
open house - St. Hugo of the Hills!

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open house - St. Hugo of the Hills!
J 8, 2017 P 1
by Sr. Barbara Rund, OP
he Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord has a
complicated beginning. The story begins
differently in the east and the west churches.
In the early fourth century, Rome and the churches in
the west did not celebrate Epiphany, instead they
celebrated the birthday of Jesus or the Incarna on on
December 25th. The feast affirmed the two natures of
Christ as both human and divine. It also celebrated the
appearance or manifesta on of God through Christ to
the whole world.
C 3
The St. Hugo Parish staff is honored to invite you to a
special evening of apprecia on on Friday, January 13,
2017. All volunteers in every ministry and commi0ee are
invited to a0end. The evening will begin with Mass at
6:30 PM in the church, and dinner will follow in the
parish hall. We look forward to this opportunity to
thank you for all that you do for our parish. You are the
St. Hugo STARS! Please join the staff for our opportunity
to say “THANK YOU!”
P 2
S. H H P, B! H
D S. H H
PARISH OFFICE 248Ͳ644Ͳ5460 FAX 248Ͳ644Ͳ1758
Pastor Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Tocco
Associate Pastor Rev. Timothy Wezner
Pastoral Associate & RCIA Sr. Barbara Rund, OP
Senior Pastor Rev. Joseph Szewczyk
Senior Priest Rev. George Hazler, I.V.Dei
Senior Priest Rev. Joe Grimaldi
Weekend Associate Rev. Mark Wendling, SOLT
Permanent Deacon Rev. Dc. Michael T. Smith
Permanent Deacon Rev. Dc. Oscar Brown
Business Manager Mr. Christopher Kozlowski
Parish Accountant Ms. Carol Pates
Accounts Receivable Coordinato Ms. Cathy Seifert
Music Director Mr. John Si8ard
Music Associate & Carillonneur Mr. David Enos
Maintenance Team Leader Mr. Tom Crane
Marriage Prep. Coordinator Mrs. Pa8y Sinta
Parish Administra#ve Assistant Ms. Ruth Whitesell
Infant Bap#sm Coordinator Ms. Stephanie Spinale
Weekend Administra#ve Assistant Mr. Mason Brown
Youth Minister Mr. Jonathan Napper
Bulle#n Coordinator Mr. Bryan Clifford
Parish Cateche#cal Leader Mrs. Barbara BacciͲYugovich
Rel. Educa#on Administra#ve Assistant Mrs. Angela Venos
SCHOOL 248Ͳ642Ͳ6131
President Sr. Margaret VanVelzen, IHM
Principal Mr. Joe Vincler
Administra#ve Consultant Sr. Mary Ellen Keyes, IHM
Office Manager Mrs. Kelly Ryan
Sacrament of Reconcilia?on (Confessions)
Saturday a2ernoon 3:30 Ͳ 4:30 PM Before and a2er each weekday 6:10 AM Mass Sacrament of Marriage
Arrangements must be made at least six months in
advance by contac#ng Pa7y Sinta at the parish office:
248Ͳ644Ͳ5460 ext. 2212 or [email protected].
Sacrament of Bap?sm
Arrangements must be made by contac#ng Stephanie Spinale
at the parish office: 248Ͳ644Ͳ5460 ext. 2202 or
[email protected]. Bap#sm prepara#on
takes place once a month, usually on the first Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Celebra#on of Bap#sms take place on the second and
fourth Sundays at 1:30 PM. Holy Eucharist for the Sick or Homebound
Contact the parish office at 248Ͳ644Ͳ5460. Fr. Joseph
visits sick parishioners in the hospital, nursing home or
private home.
Holy Hour (Exposi?on of the Holy Eucharist)
Weekly: 7:00 PM every Wednesday evening (chapel)
Monthly: Adora#on is held on the first Tuesday of the beginning a2er the 8:30 am mass and will con#nue un#l a2er the Holy Hour at 7:30 in the chapel.
Exposi#on of the Holy Eucharist: A2er 6:10 AM Mass un#l 7:00 AM MondayͲFriday (chapel)
MondayͲSaturday immediately following the 8:30 AM Mass
Sunday immediately following the 7:00 AM Mass
All new parishioners are encouraged to register in the parish
office. Address changes, moves or dele#ons may be reported in
person, by phone, by fax or by eͲmail.
CONVENT 248Ͳ642Ͳ8331
Hours: Mon. &. Tues 8AMͲ1PM Wed. 9AMͲ1PM SAINT HUGO HERALD [email protected]
Deadline for submissions is Mondays by 4 PM via email only
Youth Group [email protected]
WEB www.sthugo.org/youthͲministry
7:00 !
8:00 !
10:00 !
12 N
5:00 !
Sr. Barb
Weekly Offertory
Council Mee6ng Dates 4
New Parishioners
Weekly Calendar
Upcoming Events
Sacrament Dates
Religious Educa6on
School News
Prayers for the Sick
Stewardship 6, 7
NonͲParish Events
Weekly Readings
Mass Inten6ons
Weekend Ministry Sched.16
Altar Guild News
W !
8:30 ! 5:00 ! V MͲF
6:10 !
8:30 !
H#$ D
6:10 !
9:00 !
12 N
MonͲFri 8:30 AM Ͳ 4:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM Ͳ 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM Ͳ 1:30 PM
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of bulle?n informa?on, we offer apologies for any errors or omissions that might occur.
