
Cross-Media Meta Search: Query Relaxation and Information

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Cross-Media Meta Search: Query Relaxation and Information
Master Thesis
Cross-Media Meta Search:
Query Relaxation and Information
Integration for Heterogeneous-Media
Search Engines
Professor Katsumi TANAKA
Department of Social Informatics
Graduate School of Informatics
Kyoto University
February 9, 2004
Cross-Media Meta Search:
Query Relaxation and Information Integration for
Heterogeneous-Media Search Engines
In recent years, the quantity of multimedia contents on WWW has been in-
creasing with improvement in the speed of transmission speed, and the spread of
digital cameras. Since the contents are distributed on a lot of websites and expressed by various media, it is important to construct a function which searches
the contents effectively.
Conventional meta search engines retrieve the results from several search en-
gines and automatically classify them. The meta search engines dispatch queries
to same type search engines, and retrieve mono-type contents. Moreover, only
the link to a Web page is shown in ranking form as a unified reference result.
However, in such conventional meta search engines, the information on various
media is simultaneously uncollectible. If a user follows the link of a reference
result and peruses two or more Web pages, he can acquire effective information
at last.
In this paper, in order to solve this problem, we propose a system which dis-
patch queries to adequate search engines based on the media type. Moreover,
we propose the system which extracts only the information in relation to the
reference keyword group from the Web page obtained as a reference result, and
unifies these automatically.
The information over various media relevant to the reference keywords are
searched and unified. It can be called output like an encyclopedia using Web
page. Users can only input reference keywords and can peruse easily various
information currently distributed on Web about the keyword. Users can effort
of perusing the Web page of a link place sequentially from the result of higher
rank and discovering effective information from Web pages. And also users can
peruse the information over reference keywords now at a glance effectively so
that it may say that this language is such meanings.
In this system, the case where are the reference question by two or more
keywords is inputted by the user is considered. The search engine used here
corresponds to various media. That is, it is the search engine with which the
types of a text search, a image search, a music search, etc. We focus on a text
search and a image search. we propose the method of transforming a reference
question and collecting Web pages efficiently.
A text search has many hits of a solution, but it is difficult to acquire effective
information. A image search has high precision and can obtain the picture of
a reference keyword simply easily, it has very few hits of a solution. In order
to solve this, we use query relaxation. The query relaxation method assigns
whether it is used for text search, or it is used for image search for every word
of a reference question. And each search engine performs separately and the
common Web page of a reference result becomes the answer of reference. By
using this query relaxation, it becomes possible to utilize effectively taking advantage of the strong point of the search engine of two different media. That
is, it becomes possible to raise recall, maintaining precision.
Next, only the portion in relation to the reference keyword is extracted from
the inside of a Web page set of the solution collected using query relaxation
method. A related portion is extracted in consideration of frequency of the
word which appears in the Web page group of a search result, and position
relation between the picture of image search and a paragraph. Thus, it enables
a user to peruse effectively by unifying only the important portion of a Web
page instead of the Web page itself.
By cross-media meta search, we think that users become possible to peruse
the suitable information about the inputted reference keywords simply and to
search multimedia contents easily.
桑原 昭裕
近年,通信の高速化やデジタルカメラの普及に伴い,WWW によって取得可
する場合,情報が大量の Web サイトに分散し,かつ,種々のメディアによって
る.従来の WWW のメタサーチエンジンは,各々のサーチエンジンが有する
インデックス情報をもとにキーワード検索した Web ページについて,重複の除
り,および統合した検索結果として Web ページへのリンクだけがランキング形
り,複数の Web ページを巡回しなくては,有効な情報を得ることはできない.
た Web ページから検索キーワード群に関連している情報だけを抽出し,自動的
そのキーワードについての Web 上に分散している様々な情報を容易に閲覧する
ことを目標としている.本方式を用いることで,従来のようにリンク先の Web
ページを上位の結果から順に閲覧し,様々な内容を含んでいる Web ページから
本研究では,複数のキーワードによる And 型検索質問がユーザによって入力
像検索に焦点を当て,検索質問を変換させ Web ページを効率よく収集してくる
得ることがでるが,ヒット件数が非常に少ないという特徴を持っている. これ
を解決するために,質問緩和法を利用する. 質問緩和法とは,検索質問の単語
である. そして,それぞれの検索を別々に行い,共通の解の Web ページを検索
の解とするものである. この質問緩和法を利用することによって,二つの異な
次に,質問緩和法を利用し,収集してきた解の Web ページ集合内から,検索
キーワードに関連している部分だけを抽出する.これは,検索結果の Web ペー
を考慮し,関連部分を抽出するものである. このように Web ページそのもので
はなく,Web ページの重要な部分だけを統合することで,ユーザは効果的に閲
Cross-Media Meta Search:
Query Relaxation and Information Integration for
Heterogeneous-Media Search Engines
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Cross-Media Meta Search
Chapter 3
Query Relaxation
Basic concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Query Relaxation method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Answers by Query Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Example of Query Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
The degree of Query Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Merit of Query Relaxation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter 4
Experiments and Evaluation
The outline of experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Experiment results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Chapter 5
Improvement of Query relaxation
Method of improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Execution order of subset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Breadth-first search and Depth-first search . . . . . . . . . 24
The statistical technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
The linguistic technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
The extended proposal of the query relaxation . . . . . . . 30
Chapter 6
Information Integration
Extract information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Copyright problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Searching based on Web page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Informational arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Chapter 7
Prototype System
Implement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Implemeting display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Chapter 8
Related work
Chapter 9
Chapter 1
Since the Internet environment has spread increasingly, the number of Web
pages is increasing steadily. The quantity of multimedia contents on WWW has
been increasing by the spread of a broadband, digital cameras, etc. Thus, since
Web space is flooded with various information, it is becoming very difficult for
users to collect only useful information.
It is the search engine which a user uses for looking for a Web page needed
from a huge Web page. The conventional search engine shows the link to the
Web page of a reference result by inputting a reference question. However, there
is a limit in the amount of information which each search engine has, and since
it is decided like the text search engine and the image search engine what media
are searched for every search engine, there is a limitation also in the kind of
information which can be searched.
It is the meta search which is compensated with the ability not to do with one
search engine. A meta search increases the amount of information by using two
or more search engines collectively. Moreover meta search engine is used as a
means to search information effectively and to unify it. In the conventional meta
search engine, if a user inputs a reference keyword group and performs reference,
user input keywords are passed to each search engine, each search engine carries
out retrieval separately, and collects Web pages. A meta search engine, to the
Web page which each search engine collected, removes duplication, operates a
classification automatically, and outputs a reference result. But, meta search
engines have three problems.
1. The meta search engines uses same type search engines which search Web
pages based on text style.
In the existing meta search, only the text search engine is used mostly.
Thereby, since only the text document in a Web page is taken into consideration, it is thought on the Web page which has the present various media
that sufficient reference cannot be performed.
2. the same reference question is performed to every search engine which the
meta search engine uses.
When there were many reference keywords, or when unrelated for every
reference keyword, a reference result which a user desires does not come
out. In order to solve this problem, the given keyword is not used as it is,
but it is considered that it is necessary to make it change into a certain
3. Finally, as unified reference results show the links to Web pages, users have
to browse one by one.
