法 [頻出英文] ———————————————————————————————————— S Vd S vd V ☆ ⟨If he were ready⟩, we would go.(Forest241、精) ☆ 彼の準備ができていれば、出かけるのになあ。 S Vd S vd V ☆ ⟨If I knew the truth⟩, I would tell you.(UP75 =基頻=文頻、他多数) ☆ もし私が真実を知っていれば、あなたに話すのだが。 ————————————————————————————————————————– [解説] ⟨If S Vd …⟩, S would V ∼. ⟨If S Vd …⟩, S could V ∼. 仮定法過去[現在の事実の反対] vd S V S 3d O What would Mary do ⟨if she heard the news?(Ne78) その知らせを聞いたらメアリーはどうするだろうか。 S 3d S 3d S vd 3 ⟨If I knew the truth⟩, I would tell you.(UP75) S vd 3 O ⟨If I knew it⟩, I would tell you.(文頻 p21) 知っていたら、お話ししたのですが。 ■仮定法過去 − ⟨If it were not for X⟩, S vd V X. [頻出英文] ———————————————————————————————————— S Vd S vd V ☆ ⟨If it were not for music⟩, life would be very dull.(DUAL299、150、詳、101) ☆ 音楽がなければ、人生はたいへん味気ないものになるだろうに。 S Vd S vd V ⟨If it were not for water⟩, nothing could live.(100 =英頻、UP) 水がなければ、何も生きていけない。 ————————————————————————————————————————– [解説] ⟨If it were not for X⟩, S vd V X. S Vd S vd 3 O ⟨If it were not for his defects⟩, I would marry Paul at once.(Ne92) もし彼に欠点がなかったなら、私はすぐにポールと結婚するでしょう。 S Vd S vd 1 ⟨If it were not for his help⟩, I might fail.(UP93) もし彼の助力がなければ、私は失敗するかもしれない。 S Vd S vd 1 ⟨If it were not for the sun⟩, no living creatures could exist on the earth.(文頻 p21) 太陽がなかったら、地上に生物は存在できないだろう。 [頻出英文] ———————————————————————————————————— S vd Ve S vd v Ve ☆ ⟨If I had known about it⟩, I would have changed my plan.(150-183、解体) ☆ もし私がそのことを知っていたら、計画を変更していただろうに。 S vd Ve S vd v Ve ☆ ⟨If I had known her address⟩, I could have visited her.(70-106、Ne、UP) ☆ もし彼女の住所がわかっていたなら、彼女を訪問できたのに ————————————————————————————————————————– [解説] ⟨If S had Ve …⟩, S would have Ve ∼. ⟨If S had Ve …⟩, S could have Ve ∼. 仮定法過去完了 (過去の事実の反対) S 3p vd O S vd v 1p 3 O ⟨If we had known your new address⟩, we would have come ⟨to see you.(Ne80) もし私たちがあなたの新しい住所を知っていたならば、あなたに会いに行ったでしょう。 S vd 3p S vd v 3d ⟨If the police had found the girl earier⟩, they might have saved her life.(UP77) 1 もし警察がその少女をもっと早く見つけていたら、彼女の命を救えたかもしれない。 S Vp vd S vd Vp v ⟨If he had known⟩, he might have come earlier.(文頻 p21) 知っていたら、彼はもっと早く来たかもしれない。 [頻出英文] ———————————————————————————————————— S V S Vd ☆ That boy talks ⟨as if he were a grown-up.(150-192 =英頻 ≈ トレ) ☆ その子は大人のような口をきく。 S V S Vd He talks ⟨as if he knew everything.(101-81 =英頻= VQ、Ne) 彼は何でも知っているかのように話をする。 ————————————————————————————————————————– ■ S wish [S Vd X]. [頻出英文] ———————————————————————————————————— S V S Vd ☆ I wish [I knew her telephone number.(Forest244 = VQ、) ☆ 彼女の電話番号を知っていればなあ。 S V S Vd I wish [I were good at surfing.(DUAL295、101) サーフィンがうまければいいのに。 1 215. Yes. I wish I could ski like her.(150 = UP =詳解、700) 215. 本当ですね。私も彼女のようにスキーができたらいいのですが。 ————————————————————————————————————————– [解説] S wish [S Vd X].、現在の事実と反対の願望を表す。 S 3 S 3d O Jim wishes [he got better grades, but he isn’t willing to study harder.(Ne85) ジムはもっとよい成績を取れればいいのにと思っているが、。 S 3 S vd 1 I wish [I could ski like him.(UP102) 「。僕も彼のようにスキーができればなあ」 S 3 S 3d O I wish [I had more time (to walk with you.(文頻 p25) お話しする時間がもっとあるといいのですが。 ■ S wish [S had Vp X]. [頻出英文] ———————————————————————————————————— S V S vd Ve ☆ I wish [I had known the truth at that time.(100-279、700、UP) ☆ その当時、真相を知っていたらよかったのに。 S V S vd Ve 86 I don’t feel very good. I wish [I hadn’t eaten so much cake.(Nep42、UP) 86 。あんなにたくさんのケーキを食べなければよかったのだが。 ————————————————————————————————————————– [解説] S wish [S had Vp X].、過去の事実と反対の願望を表す。 S 3 S vd 3p O I don’t feel very good. I wish [I hadn’t eaten so much cake.(Ne86) あんなにたくさんのケーキを食べなければよかったのだが。 ”Yes. I wish [I hadn’t met him.”(UP100) 「うん、彼に会わなければよかったと思うよ」 S 3 S vd 3p I wish [I had seen her.(文頻 p25) 彼女に会えたらよかったのに。 2 以下は自分用のメモ ☆ 291. If I were a bird, I could fly to you.(D、基精、150) ☆ 291. もし僕が鳥ならば、君のところへ飛んで行けるのに。 S 3 S 3 S vd 3 ☆ I wish [I could speak English as well as he.(解体例 184、700、英頻) S vd Vp ☆ I wish [you had called on me yesterday.(精 32 4) ☆ 君が昨日私を訪ねてくれたらよかったのに。 以下は自分用のメモ 3 接 S Vd S vd V ☆出セ 75. ⟨If I knew the truth⟩, I would tell you.(UP =基頻=文頻、他多数) ☆ 75. もし私が真実を知っていれば、あなたに話すのだが。 ☆??291. If I were a bird, I could fly to you.(D、基精、150) ☆??291. もし僕が鳥ならば、君のところへ飛んで行けるのに。 ⟨If S Vd …⟩, S would V ∼. ⟨If S Vd …⟩, S could V ∼. vd S V S 3d ☆??78 What would Mary do ⟨if she heard the news?(Nep40 せ、英頻、文頻) ☆ 78 その知らせを聞いたらメアリーはどうするだろうか。 ————————————————————————————————————————– 接 S Vd S vd V ☆ 1. ⟨If I knew his phone number⟩, I would give it to you. ☆ 1. 彼の電話番号を知っていれば君に教えてあげるんだけど。 (和英 98-9,09 =詳解、文頻、700、 150) S 3d O S vd 3 O ☆ 1. ⟨If I knew his phone number⟩, I would give it ⟨to you⟩. Ne vd S V S 3d O ☆ 78 What would Mary do ⟨if she heard the news?(ネクステ p40 せ、英頻、文頻) 78 その知らせを聞いたらメアリーはどうするだろうか。 N76 Tom would answer the phone himself if he were at home.() N77 If the children’s time weren’t wasted on TV games, they would have more time to play outside the house. If + S +動詞の過去形 …, S’ + would / could +動詞の原形∼.(Ne) 「もし S が…するなら、S’ は∼するだろう (に)」 従節中の be 動詞は原則として were を用いる。 仮定法過去の基本形は、現在の事実と反対の仮定や実現の可能性の低い仮定を行い、それに基づ く推量を表す What で始まる疑問文なので What would S do … ?(Ne) UP 出セ UP75. If I knew the truth, I would tell you. 出セ UP76. I wouldn’t buy that coat if I were you. 仮定法過去[現在の事実の反対](UP)☆ ⟨If S’ 過去形 ⟩, S would V(原形).「もし…するなら、∼するだろう (に)」☆ could「できるだろう (に)」 :仮定法過去 − if 節の中は過去形(UPp41) :仮定法過去 − 主節の中は would V(原形)(UPp41) if were など特有の形が登場する(UP) 仮定法と副詞節 1. If …仮定法過去 S Vd S vd V O ☆◎ ⟨If I knew it⟩, I would tell you. ◎ 知っていたら、お話ししたのですが。(文頻 p21 ◎=アプ、700) ◎頻 What wouldvd youS doV, if you were in my place? あなたが私の立場にいたら、何をしますか。 頻○ If it 4 1. If-Clause の中で仮定法過去を使うと、現在の事実に反する仮定が示される。この場合、主節 では現在の事実に反する帰結を示す助動詞の過去+原形が用いられる。このときの would と should の使い分けについては、で述べたとの規則が準用される。(文頻 p22 ◎) 基精 31 1. If I were in your position, I would not do such a thing. 基精 31 2. I would keep silent if I were you. ☆??基精 32 1. If I were rich, I could() buy it for you. 5 62 With more wool I could knit you another sweater. S Vd S vd V ☆??206. ⟨If I were a little younger⟩, I would join you in climbing the mountain.() 206. もう少し若かったら、きみといっしょにその山に登るのだが。 S V過 S v過 V ☆??206. ⟨If I were a little younger⟩, I would join you in climbing the mountain.() 210. ☆ 180. If I knew her address, I could write to her.(150、Forest、解体) ☆ 180. もし彼女の住所を知っていれば、手紙が書けるのだが。 184. If + S +過去形…, S’ + would +原形 ∼「もし S が…だったら、S’ は∼するのだが」(150) 3 295. If only I(S) knew(Vk), I(S) would(vk) tell(V) you(O). The(頻出) 3 295. 知ってさえいれば、お話しするのですが、。 3 295. If only I(S) knew(Vk), I(S) would(vk) tell(V) you(O) all that I knew. The 296. 構文 69 1. If I were not very busy, I could watch the program.(101、150、精、解体)11 もし私があまり忙しくなかったら、その番組を見ることができるだろうに。 構文 69 2. What would you do, if a big earthquake occurred?(101、文頻) (86) ☆??291. If I were a bird, I could fly to you.(D、基精、150) 292. If she knew the truth, she would be angry.(D) 105(70) S Vd S vd V A ⟨If we had a car⟩, I would take you to Uncle’s.(詳解) A うちに車があれば、おじさんのところまで送ってあげるのに。 東大 If I were in your position, I wouldn’t worry about other people’s opinions.13-14 解 174 If I were in America, I would learn English. 解 174 If I had wings, I would fly away. 