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International Students
SoI Report
~Sokendai International Students Report~
March 2012
Published by
The Center for the Promotion of Integrated Sciences (CPIS)
The General Affairs Division Hayama Office
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai)
Hayama, Kanagawa 240-0193, Japan
@Sokendai. All rights reserved.
Table of contents
SoI Report
~ Sokendai International Students Report ~
1 Introduction ���������������������� 2
2 Essays "My Research and Research Life"���������� 3
Tran Nguyen Lan/Department of Functional Molecular Science
Haesuwannakij Setsiri/Department of Functional Molecular Science
Pandya Shwetang Nalinbhai/Department of Fusion Science
Zhou Haishan/Department of Fusion Science
Kaithakkal Anjali John/Department of Astronomical Science
Rahoman MD. Mizanur/Department of Informatics
Omet Mathieu/Department of Accelerator Science
Phan Khiem Hong/Department of Particle and Nuclear Physics
Mishra Neha/Department of Genetics
Guputa Rupali/Department of Physiological Sciences
Sun Wuping/Department of Physiological Sciences
Wang Hao/Department of Fusion Science
Farhana Yeasmin/Department of Comparative Studies
Zheng Pengfei/Department of Fusion Science
Yanlin Wu/Department of Materials Structure Science
Zhi Liu/Department of Informatics
Vanessa Bracamonte/Department of Informatics
3 ColumnⅠ The horizons of a different culture ������� 24
4 ColumnⅡ Japanese Foods and Culture ���������� 26
5 Invitation The Programs for Academic Exchange FY 2012�� 30
6 Editor's Postscript�������������������� 31
SOKENDAI is the only graduate school in Japan that allows you to study
at Japan's best national research institutes. Students can carry out
cutting edge research utilizing the resources and facilities of the research
institutions under an ample supervision structure in which each single
student is directed by several supervising instructors.
Further, we provide a Japanese culture introductory course and Japanese
language course at the start of the second term as an opportunity for
exchange students to study Japanese culture and habits. The Japanese
culture course is designed to allow the students to have a more fulfilling
time during their research through an understanding of Japanese culture.
The Japanese language course is divided in to basic and intermediate levels
to teach the fundamentals of the Japanese language. Further, from next
year, seminars are planned to take place several times during the year
where exchange students and full time students can interact. Through these
student programs it is possible to enjoy a fulfilling student life in addition
to the research.
These essays are a collection put together from contributions in Japanese
by exchange students who participated in the Japanese culture introductory
course and Japanese language course while here on exchange between
2009 and 2011 regarding "My Research and Research Life".
This essay gives a glimpse of part of their fulfilling lives while researching
in Japan. SOKENDAI enjoys the pleasure of meeting with researchers from
numerous domains across Japan. We hope that you gain an understanding
of exchange student life at SOKENDAI through this essay collection.
SoI Report
Tran Nguyen Lan
Department of Functional Molecular Science
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
Watashi wa Tran Nguyen Lan desu. Betonomu kara kimashita.
Ima Okazaki ni imasu. Shizuka na tokoro desu.
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
Mainichi gozen 9-ji ni kenkyū-sho ni ikimasu. Soshite Yanai-rabo de kenkyū o shimasu
Atarashii tadenshi riron to kagaku e no ōyō desu. Kenkyū wa omoshiroi desu.
Gogo 7-ji ni uchi ni kaerimasu. Watashi wa mainichi uchi de ryōri o shimasu
IMS wa ōkii kenkyū-sho desu. Gaikoku-jin ga takusan imasu.
Yasumi wa do-yōbi to nichi-yōbi desu.
2011-nen 11-gatsu 27-nichi ni kenkyū-sho no membā to
Gamagōri no Takeshima ni ikimashita.
Hidari kara 2 ban-me ga watashi desu. →
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
I would like to develop new theories to explain difficult problem in molecular science
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
For new foreign students, I think you should study Japanese because it is very useful, especially in daily
SoI Report
Haesuwannakij Setsiri
Department of Functional Molecular Science
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
私の名前はセッシリ ヘエスワナキッ(HAESUWANNAKIJ SETSIRI)で
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
SOKENDAI のキャンパスはいろいろな場所にあります。私のキャンパス は岡崎市にあります。岡崎市に 2 キャ
駅から歩いて 10 分くらいかかります。
桜井研究室には桜井先生、東林先生、そして、研究者が 9 人と大学院生が 5 人います。全部で 16 人います。こ
の 16 人の中に日本人は 6 人だけです。他の人は留学生です。留学生はネパール、インド、タイ、中国からきま
毎朝 9 時ごろ研究室に行って、夜 9 時半まで研究しています。週に 3 回ゼミがあります。月曜日のゼミはグルー
プの会議です。みなさんは自分のお仕事をおしえます。木曜日のゼミは NSM seminar です。NSM seminar は 3
SoI Report
つの研究室のゼミですから、大きいゼミです。土曜日のゼミは Journal Report です。
1 週間に月曜日から土曜日まで研究しますから、日曜日だけは休みです。私はたいてい家で家事をします。
この町に引っ越してきてから、3 ヶ月過ぎました。はじめは仕事のやり方がわからなくて、なんでもまわりのひ
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
SOKENDAI はいい大学院です。ここでいい友達に会えます。みんな、やさしくてしんせつですから、さびしく
ないです。ですから、心配しないでください。SOKENDAI へようこそ !!
