一tiass 一晦 Date
Universityr of Technology 菫 邸J レ 。 ょh 3笙 . e st a 晦 a i 一 一 D t D=cartne:i of A:cll:,J Sc:=i I ]s 3ranch Of Mate」 ョ]scien c e Final ExaminatiOn SutteCt:Spec■ oscOpy Exanller:Dr.ヽ IOhammed Raditi N ot霧 :Answer 2016・ 2015 ´ ′Zじ o発 ly four弩 鶴,stiOrJs{eaCh of l二 mttrk3) ■1‐ 3)Si3te faCicrs efectirg'ゼ ldih Cf spectrallires,3,d eXplair cre cfther. b)CaiCむ late nuttber of energy subievels,energy spacittg betweer them′ and hence桑 毬 ber cf a:icwed spe∝ raliines of the transた :。 n S1/2→ P3/2 じnder ettef桑 3i “ a.・ nei:c rieic oF O.ID l. “ Q2-a)State regions of elettromagneづ c rbdiatiOn in oだ erfrom high to low ene電 ソ . b)CalCコ late wavenumbers of high and iow edges of Paschen′ and Bracket sensses′ then convett any wavenumberintc′ 1‐ wavdentth{nm)′ 2‐ ener到 {eV)′ 3‐ ener到 {」 ouiS)′ and4‐ frequency(MHz)。 Q3‐ a)State all allowed electronic transた lons of mclecule,wた h a diagram shOwing regions of these transitions. b)The fundamental and lSt overtone are central at 1876 cm‐ 1′ and 3724 cm‐ 1 respectively of 14N160′ then calculate,1‐ the wavenumber Of equ:libriurn vibration。 2- the force constant.3‐ the wavenumber Of 4th overtone band′ 4‐ anharmonic constantand 5‐ dissociation energy. NQ4‐ a)state selection rules of an al!owed electronic transtion for atOm。 l for C12 016 b)lfthe rOtaJonalspectraHines are equally spaced by 7.26 cm‐ molecu!e then′ calcu!ate,1)rOtaJonal constant.2)bond length。 3)the mOSt populated rotationallevel at temperature of 500K.4)the wavenumber of mostintensive spectralline at this temperature。 璽ユ a)State ´ ali spectroscopに prosses Of mOleculepWth a diagram. b)lfthe rOtational attd distortion constants are 10.6cm‐ respectively of lH35ci then calculate′ l and 5.3幸 10‐ 4 cm‐ 1 1)the Wavenumber OfJ=4 rotationallevel。 2)the wavenumber of absorption hne starting frOm』 =6. Usefull constants:‐ C=3X1010 cm/s h=6.62X10‐ 34J.s e〓 1.6X10‐ 19C k=1.38X10‐ 23J/k mu=1.67X1027Kg lJB=9。 27X10‐ 24J/T R=1.0967X105 cnl‐ 1 ).-)' .' t' University of TechnologY Department of APPlied 置瑞蹴識嵩糀 :獣 背:renCe葦 :離 よ Examiner: Dr. Mojahid M. Najim Classi 4th year 丁ime i 3hours Date i夕 6/2016 Answer four equations onlY Ql a- : Defined the following (five only): l-Metallicbonding,2-P-Njunction(Diode),3-Intrinsicsemiconductor, 4- energy level exfand J- saturation Magnetization 6- domains? (10 mark) b-what are the properties of metals (7 5 mark) ? Q2: density for nickel, a- calculate (a) the saturation magnetization and (b) the saturation flux (7'5 mark) which has u i..,tity of 8.90 !ci3 t (Am =58'71 g/mot and nc=0'60 Bohr magneton$ in Maxwellb - Explain briefly about the effect of the cataiyst energy on rate of reaction Boltzmann distribution ? (10 mark) Q3: field