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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ミルスペース 081116- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [What s New in Virtual Library]
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ミルスペース 081111 アーカイブにアップ
Defense News 08.10.20, Cover: http://www.space-library.com/081020DN_Cover.jpg
Defense News TOP 100 08.08.04, Cover: http://www.space-library.com/080804DN_Top100_Cover.jpg
LIST: http://www.space-library.com/080804DN_Top100.pdf
AW&ST 08.11.03, Cover:
08.10.27, Cover:
AFM (Air Force Magazine) 08.11: http://www.space-library.com/0811AFM_cover3.jpg
Article LINK: http://www.airforce-magazine.com/MagazineArchive/Pages/2008/November%202008/1108cover.aspx
CRS 米議会調査局レポート・リスト 08.11.10 版 (発行日付順と資料番号順の二通り、エクセル・ファイル):
航空宇宙防衛に関連するもののうち興味深いもの http://www.space-library.com/081110_CRS-ReportList.xls
NASA 資料データベース STAR 08.10.27, Contents: http://www.space-library.com/081027NASA_star0821_Contents.pdf
All: http://www.space-library.com/081027NASA_star0821.pdf
STAR 08.10.14, Contents: http://www.space-library.com/081014NASA_star0820_Contents.pdf
All: http://www.space-library.com/081014NASA_star0820.pdf
SIN (Space Intelligence News) 08.11, Cover: http://www.space-library.com/ASCEND_0811_e_Cover.jpg
All: http://www.space-library.com/ASCEND_0811_e-s.pdf
cnes Annual Report 2007 (Security & Defense部分), Cover: http://www.space-library.com/cnes_AnnualReport2007_security&defense_Cover.jpg
All (E):
All (E=歯抜けJ): http://www.space-library.com/cnes_Annual_Report2007_SECURITY&DEFENCE_extract(E-J).pdf
ISAS News 08.10, Cover:
NICT NEWS 08.10, Cover: http://www.space-library.com/0810NICT_News_Cover.jpg
Article LINK: http://www.nict.go.jp/publication/NICT-News/0810/index.html
SJR (Space Japan Review) No. 57 08.08&09, Cover: http://www.space-library.com/SJR57_0808-09_Cover-1.jpg
Article LINK: http://satcom.nict.go.jp/57/index.html
RESTEC news No.1 08.10, Cover: http://www.space-library.com/RESTEC_news_0810_No.1.jpg
Milsat Magazine Vol.2 No.5 08.11, Cover: http://www.space-library.com/milsatmagazine_08Nov_Cover.jpg
Contents: http://www.space-library.com/milsatmagazine_08Nov_Contents.pdf
[謝辞] NICT 情報通信研究機構より NICT NEWS No.373 08.10 寄贈、感謝。
------------------------------------------【宇宙就活 2008】
時: 11 月 29 日(土)・30 日(日) 両日共 10:00∼17:00
参加受付: http://spacedreamers2008.web.fc2.com/index.html
対象: 宇宙業界に興味を持つすべての学生の方
TOP 右上の「参加者事前登録」からお願い。
(詳細: http://spacedreamers2008.web.fc2.com/what/assist.html )
会場: 国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センタ
新宿より 2 駅!!小田急線参宮橋駅より徒歩 5 分!!
宇宙関連企業計 12 社
参加費: 500 円 ※懇親会は別途費用が必要!!
------------------------------------------2008/11/11 20:32
(foreign entity)がハッキング攻撃を試みていたことが 10 日までに、米ニ
えたもので、オバマ次期大統領の IT 担当者が選挙戦途中、コンピュー
煉されたハッキング攻撃(sophisticated cyber attack)」が行われたこ
に気づいたオバマ次期大統領の IT 担当者はハッキングはロシアか中国
とが判った。FBI およびシークレットサービスなど捜査機関では、ハッキン
------------------------------------------2008 年 11 月 10 日
本金は 640 億元、業務は大型航空機生産に特化。新公司の譚瑞
舟」シリーズのコミュータ機、「運 8」、「運 12」型輸送機、「直 9」型ヘリ
松副総経理(副社長)が 8 日に北京で明らかに。譚副総経理によると、
コプタなどさまざまな機種生産を手がけるという。(編集 KS)
新公司は 2017 年をめどに経営規模 1 兆元を達成し、中国を「航空
------------------------------------------2008 年 11 月 10 日
中国製旅客機、米国市場に 25 機が契約成立
広東省珠海市で 6 日間にわたり開催された第 7 回中国国際航空
航天(宇宙)博覧会が 9 日午後、閉幕。最終日にはすばらしい飛行パ
ラル・エレクトリック・コマーシャル・アビエーション・ サービシーズ
フォーマンスを披露。概算では、9 日現在、今回博覧会には 35 カ国・
(GECAS)が ARJ21-700 型旅客機 25 機、総額 7 億 324 億ドルの
地域から航空宇宙関連企業約 600 社が出展、計 16 項目 40 億ドル
に上る各種契約および協力が合意に至り、各種航空機計 102 機の
最大商談となった。(編集 HT)
------------------------------------------2008 年 11 月 7 日
「嫦娥二号」10 年に打上げ カメラ解像度 10m
中国自主開発による月探査衛星「嫦娥二号」が 2010 年に打上げら
る。このため、新搭載される CCD カメラ解像度は、「嫦娥一号」に比べ
はるかに高く、約 10m に達する。このほか、中国月探査プロジェクトにお
から直径 5km の範囲内で測定を行う。(編集 KM)
------------------------------------------2008 年 11 月 7 日
有人宇宙船「神舟七号」の飛行成功を祝うセレモニーが 7 日午前、北
錦濤主席はセレモニーで、「中国宇宙飛行士 3 人は今回、中国初の
メダルと証書を胡主席から受け取った飛行士 3 人
外活動の核心技術を自ら持つ世界 3 番目の国になったことを宣言し
た」と述べた。(編集 MA)
------------------------------------------2008/11/5 19:12
ても 40 年も使続ければ金属疲労を起こすことは避けられないとう見本
加えられた。T-38 は 4 月 23 日、ミシシッピー州で 2 機が墜落、更に 5
月 1 日にもテキサス州で 1 機が墜落。短期間に連続して 3 機が墜落と
いう事態を受け、米空軍は 5 月 1 日付で T-38 飛行禁止措置を取り、
バー。T-38 は 1961 年から 1972 年にかけて生産された練習機で、機
が想像できる。ちなみに T-38 を設計したのはエドガー・シュミット(Edgar
体年齢は平均で約 40 歳にも及ぶ老朽機。長年に渡る使用でエルロ
Schmued)という独系米人。シュミットは 1899 年に独で生まれた後、米
に 移 住 。 移 住 後 ノ ー ス ・ ア メ リ カ ン で 名 機 、 P-51 「 ム ス タ ン グ
(Mustang)」設計を担当した歴史的な航空機デザイナー。P-51 と同
------------------------------------------11 月 4 日 15 時 4 分配信 YONHAP NEWS
訓練中の戦闘機 2 機が空中衝突、ミサイル 4 発落下
【ソウル 4 日聯合】訓練中の空軍 F−5E 戦闘機 2 機が 4 日午前、
国訓練の一環として近接航空支援訓練を行っていた原州第 8 飛行
空中衝突し、1 機が墜落。空軍発表によると、原州基地を離陸し護
団所属 F−5E 戦闘機 2 機は、空中衝突し 1 機が墜落、尾と翼部分
が破損。操縦士は無事に脱出した。もう 1 機は原州基地に安全に着
の把握に努めている。F−5E 戦闘機は米ノースロップ製。韓国空軍は
陸。2 機は空対空ミサイル(AIM−9)を 2 発ずつ装備していたが、衝突
100 機余りを保有。
による衝撃で航空機から離脱、4 発すべてが地上落下した。1 発は所
在を確認し回収作業中、残る 3 発は、空軍が爆発物処理班を投入
ないと話している。F−5E 戦闘機が墜落した京畿道抱川市一東面の
消防当局が消火活動に当たっている。空軍は F−5E 戦闘機飛行を
- - - - - - - - - -F-5E & KF-5F - - - - - - - - - - -
------------------------------------------[AFA Conference]
AFA = Air Force Association
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Nov 12, 2008
米空軍リーダは F-22 Raptor機数の妥協点を推進予定
U.S. Air Force Leaders Expected To Push F-22 Raptor Compromise
U.S. Air Force senior leadership will be returning soon to
between 250-275 aircraft, a cut o... . . .
Congress topropose a new requirement for F-22 Raptors of
ESA 欧州宇宙機関は Jason-3 予算達成の道を見出す
ESA Finds Way To Complete Funding Of Jason-3
PARIS - The European Space Agency (ESA) has found a solution
Jason-3 altimetry satellite,... . . .
to a quandary that has prevented approval of funding for the
Obama Limits Lobbyist Roles
LIMITED ROLE: President-elect Barack Obama is limiting the
has not banned their partic... . . .
role of lobbyists who want to work on his transition team - but
Elbit はブラジルの AMX アップグレード契約を得る
Elbit Receives Brazil AMX Upgrade Contract
Israel's Elbit Systems has been awarded a contract to supply avionics for Brazil's long-delayed AMX attack aircraft upgrade.... . . .
