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日本環境学会シンポジウム(2007年7月8日,東京農工大学 府中キャンパス)
(付 英国のアスベスト産業規制)
上 野 継 義 (京都産業大学経営学部)
Knowledge of the Asbestos-Related Diseases
Compiled and Edited by
Tsuguyoshi Ueno
This bibliography was first compiled on April 27, 2007.
目 次
2.英国のアスベスト産業規制 (Asbestos Industry Regulations, 1931)
この 文献目録 は , アスベスト 問題 の 歴史的理解に資すべく, アスベスト関連疾患に関する英米の医学および職業
この 文献目録には次のような特徴がある。 ( 1)医学的知見の発展にとって画期となった主要文献を重点的に拾い
上 げている 。 したがて, この目録は網羅的なものではない。 (2)アスベスト産業企業の圧力が加わるなど, 種々の
理由 から学問的に問題ありと指摘されている文献も意識的に取り上げている。 この手の調査研究はアスベスト関連疾
(3)1940年代以前 の 文献をそれ以後の時期に比べてより詳しく取り上げている。 それは私の問題関心, すなわち,
る。 (4)1910年代については, アスベスト粉塵に言及していない産業調査も取 り上げている。 「言及していない」
という 歴史的事実を確認することも研究上大切だからである。 (5)参考文献書式は,医学分野のAMAスタイルでは
もともとこの文献目録は私の研究論文2) の副産物であり,経営史学会関西部会の例会報告(2007年4月28日,大阪
1.アスベスト関連疾患の医学的知見(年代順) Late 19th Century∼1920 Murray, Hubert Montague. Charing Cross Hospital Gazette. London, 1900.
Oliver, Thomas, ed. Dangerous Trades: The Historical, Social and Legal Aspect of Industrial Occupations as
Affecting Health, by a Number of Experts. London: John Murray, 1902.
U.K. Departmental Committee on Compensation for Industrial Diseases. Minutes of Evidence. Appendices
Kate L. Turabian, Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams, A Manual for Writers of
上野継義「環境経営史 によるアスベスト問題再考──『作られた環境』の中の労働災害──」『豊かさと環境(シ
Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007).
リーズ・アメリカ研究の越境 第 3 巻)』秋元英一,小塩和人編 (ミネルヴァ書房, 2006), 243-66.
and Index. London: Wyman and Sons, 1907. マレー医師による議会証言。pp. 127-28.
Oliver, Thomas. Diseases of Occupation from the Legislative, Social and Medical Points of View. London:
Methuen, 1908. アスベストへの言及なし。
"Effect of a Asbestos Dust on Workers' Health in Asbestos Mines and Factories." Canada Labour Gazette 12
(1912): 751-62.
Hanson, William C. "Dangers to Workers from Dusts and Fumes and Methods of Protection." Bulletin of the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, no. 127. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 12 August 1913. アスベスト 粉塵は
Hoffman, Frederick L. "Mortality from Respiratory Diseases in the Dusty Trades (Inorganic Dusts)." Bulletin
of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, no. 231. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1918.3)
1921∼1930 Cooke, W. E. "Fibrosis of the Lungs Due to the Inhalation of Asbestos Dust." British Medical Journal, Vol. 2
for 1924 (26 July 1924): 147. アスベ スト曝露と肺線維化との直接的な因果連関を最初に実証した。1857
年の創刊になる英国医師会 (British Medical Association) の機関誌に掲載された論文。
Oliver, Thomas. "Some Dusty Occupations and Their Effects upon the Lungs." Journal of the Royal Society
for the Promotion of Health 46 (1925): 224-30. アスベスト ー シス (asbestosis) という 言葉 を 最初 に 使 う。
Cooke, W. E., and C. F. Hill, "Pneumokoniosis due to Asbestos Dust." Journal of Microscopical Society 47,
ser. 3 (1927): 232-38.
Cooke, W. E. "Pulmonary Asbestosis." British Medical Journal Vol. 2 for 1927 (3 December 1927): 1024-25.
Simson, F. W. "Pulmonary Asbestosis in South Africa." British Medical Journal Vol. 1 for 1927 (1927):
McDonald, Stuart. "Histology of Pulmonary Asbetosis." British Medical Journal Vol. 2 for 1927 (3 December
1927): 1025-26.
Oliver, Thomas. "Clinical Aspects of Pulmonary Asbestosis." British Medical Journal Vol. 2 for 1927 (3
December 1927): 1026-27.
Oliver, Thomas. "Pulmonary Asbestosis in Its Clinical Aspects." Journal of Industrial Hygiene 9 (1927):
[Editorial] "Pulmonary Asbestosis." Journal of the American Medical Association 90 (1928): 119-20.