J! 8, 2017
P 3
E ( 1)
In the early fourth century, the churches in the east did
not celebrate the western Christmas, instead they
celebrated Epiphany. The eastern Epiphany celebrated
several events that revealed God in Jesus: The
Incarna on, the Birth of the Lord, the Adora on of the
Wise Men, Jesus’ Bap sm by John and the Miracle at
Cana. The eastern Epiphany was more concerned about
celebra ng the appearance of God to the world, rather
than historical events. By the middle of the fourth century, the west and east
churches began celebra ng both days. Christmas
celebrates the birth of Jesus or the Incarna on. Preface
II for Christmas states: “For on the feast of this aweͲ
filled mystery, though invisible in his own divine nature,
he has appeared visibly in ours; and begoen before all
ages, he has begun to exist in me; so that, raising up in
himself all that was cast down, he might restore unity to
all crea on and call straying humanity back to the
heavenly Kingdom” (2011 Roman Missal, p392).
Epiphany celebrates the entrance of Christ into the
world. The Preface for the Epiphany states: “For today
you have revealed the mystery of our salva on in Christ
as a light for the na ons” (2011 Roman Missal, p396).
Tradi onally, Epiphany is the day for blessing homes.
Family members gather at the main door of the house (inside or outside) and the following prayer is read by
whomever the family chooses. “Lord God of heaven
and earth, you revealed your only Ͳ begoen Son to
every na on by the guidance of a star. Bless this house
and all who inhabit it. Fill them with the light of Christ,
that their concern for others may reflect your love. We
ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen” (Book of
Blessings, p685). In Germany, when the prayer is finished, the following
inscrip on is wri0en with chalk above the door
(20+C+M+B+17), while another reads the corresponding
words: “The leers are La n Christus Mansionem
Benedicat (Christ bless this house). At the same me
the leers are the first leers of the names of the wise
men: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar” (Twelve Days of
Christmas, Elsa Chaney, The Liturgical Press, 1955).
Adults are needed to help take down the Christmas
decora ons and decorate the church and chapel for
Ordinary Time. We will meet in the church Gathering
Space at 10:00 AM. A delicious lunch will be provided
for all volunteers in the parish hall at 12:00 Noon.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017:
11:30 AM ʹ 3:00 PM (lunch provided)
Church Christmas decora ons will be taken down and
put away, etc.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017:
10:00 AM ʹ 3:00 PM (lunch provided)
Con nue taking down church Christmas decora ons
decora ng the Church and move to the Chapel, etc.
If you can help, please contact the Parish Office
248Ͳ644Ͳ5460 or Pa0y Sinta by email
[email protected]. We are most apprecia ve for any me you can give.
1:00 PM Mass in the Chapel
Fr. Joseph Szewczyk on
Thursday, February 2, 2017
The sacrament of anoin ng is the proper sacrament
for those Chris ans, whose health is seriously impaired
by sickness or old age.
M&''&# C&)$ D& W& A big THANK YOU to St. Hugo parishioners for your
generous support of our recent St. Francis Xavier Mission
Circle raffle. Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Petrozzi are the lucky
winners of Msgr. Tony’s Gourmet Pizza Party. All raffle
dona ons help support the work of four missionaries in
three countries. Very special thanks to Msgr. Tony for
his 32nd year of cooking up the Mission Circle’s culinary
P 4
S. H H P, B! H
. H
S. H+# U-)#.&+ M &+ D '
Finance Council
Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 8:00 AM
Parish Pastoral Council
Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 7:00 PM
Chris an Service Commission
Tuesday, January 17, 2017, 9:30 AM Library
Educa on Commission
Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 7:00 PM
Evangeliza on Commi&ee
Wednesday, January 18, 2017, 7:00 PM
Stewardship Commission
Tuesday, January 24, 2017 7:00 PM
Worship Commission
Tuesday, January 10, 2017 7:00 PM
S. H H P
A couple planning marriage in the Catholic Church must
plan for at least six months of prepara on before the
wedding. This is a policy of the seven Bishops of
Michigan. The process begins with the bride or groom
(not their parents or some other representa ve)
contac ng the Parish Office. The par es, or their parents,
must be registered, ac ve members of the parish
according to the parish and diocesan wedding guidelines.
Even if the par es live outͲofͲtown, they should make this
ini al contact themselves. Couples mature enough to
plan marriage are very proud and excited to take this
important first step in the process. ANer supplying some
preliminary informa on to the Marriage Prepara on
Coordinator, Pa0y Sinta, their file is passed on to the
priest. They are to meet with their priest as soon as
possible to discuss the sacrament of marriage, select a
date and me for their wedding, and arrange to complete
the necessary prepara ons and paperwork. At mes, the
priest may request that the couple meet with the
Pastoral Associate or another member of the staff. To
get started with your arrangements, please contact Pa0y
Sinta at 248Ͳ283Ͳ2212.
