SUSY-SUSY サブグループ
SUSY-SUSY サブグループ 岩本 蘭藤 伊部 今井 大河内 太田 角田 菅井 中野 中山 森田 Special Thanks : 浅井さん SUSY-SUSY サブグループ SUSY が見つかっていない現状をふまえ、それでも SUSY が本当で あった際に想定され得る可能性について横断的に議論しました。 各項目のバランスは全然考えずに議論してしまいましたがご了承下さい。 また、文献や図の出所等全く記していませんがこちらも議論のための スライドだということでご了承下さい。 Current Status of SUSY models squark mass SUSY higher than 100TeV DM ?? wino<3TeV Higgsino <2TeV 10-100TeV DM ?? wino<3TeV Higgsino <2TeV TeV Light Stop, Higgsino 縮退 ? 焦らずもう少し 待ちましょう まずは gluino 1TeV 以下での軽い stop search! Same Sign Muon ? LHC search での穴 Higgs 番外色々? もっと手の込ん だ模型? GUT 10 years from now? 備考 現段階で Higgs mass への制限か much heavier than 125GeV 何それ? Gaugino が TeV scale なら ら less favored. もはや SUSY じゃな unification は OK もし stopping gluino なんかが見 い? つかったら大騒ぎ。 125GeV in MSSM 何それ? 素敵な 1%で済む領域が 残っているか? something or low scale Large A-term mediation が有利 素敵な something Gaugino が TeV scale なら unification は OK Gaugino searches. Cosmic ray? 下でないと O(10)% 素敵な something 素敵な something? TeV 以内で見つかれ ば文句無し? 得に問題無い づつ削られて行く g-2 はまだ説明可 最終的には 10TeV scenario に 能! 合流? stop を軽くする際の Model Dependent... stop direct production では何 fine-tuning に注意。 処まで行けるか? せ? g-2 はまだ説明可 能! 基本的に gaugino の GUT ISR jet で何処までいけるか? relation は邪魔。 ISR photon とか? 例外) Mirage Mediation soft lepton とか? 見やすくて意外な模型なら Little Higgs とか他の 模型との組み合わ シンプル。やれるこ いわゆる SUSY search で少し Two-loop を考える と gluino は 1TeV 以 High energy model は とが少ないかも は難しそう LHC で見つか らないように Naturalness Dual Unification とか? Welcome! SUSY を隠す模型を作り続け る人が出てくるか? 縮退を実現する High energy model はほとん どない。 大穴の一つ? Current Status of SUSY models squark mass SUSY higher than 100TeV DM ?? wino<3TeV Higgsino <2TeV 10-100TeV DM ?? wino<3TeV Higgsino <2TeV TeV Light Stop, Higgsino 縮退 ? 焦らずもう少し 待ちましょう まずは gluino 1TeV 以下での軽い stop search! Same Sign Muon ? LHC search での穴 Higgs 番外色々? もっと手の込ん だ模型? GUT 10 years from now? 備考 現段階で Higgs mass への制限か much heavier than 125GeV 何それ? Gaugino が TeV scale なら ら less favored. もはや SUSY じゃな unification は OK もし stopping gluino なんかが見 い? つかったら大騒ぎ。 125GeV in MSSM 何それ? 素敵な 1%で済む領域が 残っているか? something or low scale Large A-term mediation が有利 素敵な something Gaugino が TeV scale なら unification は OK 得に問題無い Gaugino searches. Cosmic ray? 下でないと O(10)% 素敵な something 素敵な something? TeV 以内で見つかれ ば文句無し? g-2 はまだ説明可 づつ削られて行く 能! 最終的には 10TeV scenario に Higgs グループにおま 合流? かせ stop を軽くする際の Model Dependent... stop direct production では何 fine-tuning に注意。 処まで行けるか? せ? g-2 はまだ説明可 能! 基本的に gaugino の GUT ISR jet で何処までいけるか? relation は邪魔。 ISR photon とか? 例外) Mirage Mediation soft lepton とか? 見やすくて意外な模型なら Little Higgs とか他の 模型との組み合わ シンプル。やれるこ いわゆる SUSY search で少し Two-loop を考える と gluino は 1TeV 以 High energy model は とが少ないかも は難しそう LHC で見つか らないように Naturalness Dual Unification とか? Welcome! SUSY を隠す模型を作り続け る人が出てくるか? 縮退を実現する High energy model はほとん どない。 大穴の一つ? through the radiative corrections [23]. The first contribution to deviates the SUSY relation SUSY much heavier than TeV (いわゆる SUSY) is the100 radiative correction through thesplit renormalization-group equation. At the one-loop level, the renormalization-group equation is roughly given by まだ LSP-DM を期待するなら LSP dλ 12 ∼ (λ2 + λyt2 − yt4 ) , 2 はdtTeV16π 領域 (see next topic) (9) yt denotes the top Yukawa coupling, and we have neglected gaugino couplings for (DM search andwhere Gaugino search @ LHC は期待できる?) illustrative purpose. By imposing the SUSY relation in Eq. (8) at the renormalization scale Q = MSUSY , the renormalization-group equation can be approximately solved by, 130GeV 135GeV 140GeV この領域は naive には12Higgs が重い M SUSY 4 λ(mh ) ∼ λ(MSUSY ) + y ln . 2 t (4π) m Higgs Mass 125GeV が本当ならh less favored (10) Therefore, we expect that the physical Higgs mass receives a large positive correction for 125GeV MSUSY = O(104−6 ) GeV. 10 tanΒ The second簡単に軽くする方法? contribution which deviates the SUSY relation comes from the finite cor- rection to the Higgs quartic coupling from the trilinear couplings. At the one-loop level, 4点に負の寄与、large A-term or Hard Breaking etc. 120GeV this contribution is given by, δλ � mh �114.4GeV 6 4 y (4π)2 t 1 10 102 MSUSY �TeV 103 104 � Xt2 m2t̃ − 1 12 Xt4 m4t̃ � , [わざわざ軽くしたいかどうかは疑問…] 6 our plot of the lightest Higgs boson mass. The bands for mh = eV represent the effects of the theoretical uncertainty of the ratio est Higgs boson mass. We have assumed that MSUSY /3 < µH < 3MSUSY . ral values of the 1σ errors of the strong coupling constant and the top SUSY much heavier than 100 TeV (いわゆる split SUSY) 4678*+9&%:*0*7;%%% Stable gluino ? /C/>9?%*;%9)D:1&9&%!=EFGH$% @2A%;786:9%;781I% 4678*+9&%:*0*7;%%% &*A9D7%JA2&1DK2+ !"#$%%&'(&)%%*+%,-%%.%!"/$%012+%345%%!,,$% τgluino = 5 x10-9 sec x ( mgluino / TeV)5 x (104 TeV / msquark)4 Current limit /C/>9?%*;%9)D:1&9&%!=EFGH$% #<=#%>9?%@2A%;786:9%B:1*+2 @2A%;786:9%;781I% &*A9D7%JA2&1DK2+ LMN8&A2+O%%LP #<=#%>9?%@2A%;786:9%B:1*+2 LMN8&A2+O%%LP Q786:9%LMN8&A2+ Q786:9%LMN8&A2+ もっと重い gluino は難しそう 10-100TeV SUSY 理論的には極めてシンプル Wino DMの場合 Fermi : mwino>400GeV Gluino > 3TeV WMAP, BBN : mwino>200GeV Planck : mwino >500GeV LHCで生成困難 但しAMSB relationを変更すればLHCで生成可能 Higgsino mass~Wino massの場合 XENON100 : mHiggsino >400GeV 2-3年後 : mHiggsino >800GeV Wino DMでない場合 mwino ~200-300GeVでもOK W̃ W̃ j LHCで発見可能 charged track 200-20 event@14TeV, 100fb-1 10-100TeV SUSY Indirect Annihilation Cross Section (cm3 /s) Direct Win 10 ï25 10 tter Planc k iïLAT m r e F tiïp) n A ( LA E PAM ï26 10 100 iïp) t n A ( 02 AMSï 200 400 300 Dark Matter Mass (GeV) 500 Figure 6: Constraints and future prospects of indirect detection experime 100 prediction of the neutral wino dark matter is also shown. matter. Theoretical pT > 170GeV pT > 270GeV 10 pT > 370GeV Cross Section [fb] pp → W̃ + W̃ − j √ s = 14TeV rk M a ï24 ï27 LHC W o Da 10 Near future constraint BN B , P MA ï23 10 one) above the constraint in order to take the uncertainties into account 1 seen that the neutral wino should be, at least, heavier than 300 GeV. 0.1 Another interesting indirect detection is the PAMELA experiment ob At least one Wino cosmic-ray p̄ (anti-proton) flux [43]. Current constraint on the dark matte 0.01 cτ > 44.3cm experiment is also shown in Fig. 6 as a blue-shaded region. Since the p̄ flu 0.001 on how p̄ propagates the250 complicated field of our galaxy 100 under 150 200 300 350 magnetic 