In almost all search engines, the link to a Web page is displayed as a
reference result. Therefore, when a user peruses the Web page of a reference
result, a user is very troublesome, in order to have to repeat operation of
perusing the Web page of each of reference results until it discovers the
Web page which has started the contents which can be judged to be useful
information. Moreover, since various contents are described in one Web
page, a user cannot collect only useful information efficiently.
Thus, it is not easy for users to acquire useful information in the conventional
search engines. It is important that users can acquire various information, such
as text, and pictures, to having inputted the reference keyword into one search
engine, and users can easily find useful information. Now, the search engine is
highly efficient that it is improved rapidly and is easy to use rapidly. I think
that meta search of using them well collectively is a very effective means. If a
meta search which solves a problem which was described above exists, a user
will be considered that it can collect information very efficiently.
Then, we propose the Cross-media meta search. We define the Cross-media
meta search as being collecting reference results using a search engine of a
different kind. By using a search engine of a different kind simultaneously, the
problem that only the text search used mostly is solvable. Moreover, I think that
the Cross-media meta search needs to transform a reference question in order
to use a search engine of a different kind. I think that informational processing
and informational integration are required, in order to show the reference result
of each media efficiently.
Information integration
Search result
Input keywords
The system
Return answer
Change keywords
Search engine
Collect Web pages
Web space
Figure 1: Conventional Meta Search
Fig.1 shows the whole system image. The system has the following func-
• the system uses search engines of a different kind.
• the system changes user input keywords.
• the system integrations information which each search engine collects
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 explains
Cross-Media Meta search, Section 3 explains Query Relaxation, Section 4 discusses our experiments, Section 5 discusses improvement of query relaxation,
Section 6 explains Information Integration, Section 7 explains the prototype
system, Section 8 discusses related works, and we conclude in Section 9.
Chapter 2
Cross-Media Meta Search
We think there is much information on Web space. If we can use Web well,
we can receive a lot of benefit. Especially, it is very effective that users get only
the information which users want. Then, we think that Web can be expressed
like an encyclopedia. When we can only look up a word in an encyclopedia,
we can know the meaning, a photograph, a related word of the word. We put
this in for Web retrieval. Thus, users only inputted the reference keyword and
get various information. We use a meta search in order to realize this. Each of
conventional search engines cannot cover the huge information on Web space.
And, since each of search engines has a field, such as text search and image
search, users cannot get the information on various forms in one search engine.
By using meta search engines, we can increase the amount of information and
can also receive several kinds of media.
In this paper, we propose Cross-media meta search. The Cross-media meta
search engine intuitively collects several types of information from the Web
based on user input keyword queries. The differences between conventional
Web meta-search engines and Cross-media meta search engines are shown in
Figs.2 and 3 are summarized as follows:
• Conventional meta search
Conventional Web meta search engines send the user input keyword query
Q (possibly with minor changes) directly to several search engines. Modifications are not made to a user-input keyword queries. To retrieve the
results conventional meta-search engines return a list of pertinent URLs
with duplicates removed and with ranking scores.
• Cross-Media meta search
The Cross-media meta search engine is designed to collect not only Web
pages, but also mixed types of multimedia contents (images, sounds etc.)
by sending, query Q to several search engines, each of which is dedicated
to a specific type of media content. On sending query Q, the search engine
may modify and/or relax the term into Q1, . . . , Qn , according to the characteristics of each media type. The output of the Cross-media meta search
engine is not simply a list of URLs, but a mixture of texts, images, and
sounds, edited like an encyclopedia.
Search engine E1
Text search
Search engine E2
Text search
Search engine Em
Text search
List of URL
Figure 2: Conventional Meta Search
Search engine E1
Text search
Search engine E2
Image search
Search engine Em
Music, etc… search
Web pages
of result
Figure 3: Cross-Media Meta Search
There are two points where Cross-media meta search is characterized.
The first is that Cross-media meta search uses the search engine of the type
of various media in order to collect various information at once. We think it
important that a system changes a user’s question into the form which was
adapted for each search engine without using as it is, in order to use the search
engine of different media efficiently. Then, we propose the method of query
The second is that Cross-media meta search extracts one portion out of a
Web page, integrates those information and displays on users. Because it is bad
efficiency that a system displays URLs of Web pages collected with each search
engine. It is thought that the information which a user needs is a part in the
Web page of the collected result. Then, we propose the method of information
integration of Web pages collected of each search engines.
Chapter 3
Query Relaxation
In this chapter, we describe Query Relaxation of Cross-media meta search.
In the conventional meta search, the user’s input query is used for each search
engine as it is. However, in Cross-Media meta search, each search engine is used
by using the Query Relaxation method. So, in Cross-Media meta search, each
engine can be used efficiently.
The method of Query Relaxation is as follow.
1. User input query is divided into a subset.
2. Each subset is used for each search engine.
3. The reference results of each search engine are collected.
4. The common Web page of each reference result is result of Cross-Media
meta search.
The method of Query Relaxation is described in detail below.
Basic concept
We assume that users wish to have multimedia content (texts, images, sounds,
etc.) that is related to their keywords K1 ,K2 ,. . . ,Kn (n≥2). Conventionally, if
a user wants the text about these keywords, he will use a text search and if a
user wants the picture about these keywords, he will use a image search. These
actions are usual. However, since it is a thing relevant to these keywords, if
a text and a picture can be searched simultaneously and are able to peruse a
reference result simultaneously, we think that a user can peruse information
very efficiently. Then, our Cross-media meta search engine uses various search
engines. (namely, E1,E2 ,. . . ,Em (m≥2)). For example, E1 is Google[5], E2 is
AltaVista[6], E3 is Google image search[7], and so on. Thus, the key feature of
our system is that it can use a mixture of search engines with different media
We describe the search engines which Cross-media meta search uses.
• A text search engine is typified by Google and AltaVista.
By inputting a keyword, these search engines outputs a reference result
Web pages which contains all keywords that user inputs from the Web page
in the database which crawler collected. Many search engines correspond
to this and are called so-called robot type search engine. This robot type
search engine is putting many pages into the database, and attaches the
index. Since it will search out of a lot of pages if it searches, there is very
much hit number of cases. Moreover, by using algorithm called an original
page rank by each search engine, the optimal solution comes to a higher
rank. However, since there is much hit number of cases, there is a fault
that there will be many noises or a page which is unrelated and which does
not have validity will hit mostly.
• An image search engine is typified by Google image search.
When keywords with which a user is related to a picture needed is in-
putted, a system judges contents, by analyzing the text which adjoins a
picture, the caption of a picture, and many other factors. Moreover, duplication is eliminated using advanced algorithm and the picture of the
highest quality is displayed first. Thus, an image search engine obtains a
picture in inputting a text. It is very efficient for collecting pictures so as to
extract a picture, Since the image search engine is looking at only a picture
and its very near, its relevance for every keyword is high, and its relevance
of a keyword and a picture is high. However, the hit number of cases may
decrease very much, and a reference result may become zero.
• an animation and music search engine is typified by Naver.
