
(Fall) 国際開発協力論 2 単位(秋学期) Lecturer GOTO, KAZUMI

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(Fall) 国際開発協力論 2 単位(秋学期) Lecturer GOTO, KAZUMI
・OECD, Aid Effectiveness: A Progress Report on Implementing the Paris
Declaration (Better Aid), OECD, 2009.
・Jens S. Srensen, Challenging the Emerging Aid Paradigm: International
Aid and Development in the Twenty-first Century (Rethinking
International Development Series) , Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
・ Finn Tarp, Foreign Aid and Development: Lessons Learned and
Directions for the Future (Routledge Studies in Development Economics),
Routledge, 2000.
・I. William Zartman and Saadia Touval (eds.), International Cooperation:
The Extents and Limits of Multilateralism, Cambridge University Press,
【Global Governance】
・Deborah D. Avant, Martha Finnemore, and Susan K. Sell (eds.), Who
Governs the Globe?, (Cambridge Studies in International Relations)
Cambridge University Press, 2010.
・ Vinay Bhargava (ed.), Global Issues for Global Citizens: An
Introduction to Key Development Challenges, The World bank, 2006.
・ Luis Cabrera (ed.), Global Governance, Global Government:
Institutional Visions for an Evolving World System, State University of
New York Press, 2011.
・Michael Edwards, Future Positive: International Cooperation in the 21st
Century, Revised Edition, Earthscan, 2004.
・Helge Hveem and Lelio Iapadre (eds.), The Global Governance of
Knowledge: Education, Research, Innovation and International
Cooperation, (Routledge/GARNET series) , Routledge, 2011.
・James H Mittelman, Contesting Global Order: Development, global
governance, and globalization, Routledge, 2011.
・Jan Aart Scholte (ed.), Building Global Democracy?: Civil Society and
Accountable Global Governance, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
・Timothy J. Sinclair, Global Governance, Polity Press, 2011.
・Geoffrey R. D. Underhill, Political Economy and Global Governance:
Theories, Issues and Dynamics, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
・ Rorden Wilkinson and Jennifer Clapp (eds.), Global Governance,
Poverty & Inequality (Global Institutions) , Taylor & Francis, 2010.
Course Plan:
第2回〜第5回:Introduction to international development cooperation
第6回〜第8回:Major issues of development in an age of globalization
第9回〜第11回:Global governance approach to development aid
第12回〜第14回:Guest speakers
第15回:Review of the course
Lecturer's Comments to Students:
Active participation in class discussions is required.
Method of Evaluation:
レポートによる評価 Writing Assignment
Some short essays are requested to be submitted during the course.
Evaluation will be made, based on the final report (five pages of A4 size)
submitted at the end of the course, with the following criteria: originality;
logic; and persuasiveness.
Should you have any inquiries, feel free to contact with the following
address: <[email protected]>
国際開発協力論 2 単位(秋学期)
Development and Aid in an Age of Globalization
講師 後藤 一美
Course Description:
The twenty-first century is an era of global governance. The realm of
contemporary international relations has seen the commencement of new
political attempts to gradually reform existing systems in complex
governance with different players and multi-tiered networks for the
creation of a convivial global society, in which the common values of
peace, prosperity and stability are pluralistically shared, overcoming the
risks of asymmetry and tit-for-tat sequences. In this new political initiative
towards an unknown world, there are some critical challenges, including
the pursuit of public goals in the international community and of effective
measures to reach them. In the new world of international development
cooperation, aid donors and aid recipients have different dreams yet lie in
the same bed with a dynamic and tense relationship. By reviewing
frontline efforts in international development cooperation with a view
towards sustainable growth and poverty reduction from the perspective of
cooperation policies, this course is intended to provide some basic
foundations and applications for the management of international
development cooperation with students that are interested in the main
issues of poverty and development in the developing regions, and that
wish to be involved in the world of international development cooperation
in the future. Several guest speakers shall be invited from international aid
Textbook is not used in particular. Resume and copies of reading
materials will be available during the course and via e-mail.
Reference Books:
【International Cooperation】
・Nathan Andrews, What Foreign Aid Can and Can't Do in Africa, Lap
Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010.
・Nancy Birdsall and William R. Easterly, Reinventing Foreign Aid, The
MIT Press, 2008.
・ Ashok Chakravarti, Aid, Institutions And Development: New
Approaches to Growth, Governance And Poverty, Edward Elgar Publsher,
・William Easterly, The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to
Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good, Penguin, 2007.
・Michael Edwards, Future Positive: International Cooperation in the 21st
Century, Revised Edition, Earthscan, 2004.
・George Mavrotas and Mark McGillivray (eds.) , Development Aid: A
Fresh Look, (Studies in Development Economics and Policy) , Palgrave
Macmillan, 2009.
・ George Mavrotas (ed.), Foreign Aid for Development: Issues,
Challenges, and the New Agenda, (Unu-Wider Studies in Development
Economics) , Oxford University Press, 2010.
・Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, and John McBrewster (eds.) ,
Development Aid, Alphascript Publishing, 2009.
・OECD, Managing Aid: Practices of DAC Member Countries (Better
Aid), OECD, 2009.
・OECD, Improving Incentives in Donor Agencies: Good Practice and
Self-Assessment Tool (Better Aid), OECD, 2009.
・ OECD, Managing Development Resources: The Use of Country
Systems in Public Financial Management (Better Aid), OECD, 2009.
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