
英熟語ターゲット1000(3訂版) 1~500 1 1①、I went to Hawaii on

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英熟語ターゲット1000(3訂版) 1~500 1 1①、I went to Hawaii on
1①、I went to Hawaii on vacation for a couple of weeks.
1②、I drink a couple of cups of coffee every day.
2、I was a bad boy who caused a great deal of trouble when I was young.
3、In those days only a small number of people could read or write Japanese.
4、There were dozens of small fishing boats in the beautiful harbor.
5、Don’t worry; we still have plenty of time before the train leaves.
6①、People come from all over the world to shop here.
6②、The show was all over by the time I arrived at the hall.
7、I often wondered why I was so busy all the time.
8 、 In summer, many high school students work part-time in convenience stores, fast-food
restaurants, and so on.
9、It was close to 5:00 in the afternoon that I had a call from him.
10、When I asked Miyo if she was happy, she answered, “Far from it.”
11、First of all, could I have your name, please?
12、So far, the only person I’ve seen who doesn’t look nervous is Hiroshi.
13、We use words to tell somebody something, that is, to communicate.
14、Because of the Internet, we don’t even have to leave our home to shop these days.
15、I felt something in the air-a feeling that something terrible was about to happen.
16、As a small child, Suzie was very afraid of being left alone in the house.
17、The reporter pointed out some problems most of us were not aware of.
18、Economy at its earliest stage was based on hunting, fishing and food gathering.
19、Until recently, some people thought that women were not capable of complex thinking.
20、Japan today is very different from what it was twenty years ago.
21、The traffic was hardly moving; I was forced to spend hours silently sitting in the car.
22、I’ve been involved in volunteer work for the past five years or so.
23、The curious rock was known to the local people as the “Dragon Rock”.
24、Children of smokers are twice as likely to develop lung cancer as children of nonsmokers.
25、Most of the country is made up of high mountains and deep valleys.
26、Yang is a young Chinese woman who is married to a Japanese.
27、Lori is a very sporty woman from Kenya and is proud of her ability to dance and swim.
28、Parents should be responsible for the safety of their children.
29、I wonder if workers today are completely satisfied with their working conditions.
30、I was eight years old, and big kids were not supposed to cry over things like that.
31、Jim is not yet used to driving on the left side of the road.
32、Americans are usually less willing to visit a doctor and instead will visit a drugstore.
33、I’m an 11th grader. I’m writing to ask for your advice.
34、Do you believe in life after death?
35①、I heard someone calling for help on the other side of the river.
35②、I’ll call for you at eight tomorrow morning.
36、I’m afraid he doesn’t know how much I care about him.
37①、Today one family in four cares for an older member.
37②、Would you care for another cup of tea?
38、“What part of the country do you come from?” “I’m from a small town in the eastern part.”
39、My uncle was the type of person who was always complaining about one thing or another.
40、I couldn’t concentrate on my reading in the noisy coffee shop.
41、His new book is easy to read. It consists of ten chapters.
42、In the future, I want to do something that will contribute to world peace.
43、Studies show that optimists are better at coping with stress than pessimists.
44、I think new technology can be used to deal with environmental problems.
45、The success of a company depends on the people who work there.
46、Does the southern part of India differ greatly from the northern districts culturally?.
47、What did you do with my books? They were here a minute ago.
48、Some manga which focus on Japanese culture are very popular around the world.
49①、Jenny asked Kate, “How’s your sister getting along?”
49②、Tom had many friends and also got along well with his classmates.
50①、I didn’t notice I’d lost the key to my room until I got to the library.
50②、I got to know him better during our trip overseas.
51①、It took almost ten minutes for the train to go through the long tunnel.
51②、About ten days later, my mother had to go through an operation.
52、My grandfather grew up in an age when few people had cars or air conditioners.
53、At the beginning of the letter, he wrote, “It was so nice to hear from you.”
54、Until quite recently, many people had never heard of the expression online education.
55、The new method of farming led to a big increase in rice production.
56、The father told the girl she could keep the cat if she would look after it herself.
57、I’m looking for some books on Japanese folk tales. Do you carry any?
58、It is a shame that people seldom participate in sports as they get older.
59①、Have you ever heard of a group of people referred to as “Generation X”?
59②、The speaker did not refer to his notes during his talk.
60、The mother relied on her oldest daughter for help with the younger children.
61、I was deeply impressed with the way Beth responded to the bitter remark with a smile.
62、It is surprising how often a dispute results from a simple misunderstanding.
63、Almost everyone drives a car today, and that results in serious traffic jams everywhere.
