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Journal Information
e-Journal of Soft Materials” 創刊のお知らせ
あるいは「エラストマー」を中心とした Soft Materials の分野で年間3000報以上の
論文が世界で報告され、中でも英語による論文が 80%近くを占めています。貴方の
ゴムに関する英語論文なら、Rubber Chemistry & Technology(RCT)があると思われ
るかもしれません。しかし、RCT に掲載された論文は世界中のゴム関連論文の2%に
ゆる3C(Contents, Circulation, and Citation)に優れた雑誌です。いまや高速インター
ネットの時代。これからの時代をリードする、3C に優れた雑誌はオンライン・ジャ
ーナル e-Journal of Soft Materials”を創刊することになりました。もちろんオンライ
e-Journal of Soft Materials 。ご投稿をお待ちしています。
Journal Information
1. Title
e-Journal of Soft Materials
2. Aims and Scope
e-Journal of Soft Materials (e-J. Soft Mater.) adapts to better meet the needs of
scientists and engineers both in academia and industry who are participating in the fields of
soft materials, and their basis and solution-oriented applications. The e-JSM offers rapid
on-line publication of articles within 4 weeks of acceptance; where available it uses colorful
tools including movies, animations, computer graphics and figures. The e-JSM aims to
become the primary journal of interdisciplinary research and development on soft materials.
The e-JSM is to publish original and review articles of the highest quality. Review articles
will normally be published by invitation only.
3. Features
Web-oriented, Online Journal
- Electronic Journal via J-Stage ( http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/ejsm/ )
without printed version
- Free Contribution, Free Access, and Free Download
- Colored Movies, Animations, and Computer Graphics available as
supplementary materials
- Colored Figures and Remarks
- Full Text Search
- Direct link to references such as JOIS, ChemPort, Crossref without additional
Quick Publication
All on-line processes, submission, reviewing, and proofing
Up-to-the minute appearance following acceptance
High quality
All manuscripts reviewed by a prestigious panel of reviewers.
4. Paper Category
・ Regular Articles
・ Review Articles
5. Subjects covered in e-Journal of Soft Materials
All the fields of science and engineering on soft materials in chemistry, physics,
agriculture, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, plastic
engineering, civil engineering, architecture engineering, computer-aided science and
engineering, and so on.
e-Journal of Soft Materials
Guidelines for Authors (updated)
Submission of Manuscript
Journal manuscript should be submitted via our online submission page. Please visit our
journal homepage (http://www.srij.or.jp/ejsm/). The editor welcomes the regular articles but
will consider only those that have not been and are not to be published elsewhere. The papers
must be written in English. Authors can use remarks and figures in color, as well as colored
movies, animations, and computer graphics as supplementary materials. Authors are requested
to specify the place where the figures and tables should be inserted with marginal comments.
Accepted manuscripts will be copy-edited for publication.
Preparation of Manuscript
Type manuscripts in double-space using A4 or US Letter size paper with 25mm margins.
When you prepare the manuscript using MS-Word, please use Times (or Times New Roman)
and Symbol fonts with 12 point and the default setting for numbers of lines and characters
besides margins. In the format, two-and-a-half typewritten pages correspond to one page in
publication. One figure having typical size of 8.25cm width and 5.9cm height may correspond
to 1/6 page in publication; this applies to tables, as well. The editor will offer 6 pages in
publication for each regular article. (See the items 13 and 14. “Length of Manuscripts” and
“Page Charge”. )
The main text should consist of the following items in the order presented.
1. Title:
Title should clearly and concisely reflect the emphasis and content of the paper. We do not
recommend the use of serial numerals in the title (e.g., “broad topic. 2. specific subject”).
2. Author(s):
Each author should be identified by affiliation. Use first names, initials, and surnames
(e.g., Taro A. Nihon). At least one author must be distinguished with an asterisk as the
person to whom correspondence should be addressed.
