
スクリプト - 英検 公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会

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スクリプト - 英検 公益財団法人 日本英語検定協会
“Listen and Speak!
~ 英語ができる人になる ~
More or less, things get clear by Comparison
* はじめに *
頼れるパートナーの Gary Scott Fine がしっかり『英語ができる人』になりたいあなたをサポ
Yes, this program will not only help you succeed on Eiken Tests, but it will also help you
improve your English ability, especially listening and speaking. However, the real aim of
this program is to help you learn more than English itself.
We are not just interested in whether you can use English, but in what you can do with
Program Number 9
“More or less, things get clear by Comparison”
さて、今回のタイトル “More or less, things get clear by Comparison” は「比較を使うと多
G: What’s wrong, Futoshi? You look exhausted.
F: I am exhausted. I woke up very late this morning, so I had to run to the station, run to
change trains, and run from the station to the studio in order not to be late to see you here,
G: Haha. If you’d gotten up earlier, you wouldn’t have had to run all the way.
F: Yeah, but that’s easier said than done. Getting up early in the morning has been one of the
biggest problems for me. As soon as the alarm clock starts, I turn it off and go back to
G: That’s no good. What type of alarm clock do you have?
F: It’s quite an ordinary one with two bells on the top.
G: It sounds very old-fashioned. You should throw it away as soon as possible and get Alarmy
F: What? Al – Alarmy?
Alarmy. It’s one of the most popular smartphone alarm clock applications. And right now,
you can buy it for less than two dollars. It’s more effective than many other alarm clocks
because it’s much more difficult to turn off the alarm. To stop the alarm, you have to take
almost the same picture you chose the previous night, for example, a picture of your
breakfast table or of your toilet. That means you have to get out of bed, go to the bathroom,
and take a picture of your toilet in order to stop Alarmy.
F: That’s amazing. And it might be very effective for most people. But for me… I’m afraid it
would not only be useless, but also dangerous .
G: Dangerous? Why?
F: Because if I mistakenly choose a picture of the toilet in your office, then I’ll have to run all
the way to your office again!
G: Futoshi, are you saying you’re in the habit of taking pictures of other people’s toilets? This
conversation is getting a bit strange. I think it’s time we started today’s exercises!
F: You are right…
And now…
G/F: Here we go!
Exercise 1
Listen to the dialogue and answer the question that follows. 【2013-3 pre-2nd No.13】
(M=Man / W=Woman) W: Hey, Tom! Welcome to Silvertown. How was the bus ride? M: It was really long. The trip took two hours longer than it was supposed to. It was snowing a lot in the mountains, so the driver had to go slowly. W: Well, at least you got here safely. M: Yeah. Next time I think I’ll take the train, though. Answer the following question in your own words.
Question : Which will Tom probably use to go to Silvertown next time, the bus or the train, and why? それでは、語彙と会話の表現について確認をしましょう。
■Let’s study vocabulary and expressions
Listen to my Japanese and repeat after Gary in English.
1. ~することになっている
be supposed to
2. 山脈
the mountains
3. 少なくとも
at least
4. 安全に
それでは、少し答え方についてヒントを出しましょう。Tom は今回、バスで Silvertown に
行ったようですが、最後に “Next time I’ll take the train, though.” と言っているのが聞き取れ
Listen to the dialogue and answer the question that follows. 【2013-3 pre-2nd No.13】
(M=Man / W=Woman) W: Hey, Tom! Welcome to Silvertown. How was the bus ride? M: It was really long. The trip took two hours longer than it was supposed to. It was snowing a lot in the mountains, so the driver had to go slowly. W: Well, at least you got here safely. M: Yeah. Next time I think I’ll take the train, though. Answer the following question in your own words.
Question : Which will Tom probably use to go to Silvertown next time, the bus or the train, and why?
■Model answer
Listen to the model and compare it with your answer.
Question: Which will Tom probably use to go to Silvertown next time, the bus or the train, and why?
He will probably use the train because it may take less time than using the bus.
He will probably use the train because the bus ride took twice as long it was supposed to.
では少し確認しましょう。Tom が次に the train を使うことは明らかですが、その理由について
も答えなければなりません。初めのモデルアンサーでは、未来で使うであろう the train を中心
にして the bus との比較をしていますね。 それで、“He will probably use the train because it
may take less time than using the bus.” となるわけです。これに対して後のモデルアンサーで
は、実際に使ったバスと想定していた所要時間とを比較しています。ですから、 “He will probably
use the train because the bus ride took two hours longer than it was supposed to.” となります
Exercise 2
Listen to the passage and answer the question that follows. 【2013-1 2nd No.21】
Attention, everyone. I know you’re all busy getting ready for our presentation at EPS Computers, but I just received a telephone call from its company president, Paul Nixon. He wants us to give the presentation two days earlier than we expected. That means you have to be ready by Monday, not Wednesday. If you can’t finish everything by Monday, please talk to me. Answer the following question in your own words.
