
SJシャピロ他編 マクロマーケティング全 4 巻

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SJシャピロ他編 マクロマーケティング全 4 巻
KS – 3288 / November 2008
 マクロマーケティングに関する重要論文をテーマ別に編集した
Macromarketing. 4 vols.
Shapiro, Stanley J. / Tadajewski, Mark / Shultz, Clifford J. (eds.), Macromarketing. 4 vols.
(Sage Library in Marketing) 1712 pp. 2009:7 (Sage, UK) <100-2603>
ISBN 978-1-84860-704-0
特別価格(2009 年 6 月 15 日まで) hard set
定 価 hard set
本書は、この分野における唯一の権威ある重要論文集です。本書の第 1 巻は「マクロマーケテ
「マーケティングの外部性」の部から、第 2 巻は「市場とマーケティング・システム
「社会経済的発展のために-概観」の部から、第 3 巻は「開発における論争 1:より自由
「開発における論争 2:国際開発援助の役割」、
における論争 3:経済成長と貧困削減」、「開発における論争 4:グローバル化における課題」、
「移行経済とマクロマーケティング」の部から、第 4 巻は「マーケティングと開発」、
「公正な取り分と平等な犠牲? 1:持続可能な消費」、
「公正な取り分と平等な犠牲? 2:地球温暖化」、
Volume I
 《収録論文明細》 
I The Domain of Macromarketing
1. Hunt, Shelby D. & John Burnett, ‘The Macromarketing/Micromarketing Dichotomy: A Taxonomical Model’, 1982
2. Layton, Roger A. & Sanford Grossbart, ‘Macromarketing: Past, Present and Possible Future’, 2006
3. Wilkie, William W. & Elizabeth S. Moore, ‘Macromarketing as a Pillar of Marketing Thought’,
4. Peterson, Mark, ‘Focusing the Future of Macromarketing’, 2006
5. Shultz, C.J., ‘Marketing as Constructive Engagement’, 2007
II The Intellectual Roots of Contemporary Macromarketing
6. Dixon, D.F., ‘Emerging Macromarketing Concepts: From Socrates to Alfred Marshall’, 2002
7. Savitt, Ronald, ‘Pre-Aldersonian Antecedents to Macromarketing: Insights from the Textual Literature’, 1990
8. Sweeney, Daniel, J., ‘Marketing: Management Technology or Social Process?’, 1972
9. Fisk, George, ‘Criteria for a Theory of Responsible Consumption’, 1973
10. Nason, Robert W. & Phillip D. White, ‘The Visions of Charles C. Slater: Social Consequences of
Marketing’, 1981
11. Arndt, Johan, ‘The Political Economy of Marketing Systems: Reviving the Institutional Approach’,
12. Fisk, George, ‘Reflection and Retrospection: Searching for Visions in Marketing’, 1999
III Perceptions of the Market
13. Fourcade, Marion & Kieran Healy, ‘Moral Views of Market Society’, 2007
14. Mittelstaedt, John D., William E. Kilbourne & Robert A Mittelstaedt, ‘Macromarketing as
Agorology: Macromarketing Theory and the Study of the Agora’, 2006
15. Varman, Rohit & Janeen Arnold Costa, ‘Embedded Markets, Communities and the Invisible
Hand of Social Norms’, 2008
IV Marketing Systems
16. Layton, Roger A., ‘Marketing Systems: A Core Macromarketing Concept’, 2007
17. Porter, Gina, Fergus Lyon & Deborah Potts, ‘Market Institutions and urban food supply in West
and Southern Africa: a review’, 2007
18. Ghosh, B.N., ‘Rich Doctors and Poor Patients: Market Failure and Health Care Systems in Developing Countries’, 2008
19. Layton, Roger A., ‘On Economic Growth, Marketing Systems and the Quality of Life’, 2009
V Marketing Externalities
20. Nason, Robert W., ‘The Social Consequences of Marketing: Macromarketing and Public Policy’,
21. Cadeaux, Jack, ‘Market Mechanisms and the External Benefits of Consumption’, 2000
22. Polonsky, M.J., Carlson, L. & Fry, M-L., ‘The Harm Chain: A Public Policy Development and
Stakeholder Perspective’, 2003
23. Witkowski, Terrence H., ‘Global Food Marketing Systems and Local Cultural Change in the Developing World’, 2008
24. Clancy, J.S., ‘Are biofuels pro-poor? Assessing the evidence’, 2008
Volume II
VI Society’s Impact on Markets and Marketing Systems
25. Mittelstaedt, John D., ‘A Framework for Understanding the Relationships Between Religions and
Markets’, 2002
26. Shultz Clifford, J., Burkink, T.J., Grbac, B. & Renko, N., ‘When Policies and Marketing Systems
Explode: An Assessment of Food Marketing in the War-Ravaged Balkans and Implications for
Recovery, Sustainable Peace, and Prosperity’, 2005
27. Zinkhan, George M., ‘The marketplace, emerging technology and marketing theory’, 2005
