
英 Policy Press 社 社会福祉・社会政策研究 Social

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英 Policy Press 社 社会福祉・社会政策研究 Social
Selected eBook List
No.SB024 (社会学/社会福祉・社会政策/政治学/経済学)
June, 2010
Press)) -GB-GB((Policy
英 国 ブリスト ル大 学 の社 会 科 学 ・法 学 部 に基 盤 を持 ち、1996 年 に設 立 された Policy Press 社
は、社 会 政 策 、社 会 福 祉 、家 族 政 策 、ソーシャルワーク・ソーシャルケア、公 共 政 策 、犯 罪 学 、
、 都 市 政 策 な ど 、 広 く 社 会 福 祉 と 政 策 に 関 わ る 学 年に設立された
際 的 分 野 の 書Policy
籍 を刊
る出 版 社 で
。欧 米 の大 学 ではテキストとして採 用 されることも多 く、各 国 の研 究 社 から高 く評 価 されていま
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・ 社会学一般 …………………………………………………… p.1
・ 社会福祉・社会政策 …………………………………………… p.2
・ 社会問題・社会病理 …………………………………………… p.11
・ 家族・ジェンダー ………………………………………………………… p.12
・ 行政学・地方自治 ……………………………………………………………………… p.15
・ 都市・コミュニティ ……………………………………………………………………… p.16
・ 貧困・公的扶助 ………………………………………………………………………… p.19
・ 保健・医療 ……………………………………………………………………………… p.20
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▼以下 9 タイトル
合計価格:¥217,920.- (税込)
1. 安寧とは何か 社会学一般
Searle, Beverley A.
Well-being : in search of a good life?
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861348876
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422811
Drawing on over nine years of panel data, the book examines demographic, social, spatial, health and domain satisfaction and socioeconomic
circumstances in a rich and complex longitudinal study.
2. 英国の死亡率アトラス
Shaw, Mary
grim reaper's road map : an atlas of mortality in Britain {Health & society series}
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861348241
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥31,736
eISBN: 9781847423689
This full-colour atlas, with over 100 colour-coded and accessible maps, presents data from more than 14 million deaths over a 24-year period
in Britain.
3. 英国のアイデンティティ・アトラス
Thomas, Bethan.
Identity in Britain : a cradle-to-grave atlas
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348203
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422545
Includes detailed maps and analysis of the contemporary neighbourhood geographies of people in Britain at various life stages.
4. システミック・アクション・リサーチによる社会・組織の変化
Burns, Danny.
Systemic action research : a strategy for whole system change
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347381
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422750
Explains how systemic thinking works and how systemic action research can be embedded into organisational structures and processes to
catalyse sustainable change and critical interventions.
5. パートナーシップ:可能性の装置
Andersen, Niels A ・ erstrom.
Partnerships : machines of possibility
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420268
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423146
How did partnerships come to emerge almost everywhere and at almost the same time? What is the inner logic of partnerships? And at what
point does that logic begin to break down?
6. コミュニティの連帯の危機?:多様性と差異の新次元
Flint, John.; Robinson, David
Community cohesion in crisis? : new dimensions of diversity and difference
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420244
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423597
7. 市民社会の政治学 社会学一般
Powell, Frederick W.
politics of civil society : neoliberalism or social left?
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347640
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422422
The renaissance of civil society, new ideas about the nature of power, citizenship and human rights, and their often paradoxical results are
8. 中高年労働者の未来 社会学一般
Loretto, Wendy.; Vickerstaff, Sarah; White, Phil.
future for older workers : new perspectives
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348968
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422491
Focuses on the various measures taken by the state and employers to foster the employment of older workers in Britain, mainland Europe, the
US and Japan.
9. 宗教、スピリチュアリティと社会科学
Spalek, Basia.; Imtoual, Alia.
Religion, spirituality and the social sciences : challenging marginalisation
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420411
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423634
Provides an essential overview of key debates around secularism, faith, spirituality and social science research.
▼以下 60 タイトル
合計価格: ¥1,389,396.- (税込)
10. ケアにおける個人情報の扱い 社会福祉・社会政策
Clark, Chris L.; McGhee, Janice.
Private and confidential? : handling personal information in the social and health services
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861349064
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
11. ソーシャルワーク、政治学と社会
McLaughlin, Kenneth G.
eISBN: 9781847423566
Social work, politics and society : from radicalism to orthodoxy
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420459
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423559
Examines contemporary issues in social work, exploring in particular the politicisation of the profession from the 1970s onwards.
12. 移行期の支援
Petch, Alison
Managing transitions : support for individuals at key points of change {Research in practice}
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847421883
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421913
Covering key transition points in social care from childhood to old age, such as young people leaving care and older people who move to
supported living.
Donnison, David Vernon.
Speaking to power : advocacy for health and social care
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847420381
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847427434
Anyone working, or planning to work, as an advocate for people who need help in dealing with public services will want to read this book.
14. ケアにおける倫理:現代の課題 社会福祉・社会政策
Leathard, Audrey.; Goodinson-McLaren, Susan.
Ethics : contemporary challenges in health and social care
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347558
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422286
Examining theory, research, policy and practice.