SoI Report
Pandya Shwetang Nalinbhai
Department of Fusion Science
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
Watashi wa Shwetang Pandya desu. Indo kara kimashita. Sokendai no
kaku yugo kagaku no daigakuin sei desu. Watashi no kenkyū-sho no
namae wa National Institute for Fusion Science desu. Soshite senko
wa plasma diagnostics desu. Watashi wa kyonen (2011) no kugatsu
ni nihon ni kimashita. San nen nihon ni imasu. Watashi wa Tajimi ni
imasu. Tajimi wa chiisakute shizuka desu. Tajimi wa Toki de yumei
Shwetang Pandya, Indo
At Inuyama Castle with my wife Bhavinee Pandya
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
National Institute for Fusion Science
Watashi wa mainichi gozen hachi ji han ni kenkyū-sho ni ikimasu. Soshite gogo shichi ji han ni uchi ni
kaerimasu. Kenkyū wa isogashii desu demo tanoshii desu. Yasumi no hi ni nihongo no benkyo to kaimono o
SoI Report
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
The goal of my research is to design and develop imaging bolometers for plasma diagnostics. Plasma is the
fourth state of matter, the one after Solid, Liquid and Gas. Fusion Plasma is seen as a future source of energy. It
is necessary to diagnose various parameters of Plasma to study its characteristics. I will develop new bolometers
and study the radiation emission from the magnetically confined plasma in Large Helical Device (LHD). My
research will result in understanding the radiations from magnetically confined plasma in LHD in a better way.
Large Helical Device Vacuum Vessel
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
Dear colleagues, Welcome to the Land of Rising Sun. Please accept my heartiest greetings at the onset of your
carrier as a researcher. You are very fortunate as you have got a chance to pursue your research from Japan.
If you are a foreigner like me, language might seem a barrier at the beginning. But rest assured that there will
always be a Japanese friend around to help you out. Smiling faces and warm hearts will take away all your
difficulties and you will soon feel comfortable in Japan. I am sure that the research experience gained from
Japan will shape a bright future for you. Good luck for your research….!!!!!!
Presenting a poster at 21st International Toki Conference
SoI Report
Zhou Haishan
Department of Fusion Science
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
周海山 (Zhou Haishan) です。
I'm from china
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
年 11 月、わたしは金沢で報告しました。タイトルは実証炉第 1 壁用低放射化合
Poster report at Kanazawa
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
SoI Report
Kaithakkal Anjali John
Department of Astronomical Science
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
Watashi wa Anjali desu.
Indo kara kimashita.
Watashi no kenkyū-sho no namae wa kokuritsu tenmondai desu.
Senkō wa tenmongaku desu.
❖ 研究生活
- A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
Watashi wa mainichi ju ji ni kenkyū-sho ni ikimasu.
Soshite hachi ji han ni uchi ni kaerimasu.
Kenkyū wa omoshiroi desu.
Yasumi no hi ni tomodachi to aimasu.
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
My focus is on understanding the magnetic properties of the Sun’s polar region and understands how it affects
our Earth’s climate.
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
You have got a wonderful opportunity, make the best of it !!!
SoI Report
Rahoman MD. Mizanur
Department of Informatics
Watashi wa Md Mizanur Rahoman desu. Banguradesshu kara kimashita.
Watashi wa mainichi gozen hachi-ji ni Institute of Informatics ni ikimasu. Soshite kenkyū o shimasu. Hiru-gohan
wa resutoran de tomodachi to tabemasu. Uchi ni gogo hachi-ji ni kaerimasu. Kenkyū wa omoshiroi desu.
In my research center, we are working on semantic web i.e., next generation of web. If we able to success,
in future computer automatically can understand the content of web and take decision according to the
Tokidoki seminā ya fesutibaru ga arimasu.
← Kore wa Miraikan no seminā desu.
Ichiban hidari ga watashi desu.
The seminar was on strategies for boosting
Japanese tourism after 3/11 massive disaster,
Japanese Geothermal and Solar Energy production,
their technologies and potentialities.
Seminar at Miraikan Tokyo
Watashi no uchi wa Odaiba no Tokyo International
Exchange Center desu. 11-gatsu ni fesutibaru o shimashita.
TIEC no tomodachi to Banguradesshu no tabemono no
mise o shimashita. →
10thAnniversary for TIEC dormitory, Nov.3rd 2011
Tōkyō wa nigiyaka desu. Soshite benri desu.
Welcome to Sokendai and Japan.
Japan is very cool place to live and work.
But yes, if you know Japanese, it is the finest place in
the world.
The view from my current living place, i.e, TIEC, Odaiba.
SoI Report
Omet Mathieu
Department of Accelerator Science
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
私は Mathieu Omet(マチュー・オメット)です。ドイツから来ました。
❖ 研究生活
- A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
研究機構に来てから、2 か月ぐらい過ぎました。毎日忙しいですが、面
Mathieu Omet(マチュー・オメット)
1954 年にできました。しんせつな研究者がたくさんいます。
研究室には大学院生が 5 人います。留学生は 2 人います。留学
私はたいてい朝 9 時ごろ研究機構に行って、夜 7 時ごろまで研
究しています。週に 1 回、木曜日に講義があります。講義は 90
分が 3 回です。講義は毎週研究者が発表します。私は週に 1 回、
月曜日にプレゼンテーションします。プレゼンテーションは 60
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
超伝導加速空洞の FPGA に基づいて制御システムを作っています。
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
Please have a lot of fun during your time at the Sokendai University but also give your very best regarding your
SoI Report
Phan Khiem Hong
Department of Particle and Nuclear Physics
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
Watashi wa Khiem desu.
