
365日あす楽 代引・送料無料 シティライトRアップ(トリコロールネイビー

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365日あす楽 代引・送料無料 シティライトRアップ(トリコロールネイビー
SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 2016
Father Steven Shadwell ............................................................................................................................. Pastor
Harry White, Ben Lo Paro ...................................................................................................................... Deacons
Sister Janet Brisky, P.B.V.M. .................................................................................................. Pastoral Associate
Sister Geraldine Corio, P.B.V.M. ................................................................................. Director of Faith Formation
Justine Smith.................................................................................................. Faith Formation\Baptism Assistant
Mary Beth Ferriola ............................................................................................Business and Cemetery Manager
Mary O’Neill............................................................................................................................... Parish Secretary
Antonietta Dellapi .................................................................................................Director of Volunteer Ministries
Camille Kluge ................................................................................................................................ Youth Director
Jacqueline M. Reilly....................................................................................................................... Music Director
Bob Sautter .................................................................................................... Buildings and Grounds Supervisor
Kevin Kennedy and Diane Parisi .................................................................................................. Parish Trustees
MONDAY, JUNE 13 - St. Anthony of Padua, Priest,
Doctor of the Church
9:00 AM +Betty Nebbia by Batory Family
Anniversary Intention\Bonnie and Walter
Intention\Eileen Peat
7:00 PM Cemetery Committee Meeting - FBR
9:00 AM +Tom White by Dave and Barbara Buske
7:30 PM Alcoholics Anonymous KH
+Edward Flynn by Flynn Family
7:30 PM Boy Scouts - FKR
9:00 AM +All Departed Souls
+Ed Aungst by Family
9:00 AM Moms & Tots Playgroup - FKR
7:30 PM Women’s Cornerstone Meeting - FBR
9:00 AM +Gerald Struble by Ray and Hope Ricker
7:30 PM Coffee House - PC
9:00 AM +Agnes Gizzi by Thomas Decker
Midnight Alcoholics Anonymous - KH
9:00 AM +John Kreymyer by Haber Family
10:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous - KH
5:00 PM In Honor of Fathers
SUNDAY, JUNE 19 – Father’s Day
SUNDAY, JUNE 19 - 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time
12:00 PM Youth Mass - CH
7:45 AM In Honor of Fathers
9:00 AM In Honor of Fathers
10:30 AM In Honor of Fathers
12:00 PM In Honor of Fathers
G. Tacinelli, K. Cook, H. Meditz, Youth Ministry
PC: Rachel
Weekend June 4\5
SATURDAY 5:00 PM: D. Santa Lucia, C. Bernal
+ $ 1,233.00
SUNDAY 7:45 AM: T. Mooney, C. Gensheimer
9:00 AM: D. Lastro, R. & L. De Franco, E. Frew
10:30 AM: A. Egan, M. B. Ferriola, B. Sautter
The Bread and Wine for the week of June 12th
12:00 PM: Youth Ministry
has been donated in loving memory of
Ed Aungst by his family.
Experience a Small Faith Community. We
meet in the Upper Room for an hour to reflect
on the following Sundays’ Scripture from 7:30 – 8:30pm.
Our next meeting is Monday, June 20 th.
On Saturday, June 25th there will not
be a priest available for confession.
For the months of July and August the 10:30 AM Mass
will be celebrated in the church.
Next Week: 12th Sunday of Ordinary
1st Reading: Zechariah 12:10-11
2nd Reading: Galatians 3:26-29
Gospel: Luke 9:18-24
SCRIPTURE FOCUS: In today’s Gospel we reach a climax. Jesus will soon start his fateful journey to Jerusalem. He asks the crucial question: ”Who do people say I
am?” Peter, spokesman for the disciples, recognizes Jesus as the Messiah. Peter had no facts on which to base
his declaration, but he did have faith! Immediately Peter
and the other disciples are challenged to rethink their
definition of Messiah. Jesus clearly tells the disciples and
the crowd that there is a cost to being a follower. You
must be willing to lose yourself and go where Jesus
leads – even if that means changing your thinking and
beliefs, or suffering injustice, or loss of comforts. But of
course you will be with Jesus.
LIFE FOCUS: Share about someone you know who has
“taken up a cross” each day. How does this inspire You?
CAN YOU HELP? Info: Sr. Janet 973-697-2846
Please leave donations in Sr. Janet’s garage.
Thank you!
Needed: There is a need for soap, body wash, deodorant, and razor blades. Also need toothpaste, shampoo, tee shirts clean and in good shape and clean baseball caps. If you have any current magazines: inspirational, sports, hobbies, National Geographic. Black out
your name and address from the label and leave in Sr.
Janet’s garage.
Needed: Newspaper puzzles (please cut from paper)
with the answers stapled to the puzzles.
Needed: Sr. Janet has a friend who needs a car.
Needed: A lap desk.
Needed: Round tablecloths.