15. ケアについての語り
Forbat, Liz.
Talking about care : Two sides to the story
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861346216
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421197
Demonstrates ways of increasing critical reflexivity when working with people involved in difficult care relationships.
16. ボランタリズムの風景:保健、福祉とガバナンス
Milligan, Christine; Conradson, David.
Landscapes of voluntarism : New spaces of health, welfare and governance
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346322
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421609
Deals with a broad range of issues (from governence to volunteering).
17. 児童、青年と社会的包含
Tisdall, E. Kay M.
Children, young people and social inclusion : Participation for what?
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346636
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421708
Critically examines the concepts of participation and social inclusion and their links with children and childhoods.
18. 子供が親になるとき:十代の妊娠と福祉国家の対応
Daguerre, Anne.; Nativel, Corinne.
When children become parents : Welfare state responses to teenage pregnancy
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346797
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421715
Explores the links between welfare state provision and teenage reproductive behaviour across a range of countries with differing welfare
19. 児童ケア・ワーカーの仕事と生活
Brannen, Julia.
Coming to care : the work and family lives of workers caring for vulnerable children
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348500
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422439
Offers an original contribution to the understanding of care and work in children's services in Britain in the early 21st century.
20. リスクとともに成長する 社会福祉・社会政策
Thom, Betsy.; Sales, Rosemary; Pearce, Jenny J.
Growing up with risk
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347312
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422385
Provides a critical analysis of risk and related concepts in relation to 'growing up' - the transition between childhood and early adulthood.
21. 在宅児童ケア再考
Smith, Mark.
Rethinking residential child care : positive perspectives
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781861349095
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
22. 十代の妊娠:問題の諸相
Arai, Lisa.
eISBN: 9781847421159
Teenage pregnancy : the making and unmaking of a problem
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847420756
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847427786
Argues that society's negative attitude to young mothers is likely to marginalise an already excluded group and that efforts should be focused
primarily on supporting young mothers and their children.
23. 公共サービスの消費者:選択、価値観と差異 社会福祉・社会政策
Simmons, Richard; Powell, Martin A.; Greener, Ian.
consumer in public services : choice, values and difference
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847421814
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421821
This book challenges existing stereotypes about the 'consumer as chooser'.
with their differentiated public.
24. 英国の自治権委譲と社会政策
Birrell, Derek.
The message is that today's public services must learn to cope
impact of devolution on social policy
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847422262
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422279
With new devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, this book provides a study of developments in the major areas of
social policy and a full comparison between the four UK nations.
25. 変化のための政策:地方の労働市場分析とジェンダー平等
Yeandle, Susan.
Policy for a change : local labour market analysis and gender equality
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847420541
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423726
26. 社会政策レビュー:2009 年 社会福祉・社会政策
Rummery, Kirstein.; Greener, Ian.; Holden, Christopher.
Social policy review. 21, Analysis and debate in social policy, 2009
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847423733
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847427410
27. 中東における社会福祉と宗教:レバノンからの視点
Jawad, Rana.
Social welfare and religion in the Middle East : a Lebanese perspective
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781861349538
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847427809
Presents a new framework which examines the complex social and political dynamics shaping social welfare in the Middle East.
28. 最低所得保障とアクティベーションのジレンマ
Moreira, Amilcar.
activation dilemma : reconciling the fairness and effectiveness of minimum income schemes in Europe
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420466
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423542
Explores the employment effectiveness of Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) schemes.
29. 中東欧の教育・労働・福祉制度ハンドブック
Kogan, Irena.; Gebel, M.; Noelke, Clemens.
Europe enlarged : a handbook of education, labour and welfare regimes in central and eastern Europe
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420640
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
30. 福祉国家の近代化:ブレアの遺産
Powell, Martin A.
eISBN: 9781847423580
Modernising the welfare state : the Blair legacy
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420404
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423665
31. 社会正義と公共政策 社会福祉・社会政策
Craig, Gary.; Burchardt, Tania.; Gordon, David
Social justice and public policy : seeking fairness in diverse societies
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861349347
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423535
Drawing on international experience, addresses what the meaning of social justice is, and how it translates into the everyday concerns of
public and social policy.
32. 社会政策レビュー:2008 年 社会福祉・社会政策
Maltby, Tony.; Kennett, Patricia; Rummery, Kirstein.
Social policy review. 20, Analysis and debate in social policy, 2008
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420763
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
33. 福祉と安寧:公共政策における社会的価値
Jordan, Bill.
eISBN: 9781847423528
Welfare and well-being : social value in public policy
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420817
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847420824
34. S.J.ボール著/教育政策・政治
Ball, Stephen J.
education debate {Policy and politics in the twenty-first century}
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861349200
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥20,945
eISBN: 9781847423139
Besides examining general trends in education policy, the book concentrates on school policies and politics, with asides to and examples from
the other sectors where relevant.
35. 勤労福祉国家を超えて 社会福祉・社会政策
Carpenter, Mick.; Freda, Belinda.; Speeden, Stuart.
Beyond the workfare state : labour markets, equalities and human rights
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348739
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423122
Explores equality, discrimination and human rights in relation to employability and welfare-to-work policies.
