入 学 試 問 題 - 浦和学院専門学校看護学科
平 成 23 年 度 入 学 試 験 問 題 学校法人 明星学園 浦和学院専門学校 看護学科 英 僖" マイ (一般入試 Ⅰ期) [注意事項] (試額が始まる前に読んでおくこと。) 1受験票は机上に表示された受験番号の横におくこと。 2 問題用紙は試験開始の合図があるまで開かないこと。 3 解答用紙に受験番号、氏名を正確に記入すること。 4 下敷の使用は禁止する。 5 試鼓終了時に解答用紙と問題用紙は別々に回収する。 6 試験終了後は試験監督の指示に従って行動すること。 ※ なお、試簾中に気分が悪くなった場合は試験監督に申し出ること0 Ⅰ次の英文を読み、あとの設問に答えなさい。 When you cut your skin, you bleed. Everyoneknows that. Ira person loses a great dealofblood, he willbecome illand maydie. Bloodisvery ( 1 ). Peoplehavealwaysknownthat. Atonetime, Some people drank blood 也 make them strong! WWhen doctorsunderstood how blood went around inside the bodvthev tried wavs of giving blood to T)eOT)le who needed it. They used arubber tube to take blood from healthy people andgive it to people who needed (3)吐 We call this "(4)blood transfusion". The blood went througharubber tube from the arm of the healthy person into the arm of the sick person. But there were two problems. First, it did notalways work. Sometimes people died. Later, doctors found the rea紺n for (5)吐由. We do notall have the same kind of blood. There were four groups一一0, A, B, and AB. Weal1 have blood of one of these groups. The doctors found that they couldgive blood of group 0 to anyone safely. They found that they couldgiveany kind ofblood to people of group AB. But they found that they mustgive A-group blood to A-group peopleand B・group blood to B-group people. There was another problem. Togive blood of theright kind, the doctors had to find a person of the right blood group. 0氏en they could not find a personintime. If they had a way to keep the blood ( 6 ) someone neededit, theycouldalwayshavetherightkindofblood. ( 7 ) theyfoundtheycould keep itinbottles for GLteen to twenty days. They did this ( 8 ) makingitvery cold. Then they found ( 9 ). Inthe endtheyfoundawayofkeepingbloodforaverylongtime. Now people can give a *pint of blood every three months, if they want to. The blood is put on bottles and then kept until someone needs it. We call a place ( 10 ) we keep blood a `blood bank". One day, when you are older, you may decide togive blood to a `blood bank". In this way you may stop someone from dying. Or perhaps one day you may have an accident or become ill. You may need blood. The "blood bank" wimgive to you. 【注] ☆pint 約0.473リットル E] (1)に入る最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい. 1 interesting 2 important 3 instinctive 4 impossible B]下線部(2)を-箇所区切るのに最も適当なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさいo When doctorsunderstood / how blood went around inside the body /they tried ways / of givlng 1 2 3 blood to I)COT)le / who needed it. 4 B]下線部(3)が指す最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい. l body 2 rubbertube 3 people 4 blood E]下線部(4)の意味として最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい. 1献血 2 貧血 3 輸血 4 出血 B]下線部(5)が指す最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1時には人が亡くなることがあったこと。 2 血液がうまく流れなかったこと。 3 血液の移動がいつも失敗に終わったこと。 4 人によって血液型が違うこと。 @] (6)に入る最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさいo 1 u山ess 2 unti1 3 by 4 for 回(7)に入る最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 Firstofal1 2 Forthe丘rsttime 3 Atfirst 4 Firstandlast B] (8)に入る最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさいo l with 2 without 3 by 4 of @] (9)に入る最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい. 1 how to keep it longer 2 how to make it colder 3 howto use itwider 4 how to make it faster 困 (10)に入る最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 which 2 when 3 whose 4 where Ⅱ次の英文を読み、あとの設問に答えなさい。 