Needed: Sofa, kitchen table and chairs, twin bed and
mattress. Call Brenda 973 495-3154.
Needed: Boys seasonal clothes size 3T. Please leave in
Sr. Janet’s garage labeled “E.”
Needed: Call Sr. Janet if you have a free air-conditioner.
Needed: Jazzie (electric wheelchair) that works.
Needed: Under pads for bed, adult male diapers XL and
adult female diapers medium and small.
Needed: A grill and electric dryer.
2:30 – 3:30PM
Come 10 minutes early and stay 15 minutes late to help.
Bingo prizes are needed - men’s wallets. Sister always
needs help, so CALL Sr. Janet if you can help. If you
need a signature, Sr. Janet will have a pen after bingo.
Mega 50\50: For the benefit of Dept. for Persons with Disabilities. Drawing on 6/27/16. $10.00 per ticket. Make checks
payable to DPD and leave with Sr. Janet by June 20th.
Super Raffle: For the benefit of Nora Cronin Presentation
Academy. Drawing on Sunday, October 30, 2016. $20.00 a
ticket. Make checks payable to NCPA and leave with
Sr. Janet by August 1st.
Time for Vocations… Please pray for:
Deacon Henry Pinto
A Time To Serve In The Military…
Andrew Giambalvo and Alex Richnavsky
If you have a family member in the military and would like
them to be prayed for please call parish office with the
name of the person.
A Time To Heal… Please pray for: Peg Misner, Bob
Weiss, John Paicer, Scott Frew, Marilyn Whritenour,
Gregory Whritenour, Emily Hennessy Green, Natalie
Hummel, Donald Conlon, Charles Richnavsky,
Martha Colombo, Debbie Colombo, Dominic
Alejo, Bob Struble, Justin Kraivanger and Douglas
A Time To Die… Please pray for: Antoinette Grumbach
and Edward Jakulevicius
Note: Only family members may request to have someone included in prayers for the sick. They will remain on
for 2 weeks then the parish office must be notified if they
are to remain on for another 2 weeks.
Religious Education
Our faith formation
process is called Generations of Faith and is for the
households of St. Joseph Parish. 2016 - 2017
Registration for Generations of Faith has begun. Information is available in the parish office. On our website at
www.faithformationnj.org the information and forms are
listed in the post, 2016-2017.
First Grade
Do you have a child entering 1st Grade this September?
Information about the parish sacramental guidelines is on
the website at www.faithformationnj.org. Children begin religious education in Kindergarten or 1st Grade.
Registration for new families is ongoing.
Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet cards are available at the parish office during business hours
and also in the church vestibule.
June 23 - Social Meeting 8:00 PM - KH
William Perry, Sr. is the winner of
the June 8th drawing.
The Food Pantry needs: vegetables, jelly,
macaroni and cheese, coffee, tea and
Pantry can use your help Thursday mornings from 10 to
11:30 AM to unload donations from Target. We need help
picking up the donations and especially unloading it at the
pantry. If you can help, even if it is one time, let Judy Barry
know at
[email protected].
Saint Joseph Church is
proud to share the
music talents of our parishioners at the first
Location: HOUSE OF JOE
(Parish Center)
Date: FRIDAY, JUNE 17,
Time: 7:30 P.M.
Ticket: $3 per person
Coffee, soft drinks & light
snacks will be served during the performances.
Any musician who would like to perform, please
contact Mary Beth for further information. Any
parishioner who is unable to attend but would
like to support this event, donated snacks would
be greatly appreciated.
[email protected] 973-697-6100.
Tickets are now on
sale for a Wine &
Cheese Social in
honor of Fr. Steve!
Come out and celebrate with us on
Thursday, June 23rd at
7:00 p.m. This celebration is for
adults only. Ticket price is $15 which includes
wine, cheese, cold appetizers, soft drinks, dessert
and a donation towards a gift. Tickets can be purchased at the Parish Office during business hours
or at the gift card table next weekend. Tickets will
only be sold until June 21st. Tickets will not be sold
at the door and no one will be admitted without a
ticket. Call the Parish Office if you need further
information. Thank you.
We are planning to attend a retreat
"World Youth Day - not a WORLD
away" in conjunction with World Youth
Day this July 2016. It is given by the
order of sisters ‘Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate.”
Please read below. If you are interested, I would ask that
you let Camille know as soon as possible as space is limited. The cost is $65 per person before June 15 and $70
after. Included in the fee are meals, housing and the conference.
All interested participants need to send a $25 deposit
(checks made payable to St. Joseph Church) to reserve
your spot.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have! Don’t
delay :) Additional details will be sent out to those who
sign up.
Dear Youth Group Leaders,
We are very happy to announce that in conjunction with
World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland with Pope Francis, the
Parish Visitors are hosting a weekend event called "World
Youth Day - not a WORLD away" at our Motherhouse in
Monroe, New York July 29-31, 2016.
Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate
Marycrest Motherhouse PO Box 658 (164 Quaker Hill
Road) Monroe, NY 10949(845) 783-2251.
"World Youth Day - not a WORLD away" is for teens and
young adults unable to go to Poland but who are interested in deepening their love for Jesus and their Catholic
faith. They will share in a number of World Youth Day
events on a smaller scale including: catechesis, worship,
music and fun. We hope to be in communion with those in
Krakow by watching via large screen video some of the
major portions of the Holy Father's messages as well as to
see the many young people who will have gathered for this
historic event.
Youth: the participants in the conference must be entering
9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grades in the fall of 2016 or be a
2016 high school graduate.
Young Adult: 2016 high school graduate - 25 years of age.
A Catholic Charities Thank You!
I attended the last Mass of the day in my own parish on the
Feast of Corpus Christi, May 29. A smile came to my face
as I walked through the vestibule to my pew and saw bag
upon bag of pasta and sauces (my parish's assigned food)
lined up two feet high along the vestibule walls. I smiled a
second time and a bit longer as this phrase was read in the
Gospel, "feed them yourselves." My smile lasted for the
time it took me to again picture our church vestibule with all
that food and to imagine similar pictures in the over 80 parishes across our Diocese doing the same thing. On the
Feast of Corpus Christi each year, we not only hear Jesus
say "feed them yourselves," we do it in this very concrete
way. You help Catholic Charities feed almost 9,000 hungry
persons (1/3 of them children) each month at our four pantries plus countless more people who are helped by the 40
plus pantries operated by parishes. Thank you so much!!
Joe Duffy
The history of King David’s [First Reading] sin is known the world over. It
is a sad story involving lust and murder. It reads like a modern TV program.
But the ugly brutal actions of King David are not all there is to the history.
There is much beauty here too: repentance, forgiveness, redemption: Then David said to Nathan, “I have
sinned against the Lord.” Nathan answered David: “The Lord on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall
not die.” (2 Samuel 12)
In today’s Gospel we have another story of sin and redemption with the added flavor of the overwhelming
love of Christ for the sinner and the very moving gesture of repentance on the part of the sinner: “Now there
was a sinful woman in the city who learned that he was at table in the house of the Pharisee. Bringing an
alabaster flask of ointment, she stood behind him at his feet weeping and began to bathe his feet with her
tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and anointed them with the ointment…Then he
turned to the woman and said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? When I entered your house, you did not
give me water for my feet, but she has bathed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did
not give me a kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered. You did not anoint my
head with oil, but she anointed my feet with ointment. So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven
because she has shown great love.” (Luke 7)
And, in today’s Gospel we have mention of another well-known sinner whose conversion never ceases
to be proclaimed: in our liturgy; in art; in literature; in poetry. The sinner is Mary Magdalene.
Men and women, ancient and contemporary, the beautiful story of redemption goes on. It will be so until
the end of the world. Why not be one of them? And, here we come to two points. First, how many people
have we written off as unworthy because of their heinous crimes? The Bible stands in direct opposition to
such hardness in our hearts. They remain, despite their present state, beloved of God who holds out to
them the possibility of new beginnings and fresh starts, of forgiveness and healing, of redemption and
restoration. He does so for you too. Why not accept the love of God deep into your lives, for he loves you
despite it all. As St. Paul said in our Second Reading: “I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me
and given himself up for me.” (Galatians 2) The second point is hidden within the first: God’s overwhelming
compassion and love for the wayward children of Eve. There is nothing more moving than a story of redemption except the story of the Father who never stops giving and forgiving, of healing and of loving; who
always makes redemption possible – no matter how much it cost him or how many times he will have to
spend all he has over and over for you: “I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself
up for me.” (Galatians 2)
Why not join the ranks of the redeemed, of the forgiving? Why not be a link in the ongoing and beautiful
history of forgiveness and healing, of redemption and restoration?
Confessions: Saturday’s 3:30 to 4:30 pm.
Dear Friends in Christ,
As we look to celebrate Father’s Day next week, we acknowledge their role in the family as one who helps
create a loving and nurturing home life, providing tried and true lessons that will enrich their children.
Throughout the diocese of Paterson our “fathers” – our priests – work to enrich the spiritual life of our
parish families by preaching the Gospel and inviting all to the Eucharistic table where we experience Christ
in the breaking of the bread. Such a responsibility is an honor and a joy for those of us in the priesthood.
This coming Father’s Day, a very special collection is being taken up to support those men who are being
educated at seminaries in our country and around the world and who will one day serve our own parishes.
Just as with your support of our Bishop’s Annual Appeal, this collection will be used to help fund the cost
of their formation.
Your gift will be a wonderful show of support and encouragement to those men who are giving themselves
to Christ and to his people. I ask that you please be as generous as possible in response to this
Father’s Day Collection for seminarian education.
Faithfully Yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Arthur J. Serratelli, S.T.D., S.S. L., D.D.
Bishop of Paterson
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