36. ケア、市民権とコミュニティ
Balloch, Susan.; Hill, Michael J.
Care, community and citizenship : research and practice in a changing policy context
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348708
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422507
With an in-depth introduction to each of the issues and relationships explored in the book, it contains a practice-based section and offers
international comparisons and perspectives on similar issues from Sweden, Germany and Japan.
37. EUと社会的包含の課題
Marlier, Eric.
EU and social inclusion : Facing the challenges
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348845
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421722
Provides an in-depth analysis of the EU Social Inclusion Process and the challenges ahead at regional, national and EU levels.
38. 社会保障の欧州化 社会福祉・社会政策
Kvist, Jon.; Saari, Juho.
Europeanisation of social protection
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781847420190
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422521
Compares national social models in welfare reforms together with developments in the countries' views of EU initiatives and issues.
39. 西欧における市民権のジェンダー化
Lister, Ruth
Gendering citizenship in Western Europe : new challenges for citizenship research in a cross-national context
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861346933
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422378
Provides a framework for three policy studies, migration and multiculturalism; the care of young children; and home-based childcare and
transnational dynamics.
40. EUにおけるアクティベーション・サービスの個人化
Berkel, Rik van.; Valkenburg, Ben.
Making it personal : individualising activation services in the EU
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347978
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422316
This book explores this notion of 'individualised social services' and what it stands for in various national contexts, not only at the level of
policy formation but at the level of actual implementation and delivery of services.
41. 社会政策の機能 社会福祉・社会政策
Glennerster, Howard.; Hills, John; Le Grand, Julian.; Piachaud, David.
Making social policy work : essays in honour of Howard Glennerster {CASE studies on poverty, place, and policy}
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861349583
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422781
Covering key issues in contemporary social policy.
42. シュア・スタートの評価 社会福祉・社会政策
Belsky, Jay; Melhuish, Edward C.; Barnes, Jacqueline.
national evaluation of Sure Start : does area-based early intervention work?
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861349507
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423009
Sure Start was one of New Labour's flagship efforts to help break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and social exclusion - by enhancing
the health and development of children under four and their families living in disadvantaged communities. The book pulls together the
findings of the very extensive National Evaluation of Sure Start (NESS) in a single volume.
43. 英国福祉産業の労働と労働者
Mooney, Gerry; Law, Alex.
New Labour/hard labour? : restructuring and resistance inside the welfare industry
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348340
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422774
Provides the first critically informad descussion of work and workers in the UK welfare sector under New Labour.
44. 年金の政治学
Hill, Michael J.
Pensions {Policy and politics in the twenty-first century}
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348517
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥20,945
eISBN: 9781847422408
Clearly explains the complexity of pension policy worldwide and the various pension models, both public and private.
45. 社会政策レビュー:2007 年 社会福祉・社会政策
Clarke, Karen.; Maltby, Tony.; Kennett, Patricia
Social policy review. 19. analysis and debate in social policy, 2007
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861349415
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422453
Published in association with the SPA.
46. 証拠に基づく公的サービスの改善
Nutley, Sandra M.
Using evidence : how research can inform public services
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861346643
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422323
Summarises the empirical evidence from the education, health care, social care and criminal justice fields about how research is used and how
this can be improved.
47. 新生労働党の福祉政策
Bochel, Hugh M.
Welfare policy under New Labour : Views from inside Westminster
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347909
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421746
Based on an extensive series of interviews with MPs and Peers from across Parliament.
48. 女性と新生労働党:政治・政策のジェンダー化 社会福祉・社会政策
Annesley, Claire.; Gains, Francesca.; Rummery, Kirstein.
Women and new labour : engendering politics and policy?
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348272
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422415
Focuses on three case study areas of mainstream policy (economic policy, foreign policy and welfare policy) from a gendered perspective.
49. 政策再考 社会福祉・社会政策
Hodgson, Susan M.; Irving, Zoe". The Policy Press 2007
9781847422996 Explores the development of the meaning and language of policy, and examines its
practice from micro-to to supra-nation levels.
Policy reconsidered : meanings, politics and practices
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348272
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422415
Focuses on three case study areas of mainstream policy (economic policy, foreign policy and welfare policy) from a gendered perspective.
50. 福祉行政の国際的改革 社会福祉・社会政策
Henman, Paul.; Fenger, Menno.
Administering welfare reform : International transformations in welfare governance
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346520
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421531
Using empirical case studies, this book provides significant new insights into the way welfare administration is being internationally
51. 現金とケア:証拠と政策 社会福祉・社会政策
Glendinning, Caroline; Kemp, Peter
Cash and care : Policy challenges in the welfare state
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861348579
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421661
Examines and links together cash (earnings from paid work, social security benefits, access to credit, direct payments to service users) with
carework (both the care of children and the family-based care of sick, disable or older people) and with disability.
52. 資産ベースの福祉政策 社会福祉・社会政策
Paxton, Will.; White, Stuart Gordon; Maxwell, Dominic.
citizen's stake : Exploring the future of universal asset policies
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861347008
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421463
Examines asset-based welfare in connection with a wide range of issues, from tax policy to childcare, and includes the results of two
innovative studies of public opinion on capital grants and inheritance tax.