ボーイングは TSAT 地上、スペース・セグメントに共通のソフトを実証
Boeing Demos Common Software For TSAT Ground, Space Segments
A Boeing-led team has demonstrated a common software to
Transformational Satellite Communi... . . .
serve the space and ground segments of the U.S. Air Force's
GAO 行政監察局はなお DHS 衛星画像共有化オフィスに問題を指摘
GAO Still Has Issues With DHS Satellite Imagery-Sharing Office
The U.S. Homeland Security Department still hasn't satisfied
classified satellite image... . . .
congressional auditors that its controversial program to share
GAO 行政監察局は FFRDC 連邦予算による研究センタのマネジメントと監督に改善を促す
GAO Urges Improvements In FFRDC Management and Oversight
Funded Research Centers (FFRDC) addre... . . .
recommending government agencies that interact with Federally
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Nov 11, 2008
防衛の遅れ ロックウェル・コリンズの従業員解雇の要因
Defense Delays A Factor In Rockwell Collins Job Cuts
Avionics manufacturer Rockwell Collins is cutting 400 jobs,
of several U.S. military... . . .
mainly in manufacturing operations, as the cancellation or delay
Damaged Malaysian Satellite Arrives In U.S. For Repair
After being damaged in a crane accident at its launch site in
manufacturer Orbital S... . . .
August, Malaysia's Measat 3A satellite arrived for repair back at
ULA ユナイテッド・ローンチ・アライアンスでストライキ回避された
Strike Averted At United Launch Alliance
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - A potential strike - or protracted
(ULA) Atlas V, Delta IV and Del... . . .
negotiations that could have crippled United Launch Alliance
Phoenix Lander フェニックス・ランダは火星での5ケ月の活動後、停止
Phoenix Lander Dies After Five Months On Mars
NASA declared its Phoenix Mars Lander mission over Nov. 10, a
arctic.... . . .
week after the spacecraft sent its last signal from the Martian
Europe Wants Joint Military Aviation Safety Agency
BRUSSELS, Belgium - European Union defense ministers have
military aviation safety certificatio... . . .
asked the European Defense Agency (EDA) to improve the
UAV Shortages to Continue Despite Spending Surge, Consultancy Says
SURGE GAP: Defense demands for unmanned aerial system
statistics by the U.S. Defense Depart... . . .
(UAS) coverage have resulted in "skyrocketing" flying hour
Controllers Lowering Chandrayaan Orbit Around The Moon
India's Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft was orbiting closer to the
out the first of a seri... . . .
moon Nov. 10, after reaching lunar orbit Nov. 8 and later carrying
Red Flag (模擬敵機との空中戦訓練) の討論ビデオは YouTube から消え始めた
Red Flag Discussion Videos Start Disappearing From YouTube
Two video clips that showed an off-the-record briefing by a
exercise seem to have disappe... . . .
senior F-15 pilot to retired generals on the recent Red Flag
Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System Contract Transferred
PRECISION KILL: BAE Systems said Nov. 4 that its Advanced
from the U.S. Army to the Depa... . . .
Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS) contract was transferred
NASA は ZIN テクノロジーズを選定
NASA Taps ZIN Technologies
SPACE FLIGHT: NASA has awarded a contract to ZIN
flight projects supporting the agen... . . .
Technologies Inc., of Middleburg Heights, Ohio, for work on space
------------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Nov 10, 2008
SDB II 小径爆弾のフライト・テストがさらに計画されている
More Flight Tests Planned For Small Diameter Bomb II
SDB II: More flight testing is to come later this year and early
for the U.S. Air Force'... . . .
next year as a Boeing/Lockheed Martin team refines its design
JDAM の新しいシーカは全天候性を備えることに
New Seeker For JDAM To Provide All-Weather Capability
RADAR JDAM: Boeing is exploring adding a millimeter-wave
of weapons, says Dan Jasperi... . . .
radar seeker onto its Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) family
Stormy Seas Ahead For U.K. Nuclear Submarines, Watchdogs Say
SUSTAINING DETERRENCE: British financial watchdog the
schedule risks in securing the cou... . . .
National Audit Office (NAO) is cautioning that the U.K. faces
KSC ケネディ・スペース・センタは Harris 社のソフトをコンステレーション打上げコントロール・システムに選定
KSC Picks Harris Corp. Software For Constellation Launch Control System
HARRIS TAPPED: NASA's Kennedy Space Center has selected
software for the Constellation Laun... . . .
off-the-shelf Harris Corp. telemetry, tracking and command
メドベージェフ大統領は欧州の MDA サイトへの対応を概説
Medvedev Outlines Response to European MDA Site
SABER RATTLING: President Dmitry Medvedev says Russia will
Russian enclave that borders... . . .
place Iskander short-range missile systems in Kaliningrad, the
DOD は基礎研究への$400M の投入を発表
DOD Announces $400 Million Investment to Basic Research
RESEARCH INVESTMENTS: The Defense Department will invest
basic research at academic ins... . . .
an additional $400 million over the next five years to support
Thales Alenia は Sentinel のサブシステム受注獲得
Thales Alenia Wins Award
SENTINEL SYSTEMS: Thales Alenia Space will supply X-band
control transponders for the Sen... . . .
communications subsystems and S-band tracking, telemetry and
NASA は有人スペース・フライトの支援作業にロッキードを選定
NASA Taps Lockheed For Human Spaceflight Support Work
NASA has picked Lockheed Martin to support agency systems at
astronauts and conducting h... . . .
Johnson Space Center and elsewhere that are used for training
米空軍は DMSP 気象衛星の打上げを待つ余裕はあると述べる
U.S. Air Force Says It Can Afford To Wait On DMSP launch
The routine launch of the Flight 18 Defense Meteorological
Satellite Program spacecraft will not take place this month as
planned, because it isn't ne... . . .
一度、落とした NOAA-N 気象衛星が打上げのため Vandenberg に到着
Once-Dropped NOAA-N Prime Arrives At Vandenberg For Launch
The NOAA-N Prime weather satellite that tumbled off of a "turn
ago has been shippe... . . .
over cart" during a routine repositioning in the factory five years
米海軍は Hornet の検査結果をまとめつつある
U.S. Navy Wrapping Up Hornet Inspections
HORNETS STUNG: The U.S. Navy has inspected 476 of 636
the discovery of cracks in ailero... . . .
F/A-18A-D Hornets, 99 percent of the deployed force, following
Marisat-F2 は 32 年の後、運用を停止
Marisat-F2 Stops Operations After 32 Years
Intelsat has ended the career of the Marisat-F2 satellite after 32
South Pole Station... . . .
years, the last of them serving scientists at the Amundsen-Scott
GAO 行政監察院は密輸された核物質の検出に懸念
GAO Concerned Over Detection Of Smuggled Nuclear Material
Recent tests for advanced monitors by the Domestic Nuclear
Security (DHS) fail to ensure the new... . . .
Detection Office (DNDO) of the Department of Homeland
中国エアショーは J-10(殲撃 10 型)戦闘機を離陸させる
Air Show China Takes Off With Chengdu J-10 Fighter Aircraft
ZHUHAI, China - Air Show China kicked off Nov. 4 with Chinese political and military weight giving impetus to the event.... . . .
-----------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Nov 7, 2008
Phoenix Lander Near Death On Mars
The Phoenix Mars lander is near shutdown as sunlight at its
power to charge its batteri... . . .
arctic landing site is no longer enough to provide solar array
China Repackages Aerospace Industry By Specialty
BEIJING - Sweeping reforms of the Chinese aerospace sector
competitors with specialties rangin... . . .
will present the global industry with a team of focused
Indian-French Talks On Mirage Upgrade Gain Urgency
PARIS - The Indian air force appears eager to conclude
package for the upgrade of India's... . . .
negotiations with Thales and Dassault Aviation on the offset
Second Mercury Flyby Of Messenger Will Aid Mapping
The second Mercury flyby of NASA's Messenger probe has filled
planet to the sun, and o... . . .
in more blanks that will help scientists understand the closest
ジェネラル・ダイナミクスは米陸軍に WIN-T 戦術情報ネット機器を納入
General Dynamics Delivers Information Network-Tactical Equipment To U.S. Army
GD WIN-T: General Dynamics C4 Systems delivered the first
equipment to the U.S. Army recen... . . .
Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) Increment 1
CBO 議会予算局は NASA の有人宇宙飛行計画に質問
CBO Questions NASA Human Spaceflight Plans
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is raising questions
spaceflight systems on time... . . .
about NASA's ability to develop its follow-on Ares/Orion human
Industry Unclear On Indian Fighter Offsets
PARIS - With details of India's defense procurement policy still
Aircraft (MMRCA) may fin... . . .
unclear, bidders for the country's Medium Multi-Range Combat
NASA は飛び入り大気メタンを発見
NASA Spots Jump In Atmospheric Methane
A NASA-backed sampling system has registered a serious jump
monitoring greenhouse gas levels... . . .
in atmospheric methane, adding a new worry for scientists
New Leader Chosen for Office of Naval Research
FAST LANE: U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Nevin Carr will take over
leadership of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in December.