Betonamu kara kimashita.
Watashi wa High Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK)
kenkyū-sho to Particles and Nuclear Physics senko no kenkyu-sei desu
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
(Enjoying Mochi (rice cake) dessert and performing Japanese Calligraphy in KEK, 2011.
Mae no retsu no hidari kara yonin-me ga watashi desu.)
Watashi wa mainichi ku-ji ni kenkyū-sho ni ikimasu.
Soshit roku-ji ni uchi ni kaerimasu.
Kenkyū wa omoishiroidesu.
Yasumi no hi ni Tennis to Soccer o shimasu.
SoI Report
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
My first target is to take part in particles physics class in KEK to gain deeply knowledge in this field. It very
useful for my future career.
Secondly, I also would like to join sciences activity in KEK (Specially, Journal club).
The member in this club make a presentation to other researcher about them research topic.
Then, we discuss together on these topic. By attending this actvity, I have a chance to discuss with other
researchers in many different field of physics. I am not only gain the physical knowledge, but also gain
representation skill...
Finaly, I am joining the research actvity in my group. Specialy, my supervisor give me some topic. I will study it
and discuss with him. Then, I will report my research progress to our group member and get helpful command
from them. By attending I learn research method. It is very useful for my future career.
I also would like join Japanese class in my institute and outdoor actvity to make a new fiend and improve my
Japanese language
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
Joining the Graduate University for Advanced Studies [SOKENDAI] , you will have a chance to attend the
international environment research where your dream will become true.
SoI Report
Mishra Neha
Department of Genetics
Watashi wa Neha Mishra desu.
Indo kara kimashita.
Watashi no kenkyū-sho no namae wa Idenken desu.
Ōkii kenkyū-sho desu.
Gaikoku-jin ga amari imasen.
Ima Mishima ni imasu.
Mishima-shi wa chiisai machi desu.
Watashi no machi wa Fuji-san no chikaku desu.
Nihon wa kirei desu.
Mt. Fuji from Mishima
Watashi wa mainichi Rabo ni ikimasu.
Rabo no namae wa evolutionary genetics lab desu.
I am currently doing lab rotations and I will decide
the research topic after March.
Rabo no membā wa 5-nin desu.
Rabo de hiru-gohan o tabemasu. →
Sensei to rabo no tomodachi to tabemasu.
Lunch with Lab mates
Yasumi wa doyōbi to nichiyōbi desu. Yasumi ni sōji to ryōri to kaimono o shimasu.
Jyu-ichi gatsu mikka ni Mishima Taisha to Mishima Hirokoji no fair ni ikimashita. Soshite
kimono o kimashita.
Jyu-ichi gatsu hatsuka ni Shuzenji ni ikimashita.
Kore wa ashi no onsen desu.
Japan Culture Day
At the foot onsen at Shuzenji
Sokendai is a very nice place. It provides a very conducive environment to perform original cutting edge
research. At Sokendai you can get immense exposure, not only to enhance your academic and scientific
skills, but also, to get acquainted with the Japanese way of life, culture and tradition. I hope you all have a
nice time here at Sokendai and wish you best of luck for your future.
SoI Report
Guputa Rupali
Department of Physiological Sciences
Watashi wa Rupali desu. Indo kara kimashita.
Watashi wa ima Aichi-ken no higashi-okazaki ni imasu.
Okazaki ni oka ga takusan arimasu.
Shizuka de chiisai machi desu.
Chikaku ni okazaki-jō ga arimasu.
Yūmei na tabemono wa miso nikomi udon desu.
Demo watashi wa bejitarian desu kara, tabemasen.
Mainichi 9-ji ni kenkyū-jo ni ikimasu.
Kenkyū-jo no namae wa “seiri kagaku kenkyū-jo” desu.
Watashi wa saibō seiri rabo no membā desu.
Mainichi “nano neuro” no kenkyū o shimasu.
Rabo no membā wa12 nin desu.
Hiru-gohan wa rabo de Itō san to tabemasu.
I am working on transient receptor potential channel A1 (TRPA1), which is one of the members of TRP
channel’s superfamily. TRPA1 is initially known as an activator by cold stimuli in mammals but later on
in reptiles and lower organisms, TRPA1 is found to activate by heat sensitivity. This might be the case
because Mammals possess self thermoregulation system (homeostasis) while reptiles and lower organisms
depend upon environment to maintain their body temperature, so role and function of TRPA1 has been
changed with evolution.
Tokidoki kuni no kazoku ni denwa o shimasu.
Watash wa supōtsu ga suki desu.
Yasumi ni badominton to hirune o shimasu.
Tomodachi to higaeri-ryokō mo shimasu.
Students always assume that path of the research is ponderous and tiresome but it only depends on how
they keep their spirits up all the time. To contribute best of your ability, don’t be lab struck too much,
enjoy, make friends, be social, do something creative. Then you will find how interesting your research life
"Do not wait for life. Do not long for it. Be aware, always and at every moment that the Miracle is in the
here and now".