a- Draw the Scheme of the critical temperature ,current density and magnetic ? (7.5 mark) boundary separating superconducting and normal conducting states ? b- compare, band structure for n-type and p- type semiconductors (Draw) (10 mark) Q4: a- Draw the periodic potential Scheme of many atomic system(a solid) b- Derive the polarization @) from energy stored (Q) for Capacitor ? ? (7.5 mark) (10 mark) Q5: unit a- Calculate the saturation magnetization forFe:Ol given that each cubic nm ? celicontains 8Fe2* and 16 Fe31 ions, and that the unit cell edge length is 0.839 (7'5 mark) ioorr roo..agnetons) ? (Draw) b- what are the relations between energy bands and fermi level in materials ? (10 mark) I -r-. -r. ガ ヽR 杉′ \ r. . ,:l University of Technology Department of Applied Sciences B/an c;r Jf llalerial Sclence i ':>-,.- L.:ss:, Final Examination Snbject: Ccnstruction )laterials Examiner: .\ssist. Lect. Rami Joseph .:i"1: Tirne : i hours Date L:,.,!.1'6,/ 20't 5 -201 6 : ,,\ Note: (Choose only 4 questions). =[20 Marks] Ql/A,Define the flou,ing terms: (Choose 5) 1. Concrete. 2. Briule Materials. 3. Metal. 4. Yield point. 5. Rod B (Vicat Needle). 6. Portland pozzolanic materials Q1/B/Effect adding rounded aggregate to concrete mix? Q2l A/ What is the shotcrete concrete? And explain one of mixing method? with drawing one of method? [10 Q2/B/ What are advantages of adding low water/cement ratio to concrete Ma*s] mix? [10 Marks] Q3/A/ Calculate the specific gravity of brick, if you know the density (1700 KC/m) and the density of warer i000 Kg/m'r ? Q3/ B/Aaswer the following: (Choose ) 2) [10 Marks] 1. Comparison between Alite and Bilte? 2. Draw the relation between stress-strain curve? 3. Fineness modulus? Q4/ A,/What is admixtures (Superplasticizer)? And what are the Q4/B/ Answer the 1 . 2. [10 Marks] advantages? following: [10 Marks] [10 Marks] 6- Draw the development of strength of pure compounds of cement? What are the types of concrete? And explain one of them? QS/A,/What are the kinds of steel and write in table the percentage of carbon of these kinds? QS/BAVhat are the classifications of aggregate? Explain one of them? G00D LUCK - [0 * Marks] [ 1 0 Marks] 川 ′2Jヽ a--D- Lrl .9J$SJ| 4..-n ; i,r!^,ll .o-].gil A-.-i )t9 ^rl F_-]c L,_--3 ;Bl -l.aiJl ..,bt,l 二 │メ │:ム ムッ」 ・ ■じし 占ゝ :タ リ ` ` ・` /Jぐ :れ 国 │ │ │'メ 1-:び 押 Y.l-1-Y,10 0■ │ム ■ 1誹 J∼ “ む │・ a・ │ L:`JJ卍 │ 1:Sエ コ │タ ル ¨ユ えLi Ⅲ」″ ぃⅥ:た墨ゝ ∼ ノ ノヽ ‐ い ひ ♂ IⅢ メ ヨ メ IJ御 1亀 しヽIJ亀 出 :ぃ ヽ 夢 │ム LJ・ '押 9呻 │・ ≦ 静 ‐ 1岬 │“ ´ “ 1岬 │“ Lハ t ¨ 調 J,評 1岬 │な L´ i L `饉 lltu Cl r-rt-r,...,Y! fai JSil . .i)tll $e qildl f$ill sll L+*3Jl J,,4ll .,.i oJrll ,',-rt1 iiJ! t triiJl t !J3Yl4Je)ln-,yl cr[l;$l Cl ,J^s] i-i.,rUt As+t lra ll o.ri L;t;" st3i c]Lo -+ llr ,',-itl Olgje 4+"Ai cA l^i . ,*,-ill 品 .