Bridge, J. C. "Asbestosis." In Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for the Year 1928. London:
HMSO, 1929. p. 95.
Oliver, Thomas. "Asbestosis." British Medical Journal 2 for 1929 (1929): 204.
Cooke, W. E. "Asbestos Dust and the Curious Bodies Found in Pulmonary Asbestosis." British Medical
Journal 2 for 1929 (September 1929): 578-81.
Stewart, M. J. "A Method of Examining the Sputum for Asbestosis Bodies." British Medical Journal 2 for 1929
(September 1929): 581.
Bridge, J. C. "Remarks on Occupational Dust." British Medical Journal 2 for 1929 (1929): 1143-47.
Wood, W. Burton. "Radiographic Appearances in Skiagrams of the Chests of Workers in Asbestos." Tubercle
10 (1929): 353-63.
Wood, W. Burton, and D. S. Page. "A Case of Pulmonary Asbestosis." Tubercle 10 (1929): 457-60.
Oliver, Thomas. "Pulmonary Asbestosis: A Socio-Medical Study." International Archives of Occupational and
Environmental Health (Heidelberg: Springer Berlin) 1, no. 1-2 (February 1930): 67-76.
[Editorial] "Pulmonary Asbestosis." Lancet 1 (1930): 701-2.
1931∼1940 Gardner, L. U., and D. E. Cummings, "Studies on Experimental Pneumokoniosis: VI. Inhalation of Asbestos
プルデンシャル保険会社の統計主任フレデリック・ ホフマンは,合衆国労働統計局の報告書の中で,英国のマレー
医師 の 事例 および 英国工場監督官の調査結果を紹介すると同時に, 自社で収集した記録からアスベスト労働者 13
名中 9 名が 45 歳以下で死亡していると述べている。 また, 合衆国およびカナダの保険会社がアスベスト産業にお
いて 予想 される 健康被害状況 から , 同産業 に 就労する労働者に対して保険商品を売ろうとしないとの観察記録を
載せている (pp. 176-180)。
Dust: Its Effect upon Primary Tuberculous Infection." Journal of Industrial Hygiene 13, no. 2
(February 1931): 65-81; 13, no. 3 (March 1931): 97-114.
Ellman, P. "Pulmonary Asbestosis: Its Clinical, Radiological, and Pathological Features, and Associated Risk
of Tuberculosis Infection." Journal of Industrial Hygiene 15 (1933): 181.
------. "Pulmonary Asbestosis." British Journal of Radiology, new ser., 7 (1934): 289-90.
Wood, W., and S. R. Gloyne. "Pulmonary Asbestosis: A Review of One Hundred Cases." Lancet ii (1934):
Lanza, Anthony J., William J. McConnell, and J. William Fehnel. Effects of the Inhalation of Asbestos Dust
on the Lungs of Asbestos Worker. US Treasury Department, Public Health Service. Public Health
Reports 50, no. 1. [no. 1665]. Washington: GPO, 1935. Cf. Borron et al 1997.
M., and
III: Carcinoma
of Lung in
Asbestos-Silicosis." American Journal of Cancer 24, no. 1 (May 1935): 56-64. 本論文 と次のGloyneの
論文で,肺癌と石綿肺との合併症のケースが初めて報告された(Wikeley 1992, 449)。
Gloyne, S.R. "Two Cases of Squamous Carcinoma of the Lung Occurring in Asbestosis." Tubercle 17 (1935):
Dreessen, Waldemar C. A Study of Asbestosis in the Asbestos Textile Industry, U.S. Treasury Department,
Public Health Service, Public Health Bulletin, no. 241. Washington, 1938.
Lanza, Anthony J. Silicosis and Asbestosis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1938.
Vorwald, A. J., and J. W. Karr. "Pneumoconiosis and Pulmonary Carcinoma," American Journal of
Pathology 14, no. 1 (January 1938): 49-57. 企業の利害に影響された論文。アメリカの企業はこの研究以
来1958年 まで ( つまり20年間)あらゆる疫学調査にタッチしよ うと しなかった。 1958年の研究の引き金に
なった の は , 英 国 の 1955 年 の 疫 学 研 究 で あ っ た 。 ("Management by Morgan," 82; Kotelchuck 1987,
Sayers, R. R., and Waldemar C. Dreessen, "Asbestosis." American Journal of Public Health 29, no. 1 (March
1939): 205-14. 病気 に 罹 った アスベ スト 産業労働者 が 馘首 されていると 報 じている(208)。 (Castleman
1984, 199-200; Kotelchuck 1987, 202)
1941∼1950 Gardner, L. U. "Chrysotile Asbestos as an Indicator of Subtle Differences in Animal Tissues." American
Review of Tuberculosis 45 (1942): 762-66.