The en re pastoral staff of St. Hugo of the Hills is most
willing and eager to make this whole process a blessed
experience for each couple J! 8, 2017
Rosary following daily 8:30 AM Mass
Monday, January 9 6:10 & 8:30 AM MassesͲchapel
9:15 AM Christian Meditation
2:00 PMͲ Grade 2 School Reconciliation Practice
4:00 PM ʹ 5:00 PM Confirmation Interviews
5:00 PM ʹ Religious Ed Gr. 2 Reconciliation Practice
7:00 Pm ʹ Bible Study ʹ Matthew
7:00 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion
Tuesday, January 10 6:10 & 8:30 Masses ʹChapel
8:00 AM ʹ Finance Council Meeting
9:30 Church History
11:30 AM Decorating Church & Chapel
4:00 ʹ 8:00 PM Confirmation Interviews
7:00 PM Worship Commission Meeting
7:00 PM SOV Evangelization Meeting
Wednesday, January 11
6:10 Mass ʹ Chapel & 8:30 AM School Mass ʹ Church
9:15 AM Sunday Readings #2
10:00 AM Decorating Church & Chapel
4:00 ʹ 8:00 PM Confirmation Interviews
7:00 PM Mary’s Mantle Planning Meeting
7:00 PM Holy Hour for Vocations
Thursday, January 12
6:10 Mass ʹ Chapel & 8:30 AM School Mass ʹ Church
9:30 AM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
9:30 AM Bible Study ʹ Struggles of Your Heart
4:00 ʹ 8:00 PM Confirmation Interviews
7:00 PM ʹ Liturgical Choir Rehearsal
Friday, January 13
6:10 AM Sunday Readings #1
6:10 & 8:30 AM MassesͲchapel
6:30 PM Volunteer Apprecia9on Mass w/Dinner Following
Saturday, January 14
8:30 AM MassͲ Chapel
3:30 PM Confessions
5:00 PM Mass Ͳ Church
Sunday, January 15
7:00 AM (Rosary Following Mass) Ͳ Chapel,
8:00 & 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 5:00 PM Masses ʹChurch
Coffee & Donuts Following 8, 10 AM, & 12 Noon Masses
Library Open Following 8 AM, 10 AM & 12 Noon Masses
9:00 AM Adult Confirma9on Prep
10:00 AM RCIA
10:15 AM Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
10:15 AM Liturgy of the Word
6:30 PM Youth Ministry
AllͲday Adora)on will con)nue on February 7th, 2017
! January 2017
Ms. Heather Mulrenan
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Nelson
P 5
. H H
U T G, G Y F
This week you will receive a brochure detailing the
Unleash The Gospel, Grow Your Faith our parish will be
par cipa ng in over the next few weeks. This
informa ve brochure is intended to communicate the
financial needs of our parish and why we are having a
dedicated focus on our parish offertory. Commitment
Sunday for this Program is January 14 and 15. We
encourage all parishioners to spend me in prayer and
discussion with your family reflec ng on the parish’s
needs and your current level of giving. We look
forward to seeing all of our parishioners at Mass next
weekend for this very important Commitment Sunday.
If you have any ques ons regarding the Unleash The
Gospel, Grow Your Faith please feel free to contact the
parish office.
S. H+# S). D '
First Penance
Saturday, January 21, 2017 Confirma on
Saturday, February 11, 2017
First Eucharist
Saturday, April 29, 2017 Sunday, April 30, 2017 11:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
F I!
by Sr. Barbara Rund, OP
One of the results of the fall and spring phone calls to all
parishioners is the discovery that home and cell phone
numbers, email addresses, and the number of children
have changed over the years and the parish records no
longer contain accurate informa on. We need your help
to update the St. Hugo census/data informa on. We
have mailed copies of the Informa on contained in the
St. Hugo census/data system to all the families. Please
write on the family form any changes or addi ons to
the informa on. If your family informa on is correct
and no changes are necessary, write the word
“CORRECT” on the form. Then return the family form in
the enclosed envelope to the parish office or place it in
the Sunday collec on basket. Thank you for your help in
upda ng our parish data informa on.
D# Y# N # R ) &2 3 S). #4 C#4&.&#?
by Sr. Barbara Rund, OP
Three mes a year (fall, winter, spring), Confirmaon
preparaon sessions are offered to prepare adults or high
school students for the Celebraon of Confirmaon. Confirmaon may be received at different mes throughout
the year: first, at the parish celebraon at St. Hugo of the
Hills Church on Saturday, February 11, 2017, at 11 AM Mass
or second, Pentecost Sunday, June 4, 2017, at 11 AM Mass.
The Archdiocese of Detroit does recommend for adults or
high school students to parcipate in their parish
celebraon. What do you need to do? It is a very simple three step process.
First Step: You need to have been bapzed and received
Communion in the Catholic Church. If not, you need to
register for the RCIA process.
Second Step: You need to a4end the Confirmaon
preparaon sessions which are held on Sunday morning
from 9Ͳ10 AM in the parish office conference room.
Candidates for Confirmaon are asked to complete the
three sessions before the recepon of the Sacrament of
Confirmaon. The schedule for each are below:
Winter Confirmaon Preparaon for February 11, 2017, at
St. Hugo of the Hills
Session 1 = Sunday, Jan. 8, 2017, 9Ͳ10 AM
Session 2 = Sunday, Jan. 15, 2017, 9Ͳ10 AM Session 3 = Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017, 9Ͳ10 AM
Spring Confirmaon Preparaon for June 4, 2017, at the
Session 1 = Sunday, Apr. 30, 2017, 9Ͳ10 AM Session 2 = Sunday, May 14, 2017, 9Ͳ10 AM Session 3 = Sunday, May 21, 2017, 9Ͳ10 AM
Bring to the first session a recent copy of your Bapsmal
Cerficate with notaons. Please contact the church of
your Bapsm and request a “new” Bapsmal Cerficate
with notaons (issued within 6 months). You will need to
choose a Confirmaon Sponsor: a sponsor must be over 16
years of age; be a praccing Catholic who has received the
Sacraments of Bapsm, Confirmaon and Eucharist; and
not be the father or mother of the one to be confirmed (cf.