What are dinosaurs? Dinosaurs were (1)reptiles that lived a very long time agcLfrom about 200 million years ago to about 60 mimon years ago.When dinosaurs first appeared, there were not yetany birds or animalSwithfur on the earth. There were many kinds of and many sizes ofdinosaurS. Some had long necks and tails, and some had short, thick bodies. Somelived on land, otherslivedinwater. Some dinosaurs walked on two legs, and others walked onal1 four of their legs. There were dinosaurs that ate meatand dinosaurs that ate plants. Many dinosaurs had scales or a toughcovenng on their bodies. But( 2 )hadnohardcoveringatal1. The word "dinosaurs" means temible ☆lizard, and scientists think that some of the dinosaurs were really temible. But others were quiet, peaceful creatures. The smallest dinosaurs were about the size of chickens, and the biggest were as large as nine or ten elephants. Were there people living at the same time as dinosaurs? No. Dinosaurs died out millions of years ( 3 ) the first humans appeared on earth. No person has ever seen a living dinosaur. (4)①show / (塾☆cavemen / (身fantasv / ④just / ⑤that / (勤riding / ⑦comics / ⑧are / ⑨dinosaurs! Why did dinosaurs die out? No one is sure why dinosaurs died out, but there are a few possible reasons: the climate of the world changed. The dinosaurs livedinthe warm, wet places,andthose places became drierand cooler. The plants that some of the dinosaurs ate could not live in this new cllmate. When the plants died, the plmt-eaters starved to death.When the plm七一eating dinosaurs died, so did the meat・eating dinosaurs since they depended ( 5・a ) the plant・eaters ( 5-b ) food. Before dinosaurs died out, weknow that new kinds of animals appeared on earth. These new animals probably caused the dinosaurs to die out, Did the animals eat dinosaur eggs? Probably not. Because new dinosaurs still appeared. Perhaps the new animals ate the same food as the dinosaurs, and the dinosaurs could no longerfind enoughto eat. Another possible reason for the death of the dinosaurs is a worldwide disease thatwiped themall out. Scientists are not satisfiedwithany one of these reasons. But perhapsal1 these reasons together explain why dinosaurs died out. (6)How do weknow what the dinosaurs were like? Tbday we are fairly sure what dinosaurs looked like, what theyare, how they walked, and many other things-all because we have found their bones and other 代mains of their bodies. These ☆remains layinthe earthformi1liOns ofyearsand slowly turned to stones. The丘柑t dinosaur fossils were found in 1818. Many others have been found since. These fossils are mainly dinosaur eggs, bones, and teeth. Scientists canput the bones togetherinto whole ☆skeletons. men they have a good idea of what dinosaurs actually looked like. By studying fossil teeth, scientists m tell whether a dinosaur ate plants or meat. Other dinosaur fossils aLre footprints that have turned to stone. From these, scientists can tell how a dinosaur walked and how heavy it was. No oneknows what colors dinosaurs were. Scientists have