64、At the first stage of human history, people’s chief task was to search for food and water.
65、Mary was sitting at the desk, staring at the wall and hiding a tear.
66、By age 17, Hiroshi had succeeded in mastering two languages-English and French.
67、Those people who are suffering from high blood pressure should stop eating salty food.
68①、I am thinking of relaxing at home tomorrow.
68②、Greg, what do you think of when you hear the word “Japan”?
68③、I tried hard but couldn’t think of his name.
69①、Things turned out very differently from what I had expected.
69②、My father’s factory turns out 30,000 cars each month.
69③、Hundreds of villagers turned out for the circus.
70、We were outside in front of the hotel, waiting for the doorman to call a taxi.
71、He was living in San Francisco at about the time he began working on the book.
72①、We arrived late at the hot spring resort because our car broke down on the way.
72②、The winner was so moved that she broke down in tears when the national anthem was
73①、The United States almost broke up on several occasions, including the Civil War.
73②、Mary told me in tears that her boyfriend was breaking up with her.
74、New technologies have brought about many basic changes in our way of life.
75①、My parents were very honest, and I’ve tried to bring up my children the same way.
75②、My father didn’t bring up the topic, but I knew what he was thinking about.
76、In ancient Rome, moneychangers carried on their business in the public squares.
77、A study of the domestic life of Japanese workers was carried out by scholar recently.
78、You can cut down on how much you eat at a party by having a small meal before going.
79、I tried to figure out where the problem was but failed to do so.
80、I found out just yesterday that my son had been using my dictionary for month.
81、We can enjoy recreational activities after getting off work at 5:00.
82、I couldn’t understand the announcement clearly and got on the wrong bus.
83、I’m still of two minds-whether I should give up the idea of studying abroad or not.
84①、When I told anyone about the news, they thought I had just made it up.
84②、Tom and Jane quarreled but made up the next morning.
84③、I know that, sooner or later, I have to make up all the lost time.
85、I’ll tell you what-I’ll drive over to the station at around 5:40 and pick you up.
86、The speaker pointed out that 10,000 years ago people did not live in permanent settlements.
87、The girl put on platform shoes that were quite fashionable at the time and went out.
88、After graduating from middle school, Tom worked hard to set up a company of his own.
89①、I was about to take off my clothes when there was a knock on the door.
89②、My plane was scheduled to take off in minutes, but I was still miles away from the airport.
90、I hate to wake up in the middle of the night.
91①、For a long time now, I’ve been trying to work out why I hate cell phones so much.
91②、Tom spends a lot of his free time working out at the gym.
92、You can spend your time in any way you want; it’s your time, after all.
93、Some people think that Americans do not know much about Japanese society as a whole.
94、This morning, I got up later than usual but left for school at 7:30 as usual.
95、My brother has been to Hawaii three times this year, and Malaysia and Egypt as well.
96、The sport called cricket often lasts for five days at a time.
97①、What he said made no sense to me at all.
97②、The officer said to me, “Do you have anything at all to show who you are?”
97③、If you do it at all, try to do it well.
98、At first, we thought Slim was joking, but we soon found out he was serious.
99①、Instead of driving to the office every day, some employees stay at home and work from there.
99②、Please make yourself at home.
99③、He seems to be at home with Greek literature.
100、The woman thought she’d have to make at least $8 an hour to support her family.
101①、I knew at once that there was something wrong with the car.
101②、In our culture, we can’t be married to two women at once.
102、Most of us breathe in tobacco smoke at times, whether we realize it or not.
103①、Many foreigners think that Japanese women are unfairly treated at work.
103②、I think other forces are at work behind this movement.
104①、A tall man was sitting in the corner, all by himself.
(背の高い男が隅でたった 1 人で座っていた。)
104②、Do you think Yoshio has written this report all by himself?
105、By the way, can I borrow your cell phone when you’re done?
106、Some English words have two spellings-gray and grey, for example.
(英語には2つのつづりのある語がいくつかある。例えば、”gray”と”grey”だ。 )
107、The boy says he writes stories only for himself.
108、Most people get culture shock when they live in a foreign country for the first time.
109、In a way, what your friend said about me is true.
110、I take my laptop computer on the train with me; in fact, I’m writing this on my way home.
111①、In general, women seem to be better at languages than men.
111②、Every aspect of society in general will change as the population grows older.
112、I couldn’t afford it; in other words, I was too poor to buy it.
113、We all know that some diseases can result in part from stress.