Drinker, Philip. "Health and Safety in Contract Shipyards during the War." Occupational Medicine 3 (April
1947): 335-43.
1951∼1960 Doll, Richard. "Mortality from Lung Cancer in Asbestos Workers." British Journal of Industrial Medicine 12
(1955): 81-86.
Bonser, Georgina M., J. S. Faulds and M. J. Stewart. "Occupational Cancer of the Urinary Bladder in
Dyestuffs Operatives and of the Lung in Asbestos Textile Workers and Iron-Ore Miners." American
Journal of Clinical Pathology 25, no. 2 (February 1955): 126-34.
Braun, Daniel C., and T. David Truan. " An Epidemiological Study of Lung Cancer in Asbestos Miners."
A.M.A. Archives of Industrial Health 17, no. 6 (June 1958): 634-52. 1958年 まで企業は企業外部の疫学
調査を支援しようとしなかったとの指摘あり(Kotelchuck 1987, 200, n 41)。
1961∼1970 Selikoff, Irving J., Jacob Churg, and E. Cuyler Hammond. "Asbestos Exposure and Neoplasia." Journal of the
American Medical Association 188, no. 1 (April 1964): 22-26. Reprinted in Cancer Journal for
Clinicians 34 (1984): 48-56.アスベスト問題に注意を喚起した画期的な論文「アスベスト曝露と腫瘍」。4)
Hourihane, D. O. "The Pathology of Mesotheliomata and an Analysis of Their Association with Asbestos
Exposure." Thorax 19 (May 1964): 268-78.
Owen, W. G. "Diffuse Mesothelioma and Exposure to Asbestos Dust in the Merseyside Area." British Medical
Journal 25, vol. 2 for 1964 (July 1964): 214-18.
Elmes, P. C., W. T. E. McCaughey, and O. L. Wade. "Diffuse Mesothelioma of the Pleura and Asbestos."
British Medical Journal 6, vol. 1 for 1965 (February 1965): 350-53.
Selikoff, Irving J., J. Churg, and E. C. Hammond. "Relation between Exposure to Asbestos and
Mesothelioma." New England Journal of Medicine 272 (March 1965): 560-5.
Newhouse, Muriel L., and Hilda Thompson. "Mesothelioma of Pleura and Peritoneum Following Exposure to
Asbestos in the London Area." British Journal of Industrial Medicine 22, no. 4 (October 1965):
Selikoff, Irving J., J. Churg, and E. C. Hammond. "The Occurrence of Asbestosis among Insulation Workers
in the United States." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 132, no. 1 (December 1965):
Thomson, J. G. "Asbestos and the Urban Dweller." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 132, no. 1
(December 1965): 196-214.
Elmes, P. C., and O. L. Wade. "Relationship between Exposure to Asbestos and Pleural Malignancy in
Belfast." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 132, no. 1 (December 1965): 549-57.
Newhouse, Muriel L., and Hilda Thompson. "Epidemiology of Mesothelial Tumors in the London Area."
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 132, no. 1 (December 1965): 579-88.
Owen, W. Glyn. "Mesothelial Tumors and Exposure to Asbestos Dust." Annals of the New York Academy of
Sciences 132, no. 1 (December 1965): 674-79.
1971∼現在 Selikoff, Irving J., and Douglas H. Lee. Asbestos and Disease. Environmental Sciences: An Interdisciplinary
Monograph Series. New York: Academic Press, 1978.
Selikoff, Irving J., and E. C. Hammond, eds. "Health Hazards of Asbestos Exposure." Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences 330 (December 1979): 1-814.
Selikoff, Irving, and Morris Greenberg. "A Landmark Case in Asbestosis." Journal of the American Medical
Association 265, no. 7 (February 1991): 898-901.
Landrigan, Philip J., and Homayoun Kazemi. "The Third Wave of Asbestos Disease: Exposure to Asbestos in
Place -- Public Health Control. Conference New York, June 7-9, 1990" Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences 643, no. 1 (December 1992): 1-625.
Roggli, Victor L., Tim D. Oury, and Thomas A. Sporn, eds. Pathology of Asbestos-Associated Diseases. 2d.
ed., New York: Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 2004.
Selikoff: Director of the Environmental Sciences, Laboratory of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, New
Churg: Director of Laboratories at Barnert Memorial Hospital Center in Paterson, New Jersey.