53. 直接支給の発達 社会福祉・社会政策
Leece, Janet.; Bornat, Joanna.
Developments in direct payments
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346544
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421470
''An up-to-date review of current developments in direct payments policy and practice.
undergraduate and post graduate courses.'' - Colin Barnes, University of Leeds.
54. 英国社会政策思想史
Offer, John.
Essential reading for students on a range of relevant
intellectual history of British social policy : Idealism versus non-idealism
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861345301
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421487
Charts the period from the 1830s to the present day, providing a fresh analysis of the relationship between social theory and social policy in
the UK.
55. 自由、平等、友愛と社会政策
Spicker, Paul.
Liberty, equality, fraternity
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861348418
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421647
Takes the three founding principles of the French Revolution and examines how they relate to social policy today.
56. 北欧福祉国家における親の政治化
Ellings 奏 er, Anne Lise.
Politicising parenthood in Scandinavia : Gender relations in welfare states
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346469
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421593
Highlights the politicising of parenthood in the Scandinavian welfare states - focusing on the relationship between parents and the state, and
the ongoing renegotiations between the public and the private.
57. 欧州社会におけるケアと社会的統合
Pfau-Effinger, Birgit.; Geissler, Birgit.
Care and social integration in European societies
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861346049
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421340
Provides invaluable descriptions and comparative analyses of the now complex and highly varied arrangements for the care of children,
disabled and older people in Europe.
58. EUの福祉改革:市民権の視点
Goul Andersen, Jorgen.
changing face of welfare : Consequences and outcomes from a citizenship perspective
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861345929
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421401
Publication delayed (Originally scheduled in Decwmber 2004). Adopting a multi-level, comparative and interdisciplinary approach, this book
develops a critical analysis of policy change and welfare reform in Europe.
59. 東洋福祉国家の移行:儒教とグローバル化
Walker, Alan.; Wong, Chack-kie.
East Asian welfare regimes in transition : From Confucianism to globalisation
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861345516
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421241
Puts the spotlight on the Chinese and South-East Asian welfare systems, providing an up-to-date assessment of their character and
60. 人間の尊厳と福祉制度
Chan, Chak Kwan.
Human dignity and welfare systems
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861344311
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421425
Formulates a framework for evaluating the dignity of welfare recipients; Uses this framework to explore the dignity of unemployed persons in
four different welfare systems: UK, Sweden, China and Hong Kong.
61. 新労働党の政策と実践:社会学的批評
Prideaux, Simon.
Not so New Labour : A sociological critique of New Labour's policy and practice
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861344601
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421234
Provides an accessible overview of the theories that underpin the policies of New Labour, including the theories of Talcott Parsons, Amitai
Etzioni and Anthony Giddens.
62. スキャンダル、社会政策と社会福祉(第2版)
Butler, Ian.
Scandal, social policy, and social welfare {Rev. 2nd ed. /}
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861347466
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421326
Reveals how scandals are generated, to what purposes they are used and whose interest they are made to serve.
63. 社会政策レビュー:2005 年 社会福祉・社会政策
Powell, Martin A.; Bauld, Linda.; Clarke, Karen.
Social policy review. 17, Analysis and debate in social policy, 2005
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861346704
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421302
64. 社会政策レビュー:2004 年 社会福祉・社会政策
Ellison, Nicholas; Powell, Martin A.; Bauld, Linda.
Social policy review. 16. analysis and debate in social policy, 2004
The Policy Press - 2004 - ISBN:9781847424716
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847425973
65. 社会政策レビュー:2003 年 社会福祉・社会政策
Bochel, Catherine.; Ellison, Nicholas; Powell, Martin A.
Social policy review. 15. UK and international perspectives
The Policy Press - 2003 - ISBN:9781847424709
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847425751
66. 社会政策レビュー:2001-2002 年 社会福祉・社会政策
Maltby, Tony.; Kennett, Patricia; Rummery, Kirstein.
Social policy review. 14. Developments and debates, 2001-2002
The Policy Press - 2002 - ISBN:9781861343789
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847425522
Being published in the 30th anniversary year of the Social Policy Association.
67. 社会政策レビュー:2000-2001 年 社会福祉・社会政策
Sykes, Rob.; Ellison, Nicholas; Bochel, Catherine.
Social policy review. 13. Developments and debates, 2000-2001
The Policy Press - 2001 - ISBN:9781861342911
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥20,945
eISBN: 9781847425317
68. C.バーンズ&G.マーサー著/できなくさせる社会における利用者主導の障害サーヴィスの創造
Barnes, Colin.
Independent futures : Creating user-led disability services in a disabling society
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861347190
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421579
Provides a critical evaluation of the development and organisation of user-controlled services in the UK and summarises and discusses the
policy implications for the future development of services.
69. C.バーンズ編/働く未来:障害者、政策と社会的包含
Roulstone, Alan; Barnes, Colin
Working futures? : Disabled people, policy, and social inclusion
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861346278
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421432
Looks at the current effectiveness and future scope for enabling policy in the field of disability and employment.