He will be the 23rd chief of ON... . . .
Proton M は Astra 1M を軌道に
Proton M Orbits Astra 1M
PROTON LAUNCH: An International Launch Services Proton
spacecraft intended to deliver direct-t... . . .
Breeze M rocket has orbited Astra 1M, a Ku-band telecom
-----------------------------------------Aerospace Daily & Defense Report
Nov 7, 2008
CBO on NASA s Human Spaceflight Plans
Budget of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2007 to 2020
(Billions of 2009 dollars)
Total Budget
Budget for Exploration and Space Operations
Source: Congressional Budget Office based on the President s budget
International Space Station; COTS = commercial orbital transportation
for fiscal year 2009 and data provided by the National Aeronautics and
services; Adv. Cap. = Advanced Capabilities.
Space Administration. Notes: Cx = Constellation theme; ISS =
Confidence Estimates for Space Station Completion and Shuttle Fleet Retirement Under Various Mission Manifests
(Confidence level in percent)
CBO (8 Missions)
NASA and CBO (10 Missions)
CBO (11 Missions)
Sources: Congressional Budget Office; National Aeronautics and Space
estimates, the top line represents confidence levels derived by using
Administration. Note: The figure compares estimated levels of confidence
likely-case assumptions from the agency s Manifest Assessment
about the date for retirement of the space shuttle fleet, as calculated by
Simulation Tool; the lower line represents the use of conservative
CBO and NASA using various assumptions about the probability of delays
assumptions. Thus, in the case of the 10-mission manifest, the
in scheduled shuttle missions. The top line of the stair-step structure
probability that NASA can retire the space shuttle fleet by September
shows CBO s estimated levels of confidence about the retirement date
2010 is shown at the dashed vertical line: The probability is between
for the shuttle when the probability of launching a mission without a
about 20 percent and 60 percent in CBO s estimation, and between
minor delay is 94 percent; the lower line represents estimates that
roughly 40 percent and 70 percent in NASA s estimation.
assume an 80 percent probability of no minor delay. For NASA s
The Ares 1 and Ares 5 Vehicles
Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Notes: The
aluminum-lithium; LOx = liquid oxygen; LH2 = liquid hydrogen; RSRB =
architecture for the vehicles is as of February 2008.Al-Li =
reusable solid rocket booster.
■[ロケット] NASA/ATK、LAS のフルスケール燃焼試験の初回試験を 11/20 に計画
■[ロケット] ESA、閣僚会議に提出する 3 年計画に Vinci 初期開発用の 3.4 億ユーロを計上
11 月 25∼26 日の閣僚会議に諮る 3 年 100 億ユーロの資金計画の
また、ATV への回収カプセル搭載の初期設計検討費用として 3000 万
一部として ESA 長官が明らかにした内容。
ユーロを計上しており、2011 年開発着手するかどうかを決定する。これ
現計画では Vinci 運用開始は 2017 年以降の予定で、今回計上する
は、この時期までに現在 ISS 運用終了時期とされている 2015 年以降
3.4 億ユーロはエンジン開発全体費用ではない。また、ステージ開発費
用は 2011 年予定されている設計審査まで決まらない見通しで、今回
なお、3 年間の ISS 関係費用(ATV 製造費を含み、打上げ費を含ま
ない)は 14 億ユーロ。
■[深宇宙探査] NASA、Phoenix ミッション運用を終了
バッテリ充電量は徐々に減っていたが、11/2 にオービタからの信号に応
答しなくなった。Phoenix は火星極地の氷上に着陸し、土壌分析など
NASA Spaceflight(11/9)
■[ロケット][有人宇宙] NASA、STS-126 で Ares 1 設計データ取得用に SRB の圧力変動データを取得する計画
2種の圧力センサを SRB 前方ドームに装着する。4 箇所測定のうち 3
力センサで、通常は低周波(数 Hz)データをデータテレコーダに収録し
箇所は従来から計測してきたセンサで、通常は封止する 1 箇所で新セ
SRB 回収後に解析している。今回は Ares 1 の振動問題評価に使用
ンサ(Intelligent Pressure Transducer)を使用予定。
できるよう 100Hz まで帯域を広げ収録する必要があるため、過去に何
従来から装着されているセンサは SRB 分離タイミングを決めるための圧
回か使用している EDAS(拡張型データ収集装置)を搭載。
■[深宇宙探査] インド、Chandrayaan-1 の月周回軌道投入に成功
楕円軌道(遠月点 7500km、近月点 500km)に投入。今後軌道修正を行い、高度 100km の円軌道に投入する。
■[ロケット] *Update* SpaceX 社、DragonLab 初号機の顧客は確保済の模様
11/7 に開催された招待客向けのプレゼ及び参加者からの情報によれ
客要望にあわせ 1 週間から 2 年間とし、年 1 機か 2 機の打上げを目
ば、初号機は 2010 年に政府関係を主顧客として打上げ見通しで、
コメント: カプセル仕様の記述が間違っていたので修正。(11/11)
DragonLab は ISS 補給機として開発中の Dragon カプセル(使い捨て)
を部分回収仕様(与圧カプセルと Sensor Bay と呼ばれる一部の非与
NASA Spaceflight(11/6)
■[有人宇宙]NASA、シャトル打上げ計画を見直し。Ares I-X は早くても来年 10 月に遅れる見通し。
なっており、このミッションが終了しないと同 Pad の Ares 用改修に着手
の見直しによる。万一のときに ISS に退避できないハッブル修理ミッショ
できない。CxP オフィスでは、一度は却下された P-t-P プラン(STS-125
ンでは、救援用シャトル(STS-400)を同時に Pad 39B に準備することに
打上げ後に即 STS-400 を同じパッドに準備)の再検討も実施している
とのこと。ただし、Ares I-X 打上げ時期の遅れによるプログラム全体へ
今週の軍事関連ニュース (2008/11/11)
今日の報道発表 (Defense-Aerospace.com 2008/11/7)
❍ Herve Morin 仏国防相は 5 日、仏・ベルギー・独・ギリシア・伊・
上げを予定。11/10 の EU 国防相会議で、正式にローンチが決まる
オ ラ ン ダ ・ ス ペ イ ン が 共 同 で 進 め て い る MUSIS (Multinational
予定。衛星本体は EADS Astrium、画像処理機能は Magellium
Space-based Imaging System) 偵察衛星プログラムに、ポーランドも
が 担 当 す る と い う 話 。 Helios 2 よ り 小 型 で 、 価 格 半 減 さ せ る 。
参加になったと発言。MUSIS は Helios 2 代替機で、2015 年頃打
(DefenseNews 2008/11/6)
❍ EADS ではデモンストレータとして光学偵察衛星 Pleides と、レー
ペイロードのフィージビリティ・スタディ契約は 1 億 1,000 万ユーロで、
ダーマップ作成用のマイクロ衛星 Elisra×4 機を製造、2009 年初頭
Thales と EADS が 半 分 ず つ 担 当 。 ま た 、 EADS は 仏 に 対 し
に仏領ギアナから Soyuz のブースタで打上げる計画。後者のデータを
Syracuse 3 通信衛星調達と、一部機能のリースバックを持ちかけてい
る。(DefenseNews 2008/11/6)
今日の報道発表 (Defense-Aerospace.com 2008/11/7)
❍ スペイン国防省は Hisdesat (運用担当) と EADS CASA Space
(製造担当) に対し、レーダ偵察衛星 "Paz" と "Ingenio" 発注を実
施、INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial) で Carme
ン産業界に 7,000 万ユーロのリターンがあるという説明。さらに国際的
Chacon 国防相らが出席して契約調印セレモニーを実施。この PNOT
競争力強化にも役立つとしている。(Spanish MoD) [Ingenio が光学
(National Program of Earth Observation by Satellite) は総額 1 億
6,000 万ユーロ、うち 1 億 3,500 万ユーロが国防省負担。これが実
今日の報道発表 (Defense-Aerospace.com 2008/11/6)
❍ Raytheon Co. は、Boeing Co. が F-15E の AESA (Active
済。これで、F-15C/E・F/A-18E/F・EA-18G が Raytheon の AESA
Electronically Scanned Array) レーダ装備改修において、レーダ担当
❍ Telcordia Technologies, Inc. は 、 米 陸 軍 CERDEC (Army
額は "数百万ドル"。高信頼性と自己修復機能を持つ、戦場用の音
Technologies for Assured Networks) Advanced Technology
Objective のネット管理機能を受注したと発表。期間は 4 年、受注
トにも活用する。(Telcordia Technologies)
❍ ILS (International Launch Services) は、カザフスタン Baikonur
Astra で、軌道位置は東経 19.2 度。ILS が 8 月以降に打上げた
Cosmodrome の Pad 39 から Proton Breeze M ブースタを使って、
衛星はいずれも、カスタマこそ異なるものの、バスは同じ EADS Astrium
Astra 1M 衛星を打上げたと発表。ILS にとっては、今年 5 回目の打
France の Eurostar 3000 を使用。(ILS)
か ら
上げ (8 月以降では 3 回目)。カスタマはルクセンブルクの SES
UPDATED: 13 Nov 2008 18:46 EST (23:46 GMT)
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------------------------------------------Lockheed Martin Press Releases
November 13, 2008
米空軍はロッキード・マーチン SBIRS HEO システム初号機を運用のために受領
U.S. Air Force Accepts First Lockheed Martin SBIRS HEO System For Operations
November 12, 2008
ロッキード・マーチンのパスファインダーシステムは HH-60L ブラックホーク MEDEVAC ヘリに搭載して初飛行完了
Lockheed Martin s Pathfinder System Completes First Flight on HH-60L Black Hawk MEDEVAC Helicopter
MEDEVAC = Medical + Evacuation 負傷兵救護
Pathfinder: http://www.lockheedmartin.com/products/Pathfinder/index.html
------------------------------------------Boeing News Releases
Nov. 12, 2008
ボーイングは地球から 220 マイル上空で NASA が人間の存在を維持するのを助ける (スペース・ステーション)
Boeing Helps NASA Maintain Human Presence 220 Miles Above the Earth
Nov. 11, 2008
ボーイングは TSAT のリスク低減のため共通ソフトを開発
Boeing Develops Common Software to Reduce Risk for TSAT
Jane s Defence Weekly
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at the forefront of Europe ...
