
通 信 - Japan America Society of Minnesota

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通 信 - Japan America Society of Minnesota
Japan America Society of Minnesota
通 信
The Tsūshin is a membership publication of the Japan America Society of Minnesota
October 2012 VOL. 21, No. 10
Mondale Award Dinner & Gala Update
With the Mondale Award Dinner and Gala just
around the corner, sponsor and donor support
has been on the rise. Generous donors ranging from large, private corporations to
individual JASM members are contributing to make the this event both a success
for the Mondale nominees and attendees. Thanks to our donors, we are able to
host a live and silent auction for wonderful prizes that might surprise you. There
are a few chances to win a trip to Japan for yourself and companion as well as a
chance to stay at a Condo in Greece. If travel isn’t your cup of tea, then perhaps
dinner at various restaurants around the Twin Cities, tailgater parties or traditional,
hand-made Japanese art is. There is something for everyone at this dinner.
Jazz-Baroque fusion musical group Ladyslipper has also been signed to perform
at the event. The Mondale Award
Dinner and Gala is slated for
Saturday, November 3rd at the
Oak Ridge Country Club in
Hopkins, MN. Come join us in
A vacation to a condo in Greece is up for bidding celebrating Irene “Inkie” Brons’
actions and dedication to the
in this year’s silent/live auction.
Japan-Minnesota relationship as
she receives this year’s Mondale Award. The Mondale Scholars will also be named and
awarded the Mondale Scholarship to help ease their financial burden when studying
Ladyslipper will be performing at the
abroad in Japan.
Mondale Award Dinner & Gala
Visitors to Minneapolis
The JASM office team met with Japanese guests of the JapanAmerica Grassroots Summit and gave them a tour of Downtown
Minneapolis. The Grassroots Summit is an annual gathering of both
Japanese and American citizens that takes place in the United States and
Japan alternatively. The program is a three-day exchange program
aimed at fostering ties between the two nations at the grassroots level.
This year’s Summit took place in Northern Texas, but a few visitors had
a chance to come and visit the Gopher State. College-aged and senior
citizens alike received a warm welcome from the Midwest.
Downtown Minneapolis showed its colors to the group Tuesday,
September 4th. The posse started their sightseeing tour by walking
through the iconic Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. This followed by a
day trip through Minneapolis’ skyway and Nicollet Mall. One of the
touring college students
was in awe over the amount The group from Texas were given a warm welcome and
shown iconic sites in Minneapolis, such as the Sculpture
of sky they could see from
where they were standing.
In the more urbanized areas
of Japan, tall buildings replace the view of an expansive sky.
Longtime JASM friend Kikugawa restaurant then hosted a lunch with authentic Japanese
cuisine. After getting to know each other better over lunch, the tour continued to the
JASM office and ended at Mall of America. The touring Japanese went home with their
respective host families to spend a few days in Minnesota. A special thanks to all the
host families who supported our visitors and JASM in giving such a hospitable welcome.
Turn to page four for more photos of their visit!
Letter from the JASM President,
Dick Stahl
September – The spotlight has been on Minnesota and
Recent Activities
September has been a very active month for Japan related
activities in Minnesota. I am proud to say that JASM has
been quite involved in all of the activities.
Minnesota hosted the 44th Annual Midwest U. S. - Japan
Conference on September 16, 17 & 18. This was a big
success thanks to the excellent work of the Minnesota Trade
Office and several other supporting organizations. Ben van
Lierop and I served on the Conference Host Committee.
There were approximately 300 attendees from nine
Midwestern states and Japan. The importance of this
conference is underlined by the attendance of Governors
from six Midwestern states and one Japanese prefecture.
Japanese Ambassador to the U.S. Ichiro Fujisaki delivered a
keynote speech. JASM is very fortunate that Ambassador
Fujisaki has committed to be the speaker at our Mondale
Dinner on November 3rd.
Japan Minnesota Association:
The Other Society in Japan
Please join our event on Octeber 7th. See “JMA & JASM Joint
Luncheon” on page 4.
“I’d like to extend my gratitude to have a chance to introduce our
society to members of Japan America Society of Minnesota.
Japan Minnesota Association (JMA) was initially founded by
some Japanese alumni of the University of Minnesota in 1984. At that
time those people hoped this association was not only for the
University alumni but also should open to people who lived in
Minnesota. As a result, our basic stance is open for everyone who is
interested in Minnesota.