CCC 874). Canon Law states: “It is desirable that the one
who undertook the role of sponsor at bapsm be sponsor
for confirmaon” (CCC 893).
Third Step: You need register today for Confirmaon
preparaon by contacng Sr. Barbara Rund at:
[email protected]
P 6
S. H H P, B! H
W#$ # $&! # &)$ S. H+#’' &
# Ͳ +&2&+?
Each year, the parish office receives many inquiries from
parish members who want to know how their
generosity will most benefit the parish. All giNs are
necessary and appreciated, but the simple answer is
this: A giN to the Catholic Services Appeal. GiNs to CSA
do not affect future CSA goals, and are not part of the
Archdiocesan Assessment. All monies received over the
CSA target are returned back to the parish without the
Archdiocese of Detroit keeping a por on of the
dona on. Christmas dona ons are also free from the
Archdiocesan assessment, but the Christmas giNs affect
the CSA target for the following year (the CSA goal is
calculated by coupling offertory and Christmas
collec ons together prior to using the contribu on
mul plier) and thus affects the CSA target for future
years. Whichever way you choose to remember St. Hugo of
the Hills, please note that your yearͲend giN will be
appreciated, and treated with great importance, as we
con nue to offer Spirit filled opportuni es for worship,
educa on and service. Thank you in advance for your
generous support of the parish and its opera ons.
If you have any ques ons about a yearͲend giN, or other
parish related inquiries, please reach out to Chris
Kozlowski, St. Hugo’s parish Business Manager. Chris can be reached at [email protected] or by calling 248Ͳ283Ͳ2208.
Weekly Offertory
12/25/16 $
41,214 $
12/18/16 $
41,214 $
12/11/16 $
41,214 $
12/04/16 $
41,214 $
YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance
FY 2017 $ 1,019,771 $1,071,564 $
FY 2016 $ 1,086,742 $1,062,490 $
FY 2015 $ 1,083,204 $1,091,246 $
$ 218,569 $ 200,000 $
18,569 Christmas
U G, G Y F J! 8, 2017
2016 T# R
Dona ons for the 2016 year are done.
Please date all future checks 2017. The annual tax statements will be mailed on January 29.
May you have a healthy and peaceful 2017!
Thank you for your con nued generosity.
Ͳ S. H H B O
Today, on this celebra#on of the Epiphany
of our Lord, a common theme emerges in
the Scripture passages from Isaiah, St.
Paul’s Le0er to the Ephesians, and St.
Ma0hew’s Gospel. Jesus, our Lord and
Savior, through the Church, welcomes all
people to the faith Ͷ not just a few
chosen ones. In a spirit of evangeliza#on
and hospitality, do we invite and welcome
any and all who seek faith in Christ’s
truth? Do we ourselves discover this truth
evangeliza#on, RCIA, and faith forma#on
programs, including Bible studies, to learn
of God’s abundant gi>s?
P 7
Now is the me to let the parish office know of your
plans to be out of the parish for the winter season. We
need to let our supplier know to shut off mailing the
offertory envelopes to your house.
Please call or mail in the dates you will be away. Thank
you for your help.
please print clearly.
I/We will be away from _________to__________
Name: ______________________________
Envelope #
Thank you to all who have responded to the CSA this year by
returning their pledge cards promptly. We ask those who have
not yet responded to prayerfully consider offering a giP to
support our community’s efforts. The support of the en6re
parish is cri6cal, and each pledge makes a difference. Thank
you for your generosity in suppor6ng this appeal! Parish Goal AOD Target Pledged to Date
$449,955 Sincere apprecia6on to all who have contributed as of 1/4/17. Any amount above our target remains in the parish!
Do you have a hard )me remembering to bring a cash
or check to St. Hugo’s each weekend? Are you looking
to support your parish throughout the year, even when
you may be away on travel?
Please note that St. Hugo’s is now offering an online
giving op on that is fully customizable by you, the
Go to the website and CLICK on the Online Giving
bu0on or, using your browser, type:
Once you are set up you can manage your giNs in any
way that you’d like. You can increase/decrease as
needed. You can update the informa on for an expiring
or lost credit card. You can use ACH withdrawals from
your checking or savings account. The system is run
through Our Sunday Visitor, a large Catholic company
that offers many great services in support of the
Catholic parish. If you have any ques ons please call
the parish office and ask for either Chris Kozlowski or
Cathy Seifert and they will be able to assist.
Thank you in advance for your con)nued support of
the parish. Got a Smartphone? Scan this code to
sign up for Online Giving TODAY!
Visit h0p://www.aod.org/BeingͲCatholic/WaysͲtoͲGive/
to learn more about how your giP makes a difference!
P 8
S. H H P, B! H
A$ G&$ N 8'
The Ladies of the Altar Guild wish all the ladies of St Hugo
Parish a Blessed New Year. Please mark your calendars for
the following events.
January 11th Tea and Conversa6on, 2:00Ͳ4:00pm Note: Change of loca6on from Church Hall to the Home of
Kathy McIntosh 5961 Miller Way E. Bloomfield Hills, 48301
RSVP by January 6th to Diane Rolant, 248Ͳ225Ͳ0122
by Sr. Barbara Rund, OP
We are excited to announce that our parish has
subscribed to a dynamic new online plaVorm called
FORMED. Every parishioner has 24/7 access to the best
Catholic content on any device with internet access,
including your computer, smartphone and tablet. Here’s how easy it is to get FORMED: 1. Go to www.FORMED.org.
