
Galaxy S6 edge. GalaxyGoogle Play Music

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Galaxy S6 edge. GalaxyGoogle Play Music
 n From home, tap Apps > Google > Play Games . Google Play Movies & TV
Google Play Movies & TV allows you to watch movies and TV shows purchased on Google Play. You can stream instantly on your Android phone or download so you can watch from anywhere, even when you are not connected. Also, get quick access to your personal video collection, including those taken on your phone.
Learn more about Google Play Movies & TV at play.google.com/about/movies.
n From home, tap Apps > Google > Play Movies & TV . Google Play Music
The Google Play Music app lets you browse, shop, and play back songs purchased from Google Play as well as songs you have loaded from your own music library. The music you choose is automatically stored in your Google Play Music library and instantly ready to play via streaming or download.
Note: For information about loading music onto your phone, see Transfer Files Between Your Phone and a Computer.
Using Google Play Music
Use the Google Play Music app to listen to all your music on your phone. Compatible music file formats include: MP3 (.mp3), AAC (m4a), WMA (.wma), FLAC (.flac), OGG (.ogg), DRM protected AAC (m4p), and ALAC (.m4a).
1. From home, tap Apps Useful Apps and Features
> Google > Play Music .
The Play Music app opens to the Listen Now screen. To view additional music options, tap Menu and select an option (My Library, Playlists, Instant Mixes, or Shop).
2. Tap an item from the category window and then tap a song.
The song begins playing.
Google Play Music Screen Layout
The following diagram outlines the main features of the Play Music app player screen.
Elapsed Time
Amount of time the song has been playing.
Play the next song.
Music Image/Album Name
Display music images and album names (if available).
Music List
View current playlist or queue
Music Title/Artist
Displays music title and artist (if available).
Options Menu
Access the options menu.
Play or pause the current song.
Playback Position
Current point in the song. Slide to move forward or backward.
Play the previous song.
Rate (Thumbs Up/Thumbs
Rate the current song.
Repeat/Play Next
Repeat the current song or play the next song queued.
Useful Apps and Features
Shuffle Playlist
Shuffle the current playlist or queue.
Song Length
The length of the song.
Create Playlists in Google Play Music
Organize music into playlists to fit every occasion.
1. From home, tap Apps > Google > Play Music .
The Play Music app opens to the Listen Now screen.
2. Tap Menu to view your library, playlists, or access Google Play Music online.
3. From a list displaying songs, tap More options next to a song you want to add to a playlist.
4. Tap Add to playlist > New playlist.
5. Enter a Name, Description, and accessibility option for the playlist, and then tap CREATE
6. To add more songs, tap More options next to a song and then tap Add to Playlist > [playlist name].
Adding Currently Playing Music to a Playlist
n From the player view, tap More options > Add to playlist and then tap the name of a playlist.
The music is added to the playlist.
Useful Apps and Features
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