解 174 If she caught the 9:30 train, she could get there by lunch time. 解例 174 I would be grad if the report were true. 115 What would(vd) you(S) do(V), if you(S) had(Vd) a million dollars?(英頻 p186、文頻) 115 もし 100 万ドルあれば、どうしますか。 △ p4 19 Were I in your position, I would oppose that plan. p46 66 What would happen if no alternative fuel to petroleum could be found? p46 66 石油に代わる燃料が見つからなかったらどうなるのでしょう。 F240 If I had a lot of money, I would buy an island. F241 If he were ready, we would go. F241 If I had enough time and money, I would travel around the world. If I had more money, I would buy another computer.(そこ p106) If + S +過去形 ∼, S +助動詞の過去形+原形 ….(そこ p106) 「仮定法過去」は、主に現在の事実とは逆のことを想定(そこ p106) こういう「実際にはあり得ない仮定や条件、」を節の中で述べるとき、分かりやすく象徴的に言 えば現在の反対の仮定をするときは、仮定法過去を使うのが約束です。このとき主節の中にも、助 動詞の過去+原形という特別な形が使われていることに注目して下さい。。 のと同じように「現在の事実と反対の仮定」をしているのだと考えます。、、(ナビ p39) 6 接 S Vd S vd V ☆??299. ⟨If it were not for music⟩, life would be very dull.(DUAL、150、詳、101) ☆ 299. 音楽がなければ、人生はたいへん味気ないものになるだろうに。 ————————————————————————————————————————– 接 S Vd S vd V ☆ 5. ⟨If it were not for air⟩, no living thing could exist. ☆ 5. もし空気がなければ、いかなる生物も存在できないだろう。(和英 9 = 300、文頻、頻出) S Vd S vd 1 ☆ 5. ⟨If it were not for air⟩, no living thing could exist. 9 5. If it(S) were(k) not for air, no living thing(S) could(vk) exist(1).(300、文頻、頻出)3 + Ne 接 S Vd ☆ 92 ⟨If it were not for his defects⟩, I would marry Paul at once.(Nep44 = 700) ☆ 92 もし彼に欠点がなかったなら、私はすぐにポールと結婚するでしょう。 S Vd S vd 3 O 92 ⟨If it were not for his defects⟩, I would marry Paul at once.(ネクステ p44) 92 if it were not for A(Nep45) UP UP93. If it were not for his help, I might fail. もし彼の助力がなければ、私は失敗するかもしれない。 :if it were not for A「A がなければ」 − 仮定法過去(UPp47) S Vd S vd V ○ ⟨If it were not for the sun⟩, no living creatures could exist on the earth. 太陽がなかったら、地上に生物は存在できないだろう。(文頻 p21 ○) 頻 頻 1. If-Clause の中で仮定法過去を使うと、現在の事実に反する仮定が示される。この場合、主 節では現在の事実に反する帰結を示す助動詞の過去+原形が用いられる。このときの would と should の If it were not for「…がなかったら」(文頻 p22 ○) 210. If it were not for the Internet, I would not know as much as I do. ☆ 184. If it(S) were(Vd) not for television, the world would(vd) feel even larger.(解体) ☆ 184. テレビがなければ、世界はもっと広く感じられるだろう。 If it were (/ was) not for …「もし…がなければ」(150) 296. If it(S) were(k) not for () this defect, I(S) would(vk) hire(3) him(O) at once.(700 = Ne) 296. この欠点さえなければ、さっそく彼を雇うのだが。 101 構文 72 2. If it were not for software, a computer would be a mere box.(101、150)13 もしソフトがなかったなら、コンピュータはただの箱になってしまうだろう。 接 S Vd ☆ (86) ⟨If it were not for water⟩, no living thing could exist. S Vd S vd 1 ☆ (86) ⟨If it were not for water⟩, no living thing could exist. ☆ (86) もし水がなければ、いかなる生物も存在できないだろう。 ☆??299. If it were not for music, life would be very dull.(D、150、101) ☆??280. If it were not for water, nothing could live.(100 =英頻、UP) 280. 水がなければ、何も生きていけない。 詳 B If it were not for the changes of seasons, our life would be very monotonous. 7 69 You know, if it weren’t for those two words, ”you know”, a lot of people wouldn’t be able to carry on a conversation. 67 Were it not for his help with our work, we would be in trouble. 39 If it(S) were(Vd) not for air, nothing(S) could(vd) live(V).(英頻 p78、和英、文頻)+(和 英、解体、300、文頻)29/2 + 3 + 3/2 39 空気がなければ、何も生きられないだろう。 p4 20 Were it not for water, nothing could live. F254 If it were not for music, our life would be boring. 8 接 S Ve S vd Ve ☆ 106 ⟨If I had known her address⟩, I could have visited her.