2. You should see the registra on box for parishioners.
Type in the parish code: WH3XEC.
3. Set up a username you’ll remember and a password.
Keep it simple now and change it later if you want. 4. Congratula ons! You have unlimited access to the best
eBooks, talks and videos in the Church today. It is that easy! Stone Chapel Na9vity with Stained Glass Illumina9on
J! 8, 2017
P 9
P$ ' P F# T3 S&)!
AllͲpowerful and everͲliving God, the las ng health of all
who believe in You, hear us as we ask Your loving help for
the sick; restore their health, that they may again offer
joyful thanks in Your Church. Grant this through Christ our
Lord. Amen (Pastoral Care of the Sick p. 43)
Melvin Bailey
Dominic Blandino
Jack & Joann Brinkman
Robert Byrwa
Tom Cady
Brian Duncan
Nancy Fazio
Gordon Gilliatt
Marianne Hutton
Nancy Lentini Karen Maliwat
Joe McBlynn
Dr. Frank Messana
Bill Netter
Charles O’Grady
Helen Rae Quast Jack Roberts
Marco Rea
William Rodgers
Bob Roth
Barbara Rozak
Paul Schornack
Barbara Springer
Georgene Walker
Tyler Wisler
Jennifer Wygant Corgan
Peggy Zwolinski
All requests for names to be included on the sick list and
in the weekend Prayers of the Faithful must be provided
by a family member. Names will be included in weekend
Prayers of the Faithful for three weeks and published in
the Herald for six weeks. At the end of this me, you may
call the parish office to renew the name in the Herald for
three more weeks. You may remove a name at any me
by calling the parish office at 248Ͳ644Ͳ5460.
Our deepest sympathy and prayers go
out to all those faithfully departed,
and those within our community.
Dear Lord Jesus and Mary, Mother of God, hold all
these brave souls in the palm of your hand; comfort
them and their families. Send angels of protection, love
and comfort to all the service men and women still at
war. Bring them home safely and comfort their
families. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
Ian Barnes - Army
Cullen Barrett - Marines
Joseph Bujold - Marines
Aaron Conti - National Guard
Amanda Corado - Air Force
Daniel Culbertson - Navy
Michelle Culliver - Army
Christopher Day - Army
Alexander Dean - Marines
Reid Decker - Army
Steven Dinverno - Army
Carlos Escobar - Army
Brock Fairchild – Navy
Laurel Fernandes - Navy
Evan Fowler - Army
Timothy Fuller - Army
Ryan Gieleghem-Navy
Benjamin Hofstetter-Army
Ieris - Navy
Kurtis King-Marines
Joe Joliat - Army
Jack Kredo - Army
Andrew Lapastora - Air Force
Cassondra Loftus, Army
Stephen Mankins - Navy
Josh Martin - Navy
Michael McGann - Air Force
Paul Novel-Valdez - Air Force
Luis Osterberger, II - Army
Erin Orlich - Navy
Jason Orlich - Army
Justin Orlich - Navy
Christopher Padgett - Army
James Pearson - Navy
Jack Perham - Marines
Sam Piontkowski - Marines
Jason W. Prosser, Marines
Dan Reddy– Army
Dvir Samet - Army
Jeff Schuele - Marines
David Siemiet - Air Force
Aaron Smela - Air Force
Jeffrey Territo – Navy
Michael Territo - Navy
Lawrence Turnbull – Air Force
Mark Waldowski - Army
Christopher White - Army
Trason Willemin - Army
Carl Winowiecki II - Army
Michelle Zagumny - Navy
Dr. Ireneo Diego
Maureen Babcock Ͷ Mother of Pa9y Whitney
(Our apologies as last week this name was listed incorrectly)
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.
If you have a family member on our Military List
who has returned home, please let us know so that
we can share that good news with the St.Hugo
parishioners who have been faithfully keeping our
deployed service members in their prayers. ..
P 10
S. H H P, B! H
A blessed Epiphany!
Religious Educa on News…
RE classes resume tomorrow, January 9th. Please
remember to bring your RE book bag with textbook
for class!
Grade 8 Confirma on Interviews will take place the
week of January 8th.
Religious Educa on is s ll in need of a few
volunteers tohelp out during RE Classes.
Please contact Mrs. Yugovich at 248Ͳ283Ͳ2191. (Note: A background check is required by the
Archdiocese of Detroit of those who volunteer to
work with children.)
Grade 2 First Reconcilia on will be Saturday, January
21st, at 11:00 AM in the Church. Please arrive at
least ten minutes before the celebra on begins.
Confirma on Mee ng #3 for Grade 8 Children and
Parents will take place on Thursday, January 19th or Thursday, January 26 in Church, from 7:00pmͲ
BANNERͲ Indicate also “RE” OR “School” on
the backside wrien on a piece of masking
tape. Thank you!
J! 8, 2017
S N Friday, January 13 ʹ End of 2nd quarter
Friday, January 13 ʹ Deadline to order February lunches
Monday, January 16 ʹ No school Sunday, January 22 ʹ Prospec ve family Open House,
Thursday, January 26 ʹ Kindergarten Informa on Night,
As Followers of Jesus, It Must be Different With Us.
