1 2 3 4 5 6 years at Gakushuin, I took the TOEIC test and actively participated in several English classes while become attached to a place, and it feels like home. September 1 2010 も仲良くなれて楽しく授業ができていると思います。どの言語を学ぶ上でも、実際に使わない From then on, it became my dream to study English during my school life. So, during these four 文学部フランス語圏文化学 科4年。大学ではフランス 語と英語を中心に勉強しま した。今一番の楽しみは学 科の友人と卒業旅行でフラ ンスへ行くことです。 places around you, you I live in Nihombashi, Ningyocho. The bridge in Nihombashi is the starting point for all roads in Japan, the home to the first スになると思います。人数が少ない分、たくさん発言しなくてはならないし、クラスの仲間と My first English class at junior high school introduced me to the joy of learning foreign languages. and every day except Sunday, there are lines of people waiting here with my master’ s degree in education, but I didn't know Vol. 8 生を含めて、わずか5人で授業を行っています。しかし、このことは語学を学習する上でプラ My view of the future thanks to studying English There are also several traditional shops. There is a shamisen to get in to try their most What is your favorite part of Tokyo? 文学部史学科2年。専攻は 日本近世史。現在、三井越 後屋の経営状況について研 究しています。 restaurants. time, it was possible to get teaching positions in Japan. I came and taught at various universities. 周東 啓太 現在コミュニケーションの授業を頑張っています。現在、私のコミュニケーションの授業は先 For me, it’ s complicated to explain, but it starts with a feeling. First of all, people are really friendly to those who live around I came to Japan because I wanted to live in a new Asian Keita Shuto Why are Ningyocho and shitamachi real and traditional? and with clear lesson plans. If a lesson plan is worked out Why did you come to Japan? 自分の言いたいことを英語を通じて、少しでも伝えられるようになることだと思います。だから 各研究室 事務室 外国語自習室 コミュニケーションルーム 7F 6F 6F 6F ■ 事務室開室時間 月∼金 8:40 ∼ 11:30 12:30 ∼ 16:45 土 8:40 ∼ 12:30 ■ 閉室予定日 東2号館 中央教育研究棟 外国語教育 研究センター 事務室(6F) ■ 掲 示 板 外国語教育研究センターの掲示板は、北1号館西側掲示場(計算機センター掲示 板の隣)と、西1号館1階の正面入口掲示場にあります。 西1号館1階正面入口掲 示場には、外国語科目の履修に関する情報を掲示します。 両方の掲示板を確認す るようにしてください。 閲覧室 北1号館 日曜日・祝日・開学記念日 (5/15) ・開院記念日 (10/17) 夏期冬期休業中の一定期間、 大学祭期間、 入学試験期間 コンピュター は 35 台あります。 N How would you describe your teaching style? 自分の伝えたいことを相手が理解してくれた時、「ありがとう」などと片言の日本語で言われた Brian E. Smith Passport No. 8 2010 年 9 月 1 日 発行 学習院大学外国語教育研究センター 171-8588 東京都豊島区目白 1-5-1 TEL : 03-3986-0221( 代表 ) 内線 6270 FAX : 03-5992-1061( 直通 ) URL: 静かなスペースで外国語が勉強できます。 事務室開室時間 月̶金 8:40∼11:30 12:30∼16:45 土 8:40∼12:30 日本の常識、アメリカの常識:今と昔 These are a few of my favourite things… about Toronto 外国語教育研究センター非常勤講師 (英語) 岡崎真美 外国語教育研究センター 教授 Laura MacGregor マクレガー ローラ about Toronto. I spent last year there researching about movies, so I got reaquainted with the city of my university days and the things I like about it. 1. Toronto's city plan ̶ You can walk, go by subway, streetcar(ローマン電車) , bus, car or taxi to get where you Sapporo and Nagoya, so you can find your way easily, as long as you know where north is! Though it is not the fastest way, I like travelling by streetcar because I enjoy listening to the sound of the train on the tracks, the cheerful bell that rings to signal the stops, and I like the old style of the trains themselves. People call them the "red rocket." 2. Toronto’ s multiculturalism ̶ At least 100 languages are spoken by the nearly 2.5 million residents of Toronto, half of whom are immigrants. Thanks to them, we can "visit" various countries when we are in Toronto. nearly 1,900km! It travels from north to south, and it ends at Lake Ontario. Shops line either side of this dancing and singing along Yonge Street. 4. Toronto island ̶ There is a small island called Toronto island in Lake Ontario at the south end of the city. The main access is by ferry, which takes 15 minutes from Toronto mainland. It is a nice place to go in the summer for a picnic, to see the city of Toronto from across the lake, and watch the sailboats. からは、恋愛をしたり、派手なファッションや趣 6. Food ̶ You can find food from any country in the world in Toronto. Whatever you are looking for - even 著作も多い。 日米共にこの傾向が強くなってきているように感じると指摘した。 ら感じた日米の文化や生活様式の違いについて体験談を元に語ら if it is ramen or okonomiyaki, you can find it here. And if you are in a hurry, you can always buy a hot dog from a stand on the street. 7. Toronto International Film Festival ̶ Hundreds of films are shown during this 10-day annual festival in September ( The event is held at several local theatres downtown. Many famous actors and directors come to the festival to introduce their new movies. I once saw Ang Lee and Al Pacino give speeches before their movies. Besides big Hollywood movies, there are many smaller movies to enjoy too. It 講演会は主に松岡氏の経歴、そして 58 年間のアメリカ在住経験か 松岡陽子マックレイン氏 © 関 健一 また、話題は人の死後の扱いに関する違いにも及び、日本では家族 で墓を管理し、死後は先祖代々の墓に入ることが大切だと思われてい れ、 当日は 100 人を上回る多くの来場者が熱心に耳を傾けた。 るのに対し、近年アメリカでは死後、体を灰にして山や海に撒いてほし 松岡氏は幼少期に頻繁に祖母の家へ通い、多数の本で埋め尽くさ いと家族に遺言する人々が増えてきていると語った。 アメリカは国土が れた亡き漱石の書斎に感銘を受けた。英語を習い始めたのは高校時 広大なため、実家を離れて出稼ぎに出ると、実家に戻ることが難しく、 代、アメリカ映画に熱中し、当時の映画スター、タイロン・パワーに手 墓の管理もできないため、生前好んでいた場所に、死後灰を撒く風習 紙を書こうと思ったことがきっかけだという。 があるのだという。 終戦によりわずか二年で大学を卒業後、オレゴンに渡った氏は、当 氏の講演のなかでは他にも、氏の身近な例で、大変わかりやすい日 時のアメリカの食料の豊富さと雄大な自然に驚いたという。 当初1年 のはずの滞在期間が、気が付けば今日に至るまで、58 年間を過ごして いるのだと松岡氏は笑顔で語った。 米間の文化の違いが数多く述べられた。 海外旅行が気軽にでき、イン ターネットの発達により海外の情報が手軽に手に入るようになった現 代においても、実際に住み、身を投じ、経験しなければ見えてこない真 講演の後半では、長年のアメリカ生活において肌で感じた日米間の 実があることに改めて気付かされた講演であった。 文化の違い、変化について述べられた。 亀井まどか,『Passport』編集部 is a very friendly event, with moviemakers and movie An Interview with Yoko Matsuoka McClain by Laura MacGregor 外国語教育研究センター教授 They often have art exhibitions, seminars, talks, concerts, and film nights to promote Japanese culture in Toronto. 9. University of Toronto ̶ Thousands of students attend U of T. The university and the city grew together, so the campus is spread all over downtown Toronto, mixed in with the buildings of the city. 10. Toronto people ̶ People are usually very friendly, easygoing and helpful. Even though it is a large and busy city, you can feel safe almost anywhere. If you need help finding your way, just ask! I hope you are now interested in learning more about Toronto and perhaps visiting someday. If you would like to talk with me about my favourite city, please visit me at my office(中央館 715). ship (see Besides special exhibitions and paintings made by Inuit, the native people of Canada. It 大学でフランス語の修士号、比較文学の博士号を取得後、1964 年か 味を持つべきではないというような固定観念も 5. The Art Gallery of Ontario ̶ The museum, which is know by its nickname "AGO" was recently remodelled by the architect, Frank Gehry. It is shaped like a big rooms for showing European paintings, there is a huge collection of Canadian art, including sculptures and アメリカでは名前で呼ぶのが常だ。 