This is the search engine which specialized in the animation file on the
Internet. The animation file of various form, such as rm, asf, mpg, mov,
and swf, can be searched. an animation and music search engine obtains
these files in inputting a text and displays these file in link form there is a
problem that we must visit each link and check files.
Fig.4, 5, 6 shows the search results of each search engine.
In this paper, We focus on two search engines, the text search engine and
image search engine considered to be effective for acquiring information most.
A picture of image search
Title and Link
A part of text of Web page
Link of Web page
Image search engine
Text search engine
Figure 4: text search
Figure 5: image search
Link of movie or music file
Link of Web page
Type of file and file size
Movie and music search engine
Figure 6: each search engine
We describe how Cross-media meta search is realized using these two search
Query Relaxation method
Most users do not know which keywords are most appropriate for each search
engine. Therefore, we allow users to input their query in the form of a conjunctive query Q = K1 ∧K2 ∧. . . ∧Kn . Unfortunately, when we use an image search
engine, if the number of keywords exceeds 3, it is difficult to obtain any images
for the query. but we cannot get efficient reference result in most case. That is
query which consists of three or more words is severe as conditions for reference.
To solve the problem, we propose relaxing conditions method of queries to receive adequate results by sharing the keywords for some kinds of search engines.
For example, when three keywords, ”Mt. Fuji”, ”snow” and ”sunset”, are inputted Google image search engine, a referent result is nothing. But, inside
of a referent result when two keywords, ”Mt. Fuji” and ”snow”, are inputted
Google image search engine, four Web pages contain the text, ”sunset”. In this
case, we can receive the pages which are related to three keywords by relaxing
Let Ans (Q) be the set of answers for a user-input conjunctive keyword query
Q. In our query relaxation approach, the conjunctive query Q is divided into a
set of tuples bound by sub-query:
{K1 , . . . , Kn }
{K1 },{K2 , . . . , Kn }
{K2 },{K1 , K3 . . . , Kn }
{K1 , K2 },{K3 , . . . , Kn }
{K1 , K3 },{K2 , K4 . . . , Kn }
{K1 , . . . , Kn−1 },{Kn }
{K1 , . . . , Kn },φ
In this case, the query is divided into two separate sub-queries, because two
kinds of search engines are required for the query. Generally, the number of
sub-queries is dependent on the number of search engines. The sub-query for
each set of tuples is translated for the image search engine. For example, the
first tuple (i.e. [ φ , K1 ,. . . ,Kn ]) shows that there are no keywords for the text
search engine, and K1 ,K2 ,. . . ,Kn are the input keywords for the image search
engine. In general, the larger the number of keywords, the more difficult the
image search, as shown by the latter sub-query. Therefore, more images can be
obtained by the latter half of the tuple, because there are fewer keywords in the
latter sub-query. Fig.7 shows two separate sub-queries.
Ǿ, {K 1‫ޓ‬
, K 2‫ޓ‬
, Kn}‫ޓ‬
{K 1}, {K 2 ‫ޓ‬
, Kn}
K 1‫ޓ‬
, K 2‫ޓ‬
}, {K 3 ‫ޓ‬
, K 4‫ޓ‬
, Kn}
{Kn}, {K 1‫ޓ‬
, Kn − 1}
Kn − 1‫ޓ‬
, Kn‫ޓ‬
}, {K 1, K 2 ‫ޓ‬
, Kn − 2}
{K 1‫ޓ‬
, K 2‫ޓ‬
, Kn}‫ޓ‬
The former element (blue) is used for text search.
The latter element (pink) is used for image search.
Figure 7: sub-queries
Answers by Query Relaxation
Answers for query Q are retrieved as unions of all the sub-query tuples:
Ans(Q) = Ans(K1 ∧ . . . ∧ Kn , E2 )
∪ (Ans(K1 , E1 )
∩ Ans(K2 ∧ . . . ∧ Kn , E2 ))
∪ (Ans(K2 , E1 )
∩ Ans(K1 ∧ K3 ∧ . . . ∧ Kn , E2))
∪ ...
∪ (Ans(K1 ∧ K2 , E1)
∩ Ans(K3 ∧ . . . ∧ Kn , E2 ))
∪ (Ans(K1 ∧ K3 , E1)
∩ Ans(K2 ∧ K4 ∧ . . . ∧ Kn , E2))
∪ ...
∪ Ans(K1 ∧ . . . ∧ Kn , E1 )
where Ans(Q, Ei) means the answers of the query Q by the search engine i.
In this case, E1 is a text search engine and E2 is an image search engine. The
engines return URLs which match the queries.
To compute (Ans(K1 ∧ K2 , E1 ) ∩ Ans(K3 ∧ . . . ∧ Kn , E2)), Ans(K1 ∧ K2 , E1 )
and Ans(K3 ∧ . . . ∧ Kn , E2) are processed separately. Then the intersection of
the answers is calculated. The answers are retrieved in the same way for all of
the tuples. Finally, Ans(Q) can be retrieved as unions of all the answers.
K 1‫ޓ‬
, K 2 },
‫{ޓ‬K 3 ‫ޓ‬
, Kn}
K1 ∧ K 2
K 3 ∧ ... ∧ K n
search engine
search engine
web pages
Web pages of results
of a text search
Web pages contained picture
of results of an image search
Web pages of results
by Query relaxation
Figure 8: Answers by Query Relaxation
Example of Query Relaxation
We would now like to demonstrate the results obtained using the query re-
laxation approach with the following query: Q = q1 ∧ q2 , where q1 is ”Mt. Fuji”
and q2 is ”snow”. Fig. 9 shows venn diagrams of the results of query Q. The left
diagram shows the results from a conventional meta-search engine. The right
diagram shows the results using the query relaxation approach. In the left diagram, the hatched areas show the results for Ans(q1 ∧ q2, SEtext ), and the right
hatched areas show the results for Ans(q1 ∧ q2, SEimg ), where SEtext is the text
search engine and SEimg is an image search engine. The top hatched areas on
the right diagram shows the results for (Ans(q1, SEtext ) ∩ Ans(q2, SEimg )). The
bottom hatched areas shows the results for (Ans(q2, SEtext ) ∩ Ans(q1, SEimg )).
Therefore, using proposed query relaxation, the possibility for obtaining pertinent results is increased.
Conventional results
Query relaxation results
Figure 9: Venn diagram of results of results of query Q
Thus, in addition to results of the conventional meta search, the common
Web pages of text search and image search become results by using this technique. That is, the Web pages of Fig.10 are also collected.
Text 䇸snow䇹
Image 䇸Mt. Fuji䇹
Figure 10: the sample pages which the system collects
The degree of Query Relaxation
We define the degree of relaxation as the number of keywords in a user input
query Q that are actually used by a Web text search engine. Why does it call
it the degree of Query Relaxation? Because, text search engine has more hit
number of cases than image search engine. This shows that the way of image
search engine is severe. Since using text search engine has relaxed search, it
makes it the degree of relaxation for how many keywords to have used in text
search engine. That is, when three of the keywords are used for an image search
engine, the degree of relaxation is considered to be zero. When two keywords
are used for an image search engine and the third keyword is used for a text
search engine, the degree of relaxation is considered to be one. We compare the
results of 0 of relaxation, to 1 of relaxation, and 2 of relaxation respectively.
Fig.11 shows the example putted concrete keywords.