ハ 1,」 こ り │♂ {pXyt '審 g.rl+.^tl ar..,,jlL 4J.,,t*.,Y1 crlJl+ieYl 醜 “ -i e Ol3fe 4Je*J"11 .Lgr-Jl O.c,a g-Ul ,',-ill plj+i Cr -i t qi Lbylji qJ+lJ'll.h3J,&l e,tt-,r t s-Ut ヽ,11白 兆 士 >♂ コ 1ル 、 ぃ メ l.脚 出 │こ 響 1も 6!ll I 1夕 出 ぃ 中 t.! . 6l* ".t gilrll ,',-itl !IjS! ).iYl ;9,r'iJl //tg* r l$i e.i+l *_!ill rlslllaj “ t-JJ.Yt Al] 4.,,3" .Lii .l.rca to-olll 7r - rry ,',-,.t1 , i.,,i,! *jg o$)tiY i"{-llJ fuU1t3 l4;rll oaLr 7oo t silill ,',-JJl 4.rLe qI lliYt ,,rrt .tt ,Sl , jLj.: Un市 ersity of Techno10gy Departm?nt of Applied Sciences Final Eiaminatiom 2015/2016 Class z 4 Subject :Coating Techniques Time Branch : Material Science り : r.. I ´ V=υ /ご 0′/2.ム 11野フ′ 出 t<s“ │も │″ “ 岬 1澤鏃 i-ls Cf (I 3r': A+Le -l ,}l-,,,Je (sorption pump, cryopump) ts. cr r:li,ir-all r.J- isr 'wq -\ .a-!li. .(10 │ :え υ ate:.・ 墨 占」 出 "Jれ t-+i iLr ri ea,o, eilBli i.lrgi pr-i i.hi i- .0:r.s-;q4Jl cあ ノノノメ isis,.ll AJs. ( Plasma spraying ) t'j)J].1+ cF-,Jl 6Jt+li ft-i e,a 4!-A c)!lt r,-r,, i!"-lh +J'uill -f ..t+-,-iI e#b;ttt &Ell ,esi y' (Arc deposition ) .+:*-ilt4iuL -t .d,JFgr.JS ,lc OJ$ t"$e lljrll *e.$ f.rii.r; (heticalfilament) e9 0" gi'"oll 'o . +r_ill (sputtering) 4!^A (metallic alloys) 4Idl .ill+*ll4!1, Jll 4#iiYl ','l 'j 0s+ -1 "4 ,P ijLJ-Jl p+ (Laser - Particte Coating )r)t!ll 4i.,JL d -V .jlXt !i,.b &ii ct 4lilJi OrL,*ff L._.rr..l ( Baking ) Cr+.alf Ja tlJill c,'L"JEjr nl&-.J ( out gassing ) d&.. g* $iill clFl rlisi3.I.aii -,t - 40 Kv) o-; ++ll ci} c+r *+ di LJt"'ir p+ ( Electron Beam Evaporation ) oc) 6.115 .( 100 -150 .r.s !.rt-rjl i^ oUSjSJYI -!.j.1 (J.Jtl Lit-hlyl i;c oJeLu,^ 4cS,r- llii-,3 (Triode Sputtering) 4!Jh r*-,.;itl -1 .t{#,-i .rlyli oll-li cl-,;! 6* J*S dJ- r.,1. i ,J:Jl 4!"ii.oll itill 6lJ3 6rt-.3,J$ g=ri Oil ol3 Lii,*Jill 4i1"" cP #ii,,,,-.ll .(adhesion) 4isr.ailyl -t illl (Thickness) dludl 0J+ U$e s-&'ll 4# ee Os* (Sputtering -l ;+S gl '4'i< '.r .-rS (fhin Film) .(Laser cladding) -uXta rt-,sYi4i,JL 4#.,..i 4JJs -f ctluijllJ r:l+r,6lYl i*.f f -f 4i.#Jy a,fu p)! -'t ;*arl Yield)-'t ' ..*5 c,-,ri gl oli uF cir3" -l rt&i: f-li {.rl (i (to g" 6-*"i (+ u!i* 4rsi..,.ll 4!^l.ll s.!ti (i (f u" .hii orrl3 Cl-,ls4iJ.JEll..,iSli i ,P O-..:+,rti citi.Jr+t (rate of impact) fUnJyi cjg. $t- f 4iJii-{ '"''r;Hi cr!-+ glii elu (+ .(25 C) o-.rle bt{r (5x10-6 Torr) LL:r'"'^1 4.r-lLJ slilrJi CL-JI .t3r;j i$G c3l- f gl3iYi r'^ ejl #l &Jt:li orogALo f&,J!jll 411,11.e .r.i 4.,rr ,, ri lpumps) {3lj,.i4ll gf3:i ,raU (i (t fo;l3s!i s,,tr.' ^ti ef o cr.,.-,;li tr*Jt 6" (Bayard-Alpert gauge) ty cl.ld;ll crl+L O" ds (+ f /s.:.di rq; lpli 4J." e- .