
( 6) 各国特許庁所在地一覧表(名称/所在地/電話

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( 6) 各国特許庁所在地一覧表(名称/所在地/電話
( 6) 各国特許庁所在地一覧表(名称/所在地/電話番号/FAX)
アイスランド共和国 Republic of Iceland
Icelandic Patent Office/Lindargötu 9, IS-150 Reykjavik/(354)560 9450/(354)562 9434
アイルランド Ireland
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Patents Office/Government Buildings,
Hebron Road, Kilkenny/(353 56)20111/(353 56)20100
アゼルバイジャン共和国 Azerbaidjan Republic
Azerbaijan Republic State Committee of Science and Engineering, Department of Patent and
License/S. Vurgun St.24, 370000 Baku/(994 12)94 08 77/(994 12)94 08 81
アフガニスタン・イスラム国 Islamic State of Afghanistan
Ministry of Mines and Industries/Pashtunistan wat Kabul/(114)26550
アメリカ合衆国 United States of America
United States Department of Commerce, Patent and Trademark Office(USPTO)/Box 4,
Washington, D.C. 20231/(1 703)305 9300/(1 703)305 8885
アラブ首長国連邦 United Arab Emirates
①(Patents)Ministry of Finance and Industry, Industrial Property Directorate/P.O. Box 1565,
Dubai/(971 4)516 421/(971 4)511 055
②(Marks)Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Trade Mark Section/P.O. Box 901,
Abu Dhabi/(971 2)336 954/(971 2)215 339
アルジェリア民主人民共和国 Democratic People's Republic of Algeria
①(Patents)Institut Algérien de la normalisation et de la propriété industrielle(INAPI)/
B.P.403, Alger Gare/(213 2)73 96 44/(213 2)73 55 81
②(Marks, Industrial Designs, Appellations of Origin)Institut National Algérien de Propriété
Industrielle(INAPI)/40 rue Larbi Ben M'Hidi, BP1021, Gouvernorat du Grand Alger/
(213 2)20 10 28/(213 2)20 19 71
アルゼンティン共和国 Argentine Republic
Ministerio de Economía y Obras y Servicios Públicos, Secretaría de Coordinación Industria,
Comercio y Minería, Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial(INPI)/Paseo Colón 717, 1063
Buenos Aires/(54 11)4344 4901/(54 11)4343 5286
アルバ Aruba
Bureau of Intellectual Property/A. Laclé Blvd. No.3, Oranjestad/(297 8)23 200/(297 8)38 773
アルバニア共和国 Republic of Albania
Ministry of Education and Science, Patent Office of Albania/23, Durresi Str. Tirana/
(355 42)258 00/(335 42)344 12
アルメニア共和国 Republic of Armenia
Armenian Patent Office/Government House 3, Central Avenue, Yerevan 375010/
(3742)520 673/(3742)151 823
アンゴラ共和国 Republic of Angola
Ministère de l'Industrie, Institut angolais de la propriété industrielle/Rua Cerqueira Lukoki
No.25, 6e Andar, Caixa postal 598, Luanda/(244 2)33 95 58/(244 2)39 24 00
アンティグア・バーブーダ Antigua and Barbuda
The Registrar's Office/P.O. Box 163, St.John's/(1 268)462 3929/(1 268)462 2465
アンドラ公国 Principality of Andorra
Office des Marques de la Principauté d'Andorre(OMPA)/Baixada del Molí, 26, Andorra La
Vella/(376)86 57 00/(376)86 68 61
イエメン共和国 Republic of Yemen
Republic of Yemen, General Administration of the Commercial Registrer, Industrial Property
Protection Administration, Ministry of Supply and Trade/P.O. Box 1607, Sana'a/
(967 1)276 544/ (967 1)289 540
イスラエル国 State of Israel
Ministry of Justice, Israel Patent Office/Lev Hagiva Building, 11, Rehov Beit Hadefus, Givat
Shaul, P.O. Box 34255, Jerusalem 91341/(972 2)5316 666/(972 2)5316 764
イタリア共和国 Republic of Italy
Ministère de l'industrie, du commerce et de l'artisanat, Direction générale de la production
industrielle, Office italien des brevets et des marques/19, via Molise, 00187 Rome/
(Patents)(39 6)4705 2736,(Marks)4705 3081,(Designs)4705 3065/(39 6)4705 3035
イラク共和国 Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Planning, Industrial Property Division, Central Orgarization for Standardization
and Quality Control /P.O. Box 13032, Al Jadria, Baghdad/(964 1)776 5180
イラン・イスラム共和国 Islamic Republic of Iran
Registration Organization of Deeds and Property of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Registration
Office for Companies and Industrial Property/Khiabane Khaiyam- Khiabane Varzesh,
Sazemane Sabte Asnad va Amlake Keshwar, Tehran/(98 21)670 2267/(98 21)670 4101
インド India
Government of India, Office of the Controller-General of Patens, Designs and
Trademarks/Central Government Building, 101 Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai 400 020/
(91 22)203 9050/(91 22)205 3372
インドネシア共和国 Republic of Indonesia
Department of Law and Legislation, Directorate General of Intellectual Property/Direktorat
Jenderal Hak Cipta, Paten dan Merek, Departemen Kehakiman R.I., Jl. Daan Mogot Km. 24,
Tangerang 15119/(62 21)552 4992/(62 21)552 5366
ヴァチカン市国 State of the City of Vatican
Gouvernorat de la Cité du Vatican, Office juridique/Ufficio Legale, Governatorato della Città
del Vaticano, 00120 Città del Vaticano/(39 6)6982(int. 84663)
ヴァヌアツ共和国 Republic of Vanuatu
The Vanuatu Financial Services Commission/Companies House, Rue de Bougainville, Private
Mail Bag 023, Port Vila, Vanuatu, South West Pacific/(678)22247/(678)22242
ヴィエトナム社会主義共和国 Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment, National Office of Industrial
Property(NOIP)/96-98 Nguyen Trai Road, Thanh xuan, Hanoi/(84 8)858 40 02/
(84 8)858 40 02