Marcel Proust
SoI Report
Sun Wuping
Department of Physiological Sciences
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
Watashi wa Sun Wuping desu.
中国 kara kimashita.
Watashi no kenkyū-sho to senk ō no namae wa 生理研 生理科学 desu.
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
My research life in Okazaki is quite good, because every day I can do what I want and what I like, even I’m very
busy and tired.
Every Saturday I go to Okazaki library for Japanese learning with my friends. Now I can talk with Japanese
people using easy Japanese, but my Japanese writing is still poor.
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
In the future, I would like to learn some techniques and publish good paper, finally can be a scientist and
teacher working freely at a university or research institute with my own dream, and also hope I can do good
science for human being.
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
Japan is a good place for living and studying, stay with your dream and make it true.
SoI Report
Wang Hao
Department of Fusion Science
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
私は 王 ᣋ(WANG Hao)です。2009 年に中国の新疆から来ました。
核融合科学専攻には留学生が 8 人います。
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
The National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) is an institute
to research controlled fusion. As we know, the energy crisis
is a big trouble for human beings. Fortunately, if we achieve
controlled fusion successfully, we will solve the energy crisis
forever. Now, toroidal plasma devices (e.g. Tokamak, Stellorator,
etc) are considered as the most hopeful for fusion plant. Theory,
simulation, and experiment are the most important ways to
Part of our simulation results.
research fusion. In NIFS, I use super computer to simulate fusion
phenomenon everyday.
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
I focus on the energetic particle driven instabilities in fusion devices. The results of energetic particle driven
Alfven eigenmode are already finished last year. Now I am studying the energetic particle driven geodesic
acoustic mode. I need to prepare my Ph. D. thesis in the near future. NIFS is a very good place for research, so I
will try to apply a post-doctoral position here.
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
Sokendai is a research heaven where you can research as deep as you can. In
addition, you can attend Sokendai seminar and symposium to know other’s research.
There are many opportunities for you to grow up and upgrade yourself. Please
study hard and work hard and then you will become the super star in your field!
SoI Report
Farhana Yeasmin
Department of Comparative Studies
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
Watashi no namae wa Farhana Yeasmin desu.
Watashi wa Bangladesh kara kimashita.
Genzai watashi wa bunka jinruigaku no hakase course no gakusei desu.
Watashi no kenkyu wa kyoiku to syakaikeizai no hattatsu ni tsuite desu.
Watashi wa Osaka no kokuritsu minzokugaku hakubutsukan ni syozoku
shite imasu.
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
Watashi wa kouun nimo kokuritsu minzokugaku hakubutsukan de benkyo to kenkyu o suru kikai o emashita.
Watashi no supervisor Prof Dr. Nobuhiro Kishigami sensei wa totemo tasukete kuremasu. Isogashii naka demo
sensei wa itsumo daigaku no shidou no tame watashi ni jikan o saite kudasaimasu. Syuni ichido watashitachi
wa atte nihon no seikatsu ni tsuite to kenkyu no hanashi o shimasu. Watashitachi ga chokumen suru mondai
o kaiketsu suru zenshin o suru tame. Watashi no kenkyu ni hanashaimasu. Watashi wa doujini watashi no
co-supervisor no Prof Minoru Mio sensei to Prof Makio Minami sensei to Prof Motoi Suzuki sensei to Prof
Yoshitaka Terada sensei tomo motto hanashi o shimasu. Sonohokano minpaku no senseitachi mo totemo
tasuketekuremasushi kyoryoku shitekuremasu. Watashi wa senseitachi no tokoro e advice o moraini iku
kotogadekimasu. Sonokotowa sempai ya hokano gakusei to mondai ni kankeisuru kenkyu ni tsuite totemo
koukatekina hanashi o surukoto ga dekimasu. Daigaku niwa totemo rippa na toshokan ga arimasu. Sore wa
watashi no kenkyu to sekaijyu no hoka no bunya de okonawareta yokunita jissyu no tame no jouhou o erukikai
desu. Watashi wa sekai no bunka ni tsuite chishiki o eru tame yoku hakubutsu-kan ni ikimasu. Kono daigaku
wa banpakukoen no naka ni arimasu. Soko wa watashi no kenkyu no koto o kangae tari, kyukei o suru toki ni
totemo yoi kankyo desu. Watashi wa minpaku de kenkyu o suru kotoga deki, sokendai no gakusei ni nareta
koto o totemo kouun ni omoimasu.
SoI Report
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
Watashi wa hakasekatei o rainen no 2013 nen made ni syuryou suru koto o mokuhyo ni shite imasu. Kuni ni
modottara, watashi wa Bangladesh de syousuu minzoku no nakade hataraku keikaku o shite imasu. Watashi wa
syousuu minzoku no kodomotachi no furina tachiba o kaizensuru tame kokode atsumeta chishiki to keiken o
riyou shitai to omoimasu.