Our mission is to provide a place where people gather and to
promote mutual understanding between people in Japan and
Minnesota. For the purpose of accomplishing it, we offer several
social events throughout the year, such as a picnic under the cherry
blossoms (Ohanami), Summer party, Big 10 golf tournament, and
Christmas party.
I think we assume five roles, as the only Minnesota related society
in Japan, at present. First of all, we take on the responsibility of an
alumni association for people who had lived in Minnesota. Secondly
we have assumed Japanese chapter of University of Minnesota
On September 18th, Ben and I had the honor of meeting with Alumni Association. We have been in close connection with UMAA
since we started. Thirdly, we would like to introduce activities of
Governor Ueda of Saitama Prefecture at the Technology
Minnesota affiliated companies in Japan, and also how Japanese
Networking Event hosted by Bio Business Alliance of
Minnesota. Eight Saitama companies were here to meet with companies have achieved in Minnesota to members. Fourthly we are
willing to perform as a liaison with Minnesota trade office at their
Minnesota companies in the medical device industry.
requests. Finally, we work as a representative society of the U of M
Governor Ueda also attended the Midwest U. S. - Japan
alumni at Big Ten Conference of Japan.
Conference, his ninth consecutive conference. Thanks to
Bio Business Alliance for their hard work in coordinating
We are a non-profit organization and do not collect any individual
this event.
membership fee, except event participation fees. These activities are
JASM’s 40th Anniversary
Thanks to Ayako Birch and her team for their outstanding
work on creating JASM’s 40th Anniversary booklet. The
booklet will be available soon on JASM’s website.
managed by broad members as volunteers. Our current officers are as
Harumi Iwanami is President, Kenichi Yamaguchi and Akira
Nakamura are Vice Presidents, Akihiko Muramatsu is Web-master,
Mayumi Kaneko is the Treasurer, and Takeo Fukuda is the Auditor.
Our advisors are Hiroshi Umezu (former President of JMA), Yoshiaki
Volunteer Opportunities
Numagata (former President of JAM), and Hiroshi Yamashita (former
If you have not yet volunteered for a JASM event, please
consider doing so. It is a great opportunity to have fun, meet Representative, Minnesota State Office in Japan)
attendees at event and make new friends. Take a look in the
By the way, we are delighted to announce that our fifteen members
Tsushin for upcoming events over the coming weeks.
will visit Minnesota this autumn, between October 2nd and 8th. It is the
first tour in our thirty eight-year history, and the first visit to
You Are The Boss
Minnesota for many of us after graduating from the U of M. We are
As JASM President I work for you, the members of JASM. very excited and looking forward to seeing JASM members during
Let me know your suggestions, ideas and complaints. I can our trip.
be reached by email at [email protected] or by cell phone
In conclusion, JASM’s commitment to promoting strong tie
between Japan and Minnesota is deeply appreciated and will have a
lasting and positive impact on future generation. We would like to
follow your example and keep commitment to building networks
among people who are interested in Minnesota and Japan.
With best wishes for your prosperity,
Dick Stahl
Harumi Iwanami
Japan Minnesota Association
44th Midwest U.S. - Japan Association Conference
Held in Minneapolis
It had been 27 years since the
Midwest U.S. - Japan
Association Conference was last
held in Minnesota and therefore
the conference this year had
special significance for the
Minnesota hosts. Governor Mark
Dayton welcomed over 300
governmental leaders and
business executives from Japan
and the Midwest to Minneapolis
by mentioning the deep and
historic ties between Japan and
Minnesota, including the oldest sister city relationship between Nagasaki and Saint Paul. The
conference took place at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Minneapolis, Sept. 16-18. The
conference theme was "Global Strategies for Economic Growth" with sessions dealing with
technological advances, sustainable energy solutions and "Trade and Partnerships in the Asia
Pacific region".
Japanese Ambassador to Japan, the honorable Ichiro Fujisaki, addressed the conference by
thanking the people of the U.S. for supporting Japan for the generous humanitarian support in
the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011. He urged both
countries to maintain the historic U.S. - Japan partnership and not take each other for granted.
Former U.S. Ambassador to Japan and Honorary Chairman of JASM, Walter Mondale, also
spoke at the conference and expressed how much he and Mrs. Mondale enjoyed their tenure in
Japan. He exhorted everyone to remember the words of another U.S. ambassador, Mike
Mansfield, who said that the U.S. - Japan relationship is the most important U.S. international
relationship “bar none".
