
103 1.2015年度の研究計画 ・能力記述を使った外国語

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103 1.2015年度の研究計画 ・能力記述を使った外国語
・The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2015 (ACLL2015)にて招待講演の予定
During 2015, I think I was generally able to successfully complete all of my research goals for the
year. One of my main research activities has been on analyzing data collected over the previous four
years related to self-regulated learning as part of the JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
Research-funded research carried out with Kristen Sullivan. This has been progressing slowly due to
other commitments, but I hope to have something in publishable form before the end of the
academic year. Our findings suggest the study progress guides we created for the students to use
seem to have been helpful, but there have been issues related to their use in class. As we now no
longer have funding to produce them for the future, we need to consider what direction we will go in
with this.
Throughout 2015, I presented results from this research at international conferences here in Japan,
both individual and as a co-presenter with Sullivan. We were invited as featured speakers to talk on
our findings at ACLL2015: The Asian Conference on Language Learning help in Kobe, in May.
Here, we outlined how the findings we have made can be applied to the classroom to help students
gain better control of their learning and become more self-regulated. I also gave a presentation on
one aspect of the research at the JALT2015 International Conference held in Shizuoka in November.
This presentation looked at the mindsets or beliefs about learning held by students and teachers, and
how this can impact on their classroom performance.
Another research project I have been working on is related to the extensive reading classes I have
been teaching at Seinan Jo Gakuin University. This has involved a study to look at how extensive
reading and speed reading training can help students improve their reading fluency. As well as
giving a presentation on this research at the Extensive Reading Symposium held in Kitakyushu in
June, I coauthored a paper on my findings with Prof. Malcolm Swanson from Seinan Jo Gakuin
University, and this was published in volume 20 (March 2016) of that university’s academic journal.
Finally, as in previous years, I have continued with ongoing professional development via conference
attendance and extensive reading of literature related to language teaching, research, and
development, as well as in related fields from psychology and education.
Collett, P., and Sullivan, K. (2013). Social discourses as moderators of self-regulation. In N. Sonda
& A. Krause (Eds.), JALT2012 Conference Proceedings, pp. 255 - 265. Tokyo: JALT.
Collett, P,. and Sullivan, K. (2013). The social mediation of self-regulated learning. In M. Hobbs &
K. Dofs (Eds), ILAC Selections - Autonomy in a Networked World, pp. 119 - 120. Christchurch, New
Zealand: Independent Learning Association.
Sullivan, K., & Collett, P. (2014). Exploiting memories to inspire learning. In N. Sonda & A. Krause
(Eds.), JALT2013 Conference Proceedings, pp. 375 - 382. Tokyo: JALT
Sullivan, K., & Collett, P. (2014). Editorial. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 5(4), 315-319.
Chiba, Japan: Kanda University of International Studies.
Collett, P. (2014). Researching self-regulated learning and foreign language learning. Studies in
Self-Access Learning Journal, 5(4), 430-442. Chiba, Japan: Kanda University of International
Swanson, M., & Collett, P. (2016). Researching EFL Learner Reading Speed Gains. 西南女学院大
学紀要, 20, 99-116.
“Learner Development as a collaborative venture” 本学のクリステン・サリバン氏と共同して,
Pan-SIG 2013 第 12 回全国語学教育学会分野別研究部会 2013 年年次大会 愛知県名古屋市、
南山大学、2013 年 5 月 19 日。
“Introduction to the R statistical package” Kitakyushu JALT(全国語学教育学会北九州支分)
北九州市、ウェルとばた, 2013 年 9 月 14 日。
“Exploiting memories to inspire language learning” 本学のクリステン・サリバン氏と共同して,
第 39 回全国語学教育学会年次国際大会 兵庫県神戸市、
年 10 月 26 日。
“Developing self-regulation in foreign language learning” English Teachers' Association-Republic of
China(ETA-ROC、中華民国英語教育学会)年次国際学会 台湾台北市、剣潭海外青年活動
センター、2013 年 11 月 8 日。
“Learning from student understandings of self-regulated learning materials for foreign language
classes” 本学のクリステン・サリバン氏と共同して,本学開催の研究会 Self-regulation in
foreign language learning: Shared perspectives 下関市、下関市立大学、2013 年 12 月 8 日。
“Scaffolding via self-reflection” Pan-SIG 2014 第 13 回全国語学教育学会分野別研究部会 2014
年年次大会 宮崎市、宮崎公立大学、2014 年 5 月 10 日。
“Integrating self-regulated learning in the foreign language classroom” 本学のクリステン・サリバ
ン氏と共同して,Hiroshima JALT(全国語学教育学会広島支分)広島市、広島 YMCA、2014
年 5 月 18 日。
“Developing self-regulated learning strategies: The teacher’s role” 本学のクリステン・サリバン
氏と共同して,DRAL 2/ILA 2014 (第 6 回自立学習学会大会) タイ王国・バンコク市、モンク
ット王トンブリー工科大学、2014 年 6 月 13 日。
本学のクリステン・サリバン氏と共同して, 東京、学習院大学 文学部英語英米文化学科、
2014 年 9 月 27 日。
“Developing SRL practices in the foreign language classroom” 本学のクリステン・サリバン氏と
共同して,第 40 回全国語学教育学会年次国際大会 茨城県つくば市、つくば国際会議場、2014
月 11 月 22 日。
“Developing self-regulation for foreign language learning” ClaSIC 2014・第 6 回 CLS 国際会議
シンガポール、シンガポール国立大学、2014 年 12 月 4 日。
“Three things we can do to help all of our learners succeed” 招待講演、本学のクリステン・サリ
バン氏と共同して,ACLL2015: The Asian Conference on Language Learning 兵庫県神戸市、神
戸芸術センター、2015 年 5 月 2 日
“Increasing reading rates through timed reading” マルコム・スワンソン氏と共同して, 第8回
多読学会 福岡県北九州市、西南女学院大学、2015 年 6 月 21 日
“Investigating Learner Mindsets” 第 41 回全国語学教育学会年次国際大会 静岡県静岡市、静
岡県コンベンションアーツセンター、2015 年 11 月 21 日。
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