Drawing status flags
Option • Description G for general arrangement drawings. • M for multidrawings. U (unknown) means that an error has occurred, and you need to delete the drawing. Size The paper size the drawing uses. Mark In a single-part drawing mark is the part position, and in an assembly drawing the assembly position from which the drawing was created. You cannot change drawing marks. Mark contains the sheet number as well, if it is not zero (0). You can choose to have Tekla Structures base the mark of cast unit drawings on the position number or the ID of the cast unit. Name The name given for the drawing in the drawing properties dialog box. Title 1, Title 2, and Title 3 Extra drawing titles added in the drawing properties dialog box. Locked by The Locked by column shows who locked the drawing. If you have logged in to your Tekla account, the account name is shown. Otherwise the user name is shown. User-defined attributes You can show up to 20 user-defined attributes in the Drawing List. These userdefined attributes must be added in the User-defined Attributes subdialog box in drawing properties. To include a user-defined attribute in drawing lists, the user-defined attribute must have the option special_flag set to yes in the objects.inp file. See also Working with drawings on page 272 Finding and opening drawings on page 103 User-defined attributes in drawings on page 515 Checking multi-user databases Location of certain files in hidden folders XS_SHOW_REVISION_MARK_ON_DRAWING_LIST 3.3 Drawing status flags Tekla Structures uses certain symbols called flags, to indicate the status of the drawings. The columns Issue, Lock, Freeze, Master and Up to date contain the flags, and the potential Finding and opening drawings 105 Drawing status flags additional information is displayed in the Changes column. If a drawing does not have any flag symbol, it is up to date. See also Working with drawings on page 272 How to read the drawing status information on page 106 Finding and opening drawings on page 103 How to read the drawing status information The table below explains the meaning of the status flags and information about the status of a drawing in the Drawing List. Flag Column Information in the where shown Changes column Up to date Description Parts modified The parts in the drawing have changed, for example, parts have been added or deleted, or part properties have changed. Quantity increased or The actual drawing is up to date, but the number of identical parts has changed. Quantity decreased Up to date All parts deleted All the parts related to the drawing have been deleted. Lock The drawing is locked and you cannot open it for editing. Freeze The drawing is frozen. Changes made to the model objects, which have drawing objects associated with them, are no longer available in the drawing. Finding and opening drawings 106 Drawing status flags