28. Hutt, Michael D., Michael P. Mokwa & Stanley J. Shapiro, ‘The Politics of Marketing: Analyzing
the Parallel Political Marketplace’, 1986
29. Micheletti, M. & Stolle, D., ‘Mobilizing Consumers to Take Responsibility for Global Social Justice’, 2007
VII Marketing Ethics
30. Laczniak, Gene & Patrick Murphy, ‘Normative Perspectives for Ethically and Socially Responsible Marketing’, 2006
31. Hunt, Shelby. & Scott J. Vitell, ‘The General Theory of Marketing Ethics: A Revision and Three
Questions’, 2006
32. Saeed M., Ahmed, Z.U. & Mukhtar, S-M., ‘International Marketing Ethics from an Islamic Perspective: A Value-Maximization Approach’, 2001
33. Klein, Thomas A. & Gene R. Laczniak, ‘Catholic Social Thought and Ethical Issues in Marketing’,
VIII Distributive Justice
34. Martens, Jens, ‘A Compendium of Inequality: The Human Development Report’, 2005
35. Belk, R., ‘Out of Sight and Out of Our Minds: what of those left behind in globalism?’, 2006
36. Hill, Ronald Paul, William F. Felice & Thomas Ainscough, ‘International Human Rights and Consumer Quality of Life: An Ethical Perspective’, 2007
37. Laczniak, Gene R. & Patrick E. Murphy, ‘Distributive Justice: Pressing Questions, Emerging Directions and the Promise of Rawlsian Analysis’, 2008
38. Ferrell, O.C. & Linda Ferrell, ‘A Macromarketing Ethics Framework: Stakeholder Orientation and
Distributive Justice’, 2008
39. Wilkinson, John, ‘Fair Trade: Dynamic and Dilemmas of a Market Oriented Global Social Movement’, 2007
IX Quality of Life-A Macromarketing Perspective
40. Diener, Ed & Eunkook Suh, ‘Measuring Quality of Life: Economic, Social and Subjective Indicators’, 1997
41. Hill, R.P. & K.K. Dhanda, ‘Technological Achievement and Human Development’, 2003
42. Lee, Dong-Jin & M. Joseph Sirgy, ‘Quality-of-Life (QOL) Marketing: Proposed Antecedents and
Consequences’, 2004
43. Peterson, Mark & Naresh K. Malhotra, ‘Comparative Marketing Measures of Societal Quality of
Life: Substantive Dimensions in 186 Countries’, 1997
X Toward Socioeconomic Development—An Overview
44. United Nations Development Programme, ‘New Directions In Development Thinking’, 1998
45. Stewart, Frances & Severine Deneulin, ‘Amartya Sen’s Contribution to Development Thinking’,
46. Ger, Güliz, ‘Human Development and Humane Consumption: Well-Being Beyond the “Good
Life”‘, 1997
47. Birdsall, Nancy, Dani Rodrik & Arvind Subramanian, ‘How To Help Poor Countries’, 2005
Volume III
XI Controversies in Development 1: Benefits from Freer Trade? The Doha Round
48. Sutherland, Peter, ‘Challenges to the Multilateral Trading System’, 2007
49. Akyüz, Yilmas, William Milberg & Robert Wade, ‘Developing Countries and the Collapse of the
Doha Round’, 2006
50. Tokarick, Stephen, ‘Dispelling Some Misconceptions about Agricultural Trade Liberalization’,
51. Wise, Timothy A., ‘The Limited Promise of Agricultural Trade Liberalization’, 2008
XII Controversies In Development 2: The Role of International Development Assistance
52. Martens, Jens, ‘Report of the UN Millennium Project “Investing in Development”‘, 2005
53. Roy, Rathin & Antoine Heuty, ‘Investing in Development: The Millennium Development Goals,
Aid and Sustainable Capital Accumulation’, 2005
54. Banerjee, Abhijit Vinayak, ‘Making Aid Work’, 2006
55. Easterly, William, ‘Was Development Assistance a Mistake?’, 2008
56. Farrington, John & Jeremy Clarke, ‘Growth, Poverty Reduction and Development Assistance In
Asia: Options and Prospects’, 2006
XIII Controversies in Development 3: Economic Growth & Reduced Poverty
57. Besley, Timothy & Robin Burgess, ‘Halving Global Poverty’, 2003
58. Kanbur, Ravi, ‘Growth, Inequality and Poverty: Some Hard Questions’, 2005
59. Sumner, Andrew & Meera Tiwari, ‘Poverty and Economic Policy: What Happens When Researchers Disagree?’, 2005
