
Schedule - East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies

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Schedule - East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies
Japanese 2 (Summer 2013) Course Schedule
T(R): Read the textbook Gr. Grammar
Dlg. Dialogue WB: Workbook
T(M): Memorize the vocabulary
GO: Self-study at “Genki Online: Self-Study Room” <http://genki.japantimes.co.jp/self/self.en.html>
T(L): Listen to the CD
G After receiving your homework back, check the answer keys at Gauchospace.
Listening homework handout: Go to Gauchospace and listen to the audio
Week: 1
Date In Class
7/15 (1)
Mon. Orientation
Review Activity
Lesson 6: A Day in Robert’s Life
Voc. (pp. 148-149): Verbs
Voc.の Activities
Gr.1 & 2 (pp. 150-151): て-forms and their uses
Practice I-A~D (pp. 156-157):て-forms & making a
request: ~てください
Kanji (p. 313): 先、生、大、学
Practice I-E (p. 157):
Gr.5 (pp. 152-153): Describing two activities
Practice IV-A~C (pp. 159-160):
Kanji (p. 312): 外、国
Gr.3 & 4 (p. 152): Asking for/giving permission
Practice II & III (pp. 158-159)
Kanji (p. 313): 東、西、南、北
7/16 (1)
Tue. Gr.7 (p. 154): ~ましょうか
Practice VI (pp. 162-163)
Dlg. III (pp. 146-147)
Kanji (pp. 312-313): 右、左、分、口、出
Practice V (p. 161)
Gr.6 (p. 153): Reason/Cause ~から
Dlg. I & II (pp. 146-147)
Expression Notes 7 (p. 155): おそい/おそく
Practice III (pp. 316-317)
(Voc. for describing a restaurant)
Writing 1:“My favorite restaurant”
Vocabulary Quiz #1 (L6: pp. 148-149, verbs)
て-forms review
After Class (during class breaks / at home)
Preparation & Review
(to be turned in the next day)
& Quiz/Exam Preparation
#1: WB (pp. 53-54) G(p. 54)
#2: WB (pp. 55-56) G
T(R): Gr.7 (p. 154)
#3: WB (pp. 57-58)
T(R): Gr.6 (p. 153)
#4: WB (pp. 59-60)
T(R): Expression Notes 8 (p.
Vocabulary Quiz #1
T(L)(M):Vocabulary (pp.
148-149): Verbs
Review て- forms
Bring your family photos this
T(R): Gr.1 (pp. 170-172)
T(R): Gr.2 (pp. 172-173)
T(L):Vocabulary (pp. 168-169)
T(R): Family (p. 184)
T(R): Body parts (p. 185)
T(M):Kanji (pp. 312-313)
T(M): Verb て-forms
GO: Lesson 6
Bring your family photos this
#5: WB (pp. 135-136)
#6: WB (pp. 61-62) G(p. 62)
#7: Listening (Lesson 6:
handout) G
#11: Writing 1:“My favorite
restaurant”(DUE: Friday)
Kanji Quiz #1 (L6: pp.
Grammar Quiz #1(Verb て
7/17 (1)
Wed. Lesson 7: Family Picture
Vocabulary (pp. 168-169, N, Adj, V)
Gr.1 (pp. 170-171): Action in progress: ~ている
Practice I -A~ C (pp. 176-177)
Grammar Quiz #1(Verb て-forms)
Voc.: Family (p.184)
Gr.1 (pp. 171-172): Result of change: ~ている
Practice II (p. 177)
Practice II (pp. 314-315): でんごんばん
Kanji (pp. 318-319):小、語、文、高、校、毎
T(R): Gr.3 (p. 173)
T(R): Gr.4 (p. 174)
T(R): Gr.5 (pp. 174-175)
T(L): Dlg. I (pp. 166-167)
Vocabulary Quiz #2 (L7: pp.
168-169, N, Adj, V)
T(M):Vocabulary (pp. 168-169)
T(M): Voc.: Family (p.184)
T(M): Voc.: Body parts (p. 185)
Review all of your homework
and quizzes you have done and
prepare your questions for the
review session tomorrow.
Kanji Quiz #1 (L6: pp. 312-313)
Voc.: Body parts (p. 185)
Bring your family photos
Gr.2 (pp. 172-173): Describing people
Practice III (pp. 178-179)
Kanji (pp. 318-319): 帰、入、父、母`、京、子、会、
7/18 (1)
T(M):Kanji (pp. 318-319)
Thu. Practice III (pp. 178-179): (continued)
Gr.3 (p. 173): て-form for joining sentences
Review all of your homework
Practice IV (pp. 179-180)
and quizzes you have done and
prepare your questions for the
Gr.4 (p. 174): Purpose of going
review session tomorrow.
Gr.5 (pp. 174-175): Counting people
Practice V& VI (pp. 181-182)
Vocabulary Quiz #2 (L7: pp. 168-169, N, Adj, V)
Dlg. I (pp. 166-167)
Review session: Bring your homework and quizzes
you have done.