(病気の中には、1 つにはストレスから起こるものもあることを、私たちはだれでも知っている。)
114、After the tour, the guide said, “Is there anything you’re interested in seeing in particular?”
115、In short, the majority opinion is not always perfect.
116、Everybody knows that even the sun will run out of energy in the end.
117、I want to know how you started all this trouble in the first place.
118、In the near future, we may be left with only one mammal-humankind.
119、In those days $200 was a lot of money for anybody.
120①、You ought to go by taxi, or you might not get there in time.
120②、In time, the boy recovered his balance of mind and concentrated on his studies.
121、One animal species eats another animal species, which, in turn, eats still another.
122①、I was wondering how on earth I was going to go through the evening.
122②、At the time, Holland was the best soccer-playing country on earth.
123、Not wishing to do such a difficult task on his own, Tom asked his brother Tim to help him.
124、On the other hand, we behave quite differently from other animals.
125、When I didn’t come home on time, my parents worried and phoned the library.
126、His wife described her husband as a “difficult” man.
127、The Chinese used to bind women’s feet because they regarded small feet as beautiful.
128、Even today many foreigners see the Japanese as a hard-working people.
129、We usually think of summer as a time of fun and vacation.
130、Some U.S. teenagers view parent-controlled cell phones as a chain.
131、What do you think are the factors that prevent us from thinking clearly?
132、The United States spends a lot of money to protect the nation from terrorist attacks.
133、The trees in rain forests turn carbon dioxide into clean air.
134、People today spend little time on their children because they are too busy with their work.
135、I spent two hours watching a baseball game on TV last night.
136、I had devoted 48 years to a company and had just stepped down as president.
137、A study has found that consumers tend to associate a bright color with freshness.
138、Ellen said, “Now that you’re here, you can help me with dinner”.
139、A knowledge of foreign languages provides us with a window into other cultures.
140、I shared a room with a student from India when I stayed in Texas as an exchange student.
141、Do you happen to know John’s e-mail address, Katy?
(ケイティ、ひょっとしてジョンの e メールアドレス、知らない。)
142、Over the previous several weeks, she had managed to save $100.
143、Many children tend to skip breakfast and have a rather big lunch.
144、Jane said to Ted, “To tell the truth, I don’t feel like going out tonight.”
145、Ancient Egyptians believed that, if the body was preserved, the soul would go on living.
146、Miyo waved goodbye to us and kept on walking down the road.
147、We still haven’t come up with any good idea for Easter.
148、I’m looking forward to meeting new people along the way.
149、Reiko says she’s determined to make her childhood dream come true.
150、Beth always leaves home early to make sure that she arrives in time for her appointments.
151、I hope you’ll listen to her advice carefully and change your mind.
152、The wife knew that her husband was doing his best to support the family.
153、I knew I had to say something but had no idea what to answer.
154、Remember that we learn languages by making mistakes.
155、Does it make sense to you to think that the future might influence the past?
156、Exams have played a key role in Chinese society for thousands of years.
157、I could tell that a certain change had begun to take place inside the girl.
158、As everybody knows, people’s feelings have a strong effect on the way they think.
159、People today pay more attention to the quality of the air they breathe.
160、We need to figure out who is going to take care of our parents and grandparents.
161①、According to the World Bank, some 750 million people are hungry every day.
161②、The meaning of words can change according to their contexts.
162、Apart from Lake Chuzenji and Kegon Falls, what is Nikko City famous for?
163、Animals are usually not interested in food as long as they are full.
164、Life has become easier as a result of modern technological advances.
165①、I’ll go with you as far as the bridge.
165②、As far as I know, the highway is still closed to traffic.
166、As for me, it is quite difficult to attend because of a previous engagement.
167、I felt like crying out loud as if I were a little girl.
168、There was a heated discussion in the team as to who the next captain should be.
169、Milk contains protein, as well as calcium and vitamin B2.
170、My grandfather is not as quick as before because of his age.
171、Compared with other mammals, humans miss a lot of smells.
172、He brought us a small gift every time he called on us.
173、Many women today have to do the housework in addition to having full-time jobs.
174①、Take in the washing in case it rains.
174②、I have brought some extra medicine with me just in case the headaches come back.
175、In contrast to these countries, the diet of children in Jamas is well-balanced.
176、I was nervous because I had never spoken in front of so many people.
177、In spite of the royal family, Great Britain is as democratic as the United States.
178、We often talk about globalization, but do we know what that means in terms of what we should
179、The mother bear held her baby in her front paws the way a human does in her arms.
180、Instead of answering, Mary just smiled at Jim.
181、Now that most of us are car-owners, we can travel further to shop.
