
Welds in drawings

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Welds in drawings
2. Right-click and select Explode.
Tekla Structures explodes the plug-in into base objects that are added to the view. Now you
can edit and use the exploded objects as any other drawing objects through the properties
dialog box.
4.11 Welds in drawings
Tekla Structures shows the welds that you have added in a model as weld seams and weld
marks in drawings. You can also add manual weld marks separately in an open drawing.
To change model welds in the drawing, you need to modify the weld in the model. When you
update the model, the weld objects and weld marks are updated in the drawings. In drawings,
you can modify the visibility and appearance of model weld objects and marks.
See also Weld concepts on page 203
Examples: Model welds in drawings on page 205
Adding weld marks on page 215
Merging weld marks on page 218
Weld concepts
Model welds are displayed as weld marks and welds or weld seams in drawings. Welds and
weld marks can be controlled separately. For example, you may want to show the welds in
one drawing view and the weld marks in another.
You can also add weld marks in an open drawing using the Add Weld Mark command.
The weld symbols inside the weld marks indicate the weld properties defined for the model
weld in the model or for the drawing weld mark in the drawing. Below is an example of a
model weld seam (in red) and a model weld mark (in green) in a drawing.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
In addition to the weld symbols, the weld mark contains a reference line and an arrow. The
arrow connects the reference line to the arrow side of a connection. The welds on the arrow
and other sides of a part can have different weld properties.
When parts are welded together, you can place welds on:
The arrow sides only
The other sides only
Both the arrow and other sides
The following images describe the basic placement principles of welds.
1. Above line
2. Below line
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
3. Arrow side for weld
4. Other side for weld
By default Tekla Structures places the welds above line according to the ISO standard. You
can change this to below line to comply with the AISC standard with the advanced option
See also Welds in drawings on page 203
Model weld mark visibility and appearance properties in drawings on page 557
Drawing weld mark properties on page 555
Examples: Model welds in drawings on page 205
Examples: Model welds in drawings
Example 1 In this example, the first image below shows an example of the Weld Properties dialog box
in the model. You can add welds in the model by selecting one of the welding commands
from Detailing --> Welds . Some of the weld properties are numbered in the dialog box, and
the second image shows how these properties are shown in a weld mark in a drawing. The
same numbers as in the dialog box are used in the weld mark to indicate the position and
appearance of the property information in the weld.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
1. Weld prefix
2. Weld size
3. Weld type
4. Weld angle
5. Weld contour symbol
6. Weld finishing symbol
7. Effective throat
8. Root opening
9. Edge/Around, weld around symbol is used
10. Workshop/Site, site weld symbol is used
Example 2 The example below shows a staggered, intermittent weld. The length is set to 50 and the
pitch to 100.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
1. Staggered, intermittent weld
2. Length of weld segment
3. Pitch (center-to-center spacing) of weld segments
Example 3 The example below shows a non-staggered, intermittent weld. The length is set to 50 and the
pitch to 100. The pitch is shown in the weld mark, if the pitch value is greater than 0.0.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
Example 4 Below is an example of a continuous weld.
Example 5 In this example, the staggered, intermittent weld is selected, and the advanced option
XS_AISC_WELD_MARK is set to FALSE to produce an ISO-compliant weld mark.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
Example 6 In this example, the staggered, intermittent weld is selected like in the previous example, but
the advanced option XS_AISC_WELD_MARK is set to TRUE to produce an AISC-compliant
weld mark.
See also Welds in drawings on page 203
Model weld mark visibility and appearance properties in drawings on page 557
Welding properties on page 586
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
Modifying model weld mark visibility and appearance in a drawing
You can select the welding properties that you want to show in model weld marks in
drawings and adjust the appearance of model weld marks in the Welding Mark Properties
dialog box.
To select which model weld properties to show and to modify the weld mark properties on
drawing view level:
1. In an open drawing, double-click a view frame to open the View Properties dialog box.
2. Click Weld mark to open the View Welding Mark Properties dialog box.
3. Select whether to show the weld number.
4. Under Visibility:
Select the views where you want to show the weld marks.
Select what kind of welds to show, or whether to hide all welds.
