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プログラムはこちら - RISTEX 社会技術研究開発センター
Transformations to Sustainability
-JST・ISSC・NRF共催 国際シンポジウム-
: 2015年1月29日(木)13時00分 – 17時00分
: 国連大学
: 独⽴⾏政法人科学技術振興機構(JST)
: 日本学術会議
13:00 – 13:05 開会挨拶
中村 道治 科学技術振興機構(JST)理事⻑
13:05 – 13:10 趣旨説明
大竹 暁 科学技術振興機構(JST)理事
13:10 – 13:50 基調講演
李 遠哲 台湾中央研究院名誉院⻑/国際科学会議(ICSU)前会⻑
「フューチャーアース -その起源と、寄せる期待」
13:50 – 14:20 講演1
フランス・バークアウト フューチャーアース国際本部暫定事務局⻑
14:20 – 14:30 講演2
アンドリュー・カニキ 南アフリカ国⽴研究財団(NRF)知識領域開発局⻑
14:30 – 15:00 講演3
ハイデ・ハックマン 国際社会科学評議会(ISSC)事務局⻑
「Transformations to Sustainability(T2S)プログラムについて -背景と目的」
15:00 – 15:20 〈休憩〉
15:20 – 16:50 パネルディスカッション
杉原 薫 政策研究大学院大学 特別教授
ブロンウィン・ヘイワード カンタベリー大学 准教授/T2Sプログラム運営委員
ハイデ・ハックマン ISSC事務局⻑
蟹江 憲史 東京工業大学 准教授
草郷 孝好 関⻄大学 教授
安岡 善文 東京大学 名誉教授
16:50 – 17:00 閉会挨拶
吉川 弘之 科学技術振興機構(JST)研究開発戦略センター⻑
李 遠哲
台湾中央研究院 名誉院長/国際科学会議(ICSU) 前会長
議(ICSU)フューチャー・アース(Future Earth)暫定事務局長。2004年から2012年までオラ
バー。Research Policy、Global Environmental Change、Journal of Industrial Ecology、Current Opinion on
Environmental Sustainability、The Anthropocene Reviewなどの編集委員を務める。初期の研究は核燃料サ
南アフリカ国立研究財団(NRF) 知識領域開発局長
のための新たな国際共同研究の枠組みであるフューチャーアースを創設したThe Science and Technology
Alliance for Global Sustainabilityの共同議長に就任。2015年2月末にはISSCを離れ、国際科学会議(ICSU)
政策研究大学院大学 特別教授
研究大学院大学教授。 2014年4月から現職。
主要著作に、Japan in the Contemporary Middle East (co-ed., Routledge, 1993)、Local Agrarian Societies in
Colonial India (co-ed., Curzon, 1996)、『アジア間貿易の形成と構造』(1996年サントリー学芸賞、日経経済図書
文化賞)、『アジア太平洋経済圏の興隆』(2003年)、Japan, China and the Growth of the Asian International
Economy, 1850-1949 (ed., Oxford University Press, 2005)、Labour-intensive Industrialization in Global
History (co-ed., Routledge, 2013)。2003-2006年にロンドン・ベースのGlobal Economic History Networkを共同
カンタベリー大学 政治学部長・准教授
/Transformations to Sustainability(T2S)プログラム運営委員会 委員
東京工業大学大学院社会理工学研究科 准教授
投資・開発作業部会共同議長、Earth System Governance プロジェクト科学諮問委員など
を兼任、欧州委員会Marie Curie Incoming International Fellow及びパリ政治学院客員教
近著にNorichika Kanie, Peter M. Haas, Steinar Andresen eds. (2014), Improving Global Environmental
Governance: Best Practices for Architecture and Agency, Routledge; David Griggs, Norichika Kanie,
et.al.(2013) Sustainable development goals for people and planet, Nature, 495: 305-307. (21 March 2013);
Biermann, F., N. Kanie, et al. (2012) Navigating the Anthropocene: Improving Earth System Governance.
