
国際交流学科 実習・インターンシップ

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国際交流学科 実習・インターンシップ
国際交流学科 実習・インターンシップ
国際交流学科3年 佐 藤 映
大学の日本語プログラムでも使用している『げんき』という教科書を使って「第3課 動詞」,「第8
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University of California, Riverside & Disney College Internship
国際交流学科2年 角 田 輝 直
Terutada Tsunoda
Josai International University sends out some students each year to the Walt Disney World
Internship, the“International Disney College Program”
, via our sister university the University
of California, Riverside (UCR) in the United States of America for the period of six months. This
program is made to enhance skills on global hospitality and management as well as communication
skills. I say global since, over the period of six months, not only you’ll be assisting guests from
America but also form all over the world. This program will give you the opportunity to
experience, in what is feels like to work overseas, in a place where dreams come true.
The first two weeks of the program we visited UCR to study in order to receive a certificate in
Hospitality and Tourism Management. Out of the short two-week frame, we were divided into four
big groups of classes where six professors will visit each class each day in turn to teach their field
of work. One class is around 9~10 hours long depending on which subject you get taught that day.
The classes are very interesting, since they consist of a lot of group work and small presentations.
If you’re a person that maybe shy or aren’t confident in presenting things, don't worry, I was, too!
UCR will give you the chance to skill up on your presentation skills as well as prepare you to be
confident when assisting guests.
Finally after two weeks at UCR, it was time for us to move on. A four-hour flight from Los
Angeles to Orlando International Airport. Upon our arrival, we were allocated to our new
complexes. Following the next day, the Traditions class started. Traditions class is what other
companies call orientation or training classes. We were taught how to assist guests using Disney
language and how to use the Disney applications using mobile devices and computers. After
training we were sent to our work location to start out on job training, over the period of five
months. I worked at the Pop Century Resort as a front desk cashier, runner and curbside. I
received a wonderful opportunity to become the first student with the role as Front Desk from
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Front desk cast members are expected to complete several tasks that require company’s trust.
Handling large amount of cash from managing and handling guest surprises or even assisting
managers to organize events. After a month of being a cashier, I was trained to become a resort
runner and curbside. Front Desk Runners send mails and packages to guests rooms, as well as
organize and decorate rooms for small surprises. They also take guests around the resort for
a show and tell; front desk cast members are required to know almost everything about the
resort. Curbside is a position where we carry mobile devices and Ipads to check guests and assist
guests with quick requests. We then use our devices to set and organize their hotel accounts.
Curbsides’main task is to make everything more efficient for the guests stopping by the front
desk for assistance, for instance, they won’t have to line up for a simple request as settling their
accounts and printing out invoices. One of the most exciting parts about this job is the fact that
you can meet all sorts of people from around the world, not only that but also, the Disney team is
very diverse. Speaking about the“Disney Team”all my coworkers were very nice and helpful,
whenever I was in need of help they would guide me into the right direction. They understand the
meaning of diversity within work places, as they respect you despite your race and accent, which
made me feel comfortable working with them as a team.
The most important thing that I learnt working at Walt Disney World, was the four keys. The
four keys are: Safety, Efficiency, Courtesy and Show. Being a front desk cashier doesn’
t only
consist of checking people in and out, but also solving people’s problems as efficiently and as fast
as you can, but also including the Disney show and courtesy at the same time.
Being a front desk cast member was fascinating, but required dedication and hard work. I would
like everyone to step up and join the JIU Disney Team in the upcoming years.
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Fly UP