Merit of Query Relaxation
A user wants to peruse only effective information. The index of the search
engine from which a type is different can be used. The Web pages which have
0 of relaxation
Ǿ, {Mt.Fuji ∧ snow ∧ sunset‫ޓ‬
Using text search
Using image search
1 of relaxation
Mt .Fuji ∧ snow ‫ޓ‬
}{snow ‫ޓ‬
}, {Mt .Fuji ∧ sunset }
{Mt.Fuji}, {sunset ∧ snow} {sunset }, {‫ޓ‬
2 of relaxation
{Mt.Fuji ∧ snow}, {sunset‫ޓ‬
} {Mt .Fuji ∧ sunset }, {snow} {snow ∧ sunset }, {Mt .Fuji}
3 of relaxation
{Mt .Fuji ∧ snow ∧ sunset },Ǿ
Figure 11: Lattice of query Q (Q = Mt. Fuji ∧ snow ∧ sunset)
not been collected until now are also collected taking advantage of the diversity
of media. Moreover, if there are many questions inputted in order to extract
conditions, a reference result will not come out, If there are few questions in
order to search broadly, it will increase to an excessive page to a reference result.
It is difficult to adjust this well. Since an image search outputs the picture a
user wants as a search result, it is not necessary to carry out text search, and it
does not need to look for a picture out of Web pages. Therefore, we think that
exact comprehensive and information will be collectable, because it uses mixing
the picture reference with this high accuracy, and the text reference which can
search many Web pages. We think that we create an encyclopedia using Web
by using this technique.
Chapter 4
Experiments and Evaluation
The outline of experiment
By using the method of Chapter 3, it is proved what result is obtained
actually. We investigated the hit number of pages and the effective number
of pages of search results at the time of inputting various keywords in the
experiment. The keyword used for an experiment chooses what had become the
title of the report of the news page which mainly exists from various fields.
We use Google for text search, and Google image for image search.
The user input keyword is set to three. This time, the reference results of the
degree 0 of relaxation, the degree 1 of relaxation, and the degree 2 of relaxation
are compared. Here, the result of the degree 1 of relaxation also includes the
result of the degree 0 of relaxation. The result of the degree 2 of relaxation
includes the result of the degree 0 of relaxation, and the degree 1 of relaxation.
However, since we want the result using image search, we don’t use the result
of the degree 3 of relaxation of text search only.
Experiment results
A part of experiment result is shown below.The keywords of text search
are inputted into a text search. The keywords of image search are inputted
into an image search. The hit number shows the common web pages of a text
search result and an image search result. The number of pertinent pages shows
the page which we judge to be described the contents of a reference keyword
appropriately in the hit pages. Fig.12, 13, 14 shows table about experiments.
Fig.15, 16 shows graph about recall and precision for every reference keyword.
Precision and recall are displayed for every degree of relaxation. Precision is
the average precision to the result of every degree of relaxation. Since the
whole solution set on Web is not understood, recall shall consider total of the
effective page for every experiment as the whole solution set. Therefore, it takes
cautions that the recall at the time of the degree 2 of relaxation is 100%. So
this experiment is the evaluation relatively.
“soccer”㺢 ” Nakata”㺢 “team of Japan”
The degree of
Keywords for
image search
“soccer” 㺢 “Nakata”
㺢“team of Japan”
Keywords for
text search
Number of
Number of
Pertinent pages
“team of Japan”
“team of Japan”
“Nakata” 㺢
“team of Japan”
“Nakata” 㺢
“team of Japan”
“team of Japan”
“team of Japan”
“Kyoto”㺢 “Autumnal leaves”㺢 “Koudai-ji”
The degree
of relaxation
Keywords for image
“Kyoto” 㺢“Koudai-ji”
㺢“Autumnal leaves”
Keywords for text
Number of
Number of
Pertinent pages
“Autumnal leaves”
“Kyoto” 㺢“Koudai-ji”
“Autumnal leaves”
“Autumnal leaves”
“Autumnal leaves”
“Kyoto” 㺢
“Autumnal leaves”
“Autumnal leaves”
“Kyoto” 㺢“Koudai-ji”
“musical”㺢 “Shiki theatre company”㺢 “performance”
The degree
of relaxation
Keywords for image
㺢“Shiki theatre company”
Keywords for text
Number of
Number of
Pertinent pages
“Shiki theatre company”
“Shiki theatre company”
“Shiki theatre company”
㺢 “performance”
“Shiki theatre company”
㺢 “performance”
“Shiki theatre company”
“Shiki theatre company”
Figure 12: table of type A
“Mt. Fuji”㺢 ”sunset”㺢 “snow”
Number of
Number of
Pertinent pages
“Mt.Fuji” 㺢“snow”
The degree
of relaxation
Keywords for
image search
Keywords for text
“typhoon” 㺢“flood”㺢“heavy rain”
The degree
of relaxation
Keywords for image
“typhoon” 㺢“flood”
㺢“heavy rain”
Keywords for text
Number of
Number of
Pertinent pages
“heavy rain”
“typhoon” 㺢“flood”
“heavy rain”
“heavy rain” 㺢“flood”
“heavy rain”
“heavy rain”
“typhoon” 㺢“flood”
㺢 “heavy rain”
Figure 13: table of type B
“SARS”㺢 ” Pneumonia”㺢 “Condition”
The degree
of relaxation
Keywords for image
SARS, Pneumonia,
Number of
Number of
Pertinent pages
SARS, Pneumonia
SARS, Condition
SARS, Condition
SARS, Pneumonia
Pneumonia, Condition
Keywords for text
Figure 14: table of type C
䃂 degrees 0 of relaxation
䂥 degrees 1 of relaxation
䂓 degrees 2 of relaxation
Figure 15: graph of typep A
䃂 degrees 0 of relaxation
䂥 degrees 1 of relaxation
䂓 degrees 2 of relaxation
Figure 16: graph of type B
The results of the experiment are shown in Fig.12, 13, 14. The recall and
precision graphs for each keyword are also shown in Fig.15, 16.
The recall ratio for the results increases from 0 to 1 for every degree of relax-
ation. That is, increasing the number of keywords for the text search engine is
an effective means of obtaining pertinent Web pages. Moreover, compared with
change of the recall from the degree 0 of relaxation to the degree 1 of relaxation, the change to the degree 2 of relaxation from the degree 1 of relaxation
was small. In the graph, there are some patterns.
• Type (A) is normal.
The recall ratio is increased and the precision ratio is decreased according
to the degree of relaxation.
• Type (B) is especial.
Type (B) shows from 0 to 1 of relaxation with and increased precision
and recall ratio that is particularly apparent. No answers were obtained at
0 of relaxation, but by relaxing the degree, many answers were obtained.
We think that it is the pattern in which the validity by relaxing the query
is shown notably.
• Type (C) does not have any answers.
When there is no keyword which can express a concrete picture like Type
(C), even if it makes the degree of relaxation high, a reference result does
not come out.
When there are few especially results of the degree 0 of relaxation, this pat-
tern appears in many cases. This shows that it is effective to relax a query, if
there are few results of the degree 0 of relaxation. By the result of an experiment, query relaxation can improve recall considerably, maintaining precision
to about 70% at one of degree.