182、He didn’t get hurt at all, thanks to his seat belt.
183①、He says his son can count up to 100 now.
183②、Now it’s up to you to decide whether you’ll go or not.
184、I ran as fast as I could to catch up with her.
185、Ken and Anne fell in love with each other at a school in Kyoto where they were teaching.
186、We were unable to talk to one another because of a mechanical problem.
187、“How should we go there?” “Well, we could go either by car or by plane.”
188、In that country, I could neither speak the language nor read the signs.
189、The speaker said, “Times have changed and some of the old rules are no longer useful.”
190、No matter how you feel toward me, you are an important part of my life.
191、The room was so dark that we could see nothing at all.
192、Did you know that curry originally came to Japan not from India but from England?
193、People love cars because they can not only drive or fix them but also talk about them.
194、When my brother and I were young, we were not always good students.
195、Being with other people is not necessarily a guarantee that one will not feel lonely.
196、We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white.
197、Generally speaking, the more students there are in a class, the less they learn.
198、Now that you are here, I suppose I had better prepare you something for lunch.
199、In Japan today, there are fewer fish in most rivers than there used to be.
200、I would like to talk to you about our Wednesday class.
201、The game had to be called off on account of rain.
202、In a way, the goal of postwar Japan was to catch up with America.
203、A cure for AIDS will not come about anytime soon.
204、Watermelons are hard to come by in winter.
205、Such a bad custom should be done away with immediately.
206、We tend to find fault with others when we are tired or stressed out.
207、Dan caught a cold but got over it in a week or so.
208、People tried to get rid of the crows in various ways, but nothing worked.
209、You’re supposed to hand in your reports by next Friday.
210、I have at last learned the Gettysburg Address by heart.
211、The company is looking into the possibility of building another plant.
212、I wanted to ask if you could look over some papers for me.
213、If you’ve already made up your mind, you should stick to it.
214、It was almost a year since her dear grandmother had passed away.
215、Would you help me pick out a birthday present for my mother?
216、My cousin tends to put off doing her homework until the last moment.
217、The wife said that she could not put up with such an inconvenience much longer.
218、The girl set about her daily task in her usual energetic way.
219、In Japan the rainy season usually sets in in the middle of June.
220、“Thank you for standing up for me,” Jim said to me after the meeting.
221、Which of your parents do you think you take after?
222、There is no hurry; you have five days to think the matter over.
223、All of a sudden I realized I had written my answer in the wrong box.
224、I thought the job was as good as finished.
225、Before long, Allen became an expert on computer programming.
226、By degrees their friendship grew into love.
227、I could tell from his look that he was by no means satisfied.
228、Jiro still goes to the beach every now and then and thinks of those happy bygone days.
229、All of us look into the past from time to time.
230、An old friend of mine still writes to me once in a while.
231、Once animal species become extinct, they will be lost for good.
232、According to this pamphlet, we have to pay in advance.
233、I’ve done a lot of shopping today. I wonder how much I spent in all.
234、So, is there anything of importance in today’s paper, Ken?
235、I’m pretty sure he didn’t mail the letter on purpose.
236、He read her letter over and over to understand her real intention.
237、The new couple had decided on where they would live prior to their wedding.
238、Father said to me, “Act right away, or you’ll be sorry the rest of your life.”
239、The city council agreed to a ban on smoking in all public places today.
240、Many Western thinkers, including Aristotle, have agreed with this idea.
241、Chris graduated from high school and applied for a job.
242、My brother is thinking of applying to an American university.
243、We landed at 4:00 p.m. local time. I think this corresponds to 7:00 a.m. our time.
244、I continued to correspond with Mary even after she left Japan.
245、Sadly, their happy married life ended with the death of his beloved wife.
246、What do you think of the fact that half of all American marriages end in divorce?
247、The room was so dark that we had to feel our way to the door.
248、It took me about an hour, but I was able to find my way back to my hotel.
249、I was listening to music, when I hit on an idea that seemed very good to me.
250、Didn’t it occur to you that you might be going the opposite way?
251、Even the government has no right to interfere in our private lives.
252、Does working outside the home interfere with your role as a mother?
253、If its sales go down further, the company will lay off workers.
254、In baseball the batters run around the four bases laid out in a diamond.
255、Since we can’t find a better one, let’s make the best of what we have.
256、Daylight- saving time is a system to make the most of the long daylight hours.
257、I remember meeting him somewhere but can’t recall where it was.
258、Please remember to mail this letter on your way to school.
259、I’d like to try this on to see if it fits me fine.