(70、Ne、UP) ☆ 106 もし彼女の住所がわかっていたなら、彼女を訪問できたのに 接 S vd Ve S vd v Ve ☆??183. ⟨If I had known about it⟩, I would have changed my plan.(150、解体) ☆ 183. もし私がそのことを知っていたら、計画を変更していただろうに。 ⟨If S had Ve …⟩, S would have Ve ∼. ⟨If S had Ve …⟩, S could have Ve ∼. ————————————————————————————————————————– 接 S vd Ve S vd v Ve ☆??79 ⟨If I had had more time then⟩, I could have checked my report again.(Ne、UP、 文頻) 接 S vd Ve S vd v Ve ☆ 209. ⟨If he had prepared for the exam⟩, he could have passed it.(150、英頻、和英、700) ☆ 209. もし試験の準備をしていれば、彼は合格できただろうに。 接 S vd Ve S vd v Ve ☆?80 ⟨If we had known your new address⟩, we would have come to see you.(Nep40) ☆?80 もし私たちがあなたの新しい住所を知っていたならば、あなたに会いに行ったでしょう。 接 S vd Ve S vd v Ve ☆ 2.? ⟨If you had come yesterday⟩, you could have met him. S vd 1p S vd 3p v O ☆ 2.? ⟨If you had come yesterday⟩, you could have met him. ☆ 2. もし君が昨日来たら彼に会うことができたのに。(和英 98-9,09、700) ◎ [If + S + had + p.p. ∼, S +助動詞の過去形+ have + p.p. ….(p107)] If + S +過去完了形 ∼, S+助動詞の過去形+have + p.p. ….(p107) 過去完了形(had + p.p.)(p42) vd 1p S vd Ve S S vd v v Ve 3p ☆ 209. If he had prepared for the exam, he could have passed it. S vd O ☆??183. If I had known about it, I would have changed my plan.(150、解体)6/2 + If + S + had 過去分詞 …, S’ + would + have +過去分詞 ∼「もし S が…していたら、S’ は∼ したであろう」(150) S vk 1p S vk v Vp O ☆ 297. ⟨If you had come () only two minutes earlier, you could have caught the bus. (和英、 解体、トレ)14 ☆?297. あと 2 分も早かったら、バスに乗れたのに。 構文 70 1. If I had not been(2p) very busy, I could have watched(3p) the program.(101、文 頻、精)13 (87) If you hadn’t had to go to school yesterday, what would you have done? 293. If she had known the truth then, she would have been angry.(D) 294. If it had not 106 If I had known her address, I could have visited her.(70) 詳 東 3例 176. If I had known, I would have told you.(150) 176. If our last batter had not finally hit a home run, our team would have lost the game. 176. If you had helped him, he would have succeeded. 176. If I had hurried, I might have caught the last train. 66 I would have recovered from the injury to my knee in about a week, if I had gone to the hospital sooner. 9 Ne 3p 3p ☆??N79 If I had had more time then, I could have checked my report again.(Ne、UP、 文頻) S 3p vd O S vd v 1p 3 O ☆ 80 ⟨If we had known your new address⟩, we would have come to see you.(Nep40、基精)→ 265? 80 もし私たちがあなたの新しい住所を知っていたならば、あなたに会いに行ったでしょう。 If + S +動詞の過去完了形 (had done) …, S’ + would / could + have done ∼.(Ne) 「もし S が…したなら、S’ は∼しただろう (に)」 仮定法過去完了 − 仮定法過去完了の基本形は、過去の事実と反対の仮定を行い、それに基づく推量を表す。(Ne) UP 出セ UP77. If the police had found the girl earier, they might have saved her life.(UP、Ne) 出セ UP78. He wouldn’t have done it if he had known the consequences. 出セ UP79. If I had not had a bad cold, I could have gone on a picnic. UP 出セ 77. If he hadn’t come on time, the plane would have taken off without him. 仮定法過去完了 (過去の事実の反対) ⟨If S’ had + V-ed⟩, S would have + V-ed.「もし…したなら、∼しただろう (に)」 could「できただろう (に)」 :仮定法過去完了 − if 節の中は had + V-ed() :仮定法過去完了 − 主節の中は would have + V-ed(UPp41) 仮定法と副詞節 2. If …仮定法過去完了 S vd Vp S vd v ◎頻 21 If he had been a little more careful, the accident would have been avoided. 彼がもう少し注意していれば、事故は防げたろうに。 S vd Vp S vd v Vp ☆◎ ⟨If he had known⟩, he might have come earlier. ◎ 知っていたら、彼はもっと早く来たかもしれない。(文頻 p21 ◎、解体、ネクステ、150、 アプグレ) ○頻 21 If he had been honest, I would have employed him. もし彼が正直だったら、私は彼をやとったろう。 2. If-Clause の中で仮定法過去完了を使うと、過去の事実に反する仮定が示される。この場合、 主節では過去の事実に反する帰結を示す助動詞の過去+ have + p.p. の形が用いられる。 (文頻 p22 ◎) 22 Had(vd) I(S) had(Vp) a little more money, I(S) would(vd) have(v) bought(Vp) it.