Practice VII-B (p. 183)
Bring your family photos.
7/19 (1)
Study for Mid-term
Fri. Review of て-forms
GO: Lesson 7
Review of Kanji (L.6-7): Practice I (p. 320)
Practice VII-A (p. 183)
Practice II (pp. 321-322)
Writing III-A (p. 322)
Kanji Quiz #2 (pp. 318-319)
Review for the mid-term
WB (p. 72)
Last minute review for the midterm exam.
(Come with questions)
#8: WB (pp. 63-64) G(p. 64)
#9: WB (pp. 65-66)
#10: WB (pp. 137-138)
T(R): Gr.1 (pp. 190-191)
T(R): Gr.2 (p. 192)
T(L) Vocabulary (L8: pp.
188-189, Adj., V)
#11: Writing 1:“My favorite
restaurant”(DUE: Tomorrow)
#12: WB (pp. 67-68) G(p. 67)
#13: WB (pp.69-70)
#14: Reading HW (textbook pp.
321-322 Practice II)
Kanji Quiz #2 (pp. 318-319)
#15: Listening (Lesson 7:
handout) G
Self-study: WB (p. 71)
Mid-term Exam (Lesson 6&7)
Week: 2
Date In Class
7/22 (1)
Mon. Mid-term Exam (Lesson 6&7)
Mid-term Exam (Lesson 6&7)
After Class
(to be turned in the next day)
#16: WB (pp. 73-74) G(p. 73):
We haven’t learned informal
speech for adj. & nouns but try
to answer them!
Vocabulary Quiz #3 (L8: pp.
188-189, Adj., V. & Nouns)
T(M):Vocabulary (pp. 188-189)
Preparation & Review
T(R): Gr.3 (p. 193)
T(R): Gr.4 (p. 194)
T(R): Gr.5 (pp. 194-195)
Lesson 8: Barbecue
Voc. (pp. 188-189): Adjectives, Verbs, & Nouns
Vocabulary activity
Kanji (pp. 323-324):新、聞、作、次
Gr.1 (pp. 190-191): Short forms
Gr.2 (p. 192): Informal speech
Practice I-A & II-A (pp. 198-199)
7/23 (1)
T(R): Gr.6 (pp. 195-196)
Tue. Voc. (pp. 188-189): Nouns & Adverbs
Practice I-B& II-B (pp. 198-199)
T(R): Gr.7 (p. 196)
T(R): Dlg. I&II (pp. 186-187)
Kanji(p. 323):仕、事、員
Gr.3 (p. 193): Quotations: ~と思います/~と言っ Review
Grammar (short forms,
Practice III-A, B, & C (pp. 199-200)
Kanji (p. 324):休、言、読、思
Review all of your homework
and quizzes you have done and
Vocabulary Quiz #3
prepare your questions for the
(L8: pp. 188-189, Adj., V)
review session tomorrow.
Short forms (non-past) review
Practice IV-A & B (p. 201)
Kanji (pp. 323-324):電、車、何
Gr. 4 (p.194): 〜ないでください
Practice V (p. 202)
Gr. 5 (pp. 194-195): nominalization の
Practice VI –A&B (pp. 202-203)
7/24 (1)
T(R): Gr.1 (pp. 212-213)
Wed. Grammar Quiz #2 (short forms, non-past)
Review session: Bring your homework and quizzes T(L): Vocabulary (pp. 210-211)
you have done.
Practice IX-A~C (pp. 204-205)
GO: Lesson 8
Gr.6 (pp. 195-196): Particle が
Practice VII (p. 203)
Gr.7 (p. 196): なにも/なにか
Practice VIII (p. 204)
Dlg. I&II (pp. 186-187)
Kanji Practice I (p. 325)
Voc. (pp. 210-211): nouns & verbs (L. 9)
Lesson 9:Kabuki
Gr.1 (pp. 212-213): Short Form (Past)
#17: WB (pp. 75-76)
#18: WB (pp. 77-78)
#19: WB (pp. 139-140): Use
formal speech when translating
on p. 140
Grammar Quiz #2 (short
forms, non-past)
#20: WB (pp. 79-80) G(p. 80)
#21: Listening (Lesson 8:
handout) G
Kanji Quiz #3 (L8: pp.