400 450 500 mWino [GeV] dark matter profiles we adopt [44], the constraint has large uncertainties SUSY @ TeV SUSY Search @ LHC の制限&&)78!79&2+&0%:;+2/ mg~ [GeV] ector, as described in Ref. [1], result in an uncerGGM: bino-like neutralino, tan% = 2, c$NLSP < 0.1 mm 1200 of 3.9 % for the GGM and SPS8 signals and 3.7 % ATLAS CL s expected 95% CL limit ATLAS 1100 UED signal. The uncertainty from the photon isoATLAS CL s observed 95% CL limit ± 1& was estimated by varying the energy leakage and 1000 ATLAS CL s observed 95% CL limit (36 pb -1) e-up corrections independently, resulting in an unCMS observed 95% CL limit (35 pb -1) 900 ty of 0.6 % for GGM and SPS8 and 0.5 % for UED. 800 fluence of pile-up on the signal efficiency, evaluated Ldt = 1.07 fb-1 # paring GGM/SPS8 (UED) MC samples with dif700 s = 7 TeV pile-up configurations, leads to a systematic uncer600 of 1.3 %(1.6 %). Systematic uncertainties due to the ~ 500 g NLSP econstruction, estimated by varying the cluster enmiss within established ranges and the ET resolution 400 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 n the measured performance and MC expectations, m!" [GeV] ute an uncertainty of 0.1 % to 12.4 % (GGM), 1.7 % % (SPS8) and 0.5 % to 1.5 % (UED). A systematic ainty was also assigned to account for temporary Figure 4: Expected and observed 95 % CL lower limits on the gluino of the LAr calorimeter readout during part of the mass as a function of the neutralino mass in the GGM model with king period, which was notなスペクトラムでの modelled in the MC Conventional 1TeV 付近までの領域の多くが excluded. (&)*+,-./&&&&&&&&&$0-12+&&3&!"#$%&' a bino-like lightest neutralino NLSP (the grey area indicates the s. Electrons and photons were removed from the region where the NLSP is the gluino, which is not considered here). (&&&&&&&&&&&&$0-12+4.5-"#6&3&()"'*%& The other sparticle masses are fixed to ∼ 1.5 TeV. Further model d area, but jets, being larger objects, were not. Jet parameters are tan β = 2 and cτNLSP < 0.1 mm. The previous corrections were therefore applied. Varying these ATLAS [1] and CMS [50] limits are also shown. ions over their range of uncertainty results in sysc uncertainties of 1.0 %, 0.7 %, and 0.4 % for GGM, and UED, respectively. Added in quadrature, the in the signal region using the profile likelihood and CLs ystematic uncertainty on the signal yield varies bemethod [51]. The result is 7.1 events at 95 % CL. 6.3 % and 15 % (GGM), 6.2 % and 15 % (SPS8) and Further, 95 % CL upper limits on the cross sections of nd 6.0 % (UED). SUSY @ TeV SUSY Search @ LHC の制限&&)78!79&2+&0%:;+2/ mg~ [GeV] ector, as described in Ref. [1], result in an uncerGGM: bino-like neutralino, tan% = 2, c$NLSP < 0.1 mm 1200 of 3.9 % for the GGM and SPS8 signals and 3.7 % ATLAS CL s expected 95% CL limit ATLAS 1100 UED signal. The uncertainty from the photon isoATLAS CL s observed 95% CL limit ± 1& was estimated by varying the energy leakage and 1000 ATLAS CL s observed 95% CL limit (36 pb -1) e-up corrections independently, resulting in an unCMS observed 95% CL limit (35 pb -1) 900 ty of 0.6 % for GGM and SPS8 and 0.5 % for UED. 800 fluence of pile-up on the signal efficiency, evaluated Ldt = 1.07 fb-1 # paring GGM/SPS8 (UED) MC samples with dif700 s = 7 TeV pile-up configurations, leads to a systematic uncer600 of 1.3 %(1.6 %). Systematic uncertainties due to the ~ 500 g NLSP econstruction, estimated by varying the cluster enmiss within established ranges and the ET resolution 400 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 n the measured performance and MC expectations, m!" [GeV] ute an uncertainty of 0.1 % to 12.4 % (GGM), 1.7 % % (SPS8) and 0.5 % to 1.5 % (UED). A systematic ainty was also assigned to account for temporary Figure 4: Expected and observed 95 % CL lower limits on the gluino of the LAr calorimeter readout during part of the mass as a function of the neutralino mass in the GGM model with king period, which was notなスペクトラムでの modelled in the MC Conventional 1TeV 付近までの領域の多くが excluded. (&)*+,-./&&&&&&&&&$0-12+&&3&!"#$%&' a bino-like lightest neutralino NLSP (the grey area indicates the s. Electrons and photons were removed from the region where the NLSP is the gluino, which is not considered here). (&&&&&&&&&&&&$0-12+4.5-"#6&3&()"'*%& The other sparticle masses are fixed to ∼ 1.5 TeV. Further model d area, but jets, being larger objects, were not. Jet parameters are tan β = 2 and cτNLSP < 0.1 mm. The previous corrections were therefore applied. Varying these -1 [updated May 24th] ATLAS [1] and CMS [50] limits are also shown. ions over their range of uncertainty results in sysc uncertainties of 1.0 %, 0.7 %, and 0.4 % for GGM, and UED, respectively. Added in quadrature, the in the signal region using the profile likelihood and CLs ystematic uncertainty on the signal yield varies bemethod [51]. The result is 7.1 events at 95 % CL. 6.3 % and 15 % (GGM), 6.2 % and 15 % (SPS8) and Further, 95 % CL upper limits on the cross sections of nd 6.0 % (UED). 4.71 fb Result! SUSY @ TeV SUSY Search @ LHC !"#$だと 断面積 %&''()*+),ぐらいのゲイン (少し)) -.-/012探索など 3 4*5+0)6)倍 (大きく効く) 7#8)9:;(&<())今年も注目。 もう少しで見つかることを期待… ただし、Higgs 125GeV が本当の場合、conventional な model / parameter space ではないことが起こっていると考えられる。 Higgs 125GeV を実現する方法と照らし合わせて考えて行く必要がある。 SUSY-Higgs group のトーク ass, mH also includes the softsee mass the Here HiggsΛfield coupled theatup-type current discussion), e.g.of[49]. denotes the to scale which SUSY breaking effects Naturalness がやっぱり気になる… . Whetherare the soft mass down-type Higgs, soft terms inm2Q3 , m2u3 and At control mediated to for thethe Supersymmetric SM. m Since theother soft parameters Hd , or Higgs sector, should be as light and mHu isthe instead a model-dependent the stop spectrum, as itas is µ well-known, requirement of a natural Higgs potential sets an Naturalness conditions d a heavierupper mHd bound can even to improvements [48]. The one key has observation that on lead the stop masses. In particular �−1/2 � must be light � � � −1 �−1/2 or SUSY collider higgsinos because their � phenomenology is that sin β log (Λ/ TeV) mh ∆ 2 2 < mt̃1 + mt̃2 ∼ 600 GeV , tly controlled by µ, (1 + x2t )1/2 3 120 GeV 20% � � (6) � −1/2 � 2 + m2 .