(英頻 p18) 22 もう少しお金を持っていたら、それを買っただろう。 p6 22 With his father’s help, he would have succeeded in this task sooner. 基精 31 4. I would have helped you if I had heard about your trouble. 基精 31 5. If it had not been so cold, I should have come to see you yesterday. 基精 32 2. If you had been there, we should have told you about it. 基精 33 9. If I had known your address, I would have written to you. F242 If I had left ten minutes earlier, I would not have missed the train. 10 F242 She would have died if the climber had not found her. I would have told you if I had seen him.(そこ p107) wouldhavep.p.(しただろう[に]) couldhavep.p.(できただろう[に])(そこ) 「仮定法過去完了」は、過去の事実とは逆のことを想定(そこ p107) If のあとは、過去の事実をうら返しにした過去の事実の反対の仮定。こういうときには had p.p. という過去完了形を If の節の中で使うのが約束。主節にという「助動詞の過去+ have p.p.」が使 われていることも確認して下さい。でなく could have avoided になっているのは、「」という can の意味が加わっているからです。(ナビ p41) 、could は「」。would と should、。should が使われるのは 1 人称の単純未来という特別な場合 だけ。、自分で文章を書くときには would を中心にするのがよいでしょう。might(ナビ) SUNRISE p259 S vd Vp S vd v Vp [⟨If S had Vp …⟩, S vd have Vp ∼.] 11 208. What would you do if war were to break out? 182. 副 × 301. Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would not change my resolution. 構文 72 3. If I were to die tomorrow, what would become of my family? 東大 If you were to get a ticket for a world tour, where would you go first? 頻 23 If I were to live to be 150 years old, I would not be able to learn it. かりに 150 歳まで生きることがあっても、それを覚えることはできないだろう。 ● If … were to − …, … would, etc. +原形は、実現性に無関係な仮定を示す形である。 Ne N83 Even if the sun were to rise in the west, he would not change his mind. If S were to do , S’ + would / +動詞の原形. UP UP セ 82. If you were to fall from that bridge, it would be almost impossible to rescue you. ⟨If S’ were to V’⟩, S would[] V(). 9 4. If that famous actor were to propose to you, would you accept? 9 4. もし仮にその有名な俳優に求婚されたら、君は承知しますか。 12 ☆ 68 If you(S) had(vd) not followed(Vp) the doctor’s advice then, you(S) might(vd) be(2) ill(C) now.(英頻 p84)☆ 81 If I(S) had(vd) been(vp) told(Vp) so then, I(S) would(vd) be(2) happier(Cr) now.(ネクステ)81 もし私がそのときそのように言われたならば、今はもっと幸せで しょうに。○ (文頻 p24)298. If my son had not been killed in the traffic accident, he would be a college student now. 298. If my son had not been killed in the traffic accident, he would be a college student(C) now. p84 68 If you had not followed the doctor’s advice then, you might be ill now. p68 100 If he had worked harder, he might be a rich man now. N81 If I had been told S vd Vp S vd so then, I would be happier now. N82 UP79. 頻 23 ○ If he had taken my advice then, he would 2 C be a rich man now. If-Clause の中で過去の事実に反する仮定がなされ、主節では現在の事実に反 する帰結が述べられる本問のような文では、一般の場合と変わって、If … had + p.p. …、…助動 詞の過去+原形という形になる。(文頻 p24) 299. If you(S) should have(3) any trouble(O), don’t hesitate to come to me. 299. If you(S) should have(3) any trouble(O), don’t hesitate to come to me. 9 3. I should have any trouble, come to me at once. 181. If he should come here, 頻 21 If it should rain tomorrow, they will not go. If … should …, … would (will), etc. +原形…は、現在または未来に 301. 9 4. If that famous actor were to propose to you, would you accept? 302. 頻 23 ○ Had it not been for his help, I should have failed. 13 304. Without your encouragement, I would have given up the plan. 186. Without language, there would be no thought. p4 20 p32 7 p78 39 p100 29 Without her advice, I wouldn’t have been able to succeed. 2◎頻 23 Without your help, I would have been unable to do it. 