ヴェネズエラ・ボリヴァル共和国 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, Servicio Autónomo Registro de la Propiedad
Industrial(SAPI)/Centro Simón Bolívar, Torre Sur, Piso 7, El Silencio, Caracas 1010/
(58 2)481 3063/(58 2)483 1391
ウガンダ共和国 Republic of Uganda
Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Registrar General's Department/Parliamentary
Buildings, P.O. Box 6848, Kampala/(256 41)23 32 19/(256 41)230 537
ウクライナ Ukraine
State Committee of Ukraine on Science and Intellectual Property/16 Shevchenco Blvd, Kyiv,
ウズベキスタン共和国 Republic of Uzbekistan
State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Science and Technology, State Patent
Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan/Toitepa St., 2a, 700047 Tashkent/(998 71)132 00
13/(998 71)133 45 56
ウルグアイ東方共和国 Oriental Republic of Uruguay
Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Minería, Dirección Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial/
Rincon 719, Montevideo/(598 2)902 57 71/(598 2)903 11 40
エクアドル共和国 Republic of Ecuador
Instituto Ecuatoriano de la Propiedad Intelectual(IEPI)/Av. Eloy Alfaro 30-350 y Amazonas
Edificio MAG-MICIP, Piso 3, Quito/(593 2)566 686/(593 2)562 258
エジプト・アラブ共和国 Arab Republic of Egypt
①(Patents)Academy of Scientific Research and Technology(ASRT), The Patent Office/101
Kasr El-Eini Street, 11516 Cairo/(20 2)594 1272/(20 2)594 1273
②(Marks)Administration of Commercial Registration, Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade
/24, El-Gomhouria Street, Abdiu, Cairo/(20 2)393 8242/(20 2)344 2131
エストニア共和国 Republic of Estonia
The Estonian Patent Office/Toompuiestee 7, 15041, Tallinn/(Patents)(372)627 7923,
(Trademarks)627 7929/(372)645 13 42
エティオピア連邦民主共和国 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
①(Patents)Patent Technology Transfer and Development Department, Ethiopian Science and
Technology Commission/P.O. Box 2490, Addis Abada/(251 1)51 13 44/(251 1)51 88 29
②(Marks)Ministry of Trade, Trade Licence and Registration Department, Trademarks/P.O.
Box 1769, Addis Abada/(251 1)15 16 35
エリトリア国 State of Eritrea
Ministry of Trade and Industry/P.O. Box 1844, Asmara/(291 1)115188/(291 1)124175
エル・サルヴァドル共和国 Republic of El Salvador
Centro Nacional de Registros/la Calle Poniente y 43 avenida norte, No 2310 San Salvador /
(503)224 66 77/(503)260 79 16
オーストラリア連邦 Australia
Department of Industry, Science and Resources, IP Australia/Discovery House, 47, Bowes
Street, Phillip ACT 2606/(61 2)6283 2211/(61 2)6281 1841
オーストリア共和国 Republic of Austria
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, Austrian Patent Office/Postfach 95, A-1014 Wien/(43
1)53424-0/(43 1)53424-520
オマーン国 Sultanate of Oman
Directorate General for Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry/P.O. Box 550, Muscat
113/(968)77 42 01/(968)79 24 44
オランダ王国 Kingdom of the Netherlands
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands Industrial Property Office/Bureau voor de
Industriële Eigendom, P.O. Box 5820, NL-2280 HV Rijswijk/(31 70)398 6655/
(31 70)390 0190
オランダ領アンティル Netherlands Antilles
Bureau for Intellectual Property/Bureau voor de Intellectuele Eigendom, Berg Carmelweg 10A,
Curaçao/(599 9)657 810/(599 9)657 815
ガイアナ協同共和国 Co-operative Republic of Guyana
Ministry of Legal Affairs, The Deeds Registry/Law Courts Buildings, Avenue of the Republic,
Georgetown/(592 2)68 641
カザフスタン共和国 Republic of Kazakhstan
National Patent Office/6, Abdullins Brothers, 480002 Almaty/(7 327 2)30 0973/
(7 327 2)30 1376
カタル国 State of Qatar
Ministry of Finance, Economy and Commerce, Directorate of Commercial Affairs, Department
of Commercial Registration Trade Marks Office/P.O. Box l968, Doha/
(974)43 48 88/(974)430 527
ガーナ共和国 Republic of Ghana
Ministry of Justice, Registrar General's Department/P.O. Box l18, Accra/(233 21)666 469/
(233 21)662 043
カナダ Canada
Department of Industry, Canadian Intellectual Property Office(CIPO)/Place du Portage, 50
Victoria Street, Hull, Québec K1A OC9/(1 819)997 1725, (PCT)953 9712/(1 819)953
6977,(PCT)953 9538
カーボ・ヴェルデ共和国 Republic of Cape Verde
Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie et de l'énergie, Direction générale du tourisme, de
l'industrie et du commerce/Avenida Amilcar Cabral, P.O. Box 145 Praia, Ilha de Santiago/
(238)61 17 53/(238)61 36 59
ガボン共和国 Gabonese Republic
Ministère du Commerce et du Développement Industriel, Direction Générale du
Développement Industriel/B.P. 237, Libreville/(241)76 34 21/(241)74 59 78
カメルーン共和国 Republic of Cameroon
Ministère du Développement Industriel et Commercial(MINDIC), Direction du Développement
Industriel, Sous-direction de la Propriété Industrielle/Boîte postale 1604, Yaoundé/(237)23 38
71/(237)22 95 86
ガンビア共和国 Republic of The Gambia
Registrar General's Department, Department of State for Justice/Marina Parade, Banjul/
(220)229 540/(220)225 352
カンボディア王国 Kingdom of Cambodia
Ministry of Commerce, Intellectual Property Department/#20 A-B Norodom Blvd. Phnom
Penh/(855 23)366 875/(855 23)426 396
ギニア共和国 Republic of Guinea
Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie et des petites et moyennes entreprises, Service de la
propriété industrielle (SPI)/B.P.468,Conakry/(224)41 17 20/(224)41 39 90
ギニア・ビサオ共和国 Republic of Guinea-Bissau
Ministère de l'économie et des finances, Secrétariat d'Etat au commerce, à l'industrie, au
tourisme et à l'artisanat, Direction de la Propriété industrielle/Caixa Postal 311, Bissau/(245)22
22 75/(245)22 10 50
キューバ共和国 Republic of Cuba
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, Oficina Cubana de la Propiedad
Industrial (OCPI)/Picota No. 15 entre Luz y Acosta, 1, La Habana Vieja, La Habana 10100/
(53 7)61 0185/(53 7) 33 5610
ギリシャ共和国 Hellenic Republic
①(Patents)Industrial Property Organisation(OBI), Patent Office/5 Pantanassis St. Paradissos
Amaroussiou GR-151 25, Athens/(30 1)618 35 48/(30 1)681 92 31
②(Marks)Ministry of Development, Directorate of Commercial and Industrial Property,
Trademark Office/Place Kanigos, GR-101 81 Athens/(30 1)384 3550/(30 1)382 1717
キリバス共和国 Republic of Kiribati
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism/P.O. Box 510, Betio, Tarawa/(686)26 157/
(686)26 233
キルギス共和国 Kyrgyz Republic
State Agency of Intellectual Property under the Government of the Kyrgyz
Republic (Kyrgyzpatent)/House 10-1, Microregion N 11, 720049 Bishkek/(996 312)51 08 10/
(996 312)51 08 13
グァテマラ共和国 Republic of Guatemala
Ministerio de Economía, Registro de la Propiedad Industrial/5a. Calle 4-31, Zona l, Edificio
Plaza Rabi, 7o. Nivel, Guatemala/(502)2301 692/(502)2301 694
クウェイト国 State of Kuwait
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Patent & Trade marks Department, /P.O. Box 2944-Safat,
Kuwait 13030/(965)243 9988/(965)246 2798
クック諸島 Cook Islands
Department of Trade, Labour and Transport/P.O. Box 61, Rarotonga/(682)28 810
グルジア Georgia
Georgian Intellectual Property Office/6, I. Chavchavadze Lane 1, Tbilisi 380079/
(99 532)98 84 19/(99 532)98 84 19
グレート・ブリテン及び北部アイルランド連合王国 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Department of Trade and Industry, The Patent Office/Concept House, Tredegar Park, Cardiff
Road, Newport, South Wales NP9 1RH/(44 1633)81 40 00,(PCT)81 45 87/
(44 1633)81 45 27,(PCT)81 44 44
グレナダ Grenada
Registrar's Office, Supreme Court Registry/Church Street, St. George's/(1 473)440 08 70/
(1 473)440 66 95
クロアチア共和国 Republic of Croatia
State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia/Drzavni Zavod za Intelektualno
Vlasnistvo, Ulica grada Vukovara 78, HR-10000 Zagreb/(385 1)61 06 436/
(385 1)61 12 017
ケニア共和国 Republic of Kenya
Ministry of Research, Technical Training and Technology, Kenya Industrial Property
Office/P.O. Box 51648, Nairobi/(254 2)33 23 36/(254 2)21 94 30
コスタ・リカ共和国 Republic of Costa Rica
Ministerio de Justicia, Registro Nacional, Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual/Apartado postal
199, 2010 Zapote, San Jose/(506)2 24 81 11/(506)2 24 48 74
コモロ・イスラム連邦共和国 Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros
Ministère de l'industrie, du travail et de la recherche minière/B.P.131, Moroni/(269)73 30
88/(269)73 25 11
コロンビア共和国 Republic of Colombia
Ministerio de Desarrollo Económico, Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio(SIC),
División de Propiedad Industrial/Centro Internacional, Edificio Bochica, Carrera 13 No 27-00,
Santafe de Bogota, D.C./(571)341 9509/(571)281 3950
コンゴー共和国 Republic of the Congo
Ministère du développement industriel, Direction générale de l'industrie, Antenne nationale de
la propriété industrielle(ANPI)/Boîte postale 2117, Brazzaville/(242)83 52 84/
(242)83 03 55
コンゴー民主共和国 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ministère de l'économie et de l'industrie, Département de l'économie nationale et de l'industrie,
Direction de la propriété industrielle /B.P. 8500, Kinshasa 1/(243)25 630/(243)42 080
サイプラス共和国 Republic of Cyprus
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Department of Registrar of Companies and
Official Receiver/Corner Makarios Av. and Karpenissiou str., CY-1427 Nicosia/
(357 2)307 701/(357 2)308 087
サウディ・アラビア王国 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
①(Patents)/General Directorate of Patents, King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and
Technology(KACST)/P.O. Box 6086, Riyadh 11442/(966 1)488 3444/(966 1)488 3756
②(Marks)/Trade Mark Section, Department of Internal Trade/Ministry of Commerce, Riyadh
11162/(966 1)401 2222 Ext. 1208/(966 1)403 8421
サモア独立国 Independent State of Samoa
Justice Department, Patents, Trade Marks and Companies Section/P.O. Box 49 Apia/
(685)22 671/(685)21 050
サントメ・プリンシペ民主共和国 Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
Ministère de l'industrie, du commerce et du tourisme, Direction de l'industrie/Direcção da
Indústria, Ministério das Indústrias, Comércio e Turismo, C.P. 168, Sao Tome/
(239 12)22 747/(239 12)22 414
ザンビア共和国 Republic of Zambia
Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Patents and Companies Registration Office/P.O.