260、Ted bought a Super-8 camera and tried it out for various special effects.
261、Unfortunately, many older people are anxious about their future.
262、Every camper was anxious to start climbing at first light.
263、I was told that that was the only flight bound for New York that morning.
264、Cheer up! Believe that something good is bound to happen in the end.
265、Most of us are very concerned about air pollution.
266、We should be concerned not only with the good of ourselves but that of society.
267、It was my first visit in ten years, but the area was very familiar to me.
268、Young people are far more familiar with computers than older people.
269、Can you imagine the day when the world may be free from hunger?
270、You’re free to do anything until six. How about taking a nap?
271、I thought my answer was correct, but I wasn’t sure of myself.
272、You can go, but be sure to get back before dark.
273、Rosa was very tired, but not just from work.
274、Nancy was tired of doing the same thing day after day.
275、The teacher said, “What is true of science is also true of poetry”.
276、Do you know what it means to be true to yourself?
277、He is anything but a poet.
278、Looking around me, I saw nothing but ads by Japanese carmakers.
279、Freedom of speech is now taken as a matter of course.
280、The woman said, “As a matter of fact, I’m glad I’ve plenty to do these days.”
281、I’d hoped to finish the job, but as it is, I am only halfway through.
282、We can’t tell how good it is from the outside; the proof is, as it were, in the eating.
283、Without his speed, he would just be a common player at best.
284、I think this novel shows the author at his best.
285、For their part, Americans are now buying smaller cars and walking more.
286、The whole trouble started from a slight misunderstanding on her part.
287、At a distance of a quarter of a mile, this bird can see a motionless mouse.
288、In the distance, we could see the lights of the great city-Los Angeles.
289、We cannot see carbon dioxide in the air, since it is a clear gas.
290、Some quite old TV programs are still on the air and very popular.
291、The Seeing Eyes dog is responsible for guiding its master past any objects in the way.
292、The couple was caught in a traffic jam on the way to the airport.
293、I think Japan imports no less than 96% of its crude oil.
294、The inventor Edison is said to have slept no more than four hours every night.
295、Tom ascribed his failure to bad luck.
296、We tend to attribute children’s problems to their parents.
297、I couldn’t help wondering what was inside that big bag of his.
298、The joke was so funny that I could not help but laugh along with others.
299、The village is spread out as if it is clinging to the mountain.
300、If he works hard and sticks to it, I think he will have a great future.
301、I believe his eagerness will compensate for his lack of experience.
302、I need to study hard to make up for the time I spent in the hospital.
303、Do you know the saying, “Happiness consists in contentment”?
304、The glory of humankind lies not in success but in the efforts to succeed.
305、The practice of serving school lunches in Japan is said to date back to 1889.
306、Quite a few festivals in Kyoto date from the Heian Period.
307、Power of concentration-this is what distinguishes him from my other students.
308、It was getting dark, so I could hardly tell the animals from the bushes and trees.
309、The company decided to do without advertising to cut down on spending.
310、The boy once tried to set a record for going without a bath.
311、There are many ways to enjoy ourselves, and one of them is to meet interesting people.
312、He was really having a good time when I entered the room.
313、My grandfather used to read books in bed until he fell asleep.
314、For the boy, it was difficult to go to sleep while it was still light outside.
315、She had a poor sense of direction and easily got lost.
316、On my way to El Paso a bus, my baggage went astray, but I got it back in a day.
317、I was determined not to give in to temptation.
318、Do you think English will give way to another language someday?
319、My grandmother seldom goes out now; she may be yielding to old age.
320、I’m having a lot of difficulty falling asleep these days.
321、We mustn’t forget many people in the world have trouble finding fresh water.
322、We couldn’t hold Ken back, and he ran out of the house.
323、The story was so sad that I could not keep back my tears.
324、Be sure to read the paper so as to keep pace with the times.
325、I hope I’ll be able to keep up with you in the study of English.
326、Nancy decided to major in Japanese literature at university.
327、My uncle used to own a store which specialize in furniture.
328、When I saw the painting, I mistook the rising sun for the setting sun.
329、Sorry, sir. I took you for somebody I knew.
330、My grandfather prides himself on being a good fisherman.
331、My grandfather takes great pride in the bonsai trees he grows.
332、Millions of dollars were put aside for the preservation of the forests.
333、The newspaper was the first to set aside a section just for advertising.
334、I often stay up all night preparing for the entrance exams.
335①、I sat up all night last night studying for the term exams.
335②、That morning Sam felt a little better and sat up in bed.
335③、Jack sat up straight and made room for an old man to sit down.
