
早稲田大学 派遣留学プログラムリスト ユーザーズガイド I. 検索ヘルプ

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早稲田大学 派遣留学プログラムリスト ユーザーズガイド I. 検索ヘルプ
早稲田大学 派遣留学プログラムリスト ユーザーズガイド
I. 検索ヘルプ
1. 留学期間 Study Abroad Duration
Please select your preferred study abroad duration from the search conditions.
長期(1 year): 1学年期間の留学(1年間) Study abroad for one academic year
半期(1 semester): 1学期間の留学(半年) Study abroad for one academic semester
* For application to 1 semester programs, please read the "Notes for application" that are listed after
running the search.
2. 留学地域 Study Abroad Region
Please select your preferred region from the search conditions. There are 8 regions to choose from.
North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Oceania, Middle East, and Africa
After selecting the region, a list of countries will be shown. You can further narrow down the choices by
country name.
Some regions do not have programs during some application periods. In this case, the search result will not
show anything.
3. 国名 Country
Please select your preferred country from the search conditions.
Some countries do not have programs during some application periods. In this case, the search result will not
show anything.
4. TOEFLスコア TOEFL iBT Score
あなたのTOEFL iBTスコアをリストより選択して下さい。TOEFL iBTスコアは持っていないが、CBT、PBTスコ
Please select your TOEFL iBT score from the search conditions. If you do not have a TOEFL iBT score, but
have a CBT or PBT score, please convert your score to an iBT equivalent from the below chart.
In most cases, application conditions will match this chart. However, please note that there may be some
cases where the scores vary. For example, the required PBT score may be slightly higher than the converted
iBT score, etc.
TOEFL換算表 TOEFL Score Conversion Chart
TOEFL scores are required for programs conducted in English. By setting your iBT score in the search
condition, the programs for which you meet the minimum score will be displayed.
* All programs that do not require a TOEFL score will always be displayed regardless of the selected score.
5. プログラム Program
Please select your preferred program from the search conditions. You can select from the 4 studyabroad
programs below.
EX: 交換留学プログラム Exchange Study Abroad Program
DD: ダブルディグリー・プログラム Double Degree Program
TSA: Thematic Studies Abroadプログラム(※学部生対象)
Thematic Studies Abroad Program (for undergrads)
ISA: Individualized Studies Abroadプログラム(※一部を除き学部生対象)
Individualized Studies Abroad Program (for undergrads except for a few
* For details regarding each program, please see the CIE website's "Program Overview"
Some program categories do not have programs during some application periods. In this case, the search
result will not show anything.
6. 言語 Language
Please select the program language from the search condition.
The program language is the language used in courses of the study abroad program and is not necessarily the
local language. For example, the program for "Venice International University" uses English as its program
language, though the local language is Italian. As such, this program will be returned in a search with language
conditions set to "English", but not for a search set to "Italian".
Some languages do not have programs during some application periods. In this case, the search result will not
show anything.
対象学生 Student Type
If you are an undergraduate student, select "Undergrad" in the search condition. The search result will show
all programs that undergraduate students can apply to.
If you are a graduate student, select "Graduate" in the search condition. The search result will show all
programs that graduate students can apply to.
* The preset condition "All" will show all information without setting a search condition for student type.
II. プログラムリストについて
1. 略称について Vocabulary abbreviations
N/A: not applicable 該当なし
TBA: to be announced 現時点未定(後日要確認)
TBC: to be confirmed 後日要確認 L2: second language
CEF: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
PO: program overview
2. 為替レートについて Currency Exchange Rate
All monetary amounts listed in this program list have been converted using the exchange rate as of July 2010.
Please be advised that the actual amount may vary according to currency fluctuations.
3. プログラムリストの表示について Displaying of the program list
が見やすくなります。Internet Explorerにおいて、文字が小さくて見づらい場合は、左下隅の拡大率を調整し
てみて下さい(IE 7.0以上)。
Depending on the browser used, the program list appears differently. In Safari or Firefox, the letters are
easier to read. When using Internet Explorer and letters are small and hard to read, please adjust the
magnifying power from the bottom left corner (IE 7.0 or higher).
4. プログラムリストの項目行について Program list field names
(1) Code, Institution, & Program
The university code, Institution name and type of program.
(2) Institution Name in Japanese
The university name in Japanese.
(3) Current State
This shows the current status if applications can be made or not.
最新情報収集中: web上に公開されている情報は最新情報ではありません。
CANCEL 募集中止: 諸事情により、募集中止です。応募できません。
If the box is blank then the most updated information is viewable and you may apply for an application.
If the box states "Collecting Updated Information", the information on the web has not been updated yet.
The information may be updated later on but you may still apply for an application.
If the box states "CANCEL" then the recruitment has been cancelled and you may not apply for an
(4) Program Overview
ービューの参照の仕方については、下記のPDF "Guide to the use of program overviews" をご利用下さい。
Click on the image for the program overview to open. Refer to the following PDF files for information on
program overview usage.
Guide to the use of program overviews
- EX & DD - Guide in Japanese <PDF>
- EX & DD - Guide in English <PDF>
- TSA & ISA - Guide in Japanese <PDF>
- TSA & ISA - Guide in English <PDF>
* Please read the program overview for information prior to your application.
* When there are a number of programs at one educational institution, only one program overview information
is published. If the information is not shown on a Program Overview web page, open and read the page of the
Program Overview referred in the annotation section.