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The head of Lockheed Martin's F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike
the possible impact of the global ...
Fighter (JSF) programme has acknowledged his concerns about
Tom Burbage = Lockheed Martin executive vice president and general manager of F-35 program integration
2007.06.29 講演
Tom Burbage
Vice President of F-35 JSF Program
.mpg Video あり
プレゼ *1
Lockheed Martin Lments Professional Development
2007.08.31 講演
Janis Pamiljans
Vice President of Northrop Grumman
F-35 Deputy Program Manager
View Video あり
プレゼ *2
2007.09.27 講演
Ana Wugofski
Director of Business Ventures
F-35 Program
View Video あり
欧州防衛閣僚は EDA 作業戦略の最終段階承認準備
Defence ministers prepare to approve final strand of EDA work strategy
National defence ministers were scheduled to approve the fourth
European Defence Agency (EDA) ...
and final segment of a four-part long-term work strategy for the
11/11 山崎直子飛行士 2010 年 STS-131 搭乗へ(JAXA,時,共,読,毎,朝,経)
11/10 火星探査機 Phoenix 運用終了(NASA,時,毎,朝)
11/15 0055GMT 打上:Endeavour,STS-126(ISS ULF2),KSC
12/13 第 3 回東北大学仙台セミナー 併設 宇宙の学校
11/29-30 宇宙就活 2008,国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センタ
11/15-16 JpSEC2008 第 1 回日本宇宙エレベーター会議,日本科学未来館
12/12 申込締切:12th ISCOPS(環太平洋国際宇宙会議),5/26-29,Montreal
12/12 申込締切:JSASS 北部支部 2009 年講演会/第 10 回再使用型 宇宙推進系シンポジウム,3/11-12,東北大学
12/10 申込締切:IEICE 衛星通信研究会/宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス研究会, 2/26-27,NICT 知識創生コミュニケーション研究センタ
12/5 陸域観測技術衛星(ALOS)データ利用シンポジウム, 大手町サンケイプラザ,申込先着 450 名
11/28 申込締切:平成 20 年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム,1/19-20,ISAS 相模原
11/14 JSASS 西部支部講演会(2008),九大(伊都)
------------------------------------------中国の宇宙遊泳はねつ造?!専門家が疑惑に反論―香港紙(Record China)14 日 - 12 時 13 分
月探査プロジェクト、日印との協力に期待―中国(Record China)13 日 - 16 時 32 分
嫦娥 1 号撮影の月面「カバー率 100%」写真を発表(3)(サーチナ)12 日 - 20 時 36 分 *3
<神舟 7 号>打上げは軍事目的か、中国がキラー衛星開発能力―米紙(Record China)12 日 - 19 時 44 分 *4
嫦娥 1 号撮影の月面「カバー率 100%」写真を発表(1), (2)(サーチナ)12 日 - 18 時 46 分, 19 時 26 分
------------------------------------------両陛下、スペイン国王夫妻とつくばへ=新お召し列車、初運行(時事通信)12 日 - 11 時 45 分
両陛下 47年ぶり新造車両で筑波宇宙センタへ(毎日新聞)12 日 - 10 時 54 分
火星で「水」確認の米探査機、日照不足で活動停止(ロイター)11 日 - 18 時 27 分
火星に冬、無人探査機が任務終了 NASA(CNN.co.jp)11 日 - 14 時 57 分
火星探査機、活動を終了=日照不足−NASA(時事通信)11 日 - 11 時 43 分
火星探査機フェニックス活動停止 当初予想を大幅に超える(産経新聞)11 日 - 11 時 36 分
「次はママが乗るんだ」シャトル搭乗の山崎さん、笑顔で会見(産経新聞)11 日 - 11 時 27 分
「ママが乗る番、おめでとう」=山崎さん、娘からも祝福−米シャトル搭乗決定(時事通信)11 日 - 10 時 22 分
山崎さん、宇宙へ=日本人女性 2 人目(時事通信)11 日 - 10 時 4 分 *1
米シャトル 山崎直子飛行士が搭乗 10年2月打上げ(毎日新聞)11 日 - 8 時 43 分 *2
「太陽帆船」実証機、惑星間航行へ=H2A の重り代わりに搭載−宇宙機構(時事通信)9 日 - 2 時 37 分
------------------------------------------露、オバマ政権との協力強調(産経新聞)14 日 - 16 時 26 分
<露大統領>ミサイル防衛配備計画で米次期政権けん制(毎日新聞)13 日 - 21 時 3 分
ミサイル防衛の白紙撤回を提案=ロシア(時事通信)13 日 - 20 時 3 分 *5
ミサイル防衛の白紙撤回を提案=オバマ次期米政権に−ロシア大統領(時事通信)13 日 - 18 時 32 分
<米露>新たな戦略核削減条約へ協議開始(毎日新聞)13 日 - 10 時 2 分
<米露>第1次戦略兵器削減条約に代わる枠組みの交渉開始(毎日新聞)12 日 - 19 時 35 分
オバマ次期大統領、ミサイル防衛計画に慎重姿勢(読売新聞)10 日 - 13 時 27 分
<オバマ米次期大統領>露大統領と電話協議、早期会談で合意(毎日新聞)10 日 - 11 時 18 分
オバマ氏は MD 計画を「確約せず」 外交顧問が発言(CNN.co.jp)9 日 - 15 時 45 分
オバマ氏、ミサイル防衛は「技術立証されれば」推進=側近(ロイター)9 日 - 15 時 27 分
「ミサイル防衛約束」を否定=ロシアに配慮、慎重姿勢−オバマ陣営(時事通信)9 日 - 9 時 10 分
北の核無能力化と重油支援、オバマ次期政権へ引き継ぐ(読売新聞)14 日 - 14 時 39 分
北朝鮮「通米封南」戦略なら錯覚、青瓦台が遺憾示す(YONHAP NEWS)14 日 - 10 時 13 分
北、対外強硬姿勢を加速 金正日総書記やはり重症?(産経新聞)14 日 - 8 時 1 分
最長の雲隠れ…金総書記やはり重症? 疑惑深まる(産経新聞)13 日 - 20 時 34 分
韓国が軍事境界線に地震計…北朝鮮の核実験、正確把握へ(読売新聞)13 日 - 19 時 45 分
核廃絶へ確かな手応え=秋葉広島市長(時事通信)13 日 - 19 時 13 分
金塾本部長「北朝鮮に最も必要な相手は韓国」(YONHAP NEWS)13 日 - 16 時 33 分
北朝鮮は核査察官のサンプル採取認めよ 国務省報道官(CNN.co.jp)13 日 - 16 時 21 分
<6カ国協議>米はだまされた 北朝鮮サンプル拒否で外務省(毎日新聞)13 日 - 13 時 57 分
休戦ライン近くに地震計設置へ、核実験も探知可能に(YONHAP NEWS)13 日 - 13 時 17 分
「義務果たす」米政府が北朝鮮に重油 5 万トン提供(YONHAP NEWS)13 日 - 10 時 32 分
<6カ国協議>米「サンプル採取は合意済み」 北朝鮮に反論(毎日新聞)13 日 - 10 時 6 分
<米国務次官>モスクワ訪問し会談 グルジア紛争後、初(毎日新聞)13 日 - 10 時 4 分
<米露>新たな戦略核削減条約へ協議開始(毎日新聞)13 日 - 10 時 2 分
北朝鮮、核施設検証サンプル採取拒否 6カ国協議難航必至(産経新聞)12 日 - 23 時 33 分
<北朝鮮>核申告書の検証方法でサンプル採取を明確に拒否(毎日新聞)12 日 - 21 時 14 分
北朝鮮、サンプル調査を拒否=核問題の先行き流動化も(時事通信)12 日 - 19 時 16 分
<北朝鮮>外務省の李根・米州局長が訪中(毎日新聞)12 日 - 18 時 27 分
ベルギー首相と会談する秋葉広島市長(時事通信)11 日 - 22 時 34 分
核廃絶活動を全面支持=秋葉広島市長に表明−ベルギー首相(時事通信)11 日 - 20 時 7 分