Box 32075, Lusaka 10101/(260 1)255127/(260 1)227225
サン・マリノ共和国 Republic of San Marino
Département des affaires étrangères, Bureau d'état des brevets et des marques/Ufficio di Stato
Brevetti et Marchi, Dipartimento Affari Esteri, Contrada Santa Croce, 47, 47890 San
Marino/(378)0549 88 29 50/(378)0549 88 29 45
シエラ・レオーネ共和国 Republic of Sierra Leone
Administrator and Registrar-General's Department/Roxy Building, Walpole Street,
Freetown/(232 22)22 22 94/(232 22)24 05 94
ジブティ共和国 Republic of Djibouti
Ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie et de l'Artisanat/B.P. 24, Djibouti/(253)35 25 40/
(253)35 49 09
ジャマイカ Jamaica
Ministry of Commerce and Technology, Trademarks and designs and recording of patents/
36 Trafalgar Road, Kingston 10/(1 876)922 0010/(1 876)922 4103
ジョルダン・ハシェミット王国 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Directorate of Trade Registration and Industrial Property Protection, Ministry of Trade and
Industry/P.O. Box 2019, Amman/(962 65)663 191/(962 65)603 721
シリア・アラブ共和国 Syrian Arab Republic
Ministry of Supply and Home Trade, Directorate of Commercial and Industrial
Property(DCIP)/Rokn-Eddin facing Ibn Annafis Hospital, Damascus/(963 11)51 37 271/
(963 11)51 20 107
シンガポール共和国 Republic of Singapore
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore(IPOS)/51 Bras Basah Road, #04.01 Plaza By The
Park, Singapore 189554/(65)330 2700/(65) 339 0252
ジンバブエ共和国 Republic of Zimbabwe
Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Office of the Controller of Patents, Trade
Marks and Industrial Designs/P.O. Box CY 177, Causeway/(263 4)775 544/
(263 4)777 372
スイス連邦 Swiss Confederation
Institut Fédéral de la Propriété Intellectuelle/Einsteinstrasse 2, CH-3003 Berne/
(41 31)325 25 25/(41 31)325 25 26
スウェーデン王国 Kingdom of Sweden
Swedish Patent and Registration Office(SPRO)/Patent-och registreringsverket, Box 5055,
S-102 42 Stockholm/(46 8)782 25 00/(46)270 173 51
(Trademark Section)Box 530 S-826 27 Söderhamn/ fax:(46 8)279 173 51
スーダン共和国 Republic of the Sudan
The Commercial Registrar General, Attorney General's Chambers/P.O. Box 744,
Khartoum/(249 11)77 21 74/(249 11)77 98 41
スペイン Spain
Ministerio de Industria y Energia, Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas/Panamá l, 28071
Madrid/(34 1)349 54 20/(34 91)349 53 04
スリナム共和国 Republic of Suriname
Ministry of Justice and Police, Bureau for Industrial Property/P.O. Box 291,
Paramaribo/(597)47 31 66/(597)41 21 09
スリ・ランカ民主社会主義共和国 Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka/"Samagam Medura", 3rd Floor, 400, D.R.
Wijawardana Mawatha, Colombo 01000/(94 1)68 93 68/(94 1)68 93 67
スロヴァキア共和国 Slovak Republic
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic/Svermova 43, 97401 Banska Bystrica/
(421 88)41 32 530/(421 88)41 32 566
スロヴェニア共和国 Republic of Slovenia
Ministry of Science and Technology, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office(SIPO)/
Urad Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino, Kotnikova 6, 1000 Ljubljana/
(386 61)178 3000/(386 61)178 3111
スワジランド王国 Kingdom of Swaziland
Ministry of Justice, Registrar General's Office/P.O. Box 460, Mbabane/(268 40)46 010/
(268 40)43 531
セイシェル共和国 Republic of Seychelles
President's Office, Department of LegaI Affairs, Registration Division/P.O. Box 142,
Mahé/(248)224 904
赤道ギニア共和国 Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Presidencia del Gobierno, Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas(CICTE)/
Malabo/(240 9)3568/(240 9)3313
セネガル共和国 Republic of Senegal
Ministère de l'énergie, des mines et de l'industrie, Service de la propriété industrielle et de la
technologie/104 rue Carnot, Dakar/(221)822 04 43/(221)823 14 04
セント・ヴィンセント及びグレナディーン諸島 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Registrar, Supreme Court/Court House, Kingstown, St. Vincent/(1 809)457 1220/
(1 809)457 1888
セント・クリストファー・ネイヴィ−ス Saint Christopher and Nevis
The Registrar of the Supreme Court/Police Training Complex, Pond Industrial Site,
Basseterre/(1 869)465 2195/(1 869)465 5040
セント・ルシア Saint Lucia
Registry of Trademarks, Patents, Designs/Hon. Attorney-General, c/o High Court of Justice
Buildings, Peynier Street, Castries/(1 758)45 21 257/(1 758)45 37 347
象牙海岸共和国 Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
Ministère délégué auprès du Premier Ministre chargé du plan et du développement industriel,
Direction du développement industriel/B.P. V 65, Abidjan/(225)20 22 66 21/
(225)20 33 53 45
ソマリア民主共和国 Somali Democratic Republic
Ministry of Industry, Patents and Trade Marks Office/P.O. Box 928, Mogadiscio/
(252 1)21 201
ソロモン諸島 Solomon Islands
Ministry of Police and Justice, Registrar-General's Office/P.O. Box. G 15, Honiara,
Guadalcanal/(677)122 227
タイ王国 Kingdom of Thailand
Ministry of Commerce, Department of Intellectual Property/44/100 Sa Nam Bin Nam Road,