また老いて I spoke with Professor McClain in Tokyo on May 13, 2010 about her family, her life and the differences between American and Japanese cultures. What changes have you noticed in Americans' views of Japan and Japanese people over the past 50 years? When I first went to the U.S. in 1952, I felt Americans were ignorant about Japan and Japanese people. They asked me things like, "Do you have cars in Japan?" Little did they know that there were big automobile manufacturers like Nissan. Americans thought Japan was a very poor country after the war, even in the late 1950s. Most of the Japanese goods for sale there were cheap, sold in what were called "10-cent stores." I guess in those days, people didn't have a clear idea of Japan, China, or other Asian countries. Nowadays, though, Americans understand Japan and Japanese people better. Please tell us about changes you have seen in Japanese opinions of America and Americans over the past 50 years? When I was growing up in Tokyo during the 1920s and 1930s, I, like many other Japanese, got my ideas about America from the movies. The U.S. was a rich country in our minds, where people had big homes with big closets full of dresses --things we couldn't imagine. We collected picture cards (called プロマイド, or "promide") of movie actors like Gary Cooper, who were our images of American people. Nowadays, of course, Japanese have a better understanding of Americans, and in general, are quite positive towards the U.S. There is a kind of あこがれ mentality cancelled because we had to work in the factory. We worked three shifts: 8-4, 4-12, and 12-8. Those who were not working in the factory worked in the vegetable gardens on the school grounds. Most of the students stayed in dormitories. In the dormitory, we could not let any lights 夏目漱石 be seen by the enemy s airplanes. We had to cover the windows with blankets and our rooms were dimly lit, so even when we didn t have to work, we couldn t even read. We learned to keep all our possessions in order so we could find them in the dark. We also learned how precious time was, because no matter how 集̶見よ 野のユリはいかに育つかを̶』東京、英宝社、2007年71頁̶92頁)、 「ブレイクの文学と視覚芸術への誘い」 (鏡味國彦・齊藤昇編著『英米文学へ の誘い』東京、文化書房博文社、2008年81頁̶98頁)などがある。趣味は猫と 遊ぶこと。 contests on TV. You've seen many changes in Japan in your life. What are some that you think are most significant? 学が重視されているからです。勿論職業教育と教養教育は、ともに必要不可欠です。本学の学生の皆さん が、TOEIC®で600点から700点を目指すのは理想的です。でも、文学を極めるということは、人生を極める ことです。人生を極めるということは、他者に対して思いやりを持つことです。現在、義務教育の現場が荒れ ているのは、日本全体の問題です。でも、文学作品に触れて心を鍛え、他者の立場を理解しようとする想像 力が豊かになって他者への思いやりが育てば、殆ど総ての問題は解決する筈です。 英国のロマン主義の詩人兼版画家William Blake(1757-1827)は、 『天国と地獄の結婚』と題された作 品の中で「愛と憎しみは、人間の存在にとって必要なものである」と述べています。つまり「憎しみ」も抱括し て、根源的生としての「愛」を提唱しているのです。Blakeが生涯掲げたテーマとして「愛」の概念がありま す。初期には、両性間の恋愛や家族愛を考えていましたが、年を経るにつれ、 「両性間の許し合い」を経て、 友愛、姉妹愛、兄弟愛、神と人間の愛、と徐々に高次元に宗教的な「愛」の概念を発展させてゆきます。彼 は、最終的に人類全体に「自我の滅却」を求めます。彼が、今日、21世紀を先取りした詩人兼芸術家である、 との評価を得ているのは、このためだと思われます。 21世紀では、人類は物質至上主義、拝金主義と利己主義に苛まれ、他者の立場で考える想像力に欠け、 ありとあらゆる犯罪が蔓延っています。Blakeは、21世紀の我々に警鐘を鳴らしているのです。彼は、愛と赦 し合いこそが人類を救済すると考えました。Blakeは、 「友愛と姉妹愛、兄弟愛なしでは人類は存在しえない」 とまで言っています。 21世紀に、皆さんが実社会で国際金融取引や、貿易実務などのお仕事をなされたり、ご研究で切磋琢磨 なさって国際競争をなされても、必ずや海外にも励まし合える友人を作ってください。人生は凸凹道で、辛く 悲しい事が山のように待ち受けています。でも、世界各国に友人が出来れば、万国それぞれの問題解決法を 授けてくださり、皆さんに助け船を出してくれるでしょう。思わぬところで問題の解決法が見つかることでしょ う。良きライバルと、真の友は必要です。 大昔の話で恐縮ですが、私がオランダに留学した際(何と30年も前!) も、毎年のように研究資料収集や の上での便宜的な御高配の他にも、お互いの歴史、文化、言語やものの考え方を尊重し合って、旧交を温め て共に人生を歩んでおります。海外の友人は、母国の友人とともに、私の視野を広げ、デリカシーと思いやり を身につけてくれました。私自身も、文学作品購読で磨いた想像力を駆使しています。その結果、専門の文学 作品の解釈や考究も深くなりました。 I think young people nowadays have very poor manners. For example, they don't do simple things like writing a "thank you" letter to someone who has helped 確かに、語学の学習は論理的思考を助けます。それは、プレゼンテーショ them. This is really a shame. What is the most important thing to keep in mind in order to get along with ンの草稿作成や論文の執筆を助けます。でも、友を繋ぎとめるのは、頭では なく心です。伝わってくる真心だけが心の琴線にふれるのです。その心を伝 foreigners? Well, I think that commonsense things are important: be thoughtful, try to える道具としての各国の語学の学習に励んでください。そして、文学作品に understand, be kind, and be respectful. I know that many readers are interested in your grandfather, the great novelist, depression in this story are all very real; he had a difficult time writing this book. What book of his would you recommend young Japanese people to read? I think Kokoro is a good choice because it is a story that young people can identify 現在、日本のみならず、海外でも、世界全体が文学離れを起こしています。それは昨今の就職難から、実 海外の学会に出席するために渡欧する際も、実に多くの恩師の先生方や友人に助けて頂いております。研究 minute. And, because of the shortage of food we experienced, we also learned not to waste any food. For that reason it bothers me greatly when I see eating We usually had three or four maids in those days. It was almost a tradition for a middle-class family to have a maid. Therefore, most wives did not how to do were. 神学士(キリスト教プロテスタント組織神学 立教大学)修士(英文学 法政大学 大学院)。論文に「美しきニュートンの謎̶ブレイクは生涯の敵ニュートンを何 故図像上美しく描いたのか̶」 (青木敦男・古庄信共編『藤原博先生追悼論文 much we wanted to study, we couldn t ‒ either we had to work or the dorm rooms were too dark to read. So once peace returned, most of us learned not to waste a Natsume Soseki. What is your favorite novel of his and why? That's a difficult question, but I like Mon (The Gate) for its warmth. I also like Kojin restaurants, so one of the maids used to take me to Mitsukoshi to let me go up and down the escalator and have a small dish of ice cream. How wonderful those days The red rocket 1942, and for the first two years, despite the war, we had a normal college experience. But classes were eventually towards America. I think that a lot of things that happen in the U.S. eventually come to Japan, in one way or another. Please describe some of your experiences growing up in Tokyo in the 1920s-1940s. domestic chores. I remember that when I was a little girl, I was fascinated by escalators and loved the yellow, cold thing which was served at department store Art Gallery of Ontario I entered Tsuda English College (now Tsuda College) in 東京都出身。神戸と名古屋と東京で少女時代を過ごす。 ― lively street. People celebrated Canada's ice hockey victory against the U.S. at the 2010 winter Olympics by 姉妹を「お兄さん」 「お姉さん」と呼ぶのに対し、 松岡氏は 1945 年に津田塾大学卒業後、1952 年に渡米。 オレゴン アメリカには存在しない。近年では以前に比べ、 food and buy goods from these countries. Last year, I 3. Yonge Street ̶ This is the longest street in Canada, and was once the longest street in the world - it is された。 学を教えた経歴を持つ。 また日本文学や日米の文化の違いに関する 8. The Japan Foundation ̶ This is an interesting and friendly place to visit and keep in touch with Japan. restaurants and coconut tarts from Chinese bakeries along Spadina Rd. in Chinatown. 点だ。例を挙げるならば、日本では年上の兄弟 ら 1994 年まで同大学の東アジア言語文学部で日本語や日本近代文 fans from around the world participating. often went to eat pho noodles at Vietnamese イン氏による講演会「日本の常識・アメリカの常識:今と昔」が開催 is a wonderful place to spend a day. For example, there is "Little Italy," "Greektown," "Korea town," an Indian area, and of course "Chinatown." When we visit these neighbourhoods we can eat authentic 序列にあまり重きをおかない文化であるという ―友を繋ぎ止めるのは頭ではなく心です want to go. Toronto is organized like a grid (straight streets from north to south and west to east), like 大きな違いの一つは、アメリカは日本ほど年功 演した文豪夏目漱石の孫、オレゴン大学名誉教授 松岡陽子マックレ 心を伝える道具としての語学 I borrow this phrase from the song in the movie, The Sound of Music, to introduce 10 of my favourite things 5 月 11 日、外国語教育研究センター主催で、1914 年に本学で講 多く触れて心を鍛えてください。