�Eq. −1 where xt = At / m 6 imposes a bound on the heaviest stop mass. Moreover, m ∆ h t̃2 t̃1 < µ ∼ 200 GeV (4) 120 GeV 20% for a fixed Higgs boson mass, a hierarchical stop spectrum induced by a large off-diagonal term At tend to worsen the fine-tuning due to the direct presence of At in the r.h.s. of eq. 5. forward to extend this discussion to include SM singlets that receive vevs, see for example [35]. where the µ-term generated the vev of some other field, is generically Allisthe other by radiative contributions to its theeffective Higgs size potential from the other SM particles of the order of the electroweak scale by naturalness arguments. For a proof in the NMSSM pose much weaker bounds on theStop supersymmetric spectrum. The only exception is the 1. Light / Light Higgsino ]. gluino, which induces a large correction to the top squark masses at 1-loop and therefore 2. Degenerate spectrum feeds into the Higgs potential at two loops.SUSY One finds, in the LL approximation, 8 δm2Hu |gluino � � 2 αs = − 2 yt2 |M3 |2 log2 π π � Λ TeV � , (7) where M3 is the gluino mass and we have neglected the mixed At M3 contributions that can be relevant for large A-terms. From the previous equation, the gluino mass is bounded from above by naturalness to satisfy, � log (Λ/ TeV) < M3 ∼ 900 GeV sin β 3 �−1 � mh 120 GeV �� −1 ∆ 20% �−1/2 . (8) (1 + xt ) 3 120 GeV 20% � Light Stop Building where xt = At / m2Model + m2 . Eq. 6 imposes a bound on the heaviest stop mass. t̃1 t̃2 Moreover, for a fixed Higgs boson mass, a hierarchical stop spectrum induced by a large off-diagonal 今日のルール term A tend to worsen the fine-tuning due to the direct presence of A t t in the r.h.s. of eq. 5. All the other radiative contributions to the Higgs potential from the other SM particles 1. Stop mass2 に複数の起源があって cancel させる模型は考えない pose much weaker bounds on the supersymmetric spectrum. The only exception is the ( light stop tuning! ) gluino, which induces a large correction to the top squark masses at 1-loop and therefore feeds into the Higgs potential at two loops. One finds, in the LL approximation, � � � � → stop だけ違う性質(対称性、余剰次元中の局在性など) 2 α Λ δm2Hu |gluino = − を持ってるはず π 2 y t 2 s π |M3 |2 log2 TeV , (7) where M3 is the gluino mass and we have neglected the mixed At M3 contributions that can be relevant for large the previous equation, the gluino mass is bounded from 2. Gluino massA-terms. からのFrom fine-tuning にも注意する above by naturalness to satisfy, � < 900 GeV sin β log (Λ/ TeV) M3 ∼ 3 �−1 � mh 120 GeV �� −1 ∆ 20% �−1/2 . (8) In the case of Dirac gauginos [50] there is only one power of the logarithm4 in Eq. 7, amelio4 → Low Scale Mediation が Favored The other logarithm is traded for a logarithm of the ratio of soft masses. We assume that the new log is O(1), but in principle it can be tuned to provide further suppression. 9 Light Stop I : anomalous U(1) model (Nakano, Ozeki and Watanabe ’99) Anomalous U(1) symmetry ex) charge assignment Anomalous U(1) symmetry U(1) Φ -1 Q1 q Q2 q Q3 0 → Non-vanishing FI-term ξ ~ O(1/10) x MPL VU(1) = g2/2 ( ξ2 - |Φ|2 + q |Q1|2 +....)2 motivated by unsuppressed yt W = yt <Φ>0HuQ3T3 Vsoft = mΦ2 |Φ|2 < ξ2 - |Φ|2 > = mΦ2 V 1, 2 世代だけ重く出来る ΔmQ1,22 = g2 q mΦ2 後は gluino が 1TeV になる程度の Gauge Mediation 等と o o 0 2 ξ 2 |φ| 組み合わせれば出来上がり! Light Stop 2 : Flavored Mediation Gauged Flavor symmetry を使った Gauge Mediation 効果 Squark たちに新しい soft mass GMSB by SM gauge. + GMSB by SU(2) gauged flavor sym. 1,2世代 squark だけ重い! 2 mSM 2 + mf lavor 例) Craig, McCullough and Thaler (2012.Jan) SU(3)F m2q1,2 SU(2) F 第3世代の m2q3 第3世代のmassを担うgauge bosonが massive ( m2V )に 2 mf lavor →0 the top quark and the Higgs; and the constraints of naturalness, we charge the third Dimopoulos, Gherghetta, 1203.0572 tion chiral superfields and Hu , Hd under GA , while charging the first two Craig, generations GB . The model is shown schematically in Fig. 1. lavor Light Stop 3 : Split family 1,2 世代への GMSB Hu,Hd �χ� ∼ 10TeV 101,51 GA GB 103,53 GA × GB → GSM 102,52 1.0 Figure 1: The deconstructed model. 145 135 GMSB by GB gauge sym. 140 0.8 -group locality determines the structure of both fermionic and sfermionic flavor. 2 2 only the third generation superfields and the Higgs multiplets are charged under 1,2 3 0.6 nly the Yukawa interactions of the third generation are marginal operators. Yukawa ngs involving fields of the first two generations may arise via irrelevant operators nsertions of the link field vevs, as discussed in detail in [17] (see also [21]). Such ant operators arise from integrating out massive matter at the scale M∗ ∼ M . 0.4 rucially, the matter representations required by a complete theory of flavor have implications for the prospects of gauge coupling unification. First, consider the m̃ � m̃ � Stopを軽く出来る 130 125 Bonus: Extra D-termの寄与 0.2 act, important contributions arise at both two and three loops; as we will discuss below, the threentributions dominate when �χ�/M < 4π, as is typically the case here. Higgsを重く出来る 110 105 115 0.0 200 –4– 120 400 600 m�t �GeV� 800 1000 Figure 3: The lightest Higgs mass as a function of mt̃ and ∆ (for ∆� = ∆), including D-term an two-loop radiative corrections computed in FeynHiggs [24]. The blue region is excluded by curren Light Stop 4 : Extra Dimension Larsen, Nomura & Roberts; cf. N.Okada & T.Yamada SUSY bulk RS model + SUSY breaking @UV brane H,t はIR brane付近, 3世代目だけ軽い! SUSY Breaking W/Z in the bulk 他はUV brane付近 SUSY br. @UV brane +gaugino med.(?) Warped XD: high scale ΛSUSY low scale Λcomp 微妙なことは背景計量へ? (Finite threshold corrections…) Light Stop 5: Strong Interaction (Fukushima Kitano,Yamaguchi 11, Csaki, Randall, Terning ‘12) CFT でも来そう! 例) Csaki, Randall, Terning !"#$%&'()'('!*+,*-.'/0(1 2+34'56789' !"#:%*1'←/0(1→ !"