+S f-lt+ C;: f (Roots pumps) ty cr 4j,..a"Ji i,c dS (i (o,y .Diaphragm Pump t*s.I,: C$i A: i,*it el (r Compression Ratio (Y Quantitative Flow Rates (l .tt+t-,j*(: Universif.v of Technology Department of Applied Sciences First Examination 2015 12016 Under graduate Studies ,7-)- "-' Class: 4'h Subject: biomaterial Branch: material Examiner: Dr.Sadeer !I.maj eed Time:3 hr Date:'3\ / 5l Zurl Note ansrver four (4) question only Q1/A/ Fill in the blank the suitable words: (Each question has 17.5 marks) 1- The Young's modulus, E, of the Voigt composite is given by... 2- Titanium is getting attention in medical because of..........and 3- Polypropylene is widely used in ... 4-The formula (called 4555), which signifies. the net work former, and . 5- Bioactive Fixation is . 6- Dental amalgam is .. .. 7-ln vitro is ... 8- Types of total joint replacements like ankle is ... ...... and like wrist is Bi Mentation three categories of mechanical and performance requirement, and explain one of them? teeth? Q2 / what are the comparisons of iesin and porcelain e3/A/ Explain the state that occurs on film growth at room temperature on pure titanium? B/ which factor result in decreasing rate of bio degradation? Q4l N what about calcium phosphate ceramic, explain it? B/ state how can selection of biomedical materials? Q5/ A/ refer to the complication in development of restorable bio ceramic? B/ state the relative percentage of mass for typical cortical bone? G00D LUCK い ●"』 UniversitY of TechnologY Department of APPlied Sciences Branch of Material Science │ ノ Class : 4th Yeai Time : 3 hours Final ExanlinatiOn Branch:`laterial SCiCnCe 2013‐ 2016 r SutteCt ISOlated MtteFi'1'マ ExamittE Dro MOfecd Abdul― Lateef Date: t3 / 6 i z*rg Xi ili*f cx"i Ce tt-Jt e!s.>t.o 4.,,3J1 」ハ120) (4セ ■ crElJill *>ut Q l J-:-i^ r"+ 即置 │□由」メ リ CE ,ji!J.&S J\+- d い ヽ ぴ壺 ム Jい J‐ ―――― 。 --aL rjll -"+JI ,J.^-i ,F │ $c- 1 Jnju L\"' Jl YJ ギ α │メ つ ° 日 増 ° Ⅳ メ ° ‐」 … … J岬 … ウ ひ 一一 ‐ IJメ ひ■ IJメ メ 井メ メ ♪ ぃメ ヴ 「 ‖ ・ …… ヘル ldt'・ …… …… …… _4 6上 け hJ工 ¨1 ム ふ1^げ ` ■デ ・ 」 酔 増うし │」 1伊 尋 国 IⅢ国 IJメ │‐ 2 96J“ メ │` υり 響 ノ饉ツ 饉 │」 1山ヽり 3 ■‐ -0_兵 01ご` メ」│ジい `│げいひ よ … 111ヽ Lハい│も Jぅ口│〔 1・ ヽ J 1る日 │“卦 り JL■ │■ %メ 国 │メ Jメ │い ilJdll .l$ 「 JI』 もfゆ よ メ │も 」メ 1嗜■ 。メ ●勇 ‐ メ │(」 威 出 )3_声 LJメ ∼│‐ 4 ス 兆 J z: = 典 L J“ -- eコ r-J-∼ L# d')J+^ 4$-dl-r -''!ill tJ# L i-6Xll -t L伊 ゝ6r/ ひ q-=ヨ メ │メ - tr (:+lJさ JL+H こ -2.r' ∂ c.ll い CJ*' ← (i+fl 20) &lb Lふ T▼ 2o い。 JlldYI 3 1出 メ │メ 塾力 ξ … … … ・ │メ dilJl i &JSj ,r:ll '-:l)\-'Jl ''-d!:<S]t Oy-dl-rt-ly-dl iil*-Jl a^AL,* -2 ./ 'l^ (MgO) 6rtJ r:ji]li (e") gl':iill &\'- tJ# a'6)'l'Jl -l es\Sl 0t* C&l ilr^ +#lSllt \-tiLYl .q;tl-Fl cJ+,--ill .-,-.r. V J甲 IJ(h)い ヽ (ユ ニ メ エ げ鼻 メ│ご 鼻 」 │メ ♂ ■ 副 午 国 。 (3bO Hz)ぬ リ l Ⅲ 1酔 螂 │●K T』 ゝひ らり .fり │メ IJ‐ メ (CL場 110) ttJム IJメ ‐耐lAnげ 」 な し ヴ 」 _メ │め “ メ │に ■ ど 0日 (A)J脚 ハIⅢ ´ _、 │“ 4 戸 ‐ 10" な L`3饉 │ │m』 11 山 Ll.山 JIこ メリ 小 島Jけ ヽ メ 融パ 31 ′ '1│ LL(B) │夕 ■ガ」 │ │ ノ UniversitY of TechnologY Department of APPlied Sciences Branch of Material Science Science Subject: Isolated Materials Final Examination Branch: \lateriai o'ts'2o'|5 Examiner:Dr.Ⅳ lofeed Abdul‐ Latecf Class : -lth ,vear Time : 3 hours Date : \Zi6 /Z- i oljt" 'ru (A) 05 ,,,i\o (ZO%)k+"r*,,.(3 Al?O3'zSiO) ('-''lV3^fr; a'S-:^l;u-' .'+Jl orLll ,/qJ+Sll (.J-ill LEo'-.r"'=l .(35 kV/mm) d; L\:.o tt:ft A;"JSJI t4*S,J^1 lil dr.'E rjs i 」 島 L≦ J夕出 し:い パ IJ夕 11バ い 。 │● ljり 」 │● ` (Glyccrin=40, A1203=10, Si02=6):鮮 勺υ 。 (Al=27,Si=28,O=16)(p 310) 6rL^r crL6f │ (C上 争υ (由 (B) Llυ 。10) ハム■いヽヴリ│ジ」IJメ IJメ ,Lり 」、 tる ` ヽ ^… 1 ミtⅢ J口 IJメ │マLI夕 壽 ♂ │● メ │ひ し い 」 が` び dも い J(ptteり .げ 共 ‐ J…‐fJボりぶぜ 丘 蒸鏃 110) (由 い。 .ご しハIJメ IJメ ひ→ L2 ・ げ▼ │夕 :亀 ぬ い .■ 饉 ツ ひ6 井いい d押 共 。JIげ 、 “ フ le」 メ `メ ´`″ メL(1) メ8 μ脚 田b壇│]ξ 蛍む ぃ」Ⅲ 1山 こメ │」 ひ ノ 饉 メ (B) JIメ l ott 12Jfl暉 ●い J-6い ム=1010g7)麺 L (ん ― 週 l 10) (白 いυ ⅢⅢlb ch」い ´♂騨 “ University ol Technology Department of APPlied Sciences Branch of Materials Science Final Exam Branch: l!lareriais Science Subject: ComPosite Materiais Examiner: Dr. Awham M H' Note: answer Qr: @ &,^t Class: -l'n ciass Time :3 hour Dat-e '.11i5 12016 questions only' (25 marks for each question) (a) Define the following: 3-Whiskers' 1- Laminar Composites. 2- C-C matrix composite' 4- Delamination Process, 5- PlY manufactured? (b) Explain one method of how (MMCs) are the following: Q2' Give the reasons of different load carrying structures' 1- Laminate composites are widely used in must be strong enough' The interface between the matrix and reinforcement Althoughepoxyiscostlierthanotherpolymermatrices,itisthemostpopularmatrixofPM circular' The most common shape of fibers is fibers' There are some drawbacks of the aramid Ql:(a)Find&etransverseelasticmodulusofaunidirectionalglass/epoxylaminawitha E'n: 3'4GPa' 30% fiber volume fraction, Er: 85GPa ' and intraply hybrid composites? (b) Distinguish between interply hybrid laminates Q+: (a) ComPlete the following: tests l-There are fvvo popular interface characterization ' ' "" ' ' ' ' depends on three properties 2-The resistance towards laminate buckling , ...........,..... i.... r r. r..... r. r. i..rr. 3-Theexistenceofapositiveornegativehybridfiberseffectisdeterminedby 4- The drawbacks of (MMCs) over (PMCs) include 5- The typical applications of (CMCs) include' ' " " " ' (b) Are composite materials isotropic and/or homogenous? types of fibers composite hybrids' explain two only? Qs: (a) What are the general of the polymer composites? g.. (b) Classify the types of matrix and reinforcement G00D LUCK