仮定法による仮定を含む if-Clause と、同じ内容が前置詞句などによって表現され、 「助動詞の過 去+原形 (have + p.p.)」の帰結部だけが残っていることがある。without(文頻 p24) 頻 23 ○ 307. 頻 25 ○ 14 S V 接 S Vd ☆ 192. That boy talks ⟨as if he were a grown-up.(150 =英頻 ≈ トレ) ☆ 192. その子は大人のような口をきく。 1. He talks as if he knew everything.(101 構文 81) 彼は何でも知っているかのように話をする。 as if S Vd … ————————————————————————————————————————– S 1 S 2d C 9 6. That boy talks ⟨as if he were already an adult⟩.(和英 98,09、150 =英頻、700) 9 6. その子は、まるでもう大人であるかのような話し方をする。 文頻 163 ◎ Although he knows nothing about electronics, heS speaks1 as if heS were2d an expertC.(文頻=解体) ◎ as if (though) は、「[ちょうど] …かのように」の意味の熟語の接続詞。(文頻 p164) Ne N91 He talks as if he knew everything about Australia. ☆ 91 He(S) talks(1) as if he(S) knew(Vd) everything(O) about Australia.(ネクステ p44 せ、 英頻) 91 彼は、まるでオーストラリアのことは何でも知っているかのように話します。 as if + S +動詞の過去形 (仮定法過去)…「まるで S は…するかのように」(Ne) 363 She behaves as if she were a queen.(Ne) UP 出セ 99. He treats me as if I were a little boy.(UP) sa if[] S’ +過去形「まるで…するかのように」− 仮定法過去(UP) ◎ (文頻 p164) [S + V as if (S) + (過去形)] S + V as if (S) + (V) が主節のと同時の場合は 類題 英頻 p18 20 9 6. That boy(S) talks(1) as if he(S) were(2k) already an adult(C). 65 She behaves as if she were a child. 新 150-213. ☆1 192. That boy talks as if he were a grown-up.(頻出)8 + 29/2 as if (/ ) ∼「まるで∼であるかのように」(150) 310. I felt(2) as happy(C) as if I were still dreaming. 101 構文 81 1. He talks as if he knew everything.(101) 解 189 Although he knows nothing about electronics, he speaks as if he were an expert. 189 I, but he spoke as though he knew all about it. 189 Your voice sounds as if you had a cold. (93) S 1 S 2d C ☆ 36 The boy talks as if he were a great scholar.(英頻 p78 = 150、文頻) 15 ☆ 36 その少年はまるで偉大な学者のような口ぶりだ。 p18 20 He talks as if he knew everything. S + V as if (S) + (V) (V) が主節の V と同時の場合,(V) は「仮定法過去」を使います(そこ) 16 S 1 S 2d C ☆ 36 The boy talks as if he were a great scholar.(英頻 p78 = 150、文頻) ☆ 36 その少年はまるで偉大な学者のような口ぶりだ。 ☆ 91 He(S) talks(1) as if he(S) knew(Vd) everything(O) about Australia.(ネクステ p44 せ、 英頻) 91 彼は、まるでオーストラリアのことは何でも知っているかのように話します。 S 1 S 2d C 9 6. That boy talks ⟨as if he were already an adult⟩.(和英、150 =英頻、700) 9 6. その子は、まるでもう大人であるかのような話し方をする。 ☆ 192. That boy(S) talks(1) as if he(S) were(2d) a grown-up.(150 =英頻 ≈ トレ)10 ++ ☆ 192. その子は大人のような口をきく。 ◎ (文頻 p164) [S + V as if (S) + (過去形)] S + V as if (S) + (V) が主節のと同時の場合は 類題 英頻 p18 20 9 6. That boy(S) talks(1) as if he(S) were(2k) already an adult(C). 65 She behaves as if she were a child. 新 150-213. ☆1 192. That boy talks as if he were a grown-up.(頻出)8 + 29/2 310. I felt(2) as happy(C) as if I were still dreaming. 解 189 Although he knows nothing about electronics, he speaks as if he were an expert. 189 I, but he spoke as though he knew all about it. 189 Your voice sounds as if you had a cold. (93) ☆ p78 36 The boy talks as if he were a great scholar.+(150、文頻)29/2 + 8 p18 20 He talks as if he knew everything. N91 He talks as if he knew everything about Australia. 出セ UP98. He treats me as if I were a little boy. 17 S V S Vd ☆??295. I wish [I were good at surfing.(DUAL、101) 295. サーフィンがうまければいいのに。 1 215. Yes. I wish I could ski like her.(150 = UP =詳解、700) 215. 本当ですね。私も彼女のようにスキーができたらいいのですが。 人 wish [S Vd … ————————————————————————————————————————– S V S Vd ☆ 7.? I wish [I were as tall as he is]. ☆ 7. 私の背丈が彼くらいあればいいのにと思う。(和英 98-9,09、基精講、700) S 3 S 2d C S 2 ☆ 7.? I wish [I were as tall ⟨as he is]. Ne S V S Vd O 85 Jim wishes [he got better grades, but he isn’t willing to study harder.