Science, Vol. 335 No. 6074, 1306-1307, 16 March 2012など。
草郷 孝好
関西大学社会学部 教授
調査に基づく研究チームに参加。論文は、World Development, Social Indicators Researchなどに掲載、主な著
安岡 善文
東京大学 名誉教授
官。 1998年より東京大学生産技術研究所教授。2007年より独立行政法人国立環境研究所
理事、東京大学名誉教授。 2011年より科学技術振興機構(JST)フェロー及び情報・システム
Transformations to Sustainability
-JST・ISSC・NRF International joint Symposium-
Date & Time: 13:00-17:00 January 29th, 2015
Venue : U Thant International Conference Hall, United Nations University
Organizers : Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
International Social Science Council (ISSC)
National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF)
Supporter : Science Council of Japan
13:00 – 13:05 Opening Remarks
Michiharu Nakamura, President, JST
13:05 – 13:10 Introduction
Satoru Ohtake, Senior Executive Director, JST
13:10 – 13:50 Keynote Speech
Yuan Tseh Lee, President Emeritus and Distinguished Research Fellow,
Academia Sinica / Former President of ICSU (International Council for Science)
“Future Earth: Its origin and Aspirations”
13:50 – 14:20 Presentation1
Frans Berkhout, Interim Director, Future Earth Programme
“The role of Social Sciences and the Humanities in Future Earth”
14:20 – 14:30 Presentation2
Andrew Kaniki, Executive Director, Knowledge Fields Development, NRF
“Video Message from NRF”
14:30 – 15:00 Presentation3
Heide Hackmann, Executive Director, ISSC
“Transformations to Sustainability programme - Background and Objectives”
15:00 – 15:20 Break
15:20 – 16:50 Panel Discussion
“The Role of Social sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Trans-disciplinary Research”
Kaoru Sugihara, Senior Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
Bronwyn Hayward, Associate Professor, University of Canterbury / T2S Steering Committee
Heide Hackmann, Executive Director, ISSC
Norichika Kanie, Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Takayoshi Kusago, Professor, Kansai University
Yoshifumi Yasuoka, Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
16:50 – 17:00 Closing Remarks
Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, Director-General, Center for R&D Strategy (CRDS), JST
Keynote Speech
Yuan Tseh Lee President Emeritus and Distinguished Research Fellow, Academia Sinica
/ Former President of ICSU (International Council for Science)
Born in Taiwan in 1936, Yuan T. Lee received his B.S. degree from the National Taiwan University in
1959 and Doctorate from UC Berkeley in 1965. He was appointed Assistant Professor at the University
of Chicago in 1968. He returned to Berkeley as Professor of Chemistry in 1974. He was University
Professor and Principal Investigator at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, UC Berkeley, beforehand
he returned to Taiwan to serve as the President of Academia Sinica from 1994 to 2006. He was elected President of the
International Council for Science (ICSU) in 2008 and served from 2011 to 2014. He has received numerous awards and
honors, including the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the U.S. National Medal of Science, Faraday Medal from the Royal
Chemical Society of Great Britain, the Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Medal from India, the Ettore Majorana-EriceScience for Peace Prize from the Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture of Italy, and Kolos Prize
and Medal from Poland. He has received Doctor Honoris Causa from 40 universities and is an elected member of various
academies throughout the world.
Aside from his scientific interests in the elucidation of dynamics of chemical reactions and photochemical processes, he also
directed much of his attention to the advancement of international scientific developments and to the promotion of general
public affairs. He has served as advisory board member on numerous national and international organizations, including US
Department of Energy, Welch Foundation, Chief Advisor of the Science and Technology Advisory Group to the Prime
Minister of Taiwan, International Scientific Council of the Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization, Science and Technology
in Society Forum, RIKEN, and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan.
Frans Berkhout Interim Director, Future Earth Programme
Frans Berkhout is Professor of Environment, Society and Climate in the Department of Geography at
King’s College London, and Interim Director of the Future Earth programme, based at the
International Council for Science (ICSU) in Paris. Between 2004 and 2012, Prof Berkhout was director
of the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at the VU University Amsterdam in The Netherlands,
and from 2010 to 2013 director of the Amsterdam Global I Change Institute. Professor Berkhout is a lead
author in the PCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (2014) and a member of the Research Evaluation
Framework (REF) of the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). He sits on the editorial boards of
Research Policy, Global Environmental Change, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Current Opinion on Environmental
Sustainability and The Anthropocene Review. His early research was concerned with the economic, political and security
aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle and radioactive waste management. His more recent work has been concerned with science,
technology, policy and sustainability, with a focus on climate change.