Muang, Nonthaburi 11000/(66 2)547 4621/(66 2)547 4699
大韓民国(韓国) Republic of Korea
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korean Intellectual Property
Office(KIPO)/Government Complex- Taejon, Dunsan-dong, So-ku Taejon Metropolitan City,
(82 42)481 5064/(82 42)472 3459
タジキスタン共和国 Republic of Tajikistan
National Center for Patents and Information/14a, Ainy Street, 734042 Dushanbe/
(7 377 2)275 977/(7 377 2)217 154
タンザニア連合共和国 United Republic of Tanzania
①Ministry of Industry and Trade, Business Registrations and Licensing
Agency(BRELA)/Co-operative Bldg. Lumumba Street, Dar es Salaam/(255 51)180048/(255
②(Office in Zanzibar)Registry of Trade Marks and Patents/P.O. Box 260, Zanzibar/
チェッコ共和国 Czech Republic
Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic/Úrad priimyslového vlastnictví, Antonína
Cermáka 2a, 160 68 Praha 6/(420 2)24 311 555,(PCT)24 319 002/(420 2)243 24 718
チャード共和国 Republic of Chad
Ministère du développement industriel, commercial et artisanal(MDICA), Direction
générale(DG), Direction de l'industrie, d'appui au mouvement associatif et coopératif et aux
PME/PMI(DIAMAC/PME/PMI)/B.P.424 N'Djaména/(235)52 21 79/(235)52 27 33
中央アフリカ共和国 Central African Republic
Ministère de l'industrie, du commerce, des PME-PMI, Direction du développement industriel et
artisanal, Service national de la propriété industrielle/B.P.1988, Bangui/(236)61 32 22/
(236)61 76 53
中華人民共和国 People's Republic of China
①(Patents)State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China(SIPO), Patents
Office/Haidian District, P.O. Box 8020, 100088 Beijing/(86 10)62 01 32 76 (PCT)62 09 36
77/(86 10)62 01 96 15 (PCT)62 01 94 51
②(Marks)State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Trademark Office/8 Sanlihe
Donglu, Xichengqu, 100820 Beijing/(86 10)6 803 22 33/(86 10)6 801 36 23
チリ共和国 Republic of Chile
Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Reconstrucción, Departamento de Propiedad
Industrial/Santo Domingo 2398 Santiago /(56 2)698 6413/(56 2)696 8916
テュニジア共和国 Republic of Tunisia
Institut national de la normalisation et de la propriété industrielle(INNORPI)/B.P. 23, 1012
Tunis-Belvédère/(216 1)785 922/(216 1)781 563
デンマ−ク王国 Kingdom of Denmark
Ministry of Business and Industry, Danish Patent Office/Patentdirektoratet, Helgeshøj Allé 81,
DK-2630 Taastrup/(45)4350 8000/(45)4350 8001
ドイツ連邦共和国 Federal Republic of Germany
German Patent and Trade Mark Office/D-80297 Munich/(49 89)21 95 0/
(49 89)21 95 22 21
トウヴァル Tuvalu
Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Public Corporations/The Permanent Secretary, Vaiaku,
Funafuti, Tuvalu, South Pacific/(688)829/(688)829
トケラウ諸島 Tokelau
Office for Tokelau Affairs/P.O. Box 865, Apia, Western Samoa/(685)20 822/(685)21 761
トーゴー共和国 Republic of Togo
Ministère de l'industrie et des sociétés d'Etat, Direction du développement industriel/
B.P. 831, Lomé/(228)21 05 72
ドミニカ共和国 Dominican Republic
Secretaría de Estado de Industria y Comercio, Registro de la Propiedad Industrial y Comercio
/Edificio de Oficinas Gubernamentales, 7o. Piso, Av. Francia, esquina Leopoldo Navarro,
Santo Domingo/(1 809)688 96 85/(1 809)686 19 73
ドミニカ国 Commonwealth of Dominica
Ministry of Legal Affairs, Office of the Attorney General and Minister for Legal
Affairs/Attorney-General's Chambers, Government Headquarters, Roseau/(1 809)448 3022/
(1 809)448 0182
トリニダッド・トバゴ共和国 Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Ministry of Leagal Affairs, Intellectual Property Office/Huggins Building, 72-74 South Quay,
Port of Spain/(1 868)627 9567
トルクメニスタン Turkmenistan
Patent Office of Turkmenistan/Oguz khan street, 13, 744028 Ashgabat/(993 12)41 58 78/
(993 12)35 79 86
トルコ共和国 Republic of Turkey
Turkish Patent Institute/Necatibey Cad. No:49, 06440 Kizilay-Ankara/(90 312)232 5441/
(90 312)232 5437
トンガ王国 Kingdom of Tonga
Ministry of Labour, Commerce and Industries/The Officer-in-Charge of Intellectual Property,
P.O. Box 110, Nuku' alofa/(676)23 688/(676)23 887
ナイジェリア連邦共和国 Federal Republic of Nigeria
Ministry of Commerce and Tourism, Registry of Trade Marks, Patents and Designs/
P.M.B. 88, Garki Abuja/(234 9)234 02 82
ナウル共和国 Republic of Nauru
Department of Justice, Office of the Registrar of Patents, Trade Marks and Copyright/
Government Offices, Yaren District, Nauru, Central Pacific/(674)444 3747/(674)444 3108
ナミビア共和国 Republic of Namibia
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Registry of Companies, Trade Marks, Patents and Designs,/
P.O. Box 21214, Windhoek 9000/(264 61)283 71111/(264 61)220 148
ニカラグア共和国 Republic of Nicaragua
Ministerio de Formento, Industria y Comercio, Dirección General de Competencia y
Transparencia en los Mercados, Registro de denomina, Registro de la Propiedad Industrial e
Intelectual/Apartado No.8, Managua/(505)267 2417/(505)267 5393
ニジェール共和国 Republic of Niger