#$%;(. mag el The IR behavior of this strongly coupled theory is given by the Seiberg dual the [28] The cancellation of SM gauge anomalies requires 2 S be tadpole willby be (elementary) responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking. bal SU (3) whichthe broken Yukawa couplings. M 1 Stop 0 (Fukushima 3 Light 5:will Strong Interaction Kitano, Yamaguchi Csaki, Randall, Terningcouplings. ‘12) in the electric theory that11, only have SM gauge cancellation ofquantum SM(2) gauge anomalies requires the presence of some spectator )el will eventually beThe broken tothese the diagonal subgroup which will be SU SU (6) SU (6) U (1) U (1) With numbers the most general gauge invariant mag 1 2 V R cancelation is to include elementary fields that are renorm conjuga in the electric theory that only have SM gauge couplings. A simple choice for this an SU(4) 6-flavor model ( approximate conformal ) dynamical superpotential term so SU (2)L . The embedding is chosen the dual quarks contain the 2 perpotential is given by posite mesons V , U , R, φ , G. Trilinear superpotential q 1 u,d2 3 cancelation is to include elementary fields that are conjugate to the representations o ation quark doublet, two Higgses Hu,d , and and two electric bifundamentals H, H̄ 2 terms in the dual d quarks will map to mass q̄ , R, φu,d , G. Trilinear 1 −2 terms3 between these spec posite mesons V , U superpotential W = y q̄M q . (3.3) for breaking the SU (2)mag × SU (2)el to theofdiagonal and generating Wtree = decouple, µ + Q5the Q̄ + µfE, Q6XQ̄6will pair to dyn F (Q4 Q̄4while 5 )fields freedom will 2 Mwillthe 1 andare electric quarks map to mass terms in the dual0description, and the extra d 3 W and Z. Fields embedded into dual VEVquarks of the as bifundamental H. The remaining standard m [conformality を far IR で破るための種] of freedom willglobal decouple, while theinto fields E, X will pair obtain a mass fro These will get mapped tadpoles for the together singlets Pto and S on the ma oups are embedded in the symmetry as quarks, right handed bottom and all leptons) are assumed t with the additional dynamical superpotential term VEV H. The remaining standard model fields (first two gene q= Q3 , of H,the H d bifundamental tadpole will be responsible for of the SU (2) × SU (2) to ing under SU the (3)c breaking × SU (2) × U (1) . This charge assignme mag el el Y (3.5) to be elementary fields tran quarks, right handed bottom and all leptons) are assumed SU (6)1 ⊃ × (1) the S (2) tadpole will be for electroweak symmetry breaking. free, and is capable of producing the usual flavor structure q̄ =SU X,(3) H̄,cH el × U Y responsible u SU W = y q̄M q . + linear terms of P and S. dyn ing under SU (3)c × SU (2)el × U The (1)Y .relevant This charge will be automatically an (3.4) part ofassignment the superpotential (3.3) together w The cancellation of SM gauge anomalies requires the presence of so SU (6)2 ⊃ free, SU (3) × SU (2) × U (1) X is capable of el producing Y the usual flavor structure and CKM mixing matrix. and ssignments it follows that the meson M contains thebe right-handed t, can then written as gauge the electric that only have SM couplings. A simple choi The SMingauge groups theory are embedded in the global symmetry as The relevant part of the superpotential (3.3) together with the singlet tadpoles from wo additional Higgses Φu,d cancelation transforming under the elementary SU (2) , is by to include elementary fieldsel2that are conjugate 2 to the repr global SU (3) which willbebe broken (elementary) Yukawa couplings. can then written as W (3) ⊃ yP (H H̄(2) −F )+ yS(H u Hd − f ) + yQ3 Hu t̄ + SU (6) ⊃ SU × SU × U (1) up-type quark SU(3) U and some exotics X, V, E, R, G: 1 c el Y x SU(2) el posite mesons V ,diagonal U , R, φu,d , G. Trilinear superpotential terms betwee (2)el will eventually be broken to the subgroup which will be 2 (6)2 2 SU (2) H̄ SU(3) SU ⊃first SU (3) × × U (1) and electric quarks will map to mass terms in the dual description, and Xf el Yu Hφ W ⊃ yP (H − F yS(H H − ) + yQ H t̄ + yH + yH H̄φ . The term is responsible for the breaking of SU (2) × u d 3 u u d d c) + el U t̄is chosen so that the dual quarks contain the M SU (2)L . TheVembedding of freedom will decouple, while thewill fields E, X will pair symmetry together tobreakin obta the second term trigger electroweak E G + P φ M = (3.6) SU(2) neration quarkwhere doublet, two Higgses HSU , and two bifundamentals H, H̄ uis elu,dfor SU (3) global (3) which will be broken by (elementary) Yukawa cou X is The first term the breaking of SU (2) × SU (2) the diagonal el mag to VEV ofaresponsible the bifundamental H. The remaining standard model fields t Yukawa coupling and the last two terms give rise to a (fi m R φ S d mag The SU (2) × SU willelHiggs eventually be broken theare diagonal subgroup which ble for breaking the SU (2) ×(2) SU (2) tobottom the andto generating elhanded the second term will trigger electroweak symmetry breaking, the third will give rise b mag φu,ddiagonal . At this the low-energy effective theory quarks, right and all point leptons) assumed to be elementa SU(2) mag x SU(2)el identified with the SM SU (2) . The embedding is chosen so that the dual quarks cont L t Yukawa coupling and the last two terms give rise to a mixing of the Higgs with a ite W and Z. Fields are embedded into the dual quarks as that F � f ) is that of the NMSSM with a composite Higg ing under SU (3) × SU (2) × U (1) . This charge assignment will be auto c el Y SU(3) SU(2)elfor the meson fields are as follows: V mbers under SU (3)c × SUcthird (2) left-handed generation quark doublet, two Higgses H and two Higgs φu,dfree, . Ateland this point the theory below the scale (and ass u,d ,assumed thelow-energy rest of theeffective SM particles are tobifundamenta beF elementar is capable of producing the usual flavor structure and CKM m , U is a (3̄, 2), that Ethat represents three (1, 2)’s, G is a (1, 3), φ and φ are d u will be the SUaunder (2) × strongly SUHiggs, (2)el coupled to and gen FQ �3 ,responsible fH, )The isH that offor thebreaking NMSSM with composite Q3the anddiagonal t. As explained mag q = not transform the SU (4). They sim d relevant part of the superpotential (3.3) together with the singlet SU(2) mag SU(2) by <H> L nglets, and R represents three singlets. The hypercharge assignments (3.5) the partially composite W and Z. Fields are embedded into the dual quarks as the rest of the SM particles are assumed to be elementary, that is made of fields th numbers under SU (2) × SU (3) × U (1) . el c Y doublets be then written as q̄ transform =the X,can H̄, then H u are the dual quarks,not and mesons under the strongly SU (4).there They carryofthe usual the SM com qu Atcoupled high energies aresimply three sets Higgses: q (1) =Q Hd composite 3 , H, the numbers (2) × SU (3) × U . 