Hammond: Deputy Director of the Epidemiology Training Program at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York,
New York.
論文の概要: Building trades insulation workers have relatively light, intermittent exposure to asbestos.
Of 632 insulation workers, who entered the trade before 1943 and were traced through 1962, 45 died of
cancer of the lung or pleura, whereas only 6.6 such deaths were expected. Three of the pleural tumors
were mesotheliomas; there was also one peritoneal mesothelioma. Four mesotheliomas in a total of 255
deaths is an exceedingly high incidence for such a rare tumor. In addition, an unexpectedly large
number of men died of cancer of the stomach, colon, or rectum (29 compared with 9.4 expected). Other
cancers were not increased; 20.5 were expected, and 21 occurred. Twelve men died of asbestosis.
http://caonline.amcancersoc.org/cgi/content/abstract/34/1/48; accessed 26 April 2007.
2.英国のアスベスト産業規制 (Asbestos Industry Regulations, 1931)
Merewether & Price Reports
Merewether, Edward Rowland Alworth, and Charles W. Price. Report on Effects of Asbestos Dust in the
Lungs and Dust Suppression in the Asbestos Industry. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1930.
この報告書は米国の医学専門雑誌でも注目された。(Kotelchuck 1987, 197)
Merewether, E. R. A. "The Occurrence of Pulmonary Fibrosis and Other Pulmonary Affections in Asbestos
Workers." Journal of Industrial Hygiene 12, no. 5 (May 1930): 198-222; no. 6 (June 1930): 239-57.
------. "A Memorandum on Asbestosis." Tubercle 15 (1933-34): 69-81, 109-18, 152-59.
------. Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for the Year 1933. London: HMSO, 1934.
Price, C. W. "Ventilation in Asbestos Textile Works." Institute of Heat and Ventilation Proceedings 30
(1931-32): 168-72, 173-79.
U.K. Report on Conferences between Employers and Inspectors Concerning Methods for Suppressing Dust in
Asbestos Textile Factories. London, HMSO, 1931.
U.K. Public Record Office. LAB 14/70, Bellhouse to Anderson, 12 November 1929. about C. W. Price.
U.K. Memorandum on the Industrial Diseases of Silicosis and Asbestosis. London: HMSO, 1935.
Factory Inspectors
U.K. Chief Inspector of Factories and Wrorkshps. Annual Reports. London: His Majesty's Stationary Office,
Legge, Thomas Morison. Industrial Maladies, ed. S. A. Henry. London: Oxford University Press, 1934.
Archival Recoreds
Turner & Newall Archive. Trafford Park, Manchester.
Trade Union Congress (TUC). Silicates-Asbestosis, 1930-1945. TUC Archive, Modern Records Center,
University of Warwick.
3.英米におけるアスベスト問題の研究史(医学史,社会史,経営史など) Bartrip, Peter W. J. "Too Little, Too Late? The Home Office and the Asbestos Industry Regulations, 1931."
Medical History 42, no. 4 (October 1998): 421-38.
------. The Way from Dusty Death: Turner and Newall and the Regulation of Occupational Health in the
British Asbestos Industry, 1890s-1970. London: Athlone Press, 2001.
------. "History of Asbestos Related Disease." Postgraduate Medical Journal 80 (February 2004): 72-76.
Borron, Stephen W., Samuel A. Forman, James E. Lockey, Grace K. Lemasters, and Leslie M. Yee. "An Early
Study of Pulmonary Asbestosis among Manufacturing Workers: Rriginal Data and Reconstruction of
the 1932 Cohort." American Journal of Industrial Medicine 31, no. 3 (March 1997): 324-34. Anthony
J. Lanza による疫学調査(1932年)を再検討した医学史研究。
Brodeur, Paul. Outrageous Misconduct: The Asbestos Industry on Trial. New York: Pantheon Books, 1985.
Browne, K, and R. Murray. "Asbestos and the Romans." Lancet 336 (18 August 1990): 445.
Castleman, Barry I. With a contribution by Stephen L. Berger. Asbestos: Medical and Legal Aspects. New
York & Washington, D.C.: Law & Business, Inc., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984. xix, 593 p. [2d
ed., Clifton, NJ: Law & Business, 1986. xix, 692 pp. 3d ed., Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Law
& Business, 1990. xxi, 776 p. 4th ed., Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Aspen Law & Business, 1996. xxi, 940 p.
5th ed., New York: Aspen Publishers, 2005. xxi, 894 p.]