For the most upͲtoͲdate informa6on on St. Hugo of the Hills
School, please visit our website at www.sthugoschool.org,
“like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twier.
P 11
For more informa on from Synod 16, visit the
Archdiocese of Detroit website www.aod.org and
Next Week: Synod 16 Vo ng Results for Archdiocesan
Central Services
Synod 16 Vo ng Results for Parishes
by Mike Stechschulte and Dan Meloy, The Michigan
Catholic, November 25, 2016, pages 1, 16Ͳ17)
The Archdiocese of Detroit Synod 16 process con nued
Saturday, November 19th, with the 400 members taking
on a more delibera ve role, vo ng on specific
proposi ons to recommend to Archbishop Vigneron.
Synod members were asked to choose by table their top
proposi on in three categories: Parish Culture, Parish
Func ons and Parish Leadership.
For the parishes theme, synod members were asked to
iden fy which single proposi on would be most helpful
to the task of building missionary parishes in three key
areas: Parish Culture, Parish Func ons and Parish
Leadership. Of the 46 tables, here are the proposi ons
that received the most votes in each category:
Parish Culture 48.9 percent, (22.5 votes): Build a culture of personal
encounter with Jesus that permeates every aspect of
parish life and that leads to a loving encounter of our
Parish Func ons (Pray, Invite, Connect, Mentor, Send) 26 percent, (12 votes): Equip, empower, and support
individuals and families in mission (e.g. evangeliza on,
social and economic transforma on, and spiritual and
corporal works of mercy)
Parish Leadership 39.2 percent, (18 votes): Establish pastoral leadership
teams as a norma ve prac ce, where team members
develop shared responsibility and accountability both to
the vision of the Archbishop and the mission of the
parish. Extend the same team dynamics and prac ces to
all parish and/or school staff.
The Archdiocesan Worship Office is offering nine RCIA
topics on four Saturdays, January 14, 21, 28 and
February 4 at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit.
RCIA, which stands for Rite of Chris an Ini a on of
Adults, is the program that brings new members into
the Church. The Worship Office uses CSA funds to
develop cer fica on programs for RCIA ministers and
forma on for RCIA teams, as well as for RCIA
consulta on to parishes. Because of CSA giNs, topics are
only $5 each and will include an overview of the RCIA,
the preͲcatechumenate and catechumenate, presiding
at minor rites, purifica on and enlightenment, and
Canon Law for RCIA teams. For more informa on about
CSAͲfunded ministries, programs, and services, please
go to www.AOD.org. Why Catholic Educa2on? Catholic Schools at the Archdiocese of Detroit integrate
faith and values into every part of the educa onal
experience. Whether in the classroom, on the athle c
field or in chapel, our students learn to think and act
according to the mind and heart of Jesus Christ. We
provide a second home for students where morals and
values are supported by educators who also serve as role
models in faith.
Catholic School students are challenged to achieve their
full poten al as academics. Data shows our students
score higher on standardized tests than their publicͲ
school counterparts. Nearly all Catholic School students
move on to a0end college.
Our goal is to educate students wholly, in mind, body
and spirit. We offer that through solid academics, aNerͲ
school ac vi es and opportuni es to worship and
prac ce the faith. A Catholic educa on gives students a
strong founda on as members of society and the
Catholic community.
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S. H H P, B! H
The Great Adventure Scripture Study Thursday Morning (9:30Ͳ11:15 AM)
Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come by Jeff Cavins is an intriguing study that shows how the kingdom
established by Christ in his Church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven. Here you will discover what the
mysterious figures and images of Revelation mean. You will see how Revelation is more than an apocalyptic vision of the
"end times." It is a revelation of God as our Divine Bridegroom and the Church as his spotless Bride. You will learn the
meaning of the mysterious figures and events in the book of Revelation. You will discover how the Mass is really heaven
on earth. You will learn about the Antichrist and his destruction. You will see the Second Coming of Christ and the Final
Judgment in the context of history. You will learn what will happen at the end of time and the establishment of a new
heaven and a new earth.
Come and join Sr. Barbara Rund on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:15 AM in the Parish Hall B.
Feb. 2, 2017
Feb. 9
Feb. 16
Letters to the Seven Churches
Feb. 23
Creation and Redemption
Mar. 2
Opening the Seals
Mar. 9
Seventh Seal Unleashes Seven Trumpets
Mar. 16
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Mar. 23
Praising the Lamb
Mar. 30
Seven Bowls of Judgment, Fall of Babylon
Apr. 6
Marriage Supper and Great Judgement
Apr. 27
A New Heaven and a New Earth
Background of the Book of Revelation
Intro & Inaugural Vision
Spring 2017
] Thursday Morning (9:30-11:15 AM)
Facilitator: Sr. Barbara Rund, OP
NAME: _______________________________________________________
_________________________________________ ZIP: _________
EMAIL: ____________________________ Phone #___________________
] $24.00
Journal and Bookmark
(Please make checks payable to St. Hugo – Bible Study)
Return To:
Sr. Barbara Rund, OP, D.Min. (Pastor al Associate) 248-644-5460
St. Hugo of the Hills Church * 2215 Opdyke Road * BH, MI 48304
J! 8, 2017
P 13
WWME ʹ A Weekend of Discovery...A Lifeme of Love!!
