
All Saints`, 2003 - Nippon Sei Ko Kai

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All Saints`, 2003 - Nippon Sei Ko Kai
Christ Church – 聖公会
Volume I, No. 2
Web Edition
The newsletter of Christ Episcopal Church – Sei Ko Kai
All Saints’, 2003
Welcome Everyone!
These were the only words I could come up with as Larry Small, Minoru and Issey Akuhara, and I put letters on our
beautiful new church sign just before the Sukiyaki Dinner: “Welcome Everyone!” In some ways, as I thought about it, it’s
a phrase that can be overused. But the more I think now, the more I realize it represents where we are as a church and the
kind of gospel we proclaim.
Almost everyone by now has heard of the controversy brewing at the national and international levels of our church.
Provinces of the Anglican Communion are threatening schism, a break with the other provinces, over the consecration of
Gene Robinson as Bishop of New Hampshire and over the acknowledgement that same-sex unions are now being blessed
in North America in the Church of Canada and in the Episcopal Church. A handful of dioceses, buoyed by money from
several ultra-conservative fundamentalist organizations, are threatening to leave the Episcopal Church over these decisions.
As a church, despite these threats, we have finally decided to take a stand. We’ve decided that we can no longer claim that
it is God’s will to condemn gays and lesbians in our midst and to prevent them from being full members at the table of
God’s grace.
Is this an issue for our small church here? It is and it isn’t. It isn’t, because Christ Church has been welcoming gays and
lesbians into its midst for years. We even once called a gay priest to be our vicar. He went on to become an important
judge. But it is an issue because all of us know what it’s like not to be welcomed at table. Many of us are immigrants or the
children of immigrants, and we know what it’s like to be considered second-class because of that. Those of us lived
through internment in World War II and all of us who know that history from being members of this community are
acutely aware of the present struggle of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. We know what it’s like to be told that we
are less than human. And we won’t stand for any “gospel” that says that.
In that way, “Welcome Everyone!” says something about who we are at Christ Church – Sei Ko Kai. It says something
about the kind of gospel we believe in: a gospel where Jesus, God in Christ, welcomes every kind of person to the table.
This is the kind of church you come to. And this is the kind of church you’re being asked to support as we enter our
stewardship season. It’s the kind of church we’re going to be working on in the coming year, as we at last begin to decide
the direction of our ministries at our Annual Meeting in January, and as we forge our new mission statement.
And it’s this church, on November 2nd, that’s going to do so many things at once! We will break bread together on same
weekend that Diocese of New Hampshire consecrates Gene Robinson as their new bishop. We will welcome Bishop
Swing for another visit – our own bishop who has stood as a leader for welcoming all in this diocese and in the national
church for nearly a quarter century. We will celebrate our long heritage on All Saints’. And most exciting, we will baptize
three new Christians -- Ethan Keitaro Chiu, Connor Morioka Choi, and Kenneth Tyler Choi.
“Welcome Everyone!” Amen.
来る 11 月2日には、教会で皆でパンを分かち合うほかに、いろいろなことが一度に起こります。ニューハ
オカ・チョイ、ケネス・タイラー・チョイの 3 人が洗礼を受けて、信徒に加わることです。
Japanese translation provide by Kei Nagai
Christ Church -- Sei Ko Kai Sukiyaki Dinner, 2003
Sunday, October 19th saw yet another successful Sukiyaki Dinner fundraiser for Christ Church! We served over
230 dinners, raising over $3,000 for our ongoing ministries.
A very special thanks to Gordon Park-Li, who coordinated this event, and to all our members and friends who
turned out to help on the floor and in the kitchen and donated to this annual tradition!