Question : What does the speaker want the staff members to do?
■Let’s study vocabulary and expressions
Listen to my Japanese and repeat after Gary in English.
1. ~するのに忙しい
be busy ~ing
2. ~の準備をする
get ready for ~
3. ~を予想する、期待する
expect ~
実際のビジネスではよくありそうな話ですね。この speaker は EPS Computers という会社の
president から電話があって、準備中のプレゼンテーションを予定より早めなければならないとス
Listen to the passage and answer the question that follows. 【2013-1 2nd No.21】
Attention, everyone. I know you’re all busy getting ready for our presentation at EPS Computers, but I just received a telephone call from its company president, Paul Nixon. He wants us to give the presentation two days earlier than we expected. That means you have to be ready by Monday, not Wednesday. If you can’t finish everything by Monday, please talk to me. 5
Answer the following question in your own words.
Question : What does the speaker want the staff members to do?
■Model answer
Listen to the model and compare it with your answer.
Question: What does the speaker want the staff members to do?
He wants them to be ready for the presentation by Monday, not Wednesday.
He wants them to finish getting ready for the presentation two days earlier than they
ンサーで強調しているのは “have to be ready” と “by Monday, not Wednesday” 、後のモデル
アンサーでは “have to finish” と “two days earlier” が強調されていますね。このように強調し
ですから、この後の repetition drill と shadowing drill では、皆さんもこの speaker になりきっ
F: I think that one of the most effective ways to become a good speaker of English is to
perform as a character in an English-language drama. Gary, don’t you think we should
recommend this to our listeners?
G: Absolutely, yes. That’s a very good way to improve your English, and I highly recommend it.
The idea is not only to memorize all of the character’s lines, but also to understand, explore,
and develop the character’s inner life – the character’s background, relationships, motivations,
and feelings – as well as the situation, just as a professional actor does. If you speak the lines
as if you really were the character, then your brain will cognize the lines as your own and
store them in your vocabulary or word stock. It’s an effective – and I think fun – way to
improve your English. Why not make believe you’re a professional actor!
■Repetition Drill using the passage
さあ、ここからは、放送された英文について Repetition Drill を行います。repetition は反復
1) Repetition Drill
Repeat during each pause. Practice again and again, and you’ll surely improve.
Let’s begin.
Attention, everyone. //
I know you’re all busy /
getting ready for our presentation at EPS Computers, /
but I just received a telephone call from its company president, Paul Nixon. //
He wants us to give the presentation /
two days earlier than we expected. //
That means /
you have to be ready by Monday, not Wednesday. //
If you can’t finish everything by Monday, /
please talk to me. //
2) Shadowing Drill 1
While listening, shadow each part.
(G → F)
Attention, everyone. //
I know you’re all busy /
getting ready for our presentation at EPS Computers, /
but I just received a telephone call from its company president, Paul Nixon. //
He wants us to give the presentation /
two days earlier than we expected. //
That means /
you have to be ready by Monday, not Wednesday. //
If you can’t finish everything by Monday, /
please talk to me. //
要領はつかめましたね。次は実際に自分で shadowing にチャレンジしてください。shadowing
は自分で speaking をするという負荷をかけながら listening をするので、筋トレと同じように「耳
トレ」になります。必ず listening の能力が向上しますので、できるまで何度でも繰り返してくだ
2) Shadowing Drill 1
While listening, shadow each part.
Let’s begin.
Attention, everyone. //
I know you’re all busy /
getting ready for our presentation at EPS Computers, /
but I just received a telephone call from its company president, Paul Nixon. //
He wants us to give the presentation /
two days earlier than we expected. //
That means /
you have to be ready by Monday, not Wednesday. //
If you can’t finish everything by Monday, /
please talk to me. //
3) Shadowing Drill 2
Shadow the whole passage from the beginning to the end. Practice again and again. It may be
much harder, but you will enjoy a feeling of accomplishment, if you can. Ready?
Attention, everyone. //
I know you’re all busy getting ready for our presentation at EPS Computers, /
but I just received a telephone call from its company president, Paul Nixon. //
He wants us to give the presentation two days earlier than we expected. //
That means you have to be ready by Monday, not Wednesday. //
If you can’t finish everything by Monday, please talk to me. //
Let’s begin.
passage & opinion
Listen to the passage, and answer Gary’s question. 【2013-1
2nd No.22】
In the past, travelers had to plan their trips by themselves. In 1841, however, an Englishman named Thomas Cook had the idea of organizing a train trip and having people pay to join it. He offered them a package tour that included train tickets and food. Later, he started a travel agency, and it became successful. Many people say it was the first one in the world. Now, Gary is going to make several points about the passage, and then ask you a question.