きっと、皆さんの人生を豊かにしてくれる筈 です。 外国語を学ぶことは、異なったものの考え方、観点を学ぶ、という意味にお (The Wayfarer) because even though I didn't know my grandfather [he died before I was born], I can feel him in this novel. The suffering and alienation and いて精神上の冒険です。少しでも多くの冒険をなさって鳥瞰的視野を獲得し てください。 with. I am a cat (吾輩は猫である) and Botchan are also quite easy to read and enjoy. Thank you very much for talking with me today. 友達とともにオランダで 日本の常識、アメリカの常識:今と昔 These are a few of my favourite things… about Toronto 外国語教育研究センター非常勤講師 (英語) 岡崎真美 外国語教育研究センター 教授 Laura MacGregor マクレガー ローラ about Toronto. I spent last year there researching about movies, so I got reaquainted with the city of my university days and the things I like about it. 1. Toronto's city plan ̶ You can walk, go by subway, streetcar(ローマン電車) , bus, car or taxi to get where you Sapporo and Nagoya, so you can find your way easily, as long as you know where north is! Though it is not the fastest way, I like travelling by streetcar because I enjoy listening to the sound of the train on the tracks, the cheerful bell that rings to signal the stops, and I like the old style of the trains themselves. People call them the "red rocket." 2. Toronto’ s multiculturalism ̶ At least 100 languages are spoken by the nearly 2.5 million residents of Toronto, half of whom are immigrants. Thanks to them, we can "visit" various countries when we are in Toronto. nearly 1,900km! It travels from north to south, and it ends at Lake Ontario. Shops line either side of this dancing and singing along Yonge Street. 4. Toronto island ̶ There is a small island called Toronto island in Lake Ontario at the south end of the city. The main access is by ferry, which takes 15 minutes from Toronto mainland. It is a nice place to go in the summer for a picnic, to see the city of Toronto from across the lake, and watch the sailboats. からは、恋愛をしたり、派手なファッションや趣 6. Food ̶ You can find food from any country in the world in Toronto. Whatever you are looking for - even 著作も多い。 日米共にこの傾向が強くなってきているように感じると指摘した。 ら感じた日米の文化や生活様式の違いについて体験談を元に語ら if it is ramen or okonomiyaki, you can find it here. And if you are in a hurry, you can always buy a hot dog from a stand on the street. 7. Toronto International Film Festival ̶ Hundreds of films are shown during this 10-day annual festival in September ( The event is held at several local theatres downtown. Many famous actors and directors come to the festival to introduce their new movies. I once saw Ang Lee and Al Pacino give speeches before their movies. Besides big Hollywood movies, there are many smaller movies to enjoy too. It 講演会は主に松岡氏の経歴、そして 58 年間のアメリカ在住経験か 松岡陽子マックレイン氏 © 関 健一 また、話題は人の死後の扱いに関する違いにも及び、日本では家族 で墓を管理し、死後は先祖代々の墓に入ることが大切だと思われてい れ、 当日は 100 人を上回る多くの来場者が熱心に耳を傾けた。 るのに対し、近年アメリカでは死後、体を灰にして山や海に撒いてほし 松岡氏は幼少期に頻繁に祖母の家へ通い、多数の本で埋め尽くさ いと家族に遺言する人々が増えてきていると語った。 アメリカは国土が れた亡き漱石の書斎に感銘を受けた。英語を習い始めたのは高校時 広大なため、実家を離れて出稼ぎに出ると、実家に戻ることが難しく、 代、アメリカ映画に熱中し、当時の映画スター、タイロン・パワーに手 墓の管理もできないため、生前好んでいた場所に、死後灰を撒く風習 紙を書こうと思ったことがきっかけだという。 があるのだという。 終戦によりわずか二年で大学を卒業後、オレゴンに渡った氏は、当 氏の講演のなかでは他にも、氏の身近な例で、大変わかりやすい日 時のアメリカの食料の豊富さと雄大な自然に驚いたという。 当初1年 のはずの滞在期間が、気が付けば今日に至るまで、58 年間を過ごして いるのだと松岡氏は笑顔で語った。 米間の文化の違いが数多く述べられた。 海外旅行が気軽にでき、イン ターネットの発達により海外の情報が手軽に手に入るようになった現 代においても、実際に住み、身を投じ、経験しなければ見えてこない真 講演の後半では、長年のアメリカ生活において肌で感じた日米間の 実があることに改めて気付かされた講演であった。 文化の違い、変化について述べられた。 亀井まどか,『Passport』編集部 is a very friendly event, with moviemakers and movie An Interview with Yoko Matsuoka McClain by Laura MacGregor 外国語教育研究センター教授 They often have art exhibitions, seminars, talks, concerts, and film nights to promote Japanese culture in Toronto. 9. University of Toronto ̶ Thousands of students attend U of T. The university and the city grew together, so the campus is spread all over downtown Toronto, mixed in with the buildings of the city. 10. Toronto people ̶ People are usually very friendly, easygoing and helpful. Even though it is a large and busy city, you can feel safe almost anywhere. If you need help finding your way, just ask! I hope you are now interested in learning more about Toronto and perhaps visiting someday. If you would like to talk with me about my favourite city, please visit me at my office(中央館 715). ship (see Besides special exhibitions and paintings made by Inuit, the native people of Canada. It 大学でフランス語の修士号、比較文学の博士号を取得後、1964 年か 味を持つべきではないというような固定観念も 5. The Art Gallery of Ontario ̶ The museum, which is know by its nickname "AGO" was recently remodelled by the architect, Frank Gehry. It is shaped like a big rooms for showing European paintings, there is a huge collection of Canadian art, including sculptures and アメリカでは名前で呼ぶのが常だ。 また老いて I spoke with Professor McClain in Tokyo on May 13, 2010 about her family, her life and the differences between American and Japanese cultures. What changes have you noticed in Americans' views of Japan and Japanese people over the past 50 years? When I first went to the U.S. in 1952, I felt Americans were ignorant about Japan and Japanese people. They asked me things like, "Do you have cars in Japan?" Little did they know that there were big automobile manufacturers like Nissan. Americans thought Japan was a very poor country after the war, even in the late 1950s. Most of the Japanese goods for sale there were cheap, sold in what were called "10-cent stores." I guess in those days, people didn't have a clear idea of Japan, China, or other Asian countries. Nowadays, though, Americans understand Japan and Japanese people better. Please tell us about changes you have seen in Japanese opinions of America and Americans over the past 50 years? When I was growing up in Tokyo during the 1920s and 1930s, I, like many other Japanese, got my ideas about America from the movies. The U.S. was a rich country in our minds, where people had big homes with big closets full of dresses --things we couldn't imagine. We collected picture cards (called プロマイド, or "promide") of movie actors like Gary Cooper, who were our images of American people. Nowadays, of course, Japanese have a better understanding of Americans, and in general, are quite positive towards the U.S. There is a kind of あこがれ mentality cancelled because we had to work in the factory. We worked three shifts: 8-4, 4-12, and 12-8. Those who were not working in the factory worked in the vegetable gardens on the school grounds. Most of the students stayed in dormitories. In the dormitory, we could not let any lights 夏目漱石 be seen by the enemy s airplanes. We had to cover the windows with blankets and our rooms were dimly lit, so even when we didn t have to work, we couldn t even read. We learned to keep all our possessions in order so we could find them in the dark. We also learned how precious time was, because no matter how 集̶見よ 野のユリはいかに育つかを̶』東京、英宝社、2007年71頁̶92頁)、 「ブレイクの文学と視覚芸術への誘い」 (鏡味國彦・齊藤昇編著『英米文学へ の誘い』東京、文化書房博文社、2008年81頁̶98頁)などがある。