Planning for our future
The Bishop’s Committee is reviewing and planning our Annual Meeting in January based on the findings of our Church
Retreat this past August. On the table are a list of priorities and a draft for our new mission statement. Here are the
priorities we’re considering, based in order on what people said they were most passionate about at the Church Retreat:
Raise our public profile
Develop senior and intergenerational programming
Hold dances and other social activities
Regenerate the centering prayer group
Develop a Japanese preschool (or work in conjunction with Alta Plaza Preschool to develop a Japanese
language curriculum)
Grow our congregation
Build our Sunday School and youth programs
Start a second worship service
Become more meaningful as a religious community
Grow towards parish status
Work on building maintenance (painting and roof)
We’ll be discussing these and any additional priorities that emerge at the Annual Meeting, and then set concrete goals and
timelines for us to meet. Questions or comments? Ask anyone on the Bishop’s Committee or call or e-mail the church
office. We’re here to serve you and this community!
Introducing Godly Play!
Plans are under way for implementing a new Sunday School program for Christ Church. Watch this space for
details. . .
Inquiring in the Spirit
Our next Inquiring in the Spirit session will be announced shortly. Watch the worship bulletins for
Breathing with God
The contemplative prayer group re-gathers
“Breathing with God” is our weekly program for contemplative, centering prayer and meditation. We gather every
Tuesday evening from 6:00-6:45 to engage with Scripture, pray for our community, and practice contemplative prayer.
What is contemplative prayer? It is a way of coming to a place of rest where we devote our heart and mind to God in our
midst. It is a mystical path of transformation followed by countless saints throughout Christian history.
Come join us! No special skill is required except a willingness to find a deeper relationship with God.
Baptisms and New Births!
On Sunday, November 2nd, at 4:00 p.m., Bishop Swing will baptize three new Christians: Ethan Keitaro Chiu (son of Miya and
Dennis Tsukamoto-Chiu), and Connor Morioka Choi and Kenneth Tyler Choi (sons of David and Nadine Choi.) Please be
with us on this special day when we celebrate All Saints!
Welcome Daniel Akira Helmer, born on September 30th to Richard and Hiroko Helmer. Daniel was 20 ½ inches long and
weighed 7 lbs., 11 oz. He is now eating up a storm and growing rapidly. His parents are exhausted, but happy!
A very big thank you from the Helmers for all the generous gifts and time from Christ Church members and friends!
Bishop’s Committee minutes are now posted on the bulletin board in the church hall. Here are some of the items we’ve
been working on in recent meetings:
Visioning and Planning:
Planning for next year’s budget and our Annual Meeting
Revising a draft mission statement to be presented to the congregation early next year
Building and Facilities:
Preparing for installation of a new electrical service in the building
Reviewing the disposition of the large tables for the
social hall
NEW for our Church
Our new church sign, generously donated by the Morioka family and given in loving memory of our long-time friend and
member, Dale Morioka, went up in mid-October. It replaces a sign he himself built for the church.
Many thanks to Gordon Park-Li, Larry Small, Minoru Akuhara, and, especially, Carl Gishifu, for their patient work in
replacing the sign.
Check out the social hall for our new tile floor, which should be more water resistant over the coming years!
Mark Your Calendar
November 2 (All Saints’ Sunday) 4:00 p.m.:
Worship, baptisms, celebration, and dinner. Bishop Swing presides.
November 8 (Saturday) 4:00-7:00 p.m.:
JARF Curry Cookoff, Hinode Towers
November 19 (Wednesday) 7:00-9:00 p.m.:
Bishop’s Committee Meeting at Frances Morioka’s
November 25 (Tuesday) 4:00 p.m.:
JARF Thanksgiving Service at Kokoro
November 27 (Thursday):
November 30 (First Sunday of Advent) 10:00 a.m.:
Guest preacher: The Rev. Sylvia Sweeney
A Note from Joe and Yae Tondo
JCCCNC 30th Anniversary Celebration
We wish to thank the members of the church as well as many dear friends for all their get-well wishes.
A special thanks to Mary Ota, Carol Park-Li, Frances Morioka, and Nori Matsuda for their generous
contributions of home-made sushi for the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California –
JCCCNC’s 30th Anniversary. Our sincere appreciation for their support in representing our church.
Gratefully yours,
Joe and Yae Tondo
The First Japanese American Religious Federation
Curry Cook-off
November 8th
4:00-7:00 p.m.
Hinode Towers
1615 Sutter Street @ Octavia
$100 for the best curry in the Judges’ Category.