来月のアジア太平洋安保協力会議、北朝鮮が参加(YONHAP NEWS)11 日 - 13 時 8 分
李大統領「米朝首脳会談は 6 カ国協議に有益」(YONHAP NEWS)11 日 - 11 時 40 分
「北核問題、米次期政権で優先順位下がる」米専門家(YONHAP NEWS)11 日 - 11 時 38 分
6 カ国協議、今月末∼来月初めの開催が有力か(YONHAP NEWS)11 日 - 9 時 53 分
李韓国大統領 米朝首脳会談に理解示す 6カ国協議に有益(毎日新聞)11 日 - 3 時 1 分 *6
<李韓国大統領>米朝首脳会談に理解示す 6カ国協議に有益(毎日新聞)11 日 - 3 時 1 分
秋葉広島市長、ルクセンブルク訪問(時事通信)10 日 - 16 時 20 分
北朝鮮鮮核問題、政府が米オバマ陣営と初調整(YONHAP NEWS)10 日 - 9 時 49 分
北核問題でオバマ氏側と初協議=韓国当局(時事通信)9 日 - 20 時 3 分
<6カ国協議>北朝鮮次席代表、12日訪中で調整(毎日新聞)9 日 - 2 時 30 分
------------------------------------------韓国軍にない能力を今後も提供、シャープ司令官(YONHAP NEWS)14 日 - 16 時 32 分
仲井真知事「なぜ、こんなに多い」 オハイオ再寄港(琉球新報)14 日 - 16 時 10 分
オハイオ再寄港 米原潜異例、5日で3隻(琉球新報)14 日 - 16 時 5 分
クジラ保護より訓練の公益性優先=ソナー使用制限訴訟−米最高裁(時事通信)14 日 - 14 時 12 分
海自鹿屋基地 主要拠点に日米共同訓練始まる 反対団体が騒音など調査(西日本新聞)14 日 - 7 時 7 分
アフガンの市場で自爆、米兵ら11人死亡(読売新聞)13 日 - 20 時 3 分
オバマ政権、北朝鮮との対話進める?検証担当者を発表(読売新聞)13 日 - 19 時 36 分
ソナー使用「世界の動きに逆行」 ジュゴン保護団体反発(琉球新報)13 日 - 16 時 30 分
連合司令部創設から 30 周年、竜山基地で記念式(YONHAP NEWS)13 日 - 13 時 57 分
<米国>オバマ氏、国務・国防・財務3省担当の責任者を指名(毎日新聞)13 日 - 10 時 14 分
低周波観測船が初寄港 対潜水艦戦拠点浮き彫り(琉球新報)13 日 - 10 時 5 分
米議会に抗議書簡へ 軽飛行機墜落で衆院外務委員長(琉球新報)13 日 - 9 時 50 分
武装勢力、米軍の兵員装甲車両 2 台を強奪 アフガンへ輸送途中(CNN.co.jp)12 日 - 19 時 12 分
米原潜相次ぎ寄港 最新鋭オハイオも(琉球新報)12 日 - 16 時 5 分
鳥島射爆撃場「返還は厳しい」 知事要請に在日米軍司令部(琉球新報)12 日 - 16 時 5 分
ブッシュ大統領、過去の発言を後悔 回想録執筆を検討中(CNN.co.jp)12 日 - 12 時 6 分
中国の対外軍事援助、「米国の影響力弱めるため」―軍事専門誌(Record China)12 日 - 10 時 32 分
= 米週刊誌「ディフェンスニュース」
嘉手納エアロクラブ運用 思いやり予算から拠出(琉球新報)12 日 - 10 時 5 分
【から(韓)くに便り】ソウル支局長・黒田勝弘 平壌は世界文化遺産?(産経新聞)12 日 - 8 時 5 分
【「変革」のアメリカと世界】(2)アフガン編 印パ国境絡めた新手法(産経新聞)12 日 - 8 時 3 分
政権移行チーム、グアンタナモのテロ犯収容施設閉鎖を検討(読売新聞)11 日 - 20 時 8 分
<米原潜>事前通報徹底申し入れ…沖縄知事、無通報入港で(毎日新聞)11 日 - 19 時 49 分
テロ容疑者収容所を閉鎖へ=裁判手続きも改革−次期米政権(時事通信)11 日 - 16 時 12 分
「事故調査責任負わず」政府が答弁書 米軽飛行機墜落(琉球新報)11 日 - 16 時 10 分
米原潜事前通報なく寄港 沖縄、佐世保怒りの声 「軍紀乱れ緊張感なし」(西日本新聞)11 日 - 15 時 7 分
<米国>15∼20カ国で機密作戦 「アルカイダ掃討」名目(毎日新聞)11 日 - 12 時 13 分
政権移行チーム、グアンタナモ基地収容者への対応を検討(CNN.co.jp)11 日 - 11 時 42 分
<中曽根外相>事前通報ない米原潜寄港、米に再発防止求める(毎日新聞)11 日 - 10 時 33 分
通報なく原潜寄港 ホワイトビーチ、外務省が抗議(琉球新報)11 日 - 9 時 50 分
都、災害時のヘリポート使用で米軍と協定(産経新聞)11 日 - 8 時 6 分
沖縄駐留米海兵隊「移転遅れる」司令官発言に波紋(産経新聞)11 日 - 8 時 6 分
米軍と佐世保市 火災時、基地立ち入りOK 消防車両直接乗り入れ 協定改定へ(西日本新聞)11 日 - 7 時 7 分
朝鮮有事の日米作戦、両政府が抜本見直しに着手(読売新聞)11 日 - 3 時 6 分
米原潜 事前通報なしに沖縄・うるま市寄港 連絡ミス謝罪(毎日新聞)10 日 - 23 時 52 分
<米原潜>事前通報なしに沖縄・うるま市寄港 連絡ミス謝罪(毎日新聞)10 日 - 20 時 58 分
米原潜が通報なしに沖縄入港、連絡ミスと弁解(読売新聞)10 日 - 20 時 9 分
事前通報なしで原潜寄港=外務省抗議、米は「連絡ミス」(時事通信)10 日 - 18 時 2 分
沖縄海兵隊 「グアム移転遅れる」 太平洋軍司令官発言に波紋(産経新聞)10 日 - 16 時 56 分
米軍がアフガン人 14 人射殺、「警備員への誤射」と当局(CNN.co.jp)10 日 - 14 時 33 分
海兵隊グアム移転、15 年以降に=経費も増大−米太平洋軍司令官(時事通信)9 日 - 9 時 22 分
<在沖縄海兵隊>グアム移転遅れそう 費用増加の見通しで(毎日新聞)8 日 - 22 時 31 分
「イラク・イスラム国」指導者、米軍撤退をオバマ氏に要求(読売新聞)8 日 - 18 時 50 分
------------------------------------------[ASAGUMO NEWS]
------------------------------------------11/13 「ニュース」更新
高級幹部異動 11 月7日付 ///
空幕長に外薗空将 ///
下平情本長 高嶋統幕副長 河野護艦隊司令官
11/13 「コラム」更新 /// ・朝雲寸言 /// ・慎重要する武官の言動 /// ・世界の危機克服を期待
11/10 「ニュース」更新
中国海軍司令官 ///
浜田大臣と意見交換 ///
東北方が大規模防災訓練 ///
東北方の大型震災対処訓練 ///
守屋前次官に実刑判決 ///
13日から海演 ///
秋の叙勲 ///
津波災害への対応重視 ///
世界平和研公開シンポ ///
沖縄沖に中国艦4隻 ///
同盟の将来を探る ///
- - - - - - - - - - 11/6 付ニューストップ- - - - - - - - - - - -
11/2 沖縄本島北西 400km
中国 「ルージョウ」級ミサイル駆逐艦
11/2 宗谷岬の北西 60km
------------------------------------------[民間航空機関連 (ex-SJAC 三輪さん)]
National Mediation Board holds key to airline unions' influence
Unions and airline executives will be closely watching president-elect Barack Obama's nominations for the National Mediation Board,
where two out of three members are typically drawn from the president's party. "I don't care if it's organizing drives, negotiations, or a
quicker release from negotiations, there's probably no more important appointment for labor than who is on the NMB," says Duane
Woerth, a former president of the Air Line Pilots Association. In the near term, the appointments could affect organizing efforts among
flight attendants and ground workers at the newly merged Delta Air Lines. The Street.com (11/12)
デルタ航空 国際路線 15便増やす
Delta to add 15 international flights
Delta Air Lines, now the largest carrier in the world, said it is adding 15 new international flights to counter softening domestic demand.