Watashi wa kyoiku ya sono hoka no service (e.g. iryo setsubi, kyoikuno kikai, houtekina service, hokano bunya
no shigoto ni sankasurukoto) o ukeru kenri o ubawaretari, shuudan kara haitasaretari, sabetsusaretari, riyou
saretari suru syousuu minzoku no soshiki no kenkyu o tsuzuketai to omoimasu. Watashi no kenkyu no mokuhyo
wa hokubu no kodomotachi no tame ni seifu to NGO ga teikyo shiteiru Syoki-kyouiku katei no syakai teki
kouka o benkyou suru koto desu. Kono topic wa kaihatsu keikakusya ya gakusya ya kenkyusya kara sorehodo
chuumoku sareteinai kara desu. Syousuu minzoku no kodomotachi ni kyouiku o michibiku kodou ni kansuru
watashi no kenkyu wa karerano syakaiteki keizaiteki seikatsu o koujou saseru tegakari to michi o shimesu to
kitai shiteimasu.
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
Shinnyusei ni totte totemo taisetsu na koto wa, dokodemo kenkyu o site isshoukenmei benkyo o surukoto
desu. Gaikoku no bunka o naratte maemukini kangaerukoto, senseitachi to hanashiau koto, supervisor to yoku
renraku o shiai itsumo advice o morai, senpaitachi ya hokano seitotachi to hanashiai
tosyokan o riyou surukoto, korera subeteno koto ga hontou ni yakunitachi kenkyusuru gakusei no seikatsu ni
kouka ga arimasu. Korera no tasuke o ete, benkyo to kenkyu o surukoto wa totemo omoshiroku yoi kekka o
SoI Report
Zheng Pengfei
Department of Fusion Science
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
Watashi wa ZHENG PENGFEI desu. Chugoku kara kimashita.
Watashi no kenkyū-sho to senkō no namae wa Kaku-yuugo kagaku kenkyuujo, Kakuyuugo system kenkyuukei desu. Kenkyuujo niwa ryuugakusei ga 8-nin imasu.
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
My research is part of an ambitious project aiming to a thorough
solution of world energy. Worldwild efforts are made to construct
a practical fusion reactor which consumes deuterium and lithium
resourses from oceans. Structural material is one of the key issues
for the realization of such reactors. Vanadium alloy is an attractive
structural material for an important component in future fusion reactors.
High temperature annealing experiment
During my doctoral study, I have been researching the high temperature
mechanical properties of this material. The research is very interesting,
new findings make me exciting, and sometimes, for a better achievement, I develop special devices by myself.
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
In order to elevate the heat transition efficiency and gain more safety, the structural materials are expected to
have higher strength at designed temperature or beyond. To achieve the operation requirement, the current
materials still have a long way to go. In the near future, I will go back to my homeland, China, and continue my
research on vanadium alloy for fusion reactors. Degradations of mechanical properties due to high temperature,
corrosion and irradiation are the main concerns for structural materials. My aim would be higher temperature
strength and hopefully a setout of corrosion study on vanadium alloys at Southwestern Institute of Physics in
Chengdu, Sichuan.
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
In my opinion, SOKENDAI might be one of the best universities for
doctoral study, as the inter- university research institutes are mainly
aiming at fundamental sciences, and have even the most research
recourses for each student. I wish new students can arrange your time
well to lead a happy life and carry out fruitful research during your 3 or
5 years study. Enjoy your life, enjoy your research.
Blooming spring gestates harvest
SoI Report
Yanlin Wu
Department of Materials Structure Science
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
現在、X 線イメージング物理及びその応用に関して研究しております。所属は物質
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
X 線干渉法ではフーリエ変換法により 1 枚の画像から位
ントラスト DEI (Diffraction Enhanced Imaging) 法では測
トラスト DEI 光学系システムに導入した MDEI (Multiple正常肝臓の屈折 DEI-CT 画像(図)と
Diffraction Enhanced Imaging) を検討してきました。この
方法で、入射 X 線のエネルギーバンド幅を狭くさせること
屈折コントラスト DEI 法と同程度のダイナミックレンジで、高い感度で被写体を観察できる X 線撮像装置及び
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
コントラスト法を用いて従来の DEI 光学系を改良し、より高感度で、高分解能のイメージングの世界に携わり
を高めることが必要です。現在、X 線屈折コントラスト法を用いた M-DEI 光学系システムの開発を行っており、
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
SoI Report
Zhi Liu
Department of Informatics
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
私は劉志です。中国の河北から来ました。2009 年 7 月に中国の中国科
学技術大学計算機科学と技術学科を卒業し、同年 10 月に本学情報学専
攻の 5 年一貫制博士課程に進学いたしました。わたしの研究所の名前
は国立情報学研究所です。今は 3 年生です。よろしくお願いします。
Hi, I am Zhi Liu, graduated from University of Science and Technology
of China with a Bachelor degree in computer science and technology
in 2009 and now at the third year of the 5 year Ph.D study in the
Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai), and a research
assistant at the National Institute of Informatics (NII).
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
National Institute of Informatics is only minutes’ walk from the Tokyo
Imperial Palace, and in the center of Tokyo, which is beautiful and
From the day one in NII, I begin to enjoy the open environment, great
academic atmosphere and the fantastic facilities, nice staffs with great
support for the international students, especially the wonderful professors
here. With the perfect advising of Prof.Ji and Prof.Cheung, I learned a lot
during the last two years, not only how to do research but also how to treat
the life, etc. Great appreciate for that. Besides the research, there are also
many enjoyable activities for the international students provided by the
Sokendai, such as the culture seminars, opening ceremonies, etc. Through
them, we made a lot of friends, gained more knowledge about Japan.
Now I am working on the topic ’video streaming’, with the focus:
designing new coding mechanisms of the video frames and proposing
new streaming strategies on the network aspect to enable the user
enjoy better visual experience. I hope in the next two years, new
coding methods and new network solutions could be provided.