7/25 (1)
Thu. Kanji Quiz #3 (L8: pp. 323-324)
Gr.1 (pp. 212-213): Short Form (Past)
Practice I-A (p. 217)
Practice II-A (p. 218)
Kanji (p. 329):間、少、家、話
Voc. (pp. 210-211): Nouns & Adjectives
Practice I-B (pp. 217-218)
Practice II-B (p. 219)
Kanji (p. 328):午、後、前、名
Gr. 2 (pp. 213-214): Qualifying Nouns with Verbs
and Adjectives
Practice V-A~C (pp. 221-222)
Kanji (p. 329): 古、知、来
Practice III -A&B (pp. 219-220)
Practice IV-A&B (pp. 220-221)
Kanji (p. 328): 白、雨、書、友
7/26 (1)
Fri. Practice II (pp. 325-327)
Colors (p. 227)
Voc. Quiz #4 (L9: pp. 210-211, N, Adj., V)
Gr. 3(pp. 214-215): まだ〜ていません
Practice VI-A&B (pp. 222-223)
Dlg.I~III (pp. 208-209)
Voc. (p. 211) adverbs & numbers
Practice VIII-A (p. 224)
Gr. 4 (pp. 215-216): 〜から〜
Practice VII-A&B (pp. 223-224)
Practice VIII-B (p. 225)
T(R): Gr. 2 (pp. 213-214)
T(R): Gr. 3(pp. 214-215)
T(R): Gr. 4 (pp. 215-216)
#22: WB (pp. 81-82) G(p. 82)
#23: WB (pp. 83-84)
#24: WB (pp. 85-86)
#25: WB (pp. 141-142)
Voc. Quiz #4 (L9: pp. 210-211,
T(M): Voc. (L9: pp. 210-211, N, N, Adj., V)
Adj., V)
T(M): Kanji (L9: pp. 328-329)
#26: Listening (L.9: handout) G
#27: WB (pp. 87-88)
#28: WB (pp. 89-90) G(p. 89)
Self-study: Conjugation Practice
T(M): Kanji (L9: pp. 328-329) Self-study Practice I-A&B
(Textbook p. 330)
T(R): Gr. 1 & 2 (pp. 232-233)
GO: Lesson 9
Grammar Quiz #3 (Short
forms, past-tense: Refer to the
conjugation practice handout)
Kanji Quiz #4 (L9: pp.
Week 3
Date In Class
7/29 (1)
Mon. Kanji Quiz #4 (L9: pp. 328-329)
Lesson 10: Winter Vacation Plans
Voc. (pp. 230-231) adjectives
Gr.1 (p. 232): Comparative
Practice I-A&B (pp. 237-238)
Kanji (pp. 334-335):朝、夜、持、住
Gr.2 (pp. 232-233): Superlative
Practice II-A&B (pp. 238-239)
Kanji (pp. 334-335):年、町、長、正、道、雪、自
Oral Final – information
Practice II-A, B, & C (pp. 330-332)
Practice III-A: Write a journal
After Class (during break / at home)
Preparation & Review
(to be turned in the next day)
#29: WB (pp. 91-92)
#30: Finish writing a journal
T(R): Gr.3 (pp. 233-234)
(Writing 2)
T(R): Gr.4 (pp. 234-235)
#31: WB (pp. 143-144)
T(R): Gr.5 (pp. 234-235):
T(R): Gr.6 (p. 235)
T(R): Gr.7 (p. 236)
Voc. Quiz #5 (L10: pp.
230-231, N, Adj., V)
T(M) : Vocabulary (pp.
230-231, N, Adj., V)
Grammar Quiz #3 (Short forms, past-tense)
Practice II-C&D (p. 239)
Practice III-A (p. 240)
Kanji (pp. 334-335): 買、売、立
Gr.4 (p. 234): 〜つもりだ
Practice IV-A&B (pp. 241-242)
Gr.7 (p. 236): で行きます/かかります
Practice VII-A, B, &C (pp. 245-246)
Voc. Quiz #5 (L10: pp. 230-231, N, Adj., V)
Gr. 3 (p. 233-234): Adjective/Noun +の
Practice III-B (pp. 240-241)
Gr.5 (pp. 234-235): Adjective + なる
Practice V-A&B (pp. 242-243)
Gr.6 (p. 235): どこかに/どこにも
Practice VI-A&B (pp. 244-245)
7/31 (1)
Wed. Practice II- A~D (pp. 337-339)
GO: Lesson 10
#32: WB (pp. 93-94)
#33: WB (pp. 95-96)
#34: Reading Practice (handout):
(textbook, pp. 337-339)
Prepare for the Final Exam
Review all of your homework
Self-study Practice I-B&C
and quizzes you have done
and prepare your questions (textbook p. 336)
for the review session
Kanji Quiz #5 (L10: pp.
Prepare for the Oral Final
#35: WB (pp. 97-98) G(p. 97)
#36: WB (p. 99)
#37: Listening (L.10: handout) G
Oral Final
Practice for the Oral Final
Kanji Quiz #5 (L10: pp. 334-335)
Dlg. I & II (p. 228-229)
Thu. Practice for Oral Final with the instructor
Oral Final 9:00~@HSSB#2218
Oral Final @HSSB#2218
Oral Final @HSSB#2218
Fri. Last-minute review for the final exam in class
(Come with questions)
Final Exam (Lessons 6~10) @HSSB#1231
Final Exam (Lessons 6~10) @HSSB#1231
Final Exam (Lessons 6~10) @HSSB#1231
Prepare for the Final Exam
Final Exam (Lessons 6~10)
Fly UP