"Through the merger, Delta is able to unleash the power of the Tokyo hub by connecting it to the largest U.S. domestic network with
new flights from Atlanta, New York and Salt Lake City feeding intra-Asian routes with greater trans-Pacific capacity," said Glen
Hauenstein, Delta's executive vice president of network planning and revenue management. Forbes (11/12) , The Street.com (11/12) ,
TravelPulse (11/13)
エアライン 10 月売上前年比で 15%減少
ARC data show significant drop in airline sales
Total airline transactions for October dropped more than 15% from the same month the previous year and had declined almost 6.5% year
to date, according to the latest report from ARC. The report also found that domestic and international airfares had both fallen more
than 13% over the same period. TravelPulse (11/13)
レイセオン社 ミサイル技術をもって、打上ロケット市場へ参入
Raytheon hoping to transition from missiles to rockets
With wars in Iraq and Afghanistan expected to wind down under President-elect Barack Obama, the world's biggest maker of guided
missiles is looking to NASA as its next big customer. Raytheon Missile Systems believes its technologies can be adapted to rockets,
allowing NASA to send astronauts into space for less than the agency is paying now. "We are developing capabilities that have a direct
application to NASA's space-exploration mission and could be an untapped resource for the agency," says Donald McMonagle,
Raytheon's VP for NASA programs. The Arizona Republic (Phoenix) (11/13)
F-22 機数を 250∼275 機に下げて新政権に改めて要求準備
Air Force to ask Congress for F-22 compromise
Sources say the Air Force is preparing to ask Congress for a total fleet of 250 to 275 F-22 Raptors -- about 100 fewer than their
previous request, but still higher than the current 183. "They've had to examine the fiscal realities and accept some [operational] risks
by taking fewer than they want," according to one participant in the discussions. President-elect Barack Obama, who will ultimately
decide the plane's fate, has not taken a public stance, though several of his defense advisers are seen as supporting the F-22.
Aerospace Daily & Defense Report (11/12)
ボーイング防衛事業部門 新政権下では厳しい状況に直面するものと警戒
Boeing defense chief sees leaner times ahead
The head of Boeing Co.'s defense unit said Wednesday he expects the new administration will "take a hard look at everything" in the
defense budget as the economic crisis forces tough spending choices. Billions of dollars in new weapons contracts have been delayed
due to procurement protests, and President-elect Barack Obama's top military adviser, Richard Danzig, has been publicly critical of
big-ticket items such as missile defense and Future Combat Systems. The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) (11/13)
"My three keys to success: One, work hard. Two, be your own person. And three, have a passion for what you're doing."
--Juli Inkster, Hall of Fame golfer
僕の成功の秘訣は 3 つ;1にワーク・ハード、2に自分自身であれ。そして3に、やっていることにパッションをもて。
ゴルフ殿堂入りゴルファー: ジュリ・インクスター
米国エアライン 国内便不況の中 より国際便をのばす
Airlines growing international routes amid domestic slump
Even as they cut domestic capacity, U.S. airlines are looking to international routes to shore up flagging demand. "We're not solely
focused on reducing capacity," says an executive at United Airlines, which just launched service from Washington to Dubai. "There are
opportunities. Dubai is one we identified, and we're taking advantage of others, as well." Other carriers are following a similar strategy.
Delta Air Lines has begun service to Mumbai and announced a new route to Monrovia, Liberia. European destinations are getting a boost
as well, with US Airways set to offer seasonal service to Paris from both Charlotte and Pittsburgh. The Street.com (11/11)
Despite strong peak demand, fewer holiday fliers expected
Rising unemployment, higher airfares and an uncertain economy will likely result in fewer fliers this holiday season, according to a
spokesman for the Air Transport Association. Peak travel days remain in high demand, but some carriers have launched "awesome"
sales to fill seats on off-peak days. "We see a bit of softening for Thanksgiving, and I think other carriers do as well," says an official at
JetBlue Airways, noting that many who can't afford to fly for both Thanksgiving and Christmas appear to be choosing the latter holiday
for their travels. The Philadelphia Inquirer (11/12)
エア・ニュージーランド 747 にナッツからのバイオ燃料使用
Air New Zealand to test nut-based biofuel in 747
Air New Zealand has set Dec. 3 for a trans-Pacific test flight partially powered by biofuel. A Boeing 747-400 will burn a 50-50 blend of
traditional jet fuel and fuel made from jatropha oil in one of its four engines. Jatropha trees can grow on lands not suitable for farming,
and their inedible nuts are high in oil. USA TODAY/Reuters (11/11)
民間需要に支えられ ヴォート社売上伸ばす
Commercial sales boost Vought revenues
Vought Aircraft Industries Inc. has posted profits of $15.6 million, reversing a year-earlier loss of $2.1 million. Revenues rose from
$422.3 to $477.3 million. The company says its commercial sales were up 21%, compared with a 2% increase in military sales. American
City Business Journals/Nashville, Tenn. (11/11)
米空軍向けヘリコプタ契約ボーイング成約後、ロッキードと UTC が提訴していた案件
Audit finds no irregularities in $15B helicopter contract
A Pentagon audit of a $15 billion helicopter procurement program has found that the Air Force acted properly in changing specifications
for the aircraft's payload, range, cabin space and mission-readiness benchmarks. The Combat Search and Rescue helicopter has been
on hold since Lockheed Martin Corp. and United Technologies Corp. protested Boeing Co.'s contract win in 2006. In a draft report,
however, the Pentagon's Inspector General found that all changes were "properly vetted" through a Joint Chiefs of Staff council. The
specifications were changed "to address contractor requests for clarification and to ensure full and open competition," the report said,
noting that some of the changes were sought by Lockheed and United Technologies. Bloomberg (11/11)
"Man shapes himself through decisions that shape his environment."
--Rene Dubos,
French-American microbiologist
デルタ航空 ノースウエスト社債償還期限延期を希望
Delta seeks extension on Northwest bond redemption
Delta Air Lines is seeking to renegotiate a $240 million bond agreement that dates back to the early 1990s, when the state of Minnesota
bailed out a struggling Northwest Airlines, now a Delta subsidiary. Delta has vowed to repay the debt, but under current covenants the
entire amount will come due in 2012 if Delta closes Northwest's headquarters in Eagan, Minn., as planned. Delta wants to guarantee a
continued hub in Minneapolis, along with guaranteed staffing levels, in exchange for extending the repayment deadline. "Delta's in a
position to redeem the bonds but would prefer not to," says General Counsel Ben Hirst. "From the state's standpoint, as long as the
bonds are outstanding, there's a hub covenant in place and a jobs covenant in place." Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) (11/10) , Star
Tribune (Minneapolis-St. Paul) (11/10)
オバマ新政権下では、FAA 予算、新管制方式、エアライン外国資本による攻撃などに対応する予算厳しい
Obama to face tough choices in aviation
When he takes the oath of office in January, President-elect Barack Obama will inherit a poorly funded FAA, an aging air traffic control
system and a domestic airline industry eyed for takeover by foreign rivals. "It doesn't get any more broke than this," says Kevin Mitchell,
chairman of the Business Travel Coalition. While Obama has consistently espoused a liberal ideal of protecting American jobs and
boosting middle-class living standards, tight budgets and looming trade wars could force a more pragmatic approach, according to some
experts. Chicago Tribune (free registration) (11/10)
Defense panel urges "bold action" on cost cutting
An internal Pentagon panel is warning President-elect Barack Obama that current budget levels are "not sustainable" in the current
economic environment. The Defense Business Board is recommending cuts in unspecified weapons programs to ensure funding for
sufficient ground forces. "Business as usual is no longer an option," says a briefing prepared for the presidential transition team. "The
current and future fiscal environments facing the department demand bold action." Defense analysts say expensive, delay-plagued
projects like the F-35 fighter jet and several new Navy ships would be mostly likely to get the ax under any cost-cutting push. The
Boston Globe (11/10)
" Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."
--Henry David Thoreau,
author and transcendentalist
作家・超絶論者 ヘンリー・ディビッド・ソロー
transcendentalist は辞書で見ると《哲学》先見論者となっていますが。
アメリカン航空 燃料サーチャージを撤去、他のエアラインも追随か
American Airlines drops fuel surcharge, others follow
American Airlines last week eliminated the fuel surcharge on most domestic fares, setting off a chain reaction within the industry. In
mid-September, 68% of American's 65,000 domestic fares included a fuel surcharge, but by Nov. 5 the number stood at just 25%. Though
surcharges in some cases have simply been rolled into the airfare, Rick Seaney, CEO of FareCompare.com, says the new policy has
produced "a bit more transparency" in pricing. In a year of "financial disaster" for the industry, "shifting the name from 'fuel surcharge'
to 'fare' is not ripping the public off," says airline consultant Michael Boyd. USA TODAY (11/10)
米国内エアライン 9 月の定時発着率向上
U.S. airlines improve on-time performance in September
The 19 U.S. carriers that filed information with the Department of Transportation reported an on-time rate of nearly 85% for September,
compared with 78.4% the previous month and 81.7% for September 2007. The improvement is being partly attributed to fewer flights and
lower demand. USA TODAY (11/7)
イスラエル政府 JSF を買うかF-16 改にするかで結論持ち越し
Lockheed presses Israel on JSF order
Sources say Lockheed Martin Corp. is lobbying Israel -- flush with U.S. aid and relatively unscathed by the financial crisis -- to commit
to an order for F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, perhaps by early next year. An Israeli military official said the country could begin taking
delivery of the F-35 by 2014, but other options are also on the table, including more custom-built F-16 jets. Reuters (11/9)
Washington may press for tougher audits of defense contractors
The Pentagon's budget watchdog for weapons spending has become too cozy with the companies it regulates, according to critics. The
Defense Contract Audit Agency, charged with monitoring contractors' books to guard against cost overruns, has not used its subpoena
authority in two decades and does not keep records on withholding payments to force compliance. It saves taxpayers only $5 per $1
spent, compared to $94 for the Government Accountability Office. Lawmakers may seek to beef up DCAA's authority. "I start salivating
thinking about how much money is involved and the savings that are potentially there," says Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. San Diego
Union-Tribune/The Associated Press (11/9)
NASA コンステレーション契約ロッキードマーチン受注
Lockheed Martin wins support contract for Constellation transition
NASA has awarded Lockheed Martin Corp. a $667.3 million contract for avionics software, simulators and other support systems needed
to help the space agency transition from the space shuttle to the Constellation program. The contract runs through Sept. 30, 2012, and
two 12-month extensions could raise the total value to $977 million. BusinessWeek/The Associated Press (11/7)
" Character and personal force are the only investments that are worth anything."