(5) URL
This provides a link to each university s official website.
(6) Region
地域名を表記します。Region name
(7) Country
国名を表記します。Country name
(8) Program
プログラムの種類を表記します。Program type
(9) Screening Process
English: 英語プログラム選考 English Program Selection
Non-English: 非英語プログラム選考 Non-English Program selection
"#"が付いている場合: 出願前に留学センターにお問い合わせください。
("English"に)"*"がついている場合: 非英語(現地言語)プログラムとしての出願が可能です(要現地語力)。
"#" symbol: Contact the CIE prior to your application
"English*": A non-English application is possible (* local language abilities are required). If you would like to
apply for a Non-English program, please contact the CIE beforehand.
(10) TSA: Course Title / EX & ISA: Note
TSA Course Title: TSAで学習するテーマやキーワードを表記します。
EX: 出願前に確認しておくべき特記事項が記載されています。
TSA: Course Title: The topic or keyword of your study in the TSA programs.
EX & ISA: Special notes to be confirmed prior to application
(11) GPA
The GPA specified as an entrance requirement by partner universities
For the Waseda screening process (web application registration deadline: October 27), students can apply
regardless of their GPA
(12) Minimum TOEFL iBT
要求されるTOEFL iBTスコアを表記します。出願時の提出書類として、TOEFL PBT / CBTスコアシートを提
The required TOEFL iBT score is shown. If submitting a TOEFL PBT/CBT scorecard as part of your
documents at the time of application, please use the TOEFL conversion table below.
TOEFL換算表TOEFL Conversion Table
(13) Language
Language in which the program will be conducted
"*": 非英語(現地言語)プログラムとしての出願が可能です(要現地語力)。これらの協定校で、非英語プ
"English*" symbol: A non-English application is possible (* local language abilities are required). In order to
apply to partner universities using a non-English application, please contact the CIE 1 week before the WEB
application deadline is due.
(14) Other Language Requirements
Beginner: 初級者から学べる語学プログラムがあります。
Proficient: 正規授業を履修するのに充分な語学力が必要です。
Provisional Entry: 語学力などの関係で履修できるプログラムやコースに制限があります。
Beginner: There are language programs where you can start from Beginner level.
Proficient: Language proficiency is required in order to follow and complete regular courses.
Provisional Entry: Some courses in the "Provisional Entry" program can only be taken provided that
language requirements are met.
(15) Student Level on Departure
U: Undergraduate 学部
G: Graduate 大学院
...completed: 早稲田大学での履修期間条件(原則として渡航時)
...completed: A completion requirement at Waseda University (as a principle on departure)
※詳細条件を必ずProgram Overviewで確認してください。
* Please confirm the requirements in the Program Overview.
(16) Estimated Student Quota
原則として、交換留学(EX)のうち、1つの協定大学に、英語、非英語、Provisional Entry等、複数のプログラ
(ケベック州学長連盟 Conference des recteurs et des principaux des universites du Quebec)の連盟所属校
This section shows the estimated number of students the host institution can accommodate. In case of
exchange programs, it is, unless otherwise stated, the TOTAL number of students admitted to the institution,
not to each program listed under the same institution.
Please be extra cautious when applying to Universities in Canada and the program is part of CREPUQ.
CREPUQ shows that the particular university is a part of The Conference of Rectors and Principals of
Quebec Universities (Conference des recteurs et des principaux des universites du Quebec) and the number
of students the host institution can host is the number in total for all the univerisities part of The Conference
of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities as a whole.
(17) Estimated Tuition
所属箇所学費等: 留学期間中も早稲田大学の所属学部・大学院の学費等を納入します。派遣先大学の学
During the study abroad period, admitted students will pay the Waseda tuition and other academic fees (the
tuition to the host institution will be waived).
Admitted students will pay the tuition and other academic fees to the host institution (Waseda tuition and
other academic fees will be waived).
プログラムフィー: Admitted students will pay a special program fee.
Quoted fees are estimated on the basis of those past fees.
Actual fees may be higher, than that quoted, please use the quoted fee as only a guideline.
Admitted students may have to pay other miscellaneous fees to the host institutions.
Quoted fees do NOT include air ticket(s), travel insurance, visa, personal expenses, etc.
(18) Estimated Room & Board
Estimated room and board fees (US$) for a 10-month stay.
These estimated fees are only for reference and are subject to change depending on the university,
accommodation, exchange rate, etc.
(19) Scholarship
Estimated number of scholarships for exchange students
Provisional Entry等、複数のプログラムが存在している場合は、同一協定校に対しての奨学金付与総人数を
This section shows the TOTAL number of scholarships available to students admitted to the host institution,
not to each program listed under the same institution. Therefore, if in one school there are a number of
programs, such as English, Non-English, Provisional Entry, etc, the numbers of scholarships provided are for
the institution as a whole and not for each individual program. For more information, please check the
following URL.
(20) Beginning of the Program
Any orientation or language programs administered prior to the commencement of courses are not included.
Therefore, there may be some instances where admitted students arrive at the host institution earlier than
scheduled. The information provided here and on the program overview may be subject to change
(21) Nationality Requirements
1: 国籍条件がある場合は、該当するProgram Overviewの設問番号が表示されます。
1: If there are any nationality restrictions, the program overview (PO) question number will be displayed.
Please refer to the program overview and check the question.
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