60. Harrison, Ann & Margaret McMillan, ‘On the links between Globalization and Poverty’, 2007
61. Bardhan, Pranab, ‘Globalization and Rural Poverty’, 2006
XIV Controversies in Development 4: Challenges in Globalization
62. Witkowski, Terrence H., ‘Antiglobal Challenges to Marketing in Developing Countries: Exploring
the Ideological Divide’, 2005
63. Garrett, Geoffrey, ‘Globalization’s Missing Middle’, 2004
64. Broad, Robin & John Cavanagh, ‘The Hijacking of the Development Debate: How Friedman and
Sachs Got It Wrong’, 2006
65. Grewal, David Singh, ‘Is Globalization Working?’, 2006
66. Koechlin, Timothy, ‘Stiglitz and his Discontent’, 2006
67. Trebilcock, Michael J., ‘Critiquing the Critics of Economic Globalization’, 2005
XV Transition Economies and Macromarketing
68. Kornai, János, ‘What the Change of System from Socialism to Capitalism Does and Does Not
Mean’, 2000
69. Svejnar, Jan, ‘Transition Economies: Performance and Challenges’, 2002
70. Shultz, Clifford J. II & Anthony Pecotich, ‘Marketing and Development in the Transition Economies of Southeast Asia: Policy Explication, Assessment and Implications’, 1997
71. Dapice, David et al., ‘Choosing Success: The Lessons of East and Southeast Asia and Vietnam’s
Future, A Policy Framework for Vietnam’s Socioeconomic Development 2011-2020’, 2008
Volume IV
XVI Marketing, & Development
72. Klein, Thomas & Robert Nason, ‘Marketing and Development: Macromarketing Perspectives’,
73. Dholakia, Ruby Roy & Nikhilesh Dholakia, ‘Social Marketing and Development’, 2001
74. Kilbourne, William E., ‘Globalization and Development: An Expanded Macromarketing View’,
75. Dunford, Christopher, ‘Evidence of Microfinance’s Contribution to Achieving the Millennium
Development Goals’, 2006
XVII Marketing and Societal Development: Issues & Approaches
76. Kotler, Phillip, Ned Roberto & Tony Leisner, ‘Alleviating Poverty: A Macro/Micro Marketing
Perspective’, 2006
77. Flanagan, William & Gail Whiteman, ‘“AIDS is Not a Business” A Study in Global Corporate Responsibility—Securing Access to Low-cost HIV Medications’, 2007
78. Prahalad, C.K. & Stuart L. Hart, ‘The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid’, 2002
79. Karnani, Aneel, ‘The Mirage of Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid: How The Private Sector
Can Help Alleviate Poverty’, 2007
80. Böhm, Steffen & Vinicius Brei, ‘Marketing the Hegemony of Development: Of Pulp Fictions and
Green Deserts’, 2008
81. Cornwell, T. Bettina & Judy Drennan, ‘Cross-Cultural Consumer/Consumption Research: Dealing with Issues Emerging from Globalization and Fragmentation’, 2004
XVIII Fair Shares & Equal Sacrifice? 1 Sustainable Consumption
82. United Nations Development Programme, ‘Consumption in a global village - unequal and unbalanced’, 1998
83. Kilbourne, William H., Pierre McDonagh & Andrea Prothero, ‘Sustainable Consumption and the
Quality of Life: A Macromarketing Challenge to the Dominant Social Paradigm’, 1997
84. Jackson, Tim, ‘Live Better by Consuming Less: Is There a Dividend in Sustainable Consumption?’,
85. Mortensen, Lars Fogh, ‘Sustainable Household Consumption in Europe?’, 2006
XIX Fair Shares & Equal Sacrifice? 2 Global Warming
86. Pew Center on Global Climate Change, ‘Climate Change 101: International Action’
87. Ashton, John & Xueman Wang, ‘Equity and Climate: In Principle and Practice’, 2003
88. Goodwin, Neva, ‘An Overview of Climate Change: What does it mean for our way of life? What
is the best future we can hope for?’, 2008
XX In Conclusion: Dealing with the Problems of the Commons
89. Shultz, Clifford J. & Morris B. Holbrook, ‘Marketing and the Tragedy of the Commons: A Synthesis, Commentary, and Analysis for Action’, 1999
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