▼以下 11 タイトル
合計価格: ¥242,038.- (税込)
70. ガラス張りの消費者像:監視社会における消費者情報
Lace, Susanne.
glass consumer : Life in a surveillance society
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861347350
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥20,945
eISBN: 9781847421272
Explores debates about the use of consumer information and its wider social implications, including social exclusion and consumers' life
71. 北欧における男性の家庭内暴力
Eriksson, Maria
Tackling men's violence in families : Nordic issues and dilemmas
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861346032
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421296
Critically examines how men's violence in families is perceived and responded to in the Nordic context.
72. 現代の社会的害悪とは何か
Contemporary social evils
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847424099
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847427403
High profile individual contributors, includes Sean Bailey, Zygmunt Bauman, Anthony Browne, et al. Base on the results of an online survey
of more than 3,500 people and a specially-commissioned consultation with groups whose voices are less often heard, the book tries to identify
social evils in the 21st century.
Millie, Andrew.
Securing respect : behavioural expectations and anti-social behaviour in the UK
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847420947
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847420954
Over recent years, the Government focus on anti-social behaviour has been replaced by a focus on respect.
current interpretations and possible future for the Respect Agenda in the UK.
74. 女性・児童への隠れた暴力
Romito, Patrizia.
This book considers the origins,
deafening silence : hidden violence against women and children
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861349620
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422880
Offers both a synthesis of recent international data and a theoretical analysis of the mechanisms of concealment.
75. 反社会的行動の犯罪化
Squires, Peter
ASBO nation : the criminalisation of nuisance
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420282
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423511
Provides a clear and accessible grasp of the origins, development, impact and delivery of anti-social behaviour policies and practice.
76. 憎悪犯罪と都市
Iganski, Paul.
Hate crime and the city
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861349408
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423573
Takes a victim-centred approach to explore and analyse hate crime as a social problem.
77. 犯罪者:リスク、応答性と多様性
Farrow, Kathryn.
Offenders in focus : risk, responsivity and diversity
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347862
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422460
Integrating research with practitioner experience, this book offers research-based 'practice wisdom' for engaging effectively with offenders.
78. 犯罪、コミュニティと英国の都市政策
Atkinson, Rowland.; Helms, Gesa.
Securing an urban renaissance : crime, community, and British urban policy
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348142
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422477
Examines policy connections that can be traced between social, urban and crime policy and the wider processes of regeneration in British
towns and cities.
79. 若者と「リスク」 社会問題・社会病理
Blyth, Maggie.; Solomon, Enver.; Baker, Kerry
Young people and 'risk' {Researching criminal justice series}
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781847420008
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥11,636
eISBN: 9781847422583
Critically considers both the theory and application of the risk concept in work with young people and young adults who offend, both in terms
of public protection and of young people's own vulnerability to being harmed.
80. 売春の法と政策:欧州・アジアの比較研究
Gangoli, Geetanjali.; Westmarland, Nicole.
International approaches to prostitution : Law and policy in Europe and Asia
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346735
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421586
Provides a detailed international comparison of the laws, policies and interventions in eight countries across Europe (England and Wales,
France, Sweden and Moldova) and Asia (India, Pakistan, Thailand and Taiwan).
▼以下 19 タイトル
合計価格: ¥439,648.- (税込)
81. 労働、家族と組織の変化:欧州の視点 家族・ジェンダー
Lewis, Suzan.; Brannen, Julia.; Nilsen, Ann.
Work, family and organisations in transition : a European perspective
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847422200
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422217
Uses cross-national case studies of public and private sector workplaces carried out in Bulgaria, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, the
Netherlands and the UK.
82. 現代の父親業 家族・ジェンダー
Featherstone, Brid.
Contemporary fathering : theory, policy and practice
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781861349880
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847426031
A comprehensive introduction to understanding fathering and fatherhood through different desciplines.
83. 家族、関係と境界 家族・ジェンダー
McKie, Linda.; Cunningham-Burley, Sarah.
Families in society : Boundaries and relationships
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861346445
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421371
Using this notion of 'boundaries', the book shifts thinking from 'families as entities' to 'families as relationship processes'.
84. 移行期の家族
Charles, Nickie.
Families in transition : social change, family formation and kin relationships
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861347893
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423603
Adresses the complexity of family change, showing that while there has undeniably been change, there is a suprising degree of continuity in
family practices.
85. 英国の貧困児童のカナダへの移住
Parker, R. A.
Uprooted : the shipment of poor children to Canada, 1867-1917
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781847420145
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422903
Why were some 80,000 British children (typically between the ages of 10 and 14) sent to Canada between 1867 and 1917?
86. 21世紀の子供:誕生から9ヶ月まで
Dex, Shirley.; Joshi, Heather.
Children of the 21st century : From birth to nine months {UK millennium cohort study series}
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861346896
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421418
Documents the early lives of almost 19,000 children born in the UK at the start of the 21st century, and their families.
87. 欧州の若者:労働市場と市民権 家族・ジェンダー
Bradley, Harriet.; Hoof, J. J. B. M. van.
Young people in Europe : Labour markets and citizenship
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861345882
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421258
Provides theoretical, policy and empirical perspectives on the situation of young people across the European Union.