St. Paul’s Feast Day:
Celebrate “God With Us”...give a giF of love to your
On February 24 at 11:30am, the Friday before Ash
Wednesday, the Feast of the Solemn Commemora on of
the Passion mass is celebrated. Within the Congrega on
of the Passion, it is one of the most important and
special feast days they view and use as a model to live
out their lives. A day which focuses on “the most
overwhelming sign of God’s love” (St. Paul of the
Cross). Please join us and respond with your a0endance
by contac ng Lynne0e Marshall at 313Ͳ286Ͳ2800 or
email at [email protected]. Christmas is the season to welcome Jesus, our Emmanuel, who is
“God with Us”. We celebrate God’s gi of love with each other by
sharing prayers, songs, food, and gis. In gra"tude for our Lord’s generosity in blessing us with the
sacraments of marriage and Holy Orders, we can also share the gi
of "me with our spouse. The Worldwide Marriage Encounter
weekend is a loving gi of enrichment and renewal that celebrates
God with us in our marriages and ministries. Married couples, priests, seminarians, and religious sisters are all
welcome to celebrate their commitment to love and serve the
Body of Christ. Tools for communica"on, understanding, and
empathy will help couples, clergy, and religious see their spouses
and ministries in the light of God’s gi of love. Reserve your 2017
weekend gi now!
2017 Weekend Dates: February 17Ͳ19*St. Frances Cabrini, Allen Park
March 24Ͳ26
Holiday Inn Express, Troy
April 28Ͳ30
Holiday Inn Express, Troy
June 23Ͳ25*
St. Joseph, Lake Orion
September 22Ͳ24*
Sts. Cyril & Methodius, Sterling Heights
November 3Ͳ5 Holiday Inn Express, Troy
*In Parish Weekend Ͳ Couples go home at night.
All other weekends are at hotels.
For informa"on and registra"on:
Call 888Ͳ322Ͳ9963
FOR WIDOWED MEN AND WOMEN Widowed of all ages are invited to join us on Friday,
January 13th. Social Hour starts of 5:00PM at the
American Polish Cultural Center, 2975 E. Maple Rd.
(NW corner of 15 Mile Road and Dequindre);
followed by a family style dinner and 6:00PM. The
price of $15.00 includes tax and gratuity. Bar drinks
and dessert are extra. No Large Bills. Stay ll
9:00PM to enjoy cards and games. Please RSVP by
January 10th to Jan at 248 524Ͳ9168 or Carole at 586
899Ͳ0839. Sponsored by Widowed Friends, a “peer”
support group in the Archdiocese of Detroit. For
further informa on about Widowed Friends, come
visit our website at www.widowedfriends.org ..
P 14
S. H H P, B! H
"And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising
preceded them, un l it came and stopped over the place
where the child was." In our day and age, the star of
Christmas has become a kind of decora ve symbol that
adorns manger scenes and Christmas trees. It suggests
something good and bright and holy, a visual indicator
that the "Light of the world" has appeared. But today, on
the feast of the Epiphany, we recall that originally, this
star was not just a pre0y symbolic ornament. This star
was a sign from God that intervened in the opera ons of
the physical universe. The Magi understood that this star
was sent from God to indicate where his Son would be
Of course it should not surprise us in this season of all
seasons that God should choose to order the universe
according to his purposes. Jesus has just been born of a
virgin! God has just taken on human flesh. These events
in themselves are extraordinary divine interven onsͲͲ
miracles that defy the standard opera on of things. Why
shouldn't God choose to send a luminous star where he
wants it, when he wants it? Why shouldn't he reveal his
plan through the things that he created in the first place?
The beauty of today's feast is found, in part, in the fact
that the Magi were able to recognize this sign from God.
They waited for it, they saw it, and they rejoiced in it:
"They were overjoyed at seeing the star." We too should
be overjoyed in this season of God's special revela on to
us. We may need the eyes to recognize it, but truly we
have waited for a Savior, we have seen his appearance at
Christmas, and now it is me to celebrate! God is at work
in our physical world. He has come here, now to save us.