Please answer his question. You should express your opinion as well as you can.
According to the passage, an Englishman named Thomas Cook was the first person to
offer a package tour, and he made a big success in the travel business. Here’s something
else to think about: Thomas Cook was also the first one to create “travelers checks,” which
are safer for travelers than cash because traveler’s checks cannot be used without the
owner’s signature. This was one of the biggest factors that enabled Thomas Cook to become
so successful. In fact, until about only two decades ago, most travelers who went abroad
used traveler’s checks. Today, however, few use them. Instead, most travelers today use
credit cards.
Now, I would like to ask you a question. Which do you prefer to use for shopping, cash,
checks, or credit cards?
Please explain your answer.
Now, let’s listen to Futoshi. He will present a model response. Listen and compare it with
your answer.
I prefer using credit cards. One of the reasons is that it’s much easier to carry them than the
other two. Both cash and checks get thicker as you have to pay more money or pay at more
shops. But the size of a credit card doesn’t change. Besides, credit cards are by far the most
convenient, especially when you purchase something on line. You have only to input the
necessary information on a website in order to purchase a product immediately, even from
abroad. Of course, I know there are reports that show credit card users tend to be less
conscious about how much money they use per month and are apt to buy more things than
those without credit cards. However, that’s not a problem with credit cards, but a matter of
individuals’ self-control. All in all, I think credit cards are more useful to me and I prefer to
use them.
How was it? Could you catch what Futoshi said? Did you understand his points?
Okay, now he will explain what he just said. Please listen.
そして旅行代理店で大成功したという passage の内容を要約した上で、実はトーマス・クック
い 20 年ほど前までは主流だったトラベラーズチェックも、あっという間にクレジットカードに
これに対して私は、 クレジットカードの優位性を大きく二つ挙げた上で、欠点として指摘さ
「譲歩+主張」を使って、主張を補強したのがわかりましたか。これはこのシリーズの第 3 回
でも詳しく説明しているので、今回のスクリプトだけでなく、第 3 回のスクリプトも是非、英
Now, let’s listen to Futoshi again. Please listen carefully, and focus on his opinion, and the
way in which he expresses it.
I prefer using credit cards. One of the reasons is that it’s much easier to carry them than the
other two. Both cash and checks get thicker as you have to pay more money or pay at more
shops. But the size of a credit card doesn’t change. Besides, credit cards are by far the most
convenient, especially when you purchase something on line. You have only to input the
necessary information on a website in order to purchase a product immediately, even from
abroad. Of course, I know there are reports that show credit card users tend to be less
conscious about how much money they use per month and are apt to buy more things than
those without credit cards. However, that’s not a problem with credit cards, but a matter of
individuals’ self-control. All in all, I think credit cards are more useful to me and I prefer to
use them.
■Closing Dialogue
G: Futoshi, I think it’s amazing that we’re living in a world that is so much more advanced
and convenient than we could have imagined, let’s say, about fifteen years ago, at the end of
the previous century. Don’t you think so?
F: Yes, I think so, too. At that time, or even ten years ago, I didn’t imagine that we would be
able to buy almost anything with a personal computer at home, much less with a smart
phone in a commuter train!
G: Yeah. The modern world is advancing very quickly. Even credit cards, which we think of as
so useful, could be replaced by something new any day. Just like alarm clocks: People might
have seen them as revolutionary when invented, but they’re being replaced by more
revolutionary smart phone applications today.
F: Hmm, I agree. By the way, speaking of smart phone apps, do you think I should try
G: Sure. It’s supposed to be more effective than an ordinary alarm clock for getting you out of
bed. Why don’t you try it?
F: I think I will.
G: You could download it right now.
F: Good idea. Then I can use it tomorrow morning!
G: Right! Don’t forget to take a picture of the toilet in this studio before you leave.
F: Oh, Gary, you’re playing a cruel joke on me…
て、自分でも話せるように練習してみてくださいね。Repetition や Shadowing だけでなく、
ところで今回、第 9 回目のタイトルは “More or less, things get clear by Comparison” とや
Well, then…
See you next time!
太 (Futoshi Ito)
講師(100 名超)のコーチを務める。
ゲイリー・スコット・ファイン(Gary Scott Fine)
出版社)に映画・ドラマに関わる英語コラムを連載中。NHK 教育テレビ、アルクヒアリングマ
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