336、Tom was so tall that he stood out even in the crowd.
337、The Japanese proverb goes, “A nail that sticks out is hammered in.”
338、Before you decide, you should take your wife’s opinion into account.
339、We have to take into consideration the fact that it is summer now.
340、I don’t think this kind of job is appropriate for you, Sam.
341、Some people think that the so-called summer time is not suitable for Japan.
342、Some students are apt to be late for class on Mondays.
343、Some mornings, I wake up feeling not at all inclined to go to school.
344、Bob was compelled to produce from his pocket the book he had stolen.
345、With his wife sick, Ken was obliged to do the housework, too.
346、Tropical forests are essential to the balance of nature.
347、Air is indispensable not only to animals but also to plants.
348、Ned’s salary was equal to about one-third of that of his wife, Mary.
349、I think this sum is equivalent to about ¥2,500 in Japanese currency.
350、There are many things worth seeing in and around Kyoto.
351、I think this point is worthy of our attention.
352、There were minor errors, but all in all, I think it was a success.
353、I think we can say the plan was a success, on the whole.
354、At any rate, what’s important for us is to be here by 6:00 tomorrow morning.
355、In any case, you have to finish your report by next Monday.
356、Things that seem obviously true at first glance often prove to be wrong.
357、Snow does not, at first sight, look like a topic for a social historian.
358、At present there are more than six billion people on earth.
359、Sorry, ma’am. Mr. Smith is out of the office at the moment.
360、I found this photo in my desk drawer entirely by accident.
361、Just by chance, Ted and I were walking in the same direction that day.
362、“Good-bye for now, Freddie.” “OK, Bob. See you next week.”
363、Let’s think for the moment about how this machine works.
364、For the time being I intend to stay at a hotel.
365、You’re right. In a word, she is a good citizen.
366、It was a long letter, but in brief, she said, “No.”
367、These northern islands are, along with Hokkaido, the homeland of the Ainu.
368、The sound of a siren, together with a man’s shouting, brought everybody outside.
369、For all their wealth, the family were not happy.
370、Are we really happier in this modern world with all its technology than our ancestors?
371、We are apt to watch TV, irrespective of what program is on.
372、Needless to say, stress affects us all, regardless of age or sex.
373、My niece is too young to speak the language well, let alone write it.
374、I have to finish this work by Monday, not to mention the report by tomorrow.
375、His wife now had to take care of his grandfather, to say nothing of their two children.
376、The game was canceled on account of the heavy rain.
377、It is owing to grammar that people can put words in the right order.
378、I caught sight of Ken just as I turned the corner.
379、We lost sight of the entrance and got lost inside the park.
380、Some medicines will do you more harm than good.
381、It will do you a lot of good if you take a few days off and relax.
382、We should never look down on others because they look different.
383、Millions of boys look up to sports stars as their role models.
384、The situation is very serious, Ken. You’re in no position to make light of it.
385、I think they make too much of the singer.
386、Some people turn on the TV in the morning and don’t turn it off until they go to bed.
387、Mother said to me, “Be sure to turn off the lights before you go upstairs, Ted.”
388、Many people feel they are worse off because of this recession.
389、Tom’s family was well off and could afford to send him to Paris for his education.
390、I think the love of money is common to us all.
391、Can you think of any flowers or trees which are peculiar to Japan?
392、People are emotionally dependent on those who are close to them.
393、Once a couple gets married, in most cases, they become independent of their parents.
394、Johnny looked scared, so Ben tried to put him at ease.
395、Jiro looked ill at ease in the presence of all those ladies.
396、I’ve seen this tool but don’t know how it is used in practice.
397、In theory it is possible, but in practice it is very difficult.
398、Most people feel comfortable speaking in private, but not in public.
399、We should have more consideration when using cell phones in public.
400、We wanted to eat Japanese food, but the only restaurant in sight was Hardee’s.
401、We watched her car as it went out of sight beyond the curve.
402、As far as I could see, everything seemed in order.
403、“Oh,no, the copy machine is out of order!” “Again? Maybe we should buy a new one.”
404、The map was out of date, and those new nations were not on it.
405、This dictionary is not up to date, so I’m going to buy a new one.
406①、Things in motion will keep moving unless some outside force acts on them.
406②、It is sad that we have the power to prevent hunger but do not act on it.
407①、The room was in a mess, and it looked as if a thief had broken in.
407②、It’ll take a few days to break in these shoes.
408①、The disease called SARS broke out in China in 2003.
408②、I was so frightened that I broke out in a cold sweat.