Other governmental leaders included the governors from Indiana, Nebraska, Illinois,
Michigan and Wisconsin. From Japan, the governor of Saitama Prefecture also attended.
Executives from Minnesota companies, such as Ecolab, Medtronic, 3M, the Toro Company,
Daikin-McQuay, Sage Electronics, CHS and Polaris Industries served as speakers and
participated in panel discussions. The topics of these sessions dealt with sustainable energy
solutions, the use of technology for economic growth, and growing emphasis on trade
relationships to promote economic development in the Pacific region.
The gathering provided the opportunity to discuss major issues of sustainability and economic
cooperation and to deepen the relationship building between Japan and the U.S. Midwestern
New Corporate Member: Amano McGann, Inc.
The Japan America Society of Minnesota (JASM) is pleased to admit Amano McGann, Inc. as
our newest sustaining corporate member. Here is an excerpt from their website to get a better
idea of who they are:
“For more than 40 years, Amano has delivered innovative technology solutions for the
parking and time and attendance markets. Amano provides sophisticated and reliable
parking systems which satisfy the most demanding applications. As a subsidiary of
Amano Corporation Japan, Amano McGann receives the support of a global
organization generating in excess of $900 million in annual revenues and over 2,900
employees worldwide. Amano Corporation Japan is headquartered in Yokohama, Japan
and was founded in 1931.”
Amano McGann is part of the Amano Group and offers a variety of products and services for
parking infrastructure and beyond. For More information on Amano McGann, Inc.’s products
and services, visit their website at http://www.amanomcgann.com.
Please thank our
members with your
Corporate Benefactor Members
McQuay International, Inc.
Delta Airlines, Inc.
Corporate Sustaining Members
3M Company
American Medical Systems, Inc.
Andersen Corporation
Boston Scientific Corporation
Dorsey & Whitney, LLP
DRC, Inc.
Fredrikson & Byron, PA
Gray Plant Mooty
Hamre, Schumann, Mueller & Larson, PC
Hubbard Broadcasting
Lion Precision
Mall of America
St. Jude Medical
Taiyo International, Inc.
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Vital Images, Inc.
Corporate Contributing Members
Briggs and Morgan, P.A.
Comcast Cable
Compart Family Farms
Davisco Foods International, Inc.
Devicix, LLC
Electromed, Inc.
Fish & Richardson, P.C.
Japan Lifeline Co. Ltd.
Leonard, Street and Deinard
Proto Labs, Inc.
Schwegman, Lundberg, Woessner, P.A.
Wilson Learning Worldwide
Greater Minnesota Partners
Bondhus Corporation
Partners in Service
CrossingPaths Intercultural Inc.
Dave Steffens Automotive &
Conway Auto Clinic
Fujiya Restaurant
Gnarus Medical Consulting, Inc.
J&K Trading, LLC
Kikugawa at Riverplace
Kiku Enterprises
KW Commercial Midwest
Origami Restaurant
St. Paul Saints
Sakura Restaurant & Sushi Bar
Saint Paul Convention & Visitors Authority
Satellite Industries
Nonprofit Members
Aikido of Minnesota
Anime Twin Cities, Inc.
BioBusiness Alliance of Minnesota
Bloomington Sister City Organization
JETAA Minnesota
JETRO Chicago
KCC–Japan Education Exchange
Macalester College Asian Language &
Culture Department
Minneapolis Japanese School
Minnesota International Center
Minnesota Trade Office
Mu Performing Arts
N-Dimensional Japan
US-China Business Connections
Winona State Univ. Global Studies Dept.
Grass - Roots Summit
Visit 2012
JMA and JASM Joint Luncheon
Mark your calendars for Sunday, October
7th for the Japan America Society of
Minnesota’s (JASM) and the Japan
Minnesota Association (JMA) joint luncheon.
We will be hosting Japanese guests and
members of the University of Minnesota
Alumni Association during their stay here
from October 2nd to the 8th of this year. Join
us in welcoming these guests and us this
opportunity to connect with native Japanese
folks and learn their stories. Please register
online at our website.
Date: Sunday, October 7, 2012
Time: 5:30- 8:00 P.M.