Enter a weld size limit to filter welds of that size out of the drawing.
5. Under Above line, Below line and Other, delete the check mark from the Visibility check
box next to a weld mark property that you want to hide.
Remember that if you hide Size, also Prefix is hidden, and when you hide Length, also
Pitch is hidden.
6. To adjust the placing properties, click Place.
7. Click Modify.
8. Go to the Appearance tab and modify the weld mark text and line appearance.
9. Click Modify.
To open the Welding Mark Properties dialog box on the object level, double click the
model weld mark in an open drawing.
Example The first example shows the original weld mark where a lot of properties are visible.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
In the second example, all other welding mark properties are hidden, except Type from Above
line and Below line, and Reference text from Other.
See also Model weld mark visibility and appearance properties in drawings on page 557
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
Modifying model weld appearance
You can modify the model weld object appearance on drawing level, drawing view level and
drawing object level.
To modify the model weld object appearance on object level:
1. In an open drawing, double-click the model weld seam.
It is easier to select the model weld, if you have only the Select drawing welds selection
2. Modify the color of the weld.
3. Modify the weld line type.
4. Click Modify.
You can modify the properties of model weld objects on view level by double-clicking
frame of the drawing view containing the weld objects and selecting Welds.
See also Welding properties on page 586
Welds in drawings on page 203
Dragging weld marks
You can drag the model welds by the base point of the weld mark leader line along the weld
seam. This way you can position the weld marks more optimally for increased clarity in the
Turn on Smart Select ( Tools --> Options --> Smart Select ), this makes
selecting the leader line base point much easier.
To drag model weld marks:
1. Click the weld mark near the leader line base point.
2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the base point to a new location by the leader
line base point handle located in the tip of the arrow.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
Limitations You cannot drag the leader base point to the back-side of a double-sided weld.
Example The first image below shows the welds in the model.
The second image shows the model weld marks in a drawing. The area within which the weld
mark leader line base point can be dragged is indicated with dark green.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
See also Welds in drawings on page 203
Adding weld marks
A weld mark is an associative annotation object that contains a set of weld properties. You
can define automatic weld marks when you create the drawing, and also add additional weld
marks in the drawing. Tekla Structures creates manual weld marks using the properties in the
Weld Mark Properties dialog box.
To add weld marks:
1. Hold down Shift and click Annotating --> Add Weld Mark to open the Weld Mark
Properties dialog box.
2. Enter or modify the content and the appearance of the weld mark.
To exactly place the weld mark in the position you pick and keep it there, click the
Place... button and select fixed in the Placing list.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
3. Click Apply or OK to save the properties.
4. Pick a position for the weld mark.
You can drag the drawing weld mark freely to a more suitable location by the leader base
point handle.
See also Welds in drawings on page 203
Drawing weld mark properties on page 555
Defining placement settings for annotation objects on page 347
Example: Weld marks added in drawings
In this example, the first image below is the Weld Mark Properties dialog box in a drawing.
The weld mark properties are numbered in the dialog box. The second image shows how the
weld mark properties are displayed in a weld mark in a drawing. The same numbers are used
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
in the weld mark as in the dialog box to indicate the weld mark property in the weld. Under
the images the meaning of different numbers is explained.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
1. Weld prefix
2. Weld size
3. Weld type
4. Weld angle
5. Weld contour symbol
6. Weld finishing symbol
7. Effective throat
8. Root opening
9. Reference text. A weld mark added in a drawing does not have a weld number.
10. Edge/Around, here a weld around symbol
11. Workshop/Site, here a site weld symbol
See also Drawing weld mark properties on page 555
Adding weld marks on page 215
Merging weld marks
You can force Tekla Structures to use the same mark and symbol for identical welds in a
To merge weld marks:
1. Open a drawing.
2. Hold down Ctrl and select the weld marks to merge.
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
3. Right-click and select Merge from the pop-up menu.
Tekla Structures combines the marks.
4. If needed, you can split merged weld marks by right-clicking the mark and selecting Split
from the pop-up menu.
Original drawing
Merged weld marks.
See also Merging marks automatically on page 471
Associative annotation objects on page 175
Editing drawings
Welds in drawings
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