
マーケティングの伝説的人物-V.クマー 全 10 巻 Legends in

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マーケティングの伝説的人物-V.クマー 全 10 巻 Legends in
KS―3771 / November 2012
 「マーケティングの伝説的人物」叢書 第 6 回配本
 顧客ロイヤルティと顧客生涯価値のパイオニアとして著名な V.クマーの論文と研究
マーケティングの伝説的人物-V.クマー 全 10 巻
Legends in Marketing: V. Kumar. 10 vols.
Sheth, Jagdish N. (ed.), Legends in Marketing: V. Kumar. 10 vols. (Legends in Marketing) 3028 pp. 2012:12 (Sage, II) <100-3432>
ISBN 978-81-321-0903-7
hard set
「マーケティングの伝説的人物」叢書は、20 世紀の偉大なマーケティング思想家を取
第 6 回配本は V.クマーです。クマーは、マーケティング戦略、組織間問題、小売、B2B
ケティング調査などの業績により、これまで 7 つの功労賞を受賞しました。本論文集は、
第 1 巻「小売:市場と企業のレベル」、第 2 巻「小売:ストアと顧客のレベル」
、第 3 巻「国
、第 4 巻「マーケティングにおける予測」
、第 5 巻「マーケティング調
、第 6 巻「マーケティング調査:新しい方法論」、第 7 巻「マーケティング戦略:
、第 8 巻「マーケティング戦略:顧客」
、第 9 巻「B2B」
、第 10 巻「顧客関係管理」
VOLUME 1: Retailing: Market and Firm Level
Volume Introduction: Retailing: Market and Firm Level-An Introduction to V. Kumar's Contributions to Retailing (Firm and Market Level)
Customer Experience Management in Retailing: An Organizing Framework
Choosing the Right Metrics to Maximize Profitability and Shareholder Value
The Different Faces of Coupon Elasticity
Building and Sustaining Profitable Customer Loyalty for the 21st Century
Price Discounts or Coupon Promotions: Does It Matter?
Pushing and Pulling on the Internet
Store-, Market-, and Consumer-Characteristics: The Drivers of Store Performance
Explaining Variations in the Advertising & Promotional Costs/Sales Ratio: A Reanalysis
Explaining Variations in the Advertising & Promotional Costs/Sales Ratio: A Response, Research
Criteria, and Guidelines
An Empirical Assessment of Merger and Acquisition Activity in Retailing
Analyzing Variations in Advertising and Promotional Expenditures: Key Correlates in Consumer,
Industrial, and Service Markets
Perspectives of Other Scholars
VK's Works Stand as Himalayan Peaks
VK and His Work Have a Profound Influence
Maximizing Profitability through Marketing Activities: A Discussion of the Insights and Impacts
of the Work of V. Kumar
Praveen Kopalle Interviews V. Kumar
Emerging Markets Have Different Working Pattern and One Has to Accommodate That
Volume 2: Retailing: Store and Customer Level
Volume Introduction: Retailing: Store and Consumer level-An introduction to V. Kumar's Contributions to Retailing (Store and Consumer level)
Cross-Buying in Retailing: Drivers and Consequences
Managing Retailer Profitability-One Customer at a Time!
The Effect of Retail Store Environment on Retailer Performance
The Impact of Internal and External Reference Prices on Brand Choice: The Moderating Role of
Contextual Variables
Assessing the Competitive Impact of Type, Timing, Frequency, and Magnitude of Retail Promotions
The Effect of Brand Characteristics and Retailer Policies on Response to Retail Price Promotions:
Implications for Retailers
Explaining the Variation in Short-Term Sales Response to Retail Price Promotions
A Decomposition of Repeat Buying
Market Segmentation Visual Inspection
Measuring the Effect of Retail Store Promotions on Brand and Store Substitution
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Enhancing Retailers' Understanding of Decisions that Can Directly Impact Their Profitability: A
Commentary on the Contributions of V. Kumar
The Contributions of V. Kumar to Retailing-A Commentary
Michael Levy Interviews V. Kumar
One of My Goals Was to Research a Topic That Would Make a Difference
Volume 3: International Marketing
Volume Introduction: International Marketing-An Introduction to V. Kumar's Contributions to
International Marketing
Researching International Markets: Philosophical and Methodological Issues
International Marketing Research
Global Diffusion Models: Back to the Future
Multinational Diffusion Models: An Alternative Framework
Segmenting Global Markets: Look Before You Leap
Cross-National Diffusion Research: What Do We Know and How Certain Are We?