趣味は猫と 遊ぶこと。 contests on TV. You've seen many changes in Japan in your life. What are some that you think are most significant? 学が重視されているからです。勿論職業教育と教養教育は、ともに必要不可欠です。本学の学生の皆さん が、TOEIC®で600点から700点を目指すのは理想的です。でも、文学を極めるということは、人生を極める ことです。人生を極めるということは、他者に対して思いやりを持つことです。現在、義務教育の現場が荒れ ているのは、日本全体の問題です。でも、文学作品に触れて心を鍛え、他者の立場を理解しようとする想像 力が豊かになって他者への思いやりが育てば、殆ど総ての問題は解決する筈です。 英国のロマン主義の詩人兼版画家William Blake(1757-1827)は、 『天国と地獄の結婚』と題された作 品の中で「愛と憎しみは、人間の存在にとって必要なものである」と述べています。つまり「憎しみ」も抱括し て、根源的生としての「愛」を提唱しているのです。Blakeが生涯掲げたテーマとして「愛」の概念がありま す。初期には、両性間の恋愛や家族愛を考えていましたが、年を経るにつれ、 「両性間の許し合い」を経て、 友愛、姉妹愛、兄弟愛、神と人間の愛、と徐々に高次元に宗教的な「愛」の概念を発展させてゆきます。彼 は、最終的に人類全体に「自我の滅却」を求めます。彼が、今日、21世紀を先取りした詩人兼芸術家である、 との評価を得ているのは、このためだと思われます。 21世紀では、人類は物質至上主義、拝金主義と利己主義に苛まれ、他者の立場で考える想像力に欠け、 ありとあらゆる犯罪が蔓延っています。Blakeは、21世紀の我々に警鐘を鳴らしているのです。彼は、愛と赦 し合いこそが人類を救済すると考えました。Blakeは、 「友愛と姉妹愛、兄弟愛なしでは人類は存在しえない」 とまで言っています。 21世紀に、皆さんが実社会で国際金融取引や、貿易実務などのお仕事をなされたり、ご研究で切磋琢磨 なさって国際競争をなされても、必ずや海外にも励まし合える友人を作ってください。人生は凸凹道で、辛く 悲しい事が山のように待ち受けています。でも、世界各国に友人が出来れば、万国それぞれの問題解決法を 授けてくださり、皆さんに助け船を出してくれるでしょう。思わぬところで問題の解決法が見つかることでしょ う。良きライバルと、真の友は必要です。 大昔の話で恐縮ですが、私がオランダに留学した際(何と30年も前!) も、毎年のように研究資料収集や の上での便宜的な御高配の他にも、お互いの歴史、文化、言語やものの考え方を尊重し合って、旧交を温め て共に人生を歩んでおります。海外の友人は、母国の友人とともに、私の視野を広げ、デリカシーと思いやり を身につけてくれました。私自身も、文学作品購読で磨いた想像力を駆使しています。その結果、専門の文学 作品の解釈や考究も深くなりました。 I think young people nowadays have very poor manners. For example, they don't do simple things like writing a "thank you" letter to someone who has helped 確かに、語学の学習は論理的思考を助けます。それは、プレゼンテーショ them. This is really a shame. What is the most important thing to keep in mind in order to get along with ンの草稿作成や論文の執筆を助けます。でも、友を繋ぎとめるのは、頭では なく心です。伝わってくる真心だけが心の琴線にふれるのです。その心を伝 foreigners? Well, I think that commonsense things are important: be thoughtful, try to える道具としての各国の語学の学習に励んでください。そして、文学作品に understand, be kind, and be respectful. I know that many readers are interested in your grandfather, the great novelist, depression in this story are all very real; he had a difficult time writing this book. What book of his would you recommend young Japanese people to read? I think Kokoro is a good choice because it is a story that young people can identify 現在、日本のみならず、海外でも、世界全体が文学離れを起こしています。それは昨今の就職難から、実 海外の学会に出席するために渡欧する際も、実に多くの恩師の先生方や友人に助けて頂いております。研究 minute. And, because of the shortage of food we experienced, we also learned not to waste any food. For that reason it bothers me greatly when I see eating We usually had three or four maids in those days. It was almost a tradition for a middle-class family to have a maid. Therefore, most wives did not how to do were. 神学士(キリスト教プロテスタント組織神学 立教大学)修士(英文学 法政大学 大学院)。論文に「美しきニュートンの謎̶ブレイクは生涯の敵ニュートンを何 故図像上美しく描いたのか̶」 (青木敦男・古庄信共編『藤原博先生追悼論文 much we wanted to study, we couldn t ‒ either we had to work or the dorm rooms were too dark to read. So once peace returned, most of us learned not to waste a Natsume Soseki. What is your favorite novel of his and why? That's a difficult question, but I like Mon (The Gate) for its warmth. I also like Kojin restaurants, so one of the maids used to take me to Mitsukoshi to let me go up and down the escalator and have a small dish of ice cream. How wonderful those days The red rocket 1942, and for the first two years, despite the war, we had a normal college experience. But classes were eventually towards America. I think that a lot of things that happen in the U.S. eventually come to Japan, in one way or another. Please describe some of your experiences growing up in Tokyo in the 1920s-1940s. domestic chores. I remember that when I was a little girl, I was fascinated by escalators and loved the yellow, cold thing which was served at department store Art Gallery of Ontario I entered Tsuda English College (now Tsuda College) in 東京都出身。神戸と名古屋と東京で少女時代を過ごす。 ― lively street. People celebrated Canada's ice hockey victory against the U.S. at the 2010 winter Olympics by 姉妹を「お兄さん」 「お姉さん」と呼ぶのに対し、 松岡氏は 1945 年に津田塾大学卒業後、1952 年に渡米。 オレゴン アメリカには存在しない。近年では以前に比べ、 food and buy goods from these countries. Last year, I 3. Yonge Street ̶ This is the longest street in Canada, and was once the longest street in the world - it is された。 学を教えた経歴を持つ。 また日本文学や日米の文化の違いに関する 8. The Japan Foundation ̶ This is an interesting and friendly place to visit and keep in touch with Japan. restaurants and coconut tarts from Chinese bakeries along Spadina Rd. in Chinatown. 点だ。例を挙げるならば、日本では年上の兄弟 ら 1994 年まで同大学の東アジア言語文学部で日本語や日本近代文 fans from around the world participating. often went to eat pho noodles at Vietnamese イン氏による講演会「日本の常識・アメリカの常識:今と昔」が開催 is a wonderful place to spend a day. For example, there is "Little Italy," "Greektown," "Korea town," an Indian area, and of course "Chinatown." When we visit these neighbourhoods we can eat authentic 序列にあまり重きをおかない文化であるという ―友を繋ぎ止めるのは頭ではなく心です want to go. Toronto is organized like a grid (straight streets from north to south and west to east), like 大きな違いの一つは、アメリカは日本ほど年功 演した文豪夏目漱石の孫、オレゴン大学名誉教授 松岡陽子マックレ 心を伝える道具としての語学 I borrow this phrase from the song in the movie, The Sound of Music, to introduce 10 of my favourite things 5 月 11 日、外国語教育研究センター主催で、1914 年に本学で講 多く触れて心を鍛えてください。きっと、皆さんの人生を豊かにしてくれる筈 です。 外国語を学ぶことは、異なったものの考え方、観点を学ぶ、という意味にお (The Wayfarer) because even though I didn't know my grandfather [he died before I was born], I can feel him in this novel. The suffering and alienation and いて精神上の冒険です。少しでも多くの冒険をなさって鳥瞰的視野を獲得し てください。 with. I am a cat (吾輩は猫である) and Botchan are also quite easy to read and enjoy. Thank you very much for talking with me today. 友達とともにオランダで 日本の常識、アメリカの常識:今と昔 These are a few of my favourite things… about Toronto 外国語教育研究センター非常勤講師 (英語) 岡崎真美 外国語教育研究センター 教授 Laura MacGregor マクレガー ローラ about Toronto. I spent last year there researching about movies, so I got reaquainted with the city of my university days and the things I like about it. 1. Toronto's city plan ̶ You can walk, go by subway, streetcar(ローマン電車) , bus, car or taxi to get where you Sapporo and Nagoya, so you can find your way easily, as long as you know where north is! Though it is not the fastest way, I like travelling by streetcar because I enjoy listening to the sound of the train on the tracks, the cheerful bell that rings to signal the stops, and I like the old style of the trains themselves. People call them the "red rocket." 2. Toronto’ s multiculturalism ̶ At least 100 languages are spoken by the nearly 2.5 million residents of Toronto, half of whom are immigrants. Thanks to them, we can "visit" various countries when we are in Toronto. nearly 1,900km! It travels from north to south, and it ends at Lake Ontario. Shops line either side of this dancing and singing along Yonge Street. 