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
For the new students, I want to congration on your choice firstly, since you choose the best to study in. I hope
you enjoy the research and life during the Ph.D study, and figure out something extraordinary.
SoI Report
Vanessa Bracamonte
Department of Informatics
❖自己紹介 - Self-introduction
❖ 研究生活 - A research life at my institute / the neighborhood.
図:休憩室から見える景色 : 東京スカイツリー
❖今後の研究目標 - The aim of research life in the near future.
❖新入生へひとこと - The message to new students.
図:南側の窓から見える景色 : 東京タワーと皇居
SoI Report
The horizons of a different culture
My major was originally art history. Now my
specialty is informal learning. Informal learning is
unanswered learning, and happens in daily lives, for
example home, museums and laboratories.
I currently support student learning on research
related tasks, for example career development,
research presentation and so on, at SOKENDAI. I
wish for Japanese research lives to be an opportunity
for all of the exchange students to learn about Japan
as an alternative domain, to learn not only about
your research, but the culture of research, about
Modern Karatsu-ware
exchange with students from different departments
during their student life at SOKENDAI.
So, why did Saga prefecture become an area for the
I was born in Fukuoka prefecture on the island of
production of ceramics? It is because they had a
Kyushu. Fukuoka is adjacent to Saga prefecture
local advantage.
which is famous for ceramics. When I was young, I
Beautiful ceramics entered Japan from China and
went with my family and relatives every year during
Korea via Kyushu. The powerful leaders of the time
the holiday in May to a major ceramics market held
who saw it brought many craftsmen from overseas
in the town of Arita, the center of Arita-ware, also
and put them to work making pottery.
known as Imari porcelain.
The porcelain with its beauty and vibrant colors
Saga prefecture is also home to such ceramics as
developed as an export product for the overseas
Nabeshima-ware and Karatsu-ware, which could only
market. On the other hand, the more simple and
be used by lords.
deeply meaningful pottery became connected with
Arita ware is a kind of porcelain. Porcelain is a type
the tea ceremony culture and developed into an art
of non water absorbing ceramic that is baked at
form. The Japanese words "wabi, sabi" are often used
high temperature and has a characteristic white
when describing the Japanese tea ceremony culture.
colored base. By comparison, ceramics that are
My Japanese language dictionary explains that wabi
representative of Karatsu-ware are water absorbing
was originally an adjective meaning "an inferior
and, unlike porcelain, have a dull surface.
state relative to a superb state", but came to mean
the sense clarity and artistry found in simplicity. The
dictionary explains that sabi expressed "an aged state
due to the passing of time (change over time)", but
that it has come to mean possessing the tastefulness
of age.
My feeling is that the idea that imperfection and age
are good is an aesthetic that is unique to Japanese
culture. Thus Japanese culture has the aspect of
SoI Report
giving birth to a new aesthetic by seeing beauty in
Motoko Okumoto
something negative and perceiving it as positive.
Assistant Professor of the Center for the Promotion
For instance, the Yohen-Tenmoku tea bowl is
Integrated Sciences (CPIS)
considered the highest quality tea bowl in Japan.
While originally produced in China, it can no longer
be found there. Why is that? One theory is that it
is no longer found in China because it was deemed
a failure there, whereas in Japan that failure was
perceived as extremely beautiful and became much
The Yohen-Tenmoku tea bowl national treasure (Inaba-Tenmoku)
That may or may not be true, but values change if
the location changes. It is deeply fascinating that
failures can become works of art if your viewpoint
To know another culture is to know many types of
values and can be the first step in allowing you to
hold diverse views. If you change your viewpoint,
you find that the world is full of beautiful and
interesting things. I hope you have experiences in
your exchange student life in Japan that allows you
to think that way. I also hope that you can practice
the aesthetic awareness of Japanese culture to
perceive positive in the negative in your research,
and move forward without fear of failure.
SoI Report
Japanese Foods and Culture
Every country has its own set of table manners. These
with Western style chairs and tables. However,
manners were developed over a long period from
traditional Japanese low tables and cushions usually
the experience of the people in their everyday life.
found on tatami, mats made of straw, floors are still
Manners are an expression of how much care about
very common.
others at the same table, and represent the most
efficient way of having meal. Therefore, it is important
– Traditional, personal table.
to know them for happy Japanese life.
ox with tray, individual sets of bowls, chopsticks,
Japanese Cuisine
– 20-30 cm per side 15-20 cm high.
Japanese cuisine has developed over the centuries
as a result of many political and social changes
throughout Japan. The cuisine eventually changed
with the advent of the Medieval age which ushered
in a shedding of elitism with the age of shogun rule.
In the early modern era significant changes occurred
resulting in the introduction of non-Japanese cultures,
most notably Western culture, to Japan.
Traditional Concept of Japanese Meal
eutral flavor of rice considered complement to
habudai (Zataku)
– Low dining table.
dapted from Western dining tables.
– 30 cm high.
– More convenient than zen.
ill up on gohan, okazu stimulate appetite.
raditional meal has no Western counterpart.
≒ rice, so the two are not consumed
ost basic meal: rice, miso-soup, side dish.
Courses of a typical Japanese meal today (Dinner)
able and Chairs
oday Western dining table and chairs are adopted.
egan with farmers (to avoid mud on tatami floor).