Andrew Kaniki Executive Director, Knowledge Fields Development,
National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF)
Dr. Andrew Kaniki is the Executive Director: Knowledge Fields Development (KFD) at the National
Research foundation. The Directorate is responsible for funding and supporting research in all fields
through various funding instruments, strengthening existing and the development of new fields of
knowledge. This includes the management and support for the South African (national) Global Change
Research and its related initiatives. Prior to joining the NRF he was Professor of Information Science at the then
University of Natal (now the University of KwaZulu Natal), and between 2000 and 2002 was Pro-Vice Chancellor and
Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) at the same university. He holds PhD (Pittsburgh, USA), MS (Illinois, U-C. USA)
Information science, and BA (Zambia) degrees. He has published and presented a number of scholarly and peer reviewed
articles, book chapters, and conference papers in library and information science, knowledge management, and research
management. He served as President of Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA)
2003-05; served on Council on Higher Education (CHE) Board, and Department of Higher Education and Training (DoHET)
Research output evaluation panel 2006 - 2013. He has attended all Belmont Forum meetings and served on the Belmont
Forum Working Group since its inception in 2010. Between 2012 and 2014 the NRF served as a co-Chair and Co-secretariat
of the Belmont Forum. He was the leader of the NRF co-secretariat.
Heide Hackmann
Executive Director, International Social Science Council (ISSC)
Heide Hackmann read for a M.Phil in contemporary social theory at the University of Cambridge,
United Kingdom, and holds a PhD in science and technology studies from the University of Twente in
the Netherlands. Heide has worked as a science policy maker, researcher and consultant in the
Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom and South Africa. From 2003 to 2007 she served as Head of
the Department of International Relations and Quality Assessment of the Royal Netherlands Academy
of Arts and Sciences. She was elected to the position of Secretary-General of the International Social Science Council (ISSC)
by the Council’s General Assembly in November 2006, and has served as the organisation’s Executive Director since
December 2010. Heide represents the ISSC on numerous international committees and policy fora and, until December 2014,
co-chaired The Science and Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability that has established Future Earth, a new
international research for global sustainability initiative. At the end of February 2015 Heide will leave the ISSC to take up
the position of Executive Director of the International Council for Science (ICSU).
Panel Discussion Moderator
Kaoru Sugihara
Senior Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
Kaoru Sugihara is Senior Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo.
Trained at Kyoto University and the University of Tokyo as an economic historian, he worked for the
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, from 1985 to 1996, before returning to
Japan to serve for Osaka University (1996-2006), Kyoto University (2006-2012) and the University of
Tokyo (2012-2013). He has written widely on economic and environmental history, including Japan in
the Contemporary Middle East (co-ed., Routledge, 1993), Local Agrarian Societies in Colonial India (co-ed., Curzon, 1996),
Patterns and Development of Intra-Asian Trade (1996 in Japanese), Japan, The Rise of the Asia-Pacific Economy (2003 in
Japanese), China and the Growth of the Asian International Economy, 1850-1949 (ed., Oxford University Press, 2005) and
Labour-intensive Industrialization in Global History (co-ed., Routledge, 2013). He was one of the four organizers of the
London-based Global Economic History Network (2003-2006). From 2007 to 2012 he acted as convener of a large-scale
project on environmental sustainability in tropical Asia and Africa at Kyoto University, which led to the publication of six
volumes of interdisciplinary research under the unified theme of “sustainable humanosphere”. He was president of the
Socio-Economic History Society, Japan, and was a member of the Executive Committee of the International Economic
History Association. He is currently an executive member of the Science Council of Japan, and acts as chair of its
Committee for International Cooperation for Humanities and Social Sciences and vice-chair of its Committee for the
Promotion of Future Earth.