(Nep42) 85 ジムはもっとよい成績を取れればいいのにと思っているが、。 S 3 S 3d O 85 Jim wishes [he got better grades, but he isn’t willing to study harder.(ネクステ p42) S wish + S’ +動詞の過去形 (仮定法過去) … 「S は S’ が…すればいいのにと思う (現在の事実と反対の事柄の願望)」(Ne) UP UP 出セ 100. I wish I had enough money to buy the house. UP 出セ 102. ”Yes, he really is. I wish I could ski like him.” UP セ 103. :人 wish S’ +過去形.「∼ならばよいのになあ、と人が思う」 の後ろは仮定法過去で「」という現在の事実と反対の願望を表す。☆ :人 wish S’ + could V’(原形).「」(UPp49) S V S 3 S Vd ☆○ I wish [I had more time to walk with you].(文頻=英頻=東大、UP) S Vd O ☆○ I wish [I had more time (to walk with you. お話しする時間がもっとあるといいのですが。(文頻 p25 ○) 8. I wish …仮定法過去は、現在の事実に反対の願望をあらわす。(文頻 p26 ○)☆ 精 32 3. I wish I were rich. 精 33 7. I wish I knew. ○ [S + wish + S +過去形] (p110) 類題 英頻 p100 31、p6 23、p4 18 S + wish + S +(仮定法過去)(p110)(p106) 1 ☆ 215. Yes. I wish I could ski like her.(150 = UP =詳解、700) 215. 本当ですね。私も彼女のようにスキーができたらいいのですが。 ☆ 196. I(S) wish(3) [I(S) could(vd) go(V) with you today.(150、頻出、)10 + ☆ 196. 今日あなたといっしょに行けるといいんですが。 I wish + S +過去形「S が∼すればよいのに」(150) ☆ 312. , I(S) wish(3) [I(S) could(vd) speak(1) half as well as he. (解体、) 312. When I hear him speak English, I wish I could speak even half as well as he does. 312. 彼が英語を話すのを聞くと、あの半分もうまく話せたらと思う。 1 副 S V過 312. , I wish [I could speak even half as well as he does. S V 3. I wish [my little brother were alive now.(101 構文 69 =基礎、精) 1? 18 弟が今生きていてくれたらなあ。 構文 69 3. I wish [my little brother were2d alive now.(101 =基礎、精) 1? ☆??295. I wish I were good at surfing.(D) 109(70) ☆例 184. I wish I could speak English as well as he.(解体、700、英頻) ()例 184. I wish I could speak English as well as he.(解体、700、英頻) 184. I wish I had a room of my own.() 184. I wish I could help you, but today. 184. I wish I were in Paris now. (94) My. I wish he studied harder. S 3 S Vd O ☆ 69 I wish [I had more time (to talk with you.(英頻 p84、頻出) ☆ 69 きみと話しあう時間がもっとあればいいのに。 ☆ p100 31 I(S) wish(V) [I(S) could(vk) go(V).-(150) p6 23 If only I could speak English as fluently as you! p4 18 I wish I could speak Japanese like her.(解体) F244 I wish I knew her telephone number. (そこ p110) I wish S Ved .(1000) 19 S V S Ve ☆??279. I wish [I had known the truth at that time.(100、700、UP) ☆ 279. その当時、真相を知っていたらよかったのに。 S V S vd Ve ?86 I don’t feel very good. I wish [I hadn’t eaten so much cake.(Nep42、UP) ?86 。あんなにたくさんのケーキを食べなければよかったのだが。 人 wish [S had Ve … ————————————————————————————————————————– S V S vd Ve ☆?313. I wish [I had told you about my father beforehand]. I ☆?313. 父のことを前もってお知られすればよかったのですが、。 S V S vd Ve 32 4. I wish [you had called on me yesterday.(精、700) 32 4. 君が昨日私を訪ねてくれたらよかったのに。 S V S vd Ve ☆ 8. I wish [I had listened to your advice]. ☆ 8. 私はあなたの忠告に従っておけばよかった。(和英 98-9,09、基精、解体) S 3 S vd 1p ☆ 8. I wish [I had listened ⟨to your advice⟩]. Ne S 3 Vp S vd O ☆ 86 I don’t feel very good. I wish [I hadn’t eaten so much cake.(ネクステ p42、アプグレ) 86 。あんなにたくさんのケーキを食べなければよかったのだが。 S wish + S’ +動詞の過去完了形 (仮定法過去完了)…(Ne) 「S は S’ が…すればよかったのにと思う (過去の事実と反対の事柄の願望)」(Ne) 過去の事実の反対を想定しているのだから(Ne) 出セ UP101. I wish I had learned another foreign language in my college days. 出 UP100. ”Yes. I wish I hadn’t met him.” 人 wish S’ had V-ed.「∼ならばよかったのになあ、と人が思う」(UP) 過去の事実と反対の願望と考え、(UP) S 3 S vd Vp ○ I wish [I had seen her. 彼女に会えたらよかったのに。(文頻 p25 ○) I wish he could have driven a car a year ago. 9. I wish …仮定法過去完了は、過去の事実に反対の願望をあらわす。(文頻 p26 ○) could have + p.p. S 3 S vd Vp [人 wish [S had Vp …] 精 32 4. I wish you had called on me yesterday. ○ [S + wish + S + had + p.p.] S + wish + S +(仮定法過去完了) (p107) 216. ☆ 197. I wish I had bought a ticket for the concert. ☆ 197. そのコンサートのチケットを買っておけばよかった。 