3. Affiliation(s)
The affiliation of each author should be followed by complete postal address including zip
code. Presentation of the e-mail address is preferable, if the author(s) does not mind.
4. Abstract:
An abstract must be provided. The abstract should be written in concise English using less
than 200 words. It should be presented in a findings-oriented format.
5. Keywords:
Authors are requested to give maximum eight keywords.
6. Main text:
The text of the paper may be arranged at the author’s discretion but an order of
Introduction, Experimental, Results, and Discussion is recommended. Authors can use
various characters in bold face and/or colored, underlines, and so on. There are no
restrictions except font specified, Times (or Times New Roman) and Symbol.
In the Experimental section, authors should provide a clear description of materials,
methods, and equipment in sufficient detail to permit repetition of the work elsewhere.
However, repetitive descriptions of a general procedure should be avoided.
Equations should be made using suitable editor of mathematical equations such as that
provided by MS-Word or its equivalent. Never paste images of equations copied.
7. Appendices:
You can add appendices for related subjects up to four files. You can add movies,
animations, computer graphics, and so on as electronic appendices. They facilitate the
readers’ understanding. Various formats of file are acceptable, but you should consider
size of files from the viewpoint of readers’ ease in downloading. In addition you should
consider the circumstances on readers’ PC. Please show how to download the free, special
software, if it is required to show your electronic appendices.
8. References:
It is the responsibility of authors to ensure the accuracy of references. Because almost of
the references are linked directly to various online databases such as JOIS, ChemPort,
CrossRef, reference accuracy is critical.
Correct abbreviations of journal names are strictly required to make automatic links to the
references by J-Link System of J-Stage. Please visit, for example,
for correct journal titles and abbreviations. Internet Web pages are also acceptable as
references (e.g., movies and animations). References should be numbered consecutively in
the main text using brackets, for example, “ as discussed by some researchers [1,2].”, and
listed at the end of the text as follows.
[1] Ferry J. D.: Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi, 70, 651 (1997).
[2] Freakley P. K., Payne A. R.: “Theory and Practice of Engineering with Rubber”, Appl.
Sci. Pub., London (1978).
(For books; Authors: Title, Publisher, City, Year)
[3] Gent, A. N., Scott, K. W.: “Engineering with Rubber“, Ed. Gent, A. N., Hanser Pub.,
Munich/ Vienna/ New York (1992), p. 67.
(For papers in books; Authors: Book Title, Editors, Publisher, City, Year, Page)
[4] For a movie, visit http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/ejsm/
In the case of multiple authorship, all authors should be listed in the references if less than
ten authors. Only in the case of more than ten authors, a style of “First Ten Authors, and
others” is acceptable.
9. Figure captions:
Concise and self-contained captions should be shown in the bottom area in every figure as
well as list of figure captions on separate page.
10. Tables:
Tables should be kept to a minimum. The same data should not be reproduced in both
tabular and diagrammatic forms. Tables should be made simply using MS-Excel.
Redundant table editing is not required.
11. Units and Abbreviations
Use metric and the International System of Units (SI units) as primary units. SI units are
strongly encouraged (Exception: conventional unit used widely in rubber field, e.g. phr).
12. Nomenclature
Nomenclature should be clear, consistent, and unambiguous, and should conform as
closely as possible to the rules established by IUPAC, and other appropriate bodies.
Guides to IUPAC recommendations on macromolecular nomenclature are available via
the Internet at http://www.iupac.org/publications/books/author/metanomski.html
and http://www.iupac.org/reports/IV/guide.html.
13. Length of Manuscripts:
The manuscript should be prepared within 4,300-4,700 words including figures and
tables, which corresponds to 6 pages in A4 size paper for publication.
14. Page Charge
Authors are not charged, in the case of regular papers, if the length of the paper is within
the limitation in publication (6 pages, tentatively). If it exceeds this limitation, some page
charge may be required.
You can submit all the files including text, figures and tables, (and supplementary
materials) within 50MB at one time. If your manuscript exceeds this limitation, please send
the files using CD-ROM.