Through an experiment, even if a user inputs a few keyword into image search
engine, it turns out that the poor field that there is little hit number of cases
also exists. In the case of the words and phrases to which each keyword cannot
express a concrete picture, even if it raises the degree of relaxation, there is
very little hit number. It turns out that the remarkable difference is attached
to the number of hits, and the effective page by the keyword relaxed. Depending on the keyword, the hit number of a result of the degree 2 of relaxation
become fewer than of the degree 1 of relaxation. When it leaves a keyword
more concrete than such a result to image search, it is thought that the number
of hits will increase. However, we think that the degree of relation of reference
keywords, the degree of coincidence, the frequency for which a keyword is used
as contents of the metadata of a picture, etc. are related.
However, in the present evaluation, cautions are required for it to be depen-
dent on the picture reference algorithm of Google too much.
Chapter 5
Improvement of Query relaxation
We described the query relaxation method in Chapter 3. However, in the
method of calculating all subsets, when a user inputs a lot of keywords, the efficiency of the query relaxation method will become very bad. When a question
increases, it is because the number of subsets increases explosively. Therefore,
we consider the increase in efficiency of the query relaxation method supposing
the case where the reference question Q consists of a lot of keywords. That is
the case where many keywords are inputted into a search engine in order that
a user may extract and look for his information needed, the case where one
sentence of a Web page is copied, etc.
We describe the approaches of the query relaxation method for lots of key-
words (N keywords) below.
Method of improvement
Execution order of subset
Many subsets are made by inputting many keywords. We focus on the point
whether it is good to somewhere perform the subset. The lattice structure of a
subset in the query relaxation method is shown in Fig.7. The number of search
engines is two, the number of keywords is N. The element of the former of each
subset in a figure is used for text search and the element of the latter is used
for image search. That is, they are the degree 0 of relaxation, and the degree 1
of relaxation sequentially from a top.
It is clear by looking at the lattice structure of a figure that the number of
subsets of query will become a very huge quantity, If the number of keywords
will be N even if the number of search engines is two. Since it is such, in order to
collect solutions efficiently by Cross-media meta search, we think it important
not to collect solution pages in all subsets, but to collect solutions sequentially.
We think each search engine. About text search engine, The number of
solutions decreases like the direction under a figure, that is, the degree of relaxation becomes large. Since a reference question increases and conditions are
extracted, this is natural. About image search engine, The number of solutions
decreases like the direction up a figure, that is, the degree of relaxation becomes
small. Thus, although it is clear about the solution of each search engine, since
the question easing method is used simultaneously, such a relation is not realized. This is the point which makes it difficult to decide the execution order of
the query relaxation method.
Pruning of every search engine is considered by the easy method. The con-
dition of the solution which put keyword K1 ∧ K2 ∧ K3 into search engine E1 ,
that is Ans(K1 ∧ K2 ∧ K3 , E1 ), is more severe than of Ans(K1 ∧ K2 , E1 ). Since
the keyword is added, this is natural. Therefore, the number of the solutions
of Ans(K1 ∧ K2 ∧ K3 , E1) should become below Ans(K1 ∧ K2 , E1 ). When
Ans(K1 ∧ K2 , E1 ) does not have a solution, Ans(K1 ∧ K2 ∧ K3 , E1) does not
have a solution. If this is used, the subset with the element without a solution
of a subset does not have a solution. If it becomes so, it is not necessary to
search one of the two any longer. It can specify not performing beforehand
reference which does not have a solution or does not exceed a threshold with
the hit number. Thus, by being simplified, pruning of each search engine is
The argument on an execution order is described below.
Breadth-first search and Depth-first search
The foundations of the order of from which subset to perform are breadth-first
search and depth-first search.
• breadth-first search
The degree 0 of relaxation is performed first. Since what has high accu-
racy is good as for reference, Web pages which has high accuracy are showed
sequentially. Second, every one degree of relaxation is raised. Finally, a
query is relaxed until the contents which a user satisfies are obtained. By
performing breadth-first search, it can see sequentially from what has high
accuracy. We think that wide range of information can be acquired by
seeing the sequence with the same degree of relaxation.
• depth-first search
The degree 0 of relaxation is performed first. Second, a user considers
which keyword it leaves and the subset which raised the degree of relaxation
is performed. For example, the case of the search ”Mt.F uji” ∧ ”snow” ∧
”sunset”, suppose that the user specified that he wanted to see the picture
which is Mt. Fuji. Then, after showing that ”Mt.F uji”∧”snow” is used for
image search, the solution by which ”Mt.F uji” is used for image search
is displayed. When the same keyword can see what is used for picture
reference, we think that it is suitable in the specific thing when you want
a user.
In order to perform these, the statistical technique is used in breadth-first
search and the linguistic technique is used in depth-first search. The technique
is shown below.
The statistical technique
By the present query relaxation method, all subsets are to be performed.
However, calculation time is in a starting result display, and they are stripes.
The method of performing from the optimal subset and showing a solution one
by one is required. In order to judge which subset is the optimal, there is
a method of asking the hit number of cases of each keyword for the optimal
subset. The reason using the hit number is that what it is easy to acquire as
information which it had the front in the stage which begins reference is the hit
number of cases.
First, the one where the degree of relaxation is smaller, that is many keywords
used for image search, has high accuracy. Image search is because the conditions
are severe. Second, generally, there is so much hit number of image search of
the word that there is much hit number of text search of a certain word. Third,
considering the ”And” search with two words, the way of a reference result which
combined the word with much reference number of cases increases. Therefore,
we think that the method of searching from a subset with the small degree of
relaxation and with much hit number of cases of each word used for picture
reference is the optimal.
0 of relaxation
1 of relaxation
Ǿ, {Mt .Fuji ∧ snow ∧ sunset ‫ޓ‬
{Mt.Fuji}, {sunset ∧ snow} {sunset }, {‫ޓ‬
Mt .Fuji ∧ snow }‫{ޓ‬snow },
‫{ޓ‬Mt .Fuji ∧ sunset }
2 of relaxation
{Mt.Fuji ∧ snow}, {sunset‫ޓ‬
} {Mt .Fuji ∧ sunset }, {snow} {snow ∧ sunset }, {Mt.Fuji}
3 of relaxation
{Mt .Fuji ∧ snow ∧ sunset },Ǿ
The number of hits of each keywords
Mt. Fuji > snow > sunset
Figure 17: Breadth-first search of the stastistical technic
Fig.17 shows the execution order of the subset when performing breadthfirst search. As an example, the case where a keyword is inputted as ”Mt.
Fuji” and ”snow” and ”sunset” is considered. Here, the hit number of cases
presupposes that it is the order of the Mt. Fuji > snow > sunset. The number
in a figure is the number of an execution order. As shown in a figure, it carries
out from 0 with the lowest degree of relaxation, and, next, the degree 1 of
relaxation is performed. In the degree 1 of relaxation, it shall perform from
a subset with most scores using the following formulas. Scoresub is score of
each subset text hitsall is the sum total of the number of hits of all reference
results which put each word of a reference keyword into text search, respectively,
and was obtained. image hitsall is the sum total of the number of hits of all
reference results which put each word of a reference keyword into image search,
respectively, and was obtained. text hitssub is the sum total of the hit number
of the keyword used for text search and image hitssub is the sum total of the
hit number of the keyword used for image search of a subset to ask for a score.