4. Toronto island ̶ There is a small island called Toronto island in Lake Ontario at the south end of the city. The main access is by ferry, which takes 15 minutes from Toronto mainland. It is a nice place to go in the summer for a picnic, to see the city of Toronto from across the lake, and watch the sailboats. からは、恋愛をしたり、派手なファッションや趣 6. Food ̶ You can find food from any country in the world in Toronto. Whatever you are looking for - even 著作も多い。 日米共にこの傾向が強くなってきているように感じると指摘した。 ら感じた日米の文化や生活様式の違いについて体験談を元に語ら if it is ramen or okonomiyaki, you can find it here. And if you are in a hurry, you can always buy a hot dog from a stand on the street. 7. Toronto International Film Festival ̶ Hundreds of films are shown during this 10-day annual festival in September ( The event is held at several local theatres downtown. Many famous actors and directors come to the festival to introduce their new movies. I once saw Ang Lee and Al Pacino give speeches before their movies. Besides big Hollywood movies, there are many smaller movies to enjoy too. It 講演会は主に松岡氏の経歴、そして 58 年間のアメリカ在住経験か 松岡陽子マックレイン氏 © 関 健一 また、話題は人の死後の扱いに関する違いにも及び、日本では家族 で墓を管理し、死後は先祖代々の墓に入ることが大切だと思われてい れ、 当日は 100 人を上回る多くの来場者が熱心に耳を傾けた。 るのに対し、近年アメリカでは死後、体を灰にして山や海に撒いてほし 松岡氏は幼少期に頻繁に祖母の家へ通い、多数の本で埋め尽くさ いと家族に遺言する人々が増えてきていると語った。 アメリカは国土が れた亡き漱石の書斎に感銘を受けた。英語を習い始めたのは高校時 広大なため、実家を離れて出稼ぎに出ると、実家に戻ることが難しく、 代、アメリカ映画に熱中し、当時の映画スター、タイロン・パワーに手 墓の管理もできないため、生前好んでいた場所に、死後灰を撒く風習 紙を書こうと思ったことがきっかけだという。 があるのだという。 終戦によりわずか二年で大学を卒業後、オレゴンに渡った氏は、当 氏の講演のなかでは他にも、氏の身近な例で、大変わかりやすい日 時のアメリカの食料の豊富さと雄大な自然に驚いたという。 当初1年 のはずの滞在期間が、気が付けば今日に至るまで、58 年間を過ごして いるのだと松岡氏は笑顔で語った。 米間の文化の違いが数多く述べられた。 海外旅行が気軽にでき、イン ターネットの発達により海外の情報が手軽に手に入るようになった現 代においても、実際に住み、身を投じ、経験しなければ見えてこない真 講演の後半では、長年のアメリカ生活において肌で感じた日米間の 実があることに改めて気付かされた講演であった。 文化の違い、変化について述べられた。 亀井まどか,『Passport』編集部 is a very friendly event, with moviemakers and movie An Interview with Yoko Matsuoka McClain by Laura MacGregor 外国語教育研究センター教授 They often have art exhibitions, seminars, talks, concerts, and film nights to promote Japanese culture in Toronto. 9. University of Toronto ̶ Thousands of students attend U of T. The university and the city grew together, so the campus is spread all over downtown Toronto, mixed in with the buildings of the city. 10. Toronto people ̶ People are usually very friendly, easygoing and helpful. Even though it is a large and busy city, you can feel safe almost anywhere. If you need help finding your way, just ask! I hope you are now interested in learning more about Toronto and perhaps visiting someday. If you would like to talk with me about my favourite city, please visit me at my office(中央館 715). ship (see Besides special exhibitions and paintings made by Inuit, the native people of Canada. It 大学でフランス語の修士号、比較文学の博士号を取得後、1964 年か 味を持つべきではないというような固定観念も 5. The Art Gallery of Ontario ̶ The museum, which is know by its nickname "AGO" was recently remodelled by the architect, Frank Gehry. It is shaped like a big rooms for showing European paintings, there is a huge collection of Canadian art, including sculptures and アメリカでは名前で呼ぶのが常だ。 また老いて I spoke with Professor McClain in Tokyo on May 13, 2010 about her family, her life and the differences between American and Japanese cultures. What changes have you noticed in Americans' views of Japan and Japanese people over the past 50 years? When I first went to the U.S. in 1952, I felt Americans were ignorant about Japan and Japanese people. They asked me things like, "Do you have cars in Japan?" Little did they know that there were big automobile manufacturers like Nissan. Americans thought Japan was a very poor country after the war, even in the late 1950s. Most of the Japanese goods for sale there were cheap, sold in what were called "10-cent stores." I guess in those days, people didn't have a clear idea of Japan, China, or other Asian countries. Nowadays, though, Americans understand Japan and Japanese people better. Please tell us about changes you have seen in Japanese opinions of America and Americans over the past 50 years? When I was growing up in Tokyo during the 1920s and 1930s, I, like many other Japanese, got my ideas about America from the movies. The U.S. was a rich country in our minds, where people had big homes with big closets full of dresses --things we couldn't imagine. We collected picture cards (called プロマイド, or "promide") of movie actors like Gary Cooper, who were our images of American people. Nowadays, of course, Japanese have a better understanding of Americans, and in general, are quite positive towards the U.S. There is a kind of あこがれ mentality cancelled because we had to work in the factory. We worked three shifts: 8-4, 4-12, and 12-8. Those who were not working in the factory worked in the vegetable gardens on the school grounds. Most of the students stayed in dormitories. In the dormitory, we could not let any lights 夏目漱石 be seen by the enemy s airplanes. We had to cover the windows with blankets and our rooms were dimly lit, so even when we didn t have to work, we couldn t even read. We learned to keep all our possessions in order so we could find them in the dark. We also learned how precious time was, because no matter how 集̶見よ 野のユリはいかに育つかを̶』東京、英宝社、2007年71頁̶92頁)、 「ブレイクの文学と視覚芸術への誘い」 (鏡味國彦・齊藤昇編著『英米文学へ の誘い』東京、文化書房博文社、2008年81頁̶98頁)などがある。趣味は猫と 遊ぶこと。 contests on TV. You've seen many changes in Japan in your life. What are some that you think are most significant? 学が重視されているからです。勿論職業教育と教養教育は、ともに必要不可欠です。本学の学生の皆さん が、TOEIC®で600点から700点を目指すのは理想的です。でも、文学を極めるということは、人生を極める ことです。人生を極めるということは、他者に対して思いやりを持つことです。現在、義務教育の現場が荒れ ているのは、日本全体の問題です。でも、文学作品に触れて心を鍛え、他者の立場を理解しようとする想像 力が豊かになって他者への思いやりが育てば、殆ど総ての問題は解決する筈です。 英国のロマン主義の詩人兼版画家William Blake(1757-1827)は、 『天国と地獄の結婚』と題された作 品の中で「愛と憎しみは、人間の存在にとって必要なものである」と述べています。つまり「憎しみ」も抱括し て、根源的生としての「愛」を提唱しているのです。Blakeが生涯掲げたテーマとして「愛」の概念がありま す。初期には、両性間の恋愛や家族愛を考えていましたが、年を経るにつれ、 「両性間の許し合い」を経て、 友愛、姉妹愛、兄弟愛、神と人間の愛、と徐々に高次元に宗教的な「愛」の概念を発展させてゆきます。彼 は、最終的に人類全体に「自我の滅却」を求めます。彼が、今日、21世紀を先取りした詩人兼芸術家である、 との評価を得ているのは、このためだと思われます。 21世紀では、人類は物質至上主義、拝金主義と利己主義に苛まれ、他者の立場で考える想像力に欠け、 ありとあらゆる犯罪が蔓延っています。Blakeは、21世紀の我々に警鐘を鳴らしているのです。彼は、愛と赦 し合いこそが人類を救済すると考えました。Blakeは、 「友愛と姉妹愛、兄弟愛なしでは人類は存在しえない」 とまで言っています。 21世紀に、皆さんが実社会で国際金融取引や、貿易実務などのお仕事をなされたり、ご研究で切磋琢磨 なさって国際競争をなされても、必ずや海外にも励まし合える友人を作ってください。人生は凸凹道で、辛く 悲しい事が山のように待ち受けています。でも、世界各国に友人が出来れば、万国それぞれの問題解決法を 授けてくださり、皆さんに助け船を出してくれるでしょう。思わぬところで問題の解決法が見つかることでしょ う。良きライバルと、真の友は必要です。 大昔の話で恐縮ですが、私がオランダに留学した際(何と30年も前!) も、毎年のように研究資料収集や の上での便宜的な御高配の他にも、お互いの歴史、文化、言語やものの考え方を尊重し合って、旧交を温め て共に人生を歩んでおります。海外の友人は、母国の友人とともに、私の視野を広げ、デリカシーと思いやり を身につけてくれました。私自身も、文学作品購読で磨いた想像力を駆使しています。その結果、専門の文学 作品の解釈や考究も深くなりました。 I think young people nowadays have very poor manners. For example, they don't do simple things like writing a "thank you" letter to someone who has helped 確かに、語学の学習は論理的思考を助けます。それは、プレゼンテーショ them. This is really a shame. What is the most important thing to keep in mind in order to get along with ンの草稿作成や論文の執筆を助けます。でも、友を繋ぎとめるのは、頭では なく心です。伝わってくる真心だけが心の琴線にふれるのです。