--Walt Whitman, American poet
アメリカ詩人 ウォルト・ホイットマン
Industry leader urges Congress to consider NextGen's economic boost
As lawmakers look for ways to stimulate the sagging U.S. economy, an official with the Aerospace Industries Association is urging
Congress to invest in the Next Generation Air Transportation System. "Funding NextGen is a great two-for-one option at a time when
Congress is seeking opportunities to promote economic recovery and policies to protect our planet from global warming," AIA Vice
President Dan Elwell told the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on Wednesday. Airport Business (11/2008)
Budget shift from defense to social programs looks slow, uncertain
Despite President-elect Barack Obama's promise to reform the federal contracting process and cut overall contracting levels by at
least 10%, experts say major shifts from defense to social programs are probably at least two years away. The 2010 budget will be due
just weeks after Obama takes office, and two wars can't be ended overnight. "While the priorities for defense funding may evolve from
the Bush administration's priorities," says a spokesman for Lockheed Martin Corp., "we believe our products and services will continue
to be recognized as vitally important to the mission of our customers in the DOD and to our constituencies in Congress." American City
Business Journals/Washington, D.C. (11/7)
In D.C., rumors swirl that Gates will remain as defense chief
Defense Secretary Robert Gates, a veteran of both Republican and Democratic administrations, may stay at his post through the
opening months of an Obama presidency, according to rumors swirling in Washington. Gates is respected among leaders of both parties,
and his long tenure at the CIA, National Security Council and Pentagon could add credibility to the new administration's foreign policy.
For his part, Gates says it is "inconceivable" that he would remain in his post beyond Jan. 20 and that he has already implemented a
wide-ranging transition plan. The New York Times (11/6)
エアバス 2009 年の受注急激な減衰を予想
Airbus sees steep decline in orders for 2009
Airbus says the global economic downturn will lead to a big decline in orders next year, though a large backlog will keep the company
busy through 2011. "We don't need large orders next year," said COO John Leahy, noting the company has some 3,700 jets already in
the pipeline. "We'd be happy with no orders." Leahy said Airbus customers have canceled about 100 orders so far this year, with about
two-thirds of the cancellations coming from bankrupt Skybus Airlines. The Wall Street Journal (11/7)
航空機内 (Wi-Fi)無線サービス 2009 年には急速に広まる見通し
In-flight Wi-Fi set for wider adoption in 2009
Following American Airlines' launch of Wi-Fi service on long-haul flights, Delta Air Lines plans to offer "the most extensive Wi-Fi
network in the sky" beginning next year. Delta will roll out Aircell's Gogo Inflight Internet in both first and economy cabins on hundreds
of aircraft. Air Canada also plans to add the service on U.S. routes starting in the spring. FoxNews.com (11/5)
デルタ航空 預け手荷物料金を発表
Delta fliers increase carry-ons despite absence of bag-check fee
Delta Air Lines on Wednesday announced a fee for passengers' first checked bag after discovering that customers appeared to believe
the policy was already in place. Delta held off on adopting the fee for five months, but passengers apparently didn't notice, according to
COO Steve Gorman. "The increase in bags being carried on board Delta aircraft this year tells us that customers are not differentiating
Delta as the only major airline not charging for a first checked bag," Gorman said in a statement. The Street.com (11/6)
Going to the dogs: Airports use canines to keep birds at bay
Southwest Florida International Airport in Fort Myers uses a one-year-old border collie to scare birds away from runways, joining about
20 other airports that enlist dogs in their wildlife control efforts. Migration season "is the time of year when some of the largest birds
create the biggest problems for airports," according to the National Audubon Society. An FAA study released in June found there were
82,000 collisions between planes and wildlife reported from 1990 through 2007, resulting in 11 human deaths. USA TODAY (11/6)
" We don't want most of the business; we want it all."
--Ernest Gallo, E&J Gallo Winery co-founder
E&J ガロ ワイン醸造会社創業者:アーネスト・ガロ
Aviation issues on hold pending new administration
President-elect Barack Obama said little during the election about his vision for the Department of Transportation, and former DOT
Secretary Norm Mineta cautioned on Wednesday that "from a policy perspective, it's going to be a long time before we know the
direction," the new administration plans to take. New appointees will likely take over both the DOT and the FAA, and it could be up to a
year before the teams are in place, according to experts. "The priority really has to be to ... get NextGen funded," Mineta said, although
Obama has not indicated his stance on the issue. Air Transport World (11/6)
Obama expected to make changes affecting airline industry
The election of Barack Obama as president is expected to have various effects on the airline industry. Some in the industry believe that
labor costs will rise but carriers will find it easier to protect their New York routes. Additionally, Obama is expected to be interested in
modernizing the air-traffic control system. He may also boost regulation of the industry, including urging airlines to keep maintenance
work in the U.S. rather than sending it abroad to reduce expenses. Bloomberg (11/5)
ボーイング株価格下落の動き その原因は業界全体に広がる需要の陰り
Analyst: Boeing price drop reflects industry-wide issues
News of setbacks in the 787's production schedule hammered Boeing Co. shares on Monday, and one analyst predicted the stock has
yet to bottom out. The drop of nearly 7% came after Boeing acknowledged strike-related delays in the 787's first test flight as well as
thousands of improperly installed fasteners that were discovered on six test planes. But UBS analyst David Strauss believes Boeing
faces an industry-wide issue rather than problems with a single plane. "We think we are still in the early stages of this aerospace
downturn and believe Boeing has to first admit that there is indeed a downturn before the stock can make a meaningful move higher,"
he wrote in a research report. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (11/5)
デルタ航空 手荷物料金や燃料サーチャージなど ノースウエストと同じ体系に
Delta and Northwest align, update fee policies
The largest airline in the world, Delta Air Lines has become the last of the six legacy carriers to impose a fee for passengers to check
their first piece of luggage. As Delta and Northwest Airlines complete their merger, they are aligning their fee policies. Delta said that
starting Dec. 5, passengers flying domestically will face a $15 fee for the first checked bag and $25 for the second. The carriers have
also eliminated fuel surcharges on free tickets obtained using frequent-flier miles. MSNBC/The Associated Press (11/5) , USA TODAY
ペンタゴン 2009 年予算カットで F-35 日程おくれ
Pentagon: Budget cuts mean "schedule slip" for F-35
Congress has cut 2009 funding for the Navy's "critical" variant of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, dealing a setback to the program's test
schedule. "If we are not able to buy those airplanes, we would potentially have to set up two separate operational tests," warned
Pentagon acquisitions chief John Young. "That would guarantee a schedule slip and a more costly dual operational test program." Young
said the JSF development planes "have flown almost flawlessly," and comparisons to the troubled F-22 are unfair. Aerospace Daily &
Defense Report (11/5)
" Arriving at one point is the starting point to another."
--John Dewey,
philosopher, psychologist
哲学者・心理学者 ジョン・ドゥイー
SIN Space Intelligence News
全文ダウンロード: http://www.space-library.com/ASCEND_0811_e-s.pdf
National Security
US Rejects Russian Offer to Scrap European Missiles VOA 13 Nov 2008
US rejects Russia's offer to scrap missile plans RIA Novosti 13 Nov 2008
Raytheon & BMD Multiple Kill Vehicle Award Raytheon 11 Nov 2008
US Frustrated by Russian Stance on Missile Defense VOA 10 Nov 2008
Aide: Obama Did Not Commit to Missile Defense Shield VOA 08 Nov 2008
NASA concludes Mars lander program RIA Novosti 11 Nov 2008 -- NASA said its Phoenix Mars Lander had ceased communications and announced
the termination of the successful space exploration project.