409①、Can we call on you at your home next Sunday, Mr. Smith?
409②、The report calls on the government to fund studies of this kind.
410①、DVDs have caught on with older film fans as well as with the young.
410②、I couldn’t catch on to the meaning of his joke.
411①、Our present “mile” is a little longer than the Roman one and comes to about 1,760 yards.
411②、Ann believed Tom at first but gradually came to doubt him.
411③、She fainted but came to in about five minutes.
412①、Ken drew up a list of the points he wanted to talk about.
412②、A big car drew up and a tall lady got out.
413①、It was in 1901 that the five Nobel Prizes were given out for the first time.
413②、Unfortunately, the food supplies gave out before the end of winter.
414①、The summer went by quickly, and the children went back to school.
414②、I used to know a dancer who went by the name of Janet.
415①、Ned got up late but went off to work at seven as usual.
415②、According to today’s paper, another bomb went off somewhere in the Middle East.
416①、She went over the list to see if her name was there.
416②、When I memorize words, I try to go over them ten times each day for a week.
417①、Tom has been going with Jane for almost a year now.
417②、The man was wearing a tie that did not go with his hat and coat.
418①、The guide said, “Hold on, keep going; we’ll see the light soon.”
418②、Hold on a minute, please. I’ll see if he is in.
418③、The bus driver said, “Here we go, everyone; please hold on!”
419①、Do you think the milk will hold out until tomorrow?
419②、The boy held out his held out his hand so that she could shake it.
420①、“I got you something, ” I said, holding up a brown shopping bag.
420②、An accident held up the traffic for almost two hours.
420③、The bank was held up last night.
421①、I’ll be through with the work soon if I keep up the same pace.
421②、It is important for anyone to get exercise to keep up their physical strength.
422①、I hear some tribes in eastern Africa live on milk products.
422②、“Do you have any idea what it’s like to live on $1 a day?” asked the speaker.
422③、President Kennedy was killed, but his legend will live on forever.
423①、Look out! It’s very slippery here.
423②、Since I’m the adult, I have to look out for my younger brother.
424①、Very soon we’ll see the harbor; please look to your right.
424②、The wife looked to her husband for help, and got none.
425①、Tom looked up the word in a dictionary to check its meaning.
425②、Be sure to look us up when you’re in town.
426①、We made for a pond at the foot of the hill.
426②、Some scholars think TV can be a force that makes for family togetherness.
427①、The woman, so far as I can make out from the report, once lived in this town.
427②、We could make out the shape of the pond as the light grew stronger.
427③、I made out a check for $25 and handed it to the salesperson.
428①、The mayor’s plan met with strong resistance from the citizens.
428②、I’ve got to meet with some business people at ten this morning.
429①、Many elderly people today feel forced to provide for themselves.
429②、It is necessary that we provide for the future.
430①、The man was strong and pulled up a young tree by the roots.
430②、Jim pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out.
431①、I put down what the boss dictated and sent it by e-mail.
431②、The riot was soon put down by the police.
432①、Mother put out the light, so we had no choice but to go to bed.
432②、I am told the vocal group has put out a new CD of their music.
433①、The night Karen put up “No Smoking” signs all around the house.
433②、We have a plan to put up a hut in our backyard.
433③、We put up at a small hotel on the edge of the town.
434①、I ran across an old friend of mine at the party the other day.
434②、The woman waited a minute and then started to run across the street.
435①、A car almost ran me over as I walked to the station this morning.
435②、In an hour the tank was full, and the water began to run over.
436①、So we set out with me in the bow and Tom in the stern.
436②、Jim set out to work on a report he was to hand in the next day.
437①、The newcomers settled down where there was drinking water nearby.
437②、After lunch the whole class settled down to sketch the scenery.
438①、Since the child did not show up on time, the teacher became worried.
438②、Red shows up well against a white background.
439①、Tom just stood by without doing anything to help her pick out a gift.
439②、She was an excellent helpmate who stood by him through hard times.
440①、D.C. in the case of Washington, D.C. stands for District of Columbia.
440②、Sam did not make clear to the voters what he really stood for.
441①、There is nothing like the eye for quickly taking in data.
441②、She was easily taken in by his gentlemanly appearance.
441③、How about taking in the Nijo Castle tomorrow?
442①、As a newcomer, Tom had to take on difficult or unpleasant jobs.
442②、Can you think of any word that taken on a new meaning in recent years?
443①、Father took his place at the head of the table and smiled at us.
443②、You’ll have to take his place in case he can’t come.
444①、I took to the girl the moment I was introduced to her.