その心を伝 foreigners? Well, I think that commonsense things are important: be thoughtful, try to える道具としての各国の語学の学習に励んでください。そして、文学作品に understand, be kind, and be respectful. I know that many readers are interested in your grandfather, the great novelist, depression in this story are all very real; he had a difficult time writing this book. What book of his would you recommend young Japanese people to read? I think Kokoro is a good choice because it is a story that young people can identify 現在、日本のみならず、海外でも、世界全体が文学離れを起こしています。それは昨今の就職難から、実 海外の学会に出席するために渡欧する際も、実に多くの恩師の先生方や友人に助けて頂いております。研究 minute. And, because of the shortage of food we experienced, we also learned not to waste any food. For that reason it bothers me greatly when I see eating We usually had three or four maids in those days. It was almost a tradition for a middle-class family to have a maid. Therefore, most wives did not how to do were. 神学士(キリスト教プロテスタント組織神学 立教大学)修士(英文学 法政大学 大学院)。論文に「美しきニュートンの謎̶ブレイクは生涯の敵ニュートンを何 故図像上美しく描いたのか̶」 (青木敦男・古庄信共編『藤原博先生追悼論文 much we wanted to study, we couldn t ‒ either we had to work or the dorm rooms were too dark to read. So once peace returned, most of us learned not to waste a Natsume Soseki. What is your favorite novel of his and why? That's a difficult question, but I like Mon (The Gate) for its warmth. I also like Kojin restaurants, so one of the maids used to take me to Mitsukoshi to let me go up and down the escalator and have a small dish of ice cream. How wonderful those days The red rocket 1942, and for the first two years, despite the war, we had a normal college experience. But classes were eventually towards America. I think that a lot of things that happen in the U.S. eventually come to Japan, in one way or another. Please describe some of your experiences growing up in Tokyo in the 1920s-1940s. domestic chores. I remember that when I was a little girl, I was fascinated by escalators and loved the yellow, cold thing which was served at department store Art Gallery of Ontario I entered Tsuda English College (now Tsuda College) in 東京都出身。神戸と名古屋と東京で少女時代を過ごす。 ― lively street. People celebrated Canada's ice hockey victory against the U.S. at the 2010 winter Olympics by 姉妹を「お兄さん」 「お姉さん」と呼ぶのに対し、 松岡氏は 1945 年に津田塾大学卒業後、1952 年に渡米。 オレゴン アメリカには存在しない。近年では以前に比べ、 food and buy goods from these countries. Last year, I 3. Yonge Street ̶ This is the longest street in Canada, and was once the longest street in the world - it is された。 学を教えた経歴を持つ。 また日本文学や日米の文化の違いに関する 8. The Japan Foundation ̶ This is an interesting and friendly place to visit and keep in touch with Japan. restaurants and coconut tarts from Chinese bakeries along Spadina Rd. in Chinatown. 点だ。例を挙げるならば、日本では年上の兄弟 ら 1994 年まで同大学の東アジア言語文学部で日本語や日本近代文 fans from around the world participating. often went to eat pho noodles at Vietnamese イン氏による講演会「日本の常識・アメリカの常識:今と昔」が開催 is a wonderful place to spend a day. For example, there is "Little Italy," "Greektown," "Korea town," an Indian area, and of course "Chinatown." When we visit these neighbourhoods we can eat authentic 序列にあまり重きをおかない文化であるという ―友を繋ぎ止めるのは頭ではなく心です want to go. Toronto is organized like a grid (straight streets from north to south and west to east), like 大きな違いの一つは、アメリカは日本ほど年功 演した文豪夏目漱石の孫、オレゴン大学名誉教授 松岡陽子マックレ 心を伝える道具としての語学 I borrow this phrase from the song in the movie, The Sound of Music, to introduce 10 of my favourite things 5 月 11 日、外国語教育研究センター主催で、1914 年に本学で講 多く触れて心を鍛えてください。きっと、皆さんの人生を豊かにしてくれる筈 です。 外国語を学ぶことは、異なったものの考え方、観点を学ぶ、という意味にお (The Wayfarer) because even though I didn't know my grandfather [he died before I was born], I can feel him in this novel. The suffering and alienation and いて精神上の冒険です。少しでも多くの冒険をなさって鳥瞰的視野を獲得し てください。 with. I am a cat (吾輩は猫である) and Botchan are also quite easy to read and enjoy. Thank you very much for talking with me today. 友達とともにオランダで 外国人と話そう! Nihombashi Ningyocho, My Hometown 私は大学に入る前は特に英語に関しては、あまり興味が無く、ただ単に受験科目だから頑 張るとしか思っていませんでした。しかし大学に入ってからは、コミュニケーションの授業が非 常に楽しく感じています。私はアルバイトで、あるカフェで働いているのですが、外国人のお An Interview with Brian E. Smith 客さんがよくいらっしゃいます。そのお客さんに、コーヒーの買い方を説明したり、お勧めをし たりする際に、手振りを交えながら一生懸命伝えると、相手も何とか理解しようとしてくれ、 外国語教育研究センター非常勤講師 (英語) Can you briefly introduce yourself? りすると、とても嬉しく思います。英語を学ぶことの良い点は、外国人にとって日本語で会話 をすることは非常に難しいと思うのですが、例えば私のように外国人のお客さんなどに対して、 I’ m from the east coast of the United States, from Raleigh, ノースカロライナ州出身。 1993年にサンフランシスコ大学教育修士号。 同年来日し、2004年より学習院大学非常勤 講師。明治大学、上智大学講師。 North Carolina. I lived in San Francisco for a year and a half, Hong Kong for a year, and Korea for one year. I came to Japan in 1993, just after graduating from the University of San Francisco. In three words: organized, enthusiastic, and empathetic. What do these three words mean? As a teacher, being organized means coming to class prepared thought I should experience shitamachi Tokyo, the traditional, real Tokyo. ahead of time and follows the syllabus, then students know there. Even though my Japanese isn’ t good, I know my florist, what is expected of them and the class runs smoothly. Being the staff at Imahan fry shop, the chicken store clerks, and the enthusiastic means smiling, showing sincere interest in staff at several restaurants, and we have small talk nearly every students, and being willing to give a few extra minutes here time I go to these places. Friendliness is part of the feeling of and there to socialize on a personal level with them. And, shitamachi, but so is the general sense of tradition. Even finally, being empathetic means having a sense of what though the area is full of people working in office buildings students want from the class, and never forgetting to listen and during the week, the weekends are really quiet. All the office understand them. I try not to be arrogant, but instead be workers live in the suburbs, so on these quiet days I can enjoy compassionate and fair-minded. the small shrines, walks by the Sumida River, and go to old country and culture. I was an exchange student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong for one year. I loved Asia and wanted to experience a different culture, so I chose Japan. Also, at the shop, a lacquerware box store, a hand-made taiyaki shop that cooks with coals, and the first oyakodon restaurant in Japan. The dish was created at a restaurant called Tamahide(玉ひで) , famous dish. much about Japan. I was just ready for a new adventure. I Shitamachi is a great place started teaching in Sabae, Fukui prefecture in a small language to explore. If you walk and school. Since then, I’ ve lived in Nagoya, Kanagawa, and Tokyo interact with the people and Mitsukoshi and Takashimaya walk from Tokyo station. It surprises and cemeteries. Whenever I take foreign visitors there, they me that my students don’ t know love it and remember it long after they leave Japan. How long will you stay in Japan? I have no plans to leave, so I guess forever. I don’ t fit into either American or Japanese cultures perfectly, but my life is I chose it because a Japanese friend very comfortable here in Japan and I think it would be hard to of mine rented a room to me there. leave. I'd like to continue teaching at Gakushuin for years to His family has been living in come. Hopefully you’ ll join my classes. Ningyocho for over 200 years and he 新しい外国語教育研究センターへようこそ Welcome to the New Foreign Language Centre 9月に外国語教育研究センターが北2号館から新しい中央教育研究棟に移転しました。 