Space Station / Shuttle
Shuttle Endeavour to Resume ISS Construction VOA 14 Nov 2008
ISS crew to grow to six members next year RIA Novosti 14 Nov 2008 Progress cargo module undocks from ISS RIA Novosti 14 Nov 2008
NASA Prepares for Space Shuttle Endeavour Launch VOA 14 Nov 2008
Lift-Off Nearing for Launch of Endeavour VOA 13 Nov 2008
Space Shuttle Endeavour Launch Remains on Track VOA 13 Nov 2008
Kazakh astronaut to fly to ISS RIA Novosti 13 Nov 2008 -- A Kazakh national will fly to the International Space Station in October 2009
Progress module to undock from ISS Friday RIA Novosti 10 Nov 2008
Soyuz-U rocket w/ military satellite launched RIA Novosti 14 Nov 2008
Belarus missiles & U.S. shield in Europe RIA Novosti 14 Nov 2008
India Puts Probe on Moon VOA 14 Nov 2008 -- India's space agency says its first lunar probe has landed on the moon.
Nigerian Satellite Begins Fall To Earth VOA 14 Nov 2008
India lunar probe starts Moon remote sensing RIA Novosti 13 Nov 2008
Kremlin & Compromise on US missile shield RIA Novosti 12 Nov 2008
Russia Rejects US Missile Defense Plan VOA 12 Nov 2008 -- Moscow formally rejected a US missile defense system plan in central Europe.
Poland FM, Obama & missile defense RIA Novosti 10 Nov 2008
Czech mayors oppose US missile shield plans RIA Novosti 10 Nov 2008 -- Mayors of 15 Czech cities are to ask U.S. president-elect Barack
Obama to abandon to place a missile defense radar in the Czech Republic
India's Chandrayaan-1 enters lunar orbit IRNA 09 Nov 2008
Indian Chandrayaan-1 probe enters lunar orbit RIA Novosti 08 Nov 2008
ATK Test Fires First Stage of KEI ATK 14 Nov 2008
Kinetic Energy Interceptors Rocket Motor Test Raytheon 14 Nov 2008
KEI Team & First Stage Rocket Motor Northrop Grumman 14 Nov 2008
USAF Accepts First SBIRS HEO System Lockheed Martin 13 Nov 2008
------------------------------------------[軍事宇宙開発 spacetoday.net: military]
Thursday, November 13
Boeing Develops Common Software to Reduce Risk for TSAT
Civil Air Patrol colonel to pilot Space Shuttle Endeavour
Boeing ̶ 11:50 am ET (1650 GMT)
US Air Force ̶ 8:08 pm ET (0108 GMT)
Monday, November 10
U.S. Air Force Accepts First Lockheed Martin SBIRS HEO
EU Parliament head wants EU funds for intel satellites
System for Operations
AFP ̶ 6:40 pm ET (2340 GMT)
PR Newswire ̶ 12:43 pm ET (1743 GMT)
The Flying Spaghetti Monster: The American military space
Wednesday, November 12
program in perpetual crisis
TSAT Software Demonstrated
The Space Review ̶ 7:32 am ET (1232 GMT)
Aerospace Daily ̶ 11:52 am ET (1652 GMT)
------------------------------------------[中国宇宙開発-3 spacetoday.net: China]
------------------------------------------Thursday, November 13
Minister confirms Nigeria's satellite not missing
Nigerian satellite fails in space
People's Daily ̶ 8:30 pm ET (0130 GMT)
BBC ̶ 8:52 pm ET (0152 GMT)
'Technical problems' shut down Nigerian satellite
Nigerian Sat Fails
AFP ̶ 7:48 pm ET (0048 GMT)
Aerospace Daily ̶ 12:21 pm ET (1721 GMT)
NigComSat-1 fail to work due to technical error
Nigerian satellite launched by China loses power
Xinhua ̶ 12:07 pm ET (1707 GMT)
AP ̶ 5:20 am ET (1020 GMT)
Chinese scientist calls for co-op between Asian space powers
Wednesday, November 12
Xinhua ̶ 12:06 pm ET (1706 GMT)
Nigerian satellite battery dead, not lost in space
China publishes its first full map of moon surface
Reuters ̶ 8:32 pm ET (0132 GMT)
Xinhua ̶ 5:37 am ET (1037 GMT)
We parked NICOMSAT to avoid accident in space - FG
Official: China to launch 2nd lunar probe before 2012
The Vanguard (Nigeria) ̶ 8:31 pm ET (0131 GMT)
Xinhua ̶ 5:37 am ET (1037 GMT)
Nigeria's Satellite Faulty, Not Missing, Says FG
Tuesday, November 11
This Day (Nigeria) ̶ 8:30 pm ET (0130 GMT)
China fears India-Japan space alliance
Asia Times ̶ 6:30 am ET (1130 GMT)
------------------------------------------[Space & Missile Report]
Table of Contents
via Rick Hashimoto (Boeing)
------------------------------------------November 10, 2008
* Russia Rages At U.S. President-Elect Obama, As Moscow Threatens Planned U.S.-European Missile Defense On Czech, Polish Sites
* Where Obama Can Find Funding To Support Defense And Space - And Still Fulfill Campaign Promises
* Senate Panel Authorizing NASA Will Get New Leaders In 2009
* Missile Defense Authorizers: Both Levin And McCain Will Return In Senate
* Israel: All Options Open In Dealing With Virulent Threat Of Iranian Nukes, Missiles
* Lockheed Team Finishes GPS III Baseline Review
* NASA Is Starved For Needed Funds, Causing Manifold Woes: Space Shuttle Retirement, Orion-Ares First Manned Flight, And First
Moon Mission Could Be Delayed; Costs Soar
* Chinese Cyber Warriors Hack Into White House Computers /// * From the Editors
* Obama Faces Difficult Challenges From Iran, Russia
* Obama Vows To Defeat Those Tearing World Down; Missile Defense Advocacy Group Hails Obama Stance
* Space Shuttle Endeavour Prepared For Liftoff At 7:55 P.M. ET Friday On Mission To Space Station
* Sensors Tested On Ability To Track Missile Launched From Vandenberg
* ASTRA 1M Satellite Launched On Proton
* NASA's Shuttle and Rocket Missions /// * Contracts
* Ceres Sensor Delivered For NPOESS, Northrop Announces
* Polar Operational Environmental Satellite Delivered
* Military Weather Satellite Achieves Five Years On Orbit; Longevity Means Launch Of Replacement Satellite Delayed
------------------------------------------[Defense Daily]
Table of Contents
via Rick Hashimoto (Boeing)
------------------------------------------November 14, 2008
* Austal USA Wins Phase II $185 Million JHSV Contract
* Navy Will Rely On Upgraded Harpoon And JSOW For Maritime Interdiction Role
* Tauscher Predicts Changes To Missile Defense Agency Under All-Democratic Rule
* Air Force Will Request Increase in Nuclear Budget
* Lockheed Martin Pathfinder System Kicks Off Developmental Test Phase
* Elbit's U.S. Subsidiary Buys ICI in "Important Move" For $15 Million
* TSA Begins Detailing Plans For Certified Cargo Screening Program
November 13, 2008
* Air Force To Hand Off 'Menu' of Major Acquisition Options To Obama Administration
* Some Defense Transition Team Members Announced
* Tauscher Wants To Improve Nuclear Stockpile, Says RRW Deserved "Ugly Death"
* Supreme Court Lifts Restrictions On Navy's Anti-Submarine Sonar Training
* Textron Team Protests Army JLTV Awards
* Navy Likely To Ramp Up LCS Production To Keep Pace With Acquisition Plan
* Freedom's Crew Makes Repairs To Leaking Lube Oil Coolers
* Congress Funds iRobot Warrior 700 Development /// * Italian Eurofighter Re-Fuels With KC-130J
* Pentagon OK's Advanced Funds For Four F-22s, Waits For January Decision On More
* Obering 'Encouraged' Obama Backs Missile Defense; Iranian Missiles Worrisome
November 12, 2008
* Navy's Newest Surface Combatant, USS /// * Army Seeks Input For New ARH Program
* New All-Terrain MRAP Effort Proceeding, To Be Steered By Marine Corps' JPO
* Medvedev Placing Iskander Missiles Near U.S.-Polish Missile Defense, Challenging Obama
November 10, 2008
* Defense Watch /// * Northrop Grumman Files Formal JLTV Protest
* Navy Takes Over APKWS Program After Army Ends Its Effort
* Pentagon To Spend $400 Million On Academic Research
November 7, 2008
* Lockheed Martin Employees Funded Colleague's Failed House Bid
* DHS Wraps Up Multi-State Nuclear Detection Project
* Navy Encouraged By Results of F-18 Hornet Wing Inspections
* Navy Buys 90 Honeywell Micro Air Vehicles For EOD Teams
* Red River Army Depot Partners With BAE Systems To Reset 200 FMTVs
* Lockheed Martin Tests New Sensor System For Army Apache Helicopters
* Boeing Completes Purchase of Tapestry Solutions /// * GD Closes Deal For Jet Aviation
* Ares Rocket Not Unduly Unsafe In Crosswinds, NASA Says
* Senators Call For Pentagon To Stick To F-22 Plans In Defense Bills
------------------------------------------[Quote from the Old/New Testament]
Gen. 2:9
Gen. 3:22
Gen. 3:24
Rev. 2:7
Rev. 22: 2
And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is
pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the
midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and
eat, and live forever--…and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a
flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of
To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in
the midst of the Paradise of God.
In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of
life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The
leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
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