Scoresub = α(
text hitssub
image hitssub
) + β(
text hitsall
image hitsall
(α + β = 1)
α and β are changed by to which reference importance is attached. This formula is a formula for choosing what has more hit number of cases based on
the idea about the above-mentioned hit number. Thus, the query relaxation
method shall be carried out to breadth-first search using a statistical technique.
However, there is a possibility that accuracy will become bad and a noise will
increase more as a reference result increases. Moreover, the information which
the user meant may not come out. It becomes important to adjust by sorting
out in the stage of a display of a reference result.
The other statistical techniques that the technique of judging whether it uses
for image search or it uses for text search, based on the information which the
user judged in the past by saving the data of the past reference, is also considered.
We experimented statistical method. Fig. 18 is an example of an experiment.
Fig. 19 shows the graph as a result of an experiment.
“Kyoto”㺢 “Autumnal leaves”㺢 “Koudai-ji”
Keywords for image
“Kyoto” 㺢“Koudai-ji”
㺢“Autumnal leaves”
“Autumnal leaves”
Keywords for text
of hits
Number of
Precision Recall
Pertinent pages
“Kyoto” 㺢“Koudai-ji”
“Autumnal leaves”
“Autumnal leaves”
“Autumnal leaves”
“Autumnal leaves”
“Kyoto” 㺢“Koudai-ji”
“Kyoto” 㺢
“Autumnal leaves”
Figure 18: Experiment of the stastistical technic
䃂 degrees 0 of relaxation
䂥 degrees 1 of relaxation
䂓 degrees 2 of relaxation
Figure 19: Graph of the stastistical technic
We think from an experiment result that precision may fall only by judging
from the hit number of cases. However, recall is high also in an early stage. We
think that the statistical technique attaches importance to recall.
The linguistic technique
This is the method of considering the optimal subset paying attention to the
ornamentation relation of the word in a subset. It is thought that a picture
which user wants is a word modified from other words in the reference keyword
group. That is, it is thought that it is the word limited most. For example,
the case of the search ”Kyoto” ∧ ”autumnalleaves” ∧ ”Kodai − ji”, generally
it is thought that the relation of ”Kodai-ji where autumnal leaves are famous
in Kyoto” is realized. Thus, we think that it is that with which Kodai-ji is
embellished from other keywords. In this case, when ”Kodai-ji” is inputted into
a picture surely the reference number of cases increased so that it might understand also from Fig.20. It can be said that this is harnessing the characteristic
of each search engine. There is a word which is easy to search with image
search. In this case, the number of hits of proper nouns such as a person and a
0 of relaxation
Ǿ, {Mt .Fuji ∧ snow ∧ sunset ‫ޓ‬
1 of relaxation
{Mt.Fuji}, {sunset ∧ snow} {sunset }, {‫ޓ‬
Mt .Fuji ∧ snow ‫ޓ‬
} {snow ‫ޓ‬
}, {Mt .Fuji ∧ sunset }
2 of relaxation
{Mt.Fuji ∧ snow}, {sunset‫ޓ‬
} {Mt.Fuji ∧ sunset}, {snow} {snow ∧ sunset}, {Mt.Fuji}
3 of relaxation
{Mt .Fuji ∧ snow ∧ sunset },Ǿ
The keywords of image which a user wants
“ Mt. Fuji ”
Figure 20: Depth-first search of the linguistic technic
building tends to increase in picture reference. Thus, the technique of judging
a subset can be considered by considering the ornamentation relation between
words. However, since this is a guess, the page different from the intention of
a user may be judged to be the optimal page. Moreover, the linguistic thing is
difficult for a system judging.
We experimented the linguistic method. Fig. 21 is an example of an experi-
ment. Fig. 22 shows the graph as a result of an experiment.
“Kyoto”㺢 “Autumnal leaves”㺢 “Koudai-ji”
Keywords for image
“Kyoto” 㺢“Koudai-ji”
㺢“Autumnal leaves”
“Autumnal leaves”
Keywords for text
of hits
Number of
Precision Recall
Pertinent pages
“Kyoto” 㺢“Koudai-ji”
“Autumnal leaves”
“Kyoto” 㺢
“Autumnal leaves”
Figure 21: Experiment of the linguistic technic
degrees 0 of relaxation
degrees 1 of relaxation
degrees 2 of relaxation
Figure 22: Graph of the linguistic technic
We think from an experiment result that precision is better than the statistical technique. The linguistic technique has high precision, maintaining moderate recall. We think that the linguistic technique attaches importance to
The extended proposal of the query relaxation
It is enumerated as follows what enhancing idea you exist besides the de-
scription of the above-mentioned.
• Duplication of a reference keyword is not permitted by query relaxation
method. That is, when dividing into a subset, it uses for either text
search or image search. By permitting duplication, a reference keyword
can be used by both of reference. All information can be covered by allowing duplication. The number of processing increases enormously so
that the number of subsets increases more enormously. When searching
for example, ”Mt.F uji” ∧ ”snow” ∧ ”sunset”, The solution set which the
common pages of ”Mt.F uji” ∧ ”sunset”inputted into image search and
”Mt.F uji” ∧ ”snow” inputted into text search increases. It is thought by
allowing duplication of a reference keyword that a reference result can be
extracted more. However, since calculation time increases, it is important
to perform in not all subsets, but to calculate only a suitable subset, taking
the hit number of a keyword into consideration.
• The concept of inTitle and inText is introduced into the partial question
to a text search engine.
As a role of each word in a subset, the role assignment of whether the word
is used by inTitle or inText is carried out. It can be decided the word in
the reference keyword, make which word main and is considered. However,
since a role divides a partial question further, the number of the groups of
a partial question will increase and efficiency becomes bad.
• An unnecessary keyword is filtered and removed from query Q.
When the reference question consists of too much a lot of keywords, The
Web page of the solution to the reference question is very difficult for finding
it. Then, an unimportant word is removed by setting importance as each
word of a question of a user. Only an important word is extracted and the
word is used as a reference keyword. As a method of deciding importance,
we consider how to feed back from the hit number of cases, and the method
of preparing a relevant dictionary as a database beforehand. In this way,
the efficiency of reference is improved by generating new query Q’.
• Adaptation of feedback.
The word which is easy to be used for a picture, and the word used for a
text are fed back judging from a reference result. That is, the history of
the past reference is stored in a database, a user profile is created, and the
query relaxation method is performed based on it.
• Feedback of image search.
This is a picture-oriented method more. A user feeds back by choosing a
thing more needed and the similar thing from the picture of a reference
result. It is more desirable to perform this with a search engine which
analyzes and searches a picture. However, those search engines do not exist
in the present stage. Then, we consider how to extract a word including
the coincidence relation from the surrounding text of the picture which the
user chose, and to search again.
Chapter 6
Information Integration
In order that a user may collect information efficiently, a Web page is not
shown as it is, but only the information related from a Web page is extracted
and displayed. The information integration is described below.
Extract information
The Web page has collected as a solution set by the query relaxation method.
