KS-4089 / February 2015 ご注文承り中!! 【言語テスト、応用言語学、英語学、第二言語習得、外国語・英語教育】 急激に発展している言語テストに関する包括的かつ最先端の研究を集めた重要論文集 言語テストと言語評価 -言語学の重要概念-全 4 巻 Language Testing and Assessment: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. 4 vols. Kunnan, Antony John (ed.), Language Testing and Assessment: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. 4 vols. (Critical Concepts in Linguistics) 1677 pp. 2015:4 (Routledge, UK) <618-2958> ISBN 978-0-415-70842-5 hard set 大半の学者は、R.ラドーの著書『言語テスト-外国語テストの作成とその利用』(Lado, Robert, Language Testing: The Construction and Use of Foreign Language Tests. London 1961)と J.キャロルの’Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing’の論稿が発表された 1961 年をもって、研究分野としての現代言語テストが誕生したと考えています。この数十年の間に 言語テストは、より深く、より広い理論的・知的枠組みを備えた分野へと成長してきました。 その成長は、テストの開発・調査のための統計的分析を駆使する計量心理学の誕生を、またコ ミュニケーション重視の言語テスト開発の点では言語学の着想を、あるいは、テストが公平・ 公正であるための質、コード、基準の開発の点では倫理学からの着想を伴いつつ現れてきまし た。この事態が、英語を使って大学で勉強をしたい、あるいは英語でコミュニケーションをと る職場で働きたいと望む受験者の英語能力を評価する実際の必要性と結びついたことで、言語 テストの事業は 10 億ドル規模の世界的事業へと発展を遂げたのです。 本書は、包括的で最先端の論文を収録する論文集で、この急激に成長している分野の研究状 況を概観しています。第 1 巻「基礎」 、第 2 巻「開発」、第 3 巻「調査」、第 4 巻「展望」より 構成されており、言語テスト、応用言語学、英語学、第二言語習得、外国語・英語教育の重要 論文集です。本書を関連する研究者や研究室、図書館の必備レファレンスとしてお薦めいたし ます。 《収録明細》 Volume I: Foundations Part 1: Overview 1. A. Davies, ‘The First 50 years of Language Assessment’, 2014 Part 2: Historical 2. J. Carroll, ‘Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing’, 1961 3. R. Lado, ‘General Introduction and the Theory of Foreign Language Testing’, 1961 4. J. Oller, ‘Discrete-point Test Versus Integrative Skills’, 1973 5. B. Spolsky, ‘What Does it Mean to Know How to Use a Language? An Essay on the Theoretical Basis of Language Testing’, 1985 Part 3: Communicative Proficiency 6. M. Canale and M. Swain, ‘Theoretical Bases of Communicative Approaches to Second Language Teaching and Testing’, 1980 7. L. F. Bachman, ‘Communicative Language Ability’, 1990 Part 4: Validation 8. A. J. Kunnan, ‘Validation Approaches in Language Assessment’, 1998 9. L. F. Bachman, ‘Building and Supporting a Case for Test Use’, 2005 10. M. Kane, ‘Articulating a Validity Argument’, 2012 11. C. Chapelle and E. Voss, ‘Evaluation of Language Tests Through Validation Research’, 2014 Part 5: Fairness and Justice 12. T. McNamara and K. Ryan, ‘Fairness Versus Justice in Language Testing: The Place of English Literacy in the Australian Citizenship Test’, 2011 13. F. S. Walters, ‘Fairness’, 2013 14. A. J. Kunnan, ‘Fairness and Justice in Language Assessment’, 2014 Part 6: Washback and Consequences 15. J. C. Alderson and D. Wall, ‘Does Washback Exist?’, 1993 16. J. C. Alderson and L. Hamp-Lyons, ‘TOEFL Preparation Courses: A Study of Washback’, 1996 17. S. Messick, ‘Validation and Washback’, 1996 Part 7: Social Considerations 18. T. McNamara, ‘Policy and Social Considerations in Language Assessment’, 1998 19. E. Shohamy, ‘Critical Language Testing and Beyond’, 1998 20. T. McNamara and C. Roever, ‘The Social Dimension of Proficiency: How Testable is it?’, 2006 Part 8: Ethics and Law 21. A. Davies, ‘Demands of Being Professional in Language Testing’, 1997 22. G. Fulcher, ‘Language Testing in the Dock’, 2014 Volume II: Development Part 9: Test Development 23. L. F. Bachman, ‘Some Reflections on Task-based Language Performance Assessment’, 2002 24. G. Fulcher and F. Davidson, ‘Test Architecture, Test Retrofit’, 2009 25. R. Mislevy and C. Yin, ‘Evidence-centred Design in Language Testing’, 2012 26. L. F. Bachman and A. Palmer, ‘Justifying the Use of Language Assessments’, 2012 Part 10: Language for Specific Purposes 27. A. Davies, ‘The Logic of Testing Languages for Specific Purposes’, 2001 28. D. Douglas, ‘Language for Specific Purposes Assessment Criteria: Where Do They Come From?’, 2001 Part 11: Reading and Writing 29. A. Cumming, ‘Writing Expertise and Second-language Proficiency’, 1989 30. D. D. Qian, ‘Investigating the Relationship Between Vocabulary Knowledge and Academic Reading Performance: An Assessment Perspective’, 2002 31. W. Grabe and X. Jiang, ‘Assessing Reading’, 2014 (株)極東書店 2 KS-4089 / 言語テストと言語評価 Part 12: Listening and Speaking 32. T. F. McNamara, ‘"Interaction" in Second Language Performance Assessment: Whose Performance?’, 1997 33. A. Brown, ‘Interviewer Variation and the Co-construction of Speaking Proficiency’, 2003 34. E. Wagner, ‘Video