
Detailed object level settings

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Detailed object level settings
4. Click Modify.
Tekla Structures changes the drawing object according to the settings in the loaded object
properties file.
See also Modifying and saving drawing object properties on page 317
7.7 Detailed object level settings
In addition to defining automatic drawing mark and object properties, you can also set up a
special representation for marks and building objects in drawings and use these detailed
object level settings for specific purposes. For example, you may want to define that all
columns in a specific general arrangement drawing are shown in a specific color, and in all
other general arrangement drawings in the default part color.
In general arrangement drawings, you can use detailed object level settings on both drawing
and view level. In other drawing types, this setting is view specific.
In order to create detailed objects settings, you need to have:
A filter that selects the objects that you want to be affected
Object properties that you want to apply on the objects
See also Creating detailed object level settings in a general arrangement drawing on page 318
Creating detailed object level settings in a general arrangement
Before creating the detailed object level settings, create the object properties that you want
to use, and save the properties in a properties file. For example, in part properties, set the
part color to blue and save the properties.
To create detailed object level settings on drawing level in general arrangement drawings:
1. Select Drawings & Reports --> Drawing Settings --> General Arrangement Drawing
2. Click Filter and create a drawing filter that selects the objects that you want to have
special representation.
Modifying drawing settings
Detailed object level settings
For example, create a filter that selects columns.
3. Save the filter by entering a name for it and click Save as.
4. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
5. In the drawing properties dialog box, click Edit settings.
6. In the Object level settings for drawing/for view dialog box, click Add row and select
the filters to be used, the drawing object types and the drawing object properties to be
By doing this, you are combining the filter, object type, and object property settings into
detailed object level settings.
You can add several rows in detailed object level settings.
7. Give the object level settings a name and save using Save as.
Now you have new detailed object level settings to be applied on a drawing.
See also Modifying and saving drawing object properties on page 317
Example: Applying detailed object level settings on drawing level on page 319
Example: Applying detailed object level settings on drawing level
In this example, different detailed object level settings will be set up for various types of
building objects, such as beams, columns and braces. Before doing this, drawing object
properties for beams, columns and braces have been created so that they have different
colors. The drawing in question is a general arrangement drawing.
First you will make a general arrangement drawing filter, save detailed object level settings in
a settings file and apply the new detailed object level settings on drawing level.
In this example, the filter uses part names defined in the model, similarly as in modeling
Modifying drawing settings
Detailed object level settings
1. Click Drawings & Reports --> Drawing Settings --> General Arrangement Drawing .
2. Click Filter in the drawing properties dialog box.
3. Create filters by Part - Name for column, beam, and brace and save the settings using
Save as with different names, such as ts_column, ts_beam and ts_brace.
4. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
Now you have created the required filters needed for selecting the desired parts.
5. In the General Arrangement Drawing Properties dialog box, click Edit settings.
6. In the Object level settings for drawing dialog box, select the filters to be used, the
drawing object types and the drawing object properties to be used:
a. Click Add row and select ts_column as Model object (Drawing filter), Part as
Drawing object type and column as Settings used.
b. Click Add row and select ts_beam as Model object (Drawing filter), Part as
Drawing object type and beam as Settings used.
c. Click Add row and select ts_brace as Model object (Drawing filter), Part as
Drawing object type and brace as Settings used.
7. Save the detailed object level settings as gatype1 using Save as.
Modifying drawing settings
Detailed object level settings
The same detailed object level settings can be used in other general arrangement
properties, you do not need to create new ones.
8. Click Cancel to exit the dialog box.
9. Create a general arrangement drawing.
10. Open the created general arrangement drawing and double-click the drawing background
to open the drawing properties.
11. Click Edit settings.
12. Load object level settings you created, in this example gatype1, and click Load.
13. Click OK.
14. Click Modify to apply the changes in the drawing.
15. Confirm the detailed object level changes by clicking Yes in the on Object level settings
changed! confirmation message box.
Modifying drawing settings
Detailed object level settings
See also Modifying and saving drawing object properties on page 317
Creating detailed object level settings in a general arrangement drawing on page 318
Creating detailed object level settings in cast unit drawings
Before creating the detailed object level settings, create the object properties that you want
to use, and save the properties in a properties file. For example, in reinforcement properties,
set color to red and save the properties. You create detailed object level settings in the same
way in single-part drawings and assembly drawings.
To create detailed object level settings on view level:
1. Click Drawings & Reports --> Drawing Settings and select the drawing type.
For example, select Cast Unit Drawing.
2. Click View creation, and click View properties.
3. Click Filter and create a view filter that selects the objects that you want to have special
Modifying drawing settings
Detailed object level settings
For example, create a filter that selects reinforcing bars in class 100 and 101.
4. Save the filter by entering a name for in the box at the top and clicking Save.
5. Click View properties in the options tree and click Edit settings.
6. In the Object level settings for view dialog box, click Add row and select the filters to
be used, the drawing object types and the drawing object properties to be used.
By doing this, you are combining the filter, object type, and object property settings into
detailed object level settings.
You can add several rows.
7. Give the detailed object level settings a name (here class_100) and save using Save
Now you have new detailed object level settings to be applied on a drawing.
Modifying drawing settings
Detailed object level settings
Example: Applying detailed object level settings on view level
In this example, detailed object level settings will be set up for lifting anchors. Before doing
this, drawing object properties for lifting anchors have been created so that they use
different color.The drawing in question is a a cast unit drawing.
First you will make a cast unit drawing view filter, save detailed object level settings in a
settings file and apply the new detailed object level settings in a view.
1. Click Drawings & Reports --> Drawing Settings --> Cast Unit Drawing .
2. Click View creation --> View properties .
3. Click Filter in the drawing properties dialog box.
4. Create a filter by Reinforcing bar - Class and enter value 100 101.
5. Save the filter as class100filter and click Save.
Now you have the filter needed for selecting the reinforcing bar.
6. Click View properties in the options tree and click Edit settings.
7. In the Object level settings for view dialog box, select the filter to be used, the drawing
object type and the drawing object properties to be used:
a. Click Add row and select class100filter as Model object (Drawing filter),
Reinforcing bar as Drawing object type and class100 as Settings used.
8. Save the detailed object level settings as class_100 using Save as.
Modifying drawing settings
Detailed object level settings
The same detailed object level settings can be used in other cast unit drawing properties,
you do not need to create new ones.
9. Click Cancel to exit the dialog box.
10. Create a cast unit drawing containing lifting anchors and open the drawing.
11. Double-click the view frame to open the View properties dialog box.
12. Click Edit settings.
13. Load object level settings you created, in this example class_100, and click Load.
14. Click OK.
15. Ensure that Use detailed object level settings is set to Yes.
16. Click Modify to apply the changes in the view.
17. Confirm the detailed object level changes by clicking Yes in the on Object level settings
changed! confirmation message box.
The lifting anchors now have a different color, they are red.
Modifying drawing settings
How Tekla Structures applies drawing properties
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