– Gradually spread in popularity.
Beer (Sake)or not
Gohan with Okazu
Tea and/or Fruits(sweets)
Japanese Eating Customs
Tables and sitting
Many restaurants and homes in Japan are equipped
SoI Report
Some Table Rules
drunk from the bowl).
Itadakimasu and Gochisosama
Hold your chopsticks towards their end, not in the
Meals in Japan traditionally
middle or the front third. When you are not using
begin with the phrase
your chopsticks, or have finished eating, lay them
itadakimasu ( literall y, "I
down in front of you with the tips to left.
humbly receive",” Let's eat!”).
Chopstick etiquette(Taboo related to chopsticks)
Upon finishing a meal, the
Japanese also use the polite
phrase Gochisosama-deshita
(lit. "Thank you for a good
meal", "I have enjoyed the
meal very much ") or - more
informal/simple - Gochisōsama.
Many Japanese pick up their rice bowl when they are
eating and place it under their mouths and use it as a
safety net for anything that falls down.
Japanese often make slurping noises when eating
noodles. Making noise is not considered impolite,
rather, it is considered a compliment and an
expression of enjoying the food.
It is considered polite to clear one‘s plate, down to
the very last grain of rice; children are especially
encouraged to do so. It is impolite to pick out certain
ingredients and leave the rest.
One should chew with the mouth closed.
It is considered good manners to empty your dishes to
the last grain of rice.
❶ Do not stick chopsticks into your food, especially
After eating, try to move all your dishes back to the
not into rice. (This is only done at funerals with
same position they were at the start of the meal. This
rice that is put onto the altar. )
includes replacing the lids on dishes and putting your
o not pass food directly from your set of
chopsticks on the chopstick holder or back into their
chopsticks to another's. (Again, this is a funeral
paper slip.
tradition that involves the bones of a cremated
Chopsticks and Manners
o not spear food with your chopsticks.
Japanese eat all Japanese-style meals with chopsticks.
o not pick up a plate or bowl while holding
Even soup is consumed w ith chopst icks (the
ingredients are eaten with chopsticks and the soup is
o not move plates or bowls around with your
SoI Report
of each season. They are also popular due to their
o not lay chopsticks across a plate or bowl.
healthiness with ingredients consisting mainly of
o not point at someone with your chopsticks.
vegetable and fish.
o not wave your chopsticks around in the air or
It is not difficult to cook Japanese cuisine, please try
play with them.
cooking them. I hope you enjoy your Japanese life
with Japanese foods and Japanese friends.
Drinking rules
When drinking alcoholic beverages, it is customary
How to cook Rice
to serve each other, rather than pouring your own
Rice never bores the
beverage. Periodically check your friends' cups and
Japanese, and represents an
refill their drinks if their cups are getting empty.
indispensable staple of the
Likewise, if someone wants to serve you more alcohol,
Japanese diet. Japanese rice
you should quickly empty your glass and hold it
is short grain rice and they are basically boiled and
towards that person.
While it is considered bad manners to become
1. P
ut the rice in a large bowl and wash it with cold
obviously drunk in some formal restaurants, for
example in restaurants that serve kaiseki ryori
(Japanese haute cuisine), the same is not true for
other types of restaurants such as izakaya, as long as
you do not bother other guests.
2. R
epeat washing until the water becomes almost
3. D
rain the rice in a colander and set aside for 30
Do not start drinking until everybody at the table is
4. P
lace the rice in rice cooker and add water.
served and the glasses are raised for a drinking salute,
5. L
et the rice soak in the water at least 30 minutes.
which usually is "kampai".
6. O
ne hour is ideal. Start the cooker.
7. F
inishing; Open the lid of the rice cooker. Insert a
Individual versus shared dishes
wet shamoji or flat wooden spoon between the rice
It is not uncommon in private households and in
and inside walls of the cooker, and gently overturn
certain restaurants (e.g. izakaya) to share several
and mix the rice.
dishes of food at the table rather than serving each
person an individual dish. When eating from shared
How to cook Miso Soup
dishes, move some food from the shared plates onto
It is no exaggeration to say
your own with the opposite end of your chopsticks or
that there are many types
with serving chopsticks that may be provided for that
of miso soup as there are
households in Japan.
Basic Japanese food Recipes
Japanese cuisine is attractive because of the typical
Japanese ways of selecting materials and advantage
SoI Report
Basic Steps for Making miso Soup
1. P
repare dashi* soup stock in a pan and bring to a
2. A
dd hard ingredients and cook until softened.
3. A
dd soft ingredients and heat for a short time.
Chilled Tofu (Hiya-yakko)
4. S
coop out some dashi soup from the pan and
1. C
ut the “silken” tofu into
dissolve miso paste in the soup.
5. G
radually return the moistened miso in the dashi
soup and stir gently.
6. T
urn off the heat before the soup boils. Add green
* dashi: Kelp and dried bonito flakes soup stock
your favorite sizes and put
into a serving cup.
2. P
our on some soy sauce
and garnish with your favorite condiments.