This is cause for rejoicing! J! 8, 2017
Prelude: How Brightly Shines the Morning Star Ͳ Manz
Postlude: Noel Ͳ Daquin
Choral Music (10:00)
Arise, Shine Ͳ Willan
All Glory Be to God on HighͲ Cruger
R ' W) ' J! 8, 2017
Sunday: Is 60:1Ͳ6/Ps 72/Eph 3:2Ͳ3a, 5Ͳ6/Mt 2:1Ͳ
Monday: Is 42:1Ͳ4, 6Ͳ7 or Acts 10:34Ͳ38/Ps 29/Mt
Tuesday: Heb 2:5Ͳ12/Ps 8/Mk 1:21Ͳ28 or Heb 1:1Ͳ
6 and 2:5Ͳ12/Ps 8/Mk 1:14Ͳ20 and 1:21Ͳ
Wednesday: Heb 2:14Ͳ18/Ps 105/Mk 1:29Ͳ39
Thursday: Heb 3:7Ͳ14/Ps 95/Mk 1:40Ͳ45
Friday: Heb 4:1Ͳ5, 11/Ps 78/Mk 2:1Ͳ12
Saturday: Heb 4:12Ͳ16/Ps 19/Mk 2:13Ͳ17
Next Sunday: Is 49:3, 5Ͳ6/Ps 40/1 Cor 1:1Ͳ3/Jn 1:29Ͳ34
Observances for the Week of January 8, 2017
Sunday: Epiphany of the Lord; Na onal Migra on Week
Monday: Bap sm of the Lord
Tuesday: Weekday (First Week in Ordinary Time)
Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: St. Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Saturday: Next Sunday: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ©Liturgical Publica ons Inc
7:00 Carlos Acosta (Sandy)
8:00 Patricia Warsaw (Spec. Int.) (Peck Family)
Sophie Skoney (DiLorenzo Skoney Family)
Lo\e Gugala (Friends)
Dr. Daniel J. Skoney (DiLorenzo Skoney Family)
Sr. Margaret Mary Alacoque (DiLorenzo Skoney Family)
Selma Brinkman (Brinkman Family)
Be0y Wilson (DiLorenzo Skoney Family)
Joanne Koch (DiLorenzo Skoney Family)
10:00 David Cooper and Donald Liedel (Family)
Wes Zidwick (Family)
Msgr. Anthony Tocco (Spec. Int.) (Grateful Staff)
Kris n and the Late Michael Lavoie (Family) John Goetz (Family)
Living and Deceased Members of St. Hugo Parish
(Grateful Priests)
Dave Gojdics (Harry and Eileen Jones)
Dennis Pinkos (Family)
Mary McEvi0 (George and Joan Cooney)
Donald and Pat Orlich (Spec. Int.) (Children)
12:00 Joe McGlynn (Spec. Int.) (Tony and Fran Pieroni)
5:00 Fr. Stanislaw Drzal, SChr. (Fr. Tony)
Monday, January 9, 2017 The Bap sm of the Lord
6:10 Jean Backlund (Spec. Int.) (Peck Family)
8:30 Pro Populo
Tuesday, January 10, 2017 Weekday
(First Week in Ordinary Time)
6:10 Oriat Peters (Spec. Int.) (Peck Family)
8:30 Pro Populo
Wednesday, January 11, 2017, Weekday 6:10 Brad Simmons (Spec. Int.) (Peck Family)
Living and Deceased A0endees of 6:10 AM Mass
8:30 JoAnn Lingenfelter (Agnes Hutnick)
Thomas McNamara (Terry and Joan Page)
Thursday, January 12, 2017, Weekday
6:10 Susan Thompson (Spec. Int.) (Peck Family)
8:30 Adrian B. Robinson (7th Anniv.) (Rose Marie Robinson)
P 15
Friday, January 13, 2017 Weekday
Saint Hillary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
6:10 Living and Deceased A0endees of 6:10 AM Mass
Michael Lavioie (Family)
8:30 Pro Populo
Saturday, January 14, 2017 Weekday
Blessed Virgin Mary
8:30 Pro Populo
5:00 Beatrice Quinn (Mike and Pa0y Quinn)
Joseph “Pat” Copland (Suzanne and Michael F. Schmidt)
7:00 Pro Populo
8:00 David Peck (Peck Family)
Sophie Skoney (DiLorenzo Skoney Family)
Lo\e Gugala (Friends)
Dr. Daniel J. Skoney (DiLorenzo Skoney Family)
Sr. Margaret Mary Alacoque (DiLorenzo Skoney Family)
Marian Roelant (5th Anniv.) (John and Diane Roelant)
Thomas P. Smith (Brinkman Family)
10:00 David Cooper and Donald Liedel (Family)
Edward Echlin (Martha Condit)
Wes Zidwick (Family)
Dr. Thomas P. Pappert (Pappert Family)
Living and Deceased Members of St. Hugo Parish
(Grateful Priests)
John Goetz (Family)
Dennis Pinkos (Family)
Lily Diego and the Late Ireneo (Spec. Int.) (Family)
Msgr. Anthony Tocco (Spec. Int.) (Grateful Staff)
Donald and Pat Orlich (Spec. Int.) (Children)
12:00 Thomas Cianciolo (Ide Family)
Joe McGlynn (Spec. Int.) (Tony and Fran Pieroni)
5:00 Pro Populo
Mass intenons must be arranged at least two weeks in advance and are for persons living (special intenon) and deceased.
P 16
S. H H P, B! H
J 14 15
1st Lector
2nd Lector
5:00 PM
Fr. Tim
Bill Slowey
January 14
Sandie Slowey
Alice McIntyre
7:00 AM
Msgr. Tony Tim Johns
January 15
Barbara Schyman Dennis Winowiecki
8:00 AM
Msgr. Tony Kris ne Miller
January 15
Anne Nagel
Jim Walle
10:00 AM
Fr. Joe G
January 15
Sco0 Clemons
Len McIntee
12:00 Noon
Fr. Joe G.
Chris Cummings
Wendy Paton
January 15
Doris Hanna
5:00 PM
Fr. Mark
Martha Carter
January 15
Jonathan Napper
7:00 AM Mass: Bill and Linda Seng, Mike Somand
Catherine Carter
Lizzy Carter
Natalie Stanczak
Marissa Ernat
Ania Petrosky
Max Petrosky
Andrew Priebe
Maria VanDieren
Jayden Arabbo
Jake Ervin
William Nichols
David PerezͲCruet
MaryEllen Blaszczak
Keely Nykerk
Anna Paton
Serena Simon
Kate Binkley
Emilia Filak
Jake Nagel
Michael Nagel
Nan Olin
T. Bowen
K. Bowen
J. O'Malley
Rachel Redman
Edmond Guay
Donna Mirabito
David Fischer
D. Juriga
M. Clarke
J! 8, 2017
L. Ochoa
J. Balint
D. Paton
W. Paton
D. Jovick
R. Jovick
Fly UP