Listening Tests: What are They Measuring?’, 2008 Part 13: Grammar and Vocabulary 35. J. Read and C. A. Chapelle, ‘A Framework for Second Language Vocabulary Assessment’, 2001 36. J. Purpura, ‘Assessing Grammar’, 2014 Part 14: Integrated Skills 37. A. Cumming, ‘Assessing Integrated Skills’, 2014 Volume III: Research Part 15: Cognitive Diagnosis 38. G. Buck and K. Tatsuoka, ‘Application of the Rule-space Procedure to Language Testing: Examining Attributes of a Free Response Listening Test’, 1998 39. Y. W. Lee and Y. Sawaki, ‘Application of Three Cognitive Diagnosis Models to ESL Reading and Listening Assessments’, 2009 Part 16: Raters and Rating Scales 40. A. Brown, ‘The Effect of Rater Variables in the Development of an Occupation-specific Language Performance Test’, 1995 41. J. A. Upshur and C. E. Turner, ‘Systematic Effects in the Rating of Second-language Speaking Ability: Test Method and Learner Discourse’, 1999 Part 17: Applying Item-Response Theory 42. T. McNamara, ‘Item Response Theory and the Validation of an ESP Test for Health Professionals’, 1990 43. S. Weigle, ‘Using FACETS to Model Rater Training Effects’, 1998 44. T. Ferne and A. A. Rupp, ‘A Synthesis of 15 Years of Research on DIF in Language Testing: Methodological Advances, Challenges, and Recommendations’, 2007 Part 18: Applying Structural Equation Modelling 45. J. E. Purpura, ‘An Analysis of the Relationships Between Test Takers’ Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategy Use and Second Language Test Performance’, 1997 46. A. J. Kunnan, ‘An Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling for Language Assessment Research’, 1998 47. Y. In’nami and R. Koizumi, ‘Structural Equation Modeling in Language Testing and Learning Research: A Review’, 2011 Part 19: Applying Qualitative Methods 48. A. Lazaraton, ‘A Micro-analytic Perspective on Discourse, Proficiency, and Identity in Paired Oral Assessment’, 2012 49. M. Sasaki, ‘Introspective Methods’, 2014 Part 20: Applying Multiple Methods 50. A. Cumming, ‘Expertise in Evaluating Second Language Compositions’, 1990 51. N. J. Anderson, L. Bachman, K. Perkins, and A. Cohen, ‘An Exploratory Study into the Construct Validity of a Reading Comprehension Test: Triangulation of Data Sources’, 1991 Volume IV: Looking forward Part 21: Technology 52. M. Chalhoub-Deville, ‘Computer Adaptive Testing and its Application in the Field of Second Language Testing’, 1999 (株)極東書店 3 KS-4089 / 言語テストと言語評価 53. J. Bernstein, A. van Moere, and J. Cheng, ‘Validating Automated Speaking Tests’, 2010 54. O. Kang, D. Rubin, and L. Pickering, ‘Suprasegmental Measures of Accentedness and Judgments of Language Learner Proficiency in Oral English’, 2010 55. D. McNamara, S. Crossley, and P. McCarthy, ‘Linguistic Features of Writing Quality’, 2010 56. S. Weigle, ‘ESL Writing and Automated Essay Evaluation’, 2013 Part 22: Workplace Assessment 57. J. C. Alderson, ‘Air Safety, Language Assessment Policy, and Policy Implementation: The Case of Aviation English’, 2009 58. C. Elder and S. Kim, ‘Assessing Teachers’ Language Proficiency’, 2014 Part 23: Immigration and Citizenship Assessment 59. T. McNamara, ‘21st-century Shibboleth: Language Tests, Identity and Intergroup Conflict’, 2005 60. A. J. Kunnan, ‘Language Assessment for Immigration and Citizenship’, 2012 61. D. Eades, ‘Assessment in Asylum-related Language Analysis’, 2014 Part 24: Language Classroom 62. M. Poehner and J. Lantolf, ‘Dynamic Assessment in the Language Classroom’, 2005 63. T. Isaacs and P. Trofimovich, ‘Deconstructing Comprehensibility: Identifying the Linguistic Influences on Listeners’ L2 Comprehensibility Ratings’, 2012 Part 25: Assessing Languages 64. L. Cheng, ‘The Key to Success: English Language Testing in China’, 2008 65. D. Qian, ‘English Language Assessment in Hong Kong: A Survey of Practices, Developments and Issues’, 2008 66. M. Sasaki, ‘The 150-year History of English Language Assessment in Japanese Education’, 2008 67. J. D. Brown, ‘The Future of World Englishes in Language Testing’, 2014 68. J. Jenkins and C. Leung, ‘Assessing English as a Lingua Franca’, 2014 69. A. Gebril and H. Taha-Thomure, ‘Assessing Arabic’, 2014 70. E. Ryan, ‘Assessing French’, 2014 71. L. Qi and K. Zhang, ‘Assessing Mandarin’, 2014 (株)極東書店 4 KS-4089 / 言語テストと言語評価