found prints of dinosaur skin in stone, but theyare the color of the stone一一( 7 ) of the dinosaur. [注] ☆lizard とかげ ☆cavemen 穴居人 士remains 遺物 ☆skeleton 骨格 Ei]下線部(1)の意味として最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1晴乳類 2 両生類 3 帽虫類 4 鳥類 回(2)に入る最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい. 1 the other 2 another 3 other 4 others 3 回(3)に入る最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさいo l before 2 ago 3 later 4 earlier 頭 下線部(4)を以下の意味になるように並べかえた時、最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答 えなさい。 「穴居人が恐竜に乗っているのを描いたマンガは単なる空想に過ぎない。」 1 ⑨-⑤-②-⑧-⑥-①-③-④-① 2 ⑦-⑧-㊨-③-⑤-①一②-⑥-⑨ 3 ②-⑧-⑥-⑨-⑤-①-⑦-④-③ 4 ⑦-⑤-①-②-⑥-⑨-⑧-④-③ 頭(5・a)と(5・b)に入る最も適切な組み合わせを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい. 1 (5・a) on (5・b) to 2 (5・a) on (5lb) for 3 (5-a) in (5-b) to 4 (51a) in (51b) for 困 下線部(6)の意味として最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい0 1恐竜が何を好んでいたのかどうやって私たちには分かるのだろうか。 2 恐竜がどのようなものだったのか私たちに分かるのは好きだからだろうか。 3 恐竜がどのようなものだったのかどうやって私たちには分かるのだろうか。 4 恐竜が好きなことで私たちが知っていることは何だろうか。 画(7)に入る最も適切なものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1 not 2 but 3 and 4 or 回 恐竜絶滅の可能性として本文に書かれていないものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 1世界の気候が変動し、新しい気候に恐竜が順応できなかった。 2 恐竜同士の争いが激化して、絶滅してしまった。 3 新種の動物が地上に登場し、餌が不足した結果絶滅してしまった。 4 世界的規模で病気が流行り、恐竜を死滅させた。 画 本文の内容に一致するものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさい. 1恐竜には硬いウロコのあるものとないものの両方がいた。 2 恐竜は今から200万年前から60万年前に地上に暮らしていた生き物だった。 3 恐竜はどれも非常に棒猛で危険な生き物だった。 4 最も大きな恐竜は象と同じくらいの大きさだった。 困 本文の内容に一致しないものを次の中から1つ選び、番号で答えなさいo l 恐竜の化石はたくさん発見されている。 2 恐竜の歯の化石を研究することで肉食だったか草食だったかが分かる。 3 恐竜の化石を研究することで恐竜が何色だったかが分かる。 4 恐竜の足跡の化石から、恐竜の歩き方や体重が分かる。 4 Ⅱ次の各文の下線部で文法的に間違っているものを1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 匝 My mother l塾迫me辿延she 3WOuld be back也six o'clock. 困 The woman l辿g next to me 2marriedwith a man3由worked.for the comDanVwith her. 困1丑壷is 2the most exciting game辿垂I have 4些些Seen. 困 please l幽担2aS soon aS you 3wi11 amive 4at the airport. 困 The population 19fBb is 2些些塾31argerthan4辿塾. Ⅳ次の各文の空欄に入る単語として最も適切なものを1つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 困( ) iswrongwith our electric heater. 1 Something 2 There 3 It 4 That 因 Don't you think ( ) strange that she was in a hurry? 1 so 2 it 3 is 4 such 幽 she kept saying that the words ( ) in this dictionary are too difficult to understand. 1 written 2 writing 3 towrite 4 write 因( ) Japanese students who study English don't use a dictionary in their daily life. 1 Mostof 2 Almost 3 More 4 Most 垣 The accident ( ) ustoputoffthe game. 1 made 2 let 3 caused 5 4 happened Ⅴ日本文に合うように英語を並べかえた時、 (A) ・ (B)に入る語の組み合わせとして正しいもの1つ選び、 番号で答えなさい。 (文頭に来る語も小文字で書いてあります。 ) 困 5分歩けば公園に着きますよ. ( )( )( ① A )( )( )( )( walk ② you ③ B )( )( ). to ④ minutes' ⑤ will ⑥ park ⑦ take ⑧丘ve ⑨ the l ①-② 2 ①-③ 3 ①-⑥ 4 ⑦-③ 固 この本を読むと必ず私の母を思い出す。 ( )( ① A )( )( )( )( read ② mother ③ B )( )( )( ). without ④ Ⅰ ⑤ this ⑥ remembering ⑦ book ⑧ never ⑨ my l ①-③ 2 ⑥-⑧ 3 ⑧-③ 4 ⑨-① 囲 その場所は彼女しか知らないのですか。 ( )( )( )( A )( )( B )( )( )( )? ① the ② person ③ place ④ is ⑤ only ⑥ she ⑦ that ⑧ the ⑨ knows l ②-⑤ 2 ②-⑨ 3 ③-⑥ 4 ⑤-⑦ 幽 彼はどっちの方向に行けばよいのか分からなかった. ( )( )( )( ① know ② A )( )( )( way ③ B ). didn't ④ go ⑤ which ⑥to ⑦he l ⑤-① 2 ⑤-② 3 ⑤-④ 4 ⑥-② 困 日本に来てどのくらいですか. ( )( )( ① A you ② )( )( )( have ③ B )( )? how ④ Japan ⑤ in ⑥ long ⑦ been l ①-⑤ 2 ②-⑤ 3 6 ⑦-③ 4 ⑦-⑥