$100 for the People’s Choice curry.
Additional prizes for the
Children’s Choice Award and more!
To enter your curry in the cook-off or to purchase tasting tickets at $10 each, please contact Pine Church at
(415) 387-1800
Proceeds will help fund JARF’s ongoing work in the community.
Kokoro achieves Kresge Grant goal and Celebrates Gala Opening
This October, Kokoro received a Kresge Grant of $250,000. This helped finalize the opening of the facility, and
residents are moving in as you read this!
On September 12th, members of Christ Church attended the Kokoro Gala Opening, a grand event attended by
hundreds of supporters and important members of the community. Willie Brown, the mayor of San Francisco,
gave a speech, and ministers from all the Japanese-American Religious Federation participated in an interfaith
dedication of the new facility. Entertainment included poetry readings, music, and a silent auction, as well as
tours of the newly completed renovations and building.
Many members of our church should be thanked for their help with this project, especially Kei Nagai, who
serves on the Kokoro Board, all those who have contributed generously with financial gifts to this project, and
all those who, having served on the Bishop’s Committee both current and past, helped lead Christ Church and
the community to this place in Kokoro’s journey!
Diocesan Convention
On Saturday, October 18th, Mary Vargas and Richard Helmer represented Christ Church at the 154th Annual
Convention of the Diocese of California. The meeting was highlighted by discussion about General Convention,
the ongoing work of Jubilate Deo, and the controversies occurring at the national and international church levels.
We had the pleasure of seeing our dear friend, The Rev. Sylvia Sweeney, there. Sylvia, who served here last year
as mentor priest, is now, in addition to her doctoral studies, serving as the Diocesan Officer for Ministry of the
Baptized. She visits us on November 30th as a guest preacher. Congratulations, Sylvia!
UTO Thank Offering
The Episcopal Church Women Diocese of California fall United Thank Offering Ingathering will be held on Saturday,
November 8th at Grace Cathedral. The Rev. Richard Helmer, Frances Morioka, and Ryoko Tadakuma plan to attend. A
check for $285.00, Christ Church’s fall UTO offering, will be presented to Bishop Swing. Thank you so much to all those
who donated for this good cause! Domo arigatoo gozaimashita.
by Ryoko Tadakama
There’s a Deeper Way to Read It:
Episcopalians and the Scriptures
Speaker: Professor William Countryman
Saturday, November 15
9 a.m. – 12 noon
Christ Episcopal Church, Alameda
(1700 Santa Clara @ Grand)
REGISTRATION: No Fee. Just register with Jackie Fielding, Diocesan Program Assistant, at 415-869-7814 or
[email protected].
DIRECTIONS? Tel. 510-523-7200 or click “Contact Us” at www.ChristChurchAlameda.org
You’ve heard about the Episcopal Church’s decision to accept the election of The Rev. Gene Robinson as Bishop of New
Hampshire and the challenges to that decision. Now come hear how Episcopalians seek to honor God through the Scriptures.
The Rev. Dr. L. William Countryman, Sherman E. Johnson Professor in Biblical Studies at The Church Divinity School
of the Pacific, will offer a one-time seminar on how Episcopalians read and understand Scripture. Professor Countryman, a
well-known scholar and prolific author, has written under such titles as Biblical Authority/Biblical Tyrrany, an exploration
of how the Bible is authoritative for faith and doctrine; Dirt, Greed, and Sex, an examination of the ethics of sex in the New
Testament; and most recently, Interpreting the Truth: Changing the Paradigm of Biblical Studies, a scholarly work on
how biblical studies should be approached. Other works include The New Testaments is in Greek, The Mystical Way in the
Fourth Gospel, The Poetic Imagination: An Anglican Tradition, and Forgiven and Forgiving.
If you are Episcopalian and want to learn more about how we approach the Scriptures, or if you are openly seeking answers
to questions about Biblical authority in your life or the life of society, this seminar is for you.
The next Messenger will be published in December. All submissions are welcome on or before Sunday,
November 30th.
Office: (415) 921-6395
e-mail: [email protected]
emergencies: (415) 244-1860
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