Learning Effect in Multinational Diffusion of Consumer Durables: An Exploratory Investigation
A Contingency Framework for the Mode of Entry Decision
Capturing the Cross-National Learning Effect: An Analysis of an Industrial Technology Diffusion
An Interactive Multicriteria Approach to Identifying Potential Foreign Markets
International Direct Marketing Efforts: Are They Useful to Small Businesses in Establishing
Consistent Patterns of Exporting?
Perspectives of Other Scholars
VK: Profile of a Prolific Researcher, Consummate Educator, and a Cherished Colleague
VK is a Passionate and Supportive Scholar
V. Kumar's Contributions to the Field of International Marketing
Daniel C. Bello Interviews V. Kumar
International Marketing Research is Getting More and More Sophisticated
Volume 4 : Forecasting in Marketing
Volume Introduction: Forecasting in Marketing-An Introduction to V. Kumar's Contributions to
Forecasting in Marketing
Telecommunications Demand Forecasting-A Review
A Genetic Algorithms Approach to Growth Phase Forecasting of Wireless Subscribers
Forecasting Category Sales and Market Share for Wireless Telephone Subscribers: A Combined
Econometric Models for Forecasting Market Share
Sales Forecasts for Existing Consumer Products and Services: Do Purchase Intentions Contribute to Accuracy?
Aggregate and Disaggregate Sector Forecasting Using Consumer Confidence Measures
Forecasting Performance of Market Share Models: An Assessment, Additional Insights, and
A Comparative Study of Market Share Models Using Disaggregate Data
Perspectives of Other Scholars
V. Kumar: Formative Years-Research in the Area of Marketing and Forecasting
10. VK's Undaunted Determination Was a Great Lesson for Me
V. Kumar: Marketing Genius Extraordinaire
Kay Peters Interviews V. Kumar
There is a Clear Need for Better Forecasting Techniques
Volume 5 : Marketing Research: Applications
Volume Introduction: Marketing Research: Applications-An Introduction to V. Kumar's Contributions on the Applications of Marketing Research
The Impact of Customer Relationship Management Implementation on Cost and Profit Efficiencies: Evidence from the U.S. Commercial Banking Industry
Marketing-Mix Recommendations to Manage Value Growth at P&G Asia-Pacific
The Power of CLV: Managing Customer Lifetime Value at IBM
Multichannel Shopping: Causes and Consequences
Knowing What to Sell, When, and to Whom
Who Are the Multichannel Shoppers and How Do They Perform?: Correlates of Multichannel
Shopping Behavior
Balancing Acquisition and Retention Resources to Maximize Customer Profitability
Six Steps to Better Decision Models
A Model to Explain Shareholder Returns: Marketing Implications
Attribute Order and Product Familiarity Effects in Decision Tasks Using Conjoint Analysis
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Applications in Marketing Research: A Commentary on Dr Kumar's Contributions
VK: The Bridge between Research and Practice
VK Has Played a Leadership Role in Driving Innovation and Impacting Business
Robert P. Leone Interviews V. Kumar
I Wanted to Research a Topic That Would Make a Difference
Volume 6 : Marketing Research: New Methodology
Volume Introduction: V. Kumar's Contributions to Innovative Methodology in Marketing Research S Are Product Returns a Necessary Evil? Antecedents a
Integrating Purchase Timing, Choice, and Quantity Decisions Models: A Review of Model
Specifications, Estimations, and Applications
Optimal Customer Relationship Management using Bayesian Decision Theory: An Application for
Customer Selection
Customer Lifetime Value
Modeling Customer Lifetime Value
A Customer Lifetime Value Framework for Customer Selection and Resource Allocation Strategy
Evolutionary Estimation of Macro-Level Diffusion Models Using Genetic Algorithms: An Alternative to Nonlinear S Least Squares
Impact of a Late Entrant on the Diffusion of a New Product/Service
Nonlinear Mapping: An Alternative to Multidimensional Scaling for Product Positioning S A Decision Support System for Prioritizing Oil and Gas Expl
A Decision Model for Evaluating Job Alternatives
Perspectives of Other Scholars
V. Kumar: A Lifetime of Value to Marketing
The Net Contribution of V. Kumar: Comments on the Work of V. Kumar on Marketing Research
and New Methodologies
Commentary on Dr V. Kumar's Work in Marketing Research-New Methodology
J. Andrew Petersen Interviews V. Kumar
The Key is to Understand the Strength of the Buyer-Seller Relationships
Volume 7 : Marketing Strategy: Firm
Volume Introduction: Tracing the Impact of V. Kumar's Contributions to Marketing Strategy at
the Firm Level
Expanding the Role of Marketing: From Customer Equity to Market Capitalization
Reversing the Logic: The Path to Profitability through Relationship Marketing
Marketing-Mix Recommendations to Manage Value Growth at P&G Asia-Pacific
Putting One-to-One Marketing to Work: Personalization, Customization and Choice
Performance Implications of Adopting a Customer-Focused Sales Campaign
Research before You Leap: Does Cross- Sell Always Lead to Higher Profits?