Bronwyn Hayward
Associate Professor, University of Canterbury
/ Transformations to Sustainability programme Steering Committee Member
Bronwyn Hayward is Associate Professor and Head of the Political Science Programme at University
of Canterbury, New Zealand. She has lectured internationally on environmental politics, public
participation and youth citizenship for twenty years. Bronwyn has been a visiting research fellow with
both the UK ESRC-funded RESOLVE (Research Group on Lifestyles, Values and Environment) and the
Sustainable Lifestyles Research Group at the University of Surrey and the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change at the
University of East Anglia. In addition to her academic work, Bronwyn is a former New Zealand Broadcasting Standards
Commissioner with experience in children’s television and radio production. She has worked in environmental policy,
education and children and youth politics in New Zealand, the UK, the USA and Norway. In her home city of Christchurch
she is involved with community recovery after the earthquakes of 2011, with a special focus on youth, children and new
ways of thinking about economics, democracy and city development.
Norichika Kanie
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Norichika Kanie is an associate professor at the Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology,
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at United Nations
University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS). His research focuses on
international environmental governance, and is the project leader of a research project on Sustainable
Development Goals (S-11, FY2013-15) funded by the Ministry of Environment, Japan.
Among others he serves as a scientific steering group member of the Earth Systems Governance project (former IHDP core
project, and now transforming to Future Earth), and co-chair of the Working Party on Climate, Investment and
Development (WPCID) at OECD. From August 2009 to July 2010 he was a Marie Curie Incoming International Fellow of the
European Commission and visiting professor at SciencesPo, Paris. He received his PhD in Media and Governance from the
Keio University. His recent publications include: Norichika Kanie, Peter M. Haas, Steinar Andresen eds. (2014), Improving
Global Environmental Governance: Best Practices for Architecture and Agency, Routledge/Earthscan; David Griggs, Mark
Stafford-Smith, Owen Gaffney, Johan Rockström, Marcus C. Öhman, Priya Shyamsundar, Will Steffen, Gisbert Glaser,
Norichika Kanie, and Ian Noble.(2013) Sustainable development goals for people and planet, Nature, 495: 305-307. (21 March
Takayoshi Kusago
Professor, Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University
A social scientist who takes action. He obtained his PhD in Development Studies at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Following posts that included the World Bank, Meiji Gakuin University, Hokkaido
University, United Nations Development Programme, and Osaka University, he is currently a professor
at the faculty of sociology, Kansai University. From the perspective of human development and
capability approach, he has studied a variety of subjects pertinent to modernization and sustainable
development. He places enormous importance on how local people can actively engage in creating own community/society
where they can achieve higher level of well-being. He also pays careful attention to people’s perceptions over their own
life and community to understand what statistical data tend to miss. He provides technical assistance by travelling to
Bhutan and Nepal (rural community development), to Niigata and Fukui (community revitalization), and to Hyogo and
Nagakute, Aichi (well-being index and policy). He involves in a research project on post-MDGs and SDGs by conducting
citizen survey on environmental concerns and development issues. He has published research papers in academic journals
such as the World Development, Social Indicators Research, and coauthored GNH (Gross National Happiness), 2011.
Yoshifumi Yasuoka
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Dr. Yoshifumi Yasuoka received the B. Eng., M. Eng. and PhD degree in applied physics and
mathematical engineering from the Univ. of Tokyo, Japan in 1970, 1972 and 1975 respectively. He was
with the National Institute for Environmental Studies from 1975 to 1998, serving as researcher, senior
researcher and section head in Environmental Information Division. At the NIES last two years
he served as a director of the Center for Global Environmental Research. In 1998 he moved to the University of Tokyo as a
Professor at the Institute of Industrial Science and at the Faculty of Engineering. From 2007 to 2011 he served as an
Executive Director again at the National Institute for Environmental Studies. He is currently an auditor at the Research
Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS), and a fellow at the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) (both
non-permanent). He is also a Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo. His major research field is remote sensing, GIS
and spatial data analysis for environment and disaster assessment. He was a president of Japan Remote Sensing Society
since 2002 to 2004.
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