I wish + S + had +過去分詞「S が∼すればよかったのに」(150) 副 O ☆?313. I wish [I had told you about my father beforehand]. I 313. 父のことを前もってお知られすればよかったのですが、。 構文 70 2. I wish my little brother had been alive then. 20 (95) I wish I had sent you some earlier. 詳 ☆??279. I wish I had known the truth at that time.(100、700、UP) ☆??124 I wish I had been with you at that time.(イディオム) 例 185. I wish I had written down his address. 185. I wish I had worked harder when I was young. 185. I wish she had come last night. ☆ 23 I(S) wish(3) [I(S) had(vd) finished(Vp) my assignment last night.(英頻 p20、) ☆ 23 昨日の夜に宿題を終わらせておけばよかったのだが。 p102 42 I wish I had followed the doctor’s advice.p186 116 The. I wish you could have been there. p188 117 The. I wish you had been there. F244 I wisf I hadn’t bought such an expensive bag. 頻 27 ○ It’s about time you sent the children to bed. 317. Listen carefully to what I say, 187. () 318. Be 188. () 「仮定法過去」過去形 「仮定法過去完了」過去完了形(had + p.p.) 時制 ☆ 51 Will(f) you(S) tell(V) him(O) 〈about it〉 〈when he(S) comes(V) home?(英頻 p176、 700、文頻)☆ 51 彼が家に帰ってきたら、そのことについて彼に話してくれませんか。☆ 21 He(S) will(f) be(2) glad(C) 〈to see(3) you(O)〉 〈when he(S) comes(V) home〉.(ネクステ)☆ 21 彼 が帰宅したら、あなたに会えて喜ぶでしょう。◎ 時と条件をあらわす副詞節の中では、単純未来 の代わりに現在形を用いる。(文頻 p10)類題 英頻 p176 50 53 She(S) would(vd) not give(V) up smoking, although I told her to many times.(ネクステ) 53 私は彼女に何回も言ったのだけれど、彼女は喫煙をやめようとはしなかった。 ☆ 5 Three years(S) have(v) passed(Vp) 〈since he(S) got(Vd) a driver’s license.(英頻 p72) ☆ 5 彼が運転免許を取得してから 3 年になる。☆ 28 Ten years(S) have(v) passed(Vp) 〈since my mother(S) died(Vd).(ネクステ)☆ 28 私の母が亡くなってから 10 年になります。◎ (文頻 p14) ☆ 73 I(S) had(vd) not waited(Vp) long 〈before Mary(S) came(Vd)〉.(英頻 p14、文頻、700) ☆ 73 待つほどもなくメアリーが来た。10 Ken(S) had(vd) been(Vp) 〈in England〉 〈for two years〉 〈when the war(S) broke(Vd) out.(ネクステ)10 その戦争が勃発したとき、ケンはイン グランドに 2 年間暮らしていた。○ (文頻 p18)類題 英頻 p52 12 ☆ 2 We(S) had(vd) hardly reached(Vp) there 〈when it began(3d) 〔to rain(1)〕〉. (英頻 p72、文頻)☆ 2 そこに着くとすぐに、雨が降り始めた。356 Hardly had(vd) the performance(S) begun(Vp) 〈when the lights(S) went(Vd) out.(ネクステ)356 演奏が始まったとたん照明が消 えた。○ (文頻 p18)類題 英頻 p72 3 9 Next Sunday Ichiro(S) will(f) have(v) stayed(Vp) 〈in Kobe〉 〈for three years〉.(ネクス テ)9 今度の日曜で、イチローは 3 年間神戸に住んだことになります。 4 〈When Tom(S) came(Vd) home〉, Mary(S) was(vd) reading(Vi) a book 〈in the living room.(ネクステ)4 トムが帰宅したとき、メアリーは居間で本を読んでいました。 21 S : 主語 V : 動詞 v : 助動詞 C : 補語 O : 目的語 N : 名詞 Vd : 過去形 Vi : 現在分詞 Vp : 過去分詞 [ ] : 名詞句・節 ( ) : 形容詞句・節 : 副詞句・節 〈〉〔〕()⟨⟩ U (qa , qb ; T ) = ⟨qb |e−iHT |qa ⟩ 以下は自分用のメモ 和英無印=文頻+ 700 無印和英☆◎=文頻+ 700 無印+トレ or150 21 比較 S 2 C 1. Nothing is as precious as time. 1. 時間ほど貴重なものはない。 S be as C as 名.「Sは名と同じくらいCだ」 S 5 O C 3 O 2. Nothing makes me happier than [playing the piano]. 2. 私にとってピアノを弾くよりも楽しいことはない。 S 2 C 3. He is taller than any other student (in this class). 3. 彼はこのクラスの他のどの生徒より背が高い。 S be more C than 名.「Sは名よりCだ」 S d 4. He had no more than 100 dollars. 4. 彼はたった 100 ドルしか持っていなかった。 S v 2i C 5. The world is becoming smaller and smaller. 5. 世界はますます小さくなっていく。 比 and 比 C S 2d C S 2d S 3d 6. {The older he got}, the more stubborn he became. 6. 彼は年を取れば取るほど、頑固になっていった。 The 比 S V, the 比 S V S 1d O 7. He worked all the harder {because his boss praised him}. 7. 彼は上司に褒められたので、なおいっそう精を出して働いた。 the 比 because S v 3 O 3 O 8. He can hardly read English, much less write it. 8. 彼は英語がほとんど読めない。ましてや書くことはなおさらできない。 praise[プレイズ]賞賛する precious[プレシャス]貴重な 22 定義 18 23