Size: The total size of the files less than 50MB is preferable. Even if it exceeds this limitation,
we may accept in some cases. Please contact the editor, [email protected].
Format: Acceptable file name extensions are limited to the following:
- for main text
- for figures
jpg, tif, eps, doc, xls, and ppt
- for tables
xls only (The author(s) do not need to make redundant editing.)
The author(s) are requested to prepare one file for each figure or table.
File Names: For security reason, file names (within 31 characters for each file) must be
designated using the alphabetical and numerical characters, and two additional symbols
(hyphen and underscore). Macintosh user must give your file names including suitable
Never use Japanese characters--not only in text, figures, and tables, but also in file names.
File names should be made on the basis of figure or table numbers, e.g., fig1.jpg, fig2.ppt,
table1.xls, and so forth.
Main Text:
Only MS-Word file is acceptable. The main text, figures, and tables, (and supplementary
materials, if any) should be prepared in separate files. The MS-WORD file for text should not
contain figures, tables and supplementary materials.
Figures and tables are acceptable only in JPG, TIFF, EPS or MS Office files (Word, Excel,
and Power Point) format. JPG format is strongly recommended from the standpoint of the
amount of file size. Figures are reduced normally to 8.25cm width for single-column format.
The author(s) are requested to prepare the artwork that will be clear enough in the reduced
scale. Be sure to use lines that are thick enough.
You can prepare scientific graph(s) using technical 2D or 3D graphics and data analysis
software(s). But be sure to convert the graphics file(s) to JPG, TIFF or EPS format. Never
submit the original file(s) prepared using graphics software. Never paste images of
artwork(s) made using graphics software onto MS Office file(s)
JPG and TIFF are the recommended file format for line drawing, grayscale, and color
images. The files are supplied at the correct resolution:
line artwork: 1200 dpi or higher
halftone artwork: 266 dpi or higher
combination artwork of line and halftone: 800 dpi or higher
color artwork: 350 dpi or higher
combination artwork of line and color: 600 dpi or higher.
Be sure to embed fonts of Arial, Courier, Helvetica, Times or Symbols.
The resolution above should be applied for the line artworks (such as various spectra)
and the pictures taken with scanner as well.
For vector graphics, EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files are preferred.
Be sure to embed fonts of Arial, Courier, Helvetica, Times or Symbols.
MS Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint figures)
We accept only the artworks made in the circumstance of MS Office, if you submit
artwork(s) using MS Office file(s). Be sure never to paste images of artworks made using
other software except ChemDraw for drawing chemical formula.
Supplementary Materials:
For supplementary materials such as movies, animation, computer graphics, and so on, files
to be replayed using Windows Media Player or Real Player are recommended. Of course,
various file formats are available. Please contact the editor for details.
For the supplementary materials, preparation of logo-bearing file(s) is recommended to
clarify your original works.
Reprint is available for author(s). Please visit our journal homepage for details
Copyright Transfer
No article can be published unless accompanied by a signed publication agreement,
which serves as a transfer of copyright from author to publisher. Only original papers will be
accepted and copyright in published papers will be vested in the Soc. Rubber Ind., Japan.
After acceptance of the manuscript, the author(s) will receive the Copyright Transfer Form as
an electrical file. The completed Copyright Transfer Status Form should be sent back to the
e-Journal of Soft Materials Office (c/o The Society of Rubber Industry, Japan, 1-5-26
Moto-Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0051, JAPAN) by Air Mail (outside Japan) and
Surface Mail (inside Japan).
It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission to reproduce material that
has appeared in another publication. If the paper is a “work made for hire,” the Copyright
Transfer Agreement must be signed by the employer.
e-Journal of Soft Materials Office
c/o The Society of Rubber Industry, Japan
1-5-26 Moto-Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0051, JAPAN
Fax +81-3-3401-2957
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: http://www.srij.or.jp/ejsm/
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