88. 児童、政治とコミュニケーション
Thomas, Nigel
Children, politics and communication : participation at the margins
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847421845
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421852
Focuses on the politics of children's communication in two senses: children as political actors and the micro-politics of children's interaction
with each other and with adults.
89. 英国の児童観
Madge, Nicola.
Children these days
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861347848
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421517
It is sometimes suggested that England is less child-friendly than many other countries and that, generally speaking, adult attitudes to
children and teenagers may be somewhat negative. The purpose of this book is to set the record straight and to find out how accurate these
views really are.
90. 高齢者の尊重 家族・ジェンダー
Edmondson, Ricca.; Kondratowitz, Hans-Joachim von.
Valuing older people : a humanist approach to ageing {Ageing and the lifecourse}
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847422927
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422934
It interprets ageing as a process of creating meaning, carried out by older people but significant for those around them, and influenced by the
norms and values of their societies.
91. 消費社会における英国の高齢者
Jones, Ian Rees.
Ageing in a consumer society : from passive to active consumption in Britain {Ageing and the lifecourse}
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861348838
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423627
Examines the engagement of older people with the consumer society in Britain since the 1960s.
92. 農村地域と高齢者 家族・ジェンダー
Keating, Norah Christine.
Rural ageing : a good place to grow old? {Ageing and the lifecourse}
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861349026
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥20,734
eISBN: 9781847424037
Examines how rural contexts influence the lives of older people in rural communities.
93. 高齢化社会:批判的考察 家族・ジェンダー
Bernard, Miriam.; Scharf, Thomas.
Critical perspectives on ageing societies {Ageing and the lifecourse}
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348906
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422392
Deals with contemorary topics of interest, such as age discrimination, human rights, intergenerational justice, diversity in later life, and
researching with older people.
94. ジェンダーの転換
Hines, Sally.
TransForming gender : transgender practices of identity, intimacy and care
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861349163
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422552
Draws on extensive interviews with transgender people and offers engaging, moving and, at times, humorous accounts of the experiences of
gender transition.
Thomson, Rachel.
Unfolding lives : youth, gender and change
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847420510
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847427762
Presents a unique approach to understanding the changing face of youth transitions, addressing the question of how gender identities are
96. 機会平等を越えて:ジェンダー、職業と差別
Browne, Jude.
Sex segregation and inequality in the modern labour market
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861345998
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421692
Employing a sophisticated new theoretical framework, and drawing on original fieldwork, the book develops a subtle account of the
phenomenon of sex segregation and offers a major challenge to existing approaches.
97. 中東欧のジェンダー制度
Pascall, Gillian.
Gender regimes in transition in Central and Eastern Europe
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861346254
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
98. 女性と有償労働:イタリアと英国に見る世代差
Solera, Cristina.
eISBN: 9781847421449
Women in and out of paid work : changes across generations in Italy and Britain
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781861349309
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
99. ジェンダーと時間の政治学
Bryson, Valerie.
eISBN: 9781847427793
Gender and the politics of time : feminist theory and contemporary debates
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347503
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422972
Themes covered include the impact of 'time poverty' on women's citizenship; gender differences in time use and how these are rewarded; the
social meanings of time and whether these differ between women and men; and the role of the past in framing policy options today.
▼以下 7 タイトル
合計価格: ¥162,911.- (税込)
100. 欧州社会モデルの解明 行政学・地方自治
Jepsen, Maria.; Serrano Pascual, Amparo.
Unwrapping the European social model
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861347985
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421616
Presents the outcome of a project coordinated by the European Trade Union Institute in which experts from different countries and social
scientific disciplines (sociology, political science and economics) were invited to reflect on both the meaning and political status of the concept
of the ESM.
101. 新公共経営後の新たな官僚主義:品質保証をめぐる問題
Travers, Max.
new bureaucracy : quality assurance and its critics
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861349279
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422354
There has been much discussion of the New Public Management and the impact of auditing and inspection on professional work in schools,
hospitals, local government and the police. Based on interviews with inspectors, quality assurance managers and auditors, as well as
professionals struggling with bureaucracy, this is the only book that looks in detail at the red tape surrounding quality assurance.
102. 権力、参加と政治再生:公的参加の事例研究
Barnes, Marian.
Power, participation and political renewal : case studies in public participation
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861346674
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
Provides an empirical and theoretical analysis of
103. 政策分析と行政管理
Knoepfel, Peter.
eISBN: 9781847422293
public participation in policy making and implementation.
Public policy analysis
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861349071
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422309
It is an English version of a textbook for policy practitioners in Switzerland and France. It presents a model for the analysis of public policy
as well as examples of the application of this model in everyday political-administrative situations.
104. 英国における権限委譲と社会的市民権
Greer, Scott L.
Devolution and social citizenship in the UK
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847420367
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
105. 英国の農村政策:1997 年以降
Woods, Michael
eISBN: 9781847423658
New Labour's countryside : rural policy in Britain since 1997
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861349323
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423610
Topics including : The effects of devolution; hunting; agricultural reform; Foot and Mouth; housing development and the 'right to roam'.