センターの教員 I also decided to study abroad. I planned my trip one year before leaving: where I would go, how long I would be away, and how much money I would need. I decided to go to Vancouver for a month at the end of my second year of university. Because I wanted to improve my weak points, listening and speaking as much as possible before I left, I set about a new way of studying. I spent my two hours' commute listening to BBC news podcasts on my iPod every day. I continued for 6 months and thanks to that, it was easier to listen to English than before. Mae Kozai 香西 麻絵 However, when I arrived in Vancouver, the language barrier was more serious than I had thought. For example, I couldn’ t follow the conversation of my host family, and I couldn't make myself understood by others. I felt sad and depressed about that, so sometimes I didn’ t want to talk with anyone. But, since I only had one month, I changed my mind. I told myself, If I can make my dream of these past seven years come true, I’ d like to grow up and speak English more fluently somehow or other! After that, I tried to speak to people, even if he or she didn’ t listen to my words. One week later, I was able to enjoy conversations with people for 10 to 20 minutes. Through these experiences in Vancouver, I learned that it is important to keep on working hard by myself. Half a year has passed since coming back to Japan. I started my job hunting in earnest. The attitude I learned while studying abroad has become my strength. Next spring, I will start working at a 外国語自習室 新センターの Quick Guide CDs、DVDs、雑誌、readers と その他の教材で自習できます。 月̶金 8:50∼16:30 土 8:50∼12:15 positive attitude for studying. I’ m looking forward to it from now. What areas besides Ningyocho do you recommend? I recommend the Yanaka area between Nezu and Ueno 新しい外国語教育研究センターへようこそ These are a few of my favourite things… about Toronto 日本の常識、 アメリカの常識:今と昔 心を伝える道具としての語学 Nihombashi Ningyocho, My Hometown Student voices studying French, which is my major. Yanagiya taiyaki shop where it is. It’ s the heart of Tokyo! Nihombashi - where all roads begin 語学習を頑張りましょう。 continue improving my English ability so I can make full use of it at my job, without forgetting the stations. It is magical, with a large number of temples, shrines, Ningyocho? 自分から関っていくようにしています。みなさんもたくさん英語を使うことによって実践的な英 company handling marine products. The job is concerning a lot with import and export, so I hope to department stores, just 10 minutes Why did you choose to live in と意味がないと思うので、私は外国人のお客さんが来たら、学ぶことも多いので、出来るだけ 1 2 3 4 5 6 years at Gakushuin, I took the TOEIC test and actively participated in several English classes while become attached to a place, and it feels like home. September 1 2010 も仲良くなれて楽しく授業ができていると思います。どの言語を学ぶ上でも、実際に使わない From then on, it became my dream to study English during my school life. So, during these four 文学部フランス語圏文化学 科4年。大学ではフランス 語と英語を中心に勉強しま した。今一番の楽しみは学 科の友人と卒業旅行でフラ ンスへ行くことです。 places around you, you I live in Nihombashi, Ningyocho. The bridge in Nihombashi is the starting point for all roads in Japan, the home to the first スになると思います。人数が少ない分、たくさん発言しなくてはならないし、クラスの仲間と My first English class at junior high school introduced me to the joy of learning foreign languages. and every day except Sunday, there are lines of people waiting here with my master’ s degree in education, but I didn't know Vol. 8 生を含めて、わずか5人で授業を行っています。しかし、このことは語学を学習する上でプラ My view of the future thanks to studying English There are also several traditional shops. There is a shamisen to get in to try their most What is your favorite part of Tokyo? 文学部史学科2年。専攻は 日本近世史。現在、三井越 後屋の経営状況について研 究しています。 restaurants. time, it was possible to get teaching positions in Japan. I came and taught at various universities. 周東 啓太 現在コミュニケーションの授業を頑張っています。現在、私のコミュニケーションの授業は先 For me, it’ s complicated to explain, but it starts with a feeling. First of all, people are really friendly to those who live around I came to Japan because I wanted to live in a new Asian Keita Shuto Why are Ningyocho and shitamachi real and traditional? and with clear lesson plans. If a lesson plan is worked out Why did you come to Japan? 自分の言いたいことを英語を通じて、少しでも伝えられるようになることだと思います。だから 各研究室 事務室 外国語自習室 コミュニケーションルーム 7F 6F 6F 6F ■ 事務室開室時間 月∼金 8:40 ∼ 11:30 12:30 ∼ 16:45 土 8:40 ∼ 12:30 ■ 閉室予定日 東2号館 中央教育研究棟 外国語教育 研究センター 事務室(6F) ■ 掲 示 板 外国語教育研究センターの掲示板は、北1号館西側掲示場(計算機センター掲示 板の隣)と、西1号館1階の正面入口掲示場にあります。 西1号館1階正面入口掲 示場には、外国語科目の履修に関する情報を掲示します。 両方の掲示板を確認す るようにしてください。 閲覧室 北1号館 日曜日・祝日・開学記念日 (5/15) ・開院記念日 (10/17) 夏期冬期休業中の一定期間、 大学祭期間、 入学試験期間 コンピュター は 35 台あります。 N How would you describe your teaching style? 自分の伝えたいことを相手が理解してくれた時、「ありがとう」などと片言の日本語で言われた Brian E. Smith Passport No. 8 2010 年 9 月 1 日 発行 学習院大学外国語教育研究センター 171-8588 東京都豊島区目白 1-5-1 TEL : 03-3986-0221( 代表 ) 内線 6270 FAX : 03-5992-1061( 直通 ) URL: 静かなスペースで外国語が勉強できます。 事務室開室時間 月̶金 8:40∼11:30 12:30∼16:45 土 8:40∼12:30 外国人と話そう! Nihombashi Ningyocho, My Hometown 私は大学に入る前は特に英語に関しては、あまり興味が無く、ただ単に受験科目だから頑 張るとしか思っていませんでした。しかし大学に入ってからは、コミュニケーションの授業が非 常に楽しく感じています。私はアルバイトで、あるカフェで働いているのですが、外国人のお An Interview with Brian E. Smith 客さんがよくいらっしゃいます。そのお客さんに、コーヒーの買い方を説明したり、お勧めをし たりする際に、手振りを交えながら一生懸命伝えると、相手も何とか理解しようとしてくれ、 外国語教育研究センター非常勤講師 (英語) Can you briefly introduce yourself? りすると、とても嬉しく思います。英語を学ぶことの良い点は、外国人にとって日本語で会話 をすることは非常に難しいと思うのですが、例えば私のように外国人のお客さんなどに対して、 I’ m from the east coast of the United States, from Raleigh, ノースカロライナ州出身。 1993年にサンフランシスコ大学教育修士号。 同年来日し、2004年より学習院大学非常勤 講師。明治大学、上智大学講師。 