Ministère des mines, de l'industrie et de la technologie, Direction du développement
industriel/B.P.11.700 Niamey/(227)73 58 25/(227)73 27 59
ニュー・ジーランド New Zealand
The Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand(IPONZ), Ministry of Commerce/
P.O Box 1473 Wellington/(64 4)560 1600/(64 4)568 0747
ネパール王国 Kingdom of Nepal
Ministry of Industries, Department of Industries /Teku Marg, Tripureswor, Kathmndu/
(977 1)261 203/(977 1)261 112
ノールウェー王国 Kingdom of Norway
Norwegian Patent Office/Patentstyret, Postboks 8160 Dep. N-0033 Oslo/(47)22 38 73
00/(47)22 38 73 01
ハイティ共和国 Republic of Haiti
Ministère du commerce et de l'industrie, Service de la propriété intellectualle/Direction des affaires
juridiques, Rue Légitime 5, Port- au- Prince/(509)22 16 28/(509)23 84 02
パキスタン・イスラム共和国 Islamic Republic of Pakistan
①(Patents)Ministry of Industries, The Patent Office/ASAD Chambers, 146 A.M.Asad
Chamber, Shambunath Street, Saddar, Karachi-3/(92 21)920 5746/(92 21)920 5746
②(Marks)Ministry of Commerce, Trade Marks Registry/Plot No. CD-3, Behind Civic Centre,
Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi/(92 21)494 7194/(92 21)494 7251
パナマ共和国 Republic of Panama
Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias, Dirección Nacional de Comercio, Dirección General del
Registro de la Propiedad Industrial/Apartado 9658-Zona 4, Panama 4/(507)227 3987
/(507)227 2139
バハマ国 Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Registrar General's Department/R.E. Bain Building, P.O. Box
N-532, Nassau/(1 242)322 3316/(1 242)322 5553
バハレーン国 State of Bahrain
Industrial Property Office, Ministry of Commerce/P.O. Box 5479, Manama/(973)53 15 31/
(973)53 64 79
パプア・ニューギニア独立国 Papua New Guinea
Ministry of Trade and Industry, Investment Promotion Authority(IPA), Intellectual Property
Office of Papua New Guinea(IPOPNG)/P.O Box 1281, Port Moresby/(675)321 3900/
(675)321 3049
パラオ共和国 Republic of Palau
Ministry of Resources and Development/P.O. Box 100, Koror, 96940/(680)9 488 2701/
(680)9 488 2536
パラグアイ共和国 Republic of Paraguay
Ministerio de Industria y Comercio, Dirección de la Propiedad Industrial/Casilla de Correo
1375, Asunción/(595 21)204 797/(595 21)213 970
バルバドス Barbados
Ministry of Industry and International Business, Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property
Office/Belmont Road, St. Michael/(1 246)436 4818/ (1 246)437 3072
ハンガリー共和国 Republic of Hungary
Hungarian Patent Office/Magyar Szabadalmi Hivatal, P.O. Box 552, 1370 Budapest/
(36 1)331 67 80/(36 1)331 65 96
バングラデシュ人民共和国 People's Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Industries, Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks/Shilpa Bhaban, 91
Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000/(880 2)955 5541
フィジー諸島共和国 Republic of the Fiji Islands
Ministry of Justice, Office of the Administrator-General/Government Buildings, Box 2226,
Suva/(679)312 798 /(679)304 917
フィリピン共和国 Republic of the Philippines
Department of Trade and Industry, Intellectual Property Office(IPO)/P.O. Box296 Manila/
(63 2)890 48 62/(63 2)890 49 36
フィンランド共和国 Republic of Finland
National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland/P.O. Box 1160, FIN-00161,
Helsinki/(358 9)6939 500/(358 9)6939 5328
ブータン王国 Kingdom of Bhutan
Industrial Property Registry/Legal Section, Ministry of Trade and Industry/Royal Government
of Bhutan, Tashichho Dzong, Thimpu/(975 2)325 609/(975 2)321 145
ブラジル連邦共和国 Federative Republic of Brazil
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, National Institute of Industrial Property/
Praça Mauá 7, 18 andar- Centro, 20081-240 Rio de Janeiro- R.J./(55 21)223 4182/
(55 21)263 2539
フランス共和国 French Republic
Institut national de la propriété industrielle(INPI)/26bis, rue de St.-Petersbourg, F-75800 Paris
Cédex 08/(33 1)53 04 53 04/(33 1)43 87 74 68
(Division des marques)/32, rue des Trois-Fontanot, F-92016 NANTERRE Cédex/
(33 1)46 92 58 00/(33 1)49 01 07 37
(Bureau des dessins et modèles)/13bis, rue de l'Epargne, F-60200 COMPIÈGNE/
(33 3)44 92 74 79/(33 1)44 92 74 60
ブルガリア共和国 Republic of Bulgaria
Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria/52 B, Dr. G.M. Dimitrov Blvd. 1113 Sofia/
(359 2)710 152/(359 2)708 325
ブルキナ・ファソ Burkina Faso
Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie et de l'artisanat, Direction générale de développement
industriel /B.P.258, Ouagadougou 01/(226)30 73 42/(226)31 14 97
ブルネイ・ダルサラーム国 Brunei Darussalam
①(Patents)Ministry of Law, Permanent Secretary, Patent Office/The Law Building, Bandar
Seri Begawan 1160/(673 2)244 872/(673 2)41 428
②(Marks)Ministry of Law, Attorney General's Chambers, Registrar of Trade Marks/The Law
Building, Bandar Seri Begawan 1160/(673 2)244 872 /(673 2)223 100
ブルンディ共和国 Republic of Burundi
Ministère du commerce, de l'industrie et du tourisme/Boîte postale 492, Bujumbura/