106. 英国における地方政治の役割変化
Leach, Steve.
changing role of local politics in Britain
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346070
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421630
▼以下 14 タイトル
合計価格: ¥323,494.- (税込)
107. コミュニティ開発ワークのジレンマ
Hoggett, Paul.
dilemmas of development work : ethical challenges in regeneration
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781861349729
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423719
Explores the ways in which front-line professionals, working with communities, identify and address the dillemmas inherent in the current
policy context.
Brent, Jeremy.
Searching for community : representation, power and action on an urban estate
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847423245
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423252
Examines ways to understand and engage with the troublesome concept of 'community' to show the way community is enacted as a
combination of dreams, actions and materiality.
109. コミュニティ開発:ネットワーキング・アプローチ(第2版)
Gilchrist, Alison.
well-connected community : a networking approach to community development {2nd ed.}
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847420565
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥20,945
110. 近隣の再生:労働、企業とガバナンス
Syrett, Stephen.
eISBN: 9781847427847
Renewing neighbourhoods : work, enterprise and governance
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861348623
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423641
Addresses the economic development issues central to neighbourhood renewal.
111. 戦後英国における持続可能なコミュニティの構築
Raco, Mike.
Building sustainable communities : Spatial policy and labour mobility in post-war Britain
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347442
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421760
Provides the first systematic description and analysis of the relationships between conceptions of regional labour markets and spatial
development policies since the Second World War.
112. 現代の都市政策における近隣ガバナンス
Smith, Ian; Lepine, Eileen; Taylor, Marilyn.
Disadvantaged by where you live? : neighbourhood governance in contemporary urban policy
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348944
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422514
Offers a major contribution to academic debates on the neighbourhood, both as a sphere of governance and as a point of public service delivery
under New Labour since 1997.
113. ロンドンの声、ロンドンの生活
Hall, Peter Geoffrey.
London voices, London lives : tales from a working capital
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861349835
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422484
Documents interviews with over a hundred people in eight localities, to provide an extraordinary social record of one of the world's greatest
114. 英国農村地域におけるエスニシティ、ネイションと排除
Neal, Sarah.; Agyeman, Julian.
new countryside? : Ethnicity, nation, and exclusion in contemporary rural Britain
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861347961
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421548
Reveals the extent and complexities of rural racism and its links to broader discussions of nationhood and the emergence of a rural
115. 住宅扶助:比較研究
Kemp, Peter
Housing allowances in comparative perspective
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347541
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422446
Presents new evidence on the origins and design of housing allowances, their role within housing and social security policy, their impact on
affordability and current policy debates and recent reforms.
116. バーミンガムの低所得者層住宅と近隣の富裕層
Power, Anne.
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861346582
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422330
Jigsaw cities : big places, small spaces {CASE studies on poverty, place, and policy}
Explores Britain's intensely urban and increasingly global communities as interlocking pieces of a complex jigsaw, which are hard to see apart
yet they are deeply unequal.
117. ハウジングの未来 都市・コミュニティ
Malpass, Peter.; Cairncross, Liz
Building on the past : Visions of housing futures
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861347527
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421555
Analyses the implications of current trends to consider how markets and governments might respond to the challenges ahead.
118. ハウジング、都市ガバナンスと反社会的行動
Flint, John.
Housing, urban governance and anti-social behaviour : Perspectives, policy and practice
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346858
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421623
Provides a range of theoretical perspectives, critical analysis and empirical research findings about the role of housing and urban governance
in addressing anti-social behaviour.
119. ハウジングの意味づけ
Clapham, David.
meaning of housing : A pathways approach
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861346384
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421333
Looks at housing in terms of ligestyle choice from youth to old age.
120. 欧州における大規模団地の再構築
Kempen, Ronald van.
Restructuring large housing estates in Europe
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861347763
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421456
▼以下 6 タイトル
合計価格: ¥137,310.- (税込)
121. 英国労働党の貧困政策:1997 年以降
Hills, John; Sefton, Tom.; Stewart, Kitty
Towards a more equal society? : poverty, inequality and policy since 1997 {CASE studies on poverty, place, and
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847422026
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422033
An independent assessment of the success or otherwise of New Labour's policies over a longer period.
122. ニュージーランドの貧困、政策と国家
O'Brien, Mike.
Poverty, policy and the state : the changing face of social security
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861347992
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422989
Provides a detailed discussion of the work on poverty and living standards in New Zealand and the political and economic context within
which social security changes have occurred.
123. 都市サバイバー:低所得地域における子育て
Power, Anne.
City survivors : bringing up children in disadvantaged neighbourhoods
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781847420503
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423016
This new book is about bringing up children in troubled city neighbourhoods, seen through the eyes of parents, mainly mothers.
124. 貧窮の遺伝から社会的排除まで:政策、貧困とペアレンティング
Welshman, John.
From transmitted deprivation to social exclusion : policy, poverty and parenting
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348357
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422569
Explores the history of debates over 'transmitted deprivation' and relationship with current initiatives on social exclusion.
125. 児童貧困の発見:政策課題の創造
Platt, Lucinda.