However, in one Web page, the subject which is unrelated to a reference keyword
is also included. By removing unrelated subject from a Web page, we think
that efficient useful information is acquirable. Based on this, only the portion
relevant to a reference keyword is extracted from the inside of a Web page by
this paper. The frequency of the word in the text in a Web page is used in
considering the relevance to a reference keyword. Moreover, since a possibility
that many subjects about the picture are included is high, the surroundings of
the picture collected by picture reference also take a distance relation with a
picture into consideration.
A procedure is described below.
1. Calculate the importance of a word based on the frequency of a word.
2. Calculate the distance of a picture and a paragraph.
3. Calculate the importance of a paragraph by using both the importance of
a word and distance of paragraph
A formula is expressed below.
Is is importance of paragraph s.
wt is importance of word of t in paragraph s.
r is distance of paragraph s from picture.
Is = Scores ∗ r2
Scores =
A paragraph is extracted based on this importance.
Thus, only related subject is extracted from the Web page of a reference re-
sult. Fig.23 shows this method. The reference result is made into the paragraph
and picture which were extracted from the Web page instead of a Web page
unit. Thus, it unifies automatically, new contents are generated and a user is
shown by making this into a reference result. It is the feature for a reference
result to be settled as contents with new not the display of a URL list but
picture of a reference result and text document unlike the conventional meta
search engine, and to be displayed.
䂾 ን჻ጊ䈦䈩䈬䉖䈭ጊ 䉂䈭䈘䉖䈗ሽ䈛䈱䈫䈍䉍䇮ን჻ጊ䈲
ᵴἫጊ䈫䈚䈩䈱ን჻ጊ ን჻ጊⷰశ䉕ᭉ䈚䉁䉏䉎⊝䈘䉖䈲䇮
ን჻ጊ䈏ታ䈲ᵴἫጊ䈣䈫䈇䈉䈖䈫䉕䈗ሽ䈛䈪䈚䉊䈉䈎䇯 ᣣᧄ
䈢䉅䈱䈪䈜䇯 䈖䈱䉋䈉䈮Ἣጊ䈣䈎䉌䈖䈠䇮੹䈱ᭉ䈚䉁䉏䉎ን
჻ጊ䈏䈅䉎䉒䈔䈪䈜䇯 ㆊ෰䈱ྃἫ ን჻ጊ䈲੹䈎䉌⚂70䌾
Figure 23: Extract information
As for the Web page of the reference result collected for each sub-queries,
the Web page unit does not serve as a solution. Only the portion relevant to the
reference keyword is extracted from each Web page. Thus, a reference result is
not a Web page unit but the portion extracted from the Web page. Here, the
information extracted from the Web page of the reference result of each partial
question is unified automatically, and new contents are generated. A user is
shown this as a reference result. Unlike the conventional meta-search engine, a
reference result is not the display of a URL list. In Cross-media meta search,
it is the feature that the picture and a text document of a reference result are
collected as new contents, and are displayed. Fig.24 shows this information
integration method.
Figure 24: information integration
Copyright problem
In Cross-media meta search, only one portion which is related on a page
unlike the conventional reference is extracted. Therefore, the system is adding
processing to the work of others who are called a Web page. Moreover, the
system shows Web page so that it may be made to peruse simultaneously with
other pages. These acts may also become violation of copyright.
However, in the conventional search engine such as Google, the contents of
some pages containing the reference keyword other than URL are displayed on
the display screen of a reference result. Moreover, in Google image search, only
the photograph is extracted and shown. These acts cannot become violation of
Based on these, in Cross-media meta search, a system specifies the source point.
Searching based on Web page
Thus, the Cross-media meta search which extended the usual reference can be
used for other uses. One of them is searching based on a Web page. When the
user needs reference most, it is a time of there being information which he does
not understand, and information knowing. It is not efficient that user continue
to peruse a Web page after visiting and searching one by one at this time.
Therefore, it is the purpose of this method that a user will search simultaneously
with perusing Web pages without using Web search cite. When the user has
patrolled the Web page and the language regarded as not understanding comes
out, this is specified with the drug of a mouse etc. At this time, while a user
searches, Cross-media meta search moves by the background. It can be used
with the feeling of seeing as an encyclopedia by unifying a result and displaying
briefly. Fig.25 shows this image.
ᄖ㊁ᚻ 䋨ฝᛩ䈕䊶Ꮐᛂ䈤䋩
㪈㪐㪐㪈ᐕ 䊄䊤䊐䊃㪋૏ᜰฬ䈪䉥䊥䉾䉪䉴౉䉍
ᛂ₸ 㪅㪊㪉㪈䊶㪏ᧄ႗ᛂ䊶㪌㪈ᛂὐ
Figure 25: searching based on Web page
Informational arrangement
For information integration, an important thing is not displaying information
as mere enumeration, but is displaying in a form with a certain scenario. Since
we want to create a thing like the encyclopedia using Web as motivation, we
consider the display method like an encyclopedia. Then, we think that an
important thing is showing the contents considered to be the most effective to
the portion which the users chose. As an element like an encyclopedia, there are
explanation of a term, a photograph, usage, related subject, etc. It is adapted
for this information integration in this. In order to decide the element like an
encyclopedia, it is determined from a reference keyword what is subject. The
example of the element in the subject of reference to display is raised to below.
• Name of a person
A profile, career, and photograph.
• Name of a place
Scenery, sightseeing spot, and the special feature.
• Term
Meaning, relation term and photograph.
• News
A report, a related article, and characters.
We think it effective to show such an element.
Moreover, it is required to also consider the degree of similar of a text. Since
there is little amount of information even if the same text is displayed, as for
the subject with the high degree of similar, it is good to display the subject
which was omitted and is different. For example, a medical virus and the virus
of a computer mainly exist in a virus. Completely, since this is another subject,
it classifies and it displays. However, the text with the high degree of similar
is summarized into a medical virus. For example, even if there are many texts
about an influenza virus, it does not indicate all, but what has the high degree
of similar is eliminated and displayed.
Chapter 7
Prototype System
The prototype system was implemented according to the above-mentioned
In this chapter, we describe the prototype system of Cross-Media meta search
And, implementing environment is as follows;
• OS : Windows XP
• CPU : Pentium4 2.00GHz
• Memory : 2GB
• Development Environment : Microsoft Visual Studio .Net/ C
First, a user inputs their query which is consisted of K1 ,K2,. . . ,Kn (n≥2).
That is query Q = K1 ∧K2 ∧. . . ∧Kn .
Second, we use Google text search engine as E1 . And, we use Google image
search engine as E2 . Ans(Q) is Web page set of common Web pages of the
result Web pages of E1 and E2 . The reference result of Question Q is shown to
a user by generating the new contents which unified information using this Ans
(Q). Contents are written by html and a system creates a html file dynamically
here according to a demand of a user. Dynamic integration was enabled when
a web browser read it at any time.
The system architecture of the prototype system of Cross-media meta search
is shown in Fig.26. Proto type system of Cross-media meta search consists 4
• Interface part
Interface part is a part that a user inputs a reference query and the screen
of a reference result is displayed after reference is completed. A reference
result is displayed by reading html generated by information integration
Cross-Media meta search System
Interface part
query relaxation
Web pages
Google image
Figure 26: The system architecture of the prototype system of Cross-media
meta search
• Executing query relaxation part
Executing query relaxation part is a part that the reference question which
the user inputted is made into a subset using the query relaxation method
and those subsets are inputted into Google and Google image of a search
engine to be used.
