Changes 。f Pーasma Ket。ne B。dy LeVGーS and Lip。ー猶iC Reacti
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Changes 。f Pーasma Ket。ne B。dy LeVGーS and Lip。ー猶iC Reacti
人間科学研究 Vo1. 18,SupP1ement (2005) 修士論文要旨 Changes ofP1asma Ketone Body Leve1s and Lipo1皿ic React1ons During Fasting in In危nt,Adu1t and Aged Rats Yuriko HIGASHINO Director:Kazuhiko IMAIZUMI Introduction technique.After the fasting,the weights of perirena1and AI11iving mammaIs require a constant source of energy periepididymaI white adipose tissues were weighed. to maintain their1ife activities and optimaI growth.The sum of the intake of several nutrients such as carbohy− Resu1ts and Discussion drate,fat and protein comprises the totaI food energy 1.PIasma glucose,insulin and trigIyceride concentra− ingested.It is important for mammals to provide energy tions in three life stages of rats decreased significantIy continuously because ofthe intermittent intake offood.In during fasting. the reguIation of food intake,metaboIic pattems change 21Plasma free fatty acid,tota1ketone body andβ一 drastica11y.Hepatic g1ycogenolysis,g1uconeogenesis,and hydroxybutyrate,acetoacetate concentratioPs in three1ife particular1y lipolysis in adipose tissues are known to p1ay stages of rats increased during fasting.The increased pat− important roles in supPlying energy sources during terns of these p1asma leveIs were a1most similar in all1ife fasting.On the other hand,dramatic changes of metab− stages of rats.However,the magnitude of the increased o1ism occur in each deve1opmentaI stage,particuIarly in leve1s was age−dependent,higher in the order of aged, infant period.However,the age−related effects of fasting adult and infant rats. on lipid metabolism,which p1ays a cruciaI role in supp1y− 3.The times required to reach maxima1concentrations of ing most of the energy,are still unknown.In the present pIasma ketone body1evels and free fatty acid were earlier study,therefore,plasma ketone body(totaI ketone body,b− in the order of infant,adult and aged rats,suggesting that hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate),free fatty’acid,tri− lipoIysis in infant rats was prompt王y induced. glyceride leve1s,and white adipose tissue Ievels in three 4.The weights of two adipose tissues in three life stages life stages(infant,adu1t and aged〕of rats were investi− of rats decreased significantly.Mean decreased rates of gated to eIucidate systematicalIy their effects. two adipose tissues weights were higher in the order of infant,adult and aged rats,suggesting that fasting induces age−dependent decreasing actions of adipose tissues. Methods and Materia1s l)Bxperimenta1designs and animals:Infant(3weeks), Further,total quantities{=Peak integra1s〕of free fatty acid adult(8weeks)and aged(32weeks)ma1e Sprague Dawley and ketone body levels mobiIized into plasma during rats were used.The animals(n=S−9/9roup〕were divided fasting were proportiona1to the decreased weights of into the control(CON〕groups and the fasting(PAS) adipose tissues.These results indicate that free fatty acid groups.Fasting of infant,adu1t and aged rats were and ketone body derived into pIasma during fasting are maintained for2,5and13consecutive days,respective1y. completely originated from1ipolysis in adipose tissue. Cube diets were given to the CON group rats,and once− boiled tap water was given to both groups∂ゴ〃伽”〃。 Conc1usion 2)Methods:BIood samples in three life stages of rats The present study showed that fasting in rats increased were col1ected from taiI vein and pIasma was prepared by plasma ketone body leve1s.The pattems of mobi1ization the centrifugation(12,OOO”㎜for5”加).Plasma total of ketone body into plasma during fasting were clear1y ketonebody,β一hydroxybutyrate,freefattyacid,9Iucose age−dependent.These results suggest that fasting−induced and trigIyceride concentrations were assayed by the rou− Iipo1ytic actions are age−dependent and are c1ose1y tine spectrophotometric methods.P1asma insu1in assays re1ated to the differences in metabo1ic tumover rate and were carried out by the enzyme−1inked−soIvent assay the energy storage in the body in each1ife stage. 一71一