Interaction Orientation and Firm Performance
Maximizing ROI or Profitability: Is One Better than the Other
Getting the Most out of All Your Customers
State-of-the-Art in Brand Equity Research: What We Know and What Needs to Be Known
Analyzing Variations in Advertising and Promotional Expenditures: Key Correlates in Consumer,
Industrial, and Service Markets
Perspectives of Other Scholars
A Road Map for Understanding V. Kumar's Contributions to Marketing Strategy
V. Kumar: A Lifetime of Contributions to Marketing Strategy
Comments and Reflections on V. Kumar's Contribution to the Field of Marketing Strategy
Raji Srinivasan Interviews V. Kumar
My Passion to Discover New Things Keeps Me Going
Volume 8 : Marketing Strategy: Customer
Volume Introduction: A Review of V. Kumar's Pioneering Contributions to Marketing Strategy at
the Customer Level
Profitable Customer Management: Measuring and Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value
How Valuable is Word of Mouth?
Multichannel Shopping: Causes and Consequences
Measuring and Maximizing Customer Equity: A Critical Analysis
Knowing What to Sell, When, and to Whom
Using a Customer-Level Marketing Strategy to Enhance Firm Performance: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Evidence
A Customer Lifetime Value Framework for Customer Selection and Resource Allocation Strategy
Customer Lifetime Value Approaches and Best Practice Applications
The Impact of Customer Relationship Characteristics on Profitable Lifetime Duration
The Mismanagement of Customer Loyalty
On the Profitability of Long-Life Customers in a Noncontractual Setting: An Empirical Investigation and Implications for Marketing
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Putting Customer Value Firmly in Focus
An Appreciation of Dr V. Kumar's Contributions to the Marketing Field
Driven by Passion and Excellence
Rajkumar Venkatesan Interviews V. Kumar
I Have Been Fortunate to Have Multiple Mentors at Different Stages in Life
Volume 9 : Business-to-Business
Volume Introduction: V. Kumar's Customer-centric Approach towards Understanding Business-to-Business Marketing
Calculating, Creating, and Claiming Value in Business Markets: Status and Research Agenda
Expanding the Role of Marketing: From Customer Equity to Market Capitalization
Implementing Profitability through a Customer Lifetime Value Management Framework-The
The Power of CLV: Managing Customer Lifetime Value at IBM
Balancing Acquisition and Retention Resources to Maximize Profitability
Who Are the Multichannel Shoppers and How Do They Perform?: Correlates of Multichannel
Shopping Behavior
Antecedents and Consequences of Relationship Intention: Implications for Transaction and
Relationship Marketing
The Impact of Customer Relationship Characteristics on Profitable Lifetime Duration
The Mismanagement of Customer Loyalty
Perspectives of Other Scholars
V. Kumar's (VK) Role in the Field of B2B Marketing: Commentary and Observations
VK's Contributions to B2B Marketing: An Assistant Professor's Perspective
Assessment of V. Kumar's Contributions to B2B Marketing
Rajdeep Grewal Interviews V. Kumar
Our B2B Research Has a Desired Impact on the Business World
Volume 10 : Customer Relationship Management
Volume Introduction: Advancing the Domain of CRM
Can Product Returns Make you Money?
Driving Profitability by Encouraging Customer Referrals: Who, When and How
A Customer Lifetime Value-Based Approach to Marketing in the Multichannel, Multimedia Retailing Environment
Undervalued or Overvalued Customers: Capturing Total Customer Engagement Value
Nurturing the Right Customers
Profitable Relationships
CLV: The Databased Approach
Managing Customers for Value: An Overview and Research Agenda
Leveraging Superior Marketing Tools to Maximise Profits
Marketing Actions and the Value of Customer Assets: A Framework for Customer Asset Management
Perspectives of Other Scholars
Dr V. Kumar: The Influential, Inspirational, and Generous Scholar
Professor V. Kumar: A Man Worthy of Legend
VK's Contributions to Customer Relationship Management
Denish Shah Interviews V. Kumar
Making Real-Time Decisions is a Challenge in the Emerging Markets
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