Discovering child poverty : The creation of a policy agenda from 1800 to the present {Studies in poverty,
inequality, and social exclusion}
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861345837
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥20,945
eISBN: 9781847421227
Includes chapters on children and work, education and child poverty research to provide the essential context for the story of the 'discovery' of
child poverty.
126. ロンドンにおける労働市場の変容と社会的排除
Smith, David M.
The Policy Press - 2005 - ISBN:9781861346018
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421364
On the margins of inclusion : Changing labour markets and social exclusion in London {Studies in poverty,
inequality, and social exclusion}
Explores the notion of 'social exclusion' from the perspective of those deemed to be 'socially excluded' and provides a compelling and vivid
portrait of lives at the insecure, low-paid end of the labour market.
▼以下 15 タイトル
合計価格: ¥346,767.- (税込)
127. 応用倫理と社会政策
Fitzpatrick, Tony.
Applied ethics and social problems : moral questions of birth, society and death
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861348609
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423504
Looks at a range of social and moral problems including euthanasia, parental choice in schools, abortion and state intervention in our health.
128. A.オークレー著/骨折:こわれた身体の冒険
Oakley, Ann.
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861349378
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422361
Fracture : adventures of a broken body
著名なフェミニストである著者自身の骨折の経験を基にものされた新しい身体論。 Oakley draws on her distinguished career as a social science
researcher and feminists to explore the interconnections between the body, medicine and ordinary life.
129. 緩和ケア再考:社会的役割価値化アプローチ
Sinclair, Paul.
Rethinking palliative care : a social role valorisation approach
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861349217
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422347
Using the theory of Social Role Valourization it investigates the way in which palliative care perpetuates the social devaluation of people who
are dying. It recommends a series of pivotal changes in the approach of palliative care workers.
130. HIV 感染者・AIDS 患者の親のための子育て
Evans, Ruth.
Children caring for parents with HIV and AIDS : global issues and policy responses
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847420220
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423702
Drawing on orginal research data from the UK and Tanzania.
131. 英国のヘルスケア:継続性と変化
Greener, Ian.
Healthcare in the UK : understanding continuity and change
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781861346094
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847424211
Provides a theoretically rigorous but accessible account of the development of policy and organisational change.
132. 社会的不平等と公衆保健
Babones, Salvatore J.
Social inequality and public health
The Policy Press - 2009 - ISBN:9781847423214
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847423221
133. 保健医療論争
Hunter, David J.
health debate {Policy and politics in the twenty-first century}
The Policy Press - 2008 - ISBN:9781861349293
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥20,945
eISBN: 9781847423672
Focusing on the British NHS, this book reviews some of the key contemporary debates concerning health systems and how they have shaped
the way that health care has, and is, evolving.
134. 保健の不平等への挑戦 保健・医療
Dowler, Elizabeth; Spencer, Nick.
Challenging health inequalities : from Acheson to 'choosing health'
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348999
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422538
Offers a unique multidisciplinary perspective on tackling health inequalities in a rich country, examining the New Labour policy agenda and
its inherent challenges.
135. コミュニティ保健と福祉:保健の不平等のアクション・リサーチ
Cropper, Steve
Community health and wellbeing : action research on health inequalities {Health & society series}
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861348197
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847422767
Shows that complex and sustained community action, and effective local partnership, are fundamental components of the mix of factors
required to address health inequalities successfully.
136. 保健の不平等と福祉資源 保健・医療
Fritzell, Johan.; Lundberg, Olle.
Health inequalities and welfare resources : Continuity and change in Sweden {Health & society series}
The Policy Press - 2007 - ISBN:9781861347589
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421739
Presents new empirical evidence of the effects of Swedish welfare state structures and policies on the lives of Swedish citizens.
137. ヘルスケアの意思決定への市民の参加
Davies, Celia.
Citizens at the centre : Deliberative participation in healthcare decisions
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861348036
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421678
Drawing on the lessons from an ethnographic study of a public involvement initiative in the health service - the Citizens council of NICE
(National Institute for Clinical Excellence).
138. 保健医療の近代化:ドイツの事例
Kuhlmann, Ellen.
Modernising health care : Reinventing professions, the state and the public
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861348586
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421654
Assesses the travelling of global models of health reform on national pathways of a corporatist health system in Germany.
139. 地域の再生と保健
Blackman, Tim.
Placing health : Neighbourhood renewal, health improvement, and complexity
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346117
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421685
Health improvement strategies often target where people live, but do they work?
140. 保健医療の政治経済学:臨床的視点
Hart, Julian Tudor.
political economy of health care : A clinical perspective {Health & society series}
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861348098
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421562
Drawing on many years of clinical experience, Tudor Hart sets out to explore how the NHS might be reconstituted as a humane service for all
(rather than a profitable one for the few) and a civilising influence on society as a whole.
141. ライフコースにわたる保健の不平等
Asthana, Sheena.
What works in tackling health inequalities? : Pathways, policies, and practice through the lifecourse {Studies in
poverty, inequality, and social exclusion}
The Policy Press - 2006 - ISBN:9781861346759
NetLibrary 提供価格(税込) : ¥23,273
eISBN: 9781847421524
Establishes what works in health inequalities policy, how and why.
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