(257)22 68 37/(257)22 55 95
ベナン共和国 Republic of Benin
Ministère de l'industrie et des petites et moyennes entreprises, Centre national de la propriété
industrielle(CENAPI)/Boîte Postale 363, Cotonou/(229)31 02 40/(229)33 15 20
ベラルーシ共和国 Republic of Belarus
Belarus Patent Office/The State Patent Committee, 66, pr. F. Skoriny, Minsk 220072/
(375 17)284 06 68/(375 17)264 25 83
ベリーズ Belize
Attorney-General's Ministry/Belmopan/(501 8)22 154/(501 8)23 390
ペルー共和国 Republic of Peru
Ministerio de Industria, Turismo, Integración y Negociaciones Comerciales Internacionales,
Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad
Intelectual(INDECOPI)/Calle de la Prosa No. 138, San Borja, Lima 41/(51 1)224 7800/
(51 1)224 0348
ベルギー王国 Kingdom of Belgium
Ministère des affaires économiques, Administration de la politique commerciale, Office de la
propriété industrielle/North Gate III, Boulevard du Roi Albert Ⅱ, 16, B-1000 Bruxelles/
(32 2)206 41 11/(32 2)206 57 50
ボスニア・ヘルツエゴヴィナ Bosnia and Herzegovina
Institute for Standardization, Metrology and Patents of Bosnia and Herzegovina/Hamdije
Cemerlica 2(Energoinvest Building), 71000 Sarajevo/(387 71)521 848/(387 71)652 757
ボツワナ共和国 Republic of Botswana
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of the Registrar of Companies, Business
Names, Trade Marks, Patents and Designs/P.O. Box 102, Gaborone/(267)584 754/
(267)37 15 39
ポーランド共和国 Republic of Poland
Patent Office of the Republic of Poland/Urzad Patentowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, P.O. Box
203, 00-950 Warszawa/(48 22)825 05 84/(48 22)825 05 81
ボリヴィア共和国 Republic of Bolivia
Ministerio Desarrollo Económico, Viceministero de Industria y Comercio Interno, Service
Nacional de Propiedad Industrial/Casilla 4430, La Paz/(591 2)37 20 47/(591 2)37 20 47
ポルトガル共和国 Portuguese Republic
Ministère de l'économie, Secrétariat adjoint du Ministre de l'économie, Institut national de la
propriété industrielle/Campo das Cebolas, 1114-035 Lisboa/(351 21)888 11 01/
(351 21)886 53 08
Hong Kong
Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China/ 25th
Floor, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong(SAR), China/
(852)2961 6888/(852)2838 6276
ホンデュラス共和国 Republic of Honduras
Dirección General de la Propiedad Intelectual/3er piso Edificio Larach, Contiguo a Larach y
Cia, Frente a Almacenes Lady Lee, Avenida Salvador Mendieta, Tegucigalpa, M.D.C./
(504)238 42 58/(504)238 42 67
マカオ Macau
Government of Macao, Directorate of Economic Services/Documentation, Information & P.R.
Centre, P.O. Box 122, Macau/(853)56 26 22/(853)712 553
マケドニア旧ユーゴスラヴィア共和国 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Industrial Property Protection Office/Ilindenska b.b. 91000 Skopje/(389 91)116 379/
(389 91)116 041
マダガスカル共和国 Republic of Madagascar
Ministère de l'industrialisation et de l'artisanat, Office malgache de la propriété
industrielle(OMAPI)/Bâtiment de la Direction Générale de l'Artisinat, Rue Agosthino Neto- 67
Ha Sud, B.P.8237, Antananarivo 101/(261 20)22 335 32//(261 20)22 659 79
マラウイ共和国 Republic of Malawi
Ministry of Justice, Department of the Registrar General /P.O. Box 100, Blantyre/
(265)624 355/(265)621 686
マリ共和国 Republic of Mali
Ministère de l'industrie, de l'artisanat et du tourisme, Direction nationale des industries/
B.P. 278, Bamako/(223)22 57 56/(223)22 61 37
マルタ共和国 Republic of Malta
Ministry of Finance and Commerce, Industrial Property Office/The Comptroller of Industrial
Property,Lascaris, Valletta/(356)23 28 19/(356)24 68 00
マレイシア Malaysia
Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Intellectual Property Division/Jalan Sultam
Hishamuddin, Kuala Lumpur/(60 3)274 3581/(60 3)274 5260
南アフリカ共和国 Republic of South Africa
Department of Trade and Industry, Office of the Registrar of Patents, Trade Marks, Designs
and Copyrights/Private Bag X400, Pretoria 0001/(27 12)310 87 01/(27 12)323 42 57
ミャンマー連邦 Union of Myanmar
Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development/ Ministers' Office, Yangon
メキシコ合衆国 United Mexican States
Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial(IMPI)/Av. Periférico Sur No.3106, Col. Jardines
del Pedregal, 01900 Mexico, D.F./(525)624 04 01/(525)624 04 06
モザンビーク共和国 Republic of Mozambique
Ministère de l'industrie, du commerce et du tourisme, Direction nationale de l'industrie,
Département de la propriété industrielle/Av. 25 Septembro. No. 27 447, Maputo/
(258 1)42 01 47/(258 1)42 13 01
モナコ公国 Principality of Monaco
Département des finances et de l'économie, Direction de l'expansion économique, Division de
la propriété intellectuelle/9 rue du Gabian MC-98000 Monaco/(377)93 15 40 63/
(377)92 05 75 20
モーリシアス共和国 Republic of Mauritius
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Internationl Trade/Level 5, New Government Centre,