2 2 transforming under SUH (2)t̄mag ,yH the Hφ composite SU(3)xunder SU(2)el SU el c Y W ⊃ yP (H H̄ − F ) + yS(H H − f ) + yQ + u d 3 u u u + yH Top and Higgs are composite!! Q1 Q2it Q Q Q assignments follows 3 Q4 that 5 the 6 meson M contains the right-handed t, At high energies there areing three sets ofX,elementary Higgses: composite the dual q under the (2)el , andHau,d setfrom of elementary q̄ = H̄, Hu theSU , 1 1 1 1 twoYadditional Higgses Φ transforming under themagelementary SUlatter (2) , the u,d elfrom 0 0 − the elementary SU (2) . These fields need to be tran pres transforming under the composite SU (2) , the composite φ mesons el u,d 6 6 6 2 The first term is responsible for the breaking of SU (2)el × SU (2) to t mag � From the q, the q̄some charge assignments it follows the mesonHiggses M term, contains theafter right-ha d up-type quark and exotics X, V,trigger R, trum a aG: trilinear superpotential which dual ingUunder elementary (2) ,via and setthat of elementary φu,d transforming elE, (3.7) the second termSU will electroweak symmetry breaking, the third w � q = Q3 , H, Hd Q3 , H, HdInteraction Light Stop q5:=Strong (Fukushima Kitano,(3.5) Yamaguchi 11, Csaki, Randall, (3.5) Terning ‘12) q̄ = X, H̄, Hu q̄ = X, H̄, Hu Other Yukawa couplings From the q, q̄ charge assignments it follows that thethe meson M contains rge assignments it follows that the meson M contains right-handed t, the right-handed t, the singlets S andHiggses P , two Φadditional Higgses Φu,dthe transforming P , two additional under elementary under SU (2)elthe , elementary SU (2)el , u,d transforming - E,-R, G:a second rightquark handed up-type quark UX,and nded up-type U and some exotics V, E,some R, G:exotics-X, V, [Q H 1Q2Q3Qi+3]Lj ER V U t̄ V U t̄ - - - (3.6) M = E G + P Mφu= E G + P φu [Q (3.6)H 1Q2Q3Qi+3]Qj DR R φd S R φd S Hd L ER Hd Q DR m numbers under SUnumbers (3)c × SUunder (2)el for fields are as 1follows: [Q Q Qi+3are ]Qas j Ufollows: R 2QV3fields where the quantum SUthe (3)meson meson VH Hu Q UR c × SU (2)el for the 3̄, 1)’s, U is three a (3̄, 2), represents G is a (1, 3), (1, φd and u are represents (3̄,E1)’s, U is a (three 3̄, 2),(1, E 2)’s, represents three 2)’s,φG is a (1, 3), φd and φu are - - assignments -The hypercharge are singlets, andSRare represents The hypercharge assignments (1, 2)’s, P and singlets,three and singlets. R represents three singlets. [Q1Q2Q4Q5]BR Hd arks, the dual quarks, and the mesons are then for the electric quarks, the dual quarks, and the mesons are then Y Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 1 6 H, H̄ Hu Hd 0 1 2 Y 1 6 1 6 X V Q1 Q2 Q , 3 Q4 Q5 Q6 0 Y U 6 t̄ Q 1 3 H, 1 H̄ H1u H2d −2 −6 1 6 0 0 −6 −3 1 2 9 −112 01 − 12 6 1 6 φu R φd G, P, S E 1X 1V − 6 1 2 −6 2 3 0 U 1 12 0 −6 − 12 0 t̄ − 23 E φu. 1 6 − 12 0 elementary , (3.7) (3.7) R φd G, P, S 2 3 1 2 0 . 9 一応 Yukawa を Higher dimensional operator で書ける Running で持ち上げる予定? Q3 BR following forasthe composite states: arameter isaxial whattransformations sets thecan electroweak scale. Although weonce notanomalous explainapplication, this choicesince of we are eventually e Λ is supersymmetry the invariant scale that be used forwell. dimensional analysis the ation applies, this isdo a non-standard soft breaking scale whereinb ais more the one-loop β-function coefficient b = think 3N − F and µthis is the RG can scale. In the charge is fixed. arameter, we expect that complete model of supersymmetry breaking can NMSSM. Naively one would that gauge mediation not be appli the Light soft SUSY breaking terms for the elementary fields are incorporated Stop 5: Strong Interaction (Fukushima Kitano, Yamaguchi 11, Csaki, Randall, Terning ‘12) AN/(F −N ) model presented in the section we will choose Nwill = 4not and F = SUSY 6. n composite theory, ”magnetic” transform under thewell. dual gauge SU (F −N )(2.12) q→ e statesbreaking q next type theory, since the singlet obtain breaking terms. How which is also a SUSY breaking spurion eanthe related to the soft supersymmetry scale as by using the real and chiral spurions Z and U with non-zero θ compoWe can alsodual include these spurions in assumed the composite description the structure of e group, and include meson and q, q̄. Due the operator mapping −N )quarks gauge mediation is to happen above thesince compositeness (“duality The leading contribution to the composite soft masses are controlled by chiral The effects of thethe soft breaking for thetoelementary fields are incorporated q̄SUSY →MeAN/(F q̄ terms (2.13) 2 including the low-energy theory issinglet constrained by symmetries (1) sym- te Λ (it −8π −8π 2 mλanof2anomalous F axial is a composite is a component the a 2softU2breaking 2meson) 2 N real F −N N spurions F −Nlog 2A nto the Lagrangian by using the and chiral Z and U with non-zero θ compo= +the (θ + axial θ̄ ) − U (1). mU VUnder θ θ̄ . axial QQ̄ (Arkani-Hamed, ↔ Mmetry. , Q ↔eq words , . Zwith Q̄ ↔ q̄composites) (2.11) symmetry Rattazzi ‘98) M → M (2.14) � 2 of 2 In other and U are also spurions anomalous all will be induced for it. The mass for the fermionic par µ bg bg b � � � � ents [14–17]: 4 † V † Vtransformations, 2 α where the rotation parameter is promoted to a chiral we have (the singlino) ish.c. model dependent. There can besuperfield a singlinoA, mass from n θ Q Ze Q + Q̄ Ze Q̄ + d θ U W W + µ Q̄Q + . (2.3) α f ave the following axial transformations for the composite states: �is This Λterms theforinvariant scale an that can dimensional analysis once al composite� theory is in the weakly coupled phase we write approximately thecan elementary fields (Q̄6be Q6used )2 /ΛUfor V giving a singlino mass of ord � � � � A 4 † V † VU (1) charge2 isQfixed. αA Q , → e Q̄ → e Q̄ (2.7) AN/(F −N ) ähler potential. SUSY and dimensional L = d θ Requiring Q Ze Qq + Q̄e Zeand Q̄ qaxial + There dinvariance θwillU also W W µusing + h.c. . (2.3) αa+ f Q̄Qmass be singlino generated by the strong dynamics of or → (2.12) a soft squark mass mU V , a gaugino massInm , and a soft-breaking B term † λ −A−A 2F/b A the composite theory, ”magnetic” the dual gau AN/(F −N ) Z quite → e small. ,We Λhnot → e states Λhtransform (2.8) find the dual Lagrangian typically will be making a definite under assumption on the q̄ → e q̄ (2.13) ∼ B) we Taylor expand the spurionsgauge in superspace coordinates: group, and includespectra the �meson M and dual quarks q, q̄. Duefor to it. the op but mass explore both with small and sizeable values 2AU V , a mass, � To introduce a soft squark mass m gaugino m , and a soft-breaking B term λ M†→N/(F etoM .) Ṽ (2.14) � It is convenient introduce a redundant scale that is invariant under transformations † 2 −N † N/(F −N ) Ṽ Bµ Note that the usual problem is simply notaxial present, since the poten 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 M M q θZ e− qspurions q̄) Z in superspace e q̄ N F −N N F −N with mUZV ∼=mλ41 ∼ B)BZ we Taylor expand the coordinates: − θ − θ̄ B − θ̄ (m |B| (2.4) QQ̄ ↔ terms, M , both Q of↔which q , induced Q̄ ↔asq̄ described in U V trilinear L = d θ theory2is in the + weakly + we and tadpole are (4N −2F )/(F −N ) (4N −2F )/(F −N ) † e the dual composite coupled phase can write an approximately 2 ΛθY M Λ2 mλ 2 Λ 1 = Λhas Z 2F/b Λhin NMSSM-type models, an issue similar (2.9) to 2 µ-problem 2 2 isΛ2solved 2usual nical Kähler Requiring SUSY and axial invariance and using dimensional U =potential. − i + θ , (2.5) Z 2= 1 −2θ Bwe−have θ̄ B the − θfollowing − |B|transformations ) (2.4) �θ̄ (mU V axial for the composite states: � 2g 2 � 16π g why the parameter f is close to the electroweak scale, which as we discus ysis we find the dual Lagrangian y M q q̄ 1 θY M to be2 m α� λ � addressed model SUSY breaking. + d2 θ �U W W + + µ M + h.c.with�a5more complete (2.15) AN/(F −N of ) (2.5) U = − i + θ , α f b/(F −N ) →e q 2 2 2 to be confused withq the 2g 16π g so included the �CP violating θ † 2 parameter † N/(F −N ) M Ṽ (not † message N/(F −N ) from Ṽ Λ The the general discussion of Section 2 is that soft b Y M Z M q Zh e q q̄ Z e q̄ 4 AN/(F −N ) L spurion = d θU is related + to(4Nthe + (4N −2F q̄compared →e q̄ of the elementary field the are suppressed to those nate). The holomorphic strong Λh which 2 −2F )/(F −N ) composites )/(F −Nscale ) Λ Λ Λ we soft have alsothat included the CP violating parameter θYfor (notcomposites toWe bechoose confused 2A with the M the tadpole T is unsuppressed. parameters dhere off the masses near the infrared fixed point [16,17] from M → e M . consistent with the hie � � uperfield spurion is also an RG invariant: � uperspace coordinate). Theinspurion the holomorphic scalesection Λh which yUMisq q̄related in the to previous explained in strong the previous of order 2 α� term by Taylor expanding superspace: � + d θ U −16π W W + + µ M + h.c. (2.15) 2U α(µ)/b b/(F −N ) f cts as a chiral superfield that is also an RGcomposite invariant: Since the dual theory in(2.6) the∼weakly coupled phase we can write an Λh = µ spurion e Λh melis∼ M few · TeV 3 3N − 2F 2 3N − 2F potential. canonical Kähler Requiring SUSY and axial invariance and usi 2 2 2 2 U (µ)/b −16π Λ ∼ 5 − 10 TeV m = soft 2 masses near mU Vthe, infrared m = − m (2.16) M q U V Λ = µ e (2.6) can read off the fixed point [16,17] for the composites from h analysis we find the dual Lagrangian e-loop β-function coefficient b = 3N − F and µ is the RG scale. In the b b m2el Kähler Taylorwe expanding in superspace: ∼ M1 ∼ M2 ∼ A ∼ few · 100 GeV � �mcomp ∼ n the term next by section will choose N = 4 and F = 6. � Λ 2 or †scale. N/(F −N Ṽ † N/(F −N ) Ṽ here bresults is2 the spell one-loop β-function coefficient b =some 3N −ofFthe and µM is† Zthe RGmeson In) ethe these trouble for composite models: dual quark M q Z q q̄ Z e q̄ 4 nclude these spurions in the composite description since the structure of f ∼ 100 GeV m of composites are vanishing for F = 3/2 N! 3N − 2F 3N − 2F IR L = d θ + + 2 model presented the next section wem will choose apply Nm =2U4V for andthe F =entire 6.Λ22 (2.16) (4N −2F )/(F −N ) (4N −2F )/(F −N ) m2M in = be 2 tachyonic, m2U V , and =− ng masses should this would multiplet. Λ Λ q 3 7 eory [up is constrained symmetries including an anomalous axial TU (1) 4by 2b) correction...] b ∼ f symmel ∼ few · 10 GeV to O(m /Λ � We can also include these spurions in the composite description since the structure of � r the case when F =also 3N/2, that isofatthe theanomalous lower end axial of theUconformal window these � Under words Z and U are spurions (1). axial F ∼or few · TeV yUM q q̄ symerically these results spell trouble for composite models: some of the dual quark meson 2 α he low-energy theory is constrained by symmetries including an anomalous axial (1) � � ulable terms vanish. This is exactly the right region for the model considered + d A, θ we U Whave Wα + b/(F −N ) + µf M + h.c. Stops and Higgs can be light! where themasses rotation parameter is promoted to a chiral superfield µ = y�S� ∼ AΛ breaking should be tachyonic, and this would apply for the entire multiplet. eff metry. In (F other Z 6). and U spurions of the terms anomalous axial U (1). Under axial s paper = words 4, N = In are thisalso case the leading will come from the h ever, for the case when F = 3N/2, that is at the lower end of the conformal tan window βsuperfield ∼ these O(1) A A ansformations, where the rotation parameter is promoted to a chiral A, we have mngincalculable (2.2) corresponding to the fact that we do not run all the way to µ = 0 but Q → e Q , Q̄ → e Q̄ (2.7) terms vanish. This is exactly region themasses model near considered Wethe canright read offmthefor soft the fixed point [16,17] for gener the c 2 2 4 breaking 2 infrared Here includes the soft scalar masses of the first two † el ale by (2.2) ∼ soAthe that the corrections are (mUfrom ) superspace: which −A−A A leading in given this paper (F→ =µe4, Nm = U,6). case the terms willO come the Aby V µ/Λ, V /Λ term Taylor expanding in Z Λthis e2F/b Λ (2.8) he→ h QIn→ Q , Kähler Q̄ → e Q̄ right handed sbottom, b̃ and all