<Variation of sauce>
*Mayonnaise Soy Sauce (1Tbsps soy sauce, 2 Tbsps
mayonnaise, 1/2 tsp white sesame
→ Put all the
ingredients into a bowl and stir well)
How to cook Tofu Dishes
*Sesame Miso Sauce (1Tbsps white miso, 1/2 Tbsps
Tof u is such a common ing redient that it is
white sesame paste, 1Tbsps sugar, 2Tbsps stock, 1/2
indispensable for Japanese cuisine, and has gotten
tsp layu spiced oil
a lot of attention for its healthiness. Tofu is soybean
bowl and stir well)
→ Put all the ingredients into a
curd, which is made by coagulating tounyu (soy
drink). Nigari (magnesium chloride) is commonly used
to make tofu in Japan. Tofu is rich in protein.
Recipes of Japanese cooking ナ ツ メ 社 ISBN 978-4-
Although it is only a word, tofu is in fact available
in various forms. Kinugoshi-dofu (silken tofu) is the
softest tofu. It has very smooth texture. Momen-dofu
(cotton tofu) is made by draining some moisture, so
it is firmer than kinugoshi-dofu. Tofu don't stay fresh
Mineyo Iwase
so long. Be sure to refrigerate it in fresh water and eat
Senior Assistant Professor of the Center for the
within one or two days.
Promotion Integrated Sciences (CPIS)
Tofu Products
aki-dofu (grilled tofu) - often used in sukiyaki.
kara - the leftover fibers when straining tonyu (soy
drink) from mashed soy beans. Okara is traditionally
cooked with vegetables.
buraage - deep-fried tofu, which is pouched.
tsuage - deep-fried, thick tofu.
himidofu (Koyadofu) - freeze-dried tofu.
anmodoki - mashed tofu are mixed with other
ingredients and deep-fried.
SoI Report
Please join us for The exchange meeting of FY 2012 2nd
Semester SOKENDAI Student Seminar
■ Main purposes
・To establish newcomers’ identities as Sokendai
1. T
he 1 st exchange meet ing of FY 2012 2 nd
Semester SOKENDAI Student Seminar in OKAZAKI
Students and create inter-disciplinary networks
among them.
・To think about a research competency.
Date: 20th (Fri) April, 2012
Venue: Okazaki Conference Center (OCC)
・To provide a learning opportunity of Japanese
culture and customs for international students.
2. T
he 2 nd exchange meeting of FY 2012 2 nd
Semester SOKENDAI Student Seminar in HAYAMA
■ A year schedule
& Japanese Culture Course( ※ )& Japanese
These seminars will be held twice a year. (Spring/
Language Classes(※)
Date:10th(Thu)~ 14th(Sun)October, 2012
■ Place
Venue: Hayama Campus of the Graduate
These seminars will be held in a particular institution
University for Advanced Studies(Sokendai)
based on a 'hand down' rule.
e are currently coordinating on the information
that will be at these events.
We will also be running an Inter-school Cooperated Educational
Project Expenditure (Education) for FY2012 program at Hayama.
3. I nternational Communication ProgramFY2012
- English Presentation Skills Seminar-
4. S
okendai Academic Exchange Sessions
The Academic Exchange Session is designed for the
In this program, English Presentation Skills Seminar
further development of the All-Sokendai Academic
specially designed for Sokendai students are
Network, Soken-Net, which consists of students,
provided. You will also join some of the JSPS Summer
alumni, and faculty of Sokendai. The Academic
programs* such as Welcome Party, Special Lectures
lectures and reception party of the Session will
on Japanese Science and Japanese Culture Experience,
advance our understanding of the frontier of science
and Poster Discussion Session.
at Sokendai.
*“JSPS Summer Prog ram” which provides
opportunities for over a hundred young pre- and post-
Date:, 21st(Thu)-22nd(Fri) March,2013
doctoral researchers from North America and Europe
Venue: Hayama Campus of the Graduate
to experience Japanese culture and research.
University for Advanced Studies(Sokendai)
Date:13rd(Wed)-15th(Fri) June ,2012
Venue: Hayama Campus of the Graduate
University for Advanced Studies(Sokendai)
SoI Report
Editor's Postscript
The aim of this essay collection is to make new students and those who
are considering entering SOKENDAI
understand how senior students
enjoyed student life in Japan.
Each SOKENDAI student is deeply involved in their researches.
Therefore, there are few opportunities to meet students from other
departments. One of the goals of this essay collection is for the students
to be able to know each other. Some exchange students submitted their
research lives’ essays and we hope this booklet can promote better
understanding among students.
There are many students going about their daily research using the
English language in each laboratories, and it is difficult to have everything
written in Japanese. Even so, they completed their essays in Japanese.
Sokendai provides exchange students the three day Japanese language
course and the on-line trainings for several months to exchange students.
We hope readers to know about Sokendai research lives through this
collection of essay, and encourage you to enter Sokendai. In closing, we
express our sincerest gratitude to the students who contributed.
Further, we want to publish the second collection of the exchange
students’ essays in the future. Further, we hope to continue producing
this essay collection in the future. We ask to write about your wonderful
research life at that time.
Mineyo Iwase (Senior Assistant Professor)
Motoko Okamoto (Assistant Professor)
The Center for the Promotion of Integrated Sciences (CPIS)
SoI Report
SoI Report
~Sokendai International Students Report~
March 2012
Published by
The Center for the Promotion of Integrated Sciences (CPIS)
The General Affairs Division Hayama Office
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai)
Hayama, Kanagawa 240-0193, Japan
@Sokendai. All rights reserved.
International Students
Fly UP