444②、I’ve taken to an odd habit of washing my hair twice a day.
445①、I think we need to take up the same topic again at the next meeting.
445②、Masao is thinking about taking up a traditional sport such as kendo or karate.
446①、Jim turned away his eyes as he said so; therefore, I felt he wasn’t telling the truth.
446②、Fully booked for the night, the hotel had to turn away some late guests.
447①、Ken politely turned down the scientist’s offer and hung up.
447②、The researchers turned down the lights to match the pale moon.
448①、I turned over the pages quickly to find the one I had been on.
448②、Some brave passengers caught the pickpocket and turned him over to the police.
449①、John turned up almost an hour late for a meeting again today.
449②、According to a study, worker productivity increased when the lights were turned up.
450①、If a computer fails, in most instances, it is due to human error.
450②、Just before I was due to leave, I found I had a slight fever.
451①、The train was to reach Paris at 8:00.
451②、It is not easy to find answers to how we are to live.
451③、Not a soul was to be seen on the street.
452①、I think the construction work should be all but over by now.
452②、The boy answered all but the most difficult question.
453①、If you have any questions, feel free to come again any time.
453②、Keiko said to me, “You can come to see me any time you like.”
454①、Technology connects us to the world at large.
454②、The prisoner who escaped two days ago is still at large.
455①、At length it was decided that they should elect someone as their leader.
455②、The main topic the book dealt with at length was an aging society.
456①、I intend to finish this job by the end of this week by all means.
456②、“May I use your phone a minute?” “By all means.”
457①、On my last trip I came back by way of Hawaii.
457②、I said a few words to the students by way of self-introduction.
458①、In effect, we’re working longer hours for the same amount of pay.
458②、The law is not in effect any longer.
459①、Who is that lady sitting next to your father, Jiro?
459②、It is next to impossible to master a foreign language in a short space of time.
460①、In front of the theater, many people waited in line for hours on end.
460②、Most animals make their fur stand on end when they are attacked.
461①、Tom stood eyeing his girlfriend up and down, as if looking at a stranger.
461②、Meg walked up and down the sidewalk waiting for the delayed bus.
462、Forests are important, above all, because they form the very basis of the Earth’s ecosystem.
463、Perhaps Ken knew all along that Jane was deeply in love with him.
464、Can you imagine Mary being a mother, worker, writer and artist, all at once?
465、With nothing to do all day long, the old man found life in the city too painful.
466、He said he was innocent, but we believed he was guilty all the same.
467、Mr. Sato said, “I’ve come all the way from Japan for this meeting.”
468、It’s been almost two hours, and yet nobody has been able to solve the problem.
469、As a rule, children learn how to use money at an early age.
470、We were supposed to get together at ten, but he was late, as ever.
471、In the Copper Age, people grew wheat but as yet had no wool.
472、I could tell at a glance that the letter was written by a Japanese.
473、The chairman said, “We must maintain the harmony within the company at all costs.”
474、According to some scholars, a major earthquake could occur at any moment now.
475、You can believe me, because I heard this news at first hand.
476、I think he is a poet at heart, rather than a novelist.
477、Choose a ball out of this bag at random, and tell me the number written on it.
478、The gym was, at most, a six minute walk from her front door.
479、Last year I went back and forth between America and Japan five times.
480、In preparing a speech, by far the most important thing is to think about what you want to say.
481、Before the printing press was invented, books were all copied by hand.
482、I raised the white flag, instead of the red one by mistake.
483、I think it’s quite clear to us by now that we should have a better plan.
484、For one thing, I’m busy; for another, I’m not interested.
485、I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.
486、I’m afraid I can’t say for sure until your test results come back.
487、For the most part, the people under her leadership obeyed her gladly.
488、Your routine is fixed from now on; dinner, homework, no TV and bed.
489、I’ve decided to look at this problem from a different point of view.
490、I saw a tall woman in high heels walking hand in hand with him.
491、“It’s not necessary to be in a hurry about marriage, ” the girl said.
492、All of us have some interest in history. In a sense, we are all historians.
493、I think it is time for us to talk about the plan in detail.
494、I can’t judge whether tourism in Antarctica is in itself good or bad.
495、In my opinion, learning to listen is the key to improving your communication skills.
496、This notice says that he must appear in court and pay the fine in person.
497、I remember it as if it was just yesterday, but in reality it was 15 years ago.
498、In the long run, a destroyed ecosystem means a destroyed economy.
499、Mother was busily cooking; in the meantime, I was just watching TV.
500、“No …” she answered, wondering what in the world he meant.
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