sleptons, while(2.7) m includes m an ple, while the fields E, X will pair together to obtain a mass from the quarks, right handed bottom and all leptons) are assumed to be elementary fields transformmental H. The standard (first Kitano, two generation Light Stopremaining 5: (3) Strong (Fukushima Yamaguchi Randall, Terning ‘12) ing under SU (2)el × Umodel (1)Y . fields This charge assignment will 11, be Csaki, automatically anomaly c × SUInteraction bottomfree, and and all leptons) areofassumed to be transformis capable producing theelementary usual flavorfields structure and CKM mixing matrix. U (2)el × U The (1)Y .relevant This charge assignment will be automatically anomaly part of the superpotential (3.3) together with the singlet tadpoles from (3.8) Interesting bonus producing the usual flavorasstructure and CKM mixing matrix. can then be written of the superpotential (3.3) together with the singlet tadpoles from (3.8) s W ⊃ yP (HH̄ − F 2 ) + yS(Hu Hd − f 2 ) + yQ3 Hu t̄ + yHu Hφu + yHd H̄φd . (3.9) 2 − F 2) + yS(H − f )responsible + yQ3 Hu t̄ for + yH . el × SU (3.9) The firstu H term is theu Hφ breaking SUd(2) (2)mag to the diagonal group, d u + yHof d H̄φ the second term will trigger electroweak symmetry breaking, the third will give rise to the onsibletfor the breaking SU the (2)ellast × SU (2)terms the rise diagonal group, of the Higgs with a heavy mag togive Yukawa couplingofand two to a mixing trigger Higgs electroweak symmetry the third will give rise below to thethe scale F (and assuming φu,d . At this pointbreaking, the low-energy effective theory d the last to NMSSM a mixingwith of the Higgs with a heavy that two F �terms f ) is give that rise of the a composite Higgs, Q3 and t. As explained above oint thethelow-energy theoryare below the scale (and assuming rest of theeffective SM particles assumed to beF elementary, that is made of fields that do Higgs Masscoupled be upsimply byabove SHcarry uHd the usual SM quantum f the NMSSM with aunder composite Higgs, Qcan t. raised As not transform the strongly SU (4).explained They 3 and articlesnumbers are assumed that is Ymade of fields that do underto SUbe (2)elementary, U (1) . el × SU (3)c × he strongly SU (4).there They carry usual the SM quantum Atcoupled high energies aresimply three sets ofthe Higgses: composite Hu,d from the dual quarks 2 2 † 2 Vh = SU y /4 sin, 2β ( H H ) φ from the mesons transform× SU (3) × U (1) . transforming under the composite (2) the composite el c Y mag u,d here areing three setsthe of elementary Higgses: theSU composite the dual quarks under (2)el , andHau,d setfrom of elementary Higgses φ�u,d transforming under the elementary (2)composite fields need to be transformpresent to remove φu,d from the spece composite SU (2)magSU , the φu,d from the mesons el . 2These latter 2 2 2 2 (v=174GeV) mh = mh(MSSM) y transforming sinafter 2β duality v under superpotential term,+ which maps into a mass term. The ary SUtrum (2)el ,via anda atrilinear set of elementary Higgses φ�u,d � elementary Higgses also have ordinary Yukawa couplings with the light elementary SM latter fields needφto present to remove φu,d from the specel . These u,d be matter fields addition their mass , After integrating out φu,d , φ�u,d effective uperpotential term, in which after to duality maps with into aφu,d mass term. The Yukawa couplings between the remaining light composite Higgses Hu,d and the light SM u,d also have ordinary Yukawa couplings with the light elementary SM are with generated. For more details see ion tofermions their mass φu,d , After integrating out[11]. φu,dThe , φ�u,dresulting effectivetheory of the Higgses in the potential the necessary couplings andSM as we will now see it also has tween low the energy remaining light has composite HiggsesYukawa Hu,d and the light viable and interesting potential. d. For amore details see [11]. The resulting theory of the Higgses in the has the necessary Yukawa couplings and as we will now see it also has Light Stop 5: Strong Interaction (Fukushima Kitano,Yamaguchi 11, Csaki, Randall, Terning ‘12) !"##!$%&'()*+,-.%/0')1-, gluino mass ~ 1.5 TeV Light Stop : まとめ Heavy First Two Generations Light Third Generations •Anomalous U(1) model •Flavored Mediation •Extra Dimensional Models •Split Family •Extra Dimensional Models •Strongly Interacting Top M1,2generation >> M3rd ~ Mgaugino M1,2generation ~ Mgaugino >> M3rd ... ... Light Third Generations 模型では mtop~mstopも可能… Higgs Physics production, Higgs decay に少しだけ影響する はず。。。 [Sbottom が軽い場合は gluino > 900GeV] Light Stop : まとめ "#$%&'()%!*)+,-. ! QR!S,+0+6%)7!QRT#0+,7 SR!D.20+*!9UF88< /&01$)!"23)$!4!!5$#&627!*%217!68!90+**$)**!:2,!*&01$&-&%;< ! ! =%8!>!%!?!@8!>!((!?!@8 b =5!>!%!?!=%8!>!%%?@8!>!((((!?!@8 bb ! @(!A!B ! CD!A!EFF!G)H ! @2!$)1%26* ! I*!J!K!D)H7!8F:L'8 M!N!'''!O)3 E!N!'''!P,+65) ! ! 因に今日の arXiv:1203.4813 “Stop the Top Background of the Stop Search ” MT2 with on-shell W → Direct stop search で 650-700GeV (8TeV 20fb-1) SUSY particle が縮退している模型 なかなか High Energy Motivated な模型はなかなか無い 特例 ) !"#$%&'!&("$)*+','!"#$%&-.&/ ふつうの'!"#$%&'0&("$)*+' .&/'12$3&'に'0"#$%&'があると縮退 4$5%"+*6'78�"*+ 9'0"#$%&-.&/'で自然に縮退' :"%%7"+*';'<=>�''''が 他のと一致すれば勝ち .$3?'@A':BCBD"3376'山口さんE'C$F&#'@A'GH*"=I&*+%=J*@$A$7H"=K?505#$'"+'CLM'NH&F=FHOPQRSSTUV SUSY particle が縮退している模型 Iwamoto points (MIRAGE MEDIATION calc. by ISAJET 7.82) ΔM = 270 GeV ΔM = 361GeV 900 1200 H 0 mass [GeV] mass [GeV] 950 H0+ A 1150 1100 850 800 ~ ~t b22 g~ 750 700 ~ b1 ¾0 r 4 ¾+ r 2 650 600 550 ~ ~ ~ ~s ~ ~ d u L ~ RL RL ~ccL u R R 1050 H0 H0+ A ¾0 r ~ ¾g40 r 3 ¾+ r ¾o ¾o2 i1o ¾ ~e ! ¾¾R ~e¾R! iLiL! ¾ ~e ! ¾R ~e¾R! ii Le L ! ~ ~ dR sR ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~cR ~R d s u cL L L L ~ b1 1000 900 e ~ t1 800 2 500 1o 2 850 1 ¾o ¾o2 i 950 ¾00 r ¾3 r ¾0 r ~ b~2 t2 ¾+ r ~ 1 t 1 750 ¾0 r ¾02 r 1 ¾+ r 1 700 R!S!T#UUV0Wで急激に感度が! (α, m3/2 , tanβ)=2.98, 35.5TeV, 5 なくなる。 LHCの弱点 nmatter, Hd, Hu = 0, 1, 1 (α, m3/2 , tanβ)=2.56, 68.2TeV, 5 nmatter, Hd, Hu = 0, 0.5, 1 Ωh2=0.09 89! [このparameter の α は前のpage の α とは定義が違います] コメント : これらの例の様な縮退スペクトルはなかなか難しい 縮退させると Radiative EWSB が難しい → μ-term が小さく出易い → Higgsino が軽すぎて縮退 spectrum でなくなりがち 全体が軽すぎると b→s+γ 等で excluded. %)F!H-;330-!