Port-Louis/(230)201 1985/(230)212 6368
モーリタニア・イスラム共和国 Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Ministère des mines et de l'industrie, Direction de l'industrie/B.P.387, Nouakchott/
(222 2)533 37/(222 2)535 82
モルディブ共和国 Republic of Maldives
Ministry of Trade, Industries and Labour/Government of Maldives Secretariat, Ghaazee
Building, Male/(960)32 3668/(960)32 3756
モルドヴァ共和国 Republic of Moldova
State Agency on Industrial Property Protection(AGEPI)/ 24/1 Andrei Doga Str. MD-2024
Kishniev/(373 2)44 32 53/(373 2)44 01 19
モロッコ王国 Kingdom of Morocco
Ministère du commerce et de l'industrie, Office marocain de la propriété industrielle/
B.P. 8072 Casablanca Oasis/(212 2)33 54 86/(212 2)33 53 39
モンゴル国 Mongolia
Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia/49, Bage Toiruu, Ulaanbaatar 46/(976 1)32 72 67/
(976 1)32 76 38
ユーゴスラヴィア連邦共和国 Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Federal Ministry for Development, Science and Environment, Federal Intellectual Property
Office/Savezni zavod za intelektualnu svojinu, Bulevar Avnoja 104, 11070 Belgrade/
(381 11)311 11 62/(381 11)311 23 77
ラオス人民民主共和国 Lao People's Democratic Repubic
Department of Intellectual Property, Standardization and Metrology, Science, Technology and
Environment Agency, Prime Minister's Office/P.O. Box 2279, Vientiane/
ラトヴィア共和国 Republic of Latvia
Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia/Latvijas Republikas Patentu valde, a/k 124, LV-1010,
Riga/(3717)027 577/(3717)027 208
リトアニア共和国 Republic of Lithuania
State Patent Bureau/Valstybinis patentu biuras, Algirdo 31, 2600 Vilnius/(370 2)26 34 63/
(370 2)26 34 69
社会主義人民リビア・アラブ国 Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
①(Patents)Industrial Research Center(IRC), Patent Office/P.O. Box 3633, Tripoli/
(218 21)3 691 510/(218 21)3 690 028
②(Marks)Secretariat for Commerce, Directorate of Company Registration, Trademark
Office/Al-Jamahiriya Street, Tripoli/(218 21)48 174
リヒテンシュタイン公国 Principality of Liechtenstein
Office of National Economy, Intellectual Property/ Geistiges Eigentum, Amt für
Volkswirtschaft, FL-9490 Vaduz/(075)236 61 11/(075)236 68 89
リベリア共和国 Republic of Liberia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bureau of Archives, Patents, Trade Marks and Copyright/
Monrovia/(231)22 30 11/(231)22 79 90
ルクセンブルグ大公国 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Ministère de l'économie, Service de la propriété intellectuelle/19-21 Boulevard Royal, L-2449
Luxembourg/(352)478 4163/(352)460 448
ルーマニア Romania
Office de l'Etat pour les Inventions et les Marques/Oficiul de Stat pentru Inventii si Marci, B.P.
52, 70418 Bucarest/(40 1)313 24 92/(40 1)312 38 19
ルワンダ共和国 Republic of Rwanda
Ministère de commerce, de l'industrie et des coopératives, Direction de l'industrie, Division
politique technologique et normalisation/B.P. 73, Kigali/(250)7 47 25/(250)7 54 65
レソト王国 Kingdom of Lesotho
Ministry of Law and Constitutional Affairs/P.O. Box 33, Maseru 100/(266)31 28 56/
(266)31 04 02
レバノン共和国 Republic of Lebanon
Ministry of Economy and Trade, Intellectual Property Protection Office/Hamra, Abdel-Aziz
Street, Beirut/(961 1)344 485
ロシア連邦 Russian Federation
Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks/30-1, Berezhkovskaya nab. 121858 Moscow/
(7 095)240 5822/(7 095)243 3337
◎世界知的所有権機関 World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO)
34,chemin des Colombettes, P.O. Box 18, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland/
(41 22)338 91 11/(41 22)733 54 28
◎ヨーロッパ特許庁 European Patent Office(EPO)
①Erhardtstrasse 27, D-80331 Munich, Federal Republic of Germany/(49 89)2399 0/
(49 89)2399 4465
②(Branch at The Hague)Patentlaan 2, NL-2288 Rijswijk, Netherlands/(31 70)340 2040/
(31 70)340 3016
③(Berlin sub-office)Gitschiner Strasse 103, D-10969 Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany/
(49 30)25901 0/(49 30)25901 840
◎アフリカ地域工業所有権機関 African Regional Industrial Property Organization(ARIPO)
P.O. Box 4228, Harare, Zimbabwe/(263 4)79 43 38/(263 4)70 40 25
◎アフリカ知的所有権機関 Organisation africaine de la propriété intellectuelle(OAPI)
B.P.887 Yaoundé, Cameroon/(237)20 29 90/(237)20 18 44
International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property
B1eicherweg 58 8027 Zurich, Switzerland /(41 1)204 12 60/(41 1)204 12 61
Bureau Benelux des marques(BBM), Bureau Benelux des dessins ou modèl(BBDM)
Bordewijklaan 15, NL-2591 XR La Haye, Netherlands/(31 70)349 11 11/(31 70)347 57 08
◎域内市場における調和のための官庁(商標及び意匠)Unión Europea, Oficina de Armonización
del Mercado Interior(Marcas, Dibujos y Modelos)(OAMI/OHIM)
20, Avenida de Aguilera, E-03080 Alicante, Spain/(34 96)513 91 00/(34 96)513 91 39
◎ユーラシア特許庁 Eurasian Patent Organization/Office(EAPO)
M. Cherkassky per. 2/6, EAPV, Moscow, Centre, GSP, 103621, Russian Federation/
(7 095)206 62 37/(7 095)921 24 23
Fly UP