Location: McNamara Alumni Center
200 Southeast Oak Street
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 624-7583
JASM Book Club
Avid readers should participate in JASM’s new monthly book
club. The club meets at Espresso Royal Café in Minneapolis, MN
on the last Thursday of every month at 7pm. The book for this
month’s discussion will be announced at a later date. If you have
any questions regarding this club or the book of the month, please
contact Tom Haeg by e-mail at [email protected] or phone at
612-947-3351. Please bring any notes and ideas you wish to share.
Happy reading!
Write Articles for the Tsushin!
ますがご了承下さい。毎月20日までに[email protected]まで、ご応募お待ちしています。
We would like to hear from you! Please submit stories about
your life in Japan or life in Minnesota based on cross-cultural
experiences. We hope the Tsushin will reflect the interest and
opinions of JASM members. We may change and edit your
article for space considerations and matters of content. Please
submit your article to [email protected] by the 20th of the
month prior to publication.
Kobe Student Experience in Minnesota
From left to right - Mikayla (host sister),
Saori-san, Barbara (host mother) and
Charlie (host dog).
Hello Everyone!
I interned at JASM from August to middle
of September. My name is Saori Ishizaki!
Usually I am a college student at Kobe
College in Japan. I am also a member of
the college’s press/newspaper club. The
people I met here helped me experience
Minnesota to the fullest. I would like to tell
everyone about my experiences over the
past month.
Barbara Nelson was kind enough to let me
stay in her home for one month. I found
Minnesota to a place full of relaxed and
welcoming people. I felt I could relax and
get to know everyone I met. This was my
feeling from the beginning to the end of
my visit. During the summer, Minnesotans
seem to be very active outdoors and it
seemed everyone wanted to enjoy
Minnesota’s beautiful nature. I was moved
by the beauty of the Lake Harriett when I
went biking with my host mother. I was
excited that my host sister enjoyed
watching anime. I also enjoyed taking their
dog, Willy, on walks. These will always be
precious memories.
I worked in the JASM office 3 days a
week, helped translate the Tsushin, and
updated the Minnesota Living Guide for
future Japanese students at the University
of Minnesota. I was nervous at first
because it was my first time working in an
office. However, the office team was
friendly and eager to help make my first
office experience fun. During lunch, we
talked about Japanese culture, differences
between United States and Japan, and
projects we were working on. We always
had something to talk about and everyone
seemed to be interested. Because I
participated in JASM, I was reminded of
the good points of Japanese culture that are
so common place to me. Working at JASM
allowed me to meet more people. The
interactions and fun times I’ve had with
the JASM members are something money
can’t buy.
Saori-san volunteered at the Minneapolis
Japanese School every Saturday.
Minneapolis Japanese School
Along with JASM, I had the privilege of
helping teachers by working at the
Minneapolis Japanese School. Every
Saturday, students would come to receive
traditional Japanese teachings of
mathematics and Japanese language. I was
able to assist in the 6th grade class. I
wanted to create a good relationship with
my class. I was always considering this,
but the classroom was always fun and
energetic so I didn’t have to worry about
making a bad relationship; it was always
fun. The teachers, students and parents
appeared to be very close to one another. I
felt deeply that their bonds are what made
up the Minneapolis Japanese School. It
was an honor to have been a part of such a
wonderful school.
Kanna Club
Hosted by Paul Tice and Liz Brailsford
September’s Kanna Club met once again in Uptown Minneapolis,
but at a new venue. The number of Japanese restaurants in the
area increased by one recently with Tiger Sushi’s second
restaurant, Tiger Sushi 2. Tiger Sushi 2 is located on Lyndale
Avenue and is home to very presentation conscious Japanese
cuisine. The food was simply eye candy.
New to JASM and Kanna Club were Nathan, Miki and baby
Mina Busscher as well as Caleb DeMarais and Ai. Please make
an effort to introduce yourself. Also, congratulations to Jason
Savageau for winning the Lantern Lighting Festival Photo
Contest for this year! Not only did Jason take photos for JASM,
he and his family also assisted in making yo-yos for the Yo-Yo
Tsuri booth at the festival. For his efforts, he was awarded with a
JASM t-shirt.
Between eating and socializing, the JASM office team put
together a Minnesota-Japan trivia game. There was robust
participation from everyone and it seemed an enjoyable event. If
you have an idea for a socializing game at the next Kanna club,
let us know at the JASM office. We want to do what you would
like to do. The next Kanna Club will be at Saji Ya in Saint Paul.
We hope to see you there!
Secret Question: What were the three official capitols of
Japan in the past? The order counts!