------. "Asbestos and Cancer: History and public Policy." British Journal of Industrial Medicine 48 (1991):
Corn, Jacqueline Karnell. Environmental Public Health Policy for Asbestos in Schools: Unintended
Consequences. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers, 2000.
Enterline, Philip E. "Changing Attitudes and Opinions Regarding Asbestos and Cancer 1934-1965."
American Journal of Industrial Medicine 20 (November 1991): 685-700.
Greenberg, Morris "Attitudes and Opinions: Asbestos and Cancer." American Journal of Industrial Medicine
22, no. 2 (1992): 263-5.
------. "Reginald Tage: A UK Asbestos Prophet --- A Postscript." American Journal of Industrial Medicine 24,
no. 5 (November 1993): 521-24.
------. "Knowledge of the Health Hazard of Asbestos prior to the Merewether and Price Report of 1930." Social
History of Medicine 7 (December 1994): 493-516.
------. "Professor Matthew Stewart: Asbestosis Research 1929-1934." American Journal of Industrial Medicine
32, no. 5 (November 1997): 562-69.
------, and Nick Wikeley, "Too Little, Too Late? The Home Office and the Asbestos Industry Regulations,
1931: A Reply." Medical History 43 (October 1999): 508-13.
------. "Cape Asbestos, Barking, Health and Environment, 1928-1946." American Journal of Industrial
Medicine 43, no. 2 (February 2003): 109-19.
------. "Mineral Fiber Problems and Their Management: UK 1890-1935." American Journal of Industrial
Medicine 46, no. 3 (September 2004): 304-11.
------. "The British Approach to Asbestos Standard Setting: 1898-2000." American Journal of Industrial
Medicine 46, no. 5 (November 2004): 534-41.
Jeremy, David J. "Corporate Responses to the Emergent Recognition of a Health Hazard in the UK Asbestos
Industry: The Case of Turner & Newall, 1920-1960." Business and Economic History 24 (Fall 1995):
Kotelchuck, David. "Asbestos Research." Health/PAC Bulletin 61 (Nov./Dec. 1974): 1-6, 20-27.
------. "Asbestos: 'The Funeral Dress of Kings"---and Others." In Dying for Work: Workers' Safety and Health
in Twentieth-Century America, ed. David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz, 192-207. Bloomington:
Indiana University Press, 1987.
MuCulloch, Jock. Asbestos Blues: Labour, Capital, Physicians and the State in South Africa. Oxford: James
Currey, 2002.
------. "The Mine at Wittenoom: Blue Asbestos, Labour and Occupational Disease." Labor History 40, no. 1
(February 2006): 1-19.
McIvor, A. J. "Manual Work, Technology, and Industrial Health, 1918-39." Medical History 31 (April 1987):
Maines, Rachel. Asbestos and Fire: Technological Tradeoffs and the Body at Risk. Rutgers, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 2005.
Murray, Robert. "Asbestos: A Chronology of Its Origins and Health Effects." British Journal of Industrial
Medicine 47, no. 6 (June 1990): 361-65.
Steele, Jenny, and Nick Wikeley. "Dust on the Streets and Liability for Environmental Cancers." Modern
Law Review 60 (1997): 265-76.
Tweedale, Geoffrey, and Philip Hansen. "Protecting the Workers: The Medical Board and the Asbestos
Industry, 1930s-1960s." Medical History 42 (October 1998): 349-57.
Tweedale, Geoffrey, and David J. Jeremy. "Compensating the Workers: Industrial Injury and Compensation
in the British Asbestos Industry, 1930s-1960s." Business History 41 (April 1999): 102-20. Reprinted in
Business History, Sage Library in Business and Management, ed. David J. Jeremy and Geoffrey
Tweedale, 423-39. London: SAGE Publications, 2005.
Tweedale, Geoffrey. Magic Mineral to Killer Dust: Turner and Newall and the Asbestos Hazard. Oxford
University Press, 2001. new ed., 2003.
Wikeley, Nick J. "The Asbestos Regulations 1931: A License to Kill?" Journal of Law and Society 19 (Autumn
1992): 365-78.
------. "Asbestos and Cancer: An Early Warning to the British TUC." American Journal of Industrial Medicine
22, no. 3 (1992): 449-54.
------. Compensation for Industrial Disease. (Socio-Legal Studies). Aldershot: Dartmouth Publishing Group,
------. "Measurement of Asbestos Dust Levels in British Asbestos Factories in the 1930s." American Journal of
Industrial Medicine 24 (November 1993): 509-20.
------. "Turner & Newall: Early Organizational Responses to Litigation Risk." Journal of Law and Society 24
(June 1997): 252-75.
Fly UP