は!(=I!0J/;04/E!! rpotential includes three Rp violating terms each parametrized by the Yukawa � couplings. �� λng ijk or λijk . R-parity violation?? constraint on R-parity violating couplings comes from cosmology. 1 1 on asymmetry generated before� the electroweakλ��phase transition, WR/p = is λ ijk Li L j Ēk + λijk Li Q j D̄k + ijk Ūi D̄ j D̄k , 2 2 er violating processes induced by the R-parity breaking couplings k are generation indices, L and the lepton quark (2)EXO-11-045 aleron process [2]) would wash out Q theare existing baryonand asymmetry L doublet CMSSU PAS (bino mass 300GeV) Ē, D̄, and Ū are the charged lepton, down-like quark, and up-like quark SU ( 2 ) re sufficiently suppressed. The bound is roughly given 2000 byCMS [3]Preliminary L = 2.1 fb , s = 7 TeV L L = 2.1 fb , CMS Preliminary Not to wash out B-asymmetry 2000 -1 -1 lds. The third term violates baryon-number conservation, while the first and λ, λ! , λ!! violating. ! O(10−7 ) . In this analysis, we consider (2) re lepton-number leptonic R-parity� �� = 0, as well as hadronic R-parityV) models with λIwamoto, and λijk = λijk Endo, Hamaguchi, arXiv:0912.0585 ijk � = 0 boratory experiments and neutrino much weaker than this � = 0masses ��are� = V) models with λijk = λijk and λijk 0. We look for leptons in the final [1, 4]). om decays of squarks and gluinos through an intermediate particle, either a PV) or bino/higgsino (H-RPV). constraint can be circumvented owever, that the above cosmological 1800 1600 95% C.L. Limits: NLO observed: !122 NLO expected: !122 NLO expected ± 1" NLO expected ± 2" 1200 1200 1000 1000 800 800 NLO observed: !122, Lint = 35 pb-1 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 600 2000 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 is satisfied, then 1600 λ2jk and λ3jk Lint = 2.1 fb-1, CMS Preliminary 1600 m~g (GeV/c2) int 1800 2000 m~q (GeV/c2) -1 2000 95% C.L. Limits: NLO observed: !123 NLO expected: !123 NLO expected ± 1" NLO expected ± 2" 2 ~ q m~g (GeV/c2) 1600 1400 m (GeV/c ) d one the lepton flavor numbers sufficiently conserved in thesefinal states. ro, theofintermediate particle willare decay and yield multilepton The ermines the lifetime therefore the decay length of the intermediate particle, ings, because B/3 − Land conserved i for each lepton flavor is separatelyCMS L = 2.1 fb , s = 7 TeV Preliminary odels is the bino. Values of λijk considered in this analysis correspond to decay s. (Here, B denotes the baryon number and Li is the lepton flavor m. Our results are independent of the decay length.! ! −7 ! ration.) For instance, if λ1jk ! 10 1800 1400 600 s = 7 TeV int m~g (GeV/c2) m~g (GeV/c2) int s = 7 TeV 1400 1200 on λ is set by constraints from neutrino-mass values. We choose values for give prompt decay and are consistent with neutrino mass values. In this paper or is notindices conserved in generic SUSY of the mixings in ration corresponding to e,models µ, andbecause τ are sometimes denoted by 1, 2, and Missing ET search is no more optimal... es. These slepton mixings can then erase the asymmetry between the ( = the LSP is no more DM candidate) m (GeV/c ) m (GeV/c ) est SUSY amongproduction the superpartners of the standard particles. If ns allow particle for single of SUSY particlesmodel (sparticles) and for sparticle s the LOSP. If not, LSP is the LOSP. Figure 2: 95% C.L. limitsresults for RPV in couplings particles only. The decay of the lightest SUSY particle (LSP) extraλ122 , λ123 , λ233 and Hadronic-RPV scenarios as a function of the squark and gluino masses for a SUSY topology described in the text. The Leptonic : multilepton final state o their cleanRPV final-state multilepton signatures, processes with single-slepton observed limits, along with limits expected in the absence of signal are shown, along with the owed by decay to a 2pair of SM charged leptons are promising searchMasses channels uncertainty in the expectation. to the left of the curves are excluded. For the H-RPV Hadronic RPV : a lot of jets scenario gluino masses below ∼ 500 GeV/c2 are allowed for reasons explained in the text. The particles [3]. Prior searches for RPV interactions include those by the CDF and previous limit on λ122 , obtained with 35 pb−1 , is shown as a dotted line on the left plot. ents at the Tevatron [5, 6], which were recently superseded by the Compact (CMS) experiment at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) using 35 pb−1 of integrated SUSY が見えない場合でも H-PRV はしぶとく生き残りそう… n 10−7ijk . 1400 1200 1000 800 1000 95% C.L. Limits: NLO observed: !233 NLO expected: !233 NLO expected ± 1" NLO expected ± 2" 95% C.L. Limits: NLO observed: HadronicRPV 800 NLO expected: HadronicRPV NLO expected ± 1! 600 600 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 ~ q 2000 2 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 ~ q R 2 1800 Current Status of SUSY models squark mass SUSY higher than 100TeV DM ?? wino<3TeV Higgsino <2TeV 10-100TeV DM ?? wino<3TeV Higgsino <2TeV Higgs Naturalness GUT 10 years from now? 備考 現段階で Higgs mass への制限か much heavier than 125GeV 何それ? Gaugino が TeV scale なら ら less favored. もはや SUSY じゃな unification は OK もし stopping gluino なんかが見 い? つかったら大騒ぎ。 125GeV in MSSM 何それ? Gaugino が TeV scale なら unification は OK Gaugino searches. Cosmic ray? High energy model は シンプル。やれるこ とが少ないかも もっと意外なことが起こっていてももちろん 素敵な 1%で済む領域が TeV Light Stop, Higgsino 焦らずもう少し 残っているか? something or low scale Large A-term mediation が有利 Happy... 待ちましょう まずは gluino 1TeV 素敵な 得に問題無い いわゆる SUSY search で少し g-2 はまだ説明可 づつ削られて行く 能! 最終的には 10TeV scenario に Higgs グループにおま 合流? かせ stop を軽くする際の Two-loop を考える まずは 8TeV something stop direct production では何 fine-tuning に注意。 -1 15fb で何かが見えることを 以下での軽い stop と gluino は 1TeV 以 search! Same Sign Muon ? 下でないと O(10)% Model Dependent... 処まで行けるか? は難しそう 能! 期待しましょう 縮退 ? LHC search での穴 素敵な something LHC で見つか らないように 番外色々? もっと手の込ん だ模型? 素敵な something? TeV 以内で見つかれ ば文句無し? 基本的に gaugino の GUT せ? ISR jet で何処までいけるか? relation は邪魔。 ISR photon とか? 例外) Mirage Mediation soft lepton とか? 見やすくて意外な模型なら Little Higgs とか他の 模型との組み合わ g-2 はまだ説明可 Dual Unification とか? Welcome! SUSY を隠す模型を作り続け る人が出てくるか? 縮退を実現する High energy model はほとん どない。 大穴の一つ?