タウンのリンデールアベニュー沿いにあるTiger Sushi 2と
いう日本食レストランで行われました。Tiger Sushi 2は
Tiger Sushiの2店舗目のレストランで、とても美味しそうに
ポールのSaji Yaで行われます。
October’s Kanna Club will be Tuesday, October
16th. Find us at www.mn-japan.org, Facebook (Japan
America Society of Minnesota), call the JASM office, or
follow us on Twitter (@MNJAPAN) for
updates on next month’s Kanna Club and how
to register!
す。貴方の名前と友だちをToshie Metzkerさんに連絡して下さ
Cell-612-750-6750 Direct-952-224-7904
[email protected]
Make Dream Come Home
Yoko Breckenridge
E-mail [email protected]
Advertise in the Tsushin!
Advertisement Rates
1/4 page
1/2 page
Full page
Size Cost/issue
5 x 3.5 in $50.00
5 x 7.5 in $90.00
10 x 7.5 in $150.00
80 character line $10/ line
(min. 2 lines)
Ad production and design available in both
Japanese and English for an additional
charge. Deadline for completed ads and
classifieds is the 20th of every month.
Questions? Contact Paul Tice,
Tsushin Editor, at the JASM Office
Tel: 612-627-9357
[email protected]
Japan America Society Calendar
Sunday, 7th - JSA & JASM Picnic
Tuesday, 18th - Kanna Club
Saturday, 3rd - Mondale Award Dinner and Gala
Tuesday, 15th - Kanna Club
TBA - Corporate Roundtable
Nihonjin-kai Pot Luck-日本人会においで下さい。
場所4231 Bloomington Ave S. MPLS, MN 55407
Please come along to the Nihonjin-kai Pot Luck!
We are having a pot luck party the 2nd Monday of every
month at noon. You can mix with Japanese people who are
living in Minnesota. Every 4th Sunday of the month, join
Nihonjin-kai for great discussion with snacks and beverages
beginning at 1p.m.
Location : 4231 Bloomington Ave S. MPLS, MN 55407
(Use of the Japanese Library is FREE and open to the public.)
To list Japan-related events in the Tsushin, email
information by the 20th of the month to:
[email protected]
Please report any inaccuracies you find in this publication to [email protected]. We are always striving to provide our members with the best possible
product and your input is important to us!
JASM Membership News
Community Events
September 18th - December 30th - The History of Film: An
Odyssey @ The Walker Arts Center
October 12th - 14th - Aikido Seminar with Donovan Waite
@ Twin Cities Aikido Center
Many thanks for your continued support to enable JASM to
develop and expand programs that build bridges of understanding and cultural awareness.
**If you would like to let JASM know about an upcoming
event, e-mail us at [email protected]**
Please welcome the following new JASM members:
Kara Macris, Caleb DeMarias, Minori Nakamoto
Japanese Speaking Club
The Japanese Speaking Club
is an informal meeting place
for those wishing to practice
Japanese. We encourage
those just beginning the
language as well as native
speakers to gather at the
Espresso Royale Café in
Downtown Minneapolis to
meet new people, discuss experiences in Japan, or simply to
speak Japanese. Come when you can, leave when you must.
Date/Time: Every Saturday, any time after 3:00 p.m.
Place: Espresso Royale Cafe
1229 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55403
Thanks to the following renewing JASM members:
Ann McCarthy, Luke Walbert, Tom & Jeanne Tamura, Chiharu Hall, Bruce & Tomoko Drake, Donald & Kyoko Klein,
Hanna Brandt
Please welcome the following new corporate members:
Amano McGann, Inc.
Thanks to our renewing non-profit members:
Macalester College Asian Language & Culture Department,
N-Dimensional Japan
Total Private Members: 367
Total Corporate Members: 62
Japan America
Society of Minnesota
Riverplace EH-131
43 Main Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414-1031
Tel: 612-627-9357
Fax: 612-379-2393
[email protected]
October 2012
The Japan America Society of Minnesota is a non-profit,
non-political association engaged in bringing the peoples of
Japan and the United States closer together in mutual
understanding, respect, and cooperation. Through programs
and interchange, it endeavors to promote an appreciation of
cultural, educational, economic, public, and other affairs of
interest to both peoples. Membership in the society is open
to individuals, corporations, and other organizations
interested in furthering its programs.
The Japan America Society of Minnesota is a member of the
National Association of Japan-America Societies.
Kanna Club
Tiger Sushi 2
Fly UP