• Collecting Web pages part
Collecting Web pages part is a part that a system collects the reference
results of the question which each search engine inputted, and matches
and chooses a common Web page out of the Web page of the reference
• Information integration part
Information integration part is a part that a system extracts only an important portion from a common Web page, generates the html file for displaying a reference result by interfacepart based on the extracted information.
The flow of processing of a prototype is as follows.
1. The query which the user inputted, and the number of keywords are read.
A user input query can be carved for every word by using blank. Each
keywords are held as K1 ,K2 ,. . . ,Kn (n≥2).
2. K1 ,. . . ,Kn is inputted to Google image search and image’s URL and URL
of result Web pages are collected.
3. K1 is inputted to Google text search, URL of result Web pages is collected.
4. K2 ,. . . ,Kn is inputted to Google image search and image’s URL and URL
of result Web pages are collected.
5. Calculate common Web pages of both results. The page which is not common is canceled.
6. Title and text except tab and Javascript are extracted from source code of
common web pages
7. This procedure is in the same degree of relaxation.
8. The degree of relaxation is raised one and this is repeated.
9. In order to check tf value to each text document, a sentence is divided per
word using a chasen[8].
10. The importance of a paragraph is calculated by calculating the importance
of a word.
11. A paragraph is extracted based on this importance.
12. The picture of the reference result of image search is mixed and new contents are created in html form.
13. The created html file is read and a user is shown.
Implemeting display
Fig.27 shows implementing display. Thus, it is a display screen like an or-
dinary browser. However, the result displayed is not as a result of URL like
before. A user inputs a reference question and pushes a reference button. If it
does so, it will be displayed in the form where the text of one portion of the
picture as a result of image search and the Web page as a result of text search
was extracted as shown in a figure.
Retrieval Query
Reference keyword
Image search results
Text extracted from a web page
Figure 27: implementing display
Chapter 8
Related work
Naver[9] is a type of meta-search engine that simultaneously searches for
HTML pages, CG animations, images, and sounds etc., pertinent to the user
input keyword(s) and then merges the retrieved content. These results are only
a collection of the retrieved information for each search engine. Naver is a Crossmedia meta-search engine that can retrieve information from several different
media-sources from a user-input keyword query.
But a keyword(s) is inputted like the conventional search engine, and The
domain of images of image search and the domain of the list of URL of text
search are divided by integration. Although various media are treated, it differs
from this research at this point.
Reference result of image
Reference result of text
Figure 28: NAVER
MIRADOR-Search[10] is service which unified the semantic reference in a
text developed by FUJITSU, and the visual reference by the picture and which
offers a crossing media reference function.
If a user inputs a reference keyword, Web Crawler will analyze the Web
page on the Internet, and a picture and explanation texts will be collected
automatically. And as a reference result, the collected picture is mapped and
displayed on three dimensions based on the picture features, such as a color of
a picture, and a form. This system is the reference which specialized in the
picture very much.
Specify a kind of feature
feature of text
(frequency of word)
feature of picture
(color, figure)
Set of feature
Space of feature of N dimension
3D space
the similar information
to near
Figure 29: MIRADOR-Search
Cyclone[11] is also a meta-search engine for searching ordinary Web pages.
From a user-input keyword query, it searches several search engines and assembles the results into an encyclopedia-like form. The point of showing only a
required portion, without displaying a Web page as a reference result is connected with this research.
However, in this system, if one word is not inputted, a suitable solution can-
not be obtained. That is, it is thought that it is a Japanese dictionary using
Title and field of Web page
extracted paragraph
Figure 30: CYCLONE
Mr. oyama[12] proposed the Web reference technique using the formation
of hierarchical structure of the reference question at the time of inputting two
or more keywords into a search engine.
Precision is raised by distinguishing a role for every keyword like the keyword
showing the theme, and the keyword showing the contents about the theme.
Moreover, the reference result set which the same keyword also compared the
reference result which changed and searched the role, and had a big difference
as the display method of a reference result is shown in parallel.
In this research, this technique is used and the role is given to the question
used for image search at a reference keyword, and the question used for text
user input query
role of keywords
Figure 31: interface by Mr. oyama
KartOO[13] is visual meta search engine. KartOO launches the query to
a set of search engines, gathers the results, compiles them and represents them
in a series of interactive maps through a proprietary algorithm In this map, the
found sites are represented by more or less important size pages, depending on
their relevance. When you move the pointer over these pages, t he concerned
keywords are illuminated and a brief description of the site appears on the left
side of the screen.
Relation of a link
Web pages
Figure 32: KartOO
Web Montagewebmontage unifies a page dynamically. Web access is a routine pattern. A user looks at a page in the same order, when the same every
day. Since what supports the task of such a routine and Web browsing is not
developed, it is going to support this. The score is attached to the always visited Web page from a user’s history. And contents are arranged so that the
sum total of the score of the contents arranged on a Web screen may become
the maximum.
a part of contents of web page
Figure 33: Web montage
Chapter 9
In this paper, we propose a Cross-media meta search method. The features
of Cross-media meta search. This is a system that collects not only a text
but a picture, and various contents, such as music, from the contents on the
present various Web space. Harnessing the capability of the existing search
engine by using a meta-search, the amount of information can be increased and
the characteristic of various search engines can be used. Moreover, information
is processed so that a user can collect information efficiently.
The points that a Cross-media meta search differs from the conventional
meta-search engine are the following points.
• The Cross-media meta search engine can collect not only Web pages, but
also mixed type multimedia contents by using search engine of various
• User input query Q is changed into the form of having been suitable for
the search engine of various media.
• What unified the contents which extracted only one portion of a Web page
instead of URL is displayed as a reference result.
Cross-media meta search has such a feature.
There are two methods to realize Cross-media meta search.
• Query relaxation
the system which uses the search engine of a different kind efficiently. user
input query is divided into a subset. Each subset is used for each search
engine. The common Web pages of each reference result of search engine
are collected. The solution which was not obtained conventionally can be
obtained by using query relaxation method.
• Information integration
the system which unifies information so that a user can acquire information
Evaluation of our query relaxation approach shows that it can dramat-
ically improve the recall ratio for image retrievals. By the result of an experiment, query relaxation can improve recall considerably, maintaining precision
to about 70%. We believe that the query relaxation approach is an efficient
method for image searches.
By this system, only by inputting a reference keyword, even if it does not
carry out troublesome search, a user can peruse many useful information about
a reference keyword easily. In this way, a user can utilize Web effectively.
First, the author would like to thank Professor Kastumi TANAKA and As-
sistant Professor Satoshi OYAMA for supporting at all levels of this research.
And the author would like to thank advisers, Associate Professor Mizuho IWAIHARA and Associate Professor Hayato YAMANA for supporting this research.
Moreover the author would like to thank all the members of TANAKA Laboratory for supporting across the varied activity in the TANAKA Laboratory.
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[6] Altavista
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[8] NAIST Computational Linguistics Lab
[9] NAVER Japan
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[11] Cyclone
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