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英国政府は 11 月 25 日、現政権発足以降初の Autumn Statement(秋の財政演説)を発表しました。オズボ
ハイリスク事業への対応策の一環としての自発的コンプライアンスおよび特別対応策- 大企業の税務コ
企業の利益分配 – 企業の利益分配に関する制度についてのコンサルテーション結果が年末までに発表
ハイブリッドミスマッチ取引–ハイブリッドミスマッチ取引に対する OECD 合意を履行するため、コンサルテ
ーションプロセスを経て、新たな法律が 2017 年 1 月より施行されます。
ローンリレーションシップ-企業債務とデリバティブ契約の税務–. 企業債務とデリバティブ契約に対する
税務規定が改正されます。この改正は特定の 3 つのケースについて新会計基準の取り扱いに沿うように
法人税:還付額にかかる利息-2015 年財政法(2)に規定されている通り、一定の税務当局からの税金
還付額にかかる利息に対して 45%の法人税が適用されます。
租税回避行為の常習者–HMRC が否認対象とした租税回避スキームを繰り返し利用しようとする事業者
を取り締まる新対策が導入されます。また、HMRC によって頻繁に否認される租税回避スキームのプロモ
包括的租税回避行為の対抗規定 (GAAR)–包括的租税回避行為の対抗規定に違反したと判断された
全てのケースについて 60%の新税率が適用されます。
キャピタルアローワンスとリース–2015 年 11 月 25 日以降、キャピタルアローワンスとリースを使った二種
シップを利用した一定の節税スキームを実施することができなくなります。本改正は 2015 年 11 月 25 日
修習生制度に関する課金 –修習生制度に関する課金として雇用主はその支払う賃金総額の 0.5%を
PAYE を通して納付することとなります。但し、各雇用主には 15,000 ポンドの課金免除枠が与えられます。
この課徴金制度は 2017 年4月より導入されます。
従業員持株制度に関するルールの簡素化 –税務面での優遇措置の有無に拘らず、従業員持株制度に
テーションの結果に対する答申を現在検討しており、2016 年の予算演説でこれを発表する予定です。
相続関連事項変更証書 –政府は税金対策目的で作成される相続関連事項変更証書(Deeds of
キャピタルゲイン課税– 2019 年 4 月より、居住用不動産の売却に伴うキャピタルゲイン税の支払期限が
(自己の居住用不動産に係る優遇税制“principal private residence relief”が適用される場合を除く)売
却完了から 30 日以内となります。
税が適用される現行ルールが 2021 年 4 月まで継続されます。
北アイルランド -政府は法人税制の権限を北アイルランド議会へ分権することに依然として積極的です
公約が満たされることが条件となります。北アイルランドの各政党は 12.5%の新税率を 2018 年 4 月より
The Government published its first Autumn Statement, which is the third budgetary speech from
George Osborne. The main announcement points are summarised below.
<Corporate tax >
·Tools to encourage voluntary compliance and special measures to tackle the highest risk businesses
- Following consultation into improving large business tax compliance, new legislation will
-a new requirement that large businesses publish their tax strategies as they relate to or affect UK
-a special measures regime to tackle businesses that persistently engage in aggressive tax planning
-a framework for cooperative compliance.
·Company distributions – A consultation will be published on the rules concerning company
distributions later in the year. The government will also amend the Transactions in Securities rules
and introduce a Targeted Anti-Avoidance Rule. These measures are intended to prevent income being
converted to capital in order to gain a tax advantage.
·Rules for addressing hybrid mismatch arrangements– Following consultation, new legislation will
be introduced, with effect from 1 January 2017, to implement the agreed OECD rules for addressing
hybrid mismatch arrangements.
·Loan relationships: taxation of corporate debt and derivative contracts– Legislation will be
introduced to update the tax rules for company debt and derivative contracts to ensure they interact
correctly with new accounting standards in three specific circumstances.
·Corporation tax: restitution interest– As legislated in Finance (No 2) Act 2015, a special 45% rate of
corporation tax on income applies to certain restitution interest.
<Avoidance and evasion provisions >
·Serial Avoiders– New measures will be introduced for those who persistently enter into tax
avoidance schemes that are defeated by HMRC. Also the Promoters of Tax Avoidance Schemes
(POTAS) regime will be widened, by bringing in promoters whose schemes are regularly defeated by
·General Anti-Abuse Rule (GAAR) – A new penalty of 60% of tax due to be charged will apply in all
cases successfully countered as a result of the GAAR.
·Capital allowances and leasing– With effect from 25 November 2015, legislation will be amended to
counter two types of avoidance involving capital allowances and leasing. These changes will prevent
companies from artificially lowering the disposal value of plant and machinery for capital allowances
purposes, and make any payment received for agreeing to take responsibility for tax deductible lease
related payments subject to tax as income.
·Related Party Rules: partnerships and transfers of intangible assets– The intangible fixed asset rules
will be amended to clarify the tax treatment on transfers of assets to partnerships. This change has
immediate effect. It will ensure that partnerships cannot be used in arrangements that seek to obtain
a tax relief for their corporate members in a way that is contrary to the intention of the regime.
<Personal tax>
·Apprenticeship levy– The apprenticeship levy will be set at a rate of 0.5% of an employer’s paybill
and will be paid through PAYE. Each employer will receive an allowance of £15,000 to offset against
their levy payment. The levy will be introduced in April 2017.
·Employment intermediaries and tax relief for travel and subsistence– Legislation will be introduced
to restrict tax relief for travel and subsistence expenses for workers engaged through an employment
intermediary, such as an umbrella company or a personal service company. Following consultation,
relief will be restricted for individuals working through personal service companies where the
intermediaries legislation applies. This change will take effect from 6 April 2016.
·Employee share schemes: simplification of the rules– The government will introduce a number of
technical changes to streamline and simplify aspects of the tax rules for tax-advantaged and non-taxadvantaged employee share schemes.
·Salary sacrifice– The government remains concerned about the growth of salary sacrifice
arrangements and is considering what action, if any, is necessary. The government will gather further
evidence, including from employers, on salary sacrifice arrangements to inform its approach.
·Pensions tax relief consultation– The government is considering the responses to the consultation on
the system of pensions tax relief and will publish its response at Budget 2016.
·Deeds of variation– The government will not introduce new restrictions on how deeds of variation
can be used for tax purposes but will continue to monitor their use.
·Capital gains tax (CGT): payment window– From April 2019, a payment on account of any CGT due
on the disposal of residential property (unless principal private residence relief applies) will be
required to be made within 30 days of the completion of the disposal.
·Company Car Tax diesel supplement– The three percentage point differential between diesel cars
and petrol cars will be retained until April 2021.
·Northern Ireland - The government remains committed to the devolution of corporation tax powers
to the Northern Ireland Assembly, subject to the Northern Ireland Executive demonstrating that its
finances have been put on a sustainable footing and that the range of commitments entered into in
the Stormont House Agreement have been met. The Northern Ireland parties have now indicated that
they wish to pursue the implementation of a new Northern Ireland rate of 12.5% in April 2018.
◆マネージャー 塩田英樹
Email: [email protected]
Direct: +44 20 7213 3697
◆シニアマネージャー 北牧はるみ
Email: [email protected]
Direct:+44 20 7213 1739
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