North Carolina. I lived in San Francisco for a year and a half, Hong Kong for a year, and Korea for one year. I came to Japan in 1993, just after graduating from the University of San Francisco. In three words: organized, enthusiastic, and empathetic. What do these three words mean? As a teacher, being organized means coming to class prepared thought I should experience shitamachi Tokyo, the traditional, real Tokyo. ahead of time and follows the syllabus, then students know there. Even though my Japanese isn’ t good, I know my florist, what is expected of them and the class runs smoothly. Being the staff at Imahan fry shop, the chicken store clerks, and the enthusiastic means smiling, showing sincere interest in staff at several restaurants, and we have small talk nearly every students, and being willing to give a few extra minutes here time I go to these places. Friendliness is part of the feeling of and there to socialize on a personal level with them. And, shitamachi, but so is the general sense of tradition. Even finally, being empathetic means having a sense of what though the area is full of people working in office buildings students want from the class, and never forgetting to listen and during the week, the weekends are really quiet. All the office understand them. I try not to be arrogant, but instead be workers live in the suburbs, so on these quiet days I can enjoy compassionate and fair-minded. the small shrines, walks by the Sumida River, and go to old country and culture. I was an exchange student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong for one year. I loved Asia and wanted to experience a different culture, so I chose Japan. Also, at the shop, a lacquerware box store, a hand-made taiyaki shop that cooks with coals, and the first oyakodon restaurant in Japan. The dish was created at a restaurant called Tamahide(玉ひで) , famous dish. much about Japan. I was just ready for a new adventure. I Shitamachi is a great place started teaching in Sabae, Fukui prefecture in a small language to explore. If you walk and school. Since then, I’ ve lived in Nagoya, Kanagawa, and Tokyo interact with the people and Mitsukoshi and Takashimaya walk from Tokyo station. It surprises and cemeteries. Whenever I take foreign visitors there, they me that my students don’ t know love it and remember it long after they leave Japan. How long will you stay in Japan? I have no plans to leave, so I guess forever. I don’ t fit into either American or Japanese cultures perfectly, but my life is I chose it because a Japanese friend very comfortable here in Japan and I think it would be hard to of mine rented a room to me there. leave. I'd like to continue teaching at Gakushuin for years to His family has been living in come. Hopefully you’ ll join my classes. Ningyocho for over 200 years and he 新しい外国語教育研究センターへようこそ Welcome to the New Foreign Language Centre 9月に外国語教育研究センターが北2号館から新しい中央教育研究棟に移転しました。 センターの教員 I also decided to study abroad. I planned my trip one year before leaving: where I would go, how long I would be away, and how much money I would need. I decided to go to Vancouver for a month at the end of my second year of university. Because I wanted to improve my weak points, listening and speaking as much as possible before I left, I set about a new way of studying. I spent my two hours' commute listening to BBC news podcasts on my iPod every day. I continued for 6 months and thanks to that, it was easier to listen to English than before. Mae Kozai 香西 麻絵 However, when I arrived in Vancouver, the language barrier was more serious than I had thought. For example, I couldn’ t follow the conversation of my host family, and I couldn't make myself understood by others. I felt sad and depressed about that, so sometimes I didn’ t want to talk with anyone. But, since I only had one month, I changed my mind. I told myself, If I can make my dream of these past seven years come true, I’ d like to grow up and speak English more fluently somehow or other! After that, I tried to speak to people, even if he or she didn’ t listen to my words. One week later, I was able to enjoy conversations with people for 10 to 20 minutes. Through these experiences in Vancouver, I learned that it is important to keep on working hard by myself. Half a year has passed since coming back to Japan. I started my job hunting in earnest. The attitude I learned while studying abroad has become my strength. Next spring, I will start working at a 外国語自習室 新センターの Quick Guide CDs、DVDs、雑誌、readers と その他の教材で自習できます。 月̶金 8:50∼16:30 土 8:50∼12:15 positive attitude for studying. I’ m looking forward to it from now. What areas besides Ningyocho do you recommend? I recommend the Yanaka area between Nezu and Ueno 新しい外国語教育研究センターへようこそ These are a few of my favourite things… about Toronto 日本の常識、 アメリカの常識:今と昔 心を伝える道具としての語学 Nihombashi Ningyocho, My Hometown Student voices studying French, which is my major. Yanagiya taiyaki shop where it is. It’ s the heart of Tokyo! Nihombashi - where all roads begin 語学習を頑張りましょう。 continue improving my English ability so I can make full use of it at my job, without forgetting the stations. It is magical, with a large number of temples, shrines, Ningyocho? 自分から関っていくようにしています。みなさんもたくさん英語を使うことによって実践的な英 company handling marine products. The job is concerning a lot with import and export, so I hope to department stores, just 10 minutes Why did you choose to live in と意味がないと思うので、私は外国人のお客さんが来たら、学ぶことも多いので、出来るだけ 1 2 3 4 5 6 years at Gakushuin, I took the TOEIC test and actively participated in several English classes while become attached to a place, and it feels like home. September 1 2010 も仲良くなれて楽しく授業ができていると思います。どの言語を学ぶ上でも、実際に使わない From then on, it became my dream to study English during my school life. So, during these four 文学部フランス語圏文化学 科4年。大学ではフランス 語と英語を中心に勉強しま した。今一番の楽しみは学 科の友人と卒業旅行でフラ ンスへ行くことです。 places around you, you I live in Nihombashi, Ningyocho. The bridge in Nihombashi is the starting point for all roads in Japan, the home to the first スになると思います。人数が少ない分、たくさん発言しなくてはならないし、クラスの仲間と My first English class at junior high school introduced me to the joy of learning foreign languages. and every day except Sunday, there are lines of people waiting here with my master’ s degree in education, but I didn't know Vol. 8 生を含めて、わずか5人で授業を行っています。しかし、このことは語学を学習する上でプラ My view of the future thanks to studying English There are also several traditional shops. There is a shamisen to get in to try their most What is your favorite part of Tokyo? 文学部史学科2年。専攻は 日本近世史。現在、三井越 後屋の経営状況について研 究しています。 restaurants. time, it was possible to get teaching positions in Japan. I came and taught at various universities. 周東 啓太 現在コミュニケーションの授業を頑張っています。現在、私のコミュニケーションの授業は先 For me, it’ s complicated to explain, but it starts with a feeling. First of all, people are really friendly to those who live around I came to Japan because I wanted to live in a new Asian Keita Shuto Why are Ningyocho and shitamachi real and traditional? and with clear lesson plans. If a lesson plan is worked out Why did you come to Japan? 自分の言いたいことを英語を通じて、少しでも伝えられるようになることだと思います。だから 各研究室 事務室 外国語自習室 コミュニケーションルーム 7F 6F 6F 6F ■ 事務室開室時間 月∼金 8:40 ∼ 11:30 12:30 ∼ 16:45 土 8:40 ∼ 12:30 ■ 閉室予定日 東2号館 中央教育研究棟 外国語教育 研究センター 事務室(6F) ■ 掲 示 板 外国語教育研究センターの掲示板は、北1号館西側掲示場(計算機センター掲示 板の隣)と、西1号館1階の正面入口掲示場にあります。 西1号館1階正面入口掲 示場には、外国語科目の履修に関する情報を掲示します。 両方の掲示板を確認す るようにしてください。 閲覧室 北1号館 日曜日・祝日・開学記念日 (5/15) ・開院記念日 (10/17) 夏期冬期休業中の一定期間、 大学祭期間、 入学試験期間 コンピュター は 35 台あります。 N How would you describe your teaching style? 自分の伝えたいことを相手が理解してくれた時、「ありがとう」などと片言の日本語で言われた Brian E. Smith Passport No. 8 2010 年 9 月 1 日 発行 学習院大学外国語教育研究センター 171-8588 東京都豊島区目白 1-5-1 TEL : 03-3986-0221( 代表 ) 内線 6270 FAX : 03-5992-1061( 直通 ) URL: 静かなスペースで外国語が勉強できます。 事務室開室時間 月̶金 8:40∼11:30 12:30∼16:45 土 8:40∼12:30